#actual heartless disgusting behavior
lorelune · 4 months
the fact that people (ie a probable group of the same sorry sacks of shit) are complaining that fic for gaza is preferential to 'big blogs' is genuinely disgusting. for fucks sake there is an active genocide and people dying while folks have the time to send nasty, insecure anonymous messages to folks HELPING. TANGIBLY. i genuinely need whoever the fuck you anons are to come out of the woodwork on main. i just wanna fucking talk and maybe send you ANNNNY of the first hand accounts and images coming out of rafah in past 72 hours. maybe then you'll be able to prioritize helping folks escape genocide rather than entertaining your petty insecurities.
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lurkingshan · 1 year
Only Friends: Fight Night
Another excellent episode, this time with everyone at each other’s throats. So much happened, so let’s break down the big fights and shifting allegiances.
Round 1: Sand vs Top
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Phew, Sand really hates Top. I am dying for the backstory on the ex Top stole from him. I loved how this scene showcased Top’s two faces: the boyfriend mask he wears with Mew, and this nastiness that comes out with others. I think both faces are real to an extent, but it cannot be denied that he is lying and hiding parts of himself from Mew. I don’t think Mew would be happy to hear the way Top talks about him, flaunting him as a conquest he won. Sand’s disdain for Top and the way he operates could not be more clear, and his smug attitude in this scene gave Sand the push he needed to do something with the ammunition he has.
Winner: Sand, but Top doesn’t know it yet.
Round 2: Ray vs Boston
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Ray walked into this scene with the upperhand, and we saw a moment of real fear on Boston’s face when he realized Ray knew about him fucking Top. But he recovered quickly and turned it around on Ray easily, hitting on his insecurities about Mew and accusing him of only wanting Mew to know so he could break up his relationship and try to get with him again. He called him disgusting (Boston’s favorite insult), and clearly, that was a direct hit, because Ray teared up and disassembled immediately. 
Winner: Boston. Don’t fuck with a fucker, Ray.
Round 3: Cheum vs Boston and Ray
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Cheum got her passive aggressive on in this scene and made a bunch of passive aggressive digs at her “friends.” I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: everyone in this friend group is an asshole (run for your life, April!) and none of them seem to actually like each other much. After encouraging Boston to bring Nick and promising to be on her best behavior, she called him a “heartless slut” in front of the guy she claims she wants him to date, and then started picking on Ray for being single and condescended to him about finding someone, teeing up Boston to add insult to injury. Classic mean girl behavior.
Winner: Cheum, but not for long.
Round 4: Ray vs Everyone
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As soon as Ray started chugging his liquor after his friends were mean to him, I knew we were in for some chaos, and he did not disappoint. Shots fired at every one of them, except for his most beloved Mew. Unfortunately, his drunk and high ass couldn’t get it together to coherently explain what he was ranting about in front of the crowd, but in the end it didn’t matter because he had already delivered the important information to Mew in the bathroom. Boston deserved it and I didn’t even feel bad for Cheum, she brought that shit on herself. Insulting Sand and offering him money for sex in front of everyone, though? Fucking ouch.
Winner: Ray, but in his typical fashion, he also lost.
Round 5: Sand vs Ray
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Sand is the cause of this whole mess, but he seems distressed to see Ray in this state. I don’t know what he thought would happen when he gave Ray this ammunition, knowing how he feels about Mew and how little self-control he has, so I was rolling my eyes a little at his insistence that Ray stop thinking about Mew. You sewed this chaos, sir! Don’t light the match and then make a shocked Pikachu face when you start a fire! After having already hurt him in front of everyone in the bar, Ray rejected Sand and his help brutally, calling him a whore and throwing him to the ground, and then got in his car to wreak havoc on the road. Ray is focused on Mew and simply does not care about Sand’s feelings, and Sand can’t seem to stop trying to protect Ray from his own self-destruction no matter how many times he’s rejected.
Winner: No one, this is all around fucked.
Round 6: Mew vs Top
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Mew, my boy, I didn’t know you had it in you! Throughout that scene I was shaking my head, wondering how he could have possibly missed the implication of what Ray was saying and whether he just won’t believe anything Ray says, and then as the sex scene started and he was more bold and confident than usual, I was like what is going o—oh shit! Mew, that was brilliant. I loved seeing him catch Top off guard like that, and given that he already knew before he went home with him, he was clearly giving Top one last chance to come clean and stop lying. Top failed the test, Mew is righteously pissed and genuinely hurt, and for once, Top is out of his depth with no idea how to fix his mistake. 
Winner: Mew. 
And Mew isn’t done, because next week we finally get to see him set some things on fire and kick Boston into the pool. Friends, I can hardly wait.
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cosmica-galaxy · 6 months
Hello, I'm from Gaza City because of the war,my house was destroyed. We lost everything,my family and I did not have anything left. We left our homes in search of a safe place and we were displaced three  times to different places to survive, but unfortunately there's no safe place in Gaza. My mother is very sick and she's a kidney failure patient in need of treatment outside. She suffers from LS. Help me and my family to survive. Please, your small donation can make a huge difference. A friend outside Gaza has come in to help me run the donation program so that my mother can be evacuated
Alright. THIS is where I draw the line with scammers like you people. Are you fucking serious? You are trying to use a FUCKING GENOCIDE to SCAM PEOPLE? Whoever is in charge of this account should be FUCKING ASHAMED. How dare you come into MY inbox with your filthy money hungry scheming hands, using the Palestine people's REAL suffering to make a quick buck! How absolutely DISGUSTING are you?! I am all for a free Palestine and I hope that my activism and support get ACTUAL real families out of Gaza and to safety where they can get help and survive this atrocity they are being FORCED to endure.
YOU, however, are NOT a Palestine refugee. You are a fucking soulless a scammer/bot that should be so fucking ashamed!
How do I know? Your account was made a FUCKING DAY AGO. Also, your con-artist link to fucking Paypal says "Fred Odhiambo", I looked up "Fred Odhimabo Palestine" on ANY social media and got NOTHING.
If you were real or genuine, you would have a post on insta, facebook, or even Twitter...but no. You are only on tumblr with a stupid fake sob story about people's GENUINE suffering in another country trying to beg people for money. You are a fucking disgrace to whomever you represent. Selling crack would be a more honorable way to make a living, you absolute slimeball.
Get the fuck out of my goddam face and crawl back to the heartless monster that gave rise to such a pathetic entity such as yourself.
Human or bot, you are filth and you are NOT welcome on my blog. Get reported and go the fuck away. Absolute disgusting behavior. -- PLEASE PEOPLE! BE WARY OF THESE INBOX DONATION SEEKERS. THEY ARE SHAMELESS, JUST LIKE THIS ONE. To support ACTUAL Palestinians, seek out sources on Arab.org, The UWRA, or registered Palestine Funds! DON'T FALL FOR THESE SCAMMERS.
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deadthingposting · 2 years
Ofmd rewatch ep 6 the art of fuckery
I know that there is some profound and interesting takes about this episode and any interpretation I could ever have would be probably already said in better words by someone else
That being said
The thing of Ed being the kraken or rather creating it to himself as the monster that killed his father to not feel guilt despite how much his dad was a monster it's really one of the most beautiful plots n the show
His panic attack the actual self hate the way that he says he has no friend the facade of strength and being heartless while craving humanity he asks why stede has a bird guy but made fang put his dog out it's such a duality of his performative strength and violence developed for survival vs actual wish for a softer gentler world he craves to live in
I fucking love him
And I kinda understand Izzy's behavior here going back to violence as a protection if the world stops fearing Blackbeard how well they can truly do for themselves, but also I feel like most of his behavior it is purely a misplaced or misunderstood jealousy (romantic of platonic it is jealousy) and a fear of being left behind
That being said the duel it's one of my favorite scenes as we can truly see Izzy getting erratic out of anger to the point of actually allowing himself to be distracted and eventually losing
I saw a post once saying why people include Ivan on the whole "revenge found family ™" because he isn't really into the whole getting included compared to fang at least and I may say I disagree with this, like there are some scenes showing him being as fed up with Izzy's bs and interacting with the others in the background and also I want him to be part of the found family god damnit.
Lucius finger plot it's disgusting but hilarious and the pay off with the first Lucius/Pete kiss it's lovely
Now some questions:
How many people from Blackbeard's crew are onboard? Cause In the fuckery demonstration there's a lot of shit going on, it's just fang Ivan those two nameless guys I love and Ed?
I'm concerned about the reason of the fuckery, did they just terrified some guys for nothing?
Does wee John counts as a catboy? and if yes can I sexualize him as such?
Overall this episode made me cry fell disgust think about that Front bottoms song -father and laugh about Izzy's bad not good constantly getting worse months
Rating 🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙 five kraken metaphors for your own violence so you don't have to face your own fears
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coulsonlives · 2 years
The audacity you have to start attacking ANOTHER rpc confession blog and acting concerned about roleplayerconfessions when you’re the one who drove roleplayerconfessions to inactivity with your rule breaking, drama mongering and harassing behavior toward other commenters. You openly admitted to trolling commenters on that blog, what makes you think your “trolling” didn’t cause unnecessary stress for the mod? And to top it all off you think you can help spread a disgusting rumor that Blueberry committed suicide because of “anti bullshit”? Bitch, you know you’re a massive part of the reason Blueberry stepped away from that blog. She literally had to block you to make you stop abusing the comments and creating such a toxic environment over there. There was no suicide or “anti bullshit.” Just you and your trolling. Take the fucking L and stop trying to harass rpcanonymous you bitter piece of shit. 
lLMFAOOO, hello again chronically online weirdo who probably runs the new confession blog, i actually talked to blueberry because i asked if i also had to unfollow on my other blogs, and she said i could stay as long as i followed the rules, i said sorry and she was okay with it and literally said 'she dealt with much worse and is very good at compartmentalizing mod duties from personal things and nothing i did was directed to her so she wasn’t stressed out about it', sounds like you're the one with the problem dumbass, lmaoo.
so stop dropping rat turds in my inbox, you sound unhinged! also yes, i saw blueberry's main blogs and found posts about anti bullying so lmaooo 'rumor' my ass, g*d forbid something comes up to confirm it 100% and you look like a fucking heartless degenerate who is putting words in her mouth. fuck off with your edgy cunty bullshit mkay, thanksss.
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lemonhaze1738 · 3 months
Why are men such disgusting creatures!!! 🤮🤡
They all fucking sick RATS!!! 🐀
I didn’t date anyone for more than a half year cause I’ve had enough!!!!
The stories are repeating themselves. 🤦🏽‍♀️
Then I met a dude 2 months ago who came from an another city, so he visited me every weekend and we spent time in a hotel room together.
From the first date on, he wanted a relationship with me and I said I’m not interested in that currently. He said it’s alright we have time but at the same time he just didn’t accept it.
We had arguments all over again. I claimed that I’m better off single cause men bring me bad luck!
He complained about me having contact to another guys, even those who are my friends.
I repeated myself to him that I’m single and that he can’t forbid me to stop talking neither meeting another men. He always tried to manipulate me with his “I love you and you mean so much to me” texts.
Things went out of control, after he helped me with some financial problems and all I used to say before was that I know, if I take financial help from a man, he will objectify me and try to manipulate me and that’s what he actually did!
End of the story is that he wants the money back from me now, LMFAO.
I really liked him but his weird behavior and lack of communication and respect towards me and lack of understanding made me sick to the stomach and my depression started to get worse.
I ended the contact with him yesterday because he insulted me very bad and I did the same to him.
He showed me his real fake face. Heartless piece of shit! Such a faggot!!!!!
I feel soooo relieved! But I feel very sad and depressed and suicidal aswell.
I thought this shit will never happen again to me, that’s why I swore to myself I will not date anyone for at least 1 year to have time to work on myself and my life, to move on.
Life is not fair and people aswell. You can’t plan to NOT meet somebody. You just do. That’s how life works. It hits us all unexpectedly.
But how many times do I have to go through the same shit with men till I find the right one?
But do I really want to find the right man - does it even exist? I don’t think so. I’m so fucking tired of these nonsense games and those stupid arguments about stupid topics.. with the same outcome.
He knows how disgusting he is to me. I told him a lot of things about him he doesn’t even know.
It was a waste of time - again. 🤦🏽‍♀️
At least it were only 2 months instead of 2 years tho. Lawl.
Am disappointed as hell and I will definitely not meet any guy for another half year or more … this time it feels like I will stay alone forever - and this time this thought seems like coming home.
Staying alone and enjoying my own company - no arguments with anyone - just being with my animals and myself and my fave music and my favorite food with my favorite series and movies, sounds like a dream to me.
I encourage everyone to do the same if you are going through the same shit like me.
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knwbetter · 5 months
day 3 since i ended my situationship: i felt much better today compared to other days, although i have to admit he still enters my mind very frequently. first thing i did today was checked my phone obviously, to see if he texted but there was absolutely nothing from him. i kind of expected it but i was still disappointed at the same time. idk why i still expect him to text out of nowhere when it's clear as day that he doesn't give a damn about me. i don't think he ever did actually? if so, his manipulation game goes crazy. like why waste all that time talking to me? spending and investing time on me? just to throw me away the minute he got what he wanted from me. all the sweet things and compliments he said were nothing but bullshit. i know never to fall for that kind of trap again the next time. no more shallow and surface level words. i need full on meaningful sentences and conversations, i won't accept anything less. and actually demonstrate what you're saying. i'm not a fool to go through this the second time. my pride still hurts for being treated this way, the way i feel so stupid pains me the most. i still keep on checking discord and steam to see if he's there and he is but since there's nothing but silence from him, i clearly don't mean much to him at all. everything he told me was just a lie, he never really liked me. if he actually wanted me, he wouldn't be treating me this way but he is. so, i gotta accept the reality and move on. i still cannot fathom how he spent all that time on me and even bought me a game just to brush me aside and go on like i never existed. idk how a person can be capable of something so heartless. is there something wrong with him? did i misjudge him? i usually trust my judgment when it comes to people. he did seem genuine and nice but there were definitely parts of him that got me all yikes. there was a point where i thought to myself "what if he's a s*rial k*ller?" with some of the things he told me. it could just be me psychoanalyzing him with my psychology background. now that it's over, this whole situation makes me want to pursue graduate school and do a study on this kind of behavior. could he have been a narcissist? possibly. i think he might have been using me to stroke his ego which is extremely disgusting. the way he pursued me from the start and showed interest from the get go was very unusual, i have to say. and he was very trusting of me too which made me uncomfortable since i didn't know who the tf he was. funny how the tables have turned, now he's acting like i never existed. i have to keep reminding myself that he never really wanted me and do i really want a guy like that? good luck stroking that stupid ego of yours! a real and secure man would never. i thought you were the one but it was all just in my head. i must have been praying to the devil. i wasn't able to drink today bc of stomach issues but hopefully i'll be able to tomorrow. i miss that alcoholic taste on my tongue and the way it makes me feel. also, pestering me for my pictures and acting like it was no big deal how i look when the minute i sent you my pictures you started acting off? mhmm yea, keep lying through your ugly teeth. and just so you know, you don't deserve a baddie and never will. no one's going to ego boost you like i did. now i totally understand why you're alone without friends, it's bc you're a fucking creep. get your head checked! you need it. despite this, i still think about how i would've loved to have so much fun with you outdoors in the american wilderness. it was all just a fantasy tho, i deserve better than you. all those sweet words for nothing. for a little ego stroking. you should be disgusted with yourself. i feel violated for being used by you. joke's on you, i probably played you instead for my future study. you were just an experiment to me. (this is how i brainwash myself so it hurts less) i hope you never fill that void in your heart. you don't deserve it for playing with me like this, like i'm some toy you can discard. real men don't play with the feelings of women.
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p-antomime · 3 years
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champagne problems.
𖦹 minors don’t interact. ┊ wc: 2,1K.
𖦹 content: sub!reader, mean-ish dom!megumi, unprotected sex, dub-con, breeding kink, manhandle, use of 'slutty'/slut-ish a couple of times, manipulation, edging, pinning, fingering, impregnation, implied baby trapping, obsessive behavior, dark content.
