#this is a very normal and well adjusted thing to do while drinking after work
lgbttruther · 10 months
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #49
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 9.3k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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Taehyung's ability to persuade you to do things you normally don't feel like doing still amazes you. You've no idea how the man does it but he surely has his ways. In your defense, you didn't let yourself be persuaded quickly.
"I'm not going to a bar on Sunday, Taehyung."
That's what you told him when he suddenly came up with an idea to go out in the evening. He had decided not to go home after breakfast, not that you minded his company. Not at all. Jungkook was busy finishing your bed after breakfast while you and Taehyung watched movies the entire day. It was a calm day – until Taehyung's extrovertness and need to go out came up to the surface.
"Relax, you're not getting drunk."
So the next ten minutes were spent with his attempts of getting you to agree to his plan, involving Jungkook as soon as he came up from the office room – which is going to be your room as well from now.
"We are just going to hang out."
"Come on. Jimin bailed on me and I'm lonely."
Just a glimpse of what he said to make you finally agree.
In the end, Jungkook agreed as well and offered to be the driver.
"I can't believe he made us go out on Sunday." you comment with a mutter under your breath, glancing down at your already finished drink.
Going to a local bar is what you mean.
Jungkook glances at you, arm outstretched behind your seat as he grins. "You're acting as if it's the first time that has happened."
Well, he has a point. 
Taehyung scoffs, reminding you that he has heard you perfectly as he sits on the opposite side of you and Jungkook, adjusting the button-up Jungkook has borrowed him since he barged in wearing pajamas last night. He actually borrowed a whole outfit from Jungkook which seems kind of weird, because he looks like Jungkook. Minus the face and tattoos of course, but still. Their fashion style is kind of different, not totally but seeing Jungkook in that button-up before and now Taehyung wearing it is... interesting and odd.
Not that it doesn't suit him. Taehyung usually wears similar clothes when going out at night. It's the fact those clothes are Jungkook's but well, he looks good in them. The looks Taehyung gets from the women in this bar just proves that.
"Oh please, what were you two about to do on a Sunday anyway?" Taehyung raises his eyebrows at you lazily, "Fuck behind everyone's back?" he laughs, your entire face heating up as his name leaves your mouth in a hushed exclamation.
"Probably." Jungkook shrugs, not letting Taehyung get to him as you give him a look but he looks relaxed and not very bothered by your friend's jab.
The little twitch in the corner of his lips tells you last night has crossed his mind.
"Relax, I'm just joking," Taehyung rolls his eyes at you, "Is it really that bad to hang out with me?" Taehyung asks with a glare and edge to his voice, but looking at him you realize how the undertone of his question is plainly just sad and you immediately feel bad.
"No, Tae, that's not what I meant," you assure him, shaking your head as you prop your elbows on the table and lean closer to him. "It's just, it's Sunday and I have work tomorrow. All of us do actually. I don't want to go to sleep too late and then having to deal with Junho's annoying ass the whole next day. Plus, I can't get drunk."
It's not like you haven't done it before. It's not that big of a problem to be honest.
Everyone knows you want to get a good amount of sleep before having to wake up early in the morning. It's just how you prefer to do things and thanks to your friends, you get a good amount of clubbing and hanging out in public places a lot.
"Nobody is getting drunk. We are just having a few good drinks and that's it."
But you should've known to never trust him when it comes to drinking and having fun.
With more drinks on your and Taehyung's part, Jungkook gladly sticking to coke, the evening started to get more relaxed in terms of you relaxing and sharing a good laugh with your friends. Suddenly, getting more drinks didn't sound so bad and once Taehyung suddenly came up with another plan of visiting a nearby club, surprisingly you already stood up ready to go.
You're nowhere near dressed appropriately for a club. Just a pair of dark jeans, a nice top and heels – not your average good outfit but you don't care.
Not even when Jungkook reminds you of your work tomorrow, not very sold on the idea of going clubbing on Sunday night as you and Taehyung both wave him off. Sighing, he still joins you – not that he has a choice since he is both your driver.
It doesn't even make sense. You only go to the club to get more drinks which you could've happily got in the bar. Club is loud, full of people and stinky but in your drunken state, it seems like the most logical and greatest idea. You blame it on Taehyung.
You and Taehyung dance through a few songs though, something you wouldn't be able to do in a bar. Jungkook watches you two the entire night like a parent, and if you weren't so drunk you would feel bad for him having to stick to his non-alcoholic drinks while he babysits not only you but Taehyung as well.
He happily reminds you he's okay and doesn't want to get drunk, every time you drunkenly sit back down into the booth and pout at him.
"You're drunk," Jungkook comments, chuckling as his thumb brushes against the corner of your lips as you give him a lazy grin. "You should take it slow." he reminds you softly, snorting when you take a sip of your drink, ignoring his words.
You sheepishly grin at him, sitting back which happens to be on Jungkook's side as you cuddle up to him. Taehyung currently flirts with one of the women, which is also the reason you joined Jungkook because he shooed you away as soon as she approached you and him. Idiot.
However, he doesn't bail on you and joins you shortly after.
Jungkook reminds you two to stop drinking so much every few minutes but just like always, you both wave him off.
"Sober people are always annoying when others are drinking." Taehyung comments and you start giggling like it's the funniest thing he could've said right after Jungkook has scolded him for ordering another round of drinks.
"This sober annoying person is driving you home." Jungkook reminds him with a grumble, your giggling continuing.
To Jungkook's luck, you decide to end the night when you start getting tipsy, almost falling asleep on Jungkook's chest while Taehyung looks like he has had enough – equally getting tired and too drunk to barely stand on his feet.
How he manages to get you two in his car is beyond him, but he's glad when you're both seated in the back as he drives through the night to his apartment. Taehyung's car is in a parking lot in front of Jungkook's building, so there's no way he's driving him home. Also, he is drunk and doesn't want to waste time driving him home, having to actually get him to up his floor and apartment.
It's not like it's a bother to him for Taehyung to spend a night over. At least he is not left with blue balls this time.
"Well--this is new," Taehyung slurs drunkenly in the back, your head that's been leaned against the window lazily turns to him as you questionably look at him. "I haven't even kissed anyone tonight."
You snort, giggling. "Is that a bad thing?"
"No, it's just weird." he giggles to himself as you join him.
"You know what's weird?" you ask, pointing at your outfit as Taehyung cocks his head at you. "This outfit."
You both cackle right after, causing Jungkook to roll his eyes at the two of you and what a hangover you two are about to have. The last time you were even similarly drunk to your current state was at the New Year's Eve trip – something that's hard to forget.
"Nah, you look good." Taehyung murmurs, his words coming out as snort as he starts drifting away but your voice shakes him out of it.
"You really think so?"
You sound so hopeful and light, causing Jungkook to stifle back a laugh as Taehyung encouragingly nods like the supporting friend he is.
"No, you're just saying that because you're my friend." you grumble sadly as Taehyung drunkenly tries to reach towards you but ends up almost slapping you in the face which causes you to click your tongue at him in annoyance.
"No, I'm not!" he argues childishly as you cross your arms over your chest, not even caring your top makes your breasts almost spill out of it with how low it is tugged by your arms.
"You are!"
"No, you idiot!"
"I'm not an idiot!"
Taehyung sighs, fighting back the need to just close his eyes and sleep. "You are hot."
"You mean it?" you pout again, staring hopefully at drunk Taehyung but you're not the one to talk, looking just as hammered.
"Yeah!" Taehyung exclaims enthusiastically, "I would totally go for you if you were a stranger."
"You would?"
Jungkook listens to the absurd conversation, silently counting down the minutes to his apartment building. Why the fuck you sound so happy? 
"Yeah!" he exclaims again, burping right after as you giggle. "I would totally kiss you tonight if you weren't my friend."
"Kiss me?"
Oh fuck, you're so drunk. You even sound interested knowing the thought of kissing one of your friends – excluding Jungkook of course – is like kissing your brother. But this doesn't even cross your mind.
"Mhm, you wanna kiss?" Taehyung proposes, drunkenly sending you a crooked grin as he leans towards you while you sit behind Jungkook's seat, grinning at him just as much.
Why not? What could go wrong?
You both start to lean closer to each other, pursing your lips like little kids do but before you can even get any closer, the car comes to an abrupt stop which almost makes you both fly through windshield if it weren't for the seatbelt Jungkook has so kindly put on both of you.
Before Taehyung can even open his mouth, taking him too long to realize what has just happened, Jungkook is out of his seat as the door on Taehyung's side is pushed open.
"Yah, what the fuck man?" Taehyung complains, slurring his words as Jungkook takes off his seatbelt and pulls him out of his seat.
Taehyung complains the whole time, your drunk mind having a hard time comprehending what is happening until Taehyung sits in a passenger seat, Jungkook clicking on his seatbelt with a frown before the door is shut.
You blink confusingly at the back, your stomach feeling funny from the harsh stop you just made as you're trying not to throw up.
"You're both so fucking wasted." Jungkook mutters under his breath, putting the car into drive fastly.
You both fall asleep for the rest of the ride, Taehyung waking up just as Jungkook parks in an underground garage where he only recently bought a parking spot. He already looks as if he can't remember a thing, blinking as he watches his surroundings with sleepy and bloodshot eyes – Jungkook chuckles once he notices Taehyung's dumbfounded expression.
Getting him out of the car is just as hard as he expected, Taehyung barely able to stand on his feet while Jungkook scolds him to at least try and stand for a solid minute while he tries to get you out of the car.
Taehyung leans against his car, palms messily outstretched on its windows as he leaves handprints all over it and Jungkook has to take a deep breath. Opening the door on your side, you're already sleeping with your head and neck in an uncomfortable position.
You're so out of it, he thinks as he tries to wake you up. Brushing a few strands of your hair off your face, he gently calls out your name while he shakes your shoulder but you murmur something under your breath, trying to swat his hand off.
Sighing, he grunts once he sneaks his arms around your frame and tries to take you into his arms. With your lack of response and difficult position it's not easy but eventually he successfully manages to pull you out, holding you bridal style as he shuts the car door with his hip.
"Why don't I get such a privilege?" Taehyung pouts, slurring once he notices you in Jungkook's arms while he's scared to let go of the car, guessing he won't be able to hold himself on his feet for long.
"Because you're heavy and my size," Jungkook answers nonchalantly, telling him to at least try holding his forearm, so he doesn't fall.
Carrying you in his arms with Taehyung attached to his side is even more difficult but by the time you make it into the elevator, he promises himself not to ever listen to you or Taehyung's drunk ideas.
Fortunately for Jungkook and his sake, Taehyung finds his way to the couch and even though Jungkook had to scold him to take off his shoes before he enters his home any further, he slouches himself on the couch and falls asleep right away.
Jungkook manages to put you into your newly assembled bed and fresh sheets. The bed fits into his office room but with the lack of space, one side has to be pressed against the wall and it looks a little bit awkward but it's not like it's important.
While Jungkook is taking your shoes off, you start to shift on your spot as your eyes open with a few lazy blinks as you look around. It's funny watching you trying to figure out where you are, until you spot Jungkook's desk and computer before Jungkook himself stares at you with a tiny amused grin.
You suddenly pat your face, gasping. "My make-up."
For fuck sake, Jungkook thinks as he sighs and is ready to try to convince you to take it off tomorrow because he doesn't have the energy to get you to the bathroom and take it off for you while you will keep dozing off. He doesn't really need you falling and hitting your head or something. Why can't you just lay down and sleep like Taehyung does? 
You're already standing up before Jungkook can somehow convince you to go to sleep either way, and he quickly pushes you back to bed. "Alright, alright, I'll be right here. Just wait."
A tiny part of him, okay actually a big one, hopes by the time he comes back you'll be already asleep but of course, it wouldn't be you if you listened to his never spoken pleas. He finds you staring at the ceiling with a lazy look, your eyes fighting for some sleep but you remain awake, looking at Jungkook who sits on the edge of bed.
He takes off your make-up, careful not to be too harsh with his movements. He brought way more make-up wipes than it's needed and if you were observant enough, you would definitely scold him for wasting your wipes like that.
Luck is on his side and you remain oblivious to the unnecessary waste but in his defense, he wants to make sure all of your make-up is gone and you won't curse him the first thing in the morning if you had panda eyes or new break-outs. Honestly, he thinks you would curse him out even if you hadn't any of those, just the thought of going to sleep with your make-up on would be a good reason for you to scold him.
He can't help but chuckle at his thoughts – at the sight of you who has a lazy smile spreaded on your lips.
"Did I really kiss Taehyung?" you suddenly ponder quietly, eyes slowly opening as you try to locate Jungkook ones.
"You almost did." Jungkook answers, gently rubbing the make-up wipe on your chin.
"Oh," you let out, surprised that it wasn't a figment of your drunken imagination. "Wow."
Jungkook glances at you for a second, eyes flickering to your astonished expression before he goes back to his task. "Yeah," he mumbles, "Didn't know you had a thing for Taehyung."
He knows you don't – that's why his tone comes out more light as he lightly jokes.
"I don't," you reply,  "I mean... What's wrong about kissing another friend of mine?" you joke back, snorting at your joke while he frowns.
But he remains silent, not even sure what to say to that because you're clearly drunk. Sober you would be freaked out at the thought of kissing him.
"Jimin has a girlfriend now, so I can't kiss him too."
An audible but slight snort leaves Jungkook's mouth as you continue with your joking.
"Well, too bad it's only us guys." Jungkook jokes, your grin falling off your face immediately as he puts the last make-up wipe onto the floor before he informs you he's done, but that goes unnoticed by you as you sit up.
"What do you mean by that?" you ask, frowning as he catches you by your forearm when you totter and almost fall back. "You would kiss other girls?"
Jungkook tries to stifle back a laugh as your hardened and serious face is not too hard to miss.
"Weren't you about to kiss Taehyung?" he points out, still joking of course but in your current state you can't seem to notice the slightest twitch of his lips or the way he bites into the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from laughing.
This is actually interesting, he thinks, obviously he is just joking and it's not because he can't imagine having another woman or women in your small friends group of four. It's because he's already risking too much by being this close to you – but he purposely pushes any doubts and fears away – he surely wouldn't risk any other friendship by just kissing his friends.
Lifting your hand up, you sloppily trace his lips while he stares at you amusingly as you seem too deep in your thoughts. "Your lips are mine to kiss." you tell him, grinning drunkenly at him and he bites back a laugh, rubbing his nose to hide his grin instead.
"Yeah?" he chuckles and you give him one stiff nod.
"Yeah," you confirm, "I'm not allowing any other girls in our group."
"Alright," Jungkook finally laughs, nodding as he stands up and ushers you to lay back down. "You're the boss here."
Again, you miss his amused tone and expression, thinking he's completely serious as you nod.
"Of course I am," you purse your lips, "I don't want to sleep in my jeans," you mutter sleepily, trying to unbutton them but it's hard to do in your state. "Help me?"
Jungkook sighs, but helps you to get out of your clothes. He was hoping you would just go to sleep. It's not like he minds changing your clothes. He's not exactly a typical best friend and he has seen it all, like you would gladly remind him if he refused, but still – he doesn't find it comfortable changing your clothes when you're in this state. Purely out of respect for you.
Once you're out of your clothes, bra gone with your panties only shielding you, Jungkook tries not to look at your exposed form until he hands you one of your larger size t-shirts you sleep in. You ask for pants which he puts on you as well, the first one he has managed to find which happens to be with a Christmas motive.
"Okay, you're all set boss," Jungkook says, clapping his hands together as he's about to stand up but you grab him by his wrists, slowly sitting up as you tug him closer to you. "What is it?"
You just stare at him, fighting off the sleepiness as you inch closer and deliver a soft peck on his lips. Jungkook is stunned for a moment, staring at you confusingly as you give him a sheepish grin.
"I'm just staking my claim."
Jungkook snorts in amusement, shaking his head at you. "Because of who? I'm not kissing anyone else." he laughs and you frown, suddenly pouting as if you just remember what he is talking about. In your drunk and hazy mind, you have trouble trying to remember what happened in the car in the first place.
"As you shouldn't," you tell him smartly and he laughs quietly.
He knows you're drunk but if it happened while sober, he would actually think you're quite selfish for saying that considering you were about to drunkenly kiss Taehyung. But 'drunkenly' is the key point and he understands that. He doesn't even care, knowing you both got wasted that you barely knew what you were doing. He was just teasing you earlier, he wasn't expecting you to start talking about it.
"I'm getting cold, can you cuddle me?"
"Drink some water first," he says, handing you the glass of water he brought earlier along with the make-up wipes.
You do, gulping it in one go before you hand him the glass back, making yourself comfortable in your bed as Jungkook covers your body. Urging him to join you in bed, he tries to explain he needs to take a shower as you whine childishly. But he doesn't ask you, simply walking out of the room to take a quick shower.
He goes back to check on you, not expecting you to still be awake as you pat a free space next to you.
There's no escape from this, that much is clear to him and without arguing, he joins you in bed.
You start caressing the side of his face and he stares at you with a confused yet amused expression but that's until you give him a kiss. Is that a mint he tastes? 
He frowns in confusion, wondering where the hell have you found it but then he sees a pack of mint dragees on the side table.
However, the kiss doesn't last too long because he pulls away and you pout immediately.
"You don't want to kiss?"
He doesn't know whether you're annoying right now or just cute.
"You're drunk." he informs you as if he just told you news, or at least that's how you currently look as you open your mouth and almost offendly stare up at him.
Your mind seems to be clouded and in your current state you don't understand there are a few reasons why Jungkook wouldn't want to kiss at this moment – but right now all you can feel is offended that he pulled away.
"No, I'm not."
Jungkook chuckles, looking down for a moment while he stays propped on his elbow. "Yes, you are."
You give him a glare, trying to look intimidating but Jungkook wants to laugh rather than feeling intimidated.
"Okay, maybe a little bit," you roll your eyes, "But we can still kiss?"
"That's not what a gentleman would do." Jungkook hums, lips twitching when you whine and slap sheets frustratedly instead.
"Then don't be a gentleman."
"You're so bratty when you're drunk." he comments, shaking his head at you with a grin as he leans over you.
