#this is actually disgusting behavior
saulof-tarsus · 30 days
Catholic husband re your post: my wife closed-up shop as soon as she gave birth a little over two years ago. We’re in our 20s, healthy, have no other problems, and she never gave me any hint that she’d be like this before we got married. But it’s been more than two years now and she is perfectly happy never doing it again, has no interest in talking about it, and makes me feel guilty for even asking. I am just beyond sad and, if it weren’t for our baby, I’d prefer to just be dead already.
Where's your wife, I just want to talk.
On a more serious note this is deeply saddening and I'm so, so, so, SO sorry this is happening to you. That is just straight up not the Catholic way of going about it. Even if she wanted to end intimacy, the fact that she didn't talk it through with you first, is so incredibly wrong. I'm bordering on saying abusive and/or toxic, and the only reason I'm hesitating is lack of info (which you are under absolutely zero obligation to supply) and because those words are thrown around a lot nowadays. I think you seriously should broach the two of you going either to your priest or to relationship counciling, because from both a secular and religious point of view, not having sex at all is seen as a really really bad sign of other issues in the marriage.
It doesn't matter her reasoning either, she did so without consulting you, and that issue affects you. She is being selfish in that she didn't discuss it first.
If the reasoning is for health issues - fine, having sex less makes sense. But there is NFP, you can have sex outside of the ovulation window. But not discussing it with your partner is just straight up not ok.
I'm curious, though if you do not feel like answering that's perfectly reasonable, if there are other communication issues? On either end? Are there other forms of intimacy that you two partake in such as cuddling, kissing, praying together? Do you two get alone time? Also, before she got pregnant, was their time spent making sure she was enjoying it/being stimulated?
If her main goal is taking care of your child, she is sorely mistaken on what marriage is. Her first duty is to you, just as yours is to her, NOT yourself (or herself), not your child. Not to her parents, or friends. She made vows to love YOU and this behavior is expressly un-loving.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 4 months
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butwhatifidothis · 3 months
Talking from a fe3h discourse perspective I get hating Rhea, as a Rhea lover. To a lesser extent I GUESS I get Seteth. But Flayn??????? She's just vibing and eating fish??? She has NOTHING to do with Rhea's decisions? Like at that point you're (not you op, general you) just looking for issues. To be clear if you hate her because of her personality or whatever sure, to each their own. But hating her because "church bad" feels really stupid to me. That's like a rhea/church fan hating the black eagles on principal because they're part of edelgard's house or because they don't hate edelgard.
When you realize they ascribe to this kind of mentality
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it starts to make a lot more sense. Yeah, if two members of a race being bad if enough for you to ascribe malice and evil to every single member of said race, it's pretty easy to also say that the very blood of that race is evil and having it course through your veins makes you evil.
Which they've been saying for a while now!
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Yes, you are in fact seeing a ~year-and-a-half old screenshot of them saying the exact same racist garbage they're saying now.
Also, just. This fucker keeps repeating this stupid fucking point about Nemesis and frankly it pisses me off.
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Two years. From as early as two days ago (as of July 11th 2024) to as far back as two fucking years, they've been repeating "Nemesis couldn't have been THAT BAD you guys, because the people he's been tyrannically ruling over for over a century and who didn't know the full extent of his actions which include the genocide he committed believed in the lie about him being a liberator! A supposed liberator of a group of people these oppressed ignorant civilians would have had literally no contact with whatsoever given Nemesis has been ruling for over a century! Meaning any human alive during the actual reign of the Nabateans would have been fucking dead by the time Nemesis was killed, meaning any alive during Nemesis' reign had no way of knowing how that rule actually was! This lie was so imprinted into the people's conscious that Rhea couldn't erase it, so it has to be true and not a lie anymore!"
Literally saying that Nemesis was right to do what he did because he said he was and the people who had no choice but to believe him believed he was. Like I said, they are so fucking desperate to defend this genocider and to degrade the Nabateans as an entire race to be biologically inclined towards evil, and have been desperate to do this for years.
Here are a couple more choice words Shandale has said!
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"He didn't genocide them because he WANTED to, he did it because he HAD to! If he didn't, anyone he brought with him to genocide the Nabateans would have been killed!"
Oh, but silly me! What I am talking about?
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It wasn't a genocide! It was getting rid of oppressor and conquerors! Those oppressors and conquerors, you know, just so happening to be the entirety of the Nabatean race.
Which, hm! Guess what nonnie!