𖦹 pairings: toxic bf!fushiguro megumi x gf!f!reader.
ᥫ᭡. taglist! ┊ request! ┊ jjk masterlist!
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Slut-ish behavior.
Megumi couldn't believe it, nor could he force himself to accept your behavior.
On the other hand, you already expected that it wouldn't be that easy to get rid of someone like Megumi Fushiguro. Someone severely obsessed, someone who thought that driving to the nearest forest and fucking you on the hood of the car was a great idea for a romantic date, someone who was like a clockwork pendulum that some hours acted as if you were made of porcelain and about to break, others as if you were just another object in his life to be used, broken and reassembled as he wished.
The truth is that Toji and later Gojo had hardly accustomed Megumi to having what he always wanted at home and this behavior of yours was now unacceptable.
How dare you treat your boyfriend as a champagne problem? How dare you break up with your boyfriend who gave you everything you wanted and loved you more than his body could keep in store? How dare you send that damned message to him in the waning hours of the night while your photo in the chat room displayed the same smile as the one he had in his wallet?
First came the anger. Within the first 10 minutes. He stood in the middle of the room holding in one hand the shirt you had forgotten last week at his place.
Then came the sorrow. In the next 10 minutes. He squeezed that shirt almost hard enough to tear it. You are so heartless.
A message from you lit up his cell phone screen.
"gonna pick up the things i left at ur place, after that, we'll never see each other again"
Then came a morbid sense of hope, as if the candles of the cult of you he set up in his head had never even come close to going out. He threw your shirt into his closet, then went into the living room to wait for you sitting on the couch.
Yes, you were so heartless, but, all right. It's okay. Megumi just needed to get your heart to start beating hard. It was just a champagne problem, the two of you, like the good boyfriend and girlfriend you were, could work around this situation, he could forgive his girl's lack of care and love.
The only thing he couldn't do was let you walk out that door of his life.
And you didn't even knock or ring the doorbell, he had given you a spare key to get into his house whenever you wanted, since that was going to be the house you two would live in when you both got married.
Megumi got up from the sofa at the same time you entered the house and stared at him.
You looked at him with what he thought was burning love, you knew was pity and disgust.
"You look... pretty! Where have you been all day?", if it were other days, you would think he was just worried about you, but he actually wanted to know so he could feed his obsession.
"Where's my stuff?", you ignored his question, already walking toward the hallway and Megumi rushed to catch up to you before you reached the bedroom door and grabbed you by one wrist with a force that almost made you think he was trying to break it.
"Stop, Megumi! This time, I'm fucking serious! If you don't let go of my wrist and lemme get my things and go home, I'm gonna call the police again, just like last week!", you weren't yelling, but, rather, just speaking more harshly and Megumi frowned.
"Serious?! Y/N, you can't be fuckin' serious! You're treating me like the bad guy when I just wanna talk and–"
"Talk?", a witless, ironic laugh escaped your lips, "Fushiguro Megumi, there’s no such thing as 'talking' with you, you're delusional, you're obsessed in a... fuckin’ bizarre, creepy way, you're more like a fucking stalker of mine than a boyfriend", Megumi's breath caught in the throat.
Why were you taking that tone? He was just trying to love you, to treat you right, he knew that a girl like you couldn't be in the hands of just any guy because eventually you would get hurt because guys who aren't like him, are trash, are wolves in sheep's clothing.
His eyes fell on your fingers, you were still wearing the promise ring he had bought you at the beginning of the relationship.
Yes, you were still using it.
Deep down, you didn't want to break up with him. If you did, the first thing you would have gotten rid of would have been that expensive little gold wheel that he had bought with Gojo's help.
"Y/N, please tell me what's wrong, I can make it better! I love ya so much and you love me too, I know you love me, that's why I'm not hurt right now, we can–"
"No, Megumi, there's no 'we' anymore.", you denied with the head trying to break free from his grip on your wrist, "There are just me, you and something that was a fling, just that, nothing else."
Megumi stared at you.
You were behaving like a slut again.
His jaw clenched, fingers tightened a little more on your wrist, a corrosive feeling of irritation and sense of responsibility slowly took over his mind.
It was okay, alright.
It was just a champagne problem. This behavior of yours was just a trivial problem, but Megumi needed to fix it because fixing you meant fixing the relationship.
In one swift motion, in the same way Toji had taught him, your boyfriend was pressing you against the living room wall of his house, almost hard enough to make a large purple or reddish mark appear in the shape of welts on your back skin, holding both your hands above your head using only one of his and assaulting your lips as if he had never even had the opportunity to kiss you before.
And you, on the other hand, tried at the same time to let go and not correspond to his kiss. If you did momentarily match his obsession, Megumi was never going to let you go, and you desperately needed to disengage yourself from his hold on you.
"Sto- fuck! Stop, 'Gumi! I won't–", you tried to intervene through his attempts to slide his tongue into your mouth and in his mind, you were just trying to play hard to get.
You had never rejected his sexual advances, why should this be any different? He was still the same Fushiguro Megumi as before, your Fushiguro Megumi.
His vague hand slid down your torso squeezing your tits in the middle of the process and reached down your pants to slide into them and your panties and manage to reach the pussy between your legs that also belonged to him.
"You're being such a fucking slut with me right now, Y/N, I swear to fucking God that if I didn't love you so much, I’d just throw you inside my room and keep you locked inside ‘til you remember how much I love you and how I've always done everything for you", Megumi whispered without paying much attention to your eyes starting to mist up and legs starting to try to push him away with kicks.
"Should I fuck my love into you again? Hm?!", he squirmed leaning towards you before pressing two fingers against your clit and, as he saw your thighs trying to close, feeling your pussy slowly starting to wet itself.
Deep down, your body got used to his touch, even if your mind was trying to do everything in its power to push that obsessive guy away.
"That's what you were wanting, right?", Megumi began to massage your clit slowly, the same way he knew you liked it too much to the point that you weren't capable in anything else right when he did that; your legs stopped trying to push him away only to begin trembling planted on the floor of the room as the pleasure began to cloud your ethical sense, "The break up thing was just a pretext so we could have that kind of sex, right? Make up sex and all, that's what you wanted”
You tried to deny it with your head and vocalize your wishes for him to stop touching you, the situation slowly slipping out of your control and ending up on Fushiguro's nimble palms.
Deep down, Megumi knew he could destroy you right there, just with his fingers massaging and circling your clit and making your panties soaked, but he wanted more than that. He wanted you to admit that you would never leave him and that you loved him so much that you would do anything for him, just as he would do anything for you.
"Don't you love my fingers against your pretty clit, your cute pussy? Don't you love me, sweetheart? And you love when I call you like this, don't you? 'My' sweertheart, that's what you always will be", Megumi whispered moaning against your neck as he felt you try to rub yourself against his hand and slid two fingers into you calmly, enjoying the loud wet sound once your pussy was opened and widened.
"Megumi, s-stop, I swear that-mhm!", his fingers curved inside you and you had to bite the lip hard as you felt the head start to get fuzzy with your own thoughts, "I swear if you stop, I won't leave ya’ anymore, I will–"
"Leave?", a chuckle escaped his lips before he denied with the head and gave a hard thrust with his long fingers that left you seeing little stars, almost on the verge of cumming, "Oh, sweetheart, you’ll never leave, I won't let you go, you could never live without me, without my love, without my touch, deep down y’know that and you just have to accept it."
His other hand, which had been holding yours above the head, moved away to reach into his sweatpants to pull them down and take his own underwear with them.
It was almost embarrassing to you the way your pussy tightened around his fingers as soon as your eyes fell on his long dick, and it was almost intoxicating to Megumi the way your withdrawn, panting body made his cock throb, begging to be buried in your warm little pussy that had always served very well to be a cocksleeve.
"You're never leaving, not ever, not even when you think you've found a better guy than me", he whispered leaving wet kisses against your neck with each sentence spoken before he pulled his fingers out of you, lowered your clothes and shoved those same digits into your mouth to make you taste the sweetness of your own pussy.
"Quite the opposite: I'm gonna fuck a baby into you tonight and you're gonna become my pretty wifey ready to be bred every night, got it?", he lifted one of your legs to hook it over his hip and force you to hold onto it if you didn't want to fall to the floor, "This way you'll never try to run away from me again, and if you do, you'll have a fucking child that will have her daddy's face reminding you who the greatest love of your life is; romantic, isn't it?"
This time, you tried to push his shoulders away at the same time his dick was already in front of your tight entrance, ready to bury itself in your pussy and fuck you until you forgot your slutty attitude. And just as your mouth opened to beg him not to impregnate you, Megumi took your lips in a needy kiss that preceded the seconds he used to bury himself deep in your wet hole; his tip momentarily kissing your soft cervix before he pulled out completely only to slam again harder and make you roll eyes in a mixture of pleasure and pain.
His breathing completely quickened, cheeks flushed and dark hair falling over his forehead and sticking to it from sweat; all indicating how much Fushiguro Megumi loved feeling your tight pussy swallowing him to the base and your walls compressing him almost as if you were a virgin.
It didn't take long for him to start pounding inside you hard and a hand hooked on your chin to force you to look at him as several "I love you, love you, love you" slid out of his swollen lips.
Breeding you that night was only a matter of a few minutes and a trivial problem for him. You were always going to be his girl.
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ㅤ🏷 tagging: @wakasa-wifey @hirwishin @inu1gf @dukina @ravenina14 @qudvxnkanx @slut4manjiro @kuroaka @sleepy3 @mizurimirai @semisgroupie @goldenmnr @mrsvaleska @k-ryuuguji @no-name-jack @binglebonglerightonthemoney @vlyntage @novaresque @fuyuus @amaejiki @bontens-cum-slut @rxcked .
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ladybevr · 2 years
The Sussexes called all of the UK and its citizens racists. They also allowed, if not actually themselves, the Sussex Squad to call Royal Fans that dared to criticize the Sussex’s behavior bullies and racists on social media and had them canceled for stating their opinions. That they were allowed to be anywhere near the PPOW and Queen Camilla is disgusting, and revolting in my opinion. The Sussexes treatment of The Queen and the stress they caused her over the past year is revolting and I for one will never forget or be able to forgive them for that any time soon. I don’t want to see either of them ever attending any Royal public events, even private family ones.  You do not ever appease a traitor and manipulative bully which is exactly what the Sussexes are. King Charles would do well to listen to the people and not to the tabloid media. The tabloid media don’t tell the truth about how the people feel about the Monarchy or the Sussexes.  The Sussexes have proven themselves to be liars and heartless people that only care about themselves and are using their Royal titles and styles and any connections they can get with Royal Family Members for their own financial gain and for headlines in the media which the media are only too happy to provide for them.  A leopard doesn’t change its spots. They will be back to lying and attacking the Royal Family as soon as they have gotten what they want.  I am sick of the Monarchy constantly allowing the Sussexes to emotionally blackmail them and constantly cave into the Sussexes demands.  I am sick and tired of Charles and the Monarchy constantly caving into the schoolyard bullies that the Sussexes are. The Sussexes have been emotionally abusing and terrorizing the Royal Family and Royal Family supporters.  Grow a set of balls King Charles or the Monarchy and the Commonwealth will cease to exist.
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kindestegg · 3 years
Deltarune Theory: Ralsei is a guide for the script
It feels crazy that Deltarune Chapter 2 has only been out for like, what, two weeks? As of the time I’m writing this, and yet, there has already been so much secret hunting and speculation over this. Not even the full game, and people already go crazy over it. Naturally, I am part of this craze. In fact I was one of the people that played it as soon as it dropped.
And, I thought it was only me, but, at least for a little while, Ralsei’s behavior struck me as… odd. Not outwardly malicious, but just… odd. Particularly the first bit of the game, it was just so… happy and convenient? And Ralsei was at the center of it all, orchestrating it, making sure everything happened accordingly.
Eventually, that initial feeling of distrust went away, but… not quite. And it seems a lot of people began to feel the same way, pointing out bits about Ralsei that are just… out of place. Things that didn’t seem to stand out in the first chapter, are now popping out about him.
Questions include:
How does he know about what’s outside the Dark World, about the school?
How does he know about the game mechanics and call them out by names?
Why is he so interested in keeping the balance between only Kris acting and him and Susie doing magic?
Why does he seem so eager to dismiss what happened with Spamton NEO?
Why doesn’t he turn into stone or even get weak at any point during the time he spends in Cyber World?
Are the parts of his name and design connecting to the Dreemurr’s intentional, and if so, what does that mean for his relation to Kris?
How and why does he take player control away to look at what Susie is doing? Why must he wait until Kris is willing to do it? What does he tell them when he succeeds in this?
Now, I don’t intend to pose here “a supreme theory to rule them all”, I’m just a guy having fun and I’ve seen people voice particularly similar ideas to this one I’ve had, so I want to at least try to answer these questions through a relatively simple idea that would, almost entirely, immediately answer ALMOST all the doubts.
First, let’s start with some steps to build up this idea. For one, we know for a fact that Ralsei holds knowledge over game mechanics and may even break the fourth wall at times.
But we also know that Ralsei’s design resembles a lot of characters from Undertale we know and were fond of. For one, he can be likened to Toriel in the sense that he is the one to give you the first tutorial of the game and his clothes resemble her original outfit as well. Another connection, much more common, that people have made is that he is like Asriel, no doubt due to his name being an anagram, but also due to the fact he is also a cute young goat.
I would like to do a complete turn around here though, and say I do not think any of this points to Ralsei being related to Kris in the familial sense, for more than one reason, but my main one being that I don’t think Toby would be as frankly disgusting as to imply such a thing when there is so so much teasing in the direction of Ralsei possibly having a crush on Kris. I mean… really, Toby?
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You know, I’m not too sure this would be the smartest idea, Mr. Fox, but alright.
However, I do think all these hints in his design and name have a purpose. And it has to do with how us, the fandom, see these two characters. For one, they are very beloved characters, and Toriel is one that we associate with her tutorials and guidance, whereas Asriel is one that people have yearned to see more in action. They are back, in a sense, but not present in our adventures so far.
What I’m getting at is that Ralsei is specifically designed to be the darling of the fandom. He is made to be loved, to be trusted, to cause feelings in us that make us want to protect him and accept his advice. This, in a way, also affects the in-universe characters who see him, as Susie put it: “as a big portable teddy bear”, whose job is “giving hugs”.
And I don’t just mean this in a character design way, like “oh wow Toby was so smart to make a perfectly marketable boy!” No. I think Ralsei exists as a meta element, his form being a direct manifestation of what we want to see.
He looks like that because he wants us to see him and lower our guard and expect his guidance. Remember how his form was shadowy and vague throughout all of chapter 1 until the very end of it and how he poofs into nothing but a pile of clothes in both chapters so far, no matter what form he’s in? What if he’s a shapeshifter? What if Ralsei isn’t even his real name? That certainly would explain why he says he doesn’t know what being Ralsei-like is like.
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Ralsei? Ralsei? Oh God he’s gone.
Now, do I think he’s lowering our guard in the sense of leaving us vulnerable for an attack? Not exactly. I think it's so we learn to accept him…
Accept that he is a GUIDE for the game’s script. His entire existence hinges on guiding the main characters, specially Kris, throughout the story, and making sure the whole story, all seven chapters, play out exactly as planned.
You see, Ralsei isn’t evil. His goal is pretty simple, actually: guide us, the player, throughout the game, making us feel as safe and happy and secure. In that sense, of course he pushes so hard towards the pacifist route. After all, that’s the one that’s closer to a completionist route, as the sparing + recruiting mechanic adds more characters to your town, and therefore more content. He wants you to see all this content and get the most enjoyment out of it. His code urges him to bring you the best experience possible.
This would also answer why he does that thing with taking our control away from Kris and to watch Susie’s shenanigans. Because it’s satisfying to us. Notice how stressed out and pushy he gets in the alternate route when Susie comes out of Noelle’s room without being able to let us see what happened. He knows he messed up, something went wrong. He was supposed to let us see, so that we wouldn’t be bored, because God forbid the players be bored.
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Just imagine this going through his head.