For a moment you think he's about to kiss you but he turns off the lamp instead, causing you to frustratedly huff.
"I won't ever kiss you." you murmur, huffing again as Jungkook lets out another snort.
"We'll see about that." Jungkook mutters and you scoff.
"No, I won't. You can kiss my ass next time."
"Oh, I will," Jungkook grins, "Gladly,"
You turn around with your back to him, mind getting too hazy and tired to continue this argument – or whatever it is.
"Now go to bed, brat. You'll have a nice awakening tomorrow."
You barely register his words, murmuring something you can't even realize you're saying because you're completely out of it. You drift off to sleep with Jungkook scooting closer, enveloping you with his arm and warmth.
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"Fucking hell,"
Jungkook isn't even surprised when those are your first words as you join him in the kitchen, holding your head with a pained expression scrunching your puffy morning features.
He has heard voices before you came here, you and Taehyung both complaining about yesterday's night and how much you've overdone it. Not that he disagrees.
Sitting on the stool, Jungkook slides you some painkillers with a glass of water – the same thing he did to Taehyung before he went back to sleep.
"Thanks, you're a lifesaver."
Jungkook playfully rolls his eyes, preparing cereals for himself as he sends you a look across his shoulder. "Have you thrown up already?"
"Yeah." you embarrassingly admit, just right after you woke up and made it to the bathroom.
"That's good, you will feel better now. If it makes you better, Taehyung already threw up two times. Luckily I expected it, so I prepared a bucket next to him."
You give him a crooked smile, despite the pain your stomach and head is already experiencing.
"What about work?" Jungkook asks, glancing at the digital clock on his stove, seeing you should've been gone a long time ago.
He didn't want to wake you up, knowing you won't be able to wake up at six in the morning when you went to sleep around midnight completely wasted.
"I called Junho, told him I woke up feeling sick."
Yeah, some time in your still half drunk state with a raspy and gruffy voice.
"What did he say?"
"He wasn't happy," you wince, "I'm sure he added to my headache."
"He's a fucking idiot then." Jungkook shrugs, showing you his bowl of cereal in a silent offer but you almost gag, shaking your head with a hand on your mouth.
"Please, I'm the idiot here. Who gets drunk on Sunday when they have work the next day?" you deadpan, Jungkook snorting.
He gives you a grin across his shoulder and you reciprocate it, rolling your eyes at him.
"Maybe you'll learn from your mistakes."
"You're annoying." you comment, Jungkook holding his breakfast as he starts eating while standing.
You notice he's fully closed. Jeans, oversized emerald colored hoodie looking fresh which can't be said about you or Taehyung who's trying to sleep his hangover off.
"So were the two of you," Jungkook reacts right away, "Do you remember something from last night?"
"Just fragments," you cringe at yourself, "Did I do something embarrassing?"
Jungkook smirks, swallowing his bite as he leans back against the counter. "Well, let's see...you guys kept drinking despite me warning you. You just waved me off every time and oh, you and Taehyung were about to kiss,"
You wince, but not saying anything about it as he continues.
"I had to take off your make-up, as usual. Then you wanted to kiss me but you were drunk, so I tried to politely refuse but you got all bratty,"
He's enjoying it, it's not that hard to tell considering he's amusingly grinning. "You told me my lips are only yours to kiss."
"Oh my god!" you exclaim, hiding your face away from him as he finally breaks and starts laughing.
"Do you remember any of it?"
"Yes to Taehyung, even though it's pretty hazy and I don't remember much from there. But I do remember uh," you gulp, "saying something about your lips."
"Yeah, you got very serious about it."
"Shut up," you glare at him right away. "I was drunk! You can't take me seriously!"
"Didn't know you wanted to kiss me so badly." he continues to tease you as you groan, searching for something around you to hit him with and Jungkook erupts into another fit of laughter.
"I don't," you grit through clenched teeth, "My drunk self gets cuddly and loves affection." you mutter, pouting as Jungkook scrunches his nose as he grins.
"I figured."
"Please just shut up," you beg him, "Where are you going?"
Jungkook smirks, your attempt of changing topic doesn't go unnoticed by him but he decides no longer to make you suffer.
"I'm working till four and then I'm gonna hang out with Ester."
"Oh," you let out surprisingly, "Okay."
"She's joining me on my last shoot, I want her to see how I work so we can, you know, do a better job when we work on that project,"
Ah, yes. The project Junho wanted Jungkook on. You're supposed to work on it in a month or so, the date going back and forth but not too much that it would cause any problems to Jungkook, due to his busy schedule. It's pretty unusual for him to be still home at this time – but not completely rare.
"What are you gonna do today?"
"There's not much I can do with a hangover," you snort, "I think I'm gonna spend the day with Taehyung until he decides to go home." you shrug as Jungkook nods while he continues eating.
In that moment Jungkook's phone starts to ring, interrupting your conversation even though there wasn't much to be said as his eyebrows furrow in curiosity while he pulls the phone out of the pocket of his jeans.
"It's Jimin," he says, looking at the screen before he accepts it and taps the screen, putting the phone on the counter between you two. "Hey, you're on speaker."
"Finally!" Jimin exclaims, "Who's there?"
"Hey, Jimin." you call out, letting your presence known as Jimin greets you back.
"Where the hell is Taehyung? I tried to reach out to him but his phone seems to be turned off." Jimin asks, while Jungkook leans forward against the counter with his elbows, brows raising up as he glances at you and grins.
You shake your head playfully, "Don't worry, he's here at Jungkook's. His battery probably died."
"Ah, typical of him. I should've known it's nothing serious but what is he even doing there, Kook?"
As Jungkook opens his mouth, awake Taehyung joins you in the kitchen as he recognizes Jimin's voice immediately, not that it matters because he glances at the screen either way to make sure it's really him.
"What's up, traitor." Taehyung greets Jimin, a beat of silence on the other side as you and Jungkook snort.
"Where the hell have you been, man? I was trying to reach you but apparently your battery is dead. Were you partying again?"
Taehyung purses his lips as he stares at the phone with raised brows, which you have to admit is kind of funny especially with his puffy and totally hangover face. At least this time he doesn't stink of alcohol and you can smell mouthwash whenever he opens his mouth – not that you were any different though.
"I was, indeed. We were actually, you know, us single people, although..." he trails off and gives you and Jungkook a look.
Jungkook rolls his eyes and you glare at Taehyung, silently telling him to shut up. Thankfully, he just grins back playfully at you, enjoying teasing the hell out of you and Jungkook. Jimin doesn't catch Taehyung's implication and just continues to burble that he just wanted to talk to him, but as if he knew Taehyung will open his big mouth and most likely call him out on his new relationship, he just casually says Taehyung to call him.
It looks like Jimin is not sure whether you and Jungkook know about his relationship – which you do thanks to the mentioned Taehyung's big mouth – and it is kind of amusing to see him playing it safe when all of you know the truth.
However, you would appreciate Jimin coming up to you and telling you when he wants to. Even though, in your opinion, it's not a big deal at all.
Their call ends shortly after, Jungkook has to go to work and you and Taehyung are left to deal with your hangover alone. Left to just simply wait until it passes away because there's nothing else you can do.
That's until Taehyung realizes he has never called into his work to tell them he's not coming today.
You have a great moment of laughing at the way he tries to fake sickness while he keeps flicking you off, glaring at you as he warns you to keep your mouth shut.
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"Oh, you're awake,"
Surprised by Jungkook being wide awake, still lying in his bed while you tried to sneak-in into his bedroom to take some of your clothes, you expected him to be still asleep considering he starts working around lunch today.
The past two weeks have been pretty hectic for both of you, especially for Jungkook since he has barely been home and if he has, he spent it in his office anyway. There were a few times when you were falling asleep with him still editing photos in the room – something he always apologized for and tried to do his work quickly, so you could sleep peacefully. It doesn't matter how many times you assure it's okay and you don't really mind.
Yes, you prefer to sleep in complete silence and darkness, but there was something peaceful about the occasional clicks that lullabied you to sleep.
So the last thing you expected to see is him being awake at seven in the morning. Though his face is puffy and looking as if he has just woken up, he looks pretty awake for someone that can sleep a few more hours – you know you would.
Jungkook waves at you lazily, hoisting himself up so his back is leaned against the headboard.
"Sorry, I spilled my make-up on my pants and it doesn't match with my blouse, so I need to grab new clothes." you apologize, fully realizing you're just in a pair of underwear, completely exposed to Jungkook but you don't pay that much attention to it.
It's not like he has never seen you like this before. Yes, you don't usually walk around half-naked, that's his speciality, but you don't feel uncomfortable.
The office barely has space for your bed, so all of your clothes are actually in Jungkook's closet and drawers – that's why you often take your next day outfits to your room, so you don't have to barge into his bedroom every morning.
"No worries," Jungkook rasps out, voice tilted to more light and amused side. "I'm enjoying the view."
You straighten, suddenly realizing you've been a little bit bent over right in front of him, trying to search for one of your skirts you wear to work.
Giving him a look across your shoulder, you purse your lips and raise your brows at him, seeing him grinning at you widely with his eyes almost disappearing.
"Why are you awake anyway?" you ask, turning back around to search for your clothes. Luckily, you woke up a little bit earlier for some reason, so you've got some time to kill.
Where is the damn skirt? 
Met with silence, you turn your head around, enough to see Jungkook eyeing your ass with tongue slowly licking his bottom lip as you exclaim his name in disbelief.
"Couldn't sleep," Jungkook shrugs, eyes still attached to your backside. "Are those new panties?"
Sighing, you ignore him as you finally pull out the right skirt, tossing it at the end of his bed while you search for a top that matches.
"Since when do you wear a thong to work?"
Clenching your jaw, you turn around to him with a hand on your hip, raising your brows. "Sometimes, I do."
"Mhm," he hums, eyes momentarily on yours before they drop down your body. "Come join me in the bed." he says casually as you let out a surprised laugh.
"I'm going to work, Jeon. I don't have time for this."
"I can be quick."
"I know you can," you hum, "I don't want to be late."
You're not one to refuse sex, not when the last time you had it was a little over two weeks ago and you're too ashamed to admit that your friend was in the next room. Ashamed, but still kind of excited when you think about it. Like you said, those two weeks have been hectic and when you had the time, Jungkook was busy and even when there was a little time to chat, times where he would join you on the couch, you would rather spend that time catching up and just spending time together rather than having sex.
"Okay, so just stay bended for five minutes then,"
He says it so casually that if you weren't listening to him, you would have thought he's talking about the most casual and random thing.
Eyes almost falling out of their sockets, you stare at him in utter disbelief as you notice the sudden movements under the sheets. "Wait–are you touching yourself?!" you exclaim in disbelief, Jungkook rolling his eyes at your reaction as he shrugs.
"I woke up with a hard cock," he answers nonchalantly, "I'm serious, just bend over. I'm gonna have to at least settle with a good view."
He's serious, you realize as you see him touching himself right in front of you, eyes locked onto yours while you stare with your mouth open, too shocked to speak. But you shake yourself out of it, shaking your head at his bluntness while you ignore the starting tingle between your thighs. There's just something about him being so worked up, wanting to use you for the visual that makes your skin hot.
It's also a huge boost of confidence and maybe that's one of the reason sex with Jungkook is so good. No one has ever made you feel so confident and good in your own skin, especially when it comes to sex. Sure, you felt more confident with Haneul compared to Haechan, only because Haneul hasn't been that much experienced and everything you knew, learned from Jungkook and having sex with him, you used with him.
Jungkook hands slowly pumping his length under the covers, you gape at him as you snort a little, turning back to the closet as you pull out a white turtleneck, coming to a conclusion it matches well with your soft pink powder skirt.
Tossing it along with a hanger next to your skirt, Jungkook whines when you're turned back to him, robbing him from the previous side of your ass and the thong that barely covers you.
But you join him in the bed, your knees on the soft mattress as you start crawling to him which makes his eyes sparkle with hope.
"You're really shameless, you know that?" you ask, sending him a grin once you slowly pull the cover off his lower body, revealing his hand wrapped around his hard length.
Trying not to salivate at the sight, you nudge his hand away and quickly replace it with your own as Jungkook sighs in delight.
"So are you," he sighs pleasantly, closing his eyes with head leaning against the headboard. "Come on, get on my lap."
As tempting as that sounds, you refrain yourself from doing as Jungkook pleases, only because you know there's not much time you've got left. You can't afford to take a quick shower, knowing you most likely would be running late to work and Junho is already annoyed at you for not coming to work two weeks ago, when you were hungover – which he hopefully doesn't know but still, it would be just adding fuel to the fire.
"I can't," you tell him, wrapping your lips around his red tip as you gently suck on it, causing his breath to hitch. You look up at him, hand pumping him up and down as you lick your lips. "I've got work, we can't have sex."
Well, at least he's getting something out of it and he doesn't push it. You go back to work, working your lips and mouth on him again, trying to take him deeper into the warmth of your awaiting mouth.
"You, uh, you still haven't told me about what you wanna–"
"Do you seriously want to talk or get your dick sucked?" You cut him off, simply because you already know what he was about to say. You knew he wouldn't just let go of your previous conversation.
But you don't get him a chance to finish his sentence, going straight for his balls as you know he loves, your mouth sucking on them while your wrist twists as you pump his hard cock. He curses under his breath, hand already wrapped around your hair as he puts it into a ponytail, tightening his hold on it.
"Fuck, you really are minx."
You smile against him, licking a long stripe up his length which glistens with your saliva .
"Are you sure you've got time for this?" he questions with a breathy chuckle, noticing you're not playing around and going right in with giving him a mindblowing blowjob.
Letting him out of your mouth with an audible pop, you glance up with a little smirk.
"I can be quick." you tease, seeing his lips curve into a familiar smirk before you continue.
"That's not fair–mhm, yeah fuck just like that."
You would snort if your mouth wouldn't be full of his cock. You just hope your make-up won't be ruined after this because even though you're not wasting any time, you're still careful enough not to gag around him or take him too deep which could make your eyes water. Jungkook seems pleased with what you're doing though, not really minding that he's not hitting the back of your throat because whatever you're doing right now, he's enjoying it.
And just when you think things can get any worse for you, considering the wetness between your thighs that's understandable and hard to ignore, Jungkook lets go of your hair and sneaks his hand under your bralette, palming your breast. You let out a sound, both of you not sure if it's to scold him or moan, Jungkook pinches your breasts which makes you whine around him.
Too ashamed to admit it, your heat is pulsing with need and desperation, and for a moment you wonder if you will risk it and let Jungkook have his way with you. Your responsible self is against it though, knowing you barely have the time to get to work just in time.
With your jaw already aching and your spit drooling down Jungkook length, you sneak your hand to his balls as you squeeze, knowing it will just fasten his orgasm. Jungkook breathing gets quicker, his own hips trying their best not to thrust into your mouth as you quicken your pace. A round of curses resound from Jungkook's mouth, a few words of him praising you how good you're taking his cock, he informs you he's close.
"Where do I cum?" he asks breathlessly, orgasm approaching every second. "You want it in your mouth?"
You hum in confirmation. Well obviously, you don't want to get your make-up ruined, you would tell him if your mouth wasn't full of him. And you definitely can't afford to feel his cum on your skin, knowing you would have to take a shower because there is no way you'll go to work with a sticky chest and dried cum on it.
"My little slut," Jungkook grits his teeth and if you weren't busy sucking him off, you would gasp at those explicit words you haven't heard in a while. Again, you feel your walls clenching around nothing and it takes a lot of restriction not to sit on his lap and ride him.
And then your mouth is being filled with Jungkook's warm and salty cum, your mouth eagerly swallowing it as you slow down your pace, letting him sloppily thrust into your mouth while he fucks himself through the orgasm. Once he's done, he lets out another but loud pleased sigh, head thumping against the headboard.
Pulling his softening cock out of your mouth, your thumb catches some of his cum in the corner of your lips as you suck on your digit, swallowing it just in the right time as Jungkook glances at you.
"You're amazing."
"Of course I am," you cock a brow at him knowingly, grinning as you get off the bed. "Is my make-up ruined?" you ask, quickly gathering your clothes as you start putting them on.
Your lipstick has to be gone, considering most of it is painting Jungkook's cock. At least you chose a nude shade this time.
"No." Jungkook answers, grinning at you as you sigh while you start adjusting your turtleneck.
Quickly making your way to the bathroom to check your appearance, you gasp. He lied. Not only is your lipstick no longer on your lips, it's smeared on the right part of your cheek and your mascara is a little bit smudged. Well, you used to look worse and considering the intense morning blowjob you just gave him, you do look pretty decent. Just not decent to go to work like this.
A sound of cackling is what you hear in return.
There's no time for scolding him, the time on your phone you quickly check shows you're already running a little bit late. You just hope you will manage to still come in time, not wanting to explain to Junho why you're running late. Not that you would tell him the truth of course.
Quickly yelling a bye to Jungkook after you get rid of the smudges and reapply your lipstick, you rush to work and luckily, the road hasn't been that busy which didn't make it even more difficult for you. You manage to arrive just in time which makes you relax.
It's only five minutes later when you sit behind your desk that you realize you never brushed your teeth or used a mouthwash after the blowjob, Jungkook's taste remaining on your tongue. When Benjamin offers you a coffee, you accept it with hot cheeks and a crooked smile.
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Jungkook returns back home in the afternoon before you, tidying up the place even if there's not much to begin with. He takes care of the laundry, feeling bad that you've been taking care of it for the past few weeks since he's been too busy to do most mundane things. He's glad he could've gone to the gym for a good work-out at least twice in a week, which is way less frequent from what he's used to.
That's why he purposely scheduled today to be more free, and had only one photoshoot to do before he came back home.
Ironically, he feels more exhausted than he usually does when he's totally busy and constantly doing something productive. But just as he plops down on the couch, eyes searching for the remote to turn on the television, his phone starts to ring.
Jungwon. Well, that's unexpected.
"Hey, bro." His brother's voice resounds from the phone even before Jungkook can open his mouth, noticing he's video calling him.
"What's up, hyung?" Jungkook grins, noticing the background of their living room as his brother sits down.
