#this is about the fact that he doesnt actually use guns as much as people act like he does
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sonknuxadow · 1 year ago
it's kinda weird that shadow is known as the guy that uses guns all the time when there's like. zero undeniably canon instances of him using a gun. as far as i can remember the only media where hes shown using guns is shadow the hedgehog (the game) and he has one on the boxart yeah but if i remember correctly he doesnt have one in any of the cutscenes except for the opening animation thing but i wouldnt consider that part of the story just a montage of things that Could happen depending on what choices you make. and within the actual levels there ARE weapons you can use but theyre not all guns and the one you use, if you even use one at all, is entirely up to you the player shadow doesn't just grab a gun and make you use it. and while using a gun definitely makes the game easier there are very few missions where it's actually a requirement. plus due to the nature of the choose your own path thing its unclear which missions actually happened so we dont even know if the parts where you have to use a gun happened for real. and after this one single game shadow never used a gun again as far as i know. this whole idea of shadow being obsessed with guns and using them all the time doesnt really have much canon basis if anything it makes more sense for tails to be known as the gun guy considering hes the one who actually uses weapons like all the time
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imustbenuts · 5 months ago
nuts reading in jp 9 - introduction scenes of legato, rem.
disclaimer: im about to finish a bottle of soju.
so im probably not the best or most articulate when it comes to interpreting characters. but here goes. things that caught my eye etc etc.
for legato, the jp version seems to use words that really hones in on how vindictive/creepy he is. also he speaks like an evil demon lord's henchman in some JRPG game.
OH and DH's en version appropriately takes all of that and does a pretty good job overall imo. he just speaks like that in tone.
except for 1 specific phrase.
this phrase that carries a degree of his projection from his character. or even some implications about knives's train of thought. in the left most bubble here, he actually says
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あの方の10分の1でも地獄を味わうがいい (may you) Taste even a tenth of the hell you've put him through.
him in this case being knives. he refers to him with a very respectful, elevating He by using "あの方 ano kata". we know that knives ate the angel gun blast which must have been owie, but also that vash's defiance causes knives a lot of irritation.
this then paints knives as this sociopath if we believe that he told legato about their history, bc hes telling it and slamming vash's opinions/feelings/autonomy into the trash. (and also overriding his sisters autonomy later in trimax)
alternatively, this also paints legato as this guy who might be projecting his own hell onto knives in hindsight and also kinda tossing his god-king's feelings into the trash.
they're both terrible for each other in their current state. smh if they played Plate Up they'd game over on the very first day.
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rem's isolation
in OH and DH's en version, rem talks about the life on the ship with vash.
he asks here why are the people asleep and that the ship is too quiet. and then:
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she uses "We" and refers to her job being shared with others. which is correct in the overall world building side of things.
however, the jp version sounds a lot lonelier (as if it wasnt enough). left most bubble again:
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さしずめ私はその"種"の管理人という所ね You could call me the caretaker of these seeds.
she uses the singular 私 I. not 私たち we.
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so she is saying that shes very much alone. incredibly, dreadfully alone.
there's an added layer of her using the singular I in this scene. that she doesnt consider vash and knives to be sharing her job. there's no "We" when it comes to that, she's shouldering the important job and not sharing the burden with... well, kids.
while responsible of her, that there is in fact a degree of distance between vash and rem, whether vash realizes it or not.
theres this super compounded mass of depression and isolation in this scene, it feels like.
i think this aspect of her was taken to heart by vash and inherited. when he later stands in another cold sleep chamber surrounded by people, he doesnt share this burden of watching with any of them
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not with milly, meryl or wolfwood. even though they are right there.
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pixelprofligate · 7 months ago
this is another Fallout London post. more of a rant but still:
because GOD this is really not good. maybe im just like really critical of stuff but so much of the mod just doesnt add up to...anything? most of the quests are uninteresting or outright present you with dialogue options that outright contradict themselves or basic established lore of the world they've set up, so many locations are near empty and boring as hell to try and explore, with a SIGNIFICANT number of the marked locations having literally nothing to find in them, some of them actually having nothing in them at all, there's tons of NPCs, both generic and some named that have, and i dont mean this hyperbolically, literally no dialogue at all, the mods full of things that are just wrong about britian, like posters calling the tower bridge london bridge, the combat encounters are regularly boring because all the factions are functionally the same in terms of equipment, lots of the weapons you can use have blatantly anachronistic modifications like actual real modern day attachments, all of the "new enemies" are just model swaps that use the same skeleton and movesets and often the same exact sounds as base fallout 4 enemies and often aren't even properly rigged for the skeletons they used (like the fucking assaultron replacement that just constantly clips thru its own model anytime it moves at all because they gave it a skirt it was never built to have), and on top of all of it, the mod itself just breaks all the time. there were multiple times quests couldn't progress because NPCs just didn't say the line of dialogue they were suppose to, completely softlocking their quests (this happened with every single main faction at least once), and to top it off most of the assets actually used in this mod weren't even made for it, most come from the Capital Wasteland Project, but even things like the terminals and most of the guns are just straight up from other mods. also, multiple terminal entries were just outright written by AI. and im not saying that like "oh theyre just poorly written so i assume its AI" i mean the lead dev in their discord fucking confirmed it and said he had no clue it happened. like i get a lot of people worked really hard on this, and i dont want to shit on them, but to call this mod "one of the best things fallout has seen in years" i think is a massive disservice to everything else fallout related weve seen since even 76 came out. this mod is a mess of ideas that rarely add up to anything interesting, with a story that gives you no real reason to care or engage with it, that leads to a fight that fucking sucks so much the final battle is terrible (you're forced into a melee fight with a weapon that isn't any of yours on a tiny catwalk where you have to beat the same guy TWICE in a row, and then he gets great mouse detectived), and ultimately never feels fulfilling. it does so little actually interesting with the factions it made or the area its set in and the fact people absolutely adore this mod fucking baffles me. this mod is not good. i genuinely want to know what people like about this because i cannot understand a single aspect of it, ESPECIALLY the people saying this is better than like, base Fallout 4 itself.
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yarrayora · 8 months ago
9, 25, 30
9. favorite anime child
for the sake of argument of what a child is in anime we will use the fact that anyone older than in their 20s are treated as geriatric elderlies in anime world which means high school age is Basically Adult so i will use middle schooler and below as my criteria
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grade schooler shirota mahiru despairing over his mother's death
second place belongs to young child trapped in the orphanage who got his foot nailed to the ground
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25. anime you would recommend to someone who hates anime
that would depend on what the other person is looking for? i would have to personalize it according to individual's taste lmao
30. one anime conclusion you would change
only one? okay, bleach, then. i would change the fuck out of the quincy war. instead of a bunch of supervillains with overwhelming powers that can easily crush the shinigami they should be tight knit survivors with limited resources who learned how to be REALLY really good at ambushing shinigami in group and picking them off one by one while being unseen
it would be soooo good if ichigo learns that "winning the war" doesnt always mean a victory, especially if they actually stick to their gun about quincies being survivors of a genocide it would be great to have shinigami fearing them thinking theyre outnumbered but we shifts to uryu's perspective and even the quincies are struggling to survive
it would make ywach so much more of a threat too, a charismatic leader who unites his people with the promise of a better future instead of leading with fear and an iron grip
also god. to have an enemy asks ichigo "you enjoy fighting us, don't you? you goddamn monster" pinned down by ichigo and no longer fighting simply waiting for their death. buying time for the others to escape
ichigo has never fought an enemy crying fearing death but already resigned to their death
like ichigo's theoretically aware of the quincy genocide in canon but to have to look uryu in the face and see the weight of it? thats very different
you can also have younger quincies being gungho about fighting in the war because they can finally avenge their family, the reality of war itself hasnt settled in to them, only to be defeated and have an older quincy saving them
toshiro going "why would they send an inexperienced soldier like you to war?" sneering. not realizing the truth yet
also god. ichigo already had similar storyline with hanataro. why cant he saved a quincy realizing theyre the same age as his sister?