He also seems to genuinely care about Kris and Susie, and with good reason, as he knows these are the protagonists, and he is supposed to care for their well being too and ensure they reach their goal. I do think, however, there is a good amount of being genuine in his care, as he has no reason to react so boldly sometimes to either of them, showing outrage or affection in pretty telling ways. He isn’t heartless despite carrying out this job.
However it is also worth noting, for all his care, he cannot do the one thing that Kris would desire the most: free them from our grasp. And that is his ultimate failure towards them, and may end up creating conflict later on in the game.
From, here, there are two possible pathways:
Ralsei does not know about the dilemma Kris is going through, and believes Kris is entirely oblivious and passive towards being in a video game. He may even end up being the final boss to fight, as he desperately tries to keep everything on rails while Kris very much does not care for any of that.
Ralsei is entirely aware of what’s going on with Kris, after all, everything in a game’s design is planned, even the cutscenes, therefore even Kris’ struggles. Ralsei knows of the fate that lies ahead, that Kris will eventually be free, how it all ends. But to get there… is still a road ahead.
I think Ralsei’s affection towards Kris will definitely be explored in the later chapters. Not just because of the teasing we’ve been getting, but, if Ralsei really is a guide of the game’s code and script, what would that mean for him to get so attached towards the character the player is controlling?
Ralsei will have to make a choice. He will either recognize Kris is suffering and cannot wait any longer, or be faced with possibly having to fight them himself. This is why those two pathways matter as well. If he doesn’t know, his choice will come later and it will be an unpleasant surprise for him to find out the game universe is breaking apart around him with the self awareness of certain characters. If he does know, however, his choice is NOW, and waiting for the inevitable will be torture.
Just how long until he breaks? Or will he keep the facade until the very last chapter?
Like I said, I don’t intend this theory to be the biggest, most revealing and coherent theory. But… It could add a very interesting layer to Ralsei’s character, as well as answer many questions posed beforehand. He knows the school layout and game controls because he is part of the code. He can get to the other Dark World’s easily and remain unharmed because the game demands him to be. He looks like this so that we love him. He wants to give us the most fulfilling Castle Town so that we will love the game. He doesn’t protest even when Kris does things like try to give him the thorn ring, because to him, everything will be okay anyway. Everything he is, is for us. He isn’t evil or malicious per se, he just opposes Kris’ biggest need.
But he may have gotten himself attached. And that may be a clue to sparing him if he does become a final boss.
But! Tell me what you thought of this theory! Do you think it’s way too weird and farfetched, or do you think it’s possible that it could happen? Or maybe you agree with some stuff but not with other stuff? Go ahead and tell me!
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randomposterofstuff · 4 years
On the change of dynamics of Mikasa’s relationships with Eren and Levi
Author’s Note: Hi, all! I just wanted to share my personal analysis of two scenes that involve Eren, Mikasa, and Levi. The idea for the analysis just occurred to me randomly. And it made me think that these two scenes illustrate how much the dynamics of Mikasa’s relationships with Eren and Levi have changed over time. I don’t know if anyone has already made an analysis of this. But I just wanted to share my take on it. Haha. Fair Warning: This post is lengthy. Hahaha.
This is an analysis of two paralleling scenes involving Eren, Mikasa, and Levi. The first scene that will be discussed is the one where Levi beat Eren during the latter's military trial in Season 1. The second scene involves Levi striking Eren after the Raid on Liberio in Season 4. In the analysis of both scenes, I focused primarily on Mikasa's reactions. And at the end of the main analysis, I also posted my thoughts on what all of these could mean for Mikasa's relationship with Levi.
Also, SPOILER ALERT for those who haven't read Chapter 138 of the manga yet. While this post mainly analyzes the two scenes mentioned above, I also included some tidbits from Chapter 138 at the end to tie things up as neatly as possible. Hahaha.
So, anyway, here it goes:
Season 1: The Trial
Back in Season 1, during Eren’s military trial, he was physically beaten by Levi. We all know that he did this to ensure that the Scouting Regiment/Survey Corps gets custody of him. The display was necessary to emphasize and prove that Levi, who is widely known as "Humanity's Strongest Soldier", is best suited to subdue Eren should he lose control of his abilities. Because of this, the Scouts were able to convince the Military Police and Premier Zackly that they should be given custody over Eren.
One of the most notable parts of this scene is how Mikasa was enraged by Levi's actions. Had Armin not stopped her, she would’ve probably lunged at Levi and struck him. At the time, Mikasa was gravely concerned about Eren’s well-being and was perhaps too furious at Levi to think about anything else. Because of this, she probably did not immediately realize that Levi had effectively secured Eren’s relative safety at the end of the day. 
During the trial, the MPs spoke of planning to dissect him, among others. Conversely, the Scouts proposed that he participate in an upcoming scouting expedition to determine whether he is a threat or not. They also suggested that Eren be placed under Levi’s direct supervision so that he could be subdued in the event of an incident. While the latter proposal still entailed some degree of violence, it was far less hostile and more beneficial to Eren than the MP’s proposal. 
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Screenshots taken from Season 1, Episode 14 of the “Attack on Titan” anime
It is also worth noting that her primary concern during this time was Eren’s well-being. Mikasa is not cruel or heartless towards others. But it is worth noting that she was more concerned about Eren than the fact that he could have been a grave threat to so many innocent people. During this time, humanity inside the Walls was still ignorant of the truth, so the apprehension and fear directed towards Eren’s powers were justified and understandable. Yet, despite this, Mikasa was mainly singularly focused on Eren.
This is one of many instances which illustrate how she allows her affections for Eren to impair her judgment. She cares about him so much that sometimes her emotions get the better of her.
Season 4: The Aftermath of the Raid on Liberio
Now, flash forward to Season 4 during the Raid on Liberio. When Eren was pulled onto the airship, Levi expressed his disgust and disappointment in Eren’s actions and behavior. He drove his points home by kicking Eren again. When he did so, Mikasa, probably out of habit and instinct, moved to intervene before Armin stopped her again. The difference here is that this time, she did not express anger towards Levi for beating Eren again. Instead, she had a sad and torn expression on her face.
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Screenshots taken from Season 4, Episode 8 of the “Attack on Titan” anime
This is an indicator of growth and change on Mikasa’s part. While she still had the urge to protect Eren, she knew that because of what he did to the citizens of Liberio, Levi’s anger and disgust were justified. As a matter of fact, she herself was distraught when she saw the bodies of innocent civilians and children scattered on the battlefield. And what distressed her even more was the fact that Eren – her childhood friend, adoptive brother, and literal savior, was the cause of all the destruction.
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Screenshots taken from Season 4, Episode 7 of the “Attack on Titan” anime
During this time, Mikasa had already begun to notice that the Eren she once knew was no longer with them. However, probably because of personal sentiment and their shared history, she still cared for him. It is likely that Mikasa still hoped that he would change for the better during this particular time. Even so, she is now wise and mature enough to not turn a blind eye to his terrible actions.
It can also be said that Mikasa is now better able to properly analyze the situation as a whole instead of just focusing on Eren. She understood the gravity of the problem and therefore acknowledged that Levi was in the right for feeling disgusted and disappointed. And maybe it can be said that she couldn’t blame him for kicking Eren again. (Lol.)
What This Means for Levi and Mikasa's Relationship: Having Common Ground
As for what all of this means for Mikasa and Levi's relationship, I think that it can be said that Mikasa now has more common ground with Levi than Eren. 
The affection she has for Eren is rooted in a shared history and the kind of person he used to be before he became their ultimate enemy. Before the truth about the world and Eldians was revealed to the inhabitants of Paradis, Eren and Mikasa were long-time friends who worked hand-in-hand to achieve their common goals. The first was to keep humanity within the Walls safe from the threat of the Titans. And the second was to uncover the truth surrounding the mystery of the Titans. However, their relationship began to deteriorate when they finally learned of the truth, and when Eren gained access to his Attack Titan's ability to see the memories of its future and past inheritors. Over time, Eren began to slowly but surely drift away from her to the point that they had completely lost their common ground.
Conversely, her connection to Levi is based on trust and comradeship. Indeed, there aren't any explicitly romantic interactions between them (not yet, anyway. Lol.). However, it has already been established that Mikasa trusts Levi as a leader and as a fellow soldier. In the same vein, Levi also has faith in Mikasa's abilities. More importantly, it has been shown that Levi is capable of great empathy and that he has the best interests of humanity as a whole in both his mind and heart. This is another thing that he has in common with Mikasa. While she was heartbroken at the fact that killing Eren was the only way to stop him, she ultimately chose the rest of humanity over him and her feelings for him. She was even the one who dealt the final blow in Chapter 138. On this, I think that her act of choosing to kill Eren and actually seeing that choice through was her way of finally letting him go and choosing to move on from him. It's true that she said that she won't forget him, but then again, it's possible to move on from someone without forgetting them.
In relation to this, I think that it's symbolic (and perhaps even foreshadowing of events to come in Chapter 139) that Levi was the one to help her kill Eren. It's symbolic in the sense that by helping her kill Eren, Levi was the one to help Mikasa move on from him. It's also worth noting that when Mikasa declared her intention to kill Eren, Levi seemed to look awestruck and proud. He followed her lead - meaning that he trusted her resolve.
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Images taken from Chapter 138 of the Shingeki no Kyojin manga.
This is particularly significant because, in the past, Levi (along with a few others) nearly always had to placate Mikasa whenever a dangerous situation involved Eren. Levi was completely aware of how reckless she could be whenever Eren's safety was in jeopardy. Even in the events leading up to the final battle, Mikasa still protested whenever anyone suggested that they kill Eren. However, when it came down to it, Mikasa decided that she would be the one to kill Eren. And when she asked for everyone’s help, he did not question her. Instead, he chose to trust her and believe her.
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Perhaps this will lead to a deeper connection between them in the aftermath of the battle. Maybe this can be a foundation for the relationship that they will have in the future.
Anyway, that's all for now. I hope that this post makes sense. Haha. I'm sorry if it's a bit convoluted and messy. Lol. Let me know what you guys think!
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hawkwhore · 4 years
hi hi hi could i request a hawk imagine where it’s an enemies to lovers kinda thing, so hawk is still in cobra kai and y/n is in miyagi do. basically tori hurts her and he sees her after and gets protective over her, then they get close and kinda secretly date... something like that haha THANK YOUUU <33333
Do Better — Eli Hawk Moskowitz x Female!Reader
HI OMG IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I literally had an entirely different fic at like 8k words for this before I decided it didn’t fit close enough to the prompt and I just completely started over and this one was even longer than the first so that’s why it took me literal ages LOL.
includes; swearing, fluff, fighting, so much angst
words; 11,394 (im sorry its a whole ass novel)
this takes place late s2, after demetri and hawk’s friendship ends but before eagle fang forms!
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Most of your time in high-school you spent in a bubble, keeping to yourself and just your few friends. You didn’t involve yourself in other people’s crap very often, but when an all-out karate war happened at the end of your junior year, you couldn’t keep lurking in the shadows anymore.
Bullying was becoming heavy at your school, and while you weren’t usually a target, you grew tired of watching other people get hurt. Primarily, by a familiar face to you-- Eli Moskowitz.
Not that you knew him particularly well, but you remembered the shy boy you’d shared classes with, and you always tried your best to be nice to him knowing how others treated him.
You never would’ve thought that now he’d be the bully, destroying the confidence of other kids who were just like him.
“Look at this kid,” He laughed to his friend, Mitch. The two boys were standing in the hall, hovering over a small, scrawny boy who looked terrified. “You wanna be in Cobra Kai? Well, see, we had to be un-flinched first. We can do that for you right now, though. See how much you can take.” He teased, threatening a punch, watching the boy wince at his movement.
When you were in the halls on your way to your next class, you witnessed this horrible incident. You watched for a moment, before deciding that it was time for you to step out of your bubble. “Hey, leave him alone.” You said annoyedly, urging the boys to give it up.
Hawk turned to you and leered, and Mitch pushed the kid against the locker so he wouldn’t move while they dealt with you. “Be careful who you talk to like that, princess.” He moved dangerously close, and despite the feelings of anger you had towards him, your stomach dropped a little at the nickname.
Not letting it affect you, you came back bitterly. “Oh yeah? And who am I talking to, Eli?” His face contorted in disgust at the use of his real name. “You know, it’s sad, how you became everything you used to despise. I remember the other side of you, you were sweet..” You said, smiling to your self in remembrance. “And now look at you.” Looking at him in resentment, you finished.
Turning angrily on his heel at your words, Hawk punched the boy in the face and let him go running. He looked back at you with a look of victory, and Mitch smirked. “You better watch your back.” Hawk said threateningly, and knocked his shoulder into yours as he walked to his class.
Through the rest of the day, Hawk thought about you. He knew who you were; Y/N, the only girl to ever be nice to him during his shier days. He remembered the feeling he got any time you’d talked to him, and also how pretty you looked each time you did.
He had almost forgotten until then, how much he had always admired you. He even wanted to ask you out all that time ago, but now too much has changed. Way too much, clearly, because when the commercial for Miyagi-Do came out, you were quick to join.
It was that interaction with Hawk that really set you off, actually. You wanted to be able to stop the cruelty, and you thought that joining Miyagi-Do for defense would be a good start.
Little did you know, the rivalry would only grow.
As weeks passed, Miyagi-Do gained students and flourished. But in the meanwhile, Cobra Kai only got rougher, angrier, and just.. worse, in general.
You had done your best to avoid fights, (like a true Miyagi-Do would) but on a particularly bad day of yours, you were unlucky enough to find yourself running into Tory outside of school.
Being close friends with Sam, you knew to stay clear of Tory after hearing what she did to her. You thought Tory was a vile human being, though, and if she were to start anything-- she was probably the one person you wouldn’t hesitate to absolutely destroy.
When on your way to the dojo, you took a pit stop at a convenience store to pick up some snacks since you had some time to kill between after school and when practice started. You were met with an unpleasant surprise on your way out, when you saw Tory approaching the store.
The two of you made eye contact as you crossed paths, and you decided to ignore her and keep walking. Until, as you walked past each other, Tory stuck out her leg and tripped you over the concrete pathway.
“Are you kidding me, bitch?” You pushed yourself up, scoffing at her, and she smiled maniacally. “What’d you just call me?” She teased, obviously looking for a fight.
As much as you wanted to stay calm, you were pushed over the edge. “You heard me, bitch.” You repeated, letting her know you were not afraid. “What’s your problem? I keep away from you and you just can’t help yourself from starting something. I’ve never even done anything to you.” You confronted Tory, looking for an explanation for her behavior.
It was true, you’d hardly ever interacted with her-- but since you’re in Miyagi-Do and friends with Sam, she just didn’t like you. And Tory being Tory, if she didn’t like someone, she was going to be a bitch about it.
She laughed at your attempt to reason with her, and looked at you in self-satisfaction. “I just think it’d be fun to watch you bleed.” She seemed proud at the insult, stepping forward threateningly-- but you thought it was pretty lame.
Clearly, she had no real answer for the questions you asked her. She was far gone in her own world, using only anger to dictate her decisions.
You had let out a disappointed sigh, shaking your head, and turned to simply leave the situation, remembering that it wasn’t worth it. But Tory had other plans.
She grabbed your wrist, twisting it painfully forcing your body to face her. You quickly rotated it to release yourself from her grip, and punched her in the face with your newly freed hand.
“Leave me alone, Tory. This fighting for no reason crap is bullshit.” You said, stepping out of her proximity and holding your fists up in case of needed defense. Tory felt blood trickle from her nose, and as she wiped it from her face, she threw you a sickening sneer.
Seemingly avid on letting her rage out on you, she only continued. “You’re pathetic.” She cackled, taking a swing at you. You blocked this, but the movement left an opening for her to then kick your stomach, which sent you to the ground.
Before you could manage to get up again, she was hovering over you, punching your face repeatedly. It wasn’t until the pain was sinking in that you finally gained enough power to push her off, rolling forward and pinning her down tightly.
You grabbed a fistful of her hair, turning her face towards the ground. “Give it up, Tory.” She stayed quiet, breathing heavily, until she used her remaining strength to free her arm and dig her elbow into your side.
