#this has got to be bait but I grew up in the part of the US where people say shit like this unironically
angels-heap · 8 months
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I refuse to believe that this is a serious post but oh my god this is so fucking funny.
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entername322 · 10 months
One weird day
Yuri (Izone) x Male Reader x Minju (Izone)
Length: 11644 words
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Highschool, such a mixed bag of memory and experience. For you, entering highschool has been very, scary. Not because you heard about how shitty it is. Mostly because you're not ready to grow up so fast. It felt like just yesterday you reached middle school, now you had to live to highschool, and prepare yourself for college?
"Stop dozing off idiot"
A sharp pain on your arm wake you up from your crippling mid life crisis, well, quarter life crisis. "Damn it I don't like highschool", Hearing your words Yuri just rolled her eyes on you. "We haven't even reach school for our first day stupid" You shake your head, "And I already hate feels good man"
"Come on we're gonna be late for our first day" Feeling the tug in your arm you tried to fight her only to fail miserably. "Bro we still have half an hour left for our 5 minute walk", Disregarding your complain Yuri grabbed your arm and made you sprint the rest of the way to school.
"Bro, you look smaller than before vacation", Your best friend, Jin greeted you when he saw you walk in the school grounds with Yuri dragging you. "Fuck you, did you grow again?" He nodded proudly, "Fuck yeah, 189 cm, soon I'll be in the NBA" Yuri rolled her eyes at him. "Heh, keep dreaming dumbass" Jin turned to the girls that's holding you. "Yeah, yeah, nice seeing you here too Yuri, I think you grew shorter", Jin have a thing with death, he likes to tease them by pissing Yuri off. "Damn it, bro help me"
Such a shame, he was so young too. Walking away from the crime scene you went to find your class. 1A, none of your friend is here. Of course you have two friend, one is dead the other killed him.
"Why you leave me bro, et tu brute?", Your ears tingle hearing that name. "Stop it with that name" You don't hate it, it's just weird. "Can't, your performance was too iconic", You left Jin to his injuries as you get in class and put down your bag.
Far back seat, next to the window, the anime protagonist seat. Except, the windows are tinted, a way to make sure the sun doesn't get in the students eye. And the view doesn't get to their mind. You heard Yuri loud footsteps chasing after Jin who bolted out of the area. As Yuri went pass your class she saw you and walked towards you.
"I'm in the same class with that idiot", How does she know? "How did you know?" She sighed, "I checked the announcement in the group chat", Ah yes, the group chat for all the new year students, you didn't read it.
"Idiot", Yuri slapped your head. "Damnit Yuri, go back to your class", She slapped your head again, "Class haven't started yet"
"Jin talked shit about your fatty arms", A bait, a bad one. "Woohoo, Brutus is getting karma" The classroom turns to a colloseum filled with your classmate cheers as Yuri is deconstructing your whole body with her punches. "I'm sorry", You let out a small whimper as she let you go. "Tchhhh", She snorted before leaving you to bleed out from your injuries.
"Hey Brutus, don't step my back when I'm paying attention in class okay?", The guy in front of you tried to befriend you. "Actually Brutus stab Caesar in the front so that he knows that he got betrayed" You don't mind getting new friend. "Oh yeah, fix your glasses when you do that", You're not wearing any. "Here use mine"
Watching the glasses he offered you stare at him silently before taking it. "Ackkshually, Brutus stabbed Caesar from the front to gloat over his dead body to announce his betrayal", He laughed at you before giving you a fistbump. "Perfect, I'm Doyoung"
"I'm-", "Brutus, I know", Seems like you made new friends on your first day.
You glanced at the entrance seeing, an angel. "Who is that?", Granted, you're not the most social person in your middle school, but you are sure you never saw the girl that just walk in. You would've remember someone that pretty.
"New chick, the guys went ham yesterday at the group chat trying to stalk her", Your friend seems to be in daze. The girl looked around before taking the seat next to me. "Act cool brute", You are acting cool, Doyoung isn't.
"I hate that name", Not really. "It suits you", It doesn't. "How", Doyoung just shrugged at you. "It just does", Brutus is not your real name, but it seems the name has already stick.
"Alright everyone, quiet down, get to your seat", Your homeroom teacher silent the class before starting the day, the year, the highschool life. The first class is math, and of course, you don't understand a single thing.
"Alright, let's have an exercise, complete this paper in a group of two please", Ah yes, making group, something you hated. "Brute", Doyoung turned to look at you. You wanted to say yes, but then you glanced to your right to see the new girl is looking around.
"You want to pair up together?", Bros before hoes, since you've only met Doyoung today, like 2 hour ago, he's not your bro just yet. "Uhmmm, okay", She nodded meekly.
Doyoung just stare at you with disbelief before his mouth formed a smile and he shake his head. "I'll get you for this", He mouthed with a smirk before turning to his other friend.
The teacher walked around giving the paper and hand it to you after asking who my partner is. The room got a bit noisy for a second with the sound of tables and chair cluttering as everyone combined their desk to work together. You looked at your new partner before using some geture to ask if she wants to merge desk. She nods so you moved yours to her.
"I'm Minju", She sound shy. "Hey, just call me Brutus, that's what everyone call me anyway", You don't know why you said that but you don't mind the rebranding of yourself. "Right, let's see the exercise", It was a ten question exercise all of which is our of your range.
"It's pretty easy", God hand you help using an angel called Minju. "Full disclosure here, I'm pretty stupid, so I'm sorry but I might be a dead weight", You're an idiot but not scummy. "No it's okay, I can help you", She tried, she really did.
"Listen here Min, I know you meant well, but I think we need to pause our tutoring session. There's not much time left and I already feel bad for dragging you down. You should finish it so you don't get your grade fucked up by me", Saying that made you cringe a little. She has helped you study a little but you just told her off to finish the assignment yourself.
"No it's fine", She waved her arms trying to convince you. "I really feel bad, I already drag you down with being your partner now I have to tell you to finish it off yourself but I really think you should just prioritise your own grade. You can write my name off the assignment", She looked at you for a second.
Oh fuck did I piss her off?
"Sorry, I-i-i-i'll finish it then"
Shit I pissed her off.
You just sat there quietly as she finish the whole assignment. As she finished, she didn't write off your name before handing it to the teacher.
"Sorry" She shake her head, "It's fine", It's probably not fine, for your pride. "It's fine really, I don't mind", She reassure you. "Now you make me feel worse", You accidentally gaslight her. "I don't mean to, it's really fine", She looked concerned. "I'm hurt" Now the position has turned, "What do I do to make you feel better?"
"Uhhhhhh, make me buy you lunch for payment?", Smooth, even Doyoung glanced from the side giving you a thumbs up. "I, okay then", Sweet, you just made another friend, doubling your friend size in the first day already.
"15 more minutes, if you finish your assignment already just raise your hand and I'll take it", Minju nervously opened a book and start writing. "What you doing?", You don't mean to snoop around, you're just bored. "Oh, nothing, it's nothing", She hurriedly close it before looking at you nervously.
"Sorry, don't mean to intrude"
"It's fine"
"You say that alot"
"Nah don't be, I'm just curious that's all"
"Oh well, ask away"
Bonding time I guess.
"Where are you from?", Kim Minju, recently moved to Seoul, no friend in the school or the city. Likes photography and watching K-drama. As the class ended you went to the bathroom.
Getting a few moment of quiet Minju opened the book she hide from you earlier. It's a diary, where she wrote almost everything that happened in a day. You, been in the school since kindergarten, had a friend named Yuri who likes to, 'send you to god' occasionally. Likes reading and watching movies or show. Not very smart, pretty self aware and open about a lot of stuff.
Your favourite food is honey fried chicken and a strawberry smoothie. Likes cookies and sweet stuff as well. Hobbies include reading and spending the day in bed. During your attempt to know more about Minju you actually spend more time talking than her. Something Minju appreciate since she get to know more about you as well. When you returned Minju immediately closed the book and throw it to her bag.
"Well, should I move back?"
All the other classmates left their table and chair still merged while chatting. You don't want to make her uncomfortable so you asked if you should move. "No, it's fine", Alright, more bonding time. "Okay then, do you know what's next?", You obviously don't know or care about it, but you want to make some chitchat. "The class? From the schedule it seems like Korean?"
"What schedule?", You said confused. "The one in the group" Oh yeah, the group, are you even in it honestly? "Oh, I didn't read that", Carefree and ignorant about school. Minju made mental note for later.
The Korean class was fine, the teacher doesn't mind the seating position and just start handing out essays for us to analyse. "Are you having problem?", Minju think you're an idiot, not in a demoralising way, but in a concerned way. "No, I'm fine, look", She was throughly surprised seeing how through and detailed your comment was. "Oh right, you like reading", Good at literature, another mental note for her.
"Yep, it's I've read more fictional than not but it still have the same rule more or less", Minju seems intrigued. "What's your favourite series then?", You're surprised she's curious about it. "Mistborn, although I loved a lot but that one is the one I find myself revisiting often", Avid bookworm, another mental note. "Oh I like it too, although I haven't really read the second era", Minju like to read, in fact both of you spend the rest of the period to talk about some of your favourite series.
Once the first break came around you still busy talking to her about it. "Bro", Jin announced his arrival with a thunderous roar. He raised his eyebrow watching Minju. "Sup, meet Minju, she's new around town", Proudly, you show off your new friend. "Hello, I'm Jin", Oh, Jin is pulling out his flirting smile again. Yuri squinted at Minju for some reason.
They exchanged greeting, then both of them take the empty seat in front of us. "What's up with the seating here?", Jin said looking around, "Math, they had us do some assignments in a group of two", Yuri immediately know what you did. "And you burdened her by teaming up with her?", Yuri pinched your hand, Minju saw it and frowned. "It's fine, I really don't mind", Yuri still glared at me before smiling at Minju. "Sorry about this idiot, you should be careful he might drag you down", Jin saw a chance and took it, "That's right, if he cause trouble just call me and I'll take care of him"
Minju doesn't like your friend, she thinks they're demeaning you too much. So she grabbed your other hand. "It's really fine, I helped Brutus in math he helped me in Korean earlier", Yuri look at her hand grab which cause some unpleasant feeling in her stomach. "Brutus? You really want to take that silly name?", Jin laughed.
"Listen, some rebranding needs to be done okay?" Such a cheesy name, you rather find it quite funny. "It sounds silly", Yuri find it annoying, mostly because how you got the name. "I think it's pretty funny", Minju find it to be quite cheesy but it's right up her alley.
"Goddamn Brutus already being fight over by two goons", Doyoung came back with his friend. "Doy did you turn this idiot to Brutus?", Jin and Doyoung know eachother from basket you believe. "Perfect name honestly", Perfectly cheesy, "Don't you fucking call him that", Yuri glared at him, "Come on now don't kill me"
You see Yuri's head vein started to pop. You grabbed her hand that's pinching you. "Come on now Yuri, don't be rude to my new friend", You tries to defuse her anger. "Friend, I'm still mad at you for leaving me at math" Doyoung whoped his head dramatically. "Are you good at math?", He smiled at the argument. "Touche, I'm Doyoung by the way, nice to meet you", Jin stare at Doyoung seizing him up. Do note that he doesn't do that when Minju grabbed your arm.
"Oh hello, I'm Minju", Doyoung stare at the two hand you're holding right now before smiling at you. "Very smooth Brute", You stop holding the two girls hand. Minju find it to be unfortunate, she likes how warm your hand is. It's another thing she should add to her diary. Yuri hate it and happy that you let go. That's what she admits even though she felt some disappointment in her heart.
"Sorry guys, we need our seats back", Jin and Yuri reluctantly get off and left the class. "See you at lunch, Brutus" Jin peaced out. "Don't sleep in class again", Yuri is acting like your mom. Minju doesn't like her, she thinks she's too controlling. The word abuser has come up for her to describe Yuri.
Minju is a vixen trying to play with your heart. Yuri doesn't like her, she thinks Minju is up to no good. She kept a mental note to watch her.
"So, your friends seems.......", Minju struggled to find the right word. "Rude?", You helped her, "I was gonna say blunt, but yeah" She smiled. "I mean, that's just how they are", You're all young, politeness is not a thing yet. "You've known them for long right?", She needs to know more. "Well me and Jin know eachother around middle school. He just hangout with me sometimes" Jin doesn't seems like a bad person, but Minju would rather avoid him seeing the visible interest he has on her.
"Yuri, well we're neighbors, like her home is literally next to mine. We've been buddy since we were 3", For a moment Minju imagined what it feels like to have a friend like that. She felt jealous.
I want that, a childhood friend that's always been there for me.
The next period is English. You and Minju is good at the subject. You because you read some English novel, Minju because she's just perfect like that. So during the period you just talk to her some more. An enjoyable experience for you and Minju. Once the lunch break rang you grabbed her hand.
"Let's go to the cafeteria, before it got full", Minju happily grab your hand and hop with you to the cafeteria. "You want some tteokbokki with fried chicken?", Minju was busy enjoying your hand holding and stayed quiet. "Alright", You take her silence as an agreement.
When you wanted to lay she insisted that you alread repay her with the Korean essay but you shut her down by giving your money to the cashier before she can. "Really you don't need to do that", Minju seems kinda cute when she grumbled doesn't she? "Nonsense, come on let's find a place to eat", She has the same idea as you to sit at the corner of the cafeteria.
"Brutus has a new girlfriend already", Someone yells, "Hell yeah bro, on the first day too", Another follows. You're not sure where you get the attention from. It's mostly because the guys was already watching for Minju ever since they saw her in the group chat. Seeing her with you they felt a little dejected, but it's not like they are in a rush. It's only the first day after all.
"Goddamn I never been this acknowledge ever since, well ever", Do you mind it? Kinda. "Yeah, me too", You looked at her with a 'really?' face making her surprised. "Come on now look at yourself", Minju liked your compliments, she never liked being complimented by guys before. "Thank you", She said with a proud grin, "Alright diva", You two laughed as Jin joined you.
"Fuck I hate math, he took so long to teach now the cafeteria is already full", Minju decided to sit a little closer to you to discourage Jin from making a move. "Well, you won't get your food faster by sitting here", Thankfully you accidentally sends him off. "Fuck you", Just like how he come, he goes without explanation.
"What's our last period?"
"Hmmm? I think history"
"I hate history"
"Hahahaha, I thought you'll love it, Brutus"
"Since when does our history teach about the wacky Roman empire"
"Well, you got a point there"
As much as Minju is enjoying the lunch with you, it doesn't last long as Yuri came by. "Move Udon", Yuri is very persuasive, especially when she used her knee on your ribs. "Can you just drop that name already, and there's space there", She doesn't care so you reluctantly moved.
The seat was two seater facing eachother, but since all three are you small as a stick it fits. Minju is next to the wall but she doesn't mind since you get to be very close to her. "Mom wants me to buy some milk and eggs so we're getting a detour on our way home", Yuri feels the need to say that in front of Minju for some reason. "Feel fre to do so, I'm gonna go home and-", She denied your request with a slap to the head.
"That's not very nice", Minju grabbed your head. Some because she's concerned for you, some because she wants to feel up your hair. "Hey, mind your business princess", Yuri feel a weird agitation seeing Minju is caressing your head. "No way I'm letting you abuse your friend like this", Oh no, Yuri vein is popping again.
"Hey, I know this guy ever since I know how to walk, don't snoop around our friendship", Yuri grabbed your hand again. She hate it don't think that she want to hold your hand. In fact she's done it a thousand time already, so don't think anything weird is going on.
"Are you okay?", Minju disregard the angry Yuri and turned to you. This act of disrespect is not gonna slide so easily. "Hey, back off", Yuri glared at Minju, "You first, you're making this place feel small, and we got here first" Yuri rolled her eyes. "It's probably because you're fat", Minju doesn't seems to got hurt over it, she just smiled. "Hmmm? Is it? I guess you are too small to make a difference anyway. By the way are you sure you didj tleft your height in middle school?", Maybe, making 2 friends is s little too much for your new day.
"Girls please, can't we just have a normal lunch", The two looked at you with a frown. "Please?", They sighed but didn't let you go. "Are you okay?", Minju is running her finger through your hair.
Fluffy, can I keep holding on to it.
"I'm fine Min, thanks", She sighed and let go fo your hair. She will find a way to hold it later. "Yuri, can you let me go", Yuri glared at you, she's holding you to keep you safe. Yeah, that's all. "Yuri please", Knowing her for a while you know how to make puppy eyes that she just can't refuse. She can't refuse it because she felt pity seeing you so desperate. Obviously it's not because that look always gave her a heart attack.
"Fine", The two of them have some staring competition here and there but they don't cause any more trouble with you. Jin never came back to your table, you didn't look for him either. You're too busy to make sure no world war happened in the table.
"You shouldn't sleep at the next class Udon. You're in highschool now, the teacher won't be as lenient as before", Yuri scolded you, "I'll be fine", Since you all finished your food you drop down your hand which Yuri took to pinch, and hug. No not hug, she's locking it so you won't take it away.
"It's okay, if there's something you don't understand just ask me", Minju smiled at you and grab your other hand. It's nothing but skin on bones, she needs to change that. "Tchhh, the teacher can teach better"Yuri have a point. "Sometimes a little lesson from your classmates can help you better", Minju does not agree. "A smart one" Yuri scoffed, "Thank you"
Yuri's furious burning gaze and Minju's cold sinister gaze fight over eachother with you in the middle of it all. Yuri  then grabbed your hand tighter, pulling to between her boobs.
Oh fuck that felt good. What? No focus Yuri.
"Don't trust this girl, she's playing with you", She whispered in your ears. For the first time, your childhood friend that's basically your sister has turned into a, woman. Minju frowned and pulled your hand, so much so that you almost fall to her. Reactively you put down your hand to keep your balance. Minju felt disappointed until she saw your hand is between her thighs. With a mischievous smile she immediately wrapped it with her soft pale thighs.
Hmmm, I should move a little bit to the front.
Thankfully for you she didn't. "You know I think since you pay for my lunch I have a debt for you, what if I buy you some smoothie on our way back"
Fuck her thighs is so soft and smooth. Fuck since when did Yuri have such big boobs. FUCK WHAT IS HAPPENING.
"Girls please, let's get to class", Minju showed Yuri a triumphant smile making the latter frown even deeper. "Oh yeah mom is cooking some quiche tonight, come and join us for dinner okay", You love quiche, you don't love it when it's used against you. The two then send eachother glare yet again before the bell rang. "I'll see you later after school Yuri, come on Min time for our last period", Reluctantly the two of them let go of you. You were also reluctant of leaving their embrace. Min didn't let go of your hand much to Yuri dismay. As you two walk into your class she stick out her tongue to Yuri behind your back.
Fucking whore.
The history teacher told us to return our table to the previous state. Minju looked at you separating from her with a sad face. You're not stupid, you see what's brewing between her and Yuri. It's just, weird. Yuri have been your friend for so long you're practically inseparable. You've slept together, spend holidays together. Bath together when you were a kid. Yet today, she seems to find something new about herself regarding you. The changes has happened around late middle school already.
How she always try to protect you, how she doesn't like when other girl tried to group up with you. She's did not deter them from you, that part is on you with your edgy phase. Sometimes you would think about the future, and she will always be there. You think today, she was forced to confront that feeling seeing someone so pretty is around you. You can practically see the change in her mood the moment Minju came to comfort you after she hit you. It's like her whole existence is being tested.
Minju on the other hand is very pretty. Like pretty to anyone standard, but for you, she's the picture perfect manifestation of  beauty. Everything about her looks checked every box in your type. Then there's her personality. Kind and caring, patience too remembering she let you burdened her in math. Not to mention, she's actually a bookworm like you, how many girls you met actually have the same taste in book?
Her current situation is also perfect.
New girl in a new school, new town even remembering she said she just moved in nearby. A secluded girl who seems to be the perfect girl for your type. How many guy would kill to have this exact chances. While you were thinking this, your two friend is also thinking about the same thing.
Minju liked you, she felt a certain familiarity with you after one day. Just like how she's perfect for your type you're also, well, passable for her type. Personality wise, too early to judge but seems promising. Hobbies and interests, perfect fit. Looks? A little too skinny but she don't mind, helping you. More than that, she projected her old memory to your current friendship with Yuri. She wants to protect you, she wants to make sure you never go through what she did. Of course, she's reading too much into it, but she doesn't know that.
Yuri is in turmoil. Somehow, today, your smile seems very different than usual. Your touch seems way more warm. Your stupid smell is also lingering in her mind. She is angry at you for making her feel that way, distracting her from class. Yet above you, there's Minju, someone she's throughly furious at. The new girl just moved in and suddenly got all close and friendly to you? Minju is up to no good, that's the consensus Yuri has reached. She needs to stop Minju, she won't let her hurt you. She might be covering her anxiety of losing you with some stupid reasoning, but she doesn't know it.
The day ended, as Minju was pacing up her things she saw you is ready to leave. No, she can't let you leave yet, you're gonna be taken to the hand of that abuser. "Wait", She grabbed your hand. She has grow fond of the feeling from your soft hands. "All okay Min?", The little name he got for you made her believe that your friendship is already a strong one. "Can we, go walk together?", Inside you is two wolf. One want to spend more time with Minju and solidify your first day friendship. One doesn't want to be in the middle of war again.
"Sure, where do you live?", The former won, the latter screamed that you will regret this with it's last dying breath. "It's just down the street actually, 5 minute walk", Seeing you accept, Minju immediately grabbed her things and put it in her back quickly.
"Let's go", Minju speed up for two things, one she doesn't want to make you wait, second she sees other guy is trying to talk to her. In order to deter anyone from making a move she wrapped her arm around you. A gesture, you appreciate very much. The two of you walked out your class to see Yuri is waiting for you. The gesture isn't as appreciated as before.
"Minju want to walk home with us", With you, she wants it with you. Yuri's face contorted before grabbing your other hand and start dragging you out of the school. "Yuri slow down", You tries to stop her. "Mom need to make her quiche you're gonna make her wait too long", Yet feeling your hand yanked Yuri back, a painful feeling starts to stab her heart.
"Calm down first, Min where's your house?", Minju gloat over Yuri's visible turmoil. "It's down this street, right in that corner, that one", You can actually see her house from the school, it's on the way to your home and right after the convenience store. "Oh perfect, that's on the way home, come on let's get some milk and eggs", Minju smiled to Yuri who is frowning.
The three of you made your way to the convenience store. It was supposed to be milk and eggs, but Minju seems to have a shopping list to fill. "What are you doing, we need to go home", Yuri doesn't like that Minju is holding you up.
