#this has nothing to do with the magnus archives but i fucking love the magnus archives and nobody can stop me
moth-eats-paper · 3 months
My birthdays coming up and they remembered that I had anxiety about where to put and keep my sticker collection AND THEY BOUGHT ME A REUSABLE STICKER BOOK FROM MY FAVORITE ARTIST!?!? LIKE HOLY SHIT I LOVE YOU PLEASE MARRY ME!
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theendorisit · 8 days
The Magnus Theories
Okay theory time! Spoilers for all of The Magnus Protocol Season 1 and all of The Magnus Archives.
- so two things I got right: 
the universe/crack trying to drag Celia back through it
Celia was previously in a cult, and remembers Georgie from that, and that was why Celia sought her out.
Situation: Celia does not seem to remember her previous life, only remembers The Change, Georgie and other characters. So there are some interesting questions:
Is the universe she came from an apocalyptic one? Is it a separate universe to TMA? (Unlikely given she remembers the same characters and each universe seems different in that regard). Or did she have nothing left even post-apocalypse TMA? Or get sucked in as the fears left? Certainly she is not the only person to fall through (though it is not clear how this happened to Darrien in Episode 17 - Saved Copy)
Because it really seems that Celia believes that she’s casting Sam into a kind of Hell. Which Season 5 TMA absolutely was. But is this the case? Is Sam ending up in a recovering TMA universe, an apocalyptic other world, or maybe even a different world that is barren and desolate because the fears ravaged it and left again?* I’m so excited to find out! 
* Because it seems bizarre that a crack in the multiverse would only have a path between two individual worlds. Except these are the two worlds the writers have created, so maybe not that strange.
What we do know that the balance is still fucked - Celia wanted to balance it with Sam, but Sam AND the Archivist went through. Oh dear. Unbalanced again!
(Or… is it? Did Darrien get pulled back in the same way? What’s up with him? Why isn’t he unbalancing things? Or were the Institute preventing him from being pulled back? Were lots of people transferred between universes all over the place?)
Also, what will Celia do if this doesn’t work? Her reasoning is that she is being pulled back because of the balance - but maybe the universe needs everyone to be exactly where they are meant to be, rather than balance per se. I still think that if the Jon and Martin in the computer are the TMA ones (not convinced by this) then they are causing unbalanced states as well.
Unconfirmed thoughts
presumably Celia had a doppelgänger in this universe - did Celia find her, kill her or maybe just see her die, and take over her life and baby?
Possible option - is Celia unbalanced because her doppelgänger isn’t dead? If her TMP other is in a coma, then perhaps that causes an issue, and would explain why Darrien was fine (he killed his other, so effectively took his place). This isn’t a theory I have a lot of stock in, it’s just me trying to understand the world logic. 
Ah, everyone forgets that the archivist must’ve got the train down from Manchester in the first place 😅
It will be very interesting to see what happens to the archivist in season 2, current theories:
Arrives in a fear-less world (TMA post-change) and is transformed back into their original self (more Beth Eyre voice acting? YAY!🎉 ). Probably has no desire to return to the old self but helps Sam get back.
Arrives in a fear-less world (TMA post-change) and stays the same, becomes a new problem for TMA people to solve, and those people help Sam get back.
Arrives in an apocalyptic world, stays exactly the same, wanders off to eat. Sam tries to get back.
Or, a variation of the above, but Sam stays in the new world and someone else goes through for the balance. 
Or… we get WORLD HOPPING. Lots of stories, and the archivist acts very much like season 5 Jon - new world, new statement. Sam is the new Martin. Sort of. My secret hope is they find a world where there are lovely fields of cows, and a lovely little cabin, containing the lovely utterly fucked up corpses of two men destroyed by corruption. After taking a statement, Sam and the Archivist leave, setting the place on fire. If such a story happens, I will laugh til I choke. 
‘I’m not up to an apocalyptic conflict’, yes well Jonny Sims wrote this episode, so buckle up mate. 
I very much enjoyed the revelation that Celia has been playing Sam like a fiddle. She has discovered the connection with alchemy, the connection to the Magnus Institute, perhaps even been visiting former Magnus children to find someone to lure back, and finds Sam. She still checks on others (Gerry), but Sam is a willing participant, and once she finds Helen, and the list of Magnus Properties... well she has a reason to point him there, and Sam is only too happy to go (well... not happy, but you get my point).
One thing I don't quite understand about Sam's characterisation - if I wandered off alone into a strange place and saw a smiling skeleton shed its meat pepper, I think I would not go exploring as much as Sam does. That said, curiosity killed the cat is a central Magnus theme.
So, what’s happened to Sam? My earlier theorising is based on Celia - when she came through the wound in the world she is apparently in one piece - yet there is a current theory that Jon and Martin were split into fragments and scattered (hence voices in a computer). So it’s not impossible that Sam gets messed up by the transfer. In fact, what if Sam and Archivist get combined into a chimera? What would be delightful horror!
So here’s the question are we getting a split narrative? Are we going to be following Gwen and Alice in one universe and also Sam and archivist in another? Or is Sam basically gone? Are people going to pop up later? Have we seen the last of Lena? 
Alice has ignored Teddy. Alice has ignored Colin. Alice didn’t get to Sam in time.
Methinks all the men around Alice are going to drop like flies. If Alice cares about a character, they are doomed. So Gwen is functionally immortal (yay!)
I can’t begin to tell you how heartbreakingly sad it is that Jonny and Alex won’t even murder one toxic line manager. Come on! I need my catharsis! Murdering fictional people in a grisly fashion is literally your job! /silly
Ah well, it took 200 episodes for Elias/Jonah to get his comeuppance, so I will be patient.
My current theory is Lena is the head of the OIAR which means monitoring incident team (our main characters): but actually her main job is heading the response team. I think Teddy is working for them, in the same building as shown in a previous episode. Perhaps it’s Teddy actually bringing the paperwork that Sam was filling in. 
I wonder if Lena is actually really happy to have gone. She’s just off to retire in Majorca or something 😅
This means (if my theory is correct) that Gwen is going to be inducted into this new leading role. I’m really hopeful that we’re going to understand more of Lena’s motivations for what she was doing - fingers crossed. I also hope we’ll learn more about Gwen’s thoughts. Why was she so eager to get rid of Lena? Was it just ambition? What does it mean that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree? What did her grandfather do? Also, will she ever have to make a decision like Lena - why did Lena try to kill Klaus at the beginning of the series?
