#this is a last jedi hate blog
rotzaprachim · 2 years
girls when they think about the fact that rian johnson is apparently in some way responsible for the 1ast jedi AND the knives out films...
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I just want to say that I appreciate how nice you are about your dislike of the newer Star Trek shows. Like you don't trash them and everyone who likes them, you politely state that you don't like them and choose not to watch them. It's seriously so refreshing.
Lol I'm glad I come out that way because this does not come naturally to me, I am a hater at heart
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vizslasaber · 5 months
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summary: after landing on the umbaran surface, you butt heads with your fellow general—but get along swimmingly with your temporary clone captain.
pairing: captain rex x female jedi!reader
word count: 3.9k
warnings: combat/action, mentions of injury + death, krell being a bitch, reader with a name instead of y/n because i hate it
a/n: it’s back!!! previously i posted this series on my main, @brrmian, but i changed that blog’s username and have mostly shifted over to fanart and general SW content. i’ve decided to dedicate this new side blog’s content entirely to fic writing under my old username, posting reader insert on here and everything else on ao3! this fic will be updated sparsely but definitely more often than it was on my main. i’ve changed a few things regarding the plot of this series specifically, and i like it a lot more now!!
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You hadn’t wanted to leave the Temple behind—you still don’t, even lightyears away from the Core.
When the Jedi Council had first made you aware of the plan to have you and a Master you’d never met capture an Umbaran airbase with troops that were not your own, you had put up something of a fight. What right, you demanded, did the Chancellor have the right to simply pull a Jedi from their sacred duty for a trivial air-to-ground assault?
The Council had either not wanted to answer this question or had not known how to, so now you stand on a transport gunship with two clone troopers and an intimidatingly tall Besalisk Jedi Master by the name of Pong Krell. Both of you are holding onto the grab handles hanging from the ceiling; you’re gripping the handle so tightly your knuckles are slightly pale, but Krell looks perfectly steady.
Of course he is, you think bitterly. He has four arms.
The atmosphere of Umbara is breathable but strangely thick—fog seeps through the blast door openings, and the lights inside the gunship’s passenger bay seem to have dimmed. Your lightsabers bump against your hips and you wince slightly as sounds of frantic gunfire reach your ears.
This will be your first campaign.
You have seen death before, on missions as a Padawan before the war—but never on this scale, if the reports of your already-knighted friends from the Temple are anything to go by. You only hope that you will be assigned your own battalion soon, so you don’t have to go running around replacing wayward Generals.
It’s hard, standing at the side of an imposing Master, not to feel like a Padawan. The skin behind your right ear burns with the memory of the braid that had been there just last week, waiting to be sheared off as you prepared for your ascension to Knighthood.
While your battalion assignment is pending, Master Windu told you as you stood in the center of the Council Chamber, the Senate has requested that we send two Jedi Knights to replace Skywalker on Umbara.
Master Krell is already on-world, assisting Master Kenobi, but he will need another Jedi’s help if he and the 501st are to take the capital in Skywalker’s stead, Master Plo explained, his hologram flickering as he called in from some faraway world.
All due respect, Masters, you remember asking as you willed yourself not to tremble, but why me? I’ve never been anywhere near the front. I wouldn’t be much help.
Believe in your potential, we do, Master Yoda said. An opportunity for you to do good, the Force has given you.
And that, it was decided, was that.
Even now, after meditating on your anxiety for practically the entire journey through hyperspace, your nerves feel impossibly frayed. The transport jostles, but you only sway slightly, arm already holding onto an overhead handle for balance. There’s a shiny new military-issue commlink attached to your right vambrace. A morbid thought, of calling in a medevac for injured soldiers with this very communicator, crosses your mind—but you let it dissipate.
The gunship suddenly makes a sharp dive, and your stomach swoops—you must be about to land. You spare a glance at General Krell, who has now let go of the grab handles and has crossed all four of his arms over his chest. For a moment, you’re almost tempted to ask how he manages to stay so balanced while the ship is moving, but then the blast doors slide open and the gunship lands in shadowy darkness.
The first person you see is Anakin Skywalker. He’s around your age, maybe a bit younger—despite having been knighted several years earlier, as one of the first Padawan victims of the Jedi Military Integration Act. Your Master, ever traditional even when the Order began to stray from its centuries-old teachings, did her best to keep you apprenticed for as long as possible, but even that eventually proved futile.
In the end, you and Anakin are practically of the same age, and yet he has infinite more experience than you. Uncertainty wheedles its way into your chest and slips a pin into your lungs; you’re holding your breath as you follow Krell off the gunship.
Being far shorter than the Besalisk, you have to jump down. When you hit the ground, you shiver at the misty atmosphere, watching as bioluminescent specks of dust fly up underneath your boots.
As the two of you approach, you hear the troopers of the 501st legion mutter amongst themselves, but you push it aside and focus on the pleasantries.
“General Krell. General Neridian,” Anakin says, smiling graciously. “My thanks for the air support.”
“Indeed, General Skywalker,” Krell replies, bowing politely. “The locals have proven to be more resourceful than we anticipated.”
“We managed to get here in one piece, though,” you add jokingly, and Anakin smirks, his eyes twinkling. You gesture to the troopers unloading the gunship behind you. “And we brought ration resupplies.”
Anakin nods appreciatively, then raises one eyebrow after a moment, looking slightly confused. “But—that’s not the reason for your visit.”
“No,” Krell admits. “The Council has ordered you back to Coruscant, effective immediately.”
“What?” Skywalker demands. “Wh-why?”
“The Chancellor...” you pause, searching for a word, before you settle on, “insisted that you return. The Council had no say on the matter.”
“That is all they would tell us,” Krell adds, though he doesn’t sound displeased.
“Well, I—I can’t just leave my men!” Anakin protests, and for the first time you notice the trooper standing at attention beside him.
He’s identical to all the clones you’ve met, of course, except for one detail—his hair is blond. You wonder vaguely if it would be polite to ask him whether or not it’s natural as you survey his armor. The pauldron on his left shoulder indicates a position of command, but he carries a sense of individuality in the Force that, despite your inexperience with working with them, you’ve come to realize every clone has. His helmet is painted with a distinctly Mandalorian sigil, but it’s not one you recognize.
His gaze is pointed directly ahead; he makes no eye contact with you. Probably just as annoyed at the change of plans as Anakin is, you realize.
Krell moves to speak, jolting you from your thoughts. You recognize Anakin’s agitation, however, so you calmly move to intercept.
“The Council would not just leave your troopers to fend for themselves—not that they aren’t perfectly capable of doing so, of course,” you add, which merits the barest hint of a smile from the trooper standing beside Anakin. “It’s just… well, the Senate needs a Jedi to be at the head of every campaign, and I guess they figured subtracting one of you would mean—”
“—adding two other Jedi,” Anakin says with a snort of derision. “Yeah… sounds like the Senate. But you guys’ll probably get it done faster anyway.”
“Don’t worry about a thing, sir,” interjects the trooper, and Anakin looks to him. “We’ll have this city under control by the time you’re back.”
“Generals, this is Captain Rex, my first in command,” Anakin says fondly, and you see something like pride show itself in Rex’s eyes. “You won’t find a finer or more loyal trooper anywhere.”
“I don’t doubt it,” you affirm earnestly.
“Yes, that is good to hear,” Krell agrees, then places a large hand on Anakin’s shoulder. “I wish you well, Skywalker.”
Anakin simply nods at him, then stops beside you and says, “I hear you passed the Trials.”
You gesture to your hair, now void of a Padawan braid. “Apparently so,” you reply. “Funny, I didn’t think you were one to get swept into the rumour mill.”
A grin, boyish and bright, springs to Anakin’s face. “Nah, I’m always one for good gossip.” His expression turns softer, then, and he puts a hand on your shoulder. “Seriously, though… congratulations.”
“Thank you,” you say, but he’s already approaching the gunship and taking hold of one of the grab handles. The ship is off within seconds, and you can’t help but feel apprehensive as it flies away, up into the fog.
Taking a moment to gather yourself, you turn to Rex and offer a polite nod. He returns it, then says, “It is an honour to be serving with you, Generals.”
“The honour is all mine,” you return graciously, and Rex looks like he’s about to say something else, but stops when Krell begins to speak.
“I find it very interesting, Captain, that you are able to recognize the value of honour,” he begins, then—almost as an afterthought—adds, “for a clone.”
Your eyebrows shoot up, and as Rex stares at Krell in shock, you feel your armored chest tighten—with frustration or shock, you don’t yet know.
“Stand at attention when I address you,” Krell snaps, turning to face the other troopers, and as Rex obliges, you narrow your eyes and step forward.
“Master Krell,” you start, your jaw tightening, “I do believe it would be far more... prudent to show respect to the soldiers who have so graciously agreed to undertake this mission with us.” You tilt your head questioningly, sending your ponytail swaying. “After all—we are the ones who just arrived.”
A ripple of white-hot anger moves through the Force with lightning speed, but it’s gone before you can take time to process it. Now, all you can feel is something akin to gratitude, trickling like a cool waterfall from where Rex stands, back straight and eyes ahead.
“They agreed to nothing,” Krell counters, and you blink as his wide upper lip curls back to reveal a row of dangerously sharp teeth. “Do not forget, young one, that we are the Generals they serve under at present.”
“I...” you pause, momentarily at a loss for words, then clasp your hands behind your back and force your jaw to unclench. “I haven’t forgotten that. But I also haven’t forgotten that the only way to succeed in this endeavour is to work together.”
“And with what experience do you so kindly bestow this advice upon us, Knight Neridian?” Krell asks, and the question is like a bucket of ice water down the back of your robes.
You swallow, and search for the words to say, but none come. Cheeks burning with shame, you stare determinedly at the ground.
The tension in Krell’s Force signature disappears, as sudden as the crack of a whip, and he draws in a deep breath. You look up as the pouch-like piece of flesh under Krell’s chin grows in size and he begins to pace.
“Nevertheless,” Krell brushes off, acting as though none of your words register with him, “there’s a reason my command is so effective, and it’s because I do things by the book.” He walks past a soldier in an ARC Trooper uniform who has the number five tattooed on his right temple. The trooper doesn’t move as Krell passes him, but you can see a vein on his forehead bulge.
“And that includes protocol,” Krell puts in. He turns to you. “Have all platoons ready to move out immediately.”
You bristle. “I—I thought we were to make decisions together,” you protest, raising your chin defiantly.
Technically, there’s nothing to defy, seeing as you hold equal rank with Krell—but the Council specified in their briefing that this was supposed to be a learning experience, an introduction to combat before receiving your own battalion. And something about Master Krell demands respect, or at the very least obedience, despite the fact that you’re starting to want to do everything you can not to give it to him.
Krell simply huffs and turns around, his yellow eyes flashing, and walks away, leaving you surrounded by a platoon troopers.
You frown after him. “Well, now I know why Master Venn wished me good luck,” you mutter, mostly to yourself. Some of the troopers snicker, but you hardly notice.
Your former master, Esya Venn, had pulled you aside just before leaving. The look on her face had been nothing short of concerned, but you’d shrugged it off in the moment, even when she’d told you to be careful, Padawan. She never told anyone to be careful—it was simply a reflex to think twice about your actions around Esya.
But now you understand.
Scrubbing a hand over your tired face, you take a deep breath and turn to Captain Rex. “Shall we set off?” you ask, and he nods, promptly putting on his helmet.
“Move out, soldiers!” he shouts, starting down the path after Krell. “Come on, let’s go!”
You give Rex a grateful smile, and though you can’t see his face, you know he’s returning it. With one last glance at the battalion, you hurry to the front and fall into step next to General Krell.
It’s silent for some time. Krell doesn’t deter, no matter how dark it gets, and after a while you begin to grow uncomfortable next to him. The anger you’d felt in the Force earlier is dormant, but certainly there, and it makes chills erupt down your spine.
"I’m going to check on the Captain,” you say, and Krell only nods when you turn around and quickly find Rex, who’s walking about two meters behind where you previously were.
The Captain salutes briefly. “General.”
“Captain,” you reply politely, before glancing back at Krell. “I can’t help but notice that there’s—” you pause for a moment. Do these troopers know enough about the Force to have conversations with you about it?
Knowing Anakin, you realize, they probably do, so you clear your throat and continue. “I get a strange feeling from Master Krell,” you say quietly.
Rex’s shoulders relax just slightly. “How so, sir?”
You bite your lip and shake your head. “I don’t know, exactly,” you reply, then gesture vaguely in front of you, where Krell is half-visible in the murky fog. “The Force around him is unclear. It’s... hard to explain.”
“Hard to explain, as in it’s a Jedi thing?” Rex guesses, and you grin widely.
“Yes,” you say. “It’s a Jedi thing.” Reaching up, you curl a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“I may not be a Jedi, sir,” Rex says after a moment, “but I think I know what you mean by strange feeling.”
“Quicken that pace, battalion!” Krell suddenly shouts over his shoulder, and you jump. “This isn’t some training course on Kamino.”
You sigh and raise your voice, turning to the troopers. “What General Krell means,” you call, pointedly shooting a glare at the Besalik’s back, “is that we must continue to make good time. Keep up the good work.”
Krell gives no answer, but you feel a ripple of frustration coming from his direction. There’s another thread in the Force, one of gratitude, but you can’t tell where exactly it’s coming from. You latch onto it nonetheless and file the feeling away for later, letting yourself make an easy pace just ahead of Rex.
“He certainly has a way with words,” you hear one of the clones say, and when you glance behind you out of the corner of your eye, you can see that the source is someone with similar armor to Rex’s. Another ARC, or someone of similar rank.
There’s a sigh. You think it’s from Rex. The troopers obviously don’t know you’re listening, so you direct your gaze ahead, keeping your pace steady.
“He’s just trying to keep us on schedule,” Rex explains, voice hushed and sounding a bit sheepish.
"By raising everyone’s ire?” the other trooper grumbles.
“Either way, he’s in charge,” Rex protests. “And we’ve got a job to do.”
“She’s in charge, too,” hisses the trooper, and you purse your lips, knowing he’s pointing to you.
Another sigh, again from Rex. “Just—treat them both with respect, and we’ll all get along fine.”
You’re about to turn around when your neck stiffens. It’s an instinctual reaction, like the Force tapping you on the shoulder—one that you’ve learned to interpret as a warning. Less than a second later, a loud screech echoes above your head.
“Ready your weapons!” Rex shouts, at the same moment you draw one lightsaber.
Faster than your eyes can process, a winged creature swoops down and grabs a trooper—but you don’t need your eyes. The cyan beam of your lightsaber casts a glow on the shadowy ground, and you jump upwards, landing on a large plant that allows you to swing from a vine and graze the blade across the wing of one of the creatures. It falls to the ground with another screech before flying away, relatively unharmed.
One to go.
You’re about to grab hold of a second vine and swing towards the other creature, but a flash of blurred blue and green makes you pull back—Krell beats you to it, landing on top of the creature and wrestling it to the ground.
“Wait—stop!” you shout as he draws his lightsabers, but it’s too late. He’s already skewered the creature mercilessly, and it lies dead on the ground, life blinking out of the Force in an instant.
You jump off of the large plant, landing on both feet, and hook your now deactivated lightsaber onto your belt. “Why did you kill it?” you demand, pushing past several onlooking clones.
“It is nothing more than a violent inhabitant of this area,” Krell dismisses, and you feel your jaw drop.
“But…” you start, at a loss for words. “The Code decrees—”
“The Code,” Krell says coldly as he turns to stare at you, “allows for self defense.”
You draw yourself up to your full height, switching off your lightsaber with a snap-hiss before hooking it back onto your belt. “That’s not what—”
Krell’s lightsabers deactivate loudly, cutting you off, and he returns them to either side of his belt before turning away and continuing on the path. “Anyone else want to stop and play with the animals?”
No one answers, but you feel your fists clench as if of their own accord.
This is going to be a long night.
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Umbara’s plant life is fascinating. Observing the bioluminescent life forms is the only thing that serves a proper distraction from both the grumbling clone troopers and the pit of apprehension in your stomach. You’d been walking for twelve hours, give or take, and every time you’d tried to suggest a break to Krell, he’d snapped at you.
This can’t be allowed, you think bitterly, skipping over a glowing pink tree root, boots skidding on the dark purple ground.
You chew on your bottom lip and glance at the clones behind you. They are understandably worn out, and even with the extensive survival training Master Esya drilled into you as a Padawan, you were starting to get tired, too.
“Sir,” says a voice from behind you, and you jump, expecting in your exhaustion to see Krell—but it’s just Rex.
“We’ve been keeping this pace for almost half a rotation,” Rex points out, sounding vaguely nervous. “The men are... starting to tire. General Krell is...” he tilts his head, expressionless visor unreadable. “You know.”