"Sorry, I just need a dark chocolate bar", Minju continue dragging you through 5h3 store. "If you really sorry let go of him and go find it yourself. It's faster", Minju stared at Yuri for a second before looking at you. "Ehmm, go find it Min, we'll wait at the cashier", This time, it's her that went to a turmoil, making Yuri smile victoriously. Minju hurriedly scurry off while Yuri dragged you to the entrance.
"You need to stop talking to her", You look at her confused. "What? Yuri are you insane?", She grit her teeth hearing you,"She's up to no good, I just know it", Yuri hate seeing your confused face.
He doesn't know, I need to protect him, I can't let him get hurt because of some whore trying to play with his heart.
"Yuri, we just met today, I'm getting to know her. She's nice, funny, beau-" She doesn't like it, she doesn't like hearing you praise Minju. "You don't understand", She might yell the last part too hard. Seeing everyone in the streets turn to her all the blood on her body start to rush to her face. "I, let's talk about it later", The second wolf was right, you will regret this.
Not long you saw Minju walk out to you. "Sorry for taking too long", Her smile, it's quite pleasant to look at doesn't it? "No problem", Your smile is also quite pleasant to look at, according to her.
"Look, try this on", Minju bring out a sunglasses and put it on you. "You buy a sunglasses?", You laughed fixing it's placement on your face. "I don't know, it looks cool", It's also at a scammy price. "Ughhh, come on, you've stalled us long enough", Yuri pulled you to walk again.
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You felt Minju tugged your other arm. Looking back at her you see she has her phone out and took a picture of you. "Huh?", You're not really sure how to respond to that. "Oh no, you look cute when you wear it", Oh, you actually managed to spend the day with her without blushing once. Until now. "Hahaha, the glasses is really good on you", Another picture of you, looking away while the blush is creeping up in your face. "That's your house right? Bye bye", Yuri was squeezing your hand seeing Minju is flirting with you. "Okay, see you later oppa", Since when did you become her oppa? Both you and Yuri was pondering that question when Minju walked into her house.
"Alright, see, she's nice", Yuri just grimaced at you. "Take that sunglasses off", Oh you still wearing it. "Oh fuck, Minju", You ran after Minju while Yuri is squeezing your hand even harder. "Awww, Yuri stop it", She didn't, so you just continue walking in defeat. "Minju, your glasses", Minju walked out of her house again. "Keep it, I didn't buy you smoothie today", Is this gonna be a war between you and her? "Come on take it back", She shake her head while smiling mischievously. Damn does it pierced your heart. "If you don't like it, you can repay me tomorrow, good bye, see you later", She winked at you. Oh yeah this is war, of kindness and favour.
Yuri is fuming, "Alright see you tomorrow", You immediately drag Yuri with you. This time, the chance of murder is actually high enough to be a possibility.
During the walk Yuri can't stop hugging your arm. Her finger occasionally pulled on your jacket, her nails sometimes sinked to it piercing to your skin. "Yuri you're gonna make me look like a cat attack victim" Your hand tried to held hers making certain feelings wells up in her. "Shut up", You shut up.
Yuri dragged you into her house, against your will. "Yuri, don't kill your boyfriend on your first day of highschool", Her mom laughed seeing you two. "He's not my boyfriend", Yuri screamed while putting the groceries on the table before dragging me down to her room.
"Yuri, what is happening to you?", You rubbed your arm. "What is happening to me? You were the one who act like a stupid boy being overdosed by hormone chasing a whore like her" You felt your anger raise hearing her say that. "Yuri, Minju is not a whore", Your cold voice surprised Yuri which she hide by more yelling. "Yeah? I see how she acts around you, she put your hand between her legs just to tease you, she's a fucking whore", For the first time in forever, you actually got angry to Yuri.
"She's not a whore and I don't appreciate your fucking jealousy ruin my new friendship" Yuri's face contorted at your words. "What jealousy are you talking about idiot, you think I did this because I'm jealous of her?", Yuri felt her hand shaking, of all the time you scolded her you've only fought back a few times, enough to be counted in one hand. Yet now, out off all the time you could've fight her you choose today. "Listen, she's a-"
Hail Mary this shit.
You reached out to hug her. You know Yuri doesn't like physical touch. Ever since you two were 15 she stopped hugging you or holding your hands. She become self aware about her own sexuality and stop the physical touch between you. So today, seeing her so touchy with you, it might require drastic measures to calm her.
Why did you never hug me again? I've been missing your touch.
Yuri take a deep sniff of your body. If not for today she might forget how it felt. Your little skeletal body feels so warm and, calming for her. "Yuri, Minju is a nice girl, and I want to befriend her. Relax okay, she won't take me away from you", Your voice seems so calming, since when did you have such a deep voice.
Oh god, I am falling for him. All those time I denied him from any physical touch. I was rejecting my own feelings. Mom is right, this is my boyfriend. And I won't let that fucking whore get him.
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As you were waiting for her to respond you felt a sharp pain on your chest. "Yuri", You pulled away from the hug only to find Yuri is already hugging you tight. "Acckkkk, Yuri stop", She let go, looking at you with..... Ecstasy.
"I don't like her, at all", Maybe hugging her was a terrible idea. "Yuri please-" She cuts you off with a finger to your mouth. "But I'll let you befriend her, for now", Well, not, a terrible idea?
"Thank you", She doesn't like hearing your relieved sigh. "On two conditions", No such thing as a free meal. "One, if she got touchy or flirty with you then I'm calling it off", Oh no, you realised you force her to confront her feelings and accept it. "And two, we are sleeping together", Still hugging you, Yuri felt your heartbeat rises, something she take pride off.
He's so nervous, that means he like me too. Oh god I was so stupid, if I would just let us continue our antics we would be married by now.
"What?" Your voice break a little. "We're sleeping together again, at my house, at your house, I don't care" Yuri sinked her head to your chest. "Yuri you know we can't do that?", You can, but you need to make up an excuse. "Why not?", Yuri suddenly whined like a kid making you very surprised.
"Because we're already grown ups", She frowned before grabbing your arm and pulled you downstairs. "Mom I'm sleeping with oppa", Two girls make you their oppa today. "Oh? That's a quick change, okay honey have fun", Yuri smiled happily before dragging you back to her room.
"Yuri, since when am I your oppa" The whole thing is so confusing. "Since now, get on the bed, we're having a nap", Without waiting Yuri throw you to the bed and jumped on you.
"Yuri" You tried to sat up. "Ssshhh, go to sleep oppa, I'll be right here, I'll keep you safe", Out of your expectations she reached in and kissed your cheek. Something that scares you, also arrouse you a little. "Don't be so nervous oppa, I promise I won't bite again if you play nice", That's a lie, she will bite you again, but later. "Yuri, I need to change my clothes and- ackkk", What a nice boyfriend, you gave her the chance to bite you again now. This time, it's on your neck. Despite you flaunting your limbs she doesn't stop until she's finished.
"There, that'll look good on you, oppa~~", Your hand reached out to grab your neck, feeling the stinging pain as you touch it. "Did you leave a mark?", She just giggled before putting her head on your chest again. "Yuri" Yuri pulled back your hand and sleep. "Enough oppa, it's been a long day, get some rest", She put her finger on your lips, and you feel she will put another thing on it if you keep resisting. Reluctantly you lay your head down, closing your eyes."Good night oppa, my oppa"
As you and Yuri is having a nice, platonic sleeping session, Minju is busy writing down her diary. All the detail she notices from you. All the funny feelings she has for you. She printed out the picture she took of you before and glued it to the diary. Writing and writing on, she didn't realised she's taken 16 pages writing just about you. The day already settled as the sun sets. Your two pictures is hanging on her desk. The realisation kicked in like a truck.
It's love at first sight. That's right, he's my soulmate, oh god I'm so lucky. So what if he's a guy, love doesn't care about sexuality or gender.
She quickly stripped out the name she have for you at her diary entry. The title of your page turned from 'First friend' to, well you know, 'Boyfriend' obviously.
I need to make some brownies for oppa, I can call him tonight, I can meet him again.
First thing she needs to do, is help you gain some weight.  You're perfect as you are, but she's scared you might break your bone from a falling leaves. Founding a new motivation her small elegant steps echoed around the empty house.
Around 5 PM you woke up, seeing Yuri is biting your chest. "Yuri", Surprised by your voice Yuri looked at you with an excited smile. "Morning oppa", Without warning you felt a soft pair of lips pressing up against yours. The kiss was so gentle, you almost didn't believe it was Yuri who's kissing you.
I'm kissing him, I'm actually kissing him, oh oppa how much I wished I never reject this feelings.
The kiss ended the polar opposite of how it started.
Slowly you two pulled away from eachother.
Your forehead still pressing up against eachother.
Your soft breath intertwined with hers.
Yuri was staring at your lips, her hand reached out to grab her cheek and her thumbs gently caressed your lips.
Her eyes darted upward to see your are in a daze.
"I love you oppa"
She whispered so quietly you felt like she was just breathing normally.
"Oppaaaa, I love youuuuu"
She hummed it as she pulled up.
"I, I don't know Yuri"
Intoxicated by the kiss and her own delusion, Yuri find your answer to be a cute reaction to hide your embarrassment.
"It's okay oppa, you can answer me later"
She came down again to give you a peck on your mouth.
"I need to take a shower"
Surprisingly Yuri let you go.
"I'll see you at dinner oppa, mwah"
She kissed your neck sending tickling sensation through your body.
You ran to your home, your loud footsteps drawn your sister attention.
"Where did you go?"
You saw her spawend in front of you.
She was just standing there, you actually got so much in your mind that you didn't realise it.
"I was just, with Yuri"
That's the usual explanation you had for her, now it felt so different for you.
"Ohhhh? I see, go take a shower then, and button your chest"
You looked down to your chest to find it riddles with lipstick mark.
"I need to go"
The only thing you heard from her is the echoing laughter that will haunt you in your dreams tonight.
You looked at yourself at the mirror, your mouth is so red that it might be mistaken as a cherry.
A cold shower, a really ice cold shower is exactly what you needed.
After finishing up your shower you saw a text from Minju.
"She wants to meet? Tonight? Fuck"
You tried to come up with some excuse.
The problem is, she can see that you're typing, so she called you.
You screamed, yet you answer anyway.
"Hey oppa, I was sorry for stalling you up earlier, so I thought I'll make it up to you"
Think fast cowboy, if you say no, it will mean that Yuri might discourage Minju tomorrow.
If you say yes, you might have a your lifespan shortened.
"I, don't know, I still owe you for the sunglasses"
"Hehehe, it's okay, you look good in it, come here oppa"
The Hail Mary strategy from before failed.
But it won't fail twice in a row right?
"Okay, I can see you now"
"Perfect, see you here~"
You have 2 hour till dinner, you get dressed and ran downstairs.
"Noona, I'm going out, I have dinner at Yuri, and, probably gonna spend the night there"
Your sister smiles at you.
"Okay, have fun, don't forget to buy condoms, in fact I still have it from the last time my boyf-"
You are not taking three hail Mary strategy today.
You ran off to Minju's place, the moment you got at her fence you saw her walked out the house.
"Hey oppa, come on"
She grabbed your hand and hurriedly pulled you inside.
Her house, is big, you didn't realised it before since Yuri is tearing your hand apart while Minju is tearing your heart.
"Look, brownies"
The smell of freshly baked brownies made your stomach grumble.
"You made this?"
"Yep, I learned baking for a while now, come on sit, I'll prepare a plate for you"
She sat you down at the living room couch.
Looking around, this house looks expensive as fuck.
The wood walls, the high ceiling, the black marble kitchen counter.
Minju really is a princess.
She came back with a plate of brownies and a glass of, vanila smoothie?
"I know you like strawberry smoothie but I only have vanilla, I'll buy some strawberry tomorrow"
God damn the Minju option is getting more and more enticing.
"Dig in oppa"
She sat next to you and hugged your arm.
You noticed her outfits, a thin white shirt with a red side stripe pants.
No bra, and her short is pulled up so high you might be able to take a glimpse to her-
Brownies, yeah, you're eating brownies.
"Thank you Min, you really don't have too"
She smiled seeing you eating her brownies.
It was really good, you never really buy any brownies outside the store one so this homemade brownies taste heavenly.
"You want to go out with me oppa?"
You felt a piece got inhaled to your respiratory system making you cough.
"Come on slow down oppa, I still have a lot more for you"
She laughed seeing you coughed up the brownies before swallowing it down.
"Here, drink this"
She take the smoothie and you sip it.
It's a very enticing option really.
"Min, we just met today"
A fair argument.
"We're soulmate oppa, I feel it the moment we've met, I love you"
A strong counterpoint, mostly because of her face, and body, and voice, and brownies. It's a bit unfair for you isn't it?
She crawled on top of you, putting her closing statement to the argument.
"Sssshhhh, don't be scared, time doesn't matter. We're getting together sooner or later, so just starts now"
The second part of her closing statement is her soft lips pressing up against yours.
If the aggressive and impatient Yuri had a super soft and gentle kiss.
The gentle and elegant Minju have a passionate and aggressive one.
Her tongue slitehered into your mouth, pulling yours to a fight.
You weren't sure if it's because your mouth is still coated by the brownies and smoothie but her kiss felt so sweet.
Minju looked at you with a lustful eyes.
"Stay the night oppa, I want to spend it with you please"
"I, I have a dinner with Yuri"
Why did you say that?
Minju felt annoyed, that's right, annoyed, not angry.
She find Yuri to be a non competitor but an annoying flies between you two.
"Please oppa? I'll make you a tasty dinner"
Ah shit, what now?
"Are you, free after dinner?"
It's an acceptable term.
"Okay then, when is your dinner?"
"In an hour"
"Then we have an hour"
You didn't have to ask for what because she returned back to kissing you.
As much as you were enjoying her kiss your mind is pulling out a plan.
You need more time to make your decision.
So you have to make this two girls have a ceasefire until you made up your mind.
You pulled away from her aggressive kiss.
She frown at you, oh no, she's so cute.
"Aren't your parents gonna be mad when they walked in seeing us?"
"Oh, my parents doesn't live here"
"Yeah, they bought the house for me to stay in during highschool"
A princess.
She lay down her head to your neck, to find, something.
"This wasn't here before"
Her cold finger touch the bitemark Yuri gave you.
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"Yeah, something happened"
As she raised her head you can feel the temperature dropping down below 0.
"Oppa, I really don't want to ruin your mood by making you break your relationship with her. But if this is the kind of relationship you have with her-"
"It's not, it's complicated okay?"
Minju is not satisfied with your answer, but there's another matter to deal with for now.
She leaped to your neck, and bite it.
The hickey from her felt, sensual, mostly because she's grinding on you.
"Min I need to go"
You hear her growl before she let go of your neck.
"Come back soon okay oppa? Don't make me wait too long"
"I promise it won't be long"
She smiled happily and gave you another kiss before seeing you off.
You opened your phone to see Yuri has been calling you non stop.
Gritting your teeth you ran to her house.
Her parents look at you surprised.
"Yuri just went to get you in your house"
"Oh I was from the convenience store, I'll go get her"
Let's try to calm her down before dinner with the parents.
"Where were you"
Yuri bolted to you the moment she saw you walk to your bedroom.
"I'm sorry I wa-"
"With that whore"
Her grip tightens on you.
"Yuri after-"
"She even marked you, oppa you were cheating on me?"
"Listen Yuri, I need you to come with me after dinner okay?"
She looked at you angrily.
"I need to talk to both of you"
"There is nothing to talk about, we belong together, we're already together since we know how to walk and we will still be together until we die"
She shake your body while her eyes got teary.
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"Listen, Yuri, can you just, listen to me for once"
Within Yuri mind, a thought is forming, the thought is that she's losing the fight.
It hurts her, it hurt her very much, it's so painful she might just break.
"Why, why oppa I know you for so long already, why did you have second thoughts already? Just because of some girl you met today?"
"Yuri, I just want to make sure"
"Fine, I'll make amends with her"
You're not really sure what she meant by that.
"Thank you Yuri"
Yuri will have you in her life, she will make sure you're not taken away from her, even if she has to compromise with a whore.
Your hug managed to calm her down.
"Yuri, are you crying?"
She answer with her muffled sobs.
"Yuri... Calm down"
You caressed her hair as she hugged you.
"Oppa, don't leave me"
"I won't Yuri, I won't"
"Don't leave me"
"I won't"
"Yes Yuri?"
You keep answering her as she calm herself down.
Yuri like the way your finger ran through her hair, it's so comforting.
It's decided, she will have to compromise, anything to keep you in her life.
"Yuri let's fix your hair"
You don't want her parents to start asking questions.
A smile formed on her face seeing you wipe her tears and brush her hair.
"I think that's good enough, let's go"
She didn't move, her smile was frozen in place so is her body.
"I love you oppa"
"It's okay, come here"
She reached out to pull you for a kiss.
So soft and slow, especially compared to Minju's kiss from earlier.
"Let's go"
She whispered before pulling you to her house.
"Bye you two, don't forget to use protection"
"We will unnie, bye"
You glared at Yuri who's smiling happily.
"Ah there you are, well come on, dinners ready"
Yuri grabbed your hand and intertwined her finger with yours.
Her parents smiled seeing her actions.
You two sit next to eachother while facing her parents.
"So, what happened between you two"
Her mom is smiling curiously while her dad, he just doesn't care.
"I'm dating now"
"Good for you sweetie, and you too darling, you two are so perfect together"
"Thanks mom"
Yuri kissed your cheek while you're just sitting there eating.
"Dad aren't you gonna congratulate me?"
"No, you two are meant to be anyway so it's just the matter of time"
Yuri's dad is an absolute apathetic, her mom is a gossip girl, how did Yuri become an MMA fighter?
"How was your first day in highschool?"
"Everyone called oppa Brutus now and he just force them too"
"Really? Because of that drama?"
You can't really eat properly since Yuri is busy cuddling with you, at the dinner table, in front of her parents.
"Yuri, sweetie, why don't you take your boyfriend to your bedroom, you two seems like you need a room"
Her mom said as we finished the dinner.
"Me and oppa is going out for a walk, see you later Mom, bye dad"
Yuri and I walked to Minju's place.
"What is she doing here?"
Minju's open hostility made Yuri answered with her own. However she managed to keep herself calm.
Be patient, I need to be patient for oppa.
"Can we get in?"
Minju carefully eyes Yuri before grabbing your free arm.
The three of you sat at the living room, the two girls refused to acknowledge the existence of the other one.
"Listen, I know, you two are in love with me"
"I love you more, we're soulmates"
"I know you longer oppa, we are already meant to be together"
"Shut up, now, Minju, I know you for one day, Yuri, we've been growing up as friends, until today. So I can't make a decision yet"
"What decision, we are soulmate oppa"
"Shut up, oppa is talking"
The two exchanged glare for a moment.
"I need sometimes okay? I need time to make my mind, and I want you two to have a ceasefire until I made my decision"
The two doesn't like your proposal.
"How long"
"A month at least"
"No, a month at most"
Minju is very unpleased.
"Oppa, I need to talk with Minju"
"No, you two gonna kill eachother"
"Oppa, just leave for a second, I promise I won't kill her"
Minju stare at Yuri cautiously trying to gauge her intentions.
"Fine, wait in the kitchen oppa, you can watch us from there"
Reluctantly you left the two girl to their own devices.
Yuri and Minju stare at eachother for awhile.
"Share him"
Minju definitely didn't expect that.
"I'm not losing him, and I don't like to gamble, so share him"
"Are you stupid? Why would I share him when he's already mine"
"Because you might also lose"
The two stare at eachother angrily.
"We're soulmates"
"Does he know that?"
"I will make sure he does"
"I know him long enough to know he's not believing those kind of things"
"You know him for so long yet he still thinking about me, the girl he met in the first day"
Yuri felt her patience is slowly draining.
"Just share him with me, we can get a piece together"
Minju is not stupid, she knows the possibility of her losing you is a 50/50.
Yet she still doesn't trust Yuri.
"Why you want to share him? You're antagonising me the whole day and you want to make peace with me?"
"Because he's conflicted. And I know, if he chooses you it will hurt, so much I might lose my mind. And if he chooses me, he will feel hurt for hurting you that I might also feel guilty"
Those thoughts has also went through Minju's mind.
"You're scared aren't you"
"Of course I am"
"To me?"
"My whole life I've known him and you come in and managed to threaten my position in the first day, of course I'm scared"
For a second, Minju realised, Yuri might not be as bad as she thought.
"Awwww, are you insecure?"
Minju patted Yuri's head making the latter frown.
"Don't do that"
"Hehehe, you're just a timid little girl aren't you, I'm sorry for scaring you"
"Minju stop it"
"Fine, I agree, I'll share him"
Seeing the changes on Yuri's face Minju felt a little relieved. Yuri might be a good partner to have as well.
She's cute, pretty, also when she got all embarrassed like this it make her heart flutter.
"Let's set up the ground rule then"
"Fine, we're the same priority, no main girl or something like that"
"That one is acceptable, second is group chat. I don't want any private chat between us and oppa. Everything need to be said in the group chat"
"That's, acceptable too I guess. Then you can't have too much date. If we both have two date and you took him out in one you can't have another one after I get one"
"You read my mind cutie"
"I'm not cute"
"But you're blush is so-"
"Stop it, another one is I want a budget limit on our dates"
"Oh come on, I want to pamper him"
"I can't keep up with your money, look at this house, you're definitely rich"
"I am, and that's okay cutie, he will still love you even though you won't be as rich as me"
"Fine, guess I'll just have to take him to dates with my family and parade him as my boyfriend"
"So the spending limit, let's say, 100 thousand won?"
"Are you insane?"
"Ughhh, fine, how about this, I won't take him to super expensive place, and we don't buy him anything. Our gifts need to be made by ourself"
"Good, I like that"
"Butttt, I want to buy him some new clothes, I want my boyfriend to dress well"
"Ughhh, his wardrobe is so bad"
"Hehehe, shopping trip with us then"
Minju hugged Yuri making the latter develop a smile.
"I'm looking forward to work with you, Minju"
"I'll be looking forward to work with you too, Yuri"
You are watching this weird interaction and was completely baffled seeing the two girl hug.
Ah shit I made them gay and fell for eachother.
Then the two of them turned to you with a creepy smile.
The wolf you pick has changed sides and tell you this is a bad idea.
"Oppa, come here"
You're not sure which one called for you.
Slowly you walked back to them.
Once you're close enough Yuri grabbed you and sat you down between her and Minju.
"Alright oppa, we will have a ceasefire"
Minju draw around your chest with her finger.
"Good, I promise one-"
"Forever, because we don't need to fight for you anymore"
Yuri start nibbling on your arm.
"We are sharing you, aren't you happy oppa?"
