#this is all to say that of course PA wants to be in the Paris Agreemnt! it’s good for us in the long run!
thewhumpcaretaker · 2 months
Whump idea, Vincent gets cavities from eating so much sugar all the time and has to go to the dentist. He’s scared of it hurting so Chidi holds his hand the whole time. Maybe he squeezes so hard he actually breaks a bone in Chidi’s hand, but of course Chidi is too tough to let on…then later Vincent sees a splint on it and says he’ll kill whoever hurt him. And Chidi is just like, well…
I took so long to answer this because I went on hiatus right afterwards, I'm sorry 😭
But I love this ask, it's so adorable and so funny!! I was thinking about it all week. Please do send more if the inspiration strikes you, anon. I can't get enough of HoplesslyDevoted!
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-⚜- Sweet Tooth -⚜-
TW: Nothing except dentists for once! This is just fluffy hurt/comfort.
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The most painful things seemed to happen when it came to Vincent - or rather, Vincent seemed to do these things to himself, and perhaps to bystanders. The toothache was one of many such cases.
He wouldn’t admit it at first, but he was irritable for two days in a row, awoke looking like he hadn’t slept, and when he didn’t even want to eat sweets, Chidi knew something had to be wrong.
“Vous n'avez pas faim, monsieur? [Aren’t you hungry, sir?]” he asked, over a banquet table filled with a positively wasteful spread of breakfast foods, from syrup-drenched crepes to fresh croissants to heaps of jam and berries.
“Non.” But his stomach let out a noise that betrayed him, and Chidi raised an eyebrow. He watched Vincent look away and breathe a little too deeply for a moment, as he did when he was about to admit something. At last, barely above a whisper, he muttered, “J'ai mal aux dents. [I have a toothache.]”
Oh. Honestly, he was relieved it was nothing more serious. “Je parlerai à votre assistant d’un rendez-vous dentaire d’urgence. [I’ll speak to your assistant about an emergency dental appointment.]”
“Non, s'il vous plaît, ne le faites pas. Euh, c'est… [No, please don’t. Er, that is…]”
“…Monsieur, sans traitement, la situation ne fera qu'empirer. […Sir, without treatment, it will only get worse.]”
“Je SAIS que [I KNOW that],” he snapped. But he still did not give permission.
Vincent was toying with his fork, pushing a blueberry around an untouched plate. Chidi watched him fidget for a moment in silence, considering how to approach this. Finally, “Puis-je demander pourquoi pas, alors? [May I ask why not, then?]”
“Juste – tu viens avec moi ? [Just – will you come with me?]”
He was scared, then. Another person might have smiled at such endearing childishness, but that would have been a wrong move. Chidi just nodded, face flat. “Bien sûr. [Of course.]”
He soon realized how much pain the Marquis had been hiding. Once he could complain openly, he admitted that not one, but two molars were aching constantly, sending pain right through the back of his head. Chidi spoke to the assistant, cancelled all the day’s meetings, and spent the morning with Vincent’s head in his lap, massaging his scalp and his jaw while they waited for the appointment.
That afternoon, they found themselves in an office in Paris, with an elderly woman whose kindly demeanor and open face should have put anyone at ease. But she did not look happy to see Vincent. Apparently, she had served the Marquis since he was a child, and Chidi would guess she had quite a few stories she was sworn not to tell.
Vincent didn’t look happy to see her either. He was really pale and stood too close to Chidi in the lobby, keeping their shoulders in contact (though of course he was not made to wait more than a minute).
Chidi didn’t have to be told to take the seat next to the dental chair, though he was a little surprised to find Vincent’s hand catching his in a death grip almost immediately.  He described his symptoms in terse, one or two word responses, clearly fighting back panic. That was probably the only reason he allowed the dentist to lecture him about the amount of sugar he’d obviously been eating. All she got out of him was a glare. Chidi answered on his behalf about his diet, and promised to “work with the Marquis to establish a more rigorous tooth care schedule,” which was the most dignified way he could think to describe forcing Vincent to brush his teeth the next time he ate three chocolate éclairs at 9 AM.
He had multiple cavities, apparently. And despite very liberal use of anesthetic, when the dentist pulled out a drill, Vincent’s already crushing grip became really unbearable. Nonetheless, Chidi bore it. He just squeezed back and ran his thumb over Vincent’s fingers again and again to sooth him. He never spoke a word of protest. Nor did he say anything about it on the car ride back to the palace, nor when seeing Vincent off to a nap to make up for that night of tossing and turning in pain. Nothing except, “Vous avez été très courageux, monsieur. [You were very brave, sir.]”
The next time they saw each other, Vincent had emerged from his room for dinner, which would have to be mostly liquid. Despite grimacing at the creative smoothie blends the chef had concocted, he seemed in better spirits. His eyes fixed on Chidi affectionately across the table. “Tu sais, je pensais à quel point tu étais gentil avec moi aujourd'hui. Quand j’allais chez le dentiste quand j’étais enfant, la gouvernante s’impatientait au bout d’une minute et ne me tenait plus la main. Mais tu l’as fait, même si je ne devrais vraiment pas en avoir besoin. [You know, I was thinking about how kind you were to me today. When I went to the dentist as a child, the governess would get impatient after a minute and wouldn’t hold my hand anymore. But you did, even though I really shouldn’t need it.]”
Chidi smiled back, preening. “C'est ma joie d'être là pour toi. Ce dont vous avez besoin est exactement ce dont vous avez besoin, et je vous l’accorderai. [It’s my joy to be there for you. What you need is just exactly what you need, and I will give you that.]”
His eyes finally lighted on Chidi’s left hand, where a splint wrapped around his pointer finger. “Attends… qui t'a fait ça ? Y a-t-il eu une bagarre pendant que je dormais !? Celui qui a fait ça, je lui arracherai… [Wait…who did that to you? Was there a fight while I was sleeping!? Whoever did that, I’ll tear out their – ]”
“Ah non, je ne pense pas que ce soit necessaire, [Ah, no, I don’t think that’s necessary,]” Chidi said sheepishly.
“Que veux-tu dire... [What do you mean…]” Realization dawned over his face. “Non, je ne l’ai pas fait. Ai-je? [No. I didn’t. Did I?]”
“Bien… [Well…]”
“Oh, Chidi…” He stared at his hand, rueful. “Venez ici. [Come here.]”
Chidi came to stand beside his chair and the Marquis took up his hand, very delicately this time, to plant a small kiss on the splint. “Je suis désolé. [I’m sorry.]”
“C'est bon, monsieur. Tu es juste très fort. Je ai été impressionné. [It’s okay, sir. You’re just very strong. I was impressed.]” Chidi’s eyes flickered meaningfully to the butler on the other side of the dining room. The man took the hint and slipped out. Free to be a little more tender, he leaned down to return Vincent’s kiss - on the lips this time, but equally gentle.
Vincent lingered with their faces together, cupping his cheek. “Je ferais mieux de me brosser les dents après. Tu es la chose la plus douce que j'ai jamais goûtée. [I’d better brush my teeth afterwards. You are the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.]”