You fell back at this, and you were now both sat on the ground, mere inches from each other. “Seriously, I mean what’s the point? What are you gaining from this besides a couple of bruises?” You stood up, asking again.
You genuinely wanted to know, what could make a person so heartless. You had done nothing to provoke her, yet she was so intent on hurting you. Your question had unfortunately only sparked her rage again, the way you acted so ‘above it all,’ in Tory’s mind made her only angrier.
She rose, charging towards you for another strike, when the owner of the convenience store came out. “What the hell is this? Do I need to call the police?” The man asked. He had caught you in the blocking position of Tory’s attack, and she bitterly pushed herself off of you.
“You got lucky.” She spat, walking back towards the store she was originally on her way into. “Think about it, Tory! Why?” You yelled as she walked away, wanting your final words to sink into her.
You assured the owner that you were fine, and that he didn’t need to get the cops involved. You took out your phone and checked your complexion in the front camera, cringing seeing the cuts and bruises from Tory’s punches all over your face.
But remembering the bloody nose you had given her in your first punch, you smiled to yourself. Looking at your phone’s clock, you had certainly killed the time, but much more than you had wanted to. You were going to be late, so you texted Sam, alerting her that you got in a fight (sparing the details for later,) and that you would be late to practice.
You figured you could just clean up your cuts when you got home, it wasn’t a big deal, probably. But on your walk to the dojo, a passing car slowed at the sight of you. You started walking faster, instantly assuming the worst, but when the window rolled down, you heard a familiar, extremely unpleasant voice. Hawk.
“On your way to practice, huh? Still no car?” He taunted, knowing you still hadn’t saved up enough to buy your own. You glanced at him and rolled your eyes, continuing to walk down the sidewalk. How many enemies were you going to bump into today?
That was when he noticed your face. “Jesus, Y/N, what happened to you?” He laughed, fully stopping the car. You halted and responded annoyedly, “Tory happened. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to be late.” Turning back towards the walkway, you continued down the street.
But before you could get far, Hawk had gotten out of his car and caught up to you. “You’re not seriously headed to the dojo like that are you?” He said confusedly, trying to keep up with your pace.
You looked at him like his question was stupid, and continued walking. At your ignoring of him, he pushed his point further. “You need to clean those cuts.” He said, still following close behind you as you walked.
“Since when do you care?” You said irritated, continuing to disregard the boy’s words. At this, he finally stopped following. “You know what, fine.” He stood, speaking sharply, and you looked at him curiously at his abruptness. “Just trying to help, or, be nice or whatever.” He muttered aggravatedly, raising his hands in mocking surrender at your attitude.
You had ignored his concerns, because quite honestly you didn’t believe he was actually concerned. You had assumed it was some sort of set up for a new insult, or a way to just mess up your face even more.
“Oh yeah? That’s pretty unusual for you, isn’t it?” You said rudely, engaging back in the conversation. Hawk pursed his lips together and shifted uncomfortably.
You didn’t know it, but Hawk still cared about you. He may have changed, but his feelings for you hadn’t— as much as he tried to get them to. And right now, seeing you hurt, and since there was nobody around to judge him for it, he wanted to help you.
“Look, I’ve got some first aid stuff in my car. Let me help.” He stayed where he was, not wanting to provoke you, and spoke softly, nudging his head towards his car.
You narrowed your eyes looking at him, feeling skeptical of accepting the invitation. He noticed your hesitation, but did not back down, looking at you expectantly for an answer.
You let out an exasperated sigh, and walked towards his car without saying a word. Continuing to argue with him about it seemed like a waste of time to you at this point.
Hawk smiled to himself in relief that you gave in. Hurrying after you, he retrieved the first aid kit from the trunk of his car and ran to open the passenger seat door.
“You wanna sit?” He pointed at the seat, motioning you to take it. You dropped your bag and got in the car, still glaring at Hawk.
He seemed sincere in his intentions, but you really just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Who knows what he could really be planning?
As you took your seat, you reached out to take the kit from Hawk’s grasp. “Hold on,” he said, moving the box away from your reach.
You gave him a bothered look, scrunching your eyebrows in confusion. “Have you ever even done this before?” He said, referring to cleaning up after a fight.
“No?” You shrugged, “It can’t be that hard.” You said impatiently, reaching for the box again. “Can you please just let me do it? I’ll show you how for next time.” He practically pleaded, wanting to make sure it was done right so you healed properly.
You didn’t understand why it was such a big deal to him, but you were tired of going back and forth with him. “Whatever, just make it quick. I’ll miss all of karate class at this rate.” You complained, moving closer to the edge of the seat so Hawk could reach you.
The height of his car made you two the same height, so Hawk was face to face with you as you were seated. “Hmm, miss a Miyagi-Do lesson? I don’t see the problem.” He joked, almost making light of their rivalry.
You smiled lightly at that, playfully rolling your eyes, but not saying anything. He stood close enough to examine your face, and it was close enough to make you both nervous.
It was silent as he opened the kit and started to clean your cuts, but you broke it to ask a question that was burning in you. “Why are you doing this?”
He looked at you for a second, looking reluctant to answer your question. “What do you mean?” He dodged, continuing to tend to your bruises.
You laughed, knowing full well he knew what you meant, but deciding to answer him anyway. “Why are you helping me? We aren’t friends.” You said plainly, making sure to keep your face still.
“I don’t know, you just obviously needed it.” He brushed off the seriousness of the question, starting to dab the cloth over your lip so you couldn’t talk.
You pushed his hand away lightly. “That’s hardly an answer. You’d never help a Miyagi-Do, so why?” You snapped, not letting his hand near your face again until he answered.
He finally took a step back, and stared at you looking defeated. “You’re the only one who was ever nice to me. Before.. this.” He pointed to his hair, referring to the era of The Hawk.
You crossed your arms skeptically. “Aren’t you forgetting someone?” You asked expectantly, and he rolled his eyes. “Demetri’s different, okay? He betrayed me. But you..”
He trailed off, struggling to maintain eye contact with you. “You were never anything but good to me. You deserve better.” He said, and your heart both stung and fluttered at once, trying to figure out what was going on with him.
You wondered if his actions were truly coming from a place of sincerity. It was very unlike him to be anything but an asshole, so hearing something like that come out of his mouth really made you think.
He tried to ignore the sentiment he had just said by walking back towards you and starting to tend to your wounds again, but you only pushed him back for a second time.
“I don’t understand what happened to you.” You said sadly, examining the way he stood. “I changed.” He said monotonously, trying to avoid matching your energy of seriousness.
His hot-and-cold temper was starting to annoy you, the way he would open up just to close right back down again.
“Yeah, and not for the better. Are you even happy?” You said, frustrated, looking at him hard. His face turned sour.
“More than I was before!” He yelled, stepping towards you threateningly. You were taken aback at his outburst, suddenly feeling small as he grew angrier. “My life was hell, remember?” His voice cracked, and he tried to calm himself as he saw the way you leaned back into your seat uncomfortably.
“Look, I’m sorry for keeping you, I probably cleaned you up enough so... just go.” He said softly, sounding regretful as he moved out of the way so you could get out of the car.
You furrowed your brows in confusion. You felt completely clueless on how he was feeling, and you didn’t want to leave it like this. “Hawk-“, you started, but he cut you off. “No, just go.” He pointed away. “I was stupid to think I’d get a second chance with you.” He muttered to himself, turning to walk around to the drivers seat of his car.
“Wh— second chance? What do you mean?” You shouted after him and hopped off the seat, grabbing his arm before he could get too far.
At your tug of his arm, he looked back at you with the most intense feeling in his eyes. Not wanting to use his words anymore, Hawk turned to grab your wrist from the hand that was already resting on his arm, and pulled you against him.
Hawk smashed his lips onto yours, holding you loosely in fear of your rejection. You weren’t expecting it, but you didn’t pull away. Your kiss continued and you subconsciously shuffled backwards, now being able to lean against the side of the car as he grew more passionate in his movements.
Being with him like this felt amazing, but it was confusing, too-- you had to pull away and clear up this situation.
Finally letting each other go, Hawk looked at you with glossy eyes. You had no idea where all of this came from or what to say, so you were silent as you waited for him to explain.
He knew what you were waiting for, and sighed deeply before expressing how he felt. “I just feel like after everything, I owe you my best.” Hawk said quietly, and you waited for him to go on, having not yet made up your mind on the whole situation.
You enjoyed the kiss, yes-- but you didn’t understand why it had happened, and that was something you needed to know before anything could proceed further. Hawk was a jerk, and he was going to have a lot of explaining to do for you to suddenly be able to forget that.
He moved even closer, and reached his hand out to brush your hair away from your face. “And I don’t like seeing you hurt.” He whispered, ghosting his fingers across the bruises on your face.
You felt a shiver down your spine as he touched you, closing your eyes in the moment. “And,” he pulled away from you, his voice changing to a more regular tone again, “I don’t ever want to be the reason you feel pain. Not after all those times you helped me escape mine.” He said, reaching out to hold your hand, as he referred to how you were there for him so long ago.
Pure concern and care for Hawk overtook you as the words left his lips, and you had never felt so conflicted in your life. It made sense to you now why he would often avoid you, whereas others he’d make it his mission to pick fights with.
He had just admitted to caring about you, and that he never wanted to be at fault for your hurt. He had a reputation to uphold, but he really did have a soft spot for you that never went away.
You felt like you were talking to Eli again, as though the sweet boy he once was had never left, but you also knew that once this moment was over, he’d go back to his corrupt ways again. And that terrified you.
All these new feelings for Hawk were rising in you, but how could you act on them when he was supposed to be your enemy?
He studied your expression, waiting for you to say something. He felt more confident now, seeing as you kissed him back, but he was still nervous for whatever you were about to say.
“What do we do?” You spoke shakily, your expression timid and lost. He caressed his thumb over your hand, noticing your own nerves. “What do you mean?” He asked, not expecting that to be your first question.
“I’ve always cared about you and you know that, but then you go through all these changes and become a total dick, and now you kiss me and tell me how you care too.” You say awkwardly, trying to point out the weirdness of the situation. “I’m confused, Hawk, and afraid. We can’t be together when everything about our lives will keep us apart.” You whimpered, scattering your eye contact.
His heart leapt at the mention of you two being together, but frowned once registering the context of the words. He suddenly felt guilty, seeing how distressed you were. Maybe he shouldn’t have done this, he thought.
But it was too late now, and as he released your hand to move forward and hold you, he never wanted to let go.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled into your ear. He knew his recent actions since joining Cobra Kai weren’t exactly admirable-- he knew he should do better. But it was hard; and all he could muster right now, was an apology.
There was a lot to process in such a short moment of time, and you felt overwhelmed. You felt comforted and safe as he held you, but at the same time you felt wrong for feeling that way.
Maybe he was trying to do right by you, but would that be enough if he continued to act terribly when everyone else was around? You needed some time to think. “I should go.” You pulled away from his grasp, trying to be gentle even though your exit was abrupt.
“Oh,” he nodded, watching as you picked up your karate bag. “I just don’t want everyone at the dojo to worry.” You said, trying to rid the conversation of its tension.
He was trying to play it cool, but he was screaming on the inside, terrified that once you left you would never talk to him again. “Just promise you’ll fix that when you get home.” Referring to your still-slightly-messed-up face, he urged you, unable to refrain from making sure you took care of yourself.
You smiled sadly and nodded in response, feeling awkward about everything as you turned to walk back on your route towards the dojo. “And um,” You looked back at him once more. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” You said, assuming he wouldn’t want his Cobra Kai friends to find out he had kissed a Miyagi-Do.
His heart broke when you said this-- you basically thought he was ashamed of you? In a way you were right, he didn’t want them to know. But the guilt that spread across his face at your words, showed how badly he wanted to tell everyone just how much he liked you.
Clearing his throat, he tried to pull himself together again. “Right, yeah. See you.” He said, and watched you for a moment as you walked away.
Getting back into his car, he fought the emotions threatening to spill out, and pushed them away as he headed home. He couldn’t stop thinking about his next move, and what would happen next time he saw you.
Obviously the first thing he would want to do is kiss you, and hold you, and touch you.. but he knew that instead he would likely end up being encouraged by his friends to attack you in some way.
He couldn’t just say, ‘back off guys, she’s cool, i like her now.’ because that would definitely earn him a beating and a seat at the rejects table. He had been fighting these feelings for so long because of this exact reason, and he was pissed at himself that he couldn’t have just kept it under control for longer.
It would have been easier for him, and you. Even you were worrying as you walked to practice about what you were going to do when you saw him again. Your friends may be more forgiving than Hawk’s, but you doubted they’d be particularly thrilled about any of this news.
They would surely tell you to be careful, not to trust him, that it was just a game to find a weakness in you. These doubts inflicted your mind constantly, and it sucked that you had to figure all of it out on your own.
You were a half-hour late to karate when you arrived, and luckily Sensei Larusso had the tools to heal the remaining injuries on your face. You explained what happened with Tory, but you didn’t tell them about Hawk.
Your classmates were angry, Sam especially, and you were too. But after everything, you knew nobody in Cobra Kai was really in their right mind. Tory was an out of control girl with aggression issues, and Hawk was constantly battling a feeling of pressure and pent-up rage.
The worst thing about being in Miyagi-Do, was knowing the right way to go, and knowing that the right way was going to be a long, slow, and difficult process. It was a waiting game at this point-- how many fights would it take for the Cobra Kai kids to realize that wasn’t what they needed to do?
How much pain would they all have to endure, to realize there were better ways to solve their problems? You had only hoped that Hawk taking this step towards you was a step in the right direction-- and that maybe the rest of the Cobras would soon follow.
But until then, it was a secret. And the next few times you saw Hawk were an extreme struggle for the both of you.
Each passing day that you’d make eye contact at school, you’d both immediately look away. Neither of you had spoken or even texted since the kiss, and you were both failing miserably at proper communication.
At first, you thought that maybe the whole thing had been a mistake, and maybe it should just be left alone. But recalling everything Hawk said to you that day, you couldn’t ignore how real it felt. You wanted to be with him, but you had no clue how to go about that.
You were waiting for Hawk to make the next move, but to Hawk-- the ball was in your court. You had left him there, with no definite answer on how you felt about it, and never got back to him since. It seemed to him like you wanted to forget about it, so when one of Moon’s parties rolled around that weekend, he decided to forget about it too.
You were coming to the party, but got there late; and what a wonderful sight it was for the first thing to see as you walk in be Hawk, face inches away from another girl’s, flirting the night away.
Of course, you thought, feeling disgusted at what was in front of you. Of course everything he said was bullshit. You couldn’t figure out for the life of you what his goal was in pretending to care for you, especially when he got basically nothing out of it except a stupid kiss he could’ve gotten from anyone-- but clearly none of it was as real as you thought it was.
It’d been a few days, sure, but you thought maybe tonight you’d finally just talk to him. You watched as the girl played with the string of Hawk’s hoodie, and feeling a pang of jealousy you decided to walk by them, making sure your presence was known.
It definitely worked, because at the notice of your movements he excused himself from the conversation and followed you out towards the pool, where you had gone to get away from the sight of Hawk and the girl.
“Hey.” He whispered, as you poured yourself a drink. “Hi.” You replied boredly with your back turned to him, not exactly feeling excited to have a conversation with him.
He looked around, scoping out who may be listening, but luckily the only others outside were heavily invested in the drinking game going on at the other side of the patio.
Hawk could tell you were bothered about the girl, but didn’t understand why, since you had so obviously been avoiding him.
“Can we talk?” He asked, still being cautious as to not attract any attention. “Go ahead.” You were being difficult, but quite frankly you thought he deserved it. He made you spend days analyzing what had happened between you, only for him to move on from it after a few days?
He stomped closer, and you looked up at him. “You know we can’t talk here.” He nodded his head towards the back of the yard, hoping you’d go with him somewhere private.
You scoffed, and looked at the spot doubtfully. You were upset, but still curious to hear what he had to say. “Fine.” You rolled your eyes, feeling disappointed in yourself for giving in, but you couldn’t pretend you weren’t dying to know what the hell he was thinking.
Hawk walked eagerly to the secluded part of Moon’s property, hoping to get some clarity from you. But before Hawk could say anything, your anger got the best of you.