It would be a lie if you never thought of the harem option. It would also be a lie if you think that the option is a genuine option to take. Yet, it's also a lie, if you say you're not excited right now.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I can't believe you're actually second guessing yourself for a girl you just met today oppa, bad oppa"
You felt a sharp pain in your shoulder as she sank her fang to it.
"That's okay oppa, I won't make you have the painful responsibility to hurt one of us, so we compromise"
Minju kissed your cheek.
"So first of all oppa, you have to love us equally"
"That's right, we are also using a group chat for now on, no private chat between us"
"Then, we will keep track of how much date to make sure it's fair", Notes, you need notes. And maybe some water splashed to your face. "Are you two, actually, serious"
The two of them looked at you, stare at eachother before attacking you. The two of them wrapped one arm around your neck locking it in place. Then they kissed your cheek. So synchronized, so creepy. Of course you're overwhelmed already so you're not feeling the desperate self preservation your brain is trying to send off.
"You're our boyfriend now okay?","Our oppa" They are synchronized now. "Okay, okay, okay", The two are ecstatic with your response and giggles before they bite your neck.
"Ahhhh, girls", Your moan of pain only made them even more excited. "Who kiss first?", Yuri raised her hand in response, "Rock-paper-scicors"
Yuri won and get the first bite of your lips. The lips of her new boyfriend. Minju is watching you with smiles all over her face. Once Yuri had enough fill she slowly parted from you, her mind is in a daze. She tried to inhale as much as your scent. "You're so shy when you kiss Yuri, so cute", Minju smiled.
"I'm not cute", The sight of your tomboyish childhood friend turning to a tomato is too cute. "You are kinda cute", You supported Minju's words. Yuri hide her face letting out a squeal before dropping to your chest.
"Hehehehe, my turn", Minju crashed her lips on to yours. Her passionate kiss only seems to get rougher as time went on. Your tongue and lips turned numb at the end. Minju is happy with how meek you are, such a perfect boyfriend.
As you two pulled away you saw Yuri is watching you two in a daze. "See? That's how you kiss cutie", Yuri frowned. "I'm not a horny bitch like you" Yuri pouted, "Really? Our boyfriend seems to like it"
She turned to you who's still in a trance. "Oppa", Yuri pouted making you wake up from your daze. "Yuri it's fine", Doesn't convince her. "Here, let me teach you" Before any of you can react, Minju grabbed both of Yuri's cheek before kissing her. Oh boy, it's getting harder and harder, you know what it is.
As they parted you see Minju is smiling at Yuri with a mischievous smile while Yuri was in a trance. "On second thought, your soft kisses are also enjoyable, good job cutie", Minju's hand let go of Yuri and wrapped itself around you. The two of them slowly came to hug you and stay quiet for, an hour?
"It's late already, we should go home", You don't want to go home, but things might escalate if you stay. "Come on, sleep with me, I want to sleep with oppa", Minju tightened her hug on you. "I told mom I'm going to sleep with oppa tonight" Yuri looks conflicted if anything, "So do it here, with me too" Minju said. "How though, I can tell mom I'm sleeping at oppa's place", You opened your phone to check if the coast is clear. "Then, I should ask Noona"
"Who's Noona", Minju squinted her eyes angrily. "My Noona, my older sister", They still have their jealousy trait, that's good to know. "Oh that's fine then", She smiled and turn to cuddling you again. You see your sister already texted you that she's leaving for the night so I can use the house.
"Oh? Should we move to your bedroom then oppa?", Minju whined at Yuri in response. "Here is better, I'm living here alone", Minju said making Yuri raised her eyebrow. "What?" Minju then smiled confidently, "Yep, mom and dad buy me this house for my highschool life", You hear Yuri curse under her breath but you can't make out what."Okay princess, but oppa's house is also empty, and that way I can also show to mom I am sleeping at oppa's place"
"Empty?", Minju turned to you. "Oh yeah, my parents passed away a while ago", She looked at you with concern and guilt. "Oh baby, I'm sorry",Well, a kiss always a good way to cheer someone up.
"We should go out to a date this week"
"Three of us"
"Of course cutie, I won't leave you"
"Let's go to the park again"
"Let's, go to my place, because I'm tired"
The two of them smiled and kissed your cheek. "Let me put on something more covering clothes then", Minju let go of you and skipped away.
"She's such a vixen", You tuned to Yuri who's doesn't seems to be mad."Yuri?", She turned to you, "I don't mind it, but she's too flirty, she might try to take your virginity oppa", This, is going to fast no? "I mean, Minju is a bit more, brazen? But I don't think-", She put her finger on your mouth to shut you down. "She will give you your virginity, and so do I, the question is who will take yours"
Alright, how do you tell them you're not a virgin anymore. "I'm back, let's go", Minju is wearing a baggy sweatpants and jacket. "Right, let's go", Maybe they don't need to know.
The three of you walk back to your house, you slipped Minju in while Yuri tell her mom she's sleeping at my place. "Hmmm, this place, smells just like you", Minju was looking around your bedroom with lusty eyes. "I miss sleeping at your bed again oppa, come on"
Yuri is definitely thinking about something other than sleeping. You lay on your bed with the two girls hugging you. Minju take off her sweatpants and jacket turning back to the previous very open and very thin outfit. Yuri actually changed as she went to her house earlier to a big oversized t-shirt that cover her mini pants.
"Oppa, this bed is so comfy, I can't believe you've been sleeping here with him this whole time"
"Hehehe, childhood friend advantage"
"Ssshhh, let me sleep"
"Yuri, you're thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Yeahhhh, oppa, we want some goodnight kiss"
Minju jumped on you and start making out with you. She pulled your hand in between her crotch and start grinding on it. "That's unfair", You hear Yuri whined.
As you are busy kissing Minju you felt Yuri pulled your hand inside her t-shirt. "Rub it baby", Minju moaned, you comply and starts rubbing her pussy through her pants making her moan.
Your other hand was led to Yuri's bare tits. "Squeeze it oppa", You comply again and made her moan. This continue for sometimes before you felt the wet pants Minju is wearing pushed itself onto your finger.
"I'm coming oppa", She pressed her forehead to your temple as she whispered in your ears. You saw her body quivered for a moment before slumping down. Yuri the jumped to your free mouth and start to get her own kiss. Your hand travel down to her pussy and starts doing the same thing you did with Minju. Your other hand travels up to start massaging Minju's breast.
Just like before Yuri started quivering and pressed her head to your neck. "I'm cumming oppa", She screamed, thankfully your house is empty.
"Oh my god, that was great"
"Yeah, we should repay the favour now"
The two of them look down to your erect cock."So big","So warm" The compliment only made you even hornier.
You felt one of them grabbed it through your clothes making you moan. "You're so hot when you moan oppa", Who said that? "Let's get this out of the way", Who said that too?
Feeling your pants being pulled down your cock got free from it's cage and the cold air washes over it. "Follow me cutie, I'll lead you", Okay that one is Minju.
You felt two sets of hand grabbed your cock, their warmth made your precum leaked."Slowly, go up and down" Minju take the lead as Yuri followed her, "Okay", Fuck the feelings of being jerked by two different hand is something else.
"Are you enjoying this oppa?"
"Yuri focus on your rythm"
The two girl continue their sensual and slow Handjob. Minju then come to whisper in your ears. "Can you cum for us oppa? I promise I'll drink it", Oh fuck, "Oppa, cum please, for me", Yuri followed her and made this whole experience a little too much for you.
"It's squirming"
"That means oppa gonna cum, come on oppa, cum all over our hand"
Can't keep up any ore your sperm shoot out, Minju closed off the tip just in time to make sure it doesn't spray anywhere. Looking down you see Yuri is also doing the same, making their hands covered with your sperm. "So warm"
Yuri whimpered. Minju smiled before licking her hand."Minju?" You hear Yuri's questioning tone, "So sweet, you taste amazing baby", Seeing the ecstasy on Minju's face, Yuri did the same, and start sucking on her own fingers. "Hmmm, it tastes good oppa"
The two of them went down to your cock and started licking it, getting any excess cum off of you. The sensation send your cock back to it's glorious form. "So vigorous, Yuri, follow my lead"
Minju climbed down to get to a more comfortable position, Yuri followed suit. "First, you kiss it", You felt Minju thick lips pressing up against yours. Then Yuri's soft pair of lips pressing up against the other.
"It smells so good"
"I know right? Now you start licking it"
The two started licking around your shaft giving some ungodly feeling.
"Now, watch me first", Yuri moves to the side before Minju started swallowing your cock whole.
"Whoa", Yeah Yuri, whoa, you did not expect Minju to be so good at this. The feeling of her throat massaging your cock while her tongue reached out to lock your shaft and balls is too good.
"Yaaaa, my turn", God damn Yuri looked so cute when she's pouting. Minju let go of her mouth before moving aside. "Now, first you need to try with the tip first Yuri"
Yuri was inexperienced, for like 30 second before she start giving you deep throat as well. "I'm so proud of you Yuri"
Minju get down and start sucking on your balls. Needless to say, as you're still sensitive from the ejaculations from before, you didn't last long.
Minju pulled Yuri up to only have your tip in her mouth while she use both hands to jerk you off. "Come on, cum oppa, cum all over cute Yuri's mouth"
Your hips bucked forward and start spraying your sperm to Yuri's inside. As your ejaculation subsided your cock fell limp to your crotch.
"Open your mouth Yuri, learn how to share", Yuri opened obediently and Minju's tongue slitehered to Yuri's mouth before they kiss. You see Minju's tongue scooping out your sperm into her own mouth occasionally. Then the two parted way, a loud gulping noise can be heard before they let our a satisfied moan.
"Thank you oppa"
"It was nice oppa"
The two gave you a kiss to the cheek before slumping down to your chest.
"Fucking hell, you two are, dangerous", The two giggles before they let out a sigh. Your breath and heartbeat seems to synchronize with them as your consciousness start to slip away.
It's been a long day.
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cozage · 1 year
you wanna do continue the one you did where the s/o gets captured? Get them rescuuuued. please and thank you :D
A/N: I actually have two of these requests in my inbox, and these got really long because I’m insane and have to write every detail, so I’m going to break these up into three different posts so people aren’t stuck reading and scrolling through a 10k fic on tumblr. Ace and Law’s will be coming soon!
Characters: female reader x Luffy
Cw:  angst, drugging, near-death experience
Total word count: 2.3k
Summary: You've been captured by marines, and the Strawhats work to get you back. (Followup from this request)
Rescued by Pirates - Luffy
Luffy stood at the top of the cliff, staring down the Marine fleet in the bay. There were ten ships, and you were on one of them. Captured. Alone. He knew you were fighting, but there’s only so much you could do in a locked prison cell with sea prism cuffs. 
“I’m coming.” Luffy muttered, hoping the wind would carry his words to you. “Wait for me. Don’t stop fighting.”
“Luffy, get down!” Nami pulled the captain back over the ridge, keeping him out of sight from the scouts. “If a Marine sees you this whole stealth operation is over!”
Luffy groaned and slumped to the ground. “I don’t even know why this has to be a stealth operation! If we just start smashing everything-”
“They’ll kill her.” Sanji said, and Luffy grew quiet. “If they know we’re coming, they’ll execute her now and report it to the news coo after.”
“They probably have people waiting outside her cell to do it as soon as the call is made,” Franky admitted coldly. “They don’t want another repeat of…” he trails off, and everyone knows what he’s going to say. 
They don’t want another repeat of Ace. Luffy embarrassed the entire World Government when he broke into Impel Down, broke out of Impel Down, and then sailed to Marineford and freed Ace from his shackles. 
“It’s possible that’s why they’re still here.” Nami’s voice was worried as she spoke everyone’s thoughts. “They’re baiting us so they can kill her. They don’t want to transport her just to have Luffy embarrass them again.”
“It would make sense why they haven’t taken off yet,” Brook added. 
“Or they’re waiting for backup,” Sanji countered. “She’s a dangerous pirate, but the Navy always prefers public executions. Especially with the new leader having a personal vendetta against Luffy, he’ll want to kill her publicly if possible. I’m sure of it.”
“Then we have to go!” Luffy started to stand to his feet, frustrated with the lack of action, but Nami quickly pulled him back down. 
“Let Robin and Brook handle this first part! We have to find her first before you start smashing everything to bits!”
Luffy hated waiting. Especially when there's nothing he could do to pass the time. But finally, after about 30 minutes of silence, Robin opened her eyes. 
“She’s on the fourth ship in the back with the red and yellow tailwind sail. Under deck, in a prison cell. Shackles on her arms and legs, and a neck collar.”
Luffy’s eyes peeked over the cliffside to find the ship Robin was describing. He located it, and sprang forward to jump over the cliff, but strong arms held him back. 
“Zoro, let me go! We know where she is!” He struggled to break free from the swordsman's grasp. “We have to go get her!”
“Hang on Luffy, we need a plan before we just jump into action!”
The guard change comes early today, which you find odd. Normally the Marines are dragging their feet to stand guard over your cell, but then you spot green hair poking out from the marine cap, the man next to him with a very familiar scar across his cheek, and your heart begins to beat faster. 
“So, the keys?” Zoro holds his hand out to the Navy officer watching over you, who laughs in his face. 
“This must be your first time imprisoning a pirate, kid,” the old man says. “We don’t keep the keys anywhere near the prison. You know how easy it would be for someone to knock out a guard and take them? Let me show you the ropes, kid.”
The old man and his colleague turn to face you for the first time in hours, ushering Zoro and Luffy to look at you now. You can see Luffy is in visible pain just from looking at you. 
Your arms and legs were each shackled to the wall, and you had a contraption around your neck that looked strikingly similar to the ones the Celestial Dragons used on their slaves. Blood caked your hair and trickled down your face. Your body was littered in scratches and bruises, your clothes torn from whatever battle had happened that Luffy wasn’t there for. 
“Each one of those shackles has a different key, and that neck collar too, as well as the key to the jail cell itself. Each of those keys are on a different ship, and we’ve got instructions to throw the keys into the harbor if we catch a glimpse of a Strawhat approaching the ship. 
“The best part, though,” he continues, with a hungry malice in his eyes. He raises his hand to point a finger at your neck. “That collar has a fun little detonator. The Vice Admiral has the control button if it comes to that. And the collar itself administers a sedative every hour on the hour, and gives another dose if someone touches the bars.” 
He smacked the bars for good measure, and you flinched as you felt a pinch in your neck. 
“Honestly it’s a miracle she’s still awake. We like to hit the bars every now and then just to keep her calm. Don’t want her causing a scene now, do we?”
You were trying your hardest not to stare at Luffy. You can see the rage consuming his body as he realizes what an insurmountable task it is to save you. You squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head viciously to relay a simple message. Run. Don’t save me.
But you know he won’t listen. He never has. Not with Robin or Ace or Sanji or anyone else he’s saved against their will. And he certainly won’t do it with you either. 
“I see a pretty big flaw in this whole design,” Zoro said, staring at the cell you were in. You could see he was enraged as well, but he was hiding it better than Luffy. 
“Oh yeah? And what’s that, kid?”
“Can’t they just cut it?”
The old Marine let out a hardy laugh at his question. “Sea prism stone is the hardest substance in the world. Nobody can cut through that, I don't care if it’s Dracule Mihawk himself!”
“Oh, Mihawk can cut Sea Prism Stone.” The green-haired man gave a devilish smirk to the Marine.
You braced yourself. You knew what was coming. Zoro only had two swords with him, but it would be enough. 
You heard a whirlwind of air swirl around you, and you could feel the weight on your arms get lighter. There were several pinches in your neck, and you could feel yourself involuntarily slip into unconsciousness. 
Zoro had put just a bit too much power into his swings to free you, and the cuts ripped through the ship behind you. He then turned to the marines, wickedly smiling at them. 
“Told ya.” He smacked the younger one with the hilt of the sword and the marine crumpled to the ground, but the older marine was fast and dodged Zoro’s attack. The Marine locked Zoro into a battle of swords, occupying his ability to get the other chains off of you.
Luffy sprang into action, running to grab you. He screamed your name as he ran to you, jumping over sea prism stone rubble and other debris to reach you. He knew Zoro hadn’t hurt you, but you were slumped against the ship wall, and he couldn’t help but think about how fragile you looked. He shook you, desperately trying to wake you up. 
And then Luffy heard a beeping sound, coming from the collar around your neck. The same sound that he was helpless against in Sabaody. “ZORO!” He screamed, holding you tight. 
“Forgot to mention,” the older marine grinned back at the swordsman, keeping him locked in a battle. “Tamper with the chains too much and the collar will detonate, even without a push from the button.”
Zoro tightened his muscles in horror. “Luffy, get it off of her!”
“I hear she’s the weakness of Strawhat Luffy. Let’s watch and see, shall we? Perhaps he’ll have an even worse reaction than in Marineford.” The marine's gaze was on Luffy now, eager to see him snap. 
Luffy ignored the weight of what failure meant for you. He focused, letting his Haki flow through his body like he had seen Rayleigh do in Sabaody. He grabbed the collar from around your neck and squeezed, snapping it in half, and threw it away from you. In the same motion, Luffy turned and glared at the Marine, who instantly crumpled to the ground, knocked out by Luffy’s Conqueror's Haki. 
“Luffy, we have to go,” Zoro’s voice was urgent. There was commotion above them coming from the deck. It was clear the Navy was alerted to their presence. But Luffy was ignoring him, desperately trying to shake you awake. 
“Come on, Luffy,” Zoro insisted, stepping over the rubble. He quickly cut each of the shackles off your legs.  “She’ll be fine. I’ll carry her, you punch things. Let's go.”
Zoro put a sword between his teeth and picked you up into his arms. He saw the darkness in Luffy’s eyes, and stood back to let his captain destroy the people who had tried to take you away from him. 
Luffy spared no ship. Once he saw Zoro and you were safe on the beach, he unleashed his full might against the ten ships in the harbor. His crew could hear his screams of rage from the shoreline, his pent up fear of losing you spilling out into his attacks. 
When he was finally finished destroying the ships, he came back to the shore and sat silently among his crew. He pulled your unconscious body into his lap, stroking your hair softly. He stared down at you for a long time, just watching the rise and fall of your chest, his eyesight fuzzy from tears. 
As the sun was starting to sink over the horizon, Nami finally spoke up. “We should go.” Her voice was hoarse, and her cheeks were damp with tears. 
“Not until she wakes up.”
Sanji sighed, pulling out a few small rations of food to give the crew while they waited. Luffy didn’t eat, he just combed his fingers through your hair, willing you to wake up. 
Nightfall came, and you were still unconscious. The crew could see lights on the horizon. Marine ships that were supposed to lead you to Impel Down. 
“Luffy, we need to go,” Sanji insisted. Luffy refused to respond, his eyes only watching you. 
“She’ll be more comfortable on the ship, Luffy,” Chopper said, trying to coax the captain back to the Sunny. “She can sleep in a bed and we can monitor her more closely.”
“It’s better for her to be back on the ship,” Sanji agreed. “And we need to get moving.”
Luffy finally nodded, giving in to his crew's request. If it was better for you, then he wouldn’t be selfish. It was selfishness that got you in this position in the first place. If he hadn’t run off on his own, if he had just stayed with the group like Nami had told him too, this might’ve never happened.
He held you close to him and walked back to the ship with the rest of the crew, not speaking. When they got back to the ship, Luffy set you down in the infirmary and stood in the corner, letting Chopper take care of you.
“Let me know if anything changes in her status.” And with that, Chopper left the two of you alone in the infirmary. Luffy sat in the chair next to your bed, holding your hand and watching you sleep, waiting for you to come back to him. 
Before you open your eyes, you can hear the heart rate monitor beeping; you can feel the harsh light against the back of your eyelids. Beside you, you can hear soft, even breathing of someone who is sleeping. Luffy. You’d know the sound of his breathing anywhere. You feel relief wash over you, knowing you’re safe with your crew. 
The light is still too bright for your eyes, so your hand reaches out blindly, searching for Luffy. Your hand finds his head, and you pat him gently. You don’t intend to wake him, but he instantly stirs from his sleep. 
“Y/n?” His voice is groggy as his head lifts up. 
“Hi,” you whisper, your eyes still closed. “Can you turn off the-”
His body crashes into you, cutting off your question, and you wrap your arms around him in an embrace. You can hear his broken sobs of relief fill the air. “I was so scared,” he sobbed into your shoulder. “You weren’t waking up.”
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” you say soothingly, trying to calm him down. You crack your eyes open a bit, trying to adjust to the light in the room. “Thanks to you, captain.”
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whitexwolfxx310 · 3 months
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|| You're A Weapon; And Weapons Don't Weep ||
Pairing: Bucky x female reader
Summary: After Bucky discovers that your once thought to be dead older brother is HYDRA's new super soldier, you're chosen to go on a mission with the team.
Warnings: **PLEASE READ** This fic contains death. If the idea of unaliving someone can possibly trigger you, please do NOT read this. Anxiety attack, cursing, angst, random sprinkles of fluff, use of y/n.
Word Count: 4.7
A/Ns: It has been way too long, but I finally got to write for my BBWWS again. I have a feeling there won't be too many chapters left for Bucky and his Sunshine. But I have been working on other ideas and another series is in the process. I hope you enjoy reading. I love you all! The messages, comments, reblogs, likes, etc. literally give me life and inspired me to come back and get into writing all over again. Enjoy your weekend, besties!!
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Previous Part // Masterlist
Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Any shred of hope that life would be returning back to normalcy remotely anytime soon got washed away by the tidal wave that was the news of your brother being the new super soldier for Hydra.
Tony and Steve called for intel meetings that basically became a fulltime job. At first it felt like an interrogation. They questioned you, curious as to why you would apply for an internship at The Compound. While the circumstances did seem suspicious, they eventually were able to rule out any foul play on your part.
The gatherings soon turned into wanting to know every intricate detail that they wouldn't be able to look up or hack out of any system. From dawn to dusk, the two men asked about your childhood together- trying to connect the pieces as to who Luke is, or was. Bucky stayed silently by your side the entire time and offered a stabilizing hand when things got overwhelming to discuss. But it also didn't slip by you that he focused on each and every detail, noting the intel for this mission.
After being able to specify things so minute; such as your brothers favorite books, favorite teacher from grade school, or the fact that he likes the color green- but not just any green, Sacramento green, because it reminded him of the vines that grew around the windows of your grandparents cottage that you would spend the majority of your summer's at as kids, you also got chosen to go on this mission. There was some minor pushback from the team, but ultimately Bucky took responsibility for you. You knew that he would keep you safe, even if it meant putting the part of his very soul that he felt remained on the line for you.