My poor sweet baby. I wonder if Colin realised that FR3-d1 was trying to help. However, maybe not? The question is, why did Colin ask Alice if she was in the office? Did he want the servers turned off? Did she need to type a message to FR3-d1? 
Though I wonder if Colin had a visit from the response team. Perhaps he was becoming a liability?
Possible survival - it could be that Colin gets rescued, OR that the danger he is in is being captured by the response team, or an external. So he’s been kidnapped. He might be experimented on? Whomst can say?
This is a curious one. It seems that FR3-d1 has been trying to help, trying to share pertinent information: at least to Sam, maybe Alice. FR3-d1 is also apparently the one who has been giving Gwen information to get Lena fired. Is that what FR3-d1 wants? Does FR3-d1 want Gwen in charge? Is FR3-d1 just trying to get the OIAR disbanded? 
Jon and Martin
The original theory for these characters were as follows:
TMA J&M have been sucked through the crack, along with the body of Jonah, got messed up in the change and the consciousnesses of all 3 are trapped in the computer.
TMP J&M died at a much younger age, in approximately 2005. They never met. If identical characters (across universes) are born on the same years (seems to be true), J&M died aged around 18.
However, I have a new proposal - The Magnus Institute figured out a way to extract and store consciousnesses. I am intensely curious if Alex or Jonny has played SOMA. 
TMA J&M were sucked through the crack, as Celia was, and have been living quietly or maybe trying to figure out how the world works. Perhaps the orchid stroking pervert and receptionist were them. Perhaps they’ve changed names. Maybe we’ll see them later?
TMP J&M were the same ages as many of the Magnus Institute’s children. Perhaps they were experimented on. Perhaps J&M died aged exactly 18, and their consciousnesses uploaded with Jonah’s, all 3 are trapped in the computer. Which means that they’ve been suffering for nearly 2 decades.
The real question is, if this is true, who uploaded JMJ to a computer, if the Magnus Institute burned down in 1999?
The other question is, regardless of which option is correct (or unknown option 3) WHY did the computer start reading out cases a year ago? Did Colin do something? Alice has been here years, Lena too. I get the impression that Celia has been around for more than a year… but maybe not? Is it her presence (the unbalancing) causing the voices to wake? (Again, Darrien??)
So which is it? On the one hand, I know that J&A love to make us suffer by making us hear J&M died, and our original bois suffering in a computer is way more poignant - but I don’t believe the ‘Jonah’ in the computer is our original TMA one, as he was dead as a doornail. But then, so was Jon maybe. So who knows? But I do think it’s the TMP Jonah in there. It feels…more correct, somehow. But I’m not good at predicting stuff, so whomst can say?
Also, for those who aren't Early Access and didn't see Jonny’s contributions to the live chat, quoted here
Everyone will be OK*
Sam will be fine*
Glad everyone enjoyed* this episode
Someone please confiscate this man’s asterisk key, he’s being irresponsible with it.
Can confirm scots taste better to supernatural horrors than the english
I fucking KNEW it!! Though I can't say the welsh are faring much better.
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lickmycoffeecup · 1 month
Before I sit down to be a good little worker bee
Ep TMAGP 27 spoilers
First off, welcome back JONAH MAGNUS.
Welcome back Hill Top Road.
Second off, I could not with Sam 😂
“Maybe I woke up on the right side of the bed.”
Then him practically tripping over himself to talk to Celia about it. But “decent sex,” good enough she wouldn’t mind it happening again? GET🔥IT🔥SHRIMPY🔥
Also hilarious he was still reminiscing about their little romp, and Celia is like, “back to magnussing, babe” 😂
That statement was fun. Completely unsurprised we get Jonah feeding some helpless lower tier worker to a fear monster. That tracks, no notes, welcome back Jonah Magnus. I expect nothing less from you.
Not sure what fear The Growler is associated with though.
ALSO, the breath before Augustus started talking! I know we have a glitch blog out there, who is keeping track of the random ghost breaths?
Gwen being a bitch, just to be a bitch.
Honey, you’re tripping on your power of authority a little there 😂
ALICE SAYING SHE WAS TRANS!!!!! I mean we already knew, but it was so nice to actually hear her say it!
Also Alice joining the love birds! Good for her! Go hunt those fears, and kick them in the teeth!
I wonder what they’ll find at Hill Top? 👀
Or maybe they’ll find…. SOMEONE?
I was telling @buried-in-the-archives , how cool would it be if he did experience vampires in this world? But instead of turning to drugs, he actually put that fear to use. Put himself in a position of power to better hunt things that needed hunting!
Even if he’s just a regular guy, TREVOR HERBERT IS BACK!
Also if he shows up next episode, my guess we’ll get a returning TMA character in ep 28 will be half right 😂
And then I gotta do a write up of numbers in alchemy, cause 8 has alchemic significance 👀
Overall! Good episode!
The finale is gonna pop off, I can feel it!
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Book 6, Episode 1: Startouched Analysis/Commentary
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Gotta love how it opens with Ripples in the water reflecting the stars. Go read the short stories if you don't know what I'm talking about.
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Aaravos hesitates before crumbling Viren which is the funniest shit to me. This hurts more though, having seen the whole season.
Gotta love how Terry basically said Viren just ran away to go die like an angsty teen.
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He got a new son to orphan les goooo
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I find the framing of this pretty interesting. Viren is still in the dark while Claudia is standing in the light. You'd think it'd be the other way around. Perhaps it symbolizes how he has come to terms with his dark side, and is going to face it. While he leaves Claudia who, hopefully, can still be redeemed. Because ultimately this isn't her fault, it's his. He's the dark one.
At first I thought it was cruel for Viren to leave Claudia, but I've come to a realization. Claudia is better off without him. He is the reason she's done all this, and nothing will change if she keeps having to save him. She needs to let go. I'm not sure if this was intentional on Viren's part, but he made the right choice nonetheless.
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Man, what is it with this show and blindfolds? So far they have showed up in Harrow's little flashback speech, on the Celestial elves, and here. Is this anything??
