#this is about personal/non-fandom stuff fyi
a-darling-thing · 1 year
Could use virtual hugs.
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buddiebeginz · 3 months
Welcome to today's unhinged B*mmy thoughts:
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Gotta say as a queer person I'm so done with that part of fandom calling me homophobic because I don't like a ship. Or because I don't think T*mmy treats Buck right. Or god forbid I don't think making a daddy kink joke in the same breath that Buck is talking about his father dying makes since.
Also B*mmy shippers this you???
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Being so afraid of Eddie being queer and people relating to a fictional character you actually felt the need to make an entire video celebrating how much you want him to be straight. You do realize him having relationships with women doesn't automatically make him straight right? Because fyi up until very very recently all Buck has ever had has been relationships with women.
Oh and I don't know how it is that we're somehow fetishizing a ship many of us have been invested in for years. That we ship because we love the bond between Buck and Eddie and their family with Chris. Is there smutty fanart/fics sure but most of our fandom is centered around the love these two men share and us wanting to see that turn into something even deeper than it is. I also think it's insanely hypocritical to accuse Buddie shippers of fetishizing when a lot of you B*mmy stans used to be Buddie shippers. Only as soon as you got to see two guys you think are hot kiss Buddie didn't seem to matter anymore. You chose to care about a ship with very little substance because it has the physical stuff you wanted to see vs Buddie which has all the emotional depth your ship doesn't. But sure we're the ones fetishizing a m|m relationship. Okay.
I'm also just really tired of you all acting superior and like you're somehow the boss of the 911 fandom because your ship is canon. Is it fun to have a ship you love become canon? Yes. Would I love for Buddie to become canon? Hell yes. But canon ships have never been more important than non canon ships especially when it come to fandom. People have always headcanoned ships that weren't canon some that would never ever be canon no matter what. Especially when it comes to lgbtq couples. Yet now that Buck is dating T*mmy (which btw they've never confirmed they're even in an official rs) somehow it's not okay to ship him with Eddie. Or to have theories about them getting together. Or to dislike Buck with someone other than Eddie. Nevermind the fact that most of you B*mmy shippers disliked every other woman Buck and Eddie were ever even with. Somehow that was okay because they were women but it's not okay now that Buck is with a guy and it's a ship you like.
Also this you too???
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But sure we're the homophobic and toxic ones in the 911 fandom.
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themotherofhorses · 5 months
Hi guys, it's Vic! Also known as:
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Round TWO at addressing the extreme racism in the CoD fandom!
So it’s both odd and funny that my Indigenous fem!OC has pissed off so many random people, especially with the fact that I created her to ship with Ghost.
(A fictional character that has NO canon love interest, FYI. Sorry to bust y'all's little bubble. Well, there's Mara and Urban Tracker....)
Anyways, I really don't care if this post sounds bitchy in nature. I really don't, not anymore. Some of y'all need a damn wakeup call. Several months ago, in December of 2023, I made a post (here) regarding the sudden influx of hate I began receiving following the posting of my OC, SilentDove Reyes. For around two weeks after that post, the hate died down, and I felt motivated to create more content involving Dove and Ghost.
Until the hate picked up again with every little thing I posted that related to my OC x Ghost.
However....this new hate incorporated the MMIW. A bold ass move, in my opinion.
If you are not aware, the MMIW stands for "Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women." Alternate spellings include the MMIWG & MMIWGTS (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirits). As of 2023, statistics indicate that Indigenous women face a 10x murder rate than any other race/ethnicity. I have made a previous post regarding the issue, seen here. The unfortunate truth is that young Indigenous girls are more likely to be SA'd and murdered than to attend college. Let that sink in for a moment.
Now, I am an Indigenous woman. That is no surprise there; I fashioned my OC to provide myself (and, by extension, others) with Native representation in a franchise I greatly enjoy. What IS surprising, however, is that me doing so has pissed off so many people. I'm very certain some of y'all must descend from Andrew Jackson, or John Wayne cause, christ on a bike driven by a pike.
Here is a screenshot of a hate anon I recently received:
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Listen, I don't care who you ship Ghost with. I really don't. I've blocked numerous shipping tags, remained mindful of the content I'm interacting with, and surrounded myself with fellow mutuals who also have personal OCs. It is really that easy.
What I do care about is the fact that some of you CANNOT separate fanon headcanons from canon material.
Exhibit A:
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So let’s clear some stuff up!
Soap x Ghost is NOT canon.
Ghost being queer is NOT canon.
And, most definitely, Ghost being a woman abuser who would harm/abuse/murder a woman (either physically, emotionally, psychologically) is NOT canon.
What IS canon is his and Soap's strong bond. In my eyes, that is a brotherly bond, reminding me of a big brother/little brother relationship; in my fanfiction, Soap is Ghost's children's uncle. In fact, his son (second-born child) is named after him.
You are, of course, free to view them as romantic; what you are not free to do is attack OC creators/non-shippers for not perceiving them like that.
That is just fucking weird and delusional behavior. Knock it off. You're giving your fellow normal shippers a bad name.
ALSO! Let’s clear things up!
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1. I’m not straight — I’m bisexual and demisexual.
2. I’m only half white (Spanish, with Mexican heritage). I’m QUITE LITERALLY an enrolled Native, so I guess the best way to describe me is “biracial.”
3. It’s y’all ruining the canon gay representation by shipping Laswell—a GAY woman—with Price, despite the fact that she canonically has a wife.
4. My OC does not have a “dumb fucking name.” Her name is an Indigenous name with a specific backstory to it; it’ll be explored further in future fanfics once I find the motivation to return to writing.
Anyways, I highly doubt this will be the last post I create regarding this problem; apparently, a nice chunk of the fandom has this intense animosity towards fem!OCs, fem!Y/Ns, and BIPOC!OC creators. Alright. With that being said, I invite anyone who has similar experiences to share yours, either in the reblogs or in separate posts.
As sometimes we say during pow wows:
“The floor is all yours.”
Thank you!