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Explicitly includes Flayn! Someone who literally never did anything to anyone! Oh, except be willing to kill followers... who are a direct threat to others and are desecrating her mother's grave. Oh, but who cares about silly little nitpicks like that, she's willing to kill her followers!! ...Oh wait, there's only reference to Cichol in that paralogue? Cethleann isn't even mentioned once anywhere in the paralogue? Like literally anywhere? Bah! Who cares! Flayn is evil, just like all the other Nabateans! Let's """"""""joke"""""""" about killing her over and over and over and over and over again!
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Teehee isn't it so funny guys! They're killing Flayn, haha, soooo funny! Ignore how they think Flayn's race in its entirety needs to be killed and how they lie about what Flayn's done to paint her as evil, they're just jokingly killing Flayn and joking about how fun they find the idea of killing this member of a race they clearly hate over and over keekeekee!!! This race isn't real guys you're not allowed to find this disturbing plus they're just joking anyway hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
(there's actually more of these "jokes". Like way more of them. Just, lettin' everybody know)
And, oh, wow!
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This includes Indech and Macuil! Nabateans who cut off all contact with humanity after they had helped kill the genocider of their race. Macuil isn't even in Fodlan anymore, he's in the middle of a Sreng desert, but, nope! They helped kill Nemesis, meaning they are also completely evil :)
Funny how every single Nabatean who stood up against the human who killed them all is deemed irrevocably evil no matter what, but the human Agarthans are just poor little victims who deserved more nuance and sympathy even after they literally murder children. But we're the mean ones for pointing all of this out as bad tho
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prussiasqueen · 1 month
Kill kikes. Behead kikes. Roundhouse kick a kike into the concrete. Slam dunk a kike baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy jews. Defecate in a kikes food. Launch kikes into the sun. Stir fry kikes in a wok. Toss kikes into active volcanoes. Urinate into a kikes gas tank. Judo throw kikes into a wood chipper. Twist kikes heads off. Report kikes to the IRS. Karate chop kikes in half. Curb stomp pregnant kikes. Trap kikes in quicksand. Crush kikes in the trash compactor. Liquefy kikes in a vat of acid. Eat kikes. Dissect kikes. Exterminate kikes in the gas chamber. Stomp kike skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate kikes in the oven. Lobotomize kikes. Mandatory abortions for kikes. Grind kike fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown kikes in melted lard. Vaporize kikes with a ray gun. Kick old kikes down the stairs. Feed kikes to alligators. Slice kikes with a katana.
Wow. Ok. You spent a lot of time on this. Pretty dedicated to your hatred. Also this is pretty damn disgusting I’m not gonna lie. How are you still existing in society?
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lorelune · 4 months
the fact that people (ie a probable group of the same sorry sacks of shit) are complaining that fic for gaza is preferential to 'big blogs' is genuinely disgusting. for fucks sake there is an active genocide and people dying while folks have the time to send nasty, insecure anonymous messages to folks HELPING. TANGIBLY. i genuinely need whoever the fuck you anons are to come out of the woodwork on main. i just wanna fucking talk and maybe send you ANNNNY of the first hand accounts and images coming out of rafah in past 72 hours. maybe then you'll be able to prioritize helping folks escape genocide rather than entertaining your petty insecurities.
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daz4i · 1 year
how many times do we gotta go over it man. thought crime isn't real. it's okay to feel whatever you're feeling. don't let anyone make you feel guilty for having some reflex reaction to stimuli in a way that is out of your control. the question isn't what you think or how you feel, but what you do. do you act upon those thoughts? do you harm others bc of your feelings? that's where you draw the line. keep it in your brain. vent it out in some personal way like a journal or a password locked blog. it's okay i promise
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deva-arts · 24 days
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Lots of Noxes because it's about time his lore started dropping
something something feeling like you're inherently abominable, unloveable and cursed to be despised so you embrace your unpalatability and save your cares for yourself because at least monsters get to sleep with a full stomach
Something something getting used to emptiness and deciding it's your new normal except you've developed hedonistic and antisocial tendencies because sex, drugs, power and control has become the only way you can feel warmth in your life that's almost like love but far less lasting and you're always left with that taste in your mouth no matter how much you consume
Nox is a big ball of fuckupedness.