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mcbride · 1 month
Daryl Dixon Rewatch S1E04 - La Dame de Fer
without a doubt the weakest ep of the season, it stars with Daryl having some sort of premonition dream, in which he sees Laurent surrounded by walkers passing right by him without even noticing he's there. all this supporting my theory the Nest people want to turn the kid into a walker so he can rise again as the new Messiah.
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(exactly how i feel after the work week i just had!)
anyways more thoughts and ramblings after the jump...
Daryl strolling through Paris, listening to music, seeing old couple sharing precious time together while people watching through windows gives me the frenchest vibes ever. unfortunately, he cannot read a map to save his life.
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i don't hate Genet, and i can even understand her pragmatism. i feel this will turn into a religion vs. science debate, in which both sides want to use to boy to "cure" humanity.
i will never ever forgive this show for killing Antoine the pigeon dude, who was legit one of the most likable characters in all of twdu with only a couple of mins of screentime. his dying wish was to free his pigeons. "The birds. Free. Let them free. The pigeons." - here we go, if he was the one making an analogy between Caryl and the pigeons always returning home to the one who waits for them in the last ep, this also seems an omen for caryl being set free of their responsibilities, trauma and guilt so they can finally fly freely together. and if so, then it's kinda poetic.
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Daryl is usually a fighter not a hugger, but we need to care about his bonds with this random people, so Isa hugs him. how fun would it be if you were not left to wonder what will happen next. Daryl cares about people, it's just who he is. and guess what? he already knows where Laurent run off to.
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"Paris kinda sucks." Daryl, YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT! but it makes up for it in beautiful cinematography.
oh look, now Isa knows how to kill walkers! poorly, but at least she ain't just acting like a deer in headlights.
the dude they take hostage is slut shaming the heck out of Isa, and Daryl be like *shrug* je ne comprends pas, bitch, but let me tell you a story about little Jimmy being forced to kill his piglet one day. the most random Christmas tale ever told, but despite Daryl saying he made up the whole story, i can't help but think it's his story. and that is heartbreaking!
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ironically, Daryl who was wholly against torturing a whisperer back in s10, is now full on let's fuck this guy up for info right in front of a nun! of course, i can't help but think it makes total sense cause at the time, he was really just trying to protect Carol from that kind of violence when she was already on edge.
Isa needs to tell Daryl something, he be like NAH, i'm busy, i got a kid, your kid, to save, please schedule an appointment.
Sylvie is finding love for the first time ever, and she's wondering if Isa is harboring any romantic feelings for Daryl. he's the one, the messenger to deliver Laurent, so he is a means to an end. she already loved and lost a lot before the apocalypse. which probably means she is totally getting the feels for Daryl, she just doesn't know he's taken already. just wait till you meet his formidable wife!
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Daryl learned some French already. he grunts "bon appétit," as he leaves piglet!dude to be eaten by walkers. SAVAGE!
Daryl fights Quinn, but let's him live cause he's Daryl - he wouldn't kill the kid's father right in front of him.
we have come full circle. Daryl returning a lost kid to his "mother" (*whisper yells* Sophia), and watches her make the ultimate sacrifice by going back to Quinn so she can give the kid a chance to leave the city. not before, she sorts of totally guilt trips him into taking Laurent to the nest. obviously, for some reason, Daryl is the only dude in the whole of France capable of taking the kid there. *rolls eyes loudly* remember, there's reasons everywhere. the universe keeps working to keep Daryl there, so Carol can find him (and together they will save Laurent - that's my theory!).
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and it finally ends with Daryl looking at some Paris landmarks, and giving the most longing look at Lady Liberty. he is homesick!
see y'all next week for ep 5!!! it's gonna get interesting!
35 days left until the premiere of THE BOOK OF CAROL!!!!!
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changingplumbob · 6 months
York Household: Chapter 9, Part 7
Deanna expresses her feelings while Joey tries to be supportive. Kelly does not try to be supportive.
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The Yorks are Italian so if you see them using words that don't look like English it's Italian, or what google assures me is Italian. Caro/Cara: Dear Buongiorno: Good morning Piccolo: Little one Tesoro: Treasure Nonno: Grandfather Nonna: Grandmother Si: Yes Grazie: Thank you Per Favore: Please Buon Compleanno: Happy Birthday
Deanna moves inside forlornly, hardly looking where she’s going. She feels sadness and anger swirling inside her.
Joey: Come here sis
Deanna: Joey?
Joey: Pa thought I should stay. He’s gone to buy cheese
Deanna goes and throws her arms around her big brother, hugging him close. Thank the watcher for her family. The tears in her eyes flow freely now and she couldn't say how long she stood there sobbing into Joey's jacket. Eventually she manages to slow down the sobs to speak.
Deanna: I just got dumped *sadly* I didn’t see it coming
Joey: Come and sit, we can talk
Deanna: No. I need to block that… I need to block my ex. She’s left, she doesn’t get the luxury of seeing my life anymore
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Joey: I mean… straight to block? I thought you loved her
Deanna: I do! I mean I did *sighs* it’s complicated Joey
Joey: Thank the watcher I don’t get romantic feelings
Deanna: I’m sorry, if that's you trying to be helpful I'd rather face it alone
Joey: I just wonder, if you loved her, why aren’t you fighting for her
Deanna: She thinks I loved what she was more than who she was
Joey: What does that mean
Deanna: Nevermind. She was wrong
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After Kelly has stayed on the second floor patio long enough to see Paris fade into the distance he goes to join his siblings in waiting for dinner.
Kelly: Woah you look terrible
Deanna: Shut up goblin, I’m not in the mood
Kelly: I thought saying you’ve looked better was a compliment for all those other times you didn’t look like this
Deanna: It isn’t and you know that
Kelly: Hey Joey, are you coming to my birthday party tomorrow
Joey: Am I invited
Kelly: You’re my brother, of course you’re invited. I’m evil but family get a special pass
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Deanna: You literally insult me daily
Kelly: Do I? Or do I prepare you for the harshness of the world
Deanna: Look, I just got dumped, I’m not in the mood for your mind games
Kelly: Good riddance. She was clearly a peasant
Deanna: Look, you may be too young to understand-
Kelly: I’m 13 tomorrow
Deanna: Whatever. Point is if you love someone it’s hard to lose them
Kelly: But… she… was… a PEASANT. Sooner you accept that the happier you’ll be
Joey: That kind of made sense
Deanna: *scoffs* Don’t encourage him Joey
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The oven needed a quick scrub but Aaron manages to cook some excellent level Mac and Cheese.
Kelly: YES! De you should get dumped more so we get greasy food
Deanna: *sighs* Pass me a plate then troll
Joey: Home is where the good pasta is. Grazie pa
Aaron: You’re welcome
Deanna: Grazie pa *sadly moves food about*
Aaron: You’re welcome *long silence* Kelly?
Kelly: Si pa?
Aaron: Do you have something to say
Kelly: Si... Wombats poop squares
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Aaron: Do they now
Kelly: Si
*phone noise*
Aaron: Joey, it’s still no phones at the table
Joey: But I’m running some tests on my mini game. It’s like blicblock, but forget everything you know about blicblock
Aaron: Do you think the main game will be ready for release soon
Joey: I hope so but I’m trying to grind at work so I’ve only got pockets of time. Plus Alfred and Rilian like to show me their toys. I want it polished before I release it, start strong
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Before everyone is finished eating Calista gets home from her shift.