“So what the hell is your problem?” You started, as soon as you knew you were out of earshot from the rest of the party. Hawk looked taken aback, his eyebrows immediately coming together. “Me? What are you talking about?” He said, offended.
You looked at him in disbelief, mouth dropping open slightly. “Are you joking? Are we going to pretend you weren’t just about to make out with that girl in there?” You said, feeling a twinge of hurt from your own words.
His face knotted in confusion and annoyance. “Seriously? You’re jealous right now? After I confessed everything to you, and you avoided me for days afterwards, I was just supposed to think you actually wanted me?” He tried to keep his voice down, but his emotions were getting the better of him.
“What? I just needed some time to think! It’s not like you bothered to text me either!” You whisper-shouted, now feeling like you were missing something.
“Well when you kiss someone and they basically run away from you, who’s responsibility do you think it is to reach out after?!” He threw his arms up in bafflement, looking at you expectantly.
Your face fell to a look of guilt, and eventually his did too. Suddenly you both felt like idiots at how far you jumped to conclusions.
“I was gonna talk to you today. But when I saw you in there with that girl, all these insecurities just came over me. I thought everything you said was just some Cobra prank and it never meant anything.” Your face drooped, feeling a little embarrassed to admit any of this.
His eyes saddened, and he shook his head. “And I just thought you hated me, and that no matter what I said it’d never be enough for you to forgive me.” He explained his own worry, and your eyes started to water at his words.
Feeling overwhelmed after finally being able to piece together what had been going on this whole time, you sprung into his arms, hugging him tightly. You both stayed embraced, enjoying the feeling of comfort from each other once again, until you finally felt strong enough to pull yourself away.
He kept a hand around your head, as though cradling something delicate. “I meant everything I said that day. It’s not a scheme. I want to be with you.” He told you, proving your suspicions wrong.
You smiled weakly, feeling warm at his confession, but nervous for what’s to come. “I’m sorry I never texted you, but I just don’t get how we’re going to do this.” You said, unconvinced. “We can’t tell anyone, and despite whatever we have, there are a lot more reasons why we won’t work than will.” You look away, your mood of happiness faltering at the idea of being realistic.
“I mean, you know I like you Hawk. And maybe it’s different for us, but, I can’t exactly support the way you treat other people.” You say reluctantly, trying not to sound rude. Hawk gulped, looking down shamefully.
Not wanting to think realistically right now, he ignored what you said and pulled you closer. “We’ll figure it out.” He said sweetly, and moved his hand to lift your chin, kissing you tenderly. As nervous as you were about all of it, the way he kissed you somehow seemed to make all your worries disappear.
Just then as your lips met, sirens went off nearby. “Shit, cops?” Hawk said, breaking apart from you. You giggled at the unfortunate turn of events. “You go that way,” you pointed him in the opposite direction of where you were planning to exit, not wanting others to notice you were together. “See you around.” You said playfully, and he caught on to your plan.
Before he could give you a final peck or even say goodbye, you were gone around the corner of the house, and he wondered longingly when he’d finally be able to kiss you again.
The next couple days at school you’d both done your best to avoid looking suspicious with each other. There were many stolen glances, and lots of private texts, but you both somehow managed to keep whatever fling you two had completely under wraps.
Though you had been initially uncomfortable with the whole secret-dating-thing, you eventually gave up on worrying about what would happen if others found out. You were happy, and having a lot of fun sneaking around with Hawk.
You noticed he had even toned down some of his bullying, and your heart felt full at the thought that he might have done that for you. Of course, there were always a few ‘slip-ups’.. but he made sure you weren’t around to see those.
Even if it was difficult, it was thrilling in a way-- having make-out sessions in his car when no one was around to see, and slipping in through each others’ windows at night to see each other... 
It was fun, pretending to hate each other by day, and then not being able to stay away from each other by night. It felt like the whole school was being pranked, and you two were the only ones in on it.
It had been a few weeks now since you admitted to liking each other at Moon’s party, and you were now headed to the sports shed near the soccer field where Hawk had asked you to meet him after school.
You’d came here and gotten a little wild with him twice before, so at the invitation you fully expected to be met with an aggressive Hawk, ready to hook up. But instead when you opened the shed door, he was standing shyly and gave you the sweetest smile.
“Hey,” he said, taking a small step forward to meet where you were standing. “Hi, baby,” you grinned and kissed him chastely, taking note of the more innocent energy coming from him today.
He wrapped his arms around you, his eyes examining your face adoringly. “Um,” he said, radiating nervousness and backing up slightly. “What’s up?” You smiled at him curiously, taking his hands in yours.
After only a moment, he released his hands from your hold, and you suddenly felt concerned. Why was he acting so weird? You watched confusedly as he fiddled with the inside pocket of his jacket, not saying a word.
Pulling out a small box, he opened it to reveal a simple but beautiful silver necklace. “Hawk!” You gasped, looking at it in awe. He felt more confident at your reaction, and felt safe to say something again.
“I thought that, since we always have to act around each other, you could wear it as a reminder of how we really feel.” He said, searching your expression for some sort of approval.
You stared at him in admiration, not yet able to find the words to respond. “It’s simple, so nobody will think it means anything, but, we’ll know.” He spoke again, hoping for it to grant a response from you this time.
Your face began to bloom with happiness. Taking the box from his hands, you kissed him passionately. “I love it. Can you put it on me?” You asked cheerfully, and Hawk smiled brightly. “Yeah,” he nodded excitedly, turning you around.
You did your best to move your hair out of the way, and Hawk gently pushed the few stray strands to the side. Feeling his fingers brush across your skin, you breathed heavily. You could feel his own breath hot on your neck, as he clasped the two ends of the jewelry together.
With your back still against his torso, he placed his hands around your waist, starting to leave soft kisses against your ear, and down towards your collarbone.
You closed your eyes, soaking in the feeling, until the door of the shed barged open. You stumbled away from each other in shock, and looked to see Tory standing in front of the both of you.
“I knew it! What the hell is this, Hawk?” She screamed, prowling towards you. Feeling completely unprepared from the utter suddenness of the situation, you stepped back in fear. “What are you doing here!?” Hawk shouted, ignoring Tory’s question as he blocked her path from getting to you.
She sneered at the both of you, stopping as she noticed his protectiveness over you. “I’ve noticed how you sneak off at the end of school. I finally decided to follow you here.” She said matter-of-factly, giving you a glare.
“So what is she, Hawk? Your girlfriend?” She taunted, starting to circle you. Out of everything she’d said so far, that was the thing that actually made you the most nervous. You hadn’t actually used that word before... ‘girlfriend,’ you hadn’t really made it official, despite how much it felt like you already had.
You weren’t sure how Hawk would react now that he was caught, but you desperately hoped he would say, ‘Yes, she is, and I love her.’ But that was nowhere close, to what he said.
“What? No! We’re just having some fun, alright? It doesn’t mean anything.” He forced a laugh, stepping away from you. Your heart ached. This is what you were afraid of. You knew it was probably for the best for him to have said that, but you couldn’t ignore the hurt you felt when you heard him say it.
You wished he would’ve right then and there just admitted it, stood up for himself, and chosen you. He could’ve just told the truth, and left Cobra Kai, and been with you. But you weren’t enough. He had a reputation to uphold.
“Oh, really.” Tory scoffed, barely believing his lie as she looked between the two of you. “You can have fun with anyone, Hawk, and you a choose a Miyagi-Do?” She spat, staring him down, and his usually-confident demeanor diminished instantly. “Break it off, or I tell everyone.”
Storming off, her threat lingered in the air as the two of you stood alone, unable to meet each other’s gazes.
“Maybe we should just end this, Y/N.” Hawk spoke meekly, finally breaking the silence. Your eyes widened in horror, forcing yourself to look up at him. “What?” You said, your voice faltering. “So that’s just it then?”
Tears threatened to spill out of your eyes again as he met your stare. “We don’t have any other choice!” He shouted angrily, getting in your face. Your mouth fell agape at the way he was acting, your expression hardening.
“Yes, we DO!” You shouted back, and sobs started to escape you. You of course meant the choice being he stands up to the Cobras, and fights for your relationship. You understood his dilemma in the beginning, but at this point none of it seemed worth it to you anymore.
His eyes were fixated on you intensely, and his mind was running a mile a minute trying to figure out what to do.
“You can easily stand up to them, the Cobras! You’re stronger than all of them combined. Why won’t you fight for us?” You cried, searching for any sign in his face that showed he regretted his words. He had never said so, but you could tell the only thing holding him back was the fear of the Cobras’ reactions.
His insides scrambled with guilt watching you cry. But he had to stay strong. Unaffected, unfazed, completely unbothered. That’s how he forced his expression to appear as he turned and left the shed, leaving you alone and in pain as you watched your worst fear come true.
“Hawk!” You yelled after him, but he only kept walking. “What happened to never wanting to be the reason I felt pain?” Your voice cracked, and you wiped your tears from your face, giving up.
Your words cut into Hawk like a knife. If even possible, Hawk was hurting more than you. Each step he took farther away from where you stood, he felt his heart scatter into another piece. He wished things could be different, too-- but you were too much of a risk.
Cobra Kai may be a large reason for his troubles, but it was also the only reason he was still on top. He wanted you so bad, but he was too afraid to let go of everything else just to have you.
It was safer this way, he told himself. If nobody knew, you’d be safer. You wouldn’t have to be involved in the drama that would come from it, you wouldn’t have another reason for the Cobras to come after you, and you wouldn’t have to worry about him anymore.
Hawk repeated these things to himself over and over to make himself feel better about the way things ended. But no matter what he told himself, it was never enough for him to fully believe that he made the right choice.
Feeling helpless, you called the only person you thought might understand. “D-Demetri?” You spoke into the phone, taking a gasp for air between sobs.
“Y/N? Are you ok?” He answered, sounding worried. “I need to talk to you, can you-” You paused, trying to catch your breath. “Can you come get me?” You were nervous he wouldn’t be able to, but you needed someone in person, not over text.
You and Demetri weren’t particularly besties, so for you to call him out of the blue, crying, was extremely worrisome to him. “Uh, yeah, okay sure. I only just left so I can turn back.”
Letting out a shaky breath of relief, you thanked Demetri and hung up, walking out of the shed and towards the front of the school to where he would be meeting you. Hawk was supposed to be your ride home, but clearly that was no longer an option.
When Demetri arrived, he didn’t wait for you to get in the car, he immediately got out and walked over to you. “What happened?” He said cautiously, becoming nervous about having to deal with others’ emotions.
He was never particularly great at consolation, being the awkward and blunt person he is-- and he really didn’t want to make things worse for you.
“It’s Eli,” You said, trying to hold back your tears. “I did something really stupid.” Your lip quivered, feeling embarrassed talking about it. You weren’t supposed to tell anyone about you and Hawk, but at this point, you had nothing left to lose.
Demetri looked at you confused. “What do you mean?” To his knowledge, you and Hawk barely conversed, and there should be absolutely no reason whatsoever for you to be crying over him.
The closer you got to explaining it, the harder it got to contain your emotions. Despite knowing Demetri wasn’t very keen on hugs, you ran into him, desperate for the feeling of comfort.
At this point, Demetri’s level of concern was on the rise. Why on earth would you hug him? That’s never happened before. “I just thought you’d be the only one who would understand... if I told someone.” You spoke, words slightly muffled as you were pressed into his chest.
Reluctantly, Demetri accepted your hug and rested his arms around you. “Okay, Y/N, you’re scaring me. What did he do?” He asked, looking down at you.
Gaining the courage to explain yourself, to Demetri’s relief you let go of him and steadied your breathing. “A few weeks ago.. Hawk and I kissed.” You said hesitantly, preparing for the worst.
“What?” Demetri’s face scrunched into the most confused and offended look you’d ever seen him wear. “I know, okay, just wait.” You told him, hoping he would hear you out.
“I thought it was just a stupid mistake, or something?” You began, recalling the uncertainty you felt when it first happened. “But then he said all this stuff about how much he cared about me, and it turns out we actually have something real.”
Aware of the weirdness of what you were saying, you looked to see how Demetri was handling it. He showed a look of understanding, but you could tell he was simply masking the discomfort he was truly feeling. “It was really confusing at first, but then we started secretly dating.. because we knew everyone would flip if they found out.” You continued, the awkwardness worsening with each sentence spoken.
Demetri’s eyebrows rose. “Dating?” You visibly cringed at the reaction, but carried on with your story. “And he even started being nicer to people!” You mentioned, hoping to make the situation seem like you weren’t a complete idiot for allowing it to happen. “Because, I told him I didn’t think I could be with him-- with the way he treats people, you know? And things were actually going well until today--”
You took a moment, preparing the end of your explanation in the hopes you wouldn’t start to cry through it. Demetri looked at you impatiently.
“When Tory found us together and threatened to tell everyone about us if we didn’t break it off, and then Hawk just left me there and said that we should end things because he’s a coward and can’t do what’s right because HE WANTS TO LOOK COOL.” You shouted, running through the sentences fast and furiously. Instead of getting sad like you thought you would, you got angry. Ah yes, another stage of grief.
Demetri looked slightly scared of you at your sudden tantrum, but having heard your story, he did understand what you were feeling-- because in a way, it had happened to him too. This time, it was him who reached out to hug you, and you appreciated him for it. Hugs always seemed to make you feel calm.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I know how it feels. He’s stuck right now, but we can’t give up, okay? He’ll come around.” He said honestly, awkwardly patting your back. You laughed a tiny bit, seeing Demetri trying to console, but you were grateful for his presence.
You released each other from the hug, and you wiped any leftover tears off of your face. “Thanks, Demetri.” You said, smiling sweetly. He nodded, placing his hand on your arm in reassurance, and motioned for you to follow to his car.
The ride back to your house was quiet, but your thoughts were busy and loud. That’s how things were for awhile after that day. You kept to yourself again, and though you tried to look alive, you felt like you had retreated back inside the bubble you worked so hard to get out of.
You went to school, you went to karate, you did whatever responsibilities you had to do-- but for the rest of your free time, you spent it alone in your room, wondering what it would take for Hawk to come back to you.
It was unhealthy, really, how you would wait everyday for a sign of acknowledgement from Hawk, and decline any other social invitation because you never got one.
You even wore the necklace, everyday, in hopes that he’d notice and remember how much you meant to him. But it never worked. He never came back.
You got away with the isolation for awhile, but people were starting to notice how you’ve been pulling away. At least you had Demetri to cover for you once and awhile, to help keep up the facade that you were okay.
Because, you weren’t. You wondered if Hawk was, though. He certainly seemed like he was okay, but he couldn’t be. For your own peace of mind, you had to think he couldn’t be. To think that he was doing just fine while you were spending your days miserable, wouldn’t be fair.
He’s stuck right now, but he’ll come around. Demetri’s words echoed in your head, wondering if they were even true. Would he ever really come around? Is he in too deep? The thoughts scared you beyond belief, but as more days passed, the more you believed them.
You eventually forced yourself to stop caring. To stop thinking about it, and to just give it up. You’d spent too long waiting for him, and you were done letting his actions control your happiness. Although there was a part of you that could never really stop caring, you convinced yourself that it was gone.
After a few weeks, you stopped wearing the necklace. When you showed up to school without it on, it was the first time Hawk had noticeably looked at you since the breakup. He always avoided your eye contact, but that day he locked them onto yours as you passed him in the hall. His gaze flickered from your eyes to your neck, and you could see the glum look all over his face.
As much as you wanted to give in to the hope that he missed you, you ignored it. You weren’t going to let any of those thoughts in again-- not when you already worked so hard to let go of them.
Hawk watched you make your way through the corridors, hardly caring who noticed. While you may have had the ability to attempt to move on, he didn’t. It was his fault any of this happened after all, and it was completely up to him whether or not he could fix things between you.
The pressure of knowing he was the only reason for your and his despair was agonizing, and with the necklace no longer around your neck, he realized he was running out of time.
Time is what he thought he had, to turn things around for himself, and you. But his window was closing, and he was panicking.