You muster a smile, hoping you look at least a little like Master Enya, and nod.
“I know, Captain,” you say, and he shifts slightly, as though his blue-painted pauldron is uncomfortable. You can’t blame him. Running a hand over your ponytail, you blow out a breath and frown at the puff of air that appears in front of you. “Let me talk to him. Tell the men to start searching for a good spot to camp for a few hours.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Rex giving an affirmative thumbs up to the troopers behind him, but by then you’re already approaching Krell, clasping your hands tightly behind your back.
“Master Krell,” you start, and Krell turns his head just a bit. “I’ve told the men to scout for a place to rest. I reviewed the mission plan on the way here, and we can spare three hours without being delayed, possibly more—”
“The men don’t need rest,” Krell interrupts, and you feel your cheeks flush with anger. “They need resolve to complete the task at hand.”
“Apologies, Master,” you say, squaring your shoulders as frustration heats your neck and face. You breathe deeply. There is no emotion, only peace. “But I don’t think the men will be on their best game when we reach the capital if they don’t take some time to gather themselves.”
“That they need to ‘gather themselves’ is a sign of weakness,” Krell cuts in, stopping and turning to face you with a sneer. “That is not what these clones were bred for.”
Not far away, many of the soldiers bristle at Krell’s choice of words, but you keep your focus on the yellow eyes staring you down for the second time that night.
“They weren’t bred to be mindless droids, either,” you argue, crossing your arms over your chest and making sure to keep your voice even. “And in case you’ve forgotten, even battle droids need to recharge. If we march on the Capital without any sort of break first, I promise you, this mission will not go as planned. Exhausted and underfed soldiers are a guaranteed disadvantage.”
Krell studies you, a sneer forming on his lips. “I see you take after your Master’s incessant need to get the last word on anyone she disagrees with.”
You scowl. “I beg your pardon, but Master Venn is—”
He ignores you, cutting past where you stand and walking away. “Do what you wish, Neridian,” he dismisses, then walks away to stand by a glowing tree.
A sigh escapes your lips, and you close your eyes. It’s becoming harder and harder not to snap at him—but you know what the Order’s teachings require of you. Emotion, yet peace.
You grimace as Krell retreats to the back of the line, then turn back to the troopers nearby and give Rex a nod. The captain returns it in what you hope is a grateful manner, then calls for the men to make camp at the top of the ridge your group has been climbing.
By the time you gather all the troopers together, the battalion has put together a hasty campsite, with half the troopers having fallen into a fitful sleep and the other half keeping watch while eating as many rations as the limit allows. You frown and approach the trooper you heard Rex talking to earlier, his Force signature familiar from when you were eavesdropping. His helmet is now sitting in his lap, being meticulously cleaned with what little supplies the battalion has on hand.
You study the soldier. He has a tattoo on his right temple, and upon studying it, you realize it’s the same ARC trooper who’d been glaring at Krell when you stepped off the gunship. You wonder what significance the number five has to him.
Taking another step forward, you clear your throat. “Trooper,” you begin, and the soldier looks up curiously before abruptly shooting to his feet and snapping off a salute. You wave a nonchalant hand. “No need for that. I only wanted to ask a favor—can you gather troopers to stand watch? Six at a time, tops, and make sure they take turns so everyone can rest. That includes you.”
“You got it, sir,” says the trooper, and you smile.
“Sorry, I don’t believe I caught your name...” you say, then, and the trooper blinks.
“Oh, uh—it’s Fives, sir.”
“I see,” you reply, gaze flickering to his tattoo and back again. “Thank you, Fives.”
You retreat to your own tent soon after, shrugging off your vambraces and arranging them neatly next to your bedroll. This wouldn’t be the shortest sleep cycle you’d had, what with the nature of your apprenticeship at the temple—but not the longest, either.
From what you can hear inside your tent, the camp is silent. Slowly, you poke your head through the canvas flaps to find exactly six men—as you’d requested—sitting in the center of camp. Farther away, at the outskirts of the circle of tents, sits Master Krell’s hulking form. In spite of yourself, you frown.
“General?” asks a sudden voice above you; letting out an involuntary yelp, you scramble backwards before stopping at the sight of Rex standing near the entrance to your tent.
Embarrassed, you stand up, brushing off your cream-coloured robes. “Sorry,” you say sheepishly. “I could swear I’m not usually so jumpy, I don’t know what—” you look up and stop short.
Rex has removed his helmet.
His blond hair isn’t a surprise this time around, but close up, you’re struck by how tired he looks. There are smile lines at the corners of his eyes, but his face is cast in exhausted shadows.
You wonder if a full night’s sleep is something he’s ever had, or if the training regiments on Kamino prepared him and his brothers for this kind of halfhearted sleep cycle. Curiously, you study him.
Rex’s eyes are golden-brown in the dying light of this shadowy planet. They’re the same shade as all the troopers in the immediate vicinity. And yet, as you stare into them, something in you stirs as your Force signature brushes against his—something you know you’re not supposed to feel.
“Er, General,” Rex repeats, jolting you from your faraway thoughts. “I just wanted to let you know—the scouts are detecting a clear journey from here on out. We have approximately four hours to kick back, as predicted.”
Hurriedly, you turn away and clear your throat awkwardly. “Very good, Captain,” you mumble. “Thank you. You’re—erm, free to go and rest.”
For a moment, Rex looks surprised, but he composes himself seconds later. “Thank you, General,” he says. “But I—”
“Not up for debate,” you interrupt, holding your hand up. Bemused, Rex blinks, so you shoot him a reassuring smile. “You said it yourself: the soldiers need rest. You’re a soldier, yes?”
Rex opens his mouth, probably to say something about him being a Captain, but you lower your hand to rest it on his shoulder. The kind gesture seems to quell him, so you continue. “Don’t exclude yourself in that. Rest well, Captain.”
When you turn and reenter your tent, you don’t catch the way Rex’s eyes linger on the closed flap for far longer than they should, heat prickling up his neck as the remnant of your touch burns itself through his pauldron.
“You too… General.”
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anakin-pilled · 9 months
𝘨𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘴 - anakin skywalker x fem! reader (part one)
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pairing: anakin skywalker x fem! reader
wordcount: 4.8k
warnings: minimal uses of y/n (trying to avoid writing this as much as possible but sometimes u need to!), awkwardness, anakin needs a break, POV switching (im trying something new, but its still in 3rd POV), reader is a popstar (very loosely based of taylor swift), too many scenes (i'll limit it next chapter) rating: 18+ (my blog is 18+ only)
rating: 18+ (my blog is 18+ only)
taglist: lmk if u want to be added!
author's note: well, here it is!! my first anakin fanfic!! i was listening to gorgeous by taylor swift and it just reminded me of how much i hate beautiful men (hayden christensen) and the effect they have on me and then this feeling just spirialed and became a fanfic--and my first ever mini series! i'm aiming for four or five parts? enjoy!!! (proofread but if u see a mistake pls tell me). sorry if the first part is boring, i'm just trying to set the vibe and introduce the major plot elements! creds to saradika for the header!
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All Anakin Skywalker wanted was one, uninterrupted kriffing break. Yet, even that seemed like too much to ask from the Maker. With an annoyed sigh, Anakin quickly ended the call on his comlink and made his way out of his living quarters and towards the Jedi Council’s meeting room. “What do they want from me now?” Anakin thought to himself. 
It wasn’t unusual for Anakin to sport an attitude, but lately, his foul mood had been exacerbated in the last few months for several reasons. Anakin’s recent breakup with Padme laid heavy in his heart. As the war raged on and both of their duties called them away for weeks, even months, at a time, the young couple rarely had time to see each other. It was supposed to be a small break at first–Padme was working on an important bill that could change the tide of the war, so she wanted to focus all her energy on gaining support for the bill from fellow Senators and campaigning for its passage on the Senate floor. So, Padme suggested that she and Anakin take a quick pause on their relationship until she was finished with the bill. But even after the bill passed, Padme was too consumed by her senatorial duties to put her all into a relationship. Anakin was just as busy on the battlefields, traveling to distant systems, and ensuring that the Separatists did not win any more than they already had. However, he was still willing to put an effort into their relationship because he loved Padme more than life itself. Padme was Anakin’s first love, and they had already been through so much together. Didn’t that mean something? It was late one night when the couple retired to Padme’s apartment that she dropped the news. Anakin felt as if his whole world shattered. He begged on his knees to Padme, to give them another chance. She insisted it was for the best and that she would reach out to him in a few months when she felt ready. Anakin would be lying if he said a part of him was shocked. After all, Padme put her job as Senator above everything else. But still, it hurt knowing that the one person who he would abandon everything for, would not do the same for him. 
Aside from the breakup, Anakin was tired of the constant fighting, the rising death toll, and the never-ending chaos that always seemed to follow him. The 501st Clone Battalion’s most recent war campaign was brutal, and they lost a few men to Trandoshan separatists while in battle at a small, Outer Rim planet. Anyone could see that Anakin thrived in war. He was nicknamed the “Hero With No Fear” for a reason. But, the death of his men, or any man under Republic forces, always left his heart and mind unsettled. 
As Anakin reached the door to the Jedi Council, he quickly shook his head as if to ward away his dark thoughts. He really should meditate more. The door opened and Anakin was greeted with the sight of the Jedi Masters sitting in a circle, he noticed many of them appeared via holoprojectors. 
“Hello masters,” Anakin said with a bow. He looked around until he met eyes with Obi-Wan, who happened to be off-planet at the moment. Obi-Wan gave Anakin an uneasy smile which blared the alarms in Anakin’s head. Anakin was already in a defensive mode due to his rocky relationship with the council. 
It was Mace Windu who spoke first. “General Skywalker, we have called you here today to discuss an upcoming mission. It is to our understanding that you are currently on a break right now, however, you were specifically requested by the Chancellor for this task.” It must be an important mission if the Chancellor himself requested that Anakin carry it out. 
“There will be an upcoming charity event hosted in honor of the Republic to raise funds for the war effort. The event is being held in Corulag in ten rotations from now. While Corulag is part of the Republic, there have been recent Separatist activities within the planet and its system,” Master Windu continued.
“And what will I need to do while in Corulag?” Anakin asked with a slight edge in his voice. He really didn’t want to travel off-world.
“You will be the personal escort and bodyguard to the charity’s main event, singer (Y/N) (L/N). She will be performing a show as part of the charity and her presence is estimated to bring in a lot of credits for the war effort. While we don’t personally believe there will be a threat on her life, the Chancellor suspects that the Separatists may try to infiltrate the singer as a way to ruin the charity’s efforts.” 
Anakin felt his annoyance flare up again. He was being taken away from his well-deserved break time to babysit a singer? This was a job that even a Padawan could carry–Ahsoka could do it with her eyes closed. 
Even through the holoprojector, Obi-Wan could see the tale tell signs of his former student’s growing anger. He pitied the boy. Obi-Wan felt that Anakin deserved his break, especially after his most recent mission. However, it was not up to Obi-Wan alone to make these decisions. With the war prolonging itself more than necessary and the expenses rising every day, the Republic needed as many credits as it could get from its supporters. Obi-Wan quickly piqued up from the side to calm his friend, “Anakin, the Chancellor personally requested you as the singer is a family friend of his, and he trusts you. The Council will discuss giving you vacation time after completing your mission.” As vexed as Anakin might have been at first, he certainly didn’t want to disappoint the Chancellor. He had no choice but to accept the mission. Anakin silently nodded to the council. 
“Recieve more instructions tomorrow, you will. Rest for now,” said Yoda from his chair. 
And with that, the meeting was over. Anakin said his goodbyes with a bow and walked out.
After Anakin left the meeting, he headed towards the Jedi Archives to conduct some research on his new mission. He wasn’t interested in who the singer was, or what she did. Rather, he wanted to know what kind of person she was–was she a controversial celebrity, or did she stay in the lines? Anakin prayed he wasn’t dealing with some crazy, entitled celebrity who did whatever she wanted. That would make his mission harder than it needed to be. He had heard of the singer’s name in passing from Ahsoka, who kept up with recent trends via the HoloNet. As a General and a Jedi Knight, Anakin no longer had the same sense of freedom that he had as a Padawan, even though he had much less freedom than his other Padawan counterparts. “Perks of being the Chosen One, I suppose,” Anakin bitterly whispered to himself. 
Anakin filtered past the front desk of the Archives after giving Madame Jocasta a quick nod and small time. He wanted to be in and out so he could get food from the Temple’s cantina before retreating to his living quarters for the night. 
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“What do you mean they are assigning a Jedi Knight as my security detail?! I thought this was supposed to be a simple concert for a charity event, why are they assigning a Jedi if there is no imminent danger?!” you exclaimed to your manager, Gido Frisco, with a pointed look. 
When you agreed to perform at this charity event, you did so because you wanted to help raise credits for the Republic. Your management discouraged you from having any outspoken opinions on politics as it could lead to alienation from fans and tabloid backlash. But after your home planet became a recent victim to Separatist forces, you could no longer idly sit by and continue living as if the war didn’t affect you. When the charity’s organizers approached you to do this event, you happily agreed because all the credits earned were going to a meaningful cause. To the Republic. To democracy. 
The event was to consist of several performances by famous artists from throughout the Core Worlds, but you were the headlining event. Though you would humbly deny it, your popularity superseded everyone else set to perform. The media and your fans dubbed you “the Galaxy’s princess” due to your popularity as a singer across the Galactic Core. You hated that nickname. You were very far from a princess–you were just lucky enough to be born with an innate musical talent. Nonetheless, you were still treated as if you were royalty. 
“Look, I’m going to be blunt with you. There has been Separatist activity in and around Corulag, but we don’t predict that it will directly affect you. Think of the Jedi as an extra security personnel. They won’t let anybody or anything hurt you,” explained Gido. 
“Who is we?”
“We as in myself, and the Chancellor. He was quite worried for your safety when he heard of your acceptance to perform.” That made much more sense. The Chancellor, an old family friend of yours, often looked out for you throughout your years on Coruscant. You had no family on the planet as all your family lived on Bar’leth, only visiting you every few months. While you saw them as often as you could, the help and care they provided you was limited to messages on your holo tablet and calls via communicator. The Chancellor took it upon himself to help you whenever he could. You were extremely grateful for his help, but you couldn’t help but feel unnerved by the thought of having a Jedi accompany you. You knew Jedis were the peacekeepers of the galaxy. As the war started and worsened, the Jedi were thrust into a new, partial position. Where the Jedi went, trouble unfortunately followed. Would more trouble follow you if you were accompanied by a Jedi than if you were not? Only time would tell. 
“Very well. And when will I meet this Jedi?” 
“You will meet him tomorrow morning. Please do not stress the situation. We are merely taking precautions. Rest for tonight and we will talk more in the morning. Goodnight, princess.” And with that, Gido walked out of your apartment and you were left alone.
You walked outside and onto your balcony and observed the night sky. Your eyes followed the speeders flying through the air–a cacophony of honks and whizzes! reached your ears. You leaned upon the stone masonry of the balcony’s railing and rested your elbows on its surface. You then laid your cheek in your palm and closed your eyes as the lights of Corscuant reflected off your statue. You took into the slight breeze of the night and enjoyed this moment of serenity. Who knows what the next few rotations will bring? You could only hope you would suffer a nicer faith than your home planet. Your eyes opened, and you retreated into the lush interior of your apartment and began your nightly routine. 
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Holy kriff, this man is kriffing gorgeous! Those were the first words that popped into your head when you saw the Jedi knight walk into your living room. It was early in the morning. You thought he was only supposed to accompany you at the charity benefit, but your team thought it would be best if he accompanied you throughout the week as you prepared for the event and ran errands. 
As he walked closer to you, you felt your mouth run dry and a creeping heating sensation sprouted from the base of your neck to your cheeks. You could only hope he didn’t feel the heat radiating off your body. He was wearing dark-colored robes, with a maroon long-sleeve undershirt, and only one leather glove on his right arm. Was this a fashion statement of some kind? Gido spoke up before you could say anything. 
“Welcome, and thank you for being here Jedi. I can assure you that it means very much to us and I hope that you find yourself comfortable for the next few rotations. Our team will do its best to ensure you are properly accommodated. My name is Gido Frisco, and I am (Y/N)’s manager.” Gido reached out his hand for Anakin to shake. Anakin took his hand in a firm grip and replied.
“Thank you. My name is Anakin Skywalker, general of the 501st Legion. I will do my best to keep (Y/N) safe.”
Anakin. You had heard of him before–he was the Republic’s poster boy and a very successful leader. Though you knew of him, you had yet to put a face to the name until now. Instead of making eye contact with the man, you simply stared at the ground until Gido included you in the conversation. 
“And this is (Y/N),” Gido said. 
