#this is crazy actually this album is about to be about the same guys it was about the first time. like. ok
livvyofthelake · 11 months
i have to be up early tomorrow and i’ll be busy until like. probably 4pm so i WILL be making my traditional “this new taylor swift release is a concept album for this thing i’m currently into” post but it’s going to be late. peace and love. yes i will be going through all the old songs too. naturally…
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darlingletters · 2 months
gorgeous girl ln4
lando norris x fem!reader ( fc: sabrina carpenter )
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in which y/n y/l/n breaks up with her cheating boyfriend and fans are rooting for her and lando norris to get together.
warning: swearing, fluff, the timelines of song releases and races are not in order, cheating with multiple people, breakups, relationships, some spelling errors or grammatical errors. lemme know if there’s anything I missed xx
an: I’ve never done a face claim but I wanted to try and see how it works out. I might not do one again but I am not sure yet. ALSO I am very unsure about the name of this cause I feel like it sounds cringe, so I might end up changing it.
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, y/nfan14 and 334,567,13 others
yourusername over it 🎀 album coming soon loves <3
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user gorgg
yourusername liked this comment
user so prettyyyyy
user MUSIC?
⤷ user omg I am so readyyyyy for an albummm
landonorris beautiful as always
⤷ yourusername 🤍 thank you loveee
⤷ yourusername only friends xx
user please date lando
user that’s it love!!! he ain’t with your time
user I’ve been listening to espresso and please please please on repeat
yourusername liked this comment
⤷ user SAME
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yourusername made a story
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liked by y/nbiggestfan, espressolover and 55,622 others
music.f1gossip are lando norris and y/n y/l/n dating?
it’s known that y/l/n’s recent breakup was one that didn’t end happily because of her ex boyfriend’s infidelity. y/l/n made a story a few weeks after the breakup stating “he had three different side pieces during the whole relationship” which left fans absolutely shocked.
her ex has been getting a lot of hate from y/l/n’s fanbase to a point where he blocked his comments. he has been flaunting around his new girlfriend since the breakup all while texting y/l/n to take him back which we saw because y/l/n posted their messages on her story as seen above.
however, her next story was one with lando norris which was captioned “my saviour fr” which many speculated it was a mention to norris supporting y/l/n during the breakup and defending her from hate comments that she received. she then made a story showing she was at the miami grand prix.
norris and y/l/n have been best friends for quite a while now and many always thought that they’d end up together, however, neither of them have announced anything about their relationship.
in recent times, norris has been so called ‘flirting’ with y/l/n in her instagram comments which has left both their fans going crazy.
now, do you guys think y/l/n and norris are dating? or they just good friends?
let me know in the comments xx
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user that change up is scary
user damn
user lando’s better anyway
user 💀 I love you right after he called her a bitch is crazyyy
⤷ user frrr like what is this guy on?
⤷ user they’re so datinggg
user I love themmm
⤷ user SAMEEE
user SAVIOUR!!! it’s actually so cute how he defends her all then time and even promotes her music
⤷ user THEY’RE cuteeee
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liked by landonorris, carlossainzz55 and 456,822,821 others
yourusername P1 BABY!!! I am so proud of you lan more then you will ever know. congratulations love, you truly deserve this 🤍
tagged landonorris
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landonorris thank you gorgeous, couldn’t have done it without your support ❤️
⤷ yourusername ❤️❤️
⤷ user they’re so in loveee
user so cuteeee
user dating!!!!
user please be dating
carlossainz55 you never did this when I had my first win 😔
⤷ yourusername I AM SORRY
landonorris you look so gooddd
⤷ yourusername I am not in the photos
⤷ landonorris yeah but you’re in front of me
⤷ user OMD
user the way he’s shamelessly flirting now, he ain’t even try and hide it.
“LAN! YOU CAN’T BE SAYING THAT!” she tells him sternly, looking up at him.
he had a boyish grin on his face as he looked at her, “what? can’t tell people that my girl- oh sorry best friend looks good right now?”
“you just exposed our relationship. we agreed to wait three months before saying something.” she spoke softly, standing up as she placed her phone down on the coach.
“I can’t wait that long. I want everyone to know that after eight years you are finally my girlfriend.” he says with a smile as he shrugs his shoulders.
“you’re an idiot.” she replied as she tried to hold a serious face which soon fell into a blushing smile the more she looked at him.
“yeah but i’m your idiot.” he says smugly as he pulls her onto his lap to straddle him.
she places her arms around his neck and rests her forehead against his as she strokes the back of his head whilst he keeps his hands on her hips, using his thumb to lightly stroke her hip.
they stay in silence for a few more moments, letting themselves enjoy a rare peaceful moment before she breaks the silence, “I am really proud of you lan, you really deserved that win today.” she says softly, looking into his eyes.
“thank you baby.” he smiles.
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55 and 453,722,763 others
landonorris P1!! got a win and a girl (ive been her’s for two months now. be jealous)
tagged yourusername
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user BEEN HER’S!!!
yourusername really?
⤷ landonorris you’re very beautiful
⤷ yourusername 😐
⤷ landonorris gorgeous girl
user just saying what we already knew
user yesssss love tjemmm
user so cuteeee
danielricciardo proud of you 👍🏼
⤷ yourusername I am a huge fan
⤷ danielricciardo I AM A HUGE FAN
user thought they’d never get together
user I love you y/n
⤷ landonorris I love her more
⤷ user I’ve been with her though girl meets world. don’t try me norizz.
yourusername liked this comment
⤷ yourusername I love you 🤍🤍
yourusername made a story
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hazelsmirrorball · 30 days
Drivers License | Oscar Piastri x Singer! Reader
summary: Oscar Piastri, ex girlfriend, Y/n decides to come out with a song about their relationship
faceclaim: Olivia Rodrigo
pairings: oscar piastri x ex!singer!reader
a/n: Excuse any errors english isn’t my main language
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y/n.gossip via instagram
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liked by username15, username505 and 1,299 others
y/n.gossip y/n was spotted outside of the studio locking lips with a mystery guy
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user15 guys! that doesn't look like oscar
-> user28 they broke up a few months ago
-> user43 who told you that? someone personally?
user28 guys! she is allowed to see other people, they broke up a few months ago
user51 this is the first time I am hearing about that supposed breakup
user78 this is a big downgrade
user190 he's low-key ugly
-> user89 you can't even see his face
y/nupdates! via instagram!
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liked by username15, username505 and 1,299 others
y/nupdates new era unlocked for our dear y/n?
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user15 she's so obsessed with Oscar its so embarrassing
user27 honestly she needs to let it go
user12 Lord please let mother eat
user98 I just know she's about to put him on blast
user78 why are people assuming that this is about Oscar? She hasn't even released anything
-> user51 they are assuming it's about him bc the aesthetic of the song is cars and Oscar is a formula one driver
user34 guys this is going to be her first album after the break up, I fear this album is going to spill somethings
yourusername via instagram!
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liked by user101, landonorris, yourbestfriendsuser and 1,00,055 others
yourusername I finally got my drivers license!!! Thanks to that, my new song "Drivers License" is out right now
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user51 finally!!!
user71 guys are we seeing the song lyrics?!
user82 omg Oscar was the one that was teaching her how to drive
landonorris now I have to worry about someone else on the road
user89 this song is about to be crazy
user21 she is glowing
user89 mother
y/nhq via instagram!
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liked by user101, user89, yourbestfriendsuser and 500,290 others
y/nhq The music video for Drivers License is out right now! Comment your favorite part of the video or song!
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user51 I STILL FUCKING LOVE YOU?!?!?! are we hearing the same thing?
user89 the mclaren shirt in the background, was crazy
-> user67 no, her wearing oscars jacket WAS crazy
user78 I am completely in love with the bridge
user23 never would've imagine an Oscar pastry disstrack
user67 im still stuck on the blonde girl part. who is the blonde girl?
user10 the love interest looking like Oscar was insane
user18 the f1 fandom is going crazy rn
oscarpiastri via insta stories! yourusername via insta stories!
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oscxy/n via instagram!
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liked by user101, user89, yourbestfriendsuser and 500,290 others
oscxy/n okay but I'm going to miss them so much!
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user51 did you guys see Oscar's instagram story
user71 oh lord, Oscar is going crazy
user89 guys I really don't know which side I am on
user78 I miss them so much
user51 please bring them back
user891 im so unwell, Oscar is being a little bitch and I love it
user23 music world is actually entertaining
y/nhq via insta stories oscarpiastri via insta stories
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bgomtori · 7 months
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☆ lover's rock - c.bg
synopsis - love wasn't something you believed in until you bumped into him while listening to your favourite band.
-> music major! beomgyu x art major! reader
-> love a first sight, college au!, artist x muse
-> warnings! slowburn, yn's dense, makeout session.
-> note! after i heard that beomgyu listens to cas, i screamed, my fav person and one of my fav bands :' also gyu day!! his birthday is literally 4 days before mine, i think it's fate 😂 jokes💀 hope you guys enjoy this :>
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art, something that is enjoyed by many in various ways, through music, paintings or even poems. personally, you enjoyed art through your paintings, the ability to express yourself on a canvas with multiple hues of colours was fascinating to you, along with the soothing melody of music playing in the background. your mind wanders off as you immerse yourself in the current art project you had, your wrist moving slowly while you sketch on your prep board.
the library was quiet as usual, all types of students from different majors all gathered in one area to study or rush last minute work. you snapped yourself back into reality, aimlessly staring at the artpiece infront of you, your eyes feeling strained and dry, unable to keep itself open. that was your cue to pack up and leave, you stretched your aching body, slinging your bag over your shoulders as you left the library, placing your headphones over your ears, turning up the volume slowly, paying no attention to the surrounding area around you.
"ow, sorry." a voice sounded louder than what played in your headphones, you removed them, trying to be polite to the person you accidentally bumped into. "it's fine, i should have paid more attention to my surroundings." you bowed, before bending down to pick up your phone that was knocked away from your grasp.
