#this is a LOT lmao
chryblossomjjk · 7 months
the thought of not seeing them for 18 months hurts my heart fr
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piratebay · 10 months
tagged by @reijuu to post characters i think are me-coded 🖤 ty !
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tagging @dormiloncito @rmnu @mousepal @wizardcurse @qhostbat @dainseif @gh0s1y @butchghostbird @littleblondesoprano if u wanna / no pressure to, and anyone else who wants to :+)
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villruu · 6 months
Oh man, I have like a LOT of wips (mainly DSMP and LMK) but there's this whole-ass pokemon fic series I have in my docs that's about submas. Basically, after an accident Emmet makes a deal w the devil to save Ingo from death, and as a consequence they get cursed into becoming zoruas whenever they dont know exactly when and where the other is. It has 8 fics planned and i have like 5 halfway or mostly written. The first fic is mostly written but a few scenes are missing and I'm just blocked on how to continue lmao
I am not sane in the slightlest about submas<3
snippet from the first fic under read more bc uh slight gore? And Angst? Idk
Emmet clinged to Ingo’s chest, feeling the small shift beneath his hands, and choked on the hatred burbling up inside.
There was too much blood, and Emmet had never thought himself as a squeamish person, but now, holding his injured twin, he barely managed to keep the bile down. He patted desperately for his belt, and choked up a sob as he noticed the broken  leather hanging from his pants. The belt must have gotten cut, and he could not see his pokemon anywhere near. Ingo also didn't have his, probably having been accidentally left behind in the cave above.
Desperation tried to make him move, but he felt every muscle locked up, as he felt Ingo’s blood flow between his fingers as he held his head as gently as he could. He didn’t know what to do, panic slowly obfuscating each option, until Emmet felt as if he were just a wild beast cornered against a wall, scrambling to survive. He would have stayed like that forever, if not for the pained weak whine of Ingo.
Emmet flinched, and without thinking anymore, he stood up with his twin in his arms and started to search for help. Adrenaline fueled him, and Emmet did not feel even an ounce of resistance, as he ran through the thick forest, hoping that the Universe had been kind to them and they had fallen towards the side of the mountain where civilization resided. Scratches and thorns started to decorate Emmet’s body, but he did not pause, in vain searching for help, for anyone, anything that would save his twin.
He sees a path, worn and old, and before he can question its state, he follows it, heartbeat tuning out everything around him except for Ingo’s shallow breaths against his neck, where Ingo had hidden his limp head as they ran in search of help. The path was more often than not covered in plants, but Emmet passed through, keeping a hand around Ingo’s hastily made tourniquet made of his jacket.
The path cleared out, and Emmet stumbled into a shallow clearing, a ring of thick forest surrounding it. 
There were only crumbling graves, erased through the rain, wind and age, a half destroyed statue erected in front of what appeared to be a bench. He stumbled, and deposited Ingo on the bench, tears obscuring half of his view. Emmet looked around, but not even pokemon were nearby, everything dead silent, not even wind daring to rustle the leaves on the trees.
“Please,” He rasped out, even despite knowing what would happen as he realized that civilization or help would never arrive, “Ingo, please.”
His brother just breathed, and that was all Emmet needed right now, for him to continue breathing. He collapsed in front of the bench, and sobbed, clutching at Ingo’s torn up sleeve, ignoring the way blood seeped onto the ground, painting everything in his brother’s essence.
Emmet knew they had fallen to the wrong side of the mountain, and the knowledge that no one would arrive for his brother felt almost too much. He wouldn’t last that long too, he could already feel the edge of pain drawing in, circling around, constricting his chest and making everything he saw blurry and faded.
“Stay alive,” He sobbed, wishing for once his face weren’t always a mockery of a smile, “Please, please, Ingo.”
Emmet had never been religious, had never put any stock into the Gods of this world, but Emmet set everything aside and closed his eyes, clutching Ingo’s cold arm, and prayed.
He prayed to whatever was out there, no words uttered, to anything, anyone to please, to please save his brother. He would do anything, anything for Ingo to live.
