coulsonlives · 2 years
I don't think these wannabe-confession-blogs understand that if they bar people from submitting topics that they're most likely to need privacy and anonymity for, because speaking up about people being bullied over fic or rp is likely to get them shunned and attacked so they need a private outlet, they have no right to call themselves a confession blog for the community. And no, telling them to shove off and go to *discourse blogs specifically for these things* is so offensive, or is it just me? Like no, we know this is a blog for the rpc but your problems aren't valid enough to talk about here even if you need the outlet (that was the whole point of RPC, to be an outlet for everyone?!). Scumbags all of these blogs. Censorship culture is at such a high and they just say "too bad :) go over in the corner, yes we know you're an rper but you don't belong here"
☝️ ☝️ you're 100 percent right nonnie!
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coulsonlives · 2 years
The audacity you have to start attacking ANOTHER rpc confession blog and acting concerned about roleplayerconfessions when you’re the one who drove roleplayerconfessions to inactivity with your rule breaking, drama mongering and harassing behavior toward other commenters. You openly admitted to trolling commenters on that blog, what makes you think your “trolling” didn’t cause unnecessary stress for the mod? And to top it all off you think you can help spread a disgusting rumor that Blueberry committed suicide because of “anti bullshit”? Bitch, you know you’re a massive part of the reason Blueberry stepped away from that blog. She literally had to block you to make you stop abusing the comments and creating such a toxic environment over there. There was no suicide or “anti bullshit.” Just you and your trolling. Take the fucking L and stop trying to harass rpcanonymous you bitter piece of shit. 
lLMFAOOO, hello again chronically online weirdo who probably runs the new confession blog, i actually talked to blueberry because i asked if i also had to unfollow on my other blogs, and she said i could stay as long as i followed the rules, i said sorry and she was okay with it and literally said 'she dealt with much worse and is very good at compartmentalizing mod duties from personal things and nothing i did was directed to her so she wasn’t stressed out about it', sounds like you're the one with the problem dumbass, lmaoo.
so stop dropping rat turds in my inbox, you sound unhinged! also yes, i saw blueberry's main blogs and found posts about anti bullying so lmaooo 'rumor' my ass, g*d forbid something comes up to confirm it 100% and you look like a fucking heartless degenerate who is putting words in her mouth. fuck off with your edgy cunty bullshit mkay, thanksss.
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coulsonlives · 2 years
Who is behind rpcanonymous? I've followed roleplayerconfessions and damn, I miss it. But rpcanonymous looks so damn wrong to me and I have to block them on ALL my accounts because they keep following all my RP blogs. It's so unnerving...
fam, i really couldn't tell you who's behind rpcanonymous.. judging from their asshole replies to ppl and the way they stifle some of the biggest topics affecting the rpc right now, they're not someone you wanna follow anyways lmao, and i think a lot of ppl are just holding their noses and following them bc they miss rpc and want sooome kinda confession blog that isn't coar lol. whoever is behind rpcanonymous they remind me exactly of mod sky from coar
and ya it's creepy. rbf rpc followed me on my rp blog but at least she had the courtesy to not follow every single other blog lmfaoo, and she actually had explanations and pages and shit for everything and she seemed nice and like she cared about the roleplay scene even when ppl were bitches to her (i really hope she didn't actually do what everyone is saying).. this blog is a slapdash, dash only blog with no mod info or anythinggg and the mod is a douchecanoe. idek how long they've been here for but they already made a lot of ppl angry and for good reason. we don’t need more pretentious twats running blogs supposed to help ppl but who are actually bullies, that’s how we got coar
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coulsonlives · 2 years
@anon it’s also scummy because they apparently mined rpc for all their folllowers and shat on blueberry’s hard work building rpc’s following herself
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coulsonlives · 2 years
The mods are actually fuckwads. I looked at their blog and there was some kind of "did it make your panties wet" comment. I wouldnt be surprised if this was about them being a censorship blog instead of what rpc stood for. The timing of their blog is really sus. Maybe they were related to the person who hurt Blueberry??
i can not believe this
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coulsonlives · 2 years
What the fuck is wrong with these anons.
they wanna fuck me so bad, which is creepy because i'm sure at their infantile age their mommies or daddies or parental figures are looking for them because it's time for their nap.
on a serious note idk, it's definitely the rpcanonymous mod/s tho or someone w serious problems, bc no one in their right mind would send so many asks attacking me and defending a sus blog that just started up. it's funny but it's messed up. i really hope blueberry is okay and didn't actually take things too far, full seriousness, i'm trying to piece things together but it's hard, she didn't link to any direct drama but you can tell something happened and the one person who seems to know her is gone from tumblr now. :( idk if i wanna contact her
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coulsonlives · 2 years
Do you not have like... Actual problems to worry about dude?? Imagine being such a waste of air that you spend all your limited time in this earth arguing about shipping discourse on Tumblr dot com and screaming about antis. Touch grass!
lol imagine being so dense that you don't realize someone has more priorities than a shitty tumblr blog they log into on their free time! oopsie poopsies anon made a whoopsies
cough hypocrite
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