"you listen to cigarettes after sex too?" you could hear the joy behind the male's voice, clearly thrilled to find out that a person listens to the same band as him. you nodded your head, "you like them too?"
"yea of course! i've been listening to them since they released their first album." he smiled, his eyes shimmering despite the dimly lit hallway you were standing in. "that's cool, what's your name? maybe we can talk more."
"beomgyu, choi beomgyu. how about you? i've seen you around the art building before." he replied, shooting the question back at you, "yn, hope to see you around next time." you smiled at him, wanting to leave already.
"wait, what's your number? you seem cool, i mean you are cool especially since you listen to cas. i just want to talk to someone like you." beomgyu stuttered, his face turned away from you as he held his phone towards you, displaying the contact list to you. you laughed softly, typing in your number, along with your name and an emoji.
"text me anytime, i'll try my best to reply." you waved, leaving a stranded beomgyu in the middle of a dark hallway, his eyes never leaving your disappearing figure. without even noticing, his lips tugged up into a smile, finally someone he could relate to, he could already feel the connection between the both of you. call him crazy, but he thinks that you would be best friends by the end of the semester.
and that dream became a reality. all starting from a text message from beomgyu, sending you a playlist he created of his favourite songs from all his favourite bands. something as little as a playlist warmed your heart, who would actually take the time and effort to create a playlist for a stranger they barely knew. and this was the starting point of your everlasting friendship. the way that he would often make his way to the art studio, despite his music studio being a 10 minutes away from it, he is willing to walk that distance for you, with your favourite drink in hand.
"you're class ended 15 minutes ago, how are you here so fast?" you opened the door for beomgyu, letting him into the art studio, locking it in the process. beomgyu stared at the current piece you were working in, completely awed by how pretty the artwork was.
"you're so good at this." ignoring your previous question, placing his bag down on the ground, taking a seat beside your canvas. you sighed, knowing beomgyu would never reveal the reason why he's always so quick to find you.
"have you listened to their latest single?" beomgyu asked, scrolling through his playlist, specifically made for music of his taste. you shook your head, "i didn't even know that they released a new song." beomgyu looked at you as if you grew another head.
"you're missing out, oh my god." beomgyu gasped, immediately playing the song, 'bubblegum.' by cas. a familiar yet different sounding melody filled your eardrums as you listened intently to the song beomgyu was showing you.
"it's nice." you found yourself humming to the lyrics, sketching on the canvas that was infront of you. "right, they never disappoint." beomgyu agreed, trying to find another song to add to the queue.
"gyu–" beomgyu looked up at the sound of his voice, his eyes blinking at you slowly, waiting for you to complete your sentence, "why, don't you talk to your other friends about music?" it has been a question on your mind ever since you've became friends with beomgyu, you've noticed how he doesn't talk much about his interest and taste in music to the guys compared to when he is with you.
"oh." his response was dry, making you think that you've said something hurtful.
"uhm, i didn't mean it, i guess it's slightly insensitive, forget that i asked that." you stammered, your face getting warm due to the embarrassment you were facing.
"you didn't say anything wrong, don't worry." he reassured, giving you a small smile.
"it's just that they don't share the same taste as me, so i can't really talk to them about my passion and interest in music. it's fine though! i've finally met you, so i'm alright with that." beomgyu admitted, his eyes practically glowing under the bright light in the art studio. your heart raced, butterflies filling your stomach, how cute could he be to make you feel like this. you've never believed that love was something for you, every single person you've liked has rejected you, clearly beomgyu wouldn't be any different.
"when is this due?" beomgyu questioned, his finger tapping on your canvas.
"in 2 weeks, why?" your head tilting in confusion as beomgyu's lips tugged into a mischievious smirk, "let's dip, you still have plenty of time to complete that."
"what? no. i need to–"
"no you don't, let's go to a vinyl shop, i know a place." beomgyu grabbed your hand, pulling you up from your seat. you screeched, telling him to wait, since your things were scattered around the studio. beomgyu chuckled, releasing your wrist, watching you frantically pack everything into your bag.
"i hate you." you grumbled, glaring at beomgyu while locking the door to your art studio. beomgyu laughed, his hand landing atop your head, stroking your hair, "quit grumbling, let's go."
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
"what took you so long?" you removed a side of your earbud, looking up at beomgyu who was staring at your with an apologetic look on his face. "i've not been to the campus's library in months, so i kinda got lost.." his eyes averting your gaze, cheeks warming up due to the embarrassment. you laughed at him softly, patting the seat beside you.
"do you always come to the library on your free time?" beomgyu whispered, placing his bag on the ground, grabbing his laptop at the same time. you nod your head, fingers quickly typing out the 5000 word essay that was due the following day. beomgyu frowned, noticing how you have yet to give him any attention from the moment he sat down beside you.
beomgyu sighed into the palm of his hand, pushing his chair closer to yours, your shoulders coming into contact with one another, knees brushing against each other's occassionally. you could feel beomgyu's eyes burning holes into your soul, causing you to turn to face him, unaware of how close you guys were. your eyes widened, along with his, your face about a centimeter away from his. lips barely touching, his hot breath fanning against your face, eyes boring into yours.
"sorry.." beomgyu coughed, turning away from you, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
"it's fine." you choked out, still thinking about what just happened, unable to think straight, you hastily finished your essay, not caring on whether it was perfect or not, and switched your laptop off.
"let's go to the vinyl store, i need more vinyls." you packed your bags, trying your best not to look into beomgyu's eyes, knowing that you'll instantly malfunction under his gaze. however, just as you had that thought in mind, beomgyu grabbed onto your wrist, making you pause your actions.
"wait, i have something for you." beomgyu removed his grip from your wrist, pulling a small box from his bag, placing it in your hand.
"open it." he whispered, eyes looking at the box and back at you, excited for you to open up the surprise gift he bought for you. you untied the cute little ribbon on the box before lifting up the lid of the tiny box, only to see a cute bracelet staring back at you, the star-shaped charm gleaming prettily, it's colours so plain yet so charming.
"it's pretty." was all your said, but beomgyu has known you long enough to understand that you don't talk that much when you see something you like so much, but your express it through your body language and facial expression. he could see the way your eyes lit up, ane how your lips tugged up to a slight smile without noticing. beomgyu grinned, watching as you slipped the bracelet on your wrist.
"let's go?" you asked, snapping beomgyu out of his daze.
"yea sure." his hands grabbing onto yours, acting as if he doesnt care, but his mind was a hectic mess. he could see your clueless expression through his peripheral vision, doe eyes staring at his hand on yours. beomgyu swore that his heart was going to jump out any moment, his ears turning to a soft hue of read, you were definitely going to be the death of him.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
time flies whenever you're with beomgyu, without even realising it has already been months since your first interaction. by this time, you've finally grown accustomed to your growing feelings for the male, from his appearance to his passion in music, everything about him was perfect. even your friends caught on to your lovesick ways, also talking to beomgyu from time to time just to see if he was suitable for you, only for them to say that you're dense. you couldn't even believe soobin when he told you that beomgyu hasn't been like this around his past lovers, lies, was what you told soobin, laughing at how ridiculous it sounded, just to see soobin shaking his head, telling you that it's true.
every now and then, beomgyu would invite you over to his dorm if he's too lazy to go over to yours, and behind closed doors, blocking out the noise happening in the living room due to the boys loud yelling, the both of your just listened to your shared playlist in silence. it may not seem like much, but this activity calms you down, resting your head against the bed frame while beomgyu lays on his pillow, scrolling through his phone.
lovers rock, the song you recommended him since the start of your friendship. the sound of the electric guitar slowly fading into the quiet atmosphere, your fingers subconsciously tap against your phone to the beat, humming along with the melody.
"look at this tiktok, it reminds me of us." beomgyu chuckled, his arm extended to show you the cute tiktok on his phone. you took some time to process that he was trying to show you something before turning your head towards his phone, "oh my god, stop shaking." you grumbled, grabbing onto his phone, your hand laying on top of his.
the video contained two cats hugging each other as they had earbuds in their ear, listening to music, perfectly picturing the exact event happening right now. your stomach felt funny, biting your lips as you fought back the largest smile ever. "yea, that's us." you giggled, this feeling was euphoric, the way your smile is immediately reciprocated makes you feel like you've won a marathon, how this man has you completely wrapped around his finger...
beomgyu hummed, a hint of joy hidden behind his voice as he turned to his side to face the wall. your eyes flickered onto beomgyu's figure, your body slowly edging towards him unconsciously.
"hmm?" beomgyu sounded, feeling your head pressing against his back, you forcefully pushed his head away, preventing him to look at you, "i'm tired." you yawned, wrapping your arm around his waist loosely, growing more comfortable against his warmth. beomgyu could hear his own heartbeat, loud and clear, afraid that you could hear it too. your eyes fluttered close, on the verge of falling asleep.
"yn." beomgyu called, his body shifted around to face you, you looked up at him groggily, waiting for him to say something. beomgyu's mouth turned dry, completely forgetting the words that he wanted to tell you.
"ah, forget it, rest well." swallowing the lump in his throat, he watched as you nodded your head, falling back to sleep. he stared at the wall behind you in frustration, his mind only filled with thoughts of you, and how he was going to confess to you.
ever since he told his friends about his undying love for you, all they did was to push him into confessing because he'd be a pussy if he didn't, and to convince his friends that he isn't one, he has to tell you soon. currently, his phone was raided with a bunch of notifications from his group chat, all of them asking when he was going to tell you.
heeseung : stop pussying it, just say it.
beomgyu : it's not that simple 😐 and she's asleep right now
jeongin : you had all the time in the world to say it just now, and you wasted it.
beomgyu : ok shut up, maybe later.
"so fucking annoying.." he groaned softly, turning his phone off, staring off into the distance again.
"what's annoying?" you yawned a question, woken up by beomgyu's rapid typing and groans in annoyance from earlier. beomgyu looked at you in shock, praying that you didn't see any of the messages he exchanged with his friends.
"ah, nothing." beomgyu shrugged it off, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"yn, i have something to tell you." he suddenly sat up, causing you to flinch, "what is it?" following his actions.