battling a group of quincies and then to the rest of the shinigami seemingly out of nowhere ichigo blocks their attack and the first assumption is ofc that he got mindfucked somehow but then they hear ichigo mumbles and says "what?" and ichigo shouts louder "THIS IS JUST A KID!" as if he wasn't the same age as the quincy he saved when he risked his life to save rukia
and the shinigami wouldn't get it, maybe if it was komamura, but the rest of them? so in the end ichigo runs while carrying the quincy kid in one arm while using his blade with another to fend off attacks and the quincy kid grips onto ichigo demanding to know why he saved them while trying so hard to sound brave
tears swelling in their eyes waiting for this to be a trick a trap and not that their enemies have compassion too
also like. ichigo saving a quincy would make his mother's heritage even more relevant! he brings the kid back to their people and like. imagine if yhwach tells them they can trust ichigo because he is his mother's son
the quincy kid feeling less guilty about being saved by a shinigami bc turns out the shinigami has quincy blood in himand it's just. that's wrong, isnt it? his blood and his heritage shouldnt paint what he is as a person! but it's hard to say that when he sees how the quincies are living
and then yhwach tries to radicalize ichigo because he is the strongest asset to have in this war
okay I'm getting too long here so I'm cutting it short BUT. I'm right
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anubisandco · 2 years ago
Ghost and Rabbit.
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Hey! here is my newest and first fic ever, Rabbit is an oc but doesnt have an actual name yet so yk, also not beta'd bc who gives af anyway Enjoy!!
“ Run Rabbit, run.” The voice was thick and deep as it cut through the static and gunshots around her, the accent was smooth calming almost. To anyone else, he sounded like he always did, casual, yet still ordering people around, even in the middle of a battle. 
To her, he was worried, maybe even scared. For her. He had no idea where she was right now. SHE had no idea where she was right now, their plane had been shot down before they reached the drop zone, scattering their forces as far as anyone knew she was miles away from anyone on her team, most of them having met up someplace in the rubble city. 
More gunshots, more explosions. More bloodshed. Her knives would mean little to no defense, she wasn’t afraid though, she knew what she could do with her bare hands. Could being the keyword. Though Rabbit was built, designed for war, for killing, She had stepped off the field in that way years ago. 
Her medical skills were her much-preferred way to help out, though she much preferred it when she had a team to patch up and not a bunch of potential hostels around every corner. She darted through the rubbled streets as quickly as she could, heading further and further into the battle. She recognized no one so far, dead or alive. 
 The stark white scarf she wore around her neck fluttered as she ran, she wore it up over her nose, covering the bottom of her face. More of a style choice than anything else, something she used to do during basic training and the few years that followed. She carried it over to her medic days as some sort of salute, or nod to the past Rabbit. 
She could hear her teammates yelling over the coms, talking to each other checking in, and making sure they were all alive. Rabbit had checked in a few moments ago, it had calmed him a little bit, but the fact that he hadn’t put eyes on her in hours set him on edge. 
They had been through a lot together. Hell, they started their careers fighting each other to be the best, battling for first. It took years to get where they were today, the kind of bond no one else really understood because it was just for them. 
Ghost and Rabbit. 
Two call signs anyone in their line of work would recognize. 
They were the best of the best, they worked almost too well side by side, something everyone on their team had to get used to, well new team. When she left, He followed close behind. It's how it always was, she goes he goes. He goes she goes. 
Ghost and Rabbit. 
He was waiting for her now, in some crumbling building, weapon at the ready just in case. His fingers itched where they rested on the trigger, his worry getting to him. Ghost would never say any of this to anyone, not even Rabbit. His fear for her life plagued his mind every mission, every gunshot he heard right now he was picturing her on the receiving end. 
Ghost knew she was better than that, she wouldn't get caught, she wasn't called Rabbit for nothing, but the thought, no matter how impossible made him want to hunt her down. 
“ Eta Rabbit.” He spoke as slowly as possible, He leaned around the corner checking the streets around him. Soap and the rest of the team were crawling the streets somewhere close, picking off whatever hostels they could find, working toward the end of the mission. And he was waiting. 
“ Depends.” Her voice was crackled and quiet, but sweet non the less. 
“ Elaborate.” 
“ Well, considering how much shit I have to climb over it’s gonna add about two minutes.” She answered and all he could do is shake his head. Their bickering on missions never ended, it was one sarcastic comment and then another. 
“ Hurry it up will ya?” He ordered more than asked. She didn’t respond, a few blocks away He could hear an explosion go off loud static took over the coms channel and Ghost froze. His grip tightened on his gun, he stood waiting a few moments of silence passed. 
The sound of some building crumbling filled his ears but it was like he didn't even register it. He’d go find her, in just a second, he’d give Rabbit just a second longer. Simon waited for her, shifting on his feet slightly. 
What felt like hours passed. 
“ I think I fucked up my knee.” Her voice spoke from somewhere to his right, the opposite end from where she was supposed to come from. 
Ghost shook his head, clearing away whatever thoughts that were tangled there. 
“Bloody hell Rabbit, took you long enough.” He sling his gun over his shoulder and helped her down the pile of possible wall. She laughed a lighthearted sound, something that didn’t belong where they were. 
“Sorry ‘bout that Ghosty.” 
Now all that stood between the team and their evac point was a few blocks and more hostiles, but at least they were all somewhat together now. 
Ghost and Rabbit picked their way slowly together, his pace was usually a fast cutthroat run through the battlefield, killing at Mach ten. He had slowed down this much for her, Rabbit limped behind him just a step or two. She knew she was holding him up but she didn’t even try and apologize, he’d yell at her more for saying sorry than for slowing him down. 
She checked her med kits and pockets to make sure she had almost everything she fell with, it would be no surprise if Soap needed a stitch or two when they made it out of there. It was almost like an after-mission tradition for them. 
Rabbit would ask who needed her first and usually, it’d be Soap who’d raise his hand, sometimes barely with enough strength.   
Obviously, he was a good soldier, great even. One of the best, but he was a little reckless with himself out on the field, so it was no surprise when he’d land in one of her beds in the med bay with a bullet hole or cut on him. She’d ask for the story and listen intently as she stitched him up. She’d once asked if it was on purpose just to see her more. Soap laughed and shook his head, leaving with the parting words that Ghost would kill him if he ever did that. 
“ Ghost large group of hostiles heading your way, right block.” Gaz’s voice rang out over coms, Rabbit stopped immediately. She’d be more help if she stayed put, her hand pulled a knife out from one of the many holsters and She scanned the area. 