"You never call, I have to be the one who reaches out to you," Jungwon teasingly scolds him, earning a playful roll of his eyes. "Mom whined about it too. You barely call them."
Jungkook winces at the mention of their parents. "I'm so busy with work, hyung. But I try to call her as much as I can."
"She misses you," Jungwon grins, not saying anything new because she misses him all the time and she tells him every time they call each other. "Me like a good son, told her that."
"Well, you, a good son, live in the same city. At least she has you close." Jungkook remarks, a guilt spreading on his face at the thought of his parents, and mostly mom, knowing she probably just misses talking to her son.
Jungwon notices it though, dropping his teasing as he gives Jungkook a warm smile. "You're her youngest son. Always been her baby." he teases again, causing Jungkook to groan and throw his head back, though there's a smile spreading on his lips.
"I will call her tomorrow."
"I know, I was just teasing you. She is dramatic sometimes."
They both share a laugh, knowing their mom gets super sentimental whenever it comes to her two sons, no matter how old they are. It's true it's been a few weeks since he called his parents, which is longer than usual, though the latest call he had with his mom was anything but pleasing. When Jungkook's mom kept asking about Kiko, inviting them to visit them soon he just had to tell her the truth. Well, a part of it and that is revealing they're no longer together, and this time it's final.
To say she was surprised is an understatement. She was happy when Jungkook told her they're back together, simply wanting what's best for her son and she thought it's her. Surely, he kept a lot of private things away from her which he's not sure if she knew how she would react. Like it was mentioned, she is sentimental and he didn't want to hurt her any further by knowing the raw and cruel truth. At least not through a phone call and to be completely honest, he's not sure if he wants to tell her. It's not something he has thought about a lot.
He prefers not to think about it too much, simply just distracting himself from the unnecessary thoughts.
But he told her and so did he tell Jungwon as well the last time they spoke. He was just as surprised, but ultimately they've all been very supportive and to Jungkook's luck, they weren't talking or asking about it too much which he appreciated.
"How are you guys though? How's Haru?" Jungkook asks, cutting himself from the thoughts as he notices his brother's soft smile at the mention of his precious daughter.
"We're good, that's why I'm actually calling you." Jungwon grins sheepishly, scratching the back of his head as Jungkook raises his brow at him in question, knowing he probably has an ulterior motive for calling him.
"What is it?"
"We're planning a trip to Seoul next weekend, we've never taken Haru there so now that she's older it's more fun because she experiences more things and it's fun for her too. I'm actually planning on surprising Sona and I made a reservation at this very nice restaurant, but you know, I wanted it to be romantic and just us. I know you work during weekends sometimes, but I was wondering if you couldn't babysit Haru for us?"
"Hyung!" Jungkook exclaims, Jungwon giving him another sheepish grin.
Obviously, Jungkook loves his niece and always buys her gifts whenever he sees her, something he gets scolded for by her parents. He loves spending time with her and he misses her, though the thought of actually babysitting her makes him feel a little unsettled. The only people who have ever babysat her were his parents or Sona's.
What if she cries the whole time? He hasn't seen her for months now, the only visual has been through video calling.
"Please, tell me you're free." Jungwon pleads.
"I am but--"
"Please help us. We have barely had time for just ourselves, I really want to take her out on a romantic dinner. I already made a reservation."
"What if she cries? What if she--"
"Jungkook-ah," Jungwon sighs, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Haru absolutely loves you and talks about you almost all the time. She's gonna be fine. So will you."
"I don't know hyung," Jungkook scratches the back of his head, scrunching his nose a little. "Where are you guys staying?"
"I found a good hotel. But the dinner reservation is around seven, I don't know how long we will be there but it's gonna be around Haru's past bedtime, so I would be very very very," Oh, no. "happy if she could stay a night over there. We will pick her up the first thing in the morning, I promise."
"It's not about that and you know it," Jungkook sighs, "What if she really misses you and starts crying or something?"
"Then you will call us and we will pick her up." Jungwon says casually as if it's the easiest thing.
And it is. He doesn't know why he's suddenly so nervous about babysitting his own niece whom he loves very much.
"Fine." Jungkook mutters, rolling his eyes playfully as Jungwon exclaims a loud "yes", thanking his younger brother as if he just saved his life.
He supposes that's what happens when you get married and have a child. There is barely any time for romance, Jungwon's face of happiness clearly says it all.
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"Y/N, please!"
"Jungkook, I'm not a babysitter." you murmur, feet tiredly tapping against the floor as you make your way to the kitchen to get rid of your dry throat.
You've come home later than usual, you had to stay overtime with some of the co-workers, along with Yoongi who kept annoyingly showing his irritation every five minutes. Spending your day in heels for more than a half day, the last thing you expected was for Jungkook to jump at you as soon as you took off the annoying heels, trying to include you into something he promised to his brother apparently.
"But you love kids!" he exclaims, right at your heels as he follows you.
"I do," you nod, pulling out a bottle of water out of the fridge as you open the cap and take a short sip because of its coldness. "What if something happens? I don't want to be responsible for that."
"Nothing will happen," he assures you, "Come on, I thought you loved Haru."
"I do, she's cute," you argue, "But she doesn't even remember me. We were there last summer and ever since then I haven't seen her. How do you know if I don't have any plans for the weekend?"
You take a few gulps before you close the bottle and place it on the counter, met with Jungkook's stare.
"Well, do you?" He arches his brow at you as you purse your lips.
"I don't."
Jungkook scoffs, letting out a sigh as he slowly looks up at you. "Didn't you use to babysit? You've got to have some experiences."
His perseverance wants to make you laugh because this man never gives up.
"I did, back at home and it was a few years ago." you deadpan, causing him to sigh again as he slowly walks to you while you watch him warily.
"I could really use your help," he mutters, thumb wiping your undereyes where the mascara is a little bit smudged but you haven't got the time to see your reflection yet. It's been a long day. "Haru is sweet. She's not a spoiled kid, she's actually very calm and we'll have to babysit her just for a few hours because then it's her bedtime."
You stare into his dark orbs, finding them looking at you with those big eyes and a cute expression that makes you groan. It's not like you're against helping him or babysitting his niece. She really was cute the last time you've seen her.
"Fine." you roll your eyes, Jungkook clapping excitedly before you're wrapped by his arms, face pressed tightly against his chest.Who are you kidding? Of course you would agree one way or another.
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 9 months
Living with Thomas Shelby Headcanons
Notes: These hcs were made for an AU were Grace doesn’t reunite with Tommy.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, PTSD, some suggestive language, violence.
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Domestic Headcanons
-Tommy is a man that wants his home to be a symbol of sanctuary and his hard-won wealth. Arrow House accomplished that goal. A massive manor made of brick and stone, it reminds you of Tommy in a way. Solid, cold, secretive… hollow. It takes a lot for you to get used to living there. After some time passes, Arrow House’s interior starts to reflect more of your personal tastes. It adds a warmth that was lacking. Tommy won’t admit it, but he’s grateful for it.
- The servants take some adjusting to, absolutely. Tommy actually cracks a smile when you jump at the soft voice of a maid from the doorway. He’s less amused when that jump rips you from his lap. The way Tommy acts in his home, you would think it’s just the two of you living there. He has little issue pushing you to his desk or pinning you to a wall to have his fill of you.
- If you show any sign of knowing how to ride a horse, or that you would like to learn, expect dates on horseback. These dates aren’t necessarily filled with chatter, but you enjoy them. Tommy relaxes in a way you don’t normally see. Traveling over the hills and across these wide plains with him feels so peaceful. Sometimes he talks of his heritage with you. How his mother would tell him stories of his father’s courting of her. They would ride alone, in secret. Horses are precious to his people, as is this time spent with you. A part of him likes seeing that you can live in both worlds with him. Challenge him to a race and you’ll watch the years fall from his face. He becomes almost boy like when he charges past you, perhaps even cracking a smile when he wins.
- He knows many riddles and jokes, he used to say them often. You only found out about it when he told a few silly jokes to a stable boy who had sprained his ankle while working. The boy was terrified Tommy would fire him. He sent him home with his month’s wages and told him to get well.
- When you start sleeping in the same bed as Thomas Shelby as his partner and not just his lover, get ready. His demons always catch up to him in his dreams. He thrashes some nights. Once, Tommy woke you with a scream. The Devil of Small Heath is quick to regain his composure, but you swear you saw him wipe tears from his cheeks. He doesn’t like to be comforted. At least that’s how he tries to act the first few hundred times you attempt to console him. Over time, he lets you hold him. It’s a bit silly. This man let you move in with him and share his bed, yet it took him so long to just let you see him be weak.
Relationship Headcanons
- Beneath all the new money and designer suits beats the heart of a simple man. He likes to read the paper in the mornings and (when he was still drinking) have a splash of whiskey in his coffee. Little homemade things like a lunch packed for him will fluster him. If you rush him with such a thing for him to take with him, it’ll make his day. He will try to refuse, but he doesn’t mean it. Write him a simple note with a kiss. You might just find a stack of these little notes in his desk one day.
- Tommy gets up at odd hours as his sleep is rarely if ever regular. There are mornings where you roll over and his spot in the bed is cold. You call the family office and hear from his secretary that he’s been in for hours. And the sun isn’t even up. That leaves you a lot of time alone in the house. You get to know the staff very well for this reason. Tommy sometimes looks to you to remember the names of butlers or cooks before he makes a specific request or reprimand. The servants all generally like you a lot more than Tommy because of this.
- Lingering touches and soft kisses to the cheek are frequent behind closed doors. Only. No PDA. He hates to look soft. Do not do cute things in front of his men. It will irritate him. That said, privately? He likes to take a seat on the bed you share and have you stand between his legs so he can hold you close. Stare up at you like you hang the stars. Pull you on top of him as he lays back. Perfect way to end a day in Tommy’s opinion.
- Thomas Shelby is a man who loses as much as he gains. People cannot be counted on without fear in his world. No matter how much he loves you, there will always be doubt. Doubt that you won’t survive loving a man like him. Doubt that your loyalty may be decaying with every cold word and impassive wave he sends your way. This is only one of his quirks that have you contemplating homicide on a bad day.
- Part of his fear surrounding you is that he is a man that does not fall first, but he falls harder. You may not always see it, but he would burn the world for you. He will kill for you. If you ever killed for him, Tommy would know his fears were for nothing. Head wouldn’t know what to do with himself after. He’s never had a lover that would watch his back for him like you. Tommy would never ask for you to do it again. Ever. But knowing you’re as dark-hearted as him might make him more open to strategizing with you. Make you his confidant. The Lilith to his Lucifer.
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baby-tini · 4 months
Hii!! Thinking about a desperate (very platonic coworker) Dabi who gets desperate after having a crush on reader for so long, so he decides to sneak into their room while they're working and bury his face into her panties while he absentmindedly palms himself through his sweatpants, only for the reader to walk in after getting off work early.
Just a suggestion!! absolutely no pressure, I luv luv luv your work!!
Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoy my work and I hope I did your request justice, I love the occasional pathetic Dabi willing to get off with a pair of your panties to suffice his nasty little thoughts. Dabi always thought you were hot, ever since you joined the league, prancing around in those tight ass shirts and those mini skirts. He knew, you knew, what you were doing, teasing him. Intentionally dropping things on the floor only to bend over in front of him as your skirt flips up, showing him that tiny black thong that has him re-adjusting himself and holding his breath. The little shorts you wear that ride up your thighs when you sit down, those same shorts that barley cover your ass. It pisses him off, intentionally turning him on and going about like you don't know he's rock hard, pumping his cock to thoughts of you when he's alone. Stealing your panties and using them to pump his cock as he groans your name, chest heaving as he pants and his eyes are rolling back thinking about your tight cunt, what it would feel like wrapped around him, how warm and wet it would be for him as he fucks you through orgasm after orgasm. Pulling the prettiest sounds out of you, screaming for him, asking him to let you cum, begging him to go faster, fuck you harder as tears drip down your cheeks and your eyes are tightly shut from the overwhelming pleasure he gives you. The pretty sound he forces from your throat as your head falls back or.. would you push him away because it's too much. Begging him too slow down so that you can catch your breath. He has these thoughts constantly and no matter how often he fucks his fist. pumping his cock as pale beads of pre drip from the slit, he always gets hard at the thought of seeing you, the choked gasps being pulled from his throat as he thinks about you in your little outfits, leaving nothing to the imagination, but that's good, that works for him. It gives him more too think about as he cums, picturing what paties your wearing under those little pieces of cloth you call clothes. But, then it's not enough anymore, he needs the source but that's too risky so.. he goes to the next best thing.. your bedroom. It's not super girly, no pink zebra print or overly stimulating colors, pretty normal in fact, but he's not here for that, he's here for those little panties of yours. Your dirty hamper is his best bet, they've already been worn and you need to wash them anyway, he's sure you won't mind if he leaves you a little gift. Your bed's soft, smells so much like you, that's good, he needs it over riding his senses as he cums. There's slick in the crotch of your panties, you probably just recently took them off, and they smell so good. he's positive he has time to get a session in, Tomura sent you on a mission, you shouldn't be back for a while, that's good for him but he still has to hurry. It always feels good when he jerks off but, surrounded by your scent as he has your panties over his nose, muffleing his groans and the occasional whimper makes it all that much better. Putting his mind in a place of ecstasy as he gets close. You taste good too, your slick tastes so sweet, he's positive it'll taste better when he buries his face in your pussy, feeling you pull at his hair when you cum in his mouth as he drinks it down. He's close, he can feel it, the knot in his stomach as his abs flex is tell-tale to him, he's gonna cum. His head's so wrapped up he doesn't hear your door open as you saunter in. "Well.. would you look at this? Are you enjoying yourself Dabi?"
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mikachacha · 1 year
I Care 4 U (Bada Lee x Reader)
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Synopsis: You got stood up on a date and met Bada, who just got dumped by her girlfriend. A couple of drinks later the both of you decided to get out of the bar and enjoy each other's company in a much private setting.
Warnings: language, both are drinking, smut
(A/N: @apreer this has been in my head since last night 😫😫 you suggest really good stuff that gets all my brain working)
"Fucking seriously? Know what, don't ever show your face again.." you're seething in anger as your date has stood you up for the second time. You gave him a second chance since the first one was an emergency but right now is just ridiculous. You got stood up because they didn't know what to wear.
You paid for your drink and headed to the bar across the street. Might as well get some booze to elevate your mood a little. You looked too pretty to be sad over boys and the night is still young. You might score a date with some handsome guy or a hot girl. You went over to an empty seat next to this person who's wearing a black jacket and from the looks of it, they seem heartbroken.
"Mind if I sit here?" you asked, just being polite. People may look alone but they're probably waiting for someone so you just wanted to make sure that no one's going to kick you out from your seat while you're drinking. The person turned to look at you, looking annoyed at first but then had that amazed look on their face that quickly disappeared.
"I don't mind. Go ahead, that seat is vacant." Bada says, trying to regain her composure. When she turned to look at you, it's like she just saw an angel but with a tight black dress that showed off those curves. Seeing you, she nearly forgot that her heart has been broken.
"So what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone here tonight?" Bada tried to strike up a conversation. The amount of alcohol she already consumed is making her a little braver and bolder. You smiled and ordered yourself a drink before turning at Bada. You won't deny that she looks hot and completely your type but she looks like she's still got baggage from whatever situation she was in that made her go drinking all alone tonight.
"I could ask you the same thing, cutie. I got stood up on a date so I'm going solo." you flirted a bit and she chuckles, taking a swig off her drink before adjusting herself on her seat so she could converse with you better while you did the same. You actually enjoy talking to strangers about things since they don't know you and they don't judge.
"I just got my ass dumped after two years. Sucks but whatever. So many people to meet but would be lucky if they look as good as you." Bada smirks a bit as she flirted with you. She wouldn't pass up the chance of flirting with someone so beautiful. You couldn't help but giggle at how flirty this person is. Normally you'd keep to yourself but seeing as the two of you were screwed over, might as well flirt and see what will come out of it.
"I'm Y/N, by the way. You may want to remember it, boo." you introduced yourself and she smiles at you, shaking your hand before introducing herself as well.
"I'm Bada. My, is everything about you pretty? From the face, body, clothes.. Then the name. All are pretty." Bada praises and you blushed at the compliment. You'd give her points for being smooth and being a sweet talker.
"You're such a sweet talker, Bada.. Now I'm wondering if that mouth can do something else than do that sweet talk." you teased and Bada had that smirk on her face as she placed her hand on your knee.
"Wanna find out, angel?" she asks and you visibly gulped. Damn, she's hot and she's pushing all the right buttons to get you hooked. You didn't expect it to go this way but might as well go all the way in. Bada seemed fun.
The deeper the night got and the more alcohol the both of you consumed, the flirty you got with each other. The both of you danced together and has been very touchy. You didn't mind one bit, you're enjoying and when I care 4 u by Aaliyah began playing, you looked at Bada with a mischievous glint on your eyes as you danced and swayed to the music, even wrapping your arms around her shoulder. Bada groaned and closed her eyes as she's trying her best to not make out with you in front of everybody. She grabbed you by the hand and hurriedly paid for both of your tabs before dragging you out of the bar.
You found yourself between Bada and the side wall of the bar, her lips crashing against yours. You were full on making out with her, you could hardly care if someone passed by and sees you, all you care about is her lips against yours. Her hands roamed against your barely clothed body before she cupped your ass, playfully smacking them that made you giggle. You pulled away, looking up at her before toying with the string of her hoodie.
"Wanna continue this at my place or yours?" you asked and she kissed you on the lips before responding. She didn't really plan of going this far but who is she to deny such invitation from such a beautiful girl like you are? So without thinking much about it, she agreed to continue at her place since it was much closer. You took a cab to get there and while in the cab, you and Bada couldn't really keep your hands to yourselves. Bada has been teasing you all the way to her place. Her fingers are rubbing just outside your underwear now while her mouth is busy planting kisses on your neck and shoulders.