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I was expecting to be annoyed by the baitlings' presence in this season, but they didn't actually get in the way much. Glad the writers read the room. They were mostly just used to fill the comic relief void that soren has left.
Also, I love how Jason Simpson still managed to weasel his way into the High Council through Barius, since Viren isn't exactly, yk, in that position.
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THE TABLE, CALLUM. THE TABLE!!!! Bro really be like "it's remarkably easy to buy a Novablade in central Starscraper."
Also, the way Rayla says "pearl" sounds like "peril."
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They play Aaravos's little motif-melody-thingy throughout this scene. Yk, from I See You and Follow my Lead. Glad to cross that off my bingo card.
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You can't see it here but the eye-movements in this scene are great. I think the animation and lighting really shine in this season. Pun intended.
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Barius doing some casual baking at like 1 AM or something. Bro got insomnia /j. I mean, who are these for? They don't have fridges so they can't save em for long. Maybe Callum got him some sorta magical fridge. Or- wait- maybe they do have, like, a primitive fridge. Was that a thing? Oh actually, maybe Callum and Rayla just go to bed early. Lmfao
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And there we have it, the first Viren-Callum parallel of the season. Just like episode 1 of season 1, he barges into the King's bedroom.
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Alright, so. Other than this line being hilarious, I'm thinking the frustrating switcharoo that turns the latter half of the season into a bloodbath happened here. Was pretty foolish of Callum to think the pearl would be safe with him on his way out.
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Ezran is saddened by everyone's departure. I'm not sure why, but it's worth noting.
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They pretty much have her say "my dad is gone" just so that using this clip as a trailer wouldn't spoil anything lmao. I've been waiting to say that since Wondercon.
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And now Claudia is the one leaving, as she steps out of the purifying light of the setting sun. Everyone, please give Terry a round of applause for continuing to love her despite this.
And now for the credits:
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These are similar. Opeli is from the credits of this episode, and Harrow, from the credits of one from Season 2.
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We need this to be a shirt.
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Ahhh so Aaravos isn't the only Startouch elf with a star on their chest. I might be a little late to noticing that. Idk.
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One last thing. Is it just me or is the outro song a little different? Music people, help me. I must know.
But yeah, banger episode, banger season, banger show. Imma be doin' these for all the season 6 episodes. At this rate, they will all have more words than Fallout Equestria. /j
Alright, time to take my meds. 💀
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Jonathan Sims
Half the fandom will vilify him and call him stupid or an irredeemable monster for his choices, which he made because he was a little sneaky. The other half will woobify and baby him and act like he had no agency or choice in his actions and every other character is to blame for the consequences.
The classic monster/human struggle of finding one's humanity after doing unimaginable harm, Jon Sims is often morally misinterpreted as being a "good" or "bad" person, instead of someone who has done good and bad things in his very human experience of having the world's most toxic workplace and being in his 20s.
Fandom constantly asserts he’s done nothing wrong and can do no wrong however the entire podcast is about how trauma fucks people up. 4th season of the show spends a lot of time on him having a crisis about the morality of feeding off people’s fear in a way that deeply hurts them. Fandom ignores this season apart from to talk about how mean the others characters were to him in it. Characters he’s hurt are described by the fandom as ‘whiny’, ‘self-serving’, ‘a tantruming child’. He has a female narrative foil with a story arc that mirrors his. She is hated by much of the fandom
Wei Wuxian
Sooo many people think he's God's Perfect Little Boy or something but like. This man killed. This man literally tortured someone to death. Was it due to trauma? Sure! Doesn't fucking make it okay! And it's not like he shows true remorse for it either. As much as I love Wei Wuxian, he's not exactly the example of morally good/okay. (Can't say he's evil either though. Like. Look at all the good he did and tried to do in his life.)
He tortured a guy but he also did his best and got a second chance with a new life
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Jonelias thought of the day is that Elias must come across as so stuffy and boring to those at the Institute - which, you know, very much helps hide his true nature - but as an avatar of the Eye and a man determined to avoid the End, Elias is someone whose entire being revolves around the interplay of knowledge and experiences. He's compelled to Know it all and his efforts to avoid death invite him to Experience it all too, a fascinating combination of passive observer and, by virtue of being a 200+ year-old in search of true immortality, an active participant too. This is a man whose longevity and thirst for knowledge invites an obsession with life that contradicts the 'Sits in his office doing nothing but spreadsheets all day' image he's learned to cultivate. (Though, to be clear, he does love the spreadsheets.) And I don't just mean "obsession with life" in the sense of him avoiding the finality of death, but actually loving the act of being alive.
I think a lot of what the fandom (rightly) jokes about in regards to his characterization is a reflection of that obsession. Elias has a relationship with Peter Lukas that goes far beyond the cold practicality of an alliance, hinting at a romance (if you steer towards a LonelyEyes reading), or just Elias' desire to still be able to place bets with someone while he's trying to end the world. Similarly, his powers ensure that he's never truly alone - if he dies, he takes the rest of the Archive with him - forever supplying him with a warped companionship that doesn't threaten him like he perceives he was threatened as Jonah Magnus, with his acquaintances working to complete their own rituals. In true Beholding style, he's got the heart of a fucked-up scientist who's endlessly curious about the world around him: 'Oooh what happens if I let my friend waste away in the Lonely?' He shows up at Jon's birthday party not just to secretly gloat and keep an eye on things (ha), but because he legitimately wants cake. Who wouldn't want cake? What's the point of living forever if you can't have cake?? Well, for an avatar the exquisite sweetness of fear is just as good, but my point stands. Beyond his fear of death, that enjoyment is at the heart of Elias' goal, with Jon describing his experience as the Pupil as a kind of agonized bliss and Elias confirming this by saying he was having the most wonderful dream. Morality aside, he likes interacting with the horror of the Entities, something we saw all the way back during the "[PLEASURED EXHALATION]" scene. Learning new things feels good. Experiencing news things is enjoyable. Learning and experiencing Bad Things is especially nice given his patron. Consistently, Elias' setbacks are met with interest, or a mild annoyance that then eventually settles into satisfaction because they are also new experiences for him and the Eye: going to jail, getting to psychologically torture Martin, having his own secrets exposed. There's a lot throughout the series to imply that Elias enjoys watching Jon become the Key, not just because it means he's succeeding in his goals, but because there's genuine interest and pride in seeing him "grow" by Elias' standards. The repetition of "our world," "our patron," etc. implies a connection; the intention to experience this new world with another, to enjoy it rather than simply exist in it for the mere sake of existence. Elias is a man whose entire essence boils down to, "I NEED TO KNOW ALL THE THINGS, EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING, AND LIVE FOREVER WHILE ACHIEVING THAT, TO UNDERSTAND IT ALL SO I CAN CONTROL IT ALL AND HAVE A DAMN GOOD TIME IN THE PROCESS, EVEN WHILE I SUCCUMB TO THE PRIMAL FEAR THAT DRIVES ME I WILL PARADOXICALLY EMBRACE IT, AND YEAH THAT'S LARGELY BECAUSE I SERVE THE LITERAL GOD OF JUDGY SURVEILLANCE BUT ALSO THAT'S JUST ME."