You then looked up at Anakin and made eye contact with the gorgeous man in front of you. Your eyes widened slightly as you took in the color of his eyes. They were a dazzling shade of blue that was highlighted by the scar running down the right side of his forehead to underneath his eye. 
There was an awkward moment of silence before you stuttered as you reintroduced your name to Anakin and shook his hand. Shit, he's strong, you thought as he shook your hand with a firm grasp. If there was one thing you were weak for, it was a strong man. A strong, beautiful man!
“Pleasure to meet you too. I’ll be at your service this week,” Anakin stated with a small smile. Kriff, even his voice was attractive! You could only stare at him and nod. You were truly at a loss for words. Wait, can he hear my thoughts right now? You thought to yourself. You heard the Jedi could use the Force to read minds, but you didn’t know if this was just a rumor. You hoped it was just a rumor or you'd find yourself burying yourself six feet under the ground out of embarrassment.
“Well, now that you two are acquainted, I’ll be taking Anakin so we can go over the security details. Stay here until then.” Gido then led Anakin out of the room and that was the last you saw of the Jedi until dinner time. 
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When Anakin woke up the next morning, he walked toward the Temple’s catina to grab a warm cup of caf and breakfast. The food was meager most days, but it beat having to live off the plain-tasting ration bars that he ate most of the time when he was on missions and campaigns. As Anakin walked through the tables to find a seat, he was greeted by the site of his former master sipping on a cup of tea and conversing with Ahsoka. 
“Ahh, Anakin. Nice to see you this morning. I am terribly sorry that you have been called upon for another mission. I do believe that your rest was well-deserved, but unfortunately, I had no power over this decision,” Obi-Wan stated as he continued to sip on his tea. 
“Thanks, Master. I can’t say I’m particularly excited about this, but hopefully, after this is done, I can properly enjoy my rest.”
“Master, you’re so lucky! I am so jealous of you right now. I wish I could join you, but Master Sinabu has requested that I assist him in a few lessons with the younglings,” Ashoka pipped in. “Hey, do you think you could get me an autograph?” She was excited. Ahsoka was no stranger to being in the company of high-profile people, but most of the time, it was limited to officials and members of the Senate. Boring! The thought of her master working with one of the most famous singers of this generation was honestly hilarious to her. A part of her wished it was her on this mission instead. The last time Anakin was on babysitting duty was when Ahsoka first joined Anakin as his Padawan was to rescue Jabba the Hutt’s son. Much like Anakin, Ahsoka believed this task could’ve been carried out by a Padawan, but as Obi-Wan explained to her, the Chancellor personally requested Anakin for this task. 
“Snips, I’m there to protect, not get autographs. Try practicing your mediation skills, and maybe I’ll get you an autograph,” Anakin said with a small smirk on his face. Much like him in his Padawan days, Ahsoka found meditating tedious and boring. He honestly should meditate more to set a better example, but Anakin’s teaching method was more of “Do as I say, not as I do.” 
“Oh come on Skyguy! You owe me this favor after I saved your butt back on Florrum. What would you have done if I wasn’t there to save you from all those assassin droids?” quipped Ashoka with a slight raise in her eyebrows. Damn, she got me there, thought Anakin to himself. But, he wasn’t going to let her have this win so easily. One might say that Anakin was acting immature for his age, but he and Ahsoka’s relationship thrived off witty remarks and friendly competition. Anakin’s relationship with Ahsoka was one of the most precious things in his life. 
“Except I won our last sparring battle. That makes us even, no?” Ahsoka’s smile quickly dropped, and she glared at her master. Anakin took a sip of his caf and continued, “Only kidding, Snips. I’ll try to get you that autograph. I might be too busy trying to keep this singer out of trouble.”
Obi-Wan observed his former student and Ahsoka with fondness. “Do not worry, young one. You will beat Anakin one day. A student is only as good as their teacher, and you have a good teacher. I would know–I taught him,” Obi-Wan joked with the two. “Anakin, I hope this mission goes smoothly. I know how badly your last assignment went.” Obi-Wan placed his hand on Anakin’s shoulder and squeezed it.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Though Anakin’s ego subsided since he lost his arm at the Battle of Geonosis, it didn’t mean he liked talking about his failures. The Separatists somehow acquired important Republic intel and managed to ruin Anakin’s battle strategy with a surprise attack. He and his men just barely made it out on time before a full Separatist takeover happened. Anakin’s appetite was ruined by the thought of it. 
Suddenly, Anakin’s commlink beeped and he knew it was time to head out to the hangar and receive his instructions for the week. He said his farewells to Obi-Wan and Ahsoka before going to the hangar, where he was surprisingly greeted by the Chancellor. The older man smiled at Anakin and shook his hand.
“Anakin, my boy. I cannot express my gratitude to you for accepting this assignment. You see, I specifically asked for you because I knew that I could trust you with my dear family friend. I do hope that you take care of her well.” 
“Of course, Chancellor. She will be safe under my watch.” 
“Now, she shouldn’t give you any trouble. She is a well-mannered girl. However, I have just received secret Separatist intel and wanted to share it with you before I visit the council. According to the intel, Count Dooku has ordered intelligence to interfere with the benefit. Our report says that he is planning on hacking our broadcasting signal and threatening the talent for the whole galaxy to see. For what, I do not not know. While we do expect the benefit to raise many credits for the Republic, the show will also provide a boost in morale for the citizens of the Republic. I theorize that Count Dooku wishes to ruin the public’s perception of the Republic’s efficiency and control over the war and the talent are a way to do this,” explained Chancellor Palpatine.
Anakin furrowed his brows. “Seems like Count Dooku is running out of scare tactics. Chancellor, the Jedi will ensure that the benefit proceeds as expected and that no harm comes to anyone there.” 
The Chancellor smiled at Anakin’s words. “Thank you, my boy. Now I mustn’t take any more of your time. I will let you go now. You will receive more information on the Separatist intel later on.”
Anakin and the Chancellor shook hands once more before Anakin boarded his ship and plugged in the coordinates provided to him by the council. 
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Anakin’s first impression of you was that you were pretty. A delicate kind of pretty that Anakin had only seen in one other person before, Padme. But as quickly as the thought entered his conscious, he pushed it toward the back of his mind. What was he even thinking? He chalked up to him missing Padme. Yeah…Anakin just missed Padme and now that he was in the same familiar situation that he was in a few years ago when he first met Padme, familiar feelings are rising. After all, this wasn’t the first time Anakin had been sent on bodyguard duty for a well-known beautiful public figure. 
Your manager introduced himself to Anakin and then introduced you to him. Though he wasn’t excited about this mission, he couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit relieved that he would be staying in your luxurious apartment for the next few rotations until you traveled off-world. It wasn’t very often that the Jedi were afforded such accommodations. Anakin had spent his fair share of nights seeking refuge in strange, foreign biomes with only mere sticks and leaves as shelter. If he couldn’t sleep in the comfort of his private quarters at the Temple, he might as well enjoy the lavish high-rise Coruscanti apartment. 
Despite Anakin’s initial impression of you, your reaction toward him was…intriguing. Based on his research last night, Anakin couldn’t anything on the HoloNet that painted you in a bad light. Sure, there were the occasional tabloid articles that made outrageous claims about you, but all of those were overridden by the amount of good publicity you got. Charismatic, friendly, confident, a sweetheart–these were all words used to describe you by the various media outlets. But the person standing in front of Anakin seemed everything but that. 
Your nervous energy radiated off you and permeated Anakin’s senses through the force. You avoided eye contact with him until your manager forced you to properly look at Anakin and introduce yourself to him. You definitely didn’t seem as confident as the Holo Net made you out to be, but Anakin didn’t fault you for this. He’s sure you felt nervous in the presence of a Jedi because it implied that there was some danger lurking around. If there wasn’t, he wouldn’t have been assigned to his task. What did you know about the terrors of war and the cruel reality of death and destruction? You were just a rich celebrity located within the safe confines of the Galatic Core. Anakin felt a twinge of jealousy at this notion. He knew that he belonged with the Jedi, but Anakin couldn’t help but feel envy at the fact that you were simply an innocent civilian whose daily life was virtually unaffected by the war. You didn’t have to witness violent bloodshed, say goodbye to your comrades, and live life constantly on the move. Sometimes Anakin longed for his days on Tatooine when he lived with his mother and worked in Watto’s workshop. He was a poor slaveboy, but at least he had his mother, and life was relatively peaceful. Before Anakin could harp on these thoughts any longer, he caught a stray thought that didn’t belong to him. 
Kriff, even his voice was attractive! Anakin was sure the thought didn’t belong to Gido, so he could only assume that it belonged to the woman standing in front of him. Anakin internally smirked to himself. Could it be that Anakin made you nervous for reasons other than him being a Jedi? Perhaps…you found Anakin attractive. Anakin didn’t care if you found him attractive, but it did boost his ego a bit. It seems his split from Padme was affecting him more than he thought. Since when did trivial things like this matter? 
Anakin looked over you once more before following Gido to discuss the schedule and plan for the upcoming rotations. 
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Dinner was…awkward, to say the least. It was just you and Anakin eating in your dining room. Gido had some business he needed to attend to so he could not join you for dinner. Anakin insisted that he could eat somewhere else as he did not want to intrude, but you insisted that he eat with you. It was the polite thing to do. But after you insisted that Anakin sat with you, you realized that you had nothing to talk about. A singer and a Jedi Knight turned war general? What would you have in common? A pregnant silence enshrouded you both. Only the soft clinks of silverware could be heard. 
You sipped on your water every few bites to calm your nerves. This was so unlike you! Honestly, you were never one to shy away from anyone’s presence. A part of your job was selling a likable persona to the public–countless interviews, media appearances, meet and greets! You had done these all with grace and a smile. Yet you couldn’t find the proper words to say to the gorgeous man sitting right across from you. Geez, he must think I’m one of those stuck-up celebrities, you chided in your head. You were far from stuck up, but something about Anakin set your nerves on fire and made the social part of your brain feel like mush. Sweat started building up in your armpits as you thought about it. You had to do something to salvage your reputation and stop yourself from sweating through your outfit.
You cleared your throat and looked up from your dinner plate. “So, Anakin. How do you know the Chancellor? I hear you’re friends with him.”
“I’ve known the Chancellor since I was a little boy. We first met when I left my home planet after I was discovered by a Jedi named Qui-Gon Jinn. He was Naboo’s representative back then.”
“Oh, that's interesting. My family goes way back with the Chancellor too. My father and him studied at the same university on Naboo. Though my father was a few grades below the Chancellor, they became good friends,” you replied. 
Anakin nodded at your story before focusing his attention elsewhere. You internally deflated once you saw he did not seem to care about keeping a conversation. However, if you were going to spend the new few rotations together, you’d rather it not be more awkward than it already was. 
“Uhm, where are you from? You mentioned that you left your home planet. I’m not from Coruscant either! I am from Bar’leth.” 
“Tatooine,” Anakin answered curtly. The way Anakin said Tatooine almost made you think that he disliked his home planet. He didn’t say it with any fondness, or longing. 
“That’s in the Outer Rim, right? I’ve never been. How is it?” you questioned.
“Hot, lawless, and sandy.” Another short answer.
You got the impression that Anakin wasn’t exactly fond of his home planet, so you decided to change the subject of conversation. “You travel a lot as a Jedi. Which has been your favorite planet so far?”
Anakin was silent for a moment before, as if he were thinking deeply about it. In reality, Anakin knew his favorite planet. Naboo. He only paused for a moment because he was unsure if he wanted to reveal this information to you. Though it was seemingly an innocent question (and it was), Anakin felt it was a vulnerable question. Naboo is the planet he spent days frolicking in the lush, romantic meadows with Padme, falling deeper in love with her as the days passed. Naboo represented a part of Anakin that no longer existed–an Anakin that didn’t know the pain of losing a mother, losing a part of himself in the process. When his mother died, gone became the young boy with a golden aura and eyes full of hope. On Naboo, Anakin was still bright and naive with a laughter full of joy and excitement. That Anakin died the day he and Padme set out to find his mother on Tatooine. Anakin wished every day to the Maker that part of him could come back from the dead and replace who he currently was. To better days.
“Naboo. That’s my favorite planet,” answered Anakin. He decided to be truthful instead of responding with a random planet. Anakin didn’t know what compelled him, but he knew you were only being polite. 
“Naboo is beautiful. Though I mainly grew up in Bar’leth, I spent a lot of my childhood summers in Naboo. I don’t think there is any other planet with views as stunning as Naboo,” you revealed. 
You felt that there was nothing else to say. The remainder of the dinner was quiet. Though there wasn’t as much tension as before, it was still awkward. You finished your dinner as quickly as possible before retreating to your personal quarters for the evening. 
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To be continued!
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(work is not nsfw, but this blog is generally intended to be 18+)
synopsis: cal forgets about his birthday. you don't.
pairing: cal kestis x gn! reader
content warnings: pining, fluff, reader is a jedi
word count: 1.5k
a/n: something short and sweet to say happy jedi survivor release everybody. game looks amazing & i'm so happy to see cal again. might be a part 2, but i'm not sure atm
if cal kestis has a million fans, then i'm one of them. if cal kestis has one fan, then i'm them. if cal kestis has no fans, that means i'm dead.
Cal decided that fighting the Empire would be a priority in his life five years ago.
After he destroyed the holocron so the force-sensitive children in the galaxy could live in peace, that was his vow.
The Mantis crew got to work; blowing up Haxion Brood bases and wiping out legions of stormtroopers at a time. The fight thrilled him and every battle only left him in anticipation of the next.
It got to the point where he struggled to think of anything but the fight. Every thought was the next move, their wrongs and the perpetrators. The scars, the injuries and the losses continued and Cal never wavered.
He knew it was an obsession, but he just couldn’t help it. It was a need, etched into his soul and a part of his identity. His was Cal Kestis. The rebel Jedi, the most wanted man in the Empire. And the most dangerous.
Then he met you. 
Well, he met you again, because he’d met you years ago, back when the temple on Coruscant was a Jedi temple. When Master Tapal was alive and little Cal’s mind couldn’t even fathom an Empire taking everything from him.
You’d been his crèche-mate and friend, long before either of you had been padawans.
In between lessons, you would spar or lounge in the dining hall, where most of the other younglings liked to loiter. He formed a puppy-love crush on you that made his Master chuckle. It’s only natural, Cal. The feelings will fade with time. He has half-right, Cal supposes.
He remembers vividly the last time he saw you when he and Master Tapal were minutes away from loading onto a cruiser with their clone troops. Thinking back, he’s embarrassed by how hesitant he was to leave you.
Don’t get all sentimental about this, you told him wisely. We’ll see each other when we get back.
It was so hard to tell himself you were dead. 
Cal Kestis was the last living Jedi, fighting against the Empire that deemed his kind a traitor and punished them for crimes they never committed.
You had died, so had your master and so had everyone else he once knew. That had been difficult for him to accept.
Merrin and Cere understood the pain and that helped, at times. Though sometimes he didn’t want to understand. He wanted to see you, feel your arms embracing him and hear your voice in his ear. He didn’t talk about you to them though. He wanted something for himself, a little what-if to hold on to during the nights he felt particularly melancholic. 
Then came his trip to Segra Milo, to speak with Saw Gerrera about his next move.
By that point, the Partisans recognised him on sight and offered him only a nod of acknowledgement when he passed by. 
There you were, in all your glory. Older, a bit more rough around the edges (like himself) and even more attractive than you’d been about nine years ago.
When the two of you locked eyes and time bowed at your feet, to allow you both this moment of silent disbelief.
“Cal?” you had whispered. He whispered your name back and you smiled widely. 
You embraced him like he had been so desperate for you to do. And he heard your voice, the one that had previously only reached him in dreams.
“I thought you died,” you told him.
“I thought you died,” he said, in a single breath. Emotion threatened to explode from his chest until Saw Gerrera cleared his throat.
“I hate to break up this lover’s reunion,” he said. “But we do have a war to fight.”
“Tonight,” you whispered into his ear and he felt like a padawan with a crush again.
Sure enough, the two of you made a rendezvous under the moonlight. The cavernous, dangerous terrain of Segra Milo felt so inviting that night.
You explained to him that you and your master had been ambushed by your own troopers. You and your master were separated when they received the orders and by luck, you weren’t the one in a room full of clones. Quietly you found an escape pod and left for the nearest planet. You cut your padawan braid and disassembled your lightsaber on the same day. The kyber crystal that powered it hung from your neck, hidden behind layers of clothing.
“One day I watched them string up a man for dropping his drink on a trooper's foot,” you recalled to him. “They claimed he had done it as an act of civil disobedience and that it was anti-Imperial activity. I rebuilt my lightsaber and started looking for the Rebellion the same day.”
You were the same person he remembered, only better. Now you were stronger and smarter, without losing your humanity. 