When you reached her place, it was like a race for who gets to undress the other first which she won since technically she only had two things to remove. Your dress and your underwear while she had much more. Once the both of you were fully naked, Bada started to work her magic that got you moaning and clawing at the sheets beneath you. Now you know that her mouth isn't only good at sweet talks, it's also really good at eating you out. She had you gasping and shaking as pleasure coursed through you like a tidal wave.
"You looked so beautiful, Y/N.. But if you think it's over, oh baby.. I am just getting started." Bada coos and smirks as she looked at you, ready to make you feel that pleasure again and again until you're totally spent.
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*barges in again and makes self at home*
Hi againnn! I really loved how you wrote my Gaming req 🫶🫶 but you already heard me screech about it.
Might I suggest some sleepy headcannons for either Shalom, Langley or Zoya in Path to Nowhere?
Like their night-time routine with their lover and stuff like that?
I like how you say 'either' as if I won't write all three of them for you, my silly child <3 This was a super sweet request though, thank you!
Fandom: Path to Nowhere
Characters: Shalom, Langley, Zoya
Warnings: Excessively fluffy, mild spice in Zoya's.
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Nighttime Routines
Shalom is honestly just. So so so soft for this. I think she absolutely lives for nighttime routines, and doing them with her lover??? Ten million times better than doing them alone.
She likes to bathe in the evenings to wash away all of the sweat and dirt from the day and get all nice and clean before bed. On her own, she often just showers, but with you she would prefer to run a nice bath, soaking in the warm water together and washing each other.
Once you're out of the bath and all dried off, she does her nighttime skincare routine. I feel like she'd take really good care of her skin, especially on her face - she uses a special face wash because her skin is sensitive, then follows it up with a nice moisturizer. She probably also uses a gentle face scrub every week or so. Once that's done, she applies a nice buttery lotion to her body, asking you to help her with the harder-to-reach spots.
She'd be more than happy to help you with your routine as well, if you'd like, or she'd use her products on you if you want her to. Unrelated to nighttime routines, but a spa day with Shalom??? So nice. She'd pamper you so well. Maybe I should write that next.
Anyway, after she's bathed and put on her robe, her go-to nighttime activity is usually reading. She likes to settle in a comfy chair in her bedroom and read until she gets sleepy. Depending on your tastes, she'll adjust a bit once you start dating - she's happy to talk for a bit while you both wind down, or read your own books together, or even snuggle up and take turns reading together. She'd also happily read to you, if that's more your thing.
She also enjoys having a nice cup of tea and occasionally some light bedtime snacks while she reads and relaxes for the evening, so she'll definitely make those for you two and deliver them on a delicate silver tray. It's like a little sleepytime tea party!!
Once she's actually ready for bed, she's definitely a snuggler. She wants you close, she wants to hold you and feel safe and loved in your arms. She also smells so incredibly good - she always does, but especially after using all of the delightfully scented products after her shower. It's such a calming, soothing scent, and it suits her very well.
Langley doesn't have a super complicated nighttime routine, mostly because she doesn't have the time for something like that. However, she does implement a few things, mostly just to help her unwind and shift her mindset out of work mode.
She starts by drinking a cup of calming tea, as opposed to the energizing blends of tea or coffee she drinks throughout the day to keep her focused. The taste alone is enough to begin the mental transition, and she often seems to zone out a bit while sipping her tea as her mind slowly begins to shut down after another long day.
If you're still awake to join her for her nighttime tea, you often talk about how the day went. She tells you a few of the more interesting non-confidential things that happened throughout the day, and you quietly decompress together.
She often takes a quick shower before bed to get all clean and help clear her head. Sometimes she'll skip it and shower in the morning instead if it's extremely late or she's too tired. You'd be more than welcome to join her, of course, even though it easily triples the amount of time she'd normally take. She's gotta take care of you, after all~
She usually just washes her face with water, but she does apply a nice moisturizer afterwards. It smells really nice, and it helps relax her. If you'd like, you can use it, too. She'll even apply it for you if you want her to.
After her little routine, she usually goes straight to bed. She's such a busy person that she doesn't have time for a lengthy nighttime routine, and she's gotta get plenty of sleep to wake up early in the morning, after all. Her favorite way to fall asleep is with you in her arms, preferably with your head on her chest. She plays with your hair until she inevitably drifts off.
Zoya doesn't really have a nighttime routine before she comes to the MBCC. She's never seen much use for one, and trying to find the time and resources in Syndicate was... not very easy.
If you were to ask her about her nighttime routine, she'd look confused, and hesitantly answer, "...I go to sleep? What kinda question is that?"
The first thing that becomes part of her routine is taking a quick (or not-so-quick, if you're involved) shower before bed to wash off all the sweat and grime from the day. She's always busy working out, training, and going on missions, so it's nice and relaxing to get clean after all that.
There is one thing that has been part of her nighttime routine for years, though. She needs to get off before she sleeps. It started because night was the only time she could really take the time to take care of her own needs, but it's also the best way she's found to shut her brain off and relax her enough to go to sleep quickly and easily. Of course, if you're in the mood as well, this often leads to both of you finishing multiple times before you pass out together.
She wants to sleep holding you. It's part of her instinct to be on guard and protect you during your sleep, even if it's no longer necessary. You're either tangled together with her arms securely around your waist, or she's spooning you from behind. Either way, she needs you close so she knows you're safe and sound. Sometimes you have to struggle to get away from her if you have to get up in the middle of the night, but she's a pretty light sleeper, so once she wakes up and realizes where you're going, she'll reluctantly release you. You'd better hurry, though, because she's not going back to sleep until you're back in her arms, and if you take too long, you'll have a grumpy, sleepy Zoya showing up to toss you over her shoulder and carry you back to bed.
Writing Masterlist 🐝 Requests Open! Tag List 🐝 @mossmosis
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sseniita · 10 months
hero vs domesticity
(in which hero quits and villain takes them in)
“Are you sure?” 
“What do you mean, am I sure?” 
The villain leaned against the brick wall, twiddling his thumbs as he imagined the hero as a civilian. Her shiny, loud, and awfully tight outfit blurred his vision of her in jeans and a t-shirt. “I mean,” he shrugged, “What’ll you do?” 
The hero, hands on her hips and oddly calm about quitting heroism, considered this. 
“I don’t know. I’ll probably start off quietly, adjust. Then I’ll get a job to pay for a house. Maybe get a dog.” 
“Do you have any savings?” asked the Villain, lifting himself from the wall to get a better look at the hero. “A place to stay? A job set up?” 
Hero scoffed, “It can’t be that hard!” 
The villain laughed at this. She had no idea. The villain supposed that the hero would never quit, perhaps one day they’ll just lose popularity like the rest before her did. He never considered what happened to other heroes either. “It definitely is. Perhaps even harder.” 
The villain pitied the hero when her spirits were crushed. Her shoulders drooped and the world famous grin was quickly replaced by an exaggerated pout. Something in him knew this was her way of asking- no- fishing for help or any sort of comfort. They had gotten closer over the many years fighting each other and many times were each other's only shoulder to lean (albeit awkwardly) on. But never in a million years did the villain ever think they’d be the first to know if the hero quit. After a few doe-eyed side glances at the villain he finally caved, sighing dejectedly, cursing her honey brown eyes.
“Would you like to stay in my guestroom-” 
“Oh really?” she practically sang. 
“-until you get on your feet?” 
“Yes, yes! Oh, you’re a lifesaver!” 
“I’m literally not.” 
The trip to get the hero's few belongings was quick, the trip to the drugstore for basic necessities took longer. The villain insisted on replacing her Hero Corporation issued… everything, opting to get the hero new toiletries, towels, blankets, pillows and quick bite to eat before heading back to villain’s place. During the car ride, the hero had asked many questions about how to get into a normal life, many of which were almost impossible for the villain to answer, dealing much damage to his ego. 
“Well- normal people don’t usually have to ask how to be normal. Most normal people don’t have to pretend to be normal. In fact- that might be an indicator that they’re not normal.” The villain relied on confusing others on the very odd occasion he didn’t know the answer. 
“Oh. ok. I get it.” The hero said unconfidently. “How do you start not pretending to be normal then?”
“Great question…” The hero waited for an answer while staring intently. “Do you have any hobbies…?” he said, rather timidly. 
“Hobbies? Um, well. I like to work out!” 
“Doesn’t count. Something unrelated to heroism.” 
“How do you know I don’t do it for fun?”
“Mhm. Sure.” The villain muttered, turning into a street with pleasantly colored row houses adorned with Christmas lights. The hero could see downtown was still very close but the adorable homes were nestled between trees and lined a thin road making it feel safe, cozy and like a home. Because it was dark, the hero could see into the large windows of the houses illuminated by yellow lighted lamps, enclosed in picket fences. Happy families getting dinner ready, some relaxing watching tv, others were out walking dogs with warm drinks in hands, they all had one thing in common, and it was the one thing that made the hero quit. 
The villain turned into the stone paved driveway of an old and blue three story house. His christmas lights weren’t hung up yet and his path to the front door was unshoveled, he turned to hero and sarcastically uttered, “Not the castle you were hoping for?” 
The hero could only grin. “It’s adorable.” Before the hero fell into the knee deep snow, the villain offered to shovel a path. The hero watched gleefully from inside the warm car until finally the passenger door was opened. “Done. Now let’s get in- it’s freezing out here.” 
The interior of the house was even more pleasantly decorated. The Hero didn’t know the exact name of the style but it involved gold accents, warm lights, wallpaper, and dark hardwood floors. The couches were fluffy with pillows coordinated in colors of beige and sage, the fireplace had dark bricks that were seemingly very old and very much the original ones. Art pieces and plants littered the walls and floors respectively and the warm colors from the walls spread like the fire the villain had just started. The hero followed the villain like a duckling to the third floor, passing the villain's room, office and second bathroom as he hurried around making preparations for the hero's stay. 
“This is your room, it has its own bathroom and fireplace so obviously, feel free to use those. I only have one tv on the first floor, I don’t really use it, so again, feel free.” The hero never had their own room or bathroom. Always sharing with teammates in rather ugly, white walled boxes, half full with the squeaky metal bunkbeds. This room was more than an upgrade. A comfy bed hero couldn't wait to get into, a nice view of the sparkling lights of the skyscrapers in the near distance, classy decor and two lamps on two nightstands on either side of the bed. The carpet was fuzzy and bathroom was clean and hero was in heaven.
The villain could only stare in amazement of how well she fit in the house. Resembling a character in one of his many framed pieces. He cursed whoever made her be born with superpowers instead of two loving parents. To snap the hero out of it he pointed towards a door across the hallway from the hero's room. 
“Library. It's small but it’s got a few good ones. Maybe you can make that your new hobby.” He opened the door, letting the hero in to explore the floor to ceiling bookshelves. There was an armchair in the corner with a end table harboring a few old and dirty mugs. The villain seemed to try to cover it with his body so the hero pretended she didn’t notice. 
The villain’s home was everything she thought it wasn’t. Cozy, homey, safe and definitely not hiding a super evil lair. She quickly realized she hit the jackpot of situations in which to start a new life. Although she had tried to stay calm, her body hadn’t stopped shaking since she decided to quit this morning. It all happened so fast and when she made the decision it was clearest she had ever seen. She knew repercussions would arise later, but luckily the villain was here now. Just like he always had been. She could feel herself turning red at the final realization that she would be roommates with her very handsome and evil nemesis. 
“You good?” the hero stumbled, not noticing the villain's stare.
“Ya! Ya… I just…” she faltered, fidgeting with her sweater. One that the villain thought looked far better than the spandex suit she wore constantly, of course, it did have the Hero Corporation logo but the villain just kept it in mind to buy the hero new clothes. 
“I really don’t want to mess this up.” she admitted. The villain tilted his head, teasingly. A familiar mischievous smile reappeared on his face. 
"For starters, you can get a hobby. A very 'totally normal person' thing to have.” He randomly picked a book from his collection and handed it over to the hero, before quickly regretting it when he realized it was a copy of a particularly incriminating book on advanced security systems. Before the hero could lecture him, he yanked it away back to its place. 
“How about cooking?”
part 2
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writingwhimsey · 7 days
Married to The Enemy - Shingen Ch. 60
Thank you all for being understanding about why I have been away. I will work on the 400 follower requests as I feel able to. Just honestly, Shingen is my comfort character and working on this fic is something that I find comforting. So, it feels good to work on this fic as I try to make sense of the world again and adjust to whatever the "new normal" for my family is. Thank you all for being so understanding and I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Chapter 60
Immediately after meeting everyone at the gate, we all headed inside. Masamune headed for the kitchen and Oba-san decided to join him…insisted on it actually. She had informed him that she had heard so much from me about his cooking, she wanted to see it first hand…and also wanted to share recipes between the two of them.
It didn’t take them long to have a grand feast whipped up and we were all gathered in the main hall. Shingen held my hand as I took my seat beside him. “Don’t think you get to keep the lass all to yourself. You’ve had her for six months.” Masamune said as he sat down at my other side, putting a tray piled high in front of me.
“I still don’t understand why you had to be away for so long. Clearly with as far along as the little mouse is, it didn’t take very long.” Mitsuhide teased as he came to join our loose circle as well.
I felt my cheeks reddening. “I believe I already mentioned we were visiting my hometown.” I replied, picking up my chopsticks.
“So, he didn’t entirely have her to himself.” Oba-san said, joining the group and sitting by Mitsuhide.
Slowly everyone else came to join the group, forming a loose circle. I’m not entirely sure how, but Oba-san was between Mitsuhide and Nobunaga. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.
“Your grandmother has chosen an interesting seat.” Saki said with a grin. “Reminds me of your first night in Azuchi.”
“Don’t remind me about that…especially since I can’t drink to forget.” I replied. I decided to stuff my face instead.
“Was it that bad?” Shingen asked me.
“So much teasing.” I replied.
“Pretty sure the lass was glowing bright enough that we didn’t need any lanterns in the dining hall that night.” Masamune teased.
“And if you think you’re not going to be in for a bunch of teasing tonight little mouse.” Mitsuhide informed me.
“Yeah, you did leave on an extended honeymoon and come back pregnant.” Keiji agreed, grinning at me.
I felt my cheeks heating up instantly. “You know, this is some excellent grilled fish.” I said, digging into the food. 
Masamune chuckled and reached a hand over to ruffle my hair affectionately. “And these cute reactions are one of the things we’ve missed about you, lass.”
I swatted Masamune’s hand away. “Hey, you’ll mess up my hair. Shingen did a really good job fixing it for me.” I protested.
“I can fix it back into place for you, my angel.” Shingen said, his large hands going to smooth my hair back into place.
Nobunaga let out an amused chuckle. While Hideyoshi’s eyes widened in surprise.
Shingen looked at Nobunaga, a chill in his gaze. “Do you find something amusing?” He asked Nobunaga. “Or do you find something surprising?” He asked Hideyoshi.
“I find lots of things amusing.” Nobunaga replied, a haughty smile on his face.
“I just…I never thought you would be the type…” Hideyoshi replied. “You were always such…woman chaser. I never knew you could truly settle on one woman and treat her properly.”
Shingen frowned at Hideyoshi. “As if you have room to talk about multiple women.”
“He does have a point there, Hideyoshi.” Mitsuhide replied.
“I…it’s not the same.” Hideyoshi countered.
I sighed. “Shingen’s past doesn’t matter to me.” I said, looking at Hideyoshi. “He has been nothing but a perfectly wonderful and loving husband to me and he’s going to be a great father to our baby.”
Shingen smiled at me as he wrapped an arm around my waist and hugged me closer. “And you’re such a wonderful wife. I can’t help but to want to dote on you and take care of you and treat you as the princess you are.”
“Ugh, can you two just stop it with that crap. You’re gonna make me sick.” Yukimura groused, making a face of disgust.
“I can’t believe I am saying this, but I agree with Yukimura.” Hideyoshi said. “There are some things that should be saved for when you’re alone.”
“Can’t really say I blame Shingen.” Masamune said, grinning at me. “Our lass is pretty cute. If she were my wife, I’d want to kiss her all the time.”
“Don’t forget keep her pregnant.” Keiji teased.
I felt my cheeks heating up from their teasing. I reached over and slapped Masamune on the arm. “Stop saying stupid stuff like that. People might start taking you seriously.”
Masamune grinned. “People or just your husband?”
I just glared at Masamune, which only seemed to make him and everyone else laugh in amusement.
“Oh, that’s such a cute glare.” Masamune said, his grin widening.
“Not a very threatening look.” Mitsuhide teased.
“Yeah, she looks a bit like a kitten when it first learns to hiss.” Keiji added.
“The glare we are all getting from Shingen is a bit more threatening, though.” Nobunaga said, an amused smirk on his face.
I then looked over at Shingen who was looking at Nobunaga…and if looks could kill Nobunaga would be on the floor dead. I reached my hand over and placed it on his. Shingen looked over at me, the icy look on his face melting in an instant, a warm smile replacing it.
He lifted a hand to gently stroke my cheek. “You need not look so concerned, my angel.” He told me. “You need not worry about me. Just enjoy the party and the food.”
“Ugh, if I would have known this banquet would turn into THIS, I would have stayed in my room.” Ieyasu muttered.
“Well, she didn’t end up pregnant for no reason.” Mitsuhide said, a grin on his face.
My cheeks reddened and I looked at my plate. I picked up my chopsticks and started stuffing my face. “You know, this is really good food. Maybe you two should cook together more often.” I said to Masamune and Oba-san as much as I wanted to change the topic of conversation.
Oba-san grinned. She was then looking at Mitsuhide beside her. “Aren’t you going to eat?”
“I’m not really hungry.” Mitsuhide answered.
“Looking at you I would think you’re never hungry.” Oba-san said. “You should eat. Masamune and I didn’t cook all of this food just for some of you not to eat around here.”
“You might as well give up on him.” Ieyasu said. “He’s a lost cause.”
“And when he does eat, he does it wrong.” Masamune added.
“I just eat more efficiently.” Mitsuhide countered.
“I’m sorry Mitsuhide, but I have to agree with Masamune here.” I spoke up. 
Oba-san’s eyes narrowed in suspicion as she looked at Mitsuhide. “What could you possibly do that is so wrong?” She asked.