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frannyzooey · 1 year
Hi Kelli! Tumblr errored out while I was sending this the first time so I think it didn’t go through but if you did in fact already get this feel free to ignore the duplicate! (Damn you, tumblr)
I really appreciated reading your thoughts on age gap a little while ago and had a follow up question for you. What are your thoughts on the idea I see circulating sometimes that age gap fics are alienating to folks who don’t want to read them or feel like they can’t identify with it? I never see myself as “reader” personally, but I know some folks do and would never want to perpetuate a problem or make anyone’s experience in fandom less cozy or welcoming. It’s definitely something that makes me nervous to post any of my writing (even the majority non-age gap stuff) especially in the Pedro fandom space, and I know the argument that everyone curates their own space and can choose not to read something probably applies here, but it still makes me hesitate.
I did not get this ask the first time! *shakes fist at tumblr*
FYI: the other ask, for reference ❤
So, I have not come across this particular sentiment but I have seen my fair share of hate on age gap for various reasons, and I wanna touch on a couple things in this ask because you are being so brilliantly vulnerable sending it in ❤
First off: the main thing I write is age gap: Weeknights, In the Dark, The Secret, Dave/Nanny, Dave/Intern, SDLN. Now let me tell you something else: I am 38 years old.
You would think that I wouldn't be able to identify myself in those stories because of my age: I'm not in college, I'm not in my 20's, I'm not some young, pretty thing. I also don't want to envision myself as a younger person, I also have nothing against aging and it's not because I secretly loathe older women.
It's the dynamic.
In truth, I find them soothing/cathartic to write about/read because they describe something that was missing for me at not only that age, but to some extent now as well: care.
To read about a situation in which an older person cares for and desires the younger one: that is something I seek out because I like it. I'm soothed by it, it's my favorite daydream, it's a situation that I have always been drawn to. I have always been attracted to someone experienced in the ways of the world taking care of me, in whatever form that takes shape in.
Will everyone in the fandom find it soothing? No. In fact, some might be triggered by it, or have their own life experiences that tell them it's inherently wrong, or like you stated above, for whatever reason they just don't identify with the desire to read about it.
However - I do. I'm not everyone, and I get that, but I write (and consume) for me, and for (hopefully) others who are like me to enjoy.
The act of sharing your work is a very vulnerable thing, and to pair that with posts about how some people will never be able to identify with the things you want to write about in a very shame filled manner of speech makes it even more scary, and I get that.
I really do, I've felt it and it’s a hard thing to have to see and feel.
However, in order to post online in any fandom, you sort of just have to say "self, this is important to me, so fuck it."
They can read it, or they can not: that's up to them. If they don't identify with it, then they can go seek out other media that they do identify with. If they don't like it, that's not on you. There are plenty of stories in which I don't identify with the reader for various reasons, but I either enjoy the fics for different aspects of the story, or I scroll on by.
I have a lot of opinions/theories on why people make posts like that but I won't bore you - at the end of the day, you create the content you want to consume, and don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. ❤
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rimeiii · 9 months
I hate beating up a dead horse (and in fear of incurring the wrath of the fandom once more) but the way WHB handles content warnings is just...
Where are the detailed content warnings? Not just for the angels, but for everything? Because honestly, I think the game would've garnered less backlash for having them - a "this game is made for mature audiences, viewer discretion is advised" screen before logging in would be the bare minimum honestly.
Say what you want about the angel cards including dub/non-con content and the cards themselves veering towards that sort of territory but at least give a fucking warning about it? I've always criticized the devs for not having 18+ rating all across the board when clearly mature games like Limbus Company get the 18+ rating. If WHB is NSFW because of the sex and kinky stuff, Limbus is NSFW because of the immense amount of gore and dark content.
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"But they have content warnings-" ONLY FOR SEX. AND PAIRED WITH 16+.
It would be perfectly reasonable to assume that, for people who played this game without following any of the pre-release contents, with this combination THERE WON'T BE ANY DETAILED DUB/NON-CON.
This is in Indonesia's Google Play Store, and if it's different in other regions, then it also begs the question - why the FUCK is it not just rated 18+ across the board?!
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Limbus Company, the closest comparison I can think of being with their devs (Project Moon) also being a Korean indie company that created a gacha with mature content that has a staff team the size of a high school class (in fact I wager Limbus has less staff working on the game because around half of their staff works almost exclusively at their merch café), only had warnings for extreme violence and strong language, but at least they had the decency to put more warnings in their earliest trailers and the game website - and it's always common courtesy in the fandom to warn potential players with one particular image I'll show down below, containing a list of the game's content warnings.
Oh, and they're rated 18+ across the board, including a Mature Content Description on Steam.
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And sure, you can make the argument of "well you know what you're getting into upon looking at the card art", but therein lies the issue of not warning at the very start of the game - nobody knew for sure what triggers would be in the game upon startup.
Whatever way you slice it, dub/non-con is a genuine trigger for other people despite it also being a kink (I personally don't get it and it's a no-no for me even in fiction, but you do you). Adding clear content warnings would literally harm no one and helps people avoid things they know they don't want to consume. Yes, despite the in-game context clues providing hints, a clear indicator is still preferable.
Take, for example, the Lobelia summer skin controversy in Granblue Fantasy. People already know Lobelia as the twisted Evoker who not only murdered his own parents but recorded their dying screams of pain in his conch shells, doing the same thing to his countless victims afterwards. All of this is mentioned during the Fate Episodes to recruit him. You want to know the problem with his summer skin, Danger Beckons by the Shore, though?
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There's a home screen voiceline where he offers one of his conch shells for the player to listen to, wherein you will hear the pained and tortured screams of one of his victims as she's attacked and later on eaten alive by a shark. Keep in mind, this sort of voiceline wasn't even in his base art, and while his Fate Episodes had tortured screams it wasn't even half as bad as this particular voiceline.
It's even given a content warning in the wiki.
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For a rather significant amount of players who bought the skin, the inclusion of this voiceline despite the subtle warning in the skin blurb (which, fyi, is only accessible AFTER you bought the skin) hampers their enjoyment of the skin when they put it on their home screens then tap Lobelia - which many people who get character skins do. Mostly because there wasn't any clear indicator of the scream and a lot of people never appreciated the sudden jumpscare scream. The fact that Lobelia is a psychopath and doing this shit is in character for him should also be able to stand together with the fact that including a scream out of nowhere is pretty scummy and not a good time. Especially for non-JP speaking players, who essentially got jumpscared by a scream out of nowhere, as they never understood the fact that Lobelia was offering one of his conch shells.