Wind swept through the clearing, what seemed like the beginnings of a storm gathering around them, but Emmet ignored everything, and continued to pray, fervently, no matter what.
“Anything?'' A distant voice came, and Emmet flinched, looking up to see…. Something, looking over both him and his brother.
“Please!” Emmet sobbed, “Ingo deserves to live!”
“He would not survive,” It said, its body a coiling mass that suffocated the sun above, “In this state, he is too far gone.”
“Then, then,.... I'll take it! I die in his stead, won’t that work?!” Emmet pleaded.
A rumbling not unlike an earthquake shook Emmet through his core, and he belatedly noticed it was just this thing’s laughter.
“You will not remain the same, my powers corrupt whatever it touches,” It said, its burning red eyes glaring into Emmet’s, “Would you be willing to sacrifice so much for your twin?”
“Always,” He breathed out, shaking but keeping firm his eyes onto the others, something telling him this was important, “For Ingo, I would do anything and everything. And he would do the same for me!”
“Very well,” It said, its face getting closer until it was barely a few centimeters away, “Through time and space, you shall prove your words.”
It got closer, and Emmet felt the faint sensation of something electric and colder than ice briefly touching his forehead.
“I can’t wait to see who you shall become,” It said, its long and coiling body surrounding both brothers, “Until we see again, Unovan Twins.”
That was the last thing Emmet heard, before his hearing turned into colors, he tasted electricity, and he fell into the most painful sensation he had ever felt, a glimpse of a World so far away and strange that could not be described before he fell unconscious, hand locked onto his brother’s arm.
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ink-the-artist · 11 months
Love the contrast between the Americans’ “Apollo” and the Soviets’ “Sputnik.” You got the Americans naming their rocket after a Greek god trying to communicate the grandness and importance of this rocket. And you got the Soviets naming their rocket “fellow traveler.” Like a friend you go on an  adventure with together. This rocket is our little friend lol 
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corvid-khaos · 8 months
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fionna and cake but simon drops increasingly wild anecdotes about his life
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violent138 · 3 months
Damian: "My grandfather drives faster than this, and he's dead!"
Jason and Steph, leaning forward from the backseat: "Ra's died?!"
Tim: "He's still alive. He literally never--"
Dick, rolling his eyes, hands clenched on the wheel: "Guys he means Thomas."
Steph, slumping back: "Wow, I legitimately forgot about that."
Damian: "Every word that comes out of your mouth is a reminder--"
Dick: *cranks up the radio loudly*
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randomfandomss · 11 months
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who taught her that
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wanologic · 10 days
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reminder to take care of your loser human body
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 11 months
The Barbie movie really said. Yes you will grow up and childhood wonder will vanish. Yes you will grow up and learn to hate yourself, your body, your awkwardness. Yes you will grow up and lose your confidence and certainty and sense of purpose. Yes you will grow up and the world will seem a bleaker, lonelier place every day, and society will seem bleaker and lonelier every day, and you won’t understand what went wrong in the span of just a few years, what took you from a happy and secure young girl to a sad, uncertain, scared grown woman.
And yet. You will learn to find beauty again. You will find joy in not having a purpose, in building a purpose for yourself. You will find beauty in connection, with the people and the world around you. You will learn to love signs of ageing as proof of a life well lived, of experience and happiness. You will take that little girl by the hand and tell her “I know, this isn’t what you thought it would be, but it’s real. Let me show you how beautiful it can be.”
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derpiedoxie · 8 months
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I like the silly little new indie show
Someone give Pomni a cookie
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senblades · 3 months
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Distortions, and ways to see the world
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chocochococoffee · 11 months
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what happens when you change your web standards to be only english-speaker inclusive
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weaselmcdiesel · 3 months
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Do You Love The Color Of The 413?
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ink-the-artist · 1 month
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stellarspecter · 9 months
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@pscentral event 20: antagonists ↳ THE LORDS IN BLACK in NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE
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