"do you believe in love at first sight?" the sudden question about love caught you off guard, you played around with the bracelet beomgyu previoudly gave you, unable to come up with a response. your silence made beomgyu nervous, was it too random? he stared off to the side of his room.
"i didn't believe it at first, but i guess i think it's possible." you replied, the back of your neck feeling warmer by the second, afraid that you'd accidentally slip out a confession. beomgyu looked at you as if you grew two heads, he knew you weren't fond of love, and would much rather focus on your future art career. he was slightly curious, and extremely jealous of this person who managed to steal your heart.
"who is this person that changed your mind." his tone sounding harsher than he intended to, maybe becausr he didn't want to lose you to any other guy who didn't deserve you. your throat was dry, it was to either tell him the truth or lie about your feelings for him. however, you didn't want to miss out on this opportunity, i mean what could be worse than getting rejected in his own dorm. you swallowed the lump that formed in your throat, licking your lips,
"it's you, ever since you bumped into me when i was making my way out of the library." you confessed, feeling yourself crumble, knowing that beomgyu is watching you intently. on the other hand, beomgyu didn't believe his ears, his mind going haywire at the thought that you liked him back, not even paying attention to your rambling.
"i don't know if this is the right time to confess, i mean i guess it was just the heat of the moment.. i'm sorry if i made you uncomf–" your eyes widened at the sudden contact on your lips, slowly blinking to register the situation that's happening. what felt like fireworks in your stomach, your eyes naturally closed, reciprocating the kiss, your hand placed on top of beomgyu's, slightly gripping onto it. beomgyu smiled into the kiss, his free hand landing on your waist, pulling you closer to him.
beomgyu pulled away, causing you to whine, wanting more. beomgyu couldn't help but giggle at how desperate you were.
"more.." you sighed out, wrapping your arms around beomgyu's neck, tilting your head as you connected your lips against his. his lips tasted like strawberries, his favourite fruit, and also the chapstick that he steals from your occassionally, he was perfect. you pulled away, catching your breath, placing your forehead against beomgyu's.
"guess we picked the best song to kiss to." beomgyu chuckled, you quirked your eyebrow, not understanding what he meant, until you heard what the lyrics meant. you giggled, nuzzling your head into beomgyu's neck.
"it's perfect."
she might wanna kiss
before the end of this song..
perm taglist! (send an ask to be added) @mrsyawnzzn @tinyelfperson @woncheecks @boba-beom @naveries @be-argyu @defnotleee
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zhng96 · 1 year
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↳ pairing: ot9!zb1 x gn!reader
↳ warning: fluff for those w a sweet tooth <3
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↳ moving you by your waist
- sidewalk rule is something HE LIVES BY
- when you’re blocking his way he’ll gently just grab your waist and beckon you to move UGH
- he is so boyfriend i will die
- he lives for the flustered look on your face EVERY TIME HE DOES IT
- you swear you will never get used to it
- you are walking on the side closer to the street? NOT GNNA HAPPEN UNDER HIS WATCH!
- you’re a little too close to a high ledge? NOT UNDER HIS WATCH
- you’re a little lost?? he’ll guide you by gently pushing you by the waist EHEHEHHE
- got me giggling n all..
(rest of the members under the cut!)
↳ is constantly taking candid pictures of you :(( (he has a whole album he organized once a week on his phone)
- he wishes he could inject your reaction tho finding out every time he takes a picture
- he finds you so endearing istg
- he will purposely turn his ringer on so you can hear the camera snap
- sometimes he already awaits your reaction to the first snap so he takes a picture while your eyes are wide in realization
- he treasures it forever (it’s his lockscreen)
- i can imagine you guys being on face time while you are getting ready for the day and he just does the face time screen shot thing
- hes so boyfriend im afraid 😣😣 (pt2)
↳ always takes one flower from the bouquets he buys you to know when to buy you a new one
- we need more hanbins in the world 💔💔
- this man buys you a bouquet without you even asking he is literal perfection
- he sets the one flower on his window sill and always makes sure to check it everyday before leaving for work to know if he has to buy you a new one or not </3
- the first time he did it he texted you “hey since the last bouquet died do u prefer lilies or peonies?”
- you went feral LIKE HOW DID HE KNOW??!!
- and then when you went over to his house one day you saw a flower similar to the ones in your bouquet and you connected the dots
- he goes to the same flower shop every time too
- he goes to a locally managed one!! he thinks the flowers are prettier there than at any supermarket
- the old lady who runs the store is basically his second mother and told him to bring you so you two could meet
- he is so boyfriend it is actually crazy (pt3)
↳ buys everything that reminds him of you
- he is so adorable
- he’s out with his friends and he finds a plushie that resembles you?? yeah he’ll buy it
- some times he gifts them to you but sometimes he’ll keep it
- when you ask him about it he’ll be like “oh it made me think of you!”
- one time you noticed a cute plushie in the backseat of his car and you asked him where and why he bought it
- he said “it reminds me of you! that way every time im driving it feels like you’re with me :)”
- you melt EVERYTIME
- you guys build a ikea shelf for your room solely used for displaying matthew’s trinkets he bought thinking of you :(
- he says its the yn museum LOLL
↳ constantly bumps into you as you walk
- it sounds annoying but it’s actually really endearing :(
- times he can’t hug you he’ll touch you by teasing and bumping into you
- he’s also distracted and just so comfortable and immersed in your conversation that he can’t walk straight
- (but he doesn’t tell you that)
- sometimes he almost pushes the both of you off the side walk LOL
- he finds moments where being playful but also being close to you are his favourite memories
- sometime when you get tired of it you just hold his hand which suddenly makes him stop hehe
- he just wants to be close to you is all
- and tease you <33
- boyfriend coded (pt5)
↳ sets food on your plate whenever you eat out
- i feel like hes not the most openly affectionate person,,, like he shies away from pda n all that
- so instead he shows his love through his actions!!!
- you guys are out eating at a kbbq place and hes just placing some meat or rice on your plate </3
- he’s so attentive w/ it too like when he notices the pile is slowly getting smaller, he takes more off of the grill and sets it on your plate :(((
- when you take notice he smiles, places more and goes “here you go” AHHHH
- once u got to the last piece on your pile its tradition to feed it to him :))
- he happily accepts
- he’s so lovely :((
- and so boyfriend </3 (pt6)
↳ touching you with his cold hands
- LIVES for harmless teasing
- he’ll take his hands and cup your cheeks with them :((
- he loves the squeal and the cute little face you make :((
- sometimes you guys are cuddling in bed and he’ll put his hands under your shirt and rest them on your stomach
- you squeal again which = happy happy gyuvin
- he always apologizes w kisses afterward tho :)
- now you are both happy
↳ whenever you ask for one of his hoodies, he sprays a fresh spritz of his cologne on it
- he likes any opportunity to give you his hoodies :))
- he acts like he doesn’t see you basking in the cologne the hoodie absorbed the first few times he gives you his hoodie
- so now he makes sure to give it an extra spray before giving it to you :))
- he’s considered buying you the cologne as a gift once actually
- but he likes the feeling of keeping the secret that he knows how much you like the scent so he decides against it :)
- he likes seeing your smile every time you put one of his hoodies on not knowing he was admiring hehe
- bf coded (pt8)
↳ compares you to cute and funny animal pictures
- im tempted to make a seperate imagine for this its just so cute
- you’ll just be going about your day and he’ll text you
- he’ll just send the picture of an animal and say “you :)”
- you ask him to elaborate (he has picsart downloaded just for this moment) so he sends a collage of a picture of you resembling the actions or face the animal makes
- he is so cuteness i will die
- when you guys are hanging out he’ll take it phone screen and open up a picture of an animal and hold the screen right next to you face
- he inspects it like he’s an artist and just giggles
- you live for it tho
- oh can’t forget about the times he would ask you to do a pose and you comply reluctantly and he takes a picture and adds it to his collection of pictures that resemble an animal :)
- yea he has an entire album on his camera roll
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navi. mlist.
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jaennwrites · 2 years
MW2 Headcanons!!
This is my first time ever doing headcanons so bear with me fr, I’m spoiling myself with this lowkey self insert but shoutout to all the “crazy” sleepers, we deserve it fr.
COD guys sleeping with their “crazy” sleeping S/O
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cw: completely sfw, fluff, big strong killing men being soft for their s/o, gender neutral :) characters included: Simon 'Ghost' Riley, John 'Soap' MacTavish, Captain John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Phillip Graves (I can fix him fr)
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley: ⋰ The first time you and Ghost slept in the same bed, you woke him up with the “insane” (his description) amount that you were moving. ⋰ He genuinely woke up in a panic thinking you were being attacked or something. ⋰ When he comes home to you sleeping already, it’s a process of gently reorganizing your sprawled limbs as to not wake you from what he was sure was a great sleep. ⋰ The times you two get the chance to actually lay in bed together before you fall asleep; Ghost will wrap his arms tightly around you as well as throwing a leg over you for security. This ensures that you don’t move at all, you laughed at the idea in the beginning but you’d never admit that you slept better that way anyways. 
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish: ⋰ Soap finds the way you sleep absolutely hilarious, the many times he came home to you sleeping is when he would silently lose his mind at the positions you were in.  ⋰ He has a photo album compiled of photos of you sleeping, some being pictures of your face because Soap PREACHES that you look absolutely “stunning” when you sleep. ⋰ Majority of the pictures are your weird body positions that invoke hysteria whenever he sees them.  ⋰ After he’d finish laughing at your sleeping frame, he’d simply shift you to the point where he’d wake you but you didn’t care. You’d simply make space for him; mumbling questions about his day which he’d tiredly mumbled back but before you two could even finish your incoherent conversation, you were both off to sleep. ⋰ Soap was a deep sleeper so your frequent movement didn’t bother him in the slightest, as if you two were made to sleep in the same bed together. 