Back to the rating issue, though. Why not rate WHB as 18+ if you're going to include content that could very much be considered controversial, like non-con? Like, say, Limbus Company (which I hate bringing up again bc fuck kjh)? Which not only has the warnings in the app store but plastered in the earliest trailers (still viewable on Steam and Project Moon's YouTube channel but not on the Google Play Store) and the official game website?
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And sure. Some of these trigger warnings sound silly (reference to traffic accidents is more or less Charon driving Mephi like a maniac iirc based on the content we already have in the game). But I did genuinely appreciate the warning because let's talk about the first three Cantos after the prologue, hmm?
Canto 1 already includes cannibalism, war, torture, and body modifications, among other things! Canto 2 has references to alcohol and gambling, as well as mentions of homicide - despite being a lighter Canto overall! And in Canto 3, we experienced discriminatory violence, more body modifications, enforced ideologies and/or actions, and religious torture and violence among other things!
I can stomach gore easier compared to non-con and even I appreciate the warning, particularly with regards to Canto 3. Kromer's fascination with everything pure (i.e. no body modifications), all stemming from seeing...something...in the basement of Sinclair's old mansion, the cult behaviour that led to mass murder and torture by the faction she leads (up to and including brainwashing as detailed by Kleinhammer Heathcliff's Identity story) Kromer's obssession with Sinclair and him standing beside her as an ally...it's all genuinely so unnerving, and are story beats the game handles really well despite how disturbing it all really is when you stop and think about it.
"But you should've known considering the game's aesthetics-"
Maybe, especially considering one of Gregor's launch cards is literally this, and most if not all Uptie II arts are gory at the very least.
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However, again, I have to underline the importance of content warnings - this time with an irl example.
I have a friend who was interested in Limbus Company. I've talked extensively about Gregor and how much I love him, and it started because I have a drawing I made of him in the back of my phone case and Liu Gregor's Uptie II art as my phone background at the time. They said they were interested, then I had to explain the sorts of contents she would encounter in my native language, Indonesian.
"Blood and gore, violence, a lot of mental health issues - Gregor has PTSD and his chapter depicted it pretty well, human experimentation, homicide, so Nagel und Hammer is basically the Inquisition and kills people to 'purify' them, oh yeah cannibalism is also a thing-"
"Stop, stop, I'm not playing if that's the content I'm going to see. I don't think I can handle it."
This same friend was also interested in playing If On a Winter's Night, Four Travelers - a free point-and-click adventure game that deals with themes like depression, homophobia, racism, and suicide. She was willing to try that game out because it wasn't as gory as Limbus Company. For context, the Mature Content Description for this game on Steam:
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In both cases, I had to personally explain the content warnings in Indonesian since my friend isn't the most fluent in English and she has a far lower limit for dark content compared to me, but I did send that image of content warnings for Limbus Company and urged people to read the Mature Content Descriptions on Steam for anyone who wanted to try any of the two games and is fluent in English. Why?
Because it's basic human decency to try and keep people informed of any potential triggers and content they might not be comfortable seeing.
Either way, main takeaway from this issue:
Dub/non-con might be your kink, but it might not be for others - it might be uncomfortable or downright triggering as all hell for others, in fact. So, clear content warnings (in particular for any and all triggering content) harm nobody, especially as it helps people avoid story beats where their turn-offs and, more importantly, their triggers.
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m0thwinged · 4 months
Info post!
Hello, I'm M0th! With a zero, yes. I've been described as "if a person was constantly drunk and high at the same time."
I'm a minor, just an FYI! Don't be weird. If you think what you're doing might be weird, it probably is.
Feel free to use any of my art for profile pictures, headers, etc, ect.. just include credit!
My tags are
My art - self explanatory, isn't it?
m0th rambles - endless yapping about things I enjoy
m0th's other stuff - for, well, other stuff!
my ocs - my ocs :)
Feel free to request art!!! I LOVE drawing stuff!!! You can request art from any of my fandoms, of which are listed below the cut.
Dayshift at Freddy's
Battle for Dream Island
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
The Amazing Digital Circus
Warrior Cats
Just animals in general lmao.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pink = Current hyperfixation (I know a lot about this and will post about it constantly. Currently what I am most excited about.)
Orange = Past hyperfixation (I know a lot about this and will occasionally post about it. I used to be really into it.)
Green = Non-hyper fixation (this thing is pretty cool. I'll post about it once in a blue moon.)
Teal = Flexible hyperfixation (Some days I couldn't care less about this thing, other days I'm yapping about it to no end.)
Purple = Special Interest (I know so, so much about this specific thing. I will now always and forever adore this thing. I've loved it for most of my life.)
Keep these ratings in mind when requesting art, but don't let that discourage you from asking for specific characters! As long as it's from one of these fandoms, I'll probably draw it!
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chaos-monkeyy · 1 year
Updated pinned post!
Figured it was time, the original one has just gotten too unwieldy to keep updated 😂 Also, I have some new shit on the go!
My links:
AO3 for all my fic - Patreon to support (but don't join right now, I'm on something of an unwilling writing hiatus) - Medium for original works
tumblrs: porn sideblog - personal sideblog
My main tags and warnings:
So you can search or filter as you need, details below the cut xx
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#chaosfic - my own writing.
#chaos answers and #chaos babbles - my ask replies or posts about my writing, fandom stuff, live read or watch reactions, and random thoughts.
#smut - explicit post content or link to a fic with explicit sexual content.
#(kink) - more hardcore than just smut, blanket tag for most kink, except for...
#omo - holding / wetting / desperation (it’s the pee content folks; and sometimes it's just #p/iss); and also...
#in/cest - pretty self-explanatory.
#its TMI time - real life sex and kink topics (whether my own or in an ask).
#dark fic - heavy non-con (the DDNE level stuff), or angsty/whumpy major character death, etc.
I tag posts by their fandom, and by ship and/or individual characters as applicable. I'm pretty good about tagging consistently for spoilers or by season / book / etc. when it's for newer stuff!
When it's not about #fandom, #writing, or #writer problems, I tag it as #random. Or #cats. I like cats. And also #polls.
Also, just FYI, I rarely bother using tumblr's mature content post thingy. I don't trust them not to just nuke anything helpfully self-flagged for Mature Themes one day 🙃
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Master Post
Updated: August 22, 2024
Hi there! Name's Percival. A newly spawned tickle blog :)
Masterlist of fics here. Ko-Fi below if you want to donate/tip; under "📢 Socials" !
