#newsflash lady!!!! youre married!!!! your body does not belong to only yourself anymore!!!!
saulof-tarsus · 30 days
Catholic husband re your post: my wife closed-up shop as soon as she gave birth a little over two years ago. We’re in our 20s, healthy, have no other problems, and she never gave me any hint that she’d be like this before we got married. But it’s been more than two years now and she is perfectly happy never doing it again, has no interest in talking about it, and makes me feel guilty for even asking. I am just beyond sad and, if it weren’t for our baby, I’d prefer to just be dead already.
Where's your wife, I just want to talk.
On a more serious note this is deeply saddening and I'm so, so, so, SO sorry this is happening to you. That is just straight up not the Catholic way of going about it. Even if she wanted to end intimacy, the fact that she didn't talk it through with you first, is so incredibly wrong. I'm bordering on saying abusive and/or toxic, and the only reason I'm hesitating is lack of info (which you are under absolutely zero obligation to supply) and because those words are thrown around a lot nowadays. I think you seriously should broach the two of you going either to your priest or to relationship counciling, because from both a secular and religious point of view, not having sex at all is seen as a really really bad sign of other issues in the marriage.
It doesn't matter her reasoning either, she did so without consulting you, and that issue affects you. She is being selfish in that she didn't discuss it first.
If the reasoning is for health issues - fine, having sex less makes sense. But there is NFP, you can have sex outside of the ovulation window. But not discussing it with your partner is just straight up not ok.
I'm curious, though if you do not feel like answering that's perfectly reasonable, if there are other communication issues? On either end? Are there other forms of intimacy that you two partake in such as cuddling, kissing, praying together? Do you two get alone time? Also, before she got pregnant, was their time spent making sure she was enjoying it/being stimulated?
If her main goal is taking care of your child, she is sorely mistaken on what marriage is. Her first duty is to you, just as yours is to her, NOT yourself (or herself), not your child. Not to her parents, or friends. She made vows to love YOU and this behavior is expressly un-loving.
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