To say that the training was brutal would be an understatement. While the others had an entire lifetime to perfect their craft and years working alongside one another in unity, you had only a matter of weeks. You were thrown into a constant rotation of being educated on the newest technologies developed by Tony, boxing and going over endless tactical strategies with Steve, knowledge of weaponry with a hint of ballet to stay light on your feet with Nat... pure exhaustion wouldn't begin to describe it.
The day came when intel showed the Swiss Alps would be first on the mission log. Everyone was treating it like just any other, but the dreaded encounter was weighing down heavily deep within your stomach. The thought of using yourself as bait to lure out your brother spiraled into the millions of anxious outcomes that kept you up at night. Finally giving you just the smallest glimpse into Bucky's world. The doorway was creaked open to his nightmares.
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"Wooow. You look like a Bad. Ass." Sam annunciates amusingly, as his eyes land on you walking up the small rear cargo ramp of the jet.
Your cheeks instantly blush, having already been self-conscious about the skintight, black Kevlar suit Nat gave you to wear. As more footsteps approach, you sink more into your seat and try to avoid any more eye contact.
"Just so you know, I heard that." Bucky's voice rebounds off of the metal walls before he even makes his way completely into the jet. "Don't try and make passes at my girl when I'm not aro-"
You don't need to look up to know that those steel blue eyes have frozen you into place, but you dare a glance. He's dressed in all black; Black boots, black tactical pants, a black leather jacket with the left sleeve torn off- showing his gunmetal and gold Vibranium arm, and a black glove on his right hand. The sight of him is intimidating, ready for combat and anything to be thrown his way. But those eyes. They hold a tenderness meant only for you. His magnetizing stare mixed with the wonderment expression on his face confirms his friends words and more. Okay, so maybe the suit isn't so bad.
"You're gawking." Sam is now at Bucky's side, smirking with his arms tightly crossed over his chest.
Bucky's face slides back into its usual consternation state before giving him a side glare. "Shut up." Sam shakes his head, laughing to himself lightly before making his way to the front of the jet.
You move to sit upright as he approaches, and Bucky's face finally softens. It always does when it's just the two of you. He reaches above where you're sitting to an overhead rack, casually leaning. Hovering like one of those seductive book boyfriends you'd swoon over, but for him it just comes naturally. Swallowing hard, you angle your head up to look at him. You find a slightly playful grin tugging at his lips and you crack a faint smile.
"You doing okay, Sunshine?" His voice is soft but concerned. A gloved thumb caresses down your cheek. The doting gesture entrances you to gently nuzzle into his palm.
"I don't know." You answer honestly.
He reflects on this a moment, his eyes searching yours. But he looks slightly blurry. The background noise is starting to become overwhelming. Numerous voices all start to overlap, the jet engines growing louder as they're warming up, the loud bang with each shipment container with weapons being loaded on board- weapons intended for my brother. It all combines into one long dragged-out, high-pitched ringing sound and your throat closing in on itself. Bucky senses this, notices and quickly acts. Wide eyed, he drops to his knees.
"Hey... Hey, y/n. It's okay." He quickly unfastens the harness from your seat. "Deep breaths." You can't help but notice how calm he sounds. "Hey...look at me." Bucky gently cups each side of your face, the intense coolness on the one side being a welcomed shock. Your eyes meet his, and when they do, all you see is his devotion. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here with you."
"I know you are." You mutter, pressing your forehead to his as you try to manage your breathing to match his.
"We'll find him." He breathes. "I made it out, he can too. I won't let anything happen to you while we’re out there, y/n." The urgency that his tone is trying to convey is heart wrenching.
"I know, Bucky."
"Here-" He pulls away for a moment to take a bag off his back. Unzipping it, he pulls out a water bottle. "Drink some water."
You smile internally at the gesture. As he's unscrewing the cap, you notice a novel in the bag. It's one he borrowed from you when you first met. There's a familiar stinging behind your eyes. What did I do to deserve this man? One who is willing to walk back into his version of hell to pull out someone that I love?
Sipping on the water of course helped, but Bucky tucking you securely into his side for takeoff is what kept the overwhelming anxiety at bay.
“I love you, so much.” You say against his chest, in appreciation. He snorts slightly, pressing a delicate kiss into your hair.
“And I love you, Sunshine.” Bucky adjusts his hips slightly. “Get some rest, we have a long flight.” Intricate fingers brush through your hair, eventually lulling you to sleep in the safe space that is your boyfriend’s lap.
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Distant muttering started reeling you back from a dreamless sleep. Instinctively, you reach for Bucky whom you thought you were still sleeping on- only to find he had replaced it with his bag. The disappointment was starting to settle in when you hear his voice:
“I know how this can come across, but she’s strong enough. She’ll be able to handle it, Tony. I’m here, I can-“
“All I’m hearing is I, I, I, me, me, me, Barnes. You, my friend, were an exception. I don’t know if we can go in there and get this guy out alive, and even if we can, who knows what the aftermath is going to look like! For either of them! We’re taking a regular, a nobody off the street and putting a lot of pressure on her to do this. She’s already starting to feel it, that much is obvious. I’ve said from the beginning that this is a huge mistake. I understand your feelings here, from both sides. You want to make sure HYDRA doesn’t continue to pop up like daises and be there for the love of your life. I GET it. But this is a mistake.”
It’s apparent that Stark has walked away with the clinking of his heavy metal footsteps.
“You picked a good one, Buck. I have faith in her too.” There’s a small reassuring pat to coincide with Steve’s voice. “Y/n’s one of us now.”
“Thanks, Steve. I just… I have to save him. For her.” You can hear the exasperation in Bucky’s voice.
While tears sting from multiple emotions behind closed eyes still pretending to sleep, you feel overcome with something you haven’t experienced in this situation yet; determination. A sudden tenacity to prove the doubters that you can do this, that you can help your brother just how Bucky had, and that you wouldn’t bail and have a breakdown… again. No. From this point on, you refuse to let anyone see you as weak.
The bag underneath your head gently shifts and is quickly replaced with warm body heat that you quickly snuggle into. That warmth spreads as Bucky wraps his right arm around your body, pulling you in a little closer. His heart rate starts to slow, and his breathing becomes more regular. You just soak in the last moments before the unknown.
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“He’s really going to just jump out the back of the jet like that?!” You try to yell, over the loud wind rumbling and your hair whipping around.
With Sam’s back facing towards you, he takes one absentminded step off of the opened ramp and is just gone. Your stomach drops along with him at the sight.
Bucky rolls his eyes as he hands you an earpiece, “Yep,” A second later, Sam comes back into view, now soaring with his Falcon wings. He gives Bucky a little sarcastic two finger salute and flies out of view. “He’s flashy like that.”
Putting the impossibly small earpiece into your ear, you can’t help but shake your head and laugh. It must be an almost forgotten sound with the weight of everything going on because now Bucky is smiling too.
“Well, I hope you’re not expecting me to jump out of a plane,” you say only half joking. Because if that’s the case, he’s going to have to literally throw you out.
“What did you think the parachutes were for?” Bucky asks deadpan, with a raised eyebrow and pointing to the packs behind him.
All of the color starts to drain from your face, when suddenly you saw the slightest twitch in Bucky’s lip.
“Oh my god. You asshole!” Bucky grabs his stomach and starts to hunch over laughing as you hit him in the arm. His metal arm. “OW!” You start shaking your hand out to wave away the initial sting.
Glancing at him, Bucky is doubled over, nose scrunched, laughing so hard that barely any noise is coming out and tears are welling up in his eyes. It’s contagious, especially as the throb in your hand turns into a dull ache.
I’ve missed this. Things being simple with us and not so draining. Moments that resemble a drop of normalcy in a typical ‘would be’ relationship. But I still wouldn’t trade it. Because he’s perfect. And he’s mine.
Once your lungs don’t feel like they’re on fire any longer, you let you a deep sigh, resting your hands on your hips. “God, I needed that.”
“Did you really think I would toss you out of a Quinjet?”
“Seemed like it in the moment-”
“Alright, love birds,” Tony interrupts, the heavy metal footsteps of his Iron Man armor catching both of your attention, "don't be late to the party," he says knowingly, palms glowing before he too disappears out of the jet.
“Don’t worry, Sunshine,” Bucky says, now standing next to you, “I have my own flashy transport,” he side eyes you with a playful grin.
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Arms wrapped tightly around Bucky’s stomach; you can’t help but snuggle your cheek into his leather covered shoulder.
Of course, Bucky’s idea of flashy would be a motorcycle.
Your eyes flutter open to see Steve on his own come into view through whips of your hair. The boys. Two best friends riding like they don’t have the weight of the world constantly on their shoulders.
Steve’s bike has a bulky, all chrome classic look while Bucky’s is a modern, all black crotch rocket. Both have been modified to drive relatively quietly, and it’s such a weird dichotomy to still be able to feel the rumbling of the bike between your legs without all the noise.
One of your hands releases the clasp they had on one another, pressing your palm against Bucky’s chest- smoothing itself along his abdomen. Bucky sits more upright in his seat to press back into you more, using only his left hand to steer as his right encloses around yours, giving you a reassuring squeeze. The gesture is so minor, and yet you can just feel how he puts his heart into everything when it comes to you.
"We're going to pull off to the side up on the left. We'll have to go the rest of the way on foot," Steve's voice is solemn in your earpiece.
Bucky gives him a nod in acknowledgement, leaning back down to better control the motorcycle. This time, his hand doesn't leave yours.
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The trek through the Switzerland forest was less than a mile, but with each step your feet grew heavier and that sour stomach of yours returned with the dread of seeing your brother again. If he could even be considered your brother anymore. Who knows what actually remained. As much as you have begged and pleaded with the universe to make yet another exception for Lucas just as it had for Bucky, you were terrified of the man that you would soon encounter.
Just shy of coming out of the tree line to the supposed to be abandoned old military base, you hear a series of echoing pops- stopping all three of you dead in your tracks.
Bucky and Steve exchange a quick, wide-eyed glance at one another, “Go, we’ll catch up.” Bucky says, and within the blink of an eye, Steve takes off running at super soldier speed.
You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until Bucky turned to face you, his shoulders squared, lips in a tight thin line. But looking between your eyes, he loosens a breath, gripping your shoulders, “Listen to me, Sunshine,” he makes every attempt to soften his voice, but a few more pops and yelling sound off in the distance making you wince. His hands grip you tighter, “I need you to focus. What I’m about to say goes against everything I normally believe, but in this circumstance it’s critical…” he sighs, looking down before back into your eyes- trying to convey the seriousness of what he’s saying, “you have to push the fear down. And I know how that sounds, but you can’t walk in there with that look on your face. Because honey, these people will not hesitate to kill you.”
You gasp lightly at the graveness of his words. It’s not like you didn’t know this walking into the mission, but it’s different once you’re actually here.
Bucky sighs again, his expression softening as his hands cup each side of your face especially gentle, “I know, baby. I know. I won’t leave your side,” he presses his forehead to yours, closing his eyes, “I just… I can’t lose you.” His voice cracks slightly, even at just the thought.
Even with your eyes teetering with the threat of tears, you nod in understanding. Placing each of your hands over his, you press your lips to Bucky’s- holding them there, accepting that the moment they pull apart it’s no longer about the two of you, but about the mission. Luke is your mission.
“I love you,” you murmur, before opening your eyes to see deep consternation in his.
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Disassociation is a powerful coping mechanism for human beings. It can feel like an outer body experience or even a dream. More like a nightmare. But as you follow into the bunker where the screaming leads, closely behind Bucky with your gun drawn watching for any sudden movements and stepping over the trail of bloodied bodies in the hallway, you're thankful for the part of your brain trying to convince you that this isn't real.
"Still no sign of Castle," Sam's voice was pragmatic in your earpiece.
Bucky looked back over his shoulder at you while still walking, "Maybe he's not here after-" and that's when you see the slightest shift of a shadow in an inverted doorway.
It was so small that in any other instance you would just assume your eyes were just playing a trick on you. But not here. Your body reacted before your mind could even fully register- taking a sudden step to the side, you fired off two prompt shots. A heavy thud followed.
Practically giving himself whiplash, Bucky looks at where you shot and back to you. His eyes widen, mouth open slightly at the realization of what just happened. What you just did- for him. Your eyes haven't moved from that doorway, and your grip is tighter on the gun than it probably should be. Pain surges through your jaw with how tightly your teeth are clenched and yet, you wait to see if anyone else is there. Is there another shadow lurking just waiting for the opportunity to harm one of you?
"Y/n..." Bucky's voice is delicate as his eyes dart around, also looking for shadows, "we have to keep moving," he says in a coaxing manner.
I can’t. The words blare in your mind like a doomsday siren and yet you can’t speak. All you can do is focus on that that dark corner where the pool of crimson continues to grow.
Bucky steps in line of your gun with somber eyes meeting yours, causing you to simultaneously point it towards the ground and break your trance. You didn’t realize just how high and how tight your shoulders had been as you loosened your breath. A new version of you being transformed as you exhale.
“I-” You try catching your breath, completely slack jaw and shaking your head just trying to comprehend what you did. “I…I just-” and the tears are flowing. No crying, no uncontrollable sobbing, but a small steady line of tears as the overwhelming awareness of taking control and trading a life for someone that you love comes to light… just flows.
“You did what you had to,” he answers for you, nodding sympathetically. You don’t deserve kindness right now, do you? But that is why he is good. And that is why he deserves to live.
“We have to go, y/n.” Bucky says, looking over your shoulders and behind himself again. “It looks like no one else has been down here yet.” He grabs your hand, not waiting for a response before he’s treading down the hallway again.
Your feet shuffle instinctively at first to follow him, but the brightness of the flickering fluorescent lights quickly grounded you to where you actually are. There are lives at stake and you need to keep your head.
The distant noise of constant struggle seemed to almost completely stop. Every few minutes you would hear a familiar voice say 'clear' in your ear and relief would wash over you, just thankful for knowing that they were alive.
It got cold the further you went, meaning you probably had gradually descended underground. Finally, at the end of what seemed like a never-ending tunnel, was a large set of metal double doors with multiple large chains and padlocks.
You and Bucky exchanged a quick glance with one another before he fists the chain with his Vibranium hand, pulling effortlessly as they break into pieces. He pushes open the doors to reveal a large, primarily empty room aside from a bunch of dusty, bulky outdated computers. Most of the overhead lights don’t work, so it seems darker in here than it did in the corridor.
Bucky steps into the room and starts looking around, his boots crunching noisily on worn rubble and glass. You hold your breath, watching as his fingers skim along the keyboards, his eyes squinting at the monitors as he passes each one as though looking for something.
And then he stops at one in particular. He eyes it carefully before looking up at the ceiling to the lights again.
“What is it?” You can’t hide your curiosity.
“There’s still power to this base,” he says observantly, turning his attention back towards the computer. “Maybe…” he mumbles to himself, leaning over the monitor a bit, his fingers blindly searching before pressing the power button. Bucky stands back as the screen comes to life, but his eyes widen, alarmed as to what he sees.
“Bucky?” You ask apprehensively, moving to stand next to him and also look at the screen. It's mostly black, but there's a green contour of... a face?
"Hello Sergeant Barnes," the computer says with a German accent.
"Oh, what the fuck?" Bucky steps back, his hands fisting into his hair.
The voice chuckles, "Come now, is that any way to greet an old friend?"
“Is… the computer talking? To you?”
“Why, yes, Ms. Castle. I am,” your stomach turns over at the sound of the voice addressing you as well.
“What the fu-” you go to repeat Bucky’s words but get cut off.
“Does the facility seem… familiar, Barnes?” Zola asks, condescendingly. “Or, at the very least, the machinery?”
Bucky's eyes start to dart around the room, taking in the different equipment before muttering to himself in dismay, "these control the cyro chambers..."
The computer laughs menacingly, "Ah, so you do remember. Good! Good..."
Rolling his arm once while taking a large step forward, Bucky brings it down, crushing the computer completely. Exposed wires spark briefly from the powerful impact, otherwise leaving the room in silence.
“What- who was that?”
“Arnim Zola. A scientist for HYDRA. The one who, well…” Bucky passively gestures to himself, “experimented and is responsible for me.”
Suddenly, another one of the numerous screens comes to life- the digitized green face grinning, “tsk, tsk. Oh, Soldat…”
“I won’t answer to that anymore,” Bucky maintained through gritted teeth, raising his arm to disintegrate this talking monitor as well just as it says:
“Who said I was talking about you?”
Just then, you hear quick, trudged steps. The only warning you had before been picked up, as easily as a pillow and aggressively, carelessly thrown aside into a metal desk, knocking some of the computers that sat on top along with you.
You tried gasping for the air that was stolen from your lungs on impact with the floor, but it didn’t come. Instead, it burned, more than the pain creeping around the left side of your ribs as you sluggishly moved to sit on your knees. Looking up, you meet the threatening gaze of the one who attacked you.
He was exceptionally tall, especially from your view on the floor. Lean, but had an athletic build and strong. Super strong. He was dressed in all black tactical gear, the only color being a large red Soviet star in the center of his chest. A black mask covered all but his eyes, keeping him faceless. He was pale, as if he hadn't seen actual sunlight in years and had shoulder length dirty blonde hair.
But those eyes. They cemented you to the floor- glaring, daring you to move or even breathe. Just the look that he conveyed felt like you were in the presence of death itself. As you were able to take your first small breath, your lips parted, and eyes narrowed as they locked into his deadly gaze. There was such a darkness glazed over the emerald irises, but you'd recognize them anywhere.
"Luke..." you exhale, painfully. Both physically and emotionally.
His brow twitches slightly at you saying his name, like his mind is trying to recollect it from a long-forgotten dream. As his body turns to face you, he suddenly gets shoved back a few feet, "Back off, Castle." Bucky warns sternly, stepping between you and your brother.
Gripping the desk, you use it to hoist yourself up, whining slightly and grabbing at your left side realizing that you most likely have some broken ribs. The sound of your pain distracted Bucky for one second, and Luke took that opportunity to lunge forward and kick him high in the chest. With a breathless grunt, Bucky barrels backwards into you, knocking your back flush against the wall.
Luke was there in the blink of an eye, grabbing Bucky by the collar of his jacket. The two of them quickly became a tangle of throwing fists and kicks, breaking apart to find anything around to throw at one another. Overturning desks, throwing chairs, Bucky even chucked a still laughing Zola computer at Luke.
While you never thought the two most important men in your life would ever have the chance to meet, this is not the way you would have ever imagined it.
With your back still flat against the wall, you slide down to sit on the floor, starting to feel dizzy. Maybe it was the overwhelmingness of the situation, but instinctively you bring your hand to the back of your head, and it feels... wet. Looking at your fingers, they're now coated with fresh, warm crimson blood. It's getting harder to think straight with the tunneling vision, but you realize that you hit your head against the wall from the collision of bodies.
"Please..." you choke out a sob, "please, stop," you beg. But they can't hear you over their own heated screams and grunts as they continue to fight one another. Your narrowing vision focuses on Bucky, seeing that he is fighting more defensively- actively trying to avoid hurting Luke, pulling his punches where he can. Tears burn behind your eyes at the sight, knowing that if this were anyone else, it would already be over.
"Luke!" Bucky yells and quickly dodges to the side, avoiding the knife now sticking out of the wall that Luke threw at him. "Your sister came here to get you back! She's here for you. We're here for you!" Bucky maintained his distance, mirroring Luke's movement's trying to rely on his words rather than fists. They're pacing, waiting for the other to make a move.
The ringing in your ears was becoming too hard to ignore and as much as you tried to fight it, sweat started to bead up on your skin. You were losing consciousness, and fast.
"Bucky," you breathe out. His body tenses as he looks over at you, eyes wide. He jumps over one of the only remaining desks in the room and kneels down, hands hovering over body briefly, afraid to touch you.
"Okay... okay," he mutters to himself, scanning you over, his eyes linger on your hand with the now drying blood on them. Bucky gently cups your cheek, his thumb grazing over it as he forces a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "You're gonna be okay, Sunshine. I-I'm going to get you outta here and get some help, okay?" His voice sounds shaky as his chest heaves, "Sam? I need a med evac for y/n,"
You nod once, or at least you think you do, as you continue to focus on Bucky. Everything around him starts to fade into a deeper black void. The last thing you see is Luke step into view over Bucky's shoulder to look down at you. At some point during their altercation, his mask had been ripped off. His lips were pressed into a thin line as his teeth clenched and remained expressionless while Bucky continued to stroke your hair and try to speak calm, reassuring words of how he would make sure you would be okay as you slipped under the surface of complete darkness.
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arazialotis · 27 days
Get Him to the Con - Part 10
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Pairing: Jensen × Reader
Word Count: About 6520
Story Summary: The reader stumbles into Jensen at her favorite bar, a very drunk Jensen. She soon realizes Jensen was booked for a con this weekend and has to be eight hours from town in only two.
Chapter Summary: Y/n visits Vancouver to see Jensen and, more importantly, to try to win Jared over.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Warnings: Always language. Grumpy Jared. After dinner, well, it gets NSFW 🌶️🌶️, 18+ Only
Although this is an RPF, these are fabricated characters and should not reflect back IRL. I intend no hate or ill wishes to him or his family. This is purely just for writing and wasting my time as a coping skill. Maybe some of you will enjoy it too. I apologize in advance for any mistakes or grammatical/spelling errors. I appreciate any feedback or suggestions!
The black Escalade wove through the Vancouver traffic, the sun beating down, melting the piles of slushy remnants from the first snow. What should have been an eagerly anticipated moment for your arrival was tense. Behind the wheel, Jensen was trying to be the bridge between you and his best friend.
“Lighten up, man. Y/n’s really excited to be out here again and wants nothing more than to hang out and cook us a nice meal.” Jensen pleaded your case.
He, in fact, suggested pizza on the risk of jetlag, but you had insisted, falling back onto the age-old idiom ‘the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.’ You already had one of their hearts, and you were convinced you could make Jared warm up to you, too, if only he saw you as who you were and not as a clingy fangirl. Yet you felt that rift growing every time you saw him. And the last thing you wanted was for Jensen to be caught in the middle.
“Would you try to like her? For me? Please.” Jensen nearly begged when Jared didn’t respond.
At least he was in the car, though Jensen didn’t give him a choice, with this outing as a pretense of drinks after work.
Jensen tried one more time, fed up with Jared’s stubbornness. “At least act nice.”
That got his attention. “Act nice? I’ll play nice if she does.” The accusation hanging heaving.
Jensen furrowed his brow. “Y/n doesn’t have a mean bone in her body.” Okay, you had a bit of a temper, were known to hold a grudge, and had a smart mouth, but Jared didn’t need to know that.