Captain John Price: ⋰ Price couldn’t believe that someone could move as much as you did in your sleep.  ⋰ The first time you both slept in a bed together he awoke on multiple occasions to various limbs on his face, but what had made the experience worth it? After a while, almost as if your sleeping body had gotten tired from all the movement, you’d just get “cuddly” and he’d only awake to your grabbing hands looking for any contact of him.  ⋰ When Price came home to you sleeping he couldn’t help but laugh a little in the positions he’d find you in, but he’d simply gently adjust your frame to make space for himself as well as assuring that you weren’t doing anything that would hurt you before getting into bed. ⋰ You would think that with Price being such a “neat” sleeper that he’d hate sleeping with you but he didn’t mind in the slightest.  ⋰ He wouldn’t admit it in favor of having something to tease you about but the nights he slept with you were the only times he got a good sleep.
Alejandro Vargas: ⋰ When you and Alejandro first slept together it was the best sleep of both of your lives. ⋰ It was as if two crazy sleepers came together to make on semi-normal sleeping entity.  ⋰ You and Alejandro fell asleep in each others arms and always awoke kinda in the same way (emphasis on kinda). Whether it was you hugging his torso and him hugging your head, or his head halfway down your back, arms wrapped tightly around your waist.  ⋰ When he’d come home and you were already asleep, he’d simply get into bed and your arms would immediately find him.  ⋰ The nights that you and Alejandro got to fall asleep together you guys were always teasing and messing with each other, it would always end him wrapping his arms tightly around you, refusing to let you go and you’d end up just falling asleep in his grasp. ⋰ You both hated sleeping apart from each other, you never slept as good. 
Phillip Graves: ⋰ Graves hated the way you slept so much that he loved it, he had such mixed feelings about the way your body practically “assaulted” him while you slept. ⋰ He always complained about your sleeping habits, he’d talk your head off about it yet the nights where you both had been in the house all day long, he was practically begging you to come to bed with him.  ⋰ The nights Graves came home to you sleeping, he’d stand in the doorway and just watch your silly positions, once he was comfortable enough and had gotten his visual fill; he’d sit on his side of the bed and almost immediately your hands would tiredly find their way to his torso attempting to pull him into the abyss of the warm shared bed.  ⋰ His favorite memory of you is the time in which he awoke to you soundly sleeping on top of him with a very secure hold on him. ⋰ If you ever asked Graves what his favorite thing about you was, he’d always say the way you slept. 
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f1fnatic · 10 months
XNDA ⤿ l. hamilton 44
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→ ( in which. . . ) you, a famous musician, release a new album with an unknown feature. you both post suspicious photos of random people on your respective social medias. your fans start to connect you with a highly decorated formula one driver.
→ ( part. . . ) 1 of 2
→ ( fanfic genre. . . ) social media au
→ ( face claim. . . ) christina aguilera
→ ( pairing. . . ) lewis hamilton x singer!reader
→ ( content warnings/disclaimers. . . ) fluff, setting the plot
→ ( author's note. . . ) this is my first ever social media au, it was super fun to mess around with this fic. i hope you enjoy! see end for more.
→ ( masterlist )
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liked by theweeknd, lewishamilton, pharell and 2,873,409 others
y/music i am so excited to announce my 8th studio album liberation! i have worked so hard to produce this and had so much fun creating this album.
i would like to thank everyone who featured in these songs, you were all such a joy to work with! i would also like to thank my person for being my rock and helping me when i felt that this project was not moving/going anywhere, i love you so much <3
view 584,893 comments
user5 so excited!!
user17 mother is mothering
pharell it was a pleasure to work with you liked by y/nmusic
f1lover lewis is lurking...
lewishamilton cannot wait to listen 🖤
f1ishamilton THE HEART???
roscoe4ever EXCUSE ME??? WHAT IS THIS?
user12 who is the "rock"...
user29 "my person" ???!!!?!?!?!
gwenstefani so so so proud of u ❤ liked by y/nmusic
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📍 brackley, england
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liked by lewishamilton, pharrell, taylorswift, gwenstefani and 3,173,562 others
y/nmusic a weekend away ❤️
view 298,754 comments
user4 hope you had fun!!
y/nmusic i did thank you 🫶🏻
user4 OH MY GOD Y/N???
f1lvr lewis is lurking AGAIN.
gwenstefani girl who are u holding hands with?
y/nmusic calling u rn dw gwen
y/nstan LOL not even gwen knows this is crazy
y/nfan gf who is the guy 🤨
y/nfan2 there goes another parasocial relationship
y/nlover3 scratching my eyes out (i am so happy for her)
lh444 the location???
roscoe4ever RIGHT like hello??
taylorswift i miss you ml ☹️
y/nmusic i'll be back soon dw!
📍 brackley, england
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liked by y/nmusic, sebastianvettel, fencer, roscoelovescoco and 4,367,981 others
lewishamilton recharging with the ones i love most 🖤
tagged: roscoelovescoco
view 458,512 comments
lewisfan i am soooooooo normal about this (i am going crazy)
lewisfan2 me too (i am actually ripping my hair out)
roscoelovescoco love's you's dad's 🐾
lh444 sometimes i forget that lewis runs his dogs account, i remember, and then get the ick
y/nfan7 what is y/n doing here
sebastianvettel you look like you are having fun! liked by y/nmusic and lewishamilton
lewisfan3 the matching shoes 😭
lewisy/nshipper not him using the same black heart emoji he used on the liberation announcement?
y/nfan okay grandma lets get u back to bed
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i am back!! i am so sorry for taking such a long hiatus, i have had no motivation to write, i get ideas but then hate how i make them. i hope you all enjoy this fic! thank you for reading! requests and feedback are welcome! make sure to leave a comment and kudos as well (only if you want :P)
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leviscolwill · 1 year
love to hate me [smau]
pairing: jude bellingham x actress!reader [face claim: india amarteifio]
in which: your seemingly tumultuous relationship with jude bellingham piqued the internet's interest
note: as you can see i improvised the first interview as well as i could (my girl switched skin colors like crazy),, also i might write a pt2 if you enjoy this little story 🫶
now playing: love to hate me by blackpink (the album)
[now playing: WIRED autocomplete interview with y/n]
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"so first question of this new board, 'is y/n friends with jude bellingham', umm we went to the same school and we have quite a few friends in common. but i wouldn't say we're friends, quite the opposite haha."
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liked by netflix, bridgertonnetflix and 1.549.401 others
yn.onfilm thank you for all the love on queen charlotte !! can't wait to tell you everything that's going on 🤭
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user55 start by telling us what's going on with jude babe
yn.onfilm so nosy and for what 🤨
user55 can you blame me girl 😞
user81 your username is literally so cool [liked by yn.onfilm]
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liked by camavinga, ohnosharky and 2.691.062 others
judebellingham rma debut on film 📸 #halamadrid
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yn.onfilm so obsessed with me it's crazy [this comment was deleted by the author]
yn.onfilm attention whore 👎 [this comment was deleted by the author]
user08 is the caption a y/n reference 🤭 ??
user91 did anyone else see y/n's comments orrr just me 👀 ?
user43 they're definitely beefing 💀
[now playing: y/n on queen charlotte, upcoming projects and her famous classmate for jimmy kimmel live]
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"so you know i can't end the interview and not ask you about a classmate of yours ?"
you knew it was coming, of course you knew. but you also knew how to answer, just the way you rehearsed with your pr team.
"so tell us, is there any animosity between the two of you ?"
"no there's no bad blood at all, we just had a few childish arguments when we were younger, but that's all really. we both took different paths and i wish him well on his." you finished with a quick smile that anyone would believe to be sincere.
"well, that sets the record straight ! queen charlotte: a bridgerton story starring the beautiful y/n is now streaming on netflix."
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soooo there's no bad blood between us ?
yk damn well what i meant
i'm sick of ppl bothering me with this
same goes for you
i don't mind actually
can we meet up sometime when i'm back in england
are u okay
do you think i forgot abt how you spread lies behind my back ?
the guy was a dick anyway
if anything i helped you dodge a bullet
fuck off
yk i'm right
let's catch up
it's been a while
yn.onfilm is typing...
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delugguk · 1 year
is this okay?
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pair: jungkook x reader
rated: mature
word count: 1.7k
warnings: sexual content.
Part two.
autor’a note: helllooooooo I know it’s been a while and since I haven’t finished my many fics that I have (I know, k word me pls but don’t, actually skdj) this live (or more like the way he looks) made me go kinda feral for him so I had to do this !! this is compleeeetely unedited because I wrote it super fast and I’m just posting it as it is !! with nothing more to say, I miss and love every single one of you that keep coming back to my stories or just finding out about it, believe me when I say I appreciate every single one of you, even if you’re new!! you’re here for a reason 🫶🏼 thank you for liking my stuff and I’ll be more open to you guys later since I one to make a while make over on this account lmaO, anyways, enjoy and let’s get feral together while kook’s cook his album🤍🧚🏼✨
you blame it on him.
he didn’t had to seat like that, stare at you like that and even bite his lower lips like that. it was something so subtle and you swore his eyes glistened so much, you could almost mistaken them for desire.
but what if..?
you needed to control yourself. you promised you wouldn’t be jumping his bones the moment he called you to make him some company. you know you two are close friends.
but damn.
can’t deny the massive sexual attraction that’s so intense with only doing something so innocent as much as sinful like eye contact.
it’s crazy.
or at least that’s what you think.
jungkook can be complicated at times. but, fuck. you suddenly remember his fainted voice when talking to that girl. “sure, but can you handle me?”. you didn’t know what he or they were referring to, you were just trying to pass by in those big echoing college halls.
of course, you thought about— the worst.
he was fine as hell, okay? to say he isn’t fucking around just makes NO sense.
but the day you met him or—no. the day you two met at that reunion.. fuck. just thinking about it already makes your pussy pop. how embarrassing.
he looked so fine.. he teased you just right.. ugh! stupid hormones! why does it have to be so rich to have sex.. you wanted to fuck him here and there. a little dance could do so much..
suddenly you’re back to earth. (with a flaming pussy as we speak).
