#this is bad year for lesbian rep huh?
why do bad things (shows being erased or cancelled/characters leaving) always happen to good people (lesbians)
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sytokun · 2 years
The year is 2025. RWBY may or may not still be in hiatus, or cancelled, or still ongoing.
At least 50 more useless side characters have been added to the cast.
Maria and Pietro are still missing. Ruby comments by saying "Huh, I wonder where Maria and Pietro are". Yang replies "Maybe they're off on a date", Blake replies "Oddly wholesome" and they all laugh together.
The current villain is a dark-skinned male Faunus who happens to be a working-class family man who is fighting for a social issue that is oddly relevant to some real-life events in 2025. But it's okay guys, bad people corrupting noble causes is still totally a valid way to write villains.
Bumbleby is still not canon. Yes, they are still calling it a slow burn.
Cinder is still fucking alive, oh god why
Rooster Teeth has officially exhausted their entire supply of bright-eyed creators who aspired to work on RWBY. They finally hit their goal of either firing or expiring the contract of every last one. That'll teach them for having dreams.
The merch now consists of $500 shirts with RQBY sewn in microscopic fibre on the inside of the fabric. The show name was misspelled in the first print run, but enough people complained about it that RT just went "alright, fuck you guys" and didn't bother to change it since.
About half of RT's legacy staff have confirmed to be in some sort of really fucked up scandal. The other half made callout docs and tweets, which caused the fandom to be angry for a week before they went back to sharing fanart as usual.
RT is now currently using a new production pipeline, where every single animator's contract only lasts for a single episode, before they leave and they find new people to animate the next one. They're hoping to further optimise this process next year by making it per scene instead.
There is a new RWBY side anime coming out, animated by prestigious animation studio Cocomelon.
An entire team of four unambiguously queer Hunters were killed onscreen. CRWBY has blamed the first death on a team of rogue, disobedient animators accidentally drawing her kissing a girl and confessing her undying sapphic love for her - she wasn't meant to be seen as a lesbian. The second death was blamed on the fans, the crew saying "this was supposed to be a side character, but you all started liking her and demanding more screentime for her, so fuck you" in the Volume commentary. The third was a monkey Faunus with comically yellow skin, squinted eyes and a long moustache named Mu Fanchu whose Semblance involves him making monkey noises and his weapon is a giant banana - surprisingly, he turned out to be secretly evil. The fourth just died offscreen because she was a fan character who won an OC fan design contest, but they had no time to include her in the show - in fact, the time her death was mentioned was the very first and only time the character was introduced.
Jaune says onscreen "Somehow, Ironwood has returned."
Green Dust is now Fire Dust, which Eddy confirms in a Reddit post - not in r/RWBY, but in an obscure reply in r/fantasygeology. No one found that post until 2 months later and when asked, the reply was "Green fire exists, I can see how you can get them confused".
Ozpin has now reincarnated into Oswald Pint, one of eight new boys currently with RWBY's group and for some reason have more screentime and agency than the girls. Oscar died in Volume 11 Episode 3 in a sickeningly distressing torture scene - that's the episode, the whole episode was the torture scene.
The fandom is abuzz over the newest queer rep in the show: a talking glass of water named Clear, who is genderfluid.
RT releases a RWBY mobile game only available in two postcodes, is not written in English and discontinues it after 3 months due to "stupid fucking fans not engaging with our products". Fans continue to insist that somehow, this must still be either WayForward or SHAFT's fault.
Jaune Vs. Aquaboy is slated to release next year. In fact, Volume 11 stopped in the middle of Episode 4 and will be on hiatus for the next 3 years until the crossover is out.
Speaking of Jaune, he just killed Nora. In fact, he did it just as I was posting this. Oh, he's killed Ruby too. And Clear our genderfluid queen, and Aquaboy as well. Oh god, he's looking this way, help me
The year is 2025, and if one thing hasn't changed, it's that hardcore RWBY stans are still around. When asked about the state of RWBY, they had this to say:
"RWBY is still amazing, and CRWBY is still amazing. Shame about those queer and PoC employees... oh well! I'm supporting manufactured fictional minorities so same thing, really."
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
You know that tale that seeing queer representation in children’s media will corrupt and confuse your child?
Well when I was 9 or 10, I bought a book from the library about a boy called sam.
Sam had two mums.
My 9 yr old brain thought: ‘huh, he has two mums’ and proceeded to read the story
Bear in mind I was raised in a straight family, I didn’t know any queer people, I barely knew what the term gay meant. It was in the days when gay was passed around the playground as a meaningless insult by kids who thought they were being clever.
So here’s little old me, with no queer exposure, didn’t even know that women were allowed to love each other, reading a book with lesbian rep and not batting an eyelid.
I didn’t think it was odd - I thought it was different, I’d never seen openly queer characters in books before, but the truth was that this was just a book about a boy who’s parents had lost a child.
I didn’t realise it then, tbh I haven’t thought about this book in years, but seeing a queer couple portrayed in the same scenarios a straight couple could have been portrayed, really helped normalise queer families for me.
So if a 9 yr old who didn’t even know queer people existed can read a book with lesbian rep, then surely it’s NOT going to corrupt your kids mind. Maybe it will normalise queer relationships for straight kids, and let queer kids know that it’s okay to like the same sex.
Just my thoughts x
This is beautiful. This is important.
Thank you for sharing.
I don't think children being exposed to queer media will corrupt them at all.
For starters, the whole assumption insinuates that being queer is bad and corruptible.
I think one of the main reasons adults say this and don't want children to access queer content is because they are uncomfortable. They don't want to answer the questions kids might have. They don't want to deal with it. They don't want to be responsible for something they don't even understand probably.
So, they pin this on the children and say things like 'children don't like it' or 'it's bad for children'.
Don't use children as an excuse to hide your own discomfort.
So, yeah.
I think sharing stories such as yours are necessary - and so overwhelming.
I'm very proud of you. Thank you for the serotonin <3
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farshores · 3 years
Character Masterpost!
Figured I’d have to post this eventually - fair warning these are kinda rough, I was never good at this sorta thing lol. But enjoy! A quick masterpost of my Skyrim ocs (might add Oblivion + Morrowind ones whenever I play those games)
Under the cut because, hoo boy, do I have a tendency to ramble
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Name(Titles): Jeer-Tei Perdes (Dragonborn / Legate Perdes / Listener / Harbinger / Slayer of Miraak, Alduin, Paarthurnax and Ulfric / Champion of Hircine) Race: Argonian Gender/Sexuality: Nonbinary (They/Them) / Gay Birthsign: Steed Age: Roughly Late 20s/Early 30s to Mid/Late 30s (As of the events of Skryim + Dragonborn DLC), Roughly early/mid 50s (events of VIGILANT + Dawnguard DLC) Reference Sheet: (x)
Jeer-Tei had an interesting start in life, their egg abandoned near the docks of Satakalaam, only to be discovered by a local Redguard blacksmith picking up his shipments. Once hatched, they were raised under Redguard traditions and values - from its pantheon to the general disdain of magic - & would carry these beliefs over upon their arrival to Skyrim as a young adult. Tei didn’t intend on staying in the province, especially with the rumors of a civil war bubbling, but unfortunately got scammed into working at the Windhelm docks for the next few years. During this, they felt sympathy for the Dunmer and Argonians stuck in the city and chose to stick around to guard both the Assemblage & Gray Quarter at night from the unruly locals. It was a bit before the time of Ulfric’s capture when Tei would officially leave Windhelm, Rumarin & Lucifer in tow, unknowingly starting the path towards Alduin’s defeat. Which they have...strong opinions of.
Trivia/Fun facts:
Tei was never one to worship the Divines (who they refer to as the “Imperial Cult” with much disdain), so the fact they were this supposed hero of Akatosh leaves a bad taste in their mouth.
Could care less about the Empire. While they definitely didn’t agree with Ulfric’s causes, they didn’t want to work for a faction that abandoned their home to the Thalmor. Unfortunately, they were strong armed into joining the Empire’s army due to previous actions having consequences.
Tei was infected with Canis Hysteria (Lycanthropy) early in their arrival to Skyrim, they quickly learned to live with it & became a follower of Hircine.
Post-Alduin & CW, Tei unfortunately doesn’t spend much time at home. More often than not they’re taking trips to Solitude or even Cyrodiil itself as Skyrim’s rep - or is holed up in Skyhaven with Blade business
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Name(Titles): Meixiu (Mei) Perdes (That one tall chick who keeps raising the dead) Race: Argonian/Altmer Gender/Sexuality: Girl...Perhaps (She/Her) / Lesbian Birthsign: Apprentice Age: Late teens to Early/Sorta Mid 20s (Events of VIGILANT + Dawnguard DLC, Bit of College of Winterhold quest as well) Reference Sheet: (x)
Hatched and raised in Ivarstead, Mei is the youngest (next to her twin, Otero) of the Perdes family, & the most magic-oriented to boot. She always had a fascination with the schools, putting her at odds with her 3 parents - but thankfully, they were never ones to keep her from learning. Mei would become a student at the College of Winterhold at a relatively young age, learning that her talents shine the most with a mix of Conjuration and Dwemer tech! After....an unfortunate incident down in the Midden...We don’t talk about it. Regardless, it gained her a spot in a transfer program to Shimmerene’s mage guild - conveniently where she missed out on the whole orb debacle she and some fellow students were looking into...huh. But hey! Summerset is really nice & she gets to apply her studies towards helping people...right?
Trivia/Fun facts:
Mei is roughly 8′3″ when fully grown - she tends to forget how this height can intimidate people
She is very interested on the concept of souls & how the Dwemer worked with them. But she insists it’s on ways to help people - rather than trapping them in the machines
Mei’s very open-minded on some ideas that those might be uncomfortable with. She herself doesn’t fully understand the whole upset about raising the dead & soul gems herself.
Her spine+neck is very flexible (think ferret-spine). Regardless, she does need to wear a brace occasionally because being a long-bendy noodle is not good for your back.
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Name(Titles): Otero Perdes (Child of Stendarr / Slayer of Harkon) Race: Argonian/Akaviri Gender/Sexuality: Transmasc (He/Him) / Demisexual Birthsign: Apprentice Age: Late teens to Early/Sorta Mid 20s (Events of VIGILANT + Dawnguard DLC) Reference Sheet: (x)
Youngest of the Perdes family, next to Mei, Otero is often seen as the less approachable one of the family. (A feat in itself, considering how intimidating Tei became) He’s rude, quick to see someone as a threat, and has very little tolerance for Daedra, their worshippers, or the undead. It wasn’t always like this, however; Otero was initially a quiet child, struggling with ways to step out of his parent’s shadow. As it turned out, he was “blessed” with the same beast blood Tei held - his first transformation happening at the age of 13. This ended up traumatizing him & would create a rift with Tei for years to come - as the two had vastly different views on the situation. Not long after Mei left for Winterhold, Otero would run off himself - ending up near Dawnstar & taken under Altano’s wing to become a Vigilant. (Something Tei didn’t agree with, but they were of the belief of letting Otero see things through on his end.) It was here where he met Pelath, and where both had suffered from Molag Bal’s games. After the events of VIGILANT, Otero would soon join the Dawnguard with a new-found hatred for vampires, being the one to kill Harkon alongside Serana.
Trivia/Fun facts:
If you had to assign Otero a class from the previous Elder Scroll games, it would be Crusader.
While now very skilled in the art of Restoration & One-handed weapons, Otero was far from it when he first joined the Vigilants. His mastery came from many grueling training sessions, alongside many more life & death situations.
The only vampire he truly tolerated/trusted is Serana - even willing to defend her if she had decided not to cure herself.
I hope you don’t have a rough n gruff voice hc for him, because his main voice claim/reference is Jason Schwartzmann
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Name(Titles): Pelath Elsinire (Shezarr / Keeper of Stuhn’s Ravine) Race: Altmer Gender/Sexuality: Bigender (He/Him + She/Her) / Pansexual Birthsign: Lord Age: Early to Mid/Sorta late 20s (Events of VIGILANT + Dawnguard DLC)
A runaway from Summerset, Pelath came to Skyrim in hopes for a new life. What she didn’t expect was to be thrown headfirst into a whole Daedric debacle. After being recruited by Altano, Pelath was assigned to be Otero’s partner in missions - the two having a relatively rough start due to Otero’s general attitude, but they quickly bond & come to rely on one another, especially after getting trapped in Cold Harbour. The whole event was life-changing, to say the least, & Pelath still struggles with the fact that he is Shezarr incarnate - since...y’know...Elf. But there’s no time to fret on such things, Pel is a follower of Stendarr first, and that’s going to be the focus.
Trivia/Fun facts:
Pel would assist Otero in the events of Dawnguard, while she wouldn’t be there for the final fight, she would help provide healing & other resources. In fact, Pel was the reason Otero didn’t end up getting into a worse situation with Serana when the two discovered her, as he was quite ready to attack the vampire.
She is a jack of all trades when it comes to the different schools of magic, Illusion is her strong suit.
Pel and Otero do have some romantic chemistry, but both agreed on the fact that neither are truly ready for a relationship right now.
Has no idea where the face scar came from, had it as long as memory serves.
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Name(Titles): Courron (Librarian’s Assistant / Archmage-In-Training) Race: Bosmer/Imperial Gender/Sexuality: Cis Boy(tm) (He/Him) / AroAce Birthsign: Lover Age: Early to Mid/Sorta late 20s (Events of VIGILANT + Dawnguard DLC, College of Winterhold)
Mei’s childhood best friend who doesn’t get paid enough w/ the shit he’s seen. Courron’s the most normal of all the individuals listed, he just wants to get an education & help upkeep the Arcanaeum in Winterhold. Though stopping a Thalmor from misusing the Eye of Magnus is on that list too, he guesses. Courron doesn’t know what mass goal he has in mind and isn’t too psyched about being trained to become Archmage; he’s just happy where he is at now, responding to letters from Mei & occasionally assisting in experiments whenever she comes to visit.
Trivia/Fun facts:
Not to be cringe but he may or may not be a Lucien/Auri fankid. This is probably going to change though lmao
Literally the most normal dude here, just wants to read books and do fancy magic stuff.