Calista: I do love mac and cheese
Deanna: Mama… Paris left
Calista: I’m so sorry cara (Aaron has already text her a heads up of the situation so she’s not caught off guard)
Deanna: And she accused me of not loving her. Can you believe that?
Calista: So she said “it’s not me it’s you”
Deanna: Not exactly. She kept going on about wanting to find herself and needing to go out into the world. I offered to keep in touch but… she didn’t want that. She didn’t want me
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Kelly: She was a peasant *leaves table without being excused* I vote for the watcher to delete her
Deanna: *sadly* What am I meant to do now
Joey: Whatever you feel like. Have a day of mourning if you want. Eat ice cream and drink nectar and watch films until you cry. Then tomorrow, after a good night’s sleep, you dust yourself off and carry on. You understand robotics De, don’t let this mess up your study because I think you could be a pioneer one day
Deanna: You really think that?
Joey: Of course I do. And you have to listen to me, because I’m a genius
Deanna tucks into the last of her food with the most energy she’s had all meal while Calista mouths grazie to Joey.
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When the table is free Kelly grabs out his trusty diary. There’s the normal entry start, who’s on his hitlist today and why. Then comes a more thoughtful paragraph wondering about teen life. Will it be what he expects? Will he be what he expects? Will people treat him differently? Can he still keep the evil mantle with more personality? At least Mantis is immortal and can never leave.
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Deanna is lounging in her cottage with the comedy channel on but she's paying it no attention. She's scrolling through photos on her phone when a familiar sim bursts through her door.
Devin: De! Joey told me what happened! Come here
The two kiss on the cheek and hug. Even though Devin has already heard the story she lets Deanna tell it again to get it off her chest.
Devin: Oh my! Clearly we need to make some changes
Deanna: What do you mean
Devin: *gently* Cara you are not going to heal with photos of the two of you in your face
Deanna: But *sniffles* she’s in most of my friend photos
Devin: Come to your room, I’ll work my style magic on your walls
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Devin: There. Now she’s not in your room. The friend photos with her are not where you’ll be trying to sleep
Deanna: Thanks Devin
Devin: Of course. Now sleep, tomorrow after classes we’re going shopping
Deanna: But I hate shopping
Devin: I know but I used my status as favourite to convince the watcher she needs to change your skintone to fit the rest of us, may as well get a style over. Nothing says I’m newly single like changing your hair
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empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Mgr Zeller: Your Majesty, it is an honour Napoléon V: The honour is mine
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Napoléon V: Thank you for coming so quickly. The place of the Pope, my godfather, is central to my coronation in Paris. My advisers have informed me of conditions…
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Mgr Zeller: Indeed, His Holiness wishes that his godson find a wife. It's traditional in the imperial ceremony that the Emperor is no longer free. Otherwise, the ceremony must take place in the Vatican
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Mgr Morlot: In view of recent events, Your Majesty, it seems delicate that you are single while your sister has a partner
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Napoléon V: Is His Holiness not prepared to negotiate all this?
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Mgr Zeller: Your Majesty, of course, I will attempt a discussion with His Holiness if you wish. But it's rare for such ceremonies to obtain papal concessions
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Napoléon V (pained): I see… Mgr Morlot: Come on, Your Majesty, you are quite old enough to marry a virtuous young woman. Why does that repel you?
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Mgr Zeller: His Excellency Morlot is right, don't you have a young girl who makes your heart beat, Your Majesty?
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Napoléon V (embarrassed): I have… I have a sweetheart, yes. But we don't want to rush things, you see
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Mgr Zeller: Wonderful! Marriage is the most beautiful of the sacraments, Sire! Why not say yes to married love and embody the love of God?
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Mgr Morlot: I'll speak to Mademoiselle Charlotte de Rochechouart. She is perfectly suited to this role. And you have known her since you were a child. I consent to this union if it should be concluded, Sire!
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Napoléon V: Excellencies, your words and your enthusiasm embalm my heart. I thank you. I can certainly envisage an engagement, although my beloved also imposes conditions on me
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Mgr Zeller (laughing): A woman of spirit! I'm sure that she will be able to understand the situation, Your Majesty. Enjoy your youth and this beautiful love!
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Napoléon V: Of course, Your Excellency. Please stay here while I talk to Mademoiselle de Rochechouart and my family. That way you can present the Pope with new avenues for discussion
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Compiègne, 16 Floréal An 230
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⚜ Traduction française
Mgr Zeller : Votre Majesté, c'est un honneur Napoléon V : Tout l'honneur est pour moi, relevez-vous
Napoléon V : Merci d'être venu aussi rapidement. La place du pape, mon parrain, est centrale pour mon couronnement à Paris. Or, mes conseillers m'ont fait part de conditions...
Mgr Zeller : En effet, Sa Sainteté souhaite que son filleul trouve épouse. Il est traditionnel dans la cérémonie impériale que l'Empereur ne soit plus libre. Autrement, la cérémonie doit avoir lieu au Vatican
Mgr Morlot : Au-vu des derniers événements, Votre Majesté, il apparaît délicat que vous soyez célibataire alors que votre soeur a un partenaire
Napoléon V : Sa Sainteté n'est-elle pas prête à négocier tout ceci ? Je pense que les Français se soucient peu de mon célibat pour le couronnement. La présence de mon parrain serait très bénéfique pour la Francesim et moi-même
Mgr Zeller : Votre Majesté, bien sûr, je tenterai si vous le souhaitez une discussion avec Sa Sainteté. Mais il est rare pour de telles cérémonies d'obtenir des concessions papales
Napoléon V (peiné) : Je vois... Mgr Morlot : Allons Votre Majesté, vous êtes tout à fait en âge d'épouser une jeune femme vertueuse. En quoi cela vous repousse-t-il ?
Mgr Zeller : Son Excellence dit vrai, n'avez-vous point une jeune fille qui fait battre votre coeur, Votre Majesté ?
Napoléon V (gêné) : J'ai... J'ai une dulcinée, oui. Mais nous ne souhaitons pas brusquer les choses, voyez-vous.
Mgr Zeller : Merveilleux ! Le mariage est le plus beau des sacrements, Sire ! Pourquoi ne pas dire oui à l'amour conjugal et incarner l'amour de Dieu ?
Mgr Morlot : Je parlerai à Mademoiselle Charlotte de Rochechouart. Elle est tout à fait désignée pour ce rôle qui plus est. Et vous la connaissez depuis votre plus tendre enfance. Je consens à cette union si elle devait être conclue, Sire !
Napoléon V : Excellences, vos mots et votre enthousiasme embaument mon coeur. Je vous remercie. Je peux envisager certainement des fiançailles, bien que mon aimée m'impose elle aussi des conditions
Mgr Zeller (rigole) : Une femme d'esprit ! Je suis persuadée que devant la situation, elle saura être compréhensive Votre Majesté. Profitez de votre jeunesse et de ce bel amour !