Not knowing what else to do, Hawk waited a few blocks away from where you trained at Miyagi-Do, knowing he’d catch you on your walk home.
Making your way down the sidewalk after practice, you were completely unsuspecting when Hawk jumped out of his car and jogged towards you.
Things had really come full circle now, hadn’t they? You, walking home on that same sidewalk, pure disgust for Hawk in your veins as he tried to catch up with you.
You stopped short as Hawk stood in front of you, blocking your path. You were nervous and confused at his intrusion, and decided not to bother avoiding him right now.
His stare towards you was intense, and you only glared back, waiting for him to say what he needed to say.
“You stopped wearing the necklace.” He said it so plainly, you couldn’t tell what kind of response he was looking for. It seemed almost like a question in disguise-- why did you stop wearing the necklace, perhaps?
He was looking at you eagerly, though trying to hide the desperation behind the statement.
“Yeah, and?” You laughed at him, matching his tone of carelessness. He looked like he didn’t understand, so you continued. “What’d you expect? That I’d just keep waiting for you?” You said unpleasantly, with a hint of sadness in your own voice.
A shameful look glossed over his features, but you only kept going. “It’s obvious you’re not coming back, Hawk.” You smile at him mockingly, enjoying the feeling of guilt you were giving him.
He tried to stay strong, but every word you spoke was like a hit to his built-up walls, and they were so close to falling down.
“I spent weeks wondering what I’d have to do to get you to come back to me. To choose me.” You said, your voice calm, but the rest of you not. Your body was shaking with anger now, but your eyes were brimming with tears.
“Until,” You sniffled, gaining a tone of indifference, “I finally realized there was nothing for me to do. You just weren’t coming.” You were almost smiling through the pain, and Hawk looked at you in a loss for words.
You appeared so fragile to him, he just wanted to wrap you in his arms and spout apology after apology for what he’d caused. Seeing your eyes squint in attempt to hold back the waterworks, physically pained him.
“So yeah, I stopped wearing the necklace. But you know what?” You stepped forward confidently, despite the single tear that had just fallen down your face. “I think it hurt more wearing it than it did taking it off.” You finished with hardly any emotion in your voice, and Hawk looked mortified seeing you try to act so unaffected.
He had been silent through your whole exchange, because he knew there was nothing he could say now to make things better. He had done too much damage, and he had caused you too much pain. He did exactly what he said he’d never do.
You waited for him to say something, anything-- but as your eyes bore into his strongly, he couldn’t find the courage to speak. The disappointment was immense, and feeling hopeless once again, you pushed past him to go home.
Panicking at your leave, Hawk grabbed onto your arm. “Y/N, Wait, please-” “No!” You cut him off, looking at him coldly. His face was red, and his eyes were stinging now, too. Ignoring the feeling you got when you saw him like that, you ripped your arm from his grasp. “I’ve waited long enough.”
You turned to leave again, and this time, Hawk didn’t follow. There was only one thing Hawk could do now to get you back, and you knew he wasn’t ready for it. There was no use in you hanging around for him anymore, you deserved better. You deserved someone who cared enough that they’d do what it takes to be with you, regardless of social status.
You didn’t even care if he stayed in Cobra Kai, you just wanted him to stand up to his friends and be proud that he was with you. Didn’t he realize that he was one of the strongest Cobras, and that he could get through any of their shit? If his biggest problem was Tory, he hardly had any reason to stay quiet. You knew deep down he could do better.
Hawk hadn’t understood that then, but as he lingered on you walking away, something clicked in his head.
Maybe he really could do better. He wanted to, for you. He was still terrified at the idea of coming clean to the Cobras, but whatever he’d deal with from that couldn’t be any worse than being without you.
He liked the power he had being in Cobra Kai, and he hoped that he could keep it-- but if losing the power meant gaining you, at this point he was totally okay with that risk. But, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t at least try to negotiate with his friends first.
“Y/N!” It was a new day at school, and you were walking side by side Sam heading to your lunch table when he called your name. You shared a look with Sam, glancing towards him with a bothered look upon your face. “Come here!” Hawk shouted again, apparently not caring that the whole cafeteria had his attention.
A look of dread spread across your face, and you slammed your lunch tray on your friends’ table in defeat before stomping over to where Hawk and his asshole friends sat. Your friends watched from afar, completely clueless as to what Hawk would need you for, and Demetri struggled to pretend he was just as lost as they were.
“What.” You said bluntly, staring him and the rest of his table down. “Yeah, seriously, what are you doing calling her over here?” Mitch asked, looking at you in revulsion, and you rolled your eyes at him.
Hawk looked between you and his friends, struggling to keep his confident manner in tact, and sighed uncomfortably. “I know we don’t like the Miyagi-Dos. And we don’t like the way they run their dojo.” He stated, hoping to hook his friends in by starting negatively towards their rivals.
His friends looked at him in reluctance, wondering where he was going with this-- and you did too. “But I love Y/N.” He said loudly, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in, and looking around at his friends. He was more nervous to see your reaction than theirs, so he barely looked at you once he said it.
“What?” The words came strongly from not only his friends, but you, too. He had never told you that before, and your heart melted at his declaration. When you spoke, he gathered the courage to look at you, and you’d never seen him so nervous.
“I love you.” He repeated, looking you in the eyes. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, and on top of that he was announcing it to the whole school. You glanced over to see Demetri, mouth ajar, observing the interaction like it were a movie.
He meant it, and you could tell. He was waiting on you for a response, feeling more stress than he’d felt in a long time as he studied your bewildered expression.
Before you could say anything, Bert interrupted the moment. “You can’t love a Miyagi-Do. They’re stuck-up pansies who think they’re better than us.” He said, completely convinced that Hawk was out of his mind and needed a wake-up call.
Hawk cringed a little at the feedback, but was surprised when you decided to bite back. “I joined Miyagi-Do because I was tired of people getting bullied. You all choose violence when it isn’t needed, so I just wanted to be prepared.” You defended your intentions, fearlessly.
Tory snorted. “Oh yeah? And how’s that working out for you?” She jabbed, trying to make fun of your self defense skills. Before you could retort, Hawk slammed his hand down on the table and leaned in towards his peers.
“Listen! I’m with you guys, but she’s right. We’ve been reckless.” He said carefully, trying to keep a balance between who’s side he was on. “Sensei told us to fight smart, and we haven’t been.” He locked eyes with Tory, clearly sending her a message.
You watched as Hawk tried to reason with them, admiring his every move. Keeping up his confidence, he set down what was going to happen, and there’d be no arguments against it. “You guys can hate the Miyagi-Dos all you want, but I’m going to be with Y/N, and I’m staying in Cobra Kai.” 
Interlacing his hand with yours, he looked at you pridefully before turning back to the outraged looks on his friends’ faces. “From now on, if any one of you touches her, you deal with me. That’s of course if she doesn’t kick your ass first.” He said smugly, and you smiled widely, feeling content at his speech.
Your heart was jumping out of your chest at the gesture he made, and you wanted to smash your lips onto his and tell him how much you loved him back-- but you kept yourself restrained for the sake of the situation.
Most of the Cobras nodded nervously at his announcement, not wanting to challenge Hawk when he was so sure of himself. But Tory wasn’t having it. “You guys can’t seriously be okay with this?” She snapped, death-glaring the entire table.
The group looked like they were trying to decide whether they were more afraid of Hawk, or Tory. You smiled to yourself, knowing that no matter their reaction, you had won this, because you were with him now. It would certainly be a bonus if you gained their acceptance, though.
Mitch looked around in uncertainty about what he was going to say, but stuck up for Hawk. “Come on Tory, I mean, I get it... she’s hot.” He said referring to you, and you laughed a little at the shallow but positive response.
Hawk wasn’t as pleased with it though. “Hey.” He threatened, pointing a finger at Mitch. You giggled slightly at his jealous reaction, but pulled him back from Mitch by the hand you were holding his with. Mitch raised his hands in surrender, and Tory stood from the table, getting close to the both of you.
“You’d better sleep with one eye open, assholes.” She spat, and stormed away from the table. It went better than you would’ve thought, truthfully. Everyone else was loyal to Hawk, and you didn’t really expect anything less from Tory. Again, having Tory be your only threat seemed like small potatoes now that you two were together.
You nodded at the rest of the Cobras in respect, and with that whole thing being over, you tugged him by the hand towards your table of Miyagi-Dos. Hawk groaned, realizing where you were taking him, but did his best to stay civil.
Chris glowered at the both of you, and Sam looked a little disappointed, but she tried to look supportive. “So.... yeah. Sorry.” You said sheepishly, knowing that they had already heard everything.
“I’m glad it finally worked out.” Demetri said through a sad smile. You felt a little bad, knowing that Demetri still needed to work out his relationship with Hawk, and here you were rubbing yours in his face. That would be your next mission, you suppose-- operation get Demetri and Hawk to be friends again.
“Thanks, Dem.” You said appreciatively, and Hawk looked suspiciously between the two of you. “Wait, did you tell him before?” He asked defensively. The whole table looked to you and Demetri curiously, and you crossed your arms sassily.
“Uh, did I call someone to come get me after you left me alone in a shed? Yeah.” You recovered, your facial expression sly as you knew he couldn’t come back from that one. The others looked at him exasperatedly at your response, and his face dropped instantly. 
“Oh my god, Y/N I am so sorry about that.” He cowered, immediately dropping it, and you laughed at the remorse he was finally showing. You already knew he was sorry, but you guess it was nice to hear him say it.
He didn’t understand why you were laughing, though. He felt awful. And he also really needed a chance to completely apologize to you in private, now that he had already confessed his true feelings.
Suddenly, he picked you up entirely, arms holding your legs and you wrapped your arms around his neck instinctively. “Whoah, what is happening?” You laughed, looking at your friends who all looked just as puzzled as you.
Without saying anything else, he took off out of the lunch room carrying you, and made his way to the nearest exit to the outdoors. “Babe, where are we going?” You cackled, amused at the adventure he was taking you on.
Finally outside and alone, he let you down gently in front of him, and took your hands in his lightly. “I’m so sorry. For all of it. I was a complete idiot for letting you go. You knew all along that we could do it, and I was too busy being a pussy to even try. And I’m really sorry for everything that went down today, I hope you aren’t mad, I literally told you I loved you in front of everyone and that must’ve been awkward, I mean you didn’t even get to respond, which, now that I think about it maybe you didn’t want to, or--”
You silenced his rambling with a forceful kiss, grabbing the sides of his face with your hands. “I love you too, Hawk.” You said, pulling away from the kiss quickly, to give him the response he had been looking for.
He smiled big in return, and it turned your insides to mush. “You know, I realized we never got the chance to make things official.” He looked up at you cutely and you smiled back, knowing what was coming.
“So, will you be my girlfriend?” He asked charmingly, his face mere inches from yours. Blushing furiously, you nodded as you touched your forehead to his. “Mhm,” You said in agreement, grinning.
He took a moment, just admiring the look of you so happy, and with his manner still playful, he reminded you of something you had said before. “See? I came back to you.” He said proudly.
You looked at him lovingly, feeling a little emotional at the sentiment. His expression turned serious now, and he parted from you only slightly. “I’m gonna do better for you, Y/N. I promise.” He spoke lowly, and you put your hands on his shoulders, beaming at him in acknowledgement.
You stepped forwards again, getting closer to him. He gave a seductive smirk at your movement, and you subconsciously traced your fingers along his neck, fixated on his face more than anything.
Hawk stared back at you affectionately, his attention flickering down towards your lips. Feeling bold, he placed his hands dangerously low on your waist, and pulled you in roughly for another kiss. You quickly reacted, letting your hands travel to the nape of his neck, your mouth opening slightly-- allowing Hawk the opportunity to deepen the kiss.
Your lips stayed connected as Hawk’s hands made their way up your back, his chest pressing closer to yours. As much as you wanted to continue, you were in broad daylight right outside the halls of your school-- and you really didn’t want a detention for too much PDA.
“Mm, Hawk-” You giggled, breaking away from him. “Hm?” He smiled, his hands resting loosely on your waist as he pecked your lips again before letting you free. “If we don’t go back in soon we’ll miss the whole lunch period.” You said, disappointedly.
“Eh, that’s fine with me.” He shrugged, smirking at you as he clutched you closer. You scoffed playfully, hitting him lightly, and gave him one last kiss before escaping his grip.
He pouted at you, and you looked back at him mischievously. He missed your touch already, so he snaked his arm around your waist as you walked back inside to satisfy his need of holding you.
You felt on top of the world with him by your side, now having full confidence in him and his feelings for you. “It’s a good thing I still have the necklace, huh?” You teased, looking back up at him, and Hawk smiled, tilting his head to meet your gaze.
Though your comment may have only been a joke, both of you felt whole at the idea of you wearing the necklace-- and as you walked joyfully through the halls with him, you knew you’d never be taking it off again.
i just wanna talk about real quick how much i cringe when writing like its actually terrible how much i cringe at myself so idk if i’ll keep doing fics or not HAHAH but y’all can always send requests and i’ll get around to them if i can. hope yall liked this one tho and made it through the whole thing cuz yikes.
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aerialflight · 3 years
Fic Recs (monster long list for autumn month)
[The Witcher] (my current interest feniwoafpe hELP)
A United Front by didoandis
Ship: Yennefer/Geralt/Jaskier
“The only solution is a united front,” Yennefer says. When this just prompts blank expressions, she sighs. “Honestly, do I have to spell it out? I mean the two of you should get married.”
Geralt stares at her. Jaskier’s mouth drops open. Tissaia says, thoughtfully, “that could actually work.”
“No it couldn’t!” Jaskier says, loud and shrill.
After Calanthe and Eist are killed, the fate of Cintra hangs in the balance. The only solution is an alliance between two men: the witcher Geralt of Rivia, bound to the princess by the Law of Surprise, and Cirilla’s uncle Julian, better known as Jaskier the bard.
(Love their relationship and how damn HEALTHY it is, seriously. All the characters' characterizations are amazing, especially Jaskier in particular. And Ciri really feels like Calanthe's granddaughter, what a lion of a girl! The premise and how the author explored it was so good and I finished this fic so fast! Seriously, please read!)
Silver and Copper by Heronfem
Ship: Geralt/Jaskier
Geralt is just supposed to pass through the quiet Lettenhove area. He's not anticipating being begged by its people to help save their viscount from a curse that keeps him from daylight. Lord Jaskier, they call him, and he's likely dying.
As Geralt struggles to untangle the ugly web of history that has lead to the increasingly complicated curse, he finds himself spending more and more time with the strange young viscount and wondering just what he might have been before the curse, and who he might be after. But things are not always as they seem, and as the curse tightens its grip on Jaskier, Geralt is forced to face the fear of failing yet another person whose choices were stolen from them.
Jaskier is kept from becoming a bard. Geralt finds him anyway.
(I know this is old but if anyone didn't read this gem? Please PLEASE do. God, this fic hands down became my favorite witcher fic, everything about it is perfect. It made me feel deep disgust and horror yet hope and love for humanity at the same time?? And the ambiance! The setting! This felt like a dark fairy tale and Geralt is the hero trying to save the prince. The author does such a good job sucking me into the mystery and getting invested in all these fleshed out OC characters. Geralt and Jaskier just, hell, they broke and repaired my heart a thousand times over the course of this fic, I love them so much here. Seriously, this is the one witcher fic you've got to read, it's incredible!)
My Witcher Isn’t Working, Can I Get a Refund? by byronicmusings
Ship: Jaskier/Geralt
Jaskier stared in horror at the man before him.
No, not man, because no man would ever do something so horrifying and appalling such as this without so much as a twitch to his face, and even though Jaskier spent most of his time and effort trying to convince this self-deprecating hunk of a witcher that no, he was not a heartless monster and was in fact, still human in many aspects, Jaskier could not bring himself to do it now. Not this time.
Maybe not ever.
You know how some game mechanics make sense in games but are absolutely ridiculous in real life?
Crackfic where instead of grand adventures and heroics, Jaskier spends his travels having to deal with Geralt’s absurd behavior - from horrifying eating habits, his ridiculous collection of broken rakes, aggressive herb gathering techniques, to a frankly scary obsession with Gwent, among other things.