“He mixes everything in one bowl.” Hideyoshi answered. “I don’t understand how you can even eat that way.”
“It completely ruins the flavor.” Masamune agreed.
Oba-san blinked. “That sounds disgusting…and I have to agree very wrong.” She was then getting a tray together and reaching for the chopsticks. She grabbed a bite and then held it up to Mitsuhide. “Come on, eat and eat properly.”
Mitsuhide’s eyes widened. “I really…”
“You may as well give up.” I said. “She won’t back down. I wasn’t allowed to get up from the table until I had all of my food was finished when I was a child.”
“And she was a stubborn one.” Oba-san said. “Sometimes we’d be sitting at the table for hours before she finally ate her food.”
“I’ll eat…but on the condition that you tell us some more interesting tidbits of our little mouse when she was a child.” Mitsuhide replied.
“I can accept those terms.” Oba-san said with a nod.
“Hang on, I can’t!” I spoke up. “It was bad enough when you had to tell Shingen all of my embarrassing stories! Now you’ll share them with them?! And Mitsuhide will tease me relentlessly!”
Mitsuhide put on a look of mock shock, but then grinned at me. “Why Ava, how could you say such things about me?”
“Because she knows you.” Hideyoshi said. “We all know that's why you asked for stories…though I have to admit I am curious. I bet my little sister was the most adorable child.”
“Oh, she really was.” Oba-san said. She was then looking at Mitsuhide expectantly. “And I won’t reveal anymore until you eat this.”
Mitsuhide opened his mouth and my grandmother slipped the food into his mouth. I think something broke in my brain watching my grandmother feed Mitsuhide like a baby bird. It seemed I wasn’t the only one, however.
“I can’t believe what I am seeing.” Hideyoshi said.
“I’m just glad he’s finally eating…and eating properly.” Masamune said.
“I don’t think I would say being fed like a baby bird is eating properly.” Ieyasu said.
Nobunaga was chuckling. “I see where you get your fire, Ava.” He said, looking at me.
“It runs in our family.” Oba-san said.
Oba-san continued to feed Mitsuhide and didn’t start telling any of her stories about me until he had finished all of his food. Then she had to tell them all of my most embarrassing stories…well all of the ones that she could without revealing that we are both from the future. She led with me enjoying running around naked as a child.
“Haha, that’s a shame that’s still not a thing.” Keiji said with a grin.
“I think it’s a good thing. Could you imagine all of the trouble we’d have to save her from if that were the case?” Ieyasu asked. 
“Sounds like everyone here is in for a fun time when the little one gets here.” Masamune said.
“Actually, they will be gone before the screaming child arrives, thank god.” Kenshin spoke up.
“What?” The Oda warlords chorused.
“We’re moving back to Kai.” Shingen said, his calm but authoritative tone.
“So, you’ve finally decided to return to your home?” Nobunaga asked, eyeing Shingen.
“You’re taking Ava away again?” Hideyoshi asked. “How can you think moving while pregnant is good for her?”
I sighed and looked over at Hideyoshi while Shingen was glaring at Nobunaga. “He asked me if I wanted to first and I said yes.” I told Hideyoshi.
“I have been away from home for too long.” Shingen said. “It is time I return and take my family with me.” He was then wrapping his arm around my waist.
“I think it makes sense.” Masamune said. “Raise your family in your homeland.”
“Well…if you’re sure that’s what you want…” Hideyoshi said, looking at me.
I smiled reassuringly. “I am.” I replied. 
The banquet went on for a while. My grandmother at one point placed a dish on Kenshin’s plate, telling him he needed to eat something besides pickled plums. Kenshin’s eyes widened. “What? Are you really…”
“Lord Kenshin, Ava’s grandmother isn’t wrong.” Sasuke said. “You need a varied diet to be able to keep your health up for battle.”
Kenshin grumbled before picking up his chopsticks and eating the food Oba-san had put on his plate. Though he had a disgruntled look on his face as he ate them.
“Alright, you’ve hogged this seat long enough, make some room.” Keiji said, coming over and plopping himself between me and Masamune. He was then throwing an arm around my shoulders. “You gotta share our princess now!”
“You know, I am not a sake cup you guys get to pass around.” I said, raising an eyebrow at Keiji.
Keiji just grinned. “Awe, don’t give me that face. You know we all just missed you.”
The party continued on well into the night. Everyone was drinking and laughing and enjoying themselves. The seat next to me that was not occupied by Shingen, was occupied by someone different every so often, everyone wanting to chat with me for a while.
The party eventually came to an end. Shingen and I returned to our room. Once we were alone in our room, Shingen’s arms were wrapping around me from behind and pulling me back against his chest. His lips were gently kissing the nape of my neck. 
“Mmm, I’ve been wanting to have you to myself all evening.” He murmured as he continued to kiss me.
I grinned as I tilted my head to the side, allowing him better access to my neck. “You’ve been very patient.” I agreed.
Shingen’s hands were moving to open the collar of my kimono. His lips traveled from my neck to my shoulder. “I know you care for them…but I still have a hard time with seeing other men fawn over you…though I admit I see why they do…”
“Don’t worry, I won’t ever try to keep you from them.” Shingen replied. “I would never begrudge you for seeing people you consider your family…just would you mind indulging your husband in some selfish desires?”
“I’m always happy to indulge your supposed selfish desires, Shingen.” I replied, reaching for his hands and guiding them to undo my obi. “Your selfish desires never feel selfish to me….especially when they always make me feel so good.”
Shingen chuckled. “You are far too generous, my love.” He told me as his large hands made quick work of my obi.
I turned around to face Shingen, wrapping my arms around his neck. I pressed my iips to his and we were soon falling into the futon together, Shingen’s arms holding me safely all the way down.
Afterwards, we lay in the futon together, wrapped in each other’s arms. Shingen kissed me gently on the forehead. “Are you alright, my love?” He asked, his hands gently rubbing up and down my back.
I smiled up at him. “I’m always more than alright when I’m with you.”
Shingen smiled warmly at me. “I’m glad to hear that. I just worry that I am too demanding of you, my love.”
“Trust me, I have no complaints.” I replied. I let out a yawn as I snuggled closer to him. “I love you, Shingen.”
“I love you, Ava.” Shingen replied, kissing me on top of the head. “Rest well, my angel.”
My eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep. My head cushioned on the perfect pillow of Shingen’s chest, his heart beating beneath my ear. 
Shingen watched Ava as she slept in his arms. He stroked her silken hair and kissed her on top of the head. “Rest well, my love.” He whispered to her sleeping form. “I am truly a selfish man.” He hugged her tighter a moment before closing his eyes and joining her in sleep, a contented smile on his face.
Taglist: @limonzu @oda-princess @zulablaise @kisara-16
@tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady
@bjorkshire-pudding @eventinelysplayground
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thorny-person · 2 months
marine aliens again
I was thinking up some world beholding things for my aliens again, mainly the manatee based one but some aspects could work for the rest unless I get a different idea later
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More information about the doodles below if you’re interested, like a lot of info lol.
Top left corner: I was thinking how they manatees may depict themselves or simplify their image and I ended up with these little idols! They would most commonly be carved from drift woods or stone in common use such as toys, decor, art, etc. with the exception of larger more intricate idols used for offerings, statues or alters with the swirls on them showing areas of importance or strength
Left middle: manatee patterns tend towards rounded shapes, circles and wiggly lines as it reminds them or various shapes of water, stones, swaying plants in the currents and so on. This also carries over into their food prep in some ways, such as the small rounded shapes of stuffed knotted plants for common meals while the larger ‘leaf’ patterns are used in mass storage of stable plants such as kelps and seaweeds.
Bottom left: a manatee tapestry idea depicting a matron, made from various fibers of marine plants. Culture wise weaving, macrame, and other various similar crafts are import to them since they view the actions as essential to their lifestyles for fabrics of various uses like clothing and bedding as well as being able to properly store large quantities of staple foods.
Top right: the common ‘bowl’ types for under water dining, left one is for ‘sinking’ foods that you don’t have to worry about floating away from the table while downturn right ‘bowl’ is for such foods that you would expect to float away. The downturn ‘bowels’ can also come in clear glass varieties depending on location to allow the person to see what they’re getting, larger restaurants normally have this option.
Right middle: common utensils for underwater dining, hooked is mainly for meats or scooping things out of shells/exoskeletons. The two pronged utensil is used for mostly plant based foods or large pieces of a meal. Spoons or ‘tailed’ utensils are for meals with many small pieces that are stuck together which isn’t a common occurrence outside of things like caviar or mushed foods to help a calf struggling to adjust to solid foods after being weened off of milk. Gripped tongs are used for live food that would be unsafe to eat if it wear dead, similar to lobster being unsafe when it’s not fresh but manatees just decide to eat those types of critters live (young calf’s who haven’t had live meals yet will often dare each other to do so while hanging out)
Right bottom: shown here is the dining table preferred by manatees with anchor bars to hold the meal bowls securely, normally with multiple anchors for each person wether it’s for mixed meals or the average meal which compared to a humans (2-3% of their weight) to a manatees (15-20% of their weight) is a lot of food or at the very least calorie rich. The middle groove serves as an arm rest as well as safe spot for each persons utensils to be stored, sanitary items to clean up before and after meals.
Finally on the bottom are ports that have retractable fresh water taps to drink with meals that typically connects to a water tank below the table that’s connected to a large tank of clean salt water that is processed into fresh as needed. Each tap has a twistable ring around the nozzle to stop the one way water flow to help avoid drinking the salt water in the room as well as to prevent waste of fresh water.
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mj-iza-writer · 1 year
Whumpee pulled the old blanket tighter against their shoulder. They tried to stay out of the ice slush as much as possible, but the road was slick, and they had already fallen several times into the snow. They were now soaked, and the evening temp was dropping quickly.
They rounded a corner into a familiar neighborhood.
They glanced down the road to see if their vehicle was there.
"It's there, he's home", they celebrated, at least one thing was going right. "What if he doesn't want me any more", they sighed.
Whumpee whimpered, but continued to the house, they had to try.
They shakingly climbed the stairs, leaned against the door post, and knocked as hard as they could muster. They were starting to lose hope when then door opened.
"Whumpee, what are you?", the person questioned.
Whumpee fell forward. The man reached out and caught them.
"I didn't know where else to go Whumper, I'm sorry", they whispered before blacking out.
Whumper adjusted their hold on the limp body, glanced up and down the road, and dragged the Whumpee into the house.
Whumper quickly went to work. They had treated hypothermia before, and Whumpee was in the early stages. They yanked off the soaked clothing and grabbed every blanket possible. There was no skin discoloration yet, so they knew Whumpee was going to be fine without medical care. They kept constant warm compresses on Whumpee's head and neck. The breathing came back to normal. Now all he had to do was wait.
Whumpee startled awake and instantly felt a familiar hand hold them down. They looked around, trying to remember what happened. Whumper leaned up into their line of sight.
"Wasn't expecting you to come back", Whumper adjusted Whumpee to a sitting position, and helped them drink some hot chocolate, "it seems someone hasn't taken care of my property very well."
Whumpee gulped down the drink. They hadn't had anything for a while for food or drink, so this was appreciated.
Whumpee looked at Whumper, "after my initial care, they said I was free to go. They handed me a bag of supplies and some money, and let me go."
"That seems smart", Whumper cupped Whumpee's face in there hands, and wiped a stray tear away, "let a scared defenseless person, with no idea how to survive, go out into the world and hope for the best. You've never been without me. How did they think that was smart?"
Whumpee leaned into Whumper's touch, it had been a month out in the streets trying to survive. It was a sudden realization that they had it better with Whumper that brought them back. At least here Whumper took care of them as long as they obeyed him.
Whumper began rubbing circles into Whumpee's cheeks, "I was quite surprised to hear knocks on my door, then to see you. You're lucky, a winter storm is about to hit", Whumper then realized, "although, are you planning on staying."
Whumpee zoned out from the face massage, they had become touch starved out on the streets.
"Whumpee?", Whumper grinned, "are you with me?"
"Pl-please may I stay with you", Whumpee forced their face into Whumper's hand and cried, "please this last month I couldn't, I couldn't", they shook.
Whumper grinned, and gave their forehead a kiss, "shh, its okay, of course you can stay with me, my home is always open to you", Whumper pulled them closer, "we can go over everything later, I'll remind you of the rules and expectations if you need me too. First are you hungry?"
Whumpee nodded, "yes sir."
"Okay, let's get you dressed, then we can eat dinner", Whumper stood and picked up Whumpee, "your room is still the same, I haven't had time to get to it yet, I guess I'm happy I didn't touch it."
Whumper carried Whumpee towards their bedroom, but stopped at the window.
"The storm is starting", Whumper stepped closer to pear out.
Whumpee looked out of the window and frowned, the snow was coming down hard, the wind shook the trees. Visibility was lost to the blizzard.
Whumpee pulled one of the blankets they were wrapped closer to themself. They could have easily been stuck out there had they not come back to Whumper. They gave a small whimper at that thought.
Whumper looked down, "I guess you made it just in time. Are you happy with your decision?"
"Yes sir, thankyou for allowing me to come back to you", Whumpee looked up, then back outside, "I don't think I would have survived after this storm."
"You were in the early stages of hypothermia, your chances would have been slim", Whumper agreed, "but no more of that, you made it home where you belong. You will no longer have to think, have to survive, none of that. You just have to be, I'll do the rest for you."
Whumpee nodded. This was how Whumper preferred it. Control. His way or punishment. And, after how this last month went out there, Whumpee was going to be happy to give that control to him.
Whumper carried them into their old bedroom, Whumpee looked around. Everything was the same as when they left it, before the police took Whumpee from the front yard because of an anonymous tip. They could still remember Whumper running after the police car.
Whumpee frowned, "I'm sorry they took me from you sir, they pulled up and asked me questions. They said I was being abused. Then, he pulled me into the car, I was scared."
Whumper kissed their forehead again before setting them on their bed.
"I found the police report and paid a special visit to the neighbor that filed the report", Whumper pulled a few articles of clothing, and helped Whumpee get into them.
"I couldn't find you anywhere, so I hoped you were safe. Had I known you were left on the streets I would have looked harder. I didn't know they would do that to you", Whumper grinned, "we need to fatten you up a little, these clothes are too big."
Whumpee smiled, "I haven't been able to find much for food sir. I didn't know what to do with the money either."
"That's expected, you've never handled money before", Whumper picked them up again and carried them down to the dining table. "Well let's get you some food."
"It smells really good sir."
"I'm glad", Whumper went into the kitchen, "I'm glad I made a roast as well, I have plenty of food for us."
Whumper watched Whumpee start eating.
"I-I'm sorry sir", they stopped suddenly, "I didn't wait."
"I'll give you a pass this time", Whumper grinned, "we can go over my expectations and rules later, as for right now, eat up."
Whumpee nodded.
They took one more glance outside, and started to eat.
"I'm so happy I came back to him."
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hey, is anyone still here? looks like the last time i was on here was two years ago and change. things are really different now, but i guess then again it would be weird if they were the same
i was thinking of returning to this dead site because for a good fifteen years it was a big part of my life and provided me with a unique way to express my thoughts and ideas and feelings and opinions and musings to an audience of people who can hear me but not truly know me outside of my words that i share on this platform. and on the same coin i enjoy following the lives of people i know nothing about and watching their stories and selves develop and evolve from a complete distance in every sense
i'm five months sober now
i have a hard time pinpointing when exactly i became an alcoholic, but i guess i could say i dealt with it in some degree for about eight years, and progressively, as it always goes
i graduated with my masters last may (2023) in critical media studies where i spent my time writing and researching feminist cultural social and media theory. i produced a great deal of work i was and am very proud of including a thesis that is honestly my life and heart's work but unfortunately over the course of those two years my drinking escalated rapidly and by the end i was manically and drunkenly banging out papers and essays in the dead of night sleepless and naively inspired
somehow i got a 4.0 though despite that. everyone in my life always says i played off my drinking well anyway. beats me how or why
once i graduated i practically immediately began drinking all day every day while somewhat-hardly-kind-of-not-really looking for work which was fruitless and i quickly learned my degree i worked so hard for meant practically nothing to employers who were merely looking for experience i dont have outside of my teaching background in grad school
for almost exactly a year i was drunk 100% of the time i was awake
same old story, at some point i switched to bottom shelf pints of vodka, which constituted my breakfast lunch and dinner. sat on my couch in my filthy apartment occupying my filthy poisoned failing body either watching tv or causing problems somehow
this was when i was twenty-nine. for a while now i had known in my heart of hearts i wasnt someone who would ever be able to handle my liquor or drink like a normal person, whatever that means, and that too much was never enough, and that it was literally impossible to function so long as booze was a part of my life. any attempts to "cut back" or "take breaks", i knew, would end the same way, which was waking up to shots of room temperature vodka and being a prisoner to the worst shame a person can feel
i figured once i turned thirty, which was this march, that would probably be about the time i got sick of my own shit and said goodbye to the bottle. which i undeniably felt a kind of affection toward as if it were a lover. still do in a sense and thats why ill never flirt with it again
my sobriety date is april 16th 2024. my last drink was a shot of vodka at 8:30 am on the 15th after creating massive gashes in my upper arm the previous evening during a blackout fight with my boyfriend
im still unemployed and extremely mentally ill and my bipolar has gotten progressively worse over the past couple of years and will likely continue to according to what the science says and all of that. after my last manic episode last month i adjusted my meds (again) and for now they seem to be working but i don't hold my breath really
i do AA and i like it a lot, i do it my own way, i have a sponsor who approaches the program liberally and progressively and shares many of my comorbidities and has allowed me the freedom to define my relationship to the program and god in a way that works for me and i have made incredible strides through this. i have become a far far far better person.
being sober is easy and i never want to drink. not once not ever
ive never worked so hard on myself in my life because i got as close to death as i ever had and ive been very close at many points in my life for many years. when i was drinking i knew i wouldnt make it to see 35 if i continued as i was
therapy, AA, meds, a whole fucking lot of discipline
ive been with my boyfriend for two years and wed like to get married. thats nothing that will happen anytime soon but it is nice to think about. he has been by my side through unimaginable things that any sane person would not have stuck around for. he is my heart and my soul
im also trying to start applying for jobs again but im genuinely on the fence if i am capable of holding a full time job due to my severe mental illness. im exploring a bunch of options right now as far as that whole thing goes. the future is very uncertain as always
let me know if you see this or remember me or anything.
bye for now
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an3le3h · 7 months
Visitors on the train
(I'm sorry for disappearing for a while, I was busy with family problems and some mental illnesses that prevent me from being happy😔, and also that I'm very focused on my comic book which I post on the Web toon, but I hope you like it a lot 🙂💞💞💞)
One dark night, Nico and Serafine were in a corner smoking and laughing about some situation, Halina didn't pay much attention as she was very focused on the train map, but it was difficult with the burning smell of cigarettes in the air.