Knows what happened with Mei in the Midden, doesn’t talk about it because he isn’t a snitch
Played evil god(tm) and gave him my trait of being damn near-blind & needing strong-ass glasses. Nearsightedness is a bitch
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Name(Titles): K’avle (Priest of Stendarr) Race: Redguard Gender/Sexuality: Cis male (he/him) / Bisexual Birthsign: Lady Age: Early to Mid 50s (Events of Skyrim + Dragonborn DLC) - ~70s (Events of VIGILANT + Dawnguard DLC)
Trivia/Fun facts:
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
(WLW anon) I really don’t like the “bad rep is better then none at all”. I hate that. We should want good rep, because bad rep has been used time and time again by homophobes as to say we shouldn’t get representation. To me it’s not “gay can have the same flaws as het”, it’s “fix the flaws in the het”. Also I know Renora being independent was a good, I was just saying in comparison BB. Also, yes, they were separated, but also didn’t stop thinking about each other. Especially bad with Yang.
Indulge me for a moment because I want to take a trip down memory lane and list some—just some—of the queer rep that has been important to me over the years:
Ellen comes out both as herself and as her character… years later, she’s a hated millionaire who is criticized for how she treats her staff
The wildly influential Buffy gives us two women entering a loving relationship… except then Tara is killed off, Willow goes evil for a time, and Buffy comes under fire for Joss Whedon’s everything
The beloved and respectable headmaster of one of the most popular book series ever published is revealed to be gay… except it doesn’t count because it wasn’t in the text and now all of Harry Potter is cancelled because JKR is transphobic
Kurt is an unambiguously gay teen in a hugely popular TV series, acting as one of the first overt representations a generation has seen… except he’s way too stereotypical and Glee is a joke now
Orange is the New Black gives us a number of queer women, including one of our first trans characters… but isn’t it problematic that they’re all criminals?
Brooklyn Nine-Nine hosts an out gay captain and gives us a bisexual coming out story that resonated with many, myself included… except now we’re supposed to hate all the characters on principle because they’re cops
Korra and Asami walk off into the spiritual sunset together… but they never kiss or anything, so that doesn’t count either
Steven Universe gives us a queer relationship and a wedding… but it’s an issue that this is just a kid’s show and, really, does it count when the rep is embodied by space rocks whose entire species only creates a single gender? Feels like a cop-out
Same with Good Omens. Yeah, Crowley and Aziraphale clearly love each other… but you never see them kiss or declare their intentions. It’s great ace rep though! Unless you want to level the criticism that asexual characters are always nonhuman
A character intended to be a minor guest becomes a show staple and eventually declares his love for one of the two main characters… except then Castiel immediately dies, Dean doesn’t respond, and they never meet on screen again
I finished Queen’s Gambit the other day and the main character had a one-night stand with a woman! … but everyone is talking about how bisexuality is used to represent her lowest point, so that’s bad too
I could go on for literal pages. Some of these arguments I agree with (Dumbledore), others I’ve pushed back against quite strongly (Crowley and Aziraphale), but all of them are valid criticisms depending on what part of the queer community you’re in and what your expectations are. My point here is that it’s all “bad rep.” I mean that seriously. If anyone reading this is scrambling for the comment section to say why [insert media title here] is actually fantastic rep, I guarantee that someone disagrees. Or if they don’t, give it some time. Just wait until the characterization becomes offensively outdated, or another part of the story ruins the relationship, or it comes out that the author did something truly horrific, or the terminology changes and it’s labeled as “problematic” now… just wait. At some point, any rep we feel is good rep now will be criticized, cancelled, and dragged through the mud. The rep that I personally haven’t seen much push-back against—like the beloved Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who, or Schitts Creek that just won a ton of awards—is wrapped up in the criticism, “So it’s all just about able-bodied, cis, (mostly) white dudes, huh? :/”  Even the argument that queer characters need to be written by queer authors doesn’t hold up. I absolutely adored Sense8. “Wow, a gay main character in a loving relationship with another gay man, both of whom enter a loving poly relationship with a woman, another lesbian trans main character who marries the love of her life on screen, an entire cast arguably queer due to them sharing orgy scenes centered around the emotional intimacy they share, everyone survives, and this was written by two trans women! Great, right?” Well, not according to the wealth of opinions explaining how Sense8 is horrible rep, actually. Every piece of rep we’ve got is either currently flawed or will become flawed in the future.
So what do we do with that?
That’s where my “I’d rather have bad rep than no rep at all” comes in. For me, that’s not waving the white flag. That’s not an oath that I won’t expect better rep in the future (I do) or that I won’t criticize the rep we get (BOY DO I), but rather just an acknowledgement of reality. The vast majority—if not the entirety—of rep is “bad rep” in one way or another, but I’d still rather have it than nothing at all. Because I’ve lived just long enough and studied media just enough to know what nothing looked like. It was watching all queer characters meet untimely deaths. Before that it was watching queer characters be derided and treated as jokes. Before that it was nothing but coding, where queer characters didn’t exist except in our own headcanons and interpretations. Obviously “bad rep” covers a very large range of issues and “They haven’t even confirmed this relationship yet” is a bigger issue than “This queer character embodies one or two, mild stereotypes,” but ultimately I’d take any of it over nothing at all. And enjoying what we’ve currently got doesn’t mean I’m willing to settle for it indefinitely.
To use an iffy analogy, imagine there’s a factory. This factory makes plates. So. Many. Plates. Big plates, small plates, plain plates, decorative plates, plates for every possible occasion in your life—and everyone with a steak for dinner is pleased as punch. You though? You’ve got soup. You need a bowl. Your entire life you’ve been struggling to eat your soup off a plate (it doesn’t work) and listening to friends and family claim that the plate with a slightly raised edge could be a bowl if you squint (it’s not). To say it’s frustrating is an understatement.
But then, one day, the factory starts producing bowls too. Hurray! Except as soon as you get your hands on one, you’re told you really shouldn’t be using it, let alone praising it. Look at the state of that bowl! It’s cracked right down the middle, ugly as hell, shoddily made all around… you’re not really going to settle for that, are you? And no, you obviously still want the factory to produce better bowls, but at the same time, this is a bowl. You’ve never gotten one before and you can finally enjoy your meal, even if the soup leaks at times. Sometimes a lot. But you’re still feeling better about your meal than you ever have before. And what you then begin to realize is that lots of the plates are a mess too. They also have cracks, they’re also ugly, many are also shoddily made. The difference is that the factory is producing so many plates at such a rapid pace that every steak eater is able to get by. One plate breaks completely? You’ve got a thousand fallbacks. Don’t like the look of this one? A thousand other options. You disagree about what “shoddily made” means? Luckily there are enough plates that everyone can find what they prefer! But the bowls… there’s only a few. Some are really expensive. Others are only available for a limited time before they suddenly disappear. Your bowl breaks and you have to wait months, years sometimes, to get another one. You’re constantly told to go buy this one obscure bowl no one else has heard about and yeah, you like it... but you’d also like to buy one of the bowls everyone is already enjoying. You find yourself looking at the plates and thinking, “I’d like that. I’d like to have so many options that the flaws, while still a problem, are much more bearable.” You’re still going to demand that the factory get its shit together, you’re still going to (rightly) complain about the awful quality of your bowl… but it’s still nice to have a bowl, period. There are still things you like about it, even if it’s a mess: the color, the size, the beauty of the shape of it. Its potential. You’re still pleased you have something to enjoy and that helps serve the need you’re looking to fill, even if that something is imperfect.
That’s “bad rep is better than no rep.” To bring this very long response back to Blake/Yang, I don’t think their problems negate their benefits. Is their relationship currently non-canonical and filled with a number of writing issues everyone has a right to be angry about? Yup. I express that anger a great deal. Are they still half of a team on a very popular show that is (presumably) set to be canonized as queer? Yup. I’d much rather live in a world where big shows like RWBY try to include queer rep and fail in a multitude of ways—with the expectation and hope that they’ll continue to improve—rather than in a world where authors a) don’t care or b) are too scared to try. Because that’s where a “good rep or no rep” stance leads. The danger isn’t homophobes because they’re, well, homophobes. It doesn’t matter if the rep is good or not, they hate it on principle. But if queer authors writing for other queer identities, or allies writing queer identities, or even queer authors writing their own experiences (like in Sense8) continually come under non-stop fire for their attempts… there’s a good chance that many people won’t ever try. We’re already seeing that here on tumblr with young authors admitting that they wouldn’t touch [insert topic here] with a ten-foot pole because just look at what happens when you get it wrong. And authors will get things wrong because authors are fallible people forever unlearning their own ignorance. So though it might sound strange coming from a blog that has turned into such a RWBY critical space, I am glad that RWBY’s queer rep exists, despite all the frustrations that I share about it. I think a RWBY with various types of “bad” queer rep is better than a RWBY with no queer rep at all, particularly when “bad” or “good” is so intensely subjective. There’s a middle ground between passively accepting whatever we’re given, and tearing into rep with such ferocity that we end up rejecting it all. There’s a space where we can be critical of rep and embrace the parts that work for us, simultaneously.
I hope and expect the het rep will get better too, but… that’s never going to happen instantly. To quote RWBY, there’s no magic wand we can wave to fix all our problems. Rather, it will take slow, plodding, meandering, lifetimes’ worth of work to see that change occur and I personally don’t want to spend the one life I have waiting for that perfect rep to show up. Because it’s unlikely that it will. While we work, I’d rather find the good in what rep we’ve already got.  
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Buffy Season 8: Review
It’s bad. It’s just... really... bad. That’s the TL;DR of this review. There was one (1) good thing about this season and that was the return of Oz. So if you’re looking for something that hypes season 8? This is not it. If you are confused, angry or salty about season 8? Hi, yes, me too.
Starting at the beginning. At first, I was really happy that they introduced more characters of color, with Renee and Satsu. And when Renee was then even “promoted” to Xander’s love interest? Nice. The two were even cute.
But no. That was all just the set-up to fridge her. Which, I am so very tired of that trope. And that is what that was. That wasn’t just a slayer dying during a fight. The entire issue of her death focused on her and Xander, building up to their relationship, setting them up for their first date, having her be prominently featured, just to then kill her off and have Xander avenge her.
What made it feel even worse - worse than just the fridging - was that they really had to fridge one of their very few women of color. And, to top it off, spend the entire issue in which she dies having her subjected to racism. Just great. Really, you managed to make an already shitty trope even worse. That’s impressive.
The racism itself too. Dracula. They just decided to make Dracula totally racist now, huh? and it doesn’t get a pass just because Xander points out in the comic that he doesn’t remember Dracula being this racist. Because he wasn’t. This Dracula just throws around slurs left and right in a way that feels more like the writers just really wanted to use slurs. Because the character? He was suave, charming, heck he charmed the straight men and the lesbians too when he was on the show. He was a smooth talker. This Dracula? He just... He was just racist and rude in general. Why.
Moving on from the racism to the next failure in rep. The gays. At this point in time I am simply convinced that Joss Whedon is entirely unfamiliar with the concept of bisexuality.
I know I’ve already made a separate post complaining about this, but it needs mentioning in the review of the season too. Having Buffy hook up with a lesbian twice, but #NoHomo, just a straight girl in her “experimental phase”. That’s just cringey and also offensive. Just... make her... come out as a bisexual? It’s not like the writing in the show hadn’t already set her up with quite the bi vibes.
Instead, the narrative made it sound like the only options would be to be straight or to now suddenly turn “into” a lesbian. Which is also offensive on itself, because - as this very show had proven on screen - lesbians can come out later in life and genuinely, I adore Willow’s arc. For her narrative, it fit to have her come out as a lesbian, the circumstances and her life fit for that. I absolutely agree that it would have been weird for Buffy to have a sudden coming out as a lesbian at that point in her life and after everything, but referring to it as turning into a dyke was just not great.
And lesbian wasn’t the only option. Though, I’m unsure Whedon knows that, considering that 6/6 canon queer characters are homosexual and 4/4 wlw are lesbians. They just keep introducing more lesbians - which, as a lesbian I am always in favor of more lesbians. However, when you have a very small number (2) of queer characters, it figures you can not cover all the sexualities and it’s even fair that even with two, you still choose to have them both be the same sexuality. But... the more you add? The more questionable it becomes that you limit it to one sexuality only.
This arc would have so beautifully set up for Buffy to come out as bi. But no.
And while we’re on the wlw; one of the things I always loved about Buffy was that the lesbians weren’t just there for the male gaze, they weren’t oversexualized. They desired each other, they even had sex. But... in a normal frame work, to a normal amount, meaning equal to how the straights were handled. I always liked that, because especially in early days, lesbians were usually just there to look really hot and have hot sex that straight men could get off to. Well, consider me very unimpressed with the comics, because... man are lesbians sexualized now. Willow gets a hot constantly naked snake goddess girlfriend whom she can only contact by - and I am not making this up - having an orgasm. So we prelude the trip by her having sex with Kennedy, before waking up all nude in snake goddess’ realm and usually having am makeout session or sex with her too while doing whatever business she has with her. So much nakedness, so much oversexualization. Really... disappointing.
Staying on the romance but turning to the other Summers sister, I truly can’t believe they made Xander/Dawn canon. Like, I can not comprehend they decided to make that a canon ship.
Sure, Dawnie’s had a crush on Xander since the literal beginning of Dawn. And that was... cute, honestly. Fifteen year old girls have crushes on cute older guys who are nice to them. Figures. Adorable. But she kind of... grew out of that over the course of the show? Or so it seemed...
And Xander. One of the things I loved about Xander was that Dawn was always a total no go. She was Buffy’s sister, heck, she was kind of every Scoobie’s little sister. He had always had brotherly advise for her. Heck, in this comic he points out that it’s weird since he’s known her since she was little - and yeah it is. It’s not weird when two people were both little together, but when one was sixteen when the other was eleven and one has babysat the other? That’s weird.
Getting infinitely more disturbing by the fact that she... literally... just turned eighteen. If they had put this into a rather later season, or a bigger time skip, had Dawn been A WomanTM for a few years now and Xander had gotten around to separating the idea of kiddo!Dawnie from the woman she has become, but Dawn is only eighteen, she hasn’t become a woman yet. She just turned legal to bang and thus, a switch was flipped in Xander’s mind, putting her on his radar. And just... no. Why.