So anyway, I keep thinking about how this characterization could intersect with S1-2 Jon: prickly, awkward, semi-isolated, desperate to be recognized by someone whose authority he believes in. AKA the boss who, at an unprecedented young age, rose to the top of the Institute they both work at, perceived by those around him as far less interesting than he actually is. Parallels, anyone? Imagine Jon getting to really talk to Elias, realizing how much he has to offer after 200 years of life (though of course he doesn't know that), and just constantly being blindsided by not just the knowledge, but the enthusiasm for everything he's learned and been through - the good and the horrifyingly awful that, despite himself, Jon is equally drawn to. Elias recognizes every quote Jon drops into a conversation and has another witty line to pair it with. He doesn't just indulge his nerdy rambles, but participates in them. He's refined in all the ways that Jon expects - books, opera, music, etc. - and also casually drops in references to acid trips and fucking orgies. Imagine an early series Jon who forms a strong bond with Elias outside of the web (ha x2) he's been weaving, becoming dependent on his friendship and just a little bit completely in love. Elias is inherently fascinating, but he's also just Some Guy, and the combination of that is just perfect for a necrotic Archivist who simultaneously wants to be guided by his 'betters' and prove that he's an equal. Why Elias would be interested in turn barely needs stating: Jon is literally Elias' everything, in a horrifyingly tragic and like, Gothic Romance sense? What would that kind of relationship have changed? It would have likely made Elias' job even easier, but what about Jon?
...I'm not saying that Jon's drive to protect humanity would have been warped into something tragically dangerous if he'd first come to see his intelligent, complex, shockingly kind (from his nonexistent self-esteem POV), secretly-an-eldritch-monster boss as the epitome of humanity... but I'm also not saying it couldn't have!
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heyy 📓
I have this one fic that I’m deeply fond of but will likely never write due to the inexorable confines of linear time that’s basically assistant Jon trying to gaslight the entire archives that his husband, Gerry Keay, is dead. He is not. He is trying to bring Jon coffee and wondering why his dear, dear husband is shoving him into the bushes.
The idea is that Gertrude figured out that Elias was trying to groom this feverish nerd as her replacement (he is not a subtle man) and, as a matter of checkmating him, made Jon her assistant to basically give him an out from the contract in the case of her death. A deadman’s switch, basically. She didn’t explain shit to him with the transfer, however. She wanted to keep her options open until she decided how exactly to play the matter.
She did not account for this feverish nerd going off the deep end at record speed, stalking everyone including her and her goth buddy cop companion, who found the fact that there was stupid enough to stalk the man accused of violent murder and subsequent skinning inexplicably attractive. Jons reasoning was anyone who burns leitners couldn’t be THAT bad, which did NOTHING to prevent Gerry’s burgeoning crush. Gerry explains everything to him pretty immediately after catching him at the stalking thing and they’re sickeningly in love in record speed.
Gertrude is a lesbian but honestly they’re disgustingly in love enough to make her homophobic. Stop holding hands where she has to see it. She has some regrets about this decision.
Elias manages to finagle past the deadman’s switch by getting him to re-sign through a very compelling hiring bonus. The compulsion is a gun and the bonus is his beloved husband doesn’t get shot in the fucking head. Jon re-signs.
The thing is that he signs on as an assistant again, because Elias is faking him out. Jon and Gerry are both half-Become and terrified of losing themselves. They’re desperately trying to find a way of breaking Jon’s contract and escape with their lives and souls intact. He knows that, if Jon was the Head Archivist, he’d follow in Gertrude’s footsteps to slow his own becoming.
Except the Archivist is a what and the Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute is just a title. Elias basically tricks Jon into thinking he’s trying to make Sasha the Archivist by promoting her and letting Jon “get one over” on him by interfering with her Becoming, furthering his own in the process. Jon thinks he’s just there as Gertrude’s former assistant who knows about her plans to stop upcoming apocalypses. Gertrude never told him that she suspected Elias wanted him for the job, so he’s completely blind to the real stakes. He thinks he’s protecting Sasha from her own becoming and instead just sinking further into his own.
The thing is that Elias has made it very clear that if actually tells Sasha and the rest of the assistants anything, Elias will find a way to kill both him and Gerry. And Jon’s very much tied to the archives, so they’re limited in ways they can protect themselves. He’s stuck pretending that he knows nothing and working in the background to keep them safe as he can.
Cue “Let’s see if we can track down this Gerard Keay fellow in all these Statements” “We, we can’t” “why not” “He… died. Very tragic. So sad.”
In Jon’s defense he panicked and also if they find Gerard Keay it’s a very short jump to “hey Jon why did we find a marriage certificate with your name on it and this very spooky man’s name on it” “hey Jon why did we find all these statements that featured both you and him in these spooky circumstances hidden in your desk” “hey Jon have you been lying to us this entire time” “hey Jon is that Elias with a fucking gun.” It’s just. It’s a slippery slope. The only reasonable thing to do is fake his own husbands death.
Gerry finds this solution hilarious and is immediately and violently reminded of why he married this man.