Napoléon V : Bien sûr, Votre Excellence. S'il vous plaît, séjournez ici le temps que je m'entretienne avec Mademoiselle de Rochechouart et ma famille. Ainsi, vous pourrez présenter au pape de nouvelles pistes de discussions
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theirloveisgross · 7 months
I meant to do this the other day in the server but nobody cares there anymore (not that you have to care here but at least I can have it in one post and whatever it's fun).
Let's see how many of these I remember when they're from... I'll only be looking at my calendar with the tour schedule, for city names, nothing else. Maybe then I'll cross check the ones that I can. The tanktops will be hard. Okay...
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1. Erm... I wanna say Columbus, OH. I know he didn't wear too many white ones, and maybe this was the only one with that specific cut, or there was another time, but that show he definitely wore this kind of top.
2. Fuck. Hajshjas. I remember it but I don't. There were so many shows, help. Mmm... Tampa, FL? That doesn't feel right. Dammit.
3. I think Kaunas, Lithuania? With the big ass 7 on his back. Yeah. I get some of those countries mixed up because I couldn't watch some of the European shows and so if I don't watch the shows the outfits don't stick as much for some reason. Anyway.
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4. Lisboa, Portugal, baby!
5. Fuck. Black tank-top and crinkly sweatpants. Not easy. Could be Cuyahoga Falls, OH but I think his hair was longer then. The coloring doesn't help. I don't know. :c
6. Gosh, he's beautiful. Mmm... I wanted to say Philly but I think it's one of the European shows, because that doesn't look like the Prada top. I think it's the one that had the little squares, I forgot the brand. And the show. Dammit.
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7. St. Louis, MO! Such a beautiful top... Ugh.
8. *groans* Not another one! Dammit, I remember the brown sweatpants... This was Europe, but wheeeere. A German show? D:
9. Dammit. Could be Columbus, OH again, for all I know.
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10. Aaaah, wait wait. The Lacoste pants, right? Erm...... Ugh, can't place it. I've gotten really bad at this. :(
11. Philadelphia, PA, of course. Always in our hearts.
12. Uncasville, CT, yes yes. The start of everything!
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13. Birmingham, UK.
14. Kansas City, MO.
15. Paris, France. Right?
Whew! 80+ shows is a lot. Too many similar fits... It's hard. The graphic tees and polos were easy enough back in ltwt and still here. Anyway... Maybe I'll go try and cross-check some of these, especially the tank-tops but...
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alittlefrenchtree · 2 years
Thankyou for your comment about that Chick a fil fan person. They don't seem to have any insight at all, to "deliberately touch him" and ask if he gets attacked? It's creepy. They're old enough to know better. But I think he wants to be seen, he could afford to get someone to pick up take away for him. It's like that cafe in Paris, from the servers account he kept talking until she asked him if he was TC and got a photo with him. So I don't know, it seems to have a purpose.
Hey Nonny! Thank you for your message.
I get where you're coming from but I feel like, even if we agree, there's more to say around your thoughts for them not to be taken in the wrong way.
I don't now how old this/these fan(s) are but even if they're not that young, they're young enough to have grew up with different codes and more importantly they're not old enough to understand every way how they grew up has an impact on their behavior. They don't understand that getting "deliberately touched" is something Tim (and every famous person in his position) must have experienced a thousand times already. That he sees right through them even if they try to act chill about it. They don't understand that they're sharing pieces of lives that don't belong to them, lives of people who have have huge needs to keep these very few pieces of their life for them because they're public people.
But how could they? They're sharing every detail of their lives online almost since the day they were born and they grew up seeing everybody around them doing the same thing, from their mom sharing pics of their food on Facebook to their high school friend who did a "what I eat in a week" video every month on youtube and became a micro-influencer doing so to their favorite singer vlogging through their promo. They grew up in a time where everybody is a famous person in the making and every famous person is a friend you can talk to with the phone in your pocket. Of course they see nothing wrong by telling everybody what Timmy's order is or when and how he was there.
That's why I'm more about opening up a conversation than saying they're disrespectful or should know better, even if I'm not sure any of them is on tumblr but maybe somehow the topic will end up on instagram or tiktok or whatever.
About Timmy. I haven't done this in a while but let's talk. And first let's remember two things about him: a) 99% of people who met him have perceived him as a nice person, b) he has anxiety about what people will think of him every time he knows the interaction he's having at the moment has a chance to be a worldwide news in the following 24hrs. So him chatting with random people he's ordering food from could very much be a) him being nice because he's nice or b) him being nice because he doesn't want the world to think he's an ass (which could also be being nice in some people's book but you know, i love nuances) or a mix of the two at the same time. And not necessarily be about him wanting to be seen.
On that same thought and the whole he can go unnoticed when he wants to/he could have someone do it for him. To start with the latest, of course he could but why would he? If he's hungry and he's driving past a drive-in (lol) why wouldn't he do it himself? To not interact with 3 people who might recognize him and be happy to see him? What a way to become completely disconnected from the real world and end up like these not so enviable rich people who are unable to survive a day without the help of two PAs.
I do also think "he can go unnoticed if he wants to" doesn't mean the same thing in 2023 that it did in 2018. I do believe that he didn't only buy a 12 millions dollars house because he could make Apple pay for it but because it's an easy way for him to be safe when he's home. Which might not have been possible in a regular house or building. I do believe that going unnoticed for him now mostly mean either staying home or only go to private places (like someone else's house) or some of these exclusive places where you only fine rich people and have every chance to make you become an ass. And even if you can live with that, I bet sometimes he just wants to take a bite on a good old fast food and live the same life as us peasants. Does it qualify as "he wants to be seen"? Not sure. For me it's more like a "he wants that thing and he doesn't care if he's seen in the process."
Sorry, that's probably way more than anything you were asking for. I hope you don't mind me sharing some (long) ideas around your own thoughts but since you stopped by my inbox, I guess you don't 😅😘
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its-elvie-innit · 1 year
This is me drilling you how many sentences can you say in French
Alors, je peux comprende un peu, je suis mieux lire, mais ma prononciation, c'est MAL. J'etudie la langue du français pour quatre ans dans l'ecole, mais j'etais dans les course (I forgot how to spell class) pendant (that's during?? I think) 2020 et la pandemic(100% spelled that wrong) et oublie plus l'infinitifs.
Je voyagais a la Paris en l'éte. Ma mere et moi allais (this is something I'm REALLY bad at. The conjugations, especially past tense aller and avoir mess me up and its frustrated me to the point of tears b4) a la pâtisserie (i did look up pastry shop because i know the word and somehow i forgot it. This paragraph is making me so upset fr) et quand je parlais, (im saying this part in english because my brain hurts) when i spoke to the lady at the counter i had the worst accent id ever done in my life. I literally think back on it and want to cry because it was so bad. I was ordering macarons and the way she looked at me???? Literal tears rn thinking about it im so sorry french people for butchering ur language.