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dreaminterlude · 10 months
trying to practice restraint by not speaking about it but taeyong’s situation specifically has gotten so out of hand seeing the vilest shit being alleged between him and his sister and the swarm of death threats sent directly to him and his family after a random instagram story from half a year ago of a now confirmed censored single volume of a popular anime. extrapolating from a photo he took of some fucking shoes he was gifted saying hes read and promoted eleven volumes of uncensored whatever without fact checking anything/going off hearsay is so insane? and trying to lump all 4/5 idols in the same way without any nuance or even care for victims of these abuses is just irresponsible. i’m not here to justify or speak on the contents of the original anime itself because i haven’t read it but the way misinformation and crazy uncritical mob behavior functions on stan twitter/tumblr without any critical thinking is disgusting and also makes the content of what’s being criticized completely frivolous. it’s disgusting!
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moonofmercury · 1 month
I am not a Naoya fucker, largely in part because I am not willing to be belittled, blamed, shamed, downtrodden, or assaulted to assuage the ego of some smug, entitled asshole enough to get him to come down a few pegs. But I do see the sort of tragedy in it, that he's very much a product of his environment, that he's probably very insecure despite the superiority complex, and that his potential as a sorcerer is definitively stunted by his growing up in one of the sorcerer family's most traditional forts. It does not justify his literally violent misogyny and I don't have any desire to play in those waters. However, he also has enough hints to make him a very colorful character and when it is done right, I can occasionally respect someone swimming out in the shark infested riptide.
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lord-shitbox · 2 months
been thinking abt it & I've decided my hate on fanon Leander is personal bc it's fucked up to see people rushing to assume the worst of or egregiously maliciously misinterpret the words and actions of a guy who In The Canon Materials is only ever polite and hardworking, even tho he's implied to do so for some ulterior less-shining motive (which has Not Been Fucking Revealed so you Can't Assume It's Heinous Shit) bc I am also just some guy who does his best to act kind despite & maybe even to disprove the gross shit that's inside of my brain. I am not always nice just to be nice and with Leander people talk like that's the most heinous shit on earth like. GAH. Given the nature of the game people aren't wrong to assume leander will be fucked up in some way!! but it's still upsetting to watch people throw away the obvious good he does for the town because he's ~secretly a manipulator~ or some shit. You don't see ais and vere running a soup kitchen god fucking damn .
Like Ais does help out at kuras's but hes also beating the shit out of people so he's probably just canceling out the extra workload that generates . not like I'm canceling ais here I do think it's interesting to note that all the LIs do something that helps others (mhin and vere hunt soulless, kuras does checkups without health insurance , leander uhh. at least gives you a place to stay 4 free & seems like he'd find you a decent job . Come on) but anyways . U can tell this post was written at 3 am to help me fall asleep. Avid Leander is Evil headcannoners on their way to have the most rancid opinions on people with personality disorders send god damnf post
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cosmicjoke · 6 months
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See, this is what I mean when I talk about the shitbags in the Saezuru fandom blaming Yashiro for having trauma. What a disgusting bunch of pigs these people are. Completely missing the entire point of the story they claim to be fans of. I’ve got some advice for these assholes. Maybe don’t read a story intended to engender empathy for victims of abuse if you’re incapable of empathy to begin with. You’ll just be wasting your time. Fucking sociopaths.
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A message to white fantasy/sci-fi fans,- stop referencing your *fictional* white favs as pinnacles of standing against oppression, when BIPOC are having conversations about the decolonization and liberation of their people.
Especially since so many of y’all’s ‘activism’ and ‘ally-ship’ is only ever offered when you can be celebrated, or in fandom debates where y’all pretend to care about certain issues.
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thestalkerbunny · 1 year
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Nobody is allowed to rip on me for this. It started as a style mimicking exercise and then I got a bit too into it. Cringe is dead and I killed it with a knife last night.
I always see people do Vlad Tepes-but never RADU Tepes, Vlad's not quite as well known but still rather impressive younger brother. (And uh. H.P. Lovecraft.) I still wanna rework Radu's design-he looks like every dude who bothered me by being loud and obnoxious in highschool.
I also find it wild how some of the clones dress modern while some still lean into dressing like their predecessors.
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elevenenthusiast · 12 days
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The last thing i expected from this post was people being a bunch of cruel assholes in the quotes like what the actual fuck?
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oc3anic-ang3l · 9 months
just purged through more than a ton of my posts. felt amazing.
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killbaned · 20 days
The fight for and concept of trans rights is so fucking dire and all transmascs want to do is blame trans women, deny transmisogyny, fall for red pill bullshit, eat hot chip and lie.
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