(“Oh I’m sorry I can’t do the dishes I’m too dead for that” “Gerry do you want to die for real”)
Guest starring:
Michael’s aggressive, mandatory, and deeply troubling adoption of Jon during his time as an assistant (he wants to prove he’s better at keeping assistants alive than Gertrude)
Wlw/mlm violence starring Basira and Daisy (Basira met Jon via Sectioned matters and they got on like a house fire, and like. It’s really hard to find those couple friends, you know? Like sometimes she wouldn’t mind going out to a pub with her partner and a friend who has a partner and they like, get group discounts or something. Daisy come on it will be fun. Only Jon shows up with accused murderer Gerard Keay and Basira shows up with a fucking Hunter. Both of them think the other has terrible taste in partners)
Sasha and Tim trying to set up Martin with Jon, who is absolutely not married to Gerard Keay, because Gerard Keay is too dead to be married to anyone
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eddie-spielman · 4 months
spoiler alert for tma s4 ending
so i'm listening to the magnus archives for the first time, right?
so i get to 160 - the eye opens
oh and also now the sentence "hello, jon" triggers my fight or flight response
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hareofhrair · 5 months
An incomplete list of Magnus Archives fic I want to write but probably never will
Romance between a Desolation avatar oc who keeps burning her life to the ground and restarting and a Stranger avatar oc who’s features and mannerisms are constantly subtly changing so they look and act like a completely different person every few days. Desolation starts a new relationship in every city and then watches it go up in flames before she leaves, but she starts to notice weird similarities between her various ill fated paramours and realizes she’s actually just been dating and breaking up with the same person over and over.
Horror short about a Hunt avatar whose thing is being the Perfect Prey, like the Hunt’s version of the anglerfish. Predatory people zero in on her and are compelled to pursue her until they eventually find themselves literally hunting her down with violent intentions, thrilled and horrified by what they’re doing but unable to stop, until she suddenly turns the tables on them and they realize they were the ones being hunted the whole time.
Some kind of “everyone’s avatars” au which starts out as a heartwarming found family thing where they all become monsters together but redeem each other- John’s the Eye of course, Martin’s Lonely, Tim becomes Desolation after he blows up the Unknowing, they kill the Not-Sasha and it regurgitates Real Sasha who has been transformed into a Stranger by the process, Melanie’s Slaughter, Basira’s the Hunt, Daisy become Buried post coffin (it’s complicated), they keep and somehow “fix” Ghost Gerry who becomes an avatar of the End, they recruit Michael/Helen from the Spiral, Annabel Web starts hanging around and they can’t make her leave so she’s eventually just made part of the family through attrition, they recruit Manuela of the Dark because she’s got nothing left after the ritual failed, and Michael Crewe of the Vast just because I like him and I said so, Adelard Decker comes back Corrupted because I’m a heartless bastard, and when the Flesh attacks the institute Melanie cuts off a chunk of Jared which falls behind a filing cabinet and emerges a few weeks later as a semi sentient blob they name Meatball and dress in little outfits. Oh and everyone thinks Georgie is just the token normie but surprise turns out losing her fear was just the beginning of her evolving beyond humanity and whoops now she’s Extinction. With their powers combined Jonah Magnus gets kicked to the curb well before he can pull any shenanigans and yay the world is saved snd we’re basically superheroes now! Except then it turns out their love for each other has actually doomed the world by perfectly balancing the fears in each other, essentially becoming the archive John was meant to be times, uh, 14. Apocalypse time! Yaaay!
Pwp fic about ace voyeur John watching Martin fuck someone else. Tim maybe? That’d be funny.
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broodingheroine · 8 months
tmagp thoughts (this will be pure nonsense I just need to write it down)
alice is so tim coded
obviously there's a connection anyone can make to the multiple statements abt urban exploration/spelunking in tma and the redcanary forum thread.... it invites the horrors (connection to danny?)
gwen is a ✨️bouchard✨️ (implication that while its a parallel universe the same ppl still exist? supports possibility of spelunking forum thread connecting to danny somehow (not actually super sold on that but seen a lot of ppl mention it so))
colin is definitely going to succumb to the horrors :/ (either first to die OR..... this universes version of an avatar?)
I'm of the firm opinion that they're jmart BUT! but but but! I do believe they're echoes of who they were, this just so happens to be Somewhere Else.
also! yes I understand that we most likely will Not get any tma characters in any meaningful way in tmagp, however I also believe that alex and jonny couldve very easily.... not...... voiced the text to speeches....... like yeah I dont think we're getting jmart as we knew them but..... come on
also also. the text to speeches got less robot sounding the longer they were reading and it really reminded me of how ppl reading statements would slowly get invested as they were reading and emote as if it were happening to them.
sam is on the archivist (or tmagp equivalent) pipeline already yikes
the turpentine line was raw as fuck. so was the canary one obviously. don't want to beat a dead horse by talking abt that bc so many others have already said it. but! the institute is deadly stay away!!
the sound engineering is god tier I love all the bleeps and bloops
colin knows smth is Watching. inadvertently feeding the eye by being paranoid? does the eye even exist the same way it did in tma?
theres definitely smth to be said abt whether or not robert smirke did his thing the way he did in tma and if anyone in the know uses the same classification or if the oiar is the only group categorizing. the fears always kind of blurred together at certain points so maybe without the human interpretation of it being 14 distinct entities it's more of an..... amalgam?
magnus institute is in a different place which is interesting. if it was built for the same reasons (outside of just research) is there another panopticon esque structure underneath? (brings us back to if smirke was doing his thing)
very curious to see if theres gonna be a leitner books equivalent.
I deeply deeply deeply desire a michaela salesa cameo at some point. he's one of my fav side characters.
sam and gwen using classic horror characters to help him try and memorize the classification categories was very cute
another thing I'm sure everyone has talked abt already but the whole world wide WEB thing and possible jmart in the computers and omg they're in the web and the oiar is part of the web and blah blah blah u get the image.
lena is intriguing to me. my guess is she's going to be a gertrude esque character who knows at least the basics of what's really happening and is trying to put a stop to it.