And even beyond this decision; Dawn spends the first third of this season being slut-shamed in ridiculous ways. Which is also tiresome. I am the last person to defend cheaters, but there’s a difference between “You cheated and are being held accountable for it” and “You cheated so now you are cursed to be a giant, a centaur and then a porcellain doll for weeks at a time, being publicly humiliated and having control over your body taken away from you”. That was... sure a choice.
Moving on to the actual main problem of this season. The plot.
Starting with the incomprehensibly dumb idea of “hey let’s retreat to Tibet, put a huge target on Oz’s new home and get rid of all of our magic. surely that will not come to bite us in the arse when the bad guys find us”. Naturally, it came back to bite them in their collective asses. This was just... No one objected or pointed out how dumb that plan was? Really? No one? Really?
Anyway, let’s talk villains. And work our way up there. The return of Amy and Warren. Once again, I ask why. I’m still salty about the 180° Amy did from sweet Wiccan to wicked bitch after her stint as a rat, but having her now... hook up with Warren, the second biggest misogynist on this show, who is also skinless. She used a spell to keep him alive but she couldn’t... give the spell a color? Anything? Anything to not make him look flayed? Because this was just unnecessarily gross body-horror.
Not to mention the... lack of reaction? Sure, some spoke grumpily against working with Warren. But... this is Warren. The guy who killed Tara when he was trying to kill Buffy. There really should have been more breather-scenes of the Scoobies talking about this, digesting the fact that the guy was still alive and more so when they worked with him.
But nevermind them, because they’re working for Angel. Because Angel’s the villain behind this season. I mean, he was manipulated into that by Twilight, but manipulated means he still chose to do it.
Now let me preface that I might not ship Angel/Buffy, but that really only factors marginally in here, because this plot would be bullshit even if it were my OTP.
We now retcon the creation of the Slayers as not just being something dirty old men did in a cave, it was now all the greater plan of the universe. Which. Might have worked had Slayers been... naturally occuring. And not created by men, forcing this upon a young woman. Sure, what people do can be seen as the greater plan of the universe too if you will, but that seems like a cop-out that absolves bad people of their bad choices and deeds.
Anyway. The universe created Slayers and vampires and the ““balance”“ between them (which is bullshit anyway because 1 Slayer vs thousands of vampires... not balanced at all), including the now supposedly destined romance between Angel and Buffy.
Both get rewarded with super-powers now so they can super-fuck and thus give birth to a new universe. That universe is called Twilight and manifests as a burning, winged, green lion who can talk (because that sure is how I always headcanoned Angel/Buffy’s children to look like /s) and who, through time-travel shenannigans, has been manipulating Angel into his own creation.
The magic pull between them is so strong that it overrides the “Angel just caused the death of over two-hundred Slayers” so Buffy fucks him.
At which point I just... this season was flat-out character assassination of Angel? He was manipulated by the bad guy. Not controlled, manipulated. He caused the death of hundreds. He threw everything he stood for and believed in out the window for the promise of a paradise where he could be with Buffy, when the real Angel has chosen other things, higher goals, over being with Buffy over and over again, because that’s what they do. That is their whole thing, they choose the good of the world over being together. They have always been a “will they/won’t they?” where the answer is they won’t, because they know they are needed elsewhere, by others. But now Angel just... doesn’t care about all that anymore, or heck about his own son and his friends, ready to abandon everything for this.
And then when Twilight is born and consequently abandoned by Buffy, who still prioritizes her friends, family and the world over being with Angel, Angel actually... needs convincing in the abandoning? Because, again, character assassination. Ultimately, Angel gets controlled by Twilight and used to kill Giles and try to kill Buffy.
But thanks to the Deus Ex Machina of Spike dropping in in the final arc, they know how to stop this. He hasn’t been in this season so far, because - truly in line with this season - he was off being the king of a race of alien bugs, traveling in their space-ship.
To stop this all, they go back to Sunnydale, where of course the “heart of the Earth” is located, the seed that contains all magic, and destroy it, and with it all magic. Also, the Master was apparently always just there to guard that seed. He is now back from the dead!
Let me summarize that once more, just for emphasis: The universe wanted Buffy and Angel to fuck so they can give birth to a new universe that personifies as a green, winged, burning lion but before it can destroy our universe, Spike, now king of an alien bug race, delivers the solution to go back to Sunnydale and destroy the seed of all magic that is being guarded by a resurrected Master.
How do you read that with a straight face? How do you pitch that? This is just so incomprehensibly stupid.
We end the comic with Buffy as a waitress, hated by many, Xander and Dawn now have an apartment and are playing house, Willow broke up with Kennedy because she realized she is in love with the snake goddess she will now never get to see again, Giles is dead, Faith somehow inherited everything from Giles and she is also the designated Angel-sitter now.
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housemartius · 3 years
okay unpopular i think that it's great that rick said that reyna was asexual, because we need more ace rep, but the way he did it was shitty, and he should've written it into the books. i don't exactly remember but he tweeted that before toa, right? he could've written it somewhere into one of the books in toa. also, i don't really get why people say reyna should've been a lesbian instead, when she can be both. but he's *Rick's* still shitty for mocking wlw for headcanoning reyna as a lesbian
i think he tweeted it back in july of last year?? at least the posts i reblogged that talked about it are dated july 2020. so it was almost a whole year after the book in which reyna joined the hunters... and i absolutely hate that he confirmed his first asexual character via tweet. i find myself hard pressed to believe this is actual representation bc stuff like this is supposed to be in the books, not floating around somewhere in social media 😡
as for the "lesbian vs ace" thing, it's not so much about reyna being either one or the other, it's that rick could have easily confirmed both at the same time. he spent a looong time telling wlw fans that reyna could not possibly be a wlw herself, he mocked us in his works for the whole world to see. he said reyna couldn't be a lesbian bc "harmful stereotypes" but ended up with the same harmful stereotype anyway, but of ace women/people, the idea that a girl is asexual bc she can't get a man... it's funny in an ironic way, like rick really thought he was being smart by making reyna his first ace character for added diversity, and by default he'd be avoiding "bad stereotypes" of lesbians, a two birds one stone kind of situation.. ah, how it all worked out in the end huh sir 🤡🤡🤡
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myonechicagoworld · 4 years
Tumblr media
                                         [ambo door shuts]
Gabby Dawson: Why didn’t you call Alexa back? I liked her.
Leslie Shay: You know the joke - what does a lesbian bring on a
                     second date?
                     A moving van.
Gabby Dawson: You have major commitment issues.
Leslie Shay: Yeah, yeah.
Gabby Dawson: Can you please put this out in front. I’m gonna  
                           take this stuff to the kitchen.
Leslie Shay: All right. I’m not carving this thing.
TV: Some developing local news now…
Peter Mills: Yo, do we have any spices around here besides salt
                   and pepper?
                                            [tv in background]
Otis Zvonecek: What else do you need besides salt and pepper?
Gabby Dawson: [groans]
Peter Mills: Wow.
Gabby Dawson: This is for the trick-or-treaters. And heads up…
                            Halloween is Chief Boden’s favourite holiday.
Peter Mills: [chuckles]
Gabby Dawson: Oh, I’m dead serious.
                                      [plastic bag rustling]
Otis Zvonecek: We can see where you’re putting that.
Gabby Dawson: Hey, nobody touches the candy. We ran out last
Christopher Herrmann: I graciously donate my in-laws television,
                                       and I cannot get a piece of candy?
Gabby Dawson: [scoffs]
                           I keep coriander, cumin and bay leaves in the back
                           Um, I used up all the saffron last time I cooked.
                                      [alarm beeps, PA buzzes]
(Over PA): Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.  
                 Warehouse fire, 6620 Oak Park.
                                 [sirens wailing, horns honking]
                                     [squad door slams shut]
Matt Casey: This is the old Triskin warehouse.
Kelly Severide: Looks like the door’s been pried open. Could be  
                         squatters inside.
Chief Boden: Smoke’s already coming out pretty quick. We don’t  
                      have long on this one.
                      (into radio) Engine 51, give me a 2 ½ in the front  
                      door, cover the search team. Truck 81, open up  
                      the back, vent the skylights.
                      Kelly, give me that primary search.
Kelly Severide: Yep.
Matt Casey: Cruz and Otis, raise the aerial and take out the
                     skylights. Herrmann and Mills, let’s open up the
                     back and get in there.
                     Let’s go.
                                         [indistinct chatter]
Kelly Severide: Smoke’s bad. Get the doors down fast.
Matt Casey: Strike.
                                      [door creaking open]
Matt Casey: Done.
Christopher Herrmann: Going left.
Kelly Severide: Mind your step.
                         Call out.
Christopher Herrmann: Fire department! Anyone in here?
                                        [indistinct chatter]
Chief Boden: That smoke’s turning ugly.
Kelly Severide: Fire department! Anyone in here?
Christopher Herrmann: There’s someone in the back!
                                        Let’s go!
Peter Mills: Hey guys, over here.
                   Fire department! Anybody here? Call out!
Firefighter: I got you. Come on.
                                     [groaning & coughing]
Kelly Severide: Hang on to me. We’re gonna get you out.
Victim 1: [coughing]
Gabby Dawson: We got him.
Peter Mills: Fire department!
                             [wood crashing, glass breaking]
Peter Mills: Unh!
Chief Boden: (over radio) All companies, evacuate the building.
Christopher Herrmann: Come on, Mills, let’s go.
Chief Boden: It’s gonna flash.
Matt Casey: Herrmann and Mills still inside?
Chief Boden: Yep.
                      (over radio) Repeat, evacuate immediately.
                      (into radio) Come on, now, guys. We gotta get out of
                       there. Let’s go.
                      Come on, men.
Christopher Herrmann: Come on, Mills.
Peter Mills: There’s a guy still inside. I saw him.
                   Chief, give me one more minute to go back in there.
Chief Boden: No, it’s over. No more minutes.
Peter Mills: H-He could be alive. Just give me one more minute. I  
                   know I can get to him. I know.
Chief Boden: You’re not going anywhere. This building’s about to
Peter Mills: Chief, I could get…
Chief Boden: Enough!
                      (into radio) All officers, take count of your firefighters.  
                      Nobody goes back in.
                      All members out of the collapse zone. Everybody,
                      back up.
                      Back up.
Matt Casey: Let’s go.
                                       [indistinct radio chatter]
Radio Dispatcher: Company 16 and Truck 22…[continues
                               Roger that 25, Ladder 47, Truck 34…[continues
                               indistinctly]…we’re all clear
                                           [fire explosion]
                                         [glass shattering]
Chief Boden: (into radio) Fire up the water cannons.
                                          [water spraying]
                                         [indistinct chatter]
                                           - Title Screen -
Lee Henry Herrmann: C’mon! Let’s go!
Cindy Herrmann: Boys!
                                       [indistinct shouting]
Christopher Herrmann: Hey, give her back the wand. Now!
                                       Hey, hey. Here you go.
Lee Henry Herrmann: Man.
Christopher Herrmann: I thought you were gonna be a superhero.
Luke Herrmann: I am. I’m a superboy.
Christopher Herrmann: That’s the whole costume?
                                        That’s pretty half-assed.
Cindy Herrmann: Christopher!
Christopher Herrmann: What? He can’t put on a cape?
Cindy Herrmann: He doesn’t have a…
                                            [kissing sound]
Christopher Herrmann: All right.
                                       I walked in on your dad again…on the can.
Cindy Herrmann: [sighs]
Christopher Herrmann: The man refuses to lock the door.
Cindy Herrmann: And you refuse to knock.
                             [sighs] This came.
Christopher Herrmann: Aw, crap.
Luke Herrmann: Were you there, daddy?
Christopher Herrmann: Yep, and we kicked that fire’s butt.
                                        Love you, okay?
Cindy Herrmann: Bye.
Christopher Herrmann: Bye.
Luke Herrmann: You can’t leave. I put a force field around the door.
Christopher Herrmann: If you had a cape on, I might believe that.
                                       Come on, I’m late.
Luke Herrmann: No.
Christopher Herrmann: Lukey, hey.
                                       I told you, you don’t have to worry about
                                       me so much.
Luke Herrmann: What if you get hurt again?
Christopher Herrmann: I’ll get better, just like last time. And like  
                                       you did, when your bike went over.
                                       Us Herrmanns’, we’re tough bastards.
Luke Herrmann: [whispers] You said bastards.
Christopher Herrmann: [whispers] Don’t tell mom.
                                       [sighs] Okay.
                                       [whispers] Come on. Come on buddy.
Luke Herrmann: [whispers] Okay.
Christopher Herrmann: I love you buddy.
Kids: Happy Halloween!
Chief Boden: Happy Halloween.
                     Guess what? After school, I’m gonna break out a
                     bottomless bowl of treats.
                     Gonna come back and get ‘em?
                     You’ll bring ‘em back?
Kids & Adults: Yeah.
Chief Boden: Go on, then. Get out of here and come back.
                      Y’all look great.
Kids: Thank you!
Peter Mills: Yo Lieutenant, can I ask you something?
Matt Casey: Sure.
Peter Mills: In general, when Chief says, ‘everybody out of a  
                   building now’, how much time do we really have?
                   A minute? 30 seconds? What?
Matt Casey: Don’t beat yourself up, Mills.
Peter Mills: See, the things is, I was closest to the victim. I-I could  
                   see him, you know? I…
Matt Casey: When Chief says “now”, he means now. Not 30  
                     seconds, not any seconds. Got it?
Peter Mills: Yeah. Yeah, I figured. Thanks.
                                           [locker door slams]
Kelly Severide: Ah!
                                             [punches locker]
Jose Vargas: Morning Lieutenant.
Kelly Severide: Morning.
Jose Vargas: You get hurt the other night?
Kelly Severide: Mind not turning the locker room into a chat room?
Jose Vargas: Yeah.
Joe Cruz: Just take the damn piece of candy already. She won’t
Mouch: I’m not climbing onto the counter.
Joe Cruz: Hey, did you guys hear that Casey’s gonna…testify
                 against Detective Voight’s son?
Otis Zvonecek: Apparently, Dawson’s brother says it’s a risky  
                          move, and…Voight’s a dangerous son of a
Mouch: I wouldn’t put my ass on the line like that.