Ghost watched her from the corner of his eye as he moved forward a few feet, closer to them. His gun was back in his hands, he pressed up against the nearest building and waited for them. This is what he was used to. Waiting to kill, to rip and tear. 
He looked over at her, and she couldn’t help but smile, her scarf had fallen off her face by now, and she didn’t bother to fix it. Ghost nodded such a simple gesture, but she knew it meant a lot more than he wanted it to. 
Ghost and Rabbit. Rabbit and Ghost. 
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wjehfshs · 2 years ago
Hello, hello!!
I wanted to request a m/n who is a new recruit in tast force 141 but he is disabled, well not physically but mentally and m/n was also born prematurely which causes m/n to be much skinneir and shorter then the rest of the tf141 (hes about 5ft 5, but still very strong, can lift up ghost like hes a bag of cotton). And when he joins tf141 he doesnt even know the basics and the team is like "how tf did he even pass the standard test??" And everyone in the base thinks that m/n is a lost cause and he will prob be transfered somewhere else and one of the tf141 members (maybe price or ghost) takes m/n under their wing and teach them the basics and they are SHOOCK by how fast m/n can learn, like you could leave m/n in a room with a rifle he's unfamiliar with for an hour and m/n would have mastered the rifle. M/n also takes advantage of his disabilities (such as: autism? Tricks himself to hyperfixate on military and survival things. Permanant little lines in his vision? Uses it as a sniper telescope and can get a clear headshot from 4000 meters with a pistol. His 5 senses are hypersensitive? Uses it to detect and locate enemies and pick up small changes in the wind which helps him be a good sniper. M/n also cant remember anything for the life of him but he creates a technique that lets him memorize pages upon pages of things in mere minutes, m/n also learns languages for fun (that includes sign language too), also knows body language very well so he is usually there during interrogations to confirm if the prisoner is lying or not. And in one scenario m/n and tf141 are cornered and the soldiers are giving up going "we are not gonna win this one" or "its over" and then m/n gives an inspirational speech which somehow works. M/n also just... refuses to die, like he could have multiple gun and stab wounds but still be fighting like a tank. And when off the battlefield m/n is just... so metally disabled, you could walk up to and tell him something ,he will stand there for a few seconds to understand what you said and then respond as if he didnt just stand🧍 completely still for a solid 10 seconds looking like he was re-loading, also bumps into things right infront of him, trips over everything, most likely dyslexic, does dangerous stunts for fun and bets.
And thank you very much!!♡♡
I’m disabled myself so M/N is so me 💪 love when people ask for disabled reader
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Reader is disabled/prematurely born, reader is 5,5 but strong asf, reader is a bit slow but also a walking book at the same time, reader knows multiple languages, please let me know if I got anything wrong as I am disabled but I’m only autistic, sorry I wasn’t feeling up to writing the speech, roach appears briefly
You had been born before 35 weeks
You had some seeing issues, which meant you needed glasses, not a problem apart from the fact that you where quite literally blind without them
You where also diagnosed as autistic at 9
You where heavily bullied throughout school so you decided to not only get strong but also join the military
When the 141 first saw you, how short you where, how skinny you where and your files listing your conditions they all silently agreed you wouldn’t make it through and either die on the field or be transferred
God they couldn’t be more wrong
Once during sparring, even with your short stature, you easily tackled Ghost down
He didn’t even have any time to react
Once the 141 was struggling on the field, you decided to give a motivational speech to cheer them up
It worked
A lot of the time when someone would tell a joke you didn’t understand, you took awhile to understand it but once you got it you usually always laughed
You where a sniper which concerned all of them considering you has seeing issues but Shepard was adamant that you where the best of the best
They only actually understood this when you got on the field
You where taking down the enemy from far away with no issues
They all thanked you for saving their asses out there, without you they would’ve all been dead
They asked you later how you managed to get so good at this stuff and you went on a 2 hour rant about how you forced yourself to hyper-fixate on the military so that’s how you got so good in such a short amount of time
Once they had a prisoner from the other side, you wouldn’t let up on being in there with Ghost
Eventually they agreed
First question you immediately pointed out how the prisoner was lying
How could you tell?
You explained his body language gave it away
Later on they asked you how you knew that and you revealed you knew multiple languages, including body language
You and Roach would regularly have conversations in sign language
Most of the time it was too fast for everyone else to read your hands
Honestly yes it did take some training from Price to get you to this skill level but that doesn’t mean you weren’t fucking terrifying
What confused them was you somehow managed to forget your own last name but you’re able to answer any question about the military
You where like an infinite pit of knowledge
Once you where out on the field and you got shot right next to your heart (later found that out when you where in the infirmary)
Even with blood spilling out and some other stab wounds here and there you went on
It’s like you weren’t even shot
What shocked them more was once you where on a stealth mission with them and you heard footsteps that no one would’ve been able to hear
You shot the guy with your silenced pistol as everyone quietly thanked you
They have major respect for you and honestly a few of them including the rookies look up to you
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spidermanifested · 7 months ago
💔💛🖤 for FMA because you're always correct somehow
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
i cant just say roy mustang a fourth time im challenging myself to come up with a creative answer
honestly? and if you can believe it mostly unrelated to the third question down there. i think if you took out hughes, and had to reframe the military protagonists' motivations to make them less reliant on "we need to avenge this one guy we liked", youd have room to explore more of the actual bad things about the amestrian government. that might lead people to want to rebel. like at least the nina chapter provided insight into why the state alchemist program is inherently corrupt, all we learn from hughes dying is "Breaking News! One Weird Geometry Fact The Homunculi Dont Want You To Know About"
youd have to restructure the maria ross parts too but i figure you could work something out without too much trouble. blame her for lab 5 going down or something idk
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
takes a deep breath. This may come as a betrayal to almost all of my devils nest mutuals. it may break my streak of always being correct in the eyes of the masses. but i dont........really see what everyone else sees......... in greed/dolcetto.........
"wow big shocker from captain grido" i hear everyone saying but llet me explain myself. i can rationalize why somebody might like it. and its not even the ship itself i have beef with really. its more, the widespread fandom elevation of dolcetto as Greeds Loyalest Guy, with mainly vibes-based justifications (hes a dooooooog!!!!) instead of textual evidence, that tends to accompany it? which to be fair exists outside of a shipping context as well. like on tv tropes for example
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so. My bido loving soul naturally despairs. also the fact that it seems to have achieved almost default status in the fandom spheres im most interested in, so when you go looking for nest related stuff it crops up before long and you know how it goes with overexposure
my final reason is that i do love dolcetto as a character. That guy rules. which means it does me psychic damage to see his personality replaced with that of a shy blushing puppyboy, as he so often is in the ancient fanart i find combing the google search results,
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
As Per My Last Email: hughes lol
like i know in series hes meant to be a heroic figure but thats kind of my problem. hes just your average nuclear family loving gun toting red blooded american i mean amestrian, who joined the army to defend his definitely-under-attack right to have said nuclear family, and then started dating a girl while he was on the front lines and then used her as an internal justification to keep committing genocide, and then when he has a kid he threatens her (3 YEAR OLD) friends with a gun, and one of his Bonding Moments with winry is giving her a lecture on gender roles because dont you know men never talk about their feelings, and do you see why i thinkmaybe tje fact that he buys his daughter a lot of toys and waves around pictures of his family doesnt inherently make him the best dad on earth. like its really easy to be a good dad when your kid is a toddler and your wife does all the hard work taking care of her and all you have to do is bring home the paycheck. wild beasts are xoming to attack me once hit post on this one i think
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officialgleamstar · 2 years ago
:3 Any class (and subclass) headcanons/ideas/theories for Lark? Vaguely related, I can't stop thinking about the fact the he just whistled up a fucking portal last episode?????