On a -Ma famille et moi- une étudiante française ici pour deux semaines. Elle était TRES cool, et nous avons tres amusant. Elle me manque. Ma mere veut me être un au pêre. Je comprende negatifs, je sais savoir vs cônnaitre, je sais pas bien devoir parce que c'est....hard :(
I think the hardest part about this is finding things to say? Idk, but like. I'm trying here. Conjugations hurt my head so much . J'ai maladies or whatever. I can say I need help. J'ai besoin d'aide. I can sing you my little song that I made to help me memorize sickness. I sang multiple French songs at competition and was one of two in my class to receive one of the gift prizes for that competition. We had a really small year 4 class that I was in, combined with the French 3's. I've been to a French speaking thingy that was actually barely a few days before the actual pandemic started. My favorite dressmaker is sylvie façon and I have tried to watch her interviews in french (mal a la tête core) we sang a French song in choir because my entire friend group was in choir and ALL of us except one were in french. let me write out my verbe lists or quelque chose. I know puis. Et dependant. Et a cause de.
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Sheehalloween Day 5: Free Space Rob Makes Me Curious about Carlos: A Vignette
NOTE: So I started this like months ago, but I myself identify as asexual. Carlos WAS PROBABLY NOT ASEXUAL, but because of his infertility kind of messed me up a little bit. Like now there's like access to therapy, and men talking about that stuff is less taboo. But over a hundred years ago it wasn't and learning about how he felt so isolated in that in being unloved in that way which lead to his suicide and attempt of murder. Like part of it I see as like his obsession with this one woman, but also the lack of just the fact that he wasn't alone. Robert kind of brought it out, and he himself has mentioned going to Parisian grave to just make sure he wasn't alone for awhile. That made me feel deeply. That's death work. On to the fic.
Je entre las maison de tolérance. Je vois Carlos Casagemas, il se pecnchait au mur. Je m'approche de lui.
>>Non, je ne voudrais pas de c’est pas de…&lt;<
J’ai menti >> Mon père etait un sèxologist, je connais sa problème, qu’est que si parle à la café de bas? Son ami déjà payé.<<
“So why do you want to talk to me, miss?” He sipped lightly on his coffee.
I blurted out in a whisper, "There are plenty of women with the same problem, for example me.”
“You said your father sent you out here? Alone?”
“He heard through the grapevine that you just sit and paint for hours while your ‘friend’ has ‘fun’.” My air quoting only made him more confused. “ You know not being able to satisfy their partners the rest of society wants too.”
“Alright how the hell did he know.”
“People talk of course and the paintings are quite nice though blurry.”
“Then why doesn’t your father buy any?”He took out some color pencils and some paper and started sketching. “You look like maybe you may know some people import Chinese molasses.”
Oh yes ol’ 19th century microaggression. Fun. “Haha. You’d think I’d be lying, but your best friend and your crush, have sex after you die and for them it’s nothing—“
“After I die?” I assumed he assumed I misspoke.“Regardless…No, he barely even talked to her why would she.” He crumples the piece of paper dissatisfied and shoves it in his pocket.
“Je sais, je sais.” I raise my voice. “Just I’m here to say dump your friend and talk to other women Jesus!”
“First time a whore would talk to me in this way.”
“I’m not a whore! And man, has your friend given you bad perception of sex workers. This was stupid.“ I was already really sweaty in the big hat which the Renoir paintings made it look to easy.
“Wait!” He stops me. “Do people remember me? Even all I have done and what I’m going to do?”
“Yeah, I guess, despite what you do, you were brought back by someone who saw you as human. Take that as you will.”
Carlos and his wreck of a future I can’t change. In his life and fame, he gives it to another. In the end he didn’t survive a world dominated by sex and success. And some days I think I wouldn’t either.
I wonder what poetry Sheehan read to him on that cold day in Paris.
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novumtimes · 3 months
Hockeyroos star Rosie Malone set to miss out on Australias Olympic squad
One of the best hockey players in the world, Australia’s Rosie Malone, is set to be left out of the Hockeyroos team for the Paris Olympics, despite being fit to play. Last year, the 26-year-old forward was the first Australian in eight years to be nominated for the International Hockey Federation player of the year award, ultimately putting her in the top five best players worldwide. Malone also hasn’t missed a major team selection she was available for since she debuted for the Hockeyroos in 2018, going on to play 106 games for the Australian side. Former Hockeyroo Kalindi Commerford said the omission had shocked everyone in the hockey community. “It took me a bit to process it, I was in disbelief,” Commerford said. “She [Malone] is a shell of herself, I’m used to her being this bright, bubbly, extroverted character and I’m looking at a walking ghost. “I think it’s odd, I think it’s a surprise. “Could it be personal? Probably, I don’t know.” Formal announcement due on Monday Rosie Malone scored in Australia’s most recent FIH Pro League match against Great Britain in London in the lead-up to the Paris Olympics.(AP: PA/Zac Goodwin) A team of 16 and two reserves selected from the initial squad of 22 is expected to be announced on Monday by the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC). It means Malone would be just one of four players who have missed out, despite playing in the most recent pro-league tour in London earlier this month which acted as an Olympic trial. ABC Sport will be live blogging every day of the Paris Olympics from July 27 (Australian time). Commerford said there was no obvious reason why Malone was left out of the team and it wasn’t because of poor form. “It [the team in the pro-league tour] is usually your strongest 16, they’re the players that are in contention [for the Olympics]. “So based on selections prior to the Olympics, it would seem like she was still in contention. “I’ve had a lot of current, big wig international players write to me and say, ‘What’s going on, is this real?'” Malone a ‘weapon’ for Hockeyroos if picked, says Commerford  It’s unknown if Malone has made an appeal to the civil administration sport tribunal but if she has, that process would have already begun. If the appeal is accepted by the tribunal, the decision will then return to the Hockey Australia selection panel, which could uphold its initial selection and leave Malone out of the side. As one of the top goal scorers in the Hockeyroos team, Commerford said her inclusion would be a big boost to Australia’s medal hopes. “Rosie is a weapon, you want a weapon in your team,” Commerford said. “She is someone who is known to score goals, and you need to score goals to win games. “That experience and the understanding of how to play in big games, I would think is pretty important in an Olympics.” Hockey Australia was contacted for comment and a spokesperson said the selection process was ongoing. “We’re in the process of nominating the teams for the Olympic Games to the AOC by this Friday, June 28, as per the nomination policy,” the spokesperson said. “We’re respecting all of our players’ confidentiality during this nerve-wracking time and keeping their well-being in mind. “The AOC will announce the teams in due course, with the date set for Monday, July 1.” Sports content to make you think… or allow you not to. A newsletter delivered each Saturday. Source link via The Novum Times
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tamaharu · 10 months
in the spirit of tossing out unfinished wips - a bit about edgeworth after the end of 1-5 i liked but never did anything with. bout 450wds or so:
The day after Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth dies, he boards a one-way flight to Anywhere, Europe. To be more specific, Corbeil-Essonnes, a commune in Paris. He rents out a house at an admittedly higher price than he'd prefer, but he has money to burn, and he's never wanted to burn it up more.
His first thought was to go to Germany, to Franziska, but he doesn't want to stay there or with her, and he believes she'd want it even less. The last time they talked properly was, oh, after the Steel Samurai case. Lambasting his failures, as usual. She hadn't spoken to him since, and his last communication was a lengthy email that had been sitting in his drafts for quite a while about her father. He'd written a lot of very difficult things lately, and he had managed to send it just as he laid the note upon his desk for the cleaners to find.