The next day, you were separated again. You were travelling to Devaron to provide the Partisans there with support. He tried to go with you, but you sagely reminded him of the danger of two Jedi being found together.
You exchanged comm links the night prior and hugged tightly before you boarded your ship and he the Mantis. It reminded him of the one you gave him before what he thought had been your demise. He prayed he wouldn’t have to remember this hug the same way. 
“Until next time, Cal,” you said, hopeful and bright.
“Until then,” he replied, leaving you with a smile.
The next time he saw you, he thinks he might have hugged you tighter than he’d ever hugged anyone.
There had been a next time, he thought. There could be another one.
And there was. In fact, there had been many next times. He couldn’t count on his hands how many times he had gotten to see you. On the good days, you spoke and drank together. On the days, you fought and mourned together. But you were together and it was so much easier than it had been before.
Recently he’d probably gone the longest without seeing you, which made him realise the effect you had on him.
The Empire was still are the forefront of his mind, almost always. It consumed his actions and words. Slowly but surely, however, you had been weaselling your way into an important position in his life.
He didn’t care about the Empire when he was looking at you and he may as well have not met an Inquisitor when he’s hearing your laugh. You were there and he didn’t need to think about any of that.
Then, when the gap you filled was empty again with your departure, he was consumed by the need to fight once more.
He forewent sleep and food, only collapsing when his body refused to preserve and eating when the hunger pangs came. Fight, fight, fight, was all he could think about. It never really occurred to him to celebrate his victories or even do simple things, like check the date. 
But you returned to him again and reminded him of what he was missing.
“A win like this is worth sitting down for,” you insisted, sitting beside him at the fire. “Besides, today is special.” His brow furrowed. 
“What’s today?” he asked you, which made you laugh, loud and beautiful.
“You can’t be serious, Cal.”
“I am! What’s today?”
“Cal,” you sighed. “It’s your birthday.”
His mind went blank as the gears started to turn. “Oh,” was what he came up with. You laughed at him again.
“Did you really forget?” you asked him. 
“I haven’t celebrated it in years,” he admitted and you frowned, making him wish he lied. He hated it when you frowned, though you did make a cute face when you were angry.
“Well we’ll have to make up for that, won’t we?” you announced, standing from your seat and downing your drink. “Stay here for a second.” He nodded and you slipped away.
You returned not long after, with something behind your back.
“Close your eyes,” you instructed. He looked at you curiously. “Just do it.” His eyes fell shut. He heard you shuffling and muttering something to BD-1. “Put out your hands.” He open one palm and pushed it toward you. “Both of them.” He opened the other. He felt a weight in his left hand, then in his right.
Cal was greeted by a cupcake in his left hand and a multitool in his left.
“I tried to find a cake, but apparently Devaronians aren’t very fond of them,” you explained. “And this,” you pointed to the multitool. “I bought this for you back on Corellia, but you were gone before I could give it to you. It’s got everything you need to keep Beedee in working order.” BD-1 chirped happily at that.
Cal was starstruck. He hadn’t experienced softness like this since before the Clone Wars. Suddenly his chest felt fuzzy and his face was hot. 
“Thank you,” he managed. “No problem,” you answered breezily.
He shared some of the cupcake with you, but you insisted he had to eat at least seventy per cent of it. The multitool found a place on his belt, though with the amount of combat he saw, he’d be using it soon.
You sat beside him at the fire on his birthday and Cal Kestis felt hope again in a way like he’d never felt before. Hope for not just the present, but the future.
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antianakin · 1 year
I don’t know if you’re actually watching the Ahsoka series or not, but I was very curious on your thoughts on the newest episode, and the confrontation between Anakin and Ahsoka.
Bro traumatized her again. Lol. 😒🙃
I’m actually kind of satisfied that she showed a little resentment, but I still don’t like that she didn’t cuss him out or something.
Anakin not apologizing is infuriating at first glance, but I also think it fits his character.
It’s funny, if I think about it in a certain way: I wonder if Anakin himself views his “redemption” kind of the same way his fans do. He’s just like, “Why are you still pissed at me? I died stopping the Emperor, didn’t I?” 🙄
The only one I think he’d actually feel sad about is Leia, because of course he’d want his daughter to like him, but she never will now, because he fucking tortured her and blew up her planet.
You know… I don’t really view Anakin’s final moments as a true “redemption” in the eyes of the galaxy. George Lucas has a quote where he says parents are redeemed in the eyes of their children. I guess you could argue that Anakin redeemed himself in Luke’s eyes, but not the galaxy’s own.
And then there’s Leia, who will never forgive him or think of him as her father.
In a way, it’s almost fitting for Anakin, that each of his children represent something for him.
Luke represents forgiveness, and how it’s never too late to do the right thing.
Leia represents his mistakes and sins. As long as she lives, he’ll always look at her and remember the damage he’s done. She’d never let him forget it.
Which is funny, when going back to the recent Ahsoka episode, and how he was acting like a dick to Ahsoka.
Personally, I think he was purposely trying to piss her off to make her fight to not die.
Still though: he’s such a jackass. 😒
Anyways, I guess my main point is that I don’t view Anakin being a Force Ghost shows that he was “redeemed.” I view it more as a type of salvation. Like the Bible story where Jesus is on the cross with two other men next to him. And then one man decides to “believe in him” or whatever, and his soul is saved by the skin of his teeth.
This is kind of how I view Anakin’s act of saving Luke. His soul was saved, because he did a heel face turn at the last second. So The Force was like, “Good enough, I guess.” *Throws up hands*
Anyways, sorry for the long rambling. I hope you don’t mind the message. Haha. 😅 I just have found your blog really therapeutic, because while I like Anakin as the fascinating character that he is, it still just kills me how fandom woobifies him and blames the Jedi for their own genocide.
I don't mind this message at all, thanks so much for sending so many of your thoughts, this was great! It's going to be a long reply back, though, since there's so much to respond to and if you've been going through my blog, this probably won't surprise you.
I AM watching the Ahsoka show, I'm just putting my thoughts about it on a different blog to this one (this blog was created for me to be negative so I usually only review things on here if I KNOW I'm going to be negative about it, but I was hopeful I'd have positive things to say about the Ahsoka show lol).
I think I'm feeling RELATIVELY mediocre about the show. Like I don't hate the whole thing, I can see why it appeals to people, but it's not really hitting at what I would've wanted from a narrative perspective. It seems to be relying on fan service and pretty visuals rather than genuinely good writing to get them through. If you happen to be the fan being serviced, you probably like it fine. But if you are someone more like me, then you might be noticing that there aren't a lot of stakes, the character motivations are weak or missing, the two storylines aren't being spliced together very well, and the dialogue's just not that great. There's also several more nitpicky things that are really pissing me off about the show (the way they're treating Force sensitivity, Sabine being a Jedi at all for no good reason and how her character is being butchered, the very distant and aloof acting I feel like we're getting from everybody, and of course the requisite anti-Jedi bullshit that we can all expect from Filoni at this point).
But as for how I felt about Anakin and Ahsoka's scenes in the latest episode this week, I am personally of the opinion that it WASN'T Anakin at all. I know it's left ambiguous, so if people feel like it was truly Anakin in some way shape or form, that's fine, but I think it makes more sense to me personally that it wasn't. This is Ahsoka's manifestation of Anakin in a moment where she's literally drowning and emotionally at something of a low point and has to decide if she's going to live or not and that conflict plays out in her head the way we see it. I'm also open to the idea that this is one of those things where the Force "tests" the Jedi not unlike what we see happen on Ilum and Mortis and the Force is just utilizing Anakin's visage to bring Ahsoka's deepest fears out into the open.
What makes it interesting to me is that then we can look at the interactions as THIS IS HOW AHSOKA SEES HIM. Whether she thinks about it that deeply or not, THIS personality is how she remembers him. The immediate choice to be violent with her and test her fighting skills rather than talk to her more gently, the dismissive attitude he has towards her, the flickering back and forth between Anakin and Vader because she doesn't truly know which one he was most. He wasn't necessarily a great teacher and his way of teaching wasn't very Jedi-like, it's ruthless and merciless and unkind, and we see that reflected in their interactions in this episode, which could be a really interesting look at how Ahsoka still remembers him even if she didn't see it negatively at the time.
So him not apologizing isn't like... an indication of how Anakin might actually handle this interaction if it were truly him so much as just... Ahsoka being unsure sure if he WOULD apologize because she has no idea how much of him was Vader the entire time and Vader would clearly never apologize. I think the Anakin we see by the end of ROTJ probably would apologize at SOME point, especially if we're supposed to see him as redeemed and acknowledging/accepting of his sins, etc. But Ahsoka doesn't know that. Ahsoka probably kind-of knows through Luke that he turned back in his last moments, but she wasn't there for that, she didn't get to see it, and she obviously still has no idea what caused him to turn on the Jedi and become a Sith to begin with. Why did he come back for Luke and not her? Was it because she abandoned him? Did he just not care about her the way she thought? Was there something intrinsically wrong with her that he recognized from the beginning?
There's just too much uncertainty perhaps for Ahsoka to know if he'd actually apologize and she doesn't even necessarily need or want an apology so much as she just wants to UNDERSTAND. Because of course it leads into her doubts about HERSELF and whether being his apprentice (even for as short of a time as it was) has somehow influenced her to be more like him and if she should be worried that she'll go dark or cause a student of hers to go dark. If she doesn't know why HE made that choice, how can she trust herself? It's not entirely dissimilar to the statement she made at the end of the Wrong Jedi arc where she claims she's leaving the Jedi because if the Council couldn't trust her then she isn't sure she can trust herself, either. And now with Anakin going dark, she has to wonder if the Council saw something of that in her when no one else did, saw a future for her that she hadn't been able to see for herself yet.
I think personally I'd just rather look at this episode as the closest we're going to get to a "deep dive" into Ahsoka's psyche and character rather than try to analyze it as like "what does this say about Anakin." It's not Anakin's story anymore, it's Ahsoka's. Or it's supposed to be, anyway.
That all being said, I don't think it went far enough and I do dislike that we didn't get to dive into OTHER aspects of Ahsoka via other relationships in order to round out who she actually is. I don't think we know any more about her at the end of the episode than we did at the beginning. I don't think she really grows or changes through the episode at all. I don't know what the whole "choose to live" thing was about or how it connects to her overall arc because while, yes, she's obviously literally drowning in the moment, "choosing to live" is not something they've been exploring as an issue for Ahsoka throughout this season so far, so it didn't feel like this cool end to her character journey so much as just a really shallow one-liner made to sound badass without anything particularly profound behind it.
I think gffa said that one of the things you can tell about this show is that it's been percolating in Filoni's mind for so long that there's things he's leaving out because they're just totally obvious to him now and he's forgotten that the audience won't know some of it without being told or shown. If Ahsoka was depressed or suicidal or something like that, it never came across in the first four episodes. She barely seems to be struggling at all to me, personally. So maybe that's what Filoni wanted us to understand about her, maybe that was the intention, but it just didn't quite make it from his head into the writing or onto the screen.
And I keep going back to the Obi-Wan Kenobi show and the way they handled his character arc. They started him at a really low point where he's so CLEARLY depressed and just moving through life without actually living or finding any way to be happy. They spend so much time showing us how OUT of character Obi-Wan is in order for the pay off by the end and the slow growth of his character throughout the six episode story to feel satisfying. And while he's out of character in his depression, it's done in such a way that that's the POINT. We all know WHY he's out of character, we know what's causing him to be that way, it doesn't need to be explained because it didn't happen off-screen, it's literally the plot of an entire trilogy of films. It felt like a pretty natural extension of the state we last saw him in and it allows him the ability to actually have a journey that makes sense.
We've gotten NONE OF THAT for Ahsoka. Her relationship with Sabine is nonsensical and comes out of nowhere with zero explanation. Her weird thing about Padawans comes out of nowhere with zero explanation. Her aloof attitude is coming out of nowhere and does nothing to help us understand the state of mind she's in. She never seems to be acting SO out of character that it tells the audience how much she's struggling, but she's also SO flat that she no longer feels much like the Ahsoka everyone knew and loved from The Clone Wars. They're inventing new problems for her to have that make no sense instead of giving her a journey to actually deal with the problems she already had and hadn't gotten any resolution for. And they're unable to actually connect her problems from before into the Rebels storyline in a way that makes any real sense or feels genuine and meaningful for either Ahsoka or Sabine, so both storylines are getting half-assed and butchered in the attempt.
Personally, I think Ahsoka should've had a season set closer to ROTJ or even before it, just after she gets off of Malachor and 2-3 years prior to ANH, to explore her immediate reaction to Anakin's betrayal and have her overcome that on her own. Use original characters primarily, throw in Bail Organa or something if needed just to give her a quick plot, but let it be about AHSOKA. And only once her journey to finding herself is complete do we then move on to the Search for Ezra, which should be focusing WAY more on the Rebels characters than we're actually getting and should not involve any of the Rebels characters (except maybe Jacen) learning to be Jedi. Ahsoka would be a side character in this story because she has now had her story told and we can let Sabine and Ezra and Jacen and Hera be at the forefront of the story. (I also think we could've done something with Sabine that wasn't being a Jedi or her entire family being murdered off screen so she has an excuse to do a characterization 180 and act like a bratty teenager all over again.)
If I had to just change THIS episode a little, I have a few alternatives I've been thinking about. For one, I do just think we should've gotten to explore OTHER relationships beyond Anakin to emphasize the other things that Ahsoka is that aren't just "Anakin's Padawan." Rex, Barriss, Plo Koon, even Kanan or Ezra to try to make that connection to Rebels. She's been a friend, a commander, a rebel, a student, a mentor, an ally, a Jedi. She's been so many things that have nothing at all to do with Anakin and I think that might've been nice to explore as well. Yes, Anakin was important. Yes, she's fucked up about it. But that's not ALL THAT SHE IS. So I think starting off with her fears about Anakin is great, but then have her move on and sort-of go through it a little like Charles Dickens' A Christmas Story to show that she's more than this, too. This probably would've worked better if it had been a two parter thing rather than one 30-40 minute episode, depending on how many characters you wanted to throw in.
I also would've appreciated seeing her break and shatter at seeing Anakin. I wanted her to be ANGRY, to refuse to forgive him, to throw his betrayal in face. And then by the end of the episode, she lets it go. She's seen that she doesn't need to hold onto that anymore and it doesn't matter what choices Anakin did or didn't make, she's her own person and can make HER own choices. And so Anakin comes back at the end, and she's no longer angry. She can forgive him. I also would've wanted her to have been more snappy and frustrated and angry earlier in the season, as well, so we can TELL there's something simmering underneath that she's trying to keep repressed until it finally boils over in this episode.
The other alternative I came up with was the OPPOSITE idea where Ahsoka is basically just kind-of... in denial about it. She isn't acknowledging her own anger and pain and betrayal at all and she just wants to spend this time with Anakin the way they used to and Anakin is sitting there provoking her and trying to get her to break so she can let it all out. Eventually he gets her to admit it and get angry and yell at him and acknowledge her own pain finally so she can see how it's impacting her relationships in the present day. She's been trying up until now, but as Yoda's always said, sometimes trying isn't enough, and you just have to do or do not. She doesn't reject him at the end of this, but she can at least acknowledge what he did to her and how it's made her feel. You could even include some of her anti-Jedi bullshit in this and have her justifying Anakin's betrayal by saying the Jedi failed him the way they failed her and Anakin pushing back on that idea so that by the end of the episode, she can recognize that she's been blaming the Jedi because she's been uncomfortable with her inability to understand Anakin's choices and it was easier to blame the Jedi than live with that uncertainty.
I've discussed my feelings on Anakin's redemption a lot and they're definitely not in the majority. Personally, I just don't think he's redeemed at all. My definition of redemption is along the lines of "you can fix/undo the thing you broke/damaged" rather than just... "you decided to stop breaking things even if there's no way to fix it." It doesn't mean Anakin can't keep being a better person if he'd lived, or that he can't find redemption in more specific places (like Luke forgiving him for chopping off his hand), but that there is no redemption for what he did to the Jedi, to the clones, and to the galaxy at large. None. It doesn't matter what he does, it doesn't matter that he stopped himself and Palpatine, it doesn't MATTER. The Jedi and the Republic are still gone, the clones were still enslaved, the galaxy is still in shambles and traumatized from 25 years under the Empire.
You aren't the only one who's chosen to separate your definition of "redemption" from something else to make it make more sense. Someone else went for redemption being different from an absolution wherein you are just immediately forgiven of all of your sins because of one act or whatever, while redemption is the process of doing better. If that works for you, go for it. Personally, I just think Anakin isn't redeemed. He cheat coded his way into being a Ghost and the Ghosts don't make any sense anyway. I think it's definitely intended to represent his redemption IN THE NARRATIVE, like that's the point of the visual, but it just doesn't work for me, so I choose not to see it that way. It's ambiguous enough and the Force Ghost lore confusing enough that it's not that hard.