I havent seen anyone talk abt like...... what IS the magnus protocol. like tma was the archives in the magnus institute. the magnus archives. self explanatory from like ep 1. what the hell is the magnus protocol. is it smth fr3-d1 will run? or the text to speeches? is it tmagp's version of a ritual? using protocol to reference the updated tech from tma? is it smth the actual organization has to run in the event of Something Happening? WHAT THE PROTOCOL WHATS IT FORRRRR
I know nothing abt the ARG shit, just to note that
okay I think that's it for now..... feel free to discuss in the notes lol
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moth-eats-paper · 3 months
Last few minutes of being young 😔
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ethers-moth · 6 months
Autistic people with the same special interests (the two of you) are about to have a field day.
So. Repo! The genetic opera. The magnus archives. The Archival Repo!. The Repo! Archives.
Shiloh is developing corruption
- bug collector
- not a full blown avatar but is kind of in the Jonathan Sims position to be influenced by a LOT of them
- feeds on Nathan’s anxiety (she thinks it’s her illness, but it’s more likely just dread that he’s a failure of a parent. He is.) (I love him why is he like that)
- 17 has her say “I always longed for true affection, but you compared me to a corpse”, so when she leaves at the end of the movie that signifies her evolution into an avatar (or rejection of it?) bc she is left with nothing but her bugs. We don’t really know
Nathan is either Slaughter or Hunt
- I definitely am more inclined for hunt for Nathan
- the hunting at the beginning and later when he and Shiloh are on the phone he definitely could do it a lot faster and less dramatically
- he definitely enjoys it is my point
- “thankless job” is also a prime example of his feelings on this job and or its moral implications
- obviously he’s unstable too and that influences jt but he kind of reminds me of Daisy Tonner where he’s over the ethical issue mostly
Luigi is definitely slaughter
- there’s not a really a need for question man is violent and angry I feel like there’s no question he shanks and yells and gets half naked for fun.
- his treatment of the gentern bringing coffee is a great example, he had no reason to freak out other than. Being like that. And also bc he can
- that’s about it actually he feeds on subordinates fear of his unforgiving temper it’s pretty CUT and dry
Pavi is. Hmmm. Flesh??
- I’m stuck on this one, however I think flesh fits best
- his face stealing reminds me of specific serial killer behaviors (usually due to parental issues) that involve using others body parts, usually skin (Ed Gein with his skin suit of his mother I think??) though I think his environment is part of why the face thing is a little less wrong in canon. Idk he’s a fucking FREAK okay
- also we never see his actual face so I feel an argument that it’s tied with dysmorphia isn’t unreasonable
- Pavi feeds off of adoration (even if it’s fake) from the Genterns as well as the fear of having your face skinned
- seriously what is wrong with him
- with the Genterns his boisting of “ask a gentern who they prefer” and overtly unacceptable sexual behavior (“my brother and sister should fuck”) feel like someone who wants validation and attention even if it’s not positive attention
Amber is Flesh too
- I think for a different reason from Pavi, she doesn’t have “inferiority” Dysmorphia that I think he has
- instead, I think Ambers behaviors are “superiority” dysmorphia (both terms I made up)
- in Ambers case she’s changing her appearance to cope with a shifting sense of self and strive for perfection caused by her notoriety and never being told no
- Amber feeds off of being desired and seen and is one of the most famous people in the known canon universe, but her blatant jealousy of Mag really depicts her motivation for perfection
- she also feeds herself to graverobber for drugs (deleted song ‘try my new parts’) I don’t care how good their surgical techniques are nobody is healing their hole that fast without hurting themselves somehow
- basically if Pavi is MAG 90 Amber is MAGP 2
Graverobber is End or Buried
- the end is for obvious reasons with corpse robbing and his lack of fear or caution around death @brainvomitintheparkinglot ‘s idea
- for buried, he’s literally a crack dealer
- he basically feeds the entire cities drug supply (trapping them in addiction that is hard to escape)
- the web usually deals with addiction but I don’t think he has manipulative or controlling motivation, he just works the system against other people
(Rottis corporation supplying everyone is the web, graverobber is a chunk of dust caught in it)
- as shown with Amber, he wont supply without money either, hypothetically pushing his clients into further debt (esp if they have geneco loans) AND addiction
- graverobber feeds off of the metaphorical suffocating nature of debt and addiction as mentioned, and well as literal suffocation
- following the drug thread, I will be treating zydrate like Heroin, in the idea it can be a powder or liquid (even though we only see it as a liquid in canon)
- like most painkilling drugs it can be assumed zydrate can induce vomit and therefore asphyxiation OR in the case of a powder that is inhaled, generally that isn’t optimal for breathing
- also graverobber is probably covered in corpse dust and like. Anthrax
Rotti is web (again, thank you @brainvomitintheparkinglot)
- his company owns the entire city (corporatocrocy)
- he literally controls everyone, his money controls his fucked up kids, and the entire system is his
- the rift with Shiloh and Nathan was organized by Rotti, and I feel like Ambers problem with Mag is somehow his fault too
- as far as I know, Mags blindness is never canonically explained, Rotti could easily be responsible like he was with Marni
- Rotti feeds off the obvious, control over everyone. He also is disappointed his kids found ways around his authority, and yet they’re STILL in his web (addicts and also fucked in the head bc of the circumstances he raised them in)
Mag is. The eye
- yeah. This one is the most direct
- I have a headcanon that she can see through cameras (how she found Shiloh) and how she seems to know all about what is happening in Shilohs life
- mag is both a victim and an avatar of the eye, she sees everything going on around her with the people she loves, but all eyes are always on her, trapping her where she is.
- literally had to do a Melanie king except she didn’t escape, the web and the eye often work in opposition in TMA while also being quite similar, she and Rotti much the same.
- “take these eyes I’d rather be blind” is an inadvertent argument with Rottis control of the web, he kills her for it
Lastly, Marni is either End or Desolation
- she’s not actually present in the film
- End is bc she died and yet is still so so important to the plot
-desolation is bc her actions are kind of why everyone in the story has issues
I could make a whole separate post on Rottis fucked up crack zydrate addicted kids
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vickozone · 11 months
The Magnus Archives
-S4 Notes-
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Handwriting translated below:
#121 Oliver. He’s dead and JON! YOU’RE OKAY!
#122 zombies and Jon’s first instinct from waking up from a 6 month coma is to read a statement. Icon.
#123 He just got back and Melanie wants to kill him and something is up with Martin. Also, The Web, I suppose. Coding?