“yeah?” disconnected, you blink once again. jungkook just smirks.
“I told you, not to worry about it. just come seat,” he pats his side of the sofa, two times. “next to me.”
stupid beanie, stupid white shirt and stupid tattoos.
why does he has to look so cute and fine at the same time? not only that but the way he smelled? a fucking perfect man. who the hell smells that good? it isn’t even a strong essence but rather a soft/sexy one..
“no.” oh.. you can’t help yourself anymore. “I want to seat here.” you said as each of your legs takes place beside his waist.
yep, you boldly seated on top of him. just like that.
it’s not that you do this often but jungkook didn’t seemed to reject your body language as soon as he holded your hips with both of his hands. somehow delicate but oh, so decisively.
that caused a whole electricity run over your entire body to the point you almost felt goosebumps if it wasn’t that already.
just.. how much did you really wanted him? seemed out of limits..
both of your palms rest on his shoulders and there’s no words but an intense eye contact full of temptation, desire.. all of the words you can imagine referencing to the same feeling you both were having right now.
what’s stopping you two? why don’t you move? why doesn’t he move? those were your thoughts until-
“it’s dangerous.” he mutters. you’re just biting your lips.
gosh, you wanted him right here, right now.
“eung” you say, but it sounded a little too sexy(horny) for jungkook’s ears and damn, did he liked that.
“eung?” but as he mimics the way you sounded (just a little more dominant) was enough for you to start moving your hips to his already increasing bulge. mm. it felt good.
you grab his neck as you move very slowly but surely as he looks at you with those dark shiny eyes slightly pulling his face towards the area where your boobs could make contact with him.
he acts fast into giving light, delicate but needy kisses through your also white crop top. the one that can mark how hard your nipples are just right.
you moan a little, more like a very hot exhale that makes jungkook go crazy internally. the way for him to expresses is to squeeze the side of your hips, right enough for you to take your shirt off.
“no bra..” he smirks. “just how I like.”
“mhmm” you slightly moan once again to acknowledge his words.
his hands immediately take a ride feeling you up from your curves, belly, ribs and finally, your boobs. his hands feeling so warm, so right as soon as he touched you. feeling like it could burn, it felt divine. it was to the point where you weren’t the only one that’s breathing so heavy but him.
kissing your nipples felt like heaven, his lip piercing somehow sort of cold made magic so you couldn’t help but take his shirt off, beanie staying on. you wanted him like that.
“I want to kiss you so bad.” breathless, you said.
“do it.” bold enough, he responds. “fuck me if you want. I’ll let you do anything tonight.”
“fuck.” you whisper. “jungkook..” hips intensifying its deep roll, still slow.
“take off your shorts. want you naked for me.”
you wanted to scream. (in many different meanings to it).
he follows you when you obey him so well, but instead of him going naked, he leaves his boxers on.
but you don’t mind, as soon as you caress the imprint of his hard dick drawing on his black Calvin Klein’s boxers. jungkook man spreads giving you the fucking gaze, while patting his well formed thighs and you’re crazy wet at this point. — as soon as you reveal his dick making a pop towards his lower stomach, you could feel yourself almost salivating for him.. and it’s something you’ll normally will feel embarrassing of, but with the way your pussy was crying for him.. yeah, a girl had to do what it gotta do.
“didn’t know how badly you wanted me..” he exhales. “guess I wasn’t the only one, fuck. come here.
pulling you and opening your legs towards him revealed how sticky you were in front of his eyes that jungkook couldn’t help but pass his dick through your entrance without dipping in yet.
“fuck..” he moans. “is this what you wanted? mm. how long were you waiting for this?” giving a little slap with his dick to your pussy. “and why didn’t you tell me earlier?” with hooded eyes, already looking like a mess.
god, was he gone and he hasn’t entered you yet.
you were almost to the point of crying with him barely starting. that’s how horny the both of you were.
“been wanting you for a while..” you’re breathing to exhale. it feels so good. “wanting to feel you just like this..”
“mh-yeah.. fuck.”
he just stares at your expression for a moment, eyes closed, lips being caught up by your teeth.. pussy sliding so easily around his already wet hard dick.. it seemed so sexy the way you were moving. he wanted to eat you out when looking at you, but his need to finally be inside you was stronger.
“so do I..” he deeply answers as soon as he’s making your hips swallow his entire dick.
“agh, fffuck. it’s more of what I imagined.” he speaks more to himself.
you, on the other hand, was trying no to cum right there. breathing long and slowly to calm your pussy and feelings because somehow.. your heart started to felt as if it wanted to jump out of your body and you swear you could hear jungkook’s heart trying to do the same too.
“move.” he says, giving some gentle, little pats to your ass.
“give me a second-“ and after five seconds, you breathe and start rolling your hips back and forth. all you could hear was your juices having fun.
but the moment you lean into him and hug him with your face into the side of his neck, is we’re things start to get fun and nasty when you actually start to bounce on him.
“fuck yes.” jungkook’s voice rasp into a very hot moan. “‘knew you were good.” he pauses. “fucking lucky I am.” after grabbing your ass and start manhandling you like his personal fuck toy.
“ah-“ a moan escaping your lips, you clench your teeth sucking air to it. “s-so g-good” and it’s just that you speak along marking the secuence of how he bounces you on him.
“mm I’m feeling you close, are you?”
—in a moment where you both got to cum, having jungkook fuck you still with his cum innit because he founded so sexy the way your pussy looked so swollen and messy (and how well you take him and squeezed him) having you cum once again, things weren’t so awkward afterwards. it all ended up rather having jungkook asking you things.
“I noticed you got more wet when I started to control your bounces..”
“I.. um, I like when someone sort of.. uses me like that like..” you lower your voice, “I’m all yours?”
jungkook smiles. “oh.. y/n you aren’t getting shy right now, aren’t you?”
“no!” you feel embarrassed.
“I think you are..” he teases.
“shut up.” you roll your eyes.
“don’t worry though. as I’ve said it before things.. turned out to be this way,” you both giggle. “don’t worry. and.. y/n?”
“believe me when I say that this isn’t going to be the last time of us doing this. I will always want this to happen again, and it will.” he pauses. “unless you don’t want me to.”
“okay.” it’s all you say but in reality you can’t explain to him how much do you agree with this because sure, if it was hard standing by his side without doing anything ever since that night or the day you met him.. with today’s events it’ll be even harder to not want to have a taste of him once again.
and again..
and again.
and that’s when it hits you. you never kissed him, he never kissed you and you’re completely screwed.
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whyse7vn · 3 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
jimin: right freak wrong freak
that’s what you should of called ur album joon
jk: rfwf
hobi: ok but who gonna match MY freak
tae: who wanna go band for band
jin: let’s go shower for shower
you first
yoongi: lollll
tae: girlfriend tell them i don’t smell fr
namjoon: all of you shut up
jk: rfwf
jimin: who matching joons freak
jin: a JAIL CELL i hope
hobi: cool but i asked first
does no one care about my freak 😔?
y/n: i care
hobi: thanks guys >.<
tae: talking about freak this riding that what happened to the namjoon who hugged trees and read books
jk: that’s really bad because how can he show love to the trees by hugging them giving them false security and hope to then go an cut them down to make books
tae: wait ur spitting rn
jk: not true that’s nasty i’ve said this before
namjoon: i have never hugged a tree
or cut one down
jin: cuz you’re too busy writing about riding
you disgust me
yoongi: good pussy
namjoon: can we not please
tae: joon when you said HE a pro rider what did you mean by that?
y/n: happy pride month!!!
jk: who is pride
hobi: joon was talking about tae
jimin: didn’t you kiss jungkook
hobi: Lgb
tae: i take NO L’s
hobi: cuz you take DICK
y/n: LMAO
yoongi: tae the biggest dick rider to walk this earth
hobi: yoongi gets it
hobi: if we think about this logically you dick riding y/n 24/7
tae: OK WHAT
jin: tea
yoongi: shut up
jin: ok sorry
tae #1 dick rider
jk: i’m confused
jimin: i vote joons talking about tae
y/n: same
jk: still confused i thought y/n was girl
jin: jk close second but tae takes it
hobi: real
tae: wtf????
hobi: freak of all freaks!!
tae: ok whatever
don’t care
jimin: you accepted that very easily
y/n: my little dick rider 😘
jk: me too please
tae: i mean as long as it’s y/ns dick i’ll fuck around and cream on that shit too like
no shame
y/n: there is something severely wrong with you
jin: wow
yoongi left “RM’s NUTS”
hobi: he takes everything too far
jimin: like
jk: ok i don’t know if i want to be a dick rider anymore
i don’t want to cream
namjoon: jungkook stop talking we are moving on
namjoon added yoongi to “RM’s NUTS”
tae: don’t act like you all wouldn’t cream on her shit too
yoongi left “RM’s NUTS”
namjoon: tae stop talking now
tae: whatever
jk: rfwf
hobi: definitely surpassed my freak
namjoon: y/n
y/n added yoongi to “RM’s NUTS”
yoongi: why
y/n: stay with the family yoongi
hobi: family 💜
jimin: we practice incest here
jk: insect
namjoon: really…
jimin: just saying she literally called us family and you just wrote a song about her riding you
jk: i thought it was about tae
tae: jungkook did it first
jk: i did NOT ride joon
namjoon: guys
jimin: she did LMAO
tae: nuts wishes it was seven
namjoon: shut up
hobi: family 💜
yoongi: fuck ur family
jimin: i know a girl that does
y/n: are you mad i don’t fuck you or something???
jimin: LMAO
you wish
jk: nct wish
hobi: come on family let’s not 💜💜
y/n: trouble with taemin again sighs this is getting old jimin
jimin: don’t talk about taemin
y/n: don’t talk about who i fuck
namjoon: ok guys chill out
tae: hold on ur all typing so fast ohmygod
y/n: tell HIM to chill
jimin: just saying you are most definitely the root of like 95% of our issues as a group
hobi: my root came 2005
jimin wtf??
namjoon: jimin take that back
yoongi: are you crazy??