i have always assumed lark was a ranger, which is one reason why i was so flabbergasted by grant being the kiddads' ranger. i still think he should be a ranger, a horizon walker ranger specifically, even if it would be dumb and unbalanced for them to have two rangers. literally it makes the most sense. lark is the most ranger guy ever. however, i already made a full post about ranger subclasses for grant, including the reasoning for horizon walker that also applies to lark (namely what you said - WHISTLING TO SUMMON A PORTAL? HORIZON WALKER TYPE SHIT.) SO i will delve into some different ideas instead
if he's not a ranger, then i would guess that he is a fighter, battle master subclass, or a rogue, assassin subclass, with likelihood (in my opinion!) being in that order. thats the tldr. heres the long version LOL:
fighter - fighters are known for being able to wield a wide array of weapons, which makes sense for lark, since he is such a doomsday prepper. he would want to be able to use any weapon he got his hands on. also, indomitable fits lark really well in my opinion. if we wanna talk gear, i'd probably give him chainmail (flavored as bullet-proof vest), two martial weapons (two daggers), a light crossbow and 20 bolts (flavored as a pistol and ammo), and the pack i'm not sure on. i dont think im gonna do gear on every single class but its just part of being a fighter to me to consider that-- subclass wise, we have a few options, listed in order of most to least likely (subjective.)
battle master - the most likely one to me, though now that sparrow seems to be set up as more of the leader than lark, that might change (though i do think that maybe sparrow just takes the head in talking since he's more. uh. sociable than everyone else rn LOL). given how much enemies monologue in dndads, 'know your enemy' would be a super useful skill, and i think if he was spec'd out similar to gerard from neverafter (mostly in the ability to grant other players extra attacks), this would make a lot of sense for him.
champion - listing this because on a meta-level, its extremely easy to play, which makes it an easy pick for anthony. however, i dont think it fits him character-wise because lark would never heal himself LMAO though, to be fair, i dont think the kiddads will ever level up that high
arcane archer - not the best subclass, but very cool to me, and fitting for how all of the kiddads are gun-heavy. banishing arrow would be super useful and fit the general theme of planes and dimensions.
eldritch knight - not as likely, but i think it would be sooo so cool for lark, especially if the eldritch part came from his connection to the doodler. ohhh the drama of gaining power from the eldritch being you swore to eradicate… plus, we get LARK CASTING MAGIC, even if its not as powerful as anything his family can do! so cool!!! this subclass isnt as good for range, but i could see anthony allowing war magic to apply to ranged weapons rather than just blades for the cool factor.
samurai - in general, this subclass is not lark. however, i wanted to mention it because i think their 18th level ability 'strength before death' specifically is very lark. basically, if you get knocked down to zero HP, you can use a reaction to get an entire turn and then you go into death saves. theoretically, you could use this to heal, but its lark - he absolutely would use it to go down swinging.
rogue - other people have made this point for me, but rogues are good for guns if you flavor hand crossbows as such. i actually dont really like rogue for lark, but i dont have a reason why LOL it just doesnt really? do it for me. however, i agree that its likely to fit due to what we know about lark, so i will play my own personal devil's advocate here. i think it makes sense for lark to be the sneaky attacker while the others draw most of the attention, especially since it seems like there would be three magic users (terry jr, nicky, and sparrow) in the group. magic can be used sneakily, but im sure nicky and sparrow at least would lean towards showiness, lol. plus, i think it would be really interesting to flavor 'slippery mind' as like, lark growing a resistance to the doodler after so many years under its influence! once again, subclasses are listed most likely to least likely.
assassin - this works from both an in-character and a meta standpoint, and from what i've seen, this is what people mean when they say lark should be a rogue. its an easy subclass to play, so its good for an NPC. character-wise, with lark's extreme paranoia, it makes sense that lark would spend time studying how to most efficiently kill people. he doesn't want to risk anyone in a drawn-out fight, he's not grant. he just wants things dead as fast as possible.
scout - am i just saying this one is likely being its the ranger-flavored rogue subclass? maybe. but like liSTEN LARK SHOULD BE A RANGER HE IS LITERALLY A RANGER HE IS-
phantom - not very likely, but SEVERELY COOL from a character standpoint. walk with me here. phantom is a rogue subclass where you talk to the dead, but imagine that reflavored as lark being able to talk to like, eldritch beings, even beyond the doodler? or like, maybe the spirits of those killed and used by the doodler? holy SHIT!! it would be COOL.
unfortunately none of this has an explanation on lark whistling a portal Which Is Why He Is A Horiz- [shot] im guessing he has a magical item tho!!!
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ahamkara-apologist · 1 year ago
Some quick Aeris facts for y'all before I go to bed:
-Really likes lemon-flavored candies and lemon cake. Also a big fan of those fluffy donut holes with powdered sugar on top of them
-Very soft-spoken and usually mumbles when he talks, if he talks at all (yeah I based a lot of him off the Guardian in-game, but the Guardian's voice in game is super deep and that always takes me out LOL). He's also very blunt and has a hard time not sounding either deadpan or having a slightly off cadance to his voice, and most of his 'snappy comebacks' are from action movies or watching other guardians. Because his humour is extremely dry and he has a soft spot for puns, its sometimes hard to tell if this is deliberately done for comedic effect or copied because he's trying to come off as cool
-Will also infodump about his friend's interests and studies if prompted and in a good mood, and enjoys being infodumped to in turn. It gives him a starting-off point for him to engage in a conversation without Ghost's or Marcie's help
-Hates the popularity and 'placed on a pedestal' nature of being The Guardian(tm) and cares very little about fitting in socially, but also really wants to please those he looks up to/not upset people.
-Cannot sit normally on anything. He's a Hunter for a reason. He has to crouch-perch on everything and be on top of the tallest thing in the room. Half the time its just to see that he can do it
-Ghost is still officially named Ghost because he's got a Thing about names being special and also because neither of them can settle on one they like (I've called him Hoarfrost in the past but they are STILL debating on that). Also, he prefers to go by 'Guardian' because 'Aeris' is close to 'Eris' and in his reasoning, 'she had the name first so she gets seniority rights'
-Actually really likes tactile stimuli. He won't initiate physical affection much, but you bet your ass he's gonna cuddle if given the chance, though the person he usually only actively cuddles with is his sister, Marcie, or Ghost
-Has an apartment in the Tower that he never uses. Pretty much lives in the Eliksni quarter exclusively bc they don't pick up on the fact that he's autistic as fast as human people and he really likes that
-He's got Archer Muscles(tm) and is pretty pleased with it. He doesn't think much of his appearance often, but thats one of the few aspects of it that he's proud of
-Crow is one of his best friends, and while they had a whole tense thing with Crow having a crush on him pre regaining his memories that Aeris couldn't reciprocate and felt guilty for, they're still on pretty good terms (thats a whole other seperate thing I can get into tho)
-Actually hates fusion rifles, but was too polite to correct Saint when he said Aeris's favorite gun was a fusion rifle so
-Sexuality is like. Aro/ace/gay. He's aro for sure, and most of the time he barely thinks about or desires sex with people, but when he does it's only with men, his taste in which is...questionable, most of the time.