#124 More Simon. What a guy. Also, Jon is… very concerned for Martin…
#125 The Slaughter is back and Melanie! CALM DOWN! MY HEADPHONES ARE ON LIFE SUPPORT AS IT IS!
#126 The Spiral clarity + Martin is being manipulated (SHE STABBED HIM!?)
#127 Another letter to Jonah. AND ELIAS IS JUST CHILLIN IN PRISON. GO OFF, KING!
#128 Breekon is nothing without Hope. The institute and ooo! Jon eye powers!
#129 Guy drowned in grandpa’s house and JON NEEDS AN ANCHOR! Also, very homosexual interaction.
#131 AAAA! AAAA! OH. OH NO. Jared is the Boneturner and Helen is an absolute queen <3
#132 Jon saves Daisy!! Yay! She is also The Hunt, but, whatever. The tapes drew him back…
#133 The Hunt ritual, and Basira… has feelingsss. The Hunt is about the chase, not the kill.
#134 The Extinction!? NO. Also Lukas is the worst. Hate that guy.
#135 “Have I ever told you how much I hate the sun?” -Manuela Lol, The Dark, The Vast, and The Lonely funded the space expedition.
#136 Annabelle! Creepy celeb puppet. And Daisy telling Jon he’s not responsible for everything gives hope. Yes! Therapy!
#137 The Slaughter ritual & Gertrude was fond of Gerry :( The Watcher’s Crown??
#138 “And then the sky blinked.” Elias is literally the ‘no need to thank me’ meme and Jonah and Smirke knew about the 14 fears and then he dies or smthn
#139 The life and crimes of Agnes. Jon MAYBE saw Peter’s plan and- PRAISE THE LORD, JON LIKES MARTIN!!
#140 Stupid Maxwell. Also, Santa is working working with the Devine Host (/j) & we’re going on a trip! :D
#141 Salesa statement from boat guy. Oh, Jon, I see why Martin has a crush on you now. 10/10 voice acting on everyone’s part.
#142 JEEZ, JON! You gave this poor woman literal trauma! Goodness…
#143 oh, it’s Manuela! Jon looked AT the darkness and HELEN IS A SAVIOR!
#144 MARTIN! We do NOT talk to people like that! Especially Daisy! This isn’t you! The Extinction is real, I guess, but, come on! Not cool.
#145 Gertrude is COLD. Dude’s head is somewhere in the institute- uh-
#146 5 people? Goodness, Jon. He can’t control it though, can he? Helen got Marcus and Basira is off to meet with Annabelle friggin Cane.
#147 Okay. No, he can control it. I love Anna. I also got Nikola flashbacks. Oh boy.
#148 Not 5 seconds in and Elias gets assaulted. Jon is worried for Martin and he read a statement about The Eye. A.
#149 Concrete Jungle. Oh and Martin is using Lonely powers. Greaaat.
#150 Homophobic endless houses and Melanie really said “nuh uh” to her job
#151 Simon is my new husband. Uhhh. He answered Martin’s questions, yada yada, he has Lonely powers
#152 More of The Buried. Jon and Helen chat more about avatar crap.
#153 Another odd desolation flesh cult, also Trevor and chic is here and he is HUNGRY
#154 Gerry’s dead dad gives a statement. J + M both F bomb, very gay, eye gouging is the only way out. (“It’s pretty drastic.” “What you gotta gouge your eyes out or something?” “…” “…” “…” “Fuck off.” <- funniest conversation in the whole series)
#155 Guy kills others to keep himself alive + MEL IS REMOVING HER EYES- OKAY-
#156 More extinction about an abandoned park and I am very scared for Martin
#157 another extinction- OMG MEL AND GEORGIE! Did… Helen stab Jon?
#158 SO MUCH. Martin played Lukas, Daisy is feral, ELIAS IS JONAH, Not!Sasha is loose, disaster duo is here, Martin is stuck in Lonely, Gertrude wanted ‘Elias’ to kill her. WHAT.
#159 Peter shares his story, is evaporated. “I see you, Jon…”
Look at the sky, Martin. It’s looking back.
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ap0stle · 4 months
WIP questionnaire tag game
THANK U FOR THE TAG @astramachina
umm the wip in question is TMNTDT aka Tell Me Not to Do This aka teenage mutant ninja turtle...dookie time
What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
oough that was back in like... 2016? 2014? and i started with the first chapter right away which ended up being the fourth chapter and then became Nothing At All because i have wrecked this thang beyond recognition <3
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
definitely Burn a Church by Coma Cinema bc it's been in my mock-soundtrack playlist for years and fits the vibes really well :3 the playlist in question is kind of a mess and old as hell but i'll link that too just in case ^_^
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
curtis definitely, i think i get caught up on the details of everyone but he is the most wholly developed and also umm. very similar to me so i love him dearly. he is the worst.
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
if you like weird indie movies about young mentally unwell people that may or may not be queer and/or on da spectrum... you will enjoy my garbage and such movies as I Am Not a Serial Killer, As You Are, Super Dark Times, etc. ALSO magnus archives fans maybe bc of the whole Mold Cult thing that is still under development
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
settling on a format was and is still my number one struggle lol. i have switched between a book, comic, videogame, screenplay, website... i have like 50000 drafts scattered across different websites and applications and if this thing ever comes to life i think i will actually fucking ascend
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
ssssssssssort of. there are a lot of dead animals. and fungi. and mold. there have been some minor pet ideas thrown around for the more. Safe Environment characters but for the time being no actual lovable creatures :/ maybe eventually!
How do your characters travel/get around?
Juno's car because mr. dumbass dumped his murder truck into a river ^_^
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
....yes. in all seriousness i have so many different versions in different POVs and tenses it's a toss up as to what i work on and if it will even make it to the next round of editing LOL
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
its not quite explicitly queer (in the latest version) but heavily HEAVILY implied and i feel like the stories that are sort of ambiguous about their queerness tend to draw more people in ?? or they're more popular anyway LOL. so trope: queerbaiting ????
deeply unwell man who has not slept properly in 600 years. the ladies love that shit
^ unreliable narrator ?
religious horror sort of?
bury your gays except. is he actually dead?? .....