             Uh Lieutenant, you need any help with the Detective  
             Voight situation, you let me know. When I became  
             union rep, they…sent me a bunch of brochures.
Matt Casey: I’m good, thanks. Just need to testify at the  
                    arraignment, once it’s set.
Christopher Herrmann: You see this crap?
Peter Mills: Why is it crap?
                    I just mean that that’s what happened, isn’t it? So…
Christopher Herrman: Where is the headline about how we busted
                                     our humps and saved three guys, huh?
Chief Boden: Okay, everybody, listen up.
                      Today, our very own Jose Vargas transfers from Truck
                       to Squad.
                       As of now, he’s officially a member of Rescue Squad
                                        [clapping & cheering]
All: Whoo!
Mouch: Big time Vargas.
Otis Zvonecek: Make sure to bow next time you walk by.
Matt Casey: Best of luck.
Jose Vargas: Thanks, Lieutenant.
Nicki Rutkowski: Hey, Lieutenant Casey, I just saw your car out
                             Something happened to it.
Matt Casey: What the hell?
Joe Cruz: This is why I can’t stand Halloween, man. The punks,
                 they go wild.
Matt Casey: My gym bag got lifted.
Christopher Herrmann: Right in front of the station.
                                       Call the cops. File a report.
Matt Casey: Yeah, I should.
                                   [alarm beeping, PA buzzes]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Squad 3. House fire, 220 South Kilbourn.
                                            [sirens wailing]
                                        [squad door shuts]
Kelly Severide: [into radio] Fire is out on arrival. Hold on incoming
                          companies. We’ll do a little overhaul.
                          You okay, ma’am?
Lady 1: I’m fine.
            I must have dropped a cigarette or something. I was  
            cleaning out the garage. So stupid of me.
Kelly Severide: Well, good job putting it out.
                          We were here a few weeks ago. Fire in your car,  
                          parked out front.
Lady 1: The car is old.
Kelly Severide: Two fires in two weeks?
Lady 1: Bad luck always comes in streaks.
Man 1: Yo, yo, afternoon officer.
Kelly Severide: I need to check inside, make sure the fire didn’t  
                          get into the adjoining wall.
Lady 1: All right.
                                            [train passing by]
Kelly Severide: No heat. That’s good.
Lady 1: Me and my late husband.
Kelly Severide: How long were you married?
Lady 1: 45 years, till he passed.
Kelly Severide: Wow. What’s the secret?
Lady 1: I never asked.
Kelly Severide: [chuckles]
Lady 1: Just counted my blessings every day [chuckles]
                                              [door opens]
Capp: She say what happened?
Kelly Severide: Mm-mm.
                                   [laughing in the background]
Christopher Herrmann: What the hell happened?
Leslie Shay: It went out.
Mouch & Otis Zvonecek: What?
Chief Boden: It just need a new cord. Nobody panic.
Leslie Shay: Go ahead. Try it.
                                             [remote clicks]
                                            [applause on tv]
Otis Zvonecek: Yes.
Chief Boden: Ah.
Otis Zvonecek: Halloween horror marathon, channel 11.
Mouch: We are back.
Marc Thorne: My brother died because he was homeless and  
                       poor. If he had been a firefighter or a banker in    
                       a fancy apartment, they would have found a  
                       way to save him. It was recorded on cell phone:
[video recording…]
Peter Mills: Chief, give me one more minute to go back in there.
Chief Boden: No, it’s over. No more minutes.
Peter Mills: H-He could be alive. Just give me one more minute. I  
                   know I can get to him. I know.
Chief Boden: Not going anywhere. This building’s about to flash.
Peter Mills: Chief, I can get…
Chief Boden: Enough!
[end of video recording…]
Marc Thorne: Even his own man wanted to go back in and save
                       my brother’s life, but the Chief on the scene,  
                       Wallace Boden, said no.
TV: So the investigation continues…
                                             [remote clicks]
Peter Mills: [sighs]
Nicki Rutkowski: Hey, there’s another request for an interview  
                             about the fire from some blogger.
Chief Boden: The answer’s the same. No comment.
Nicki Rutkowski: Got it. And Peter Mills wanted to see you.
Chief Boden: Send him in.
Peter Mills: Thanks.
Nicki Rutkowski: Yeah.
Chief Boden: Hey, Mills, what’s up?
Peter Mills: Um, when I asked to go back in, I apologise if that was
                   out of line.
Chief Boden: Not another word. That is exactly the attitude I want  
                      from all my men.
                      Forget the news report.
Peter Mills: Yes, sir. Thank you.
                                              [door closes]
Chief Boden: You’re welcome.
Leslie Shay: Hey, we got our first trick-or-treater.
Hallie Thomas: Hey guys. Happy Halloween.
Leslie Shay: Happy Halloween, lady.
Gabby Dawson: Sweet shoes.
Hallie Thomas: Thanks. Uh, are you a runner too?
Gabby Dawson: Uh, I just did my first 10k a couple months ago.
Hallie Thomas: Oh, wow, that’s-that’s my race too. I’ve been  
                          training for the next one. I’m trying to get in
                          under 48 minutes.
Gabby Dawson: That sounds like a good goal.
Hallie Thomas: How’d you do?
Gabby Dawson: 45:20.
Hallie Thomas: Wow, that’s…great [chuckles]
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles]
Leslie Shay: Casey’s in his quarters, I think.
Hallie Thomas: Awesome, thank you. I’ll see you guys.
Gabby Dawson: Yep.
Leslie Shay: Bye.
Gabby Dawson: It was somewhere around there.
                                          [door opens]
Matt Casey: Everything okay?
                                          [door closes]
Hallie Thomas: Of course. Why do you look worried?
Matt Casey: [exhales] I-I’m not worried. Just…surprised.
Hallie Thomas: Well, I was thinking about our new plan to start  
                          fresh, and I realised…
Matt Casey: What?
Hallie Thomas: That there is something that we talked about doing  
                          and never did.
Matt Casey: Yeah?
                                          [blinds rolling down]
                                                 [lock click]
                                           [knocks on door]
Nicki Rutkowski: Chief, this is Sondra Sherman.
Sondra Sherman: I’m an attorney with the city’s office.
Chief Boden: How can we help you today?
Sondra Sherman: I need to ask you some questions about the  
                              Triskin warehouse fire.
Chief Boden: Why?
Sondra Sherman: The city’s been contacted by…an attorney for
                              Marc Thorne, the victim’s brother. There are
                              some concerns about the way the fire was
Chief Boden: My sympathies go out to Mr Thorne, but if I hadn’t  
                      handled the fire the way I did, not only would his  
                      brother be dead, but so would my men.
Sondra Sherman: Mmhmm. And how long was it after you called  
                             your men out that the structure exploded?
Chief Boden: I don’t know…exactly.
Sondra Sherman: Huh.
Chief Boden: About a minute.
Sondra Sherman: And did one of your men tell you there was  
                              someone still inside?
Chief Boden: Yes, he did, and he wanted to go back in and get  
                      him. I said no. Seconds later, there was a
Sondra Sherman: I wouldn’t ask you these questions unless I had
                             to, Chief. We don’t think you did anything
                             wrong, but an M.E.’s report will be released
                             soon, and if it says his brother was alive up  
                             until the explosion, Thorne will come after  
                             you, the department, and the city of
                             The city completely supports you. You shouldn’t
                             feel bad.
Chief Boden: I don’t.
                      If we’re done here, I have some work to do.
Sondra Sherman: [chuckles lightly]
                                      [door open and closes]
Kelly Severide: Wait here, guys.
                                       [squad door shuts]
Kelly Severide: Hey, Bobby. Thanks for coming.
Bobby: Hi. How you doin’?
Kelly Severide: Good.
Bobby: So what’s the deal here?
Kelly Severide: You tell me.
                                         [knocks on door]
Kelly Severide: Mrs Grady, how are you, ma’am?
Lady 1 (Mrs Grady): I’m fine.
Kelly Severide: We just had a-a few questions about those fires
                         that you had.
Lady 1 (Mrs Grady): They were accidents. I don’t know any more
                                  than I’ve already told you.
Kelly Severide: Okay, we just wanted to make sure that there are  
                          no more…incidents.
Lady 1 (Mrs Grady): Sorry.
                                               [door shuts]
Kelly Severide: Someone set fire to her car two weeks ago. This  
                          morning, her garage burns, she says…
Bobby: So she said they were just accidents.
Kelly Severide: They weren’t.
Bobby: But why do you think somebody would come after her? I  
            mean, she lives alone. She keeps to herself.
Kelly Severide: Pick a reason.
Sondra Sherman: I have a suggestion.
                              If you do a sit-down with Marc Thorne, that
                              could help minimise the damage.
Chief Boden: A sit-down?
Sondra Sherman: Yeah. A “Beer in the rose garden” kind of thing.
                               You, Thorne, attorneys for both sides.
Chief Boden: Whose idea was this?
Sondra Sherman: Sit-down was his. Beer was mine.
                             Sometimes a simple conversation can avert a  
                ��            major lawsuit. Maybe all he wants is an
Chief Boden: I doubt that.
Sondra Sherman: Chief, I don’t think you understand. If we can’t  
                              make this go away before the M.E.’s report  
                              comes back, your job and your livelihood are
                              at risk.
Chief Boden: I am not going to apologise. I did nothing wrong,
                      neither did any of my men.
Sondra Sherman: Look, the city completely supports you.
Chief Boden: You keep saying that, and in the same breath, you  
                      tell me my job’s on the line.
Sondra Sherman: We…
Chief Boden: [chuckles] I really do have work to do. I’m gonna go
                       do it.
Nicki Rutkowski: I have a favour to ask you.
                            Can I borrow your house key?
                            I just want to set a little something up for Kelly in
                           his room. Champagne, candles. I think my dad  
                           showing up at your apartment maybe pushed
                           him away.
Leslie Shay: Yeah, I don’t think it’s your dad showing up so much  
                     that’s the problem as much as him announcing that
                     you’re engaged.
Nicki Rutkowski: I wasn’t hiding that.
Leslie Shay: Where’s your ring?
Nicki Rutkowski: It’s being resized right now.
                            So, can I have the key or not?
Leslie Shay: [chuckles] Not. At all.
                                   [alarm beeping, PA buzzing]
(Over PA): Ambulance 61. Hand laceration, 310 East Pearson.
                                        [background chatter]
                                 [indistinct chatter over radio]
Leslie Shay: Oof! You got a nice bleed going there.
                    Yikes. What happened?
Victim 2 (Chef): I was, uh, chopping, and suddenly there were…
                          screams, so I took my eyes off the onion. Next
                          thing I know, my hand’s gushing blood.
Gabby Dawson: Screams?
Victim 2 (Chef): A reaction to a two-tier baby carriage and…
                         matching car seat.
Leslie Shay: Wiggle your fingers for me.
Victim 2 (Chef): [exhales]
Leslie Shay: Ah, it’s not bad but, yeah, you’re gonna need stitches.
Lady 2: The mom-to-be had a dizzy spell when she saw the blood.  
             Can one of you guys take a look at her.
Gabby Dawson: Oh, yeah, sure.
                           You’re not gonna believe this.
Leslie Shay: What?
                     Hey, Clare.
Clarice: Oh, my God.
             Um…honey, this is…Leslie Shay, my old girlfriend.
Leslie Shay: Hi.
Gabby Dawson: There are two patients. We’ll take this one with the
                           hand lac, so you can grab the other lady if you
                           don’t mind…
Leslie Shay: Actually, I just put Clarice in the back of our rig, so…
Gabby Dawson: And I said we would take him, so…
Victim 2 (Chef): It doesn’t matter to me.
Leslie Shay: Here you go.
                                        [ambo door shuts]
Leslie Shay: Alright, I’m just gonna check your vitals and then
                    have a listen and make sure everything’s okay
                    with the baby.
Clarice: Okay. I just haven’t felt a kick in a while and then the dizzy  
             spell came on so suddenly.
Daniel Schwartz: I’m sure everything is fine, sweetie.
                               [blood pressure cuff pumping]
Leslie Shay: Blood pressure’s good.
                     All right, I’m just gonna lift your shirt off your belly  
                     and have a listen.
                     Heart rate’s 140. It’s perfect.
Clarice: [exhales] Thank you.
             Thank you, Les.
Daniel Schwartz: See? That baby’s already got a flair for the
                             dramatic. The teen years are gonna be…fun.
Clarice: [chuckles]
             You know what I still have of yours? Those old blues  
             records that your mom gave you.
Leslie Shay: Oh, yeah. Forgot about those.
Clarice: Yeah.
              I mean, you know, I-I can get ‘em back to you at any time.
              Why don’t you, um, just give me a call and we can figure it
Capp: Who was that?
Kelly Severide: That’s Mills’ sister, Elise.
Hadley: Wow. When is the next family picnic?
Kelly Severide: Hey, let me give you a hand with those.
Elise Mills: I’m good, thanks.
Kelly Severide: You sure?
                          If this food ends up on the floor instead of the  
                          table, it could cause a riot.
Elise Mills: [giggles] You’re Severide, right?
Kelly Severide: Kelly.
Elise Mills: Peter called, said he was supposed to make lunch and  
                  he got busy.
                  He didn’t sound so great. Is everything okay around
Kelly Severide: It’s just another day on the job. Your brother’s a
                         good kid.
Elise Mills: Yeah, he is.
                   I gotta get back to the restaurant. Thanks for the help.
Otis Zvonecek: Give me the ball, give me the ball.
Truck 81 men: Ohh!
                        Ohhh! [laughing]
Marc Thorne: My name is Marc Thorne. I’m here to talk to Chief  
                       Wallace Boden. Is he here?
Chief Boden: I’m very sorry for your loss, Mr Thorne.
Marc Thorne: Chief Boden! You knew my brother was in that
Christopher Herrmann: Did you?
                                       The guy was homeless, keeping warm in a
                                       warehouse. You’re his brother. Where have
                                       you been?
Peter Mills: Herrmann, come on.
Chrisopher Herrmann: No, sorry, I’m not gonna be quiet.
                                      ‘Cause a few weeks ago, I almost bought  
                                       the farm, trying to save a stranger. It’s  
                                       what we do, every day.