jk: jimin that’s mean
jin: and unfair
tae: ???????????????
jimin: she fucks you guys knowing there are feelings involved and then acts like everything is normal when you’re all at each others throats
hobi: we would be at each others throats regardless of feelings or whatever
that’s just our dynamic no??
tae: throat talk kinda rgb guys
hobi: L
tae: don’t call me a loser the hell??
also wtf is jimin talking about
jimin: tell me i’m wrong
yoongi: you’re wrong.
jin: you need to back the fuck up jimin it takes two people to have sex you know idk why ur putting this all on her
jimin: i’m just saying
jk: maybe you should stop saying
yoongi: definitely
namjoon: ok seriously everyone needs to shut the fuck up right now this isn’t something we should be talking about now or over text
jimin: yeah you’re right because we SHOULD of had this conversation ages ago
namjoon: you’re pissing me off jimin and this doesn’t actually involve you stop talking
jimin: yeah and maybe that’s the fucking problem namjoon
namjoon: what are you trying to say right now?
jimin: nothing bye.
tae: are we fr fighting
jimin left “RM’s NUTS”
tae: ok we are fr fighting
why did no one tell me we were fr fighting
hobi: can you not read
tae: ok there were a lot of words on screen going very fast may i add and i can only take in what i can take in
y/n: so you took in the word throat
tae: don’t speak to me right now
jin: anways y/n ignore jimin he’s clearly going through something right now
don’t let what he said get to you we’ve talked about this ok?
namjoon: you have?
sorry not important yeah
what jin said
y/n: i know
jimin didn’t upset me it’s fine
yoongi: it’s okay if you were to be upset tho
like later
or something
y/n: yoongi
yoongi: sorry
y/n: i appreciate you
all of you but i’m honestly fine
i’m more concerned about jimin rn
that wasn’t like him
he clearly had something say and he’s normally one to speak his mind fully not just leave half way
jk: yeah :/
namjoon: i’ll talk to him
hobi: no i think i should
no offence or anything joon
just trust me on this one
namjoon: oh
that’s cool yeah
let me know when you do
hobi: thank you
i will
jk: we were on our biggest no fighting streak
this sucks
hobi: i thinks that’s part of why he’s upset
yoongi: 🤨?
hobi: anyways i’ll talk to him
let you guys know
namjoon: cool so uh
jin: did you just type “so uh”
tae: namjoon personally i love it
*puts hand behind head bashfully smiles*
hobi: johnny so uh
get it
like johnny suh
y/n: smash
namjoon: nice guy
jk: hobi pls don’t mention the enemy rn
hobi: didn’t you mention nct wish earlier??
what is the harm in mentioning johnny ://
jk: hobi he’s tall
like really tall
hobi: ok??
jin: remember when hobi punched jaehyun lmao
hobi: no moving on
yoongi: i would also smash johnny suh’s head in
hobi: for the last time it’s lgbt fucking idiot
y/n: homophobia in june is crazy
tae: i’m just saying how it is
yoongi wanna smash johnny spread the word
yoongi: how about you kill yourself
tae: how about no
spread the word
like yoongi spreads his legs for johnny
jk: he’s 6’2 btw
y/n: why do you know that
tae: bet the height difference turns yoongi on real bad
namjoon: okay stop
jk: joon you say stop a lot and nobody stops most of the time so why do you continue to say stop when it is uneffectuve
namjoon: don’t talk to me
jk: oh :c
jin: namjoons stop worked like 2 times today so this is actually a win for joon
tae: yeah the first 2 times in 74 years
hobi: LMAO
jk: i thought joon was 34
namjoon: i’m not even 30 yet
namjoon: stop laughing at me
shouldn’t you be talking to jimin rn
hobi: i said i would talk to jimin meaning i would talk to him in the near future further meaning not right now because i don’t want to be verbally assaulted and or blocked
gotta let him cool down you know how he is
namjoon: yeah okay makes sense
going to bed
keep me posted on jimin
hobi: of course
namjoon: gn all
y/n: night joonie ^3^
jk: gn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hobi: night
tae: it’s like 6 tf
jin: it’s 11:45 pm
tae: ok clock wtf
i said it’s like 6 not that it’s actually 6
jin: next time i see you i’m punching you in the face
goodnight namjoon
yoongi: thumbs up emoji
tae: jin just threatened me can we all care rn
jk: i care
tae: you care about the turtles right to freedom of speech
jk: they should be able to speak
tae: you’re a care WHORE
you care for everything
you’re care is worthless overused and slutted out
jk: but it’s still care 😢
tae: used and abused care
jk: 😥😢😭
tae: @y/n do you care
y/n: no
yoongi why did you type out ur emoji
yoongi: couldn’t be asked to look for the emoji in the thing
hobi: wait that’s so real fire emoji praying hands emoji dance emoji
yoongi: thumbs up emoji
jk: how do i unwhoreify my care guys
tae: @hobi do you care
hobi: i am done communicating with you today
tae: @yoongi do you care
yoongi: middle finger emoji
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @earth2ela @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @seokmyballs @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @meowgiz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @iammeandmeisiam @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks @futuristicenemychaos @featjunranghae @jksgirlfrl
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fobarchiveteam · 10 days
The Fall Out Boy 2001 Demo... and the fact that there's actually two of them!
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A few years ago, the wonderful Dave Hofer, who owns the DuPage County Hardcore Archive, uploaded the first Fall Out Boy demo from 2001 onto his archive, revealing its existence to the world. Dave was able to locate both a copy of the CD and the cassette versions of this demo, finding out that limited amounts of CDrs and around 100 cassettes were ever made. The CDr has uncut and unmastered versions of the recordings that later appear on the Project Rocket split, but the cassette contains completely different recordings for the first two songs, while an original song that is found nowhere else called “A Nice Myth” replaces Moving Pictures. The truth is that these are actually two separate demos: the cassette recordings came first. These demos were both made in 2001. For the first demo, the band consisted of Patrick on vocals, Pete on bass, Joe on guitar, and two other members who only lasted for a short time in the band: Ben Rose on drums, and John Flamadan on rhythm guitar. It was recorded on an 8-track in Ben’s basement. That 8-track was later turned into the cassette, of course. Both Ben and John left shortly after, and Jared Logan and TJ Kunasch replaced them on the CDr recordings respectively. What you may not know is there was an even rarer version of the CDr demo made: two types of lathe cuts.
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These lathe cuts were posted on Discogs as pictures years before Dave’s discovery, so they sat dormant and undiscovered by FOB fans for a long time. After researching the cassettes and CDs for our archive, we stumbled upon these pictures and were perplexed that nobody has mentioned this version elsewhere before. Although this was not really a “new” discovery, we were still intrigued. We contacted the uploader of the picture, and this is what he had to say:
Hey!! Yeah it's honestly a crazy story on how I acquired it, but I believe it's legit. Basically, a few years back (I think 2018 or 19? The listing on the page for the clear version that sold for $0.50 or something crazy was from me, that's how I bought it). I messaged a guy on here that had the CD added in his collection if he would be willing to send me the mp3s/WAV files for his copy, and he did. We talked for a bit about the band and he said I seemed knowledgeable about the band and asked if I wanted his second copy of the lathe (he had two, one clear, one black). I obviously was like "hell yeah dude" and he said he would ship it to me. Fast forward a few weeks (he lived in Australia or some shit) and low & behold, I actually got the damn thing in the mail, plus two promo trading cards from the TTTYG album cycle, one with Andy & one with Joe. A few years later he messaged me that he got in touch with the dude that made the lathes for the band (he was based in Chicago which makes sense). Apparently 26 copies were cut & only 20 got labels thrown on them, members of the band slapped them on themselves. They were only in white paper sleeves, not any picture sleeves unfortunately. The sound quality on them is actually pretty decent for a lathe made in 2001, which is what leads me to believe it's legit. Also, like you had mentioned, the songs didn't leak until a few years back, when I got it I had never heard these versions (it's just the Project Rocket split versions uncut & unmastered essentially, same versions as the ones that leaked from the CD version. That is pretty much all the info I have on it, I hoped that helped some!!
Cheers from Florida - Jake
He later followed up with:
If I'm not mistaken, I believe the guy I got it from got both the clear and black copies verified to be legit by the guy that made them. Also small detail I forgot to include before, he obtained both copies through a lot of FOB merch from eBay. He was looking to get a complete set of TTTYG trading cards, which is why he bought it. But I know in the lot he also got the two lathes & a demo CD, I forget what else he had mentioned. It's odd that the band hasn't spoken of their existence, maybe they forgot? The lathes were probably more of a novelty item than anything, considering that vinyl wasn't very popular in 2001 & they weren't packaged as "properly" as the CDs & tapes, plus they made a lot less of them. I'm assuming they just kinda got tossed around between friends of the band or got sold at random at their early shows. Either way, it's been one of my prized possessions since I've acquired it, let me know if hou have any other questions on it haha
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Currently we have no idea who this elusive Chicago lathe maker is, but maybe we may find out one day. These lathe cuts may possibly be the rarest FOB merch in existence.
Side note: The fact that the top title on the cassette specific insert says "Fallout Boy - Growing Up" and then later lists Growing Up as a song below, it may have been intended to be the title of the cassette, and the song was a title track. This is unconfirmed though.
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girlreviews · 8 months
Review #146: Parallel Lines, Blondie
Man oh man oh man. I love Blondie so much. I found this record in the Windsor Oxfam. I don’t remember exactly how old I was, but I remember what boyfriend was with me so that puts me between 15 and 18. Yeah, same guy. I actually don’t remember if he ended up getting his hands on this record or not. I think I still have it. Will rifle through my collection later to check.
Blondie was in the “being cool” wilderness for some absolutely crazy reason at that point, and nobody really gave a shit about them anymore. When I was 17 or 18 they were playing the Reading Hexagon which is honestly still just such an unbelievable insult I’m still annoyed about it. I’ll circle back to that.