Your interpretation of Luke and Leia as the two sides of forgiveness is intriguing. I do think Leia could get to the point of forgiveness that basically looks like letting go of her anger because the man's dead anyway so there's no real point staying angry and understanding the history that may have led him to become the monster she knew, but that doesn't mean she has to LIKE him or ever consider him a father.
I think you could kind-of throw Ahsoka and Obi-Wan in there as different reactions to Anakin, too. With Ahsoka as someone who sort-of clings to who Anakin used to be and can't truly reconcile the two versions of him that she knew, and Obi-Wan as someone who rises above. Unlike Leia, he did know and love Anakin, but he is also able to let go of his anger and betrayal and accept Anakin for what he is now rather than pining for someone who no longer exists. And Ahsoka is the opposite of Luke as someone who also knew Anakin and loved him, but struggles a lot MORE with the revelation of who he was and his impact on her life. Everyone approaches Anakin and his relationship to them and his choices in a different way.
I wish the Ahsoka show wanted to explore any of that at all lol.
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independent-variables · 6 months
Having now finished binging all of your star wars fics, I come here asking for some recs. Just any of your favourites, bonus points if it will cause emotions (and tears).
Also can't stress enough how much I love your writing, it's so so brilliant <3
(this is neptunesenceladus btw, tumblr hates me and won't let me send asks with a side blog so you get this one)
HI!!! Good to see you, good to see you <3 Always happy to provide recs <3 <3 <3
I want you to know I went through my bookmarks and pulled like sixty fics and had a brief moment of panic, so this is not all of my recs just the first... thirty, or so. If none of these are appealing, oh boy, do I have more!
This list is not in any order other than bookmark order, most are on the shorter side, most are Gen and I am pretty sure all are complete. I tried to warn for stuff that could be a squick when I remembered.
False Dichotomy by nsmorig
Starting off strong with my favorite Cody fic of all time. If you read nothing else on this list I encourage you to read this (if the tags are not a squick) because it will re-shape your brain and shatter your heart into tiny pieces. Basic premise is Force Sensitive Cody gets captured by Dooku and survives torture, experimentation, and imprisonment while trying to figure out his relationship to the Force and to his personhood, and the ways those things are connected. 
What's in a Name by Sankt
This is about Fordo post war and it’s phenomenal characterization. 
The Last Poem of Jedha by schweinsty
How Bohdi Rook becomes a rebel and writes a poem. 
you're like a loaded gun by kazhan
Ok this is E and also Underage, so maybe it’s a skip, but it’s teen Boba/Cal trying to navigate sex and love and secret identities and it’s so fucked up and so good. 
chicken, cattle and cat by deniigiq
Obi-Wan and Maul living in domestic dis-harmony on Tatooine. What more could you ask. 
Little things [are the reason to live] by i_will_bite
Clone medics navigating a slightly hostile working environment and trying to make it less hostile T-T
Two brothers (and a kid) by meerlicht
What if. Waxer and Boil just stayed on Ryloth, with Numa. What then? 
with poise, with grace by andeemae
Stone falls through a hole in a roof and falls in love. Beautiful clone/OC romance and very cute kids, doesn’t shy away from the difficulties of being a clone in love with a civilian. Very much an inspiration for me.
second time around by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters
This is another one I wasn’t sure I wanted to put on here because it deals briefly with rape, but it’s such a wonderfully fucked up take on Anakin and Rex’s relationship. Or, how Vader views Rex. 
The Desert Storm by Blue_Sunshine
If you are looking for an epically long series to get invested in I highly recommend checking this one out. This series and its sister-series are some of the best characterization and worldbuilding for Jedi I have ever had the pleasure of reading and it is a fix-it in all the messy, hard, terrible ways people don’t usually write fix-its. 
Shape-Changer by Fialleril
This is a foundational fic for me. Incredible Tatooine worldbuilding. Inspired me to write the way I write. 
The Sun Is Bright, The Sun Is Blue by ambiguously
most things may never happen: this one will by jaigeye
This is brutal but what if you were a droid and you had to dissect a person. 
Bad Deal by FettsOnTop (GTFF)
Boba/Lando my beloved. A brief look into their relationship and into Lando’s thoughts leading up to Han and them’s arrival. 
and the Force is with me by sauntering_down
Rex and Ahsoka and the way the war changed them, and what they can and cannot do in the aftermath. 
Twilight on Owl Creek Bridge by yellow_caballero
The Fox fic of all time. What if you were trapped in a time-loop with a ghost from the future but your life is so monotonous and simultaneously bizarre you don’t even notice. 
Fishhooks by yellow_caballero
The Boba fic of all time. This author does not write much for SW but every time they do it’s iconic. What if you were a teenager running away from home but also a perfect clone of your father created to be him but better but also his because you will never escape his body and his ownership and his love. What then. 
Staring into open flame by SLWalker
This is such a beautiful and heartbreaking read, it’s basically exploring what would have to happen for Maul and Obi-Wan to have a genuinely healthy and happy relationship post murder and bisection. 
Energy Drink Fox by carrinth
The crack comic of all time. What if Fox had space Monster.
lost cause by catboydogma
The foundational Dogma fic. The fic that got me wondering about how clones spend their time on Coruscant. 
the married au by dharmaavocado
Clone rebellion my beloved. Basic premise is the clones took over Kamino and then went out into the galaxy as a mercenary army of sorts. Rex and Cody are finding their place in the world, creating business partnerships, falling in love, manipulating public perception of clones. (Background clonecest, not between Rex and Cody.)
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I'll say this, to cut down on a bit of the negative vibes: Leslye Headland got to do what we all dream of, and made her own little Star Wars fan fic, officially sanctioned. And that's pretty awesome for her! I'm glad she got that opportunity. And I 'do' respect that the story she told, was a very personal one for her, and she clearly was fiercely passionate about it. It was an authentic work of vision from an artist, and that's still something to appreciate in a climate that's increasingly hostile to real auteur-works in the soulless IP blockbuster carousel we're all trapped on. And you know what? Yeah, it fuckin sucks that the show got cancelled, especially in this manner. I have ruthlessly criticized this show on this blog, but I wasn't completely unwilling to give Leslye one more chance to expand on this story and maybe win me over, if she could just make the critical decisions to fix the massive lore/theme problems I've discussed. That would require her to be willing to hear the reasonable criticisms, and I hope she would be smart enough to know how to separate them from the obviously batshit, hateful, bad-faith complaints. But still! Give her a chance to salvage this, given it's massive implications for the canon. Now, who knows how future SW is going to handle the kinds of ideas Leslye introduced here, and even though deep down I selfishly hope that it quietly ignores some of her interpretations of the Jedi/Sith ideologies, it 'will' feel kind of crappy that her first big swing in this universe will get disowned. I don't envy being in that position, as a creator. This is a complicated situation, and regardless of everything, and my own frustrations at her for her choices, I feel for Leslye and I have to imagine these last few weeks have been very, very painful for her. It's not the Jedi way to take enjoyment from someone's suffering.
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drafthorsemath · 2 years
The Empire is a Cult
I’ve wanted to write about this for awhile and I guess The Bad Batch kicked that feeling into high gear. I started writing and kept going, so the grammar is probably not great.
Some context: I was raised in a cult.  I started the process of questioning and leaving in my mid to late twenties.  It took me four years of being a POMI (Physically Out of the cult, Mentally In) to really take the last step of leaving it behind me and becoming a POMO.  Since then I have learned a lot about cults and what happens to someone under undue influence. 
TW: mentions of a cult, physical abuse, mental abuse, death, undue influence
The Empire is a cult.  Whether we look at the BITE Model developed by Dr. Steve Hassan (https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model/) or the definition given by Dr. Janja Lalich (https://janjalalich.com/blog/definition-and-explanation-of-the-word-cult/), the Empire fits the definition. There is a charismatic leader who makes demands on their followers so that the followers must do as they are told or be expelled from the group.  In the case of the Empire that usually means death (all those Jedi that were killed under false pretenses, for instance) or indefinite servitude (Andor anyone?).  Cults control the behavior of members, the information they have access to, they make demands on the kind of thoughts members should have, and they make demands on the emotions that should be felt.  Cult leaders view their followers as resources to be depleted.  They often look for ways to point out imperfections (real or not) in their followers.  Anything that goes right is thanks to the glorious leader and anything that goes wrong, any bad feelings you have, that is all on your weakness as a follower.
And let’s get one thing straight.  Born in or not, no one joins a cult.  We might use this terminology, but really cults recruit people using lies, manipulation, and sometimes love-bombing.
The leader uses manipulation to get what they want, but they do not start out with the highest demands.  They work their way up to those demands.  For instance, Palpatine did not ask Anakin to murder the Jedi and join him immediately.  He spent a decade whispering doubts at Anakin, pretending to take him into his confidence so that Anakin would feel special, and built up trust.  At the end of Revenge of the Sith we see Anakin on his knees crying and saying he’ll do whatever Palp wants as long as he can help him save Padme.  This is a classic example of bounded choice.  A bounded choice is one that is made using only the information the person manipulating you wants you to know (part of information control).  Anakin believed the only way to save his wife was with Palpatine, and while we know that’s not true, Anakin’s choices are muddled with this undue influence.  Anakin makes his choice because he sees no other way.  Because, surprise, he’s in a cult now and Palpatine has constructed it this way.   Once he takes those first steps to turn to the dark side, he’s really in it now, so like most cult members (particularly those given leadership positions) he digs his heels in for years.
Often people like things to be black and white and that’s part of the appeal of cults actually!  They offer answers and it ends up being very us versus them.  Anakin isn’t totally evil or else he couldn’t be redeemed.  There is still good in him.  Yes, Anakin made a choice to join Sidious, but that choice was the result of manipulation.  It’s not cut and dry.  It was awful and lots of people died and the entire galaxy changed for the absolute worst, but ultimately Sidious was using Anakin just as he used anyone else he could.  (I’m not saying this totally absolves Anakin.  I’m just saying it’s complicated.)
Speaking of using people, let’s talk about the clones.  These precious individuals were created so that one man could start a war and he used them as if they were trash to be thrown out once they served their purpose. (Truly, I hate that guy.)  Literally created with chips in their head to control them and cause Order 66, The Bad Batch has given us a chance to see what they’re like when the chips are partially effective and then what the clones have to face when the chip comes out and they have to make a choice.  Obviously I’m thinking about Crosshair.  At this point (Season 2, Episode 5 has aired) we know that he believes his chip has been removed but we don’t know for sure if it has.  Did something happen after Bracca but before Ryloth?  Anyway, we know Crosshair’s chip was turned up to 11 in the beginning of Season 1 and then he goes after his brothers.  Even if his chip is removed at this point, he’s still stuck in the Empire and surrounded by that culty influence.  Even without a mind control chip, that does things to the human brain.
While Wrecker does eventually have to deal with his chip activating, his chip is removed in short order and the whole time he was surrounded by his brothers and sister.  It’s important to note that Crosshair spends relatively little time around his siblings after his chip activates on Kallar and from then on, he’s surrounded by the Empire.  Cults always, always, always separate their members from non-members.  They make you feel important while simultaneously giving zero shits about you.  The only thing the cult cares about is what you can do for them.  They will bleed you dry.  Literally the top leader of a cult will let the lower-level leaders do whatever they want as long as the cult isn’t imploding and the leader is thriving.  Shaming, punishments, physical violence, whatever, are all used by cults to various degrees to keep members in line while telling these same members that this abuse will make them stronger, is for the good of the group and, in many cases, ultimately good for mankind.  The Empire is no different.  Crosshair is initially surrounded by a bunch of clones saying yes to everything told to them, he’s immediately put in charge post Order 66 so feels he has some special status, and he doesn’t have anyone around him really disagreeing.  He’s later spending way too much time with Rampart who is a classic low-level cult leader and a shitty influence.  By the end of Season 1, we see Crosshair back with his siblings, trying to send Omega off world for her own good while trying to recruit his brothers.  Despite the Empire’s best efforts, Crosshair still cares about his family.  This is really the first time he gets to talk to his siblings for any real length of time since his chip was activated.  I am 0% surprised that he did not follow them off that platform after Tipoca City was destroyed.  He has his doubts about the Empire and he’s torn, but it’s still not enough to counter the undue influence he’s endured since Order 66.  Remember, he’s been saturated in the Empire’s messages and it’s hard to undo that quickly.
Hey this kind of thing happens to cult members a lot.  You make contact with someone outside the cult, someone you love and who cares about you and they can be the most open, kind, awesome, loving person toward you, and it’s still hard for you to take that step and walk away from the cult in that moment.  Most of us have to be able to sit with that knowledge for awhile.  In my case, I had spent the first 25 years of my life, that’s right, a quarter of a century, preparing for the end of the world.  We had a date, we knew the reasoning, we were certain, no questioning allowed, and then it didn’t happen.  And when it didn’t happen, I didn’t reach out to people outside the cult. I didn’t immediately wake up and drop all my beliefs because they were that engrained.  Cults can do this in relatively short order too.  You don’t have to spend 25 years in something to have those beliefs engrained.  According to cult expert Rachel Bernstein (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/opening-the-cult-vault-w-kacey/id1373939526?i=1000595229657) even during positive interactions and interventions, it often takes cult members time to process what’s happened, to start to question, and then eventually leave if they are going to.  Like a good cult member, Crosshair waits 32 rotations for the Empire instead of getting on the ship with his family.  (Granted, he didn’t know he’d have to wait that long.)  Upon his return he is not allowed to be in charge by Season 2 Episode 3 and this is also a culty tactic - the Empire is so incredibly culty - because they’re trying to make him prove his loyalty again for practically no reason.  They are putting him on the defense in the relationship.  The Empire (like any cult) and its leaders must always be right and those who serve must have their loyalty questioned at least once in a while to keep them on their toes.  
Then we see Cody make some really pointed statements to Crosshair.  Cody is out and it’s important for a quietly questioning Crosshair to see that.  And can’t this guy get some lunch? He’s not sleeping.  Look, I know what it’s like to be alone in a group that claims to have all the answers. A group that only offers power to certain members once it sucks them in and then fucks over everyone else trapped in the cult.  I know what it’s like to be in a group that surrounds you by people serving the same purpose, and yet feeling so empty and lonely that you want to sob on the daily and worse.  Oh but you don’t have the energy to sob because you aren’t sleeping or eating.  And then there’s the letdown of things not being what you thought they would be hopefully followed by the immense work of trying to get out and rebuild your life. It’s a process.  
I’ll say this though: I am rooting for Crosshair.  I am cheering for him to have the courage to leave the Empire and reunite with his family.  Because it takes courage.  There is still good in Crosshair.  He still tries to protect his family in his own way.  He’s lost in a maze of lies, but that doesn’t mean he can’t come back.
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thereforepizza · 2 years
Hey y’all! There’s a slightly newer version of this one shot on my other blog @pizza-writes
Pairing: Tech x GN!Reader
Word count: 7.2k
Warnings: SFW, mildly-descriptive injury, jealous reader, “I thought it was obvious” Tech, ex-Jedi reader, mutual pining
Overview: Y/n has had feelings for Tech for a long time, but they refuse to tell him. One day, the Bad Batch enlists the help of a bounty hunter for a mission for Cid. This bounty hunter is quite the flirt with Tech, and that really messes with y/n. Eventually y/n confides in Echo, who convinces them to speak with Tech.
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"For as sketchy as this planet is, these fries are phenomenal."
Wrecker hums in agreement, his mouth full of them. Omega giggles and eats another fry. A gesture for silence from you causes Omega to focus as you grin devilishly. You wait until Wrecker shoves more of the food into his face hole. In a blink, you send a tickle attack at his side. He spits out the fries and falls out of his chair. The crash, heard by everyone, turns all eyes to your group of three. Omega roars with laughter, breaking the tense silence.
"Ha ha, very funny," says the gentle giant. "I'll getcha back,"
“You declaring war, big man?"
Wrecker stands his chair up slowly and takes a long sip from his drink. You nearly miss the twinkle in his eye before he shoots out an ice cube that hits you square in the face. Gawking, you stand straight up.
“Oh, it's on—"
Not long later, the three of you stand in front of Hunter. Though he isn't technically the sergeant anymore, no one dares disappoint him. That's why none of you can look him in the eye, food and drink staining your civvie clothes.
"Someone wanna explain this to me?"
"Hunta, I gotta tell ya," begins Wrecker. "The owner was wayyyy too sensitive."
"We didn't break anything," You add, picking a fry off of Omega's shirt and tossing it aside.