-(Misraaks. Taniks, if he had the chance. Drifter. You get the point.)
-Also, he's a bottom and likes to be shoved around bc of afformentioned 'doesnt like being treated like the Chosen One' shtick
-Pre death and rez: He's the result of a cocky, boastful human man getting frisky with an Awoken warrior. Said man married for power later, and was VERY unhappy when Aeris was dumped on his doorstep as a kid, esp. since he got his wife pregnant already (that was Marcie)
-Aeris's mother was named Iliya, he was brought to term, born in the Reef, and dumped on his dad bc his dad said they wouldn't need contraceptives bc Awoken and 'normal humans' couldn't interbreed. She pretty much birthed him out of spite
-He DID go back to the Reef a few times as a diplomat from Earth (his dad was politically savvy, if a douchebag), but I doubt his mom ever bothered with him much. Marcie was the only person he was close to, as he was her older brother and he ADORED her, and that was a bond that persisted even after their death and rez together
-she died in the Skolas Incident btw so no meeting her son again post-rez for her.
-This is something that Mara knew vaguely about, bc while Awoken/Humans are viable, they're really rare in the Reef. That she knew of his birth pre-death and who his mother was is part of the reason Aeris doesn't like her- it weirds him out. The only info that he got about himself pre-rez was from Marcie's diary (which was on her corpse when they were rezzed) was that the swearing woman underneath him in a rusted-out shelter in the cold of Old Russia was his half sister and that his father was a no-good whore, so the fact that someone out there knows of the other half of his family...it bothers him
-Despite that, he still has an instinctual connection to the Reef and a longing to fit in with it and gets really shy when Petra calls him 'cousin', since he's not quite right enough to stick in with Humans and too boring to be Awoken back on Earth, so it makes him feel included
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turboautismrobot · 7 months ago
a kokichi truther could sit me down and ramble about how awsome he is for like an hour and id gladly listen but i still wouldnt understand why people are so drawn to him
i mean, hes the v3 antag and of course people will be drawn to the antag, byakuya and komaeda are also incredibly popular characters, but kokichis character falls so flat to me i just dont get it at all
fanon kokichi often makes him lean into the "not actually evil" thing or erases it completely and makes him straight up evil and a piece of shit and i like those interpretations way more than what he actually is :/
chapter 4 of v3 was insane yes but i still dont understand why he killed miu if hes so "against murder" (which side note but being "against murder" is the funniest shit i ever like killing people is bad?? yeah no shit its fucking bad, welcome to being a normal person bruh) and chapter 5 solidified kokichi as an attempt on the writers part to make another komaeda
but heres the thing with trying to make the same impact that nagito did, komaeda is such a carefully constructed character with so much depth and so many layers that you cant emulate him without an insane amount of work, all of the pieces for nagitos character fall into place seamlessly, he makes sense
kokichi will have monokuma tell you, though his motive video, which has no reason to lie to the audience since it was only ment for kokichi to watch, that he abhors murder and has strictly prohibited it within his gang, and then manipulate gonta into killing miu and watch him do it with a straight face. pick one liar boy
after komaeda dies he is still relevant, after you clock the suicide his trial becomes increasingly terrifying, even when hes dead he seems to be fully in control of the trial, theres a whole mini chapter just about him and kamukura, hinata is still conflicted about him and wants to understand him after he dies, theres the whole cutting his own arm off and replacing it with junkos thing. even if he doesnt have the whole narrative at gun point nagito is still significant after his death, the game still makes a point to bring him up and presence or lack there of is meaningful
after ouma boy dies and his trial is over we find out he, somehow, isnt actually evil and it kind of Ends At That. we find out the camera bots trough the blueprint he made but none of the characters give him any thought after it, his abscence isnt noticed, hes not missed, no one pays him any mind after his death, not even the game. rantaro, the first death of the game, becomes more significant than the antagonist that had been with us the entire time
nagitos luck talent is relevant, its trough his luck that he is traumatized time and time again and turns out the way he is, its trough his luck that he survives the russian roulette and gets the hope's peak file, its trough his luck that his insanely elaborate kamikaze plan ALMOST works, its trough hinatas understanding of nagito and his luck that it fails at the very end
kokichis supreme leader talent is irrelevant, his skills as a petty theif have more spotlight than his talent, in a game with so much emphasis on talent that we have the talent ultimate labs the antagonists talent means nothing, kokichi never leads anything, in fact he isolates and fucks off to the ether for most of the game, i cannot recall a single moment his talent was relevant other than making everyone belive he lead the remnants of despair at some point (which side note if some random mf showed up trying to become a new leader to the despairs they would have killed him i think lmao. specially if its post dr2)
i dont have a conclusion to end this on, im not a kokichi enjoyer but he has successfully become a minor roman empire in my brain due to how mid he is lol
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year ago
volume 12 already? damn that went fast. just yesterday we were crying about vash drinking in a church
anyway :D volume 12 thoughts time
chap 1:
-chronicaaaaaaaaa :3
-these quiet panels are the fucking best/worst thing that have ever happened to me
-too many memories :c
-YES LINA IS THERE THANK GOD (at the same time this is heartbreaking as fuck)
-all the enemies after all the people he has ever loved/helped
-im gonna go cry now
-i wonder what "anti plant" entails...is it a special material?
-ok fine, chronica can call knives a terrorist. she gets a pass
-oh sweet geesus
-oohhhhhh.....ok fuck
-nothing can stop the hatred of this man. kinda admirable but as the song says "your misery and hate will kill us all"
chap 2:
-"corrosive thunder", love the title
-OH SHIT DOMINA NO, pls dont let him get to you
-the plants kinda look in pain there....
-for pain purposes, i choose to believe that when they resonate they hum like vash did in stampede
-aaand shes gone
-oh god, the end of evangelion flashbacks
-tbh everything in your ship just being consumed by someone else so quickly must be scary af. nothing belongs to them anymore and soon, chronica could even loose herself
chap 3:
-oh shit oh fuck oh shit
-oh shit not thors hammer
-omg look! the laws of physics!