                                       It’s what we tried to do for your brother.
                                       Chief Boden made the call he had to
                                       Just be glad you never have to do that.
Christopher Hermann: What is this?
Leslie Shay: We heard you represented, Herrmann.
Gabby Dawson: So, I’m gonna throw out a name…Clarice
All: Oh ho ho…
Christopher Herrmann: Ow.
Peter Mills: Wait, who?
Joe Cruz: The bitchy ex-girlfriend.
Leslie Shay: She wasn’t a bitch, per se.
Matt Casey: She…was a little full of herself.
Gabby Dawson: Well, she’s now got a news status update. She is  
                           now Clarice Schwartz, married to a dude, and
                           seven months pregnant.
Otis Zvonecek: Oh!
Otis Zvonecek: Did I not call that?
Joe Cruz: [laughing manically]
Otis Zvonecek: Did I not say she had one foot in, one foot out?
Leslie Shay: You did not say that.
Otis Zvonecek: Well, not to you, maybe, but did I not call that?
Christopher Herrmann: He called that [laughing]
Leslie Shay: [sighs] Yep.
Man 2: Look, he’s got candy. He’s got a bunch of candy.
Chief Boden: Oh, look at you. That costume is terrifying. You’re
                      about to scare the neighbours to death.
                      Want some treats? Give me that. Whomp.
Man 2: I saw your picture online. I read about what happened. Keep
            your chin up. You did the right thing.
Chief Boden: Appreciate that.
                      Halloween is about the kids.
                      Thank you for coming.
Man 2: Come on, guys, let’s go.
            Get some more candy? Should we get some more? Let’s
                        [tv in the background, howling noises]
                               [alarm beeping, PA buzzing]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Ambulance 61. Man down, 3500…[indistinct
Joe Cruz: Oh! Vargas wants back on truck already, huh?
Jose Vargas: Yeah, yeah.
                             [siren wailing in the background]
                               [siren wailing, horn honking]
                             [music thumping, crowd noise]
                                      [truck door shuts]
Matt Casey: Coming through.
                     Excuse me. Everybody, make way. Coming through.
                      Anybody seen an injured person?
Gabby Dawson: Is that our guy?
                           Okay, nevermind.
Leslie Shay: Halloween sucks.
Matt Casey: Looking for an injured person.
Lady 3 (Sexy Nurse): Thank God. He’s over here.
Joe Cruz: Excuse me can we get some room, please? Excuse me
                 can we get some room?
Matt Casey: (into radio) Okay, got a location on the victim, Witches’
Gabby Dawson: (into radio) Copy that. Right behind you.
Leslie Shay: Excuse us.
Gabby Dawson: Watch out, guys.
Matt Casey: Hold his head steady.
Firefighter: Guys, come on.
Victim 3: [grunting]
Peter Mills: I got it.
Gabby Dawson: Hold his head.
Peter Mills: Yeah.
Leslie Shay: Did he take any drugs?
Lady 3 (Sexy Nurse): No, j-just a couple of beers. Then all of a  
                                   sudden his eyes rolled back in his head  
                                   and he…he dropped and just started
                                   jerking around.
Leslie Shay: Does he have a history of seizures?
Lady 3 (Sexy Nurse): I don’t think so. This is only our second date.
Gabby Dawson: Alright, ready.
                           Turn him over.
Man 3 (Fake fireman): Hey, let me help out, fellas.
Matt Casey: Stay back, sir.
Man 3 (Fake fireman): Yeah, how about giving me a c-4 tube and  
                                     a Lidocaine drip?
Christopher Herrmann: Let ‘em do their job.
Peter Mills: All right, come on. Move it out.
Gabby Dawson: Watch out. Come on. Make fast.
Man 3 (Fake fireman): Don’t tell ‘em you’re homeless. They won’t
                                     help ya.
Matt Casey: Hey! Hey!
                    Go. Go.
                    You got your head screwed on straight?
Christopher Herrmann: These people mouthing off at us.
Matt Casey: You rise above it.
Christopher Herrmann: It won’t happen again.
Matt Casey: Let’s get the hell out of here.
                                      [train in background]
Sondra Sherman: Chief, wanted to let you know the M.E.’s report
                              came in.
                              Jonathan Thorne died from injuries sustained  
                              during the explosion. The department is putting  
                              together a committee now.
Chief Boden: This doesn’t change anything.
                                           [dramatic music]
                                    [door shuts, lock clicks]
Nicki Rutkowski: Lieutenant Casey, there’s someone out front for
Matt Casey: Detective Voight.
Hank Voight: Got some good news for you, Casey.
Matt Casey: Yeah? What’s that?
Hank Voight: Well, I heard about what happened to your car.
                      I don’t normally handle this kind of thing, but…to  
                      be honest, I felt like I owed you an apology after  
                      my behaviour the other day. I was out of line.
                      So I put my guys on it, and we caught the little
Matt Casey: And how’d you know it was him?
Hank Voight: Come here.
                      This yours?
                      There you go. He had it on him.
                      And make sure nothing’s missing, will you?
Matt Casey: [scoffs] This isn’t mine.
Hank Voight: Well, the kid must have stashed it in there.
                      You know, there’s a simple, honest solution to all our
                       problems. One that keeps my son out of jail and lets  
                       you and I get on with our lives. All you gotta do is
                       change that report.
Matt Casey: I’m not gonna do that.
Gabby Dawson: [groans] Last year [grunts] we went through four of
                             these. This year we barely finished one.
Matt Casey: Not the best day.
Gabby Dawson: What is it?
Matt Casey: [sighs] Detective Voight showed up here…tried to  
                     bribe me with a wad of cash.
Gabby Dawson: What? Wha…we’ve gotta call my brother and tell
Matt Casey: I’m just gonna…testify and let the courts handle it.
Gabby Dawson: [sighs] Well, what does Hallie say?
Matt Casey: I didn’t tell her.
Gabby Dawson: Why not?
Matt Casey: I don’t know. I don’t wanna worry her, I guess.
Gabby Dawson: You should tell her.
Matt Casey: Yeah. Yeah, I probably should.
                     I’ll see you later.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, later.
                                                [jazzy music]
                                              [liquor pouring]
Leslie Shay: [slurring] I mean, you should have seen Clarice’s
                     apartment. It was…like a museum; all this fancy
                     breakable crap everywhere.
                     The place she and I used to live, there was peeling  
                      paint, dripping faucets…but it’s great. You wanted
                      to hang out there all day long, you know?
                      Will you pass me a lime?
Kelly Severide: Yeah.
Leslie Shay: They had a floor-to-ceiling wine rack. I mean…she  
                     used to hate wine [slurping]
                     She drank beer. I loved that about her. I guess she  
                     drinks wine now.
                     [liquor pouring]
Kelly Severide: How long did you two…
Leslie Shay: Three years.
Kelly Severide: Mm.
Leslie Shay: Yeah I mean, it wasn’t like, you know…a casual thing.
                     It was…uh…we were serious. Or at least I thought we  
                     were. Turns out I may have overestimated her
Kelly Severide: [chuckles lightly]
                                           [rapping on door]
Leslie Shay: Really?
Kelly Severide: No offense…I’m not taking advice from you right
Leslie Shay: This is a new low.
Nicki Rutkowski: Wanna help with this?
Kelly Severide: I was engaged once too…
                                               [door closes]
                                                [door shuts]
Sondra Sherman: Just wanted to pass along some positive news.
                             The…Thorne situation has been resolved.
Chief Boden: Resolved how?
Sondra Sherman: Marc Thorne has dropped all plans to sue the
Chief Boden: You gave him a payout.
Sondra Sherman: [scoffs] There’s a settlement in the works, yes.
Chief Boden: You yourself said we did nothing wrong.
Sondra Sherman: You know, you should be happy about this.  
                              Thorne was willing to settle quickly and for
                              a reasonable amount. There’s no further risk
                              of impact on you, and you continue to have
                              the city’s full support.
Chief Boden: Appreciate that.
Sondra Sherman: Take care, Chief.
Chief Boden: Yeah.
Hadley: How many?
Kelly Severide: Three.
                                        [alarm blaring, PA buzzing]
(Over PA): House fire, 220 South Kilbourn. Engine 51…
Jose Vargas: 220 South Kilbourn.
(Over PA): Truck 81, Squad 3…
Kelly Severide: Damn it!
(Over PA): Ambulance 61.
Chief Boden: Truck and Engine are near the scene. They’ll meet  
                       you there.
Kelly Severide: What happened?
Joe Cruz: Molotov cocktail through the front window. Fire’s under
Kelly Severide: The woman who lives here, Mrs Grady?
Joe Cruz: With Dawson.
Gabby Dawson: Just breathe in, nice and easy. We’re gonna get  
                           that smoke out of your lungs, okay?
Kelly Severide: Is she okay?
Leslie Shay: Yeah, smoke inhalation. Oxygen will clear her up.
Kelly Severide: Hey, can you give me a second?
Gabby Dawson: Yeah.
Lady 1 (Mrs Grady): [whimpering]
Kelly Severide: We could have lost you.
Lady 1 (Mrs Grady): [whimpering]
Kelly Severide: I won’t go to the police, okay? I promise you that.  
                         But you gotta talk to me.
Lady 1 (Mrs Grady): [whimpering]
Kelly Severide: Okay?
                                              [rap music]
                                            [baby crying]
                                        [banging on door]
                                  [lock clicks, door opens]
Man 4: Who the hell are you?
           Hey, what you doin’?
Kelly Severide: Shut up. Sit down.
                                           [door closes]
Kelly Severide: Mrs Grady. On Kilbourn.
Man 5: [scoffs] We don’t even know who that is.
Kelly Severide: She’s the one who called the cops about the drug
                          dealers on her block. She’s also my aunt.
                          Listen to me.
                          I hear about one more ember going anywhere near  
                          Mrs Grady or her property again, I’ll come back
                          here, break your kneecaps, and drag you down to  
                          the police station. You don’t have drugs on you,
                          I’ll plant them on you.
Man 4: You can’t do that.
Kelly Severide: The hell I can’t? It’s a firefighter’s word against a
                          couple bangers. Who they gonna believe?
Christopher Herrmann: Extra, extra.
                                       Firefighters are off the front page. Back in  
                                       the black smoke we go until another
Matt Casey: Another day, another story.
Christopher Herrmann: I wonder how much that Thorne is getting  
                                        from the city.
Mouch: Why work for a living when you can sue someone instead?
Kelly Severide: Morning, Chief.
Chief Boden: Our assistant Nicki has quit.
                      According to her father, she has broken off her  
                      engagement, left for Europe for a while, so will
                      y’all just let me know if you hear of anybody
                      available for the position?
Gabby Dawson: Leslie Elizabeth Shay.
Leslie Shay: What?
                     It’s…it’s not a big deal.
Gabby Dawson: No, it is. And…I’m sorry but I’m not gonna pretend
                           like I don’t remember peeling you off the floor  
                           after that woman broke your heart.
                           She is married now. Taken. Unattainable.
Leslie Shay: I know.
                    I just wanted my records back.
Gabby Dawson: I’ll buy you a new set. I promise.
Peter Mills: You wanted to see me, Chief?
Chief Boden: Yeah, Mills, come on in.
                                             [door closes]
Chief Boden: I know you’ve been…struggling ever since the
                      warehouse fire.
Peter Mills: I was close enough to see him. If I’d had one minute, I
                   might have…
Chief Boden: Let me tell you about one minute.
                      I’ve been there.
                      Most of us have.
                      In my case, I was sure.
                      Surer than you are right now, even. That if I’d had that
                      one minute, I’d have been able to go in there, rescue
                      those people.
                      My best buddy and I, we went running back in.  
                      The fire was trapped in the ceiling.
                      Couldn’t see it, so we didn’t know. We didn’t have  
                      one minute. We lost the victims. I lost my friend. I got  
                      a scar on my back that reminds me every single day  
                      about the price of playing ‘beat the clock.’ And it’s  
                      my job to make sure that you never get any kind of  
                      reminder. You understand me?
Peter Mills: Yes, sir.
Chief Boden: You got it in you. You will make one hell of a  
                      firefighter. Just like your dad was.
                      Go on.
                                               [door closes]
                                              [radio chatter]
                                            [somber music]
Radio: We’ll be opening up the phone lines shortly to take your  
            calls to talk about the Bears game on Sunday…
            [continues indistinctly]
Peter Mills: Hey, Karen.
Karen: Hi Peter.
Peter Mills: How you doing?
Karen: Good.
                                       [background chatter]
Kelly Severide: So where should we go? Restaurant? Bar?
                         Strip club?
Leslie Shay: Yeah, okay.
Kelly Severide: Hey, you all right?
Leslie Shay: Yeah.
                     I just always thought she was the one [sniffles]
Kelly Severide: C’mere.
                         Strip club it is.
Leslie Shay: [chuckles]
                                            [phone ringing]
Joe Cruz: Fifty-One.
                Oh hey, Hallie.
                You alright?
                 Hold on.
Matt Casey: Hey.
                                 [tires squealing & skidding]
Hallie Thomas: Matt, what is going on?
Matt Casey: [sighs]
                                                - end -
Arraignment = Court proceeding at which a criminal defendant is formally advised of the charges against him and is asked to enter a plea to the charges.
Flashover = Near-simultaneous ignition of most of the directly combustible material in an enclosed area. It involves a significant increase in fire growth and development.
M.E.’s report = Medical Examiner report.
C-4 tube = Bike tube
Lidocaine drip = Local anaesthetic
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karnsteinreview · 5 years
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
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The Priory of the Orange Tree on Goodreads
Release Year: 2019
Format I Read: ebook
Length: 848 pages
Genres: high fantasy
LGBT Rep: sapphic (I’m assuming lesbian) pov character, lesbian love interest/major character, gay man pov character
Spoiler-Free Review: 
Ho-ly crap my dudes, I finally did it. I finally finished this absolute unit of book, and guess what? I really loved it a lot. This is exactly a book I’ve wanted for forever. A really killer high fantasy epic that also just happens to be really gay at times.
