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jazeswhbhaven · 3 months ago
A Christmas beneath Heaven P2 | React | Days 1 & 2
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Woooo we've made it to the second part of the event ya'll! And just as I expected, this is already crazy within the first two days of content Let's do a little recap though, just in case ya'll are seeing this first hand and not the other posts I've made!
MC is down with what they call a 'christmas cold' in Hell. Solomon had it before as well. The symptoms with MC is in short, they can't stop masturbating or getting horny and it's pretty much draining the life out of them. The Kings meet and decide that they must cure her and with the help of Bael finding an old devil with some information the medicine is located in the Middle Realm that is guarded by the first fallen angel, Achazriel. Because they all can't infiltrate all at once, each King must go one at a time, but it's looking like it's more cumbersome than they expected.
Now that you get the general idea without the extra stuff let's continue- S u M m A r Yyyyy~
The first King to make an attempt to infilitrate the Middle Realm is Belphegor. The problem though, is that everyone, including Belphie himself all turn to Beleth who's confused as fuck until he realizes, he's the one that must go in his King's stead.
When I say, that nobody had his back on this, not even Belphie I mean it. Beleth though says that it shouldn't take him long and he'd be okay.
I find it funny though that it was brought up that it's kinda messed up to send a fallen angel back to deal with other fallen angels and everyone's like ????!!! WAIT as if they didn't realize that.
But then we have Bael, sweet bby worried about Beleth and I have a small ramble about that. Not only are they neighboring countries, but the two of them are literally twins in the sense of they both babysit their King, and pretty much run things for their respective countries. So he has sympathy for him in that regard.
Beel doesn't really care though, saying that everyone should place bets for how long it will take Beleth before he comes back. Bimet is doing the math in his head, Asmodeus guessed it...they have this odd moment...
That odd moment being that Bimet was curious as to what made Asmodeus agree with him that 2 days would be the max and Asmo teases him into saying that he can't possibly believe he'd give away information without 'something' in return and Bimet is just kinda like 'oop. my bad... 😶' when Asmo's like...'these devils not giving me bussy is cruel' (not really but he's probably thinking that)
And well, everyone puts their bets in other than Leviathan and Lucifer because they find it pointless. Lucifer honestly just chooses to not engage due to "professionalism" (lmaooo) Belphie even randomly wakes up and is like "yah 3 days is my bet" and goes back to sleep, Bimet changes his bet too. Like good lord everyone believe in my bby pls.
Well...and just as Asmodeus (and Bimet but sadly he changed his number) guessed it...Beleth is back in two days and the poor babes is beat up badly. But at least Asmo agrees to share the winnings with Beleth (he has a thing for him I swear)
I'll spare you the theatrics of how they tried guessing what happened to him, but there was joke that he was fighting Harumon, which wasn't the issue. The issue is that Beleth was paranoid of the traps set, transformed into his cat self, and well...did a cat thing and got trapped anyway because his size triggered them all at the same time. (Let me add that Lucifer was able to tell what injuries Beleth had just by looking at him and what the cause was a "catfight" is what he called it)
The kings are all laughing at him (aside from Lucifer and Levi) like even Belphie is poking at him and I'm just like??? Leave him alone ????? So what he was a clumsy kitty, cats do dumb shit all the time here on Earth 💀🥺😭 I'd pet him and tell him he's a good kitty.
Levi however, is only upset because he came back with just the info of "there are traps" but nothing else. I think Beleth tried his best, he was just.....not on his A-game sadly.
So the next devil to go is Mammon. He just straight up grabs the dice, rolls it and his number comes up. And with no surprise, he gets through the traps so easily it's second nature to him and his giant hands. But the timeline for traveling through all the traps was half a day compared to Beleth getting beat up for two days. 😭
Now, he DOES make it all to the way the gate, Mammon interested in the door and it's materials, and then it opens on it's own so now he's like OOOO NEW TECH MINE. (one track mind...)
So he walks in, and it looks really pretty btw...I'd probably sleep there and he sees the first fallen (hot asf) angel Achazriel. So it appears that this fallen angel is for the most part docile and just kinda sits on the chair he's in. Though, he does know who Mammon is, though very little is known about him.
He doesn't even want to fight, he challenges Mammon by asking him one question, if he answers it within 10 seconds he won't have to leave. In the Middle Realm, his word is law, so if he loses Mammon will be forced out by that rule.