(I LAUGHED LIKE A HYENA THE ENTIRE TIME READING THIS OH gOd. I legit collapsed on the floor and pounded my fist as I wheezed with tears in my eyes. It's so fucking funny, I'm half tempted to buy the game just to see if half the shit that happens in this fic actually happens. 😂)
(when you just can't seem) to shake the weight of living by WingedQuill
Ship: Yennefer/Geralt/Jaskier
Geralt's muscles heave backwards, flinging him down against the bed. He tries to struggle upwards but it feels like he’s been buried beneath a mountain. Every inch of him is pressed completely still. His eyes close, and he’s left in the dark with nothing but his racing heart for company. He’s not tired, he’s never been less tired. But the curse wants him to sleep, it seems. It’ll force him to lie here until he does. How much of his life will it start to control, now that he’s declared war against it? Now that he knows it’s lurking in his bones, now that it doesn’t have to be subtle?
He swallows. Takes a long, deep breath, gathering every bit of courage he has to stop himself from slipping back into panic. He still has control over his lungs. He still has that.
For now.
(Or: Witchers don't retire. They stay on the Path until it kills them. They hunt monsters and they want nothing from life. This isn't exactly by choice.)
(I am ADDICTED to this fic. I was genuinely horrified while reading this and I couldn't stop. I HAD to know what happened next. Definitely 100% recommend.)
A Song of Selfish Hearts by gremble
Ship: Geralt/Jaskier
Geralt loses a chunk of his memories, meets an overly-friendly bard, and comes to the obvious conclusion: that somewhere along the way, he apparently lost his godsdamned mind and decided to take a human lover on the Path with him.
(Geralt is trying SO HARD and it's honestly sweet. He's drawing all the wrong conclusions and it's GREAT! XD Meanwhile, Jaskier is mentally screaming in confusion the entire time, I fucking can't, poor bard lol)
A Name to Give you Pause by StarsInMyDamnEyes for brothebro
Jaskier waited for Geralt of to distance himself from the camp well enough, before shuffling off his sitting place atop a rather uncomfortable tree stump, positioning himself so that he was eye-level with the extremely nonplussed horse.
Not, of course, that he wanted to shoo him from his own campsite, but how the hell else would he corner the man's horse?
At Oxenfurt, Jaskier had, much to his vexation, learnt that the word ‘nonplussed’ had two meanings – the first being ‘unsure about what to say, think, or do’, and the second, ‘not bothered, surprised, or impressed by something’. It was almost a contranym, it caused him no end of frustration, and it was the perfect word to use in this scenario, because how the hell was one supposed to get a read on the complex emotional state of a horse?
Nonplussed was right, because Jaskier couldn’t read Roach for shit, so he might as well have covered all his bases, instead.
“So,” he began, and it was a good way to open a dialogue, very solid, “why are you a horse?”
Or: When Jaskier finds Geralt and Roach at Posada, it's less of a first meeting, and more of a reunion.
(The premise is bonkers and I love it. Roach is Jaskier's sister and somehow, it's not just crack, there is a perfectly good (okay, still insane) explanation for all of this. I am utterly charmed and found this fic unexpectedly sweet as well. Give it a go if you're even a little curious on what's going on XD)
ask me tomorrow by Emamel
Ship: Geralt/Jaskier
"Why -" he gestures expansively towards Jaskier, his lute, the forest around them, his swords now strapped to Roach "- are you doing this?"
A bard seeking fortune wouldn't watch Geralt across the fire with eyes half-full of tears that he didn't bother to blink away. An artist looking for a muse wouldn't press close, desperately close, against Geralt's side until he finally gave in and turned his head. A young man after a quick fuck wouldn't grip Geralt to him hard enough to bruise even a witcher.
The way Jaskier looks at Geralt makes him think he should know the answer already, but he doesn't, he doesn't.
"Because I know you," he says at last. "Because I have known you. Because I will know you. Isn't that enough?"
(One day, Geralt will understand that it was the closest thing Jaskier will ever have to a goodbye, and it's enough, it's enough.)
(I cried reading this, this fic broke me. Ask me fucking tomorrow, holy shit. That line. Why?? *sobs*)
[The Hobbit] (I went on a spree and honestly I'm still obsessed rn)
Once Upon a Contract by I_Got_Lost
Ship: Thorin Oakenshield/Bilbo Baggins
In the Shire there were two truths. The Tooks were odd and the Baggins were respectable. The Baggins family dealt in contracts and favours, and while the Shire knew that the Tooks were odd, it was the Baggins family that had other blood running through their veins.
Bilbo Baggins did not go running out his door for want of an adventure, he went running out his door because of a terribly worded contract and a laughable quest that somehow held the spark of other.
In this story, it is not the Tooks that held fae blood in their family tree, it is the Baggins, and theirs is so much closer to the surface.
Oak and Mistletoe by HildyJ
Ship: Thorin Oakenshield/Bilbo Baggins
After a life dominated by a strange form of sickness, Thorin is sent to the Shire to seek a cure only Bilbo Baggins can offer.
(It's old and I can't freaking believe I never stumbled on this until now. Reread this 3 times by now and I kept searching for fairy tale kind of fics after reading this, as you'll probably see the more you go down this list. Just, please read. It's amazing!)
Falling Leaves by northpeach, wolfsrainrules
Leafs tumble from the tree tops. Some are caught in the wind and brought far off places. Others land upon the earth and become brown and dead. A series of Hobbit oneshots for the ideas that refuse to die. (refer to each chapter for warnings and summaries! All my dwarven words are from the wonderful Dwarrow Scholar, blessings upon him. These ARE Adoptable so long as we are informed and credited of course. WE WANT TO READ THEM)
(I love every single AU in this fic, not a single bad one in this batch!)
Here and Gone Again: the Dwarf-King's Tale by psyche_girl
Ship: Thorin Oakenshield/Bilbo Baggins
One evening in early summer TA 2941, Thorin Thrain's son, called Oakenshield, was interrupted by thirteen very unexpected Hobbits knocking at his forge door.
(The role reversal I never knew I needed. Poor, poor Thorin X'D)
To Kiss A Stranger: Bella by Bead
Ship: Thorin Oakenshield/Bilbo Baggins
Ori Rison asks a group of strangers (strangers to each other) to share a first kiss. He asks his distant cousin Thorin Oakenshield into it, egged on by Thorin's nephews. To Thorin's great surprise, he agrees.
Meanwhile, Ori's lighting designer Bofur ropes his friend Bella Baggins into it.
Inspired by "First Kiss," a gorgeous video of twenty strangers kissing, which can be found here.
(This gave me SO MANY FEELINGS. Hot damn! Dicjiwjfie)
A Gift of Daisies by issaro for crystalphobic
Ship: Thorin Oakenshield/Bilbo Baggins
Every Hobbit was gifted a soulmate, a promise from the Green Lady that they’d never be alone. Sometimes though, the gift is a bit less straightforward than a Hobbit might wish.
(Such an interesting soulmate au! It's the kind of au where it wouldn't compel me as much if it weren't set in this fandom. Beautiful, just beautiful!)
Through Shadow and Flame by Cinderstrato
Ship: Thorin Oakenshield/Bilbo Baggins
Summoned to Erebor for his particular talents, Bilbo Baggins (formerly of Bag End) simply meant to explore the East, uncover the cause of old King Thráin's peculiar behaviour, and perhaps cast out a troublesome wraith or two.
He certainly didn't intend to kidnap the Crown Prince.
(*clenches fist* Thorin is somehow so innocent here?? Not as world weary. And Bilbo being this wandering free spirit knowledgable about the world is such a concept, I loved this so much! Also, the fic is very fairy tale like too.)
The Antidote by Atisenia for You_Light_The_Sky
Ship: Thorin Oakenshield/Bilbo Baggins
Bilbo Baggins had lived a comfortable life in the Shire, tending to his garden, minding his own business. And then the Dwarves thought they could come and disturb his life with stories of faraway kingdoms, enchanted kings and magical gardens.
Bilbo was not amused.
A different take on the quest where Erebor never fell, Thorin has been poisoned and the Dwarves are in dire need of a gardener.
(Bilbo the gardener trying to save a Sleeping Beauty Thorin is the epitome of a fairy tale and I still can't believe this exists. It's like the universe plopped this fic on my lap and told me to go for it. I'm in love with this and am counting down the days until this fic updates!! Please join me!)
[Naruto] (read all or perish there's no inbetween)
a symbol of subjugation by evocates
Ship: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama/Uzumaki Mito, Senju Touka/Uchiha Hikaku/Uchiha Izuna
“Consider how this looks. The Senju proposes peace at the height of their power. The Uchiha, already losing, don’t have the resources to match the Senju. If the Senju provides us with food and armour, the Uchiha must become subordinate. Is that what you think of as peace, Senju? Over at the Uchiha compound, we call that subjugation by the most powerful.”
“It seems that there is only one possible solution: the Senju must choose a symbol to subjugate itself to the Uchiha to balance out the scales. For that role, I volunteer myself.”
The wise ones know: fires can warm and not burn; and rivers, if given strength and permission, will carve the land.
(Or, the one in which Tobirama becomes Madara’s concubine, and peace is won and held through neither power nor love, but food, water, clothes, and medicine.)
(*deep breath* I can't even begin to explain how fucking phenomenal this fic is. Words can't do this fic justice, it's on a whole new level when it comes to worldbuilding, plot (fuck, the plot), characters (I love them all), politics, the tone, writing, literally everything has been elevated to the highest peak. This fic legitimately reached a conclusion that achieved world peace in the naruto world. No shortcuts, no easy answers, it is as in depth and thoughtful any work of fiction can be. If this was a novel, I would buy this is in a fucking heartbeat, it's that damn good. So for the love of god, read this.)
Strays by Ourliazo
Naruto finds a dog door installed in a quiet, clean apartment, for the village’s stray dogs. The flap is pretty big, and as it turns out, children can also fit inside.
Rookie 9 are best friends long before they're team mates.
(The fluffiest fluff to ever fluff wojfowjf)
Gem of the Eddy by beetlebee
"The fall of Uzushio collapsed our economy, our protections. You might think I'm being rosy, but they really cared about us. And they knew how to party. You know they had a seal that could swap body parts? Wildest night of my life,” the boatman’s eyes go distant for a long moment, “...but you kids are too young to hear about that.
“Anyway,” he continues, “our economy’s been a shambles since; maybe gets going for a year or two before it collapses again. No security of stability, so assholes like Gato think they can waltz in here and take charge. Boy, he'd be singing a different tune if the Uzumaki were still around."
Sakura’s eyes widen a bit at that, and even Sasuke looks up. Naruto opens his mouth to say something, but Kakashi puts a firm hand on his shoulder.
“What an… illuminating piece of history,” says Kakashi, “Thank you for sharing.”
(Kiri may have won the battle, but not the war. The island of Uzushio might not be as dead as previously believed.
All Kakashi knows now is that he really should have refused that mission to Wave.
An island lives, people change, foxes laugh, and Team Seven goes on a wild journey!)
(*deadly serious* I would die for this fic. It is chaotic to the point of no return and EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE shows up in this fic. It's like watching a row of dominoes topple against each other, creating a chain reaction that has multiple lanes falling all around and making a fucking mess on the floor. And the plot doesn't miss a fucking beat, all of it somehow making sense!! It's glorious. I have never been happier. Please, please read this!!!
Worm Charming by GremlinSR
After Minato's death, Shikaku is thrust into a position he never expected and certainly never wanted. It isn't long before he discovers a wealth of corruption and sabotage that threatens the very foundation of the village he is sworn to protect. Using every ounce of his famous Nara intellect and cunning, Shikaku struggles to outmaneuver hidden enemies in order to keep his village and family safe.
Or: A for want of a nail story in which Nara Shikaku becomes Hokage after Minato’s death and promptly turns everything on its head.
(VOTE FOR NARA SHIKAKU AS HOKAGE! God, I WISH the series went like this. Shikaku is a competent man and I stan him so freaking hard here! Also, I swear there is a perfectly good reason why the title is accurate. Let it entice you into reading this, you won't regret it!)
[Stranger Things] (smh)
Make my mark in the world - with a bat and a blade by Spicy_Cannoli_AKA_Lia for QueenMissFit
Her height was wrong, she looked younger than he remembered, and her hair was too long, but as he looked at her face he knew she was unmistakably-
‘’Robin’’ he said, not realising he had opened his mouth until the name was already out.
Robin turned her face towards him, a recognition that shouldn’t be there flashing through her blue eyes.
He knew they weren’t supposed to meet yet, but the fact that he found her here, in a place he had never heard of from her, gave him hope, hope that he wasn’t alone. But he had to make sure, so he opened his mouth and in perfect Russian recited-
‘’A trip to China sounds nice”
“if you tread lightly.’’
Steve Harrington never understood loneliness until he was stuck five years in the past with nothing but a whole lot of trauma, insomnia, and a stupid fear of flickering lights. But still, alone or not he had the perfect opportunity to change what happened. To make sure none of his shitty kids has to sleep with the lights one because of the monsters they know are real. He could save Barb, he could save Bob, he could save- Billy.
And maybe, just maybe, Steve isn't as alone as he first thought.
(Robin and Steve's friendship is everything and the fact this is such a good time travel fic won me over entirely! Absolutely fantastic!)
[The Magnus Archives] (a wild tma)
Life Preserver by PitViperOfDoom
Ship: Gerald/Jon
Admittedly, Jon has been known to make impulsive decisions. Taking a part-time job at the campus library on his last year of university. Going in after dark to check on a book. Putting the lighter in his pocket. Asking out the cute goth who, as far as he knows, narrowly avoided a brush with a Leitner.
Gerry told himself it was only going to be one date, just to see what it was like. How was he supposed to know he'd get attached?
(This fic turned me into a Gerald fan and Jon is peak Man In Love With No Plan Help This Disaster. Stellar. 👌)
[Ted Lasso] (I know, I didn't expect this either yet here we are)(this show stole my heart)
Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered by mardia
Ship: Ted Lasso/Trent Crimm (The Independent)
Ted Lasso: Schrodinger's Witch.
Or, the one where AFC Richmond are leading the Premier League table, and Trent Crimm and the rest of the British press are slowly losing their minds as a result.
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cosmicjoke · 3 years
Ya know, it gets me how in chapter 110, Levi really tries to talk to Zeke and understand where the hell he was coming from when he attacked and essentially killed all those people in Ragako village, and Zeke repays that attempt at understanding by continuing to act glib and lie straight to Levi’s face.  Honestly, Levi’s attempts to understand Zeke are more than he deserves, but Levi holds out that branch anyway.  But with the way Zeke responds, continuing to lie, and feigning confusion at Levi’s persistence in asking him, it only justifies Levi’s suspicion further.  Levi KNOWS he’s lying.  As it’s established again and again throughout the manga, Levi’s probably better at reading people than anyone.  He’s got a better grasp on human nature, and on seeing what makes people tick than any other character in the story.  He knows how people work, and has probably been exposed to more kinds of people than anyone else.  So he knows Zeke is full of shit when he tells him that he “wishes I hadn’t had to do it, but I did.”.  Levi is willing to admit to Zeke that he doesn’t know if he really wants to save Eldia or not, he can’t know Zeke’s true motivations, and he willingly says so to Zeke, but he can tell Zeke is lying about his remorse.  Levi keeps asking him why he did what he did to Ragako, because he’s trying to glean if he’s somehow misread Zeke on this point.  He’s trying to see if Zeke really DOES feel bad about what he did, if he feels any kind of genuine remorse.  He’s trying to see if there’s anything at all human in Zeke.  The fact Levi is even looking for that in him, after all Zeke’s already done to him and his friends, is frankly remarkable.  That he’s willing to extend him that courtesy, to extend him that benefit of the doubt.  But then Zeke continues to be dishonest with him, and to act snide and dismissive of Levi’s anger, and Levi flat out calls him on it.  Zeke thinks he’s super smart, that he’s just fucking with Levi and having a laugh at his expense, but he’s unaware that Levi is studying him here, paying attention to the language he uses, to his body language, the way he says things, the tone he uses, etc...  Levi’s reading him, and looking for clues as to Zeke’s true feelings.  He isn’t assuming at all, the way Zeke accuses him.  He’s trying to see if Zeke means what he’s saying, to understand if there’s more to Zeke than he’s letting on, to understand if Zeke maybe isn’t as heartless as he acted in Shinganshina that day, and he concludes from Zeke’s behavior and carriage that, no, he doesn’t mean what he’s saying at all about feeling bad, and he isn’t any different from the demented murderer who took real pleasure in killing a bunch of defenseless soldiers.  He’s telling Zeke that yeah, maybe you really did it all to save Eldia (which turns out to be a lie anyway.), but you don’t feel anything at all at having killed a bunch of innocent people who had nothing to do with anything, and who never did anything to Zeke himself.  And then Zeke’s response to this is to continue to mock Levi and make light of the whole thing.  And people wonder why Levi hates the bitch so much.  Zeke is the very definition of a conman, a pathological liar who’s willing to use any trick in the book and hurt anyone, so long as it gets him what he wants.  When you look at Zeke’s actual, driving motivation too, it’s the definition of petty.  He literally wants to wipe out an entire race of people so he can stick it to daddy, all while deluding himself into believing it’s for the greater good, that he’s doing it to “save the children”.  Bitch, please.  This guy knows deep down it’s not that, that he’s just upset ‘cause daddy didn’t love him enough, and he’s going to take out his anger and pain over that on an entire race of human beings.  The same way we saw Zeke take out his anger at his father on the Survey Corps in Shinganshina, the way he lost control of his temper and started screaming at them all, calling them pathetic and disgusting, etc...  That’s who Zeke really is.  Someone willing to murder innumerable people to satiate his own pain at having been neglected for a couple years as a child.  And running up against Levi’s blunt honesty and noble pursuit of wanting to help as many people as possible, running up against a character as selfless and non-judgmental as Levi, you really couldn’t have two more opposed characters.
