#this is amazinf!!!!!!
catastrophicalcat · 13 days
Wow! Everyone should go and read Dan Mora's story in the Brave and the Bold #1 where Dick and Jason are adorable street urchins trying to find their brother.
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junebugdunes · 3 months
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woah check it out I do backgrounds??? this is really messy but this shot was too fun not to redraw
grungy reference photo under the read more
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awful-little-goose · 7 months
I seriously cannot stop drawing Buzzbuzz and thinking about @sm-baby ‘s au because BRBRBRBR NEW LORE JUST DROPPED AND IM GOING INSANE (I do love me some GOOD story telling)
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Little dancing session! And yes, actually Buzz CAN tolerate Pomni, they just get mad at her when she helps humans cheat
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They’ll play in Gangle’s plays if asked (they’re quite the show man! Show…bee?) but will also fight her actively as soon as she purposefully changes historical facts
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Also I could 100% see buzzbuzz hurry to put a show for Kinger JUST to not end up facing fifty or so chess pieces at once
And also Buzzbuzz messing with Cain >:) I do NOT draw your Cain enough even though I find him to be absolutely charming, with his little hat and winding key- so…Dick Van Dyke (the dude from the Mary Poppins movie) coded
(Also Buzzbuzz’s may be little spirals but they can’t- hypnotize people, just makes people dizzy and confused. NO psychic powers for this worm!!)
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kroovv · 2 months
Just a periodical reminder that i do not allow people to use my OCs as their own character/ as their character face claims. Even in your private games, please don’t :’) thanks
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moumekie · 2 months
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Get owned (nerd)
A drawing of Jax and Razz. This is more or less an artstyle test...
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secretidentityartblog · 11 months
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if some cornball woke me up from a millennia long nap, I’d be a dick about it too tbh
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humijpg · 4 months
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Emo Terry emo terry emo te
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vivlovesglitter · 3 months
Fresh Sans Super Awesome Drawing
The best drawing 2 be made in human history
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suspectedpokemon · 3 months
reblog if you like pokemon!! and love your pokemon very much!! and would not trade them for the world!!
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shadowsightliker · 3 months
finally gathering the courage to post on here
Shadowsight design by @felidform !!
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astraskylark · 27 days
We actually need more sulemio superhero aus. A self-sacrificial moron meets idiot willing to sacrifice the world for her
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werchezdeeno · 7 months
aoughhhh argenti quest...how to be the most capable but cringefail at the same time? Hes the master at them simultaneously.
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the way he rlly wanted to see wubbaboo 🥺
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and i find his relationship with velite very...interesting. during the whole quest it felt like smth happened between them (?) Im not sure how to describe it. The thing abt hsr is time is only convenient to the story. Weeks will pass and the reader wont be informed. Exactly how many days were we in the sting or wtv it was? Definitely more than one day. I might have thought otherwise if velite was not part of the quest, but his behavior says more time has passed. He starts with annoyance than near the end feels affection towards Argenti. He talks as if they have gotten a lot closer over the course of the quest, which further soldified my thoughts. How much time passed from the events of the quest and Argenti's mssgs? Obviously quite a bit since Velite changed careers during this time and how Argenti helped.
Overall the quest was pretty cool, but it would've been so much better if they just added a scene like "___ days later..." or smth like that. Or "the next day". The timing kinda threw me off since it didnt take very long but felt as it should have.
But what himeko said at the end kinda made me sad for argenti. He's essentially looking for something that can't be found. Or maybe idrila can idk how aeons work.
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I think the rtc community really needs to talk about the themes & messaging of rtc more like HUH??? WHYS THAT SO SLEPT ON???
Like after I watched it with my parents we were just talking about the message & themeing for like an hour and. It really makes me think a lot.
I'm serious. It's a nice thing to keep in mind & depending on how you interpret it, it can genuinely bring a little more hope into how you think about things. What I mean is–
Is how we don't know what's going to happen in life. We can't predict anything. That was the entire point of the Cyclone — nobody knew it was going to happen. You've gotta appreciate what you have while you have it. Even if you've had a lot of bad things happen, and it seems like it's just getting worse? You don't know that for sure!! You can't predict what's going to happen in the future. Maybe something good CAN happen. There's no shame in being happy where you are right now. There is so much to be said about how easy it is to go through the motions of life without taking a moment to appreciate what's around you. life certainly can be wonderful, you just have to take a look around.
It's a good message to keep in mind. :]
I may not have been into the Uranium Teen Scream Trilogy for very long(the hyperfix has been going strong for about 3-4 months now🫡), but I absolutely love the themeing & messaging and how it's clicked with so many people from its rather recent uprise in popularity. There are like. Whole entire articles about WHY it's clicked & gained more traction as of recent years. It's awesome
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wikitpowers · 3 months
anyone: “tmi? is that the series with the incest?” the tsc fandom:
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shey-pancake · 1 year
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Springtraps says Happy (late) easter! 🐰🎊🥚
I didn't had time to do it yesterday so have this quick-colored doodle for today of my bbgirl and my fuckboi hehe (he stealed aurora's eggs >:o )
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spoonhead · 1 month
i love the Pokemon XY anime there's an episode where they straight up leave Clemont with some random 7 year old who wants to marry him, and everyone just cheerfully walks away as he's pleading for them to come back like what
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