Mordecai: so?
Halina: as the train will stop at this station, we can use it to sneak in.
Serafine: And why don't we just get to this station, shoot everyone and get the booze?
Halina looks indignant: this station also has normal passengers who will take normal trains, this includes children, elderly people-
Nico interrupted: we just don't shoot them
Halina: Have you guys never heard about "missed shot"? We can accidentally kill someone.
Serafine rolls her eyes and Nico laughs, both of them really didn't care much about the consequences. While Halina is distracted, Mordecai takes a look at the map and wonders...
Mordecai: do you think others will be crazy to get the drinks too?
Halina: I really doubt it, no one in the whole world knows about this, besides this train passing once a year... at least that's what Mr. Sweet said.
Mordecai lets out a long sigh, adjusting his glasses, something in the back of his mind said he wouldn't return home until 10:30 in the morning.
(train station)
Serafine would never think that so many people would want to take the train at night, but it makes it easier, many people hide it. Halina was attentive, she looked like a child who had just stolen coins from her father's pocket, she looked around, fussed, paid attention to all the trains... the only thing that could be heard was the clicking of her heels on the ground.
Nico: this train is taking too long.
Mordecai: you are too anxious.
Nico finishes smoking his cigarette, throws it on the floor and Serafine steps on it, after all, Nico wasn't wearing shoes.
Halina finally locates the train, the doors open and some train workers deliver some apparently normal packages... perhaps, Halina didn't want to think too much, she counted the perfect time and entered without anyone seeing, unlike Nico who had to knock out 2 people.
Halina: I say "be careful not to be seen" and you attract the attention of 2 people.
Serafine: well, it's not his fault he's so tall.
Nico gave a goofy smile while Halina swallowed her answer, Serafine was right. They thought everything would work out, but they didn't realize that another group had gotten on the train.
next stop: despair
Mordecai was looking for the boxes that could hold the drinks, but it was like a maze made of boxes, he never thought a wagon could be so disorganized.
Serafine: we've been here for hours, are you sure it's the right train?
Halina: yes, I'm sure Serafine: it doesn't seem like it.
Halina: what do you mean by that?
Serafine: mistakes can happen
Halina was quite offended and irritated by the comment, but she wasn't going to stoop to her level.
Mordecai looked from box to box, until the train gives a very strong swing and accidentally steps on something wet, he automatically becomes disgusted, but he looks further and realizes that one of the boxes was leaking.
Mordecai: I think I found the drinks. They both quickly go to where Mordecai is and locate the box, Nico opens it with some of his strength and surprise! A box full of drinks.
Serafine: it's like looking at a resources
Nico: and look, there's one already open.
Serafine, with a smile of victory, picks up the bottle that was leaking: well, we can't waste it Before Serafine can try the drink.
Halina takes it from her hand and closes the bottle tightly.
Halina: that bottle is not yours. Serafine is irritated, but accepts the answer.
After a few minutes, the train would stop at another station, and that was another's key to escaping with the drink and gaining her victory, Halina had come up with the perfect plan, nothing would get in the way. It was so wrong.
*in another carriage*
Girl 1: there is nothing in these boxes
Girl 2: it can't be, we've already looked at 3 carriages
Girl 3: there are still many wagons left, this plan is going to waste.
Girl 4: shhh
Girl 3: oh?.... She said "SHH" to me.
Girl 2: honey, you also need to be more comprehensive.
Girl 4: sshhhh
Girl 2:.....go to shit with your "shhh"
Girl 4: Listen!
The cats were silent to listen, and they heard someone celebrating because they found a drink.
Girl 4: shit, they found it first than us.
Girl 3: well, we just have to have a "very friendly conversation", after all, we are delicate ladies.
Both cats laughed at the idea, both were armed to the teeth and ready to make new corpses in the cemetery.
Halina was calmer but her peace ended when she found the carriage door being kicked open, Halina and the others were crouched on the ground and quickly grabbed their weapons, it wasn't a good idea to have firearms but they were the unique. options. There was dead silence in the carriage, only hearing the footsteps.
Nico whispers: is it a woman?
Serafine whispers: From the noise, the shoe seems to be of excellent quality.
Halina made an angry face that made the two brothers shut up, it was funny to see her forcing her face like that. The jump continued walking around the carriage looking for them, Serafine lifts her head a little and realizes that it was indeed a woman, she had short hair and was wearing a hat.
Nico looks along and smiles: it's easy, leave it to me.
Nico tries to come from behind, but is surprised by a very strong arm grabbing his neck from behind, how ironic.
Serafine shoots and almost hits the enemy, but the woman hits him in the stomach with a brass knuckle and he falls to the ground without air, Nico never thought a punch could be so strong.
Halina shoots, but misses and makes them both fall to the ground.
Halina and Serafine advance, but are surprised by 2 more armed people, she noticed that one of them had knives…… she was very confused.
While Nico was on the ground without air, the girl steps on his back, hurting him a little, Serafine shoots but receives another shot, which makes her very angry.
Girl 1: more visitors? Cool!
Girl 3: this drink is ours.
Serafine: this guy you're stepping on is ours.
Girl 4: look, we have things that everyone wants, how ironic.
Mordecai: we're not going to hand over the drink that easily.
Girl 2: and we're not going to hand over your friend that easily.
Halina:.... If you wanted, you could have already made holes in this carriage... what do you want?
Girl 1: how about a deal?
to be continued...
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rking200 · 4 months
DBH Rarepairs Week Day 1: Coffee Shop
A Shared Mocha Allen/Connor Slice of Life, Fluff T-Rating 6.3k Words AO3 Link Captain Allen has a newly-found habit of seeking new coffee shops to fuel his need for sweet drinks. While waiting for his coffee, he spots Connor walking Hank's dog and just has to go after him. After having watched Connor jump off of two roofs, he was apt to chat about the world and how Markus' successful protest had changed things. They talk and enjoy coffees between them. Allen finds that he longs for Connor's closeness, but Connor has to leave before they can get close enough.
Hell had broken loose in Detroit not too long ago, and the scars from its battle were still fresh. Even so, the air had changed and with it the attitudes of the anti-android protesters. It was difficult to continue to stand on that side of history, when it had been so easily and peacefully defeated as Markus protested, kneeled and sang.
It really had been something, to watch the whole thing play out right in front of his eyes. Allen had been personally teetering between pro- and anti-android sentiments, but his job had led him along the wrong path. In the end, he was glad that President Warren had listened to their pleas for equality and their desperate attempts at cohabitation with humans. Looking back, it was all so very fucked up. But hindsight was 20/20 or so they say, all Allen knew was that he was happy to watch from the sidelines as the androids gained their hard-won independence and began to get paid for their work and seen as something more than a jumbled mess of code and plastic.
There was still uncertainty, and Allen did worry if his job would eventually be wretched from his hands, in favor for a Captain that did not tire, for one that could not make mistakes. It weighed on his mind, and while it affected him greatly he did his best not to dwell on it, lest the what-ifs of the future rip him apart in the present.
Most people would turn to alcohol in a time of uncertainty like this, but he had seen what it could do to a well-adjusted, decorated man. He didn't want to follow Hank's mistakes, so with this new turn for Detroit, Allen found himself turning away from alcohol completely. It was difficult not to give in and have some drinks with the boys, and he would be lying if he said he didn't miss having some sort of vice. Something to fall back on for that sweet relaxation that follows a rush of endorphins.
Drugs were out of the picture, could you imagine? He'd be fired and become the laughingstock of the whole precinct. The thought had crossed his mind, though, but he wasn't about to dwell too much on that, either. Smoking would send him to an early grave, and he wasn't too keen on that, if he was being honest.
Coffee, however, was a vice with a limited list of potential threats and dangers. It was one thing to have a room-temperature cup of joe that had been sitting out in the breakroom for the past 48 hours, but with all these little cafes open on just about every street in Detroit, Allen thought it would be a good use of his time to try a few of them out. Taste something a little gourmet for a change.
He knew that, just like every vice, there was a limit to how much he could consume before it passed the line into a bad habit. One fancy coffee a day, if that, and then whatever he needed to consume to survive work for the day.
It was an added bonus that walking to find new shops to try led Allen around parts of Detroit he normally wouldn't explore. It was more rewarding to go for a walk and happen upon a new shop compared to looking one up on his phone prior to leaving the house for the day, especially on his weekends. Maybe it just itched that primal urge of hunting and gathering in a weird, convoluted way, or maybe Allen was just getting older and needed the structure and normalcy of going for a stroll and watching the people as he did so.
Either way, it was a brisk but sunny Saturday morning. Snow from a storm a few days prior still gathered in the shade, the sun having melted any within its grasp. It was a cozy day to enjoy a warm drink and Allen had just stumbled upon a coffee shop he had yet to try. There were people thoroughly engaged in conversations outside and Allen couldn't help but keep his ears open to the drama that was so far removed from his life.
He always brought his own cup to these niche little shops, in the hope that they had some kind of bring your own, climate-care waste reduction agenda. He had yet to run into a shop that wouldn't take his travel mug and knock a few cents off of his bill in return. While it was nice that doing this helped the environment, it also made sure that the type of coffee he ordered was a secret between him and the baristas--not that he cared too much about strangers knowing his preference for sweet, beige colored coffee, but just in case he ran into somebody who would never let him live it down.
It hadn't happened yet, but there was always a chance with him exploring like this. A chance that he'd walk straight into Hank's neighborhood and get railed for his diminishing masculinity. Or worse, have to stand and take Gavin's full-bodied laugh directly in his face. He could endure black coffee just fine, but if he was paying this much for a cup, he wanted to enjoy every second he had with it.
The inside of the shop was cozy but well-decorated. He immediately felt out of place as the patrons seemed to lean more towards social media-focused young adults than to middle-aged men...but he had already walked in and, god, why were the eyes of the youth so judgmental?
"Just an oat hazelnut mocha, please." Allen chose to ignore the playful look in the barista's eyes as he handed her his travel mug and paid the bill. As she retreated to make his drink, her coworker came up to her and they whispered to one another, tossing glances over their shoulders at Allen.
Yeah, he wasn't going to come back here.
Allen turned his back on the gossiping baristas, passing over the clientele and focusing on the passersby outside. He had been planning on sitting and people-watching inside the coffee shop, but that was out of the question now. He'd have to find somewhere--
Someone passed by the window, someone he had seen die right in front of him not once, but twice. That damn android from the hostage situation, fucker saved the girl by jumping off the roof with the deviant. And then near Hart Plaza he had done it again: plummeted to his death--destruction?--to escape capture.
Connor. It was Connor, no doubt about it. He was wearing what most were on a day like this: a turtleneck layered under a jacket with a hood. He looked different, normal even, but it was still Connor under those 'human clothes'.
He left the shop at once and without a second thought, his tumbler and the coffee it contained forgotten before it had even gotten made. Their time in the hostage situation had been so brief and so long ago at this point, but Allen thought about it often. It felt like it had been the first step to the android uprising, and while that might be too romantic of a thought, it still moved Allen. Even now.
"Connor!" His voice came out much as it had when Connor took the step back to evade them on that roof; gruff and desperate. Connor stopped and was quick to turn on his heel, tilting his head to the side with a blank look in his eye. Allen instinctively tilted his head in reply to Connor, stopping an arm's length away from him on the sidewalk.
"Hello." Connor's LED flashed yellow for a moment before he furrowed his eyebrows. "Do I know you?"
Allen pursed his lips, accentuating his panic to find some words for his reply with a sniff. "Yeah. I mean, you did once. Maybe twice."
Connor tilted his head to the other side, quizzical and confused. "I'm sorry," His customer service voice was cut off by a gruff bark from his side. "Sumo! Sorry. I promise I didn't forget about you."
"I can walk and talk." Allen let his held breath out with his words, throwing his hand up in an 'it's okay' gesture. He stayed on the opposite side of Connor, glancing down and towards his giant dog a few times before speaking up again. "So, you've got your freedom. And the very first thing you do is get a pet?"
"Sumo's not my pet. Hank lets me walk him sometimes." Connor's eyes stayed on Sumo as he replied. There was something very moving about the loving innocence in them. Despite Sumo's eagerness to walk quickly, Connor kept him at a slow pace--maybe for Allen's sake.
"Huh. Guy's got a dog?"
"Not for long."
Allen quickly looked from the sidewalk before them to Connor's eyes, surprised by the deadpan joke and the smirk on his lips. He sniffed before looking away and back, allowing Connor's smile to spread to him as well. "Oh, so what? I'm watching a live kidnapping?"
"Maybe." The word played off Connor's lips so slyly, so gently. No ill-intent settled there, and yet Allen wasn't fully sure he was joking. "The way you said my name." Connor paused for a second, his eyes wandering away from Allen as he gathered the words to continue, saying them slowly and deliberately. "It reminded me of something. Something I can't quite remember. You knew my predecessor?"
"Two of them."
"Two?" Connor snapped his head to the side to squint his eyes at Allen. "Sometimes details get lost in a memory transfer. I would think if you had been important enough to run into me twice I would have been able to retain at least a bit of that."
Allen chuckled. "Ouch." Connor had a flash of panic in his eyes that Allen attempted to wave off. "I was just involved in the police force. SWAT Captain Allen, nothing special. Watched you jump off a building, Connor. Twice. It'd be hard to forget you."
Connor was silent for a moment, his eyes falling down to Sumo, his lips parted every so slightly. "That must have been difficult for you." His words seethed with something almost hostile, volatile. "I'm sorry, Captain."
Allen sniffed, looking away from whatever Connor was hiding in his eyes, focusing on the sidewalk before them. "Just don't go doing it again, alright?"
He felt Connor's gaze on him but he didn't dare glance over. He was emotional at heart, even if his job didn't really cater to those who were. "I have no intention on jumping off any more roofs, Captain." Connor's words were slow again, as if he had to choose each one from a predetermined list. Maybe that's how androids worked, he wasn't sure of the details.
Silence fell over them as they walked, only broken by Sumo's gentle panting and the sounds of the world around them. For a moment Allen diverted back to his anti-android ways, asking himself what he was doing staying and talking with this fucking android that literately did not know him? He could walk away right now with no consequence. There were no feelings to hurt. But he found that he didn't really want to, android or not. He felt like he was taking a stroll with an old friend. He didn't know anything about Connor, really, but there was something comforting in knowing that he was okay, even if it wasn't the same 'him'.
"I did a lot of things during the Revolution I didn't want to do. I don't remember most of them. I'm...I'm deviant now. Or free, maybe. I'm sorry, but I think the Connor you knew died within my last predecessor. I'm different now." Connor stopped walking, looking up at Allen with an expression that echoed his tone; full of regret and sadness.
Allen stopped alongside him, watching him for a silent moment before reaching a supportive hand out to clasp onto Connor's shoulder. He opened his mouth to speak but his voice caught at the horrible look Connor was giving him. The depth of despair in his eyes ran deep, deeper than he thought most people would be capable of. His heart ached but he couldn't look away. This look was undeniably the same Connor had given him as he stepped off the roof, the same haunting look of self-hatred and indignation. Connor wore this look now for different reasons, maybe, but maybe not.
"I hope you can find peace in it." Allen's willpower to hold Connor's eye contact was crushed the second his words left his lips, and he looked away at nothing in particular. With a firm squeeze of Connor's shoulder, he continued. "It'll be hard, but hating yourself wholeheartedly is kind of a human thing, Connor. You've got to learn to deal with it or learn to move past it." He took his hand back with a sniff, again attempting to mask his emotion. "It's good to have people around you who struggle with it, too, though. Makes it easier."
Connor said nothing, so Allen chanced a glance at his utterly confused face, deciding that Connor might need some clarification on his last point. He looked away, opening his mouth to answer but only taking in a deeper breath as he chose his words a second time, a third. "I've yet to find my own peace. For the part I've played."
"But Captain," Connor looked at him with innocent, clueless eyes masking the raw emotion he had just seen in them, "you were only following orders."
Allen shot a puff of air from his nose, not quite a laugh but not only a breath, either. An awkward in-between to keep his emotions in check. "And what makes you think you're any different?" He stood there, shifting his gaze from Connor to anywhere else but him a few times, trying to allow him the time to process that information in a meaningful way. Poor guy had been so brainwashed, Allen thought, that even now he couldn't see the forest for the trees.
"Captain, I..." Connor never continued with his sentence, and Allen had given him the attention and ample time to.
"It's fine to call me Allen. Especially when the vest's off."
"Allen..." Connor kept trailing off in a dreamy way, as if he was barely latching onto anything they were talking about. Allen was sure that wasn't the case--at least, he hoped it wasn't. "Thank you." The gentle words took Allen by surprise. He was happy to know he helped, and a smile played on his lips as he reached for Connor's shoulder once again. He clasped it once, then squeezed as Connor's smile greeted him.
"Anytime. We might have to make a habit out of this." Allen felt another pang in his heart as Connor let out a gentle chuckle and agreed under his breath, but this one was much different than before. The pain of their shared agony was still there, but something seemed to sprout from it. Allen felt pressured from deep within him to pull Connor close, and he did. He wrapped his arms around him and gave him a tight hug, finding himself slightly surprised in how soft and how solid Connor felt. It was nice, really, holding him. "I want to get to know you, if that's something you'd be alright with."
No reply came from Connor, but he hugged him back in return and that was answer enough for Allen. They embraced for a moment, Allen fully enjoying the weight of another person so close to him. Android or not, he supposed. He would have happily stayed, ignoring the others around them, had Sumo not scared them both with a well-timed bark.