-noooo :c we dont get to know domina too much but its still sad
-ohhhhhhh okok i get it
chap 4:
-childish is a good word for it cuz knives just doesnt want to accept hes wrong and scared
-is vash pausing cuz even though his plan was to kill knives hes kinda sad that knives wants to kill him? i may never know
-let him use his fucking gun ok? hes an expert. also i like to think he uses it to stay grounded. like to stay with the people hes fighting with. hes not superior or anything
chap 5:
-omg right it hated this. hes just a baby :c
-so vash left with a stranger? i forgot about that
-honey just be glad YOU ARE ALIVE
-BECAUSE HES VASH THE STAMPEDE- i should rewatch that episode huh
-tbh vash, you should have. then and now
-tbh i would also think thats enough to break the chain. hmm
-"stay with me" vash pls i cant jump into the void rn
-GEESUS CHRIST, the cleanest cut in the west
-also you think vash made that face cuz the last time he made someone bleed was rem-
-"we dont belong in the future of this planet" dont fucking say that
chap 6:
-actually wanting to humans to talk with plants is a great step for improving their relationship but sure knives, whatever
-ive said this before but as someone who was mocked by wanting context before judging people, vash is so...reassuring. like it wasnt wrong of me to want to know all the sides of one story. im glad
-also i completely forgot about that town and radiation. how tf radiation happens in that planet, what am i missing
-oh nvm, thanks nightow
-WHY IS IT THEN? HUH KNIVES?- oh shit what
-yknow what, ill give knives the fact that humans are ignorant and we are repeating history etc etc, but im done. finish him vash
-for some reason this reminds me to that scene with the soldiers in ep 12. my man really cant catch a break
-"you've been abandoned" maybe by some but not by everyone. and thats the whole point
-awww :c
chap 7:
-ofc the military would be like this
-i literally cant say whos bleeding
-ah fuck ok
-ugh no...pls dont tell me hes fucking bleeding through his eyes...pls dont (if i see stampede vash bleeding like that i will eat my pc piece by piece)
-chronica :c
-OMG YES, YES, IM SO HAPPY. quoting 98 "and i know in my heart he would have done the same"
-oh well thats not fair, hes too cool
-wait why is knives not wanting to kill vash bad?
chap 8:
-considering the blockers chronica has, entering a fused entity must be scary but also exciting
-ngl i dont get the spikes on the screen thing
-wait no i want to see whats happening with vash- and its livio time
-oh hes alive thank god (this is my 2nd read why am i surprised)
-i hate seeing his eyes like that if im being honest, its scary
-OH SHIT its my wife
chap 9:
-omg its the legato episode
-what is happening, what am i looking at
-oh oh shit
-what is happening?
-ok flashback time
-yeap. its that time. shit
-geesus fucking christ. tbh ofc legato would think knives is right. there was nothing to prove him wrong
-yeap. i would do the same actually. stomp on his head
-oh honey...honey thats gay-
-is that why he has short hair...cuz knives gave him a name AND A HAIR STYLE??
-damn son
-also i may be wrong but where do people get the idea he inserted metal in his own brain to have those powers?/gen
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whaledocboi · 2 years ago
David Suchet Poirot or nothing!
so true, as someone who pretty much grew up on the david suchet poirot movies, even before i actually watched the kennet branagh version of death on the nile i was already upset, because in my humble true opinion, nobody could play poirot as well as david suchet did. he was so fucking good in that role and his portrayal was genuinely more than just smart neurodivergent mustache with french accent, which are apparently the only things the remake writers managed to grasp
im double upset because i really went into the theatre with a good spirit, like okay, maybe i shouldnt be malicious, maybe it'll be actually good, i shouldnt be one of those knuckleheads that immediately write off everything just because its not exactly like what they're used to, be positive, but it became very clear very quickly that they dont understand the first thing when it comes to poirot as a character. i really dont mean to imply that i could've done a better job than the writers (i mean tbh at this point i might just), but when poirot starts acting like a conventionally cool hollywood action hero, thats when you need to back off because you've lost the plot. he doesnt run to chase people with guns are you out of your mind? it might sound weird as hell that im angry because they made one of my favourite characters of all time cooler than he was, but its true. girlypop is the human manifestation of a basset hound, he would Not be doing all that. yknow its like the "he would NOT fucking say that" meme, except its not somebody's bad fanfiction but an idk how many million dollars shiny hollywood production on the tv screen and its pissing me off So much, even more so if i think about the fact that there are people out there who's first impression on poirot is That and now they think he's just like a less cool french accent sherlock holmes from wish
this of course is only one of the many many problems i have with his characterisation in the remake(s), and we havent even started to talk about the actual Movie yet. i think i've said this before but its not a joke, i could write an honest to god essay on this. but yeah sorry anon, i got a little sidetracked here, you are so correct!
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real-s4lmonid · 1 year ago
maybe i will do more of these
transgender male, pansexual, hungarian / he wears tall boots and sometimes heels because he’s self conscious about his height / generally a bitch to people, but if you somehow manage to be his friend or get close to him he’s actually a sweet guy / surprisingly good at making machines despite a lack of education. was too busy getting horribly traumatized to learn / love language is giving gifts / he likes painting a lot, he made the painting portal things in the lobby! / autistic little man :> he has hyperfixes on rats and weaponry (specifically guns)  / was technically born human but soon after some weird ass genetic mutation turned him into a demon rock thing / his hair is very messy he doesn’t really bother to brush it / loves attention good or bad / surprisingly strong for his size / loves his tall genderful partner
bigender, gay, french / chubby. he’s a chef what do you expect /shes the best cook in mugen no competition, one of few who wouldn’t explode the kitchen trying to make microwave ramen noodle / was also born on earth, and also turned into an angel rock person / was actually able to get educated because she wasn’t busy getting traumatized.  / pretty boy / has big blue eye. not the staring into your soul type / him and mano aren’t enemies mano just likes fucking around and annoying cy and cy deals with it.  / sweetest ever <3 / big fluffy afro type hair / cy x omen ……………… / love language is gifts (gifts in the form of yumy food)
bi and in denial, he/him / gay and homophobic at the same time / a hater / despite the fact that he is fucking married to cy he’s still in denial that he’s bi / i dont have much about this guy idk. he’s just kind of an asshole / love language is words / fucking emo ass haircut
Smug Sun
genderfluid, any/all, bi / #1 haver of gender / loves their short bf / wavy hair / very tall. / siblings are soulsun and sorbsun / very sweet person / them and their siblings just randomly popped into existence in mugen / buff boygirl real / very smart, one of their favorite pastimes is reading / love language is words
he/they, gay, disabled / was born in heaven, has been an angel their whole life / a guardian who protects people / never had working legs, was in a wheelchair their whole life, doesnt really mind it / married to diego / father of many. (i hc most of the player characters being young, and jesu is an adoptive father figure to most of them) / him and jakel are enemies
he/him, gay, mexican / one of the only actual humans in mugen / chubby / first language is spanish / #1 father figure / somehow managed to make friends with jakel (and the rest of the enemies) / most friendly guy ever / very good at playing guitar, he just likes to get a bit silly sometimes and play the most fucked up insane music / biological father of samurai and kidney stone. kidney stone had some fucked up stuff happen so theyre no longer human, but samurai is a human / has a great singing voice / *points to airport* this is where i watched my parents die
they/them, aroace, swedish / used to be a devil-human thing / died of lung cancer / a spirit / they still smoke despite the fact that smoking fucking killed them / manos adoptive father. met in ✨lore✨ / a hater / water hurts them a lot, especially holy water (cuz of the whole demon thing) / they have a scar on like half their face cuz of water / asshole. worst guy youll ever meet. would kill has killed will kill again. / they have a soft spot for their pet spiders and roses, they have a whole ass garden of various roses, mostly red ones/ was born in sweden / they didnt like their parents and their parents didn’t like them so they killed their parents /yes they went right to hell. and apparently they were enough of a terrible person that they are now satans right hand man
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spiderton · 2 years ago
Spiderton headcanons. Go
anon i love you forever. anyway SORRY I DIDNT ANSWER THJS INSTANLY IM A LAZY ASS BUT HERES A LOT. OR A FEW. depends
- spiderton is somewhere always in his mid 30s or late 20s, probably.. changes up? maybe he was 28 when he was apart of the military and then 35(?) after most of the events of patapon tbh. who knows how long the rainbow bridge took to built though