Jared scoffed. “Last time she came out, she literally laughed and criticized me for overacting.”
Jensen’s confusion grew, trying to remember the last time you came out. Then, the realization hit him as the three of you watched the latest episode together in another futile attempt for Jensen to foster peace.
Despite the animosity, Jensen couldn’t help but chuckle. “No, she laughed at a scene and apologized immediately, saying it was hard to take the show seriously now that she knows us. And I said that wasn’t it; it’s probably because you took your acting lessons from Bruce Campbell." His tongue peeked out between his teeth as he attempted and failed to control another giggle, still quite proud of the slight.
“It was a serious scene. I was acting my heart out.” Jared stressed. “You had just gotten back from hell.”
Jensen lost the smile. “In her defense, it does lose its impactfulness after the 17th time.”
“Whatever, man.” Jared pouted, looking out the window.
Jensen rolled his eyes and prayed to any god that would listen. “Would it make you feel better if we watch Devour together after dinner? Then we’ll just laugh at me.”
Jared said nothing, not taking the bait. The clicking of the blinker filled the silence as Jensen waited to turn toward the arrival gates. Jared ran his fingers through his hair as Jensen pursed his lips together, trying to think of something, anything. The light turned green.
“I don’t even know why I am here. Y/n has, like, what, two full days out here? You should be spending it together without having to worry about me third-wheeling. I’m sure there are other things that you would prefer to occupy time you don’t get over Zoom.” Jared rambled out loud.
Jensen’s eyes tightly blinked shut momentarily as he began seeking out an open spot at the curb. Jared was right, of course, only on account of his last thought, but he wouldn’t be at peace until he had the blessing of his best friend. Jensen inhaled through his nose, held his breath, and released through his mouth.
“It is important to me that you and Y/n find some common ground. If you gave her even the slightest chance, I’m positive you would start to like her.” He said calmly as he put the car into park.
“Why does it matter so much to you if I like her?” Jared pushed. To him, you were still only a rebound after Elena.
And then it hit him. Maybe Jared’s denial of his true fear of being replaced had come true.
“Because she’s my best friend and I love her!” He declared and then laughed through the shock.
It was the first time he had admitted it out loud. The silence was palpable as both men processed the weight of the words. Jensen wasn’t one to open up lightly. He felt deeply, but he was always careful with those emotions, cautious even. It had taken nearly two years before he said the same to Elena. Another before they started looking at rings. Maybe because it was one of the first serious relationships he had since the start of his career. The depth and commitment he had felt with her made the falling out that much more disastrous. He had fortified his walls to be higher and more impenetrable. Then you came out of nowhere and shattered everything he thought he knew about himself. He felt like a caged bird learning for the first time how to spread its wings, to feel the breeze on its face, and the warmth of the sun. With you, he felt free.
Jared’s eyes darted back and forth as if reading his thoughts, finding the right response. Jensen squeezed the steering wheel and nodded his head. “I love her.” He said again, the realization hitting him, fully knowing it was true. But then the terror of the statement hit him. The car door shuttered open, and the catapult of a backpack rolling over the seatbench crashing at the other end pulled Jared from his thoughts as you entered the car.
“Hiya!” You squeaked.
You pulled the door close with a thud and clicked on your seatbelt. You cleared your throat, looking up, momentarily afraid you jumped in the wrong car. But it was Jensen and Jared, alright. Jensen stared directly ahead, his face as white as if seeing a ghost. Jared scrutinized his friend. You sank back in your seat. You had thrown yourself directly into something.
Jared turned in his seat, blinking rapidly and addressing you in the most amiable tone he had ever taken with you. “Hi Y/n. Um, would you mind giving us a minute?”
Oh, you had definitely walked into something. It took you a minute to process this, but then you began fumbling with the seatbelt, “Yeah. Yeah. Of course.” And vacated the Escalade as fast as possible.
Jared’s brow furrowed, and he leaned closer to a whisper as you aimlessly knocked your fists together outside on the sidewalk. “You love her?”
He chuckled again and ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah, I really do.”
Jared knew he should be happy for Jensen, knew they should be celebrating this, offering congratulations, but all he felt was dread.
“Have you told her?” Jared asked.
“Nah, you’re the first to know.” Jensen clapped Jared on the shoulder. “I want the moment to be right, you know. I want to be able to remember it for a long time.”
Jared thought about faking it, but he had to be real with Jensen. “You don’t know her.”
That set him off. “Why are you so set against her? Why can’t you be happy for me? I do know her. I’ve known her for seven months, been dating her for 4 of those, and talk to her almost daily.” His voice went up an octave higher. “I don’t know why I have to keep justifying my choices to you, man? When will it ever be good enough for you?”
Jared didn’t take the bait. “But you don’t know her. How can you truly? You haven’t met her friends or her family, and it sounds like her mom is a real piece of work. Are you ready to deal with that?”
Outside the car, airport security approached you. Both boys could tell from your over-exaggerated gestures that you were attempting to buy them more time.
Jared continued. “And no offense, but she isn’t spotlight material.”
“Fuck you.” Jensen's blood boiled over. He was about to leave the car to find another way to get back into the city. At that moment, he never wanted to see Jared again.
“Come on. Give me a break. You know I didn’t mean it like that.” Though he kind of did. “All I’m saying is that if you truly are that committed to her, that this isn’t some fling, you should think about preparing her for the kind of attention it will warrant. The good, the bad, and the ugly. That kind of stress and attention can ruin a person.”
Jensen didn’t respond but wrung his hands on the steering wheel. There was a knock on the window.
“Please, know I’m just trying to look out for you,” Jared whispered as he began rolling down the window.
“Nobody asked you to.” Jensen snipped back before the security guard started to chew them out.
As the boys were on the receiving end of a very stern lecture, you slipped as quietly as possible into the back seat to avoid further angering or endangering yourself with security. Yes, spending a night in jail was on your bucket list, but this is not what you had in mind.
“Sorry, officer,” Jensen ended a profuse apology before hightailing it out of there.
You weren’t sure exactly what you missed, but the air hung thick with tension. Nobody spoke. There was only the hum of tires on the road. It hit you that Jensen never even acknowledged you. You fiddled with a loose stitch on the seat in front of you.
After five minutes and starting to get out of airport traffic, you couldn’t handle it anymore. “So…” You drew the word out, unsure how to break into a conversation.
Jensen blinked, realizing you had no reason to be as upset as him and that it was unfair to suffer from their drama, especially when you were not privy to it.
He cleared his throat. “I got the groceries you requested delivered.” However, he didn’t know how the three of you would sit through a dinner together.
“Oh, good! I’m starving. Airport food never really hits the spot, but the Cajun snack mix does kinda slap.” You rambled, trying for anything to get them talking.
They both hmmed in response. You were about to ask them about their favorite airport snack, but thank the gods, it was Jared who surprisingly saved you.
“What’s for dinner then?” He was trying. He had fucked up. He knew it. This was how he could try to make amends with Jensen.
You beamed, having perfectly planned it out, trying to finally win Jared over to your side. “We’ll start with a strawberry, basil, and balsamic whipped burrata and roasted bone marrow. Then, a small lemon watercress-radicchio salad for a palate cleanser before moving on to a butter-basted ribeye accompanied by potatoes au gratin and crispy brussel sprouts with mustard seeds and pomegranate.”
Jared’s stomach rumbled. Goddammit, that sounded good.
“And, I was considering a dessert, but Jensen said I already had enough going on, and because baking isn’t my strong suit, I let him handle the rest.” You explained. “You did handle the rest, didn’t you?”
Jensen's anger melted a little. With a smirk, he said, “Yeah, a tub of vanilla ice cream.”
Your heart dropped. “Stop.” There was a glint of teasing in his eyes as he looked at you through the rearview mirror, but the rest of his face remained deadpan. You couldn’t tell if he was serious or not. “Okay, I guess I could repropose what I had in mind for the burrata, and if you have sugar on hand and something salty and crunchy, we could do a quick brittle. Oooh, maybe the cajun snack mix. Or perhaps…”
“Y/n! I’m messing with you. I have an assortment ordered from Thomas Haas.” He winked at you in the mirror.
Thomas Haas meant little to you, but anything would be better than a tub of ice cream. Okay, a tub of ice cream had its time and place, but not when you were working so hard to impress Jared. Still, you eyed Jensen skeptically, unsure if it would measure up.
“Some of the best in Vancouver,” Jared assured. “I’m sure it will compliment your dinner perfectly. I can’t wait. It all sounds very delicious.”
“Hmm.” You looked between the two of them.
There were still too many questions unanswered. What were they talking about before you arrived? Could you trust either of them to select a quality dessert or would you have to resort to brittle anyways? Were you now on a no-fly list due to the tiff with the security guard? When could you get Jensen alone (this stern look painted on his face was doing things you couldn’t control)? But most importantly, why was Jared acting so nice?
“I’ve had bone marrow before, but only in restaurants,” Jared continued. “I didn’t realize it could be done at home.”
“Oh yeah, it’s actually super simple if you can find a good butcher.” You explained.
Jensen interjected. “Don’t let her fool you. She’s been binging The Bear, and now her only goal is to become an Iron Chef.”
You smirked, impressed he even knew what an Iron Chef was. Aside from eating food, anything kitchen-related was the furthest on his interest list. You were rubbing off on him.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “It’s the easiest cheat code appetizer if you want to impress someone. You toast some bread, toss the marrow in the oven for twenty minutes, and add a few accouterments to a serving board. And bam, done.”
Jared laughed, actually laughed. “I’m sure you are underselling yourself. From what Jensen has told me, you are an excellent cook. I can’t wait to see it all come together.”
Jensen glared at Jared out of the side of his eye, the anger resurfacing. He was laying it on thick. Too thick.
You squinted, eyes darting back and forth between them. This wasn’t going to plan. You were supposed to cook the food and then become BFFs with Jared. This was happening too quickly. But perhaps you should take it for what it was. Maybe you had stuck around long enough for him to finally accept you. Or Jensen had talked you up enough. Whatever the reason, you had to stop ruminating on it. All you had to do was get through dinner. Perhaps after, you could corner Jensen into an explanation.
It wasn’t long until you pulled into the parking garage adjoined to the condos. Jensen popped the trunk, surprised to find it empty.
“Where’s your luggage?” He asked, oblivious as his conversation with Jared required most of his mental capacity.
You held up your backpack as a response, and his brow furrowed with confusion.
“What’s wrong? Are you ill?” He pestered, placing the back of his hand against your forehead.
“Shut up.” You snipped and then explained. “I’m practicing becoming a lighter packer.” You lowered your voice to a whisper. “Besides, I recall not needing much clothing last visit.”
Jensen raised his eyebrows, reminiscing, and then nuzzled his nose into your neck in anticipation of this weekend. Jared, having overheard, rolled his eyes and fought a gag. You laughed as Jensen pulled away, his eyelashes tickling your cheeks. And Jared plastered on his fake smile yet again.
“Let’s get upstairs,” He said. “I’m starving.”
Dinner was coming along nicely. You were basting the last of the steaks in butter, and the boys were watching the end of a game in the living room. The thoroughly cleaned plates on the coffee table were the only lingering evidence that there had been appetizers. You snuck a bit here and there, but it was mostly to keep the two of them from sniffing around the kitchen.
With a final splash of liquid, the steak was done—perfect caramelization and crust. Now, the potatoes. You checked the timer—ten minutes, enough time for the steak to rest. And the Brussels? Shit. You scooped the last of them out of the oil in the nick of time. You generously salted them and would add the pomegranate molasses after plating. Satisfied with how it was all wrapping up, you whipped Jensen’s once pristinely white dish towel over your shoulder. There was a shuffling behind you as you began cleaning what you could.
“Need any help?” Jensen asked.
You were about to shoo him out when you heard the scrape of a knife. You snapped your head around to catch him red-handed. He stared at you like a deer in the headlights, the end of one steak pinched between his fingers and the knife hovering millimeters above. You scowled, and Jensen slowly set the knife down, held his hands in surrender, and backed up.
Your scowl melted into a smile. “A couple of minutes longer. If you’d like to help, you can set the table.”
He straightened. “Yes, chef.”
You playfully stuck out your tongue and whipped the dish towel in his direction, earning an exaggerated yelp.
Finally, after a few minutes passed, you brought the final plate to the table and scooched in. Jensen didn’t hesitate and dove in.
With a full mouth, he mumbled, “If this tastes as good as it…” Then it hit him, and his eyes rolled back in pure delight. “Oh god.”
Jared went in a little slower, cutting his steak and bringing it past his lips. He took several testing bites and paused, glaring at you. He was actually glaring at you. Dropping the act, he’d kept up all night, pissed at how good it tasted. He knew what tonight had been about. About you trying to butter him up, quite literally with butter braised steak. And god dammit. It was a good steak. And he was mad about it.
“Fuck.” Jared cursed aloud, snapping your and Jensen’s attention to him. “Fuck, that’s good.”
You smiled sheepishly, looking down at your plate. “I can’t say I’ve had that reaction before. Not quite as orgasmic as I was hoping for, maybe if I adjusted the…” Your face went pale, realizing the last part was out loud.
Jensen snorted, and Jared even cracked a smirk.
“So, um,” You attempted a recovery. “How was work this week?”
A few minutes of silence passed as Jensen gave Jared a chance to answer. When he didn't and caught him glaring again, Jensen kicked his shin under the table, prompting him further.
Jared grunted. “Well, hours weren't as shitty as usual.”
“Cause Collins hasn't been around.” Jensen teasingly interjected.
Jared chuckled. “Yeah, not as many retakes. Finally, it feels like we're making some progress this season.”
You nodded. The three of you looked back and forth, trying to gauge whether it was appropriate to continue the conversation or return to eating.
“What about you?” Jared coughed before going in for another bite.
“Same old.” You simply stated.
Silverware scraped against plates. A clock ticked in the living room. The sounds of the city rose from the streets. You dabbed the corner of your mouth with the black cloth napkin, then considered it. You’d be willing to bet good money this was the first time Jensen ever pulled them out.
Jensen tried again to spark the conversation again. “Should we talk Vegas?”
Your eyes lit up excitedly, ready to discuss a plan and details.
“So, about that,” Jared started. Jensen didn’t hide his scowl, but Jared's eyes widened, challenging him. “It’s not often we get that kind of time off work, and I’m going to meet Gen in Austin.”
Ah, so dinner wasn’t the wondrous miracle you hoped it would be. You cursed yourself for not trying a Wellington. Jensen reached under the table to graze your thigh, trying to communicate that this had nothing to do with you.
“Why doesn’t she join us?” Jensen shrewdly offered.
Jared’s lips formed a thin line before countering. “Actually, we are going to use the time to do some house hunting.” He hesitated for a minute. “We’ve started talking about, um, the next steps in starting our family.”
Kids? Oh god, Jensen was going to be an uncle. He was already an uncle to Harper’s clan, but this was Jared. All the tension momentarily evaporated as you both offered your excitement and congratulations.
“Yeah, our current setup isn’t going to cut it. We need more space, a yard.” Jared explained. “Y/n, are you interested in kids?”
Jensen choked on the last piece of steak, recovering with a swig of wine. The temporary peace was broken yet again.
“Oh, um.” You stammered, trying to think of a response. Every couple (that was serious, that is) had to come across this question. You just didn’t picture you were there yet with Jensen. And you didn’t picture the conversation would come about this way. “Well, I’ve recently only managed to keep a house plant alive, so maybe the next step is like a cat or something before moving onto a…” You gulped. “A child.”
“Hmm. So you haven’t given it much thought?” He clarified.
“I mean,” Heat was rising to your cheeks. “It might not be my first choice, looking after a little drooling, monstrous carbon copy. Don’t get me wrong, I love being Aunt Y/n to my niece but one of my own. It’s a lot of responsibility and sacrifice and time and money… I don’t know. There’s a lot of benefits, too, I’m sure. You and Gen will be fantastic parents!”
“Interesting.” Jared ignored your last comment. “Wasn’t it in Colorado that you said you’d have Jensen’s babies? Or maybe that’s changed after you got to know him more.” He chuckled a bit, trying to conceal it as a joke.
“Okay, that’s enough.” Jensen attempted to shut this down.
“No, I never actually said that.” You talked over him and defended yourself. “Casey, a fan, although more than well-meaning, took several liberties that day. A decision that big should require careful consideration rather than something silly like initial attraction or blind devotion, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Absolutely,” he responded sincerely. “Such as your partner’s thoughts on the issue. Gen and I knew immediately that growing our family was an intention for our relationship. Jensen, you’ve always wanted kids, haven’t you?”
If looks could kill, Jared would currently be en route to the nearest morgue. But then he caught a glance at your wide, curious eyes awaiting an answer. There’s no way he would lie about this. Yet, this was the first time the subject of the long-term future had been broached. He swallowed the lump in his throat with another dose of wine, then threw his napkin on his plate.
“I have always seen my future with one or two kiddos running around.” He spoke softly and slowly. “But if my partner wasn’t on board, there’s no way I’d force that upon them. The two of us would always come first.”
Jared raised his eyebrows and nodded, staying silent as he finished his last bite.
You filled the silence instead, unable to handle the pause in conversation. “Similarly, I would never want to deny my future partner if that was something that was really important to them.”
Jensen closed his eyes and took a steadying breath. This wasn’t a relationship-ending kind of conversation. You did share common ground. And it was each other.
“That seems like a lot of sacrifice.” Jared circled back to the earlier point.
“But what is love?” You asked back.
Jensen whined a high-pitched melody under his breath, “Baby, don’t hurt me,” so over this conversation.
But Jared and you were beyond dialed in.
“You want to define that here, tonight?” Jared pushed. “Scholars, philosophers, religions; they’ve been trying to do that since the dawn of humanity.”
“Many of which have brought it back to sacrifice.”
“And many of which have used that ideal to perpetuate cycles of horrendous abuse.”
You pushed your plate aside, needing the space to talk with your hands. “I’m not denying that. But if you are talking on an individual level about two people in love outside of an institution, there are many components, but sacrifice is usually one of them.”
“So you’re arguing you shouldn’t be happy for the sake of the other person?”
“I’m arguing,” You strained. “Both people in the relationship sacrifice for each other, and not only are they happy to do so, but it is a privilege. You lift each other up and balance the other, and there is a net gain rather than elevating one over the other, becoming nothing more than a mere doormat. Trust me, I’ve been around enough narcissists to understand that never ends well.”
“So that’s your conclusion: love is sacrifice?” Jared asked.
Was he trying to trap you? “Like I said, it’s a component. But at the end of the day, I’d say love is a choice. There’s those initial feelings of lust and excitement and newness that will eventually fade away. And you’ll get on each other’s nerves, and there’ll be tears and fighting, and hell, we all get old, and gravity always wins. There’ll be moments where you have to choose. In fact, there’ll probably be moments where you choose not to. At the end of the day, I’d like to end up with someone who is my best friend above all else because you’ll have that to fall back on when it's hard to love.”
Jared didn’t say it contradictory but as a compliment to your point. “Friendship is its own kind of love.” He looked to Jensen apologetically.
“Very true.” You agreed. “What do you think, Jensen?”
Jensen sighed and shook his head. He stood up to start clearing the table. “It’s a mystery. Sometimes love is just love.”
You began stacking the dishes, bringing them to the kitchen as well. “It defies explanation, logic even.” You added.
Jared grabbed the bottle of wine, refilled glasses, and brought the fresh pour to you. “And definition. It’s the ultimate expression of humanity, isn’t it? To wrestle with complex concepts.”
You chuckled, taking a sip. “I guess that’s based on how you define humanity.”
Jared leaned against the counter. “Well…”
Jensen snapped up from putting plates in the dishwasher. “How about a movie?”
Jared lost his train of thought. “I have kind of been in the mood for The Matrix.”
You beamed. Perhaps this disaster of a night wasn’t ruined after all. It would be the perfect opportunity to bring up simulation theory with Jared. From what Jensen told you, Jared loved debating and theorizing over abstract topics. It would be the perfect foot in. Maybe you could impress him after all.
Jensen caught the mischievous look in your eye. He shook his head. “Don’t…”
But you beat him to it. “That sounds perfect!”
Later that night, hours after discussing perceived reality, you hovered over the kitchen sink, scrubbing down the remaining mess. Jared was long gone but thanked you for a pleasant evening. Jensen came up behind you, stripped down to his undershirt and briefs. He pulled your waist to his, wrapping his grasp around your hips, and nuzzled closer.
“Come to bed.” He whispered into your neck.
You half-moaned, leaning into his touch. “I just have a few more.”
“That’s what the dishwasher is for.” He said.
You paused and stiffened. “And ruin the finish on this cast iron? You monster.” Jensen gave a light chuckle before closing his eyes against your skin as you continued. “How do you think tonight went?”
He sighed, chewing it over.
“I know.” You agreed. “I should have done the Wellington.” That earned you a pinch to the side. You yelped. “Not when I’m washing the knives!”
“Honestly,” Jensen started. “I don’t know what to think.”
You took a deep gulp and turned off the faucet before turning to face him. You searched his eyes and ran your pruned thumb against his cheek.
“I don’t want to come between you two.” You strained.
He took your hand and his and glided your knuckles across his lips.
“You’re not.” He whispered.
Your glare pierced him.
Jensen continued. “He’s coming around, albeit slowly.” He added as your gaze held, “I promise.”
Your breath released, and the tension left your body, too tired to challenge him further.
“Come on, off to bed.” He instructed.
But you turned around and yawned, “Only a few more.”
Suddenly, you were swooped up and being carried away from the kitchen. “The rest can wait.”
You hit the mattress, immediately sinking into the plush duvet and feathered pillows. Jensen followed, his warmth and weight wrapping around you. The day's weight full of travel, cooking, cleaning, debating, and worrying all hit you instantly. You closed your eyes, darkness quickly closing in. Yet you couldn’t ignore the lips peppering slow, soft kisses at the edge of your navel.
“Mmmm. Jensen, I’m tired.” You moaned over the response your body had to his touch. His fingers danced along the hem of your shirt, trailing higher. Between kisses, he breathed. “You won’t have to do a thing.”
You popped an eye open and raised an eyebrow, looking down at him through the darkness. The city lights illuminated his features. There was a feral glow in his eyes, waiting for that sweet, sweet permission he longed to hear.
“Are you proposing to use me?” You questioned, rubbing your thighs tighter, seeking pressure to alleviate the quickly growing need.
And he knew it, too. A smirk that would impress even the devil crossed his lips. “That depends,” He brought his hand from your ribs, prying your thighs apart, and you whined in response. “Would you like to be used?”
You nodded even though you could barely keep your eyes open, “Very much.”