This blog will feature mainly Genshin Impact and maybe other fandoms that I'm into. Most importantly, this is a tickle blog :) I'm in the Pacific Time Zone (PST), FYI.
If you are an artist and you see your artwork on any fics posted on my blog and want your art removed, let me know and I'll get on it right away.
Details about Me, Requests, Tags, Fandoms, Socials, and SFW/NSFW content below 👇
I'll be posting SFW and NSFW content here, but mainly SFW. NSFW content, will be tagged under, #into-the-deep. 
✒️ Writing Requests
I am taking requests, though Genshin Impact will take priority!  
📫 The Wind is Listening...
You can share/ask anything and I'm happy to reply. I am a shy person but I'm willing to get out of my comfort zone to make connections with you all :) 
📰 Master Tags
#percival fics - My writings (Formatted List here) #percival stuff - Life, rambles, and such #tkwriters fics - Ticking writers' writings #tickle headcanons - Tickling headcanons #tickle gallery - All tickling media not classified under other tags #non tk - Non-Tickling content #into-the-deep - NSFW content
❤️ Current Fandoms
Genshin Impact (Aether, Anemo Boys, Lyney, Gaming) Dr. Stone (Senku, Gen, and Chrome) Voltron: Legendary Defender (Keith & Lance)
✨ Other Fandoms
Free! (Rin & Haru) Haikyuu! Avatar the Last Airbender (Sokka & Zuko)
📢 Socials
All-In-One Link: aticklishpercivalwriter | Carrd.co Archive of Our Own (AO3): aticklishpercivalwriter | Archive of Our Own Ko-Fi (Tips/Donations): Support Percival on Ko-fi! | Ko-Fi Commission/Request Status: Personal Projects (notion.site) ->Images are random stock photos, only for aesthetics, no other purposes. Progress bar on projects aren't accurate too.
📓 Final Words
Can’t wait to chat with you all and become more involved with the community! 
If you want to learn more about me and the blog, go here :)
Plenty of tickles and laughs await you~
-Perz Risus Amoris
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
I actually really wanted someone to ask this question. I'll answer from two different POVs, a reader and a writer.
As a reader, something that turns me away from fics is punctuation/spacing. Something I learned in school was that every paragraph should be around 5-7 sentences. Obviously, with fiction writing, it's a little looser but try to steer clear from page-long paragraphs. They can be hard to keep up with, sometimes.
Usually, as long as it's nothing crazy, I look past spelling errors and stuff, but I personally use Grammarly (the free version) and just have it enabled on my laptop (it's also great for school papers if you're still in school, FYI). I honestly don't look over my writing more than once most of the time, but the big stuff is marked in red and I can usually catch it before posting.
Also, if you don't feel comfortable/don't want to swear in your work, just don't. I've seen some other people say similar things (and I don't see it nearly as often anymore) but when people use "#%@*(" instead of swearing it pulls me out of the fic. There's non-swears you can use as alternatives and they flow better in my opinion.
As a writer, I'd say don't force yourself to write things sequentially. A lot of the time when I get the initial idea for something, I write a scene and work my way around it. For Days Into Decades, I wrote my beginning, then wrote some nonsensical scene that'll end up as my ending, and did some big scenes scattered throughout as my middle. Now, I go back through my doc and reread what I've written to pick and choose what I want/don't want to use.
Also, don't write on social media when you're creating a post. What I mean, is use something like Google Docs, which saves automatically, in case your device crashes or lags and deletes everything. The amount of times I've flat-out rage quitted something because I've lost like 2k of thoughts is uncountable.
I really like Google Docs and work pretty much exclusively on there when working on my drafts. I'm bad at labeling my docs, but trying to work on it more given the sheer amount of 'untilted documents' I have to search through when I'm looking for a specific old project. It also just works well with what I'm using, because I have a Chromebook (mostly because it's the closest I could get to a Nokia-level of durability).
At the end of the day, what really helps is keeping with it. I cringe at the thought of this, but my OG fanfic was a PJO x Avengers Tower AU with my own OC named "Paxton, but everyone calls me Pax". It had clipart and I used Pic Collage and I had a linked Instagram filled with Batman memes. No part of it made sense and because I wrote on my (barely functioning) 2015 Samsung (in 2017) it was riddled with spelling errors and every other sentence was an Author's Note filled with random emoji's.
My writing compared to then, even compared to a year ago, has completely changed. I've probably written at least five pages a week since I was thirteen. Now, almost twenty, I feel really confident about my writing style and the things I publish. I also usually ask for comments so I can get feedback on what I've written (and because I really like talking).
If anyone has any specific questions or wants me to check out their work (doesn't have to even be fanfiction, or it can be for a fandom I've never even heard of) feel free to DM me. I'd be happy to check it out when I'm free.
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ashxketchum · 1 year
hey me again, no thanks i'll stay anon since mimato shippers are super aggressive and bitter. Guess i don't have the right to argue since i am anon, so i'll just say koumi, jyoumi, and michi are all good ships with great quality and not-usually pervy fanart, and yeah the mishirou account's doing too much but hey at least they've yet to start begging+spamming on twitter saying "fuck you toei", while tagging every digimon tag possible in both english and japanese for the whole fandom to see right?
You're literally coming into my inbox and insulting me and then telling me that Mimato shippers are bitter and aggressive?? We've been the most bullied side of the fandom for so long, of course, we don't tiptoe on eggshells anymore, if you come for us we will fight back!!
Do you even know what Taiora fandom pulled during Mimato Week last week? Do you know how many times we have to go into the Mimato tag and see people bashing the ship, how many fanarts/fanfics have been deleted from every fandom site because of hate comments and reviews? We've been backed into a corner for years, and now that we have created a fun space for ourselves you lot have to come in and invade whenever you see us doing events and such. We are not bitter and aggressive, we are tired of the bullshit way the fandom has treated us for so long, anyone would lose the patience to be nice after what we've endured.
And pervy fanart, lmao are you 10 years old???