Parallel Lines epitomizes the complete and total coolness and badassery of Debbie Harry. I have never wanted to be someone more than I wanted to be her. So much confidence. Such incredible cheekbones. Such commitment to art. No apologies. The voice of an angel one moment and snarling whimsical warnings, like, hey you, don’t fuck with me, the next. Always standing in front of all of those completely non-descript nobody dudes. Yeah they’re playing the music, but who cares, who are they? It’s all her. She is Blondie.
Can I pick a favorite? It opens with Hanging on the Telephone, in which she is really threatening to rip the phone clean off the wall. It might be that one. But we’ve also got the classic One Way Or Another, which needs no comment, and one of my actual favorites of all time, Heart of Glass which never fails to fuck me up, but like, it’s a god damn disco track? Like sure, yeah, let’s boogie away our heart break. And I did. And I have. And I will. And these are all SINGLES. We aren’t even discussing the actual album tracks yet. Just listen to it. Honorable mention goes to Sunday Girl, which I always really loved. It’s cute and it’s kind of sweet in a very teenage girl kind of way that worked for me since I was in fact, a teenage girl. Also, not on the official album release, but there was a version of that track where the latter half was sung entirely in French and I always really dug it.
Okay so circling back to the Hexagon. This is a weird story and I’m still not sure how I feel about it, to this day. As I said, Blondie were playing a show at the Hexagon. I was absolutely obsessed with them, and Debbie Harry. I was also 17 or 18 and spent every penny I had on going to shows, but those pennies were pretty limited. I worked as a waitress at the pub that was two doors down from my house. It was full of characters. One such character was a regular, he was in his late 40s, was very wealthy, didn’t drive, was single, and spent literally every bit of his spare time in that pub. Think on that. He paid a lot of attention to the various young women that worked there. Was he creepy? No not exactly. But did it make you uncomfortable? Yes it did. Because you never knew when he might make it weird. Everyone liked him well enough. One day out of the blue this guy presented me with five tickets to the Blondie show. I didn’t know what in the hell to say or whether to accept them. Or what it meant. Whether there were expectations attached to them. Whether it was okay to take them. I was uncomfortable. I was 17.
Here’s what happened. My Mom, who sort of knew him too, since he was always there, decided it was fine, because she wanted to go. But for it to be okay, she decided he also had to come. So we went, he came, and a few friends too. The thing is though, she never knew him like I did. I saw him every day. I saw him with the other girls that worked at the pub. I saw him drunk off his ass. I don’t know that I ever would have taken the tickets. Or if I did, I’m not sure I ever would have invited him. I feel a bit queasy about it to this day. I think in the end something really off-base happened one night between him and someone on staff and he got barred. That was usually the way it went with regulars who were there that often.
The other thing to note is that Blondie ended because Debbie Harry was with Chris Stein, who was literally dying of some rare autoimmune disease throughout their last tour. There were other factors at play, but essentially, they broke up because he was too sick and she stayed at his side and became his full-time carer. When he was well, he left her. They are, remarkably, still close friends to this day and still perform together. Just never forget that men are dogs, and that Blondie is and always will be Debbie Harry. I love her. To this day she looks better than I do in a mini skirt and I love that for her.
ETA: I checked and in fact, I do not still have Parallel Lines in my record collection, but I am quite confident it got lost when I moved back to the US. Also, I’m not 100% certain that show was at the Reading Hexagon. I just know it was a shitty venue not worthy of Blondie. This was 18 years ago. You get the idea.
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just-jordie-things · 5 months
indulge me for a second here (at ur own time ofc)
megumi breaks up w reader for reasons (wants to focus on training or sum) but reader starts acting a lill crazy especially when she thinks he might be seeing other women. She's txting him, sending suggestive pics, flirting, cockblocking other women- just the usual, you know?
Then she stops.
Leaving megumi with a whole crisis. Didn't he want this? Why is he missing all her attention? Why is she giving *his* attention to other guys?
I just want that toji and gojo side of him to flare up and chase the reader all over again 😇😇😇😇
AAAHHH YES i need to add more toxicity to my fics bc lets be real we'd all behave like this to get him back :3
kinda feel like this could be a prequel to the blurb i wrote about ex bf!megumi cockblocking you n trying to win you back
suggestive content under the cut but no smut ___
you're a good girl, definitely better than this, but to be honest he left you no choice, didn't he?
how else were you supposed to get his attention? it's not like those other girls had anything to offer him, so you just had to... give him a reminder of what he had, and that he could have it again if he stopped being a man slut and crawled right back to you where he belonged.
(was he really being a man slut? you couldn't actually know... all you knew was what you heard from rumors. but that was enough to warrant all of this... wasn't it?)
you didn't care how much money you spent on pretty lacey sets, or how much time you spent draping yourself in the most inviting poses you could come up until your my eyes only album was overflowing with tasteful nudes. and every single one of them was sent to him.
there wasn't an ounce of humiliation in your body, sending nudes and other suggestive photos/videos to your ex-boyfriend. you were sure that eventually he would be swayed... if it wasn't by baby pink then maybe an angelic white... or classic red.... to you, this was just a means to an end. eventually he'd understand what he was missing and he'd come back begging to get back together.
when he doesn't realize his mistake after a month of spamming his phone... you lose interest. naturally, of course. if he could look at all those photos, watch all those videos to completion, and still not want you back? well, that was his loss.
truthfully, you got bored. and at some point you came to the realization that there were other hot, single, desperate guys out there who would love a glimpse of what was wasted on megumi. so you steered your attention in another direction and almost forgot about your ex completely.
well, you forgot about him until he started showing up around you all the time.
at first it was the bars, anywhere you spent your time with nightlife, he was bound to show up there. whether you were drinking or dancing, or just sitting in a booth wrapped up in the company of someone else, megumi was there to see it.
you might've moved on, but you weren't oblivious. you saw him. you just didn't seem to care. never giving him more than a passing glance before your attention was returned to whoever was lucky enough to get it tonight. megumi's not sure he ever saw you with the same guy twice
even when he moved on to stalking your other hangouts. like the coffee shop you frequented most days of the week. once he started seeing your distraction of the night coming in with you on their arm in the mornings, too, megumi started to lose his mind.
what was the point of all those messages you sent? all the photos with your body on display for him attached with 'thinking of you' or a little kiss emoji- those were all just for him, weren't they? and now you're parading around with every willing guy you find?
megumi's in denial. this wasn't like you, you didn't play games, you weren't a slut, so what was your goal here?
if it was to drive him crazy, you most definitely had the upper hand. but he was determined that it wouldn't last for long.
you wanted to play shitty games? fine, megumi could play shitty games. he'll make sure you come to regret getting over him so easily.
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misojunnie · 1 year
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니콜라스 - nicholas as your bf!
very attentive, always knows when you need something or want something
won’t hesitate to get you whatever you want
loves buying you pretty trinkets, just random little treasures he sees when he’s wandering
soooo teasing like he will not stop once he started
and if you do something embarrassing, whew he’s not gonna let go of that for weeks
scary af when he’s jealous! he’ll pretend not to care but he gets so angry
offers to teach you how to play basketball
laughs when you miss the basket :(
cuddles 24/7. literally this man is a cuddle monster
he has to be the big spoon (duh)
always touching you. always back hugging, petting your head, rubbing your arms. if you’re at the dinner table he’s holding your hand and eating at the same time
the other boys complain about your pda :P
gets insanely offended when you don’t say I love you back to him
offers you his hoodie every time you go out. bro will be red in the face, nose running and still offer you his jacket bc “he’s not cold”
hella athletic and always asks you to work out with him. he’ll insist even if you say no
crazy competitive but will let you win every time
traces little spirals and hearts on the back of your hand when he’s bored
if anyone’s bothering you or hitting on you, dear god they better watch out
he is literally terrifying he will knock them out with just a glare
always makes the first move. he thinks it’s really cute when you try to tho
loves when you scratch his head. he will deadass fall asleep in public if you do it
scrolls through pics of you when he’s away at work or with the boys. he has a whole album and everything
if someone catches him he’ll yell and deny it until he turns red
slaps your ass in public ._.
goes absolutely feral when he smells your perfume. buries his face into your neck when he hugs you from behind
possibly even buys a bottle for himself so he can smell it when he misses you :(
loves catching you off guard and getting you flustered. he’ll wink at you when he catches you staring just so he can see you blush
“I have a crush on you.” “nicho we’ve been dating for a year.”
a/n note: I loved making the nicho bf texts so I wanted to do some more content for him!! ik this isn’t an extended project but &team readers are soooo rare so I didn’t know if u guys would read an actual fic 💔 lmk if you would in the comments!!! also drop any writing idea recs I’ve had writers block lately <3
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apieceofmi · 11 months
Noah Sebastian x Reader
Summary: a stranger in a train that captive her heart, never seen him again… but his face was familiar, maybe that was more than just a connection, maybe she already saw him somewhere. A lot of research and… oh, yeah, she really sees his face before, her and millions of people… it's just sad that he seems so untouchable. Right?
Author’s note: Okay, so part 2 was unexpected, but It's here!! And now I have a few more ideas for this same couple and context… I think there are more coming. Anyway, hope you like it! xx
Part One (You don't have to necessarily read the first part to understand this one, it's up to you)
Just when I thought that my chances are over, I found him. The stranger I’ve met in a train coming back from my hometown months ago, talked for hours and I left without knowing his name.
I took the same train and visit my parents more times than is good for my mental health, I sat there and wait for him, but got nothing. Then I searched in social media, everywhere I could think of, but it is so difficult to search for something - someone in this case - that you know nothing about. I have an image in my mind, the sound of a laugh, and nothing more. We shared so much that day, but as the days passed it seemed like nothing. Then, when I gave up and convinced myself that I was making it bigger than it should have been, when I accepted that it had become just a great memory, exactly how I wanted it, I found him.
Screaming in my phone, I'm not the only one that think he's a cool guy. I feel kind of stupid when I realize that he's not just an ordinary person, and that's probably why I thought I already knew him that day on the train.
Not a surprise, just me romanticizing my life again.