The main romance in the book is a f/f slow burn (yes, an honest to god lesbian slow burn), and I went in pretty much only knowing that, not even knowing who. At times I was definitely Sherlocking every single female character trying to figure out who the gays were, and I was pretty sure I knew who they were pretty on, but it takes a while for it to get going. When it does though…they sure do go, huh?
There is also an older gay male point of view character who’s gayness is pretty important to his story and motives, though (and this is a slight spoiler but it comes up pretty early on) the love of his life died some time before the story began.
This is a long, long book, and the Gays have issues throughout, some of it stemming somehow from them being gay or from their gay relationship conflicting against the society. Even with that, once their relationship really starts, there isn’t much in the way of outright homophobia. It’s hard to explain exactly, but there is the sense that being gay isn’t normal or completely accepted in the society, but also the relationship is pretty accepted once it gets kicked off. And the one plot issue that comes from someone trying to stop the relationship still doesn’t really stem from it being a gay relationship. It’s hard for me to explain further without going into spoilers.  
But yeah, the gayness isn’t hidden by any means, but it also isn’t always in focus. It interweaves with the plot for sure, but the central plot isn’t about it by any means. It’s very much a high fantasy story with a high fantasy plot, and it just so happens that the main romance is f/f.
Synopsis: Honestly there is so much going on that I’m not sure how to set it up, so I’m just going to copy and paste the official synopsis from goodreads:
“The House of Berethnet has ruled Inys for a thousand years. Still unwed, Queen Sabran the Ninth must conceive a daughter to protect her realm from destruction--but assassins are getting closer to her door. Ead Duryan is an outsider at court. Though she has risen to the position of lady-in-waiting, she is loyal to a hidden society of mages. Ead keeps a watchful eye on Sabran, secretly protecting her with forbidden magic. Across the dark sea, Tané has trained all her life to be a dragonrider, but is forced to make a choice that could see her life unravel. Meanwhile, the divided East and West refuse to parley, and forces of chaos are rising from their sleep.”
The Good: You get the sense of the threat of homophobia without ever actually having to face it. The romance is cute and is the opposite of rushed. All of the definitely defined gay characters feel like fully fleshed out characters. They have motives. They have good and bad qualities, and aren’t perfect but also are never demonized. They do good and bad things. Dare I say, they are treated like actual people?
What Might Hinder You from Reading It: You are utterly intimidated by the size of the book. It’s really hefty. You don’t like high fantasy. You don’t like dragons. You don’t like monarchy stories (which I often don’t but I still liked this).
Would I Recommend It?: YES. YES MY GOD YES.
Now for the Spoilers: 
There are a few things I want to spoil for anyone that is interested in spoilers or who have specific concerns?
1)      Yes, the gays all survive to the end and have mostly happy endings.
2)      The main couple has a somewhat bittersweet ending that I don’t want to spoil, but it isn’t immediately happy for them. There is the promise of them getting their happy ending in the future, but there is still time before that will happen.
3)      It’s almost comedic how every single time there is a major development in the f/f relationship, SOMETHING HAPPENS and there is some threat or complication that must be dealt with. They always do deal with it, but it always means that they are in some way apart for a length of time.
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
okay since im rewatching 2gether, might as well make my reaction public lol
tine trying to be a supportive boyfriend by asking wat if something is troublig and wat’s himbo self being like “nah fam im good” god i love this dumbass
also tine not knowing how to talk about his feelings is so relatable help
honestly i would’ve LOVED to see sarawat at least one (1) question
tine’s smile while wat drinks..... Sir I Am In Love With You
also his blush..... Sir I Am More In Love With You Than I Was Before
“is the lyric about smile or happiness?” “don’t cheat” wat saw through his bullshit right there KSJFHKS
i wonder what’s in those glasses because it doesn’t quite look like coke but it obviously isn’t beer,,,,
ohhhhh “a friend from high school” ... explains tine’s reaction we see in the teaser when he introduces pam as his highschool friend
also explains why tine thought sarawat made that video for her instead of him. wat is in his high school clothes and tine probably thought it was before he saw him (when in fact it was probably recorded the same day lmao sarawat hopeless romantic)
tine: one more game! [spins the coin and supposedly falls on heads] wat!
sarawat: no one can talk to me if i fall asleep
i’m trying not to look at bright’s jiggly butt why is ass so fat fOR
it doesnt add the points here if i dont write something else so intro time yeet
yknow what . we need more earn and more pear in these two last episodes . i need my wlw rep and i need it Now
“personal space is important even for couples” still cant believe man was the owner of their braincell in this scene
tine giving all of type’s info away to wat so wat can give it to man who tine knows will use to pester him until he becomes his boyfriend...... say it with me: tine mantype shipper
“how did you know?” “i prayed to god” literally the funniest part ever
manboss: im not going good luck wat: you’re so full of bullshit
i will just say that pink is tine’s best colour. i need him in every soft pink thing u can find. it accentuates his skin colour so perfectly and we are Here for it honeyyyy
sarawat being a savage (rachet booty nasty) we stan
bro get over him oh my god he’s taken and happy with wat LEAVEEEEEE
and man pestering type begins Now ksjfh
i’m like 100000000% sure that the only thing in that whole backpack is a pencil and half of an eraser
im also sure type saw him buy the book since u literally can see him from where man and that girl are and
hold up the waiter looks like a guy from whyru,,,,,,,,,,
i need someone to write a fic about tine being an astronomy lover and wat falling in love with him because of the joy in his eyes when he talks about the stars and interesting facts about the universe and new discoveries of galaxies and other things that wat doesnt really care about but he listens to either way because he’s too in love to shut off his brain
okay back to the episode sorry i just really had to say this
wat really said “don’t take advantage of me when i’m sleeping” when they haven’t even kissed.......... no words, completely speechless
tine probably thought he was being real sneaky right there lmao boy he fell asleep 2 seconds ago
god green really appears for 2 seconds and yet he steals the show KSFJHKFJFS he really was about to beat the person in front of him’s ass for not walking faster im crying i love him
wat looks so offended by his offer it’s so funny jhfksjhgj still MIL GET THE FUCK OUT
them running around is so funny when u know they had to do that like 20 times and were tired as fuck KSJFHKSHFS
omg the bracelet truly isnt there at the start of the scene :-(
“nuisance tree” lemme just cry a bit
the music stopping here......... they truly played with our feelings there huh
the reactions are so kdrama outro i cant breathe KJHFJSFKJS
“well, you left him” IM GOING TO STEP ON YOU
bracelet where r u :-(
“it was here a second ago” it wasn’t im an obsessed bitch and noticed just as the scene there started
he looks so worried:-( tine baby
“i can make you a new one” “but i want the old one” why do i feel like that has more than one meaning,,,
half of the times wat touches tine’s head his hands are dirty as fuck lmaoooooo
is- is someone wearing a marihuana dress??????
manbosss again and he has a book
type is the teepakorn brother that can lie and will lie meanwhile tine can’t lie for a living
dim really made up a whole spirit just for wat to be with tine lmao i cant breathe (unless the pine tree spirit is an actual thing and he just used it for this specific thing lmao)
“that senior is me” “and who did you go with?” “that was a long time ago” “it wasn’t me, it wasn’t me” “green, drop it!” i love them KSFJHFSJHF
green and wats faces i cant bREATHE these are the faces of people who know this is all fake
my guess is that he had two papers that were the same number just incase they didnt get the same number but then somehow mf MIL had to come in and ruin it
i dont know who chose to make bright wear this much brown but it honestly fits him so well
coffee for his soon to be boyfie
man: loving u is kind of bothering? type: o_o man
he’s still reading the book kjshfsf WAIT HES SO CUTE
“you gotta miss me if i don’t show up one day” “just back off. i’m leaving. do not follow me. give me some time to miss you” okay tsundere ass bitch
type’s so rich he’d rather spend money on getting his tire fixed than get it fixed by man for free i hate rich people
he’s also too rich to care to check if his doors were locked i-
“for me?” “do you see anyone else?” bitch ass tsundere
type: smiles, realises he just did that, eyes cutely go o_o
type looks so cute in that scene for no reason im going to eat ur cheeks if u dont stop being a cutie
aaaaaand of course theyre not paired up
dude of course he is youre creepy and also trying to break his relationship apart only because u dont have the decency to see that you dont have a place in his heart whatsoever
dim honey........ jskhsjf
“the spirit doesnt like it when you pray with your eyes opened” did literally no one notice how nonsense that was? KSFJHSJ
he looks so cute im gonna cry like actually cry
weak ass blankets they gave them i swear
if u cuddled then u wouldnt have been cold but noooooo ur big puppy boyfriend has trust issues
baby:-((((((((((( i will cover u with a blanket and give u lots of kithes and hugs
tine having his phone die at an important moment and also having no sense of direction whatsoever is so relatable lmaooooo
thank god for the rain because otherwise sarawat wouldnt have ran the way tine actually went lmao i wouldve beaten dims ass if mil was the one who found him
this scene hurts so much:-(( his throwing the grass like that in complete defeat??????? the flashback to him saying that bad things seem to happen to them lately makes my heart break
the soft touches:-((((( please im gonna Cry
dnotsaysorrydontsaysorrydonsaysorrydontsayHE SAID SORRY FFS
baby :’((((((
“i prayed for something but i havent redeemed that prayer yet” “what did you ask for?” “it’s if i got to see you again, i would show you the video i made. it’s the song your smile you are so curious about” BITCHHHHHHHHH
he’s all shy i cant breathe he cant even look at the screen skjfhksh
oh so it was on the same day sksjhj forgot about that
tine is all blushy im gonna sob i love these two
im trying not to scream and tines reaction to wat telling him he went to every scrubb concert just to look for him
their smiles after he said it tho.......... my heart hURTS
wat: the wish only drew us to cross paths again. us being together is because of something else, tine: what then? wat: shout out to my homies for being there for me since day one i love u bros
boss’s whistle after he tells them that he only said he would kiss him until he dropped lmaoooooo
“his name is tine. [with the softest voice ever] what a cute name”
manboss looking at each other like this bitch is so gone for this random dude but we’re gonna support him because we’re the only friends he has
wat was probably wishing the pool had water in it so he could throw both of them into it at that moment KJSFHJSFHF
“he’s the one i like” “shiiiiiit” same dim, same
fan dee nAAAAAA
his ass was so gone he was gonna make his ig username lovetine i literally cant believe him
boss having the braincell in this scene i love it
“but earn has a boyfriend” LIES. SO MANY LIES. ITS A GIRL. SHES A WHOLE LESBIAN.
boss once again being the owner of the braincell...... im starting to think he owns it half of the time
“you get it now? us being together is not a coincidence. it’s because of us” WAT YOU SMOOTH FUCKER 3
wait,,,,, tine’s little head tilt,,,,,,, SIR I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU
the stars!!!!!!!!! theyre there!!!!!!
“i think nothing bad is going to happen anymore” honey you got a big storm coming
it ended :’(((((( my beautiful boys i love this episode and drama so much i swear
lets watch the next episode teaser
i dont think tine is gonna lsiten to pam saying that but if he does,,, baby pls dont overthink okay he loves u and wont leave u for anyone in the world
phukong dont come back to him he knows that u like him and will play with ur feelings
type is gonna have to choose between im guessing either a boy interested in him from work or man and im gonna vote for him going with man lets hope i win
im so glad that the episode comes out today because i Need to know more
okay thats it if anyone read all of this first of all sorry kjshkfj and second of all thank u ,, u didnt have to but u did and ily for that okay bye
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creacherkeeper · 4 years
I'll kinda jump on the LoK/SPOP train - I LOVE LoK and Korra and Korrasami very very much and I'm very grateful for all the conversations they started and doors they opened to cartoons today. But after SPOP I'm kinda bitter Korrasami could have gotten the Catradora top notch treatment it got if it aired a few years later. Lucky me the fandom provides with awesome fanart and fanfic and the new comics are a delight! Sorry for rambling!
anon, i totally feel you. i feel exactly the same way 
i feel very silly saying that that hand holding changed everything for me, but it did. it feels really silly considering how much has changed in such a short time. but the korrasami hand holding like ... blew the doors wide open, suddenly i could see through to the other side, and realized the kind of rep that was possible. it was sort of silly, because i was very very repressed and didnt know i was gay yet, but that meant like .... everything to me, for reasons that at the time i couldnt explain (literally everyone who knew me: “its bc ur gay” / me: *no thought head empty*) 
i was one of those conspiracy theorists going oh my god theyre taking it off the air. theyre putting it online because theyre going to do korrasami. they cant show it on tv so theyre putting it online because its going to be gay. which in hindsight is ... pretty sad, huh? ^^’ but like ... i wasnt even that wrong. because even online, all they were allowed to show was a few moments of holding hands 
so then watching she ra i was just ....... so emotional. because look how far we’ve come??? lok finale was only 5 1/2 years ago, and all we got was hand holding!! and in that time, so many people were so brave and so devoted and fought so hard ....... and we got steven universe. we got dragon prince. we got she ra
and that makes me really emotional, and, in some selfish ways, kind of upset! on the fandom side, god yeah korra and asami really did deserve better, huh? so grateful to the comics, so grateful to the fandom, but ... man we could have had it all 
on the personal side ..... literally what would i have done if i’d had these shows as a kid? who would i have been if i had queer rep, wlw rep, lesbian rep on my tv when i was still in formative years, before i absorbed all that repression and guilt and shame. i dont try to deny it, my childhood was bad. it sucked. and i was mostly raised by tv. specifically, avatar the last airbender was an incredibly formative part of my childhood. how much earlier would i have figured myself out if i had a show like she ra when i was 10, like i had avatar? how much of a difference would that have made in my queer journey? 
wow, this became incredibly long winded as i always do when talking about queer rep but ..... to sum. while im incredibly grateful for what korrasami did for childrens media, and even if im not actively talking about it, know that i think of it with incredible fondness and they are always in my heart ... like you i do wonder what we could have gotten if things were different. if queer rep was in a different place at the time, if lok was made just a few years later. we needed every single stepping stone we got, because without the work of lok, su, and other shows who were fighting for this rep, we wouldn’t have gotten catradora, and i understand that. but im also like. man. looking back, my girls deserved better. child luka deserved better. on the other hand. man, look how far we’ve come :’) 
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kob131 · 4 years
Maybe it’s because I’m still not over how the writers just up and offed Clover and are trying to use the ship he had with Qrow for marketing purposes, but still.- If they hadn’t done that, maybe there wouldn’t be as much backlash for what they did?