So, France. He speaks passable French, understands less, but hopefully with a couple of refresher courses, his German, and - despite him thinking that no-one in another country should be required to understand English at risk of being torn apart by insensitive tourists - his English, Miles should manage.
France. As he stands in his temporary house for the first time, the elderly landlady switching between French and strongly accented English as she goes over the amenities one last time, his mind finally catches up with him.
He's been letting his logic take a backseat for once, allowing the emotion of it all to overtake him, sweep him away. A first. (No, wait, again with the Steel Samurai...)
He looks around the rented house where, even if it's a little cheaply built as all rentals are, the French architectural style is nothing like home. His landlady knows nothing of him, nothing of prosecution, she just knows he can pay.
There's a bustle of people out there on the street. Paris, France. All with their own thoughts and feelings and lives and languages, unconcerned about some finely-dressed man walking alongside them. Not all of them are a crime or a criminal waiting to happen, no nails to his hammer. That's impossible. Everyone's guilty and everyone's innocent, which means that nobody is.
It doesn't matter. It's not his jurisdiction anymore. He's no prosecutor here. He's simply Miles Edgeworth. And that means that it's okay, in the middle of his landlady's speech about how to kick the faucet to make it work when it acts up, for Miles to burst into tears.
"Eh?" She says, bemused. "Le robinet n'est pas si mal que."
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phantom-ellie · 2 years
ofmd12verse Day 1 (slam): wait until you hear about my life as an accountant
This is a slam poem that I wrote and recorded for day 1 of the OFMD poetry challenge. It is cringe, but at least it's free?
Interior crocodile, alligator
I drive a Chevrolet… calculator
You can call me Jeff, Jeff the accountant,
A veritable fountain
Of figures and numbers, my countenance
It’s fancy, high-class
Your rich ass can’t cope with the great sass
First pass: an explanation
I’m here for my consultation
Some social navigation
A trading of reputation
I’ve brought a friend with me
For your consideration
Godfrey Thornrose
Killer legs underneath those panty-hose
He’s a fancy man, he has a fancy ship
And his occupation?
It’s a real trip
Phrenologist, sometime sociologist
Probably needs a therapist
You don’t need the dissertation
Yeah, it’s true he sometimes calls me Id
But if you try the same?
You may be did
You’re welcome for that grand illumination
And so it is with great resignation
That I tell you about myself and my station
Born on a beach, or so the stories say
Went through hell, accountant school,
I was no fool, I was the master,
I counted faster, preventing payroll disasters
Outlasted everyone else, became the best
Multi-talented, handsome, dressed to impress
In need of my services? Make your choice
I’ll blow your damn mind, then I’ll send you the invoice
It’s no complication
I understand your abject fascination
With my supreme dedication
But please, please:
Calm your excitation
I promise there’s enough of Jeff to go around
“Oh Jeff, would you summer in Paris?
Of course you would, you disgust me, Jeff.
Summering in Paris is so gauche
I detest the French
Even though I have a French accent
Even though I’m Prussian”
I killed a Prussian once
Don’t make it twice
I’ll use whatever fork I want
And you’d better play nice
Secrets, you all have them, you freaks
Oh là là, you think you’re si chics
All critique and no technique
But I know the truth
Vous n'êtes pas enfants uniques
You all with your wigs
Too much lipstick on too many pigs
Being subjected to you is the true degradation
You lack class, you lack brains, education
And while I’m amused by your passive aggressive communication
I think it’s time to end this bad conversation
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changingplumbob · 6 months
York Household: Chapter 9, Part 4
Time for a York family brunch!
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The Yorks are Italian so if you see them using words that don't look like English it's Italian, or what google assures me is Italian. Caro/Cara: Dear Buongiorno: Good morning Piccolo: Little one Tesoro: Treasure Nonno: Grandfather Nonna: Grandmother Si: Yes Grazie: Thank you Per Favore: Please Buon Compleanno: Happy Birthday
Paris has been watching some kids TV in the apartment she shares with Deanna but, eventually getting bored, starts playing with an infant toy she found in Kelly’s toybox. Perks of being a childish sim.
Deanna: I’m done!
Paris: You are?
Deanna: Well 3 out of 4 lots of homework but I’m to tired to do more
Paris: You can always do it tomorrow
Deanna: And how about you? Can I do you tonight?
Paris: *coyly* If you want
Deanna: I do want
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Aaron: Think we can woohoo without a kid barging in saying Kelly made them cry
Calista: I think the kids he hangs out with are tougher than that
After the pair are satisfied Calista cuddles up beside Aaron as he plays with her hair.
Calista: Por favore, can you be in good Nonno mode for brunch
Aaron: What do you mean
Calista: No telling Rilian he’s coddled or Alfred that he's the better twin. They’re speaking now, they can catch on
Aaron: *sighs* Rilian cries at the drop of a hat
Calista pinches Aaron.
Aaron: Fine, fine! I’ll try keep my annoyance to a minimum
At long last the whole house slumbers.
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Devin: Buongiorno pa
Aaron: Cara, you’re here
Devin: Forget fashionable late I’d far rather be fashionably early
Deanna: Shh! They’re sleeping
Devin: Why is the lounge full of sleeping kids at almost 11am
Aaron: I think Kelly kept them up late with his spooky stories. We should probably get them up before brunch starts though
Devin: Yep. I don’t need any kid stealing all of ma’s omelettes
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The family arrive for brunch and while Calista gets the last of Kelly’s guests on their way Aaron puts the toddlers in the high chairs.
Aaron: Here we have some omelettes cooked by your nonna, just for you
Alfred: For me
Devin: Si. Make sure you eat it before it gets cold
Alfred: No eat. Talk mama
Devin: Rilian, will you please eat
Rilian: It poison?
Calista: I don’t know what your cheeky Zio Kelly told you, but I would never give you poison. I promise, I made this with love and it tastes very good
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Devin takes time to encourage Rilian to eat, he’s a picky eater, but eventually he starts to nibble on the omelette. His little face lights up and he begins to tuck in happily. Of course nonno Aaron is oblivious to this show of superior twin power as he’s over with the second generation of Yorks to eat.
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Luna: How is the nectar garden going
Calista: We’re still waiting for the fruit to grow but-
Rilian: I DONE
Luna: *tuts* Rilian it is not good to interrupt. I am happy you finished your meal though
Alfred: This good nonna
Devin: What do we say
Alfred: Tank? Tank nonna
Calista: *smiles* at least he’s trying
Luna: We figure we’ll teach them grazie and danke after they know what thank you actually means
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Aaron: How are you today Rilian? *looks at Calista deliberately*
Rilian: *smiles* I good good nonno. I eat up
Aaron: Oh? Molto bene
Rilian: *looks puzzled*
Devin: It’s Italian caro, you’ll learn in time
Rilian: Oh. Nonna can I out
Calista: Since you have finished eating sure
Joey: I see you also ate yours Alfred
Alfred: Yes Zio Joey *blows kiss*
Joey: aww, thanks piccolo
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Freed from his chair Rilian toddles around and toddles right into Kelly.