He made quick work of your clothing, your lazy attempts to help only impeding the process. The cold air of the condo brushed over your skin, providing temporary alertness as your hair rose and you shivered in response. His hands roamed over you, chasing away the chill, replacing the sharpness with tenderness.
Even as you wrestled sleep from taking you, eyes fluttering close, you could feel his eyes on you. From day one, he made it his mission to study you; taking note of every sharp inhale, every squirm, every crease of the brow. He had been a quick and eager student. His hand gently encouraged your legs apart, his hand roving over your core, parting your very soul as he found his mark. Satisfied, his eyes closed, and his head rested against your chest as he let instinct take over.
Dancing on the edge of sleep yet pulled to the waking world by pleasure, your brain couldn’t comprehend thoughts. The worries of the day, the countless insecurities, the what-ifs, they all melted from your mind. The only thing you knew was touch. It was the only constant. The concept of time faded, and at some point unbeknownst to you, fingers had been replaced with lips.
Incoherent words praised his practiced tongue as thoughts attempted and failed to form meaning. Your hand wound through his hair, gripping to hold him in place as you rocked your hips forward. His arms hooked under your legs, lifting you higher, spreading you farther as he lost his need for air. His only purpose in consuming you.
“Jensen.” You mewled his name as a curse. “Please. God, please.”
Teeth scraped against soft flesh, sending you soaring off that endless cliff. You cried out, a slew of fractured speech. Jensen idly continued as you floated back down to reality. Only as breath returned, hungry for air, did he stop, attempting to catch some himself.
“Turn over,” He instructed through the shallow pants. “On your knees.”
You whined, rubbing your face with your palm. “You said I wouldn’t have to do anything.”
He nipped at your inner thigh. “Brat.”
You lazily smiled until he grabbed your sides and flipped you over himself. That woke you up, but only momentarily as he shuffled behind you, allowing you a minute to bury your head deeper into the pillow.
“Oh, I don’t think so, sweetheart.”
An arm snaked under your diaphragm, and you lost your breath as he pulled you up to a kneel, pinning you against his bare, hard flesh. His hands roamed your curves, already mapped in his mind, desperate to bring to fruition what he had imaged during the month apart. A hand came to your throat, gently squeezing, as he tilted it to the side.
“Color?” He cooed into your ear.
You only moaned, too tired for words, grinding your hips back into him, hoping it would prompt this process further along.
“Use your words.” He softly demanded.
“Green.” You placed a hand over his, encouraging him to squeeze harder. “So fucking green.”
He buried his mouth into the crook of your neck, claiming you, possessing you, undoing you. But two could play this game. With your free hand, you reached behind you, immediately claiming your prize. You stroked up and down his length, stopping at the apex and rolling your grasp.
“Fuck.” He indulged temporarily before taking your hand, guiding it to the top of the headboard.
Your other hand followed suit as he gripped your hips. You arched your back and swayed side to side, inviting him in or, at the very least, enticing him to hurry.
“Patience has never been your strong suit.” He playfully scolded.
As he knocked your knee with his own, spreading you apart further and lower, he bent down, planting long, deliberate kisses on the small of your back. Your eyes fluttered close yet again, your mind at war with your body, demanding sleep. He neared your entrance, testing at first, then surged forward, completely filling you. You cried out, sparks turning to flame as he flooded you. Over and over, he built pace, seeking his own high.
It was unlike anything you had ever known. Nothing existed outside of this claiming rhythm, outside of this mounting heat, outside of this ecstasy. Your mind was blank. Your mind was numb. He was the only thing you had ever known—the only thing you were created for.
His hand gripped your shoulder, arching you deeper, pulling you more flush against his hardness, hitting the deepest parts of you. Your curses and praise garbled together, moans became mute, and blinding pressure rose, threatening to break.
“Come on, Y/n,” Jensen said through ragged pants. “Come for me, sweetheart.”
“Jensen.” You cried, tears spilling over. “I can’t, I’m so tired.”
His grip left your shoulder and joined yours on the headboard, intertwining his fingers with yours as he drove into you over and over and over.
“Yes, you can.” He encouraged. “Tell me where.”
He adjusted, giving you time to assess the effectiveness.
And then, suddenly, “Ah, right there. Fuck, don’t fucking stop.” You squeezed your eyes shut.
He did as he was told, gritting his teeth together, fingers digging into your flesh as he held on. He waited and waited until he felt you close in around him, constricting, demanding he fall off that cliff with you into the deep pool of bright light. Your hands slid from the headboard as you collapsed back onto the mattress. Jensen fell with you, his weight trapping you.
It could have been minutes. It could have been hours. But eventually, you found your way to the surface again, taking a deep, shuttering breath. Jensen rolled off you onto his back. He stared up at the ceiling, breathing in and out, in and out. Sweat outlined his sculpted frame as he ran a hand through his tousled hair. When his heart finally settled, his eyes found yours, and he pulled you close.
You were no longer aware if you were sleeping or awake, but still, you said. “I think it is safe to say we can move ‘exhausted sex’ from the maybe category to any fucking time or day.”
He laughed and kissed your forehead. “Thank you.”
You groaned. “Oh please, let’s not start that again.”
“Fair.” He agreed and thought of something else to say. “You’ve ruined me.”
“I’ve ruined you?” You corrected. “Sir. You’ve gone and rendered the entirety of the male species inconsequential.”
“Okay,” He challenged, rubbing his eyes. “You can’t be that tired if you can spin that heap of bullcrap.”
You burrowed into the crook of his arm and closed your eyes before mumbling, “It's not bullcrap. You’ve ruined me too.”
His eyes darted back and forth in the darkness, contemplating everything you had said about love and god, even children. He looked back at you. Your breath had slowed and evened out. And he knew his epiphany remained true. His love for you was beyond his initial attraction, curiosity, or, frankly, his blue balls. He’d give it all up if you asked, find some office job, become a cat dad. And then it hit him why, and he chuckled, saving that thought for another day because now sleep was threatening him too, and he might not be thinking rationally.
He kissed your hair and whispered, testing it out loud. “I love you.” A cold, electric shiver ran throughout his being.
He froze as you stirred. “Hmm?”
He chuckled. “What would you think about going public?”
You shot up, fully conscious. Fully alert. Your brow furrowed, trying to comprehend.
“Aren’t we already public? You did ask me out at a convention?”
He also sat up, rubbing his hands through his hair to stir further energy.
“Well, kind of. People know I’m dating, but only a select few know who.” He explained trying to assess your emotions at the same time. “We’ve done a pretty good job keeping a wrap on your identity.”
“Probably ‘cause your ballcap and sunglasses are such a convincing disguise, Clark Kent.” You teased.
“Smartass,” he grumbled. “Probably more likely because I have a good manager and an even better team right now who locked down and scrubbed your social media.” He waited for you and added, “If you don’t want to…”
“No, that’s not it.” You stopped him. “I… Can I think it over?”
“Of course. Take all the time you need; there’s no rush.” He assured.
“I’ll have to talk to some people beforehand. Friends, coworkers, family.” You gritted your teeth. “My mom, she… Well, she might make things difficult.”
“Hey, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up so late. We can sleep on it and talk to the team tomorrow. They’ll answer any questions you have and maybe provide some guidance on the hard things.” He bent down to look into your eyes. “Okay?”
You nodded in response.
“Let’s get some rest, yeah?” He encouraged again and pulled you down against him.
But how the fuck were you supposed to sleep now? Your whole world could change overnight. And you weren’t sure you were ready for it.
Everything Jackles: @akshi8278
GHTTC: @maggiegirl17 @foxyjwls007 @djs8891 @deans-spinster-witch @tmb510 @ghostofjoharvelle @ellen-reincarnated1967 @deansgirl79 @chriszgirl92
(Always feel free to ask to be added or removed (I won't be offended))
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the thing is. why bring Rose back for this finale. she didn't particularly do much other than standing around and looking pretty. I assume there'll be more of her for the second part. I stand by my original assertion from the star beast that it doesn't make sense that she can just 'give up' the alien DNA she was born with. my point back then was that it would be fun if she could regenerate, and ended up becoming the timeless child herself, thus making the Doctor's entire existence a very fun paradox AND also canonizing the 'half human, on my mother's side' line from the 8th doctor's movie (my beloved) (because Donna was only half human whether she knew it or not).
all the susan-baiting is really getting to me. I want our weird little granddaughter back. they canonized the fact that the Doctor doesn't actually know who her parents were. and I REMEMBER. that Susan's original gallifreyan name was Rose. well, their language's equivalent of it. that's how Rose Tyler got her name, it was meant to be a cute little easter egg, the first classic companion and the first new who companion sharing a name. so walk with me. the weird girl daughter of Donna Noble, who grew up on earth but never fit in there, who has the Doctor's DNA woven into her being, and access to a yardis, and can in this scenario regenerate...coming across a younger version of the her father/uncle, introducing herself as Rose (which translates to gallifreyan, I really don't feel like looking up the spelling rn I'm sorry it started with an A), the doctor can recognize her- as family, he thinks, not knowing its a spark of him, their shared mind. she knows about how risky spoiling the future would be, she doesn't know if he has siblings and he looks older than she's ever seen him, so she says she's his granddaughter instead of his niece. daughter. him. she's part time lord. she lives longer than her human family. the Doctor is all she has left and she wants to be with him even if it isn't a him that knows her yet. she's heard the phrase 'timey wimey' before, and she's a smart and careful girl. she finds she doesn't fit in on gallifrey any more than she ever fit in on earth. the Doctor knows exactly what that feels like. they travel. when her human friend renames her Susan, she likes it a lot. feels like when she changed her name the first time. freeing, empowering, becoming. feels like the new name fits her new life better. Rose has a long dead family but Susan has her grandfather. the part of her that is her mother and father, though, still craves human connection. the love and fascination with humanity that she inherited from the Doctor is still there. she tells him all about humans and he takes her to visit them more and more to humor her. she ends up fostering his love for earth that will one day define him AND lead to her creation. she accidentally coins the name tardis the same way the doctor will accidentally invent a banana daiquiri a few centuries too early. he just thinks she's creative and silly. a very dear child. odd and bizarre to her classmates at school, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was the first time around. sometimes she even goes to see a younger Wilf. he's somehow exactly how she remembers him as an old man. she's so grateful they're in the 60's though, because if she ever has to look into the eyes of a Donna Noble who didn't know her, she thinks she may actually die. but the Doctor- he IS enough. he is still part of her, part of her mother, even if he doesn't realize it. she can't help but worry over his health, even knowing he lives long past this, because she got so used to helping his older self in his retirement. she knows him better than he knows himself. she'd do anything for him, and she knows he'd do anything for her.
she just never thought leaving her was something he'd do, though.
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bookofbonbon · 2 years
the fool who thought he could kill his wife - aemond targaryen.
Pairing/s: Aemond Targaryen x Reader; Aegon Targaryen x Reader (slight).
Warnings: cheating. mentions of character death & murder.
Summary: based on this request but, I took it one step further as usual lol
Word Count: 1774.
A/N: This is my first time writing in this style - I quite like it. The final line is one of my absolute favourites from the movie 'Troy'. I wasn't going to write this request but, it got stuck in my head.
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You didn’t notice until it was too late.
Too caught up in the midst of war to notice that slowly, slowly, your dear husband Aemond’s affections toward you began to wane.
You had chalked it all up to changes caused by the war.
The shorter trips at home in turn for longer trips around the Realm.
His avoidance of you when he was home.
The lack of intimacy.
The change in his scent.
The constant arguments.
Then came the attempt on your life and when you told, Aemond… he did not even show the tiniest bit of emotion toward you.
Neither seeking to comfort you or pursue the one who attempted to murder you.
It was then that you knew that these were not changes caused by the war at all but, it was easier to believe that they were when you had no proof.
Until supper one night, when Aegon's drunken stupor finally opened the door to answers you were looking for.
“Aemond has been gone for some time,” Alicent worried aloud, turning toward you. “Have you heard word from him, my dear?”
“I am afraid not,” you shake your head, eyes downcast in false despair.
Truthfully, you could care less of Aemond’s whereabouts or if he had sent word to you or not.
Alicent however, places an anxious hand to her neck and, swallows thickly so, you continue with your performance and place a comforting hand over her other one.
“But he is in the Stormlands after all, my Queen. You know how the weather does not bode well for the ravens.”
“The Stormlands?” Aegon drunkenly burps. “Aemond’s not in the Stormlands. He’s been overseeing our war effort in the Riverlands for the better part of the past year.”
The threads that hold you together threaten to snap but it wasn’t enough, you needed more.
So, you play a lustful game with Aegon, the only one who could give you the full truth behind the answers you seeked.
More giggling, less eye rolling.
More indulging him in his love for the cup, less scolding him for it.
Stolen looks, lingering touches, kisses on the cheek that grew nearer and nearer to one another’s lips and wanton glances from across the room.
Until finally, finally, finally… he innocently invites you to his quarters under the guise of wanting to go over battle strategy with you before your trip to the North but, with the true intention of bedding you.
It was easy from there.
Aegon longed only for women and wine and so, you used both of those things to your advantage – plying him with glass after glass and drawing him in with your body.
Allowing his hands to wonder over every curve and dip of your figure.
His hand cupping your cheek, lips brushing against yours and then you pull away.
“I cannot,” you croak, false tears springing to your eyes. “I- Aemond is my husband. He is your brother, and he is out there fighting for us and protecting us. Loyal and dutiful and I-I am here being a-a… a whore.”
You allow your tears to fall most dramatically from your eyes, a harrowing sob falling from your lips.
Aegon scratches at his head, annoyed by your sudden outburst but, still hopeful of a pleasure filled night so, he brings you into his arms and wipes at your tears; the faint outline of his cock pressing against your lower stomach.
“Oh, my dear, sweet, sister. The true picture of loyalty and duty toward a husband who does not do you the same kindness,” he tuts, thinking out loud.
You sniff sadly, lips pouty and eyes shining innocently as you stare up at Aegon, baiting him.
“W-what do you mean?” you ask, voice wobbling.
Aegon studies you for a moment, thinking about how pretty your lips would look wrapped around his cock.
Thinking about how your thoughts of Aemond were now preventing your pretty lips from being wrapped around his cock so, in his lusty, wine filled daze Aegon confesses Aemond’s sins.
Of the bastard Alys Rivers of House Strong with whom Aemond now lay with, taking her up as not just his whore but, his lover.
"A witch," Aegon tells you.
A witch who had been aiding them in their war effort for she could see what had not yet happened but was certain to come.
A witch who Aemond plotted with to rid you of life.
Aegon only confirms what you already know but, still it hurts to hear and so, you spend the rest of the night weeping into an irate Aegon’s chest as he holds you in awkward comfort.
He was hoping to get his cock wet not his shirt.
The next morning you are gone. Taken to the skies on the back of your dragon Vermithor.
Those in King’s Landing assuming you had left for your assignment in the North but, only going so far as Dragonstone.
Aegon unsuspecting and forgetting of the words he had spoken to you the night before.
“Rhaenyra,” you bow your head to your niece.
“Daemon,” you turn your nose up at your cousin.
“I should slice you from the opening of your cunt to the opening of your mouth for even showing your face here,” he hisses at you.
“You should but, you won’t,” you shrug.
Your arrogance provokes Daemon forward until Rhaenyra's hand wraps itself around his bicep.
“And you won’t because you know I can help you,” you finish.
“In what world would you think that I would want your help after your husband murdered my son?” Rhaenyra seethes, tears lining her eyes.
“A world plunged into war and forcing those of us who stand to gain nothing from it to take sides,” you bite back coldly. “I can help you win.”
“Why help us win if you stand to gain nothing from it?” Daemon studies you, slowly connecting the dots. “What has our foolish nephew done that turns you away from him?”
“My dear husband conspires to have me killed with a witch by the name Rivers. A bastard of House Strong. I’m sure the irony of who Aemond has taken to whore is not lost on either of you.”
“So, you do stand to gain something from it,” Rhaenyra looks at you smugly. “Her head.”
“You are sorely mistaken, niece,” you chuckle darkly. “It is not the head of Aemond’s whore that I want but, the head of Aemond himself.”
You lie in wait, perched atop of a mountain as Vermithor bristles beneath you.
You instructed Daemon on what to do – Aemond saw Daemon as the biggest threat to Aegon’s throne and so, you knew he would respond to a challenge issued only by Daemon.
His unwavering need to constantly prove that he was the better, that he was the best had always been his downfall and now he would pay for it with blood.
The undeniable flapping of wings that could only belong to a dragon bigger than your own reaches your ears; signalling the arrival of Vhagar and her rider and with that you take to the skies.
Vhagar glides through the sky, Aemond’s keen eye searching for the lithe red dragon of his opponent as he calls out taunts in High Valyrian; completely caught off guard by the colossal spew of fire that engulfs him and Vhagar.
A thunderous roar spills from the she-dragon but, it’s cut short when she’s suddenly attacked relentlessly over and over again by a barrel of bronze hurtling into her, sharp teeth, fiery breath, and large claws ripping into the older dragon in a loud clash above the God’s eye.
Aemond desperately clings to Vhagar’s reign, trying to regain control of Vhagar to steer her from where the onslaught of attacks had come from.
He only just manages, hair whipping around wildly as Aemond searches the sky frantically. Shock becoming him when his gaze settles on the Bronze Fury that emerges from above the clouds – the Bronze Fury that was sired to his dear wife.
Aemond freezes, the icy glare you level him with telling him everything he needed to know and before, he can realise what’s happening, Vermithor locks his jaw around Vhagar’s neck.
The older dragon too slow and too injured to counter Vermithor’s attacks as the Bronze Fury rips out the she-dragon's neck, sending her spiralling into the water below with a tidal wave splash.
Aemond emerges from the water with a sharp gasp, taking in mouthfuls of air.
Adrenaline pumps through your veins, giving you the strength to drag Aemond’s battered body across the wet sand, your hand fisted in an ironclad grip around the neck of his armour as you use up the last ounce of your strength to heave his body against a nearby rock.
Aemond stares at you from his position, each breath burning his lungs.
“How, how,” Aemond pants, violet eye piercing into your own.
“Aegon,” you answer, kneeling beside him. “He has only taste for women and wine so, I am sure you can imagine how easy it was to withdraw the answers I needed from him.”
“I do not under- understand. Alys- Alys only saw Daem-”
You tut disapprovingly at Aemond, pulling a necklace from beneath your armour, the blood red eye-shaped pendant swinging back and forth.
“Protection from her wandering eyes. No matter how far or clearly your beloved Alys could see into the future, she could have never foreseen me,” you brush silvery strands from his head, gripping his chin between your fingers.
“The Targaryen bloodline is rooted deeply in fire and blood magic, dear husband. You might have done better to remember that if your mother had bothered to keep to the traditions of our House whose sigil you wear so brazenly on your chest and name you call your own.”
Aemond glares at you with the hatred of a thousand burning suns. He should've killed you himself.
“But, not for long,” you pull the Catspaw Dagger from the sheath holstered to your side, dragging the tip along the side of his face.
“I will not beg you for my life,” Aemond spits through gritted teeth.
“But you will beg me for your death,” you smile saccharinely. “For when I am done with you, you won’t have eyes tonight; you won’t have ears or a tongue. You will wander the underworld blind, deaf and dumb and all the dead will know. This is Aemond. The fool who thought he could kill his wife.”
All fics are my own work - I have not posted my work anywhere else.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters/places mentioned above.
Do not copy. Do not translate. Do not repost.
bookofbonbon 2022. All rights reserved.
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thehollowwriter · 5 months
Summary: After the events of Ashes, Finn has an encounter with Blaze, who makes it his business to harass him. (Blaze also projects a lot). Word count: 1603
Warnings: Bullying, fatphobia, name calling, swearing, Blaze is really fucking mean, blood, violence, gore(???)
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤️)
Finn felt like he was spiralling. There was a hole in his heart, a pit in his stomach, a well of sadness that wouldn't go away.
His fight with Azul had been circling in his head for days. Every time he felt he might be over it, the memories sprang up once again as if they were brand new.
At first, Finn was simply hurt. He may have even shed a few tears. But then, after replaying the whole ordeal over and over in his mind, that sharp, fiery feeling of anger settled over him.
How dare Azul? How dare he, after everything Finn has done for him? Stuck with him through thick and thin, chased off his bullies, showered him in compliments, loved him with all his heart, helped him start his stupid lounge... only now, it seemed trivial. Worthless, in Azul's eyes.
The sadness and anger swirled together to create a damning mass of too much emotion. Finn was petty and, if he were to be honest with himself, mean.
Azul was trying to make it up to him. He at least seemed to regret what be said, but Finn wasn't having it. As Azul tried to fix things, Finn found himself talking before he could stop himself, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Sorry, Mister Ashengrotto, I'm afraid I have clubs with Malleus-senpai today. Oh, don't worry, I'll be sure to tell him to compliment you. Will that satisfy you? I'll even be quiet myself since what I have to say is worthless to you."
"Mister Ashengrotto, I don't have time for art galleries. Vil-senpai is helping me plan a diet. ...Yes, of course I need it. You made that quite clear."
He really wanted to go to that art gallery.
Every time Finn said "Mister Ashengrotto" instead of "Azul," "love"," "My love", "darling" and so on, Azul would flinch and go quiet.
An ugly part of Finn, deep down, took pleasure in that reaction.
The twins, caught in the middle of this whole debacle, flip-flopped between waiting to see what would happen and trying to to solve the issue.
It was a fruitless effort. Finn was unwilling to let things be fixed. He was too angry, hurt too deeply, to allow it.
This, of course, left him in a constant bad mood. If he were as powerful as Malleus, a thunderstorm would have descended upon the school.
Other students avoided him even more than usual, giving him a wide berth. Nobody wanted to risk passing him off further.
Well, nobody except one.
"There you are, pipsqueak."
The sound of that familiar posh, snobbish voice made Finn suck in a breath and tighten his grip on his books. He continued down the hall at a quick pace, ignoring his tormentor the best he could. He was not in the mood for this.
"Hey! I'm talking to you." A large, bony hand gripped his shoulder and forcefully turned him around until he faced a pair of bright yellow eyes.
"For a guy who acts so polite, you're really rude, you know." Said Blaze Dugal with a crooked grin. "You answer and look at someone when they're talking to you. It's basic manners."
He paused.
"Do you know basic manners? You grew up pretty wild."
Finn pried Blaze's hand off his shoulder and glared at his. "I'm afraid I'm not in the mood, Dugal. Go waste your time elsewhere."
"I'm afraid I'm not in the mood, Dugal. Go waste your time elsewhere." Blaze mocked with a laugh, his voice shrill. "Still trying to sound all fancy and clever, I see. All collected, even though your weird, cringy friendship with Azul is toast."