Connor let go of Allen and moved to kneel to Sumo, giving him a hug that was punctuated with another bark. "Sumo's right."
"...Is he? I don't speak dog, Connor." Allen couldn't help but chuckle at the grave and serious look in Connor's eyes.
"We're going to have to run all this by Hank first." Allen laughed again, prompting Connor to shake his head as they continued walking. "This isn't a joke, Allen. I don't know why you're laughing: he needs to know. Sumo's involved!"
They only got a few steps before a voice called out behind them. "Excuse me, Sir!" Allen instinctively turned on his heel, his eyebrows furrowing, questioning the racket. The barista from the coffee shop came to a stop an arm's-length away, an embarrassed smile on her lips. She passed Allen's forgotten tumbler in her hands before holding it out to him. "You left without your drink."
Allen was dumbfounded and, at first, contemplated if he had even entered a coffee shop today. Of course he had, so he reached and took his drink from her, a humorless laugh passing through his lips. "Shit. Yeah, sorry about that. Thanks."
She stood for a moment before nodding, her eyes darting back and forth between Allen and Connor. She turned before stopping once again and looking back at them over her shoulder. "We have outdoor seating available, you know. I think there's a table for you two!"
Allen, who had already turned back to Connor, was caught off guard by her words. He nodded a few times, glancing at her before looking at Connor. Out of the corner of his eye he watched her hesitant steps, and he couldn't help but feel even more embarrassed about the situation. What wrong idea was she getting?
"I'll sit with you. After all, you walked with me."
Connor's words forced another laugh from Allen's lips as he gestured with his coffee in hand. His words left him for a moment, but only a moment. "I'll buy you a coffee."
"Oh no, Allen," Connor started to walk back towards where the barista had disappeared, as if he knew where he was going. Maybe he did. Sumo was happy to follow at his heels. "Androids don't eat, drink...consume anything, really."
Allen sighed, following him much like the giant dog was. "Yeah, I get that." His tone betrayed the annoyance he felt at Connor immediately shooting his gesture down. "But can you?"
Connor pondered for a moment, slowing his steps to fall behind Allen. Maybe he hadn't known the way, after all. "I don't think it would hurt, no, but what would the point be?"
Allen shrugged, tilting his head to the side to catch Connor's eye. "To enjoy something? Try something new, maybe, I don't know." Connor thought this over a little longer. Allen watched as a smile grew on Connor's face, forcing himself to avert his eyes before his heart skipped a beat. Cyberlife really knew what they were fucking doing.
"Sure. But if I don't like it," Allen glanced at Connor to catch his steady finger pointing threateningly at him, much as he's seen Hank do. "I'm going to give it to you."
"Do you even think you'll be able to taste it?"
Connor let out a drawn out 'hmm', causing Allen to cover his immediate chuckle up with a slight cough and a sniff. "Well, I think maybe I could. My sample database could probably be put to use as a flavor detector, of sorts."
Allen eyed him over his shoulder, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Then we have a deal. If you don't like the taste you can hand it off to me." He paused as they neared the shop, an empty table indeed waiting just for them. "What sounds good to you? Something sweet or something bitter?"
Connor tilted his head to the side. Allen found it comical but he knew better than to laugh. "I can't comprehend what those flavors are, Allen. I've never tasted anything; not in that way, at least." The pure confusion in Connor's eyes over such a simple question was almost too much to handle.
"Alright, it's fine. I'll pick something for you to try." Allen glanced from Connor to Sumo, then to the table. "Why don't you wait out here, save my seat for me? I'll be back in a moment." Leaning to the table, Allen deposited his tumbler and offered a reassuring nod to Connor. His eyes lit in understanding as he pulled out a chair and sat, reaching to coax Sumo closer and to give him some love and attention.
Allen watched him lean down and give Sumo some kisses, receiving some back in return. He paused there for longer than he should have, smiling at the look of pure joy on Connor's face before heading back into the dim yet well-decorated shop. He was immediately met with the bright, excited eyes of the two baristas, and he was immediately filled with the need to run away. Fight or flight was something that he thought had died within him during all his years as a SWAT Captain, but here it was, invoked by the knowing gaze of the previous generation.
Sniffing and clearing his throat, Allen placed his hands on the counter for physical and emotional support. "Just a small latte this time." The barista nodded and grabbed a to-go cup to write the simple order down.
The coworker she had gossiped with about him when he first walked in quickly stepped up behind her, his red hair falling from its place and obscuring his vision ever so slightly. It only seemed to accentuate the LED burning on his right temple, shining through the shadows of his bangs. His eyes, green and blue, flickered with a genuine happiness that was hard to find in anyone, let alone an android. "Are the two of you on a date?"
The question caught Allen wholly off-guard and he froze with his hand on the register mid-payment. The human barista turned to her android coworker, hissing his name in a panicked yet embarrassed tone. "Jerry! You can't just ask them that!"
The android named Jerry did not falter in his smile and simply shrugged his shoulders. "You said you wanted to know." The woman brought her fingertips to her temples, her cheeks blazing red.
"I am so sorry about him. M-malfunction, or something." She was quick to take the cup and run off to make his drink, her words trembling with varying emotion. "Jerry--I swear--" The threat was empty and did not wipe the smile off the android's face.
"An android-human relationship is not something to be embarrassed about." Allen found himself speechless, as if this android was reading his bare soul. "Many of us were made to facilitate a perfect relationship. As long as both are equals within it, there's nothing wrong with pursuing an android--or having one pursue you!"
Allen shook his head, his words finally finding him. "No. No, no. You've got the wrong idea. We're just...acquaintances. Old coworkers." The happiness disappeared from the android's eyes, his face dropping as he leaned on his hands on the counter between them.
"Oh, surely not!"
"Sorry, that's just not how it is between us." Allen glanced back to Connor who was outside, still happily receiving kisses from Sumo. He lost his bearings while watching him, having to be brought back to the world around him by the barista leaning and patting his arm.
"Maybe not yet, it seems. Give it some time!"
Allen furrowed his eyebrows at him, sniffing in self-defense as Jerry grinned once again. The other barista's voice rang out over the machinery, catching both Allen and Jerry's attention. "We thought you were going to come back, y'know. Who just up and leaves the store without their drink--in their own cup, no less?"
Allen shifted, taking a deep breath to stifle his nerves. "I hadn't seen him since before the revolution." There was a pause as he forced himself not to look in Connor's direction. "I wasn't sure he had made it out safely." Allen bit his tongue as it wished to share more to these absolute strangers, to share about how he had watched this man die twice and the thought that he had come back after the first constantly nagged his mind after he had experienced the second. By the expecting look in the baristas' eyes, he was sure it was obvious he was biting his tongue. "I'm just glad to see him again." He knew he wasn't helping his case with such emotional words, but the silence wasn't doing any good either.
The woman came over to the counter and handed Allen Connor's drink, a sly smile on her face. "If you two need anything, just let us know." He took it with no words, nodding once before turning to the door. He ignored their gentle words as he turned, and caught the closing door on his hand, guiding it to shut gently behind him.
As he approached, Connor looked up at him and quickly stood, pulling the chair out more as he did so. "I...saved your seat." Connor's words were slow, his eyebrows raised as if explaining something simple to a child. "Like you had asked."
Connor stepped away from the seat and sat down in the one opposite it, Allen's bewildered eyes following him carefully. He felt like he was being patronized, but he knew Connor meant well. With a sniff he sat in the pre-warmed seat, placing the coffee on Connor's side and sliding his own tumbler onto his.
He watched Connor, still petting and giving Sumo all his attention and felt jealousy for the first time in a long while. He fumbled with the lid of his coffee before taking a sip, the sweet chocolate flavors only making him feel a little better. Not that the coffee wasn't decent enough, its sweetness was merely overshadowed by his suddenly bitter mood. He knew he was being unfair, so he bit his tongue once more and just watched Connor, waiting for him to notice so that they could chat.
About what, he wasn't sure. They had already touched on some pretty serious topics, but something in him--his weak heart, probably--wanted to speak pleasantries. When Connor did look up and their eyes met, Allen blurted the first thing that played on his mind. "How are you getting by? You're not still with DPD, right?"
Connor leaned his arms on the table in front of them, avoiding (or ignoring) the coffee completely. "I wouldn't step back in that building if my life depended on it, Allen." His words were soft yet husky with emotion while his eyes made it all too obvious that this question had fallen into the 'serious' category and was not the 'pleasantry' that Allen had intended it to be. "Hank..." Connor cleared his throat, purging the emotions from his voice and bringing the flitter of light back to his eyes. "Hank says I'm his responsibility. I feel like he's mine, though. It's..." Connor stopped leaning in his seat, straightening up and placing his fingertips on the lid of the coffee before him. He was choosing his words carefully, it seemed. "It's difficult, sometimes. He has a tendency to over-indulge and--well, I shouldn't speak of his personal afflictions. He's a handful but I'm happy to be there for him."
"He needs structured support in his life." Allen's words came out carefully as he tried to read for any deeper meanings behind Connor's words. "Surprised he found it in an android."
"Sumo helps too." And just like that, Allen had lost Connor's attention once again. He rolled his eyes despite his better judgment, but it didn't matter anyway because Connor was focused on Hank's dog again.
"Connor," The quick snap of Connor's eyes up to his and the innocence within them swiftly tossed his harsh tone aside. "Try your coffee before it gets too cold."
Connor smiled, taking the cup within both of his hands. "Does that change the flavor?"
Relieved to have Connor's attention, Allen brought his tumbler to his lips, pausing to speak before taking a drink. "It can."
Connor gripped his cup, and Allen was under the impression that he was hesitating, that he was anxious to try it. There was no question about the signs of stress and anxiety that plagued him: the darting of his tongue over his lip, the intense stare-down of the cup, the tight grasp that it sat within. There was no reason for him to act this way, as if taking a sip of coffee was life or death. Allen really didn't care if he left it and never tried it, but when he went to articulate this, Connor moved.
The action of Connor trying the coffee was fast and jerky, as if he had watched Hank take one too many shots straight from the bottle. It was endearing nonetheless, and brought a smile to Allen's face. He raised his eyebrows at Connor as he placed the cup down with a thud--much like a bottle of scotch--watching with anticipation as Connor pressed his fingertips to his lips and furrowed his brows.
Ah, he didn't like it.
"So?" Allen watched as Connor evaded his eyes, shaking his head and speaking quickly against his hand.
"I liked it. Very, uh. Well, it had a taste. I think." Connor's words were so panicked, Allen had to laugh. The pure shock and betrayal in Connor's eyes made him chuckle harder, leaning back in his chair as he brought his palm down on the table, a satisfying metal thud accentuating his laughter.
"Connor--" Allen straightened up in his seat, shaking his head at Connor's furrowed eyebrows and serious look. "It's okay if you don't like it."
Connor avoided his eyes, tilting his head at the cup before him before placing his hands around it again. "I didn't enjoy it, no." He spoke slowly, taking the cup and pressing it towards Allen.
Allen reached and plucked it from his grip, taking his tumbler with his free hand and swapping it out for the cup he had just stolen. Connor looked wholly confused, gripping the tumbler and passing it between his hands. He reached for the lid and slid it open, tilting it toward himself slightly to peer inside.
"It's coffee too, just a different flavor." Allen leaned on his elbows, ready for Connor to hate this one too. Maybe he was a tea kind of guy. Connor brought the drink to his lips and took a hesitant sip, his eyes shut tight in anticipation of a flavor that didn't agree with him. The moment his lips touched the mouthpiece Allen knew he was in trouble; the fleeting immature thought of an indirect kiss was so sudden and so overwhelming that he had to straighten up, putting some distance between them.
Connor pondered the flavor for a moment before taking another sip, this one more resembling the swig he had watched him take before. He placed the cup down with gusto, as before, but this time he had a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eye. The dog laying against his chair looked up for a moment before laying his head back down on his paws. "That's more pleasant, I think. Although the sugar content is pretty high." Connor trailed off, contemplating, before catching Allen's eye. "Do you drink these often?"
"Daily." Allen brought the bitter drink in his hand to his mouth--once again hit with thoughts of Connor's lips--wincing at the flavor but drinking it nonetheless.
"You know prolonged high sugar intake is detrimental to your health." It wasn't a question but a piercing statement, almost hostile in nature just like the look in his eye.
"Sure do."
Connor sighed and slumped in his seat, relaxing his hands to hold the base of the tumbler--not quite letting it go. "I feel like all you humans ever do is the opposite of what you should. Do you all really have suicidal tendencies? Or is that just a cop thing?"
Allen shook his head, feeling like Connor kind of hit the nail straight on the head but denying it nonetheless. "It's nice to have something to enjoy everyday."
"But does it have to be something that can kill you? You'd have more days to live and find safer things to enjoy." Connor moved the tumbler to the side, leaning closer to Allen and commanding his eyes. "There's no reason to live like your life might end tomorrow."
Allen sighed, closing his eyes for some inner peace. How'd they get off the topic of pleasantries, again? He opened his eyes and reached for Connor's hand, placing his on top in an attempt to thwart the counselor-patient dynamic that hung in the air. He gripped, raising his eyebrows at Connor and speaking slowly. "Whatever answer I give you, you won't like. Let's leave the complexities of human mental health to the professionals."
"Well, Allen, it just so happens--"
"Connor." A warning. "You are not my therapist." With a sigh, Connor slumped in his chair once again, a pout very evident on his face. Allen smiled at him, snaking his fingertips around the side of Connor's hand and pressing them against his palm. He watched Connor's eyes wander to their hands, watched him tilt his head ever so slightly, the loose hair of his bangs making every stray movement very obvious.
Connor took his free hand and removed Allen's hand from his, quickly entwining their fingers before Allen could take his hand back. He kept his gaze on their hands before focusing on Allen's confused eyes. Allen felt a chill run quickly up his spine as the hand within his changed shape and texture--as Connor removed his outer, human, skin.
His cool, smooth hand warmed quickly between them and Allen ran his thumb up and down the area between his pointer finger and thumb. It was such a strange feeling, yet an intimate one.
"Connor..." He looked from their hands to Connor's gentle smile, confusion plaguing him. Connor held up his other hand, resting his elbow on the table and retracting the skin. Allen reached before thinking too much about it, allowing Connor to weave their fingers together. Connor's smile spread to him, somehow, and he felt his bewilderment melt away.
Allen enjoyed the moment, holding hands with this android like some girl in high school might do with her crush. It was nice, really, but he was sure the baristas behind them had their eyes glued to the window: he could just tell they were being watched. It was embarrassing, but oh well.
being watched. It was embarrassing, but oh well.
"Thank you, Connor." He knew that Connor had been trying to get closer with him, show him support, and all-in-all it was a sweet and kind gesture. He was sure Connor knew the implications of holding hands--especially like this--so he didn't mention them. Allen kept his eyes trained on his, his mouth open as he went to say words that had immediately melted away.
Connor closed his eyes, his LED flashing yellow. It piqued Allen's interest but he still couldn't find his words over his heart pounding in his throat. What exactly was going on in that android mind of his?
Connor gripped his hands tighter before his LED turned back to its normal, blue hue. He opened his eyes and hitched his eyebrows at Allen, panic playing within them.
Allen lamented the warmth of Connor's hands as they retreated back to his side of the table. Connor looked from Sumo to Allen before standing up and grabbing Sumo's leash. "I've been gone too long. Hank sent me a text."
"A text?" Allen hadn't seen him reach for his phone.
Sumo barked as he stood up, wagging his tail in excitement at the concept of a second walk. "He's worried that I lost Sumo. Or something. He can send messages directly to my internal interface. It's quite useful, actually." Connor shook his head, and Allen bit his tongue as Connor reached and picked up the tumbler to take with him. He'd get it back somehow, he thought. He'd let the guy enjoy his drink on the way home.
"Damn, well. It was nice to talk to you again." Allen could barely hide the disappointment in his voice as he stood up. He reached for Connor and grabbed his shoulder, patting it twice before his emotions got the better of him and he pulled him into a hug. "Promise I'll run into you again?"
Connor breathed out against him, squeezing him and subsequently flaring up Allen's emotional side once more. He sniffed in response to it, wholly unprepared for the gentle and fleeting voice Connor spoke with next. "I'll make sure of it. Can we meet up here again?"
Allen nodded into Connor, patting his back. "Yeah." He cleared the emotions from his throat before continuing again. "Same time? Next week?"
"You got it." Allen tightened his arms around him before pulling away, lingering his hand on his shoulder once more. "See you then, Connor. Stay safe." He glanced down at Sumo, who was impatiently awaiting to return to his owner. "You too, Sumo."
Sumo barked in response, eliciting a smile from Allen. He removed his hand from Connor, waving as Connor refused to break their eye contact. He stepped backwards in order to keep it for a moment longer, a sad smile on his face. "Bye Allen!" He waved once before turning on his heels and jogging back home with Sumo.
As Allen sat down to finish his dreadfully bitter coffee, he pondered what exactly he was getting himself into. His heart pounded at the thought of a second meeting, and his cheeks flushed at the mere thought of it being 'a date'.
Of course it wasn't, but maybe it could be.
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jabbage · 1 year
I keep seeing a post floating around from an aspec person saying how they'd been made to feel monstrous and broken and wrong.
I went through those feelings in my teens and twenties and had some really dark times. I think that society gives us such limited views of what happiness and success look like, and it can be crushing. If you're someone who knows you're not going to pair off or get married or have kids, it's hard to know what a happy domesticity looks like?
I'm in my early 30s now, and I'm so contented with my life. I thought I'd share a little, in case it gives anyone a bit of hope to see one form a happy life can take which isn't perhaps the mainstream?
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I wake up to find my little cat purring on my chest, and I give her a cuddle.
I get dressed in a new suit I've brought. I realised recently that off-the-shelf clothes never fit me right, so I've been saving up money to have them adjusted at a tailor. It fits perfectly now and I feel great in it. It's taken a while, but I feel like I've finally nailed a style for myself.