- theres many ways that spiderton couldve joined the war but thanks to a friend i just hc'd that he was a mechanic that worked on most of the mechanical side of the zigoton empire. hes interested in tanks of course (because he got taught likw that rosetinted version of war in school or something) and on the side i feel like he also enjoys architecture and weaponary. he often compliments kharmas home but never herself becayse shes a little tooo mean to him
- and speaking of tanks the tank spiderton built (he built it. to clarify here although some think its just whatever demons they made a deal with) was rushed due to fhe conditions of patapons slowly beating up troops and resources going low, and with gong basically dead he rushed the tank up andnwent to battle inexperienced. the original sketches of the ziggerzank were probably so much more ambitious and grand, like the zugagang that probably had plenty of time to be built compared to.. ziggerzank and all. and really he doesnt like being a fan of being uncredited for his work whatsoever
- very minor hc but he probably wore some specialized gloves to even use the fire lance. zigotons biologically wise to me have pretty weak skin underneath the fur, and spiderton has pawpads that can easily burn, and often fire enchanted weapons feel BOILING hot so. he wore basically oven mittens that are actually flexible. they werent comfy to wear and sometimes when training he even forgot them and got burnt a little even (and hes embarrassed by that honestly)
- autistic and disabled. disabled wise it switches i think but mainly, if he lived, he ended up getting partial (? could be using this wrong feel free to tell me) leg paralysis because whatever beatup he got was NOT good on his spinal cordhe ended up keeping winona to help with walking sometimes (shes not really the best) and get from place to place, but he probably just uses something like the rewalk equivalent to get around. that or he ends up loosing a leg and has a prosthetic.. could be explaining this all wrong but i imagine it all humanwise, but can be canonwise too of course
- winona (his warhorse, and name was given by uhhh.... il forgot im so sorry) wasnt the best experienced horse bc most of the other warhorses ended up dying during battle, and winona was one of the last horses that they just gave them to spiderton. he probably had OTHER horses while training but he got stuck with winona, and winona just often acts like a big cat to be honest
- also hes a trans man. dont ask how hes many things i really like him. that or hes cis i dont really care which either but i like him being transgender.. youd know why. zigoton culture is probably netural or... Fuckingnhorrid about trans people when i think about it for too long agguhh but his mom probably didnt even care.. probably bisexual too
- also his mom, widowton (VERY basic name im sorry) ended up being a widow unironically. and she also ate spidertons dad because he wasnt a good dad and all. no one else really knows that fact and assumed he went missing however, but spiderton doesnt have.. the best relationship with his mom that he moved out to apartments when he was 19. he doesnt have any other family members that he knows of..
- spiderton is REALLY impressed by karmen architecture and weapons. probably after the ah-oohs were murdered off and the karmens got to flourish.. he just finds them very impressive, beautiful, and marvels of technology. not entirely related but got the feeling that karmens at least had a help inventing guns or something, but they arent very widespread
- spidertons real name is kumoton. its not his deadname to clarify.. he didnt bother to change it. only a few people ever call him kumo however because mostly everyone just knows him as general spiderton that he doesnt bother to correct (and being called general MIGHT make him happy if it didnt remind him of so much horrid shit)
- and uhh his Relationships he probably has a good friendship with kimen if they ever met! they always gave off the vibes that theyre nerds a little so they geek about the smallest things. maybe kimen likes biology and tells spiderton everything he knows about gastropods (gancheeks, mainly) and spiderton writes it all down because hes slowly growing impressed too!
- him and beetleton is. wow this is a mess but i feel like nonship wise they were friends at least. bickering friends but they probably DID care for each other, and beetleton doesnt have.. a lot of people to lightheartedly bicker with. i dont think beetleton ever left spiderton to die on purpose too, and when he ever realizes that spiderton died or was in critical injury and couldnt return? beetleton blames himself heavily on that.
- and then more onto kuwa, if he was kumoTAN itd be a lot more messy. kumotan wouldnt really forgive kuwagattan, and one of the reasons i feel he doesnt appear is because hes just been forgotten by everyone else, but kuwagattan never forgot and hes just so sorry for everything. even if kuwagattan is a demon, he still wonders what kumotan would think- and somehow convinced himself that maybe kumotan would come over and help him with this fight! and then he didnt. oops
- if spiderton did live though he probably wouldnt know of kuwagattan, at leaaast at first.... he just assumed beetleton died in the war and doesnt like to ever think about it, and mayhe is a little mad but his feelings are just conflicted. and then kuwa SOMEHOW comes back and now spiderton has to deal with the war he was in and now is trying to avoid reminding him of every single mistake he made. and its gonna be a lot
- i could say so much abut the spiderkuwa dynamic too but i could just imagine kuwagattan just casually breaking into spidertons apartment and going Hey uhmmm i need a place to stay and youre all i know....... and jts the fucking Uhm... Meow? scene trope thing basically. and now spiderton has this giant hot demon for a roommate. its actually okay though but remember what i said before? yeah
- also spiderton probably doesnt have a lot of friends. probably was homeschooled real often, that or he DID go to physical school once in a while.. always felt like his only other friends outside of beetleton were probably some of his engineering buddies (one of which is like. one of the few first ocs i made LOL) before he was dragged into being a general.. hes too awkward to ever revisit or anything
- always had the feeling that spiderton is based on these silk weavers.. theres probably red ones but they just come to mind first, so now he probably smells like bananas LOL
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- (honestly though he'd just smell like gasoline or sweat. that or both, he doesnt shower real often but he likes to swim surprisingly sometimes)
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monowires · 2 years ago
please ramble about your shepard??? i would live to hear you ramble
omg anon your wish is granted because to be quite honest i was just looking for someone to tell me i could so that i'd have an excuse to do it. tidbits inbound!
basic things about him he's earthborn, sole survivor, adept class! i have a separate post that goes a bit more into detail here! what i mostly wanna ramble about are the little headcanons that dont really matter but i find them Very Important, like
he starts collecting model ships after the me2 prologue (since he actually has the room for that kind of thing now), it's lowkey just me projecting the fact that my autism manifests in the way of buying tons of merchandise for things i like, but. i joke around with my friends that buying him a model ship is a good way to get him on your good side (or you know, to persuade him to Calm Down for just five seconds)
in me2, he wears the leather jacket casual outfit instead of the hoodie one. i used a mod to be able to wear the hoodie in me1 and then decided i'd try the jacket in my second me2 playthrough. this ended up creating a headcanon that doesn't really make sense, but i like it anyway; he wears the jacket in me2 because he doesn't feel... idk, casual? enough to wear the hoodie—he's with cerberus, can't go back to the alliance, surrounded by people he (mostly) doesnt know. so the jacket is sort of a metaphor for the extra guard he puts up as a result of it.
he's biotic, so he has to eat a lot. and he grew up on the streets, so this motherfucker will eat anything. his definition of a delicacy is a fat bowl of unseasoned mashed potatoes. he didnt have the luxury of having preferences back on earth, and that just kinda stuck. he never really developed preferences. (later on, when he goes to restaurants with kaidan, kaidan quickly learns he's better off ordering for shepard than asking shepard what he wants, because 9/10 times shepard will say, "i dunno, what do you think sounds good?")
he sucks at chess and hes mad about it
actually he sucks at most things. save for poker, he is b a d at most 'casual' hobbies. this is mostly because he never has the chance to pick anything up—his most refined skill is using a gun, because that's what he does the most. (predictably this means he has no fucking idea what to do with his free time. his definition of relaxing is reading data pads and going over mission reports.)
he doesn't like swimming very much. he was indifferent on it for most of his life but after the leviathan dlc he does Not tend to enjoy open water. he isn't scared of it, but it does make him uncomfortable.
there's more probably but of course now that i'm trying to think about it they are escaping my mind. most other stuff i have to talk about relates to his morality alignments across the trilogy which. is long enough to be its own post lmfao
thanks for asking this, anon, i love talking about my shepard!!