Finn narrowed his eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Blaze scoffed loudly and rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. Azul'a got his tentacles in a knot trying to do you favours left and right, and you're acting like a kicked puppy. Anyone with a brain can see it a mile away."
Finn's nostrils flared, but he decided not give Blaze the satisfaction of a response and stepped back to leave. However, he was stopped by the very unwelcome feeling of Blaze draping himself over him
"So, what caused trouble in paradise? What did he say? Did he finally let slip what a parasite you are? Tell you he doesn't actually need you for anything?"
Blaze would always bait Finn like this, hoping to get the reaction he wanted in some way or other.
"Keep spitballing, maybe after the next few hundred guesses you'll hit the target." Finn snapped, immediately failing at ignoring Blaze. He didn't have the patience to act all together.
"Oh, snappy today. So he did say something bad. Was I right, then? Did he finally tell you how little use you actually have?"
Bait. It's bait.
'"Really? Are you sure?" Blaze asked sweetly. "I wouldn't blame him if he did say that. What do you do, exactly? Gather information? Jade, Floyd, heck, all of you octavinelle freaks do that. Keep staff and customers in line? Anybody in their second year could do that. Take someone's form? Steal a voice? Potions can do that. That creep of a first year in your dorm can do that. Tell me, Finn, why does Azul even keep you around?"
The bait was dangling.
"I don't have to explain anything to you." Finn hissed.
Blaze sighed. "Ah, true. I get it. Really, I do. If I were you, I wouldn't want to think about why someone I admire so greatly even bothered to keep me around, either. Especially of my presence reminds me of the version of him he hates so much."
"Shut up!" Finn snarled, and a nearby window cracked.
Every single time he took that bait, like a stupid little fish.
Blaze pressed his forefingers together and then pressed them against his lips, smiling innocently.
"So that's what he said, then? Finally got honest about how all of this," He reached down and poked Finn's flabby, pudgy stomach for emphasis. "-is nothing but a reminder of everything he hated about himself?"
"Oh!" Blaze pulled a face like he had a sudden revalation. "Maybe that's why he keeps you around. As a reminder of what he was. An encouragement to keep counting those calories. He must hate that gross, flabby body of yours."
"He doesn't."
'He doesn't.' Finn assured himself. 'He loves me. He loves me.'
"It must hurt, right? For someone you adore so much, someone you bend over backwards for, because really, Finn, you don't have a spine when it comes to Azul, to be so disgusted by you. For him to think you're ugly."
'No. Azul- Azul loves me. He wouldn't-"
A memory from that awful night sprang forth.
"Do you really think being fat makes you ugly?" Finn asked, his voice so quie Azul almost couldn't hear.
Azul hesitated.
'No, no, no, no. Azul wouldn't think that. Azul doesn't think that. Azul doesn't find him gross or disgusting.
Does he?
"Guess you two aren't as tight as you thought."
For someone with no claws or fangs to speak of, Blaze's grin was awfully predatory.
Finn stomped on his foot and elbowed in him the stomach and the drew back with a yelp. He stumbled back a few steps, angry at first, but then that grin returned, and he laughed.
"Guess I hit a nerve. You aren't gonna come and butcher me, are you?"
"You're not even worth the effort." Finn spat with as much venom as he could muster. "You won. Leave me alone and harass someone else."
"Come on now, that's no fun." Blaze drawled, closing the short distance between them once again and draping his arm over Finn's shoulder.
"You're my favourite person to mess with. That's the highest compliment you'll ever get from me, you know. There's not much about you deserving of compliments. Makes me wonder why Azul let's himself be seen interacting with you. You're a real blow to his reputation. I-"
Blaze was abruptly cut off by Finn suddenly turning his head and biting down on Blaze's arm as hard as possible.
Blaze screamed and frantically ripped his arm away, but that only made it worse.
Blood dripped down his arm onto the floor in thick rivulets, and the spot where his blazer, shirt, and a piece of flesh had been torn off was drenched red.
"Ow ow ow, what the fuck-"
As Blaze screeched in a mix of rage and pain, Finn spat out what was missing from about 3cm of Blaze's arm, and it hit the floor with a wet "splat". The taste of fabric, flesh, and blood was a terrible combination.
"Fuck, you shitty little parasite!" Blaze roared, his eyes bulging. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Finn simply sent a bloody smile his way, turned around, and began walking down the hallway.
Finn didn't respond. Blaze could complain all he liked (after a hospital visit, of course), but since this hallway had no cameras, he had no proof apart from a bite that could have come from anyone or anything. Finn made sure not to make it look like a circle.
Finn smiled to himself as he wandered to his music class, though Blaze's screams were all the music he needed.
He was finally feeling a bit better.
A/N: Ty so much for reading! I'm actually surprised at how mean I managed to make Blaze I'm usually not good at that sort of thing
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @am0nline @1dont-really-know
@kazumify @minteasketches @ramshacklerumble @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @the-banana-0verlord @skriblee-ksk @quartztwst (if you don't mind being tagged in stories) @poisoned-pearls
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sparklingcid3r · 6 days
Do you think that the Curtis parents would be harder on Soda about his grades. Both his older and younger brother were both very good at school and I think that they would want the best for him and pressure him without knowing
I think they made off handed comments about keeping his grades at a passing level, only because they knew Soda has been incredibly different from Darry since he was born, and besides, Mr. Curtis hadn’t been too bright in school either, give the kid a break, right?
It only started getting noticeable how worried they were about him passing a class when he was a freshman and his grades really started slipping. Coupled with the fact that he went out so often, he got into a lot of fights over it with both parents, but more so his mom. She didn’t want him to just give up on school the way she was forced to.
Darry being the typical douchebag of an older brother alwayssss used it as bait for arguments, he tells Soda he’s dumber than a table on a regular basis. After having to listen to a yelling match between Soda and their mom, one that usually results in Soda doing some sort of manual labor outside, Darry will holler out shit about Pony being smarter than him, and it drives Soda up the wall.
Pony was always nicer about it, mostly because he hated seeing Soda get angry or upset, so he’d hear the yelling rev up and start cleaning up Soda’s room or something, just trying to be the guy in his corner. One time he did Soda’s English homework for him and Soda couldn’t even hide how pathetic it made him feel, he yelled at Pony and then felt terrible about it after because Pony just burst into tears right then and there.
So school was a sore spot for him, but he just lets it roll off his shoulders now, especially since he’s happier being a dropout anyway. Darry never realized how dumb it actually made him feel, but he doesn’t even make those comments anymore, partly bc he just grew out of it, another part bc Soda dropped out and there’s no point anymore.
Occasionally Soda’ll say something that anyone who went to school at all would know better than to ask and Darry’s say smth like “We shoulda kept you in there for one more month” it’s literally just an automatic response lmao, he’s a shithead at heart🫶
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cvpitvno · 2 years
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𖤐 — 1.7k
𖤐 — fem!pronouns, soulmate au, angst no comfort (in this part at least), popular!ateez, nerd!reader, one line mentioning suicide, yeosang is horrible in this
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soulmates were a well-known yet foreign concept to many people.
it was plastered all over the news, magazines, or websites; finding your soulmate 101, how to tell if someone is your soulmate, what happens when you find the one? countless (read : pointless) half-assed written columns that misguided the gullible into believing everyone had a happy ending waiting for them down the road.
one of those gullible fools happened to be her.
growing up in a household full of love, kindness, and happiness, she was no stranger to the concept of soulmates. with her parents being high school sweethearts who had the ultimate soulmate meeting, and her brother finding his true love in college, soulmates had been a big part of her life from a young age.
she remembers sleepovers with friends dreaming about the day all of them would find prince charming, and get their own sparkly carriage and pair of glass slippers to which they’d wear to their perfect wedding. it was a fairytale in her eyes at that time, but the dreams and hopefulness lived with her into high school. 
every day she woke up and got ready with the mindset that ‘today could be the day that i meet him’, as she looked at the words written delicately on her wrist.
the font was pretty, cursive and fine, as it looped and swirled to make a beautiful sight to anyone that saw it. however, she knew the minute they would read the actual words inked on her wrist, they would pout in pity at her destiny.
for how were they supposed to be happy for someone whose soulmate would ridicule and put them down with the first words they speak to them.
it was disappointing looking back on the hopeful day of her sixteenth birthday – her family and she were all waiting and watching the clock tick down to midnight on the eve of her sixteenth birthday; eyes darting between the ticking hands of the clock and the blank space on her wrist. at that point in time, untainted with her future sorrows.
her mother and father held each other close, ready to get a minute look into who their baby girl would be destined to be with in life, just as her brother and his then-fiancee sat with baited breaths to see the ink fade onto her skin.
they, like her, were left in shock at the harsh words that painted themselves on her skin at the stroke of midnight.
the girl who grew up wishing, hoping, praying, and waiting for her happily ever after and prince charming, had been let down before she had even met the man; but the child, the small and hopeful girl, was still alive deep down no matter how hard she tried to pretend she didn’t know her fate.
perhaps the words were just an ugly start to a beautiful thing. 
or perhaps the man of her dreams has problems in his life that she was dying to help him through, hoping that the venom-laced words would fade into soft kisses and whispers of love.
so while she expected disappointment, she still awaited her happy ending with a slowly breaking heart, and a newfound impatience yet dread for the day she would finally meet the man she grew up calling her ‘prince charming’.
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high school was hell on earth.
especially considering the kids she went to school with.
self-obsessed, headstrong, over-the-top, and just downright rude kids – kids that made her life a living hell the moment her teacher announced that she had the highest grade in a class all those years ago.
rich, popular, and pretty people didn’t take kindly to those who were smart – it didn’t matter their looks, social status, or situation; if you presented yourself as an academic threat, they sought out to make coming to school dreadful.
she did better than some other so-called nerds at her school – while they dealt with spilled milk, scrapes and bruises, or the confined spaces of lockers, she had been able to escape without much harm.
keeping her head down and blending in with the crowd was the ultimate way to remain unscathed, unbothered, and undetected.
what also made going unnoticed easier, was the extensive focus on the it boys of the school; upper classman park seonghwa and kim hongjoong, boys in her grade jeong yunho, kang yeosang, and choi san, and the lower classman song mingi, jung wooyoung, and choi jongho.
while her peers fawned, entertained, and followed the boys around, she had been able to keep on top of her studies, slip by the popular girls without being touched, and shimmied her way through the crowds of boys so she could start her trek home.
that at least would have been the case had she not been body checked by a certain black-haired beauty with the mark of an angle beside his eye.
be it the shock of hitting the ground harshly or the disturbance in her bubble of ease and quietness, she had realized that her time of peace was likely to end after this run-in with the one and only kang yeosang.
a beautifully handsome boy who held the hearts of many had a knack for music and spoke words laced so richly with ice and blades, that even a compliment coming from his mouth felt like it cut deep.
“jesus, why do you snobby little nobodies not pay attention to where you walk?” yeosang looked down his nose at the girl who looked up at him with wide eyes. “you made me spill my drink,” yeosang growled, turning on his heel and kicking dust towards the girl who’s jaw had long since dropped after her mind processed his words.
she knew eyes were on her, both from the growing crowd who gossiped at the sight of the ice prince, kang yeosang, snap on the clumsy girl, and the group of boys who sneered at her from their position near the picnic table in the school courtyard.
with bambi like legs, a skirt full of dust from the pavement, and red palms and knees, she had stood up and looked at the back of yeosang,
“it’s you! you’re my soulmate!” her words made her cringe as she let it sink in who exactly she was yelling out for. the same man that acted as if him stepping back into her path and knocking her to the ground was her doing.
silence washed over the courtyard as the crowd watched yeosang's back grow taught, steps faltering as he let your words ring in his head a few times.
god, she wished she could have just run away, but she was sure the people who gathered around would laugh and push her back towards the boy, desperate to see a showing of yet another embarrassed girl facing the harsh words of yeosang.
yeosang turned on his heel slowly, a half-assed smirk lining his lips, and while she might have imagined it, she could have sworn she’d seen something else in his eyes; something she couldn’t put her finger on.
“soulmate?” yeosang laughed at the word. “god, for a nerd like you, i’m surprised you're that dumb,” yeosang sneered at the look of gloss growing in her eyes. he stepped closer, keeping his voice loud so everyone could hear. “sorry to tell you, but someone else is gonna say the exact same thing i said to you one day – someone else in life is gonna see you for the nobody that you are and tell it like it is,” he huffed, looking at her shaking frame with disgust. “if i was your soulmate, i’d kill myself before i lowered my standards for someone like you.”
‘oh’s’ and ‘ah’s’ echoed through the courtyard; that paired with the whoops and hollers from the boys behind yeosang taunted her even more.
kang yeosang was a cruel boy, but never had he been as cruel as he’d been at that moment.
everything after that had been a blur; fleeting footsteps, the wind blowing harshly on her wet cheeks, and the blurriness of the sidewalk she fled on were all she remembered of her journey home. now, the darkness of her room, soaked pillowcase, and shaking hands were all she knew.
she hadn’t known how long she had laid in bed and cried, but she knew a considerable amount of time had passed since she had collapsed on her bed when she heard the voice of her mother echo from downstairs.
“y/n, darling, do you wanna run to the grocery store with me?” her voice grew louder and the sound of footsteps and the creaking of the staircase faded into the scene. “i need to grab some things for dinner-” her mother's voice halted as she opened her daughter's door and found the girl with bloodshot eyes, tear-stained cheeks, and lips bitten raw.
it was a far cry from the happy, composed, and sweet girl she had come to know.
“oh baby, what’s going on?” her mom hurried into the dark room, sitting on the edge of her bed as she laid a hand on what she presumed to be her daughter's thigh.
it was hard to speak; after all, she had sobbed and borderline screamed at the pain and sadness she had felt. voice raw from exertion. it took her several minutes to even compose herself enough to tell her mother what had conspired mere hours prior.
the boy she had hoped to be different, the words she had hoped were a misunderstanding, and the happily ever after the girl had dreamed about since a young age, had slipped through her fingertips and shattered in front of the entire school.
everything was torture – her chest hurt, her head pounded ferociously, and she felt as if she had no control over the shaking in her body. rejection was always a scary thing, but this was nightmare fuel. something she was sure would play on repeat in her mind every night and keep her up for hours. something she was sure could never be topped.
she wanted everything to disappear.
including that damned tattoo that burned her skin.
her mother held her as she choked on her sobs, fingers gripping the arms of her mother as she pulled her daughter in close and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. 
in that moment, the burning fondness she had for soulmates had been put out.
her hope, belief, and love for the idea of the universe putting two people together who would love, cherish, and care for each other had finally dimmed and turned to smoke.
all because of a boy named kang yeosang.
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courtofparrots · 3 months
Serennedy Pride Week Day 6: Cigarettes
This is my last submission for this week (thanks for hosting this event @wisecrackingeric-2 @trans-luis-serra-navarro !!)
Here is a little cigarette based drabble:
"I've never smoked," Leon says, watching Luis from his perch on the patio furniture. It's true, he's never even tried it drunk. Rare for a kid that grew up in the 80's and 90's, but here he is.
He's never wanted to smoke either. He's not even sure why he's bringing it up right now, but there's just something about the way Luis looks when he does it. His deft fingers around the cigarette, the way his mouth works over the filter, cherry lighting up red as he takes a slow drag and then tips his head back to exhale the smoke. The way the motion exposes the long line of his throat in the process- god.
Luis lowers his chin, shifting his gaze to Leon as he brings down the cigarette to ash it onto the concrete, wiping them away with the toe of his boot.
"Never?" Luis asks with a small smirk, "I'd let you try it, but these things'll kill you, right? Besides, it'll taste bad."
"I know what it tastes like," Leon says immediately, defiantly, like a child. Luis arches one brow at him, smile widening a fraction in a way that says I'm sure you do. Leon feels his face grow hot as he looks away.
"That isn't exactly the same as tasting it from the source, amigo." Luis laughs to himself, bringing the filter back between his lips and just leaving it there. Leon tracks the motion.
"Let me try it then-" he says, reaching out an expecting hand.
Luis raises his eyebrows, but pulls the cigarette from his mouth to hand it over, before seemingly changing his mind. He licks his lips once, places them around the filter again and inhales one steady breath, but doesn't exhale it. Leon watches quizzically as Luis stands up and walks around the patio table towards him.
He plops himself right down into Leon's lap, eliciting a small huff from Leon. Fingers wind their way into the hair at the nape of Leon's neck and tug, tilting Leon's head back. The slight sting makes him part his lips, and then Luis is there- mouth ghosting over his and exhaling directly into Leon's lungs.
For a long moment, all Leon can sense is Luis and smoke and musk as the breath curls into his chest, heady, and then Luis is leaning away and letting Leon breathe him back out, smoke rising past his lips and scattering into the chilly night air.
He wonders idly if he just got baited into that- the taste isn't even that different from kissing Luis after he's freshly in from smoking, but it hardly matters. Something about the easy confidence, the proximity, the act itself has Leon's blood roaring as he stares at Luis through suddenly hazy eyes.
Luis smiles at him, then stands up, snuffs out the cigarette, and saunters inside.
"Jesus," Leon mutters to himself before following, nearly tripping over himself in the process.
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valhallaas · 1 year
I’ve Got Sunshine
Pairing: bradley rooster bradshaw x sunshine!reader x jake hangman seresin
word count: 3.6k
summary: when both Hangman and Rooster want nothing but your happiness…who are they to tell you no?
warnings: smut (18+ minors dni) oral, p in v, threesome, cream pie
a/n: i think she did it. part three?! literally!!! i can’t tell y’all how proud of myself I am for writing this. this is the first time i've written anything like this. it’s insane, way out of my comfort zone. i hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as i have! feedback is always appreciated!
Part one
Part two
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The pouts are gone. Along with the desperate doe eyes that follow Jake Seresin’s every move. Sitting at the radio listening to Bradley and Jake banter back and forth makes you want to bang your head against a brick wall. Your irritation with the blond aviator is tenfold. You thought after that night at the Hard Deck, Jake would finally stop walking on eggshells around you.
Motherfucker is flat out ignoring you. Won’t talk to you at all. He has Javy passing along messages he might have. It’s driving you insane. What’s worse, he’s all buddy buddy with Bradley. Like they hadn’t had a standoff with you trying to mediate.
Bob clears his throat from where he’s standing next to you. Your glare moves from the radio to him, causing his eyes to widen and heat to flame his cheeks. Sighing, you rub at your temples. It isn’t his fault and you know better than to take it out on him. Honestly, you have half a mind to tackle Bagman when he lands.
“You coming out to Mav’s tonight?”
You glance at Bob again. “Think so. Someone’s got to drive Bradshaw home, and we all know I’m not going to make Nat do it.”
Bob grimaced, thinking back to the last time Nat had driven Bradley home. You were still out with the daggers, and received a frantic phone call. She’d almost crashed into a tree when he projectile vomited all over her dash. Natasha isn’t afraid of a lot of things, but she’s terrified of drunk Bradley.
You smile at him, thankful. “Are you planning on bringing that girl you’ve been seeing?”
“Oh, I don’t think she’s ready for that.”
“We’ve got to meet her sometime. At least me and Nix do.” His blush is back full force, running up his neck from his chest to the tips of his ears. You grin cheekily, nudging him with your shoulder. “There’s no rush, Bobby. If you're happy, we’re happy.”
He’s bashful, smiling shyly before his face morphs to one with serious intent. “Are you happy?”
“I’m okay.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
You bite your cheek. Are you happy? Honestly, no. You thought you had fixed the Hangman sized hole missing in you, but all that did was make it worse. Things are going well Bradley, after knowing him so long, it’s easy, nice. Comfortable. But there’s the need for more, and you don’t know what more is.
The conversation is cut short when Jake and Bradley walk in, fire blazing behind Jake’s eyes and a satisfied smirk on Bradley’s mouth. Quirking an eyebrow you meet Rooster’s gaze, the only one that would look at you.
“Who won?”
His smirk grew. “I did.”
“You fucking cheated, Bradshaw.”
“It’s not my fault you fell for the bait.”
It’s the first time he’s looked at you in over a month. Your mouth flattens, eyes narrowing as they dart between the two. Clearly, you were the bait. God, could you continue living like this? You got Bradley and at what cost? The expense of your best friend, who you miss so fucking much. Your eyes sting. Quickly you cut your gaze to Bob who’s watching you with worry. Pushing away from the table, the static buzzing from the radio filling the air along with new found tension.
“If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got somewhere to be.”
Like hiding in a storage closet, crying in peace.
“Fuck you, Rooster.” Eyes darting to Jake quickly before cutting to the brunet. “You don’t call me that. Ever.”
You turn and head out of the hanger. You can hear them bickering behind you, calling each other idiots. Neither of them are wrong. You slide down to your ass in the hallway, head braced in your hands, elbows on knees. Maybe you should make Bradley drive you home tonight.
“She hasn’t really been living up to her callsign lately, has she?” Jake murmurs.
“I wonder why.” Rooster snaps, your eyes rolling at his tone.
“You two are really that stupid. You share one brain cell and it’s Sunshine.” It gets quiet at Bob’s statement. “She loves the both of you, and you still can’t figure it out. Personally, I think she’s better off without either of you.”
Your heart warms at his words. You really don’t know what you’ve done to deserve Bob, but you’re so grateful. You glance up when he’s suddenly by your side, offering a hand. Yeah, you really don’t know what you did to deserve him.
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Turns out, Bob and Natasha are your dates for the night. They keep you distracted. Natasha hogs the radio at Maverick’s, playing all your favorite songs. Bob has supplied you with exactly two screwdrivers — the easiest way to get you drunk. It’s a little embarrassing. You’re in the middle of the room, being twirled around by Maverick. He was quick to pick up on the mood when you and Bradley came separately. The skirt of your dress fans out, exposing the top of your thighs. You might have gotten dressed with the idea of revenge in mind. The dress is short enough to get Jake hot and bothered, and the color is Rooster’s favorite.
You blow a kiss to Maverick when the song ends, a giggle falling past your lips when he catches and holds it to his heart, giving you a knowing wink. Bare feet carry you over to Bob. He's quick to catch you when you stumble, heat blooming on your cheeks. You wanted to have fun, but you don't want to be messy.
“You good, Sunshine?”
You beam at Bob, your megawatt smile blinding. “I’m very good, Bobby. Thank you.”
One of his eyebrow raises, hand tightening around where it holds your wrist. He looks up at you before his gaze slides past you, to whatever commotion is going on with the rest of the party.
“What is it?”
“Nothing, just don’t think they like me holding you like this.”