The kid laughs, "You shoulda seen Wricka's face when y/n threw a whole dish 'a ice cream on him!"
You and Wrecker simultaneously shush her. She smiles sheepishly. Hunter's look of disappointed hits harder than a well-planned punishment could, but behind him stands Echo, whose tight lips and glistening eyes fail to hide his amusement.
Hunter sighs and says, "You got kicked out of the diner, we'll have to pay for any damages caused," He hushes you with a look before you can argue, "and you're going to delay the briefing. Echo," He calls without looking back, "How dirty is the cargo bay?"
Wrecker and Omega groan, but you hold your composure, having learned a lesson long ago about complaining to a senior officer.
"I think Wrecker has some free time this weekend for that after this mission is finished," He turns to Omega, "Tech has more to teach you about the ship's schematics. And y/n," he raises his brow at you, "Cid has a few too many chores around here that might need attended to this weekend."
That's enough to make you show disgust on your face. It's not that you don't like to be around Cid... but you really hate being around her. Her force signature is laced with dodgy energy. Not to mention her gripey attitude about every little thing. Hunter seems satisfied with this and relaxes his stern expression.
"After all of this," Hunter says. "Who won?" You smirk.
"Oh, it was definitely me, Sarge,"
Wrecker tuffed, "Nuh-uh! I got the last hit in!"
"But who ended up with more food on them? Not me,"
"Alright, you three. That's enough. Get cleaned up so Cid can brief us on the next mission, and make it quick."
On your way out, you shove Wrecker and dodge his rejoiner to irritate him. It works, and he chases you to the door before Hunter calls both of your names and tells you to straighten up. Like little kids, you saunter outside and return to the banter once out of sight.
"Another food fight?" Tech says as you approach the shuttle. It looks like he is completing the pre-mission systems check.
"Y/n started it," Says Wrecker, quickly followed by Omega's agreement.
Tech nods, "I assume you finished it then, Wrecker?"
You chortle, climbing up the steps of the Marauder, "The owner of the restaurant finished it."
After cleaning up, you wait in Cid's parlor for the final arrival to show face before the briefing can begin. It turns out, Hunter's prediction is wrong. The one holding up the briefing isn't a part of your main crew. You seat yourself next to Tech at the bar and ask him about the ship's status. Simple small talk, which neither of you are phenomenal at, but you had made an agreement a while back to practice on each other to improve the skill. Today's subject is simple, so it doesn't take long to cover.
He turns to you after the previous topic is exhausted and says, "Y/n, I've had the intention of speaking with you about something rather serious,"
"Oh, no--did I break something?"
He smiles at the attempted humor, then opens his mouth to reply just as a tall figure enters the room. You both turn to watch the rugged woman stride to Hunter and offer her hand in greeting. The corners of Tech's lips turn down just a little bit, but you notice the wheels turning behind his eyes.
"What were you gonna say? You probably have time before the briefing..."
"No—it can wait," He says, getting up. "We do need to begin the meeting. This is a time sensitive operation." You stand and follow him to the rest of the group.
"This is Hunter, your team leader," Offers Cid. "I'm sure you know everything about everyone here, but you might wanna act like you don't so ya don't scare 'em away. They're like scared little bugs when someone knows a little more than they want them to. Trust me."
The newcomer chuckles and scans everyone. Her eyes linger on Tech as she smirks, "How's the weather up there, brown eyes?"
He tilts his head at her, "Seeing as I am only a few centimeters taller than the average height in the room, I would presume it is the same as at your level. On a different note, my mutations objectively are aimed at my brain. Iris pigmentation was not affected in any way when I was..."
"Explain it later, Goggles. We've got a briefing to get through. Go ahead and explain your brilliant plan." Tech eyes Cid for her accentuation of the word, but gives no further attention to her.
It's a standard product retrieval aside from the bounty hunter, whom you come to learn is named Portia, that is paid to help out for her experience dealing with this sect of pirates. She is impressive to look at, even making you feel meager, though you yourself are relatively tall. Her eyes are piercing and her lips thin. You notice her insanely intensive expressions as Tech speaks about the details of the mission and that her eyes rarely leave him. She doesn't take the time to observe the others—only Tech. For some reason that you don't understand, she strikes some kind of nerve in you.
"A recap," Tech says, looking up from the hologram blueprints of the ship, "Wrecker and y/n will quietly go to the bridge so that they can make a distraction and set the charges. From there while Echo and I disable the alarm systems. Once we are finished, Hunter and Portia will retrieve the item. We will all meet back at the Marauder in the hangar afterwards. It should take only an hour at most, and we'll be off their ship before the pirates have realized what happened.
"Unfortunately for you, Omega," Tech continues, "this mission is too high risk, and your bounty too high. You will stay on the shuttle for the entirety of the time and keep it ready for a quick takeoff."
Omega's disappointed is evident, but she keeps quiet and stoic, mimicking Hunter's stance per usual. After the briefing, you follow Tech to leave, feeling the cold look from Portia as you do, but something in you needs to guard him from her prying eyes. Is it the way she looks at him? Is the Force trying to warn you of something? Regardless, you don't waver, and instead, strike up a conversation with Tech. It appears that Tech missed the movement, but Hunter didn't. He meets your eyes with a frown but you don't respond.
The ride out to open space is awkward. No one knows what to say with the tension between the crew and Portia, who is oblivious to the dynamic change. Eventually, everyone but the pilot heads out of the cockpit to make an attempt at striking conversation over the blueprints of the ship. When Tech enters the room after the jump to hyperspace, you eye Portia, who greets the genius with a nod. He pauses and returns a similar gesture before turning his attention to his datapad.
"Well," says Portia. Her silky voice makes you tense. "Seeing that we have so much time to spend, why don't we use it to get to know each other? After all, you wouldn't be able to have a workable team if you didn't trust everyone, right? You'd fear betrayal."
The air goes cold. Each Batcher's eyes tell the same story: Crosshair. You recall the hatred in his heart even as you parted on the platform on Kamino. Before this, you might have considered it, but now you have no desire in getting to know Portia, nor do you want her to know you. But a part of you is curious about how she ticks. You want to understand where her interest in Tech comes from, and you want to know if it's her personality that dissuades you or something unseen. Your chest grows heavy at the thought of betrayal, so you shake your head and look her in the eye.
"Didn't work very well last time I tried to understand a shady individual, so I'm not interested. I'm sure the boys would love to get to know you though."
Portia's eyes widen, suddenly aware that she has struck the wrong chord. "Oh, I worded that horribly. I uh... read about him when learning about your team. I'm so very sorry that that happened. The horrors of war..."
You nod, jaw clenched. You can still sense Crosshair's pain from somewhere in the galaxy if you focus enough. The one whom you all called brother. You look at Wrecker, whose eyes are downcast. Out of everyone, Crosshair's demise hurt him the most. His sadness cries out for reconciliation in the force.
Hunter clears his throat and says, "We would appreciate it if you didn't mention him again."
"Not a problem. I'm sorry it went there,"
Everyone sits in silence, Portia now fidgeting awkwardly. After what seemed a lifetime, Hunter speaks up again. "Tech, why don't you teach Portia the mods you've made to the shuttle in case things go south? Omega, go listen in. You might get something out of it."
The genius nods and leaves with the bounty hunter and child in tow. Once the door hisses closed, Hunter straightens and looks directly at you. It doesn't take special senses to know he is confused. Echo and Wrecker exchange a glance behind him, Wrecker shrugging.
"What's with you today, y/n? You were fine till she showed up." He comes closer, talking quietly, "You sensing something we need to be worried about?"
You hum, shaking your head. Then with pause, you say, "It's something about her... I dunno. It probably isn't a threat." You gaze briefly shifts to Echo, whose eyes seem to be looking through your skull and directly into your brain. An involuntary nose-scrunch registers on your face before you can stop it.
"If anything, and I mean anything makes you think we need to abort the mission, I expect you to tell me. Until then, you'd better put what ever this is," He gestures to all of you, "away so your attitude doesn't affect this op."
"Yes, sir," you say. Hunter sighs and returns to his brothers.
To pass the time, and hopefully to sway your mood, you decide to to to the cockpit and join the three. Omega is listening intently as Tech explains certain controls to Portia, who stands by, making an occasional reply to prove she is paying attention. She acknowledges your presence and Tech turns, doing the same.
All of what the nerd is telling Portia is complete nonsense to you. You fly through experience and hours of training. Not once have you wished you knew the name of every instrument and toggle. Tech, of course, hates this, and takes every opportunity he can to get you to learn alongside Omega, but you have one advantage that the kid doesn't: you know how to distract the man.
Smiling, you sit in one of the chairs, spinning it back and forth a little as you recall one of the many instances you've gotten out of a specs lesson. This one happened by your asking Tech to tell you about the most prominent worldview of the planet you were fixing to visit. It took him a full hour to realize that you were no longer discussing the Havoc Marauder, but by then it was far too late to circle back.
You tune back into reality as Portia leans against Tech to adjust one of the controls, and your brows furrow. Was that necessary? No, you realize as she takes a little too long to leave his space, making eye contact with him the whole time. Definitely not necessary. She smiles. His cheeks flush as he mutters an apology. Your stomach turns.
Frustrated, you turn to a datapad to read up on the news, watching for certain names or anything that might be of interest. Your eyes are glued to the screen but you take in none of the information. After a few minutes, you glance back up at the two. It seems like they've finished talking about the shuttle.
They're speaking casually now about some of the planets they've both visited. Small talk. You taught him that. You tear your eyes from the sight and back to the datapad, replaying Hunter's instruction in your mind. The longer you sit there hearing them talk so freely, the hotter your temper becomes. You have to do a check of yourself, wondering where the sudden mood has come from. Crosshair doesn't hold a light to the way you're brooding.
The best course of action, you realize, is to leave. They don't need this negativity before a mission. You bid them farewell and leave. As you're passing through the main compartment of the shuttle, Hunter gives you a questioning look, but you shake your head as if to say, "Not now," and go to the back of the ship.
As you lie in your bunk, staring at the wall, one thing keeps drifting to your mind: the way Tech was looking at Portia. His eyes followed her, studying her. Like she is a masterpiece. You force your mind back to the plan. Back to the mission. The one that might earn your team enough credits to repay the debt to Cid. It is imperative that you don't let your focus wane even for a moment, but a strange fear keeps you on edge. One that says that you might lose your place on the team. One that says you might lose Tech. It doesn't make sense. One can't lose someone that they don't have, and one can't have someone that they don't first take a risk to become vulnerable with. You have never done such a thing, so you don't deserve to be jealous.
That doesn't change the fact that you are.
You get up an hour later, having somehow fallen asleep. As you mosey to the cockpit you pass by a napping Wrecker and Portia, who has her nose buried in a datapad. She smiles as you walk past, but you give no rejoin. You sit in the cockpit with Hunter, Omega, and Tech, listening to the hum of the shuttle. Every once and a while one of them will talk, but it's pretty rare. You keep your eyes on the stars until the object of the op comes into view.
With everyone suited up, Tech stealthily lands the shuttle in the hangar of the pirate ship. You split up into your groups and Tech gives one final rundown of the plan. You and Wrecker are the first to head out, and you do so with caution, bidding the rest good luck.
You and Wrecker make your way to the bridge swiftly, dodging bad guys. You lead the way because Wrecker mysteriously forgot to memorize the path on the schematics you were given days ago. Distractions come easy to the big guy, but your job is to get him to his soap box with utmost discretion. There are a few times you bump into a straggler and have to silence him with a wave of your hand, but by some miracle, you and Wrecker remain unnoticed. Once at the bridge, you pause on either side of the door, recomposing yourselves. You count down from three with one hand and hold your blaster at the ready in the other.
At zero, you cover Wrecker as he blasts through the door with an excited shout. In an instant, the ship is ablaze with fire and lights. Once Wrecker brings his part of the plan to full fruition, Echo announces his move on the comms.
You take out a few more pirates before ushering Wrecker to take over so you can set the charges. "Watch my back,"
"Don't have ta ask me twice!"
You rush into the bridge and unshoulder your pack which is stock full of charges, placing them on the panels. At this point in the plan, Hunter and Portia will have already arrived at the package's location, and Echo and Tech should be close to reaching the bridge.
You and Wrecker hold the bridge, which takes a lot of firepower and banter. The rank for who gets the most impressive kills is constantly wavering and the both of you stay tied for the majority of the time. You know you would win if Wrecker and you hadn't agreed that you couldn't use the force to throw people around in circles anymore. Soon Tech and Echo arrive, and the former sends Echo to work at the control panel to steal information to sell to Cid.
Tech turns to you in a moment of relative silence. "Has everything gone according to plan?"
"Y/n keeps cheating," Wrecker grumbles.
"I do not!" You call to the big man whose back is to you now. "Anyway... yes. Everything's gone suspiciously well. Your preparation has paid off."
"As I expected," Tech nods, looking down at his datapad. "We should return soon. Hunter and Portia will be needing our help to reach the Marauder."
Echo jogs over to your group with a nod, "Alright, Tech. That's everything,"
"Good!" Wrecker comments, "I was gettin' bored. These pirates aren't as fun as the seppies,"
"You're always bored unless you have something to blow up," you nudge the big guy on your way out the door.
"Hahaha, I knew you understood me!"
"Let's return to the Marauder," Tech orders, cutting short your conversation. "Echo, take the lead. I'll cover the rear,"
Your group heads out far less discretely than you'd arrived. Tech informs everyone that a few of the doors are rigged by the pirates to close and lock up after sensing someone pass through. That feature is an unexpected consequence of the intruder alert sounding before Tech could disable it. This could either split the group or take out a couple of you. You follow Wrecker closely, ready for anything, feeling for any of these contraptions on the doors you pass through.
Having met minimal conflict and none of these traps by the time you reach the hangar doors, Echo turns to Tech and says, "I guess we've been pretty lucky, huh?"
"Please don't jinx us, Echo," you pout. "We're so close."
"Jinx us? That would require luck—which doesn't exist, according to the likes of you." Though you can't see him, you know that he's winking at you. You stick out your tongue, knowing, of course, that he won't see it, but the intention is the important part.
A crash sounds from just ahead followed by a loud curse and the boys freeze but you instinctively move to action. The door ahead is slammed closed on Wrecker. He groans beneath the weight. With an outstretched arm, you usher the force to wedge the doors open and Wrecker lurches free on the other side. Your mind isn't as strong as it once was—with having little opportunity to practice these skills. You shout at the other two to get through as you hold the huge doors ajar, and Echo rushes through. Tech is shooting at more pirates.
Portia's forceful voice calls from the hangar, "You two need to get in here!" You huff and shoot her a glare. Your arms begin to shake from exertion, the doors weighing more heavily on you each second.
"We cannot leave anyone alive who has seen y/n's abilities, Portia. This wave is almost complete," Tech says, firing several more rounds.
"Use the force against them, then!"
"That would seem--rather difficult at the moment," You strain, keeping every last bit of mindfulness on those blasted doors.
"Tech, fall back so y/n can shut the door. We'll cover you--" From nowhere, Portia rushes forward, cutting Echo off, to grab the backs of both Tech's and your armor. You try to hold your ground but lose your footing and exhaustion hits you in a wave.
"Portia, don't break their..." In a burst of weariness, you fall to your knees, giant doors slamming shut. "Concentration," Tech finishes, voice low. The annoyance in his eyes flashes before he refocuses and continues firing on the opposition. "We need to regroup three corridors to the left, where another entrance to the hangar is, but that seems to be where most of the pirates are coming from. Follow me--this way."
Tech takes off, informing the others of his plan over the comms. You gather your strength as quickly as possible, head beginning a torrent of pain. As you reflect while jogging directly behind Tech, you make a mental note to quit ignoring opportunities to meditate. Your group meets few pirates along the route Tech is taking you, but the issue is that his directions are leading you in the exact opposite way you need to be going. Years of experience in the Bad Batch gives you trust in the genius clone, but you worry Portia will be feeling uneasy with this path. It doesn't take long for her to voice her doubts.
"I have studied this ship's schematics rigorously. If I am wrong, this path will lead us directly to the cargo bay which might easily be opened to jettison us into the vacuum of space, should the pirates locate us." Tech pauses to spare a glance at the bounty hunter and concludes, "But I'm rarely wrong."
After a few turns and a lot of stray pirates, your group reaches an empty hallway. Tech stops and turns to you, saying, "Now that your secret is out, would you please remove the cover for the air intake?"
"As you wish," you nod, grimacing at the exhaustion in your own voice. You gently set the vent cover against the wall and then launch those two up and into the ceiling, following them shortly after.
The maze of air ducts is large enough for you all to crawl through, but as evidenced by her hesitation, it takes a special kind of faith for Portia to follow Tech through the confines. "Hey Tech, I realize that this is a sound plan and all, but how much of this are we going to have to go through?"