Please, the correct term is NSFW and the site called Pixiv that you claimed is a win for Koumi post tonnes of NSFW art of Mimi with every character so I don't know how Mimato shippers doing the same makes us evil - oh wait! Your next statement explains it, Koumi event mod is in the wrong BUT we are further in the wrong by your standards! So no other shipping fandom stirring up shit has to answer to anything but Mimato shippers must control themselves lol! What happened to letting anyone ship whatever they want? And as far as the tagging Toei is concerned, EVERY single Non-So/ra/to shipper has done that at some point, brave of you to assume that it's only Mimato fandom doing that. And since you did bring up the Reboot yesterday, there was a aggressive S/ora/to/Ta/ka/ri account on twitter that sent death threats to the Digimon anime's official account in replies and qrt's almost every week while the series was airing. And fyi, tags are meant to be used the exact way you just mentioned 🤣 Everyone posts whatever they dislike about the series in the main tags, for example, the Tri slander has always been off the charts in the Tri tags. But again, I get it, this behaviour is wrong only when Mimato shippers do it right?
Now I understand why you're refusing to come off anon, because you're probably one of those preachy blogs in the fandom that says stuff like "i support all ships uwu no hate to anyone uwu" but doesn't actually support all ships. Because you will hold the ship you hate accountable for any tiny mistake they may make while let the behaviour of other shipping fandoms slip under the radar.
You have a lot of audacity to continue to stay anon and disrupt my day and demand justifications from me over your own perceptions and opinions. Very easy for you to get on with your reputation in the fandom despite being a full bitch, while I am viewed as the "bitter and aggressive" person because I don't take shit sitting down.
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bye-bye-firefly · 1 year
I’m really glad that ao3 doesn’t have an actual pro-ai policy at the moment! I’m planning on doing some research on what Unseeliekey brought up just to at least understand what he’s talking about. I was honestly really confused and freaked out reading what he was saying. But yeah, I’m sad too. You’ve got the right to remain right here with me and it’s a little more fun when I’m with you are two of the fics that made me not only get pretty into Saiou but also made me more attached to DR and into reading fanfiction in general. And it’s just like really upsetting to see something that had that much of an effect on me be gone and know that not everyone who is in the fandom or will get into the fandom will be able to see that.
I also really hope that there’s some sort of way to glaze works too. Making stuff inaccessible to guests is always sad. When I first started reading fanfiction I was a guest and like a lot of people don’t use accounts for various reasons and it’s just sad to think about account locked stuff. And it would be so nice if the ais would just Not. Like why can’t they???? Why???
Anyway, right now I don’t think there’s any full proof, everyone will be able to be happy way to prevent the ai scraping but I’m sure you’ll figure something out that’ll be alright for at least what can be done at the moment. Your works are very cool. I really, really love them. They bring me lots of joy. Thank you for all the joy. It’s super awesome.
okay this is a REALLY long answer because i went on a whole rant so im going to cut this for people who are just scrolling normally. but also im totally going to put this into my pinned tag
a lot of what was said was like. Half true. my counterpoint to him saying that ao3 supports cp or rape or sexual assault is that no matter where you go on the internet, you will find shit like that. EVERYWHERE. ao3 doesnt support it i really seriously doubt that anyone outside of those spaces supports shit like that but ao3 is an ARCHIVE. and when you put things in the archive, you are allowed to submit whatever the fuck you want. setting rules on what could be put into the archive automatically means that other fics, which explore the topic in a critical, non-fetishistic way, are ALSO up to scrutiny. fics that explore the psyche of trauma victims? they might not be allowed. regular degular fetish content, no minors involved? completely up to scrutiny. im really not a fan of censorship OR some of the shit on the internet, but i can only control ONE THING and thats what i allow myself to see. i really dont like people saying that ao3 deserves to be taken down because of that because then that would mean twitter deserves to go down, social media as a whole deserves to go down, and just generally i dont trust people who push the "think of the CHILDREN" argument. you see republicans push that when theyre trying to ban trans or gay people out of existence so INSTANTLY alarm bells start going off in my head, not to imply that i think every single person who pushes that argument in this context is republican or right-wing. just bothers me and looks like a red flag
and to instantly get it out of the way im not involved in the fucking proship/anti discourse that whole distinction feels like destruction of critical thinking antis are often puritanicals and would kill me if they saw what i write in nameless and gasp at published books that delve into topics they think are off limits and many of the proshippers ive come across are weirdos who think that its totally normal to write romance between minors and adults in a positive light like its NORMAL and that we shouldnt think less of people who do that but fyi i am totally thinking less of people who do that and im totally thinking less of people who hate me for writing my unhealthy/toxic/abusive/codependent relationships that dont even fetishise those kinds of relationships like GET OVER IT!!!! BE NORMAL!!! GO OUTSIDE LICK A DOORKNOB KISS A GIRL DO SOMETHING!!!!!
if there is ever any advice i can give to people its to form your own opinions and dont try to put a strict solid label on your opinion because sometimes you will betray your label and youll think to yourself "am i even really that thing......." people are complex and hold many different opinions that sometimes contradict one another and thats fine. logic your shit out dont fall for charming little labels that pin you strictly on one side of an argument it makes you less likely to actually reach a point where you have a strong opinion that makes sense AND can compromise and thus bring someone more onto your side. forever
ANYWAY YEAH! i settled on making it so my osomatsu san fics go account only on the 20th and then also some of my older danganronpa single chapters go account only with them, but the multichapters im currently working on will go account only when theyre finished, with exceptions for when theres rumours going around of a scrape. makes me so oo oodofooafgofjgj mad GRRAAGGHGHGGHG
but thank you i am glad to bring joy to people's lives. readers and comments bring me a ton of joy and im glad that i can give that back to everyone ^_^ i seriously cannot thank readers and commenters enough like i never feel like i get it across well enough how grateful i am for everyone who reads my stories and gives me kudos and the people who comment like. it brings me so much joy that i cannot properly verbalise EVER
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jackmichaela · 3 months
a) i am dyyyying to know what the anon you’re not here for was, just like — broad strokes? i’m just nosy, it’s fine if you do not wish to say.
b) i am INQUIRING WITHIN. i.e., which kinks would you not be here for in a kink discovery fic?
a) ah I won’t be coy, I didn’t publish the ask cuz it had someone’s account in it and I don’t want that kind of stuff when I doubt the sincerity of the “accusation” against them - I’m not gonna add to a pile on regarding ships, I’m too old to join in random drama I’m not involved in and you couldn’t pay me to go on 911twitter. (This is a lie, I went on 911 Twitter for a few minutes and it seems like far too much work, the gotchas are constant!)
b) regarding kinks, I have varied tastes and I’ve discovered that kink discovery itself as a trope can get me hooked on stuff that wouldn’t strike my fancy otherwise! So the squicks (bring back this term plz, fyi it just means stuff that someone personally doesn’t like with no judgement intended) would be the hardcore stuff like non-con, scat, vore.