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deepest-dope · 2 years ago
miscellaneous notes about how i think some of my fave raiders do in fist fights including my ocs
chance is pretty well rounded, actually tends to lean towards counter punching in terms of actual tactics even though he is in fact more then strong enough to just clock people the hell out, though if you push him hell fall back on brute force. steady on his feet but doesnt like kicking so keeps it mostly as a last resort. takes hits like a brick wall, in that you are likely to hurt yourself punching him, because he instinctively tenses up as he sees hits coming and with his amount of muscle that rigidity ends up like concrete. Micro taught him the basics of fistfighting and he took well to it. doesnt tend to use dirty tactics but only cause they dont really occur to him and doesnt really have to with how strong he already is.
jessup is a brawler. if youre gonna be dumb you gotta be tough right? but for real hes just one of those guys who have a hard time thinking in action, also has a hard time holding himself back because of it. was the least liked sparring partner in micro’s class in his age range because he was so likely to get too caught up in action and break some other poor kids nose. more likely to kick then chance but not by much, only really tries if his opponent falls on the ground. more likely to fight dirty though, mostly because he gets caught up in fights then out of tactical decision though. fought cave exactly one time and picked up his habit of biting people. now he cant stop. tends to swarm as he gets more engrossed into a fight and has the pain tolerance for it to work just fine for him, hes likely to get more hits in on the other guy then they can on him anyhow
mcmurphy is an outfighter through and through. Does Not Like fistfighting. will only attempt with no other options. extremely defensive in spite of having almost as good pain tolerance as jessup and chance. actually more of a kicker then either. very cerebral too. good at catching weakness in the middle of fights and exploiting them. has a strange sense of politeness though, in that he only fights dirty if the person hes fighting does first. stops more quickly then anyone else too, pretty good at holding back and is a mainstay in khan initiations because of it. one of regis’ favorite helpers for the ritual along with diane and micro, usurps uncle mic after his death even.
daves military upbringing shows through in this with just how much more controlled and practiced he is. most graceful about beating the shit out of people with your hands of any great khan. is versatile too, mixing up his tactics to counter whoever hes fighting. titanium jawed man, youd think he didnt feel pain with the kind of hits hell take and just ignore. habitual kicker, its actually an opener for him, and a frequent flyer in his fistfight tendencies. habitually clean fighter almost to a point of it being hazardous to his health because of how hes trained, though it doesnt usually end up being an issue for him.
belinda is...a LUDICROUSLY aggressive swarmer... absolutely vicious. the constant barrage works decently well with how dirty she actually fights. she kicks a lot more then the others with above average skill. tends to end fights faster then anyone else, usually lethally. slightly below average pain tolerance though, bordering on a glass jaw. most likely to sneak up and snap your neck out of any great khans. doesnt hate fistfights but heavily prefers to stab. keeps her head better then her constant barrage of attack would have you believe so watch out.
jack is pretty decent in a fight, even though he really does not like them. prefers not to be in combat at all but if you drag him into it and he doesnt have guns or other weapons as an option hell go for highly evasive approach. mostly looks for ways out of of fights he ends up in but not really weak. doesnt think to kick like jessup but probably couldnt pull any if he did because hes got somewhat poor balance. arguable dirty fighter but not in a maiming sort of way, more in an actively trying to escape way if you get it? doesnt go on the attack a lot but makes them count when he does. has a slightly low pain tolerance for a khan and avoids being hit like the plague.
diane is like if jack were more aggressive. doesnt like fighting either but more willing to actually fight then jack is. equally likely to take any escape she can find though, slightly better pain tolerance then jack, more steady on her feet and way better at kicking. will absolutely curb stomp if you give her the opportunity, kicks the hardest out of the great khans. tied with jack for most likely to straight up run to avoid fights though
sidewinder is a DEDICATED counter puncher. he has this to an artform. extremely evasive and extremely vicious out of necessity because he has very little endurance and a very brittle glass jaw. not to say hes not dangerous though, he makes every hit he does go for count. best at dodging out of any of the khans too. opposite of dave, he is such a habitually filthy fighter it makes the few fights he does get into worse because hell escalate things with how vicious he is by default. kicks hard as fuck, great balance and extremely light on his feet. tends to use hit and run tactics.
in comparison to almost everyone besides maybe his sister rock is the most avoidant of close quarters combat, not that he or she is bad at it. dedicated counter puncher but in an opposite direction of his brother, blocking instead of dodging. tends to end fights quickly because he hits like a train, his first counter will usually be enough to knock the other guy out. allergic to kicking, needs his feet firmly on the ground. 2nd cleanest fighter next to his dad, highest pain tolerance too.
wild rose is THE most avoidant of straight fights out of anyone and paradoxically one of the most skilled. but shes only slightly less of a glass cannon then sidewinder. she could probably stand to take more hits then she usually does but Does Not Like to. spends so much time avoiding hits and trying to find a way out of the fight you drag her into its almost pacifistic but when she does go in to strike it fucking COUNTS. more likely to knock someone the hell out and ditch fights then anyone else. will abandon any fight at the first opportunity. outfighter to the max.
cave is a habitual swarmer trained to be a counter puncher, decently good defensive. would prefer to avoid direct confrontation entirely via either just leaving or sneak attacking whoever fights him. highest pain tolerance over all out of anyone in this list, but that doesnt mean he doesnt feel it. the longer hes stuck in a fight the farther he falls back into his swarming habit, especially if hes forced to block or has a difficult time dodging. filthy as hell fighter but not to the extent of sidewinder, more likely to cut and outright run then come back to finish his opponents.  the farther you push him the more brutal hell get, culminating in outright mauling you if you dont just let him go. decent kicker, mostly stomps on toes and occasionally leg sweeps though. tied with sidewinder for most likely to maim someone though sidewinder is more likely to attempt finishing them off where cave prefers to cut and run at the first opportunity.
micro, absolute jack of all trades, little more then decent at most of the above tactics, prefers to use weapons but doesnt hate throwing hands as hard as some others do. taught most of the younger khans to fist fight and it shows in some of their habits, mccmurphy blocks the exact same way he does, jessup opens with a left hook the same way he does. chance in particular has his almost ridiculous pain tolerance. micro personally tends toward counter punching, with a similar sense of politeness as mcmruphy, though he fights dirtier when it comes down to it.
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