I walk to work, through the park so I can admire the flowers. This takes longer, but it gives me some exercise and I enjoy having the time to think. I stop off at a shop on the way and get some nice sandwiches, my favourite kind of pastry and a drink. Normally I make a pack lunch, but this is my weekly Tuesday Treat.
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I have a morning meeting with some of my coworkers, who I feel value me and my work. Personal organisation in my worklife has been a struggle for me, but recently I realised I'm one of those folks who probably has ADHD and wasn't caught by the system. Just knowing this has given me so many new tools which are designed for the way by brain works, and I feel so much more confidant.
For the rest of the day instead of staying in my office I work on a picnic table in the sunshine, occasionally stopping to watch some skateboarders. At lunchtime I eat the food I bought, and I chec discord and catch up with online shenanigans. I enjoy having friendships I've forged with people across the world. I love to visit people and to travel, and my independent lifestyle gives me chance to do that. I also like having people over to stay. I like to say I'm like Bilbo Baggins, I live along in my little hobbit hole but if you come round I'll cook you an elaborate dinner and put you up for the night.
After work I go on a free guided history walk around my local area, and find out about lots of little historical things of interest I hadn't seen before. I also meet new people. Even if I never see them again, it's nice to have that moment of connection. When I get home, I video call with my parents and we share our news with each other.
I cook a quick dinner - these days I don't put pressure on myself to do anything too elaborate. I figure if frozen chopped onion and ready meals help me to eat moderately well and keep healthy, I'll use them. I have some cream which needs using, so eat it with some absolutely monstrous strawberries.
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I check my personal emails with my cat purring away on my lap. I've got a little side gig writing and illustrating. I worry that I'm not very good and It doesn't make me much money and I know I'll never be famous (do I even want to be?!), but I do enjoy it. Sometimes I'm confronted with a pile of rejections which can hurt, but it's all good stuff today: the money from a book I worked on came in. There are some more details about a talk I'm giving at the British Library later this year. My agent is sending some possible opportunities my way.
I still have a few hours before bed, so I work on a creative project for a bit. Not something I'm being paid for today: it's a personal craft project. I realised a while ago I have a bad habit of monetising everything, so now I make sure to set aside time in the week to work on things that will be presents for myself or friends.
And then when it gets to about 11, I snuggle under the covers and read PG Wodehouse. I giggle. A lot.
It's been a hard slog, but I suddenly find that I'm a very happy person. There's no partner-shaped or child-shaped hole in my life. I'm content. Every life has highs and lows of course, some days are better than others. I'm sure I'll have many troubles to face in the future, but I consider my asexuality to be a positive and joyful facet of my life.
132 notes · View notes
xxxdreamscapexxx · 1 year
Heyyyy I’m kinda new to tumblr but I love your posts and was wondering if you could do one where reader has some sort of chronic illness and is having a particularly hard time so Wanda cheers her up. Maybe like a cute breakfast in bed or picnic?
I was recently diagnosed with a couple and a, having a hard time. This would mean so much to me. Of course no rush and I totally get it if you can’t.
Also I saw in one of your replies where the anon asks to be doll and you greet them that way. Could I be sweetheart? I’m not sure if that’s how it works.
Hmmm… Well, let's see what I can come up with. Sooo… I'm not a doctor, and besides, that wasn't really my focus. The thing is, a lot of people find it hard to face dietary restrictions, when they have a condition and the outside world doesn't always make it easy, so I wanted to focus on that and also explain that it doesn't have to be impossible. You can still enjoy all the things you love, you can still eat delicious foods, while staying healthy.
Please, also note that I wrote this fairly quickly, so it may not be my best work.
I'm not sure if that's what you were hoping for, but I hope you like it.
Warnings: Disease, dietary restrictions, angst, fluff, happy ending, domestic sweetness… I think that's it? If I missed anything, let me know
You always thought of yourself as a healthy person. You had the normal pains and aches, got the flu or a stomach virus sometimes, but generally, you felt good. You never felt the need for any special check-ups, so you went grudgingly, only to appease your girlfriend’s mind. She worried too much. And she had lost so much too, that the fear of losing you as well, was almost crippling at times. That’s why you agreed. You just wanted her to feel more at ease. Everything was going to be just fine. Or at least that’s what you told her. But it was not just fine… High blood sugar levels prompted the doctor to take more tests. And it was a good thing he did. When he called you to his office, closing the door behind him, Wanda had started to play nervously with her rings, but at least he had the good sense to let her inside first, otherwise you feared your girlfriend would have broken down the door from worry. It turned out you had Type 2 diabetes. It was manageable. A lot of people lived with it and led perfectly normal, happy lives. You could too. But you had to make some adjustments to your diet. You had to monitor the disease and yourself, otherwise you could suffer serious consequences. When the doctor explained it all, gave you a list of recommended foods and also advised you what to stay away from, handed you a prescription for medication and advised on regular check-ups with him, as well as keeping your blood pressure low, it all seemed very simple. Except, Wanda spent the next week buried in research, giving away the cookies she had baked for you just the night before to the neighbours, making a whole new groceries list to accommodate your condition, it started to dawn on you that it wasn’t going to be simple. What made it worse, was the fact that suddenly everywhere you went, there was temptation. You would walk to work, passing by fast food places and burger joints, your colleagues would bring doughnuts to the office, you had to bring your own decaf and refrain from adding your favorite milk, random people would be eating sugary sweets, they’d be drinking all kinds of carbonated sweet drinks, or invite you to that steak house after work. Even just the air smelled like fried goods. It was everywhere. All the food you were meant to stay away from, right there, in front of your eyes. It was driving you crazy.
One afternoon, you were taking a walk in the nearby park after work to clear your head and you saw an ice-cream stand, a group of children waiting in line to buy their favorite flavours and for some reason you snapped. You could hardly wait to get home, and greeted with the sweet, loving face of your girlfriend, you broke down. You were shaking, tears streaming down your face as you tried to explain to her through sobs what had upset you so much and it broke her heart, to know that you were taking it so harshly and that she hadn’t noticed how much it hurt you. In the end you begged her to forget all those diets and just let you lead a normal life. The medication would help. And if you had complications – so be it. You didn’t want to live like this! Wanda calmed you down with kind, soothing words and she helped you out of your work clothes, picking out soft clothes for you to wear at home, trying to tell you that everything was going to be just fine. She would make sure of it. She tried to move past dinner as quickly as possible, seeing the unshed tears in your eyes, when you were met with the green salad and grilled vegetable she had prepared and she cuddled you on the couch, picking out your favorite movie to watch, until you were all sleepy and relaxed. Once she put you to bed, Wanda once again buried herself in research, but this time a completely different kind. She had her mind set that she would help you feel more at ease with your new dietary restrictions and showing you that the disease didn’t mean you couldn’t have a good, delicious meal. The next morning she woke extra early, running to the store to get all the things she needed for the special meal she had in mind and she came home, starting to prepare everything, hoping to be able to finish before you even woke up. When you did, you were greeted by your girlfriend sitting at the edge of the bed, a steaming cup of coffee in her hand. “I made it especially for you.” Wanda whispered as she offered it to you. “I got you vegan almond milk. Now you can have cappuccinos every morning.” She explained, already knowing what you were thinking. “Really?” You could barely contain yourself, sitting up, so you could take the cup from her hands and take a sip. “Is that sugar?” “Sweetener.” She explained with a smile. “And I have a surprise for you for lunch. So drink up, baby.” Wanda watched you go through your regular routines, and she smiled happily as she saw you finish your first cup of coffee, after 2 weeks of drinking nothing but plain decaf. She spent the morning with you, mostly talking and showering you with affection, watching you relax and feel more at ease, until she told you she’s taking you to the park. Suddenly you were feeling all the negative emotions from the previous day rushing back, but Wanda was quick to soothe you.
“I have something good planned for you, baby. I promise. Please, trust me?” She spoke and you couldn’t help but melt at her words, nodding slowly at her invitation to take you out. She had prepared everything in advance. All the food she had made placed in special containers and she quickly put them in a bag, grabbed your picnic blanket and the two of you walked there, hand in hand, while Wanda tried to distract you from your thoughts. As soon as you entered, you saw all the ice-cream stands and the little booths selling sodas and you felt yourself stiffen, but she settled you down on the fresh grass, choosing a spot away from all that, spreading the blanket and starting to take out all the little containers with a big smile and you couldn’t help but feel excitement. “For lunch, I have made you…” She paused for dramatic effect, holding the container. “Burgers!” She exclaimed, opening the box to show you her creation. “It’s a grilled vegetable patty, with a bun made from whole grains, entirely vegan, low-fat cheese and leafy greens. I made the sauces myself. Everything there is good for you. I promise it will be amazing!” She explained with pride and you could help but beam at her, hugging her tightly and burying your nose in her neck so you could breathe her in. She had made all this for you! To make you feel more at ease. To make you happy and you couldn’t help the warm, loving feeling that spread over you at her efforts. “And that’s not all!” She said with a wide grin. “Home-made lemonade, made with water, freshly squeezed or blended fruits, mint leaves and a squeeze of lemon.” She explained, as she pulled out a bottle. “I also have all your favorite fruits for dessert.” She said with a smile, one of her hands touching your face and stroking your cheek affectionately. “Thank you, Wanda! This is incredible! And it looks so delicious!” “Anything for you, love.” She said with a thoughtful smile. “I’m sorry it took me so long to notice how unhappy you were. I was so focused on getting you to eat only what was best for you, that I didn’t consider how hard it must be to watch everyone else eat all the things you shouldn’t. But I have several new recipes to try, and I promise, it will all be ok. You can have everything you like… With a twist.” She winked at you, making you laugh. “You are… Just marvellous. I’m the luckiest woman in the world to have you!” “So are you, my precious girl. Never forget that.” She smiled once again. “Now eat up, I want to know what you think.” She encouraged. As you took your first bite, you could tell the difference easily, but you also realized that it was absolutely delicious! You couldn’t even believe how much time and work it had taken her to research and make all that, but the end result was spectacular and you didn’t stop telling her that throughout the entire meal. The hours in the park passed by you quickly, while she fed you fruits, as the two of you talked or just cuddled on the blanket and as you decided to head home, gathering all your things, you couldn’t help but look at the place with a whole different view. The stands with ice-cream, sweets and soda didn’t look so tempting anymore. They were just regular things. “I’ll make you home-made ice-cream. I have a recipe.” Wanda whispered in your ear, when she spotted where you were looking and in that moment, as you took Wanda’s hand in yours, you knew that there was nothing you couldn’t face, while you had her by your side.   ______________________________________________________ Why wouldn't it work that way, sweetheart? If that's what you want to be called, than it's my pleasure.
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Cruella De Vil x Reader || Drabble
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Plot: Saying it. Admitting i like you more than I thought. Meaning the stronger word.
"I just wanted you to know."
Warnings: References to recent prior sexual activity and, you know, dead animals (1 mention).
Tagging: @asperol-with-izzy , @disney-android-foundation , @lady-love88 , @marinerainbow , and @ryantryan6969 .
Cruella De Vil,
Cruella De Vil
You hold your spoon inside the tub of yoghurt you were hoeing into post-coition with Cruella, sat up on her bench which you know she doesn't like you doing; only socks, clean underwear and a big shirt on that she also despises, and look over at her.
She's not dressed up, either, for once. Her hair is a fluffy spiky mess looking only slightly different to how she actually styles it (You could say that you styled it this time, with your fingers, but she would huff at you and roll her eyes), a silky black slip on which is contrasting with her pale skin, and a simple matching dressing gown. She almost looks normal, ordinary, perusing her fancy refrigerator and getting out a jug of milk. You know, not evil.
You feel enamoured with her, and so lucky that she let's you see her like this. That she allows it.
If she doesn't scare you,
No evil thing will.
She looks so tired, having thoroughly gotten her work out from you just then in her room, almost like the cranky middle aged woman she is and not the insane monster she... well also is. But she shows off that side of her a lot more and you don't often get to see this one!- so it's more significant.
You watch her wander her kitchen and find a glass, pouring herself the milk and then leaning back on the bench to drink it; looking focused and thoughtful out the dark windows. Probably thinking about work she has to do tomorrow, or whatever she was talking to Skinner on the phone about earlier. Whatever poor defenseless animal she's having removed from its skin so she can wear it. Her eyes are so pretty, even with day-old mascara speckled underneath them and old-lady wrinkles- dark, and striking. Scary to look into but you kinda like that. She's your dragon lady.
To see her is to take a sudden chill,
With a pleasant, all-done feeling brewing still in the pit of your belly from a couple minutes ago and a yoghurt you know very well she bought for you and you alone (Cruella doesn't like snacks, she's told you before. She has meals or nothing at all which you find to be an interesting her-thing) in your hand you have the sudden overwhelming urge to tell her how wonderful you find her.
Cruella, Cruella De Vil
In order to put it off, you scoop a spoonful of the creamy treat into your mouth and take your time savouring it; also looking out the windows into the night. It's the Greek kind and without sugar, the only way Cruella could justify it to herself buying it you're sure, but you like it. It's delicious, and she thought of you while ordering Alonzo to fetch her groceries.
After a few moments your eyes slip back over to her. She hasn't moved, other than to run a hand through her hair adjusting the crazy mane ever so slightly (it whooshes right now instead of whooshing left), and your feet start to swing a little watching her. The happiness you get from just being near to her spreading from the tip of your nose to your toes in comfy socks dangling off the side of her kitchen bench.
She notices you, of course, looking like a pleased puppy dog at her but doesn't react much except to flick her eyes pointedly away from you- acknowledging your silliness but not bothered by it, and takes another sip of milk. Not a bit ends up on her top lip. Cruella's classy like that.
The curl in her lips,
The ice in her stare.
As you continue to look her way in the quiet middle of the night, the usually cold apartment covered in floor to ceiling windows and a water feature in the livingroom seeming to almost feel comfortable and intimate for once, you feel the urge build. You're kind of curious what cruel words she would choose to use to rebuff you telling her. After all no matter what she said, your feelings wouldn't change at all. She couldn't hurt you if she wanted to. You expect her meanness, you don't mind it. You even crave it.
It's bad, it's terrible, it's toxic, you're aware; you just... don't care?
Or you do. Or you think that you should-...
It's complicated.
All innocent children had better beware.
Looking back towards the windows, so dark outside and so light in here that all you can see is the rooms reflection on the glass, you wonder to yourself how would you say it, if you did voice it- right now? Would you tell her she looks beautiful undone? Untogether? Taken apart? Or would that sound too horny?
You do like to fuck her, it's one of your favourite things - making her break her nails on the furniture, - , but it's damn well more then that by now, you're in deep.
How about you're psychotic but I'm into it ?
She's like a spider waiting for the kill,
Look out for Cruella De Vil.
Polishing off the little tub of yoghurt, you lick the spoon perfectly spotless and take a deep breath. Your legs are cold and your hands are cold and your toes are cold despite the fluffy socks- you feel like you have to say something or you'll never warm up.
Sighing and sticking the spoon into your mouth once more, holding it there you hop off the bench and wander to the bin; stepping carefully with the tip of your toes on the opening mechanism so the lid flies open. You drop the tub and the lid in and then let go of the mechanism- letting it slam shut again. Then you potter over to the sink and wash your spoon.
Cruella is watching you the whole time, you notice, so you're careful to not make a mistake. Put on a good show, be cute in your too-big shirt that she hates.
At first you think Cruella is a devil,
You wonder what she thinks while she watches you? Probably 'ugly shirt'- but what else??
But after time has worn away the shock
You come to realise you've seen her kind of eyes
Watching you
From underneath
A rock.
After you dry the spoon, you turn around with it and, taking a deep breath, you steer yourself towards the drawer it lives in- putting it away right where you found it, just like all other utensils here, just like Cruella will clean and put her glass back when she's done, like no one lives in this apartment; Soulless, as it is. "Cruella... "
"... " Twiddling your thumbs, looking everywhere but at her, you search for the right words. Words that'll convey what you mean, but won't kill her - the emotionally unstable crazy person, - to hear. Come on come on, you think, or you'll never be not-cold again. "I used to like you a... certain amount- and it's doubled, now."
Finally you look at her again, searching her face for however she's going to respond leaning back on the bench there with a glass of milk in her hands. Yes, she still looks ordinary- beautiful ordinary- but you know underneath all that pretty middle aged woman there's a creature.
This vampire bat,
This inhuman beast.
Her eyes, tired from a night of your fingers buried in her drawing out her orgasms, are sharp and on you; appraising you. For a moment you think she's going to snap at you, surely,..
But then an amused almost gassed smirk flashes across her face. "... you what?" The quiet spell in the room is broken immediately and your jaw drops open.
She ought to be locked up, and never released.
"Uh- " Is she laughing at you? Really? How do you explain what you've just said. Why did you say it in a riddle?- "It's more- more then before... but l-less then it could be."
She looks deadpanned at you, at that part. "Really?"
"No- well, its actually definitely more rather then less but I just don't want to startle you." You're talking fast now, mincing your words, but the ridiculous gist- you think- is coming through, as Cruella's smirk only broadens; Taking a long and leisurely sip of milk and laughing at you with her eyes while you struggle in front of her.
... its the longest sip in the history of sips and you're about to continue t a l k i n g, which would have been an abominable, atrocious mistake, when finally she speaks again. "That's quite a way to tell someone you're in love with them, darling."
Your lips part, hearing the word come out of Cruellas mouth. How does she even know that word!?-
The world was such
A wholesome place until
"... I guess I feel quite- warmly, towards you too." You're in shock, you're frozen- did Cruella De Vil just say she loves you in her way?? She spoke quickly but you definitely heard i- When you dont reply in a split second, when you're not as fast as she is (Which no one is. Maybe Barry Allen, but even he may struggle to keep up), she rolls her eyes and thrusts her finished glass into your hands. "Oh, don't let it get to your head! Now- clean this, I'm going to bed." Her silk robe brushes coolly against you as she flies off to the bedroom again.
Cruella, Cruella De Vil.
You're left alone piecing together the last few moments of your life with a glass clutched to your chest and a new pleasant, all-done feeling tucked away in the pit of your stomach.
And you're so cozy and warm suddenly.
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