I have a long discussion that I kinda want to go into here cuz I don’t really have the chance to get into this normally!
Ask addressed, me yapping below ⬇️
(Kink talk and how it relates to fandom age! If anyone wants to chat about this I am so down, message me!)
So the 911 fandom seems to be pretty young, and new to fandom in a lot of ways - and we see that in the variations of fic found, the amount of crossovers, the kink fics and the variety of ships - I think there’s like 3 authors currently writing watersports (piss kink) and I’m not sure how many if any who (currently) write harder kinks like CNC (consensual non consent). We’re seeing a little boom of rarepairs now which is exciting! Obvs none of this is a judgement just as an observation.
So the things I typically say are a harder kink are probably quite a lot harder to some in the 911 fandom than an older fandom (older in fans and older as in has been around longer). I’m not an expert by any means and I’d say I know a little bit about a lot of things, rather than a lot about certain things.
I will just say that we’re playing with dolls here, and going by the fandom response to canon gay/bi men talking superficially about sex - not great - that writing darker fic in this fandom probably isn’t appealing to a lot of writers.
BUT I for one would love to see it. Let’s get some Hannibal au’s in here, there’s a murder!buddie au I think that sounds exciting - a lot of kink and themes in fanfic writing is hinged on the world you put it in, so a fantasy world is ripe for monsterfucking and curses etc and a real life setting in canon encourages real life fic generally - this with the younger fandom who may actually be in their first fandom kinda limits the bounds in which fanon operates. As fandom grows we see other influences join the fanfic space, other fanon tropes are explored etc. The “peer review” aspect of fandom also becomes IMO better, in that we get more minority peers who we (hopefully and thoughtfully, come on 911 fandom we got this) learn from. Racism is a long time issue in fandom that we gotta be aware of, yes we’re playing with dolls BUT we don’t wanna hurt the people we are playing dolls with, right? The dolls aren’t real but we are.
Oops this is really long and I don’t really regret it, thanks for the ask anon, I (obvs) like talking about this stuff!
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caldybclader · 10 months
introduction post
hi my name is cal but you can also call me june or acer, i'm currently 14 years old and i come from poland
i like homestuck, 31 minutos and some other stuff
he/him they/them she/her + neos
shoutouts to my friend who is kind of like the tulio to my policarpo (ok what did i just write here LMAO i spoke some secret code here probably)
ah the childlike wonder of discovering the color function
Q&A about my ask box:
"do you take art requests?" no sorry
"can i talk with you through asks?" use dms lmao but i don't think i'll use them
"who is the capara sonia rq person?" well i don't know myself but they go around asking 31 minutos fandom artists to draw capara sonia with specific stuff like no shell, boxers, snail friend etc.
-Ń$FW, Pr0shitp, 101ic0n, 1nc35t, ź00ph1l1a, overall any [non-consenting/illegal]ph1l1a or anything else disgusting
-any f37ish accounts
-idk insert basic criteria here
fyi i will also block if i overall feel uncomfy
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22degreehalo · 2 years
I’m have thoughts. About Supernatural. And queerbaiting. In 2022.
But. Consider this:
* People who get really really into fandom and ships are inordinately likely to be queer. But also are inordinately likely to be autistic.
* Supernatural has a specific reason to be appealing to autistic fans due to Castiel being heavily autistic coded, an interpretation which was explicitly supported by Misha Collins.
* But also Supernatural, being a long-running serialised speculative fiction show with heavy latent continuity, is also just inherently very appealing to fandomy autistics.
* Supernatural heavily heavily blends lines between fandom and canon in ways that heavily encourage those fandomy behaviours - that’s one of the reasons it got so popular among that crowd!
* But also like. Supernatural would REALLY encourage those behaviours. Like, they literally had a twitter account for the set design crew!! Who’d tweet stuff like ‘can anyone tell us what previous episode this wallpaper came from?’ to enforce to the fandom that they were paying attention to this stuff and that it could be important!!
* The backlash against Supernatural largely became ‘stupid delusional fangirls convinced they’re seeing something that was never there (when good represetation is right over here)’.
* Said backlash coincided chronologically with the mainstreaming of fandom and the rise in more neurotypical-normative fandom.
* All of this allowed Supernatural to wash its hand of any part in any of this because lol, people were literally saying Destiel would be canon because of the colour of the lights on the wall!! That is obviously Insane obsessive shut-in behaviour!!
Put all together: in queerbaiting their queer audience by putting in hints that they never intended to follow up on, were they also exploiting a largely autistic audience?
As someone who never intended to buy into Supernatural... I have literally never encountered any place as absolutely batshit for autistic brains as it. People would literally write tens of thousands of words speculating on the implications of a one-off line of dialogue about an in-universe AU and what it means for the person who wrote that in-universe AU!! And I ate it all up!! I gorged myself on that shit!!! It was some kind of actual drug for pattern-seeking autistics and I felt half manic the entire time!!!
And when I think on it. I doubt the Supernatural creators, like, actually fully understood what they were doing, there. But they were obviously aware they had a legion of ‘obsessive fangirls’ who’d read that kinda stuff into it.
And did they... take advantage of that? Feeding those hints in, and encouraging fans to care about them in language they’d understand? Knowing fully well that to non-fans - or even to other kinds of fans - who can’t imagine the mentality, that this would all seem totally bonkers?
(And like, fyi: Castiel being autistic never got any kind of like official word, either. Stretching the term in ways I don’t necessarily agree with, that could be considered ‘neurodivergentbaiting’, too. But I’ve noticed fandom extremely eager to denounce any meaning in autistic representation unless representation more personal to them is also met - see someone on reddit yesterday who was really angry about Newt Scamander being autistic because he’s just ‘the classic super smart straight white guy’ as though characters like that are in any remote way common, anyway. Or Overwatch fans totally overlooking Symmetra, an Autistic dark-skinned Indian woman, because nothing means anything until the game introduces a [neurotypical?] black woman.)