“About the same distance as the halls we just traversed,"
"I suppose it's alright, Techie," Said Portia. "The more time spent with you, the better."
He takes a moment to respond with a simple, "Thank you."
After an eternity, you arrive at the hangar. The heavy sounds of blaster fire lights up the ducts and you quickly open the air vent to allow Tech to go through it. Before he does, he turns to you and says, "Don't let them know. There's no possible outcome that will offer a safe retreat if they discover who you are, y/n. You know what will happen,"
"I know," You watch as Tech leaps out of the air duct.
Portia's voice fills in the silence. "So you are a Jedi, huh?"
"A common misconception," You counter. "No, Portia. I'm no Jedi. This is not a time for the Jedi, nor will there likely be again."
“No need to get all philosophical on me there, space wizard. 'No' would've worked just as well."
You squint at her as she descends from the vent but decide to soften her fall, following after. As it happens, Tech had led you to the other side of the hangar away from the firefight. He waits behind a few crates so that you and Portia can catch up. Blaster at the ready, you interpret his hand signals telling you to watch his back as he makes his way to the ship. You tell Portia to go with him and he agrees, though it takes a moment for the bounty hunter to catch on.
Once ready, they take off and you stay behind to cover them with blaster fire. Hunter comms, "Nice of you all to finally join the party."
"Thanks for having us," you reply, taking out a couple of stray pirates.
All is well until you feel a presence creep up behind you. You turn just as a very ugly pirate slams something blunt across your helmet. World spinning, you struggle to get to your feet, wondering where time went. He steps on you and kicks your blaster away, then he kneels and removes your helmet, saying, "What do we 'ave here? A nice little pet got seperated from the pack, 'ey?"
You laugh, spitting a bit of blood on his face, "You chose the wrong description there, buddy."
His nose breaks easily under your fist and you throw him to the ground. Without a second thought, you shoot him in the head and move on. The world is still a little hazy as you run to the shuttle so you take a second to focus and locate the rest of the boys. Tech says the shuttle is ready for dispatch, so those two have made it. Hunter is at the front of the line against the pirates and Echo and Wrecker are flanking him. Easy.
The boys begin to retreat and you stand near the Marauder to cover them as they arrive. Echo and Hunter make it aboard and are waiting on a trigger happy Wrecker to follow. You turn to the big man just as someone shouts, "Detonator!"
Instantly you turn and catch the explosive as it flies at you. To your horror, it beeps its last. With all the strength you can muster, you hold it up with the force and contain the explosion. The energy from the blast is immaculate. What feels like years follow as you try to move the bomb away from the ship while still holding in the ball of fire. The pressure like a dying star threatens to break you as you strain.
"Throw it! Throw it, y/n, I'll cover you!"
Your resolve snaps and you throw the growing flame just as Wrecker tackles you.
. . .
Tech's distinct, comforting voice echoes through the room, waking you from darkness. Immediately you feel the throbbing pain of life return to you and you reject it. Blood rushes from your head as you sit up and reach for your blaster, the need to protect your team your first priority. Your vision is spotted but you can see a stranger hovering over you, trying to still you. You leap at them but something strong forces you back down. You don't have the energy to fight it.
"Y/n! Y/n, it's us. It's Echo, Portia, and Tech--relax. Fighting us will only waste your energy!"
Desperation overtakes you and you look around in a panic, "Where's... Where's Wreck..? There 's an explosion," you slur, grasping onto one of the arms that hold you down. "Where was an explosion! He ok? Where--'s he?"
"He is okay," says Tech, getting in your face. Your vision begins to clear and you trace his goggles with your eyes, finally focusing on his worried ones. "You need to breathe for me. Slowly. Big breaths... yes. Just like that."
"Where is he?"
"He's with Hunter getting a burn treated. By the looks of it, it is only second degree and over a very small area on his shoulder. He will be fine."
"Got lucky," Says Portia who stands nearby. "That was one hell of a blast."
"Alright, y/n," Tech says, a hand on your shoulder. The look he gives you is soft, but his voice is firm. "You've sustained injuries. You need to rest now,"
You huff with a little smile, trying not to seem too eager as you flop back down on the bunk. "Don't 'ave to tell me twice."
. . .
"How you doing, n/n?"
You sigh, setting your helmet on the bar, "As well as I probably should be. Took one hell of a nap on the way back here."
Echo chuckles, "You probably needed it."
You arrived back on Ord Mantell only an hour ago and everyone is off doing their own thing. Omega and Wrecker are getting their traditional after-mission treat of Mantell mix, Tech is working on the Marauder, and Portia and Hunter are talking payment for the mission. That leaves you, Echo, and Cid at the bar.
"Cid," you call, "can I have that one drink you made me the other night? It was the one that wasn't super strong but was kinda fruity,"
She raises a brow at you from across the bar, "Alright kid, I know what you're askin' me for, but it seems like you need a lot more kick than that."
You shake your head, "No, ma'am. My body needs a break from my shenanigans."
"You could say that again. I heard your recklessness nearly cost me more credits than you're worth,"
"One," You counter, giving her a tired look, "I had nothing to do with rigging the doors. Actually, if the intel you gave Tech was complete, we could have avoided the situation entirely." You search for a sign that your words are affecting her, but there is none. She carries on fixing up your order. "And two: there's no way that little box was worth that much."
She squints at you, "D'you not get the briefing through your thick skull? That 'little box' is called a holocron. When I say it's worth more than you, I mean it's worth five--bounty included."
"A holocron?"
"It's what the Jedi used for--"
"Yeah, I know what it is," you mutter, dumbfounded as Cid sets your drink in front of you. "I just... I'm surprised. I should've known."
"Well," Echo smirks. "You were pretty distracted the whole time."
"Googly eyes for Mr. Goggles again?" Says Cid.
"Yep," he takes a sip of his own drink. "And a bit jealous of a certain bounty hunter."
The lady looks at him with a little grin, "Is that right?"
You stare at them both in turn. Once they finally turn their eyes to you, you voice your confusion. "What?"
"Oh, so you think we're blind now too."
Echo laughs and sets a hand on your shoulder, "You've got as bad a poker face as my old Captain."
"Mm. Man can't tell a lie to save his life," He smiles, then looks closely at you. For a moment you wonder if he's about to make a funny jab at your bruised face, but then he says, "When you're done with that drink, you wanna walk with me?"
"You askin' ‘em out, Cyborg?"
He shakes his head, "No, Cid. I'm not that brave."
You chuckle and lean with your elbows on the countertop. "I'm not quite your speed, bud."
Soon you set the empty glass within reaching distance of Cid and get up, moseying along with Echo quietly until you have left the parlor. In the street, you stroll for a while before either of you speak. It is getting dark out, but lights illuminate the area. Echo glances over his shoulder before finally addressing you.
"Y/n, I have to know something," He pauses and rests his hand on his hip. "Please don't let me be wrong because if I am, things might get really awkward."
You stare openly at him, praying in your mind, Please don't confess feelings for me, please don't confess feelings for me... All the while wondering where this might have come from. In your time of fighting alongside Echo, your chemistry has been strictly friendly. There is no romance. No, all of those cursed emotions have been directed at--
"You have the hots for him, right?"
"Thank the Force!" You breath, bending over dramatically with hands on your knees. "I thought you were going to confess some deeply intimate feelings you've been harboring or some shit."
"Maker, no! Ew--well, not ew. You're not gross. I don't--" Echo stumbles. "No, y/n. I don't have secret feelings for you."
"Whew--" you huff and straighten to look him in the eye. "No, yeah. Tech. He's uh... yeah. I do like him."
Echo nods with a grin on his face.
"But he's definitely pining for Portia,"
His face turns sour and he squints at you. "You're not serious,"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
He steps closer and looks you up and down. "Damn, that blast really did get to you, huh?”
"Echo, what the kriff are you on about?"
"Tech is in love with you--and even if he didn't tell me every day, I'd still know. Have you seen him?"
Your eyes are wide as you search Echo's for any sign of a prank. No, Echo wouldn't make light of this. Breathless, face burning, you reply, "What?"
"Always looking at you. Every time you leave the room, he has something to say about you. He's constantly working on things to make your life easier." Echo shrugs, "He's liked you for a long time, but he's convinced you'd never date a clone. Thinks you're not willing to break that Jedi code that's been hounded into you. Obviously he was wrong."
"You gonna tell him?"
You glance at him, then down the street where you know Tech is repairing the shuttle. In a moment of fear, your head shakes. Then hope passes through and you think, Why not? Truly, what would the harm be?
Distraction, you realize, would be the deciding flaw. His focus will be taken away from important duties which could result someone getting hurt or killed. Your attachment will strip you of self control and you could become susceptible to the Dark Side's wily temptations. That is why you refuse to take action. In the end, with the lifestyle you live, romance could prove fatal.
A ping of pain hits your chest as you see just how close you are to that temporary happiness. Something in you has known all along that it is possible, but with reality... could you ever fully love him? What about his rapid aging? And if you ever want to start a family--that would be absolutely reckless. Omega is barely an exception to your morals. Children will never belong in this way of life.
"You know," Echo says, drawing your attention. "I'm sure Tech has thought about everything you're thinking about. Unless you're devising a plan to secure more Mantell mix. Go talk to him instead of moping around."
You let out a shaky breath, "Be my wing man?"
He gives you a smile, "I thought you'd never ask."
"Your hands are shaking,"
"Thanks, Echo. Real comforting," You glare at him as he enters the code to the bay door. You hear him chuckle before the door hisses open and you are blinded by the lights illuminating the Marauder. The person of interest looks up, light reflecting off his goggles just wrong. You squint, hardly able to see his small wave.
"Go," Echo whispers impatiently. You shoot him a look.
"You should be resting, y/n," Tech says, wiping his hands on a rag. "After your recent injuries, your body needs apt time to recover."
Clearing your throat, you reply, "I'll be fine. Had worse," You cover the distance to the shuttle with Echo close by. "How is she?"
"The Marauder did not receive much damage beyond cosmetics. I did, however, discover a hydrolic leak in this left compartment that has been seriously depleting her potential for a more efficient..." He goes on with terms that make your head spin. As much as you want to listen, all you can think about is your reason for meeting him. Your eyes drift to his lips far too many times, flitting to the grime on the forearms of his sleeves where he'd changed into something more disposable for the dirty job. You've never seen that shirt before and wonder how long he'd had it. Surely he didn't just purchase it for today. It hugs him very nicely though--that you don't miss.
"Tech, y/n," Echo begins. You snap your eyes back up. "It's been nice, but I'm gonna head back to Cid's and let you two talk about... important things." He emphasizes the last two words with a look aimed at you, which makes Tech pause. In an instant, and before you can find the voice to protest, he's gone.
"I suspect he is implying that--right. Small talk," He frowns after noticing a tired look from you. "I struggle remembering to use common 'lingo,' for conversational purposes."
"It's a learned skill," you offer, suddenly nervous. He nods.
"What did Echo mean by 'important things?'"
The gravity of the situation hits you and you hum, "It's uh... something about--" You regain yourself and stare at the ground a moment before warning, "I need you to realize that I might cry. Don't freak out."
His eyes shoot wide and he reaches for you, "What do you mean? Is everything okay?" You let him take your shoulders in his strong hands. What if Echo is wrong and Tech only sees you as a good friend? Worse yet--what if he is right? Your confession can mean you have to walk away from them forever.
"Yes and no?" Your breaths are shaky and throat tight as you whisper. "How do I say it? Kriff, Tech. I don't think I can."
"Did someone hurt you? Come here," He takes your hand and leads you to a few crates and you sit. He kneels before you.
"No," you finally answer. "I'm not hurt."
"If you cannot tell me, simply your assurance that I am not the cause of any of this pain will suffice... And if I am, I hope there is some way I can mend it." He hums, gently rubbing your knuckles with his thumb. You catch a glimpse of his concern just before your vision becomes completely clouded.
And in this moment, there isn't a single doubt in your mind as to why you feel what you do. His heart aches--you can sense it through the force.
With the last ounce of bravery in your chest, you say, "You are--but that's okay." Your head drops, tears rolling down your face. Finally, you mutter, "I love you, Tech."
His hand stills.
"I'm so sorry if you don't feel the same," You sputter, not daring to look at him. "And I'm sorry if you're interested in someone else--"
"Oh, y/n," he breathes. "That couldn't be further from the truth,"
Large arms wrap around your trembling form and you lean into him, feeling his warmth envelope you. Face buried in his shoulder, you breathe him in. He smells of dirt and a mechanic's shop tainted with a hint of new clothing. The weight from your shoulders falls to your chest but you ignore it for the time being. For now, you can be happy, finally in his arms, even if it's the last time. It takes a moment, but eventually, Tech speaks up, voice rumbling through his chest.
"I love you, y/n," He whispers as if speaking too loudly might scare you away. "And it's all I can do every day to not say something--about how your hair frames your face just right, or... or the way your voice can sooth even my most troubling thoughts. It grounds me some days. You are my everything. My stars, my happiness... my pain. I often wonder what life would be like if I were transparent, but I fear that we wouldn't be happy. Your spirit was meant to be free, but would it be if we are always in hiding? Always running?"
"I don't care," you say, pulling away to look him in the eye. The defiance is evident in your mind now. "I don't care about any of that. I've thought about the reality, but kriff it. We make our own destiny." You stand, and he follows.
His brows furrow for a moment of thought as his hand comes up to wipe the tears from your cheeks. Then his eyes light up, quickly followed by the corners of his mouth. His smile is contagious even if you didn't understand its origin. You look at him quizzically and open your mouth to talk just as he draws you into a tight embrace. You chuckle at his forwardness, returning the motion.
"You know what this means?" He asks breathlessly.
"What's that?"
He lets go just enough that you can see the soft smile on his face, "We've leveled up from friends to best friends."
"Best friends, huh?" You scrunch your face up and study his. "Do best friends kiss each other?"
He pauses, face turning a shade darker as he hums, "I don't know," He leans in close, breath fanning your face. "Shall we find out?"
With that, he kisses you with such a tender passion that you wonder if you’re dreaming. All your years avoiding love... it was worth it for this moment. You melt into the kiss, arms finding their way to drape around his neck. None of the stars can shine as bright as you feel.
“Yeah," you mutter catching your breath, lips brushing his. "I think they must."
You capture his lips again, and there you both stand, worries forgotten. It takes a while before you return to life again. When Tech reaches a decent stopping point on the shuttle's repairs, he cleans up a little bit and you stroll back to the parlor hand-in-hand. Hunter notices your approach from his place at the front door and a small, rare smile lights up his face.
"Finally spill your guts, Tech?"
The genius flushes and replies, "You knew?"
"I thought it was obvious," the man smirks. Then he claps his shoulder and says. "You'd better get some dinner before Wrecker eats it all."
So you join them inside and conclude the evening eating with everyone. Before long, you and Omega are stuffing food down Wrecker's chestplate when he isn't looking. You feel light as you laugh. Afterwards, the whole group sits in the parlor, talking about life. Portia finally gets to know everyone, just as she'd tried to on the shuttle earlier. As you veg, Cid strolls in and takes a seat nearby. She eyes you suspiciously, then mutters something to Echo who chuckles and nods. You don't need to hear them to know what they're talking about.
By now you can tell that even Wrecker has caught on, but it's probably better that way. As the evening grows later and the voices softer, you find yourself leaning against Tech, hardly fighting off the sleep. He finally convinces you to go to bed, and walks you to your room, stopping at the door. Just before you go in, he kisses your forehead and bids you goodnight.
// ~ // ~ //
Thank you sm for reading! Please comment and reblog to show your support!
Have a lovely day ☺️
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swsequelsalt · 6 months
The risk/reward of just ignoring one sequel's mistakes in the next one
Ghostbusters Afterlife —
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Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire —
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I've previously written on this blog about the unfortunate legacy of The Force Awakens and how its massive success paved the way for a veritable buttload of legacy sequels that made similar mistakes.
One example I cited was Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Among the things I hated there was the declaration that no ghosts had shown up anywhere for approximately 30 years, effectively negating any EU lore or personal imaginings of interim adventures. Instead, we're made to believe that ghosts ONLY appear when an apocalyptic threat is making them emerge.
This year's direct sequel, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, just completely ignores all that. Ghosts can appear anywhere and any time regardless of whether a major threat is coming to somehow spawn them. In fact, we even see the library ghost from the opening of the original 1984 Ghostbusters has apparently just been floating around freely EVER SINCE THEN. She's just stayed in the New York Public Library the whole friggin' time! (Which is kind of ridiculous all by itself, but whatever.)
So that's certainly ONE way to deal with dumb/bad ideas introduced in legacy sequels; just kind of pretend the idea was wrong or that you never said it, and don't bother explaining yourself when you show the opposite to be true. :P I... kind of love that??? But I feel like I probably shouldn't, because they should probably have to justify why they claimed that stuff in the first place.