And maybe that is the reason why I'm doing it again, because I swear that I feel something more around this - him. In my delusion mind, you don't meet someone by chance. You don't screw up the chance you have to really know someone when you feel a special connection with them. Not like I did. Maybe that's the reason that I feel the necessity to just see him again. I don't know what I expect of this, and maybe I should just let it go, but I have friends that are delusional like me, and they support me with this crazy feeling… So, yeah, I listened to all of his band's albums and came to a show - just because it was in my city. It's not like I fight for tickets when I found out that they would be here. Not at all. 
Everything was good, and I was already feeling that coming to the show was the closure that I need to this history when my friend Anna, that came with me, grab my hand while we're exiting the venue.
“Let's wait outside. I know some fans do it, sometimes they stop to take pictures and talk to them.”
I get nervous immediately. I've already seen him, discovered who he is and for me that's enough, I don't have the courage to be in front of him again. I don't want him to think that I'm stalking him and make this role thing uncomfortable. It was supposed to be something nice, just it. Actually, it was just supposed to be a memory. Everything that happened after I left that day shouldn't have happened, I didn't say my name because I didn't want anything to happen. I'm going further than I should, I'm exceeding the limit I drew for myself. It's more than enough.
“No! We can't wait for them!” I protest, thinking in an excuse when Anna looks at me, her eyes narrow, knowing me well enough. “I have to work in the morning.”
“You can miss one rehearsal.”
“I have class tomorrow. I can't miss it, I'm the teacher.” I say, but Anna doesn't take me serious, she knows that I'm having a meltdown right now. “What if they don't even came out? We’re just going to lose time waiting here.”
Squeezing my hand, she smiles at me.
“Then at least you tried.”
So we wait, talk with some people that are waiting there too and it's cool. It's nice. But I can't stop feeling that I'm doing something wrong being here. I don't know, betraying the universe, maybe? I made my choice that day and just because I regret it now, can I just switch sides? 
Uh, no, I don't think so. 
Maybe it's supposed to be just like it was, some nice exchange in the train between strangers. Maybe it supposed for me not saying my name.
I'm almost given up and going home when I see them coming in our direction. Anna has a big smile in her face, her eyes shinning, and I almost can hear her saying - he's here! He's here! - but I just look at her and then at him approaching the others, and I freeze, taking a step back. 
There's another member of the band with him - with I know now that his name is Nicholas - and they start to talking with the little crowed waiting for them. I stay in the corner with Anna, without a clue to how to start this interaction without being a weirdo.
I'm still considering running out of here when his eyes catch me one time. Two times. A little frowning in his face in the third time. What if he doesn't remember me? 
“I know you” he says, his eyes studying mine, coming closer.
“We met at…” But I don't need to finish when his faces changes. He recognizes me. 
“Yes, I remember” he smiles. “You found me.”
I let out a small nervous breath, forcing it into a weak smile.
“It took long enough, but yes. I did found you.”
There’s a grin that won't leave his lips, and I cannot stop staring at it. 
“What's your name?” Yeah, here's the million dollars question.
I finally tell him my name, answering the question I should have answered months ago when I had the opportunity, then had to beg the universe for another chance.
“Well, I’m Noah” he says next.
“Nice to meet you.” I chuckled nervously.
I already know his name, but him saying it to me feels more legit. I think I can finally stop referring to this man in my mind as him or the stranger.
He finally has a name.
“You liked the show?” Noah asks.
“Yes! It was so great!” I rejoiced. “You guys are so talented! I was shocked when I was listening the albums, I'm just… I became a fan.”
The smile in Noah’s lips grows and the shy look in his eyes makes strange things happen in my stomach. I really hope that's not butterflies. It's like something frozen at the moment, at the same time suddenly I'm well aware of the people still around us, hoping for a little more time with the members of the band they came to see. 
Noah gives me a little embrace, catching me off guard when I hear his voice so close.
“You found me, now it's my time” he whispers in my ear.
“I follow you” I replied, the words coming out my mouth like it's an urgency. 
“Great.” he says, stepping back and giving attention to the person next to us.
I look around for Anna, who I didn't even see leaving, she's back at my side in a second.
“How it was?” she asks as we leave. 
“He said he's going to find me” I chuckle. “ I think on social media? I don't know.”
“It would be suspicious if he asked for your number in front of everyone.” She considers. “Or even invite you for, I don't know… their bus” Anna makes a funny face, giving me a side look. “I wouldn’t let you leave with him like that anyway, he’s cute and talented, but he’s still a man.”
I laugh, loving her a little more for taking care of me.
“I wouldn’t abandon you like that.” I say. “Thank you for coming with me.”
"Of course. As if I would miss the chance to help my best friend meet her train crush, who happened to be a fucking rock star." She rolls her eyes, getting into the car.
“It don't even make sense.” I let out a disbelief laugh. “Did you see how many people were there today? This is like impossible, he's famous, a celebrity, I'm not the kind of person…”
“Stop it right now.” She interrupts me. “He's a person just like you are. Yes, he's talented and is in a band that obviously is getting bigger every second, but it doesn't mean anything. He's human. You're human. It's all we need.”
“You're right, I'm thinking too much again.” I say, starting the car. “At least I tried.”
I'm already home getting ready to sleep when a notification came on my phone. A message on Instagram from an account with a peculiar profile pic. I don't make a ceremony and open it right away.
“I can't believe that I spend two hours talking with you that day and don't ask your name first thing!” 
“I swear, I'm not like this in normal situations”
“You got me nervous”
I bite my bottom lip, trying to stop myself from smiling.
“I'm sorry for not saying my name when you asked. I regret it every day since I left.” 
“Two fools”
“How did you found me? I tried to look for you but get nothing”
“Well, I'm not as popular as you”
“A video of the band randomly appeared on my timeline, I think I talked about the guy on the train so much to my friends that the algorithm took pity on me and threw it in my face.”
“For once social media did something right”
“So… You're going to stay in town or…?”
“No. We already left”
“I didn't want to expose you out there earlier, but if you get me your number, I can let you know when I'm around?”
“I'll understand if you don't want to, my life can be a little crazy sometimes.”
There's no hesitation in my answer.
“I really want to know better the guy that I met on the train three months ago and can't stop wondering about, so… Yes, If that's okay for you.”
“Great. I've searched for you in every city that we go to since that day, can't wait to properly get to know you too, stranger.”
So I sent my number.
And God, I should have known I was in trouble the moment I got that first message from him. As the days went by, I realized that I was crazy to think that Noah was untouchable just because of what he does for a living, he has become the funniest and sweetest person I know.
We're definitely not strangers anymore.
Not when we talk every day now.
Not when I learned all his favorites.
Not when I’m counting days to see Noah in person again.
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braxlrose · 1 year
Modern bill request modern bill request
How about Bill and his gf being opposites in the sense of 💅💕✨🎤 bill and 🖤✨🎸🐈‍⬛ reader, someone who dresses a bit more masculine in a way too! I love bill sm i love when people accept how he is now
modern!bill dating his polar opposite
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• I feel like he totally loves your style. I think he's totally into the black cat/golden retriever relationship and loves you so much.
• even though he's much more 💅 ✨️ 💖 now, he still is really good at shopping and your styles are much closer than you think they're. bill is just way more colorful.
• whenever you two go shopping together, he picks out the best clothes for the both of you. you both get studded jackets but yours are usually black and his are either black or pink, or an assortment of colors for an outfit on stage. he's also really good at picking out skirts for you.
• you're much more quieter than him, and don't talk as much in interviews and are a lot more introverted around people than he is. so if you guys are doing an interview, you are usually just adding things into conversation. but bill doesn't mind at all and he loves that you're so good at listening while he rants about random shit.
• there are tons of pictures taken by paparazzi of you just standing there holding onto bill by his jacket while he smothers your face in kisses, and in each picture you're slowly smiling more
• he loves hearing you rant about music you like. you don't go on rants like this a lot so when he hears you talking like this he knows it's something extremely important to you and will listen to you talk for hours. my personal favorite is Siouxsie and the Banshees (4 any baby goths, yall should to them)
• he's pretty experienced with makeup, especially dark makeup and he loves doing it. it's so much fun for him and for you.
• he loves seeing your new tattoos, if you get/have a lot of those and he's always excited to see what new design you got. same goes for piercings, he has a lot of piercings himself, so I think he'd like a s/o with piercings too. I think he likes people with tons of ear piercings ngl. like double studs, industrial, helix, etcetera etcetera.
• even though you're not the most affectionate person, it doesn't matter to him. he will sit on top of you for hours just kissing your face and tickling you just to hear you laugh. and wraps his arms around you all the time. he's totally fine with being the one who initiates affectionate things
• he literally loves your alternative style so much, because he loves people who aren't afraid to stand out in a crowd. he thinks it's boring to be normal and he thinks you're one of the coolest people ever for just being yourself and not letting anybody tell you otherwise.
• loves going to concerts with you just to hear you scream to your favorite songs
• he loves going to gothic clubs with you because he finds all the different dances so fucking cool. and he asks you to teach him out to do dances so he, ironically, can fit in with everybody else.
• whenever bill brings you to a function or something, there's always interviewers asking "how you two are dating" when you seem so different even when in reality you guys are a lot alike in tons of ways. he just rolls his eyes and answers something like "we both actually caught this crazy disease called we like eachother, crazy right?!"
• he fell in love with you the moment he saw you. the first time he saw you was at a club, you were dancing out on the floor in a tight black dress, your hair looked absolutely amazing; think amy lee on the Fallen album, and you had a red solo cup in your hand and you looked like the most beautiful woman on the planet. there were tons of women all around you but bill could only see you.
• he loves it when little kids come up to you and compliment you because no matter how much you deny it, it always makes you smile
a/n: i am obsessed with modern bill and I'm much more of a 🖤✨️🎸🐈‍⬛️ kind of girl myself sooo 😈 I also added a little bit to this, personality-wise as well
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7 @killed-kiss @memog1rl @80s-tingz @billybabeskaulitz
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