Rilian: Zio Ke, Zio Ke! I eat up
Kelly: Did you now? How do you know it wasn’t poison
Rilian: *thinks* it taste good, mo bean (molto bene)
Kelly: That’s good news. You’ll have enough energy to survive then
Rilian: Huh
Kelly: See I was bitten last night and now I’m a MONSTER
Rilian: *jumps out of skin*
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Rilian: *wailing*
Kelly: Shut up you’re fine
Rilian: *cries loudly* NONNO ZIO KE MEAN
Aaron: *sighs* Coming Rilian
Rilian: *sniffles and smiles at Kelly*
Kelly: Oh you little poop you're totally acting
Aaron: What’s going on over here then
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Alfred: Up nonna up
Calista: Here I come. Uh oh, sounds like Rilian might be having some trouble
Alfred: I help, I snuggle
Calista: *hugging tightly* That’s right, you’re a snuggle bug aren’t you piccolo. All right, down we go
Alfred: I free, I free
Aaron: Kelly what did you do?
Kelly: He’s fine, he just smiled at me!
Rilian: *sniffles* Nonno Zio Ke scare *pouts*
Aaron: *sighs* You decided it was a good idea to scare a three year old?
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Kelly: I said I was a monster and he overreacted
Aaron: Kelly he’s a toddler, of course monsters are scary
Rilian: *sniffles* Nonno I sad
Aaron: Don’t worry Rilian, we can find something fun. As for you Kelly, time out
Kelly: *sighs* nobody has a sense of humour in this family
Defeated he goes and sits. Alfred comes over and tries talking to him but like normal Kelly prefers to ignore his nephews. Meanwhile Aaron scoops Rilian up and plays with him until he’s calmed down properly.
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So what do we reackon folks? I'm still not 100% certain what happened with Kelly and Rilian. Reminder to read the whole option before clicking (it's me, I only read half the sentence then realise I was too eager to click)
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empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Charlotte: Laura and Joachim must have started your jog in the forest Napoléon V: It doesn't matter. I'll catch up with them Charlotte: You are very presumptuous Sire
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Napoléon V: It's the fable of the hare and the tortoise. Besides, Joachim seemed interested in Laura Charlotte: Really? Napoléon V: He told me so, one evening. I'm not sure where they stand with each other Charlotte: I would never have suspected it
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Napoléon V: You're not wearing a ring today? Charlotte: No Napoléon V: I'll give you one then
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Charlotte: Oh Louis, thank you Napoléon V: Do you have a favourite gem? Charlotte: Emerald
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Napoléon V: I'll order it later Charlotte: I'm blessed
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Charlotte: I hope your family likes me Napoléon V: Of course they like you. We have known each other all our lives. My parents would not have allowed me to be with you if you or your family were in trouble
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Charlotte: That puts my mind at rest Napoléon V: And your parents? What do they think of me? Charlotte: They are delighted. Thank you for trusting my father, for the Council of State Napoléon V: You're welcome, my flame. He is a loyal, thoughtful man, and an ex-military man, he has all my admiration
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Charlotte: Louis… After your coronation, we won't have time for each other, not like now Napoléon V: That's true…
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Charlotte: Promise me to devote to me the little free time you will have Napoléon V: I promise, of course. How could it be otherwise?
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Charlotte: I suspect that you will want to sail away from Paris to pass the Naval School, if you are not busy with your duties in the capital Napoléon V: I will find a way for you to sail with me Charlotte: I don't believe you for a second, you have to take your diplomas seriously
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Napoléon V: I'm serious. And you are the one who wants to wait until I graduate to make our relationship official Charlotte: Every woman of my rank has this expectation, Louis Napoléon V: I understand. Being Emperor is not enough, it seems
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Charlotte: You can thank me later, darling Napoléon V: I'll remember that
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Park of Compiègne, 7 Floréal An 230
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⚜ Traduction française
Charlotte : Laura et Joachim doivent avoir commencé votre jogging en forêt Napoléon V : Ce n'est pas grave. Je les rattraperai Charlotte : Vous êtes bien présomptueux Sire
Napoléon V : C'est la fable du lièvre et de la tortue. Et puis, Joachim avait l'air intéressé par Laura Charlotte : Vraiment ? Napoléon V : Il me l'a dit, un soir. Je ne sais pas trop où ils en sont tout les deux Charlotte : Je ne l'aurais jamais soupçonné
Napoléon V : Tu ne portes pas de bague aujourd'hui ? Charlotte : Non, je m'adapte au protocole impérial Napoléon V : Je vais t'en offrir une alors
Charlotte : Oh Louis, merci Napoléon V : As-tu une pierre précieuse préférée ? Charlotte : L'émeraude
Napoléon V : Je passerai commande tout à l'heure Charlotte : Je suis choyée
Charlotte : J'espère que ta famille m'apprécie Napoléon V : Bien sûr qu'ils t'apprécient. Nous nous connaissons depuis toujours. Mes parents n'auraient pas permis que je te fréquente si toi ou ta famille étiez problématique
Charlotte : Me voilà rassurée Napoléon V : Et tes parents ? Que pensent-ils de moi ? Charlotte : Ils sont ravis. Merci d'avoir fait confiance à mon père, pour le Conseil d'Eta Napoléon V : De rien, mon amour. C'est un homme loyal, réfléchi, et un ancien militaire, il a toute mon admiration
Charlotte : Louis... Après ton couronnement, nous n'aurons plus de temps pour nous, pas comme maintenant Napoléon V : C'est vrai...
Charlotte : Promets-moi de me consacrer le peu de temps libre que tu auras Napoléon V : Je te le promets, bien sûr. Comment pourrait-il en être autrement ?
Charlotte : Je me doute que tu souhaiteras naviguer loin de Paris pour réussir l'Ecole Navale, si tu n'es pas occupé par tes devoirs à la capitale Napoléon V : Je trouverai un moyen pour que tu embarques avec moi Charlotte : Je ne te crois pas une seule seconde, tu dois passer sérieusement tes diplômes
Napoléon V : Je suis sérieux. Et c'est toi qui souhaites attendre que je sois diplômé pour officialiser notre relation Charlotte : Toute femme de mon rang a cette attente, Louis Napoléon V : Je comprends. Être Empereur ne suffit pas il semblerait
Charlotte : Tu me remercieras plus tard, chéri Napoléon V : Je m'en souviendrai
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bethisblogging · 4 years
Ted Cruz, like trump before him, thinks it’s a good idea to compare Paris with Pittsburgh, probably because they both begin with P. As someone from the Pittsburgh Area, but has spent my whole life in the Western PA Rust Belt, let me tell you....
Pittsburgh has seen first hand the damage that can be done by unchecked manufacturing on the environment. Efforts to first start cleaning up the pollution in the city started in the Nineteeth Century! That’s how bad shit was! According to some sources, by 1946 the city was so dark all the time because of a smokey haze that filled the city, streetlights can be seen turned on in photos taken as early as 10 A.M. Literally my whole life I’ve learned about the air pollution around me, including at a local museum who has a gorgeous mural that they purposely left a chunk of unrestored, so people could see how much gunk built up on the inside of buildings from the low air quality. While my actual house is where the suburbs start to become really rural, we still had a steel mill not many miles away (which I had family work at who lived down the road from me, so ya know, a commutable distance in 1940 America), and on the buildings (especially older brick) you can still see the effects of the smog.