Guess what the question was? "Who is most precious to you." I was like OH this is easy, MC! Well....our uh big stud here went through all of ten seconds thinking of other things and people even the souls in his body before he realized it was MC that was the answer but it was too late 😒🙃😭😭 Like??? Okay Mammon thanks love you too. Because the point of the entire trip was to heal MC and I'm like??? W T F. Satan could have answered that question easily I bet (he seems to be the OTP Kings wise)
So...Mammon failed, but at least he had more information. He didn't tell them the question that was asked, which I assumed no one asked him directly so he had no reason to reveal. (I bet you Satan would have laughed at him for getting it wrong and be like HA the answer is MC you idiot. or something like that)
Beel is up next! And well...since Mammon did all the footwork, he basically just had to walk up there, meet Achzariel and was straight up like "Give me the medicine." Beel....pls.....
PHEW so this summary was longer than the others because yeah so far Part Two's stories are far longer than Part One's! When I do the screenshots hopefully everything fits in this post. Some may have to be exlcuded ;w;
Let's get to the screencapssssss
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idk i found this cute because no Satan you can't do that. Time out chair again.
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I feel like this is Luci's polite way of saying..."I ain't got the time nor patience for this foolishness"
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Beel. LMAO really now? (this was toward Beleth going first and Belphie was like "I ain't" and went to sleep.) Bael was like.....o k.
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He's so worried, let me give him kisses for being a sweetie.
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NABE DOG FORM CAMEO (gives him treats and scritches)
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AYo??????? We just gon' fap in front of everyone present? ASMO ??
Leviathan was ready to beat his ass like
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Like srsly he was done at this point lmaooooo
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I'm sorry Levi has been irritated this entire event and I'm crying because it's either Beel or Asmodeus annoying the fuck out of him. 💀
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They were so mean 😭 like I know they were just joking but this man came back battered and torn being called a rag by Asmo and now they're calling him a clumsy cat. It's okay Beleth com'mere and and I'll give you hugs and smooches. (He seems to not be too graceful as a big kitty and that's okay)
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Tryna capitalize on strange self opening doors, okay Mammon
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Bye, taking a nap here.
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I know you fine as fuck, wait who said that? I'm supposed to be napping
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what do you mean, what????
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Pretty much. LOL
And just because there's room to throw this in....
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He really said, "you goin' fam." and went back to sleep.
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Classic Leviathan roasting.
LIKE ya'll there's so much interactions between the Kings and their nobles in this event, it's really nice to see them acting in their natural state without MC around even if they are simply just in a quarantine room jackin' off to the thoughts of Minhyeok.
Since Beel boldly just went up in Middle Realm and asked for the medicine directly I wonder how that's gonna work out for him...I can't imagine too well since he's...ya know himself lmao
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Pictures of Pomegranate will continue until (my) moral improves.
Pose reference from @adorkastock
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arsenicxarcana · 1 year ago
Realistically speaking, I wouldn't be able to fix The Devil
But I can kiss him, maybe that'll calm him down
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pureomi · 7 days ago
why an i unironically thinking of downloading love and deepspace
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belethlegwen · 6 months ago
In your opinion who is prettiest?
Aphrodite, Athena, or Hera?
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doublel27 · 4 months ago
So we have started the ep with birthday sex.
Ep 10 has started with very enthusiastic birthday sex and a proposal?!
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markpenmanship · 2 years ago
I really want someone to explain the deep lore of Transformers to me. Like, I could look it up myself but I feel like I won’t get the whole picture.
My dream is to get like several paragraphs of the nature of their robot species, the break down of gender, reproduction, religion, everything of the transformers.
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sollieeee · 7 months ago
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I’ve been avoiding shibuya for the longest time and now I’m finally visiting I see this?? you sir are coming home with me
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peachdues · 2 years ago
Do you personally see Giyu as a dom or sub?
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rennyrose · 2 years ago
What’s the correct ratio of peanut butter to jelly in a sandwich?
This is like if Einstein asked me about relativity just so he could publicly humiliate me about how much of an idiot I am
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aajjks · 1 year ago
tc!jungkook I love you so much. Promise you’ll love me and only me?
“I love you too yn… it makes me feel really good when you say that you love me… I love you and only you.”
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appendingfic · 1 year ago
So having multiple WIPs, there is always the vague thought that one of them might at any point be the Secret Project I Could Make Progress On if I could just identify which one it is
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bestiole-farouche · 2 years ago
Guess who just saw an instagram ad for zoom auditions for ‘big studios such as netflix’ 🙃🙃🙃
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foolfortune · 5 months ago
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mostly-funnytwittertweets · 7 months ago
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