Either way I think this pretty much sums up why the backlash to Supernatural fans pisses me off so much. It wasn’t ~fans being crazy~. I mean, the fans were right, in the end - Castiel was in love with Dean all along. But because the relationship was foreseen and enjoyed through largely autistic perspectives, it was seen as invalid. Meanwhile, queer representation that offers little for autistics - that is very mundane and straightforward, with Normal-acting ‘realistic’ characters, which match their idea of what ‘ordinary queer people’ act like, are heralded as the only correct form of representation.
In saying all this, perhaps discussions of queer rep in fandom have leaned too heavily autistic-normative in the past - it’s true that neurotypical fans are much less likely to look up information about the characters and so hear author’s words about their sexualities, for example. But I don’t think this total shift the other way is good, either.
#oh god now I'm having thoughts like 'was queer rep supported more in non-human creatures such as aliens in the past'#'because autistic fans are more likely to find non-human characters relatable in general anyway'#cant believe that me just trying to imagine some way to explain to the new person at my friends' board game nights#who is openly queer and to whom I joked recently I wish we were still in the timeline where Putin resigned cause Destiel went canon :/#only for them to start absolutely HOOTING in a way that made me suddenly self-conscious about liking supernatural#that I did and in many ways still do in fact supernatural#lead to me having some kinda epiphany abt the shift in preceptions of queerbaiting by fandom audiences happening bc of fandom audiences#becoming much more neurotypical normative than they had previously been#OH MY GOD I JUST REMEMBERED#yknow the whole anti thing of like 'these sex-obsessed fetishising fujoshis who see yaoi everywhere'#one time someone brought that up on twitter and I wrote a common sorta off the top of my head#suggesting that those are neurotypical fans who don't understand special interests/hyperfixations etc.#and that they're unusually likely to see m/m as a target because queer women in fandom are inordinately likely to be NT#because they have other reasons to come to fandom (i.e. lack of community IRL and needing to make their own queer rep)#so you get all these queer nt women interacting with each other and looking over at the autistics over there#and that's what they conclude#anyway uh hmm. lots of. thoughts today huh.
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cescalr · 3 years
Stranger Things! <3
I was waiting for this one!!!! Pal this is my MOST controversial and I don't like Sterek or Drarry or Stony aj;lsakgj;aslg. I'm going to make some people despise me <3 always love to do that (I don't. I'm not actually this pugnacious i just do it for the Joke lets all get along pls it's just fiction!! just fiction!!). I specifically hope you don't hate me though <3
put a fandom in my ask and i’ll answer:
otp - platonic stobin my beloved <3 but if I have to go romantic for this one probably Boyce. Bob :(((((((((( [also this is not to say I don't like jopper. I just. Miss Bob :( and with the introduction of bob and the change in Joyce/Hopper's dynamic from s1-3 I just... ship it less than I did originally.)
favourite canon pairing - Boyceeeeeeeeee
worst pairing ever - ALWAYS AND FOREVER WHAT THE FUCK THEY WERE DOING WITH KAREN AND BILLY. and Stoncy/Harringrove depends on the day. Mostly Harringrove though. Stancy just makes me personally very Sad (for Steve, fyi) and Stonathan,,,, eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh- (I just. Don't see Stonathan working At All; steve felt bad, he was apologising, that was the reason for the camera - he wanted to right a wrong he did (and he did do a wrong - not in breaking the camera - but in being homophobic and crude and verbally cruel and provoking a fight etc) and we know Stancy doesn't work - so where does Stoncy come from? it's an extrapolated distaste.)
guilty pleasure pairing - eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh this one might actually get me mauled so I'm. going to just. link that and move on. I'll explain more in DMs if anyone wants an in-depth discussion about it because I totally understand the reticence behind not being cool with that sort of thing, but I would like to explain myself somewhat more than that post does.
a pairing you want to see more - anything with Steve/some random person from another series because nobody in canon fits him help my boy out pls (I also mean series I know something about bc. literally what even is DBD. other than terrifying)
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” - mileven lol
favorite non-romantic pair - stobin!!!! abso-positively-lutely!!! also like. mileven. lol. just the kids have such good friendships with each other. Lumax works well and I can totally see why people ship byler. but I just... they're kids? so... rather just keep it on the downlow and focus on platonic stuff s1-3. won't be as weird in s4 methinks. Just personally speaking I was that kid who found it Super Weird people were dating in primary school and just. did not I refused to date anyone in high school. I just don't think people are ready at those ages for romance... I don't know. It's a big commitment and kids can't do long-term decision making skills. and i get you can have totally casual relationships - lumax reads as a very teenagery relationship which is why i think it works - but mileven is just... too serious. it's too much for their stage. Hopper's like... not entirely wrong lakjsg;lskajdg;laskjdg but you know.
#st#just imo most of the cast are kids so i find it hard to like... consider shipping. as a thing. i totally get byler tho there's like just#massive fucking rainbow flags everywhere around that dynamic#literally too#alsng;laskg not flags but. drawings and shit. framing. look at the scenes. dialogue paralleism. crazy is love / we'll go crazy together / o#nly a love makes you that crazy sweetheart#(that was there for stancy too btw.#only a love makes you that crazy sweetheart / are you crazy / and that damned stupid / you're an idiot steve harrington /#you're so beautiful nancy wheeler / you're beautiful when you lie#etc etc etc#steve absolutely was in love with nancy. but she was never in love with him. she was in lust with him lmao and then ditched him funky times#I also don't. really like jonathan or nancy. so it colours my opinions on their ships.#for the record i don't like jancy either. like they're not good for each other if i'm frank#first rule: don't date your stalker. at least teen wolf knew how to portray stalkers properly smh#second rule; he's a bit shit in s3 re; sexism. so that's not cool.#but also she just. literally never listens to him. it's All About Nancy. so that's not good either#idk. idk idk.#anyways.#also like i feel for Billy. but i also can recognise that he's a total piece of shit. like these can coexist. like he's abused yes but he's#also racist at the very least and i read a fair bit of his actions and dialogue as homophobic as well. and there's the abuse he doles out#on max.#so that's not good. at all.#idk it's like. hargrove is.... not that complicated but also quite complex. like it's a common character type. it's a character that was#complex the first few times and just became. like. standard.#idk. he's dead anyway so w/ver#neil tho. neil fucking sucks. kill that bastard rn#OH ALSO. KAREN. FUCKING KAREN 'EPHEBOPHILE' WHEELER. FUCK HER. nonce.#her and her friends at the pool. all nonces. very bad and awful.#don't like that pervy cougar shit. thanks.#billy 17. more than half her age. calm the fuck down Karen and go home. go the fuck home.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
With the Tom Taylor stuff, they released a new Batgirl costume for Babs again (different anon then before though so hopefully same issue). People are mad because, well, it's abelist. Especially because like it feels like they've been teasing/foreshadowing her becoming Oracle again (ie. noting that she shouldn't be hopping from roofs, I mean Dick adopted a three-legged dog for Christ's sake). It really seems like the perfect time for the magic disability curing chip to die, and instead they come out with this? Disappointing. Rude. Especially rude because the new costume was announced on the first day of disability pride month, and he's responded by saying - but oh look, here's a back brace on the part of the suit behind the cape. Not a good look imo.