*looks behind Dudeblade to see all the Arkos shippers still trying to burn RT to the ground for sinking their ship.*
I highly doubt that.
They promoted Qrover (And that’s the name I’ll be using to avoid getting into the proper ship tags) for the sake of merchandise. They do the same with Blang (The name I’ll be using for the Blake x Yang ship to avoid getting into their tags as well), it simply seems as if these ships are just there to keep an audience invested in the show for the hope that their ship will become canon before the final episode of the series.
Ah huh-
Let’s check RT’s merch store shall we?
This is the store showcasing RWBY merch by the ‘Featured’ selection. Notice something...unusual?
Yeah, the front page of their ‘featured’ section (which would tell you how they market the show) has three pieces of possible shipping merch...and it’s Renora and White Rose. NOT Bumbleby OR Fair Game. And I do mean ‘possible’ because one could debate that since Ren and Nora are always paired together and considering White Rose is so ignored by the fandom equally ‘shippy’ moments are widely ignored- it’s not inherently romantic.
In fact, none of the three given pages have Bumbleby merch. The closest is the Yang Vs. Adam hoodie...which excludes BLAKE. SO it’s closer to Yang X Adam merch.
But maybe that’s not enough for you. Let’s switch to the ‘Best Selling’ selection. Of that we have...one shippy piece of merch. The same Renora piece from before. Odd, considering if they’re using shipping to sell the show: Why isn’t the merch, the open support of the show, flooded with shipping merch? Why is both the stuff they are pushing people to buy AND the stuff people are buying NOT showing up?
Seems rather counter intuitive ...unless they AREN’T doing that.
This post was made about a month after the finale. If miles pulls the same thing that LoK did with the LGBT+ characters in his show, not only is that hypocritical (As he would be doing the exact same thing that LoK did), but it would also be significantly worse.
Actually he fundamentally can’t. Because Miles wrote in at least three LGBT characters already into the show. So he’s being better by your standards.
Not only was LoK screwed by the network numerous times in regards to their budget, but they were also forced to not make the relationship between Korra and Asami as overt as they would have liked.
And so was RWBY screwed with budget AND resources by Gray. Andd yet no word from you on that...
And again- Already showed at least three characters being lesbians, if not five since Scarlet and Nolan are gay in Before The Dawn, a book written under Miles and Kerry’s supervision.
What network is keeping the writers from doing the same thing with stuff like Blang, Qrover, or whatever the ship name is for Terra and Saphron? Why do they only get hand holding, soft looks™, and confirmation outside of the canon show?
Bumbleby- Canonical status unconfirmed.
Fair Game- Never intended to be a ship. It was just a reference to the waitress back in Volume 4 along with the usual shipping exaggeration.
Terra X Saphron- They literally have a fucking child together.
Other shows like She-Ra, Steven Universe, and Black Lightning managed to have LGBT+ Representation in their shows despite the networks trying to reign them in. So a show that has no such restrictions can’t do it because…?
They have. You’re choosing to ignore it.
To say nothing of the quality of these since Steven Universe is the only respected one and is rather unique in comparison.
Nora and Pyrrha can forcibly kiss Ren and Jaune respectively, but Same-Sex couples have to settle for elementary-school crush stuff?
Terra and Saphron have a fucking kid. And two of your examples are bullshit.
Meanwhile, how are those ships fairing again? ... One is permenantly sunk and wasn’t even confirmed considering Jaune’s feelings for Pyrrha are not confirmed to be romantic and the other is having massive issues that could sink any romantic connections?
And how do people like you react to any kind of strife regarding same sex stuff? ... Called Illa a psycho lesbian despite being significantly more stable, regretful and safer than her straight counterpart Adam?
Yeah, why don’t YOU tell me why a fanbase known for being abusive towards the creators and hounded them for YEARS about this shit isn’t being fed?
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Also, this is a dick move. $16.00 for a sunk ship? Not only that, it’s a sunk mlm ship. A kind of representation that hasn’t gotten any real representation outside of Scarlet? And even then, that was confirmed in a different book.
More like a set of pins that can be used for cosplay.
TBH, mlm shippers have every right to be upset about this.
Straight shippers have had the biggest ship sunk and permanently in limbo (Arkos) and the second one is going through a massive rough patch (Renora) while the third and fourth are regularly decried as pedophilia (Lancaster and Rose Garden) if not outright abuse (Tauradonna).
The others get confirmed ships but not the ones they wanted. Boo fucking hoo.
Whether the writers intended to or not, Qrover was coded, and they queerbaited.
Queerbaiting is a marketing technique for fiction and entertainment[6] in which creators hint at, but then do not actually depict, same-sex romance or other LGBTQ representation.[7] They do so to attract ("bait") a queer or straight ally audience with the suggestion of relationships or characters that appeal to them,[8] while at the same time attempting to avoid alienating other consumers.[6][9]
They literally CANNOT do that by definition. There are same sex relationships AND characters to connect to. If you try promoting this vague and broad definition of queerbaiting-
Well, what’s to stop the Snowbird shippers from claiming they were straight baited with Winter and Qrow or Blake and Sun?
Do you REALLY want to cross that threshold?
P.S. ‘Coding’ effectively means ‘I see stereotypes’ so you’re kind of being a douchebag here.
Let’s also remember that Pyrrha’s entire existence literally revolved around Jaune and she was meant to die to further his development. Jaune x Pyrrha was literally made to develop Jaune and pretty much only Jaune, with the other characters’ reaction to her death being an afterthought.
*cough* Ruby has gotten more development from Pyrrha’s death than Jaune *cough* 
Then there was also that one Blang bag that cost like… $60.00. The writers are using these popular ships for merchandising usage and to try and reel in fans who are wlw or mlm with these ships.
Which is why they...don’t...show...up on...the...merch store...
Fun Fact: Dudeblade never shows the so called 60 dollar bag despite CLEARLY being able to screen shot images. So we’re expected to take his word for it despite not being honest in this very video.
They didn’t even have enough self-awareness to feel bad about it.
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So how exactly are we supposed to trust them when they don’t realize what they did to the community?
He says as he ignores aspects of LGBT rep in RWBY, outright called a lesbian a psycho for daring to be an antagonist despite a much more unstable person to compare to and ignores the LGBT rep in other RT shows, including Camp Camp which has two heroic gay married men in the show.
Whether you ship Qrover or not, this was a massively dick move to pull. And these idiots have a lot of things to make up for it. If they choose to do it at all.
You know, that dick move you forced onto them.
And yet you doing worse (’Hey when is Miles gonna die so he can be replaced?’) deserves no making up?
Where were the guys who said that revealing that Pilot Boi was gay before offing him was a bad idea? Why did the writers not realize that this sort of stuff was going to come off as queerbaiting?
Probably because Eddy did it himself and didn’t know about this.
But really… Way to go RT. Your dumbass decision has now turned off members of the LGBT Community and caused some of them to cancel their subscriptions.
Hope that shock value was worth it.
Just like with Pyrrha, something you yourself even said before.
I fail to see how this is RT’s fault outside ‘you dared to exercise free will!’ considering that your logic would dictate changing the show the minute an LGBT ship becomes popular.
Even as you’ve spoken out against this kind of thing with Death Battle (accusations of sexism).
Way to go with the hypocrisy Dudeblade.
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I have hit a mental snag as of late, so I am just going to lay some things out and see if I can make a cohesive thought or point out of the whole thing.
I will be getting a little personal so I will leave it under the cut 
since ace week and the fact I had no internet I was left sitting in my thoughts for basically the whole time (I live in a farm area and with lock down I could not really go out). 
This is the year I came out as ace (new years in fact) 
but I would like to lay out my experience with the whole ‘journey’ to that point. I have been on this site on and off for about a decade now (I feel old saying that), but in all my time here I have never actually read a ‘ growing up ace story’ shared for ‘start to finish’ so to speck.     
so here we go....
I never really felt like there was something wrong with me, before I hit puberty. cause, “kids don’t have those kinds of feelings” but it was when I got to high school (which in my country starts when your about 12-13) I started to notice things change.
I felt the same as I always had but others didn’t. 
they were all looking at each other in ways I could not wrap my head around, but I was told I was a ‘late bloomer’ so I didn’t worry about it to much.
it was when I was 15 that things really started to get...well it took a turn. 
I started a different (nicer) high school and got new friends, 
and my friends funny enough was the queer squad, my main friends were, a semi-closeted gay (he only came out to a hand full of people I was one of them), an openly bubbly bi girl, a her lesbian gf (gifted kid TM) and G a bi girl who (unfortunately) had a lot of...issues. 
G was a really into queer politics and causes, but she was ironically why it took me so long to realise that I was ace. She would talk about politics none stop (she wanted to be a politician) but she would make everything a political ‘debate’ and by debate I mean she would lecture you on how she was right. 
now I won’t g through G’s history here but I will give you the basics she was 
- a compulsive liar 
-had a bad home life (neglectful parents, a semi violent younger sister who she had to take care of) 
- had a fair few health issues (IDK the full extent due to the lying, as she once claimed to basically have blood cancer one week and then had a brain tumour/ clot the next, these were the proven lies)  
-had attachment issues (particularly to bi girl and semi out gay) to the point of manipulation. 
Now I should get back to my story. 
G was seen as authority on all things LGBT+ and I at the time didn’t know what being ace even was so I thought I was straight (ding doing I was wrong). and it was a joke that I was the “token straight” in the friend group (jokes on me huh). Anyway, I mention G because in all the time I knew her and all the talk she made about lgbt+ to the point of wanting to be a politician rep, she actually never saw ace as lgbt+, now let me be clear she never harassed anyone but I do remember some conversations on the topic. It was basically what you would hear in any AcE DiScOrD tag today (which was new at the time I might add). So you can see how my view of the ace community started. Not great....
I remember something twisting in me every time we would have conversations like this, an ache I could not pin point, I now know what it was.
I asked her to explain was ace and asexual was, she would tell me and I would feel a small small spark in me trying to light as the words and explanation made sense to me and it just as the knot was coming undone, she would then say they are fake and attention seekers or something much worse and the knot would squeeze back tighter. Now i am not saying it was all her fault or anything that would be dumb, but she certainly shaped my teenage view on the whole thing.
that view was one of mistrust and disgust. 
G was not a good friend at the best of times but the ‘friendship’ ended for me when she used my apparent “straightness” as a tool to manipulate semi-out friend to not be closer to me then her (she would tell him he was a bad person be because a ‘straight’ like me could never understand him they way she did) this would cause his server anxiety to kick in and he would literally have attacks over hanging out with me “over” her, so I cut her out of my life as a friend. we were 17-18. 
so I had 3 years of my critical teen years, of this person telling me that what I was (or even what I thought I was) could never be ‘right’, ‘good’ or ‘valid’ that lead me to lose closeness to someone I cared (and still care) deeply about. Because I was not ‘enough’ to be part of the group. 
I can’t describe what those years did to me mentally. It made me reject myself in a way I didn’t know was possible. All the times I was asked if I was “alright” but people and my own older sister said many, many times 
“there must be something wrong with you”
whenever the conversation turned to dating/sex. 
how many times I was called a lair, for saying I don’t care what people look like as long as their a good person, because “That’s not realistic”. my grandma thought I was gay because i had no interest in boys and she had a ‘not again’ look to her (my uncle is a gay man) even my uncle gave me the must be a lesbian look more times then I could count. It was not that people thought i was gay that bothered me it was that they were not listening or believing me when I told them what I truly felt, regardless of who they were (straight or gay).        
and none of this is even touching on the years I spent going to doctors for ovary issues, and them obsessing over my libido and hormones over and over again, when I said I don’t really feel attraction.    
but finally....
Once I was 18-19 and headed into uni. 
I have met wonderful people there, and one of the first friends I made was an indigenous Australian bi woman who was about 3 years older then me. the one to open my thoughts back open to my identity again. she did it with a simple question 
‘do you think you might be ace?’
at the time all I knew was what G had told me and how “people” felt about aces, when I shared this, my new friend looked horrified at the answer. she walked me through the explanation again but this time her point was not about how ‘valid’ aces were but rather how they have been in the community for decades.  she even throw in one or two story's she had learned from her indigenous background about how ace’s are seen in her community as well (it was interesting but I am afraid I don’t remember all the details and don’t wish to misquote her)
this did not ‘sell me’ on myself being ace but it did reopen the door for me to look into what being ace actually means.
and after years of learning and feeling as I always had, I came to a realisation. I have never actually ‘fit in’ to the hereto normative narrative.... But I didn’t ‘fit in’ the ‘queer classic’ narrative either.
so from when I was 22- 23 I looked for, watched and I listened to ace people (and other lgbt+ groups) on and off line, to see if anything started to feel right. Ace/ asexual was what called to me the most and was what I connect to most.
so after one more year I knew what I was, and it was like a whole lot of things fell into place, and I actually made sense to me for the first time in a long time.   
I came out at the start of this year to one person in my fam and that is all I plan on telling as the explanations are not worth the trouble (the acceptance is not the issue). but I wear my black ring with silent pride and its good enough for me.
because I’m good enough for me, I always have been       
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jancys-blue-bayou · 5 years
Yeah so Stranger Things 3 was painfully bad
Yeah yeah big negative post about ST3 coming up. Just... holy shit, my expectations weren’t exactly high but jesus I didn’t think it’d be this bad. Wow. Mindboggling to think it was made by the same dudes who made season 1, it feels like a different show. Some of the worst writing I’ve seen in a long while, parts of season 3. This got very long because it was very bad so it’s under the cut. Starting with the few positives and then away we go...
Of course there were bright spots, I thought what we got of Jancy was generally good (just wish there had been more of it. Just like... more lines between them, a few moments could’ve gone on longer...like after the awesome hospital fight scene jesus just let them fucking desperately embrace and profess their love for each other, it was awesome how they relentlessly kept going at the monster to save the other but can we please just have a few more seconds for a comfort moment after?) I liked how they handled the fight btw, apart from the Oliver Twist comment yeah yeah heat of the moment but still felt OOC with that loa a blow. Nancy and Karen scene was nice and um... well Max and El bonding was nice. And um... Mr Clarke! And I kind of dig Murray.