Moving forward in time to the modern day, we still struggle with our air quality, and other environmental issues. Even very recently a local coal plant was literally paying people to get their cars washed because of the lay ash that would blacken everything overnight. People campaigned hard and lost the battle for a fracking processing plant to go in near me. It’s currently under construction, but I worry about what’s going to happen when they’re actually processing the oil. When Trump first said the “Pittsburgh not Paris” line, the whole city pretty much called him out and said that they didn’t vote for him or that kind of politics.
Long story short: Republicans pls stop bringing up Pittsburgh we didn’t vote for you & we actually would like to breathe clean air for once (also maybe do your research before you tweet but we all know that’s not happened )
Some sources:
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Adrien: Marinette, can I ask you for some advice?
Marinette: Y-yea. I think I can do that.
Adrien: So I have this friend that has been super stressed out, she just got a lot of responsibility lately and I think its starting to get to her.
Marinette: Mood.
Adrien: Huh?
Marinette: (Flustered) I said Continue.
Adrien: Right, so she got busy so she started missing pa- Hang outs, and I of course I tried to be understanding, it is a lot she has to do now. But then she starts going the opposite way, doing her best to avoid going back, trying to stay out as much as possible, but she doesnt want to talk about anything personal.
Marinette: (Whispers) This girl sounds so relatable.
Adrien: So, I try to be a good friend and take her to a place where we could hang out and not talk. The movies.
Marinette: Reasonable, did you take her to see a superhero flick?
Adrien: No, I took her to see a romantic comedy. She was not thrilled, cause it apparently reminded her of a break up she had recently, which i had no idea about. Admittedly it hurt to find out about, but I was concerned with her well being more.
Marinette: Ouch, so I am guessing you tried talking to her about it? Showing her that you are there is she wants to talk.
Adrien: Well after escorting her out of the theater, I did do that. But she was never one to talk about her personal problems and then insisted we go somewhere else before I could do anything else.
Marinette: Well clearly she has issues she needs to work out.
Adrien: I want to help her, and she says she trusts me, but she keeps me at such a distance. Like there are things I cant talk with her about, but I am worried about all the stress she is under.
Marinette: I think you need to be upfront with your friend about all of this. She sounds so twofaced, saying she trusts you but then doesnt talk with you about the problems.
Adrien: Its a bit more complicated then that, she doesnt really know me either.
Marinette: Well have you tried opening up to her?
Adrien: She insists I never her tell her and vice versa.
Marinette: Adrien, she doesnt sound like someone that trusts you, and you are making excuses for her. You need to put your foot down, even if she is mad about it.
Adrien: Okay, I trust you on this. I'll let you know how it goes.
Ladybug: Well the person who gave you that advice CLEARLY doesnt understand the situation. She sounds very judgemental.
Chat noir: She is a very trusted friend, and I tried to give as much details as I could without revealing anything.
Ladybug: Well you are grossly misrepresenting our Dynamic. Us knowing things about the other could put Paris in danger. Maybe remember that!
Chat noir: Right, sorry Ladybug.
Marinette: Judgemental!?
Adrien: Well yea, I told her that she was wrong about her assessment.
Marinette: Adrien, I think your friend is using you for her own selfish means and I think you deserve better treatment.
Adrien: I think I made her seem worse then she actually is. My friend is a good person.
Marinette: What is this friend's name?
Adrien: What?
Marinette: What is her name? I want to give her a piece of my mind!
Adrien: I really cant do that.
Marinette: Fine, give me your phone. I will give her a message you can play for her. You can edit the audio or whatever.
Adrien: Marinette you dont need to...
Marinette: And you better play it for her.
Adrien: (Intimidated yet dazzled) o-okay.
Ladybug: Is she for real?!
Chat noir: That is what she said. (stops the recording) She wanted to confront you in person.
Ladybug: Well I dont know what this girl's deal is, but She needs a talking to. Record THIS message for her.
Chat noir: I am getting a weird feeling of De ja vu.
Marinette: So she recorded a message for me?
Adrien: Y-yea but I dont think I should...
Marinette: Play it.
(Adrien played the message)
Marinette: Oh that is it! I am showing this to alya, she will figure out who this girl is and we are going to have words.
Adrien: Wait Marinette you dont under...
Adrien: I think she took my phone.
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inbtswethrrust · 2 years
Hey guys!! I recieved some aeterisks fics pretty fast, which is very much appreciated and so I decided to make this masterlist again. First of all, these are of course not all of aeterisks' fics so if you guys have any more to send me, please do!! Second of all, like always, if the author themself wants me to remove this post I will do so immediately!! Before then, please enjoy. Again, I need to say that these are all fics on my google drive for this blog and I make them available for everyone but I can't predict the future so if there's one you really love I advise downloading it!!
Another divider since I might add to this in the future:
These are all-
begin again exes to lovers, post-breakup, rated e, 8k Four months later, Jeongguk still has a huge soft spot for Taehyung. (Or, Taehyung and Jeongguk find themselves roped into the latest edition of Exes Play Truth or Drink.)
cut out all the ropes (let me fall) model au, enemies to lovers, rated e, 76k Being Korea's most successful model has been working pretty well for Taehyung. That is, until Jeon Jeongguk appears.
and sequel...
words cannot explain fashion and models au, 5 times, marriage proposal, rated t, 5.3k The four times Jeongguk tries and fails at asking Taehyung to marry him and the one time he actually succeeds.
for what it's worth post-break up au, rated e, 32k Second chances have never been good, or so Jeongguk has heard. Maybe Taehyung can be the exception.
heat of the moment firefighter au, librarian au, strangers to lovers, rated e, 8.4k As someone who loves being able to help people and be of service, Jeongguk must admit he likes his job as a firefighter a little too much. Bit if in addition to helping he also gets to meet cute guys? Well, sign him up.
research purposes journalist au, businessman au, strangers to lovers, rated e, 35k As a journalist, Taehyung has had to do his fair share of crazy things, but never anything as extreme as the mess he's roped into now: having to date a guy for ten days, with the sole purpose of doing ever faux pas in the book as research for his column. Enter Jeongguk, a young marketing executive that looks like sex on legs and who, no matter how insane Taehyung acts, won't walk away from him. (Or, a How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days AU.)
room for trouble rock band au, strangers to lovers, rated e, 40k Jeongguk and Taehyung meet at a festival, see each other again in Paris, and fall in love somewhere in Seoul. (Or; Jeongguk is in a band, Taehyung works in fashion, and fate keeps bringing them together.)
sugar rush sugar daddy au, single parent au, rated e, 44k After finding himself struggling with money, Taehyung decides to look for a sugar daddy. When he found Jeongguk, he wasn't expecting him to be so young, or for the daddy part to be literal.
tasting kind of lonely ballet au, drag queen au, strangers to lovers, rated e, 82k At the age of twenty-one, Jeongguk feels like he's chasing a dream he'll never reach. It's then that he meets Taehyung, whose passion and determination reminds Jeongguk that some dreams are worth fighting for.
Again, thank you so much for sending these in and if you have more of aeterisks fics let me know!! I'd appreciate everything you have!! Happy readings~
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