But can you imagine if the Star Wars sequels pulled this kind of thing?
The Rise of Skywalker certainly does take pains to undo some of The Last Jedi, but it also feels the need to acknowledge what that movie said and did. Like "Oh Rey — it IS true that your parents were nobodies, but your grandpa is still somebody." Imagine instead if The Rise of Skywalker had just treated it like "OF COURSE Luke never thought the Jedi were a mistake, and of course he didn't run away to die! He was on that planet to build a new Jedi Academy, silly! Didn't you notice?" And then they just never explained the discrepancy.
I think I might've loved that, LOL. But like I said... I probably shouldn't. :P
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dixonsbrat · 1 year
the name is 𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐒, but you can call me 𝐕𝐄𝐄 !
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mid-twenties. she/her/hers. bi. infp-t. libra. australian. hufflepuff. losercore gamer girl. hopeless romantic. lover of all things watermelon flavoured. people pleaser. proactive procrastinator. anxious lil bug. obsessor of fictional characters with daddy issues and calling middle-aged men babygirl.
spotify. wattpad. pinterest. rec blog. nsfw blog.
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐁𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐒 ; daryl dixon , joel miller , rafe cameron , rick grimes , steve harrington .
𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐋𝐘 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐀𝐒 ; venuslore , faeology , solarluvs , ahoymayfield , runawaymunson , euthoricspidey , wanturvideo .
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⟢ 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐒 / 𝐓𝐕 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐒 ; stranger things ⊹ the walking dead ⊹ outer banks ⊹ the hunger games ⊹ the summer i turned pretty ⊹ cyberpunk : edgerunners ⊹ yellowjackets ⊹ marvel cinematic universe ⊹ the wizarding world ⊹ star wars ⊹ the bear ⊹ avatar ⊹ heartstopper ⊹ the witcher ⊹ bridgerton ⊹ disenchantment ⊹ scott pilgrim vs the world ⊹ scream ⊹ twilight ⊹ free guy ⊹ lisa frankenstein ⊹ the boys ⊹ the craft ⊹ 10 things i hate about you ⊹
⟢ 𝐕𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐎 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 ; the sims 4 ⊹ cyberpunk 2077 ⊹ fortnite ⊹ animal crossing ⊹ life is strange ⊹ the last of us ⊹ dreamlight valley ⊹ baldur’s gate 3 ⊹ death stranding ⊹ resident evil ⊹ grand theft auto ⊹ the dark pictures anthology ⊹ detroit: become human ⊹ star wars jedi ⊹ bully ⊹ alice: madness returns ⊹house party ⊹ five nights at freddy’s ⊹ alan wake ⊹ control ⊹
⟢ 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒 / 𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒 ; djo ⊹ paramore ⊹ billie eilish ⊹ harry styles ⊹ boygenius ⊹ emei ⊹ maya hawke ⊹ the driver era ⊹ wallows ⊹ catfish and the bottlemen ⊹ robinson ⊹ tate mcrae ⊹ dua lipa ⊹ between friends ⊹ bad suns ⊹ sabrina carpenter ⊹ angus & julie stone ⊹ gorillaz ⊹ jade lemac ⊹ lizzy mcalpine ⊹ halsey ⊹ gracie abrams ⊹ royel otis ⊹ benson boone ⊹
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@amorchai , @lovebugcody , @bruisedboys , @corrodedcorpses , @bcyhoods , @moremaybank , @tinyluvs , @thyme-in-a-bubble , @oncasette , @ghostlyfleur , @inklore , @websterss , @midniteluv , @anqeliclust , @nottsangel , @bradshawed , @cosmicanakin !
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tremendouskoalachild · 4 months
impressions on the first 2 Acolyte episodes! sort of a live blog in one post so i don't have to spoiler tag everything lol
i figured there was some missing dialogue between Mae approaching Indara and beating up her lunch buddies but i didn't expect it to be Indara calling an unknown adult woman "my child". i would have killed her too tbh
the boy is a welding torch and fire extinguisher!! Pip i would die for you
Tasi Lowa lore! girl you are actually so fucked
i knew the twins thing wasn't a reveal but i didn't expect the last name to also not be a reveal. lmao
Yord and Osha friends!!! former friends?
mothers… dead mothers but still
um that's a lot of nobody-could-have-survived-that-crash from Vernestra the serial ship crasher
padawan Osha!!! and Sol mournfully looking at padawan Osha's pic 😭😭
i love Yord. but i love how Jecki hates Yord even more
Tasi i'm sorry you got ditched like that but uhhh maybe it's for the best? stay safe my child
they do have local Jedi temples still. hmmm
it is pronounced kye-meer! i totally read that wrong too. i'm sorry
"peace-" "is a lie, I KNOW"
though it is pretty unconventional to take a vow of seclusion in the middle of a jedi temple. how do you halfass a barash vow, torbin
"Oshie" 😭😭😭
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Btw do you want more controversial Star Wars opinions?
The Sequel Trilogy "Trio" (I struggle to call them that since they're not even all together until THE LAST MOVIE) have less personality than their villains. And no actual character arcs. Especially Rey, who never actually struggles with anything or even risks falling to the Dark Side at any point whatsoever.
Oh I always want more controversial Star Wars opinions. Consider this a permanent thing on my blog, much like the fanfics.
The Sequel Trilogy "Trio" is so shady, I kinda love it. Shots fired.
Okay, so my reaction: I agree and disagree. I love The Sequel Trilogy, it's why I'm such a huge SW fan. I never 'got' Star Wars until I saw The Force Awakens in cinemas, and it just made something go *click* in my head.
However, nothing is above criticism. I do think that the ST trio were unfortunately a bit of a missed opportunity. Compare them to Han, Luke, and Leia. Or even Padme, Anakin, and Obi-Wan.
Also, yes. Hux, Ren, and Phasma (to use a contrasting 'evil trio') have more personality than the heroes.
But. That's a common issue across a lot of media. Villains just get to be more fun to watch.
The character arc issue... yeah, I'll agree. I am still mad that Finn's arc was such a let-down, Poe never really grew or changed, and I wish we'd seen Rey being more seduced by The Dark Side. She's Palpatine's granddaughter FFS.
I think a lot of the disappointments in The Rise Of Skywalker (and I do actually like TROS!) were a result of Carrie Fisher's passing. Love or hate Han and Luke in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, but they had an obvious plan for each of the sequel films to focus on the journey's end of each member of the OT trio. But, sadly, The Rise of Skywalker couldn't do that for Leia. So I would assume a lot of things had to be scrapped or changed.
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passionat3 · 6 months
I've never actually written star wars fic to completion, but I've been tempted to try again with an idea I've had for years, I know i have basically no followers because this blog hasn't been active in a decade but if anyone sees this and likes it some support would make my day ♥️♥️♥️
note: this AU of basically, the war is over, obi-wan and anakin saved each other, ahsoka and rex and cody are still their family basically lives in my head rent-free. Sometimes the variation of anidala have nothing in common and their relationship dies painfully because actually, there's no way out. Occasionally a bit of obianidala. these are just some ideas for a story from that!
ideas: satine, bail organa and obi-wan and anakin find themselves kidnapped by the same people. Yeah Satine is alive, deal with it. Disgraced former senator Padma Naberrie learns the power of a weapon in her hand when she teams up with Captain Rex and Commander Cody of the former Open Circle Fleet and surprise, their former padawan ahsoka and Bo-Katan, Mand'alor to mount a rescue mission.
Ahsoka being knighted -- some kind of delve into how to be a jedi is to choose the light and the code and one's fellow jedi and not simply accepting any corruption the jedi council gives. She is a Jedi in every single way that counts. She echoes her masters. Drifts through the galaxy, has a fling with a pilot, ends back on Coruscant. Goes to the Jedi Council because she has noöne else, noöne other than Anakin and Obi-Wan,
She helps care for younglings for a time, hardly sees her masters busy with clean-up. Begs the council for the chance to do something when she can feel their hurt and danger
Palpatine was defeated, in hiding. He turns into some kind of ... something??? Like in the sequel trilogy, doesn't take away the emotional satisfaction nearly as much, just because this is only a few months after the initial confrontation.
What is balance? Star Wars has always pushed this idea of equal parts light and dark. But what about choosing the
Satine: stands before a Mandalore in ruins. She retreats into the shadows, hopeless and indifferent to the galaxy healing and celebrating the end of the war. She gives rule to Bo-Katan, the Mand'alor in possession of the darksaber, her dear sister. She visits her dear friend Padmé Amidala to make sense of the new world order. She is taken by Palpatine because he is angry that Mandalore defied him to the battle's last breath.
Bo-Katan is Mand'alor and Mandalore is more like it was than it has been in a generation, but it is also destroyed. To beg help from the Republic is cowardice, but to let her people suffer is an even bigger cowardice. And then her sister disappears, and for all she hated the New Mandalore, Mandalore cannot lose Duchess Satine.
Obi-Wan and Anakin get sent out on a mission by the council. Everyone can sense some kind of residual darkness in the force, on the planet Mustafar there have been reports of strange happenings. High-profile galactic figures disappearing. They are lured to Mustafar due to Palpatine's interest in studying a force dyad.
Padmé's Queen Jamillia finds out that she is pregnant and carrying on an affair, though she refuses to name the person. She doesn't break it off with Anakin, begs him to wait for her. Both are in shock that it was ultimately her duty that got in the way. Before this, he is having doubts over there being very little to save. She goes to her family palazzo in the Naboo Lake Country to rest and recover and heal from her forced abortion and learns who Padma Naberrie is when she isn't Padmé Amidala anymore. Sabé and her handmaidens shocked by the change, see only glimpses of their lady when Satine comes.
Rex and Cody are ... Confused. They were the Open Circle Fleet as much as Obi-Wan and Anakin, who became their dear friends. But they still have the Jedi to give them missions and purpose. They feel caught between the threat of a newly peaceful republic and obsolescence after such a short life and paperwork. They do not want to lie down and die after a taste of life and the possibility that they can choose (Order 66 chips removed alongside some Kaminoan brainwashing), but they sense that duty is something that they would choose in every life. Duty to their generals.
Bail Organa finally understands the power of his wife's throne. He did not become senator from her power, he had worked his way up before they even met, they were not in a relationship when he was sent to Coruscant as their representative in the Galactic Senate. But Breha is adored the galaxy over and Alderaan still has resources of people and money to rebuild the galaxy, one of the only centres of art, culture, literature left after people turn on Naboo, bombing of Mandalore and lower levels of Coruscant sensing power vaccuum on the surface. Bail finds himself at the forefront of the rebuilding effort, his fellow senators are pushing to name him Chancellor. He feels that he cannot possibly accept when he cannot go a minute without comming Padmé or Obi-Wan for help, but Palpatine wants his competition gone.
Naboo unofficially blockaded because of the influence of Palpatine, people are fleeing. They were rich enough that noöne is starving, but they will be poor in a generation, they had mostly trade, very little industry by the time the Clone Wars came around. Kind of like Shattered Empire comic, on a much faster timeframe
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ladyvader23 · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by the lovely @fanfictasia and @the-real-azalea-scroggs and this seems fun, so here we go!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
24, though I have some on ff.net that aren't posted on AO3 from the very early days
2. What's your total A03 word count?
850,878 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Star Wars, though I've dabbled in FFXIV recently.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Missing and Presumed Dead
Darth Vader Goes to Therapy
Just One Wish
Darth Vader Goes to School
Unexpected Truths (just like the title, I did not expect this one to be in the top 5 and I have questions)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to. I read and love every single comment I get, please don't get me wrong, comments absolutely FUEL me, but responding?? I have so much anxiety, it used to take me HOURS to respond to them all. Eventually it got to be so much on my emotional health that I decided it would be better to channel that into writing more for people to enjoy, so...that's what I do now. Again, comments fuel me, and I love you all, and I read every single comment and even have a lil' scrapbook of comments that I go back to whenever I'm feeling down about my writing, so I hope this doesn't give off the wrong impression...
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Easily Fracture. If you've read it, there's no explanation needed here. If you haven't...let's just say someone gets turned into a rug, among many other horrible things...
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh...most of my fics have a happy ending of some sort. Some you just have to wade through more angst and whump to get to the happy ending than others. I think Missing and Presumed Dead had an ending I thought was perfect for it, as did Darth Vader Goes to Therapy. Both were happy endings AND endings that I thought were perfect for the story that was told.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I write for Star Wars. Yeah, I've gotten hate XD. Thankfully, it's rare. Usually people get upset with my interpretations because "iTs NoT cAnOn!" I really just don't care, so I just laugh and move on. Like if you wanted canon, why are you reading fanfic?? Probably the craziest though was when someone went on one of the biggest Tumblr blogs in the SW fandom and used my Darth Vader Goes to Therapy fic to support their argument that the Jedi were evil or whatever (idk, I wasn't part of the argument) and beyond the fact that it's wild to go into a fandom canon-based argument with super out of context quotes from a fanfiction to support your argument, but to do it with a fic that I 100% wrote as a COMEDY is just. Wow. I was suddenly flooded with so much hate from a bunch of people who had never read my fic, thought it was a seriously written piece of literature, and assumed I agreed with everything the person said and I didn't even know until I went to the post and had to defend myself...every once in a while someone will not see that defense and will message me more hate. Like it's a crack fic. Granted, I DID do research on real therapy practices because I didn't want to make a joke out of therapy, but everything else was 100% a joke. I'm really glad people love it (so do I!) and resonate with it, but it's not canon. I don't think the person intended for me to get so much hate, so I definitely don't blame them, but it was a lot.
9. Do you write smut?
Um. Ahem. I may or may not have a private stash from like. Deleted scenes in fics that had romance in them back when I wrote those. That I will. Definitely. Never publish. Don't worry about it. >>
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes! Though I've only done a few. I think the only one on AO3 was the crossover with The Last of Us, done before the TV adaption.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Sort of. There was that scare a few years ago when everyone thought a random website had stolen everyone's fics, but it turned out it wasn't that exactly. AO3 isn't available everywhere, so there are sites that are just set up to mirror whatever is on AO3 so that people can read fics on that site, and it happened to be one of those sites. Oh boy, though, did they get a lot of hate mail before it got clarified. Then there was that time I had someone write a fanfic that they said they wrote with a similar concept to my ff.net story Second Chances, but then one of their friends was like "this is a rip off" so they asked me to read it before they posted it to make sure they hadn't ripped it off. Except...it was almost 90% word for word....so uh. I didn't give my blessing and I don't think it ever got posted lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I've had fics translated into Russian, Chinese, Korean and French. My most common requests for translation are Russian and Chinese. I've never actively tried to get something translated, it's just whoever asks me for permission.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! (I'm keeping Aza's answer for this part since it's true) There's the memorable Great April Flood, which was basically a dozen of Star Wars writers gathering together to do a massive round robin with tumblr asks prompt fills (those three sentence fics, if anyone remembers) in order to flood our side of tumblr on April Fools in 2020.
I also did an Inuyasha fanfic with my cousin when I was a teenager, and I didn't technically co-write it, but I did heavily work with a specific character for my Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden series with my best friend in high school as well.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I mean, I'm pretty open to whatever. I think I've written Luke with like....5 or 6 different people depending on the story?? But if I had to choose, I guess I'm pretty consistently Percybeth, so I guess them???
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Assassins Blade. Like it was a great story....but omg. I got so much harassment about the most random things, sometimes on every. single. chapter. it just wore me down and I just don't write romance-centric fics anymore, which is sad because I DO like writing romance.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Finding the comedy in even the darkest moment. Taking a horrific situation and really just letting the characters feel the emotions of the moment, letting them bask in the consequences of either their actions or the actions of others.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well, anyone who has ever edited my stuff will probably say "too many redundant sentences" and you know what? They're right. Fluff-centric scenes are difficult, as well. I also will disappear for months on end when I'm just. In a weird funk. Which I still kind of am in at the moment, but I'm actively trying to break through it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't really have an opinion on this one.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First one I wrote for: Final Fantasy X, but my mom wouldn't let me publish because it was the days of the internet when all parents thought their child was going to be kidnapped if they did anything other than look at the internet. It was bad though, so I'm not sad I didn't publish.
First one I published: Inuyasha. I published behind my mom's back, and got in trouble when she found out, but then she looked at everyone's comments and figured out that I was not, in fact, overly in danger of being kidnapped, so she let it go.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Darth Vader Goes to Therapy. I will never be that funny ever again. I achieved my peak comedy with that fic. But a very close second is Missing and Presumed Dead, and sometimes, depending on the day, that one is my favorite and DVGTT is a close second.
This was fun! Tagging @sunshinechildskywalker @25centsoda and @zoryany but definitely don't feel like you have to!
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