Idk how many people would have to agree on making Babs truly paraplegic again for it to happen? Like would something like this be up to editorial, or could Tom as the writer have enough sway to make it happen? I know the original decision was ten years ago, and Didio has (thank the lord) been fired since then, as has Harras, and I've heard there's been creative turnover as well. Since you've been in the fandom for a while, do you know who else we should be pressuring?
Its literally something that only editorial and higher will ever have decision-making control over.
I can tell you that while Gail Simone was the one who initially wrote the story where Babs returned to being Batgirl - and considering that a lot of Gail's own work was instrumental in fleshing out Babs as Oracle to the degree that she was - what I can say there is that Gail was not actually a fan of the decision to make Babs Batgirl again herself.
It was 100% a decision made by the higher-ups during the initial Reboot discussions, and I do know that a number of creatives, both writers and artists, voiced their protest to the decision at the time - though I can't speak to who exactly did so and who didn't.
Gail has however expressed that she went back and forth a lot on her decision to write Babs becoming Batgirl again, because she really was not comfortable with it at all, but that ultimately the reason she did decide to do it was because it was made clear to her by the higher-ups that they were asking her to write it out of respect to the work she'd done with Oracle previously - but whether she accepted or not, they were going to go forward with it, even if with another writer.
So ultimately, she's said she only decided to take on the story herself because she could at least try to make it as aware of Babs' time as Oracle and what she represented as Oracle as possible, whereas she had no control over if DC went to another writer whose approach to it was basically to magically handwave Babs being 'cured' and being ecstatically happy about it.
Please note, I'm not trying to speak to her choice there or argue for it or against it, I'm simply trying to repeat what I know of her stated perspective on it, as the writer who actually 'did it.'
My point just being that it wasn't a decision made at a creator level at all, and DC was more than ready to go around one of the writers most closely identified with Babs in her Oracle identity, as well as a number of others who were against it, though again I don't know how many or whom specifically.
I honestly don't see any guarantee they'd be more accommodating of any writers today trying to convince them to do it. So while I don't think voicing concerns over disabled representation to writers is ever a wasted effort, I don't see it accomplishing anything here in specific. If any movement is going to be made on this matter, its only going to be done through keeping the subject centered in the awareness of the higher-ups, so basically any editors with a social media presence.
Unfortunately, options are very limited there (I'm not really on twitter these days so I don't really know what editors are even around there, currently), but yeah, in the interest of prioritizing time and spoons, and concentrating efforts.....this is one of those situations where the writers themselves are simply the go-betweens and the only even potentially effective appeals are going to be those made at the editorial level and higher. (Higher being those at the publishing exec and board of directors level, but I wouldn't know where to even begin looking for those particular names).
Sorry I can't be more help!
(Also, just FYI in general on this matter:
For the record, I do try to be very....'light' about expressing my opinions when it comes to Babs' disability, because I do not trust myself to have the necessary objectivity. I have a physical disability that greatly impacts my way of living and has for five years, but in ways not remotely interchangeable with Babs. Additionally, mine does have a surgical treatment that would allow me to resume my original way of living without significant deviations from it, and its a treatment I still am working towards and hope to get in the near future. So I definitely have opinions on physical ableism in society and how I've even been impacted by such things myself, but I've also never viewed or even approached my own situation or disability through the lens of it being lifelong.
So I'm kinda 'thematically' somewhat in a position that has nuances relevant to the conversations at hand and the 'choices' being thrown around in-universe IF and only if such things were subject to 'real world rules' and self-autonomous choices rather than being ruled by the whims of editors with agendas and biases of their own. All of which makes me uncomfortable weighing in too heavily on this subject because I'm a naturally opinionated person, and I have a tendency to center my own experiences in online debates simply because they're the only ones I can actually speak to, particularly in non-monolithic situations like this one where even people with broadly shared marginalizations have opinions that differ in degrees both large and small.
My own disability really brought to light for me that I had a LOT of pre-existing ableism myself that I'm still unpacking five years in, and frankly I just don't trust myself to be able to tell the difference between opinions I express on this subject as a kind of unconscious wish fulfillment, ableism-still-in-need-of-further-unpacking, and even subconscious overcompensation for my own ableism based on addressing current issues I have born of impostor syndrome. Its a whole mess up here in terms of ableism discussions, so if you don't see me weighing in on the Babs matter much elsewhere, that's why.
Personally, I always write Babs as Oracle and physically disabled, even in Reboot-era stuff, and I’m fairly sure I always will - so don’t get me wrong, I have a very clear stance on that front because I'm never on board with erasing, mitigating or invalidating previous representation....that isn’t my issue here at all, its more just wading into arguments for and against undoing the chip storyline that I hesitate to do. I know my stance - I just don’t trust myself to argue it in the right ways or for the right reasons.
Just know its not because I'm oblivious to it, that I approve of DC's decisions here or how their various creatives reply to criticism of it, or because I don't have opinions myself......but my own view of things is too constantly shifting in my own life for me to be comfortable contributing any lasting voice to these discussions, at least where I'm at right now. I'm not good at speaking softly if I feel a need to speak up at all, but I don't believe in speaking loudly when I can't even be sure for myself that I can commit 100% to what I voice...and even more importantly in my mind, WHY I voice it).
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