My main issues with it:
- The product placement. Jesus Christ. Okay, ST has always been a show with noticeable product placement. But it’s gone from things like a Coke can prominently on display on a table in s1 (El crushing it with her mind) to literally having a straight up ad for Coca Cola in the middle of a tense scene. That’s the big offender that made me go wow you’re really doing this to yourselves huh, there are many others ofc (everything at the mall ofc, Slurpees being in hyperfocus for a bit, and a lengthy talk about Burger King. These smaller things one by one wasn’t the worst but all combined jesus it was too much, all added together and then bam the Coke commercial was wow... Congrats on the like 80 sponsorship deals and esp the new ST themed arcade hall by Coca Cola hope it was worth completely selling out for.
- Relatedly, the original fucking song. Holy christ talk about jumping the shark. That was the oddest, cringiest, weirdest shit I’ve seen in a long time. Gaten’s a great singer don’t get me wrong, but there’s a time and place for it and an original song stuffed into the middle of the tense climax of the season is not it Duffers. Just a blatant cash cow, hoping to bring in more money via the song.
- Robin. Sorry but holy cow what a Mary Sue. Hey here’s this super cool girl who’s cool™ and funny™ and super smart™ and NOT Nancy (like they seriously for real said in a scene, they actually for real had to pit Robin and Nancy against each other for no reason). And she conveniently has these specific skills needed for the plot (which she gets involved with for no real motivation other than having nothing better to do, lazy writing). Said skills were so over the top unrealistic it completely sucked me out of it. To start with, this random girl in small town Indiana in 1985 speaking French, Spanish and Italian um... does Hawkins High have the most amazing language department or what? Very un-american in that case... and okay then, her knowing those languages wouldn’t help jackshit with understanding Russian. Russian is a notoriously difficult language to learn and it is not related to the Romance languages at all, Robin knowing those languages and oh, having “a good ear” bc she’s in band (?!??! what?!) wouldn’t help her at all. Having the alphabets on the wall and listening to strange words in a foreign language she has no understanding of would never work. No way for her to understand what is she’s hearing, what letters are in the words just, nothing. It’s completely ridiculous. The good thing is she’s a lesbian, crushing Stobin that made me LOL. Btw, I don’t get what age they were writing her as? She’s still in school but later says she and Steve was in the same class, and she knows who Nancy is but Nancy, who is still in school, doesn’t know her even though presumably they’d be in the same year at little Hawkins High? Was it just sloppy writing or what?
- Too. Much. Plotting. What happened to “this season is about the characters” um there was just so much plot stuff and action sequences and barely any character driven moments at all. Those intimate moments that made s1 amazing. Generally regarding plots felt the Russian plot was messy and not well-written also what happened to the US government as the big bad? Unless they’re setting up a big Cold War thing for s4. And felt the zombie thing was wasted, could’ve been used differently like I’d have thought it’d be used like the MF spreading it’s influence over vaster areas and being harder to keep track of etc.
- Too little Will. Will’s whole thing with feeling left out etc was just dropped halfway through it felt very undercooked. His arc was just dropped wtf.
- NO BYERS FAMILY INTERACTIONS WTF. The sequence in the first episode when Jancy has overslept and Joyce wipes the lipstick off Jonathan was cute (but could’ve been even cuter I’d have preferred a short fluffy Jancy moment here just as they wake up before they realize they overslept, bc we didn’t get much pure fluff, and then it’d been awesome if Joyce would’ve just called Nancy into the house to mess with them). But like... that’s kind of it. For the Byers family. Talking to each other in the whole season. When they partnered Jancy with the kids many thought awesome we’ll get Byers bros talking and teaming up (and Nancy and Mike) but there was just nothing. Not even a family hug after the battle at the mall, just Joyce hugging Will, with all this tightknit little family has been through you telling me Jonathan wouldn’t join in?
- No Will and El bonding wtf? SUCH a wasted opportunity. They’ve built this unique awesome connection over s1 and s2 and now in s3 would finally be able to bond normally for real and... nothing.
- Turning Hopper back into an even bigger jerk than he was at the start of the show, neglecting all his character development. What was the point of the whole El and Hopper thing they devoted so much time to in s2 if Hopper’s back at it with the yelling and all now? And jeez his constant whining to Joyce about every man she interacts with holy christ that got annoying. Generally Hopper was such an annoying asshole this season I was so tired of him by the time he “died”.
- TOO MANY CHARACTERS. Jeez, I know I’m on about it all the time but jesus christ there is way way too many characters in this for 8 episodes which hurts the narrative and screentime for interesting characters is just... yeah.
- Speaking of screentime, did we really need that many identical generic fight scenes between Hopper and the Russian guy? Jesus Christ it’s so boring watching fight scenes like that, so repetitive (compare to the hospital fight scene which was dynamic and awesome). Also regarding screentime did we really need to devote so incredibly much of it to Steve and Robin being comedic relief while drugged? Yeah yeah mix light and dark and all that but jesus christ at that point in the narrative shit has hit the fan lean into the dark.
- Totally expected of course but still, the furthering of Steve Memeington. My god they actually had him literally call himself daddy... christ.
- The Billy and Karen/all the other middle age women remains gross and bad in a billion ways. Also completely pointless for the plot, they could’ve come up with any other way to get Billy to the factory. And what did it give Karen in development? Just the realization that yeah I’m tired of my husband but I’m not leaving my family and I’ll stick with him just ‘cause? Okay but did we need her almost sleeping with a kid a year older than her daughter for that? Icky. Also the editing of the scene where Billy hits her was so weird. Also that was weird as fuck.
- The ending. Okay christ my main gripe with this is because of a point above: No Byers family interaction at all! Joyce and Hopper talk briefly about her thinking about moving once or twice but she never talks about it with her kids... obviously she did in the timegap but we need to see that to build to the thing. Having no Byers interactions the whole season and then just oop we’re moving is so weird. I’m also not sure if Joyce’s motivation for moving (her bad memories of Hawkins) would be enough. For sure an argument for it, but an argument against is the one Hopper presents to her (and though he’s not around still there’s still a support system around them there, especially for her kids which she loves above all). Speaking of her loving her kids above all, she knows they love their friends/girlfriend/boyfriend to bits, have walked through fire with them and are each others support system as mentioned, would Joyce really just uproot them from that? There’s also some purely practical things that stuck out to me immediately: the timeskip for the epilogue makes it so they move when the schoolyear is already well under way and Jonathan has started senior year, feel bad for Jonathan there in a number of ways. Also, how the hell did Joyce manage to sell her house and what did it fetch? Her rundown house on the outskirts of a now infamous town with an incredibly bad rep? Even if the buyer bought it for the land the land doesn’t look special, just find it hard to believe she could get much for it. And where did they move? Where did she find a place? And work? Did she have something lined up or? I guess we’ll see.
- Oh and speaking of work, that was another thing that was just dropped, the mall killing downtown and the protests just fell out of the story. But, with what happened to the mall wouldn’t business come back to downtown (possibly reason for Joyce to want to stay if Melvald’s going out of business was another reason to move).
- Sorry but Mileven took way too much space.
- Again, no Jonathan and Will actual brothers bonding. But a whole lot of Steve and Dustin meme fanservice wank.
- Erica is just the sassy black girl trope non stop the whole season and nothing else and it’s so grating and... I was gonna say disappointing but I had no faith in the Duffers regarding this. Just because a bit character becomes a meme doesn’t mean they need to become a main. *cough* Steve *cough cough* Sorry.
- Last but not least, the woobiefication of Billy. Uggggghhhh. Disgusting. And having Max cry over him WTF?!?!?!?!?! staaaaaaahp.
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
so, someone i recently started talking to said they were reading tog, and were talking about how they were convinced nehe//mia was actually in love with celae//na and that, before The Reveal, Neh//emia would turn out to be ae//lin. which. lesbian!ael//in!neh//emia is a galaxy brain idea. Except then they turned around and said they thought nehe//mia dying out of love for cel//aena was a great plot point that sjm wrote well, that they loved ro//wan, (1/2)
(2/2) that they thought Ae//dion was great bi rep, and that he ‘just enjoyed referring to himself as a whore’ so its not biphobic to do so, that mo/r was handled well, that she has really good rep in the second and third aco//tar books and, finally, that shes 'trying really hard to get better!’ and i just. wow. stans really be like that, huh? I dont even know this person that well and im just. warning signs tbh.
Yeah, people will go far lengths to excuse bad and/or problematic writing if they’re invested in the story and if they don’t know a lot about the issues in our world that make the writing problematic. It feels like I’ve run across every excuse in the book for why SJ/M isn’t problematic–she didn’t know better, she’s a white middle class straight lady who only has one experience, it’s just a coincidence, she didn’t mean it like that, it’s actually really good rep, etc. I don’t know what it is about her books that makes stans go those lengths though. There are so many other amazing and diverse writers who incorporate good representation and feminism into their books so much better than SJ/M ever has. While I do think her influence over YA has died down a bit in the past one or two years, I wish it would die down more because people still often bend over backward to defend the super problematic stuff that’s ingrained in every page of her books.
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
For the ask game marvel
Thanks for asking! ^^
Top 5 favourite characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Janet van Dyne, Okoye, Carol Danvers
Other characters you like: Ororo Munroe, Gwen Stacy, Miles Morales, Darcy Lewis, Hope van Dyne
Least favourite characters:MCU!W@nda
Otps: Loki/Tony, Bucky/Tony, Thor/Tony
Notps: Tony/Pepper, Peter/Michelle, MCU!Steve/Tony, Steve/Bucky, Valkyrie/Carol, honestly it’s actually a pretty long list so we’ll leave it at a Top Five
Favourite friendships: TONY AND RHODEY!!! Also Peter and Miles in a “they’re the same age”-setting
Favourite family:THE IRON FAM
Favourite episodes: doesn’t have episodes
Favourite season/book/movie: listen, it may be basic but Avengers. The first one. Like, that was all the MCU was about. Forming that team. It may not be the best movie by various definitions, but it’s my favorite because it sums up what Marvel should be all about for me
Favourite quotes: not really a quote-kinda-gal. Like, there are these often quoted quips and stuff from the MCU but nothing that I’d really say means a lot to me
Best musical moment: an Avengers musical would be awesome :O
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: That hero shot. In the first Avengers when after all these years, those heroes all came together and we got that shot of them all together
When it really disappointed you: *cough* so often. But the worst offenders are Age of Ultron and Thor Ragnarok. Like. Just. Everything about these two movies. AoU’s only redeeming quality was Vision and Ragnarok just flat-out didn’t have any redeeming qualities.
Saddest moment: WHEN TONY DIED. I CRIED. A LOT ;-;
Most well done character death: If I am allowed to use the deleted scene instead of the one that ended up in the movie, then Tony’s death. Because him dying and everyone kneeling before him was amazing??
Favourite guest star: JARVIS. JARVIS IN THAT ENDGAME
Favourite cast member: Kat Dennings
Character you wish was still alive: ANTHONY EDWARD STARK
One thing you hope really happens: that Captain Marvel makes Carol/Maria canon, because Marvel promised more LGBT rep, with new AND existing characters and if you wanna retcon anyone into being rep, genuinely NONE from the MCU offer it better than the two women who raised a child together, lived together and spent the entire movie being each other’s anchor??
Most shocking twist: that Captain America was wrong in his own movie :D man I was dreading Civil War because if it’s Civil War but Captain America then surely they will give Steve the moral high ground and have Tony be in the wrong - and then they just made Steve the fuck-up and Tony the reasonable one and it still feels like a blessing (though I still think this shouldn’t have been a Captain America movie. It should have been an Avengers movie...)
When did you start watching/reading?: I watched it when Iron Man first came out, but like... casually. I only started caring - and caught up with the ones I was missing - when Avengers came out
Best animal/creature: are... are there animals in this franchise...? Because I just genuinely do not recall any, aside from Valkyrie’s outta-nowhere pegasus in Endgame...
Favourite location: ooof Wakanda probably?
Trope you wish they would stop using: miscommunication and distrust. Like. The Avengers movies were supposed to be about a team, but we didn’t have A SINGLE actual Avengers movie where they were just a team. Every single one had miscommunication, distrust and betrayal among the team and it was tiresome and stupid. There should have been at the very least ONE proper Avengers movie where it’s the Avengers, united as one team, facing a threat together
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: the interwoven universe. I mean, these phases lined up pretty well while so many other franchise attempts fail because they can’t build it up and rush it too much
Funniest moments: the majority of things Tony Stark says :D and also Okoye, just her being a whole mood
Couple you would like to see: I’d be over the moon if, once they introduce the X-Men, T’Challa/Ororo could become canon? Also the further above mentioned Carol/Maria. And when they’re giving Valkyrie a girlfriend next Thor, I really hope it’s gonna be Sif
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Freema Agyeman as Ororo Munroe. She’d be the perfect age to be with Chadwick’s T’Challa, she is a gorgeous badass and I really want to see her in it??
Favourite outfit: that Infinity War nanotech Iron Man suit
Favourite item: the Cloak of Levitation
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?:uuuhm... Huh. No, I actually don’t...
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I would be a human. Maybe working for Darcy? :D
Most boring plotline: ...Ant-Man and the Wasp, like I genuinely can’t remember what that movie was about, beyond getting Janet out...??
Most laughably bad moment:ooof there were so many, most of them in Ragnarok, really. That movie was one laughably bad moment after the other
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: mh, I don’t know??
Most layered character: Tony Stark, unsurprisingly so considering who you asked xD
Most one dimensional character: the majority of villains
Scariest moment: not really scary
Grossest moment: can’t think of one?
Best looking male: M’Baku
Best looking female: Gamora? Sif? Okoye? Hope? Why would you make a weak-minded lesbian choose
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Hope and Okoye
Favourite cast moment: I don’t really care for these things ^^°
Favourite transportation: flying with the Iron Man suit?
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): I don’t know
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I mean there are probably a ton, to be quite frank, and most are linked to the flusterfuck of timetravel Endgame put in there :D
Best promo: I don’t really follow these things; I don’t even watch trailers if I can avoid them
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: Avengers, that team-shot
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