#the first strike was called for about a month ago - if that had inatead been a call for a one day strike to happen now
lazorsandparadox · 8 months
God i know bisan cant exactly organize long term in the position shes in, but this weeklong strike is not going to happen, it literally cant. A 3 day notice is not long enough to raise a strike fund or for strikers to save pto or even just cash to help mitigate the cost for people to survive missing a week of work, not to mention those wholl lose their jobs if they just dont show up for week with no warning.
Part of the point of a strike is to use it as leverage before the strike takes place. Besides giving people time to prepare and raise a strike fund so they dont lose their homes or the ability to feed themselves during and after the strike, the point of announcing a strike months or even over a year beforehand is so that you can go to the people you want to negotiate with and say "hey, if you dont do this thing we all want, this many people are already willing and prepared to go on strike and cost you money" and make them negotiate with you so they know what is being demanded and can maybe even give it to you before the strike has taken place. The best outcome for a strike is for it to get results before it happens!
People have not prepared for this strike, no one has informed the people we are protesting against about the strike or its demands, theres nothing in place to help the people that will lose their jobs if they participate, which means most people simply are not GOING to participate. Thats not an organized strike. Thats just a bunch of random people whove happened to abandon their jobs at the same time. Thats not going to pressure anyone into doing anything.
If people really think a strike is the way to go, then someome in a better position than bisan needs to actually put in the work to organize one. Actually go around and contact unions and get them in on organizing one. Because change IS possible, but you wont get it by taking random swings at the machine and hoping your hand doesnt get caught in it.
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