What pisses me off about Zeke too is his smugness.  He accuses Levi of making assumptions about him, but it’s actually Zeke who’s the one assuming.  He assumes Levi is just a dumb soldier who’s easy to manipulate because of his compassion, and Zeke’s entire plan hinges on that assumption.  That he’ll be able to deal with Levi because he thinks he’s just some kind hearted idiot who won’t be able to kill his own soldiers once they’ve been turned into titans.  But like I said, Zeke’s the one here who’s being read.  He’s exposing himself to Levi without even realizing it, thinking he’s the one in control of the situation, pulling the wool over Levi’s eyes, and amusing himself with it.  But Levi never once falls for Zeke’s bullshit.  He knows the guy’s a lying sack of shit, knows he’s up to something underhanded, knows the words he’s spouting aren’t anything but a twisted manipulation.
Honestly, I don’t get people who complain that Zeke made a fool out of Levi, or that Levi was acting out of character by letting Zeke rile him up.  Levi isn’t riled up here.  Not at all.  He never loses his temper in these exchanges, he never gets overly angry or upset.  He’s observing Zeke, and telling Zeke exactly what he thinks of him.  Again, it’s Levi’s honesty against Zeke’s deceitfulness.  Zeke’s the one that looks like the asshole here, because, well, he is.  
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A Birthday Surprise ( Ulquiorra X Reader)
Guess What day it is? It 's My bat baby's birthday! As a celebration I am doing a Birthday one shot in honor of him! This will be a first in the Birthday Boys series. ♥♥♥
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There was nothing special about December  First. That is,  until s/o found out  about a certain someone's birthday today.   Truth be told, your knowledge of Ulquiorra's birthday was a complete accident,  that reason was all because of that sneaky fox, Gin.  You remembered him making his way down the hall, smiling about something. His normal, creepy smile was replaced by a devious grin plastered on his face. He knew your likeness towards the 4th Espada, due to him over hearing, a conversation you had with one of your arrancar friends.  This was the reason why two days before December 1st you stood in the white halls of Hueco Mundo, face to face with him. "Have any plans for December first?" You narrowed your eyes at him, " What do you mean plans? Why would I have that? " You heard a sarcastic gasp  from Ichimaru's face, "You have no idea who's birthday it is? What shame and I thought you and him were friends. " Friends is a very loose term between you two. Sure, he found you interesting enough to talk to you and sure, he likes your company enough to let you follow him around when he has errands to run but it was nothing like that. You eyes widened a bit, "His birthday...is in two days?" Gin 's Grin never fade, "Why yes, I would have thought he would told you, but knowing him he is stiff as a  board so don't be too upset that  he didn't tell you.  I, myself am lucky enough to know his birthday." You weren't sure how to feel about this, because  you knew he wouldn't understand or care to understand about his birthday at all. "Thanks for this information." You stated, making your way towards the 4th espadas palace, ignoring the snickering from behind you. Two knocks, that was all it would take for him to answer the door. Slowly, he hesitantly opened it, being cautious as to who it was from the other side. Once he confirmed it was you, the door widened, now you can see his whole figure. "What?" His face, as neutral as ever but given the tone of his voice he sounded irritated. You knew he was in one those moods, the kind where he didn't want to be bothered by anyone but somehow he was less annoyed when it was you. "Hello, Ulquiorra-sama, someone told me not too long ago that December 1st was your birthday." You stated at him to see if showed any signs of  irritation or any emotion. Of course not. It was quiet for a few  moments and awkward, to say the least. "Why does it matter if it is or isn't." He stated simply. You could feel the tinge of pink form on your cheeks, You felt so silly to ask him. "Well, I was wondering if you want to celebrate it together? It is an important day afterall." Even with his never changing facial features you could see a hint of something in his eyes but his words contradict it. "Why would I care about foolish human customs that you people have, women?" You were use to his behavior, he always had that "I'm right and you're wrong" mentality and every time  you talked to him you always felt so inferior to him, especially because you were human. "Birthdays are a celebration, to show them that you are happy to exist. People show other people that they care about them by eating cake and giving gifts to that person." Ulquiorra didn't seem impressed at all. "What a ridiculous human activity  that humans partake in. " He stated coldly. "The celebration of a human's existance is nothing but useless." You were mentally and physically upset with him. True, You could kind of see is point but that doesn't mean he should be so abrupt and heartless about it.. But that is just how he is. You smiled as a thought occurred to him, maybe if you weren't able to prove to him how birthdays are special  verbally but maybe you could show him visually. "Maybe you're right about how silly it is to eat cake but what if I am able to give you a gift that you will actually like? Then would you consider celebrating your birthday?" His emerald eyes stared at you, tilting his head with curiosity, he was defiantly considering it. "Fine, if you are able to come up with this "gift" you speak that will impress me, I might reconsider it. " with that, he turned away walking back into his room without another word, closing it shut.  The only thing you could do now is smile, You were more than  ready to prove him wrong. Days had past and you spent some time thinking  over what kind of gift to give him. You figured in order to impress him you would have to give him something he never had before. Material things wouldn't work since he feels that they are useless. The best way to give him something is experience.  That was your plan and you were 50% sure it could work, if not maybe he would at least like the cupcake you had baked for him.  
Ulquiorra's birthday  approached quickly, You stood in front of the same door from the other day, still a bit nervous about the outcome. You raised your hand to form knocking motion on  his door, but before you could he opened the door quickly. He narrowed his eyes at you, then the cupcake you held on your plate.  You could just see the look of visible digust in his eyes. "Is this the "gift" you present to me? "  You blushed a bit, "No... Not exactly, this is just  the cake I told you about. Usually they are bigger but I want you try it first." You handed him a plate with a silver fork on the side of it. He was hesitant , he never liked the thought  of carelessly taking something from another hollow, person, or thing. You waited for him to  paitiently take it. Eventually he hesitantly took the fork from the plate, staring at it curiously. Then, he cut off a piece of it, taking a small piece and placing it into his mouth. The look on his face was priceless, his eyes widened as he slowly chewed on it. It was very  sweet, and the flavor wasn't too intense for his tastebuds. He almost wanted to take another bite. "And you think just a piece of that is going to make me change my mind? How ludicrous." You rolled your eyes at him , "Of course not silly, I told you  that cupcake was a bonus." You watched his eyes narrow at you, internally wondering what you were giving him. You didn't have anything else besides that cupcake so what could it possibly be? You smiled at him and right when he was deep in thought, You leaned in and kiss him on the cheek, stepping back to gaze at his beautiful eyes widening. He touched his cheek, still in complete shock by your gesture. It was warm, gentle, and sweet. He never felt anything like it before and worst of all ... He  actually liked it. He tried to play it off like it was disgusting but instead he came off as flustered more than ever. It  was clear when he  his pale cheeks turn rosy pink. "That's it? Do you really think that kind of gesture is worthy of me appreciating my birthday ?" You giggled at him, he was totally out of it and it was amazing to see. "Of course I do because just by the look of your face you seem so conflicting." You leaned forward again, kissing the other side of his cheek, watching him turn pinker. You could tell that he was in awe by these sweet gestures, touching the other side again. What was this? "What did you do to me, women? " "It's a kiss, humans kiss each other to show affection. I thought it would be something special since you never experience it...did it work? " He begin to open his mouth to protest but immediantly closed it afterwards. For once he was speechless. You giggled again, this was priceless, seeing him so embarassed, confused. "Happy Birthday Ulquiorra-san."  You smiled, handing him the plate with the remaining piece of the cupcake, and without a word you made your way down the hallway.   You didn't need his words to confirm that the kiss worth celebrating his birthday. Because you both  knew deep down that it was more than worth it.
Requests are OPEN
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Consider yandere dollmaker. Coming into your room at night to cut off some of your hair to glue it to the doll of you. Stealing your clothes to put them on your replica. They spend hours making as many versions of you as they can. They even treat the dolls as your stand in, kissing and bathing the cold porcelain.
I went with a more direct route, for this, but I hope it’s still up to your standards. There’s nothing more fitting than a controlling Yandere treating their lovely little Darling like their own, personal doll, after all.
Title: Handcrafted.
TW: Implied Kidnapping, Bondage, Blood and Delusional Mindsets.
They expected you to get along with it. 
That was the worst part, they expected you to like it.
The doll was well crafted, you’d give your captor that. Its eyes were unnerving, unblinking and always staring, but they’d been painted on with a certain degree of care, gifted with too much detail not to seem hauntingly life-like. You’d been forced to keep it company for weeks, by now, but there had never been a moment when its hair wasn’t perfectly styled, its outfit unwrinkled and every inch of its porcelain skin more immaculate than it’d been the day before. It looked like you, shared a hair color and a body shape and, at one point, a name, but it wasn’t you. It was heartless. Inhuman. An impostor that demanded your loathing.
It was wrong, and there was nothing you could do about it.
Not unless you wanted Drew to ensure you shared in its fate, too.
You couldn’t be sure how long they’d been gone. It felt like hours, it was probably hours, but there was no way of telling time, not in the concrete, windowless hell you’d found yourself a hostage of. You might’ve found a way to occupy yourself if you’d been able to, gone looking for something to pass the time, but a series of complicated knots and meters of rough, braided rope kept you bound to the same unforgiving antique chair, your wrists raw from struggling and your back sore from the upright position you were forced to maintain. The space was otherwise unoccupied, save for a table with a handful of abandoned teacups and another chair, this one housing your miniature doppelganger.
Sometimes, you had to wonder if Drew loved it more than they claimed to love you. It wasn’t that you were neglected, no, that would’ve been much more tolerable than the eager treatment you actually received, but you were a living creature that had to be sustained. It was not, but Drew showered it in the same love and attention they showed to you. If anything, they were more careful with their oh-so-beloved doll, considering the bruises around your neck they hadn’t felt the need to mirror on your supposed twin.
You didn’t have much time to linger on the subject, a metal-plated door on the far wall swinging open, scraping against the barren floor as it did so. Automatically, you bowed your head, staring down into your lap as quick, soft footsteps began to approach, accompanied by an incomprehensible greeting and a sudden presence behind you, their entry only made more undeniable by the pair of lean arms abruptly wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you back and allowing them to better melt into the crook of your neck. “I missed you,” Drew sighed, their voice much calmer than it’d been a moment or two ago. It wasn’t surprising, they’d always been one for theatrics. “I’m sorry, I’ve been in the workshop all day. I should’ve been more attentive… you’re not mad at me, are you?”
You knew what you were supposed to say. They never failed to ask after your comfort, but you’d learned not to complain, not if your suffering was any fault of theirs. They said they didn’t care for ‘negativity’, and you’d been locked in your room long enough to testify to that. “I’m not.”
There was a giggle, light and airy, a playful squeeze to your bicep, and without further probing, they began to undo your restraints, starting with those keeping your arms pinned down. Your fingertips were far past numb, but you did your best to move them, to curl your fists and drive your nails into the ancient, splintering wood. The idea of freedom did little to inspire hope, though. Your prison was a maze, made up of too many locked doors and never-ending hallways to ever escape without a proper guide. If Drew trusted you with the smallest bit of liberty, it only meant they intended to take you to another holding cell. It hadn’t taken you long to learn that most rooms you were allowed to see were equally unpleasant, if not worse than the one you’d just left. 
If Drew noticed your dread, they didn’t feel the need to indulge it. Rather, a thin, careless smile was pressed against your knuckles as they moved around you, undoing the last of what held your left arm in place. You didn’t waste any time pulling away from the gesture, tucking your hand between your thighs as they started on your ankles. “You must be exhausted, I know how hard it is to wait around for me. We’ll get you a bath, and then you’ll be free to get to bed. That sounds nice, right?”
“I’d really rather just go to bed,” You mumbled, the request barely loud enough to be heard. Bed meant sleeping, and sleeping meant you wouldn’t have to look at that thing for another eight hours. “I’m tired, Drew.”
There was a beat of silence. Another laugh, and another kiss, this one to the top of your knee. “It’s part of our routine, dear. It’ll only take a few minutes.”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “I just--”
“It’s part of our routine.” They were still smiling, but it was tense, now, as forced as it always was when you looked too closely. Instantly, you moved to take it back, pushing your shoulders forward as you opened your mouth, but Drew was already drawing attention to themself, leaning onto your legs and focusing those unwavering black eyes on you, for the first time since their initial entrance. “I’m trying to take care of you. It’d be easier if you cooperate, but if you’re going to be difficult…” They paused, taking a deep breath and throwing a glance somewhere over their shoulder. When they continued, their tone was infinitely less jovial, a subtle change that worried you more than any form of discipline they could’ve ever dulled out. “At least your friend knows how to behave--”
“Your doll is not my ‘friend’,” You spat, cutting them off without hesitation. For whatever reason, the reference of their thing, their abomination, their monster was what pushed you over the edge, your hatred for Drew and their little hobby boiling over before you could contain it. It was irrational, the worst thing you could do for yourself in a situation like this, and yet, as soon as you caught a glimpse of the atrocity sitting across from you… It was all you could do to keep yourself from lashing out physically. Containing yourself on a verbal level wasn’t an option. “It’s… it’s barely even me. I don’t know what kind of fucked-up fixation you have on that toy, but don’t make me a part of it. If it were up to me, I would’ve burnt it as soon as I--”
“That’s enough.” Their command wasn’t particularly loud, the words growled through grit teeth, but the long, pointed fingernails suddenly being driven into the flesh of your thighs was enough to make their point, tearing through skin swiftly and driving into unprotected meat, only stopping when hot, dark blood started to flow from the open wounds, Drew wincing in disgust before pulling away. Still, they didn’t make any move to wipe away the offending subsense, only narrowing their eyes at the open wounds as you did your best not to make a sound. “You’re an unruly, petulant brat. I want to be gentle, and I want you to be happy, but if you’re going to throw a tantrum and insult something I worked so hard to make for you… I don’t know if I can endure that kind of behavior, darling.”
You apologized. You apologized, and told them how generous they were and your damnedest to make it seem like you’d learned your lesson with a minimal amount of pain, but Drew only shook their head, sighing as they moved to stand.
“I’m not the one you need to apologize to,” They said, retrieving their doll and holding it with so much care, you could almost pretend it wasn’t your blood staining its clothes. 
“Clearly, there’s someone you need to spend a little more quality time with.”
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