What are your hopes for your WIP?
to settle on a fucking medium LMAO. i cannot for the life of me stick to one, or a point of view, OR a tense so um . makin a goddamn decision would probbaly make the writing process like 600 times easier
tagging UM. shaking my brain for writer mutuals ik ive tagged yall before but i cannot think rn so @hammity-hammer @aether-friskets @xxdrowninglessonsxx @deviantartidentitydisorder
anyway if anyone else wants do this just pretend u have been personally tagged ily THANK U AGAIN MITCH ♡♡♡
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littleladymab · 5 months
Fic Authors Self-Rec!
Ahhhh thank you @fourteenfifteen for the tag! (You can find Hen's post over here!)
Rules: When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love
Also I'm totally going to CHEAT, because I absolutely LOVE my two big series that are NOT popular at all LMAO
the scars that we're made of series! This is my "Star Wars Rebels S5" fic. This is my "did you hate the ahsoka show for yes girl giving us nothing??" this is my "do you also want to know what happens after rebels but don't want it to be EXCLUSIVELY thranto?" THIS IS MY FAVORITE SERIES I'VE WRITTEN like the whole thing top to bottom bangers imo It's not yet finished, I still have to write my Eli prequel but honestly, if you love Rebels, read this! Here's the tumblr post for main fic, far from the world that i made.
inside every open eye series! This is a fantasy Magnus Archives fic, in which Sasha steps in to take over the role of the Archivist after Jon goes missing during a ritual for the Beholding. I love a lot of the visuals from this, and I loved writing for Sasha -- plus there's a lot of fun side-stories. This one is complete! Here's tumblr post for the main fic, tiny cracks of light.
my place to land. What is UP SIGNET/ECHO NATION, ALL FIVE OF YOU! I wrote a novel for my rare pair because i am actually three bodyguard AUs in a trench coat captaining the good ship I made up. Twilight Mirage is still my favorite fatt season, because it is exactly my aesthetic and also, Signet is there. This is still one of my favorite fics, even though I can think of many things that i would change upon a rewrite. I got a lot of amazing gift art from friends when I was updating it, too, and I treasure everyone who came to read it!! It is currently still the longest fic in the fatt tag, but not for long it does look like there is someone rapidly catching up with 74k on a 6/14 chapter fic. It was fun while it lasted! Unfortunately, twitter moments went kaput so I will have to figure out some other way to put all the wonderful fanart everyone made for me!
'til my lungs burn bright. Affectionately called my "regency magic spies AU" for Ace Attorney, specifically this is for AA4/Klapollo!! This is a sequel to a fic I haven't finished yet! (Someone encourage me to finish the main fic! it's what i'm supposed to be working on this month!!) I love this setting SO much and I loved making all the little references to in-game moments. Here's the tumblr link to the fic ;) I had a hard time picking between this and my sleeping beauty klapollo au.... Also shout-outs to Joanie for doing the WONDERFUL art for it!!! (I should actually go put it in-line with the fic text too oops)
Theseus' Ship. The Anders Defender has LOGGED THE FUCK ON. That's it that's the post. No okay, it's an Anders character study and i think it absolutely slaps. Here's the tumblr link to the fic!
Bonus very short fic that I still enjoy, which you can also read even if you're not in the fandom, but Five Steps To Ensure Your Soulmate Becomes a Ghost from Rusty Quill Gaming.
Honestly I love everything I write because I am an audience of me first. The current version of my masterpost has links out to a lot of my fics from different fandoms -- like some of my other friends at the table content and my jgm labyrinth au and my lockwood fic! That's my best piece of advice: love what you write, and write for yourself first! And then the two little freaks in your group chat second 💞 I wouldn't have been able to do most of these fics without the besties, so thank you to everyone who has read my novel-length fics.
Tags: Scrambling to think of any of my fic writing friends let's goooo @luukeskywalker, @mariusperkins, @lesbianahsokatano, @redtailedhawk90, @bardicspiration, @krisseycrystal , @strangeharpy and there's so many of you i love you all, please go flaunt your writing and talk about your five favorite fics!! and tag me!!
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itchyeye · 8 months
You are hands down one of my favorite blogs especially as someone else who REALLY doesn’t like JM and has no one to vent to about it so I hope you don’t mind me venting a bit of like
Why are JM shippers so violent 😭 I haven’t had ANY problems with any JoneElias fans, they’re so chill and stick to their own lane but JM shippers seem to go out of their way to insult JE fans so gruesomely at times even when you stick to your own tag ; (not like the main TMA tag is SWARMED with JM- even Jon’s tag is nothing but JM).
The fandom is so hostile if you’re not on the same page and it’s really hard to make friends if you’re not also a JM fan smh…
(It’s also funny HOW JM fans attack JE fans- like excuse you guys for enjoying… horror and fucked up aspects in a fictional pairing? From the horror and fucked up podcast? Uh…. Huh?)
Sorry if this is annoying feel free to ignore LOL I just have so much to say about this ship that I loathe and you’re so spot on with your posts 👌🏻
pleeeeease do not apologize this is so sweet of you 🥺
and tbh i don't know. i don't understand the vast majority of the fandom that surrounds this horror podcast because they are just very very very clearly people who hate horror and don't want to engage with it and to whom it brings no joy
one thing i will say about my little corner of tumblr at least is that while i very often see this sort of behavior, i have never had someone approach me directly to harass me. that is much more than i can say for the huge number of JE enjoyers/writers/artists who get regularly harassed over playing make believe about two imaginary men kissing. but at least speaking to my own experience, i have never been harassed for hating JM and loving JE. i attribute a lot of this to my ten-mile long blocklist!
but yeah i find basically any tag to do with the podcast completely unusable... even the elias bouchard tag is overrun with children posting about how much they hate "elias BITCHard"
shrug i guess!!! i don't tag any of my perfectly valid anti-JM diatribes i don't see why people feel the need to tag their sentence-fragment text posts about how much they hate elias with #the magnus archives #magpod #tma #tmaelias #elias tma #elias bouchard #elias bitchard #jonah magnus #the magnus institute
anyway if there's one thing i love more than tma, more than jon, more than elias, more than jonelias... IT'S COMPLAINING!!!!!
so if you ever have something to bitch about my ask box is wide open to you and i will be happy to accept your righteous anger at my doorstep xo
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