You frown, turning to see both Bradley and Jake staring at you and Bob. Is this your life now? Every man around you is jealous of the other? Moving to stand on your own, your hand reaches out for Bob’s arm, making sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground. You wait for the world to stop spinning, a bright smile taking up your face when you look down at him.
“All good,” you say to his questioning gaze.
“Are you?”
You glance back at the two men still staring. “Yeah,” you sigh, “I’ll be just fine.”
Snagging your purse and shoes, you make your way out the door. You’re not stupid enough to think you can walk home — you’re literally in the middle of the desert. You’ll get eaten by coyotes, or abducted by aliens before you reach your front door. But it is enough to draw them outside. Because like they had said earlier, they’re a couple of idiots.
“Hey! Whoa, whoa, Sunny.”
“Sunshine, come on!”
“What?” You snap, turning on them, causing them to stumble back in their steps. “What do you want from me?”
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It’s almost silly how it happens. It begins before you even realize it. Or perhaps, it’s been like this for months, and it’s been leading up to this.
The only light is coming from the bathroom, which you had forgotten to turn off when you left in a hurry. You left them bickering like old women at your door. Shoes tossed into your closet, purse sat on your vanity. You fling yourself across your bed, eyes closing in contentment. They aren’t loud as they make their way up the stairs, but you know the sound of their footfalls. They’re coming for you. It only makes you toss an arm over your eyes, an attempt to hide yourself from them.
“We should leave her. She’s asleep.”
You have to fight back a grin at Jake’s scoff. “No she isn’t. She’s being a brat.”
A slap to the inside of your thigh makes you yelp. Eyes flying open to glare at the blond. “Ouch, that hurt.”
Jake rolls his eyes. “Told ya.”
“Why are you still here?”
“Do you not want us here?” Bradley asks.
“No,” you answer, pushing up onto your elbows. “Not really.”
It isn’t the answer they’re looking for. Jake raises an eyebrow before reaching for your ankle, yanking you towards the end of the bed. The skirt of your dress rides up, exposing your thighs, and a peek at your lace underwear. Heat should be blooming across your cheeks, you should feel exposed with two sets of eyes on you. But you don’t. It’s almost natural. Because you trust them, and you know they respect you. You’re still a little too pissed off to admit that maybe you’re in love with the both of them. A little too blind to realize that the both of them are in love with you.
They continue to bicker back and forth, teasing and taunting each other while you attempt to drown them out. Bradley’s voice scrapes the floor, it’s so damn deep and rich as whiskey.
Do they know how they sound?
Like they’re licking between your legs, tugging your panties down with their teeth, teeth scraping the sensitive flesh. It’s distracting. Your thighs clench together, you try to be discreet, but you forget that Jake still has a hold of you. He glances down when your ankle tugs, light eyes darkening as they travel up your bare legs.
“Sunny girl,” Jake murmurs. The nickname rolls off his tongue and it melts you, your body instantly relaxing.
“What?” You hate how breathless you sound.
It’s instinct. Bradley helps you remove your clothes. He softly smiles at you when you lift your hips to peel down your panties. You don’t miss how Jake takes them from him and tucks them into his back pocket.
“C’mon flower, up.”
You follow his command, lifting yourself up onto your knees. Jake’s gaze is burning into you when the dress is pulled down, exposing your bare breasts to open air.
“Look at me Sunshine.” Your eyes lock with Jake’s with no hesitation. “We’re going to ruin you. Me and Rooster. Are you okay with that?”
“Yes what?”
Fire blazes in your eyes. “Yes Lieutenant Seresin.”
“That’s a good girl.”
Jake watches it happen, watches as both of you melt into each other. The overwatch, the overseer: he stares at you, eyes lingering on the hands that roam your flesh, hiking your clothes up until you’re exposed, and raw.
It’s only when you glance at him, hand curling around the bulbous head of Bradley, does he respond.
“Lick her pussy, Bradshaw. Get her nice and wet.”
He utters low commands in the dimly lit room that are instantly obeyed. Stick your tongue out, sweetheart, let him slide his cock across it. Get a good taste of it. Suck her clit until she cries. She likes it. Harder, Bradshaw, you know Sunny can take it.
You don’t think he’s going to join in until Bradley’s made you come three times, all at the direction of Jake. Tears stream down your face, because there is a want vibrating throughout your body, sending shockwaves to your core. Your pussy clenches around nothing. But then, he pulls himself from his pants, hard and leaking.
It’s only then, heart in your throat, that you realize Bradley’s been foreplay.
“Take it easy on her, Hangman” Bradley hums as he traces the seam of your cunt. He pinches your clit as he rocks against your ass, and you can feel the head of his cock smear against your entrance, nudge and prod until, finally, he sinks to the hilt. You moan, the shock of his size.
“That’s right, sweetheart. Want to hear the pretty noises fall from that pretty mouth.” Jake grits between clenched teeth.
Bradley kisses your shoulder, sucking the skin until it bruises. "C'mon, flower, we know you can take it."
You should be embarrassed. Because you know that no one has pulled noises out of you like Jake Seresin has. Your boyfriend is rutting behind you, watching the whole exchange. You don't care. Not really.
Jake continues. He doesn't fuck fast, but goes for slow, agonizing strokes that deliberately push into the center of your nerves. Tiny shocks of electricity sparking every time he meets that spongey spot inside of you. He breathes heavily, grunting when you clench around him. The room is miserably hot. There's sweat beneath your arms and under your tits and you’re sandwiched between them. Worshiped. Treasured. You never thought for a second that it could be like this.
Good girl. Fuck. You're so fucking gorgeous.
“Fuck,” you gasp when Jake drives further, clamping his hand down on your waist to hold you steady. “Jake,”
He pauses, and the punishing drag of his cock halts only to pulse and throb in the clutch of your pussy. Pulsing, warm walls tightening around the thick of him. You bury your fingers into his muscular shoulders. You need the movement. You need him to keep going because he’s just getting bigger, stretching you in the most delicious way, pushing you to your limit.
“Sunny,” Jake murmurs as he palms at your cheek. You lift your gaze to his, and something tightens inside your chest. Jake’s eyes are clearer than they’ve ever been. A bright, seaglass green. The prettiest gems you’ve ever seen.
Bradley is still tasting your skin, the warmth of him swallowing you whole. You’re overwhelmed but it’s still somehow not enough. It’s like they know — they can feel it humming in your veins. Rough hands flip you, face now buried in your sheets, ass up for display. You hear Jake groan at the sight, a light smack to your ass cheek. You keen, pushing yourself closer.
It’s the gentle grasp on your chin that grounds you. Bradley’s looking at you like you’re the most precious thing he’s ever seen. “Can I flower?”
You don’t know why they’re asking. You wouldn’t deny them. Don’t think you could if you tried. Bradley’s cock brushes across your tongue, eyes fluttering when you wrap your lips around him, head tipping back in pleasure. “Fuck,”
Your tongue roams over his slit, tasting all of him. His breath is ragged, heavy. There is no warning—just a strangled choke of your name—and then he’s cumming on your tongue, ropes spurting over your cheeks and chin.
You gasp, wet and broken, and completely filthy.
“That’s it—,” Jake mumbles against you, the head of cock brushing against your seam. It makes your toes curl — the perfect mix of not enough and too much, and —
Bradley strokes your hair, eyes glazed. The angle is awkward, but his mouth meshes with yours, tongue rubbing over the mess he made of you. He kisses you like he’s worshiping you. Like you’re the best thing he’d ever tasted, and he can’t get enough.
Jake’s teeth dig into your skin, leaving bruises behind. It makes you whine. Little secrets that litter your skin. He’s pulled you up on your knees, hand wrapped snugly around your throat. Soft hazel eyes burn into yours as you get fucked from behind. He thrusts harder, rougher until your hand is wrapped around his wrist trying to hold you steady. He’s fully claiming you. Cock punching into the deepest part of you. Your head is empty, full of nothing but Jake, of Bradley.
It’s burning low in your belly. A fire trying to escape, engulf you whole from the inside out. Moans are pouring out of you with every thrust. Each one more brutal than the last. Walls clenching tight around him, you can feel him grunting against the nap of your neck.
“Jake, I–” you're cut off by a whimper when he reaches that hard to reach spot deep inside you. Over and over again, you feel it coming, your orgasm is going to come crashing down and you’re ready to bask in it.
“You going to come on my cock, sweetheart?” Jake murmurs into your hair.
Your mouth opens but nothing comes out. Bradley cocks his head, eyes finding yours. You swallow, watching as a knowing grin takes over him. “Use your words, baby.” He says, mocking you. “Hangman asked you a question.” Tears are streaming down your face. It doesn’t hurt. You can take it—you can take all of it. You want it, want him. More, more, more.
You come on Jake’s cock like a tidal wave, and when you collapse against the bed, your body trembles, heaving desperately for air. Jake groans, pulling you up until you’re flush against him. His lips meet yours in a messy kiss, bucking his hips harder until he’s chasing his high right over the ledge with you.
“Fuck, Sunshine,” he praises, wiping the sweat off the back of your neck. “Good fuckin’ girl.”
There’s only a moment between Jake finishing, and him pulling out of you. A sharp hiss slipping passed your swollen lips, a glare sent over your shoulder. They give you no time to right yourself. Strong arms lift you up, settling you on Bradley’s lap. Your hands instantly fall to his shoulders, fingers digging into his lightly tanned skin. Tilting your head back, you smile at the tickle of his mustache, lips trailing hot kisses across your skin.
You run a thumb over the tip, smearing the precum. Your nails nip at his sensitive skin and he shivers. Lifting yourself up on your knees, you hover, waiting patiently for his direction. His dick nudges the soaked folds of your cunt.
“You’re too good to me,” his voice is thick with want.
Slowly he pulls you down, his thick length sinking into you. He’s too big. Fuck, he’s so big. The head of his cock hits that sensitive spot, and you’ve barely just started. You breathe in nice and slow, relaxing yourself with every slow thrust he makes until he’s at the hilt. He delves down, taking a nipple between his teeth while he explores the other, tugging it gently as he rolls it between his fingers. The heat pooling between your thighs ignites as a desperate moan slips from your lips.
At this point, you’re here for the ride. But god, if it isn’t one you’re enjoying.
Hammering into you, each deep stroke better than the last. Your orgasm takes you by surprise. You lurch against him when you moan. You melt, boneless, like jelly. You’re loose and wet and fucking perfect. His nose presses into your cheek as he grinds into you.
“Fuck, Sunshine. Love the feeling of you on my cock.”
You snort, pulling yourself closer to him. Guttural grunts and low growls meet your ear. Heavy breaths that bounce around the room. It’s a brutal taking, and you are not wet enough. Fresh tears pool in your eyes, threatening to fall with every harsh thrust. You take what you're given, no complaints. Bradley readjusts, moving you to where you are firmly planted on his thighs, giving him a better angle. You’re bouncing with each thrust from his cock now. He’s deep, so deep you can see the bulge of him in your tummy. You pull his hair, grinning when he hisses.
“You got one more for me?”
He knows you can’t talk. He knows you’re fucked out, gone stupid on his cock. Just like you always do. He loves when you get like this. He loves it even more because you beg for it. You move, opening up your legs a little wider. He groans feeling himself sink deeper into you. You’re puffy and raw and you’re living for it. Nodding, his name falls from your lips.
It builds and builds and builds until it has nowhere to go. It roars forward, jolting you, a scream ripped from your throat and your nails digging into him so hard you can feel when he starts to bleed. Bradley is there. He holds you into place, mustache grazing your cheek. He fucks you through it all, jamming himself into your searing overstimulated sex, he meets his end. His grip tightens, a low gravel filled groan comes from deep in his chest, filling you up. You feel the drag of his dog tags when he lifts his head to trail kisses across your sweaty skin.
“Fucking hell,” he mutters, breaking the silence.
You pull him on top of you, hugging him tightly to you. A steady hand cups your face. Glancing up you meet the clear eyes of Jake. Grasping him, you pull him to you as well. You bask in the feel of him. You hadn’t realized how much you’d been missing him until you were drunk off of him. You’re aching and sore but you refuse to move away from them. Bradley’s eyes are still dark and heavy-lidded as he regards you.
“Keep me in there,” he tells you and you just smile.
“So,” Jake says after a moment. “You still mad at us?”
“Should I be?”
“I just,” you pause, teeth digging into your bottom lip. “I want things back to normal.”
“Baby I don’t think things can be normal after this.”
Your eyes meet Jake’s. “I’m tired of being ignored.”
His eyes soften as he stares at you. “I’m tired of ignoring you.”
“All I’m hearing,” Bradley butts in, “is that I’m no longer the only one dating Sunshine.”
Your eyebrows furrow, looking between the two. What? When has that ever been an option? The room stays quiet. Your eyes droop, rising and falling with Bradley’s steady breathing. Could you do it? Date them both? The way Bradley dropped it into your lap sounds like they’ve already talked about it. Maybe they have. Now, it’s up for you to decide.
“Sweetheart, all we want is for you to be happy. If that means the both of us. Then you get the both of us.”
You look at Jake in disbelief. “You and Bradley can barely stand each other.”
“We’ll work on it. For you.”
“Only you.” Bradley adds.
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
Whiskey, Neat
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Summary: You came out to California for a fresh start. Sometimes, new beginnings look just like old flames.
Pairing: Bob x Reader
Warnings: Language, alcohol, Mentions of cheating, Mentions of Smut. Minors DNI 18+
Part 1
You'd rolled into Miramar with a trail of dust behind you and a faded black Stetson hat on your head. Fresh off of a break up and high on a promotion, you were itching to make a name for yourself here.
You'd almost turned down the chance to have a permanent station at Top Gun, hell, you would have if you hadn't caught your ex-boyfriend kissing his ex-girlfriend right after his winning bull ride in Tulsa.
You didn't even let him explain. You didn't want to hear his excuse. Instead, you smoked a Marlboro Red for the road, grabbed your things, and called the Admiral who'd offered you the position that night.
The next day, you were on a plane to California. You, Lieutenant Commander Y/N "Whiskey" Evans, were to be the new fighter maneuvers instructor at Top Gun. You'd also be a part of the elite Dagger Squadron that went on high-risk missions.
You'd taken a few days to get acquainted with base. Phoenix, the only other woman pilot in the group, had been assigned to show you around. The two of you had already formed a bond, and she was taking you out for drinks to meet the rest of the team.
You had put on your favorite pair of cut-off jean shorts, shimmying them on over your thick thighs and round rear. A fitted black tank hugged your chest. Your trusty boots and your signature black cherry lipstick complimented your Stetson to finish off the look.
The evening was going well until Phoenix introduced you to her WSO. Your heart stopped, and your breath caught in your chest.
The moment you saw him, you were met with an almost familiar set of blue eyes.
You could have sworen you heard God laughing at you.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." You said as he went to shake your hand.
Bob looked at you confused.
"Where are you from?" You asked him quickly.
"Well, my folks and I moved to Tennessee when I was seventeen, but I grew up in Wyoming." He tells you, taken aback by your boldness.
"You're from Amelia County, aren't you?" You press him.
"Um, yeah? My mom's family still has a ranch there in Wabang. My aunt and uncle run it. How'd you know that?" He looks at you confused.
"Royal and Celia? The Abbotts?" You ask.
"Yes—" He says slowly.
"Son of a bitch." You cry out. This would be your luck.
"Celia is my mom's sister. How— how do you know them?" Bob asks you.
"So that makes you Rhetts cousin, right?" You say.
"Yes, Rhett is my cousin. You still haven't answered my question." Bob replied. His voice raising a decibel as he firmly planted his feet in front of you. The rest of the squad watched the interaction with baited breath.
"I moved to Wabang when I was sixteen. Graduated from Amelia County High. My mom and Celia were in prayer group together. Royal and my dad were rodeo buddies. After I graduated, I went to the Academy. Went to flight school and Top Gun after that. Did two tours overseas, and then my dad passed. Went back to Wyoming and met Rhett. Well, re-met him. We graduated together." You began to explain.
"You know you look almost identical to him." You tell Bob with an long exahle.
"We got that a lot growing up. But I take it, because of your—less than stellar reaction to meeting me, something happened between you and Rhett?" Bob inquires.
"He charmed me. I gave him almost two years of my life, following him along the bull riding circuit. We got lucky that my duty stations were always near where he was riding." You continue.
"But two weeks ago, we were in Tulsa. He'd just won the whole damn thing. I went to the pits to congratulate him, and there is was, all over his ex." You finish as you take a sip of your whiskey neat.
"Maria?" Bob asks. You nod. "He never did get over her, did he?" Bob shakes his head in disbelief.
"Guess not. I didn't even give him a chance to explain. I grabbed my shit and left him." You finish.
Bob shrugs. The rest of the squad looks around, unsure of what to say.
"Well, small world, I guess." Hangman states clearing his throat.
"Sure is." You tell them before grabbing a pool cue to play a game.
After the rocky start, you and Bob seemed to get along. Aside from looks and the accent, Bob and Rhett were nothing alike. It was crazy to you how they could have the same jaw line and blue eyes, yet be so different.
The more you looked at him, the more subtle difference you noticed. Bob kept his hair neat, and it was a bit lighter than Rhetts mess strands. Bob's eyes were brighter. Bob was also leaner than Rhett was. Rhett was stocky but soft from the beer he drank, while Bob was broad from years of having to stay in shape for flying.
As the night went on, you danced and drank with the team, fitting right in. But you couldn't help notice the way Bob's eyes never left you.
It should feel wrong, it really should, but after six weeks, you found yourself on a date with Bob, or Robby, as you had taken to calling him. Once your brain had gotten out of the way, and you stopped listening to the little voice in your head telling you that he was going to hurt you like Rhett did, you found out how great of a person Bob was.
He treated you better than anyone had before.
He was kind, gentle, and a man of his word. He was giving, and protective, and so funny.
The first time you slept with, you were overcome with pleasure. It's always the quiet ones, you thought.
You'd been dating for four glorious months when trouble rolled into the Hard Deck.
It was a Friday evening, just like any other. You were out with the squad. Bob and Phoenix had to stay later for checks on their aircraft. You were at the bar getting your drink when you felt a familiar hand press against your hip.
"Hey there han—" your sentence stopped when you turned to face him.
"Rhett." You spat. "What are you doing here?"
"I qualified for nationals. It's here in San Diego. I asked around at the hotel, and they said this was the place that the Navy people hung out. I came to find you, Honeybee." Rhett drawled out.
"Well, you're wasting your time. I don't have anything to say to you." You turned and tried to get away from him, but you were trapped by the sea of people.
"Whiskey, please, can we talk. Just give me five minutes." He asked.
You sighed and motioned for him to follow you to the back deck.
As you walked out, Rooster saw you and someone who looked just like Bob, but definitely wasn't Bob, walk out with you. That must have been who you were talking about a few months ago. He made the mental note to let Bob know what was going on as soon as he saw him.
Rhett spent the next five minutes trying to convince you that he didn't do anything wrong. But you weren't listening to him. He wasn't worth it. So, you stepped away from the railing of the deck to leave.
"Honeybee, wait." Rhett said as he grasped your arm. You turned to face him.
"You don't get to call me that anymore, Rhett. You lost that right as soon as you kissed Maria." You gritted out.
"It wasn't what it looked like, Whiskey. You ran off before I could explain myself." He defends.
"She was wearing your hat, Rhett. The one I bought you." You state. "Honeybee, please. You have to believe me. She took it. She kissed me." Rhett explains. He's trying to reason with you.
"I've changed. I wouldn't do that to you." He pleads.
"Did you sleep with her?" You ask him.
"What?" He asks, raising his eye brows.
"The night I caught you, the night I left you in Tulsa. Did. You. Sleep. With. Maria?" You punctuate each word of the question.
Rhett looks like a kicked puppy. He doesn't meet your eyes. He doesn't have to answer your question. The silence speaks louder than any of this words.
"You haven't changed a bit, Rhett. You're always going to choose her. I deserve someone who is going to choose me. You should have never come out here. It was a mistake." You tell him before turning on your heels to walk away.
"Honeybee, please!" He pleads with you. He grabs your bicep to stop you from walking away. He pulls you roughly towards him.
"Rhett." You warn him in a low voice. "Please, just give me another chance." He's almost begging.
"Let me go." You tell him as you try to pull away, but you're stuck. Trapped in his firm grip.
"I'm not going to let you walk away from me. I can be better for you." Rhett tells you.
"I have someone who's better for me. Now, let me go." You tell him.
"Let her go, Rhett." Bob's voice rings out.
Both of you catch sight of him as he walks out to the deck of the Hard Deck.
It takes Rhett a minute to recognize his cousin. You guess he wasn't expecting to see him here.
He looks between the two of you before speaking.
"This doesn't concern you, Bobby. Go back inside with your friends. This is between me and the little lady here." Rhett tells him.
"That's where you're wrong, Rhett. This does concern me." Bob states as he walks closer to the two of you.
He stares down Rhett, whose grip on you hasn't wavered.
"That's my girl that you've got a hold of there. So you can either take your hands off of her yourself, like she asked. Or, I can do it for you."
So! This is my first crossover fic! Be kind! Let me know what yall think!
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme @youlightmeupfinn @withahappyrefrain @arson-tm @sebsxphia @emorychase @potato-girl99981
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shuobox · 11 months
Heyyyyy *twirls my hair as i make your happy canon life doomed by my narrative *
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God. Rewrite aiden in my au. Where do i start w him
In my little rewrite version, he's like. His entire life is doomed from the start. Grew up with a neglectful and pushy family where he felt constantly scared and weak in, making him seek control in other parts of his life (why he's so aggressive and rude, later becoming outright violent)
During sky city, it's Lukas who's fighting against him on the bridge, and after a struggle and Aiden's whole shpeel about Lukas abandoning them (aiden, maya, gill) like nothing for the new order of the stone
Anyway . Copper golems (that belong to the founder) appear and latch onto the guy's legs, and yk the storm during that bridge scene? Yeah. The dude gets struck by lightning with the force of five dying neuron stars and then just... wobbles back and forth.... before the copper golems let go, and he falls off the side into the water
While the blazerods are stuck in Sky City as it is being rebuilt on the ground they find an opportunity to break out and they book it to the portal, get lost for a little bit in the Atlas (remade portal hallway. Imagine those images of like, illusion staircases where gravity is weird. And theres stairs and halls full of portals wherever you look. Like that.) And they pass into like the worst possible place ever that is just CRAWLING with illagers
They get trapped, thrown in jail, tortured a wee bit before maya and gill are taken dor experimentation and Aiden was supposed to be the next (his arms were already cut off, and he saw what became of maya and gill after they got experimented on) but two new arrivals were found so they decided to stop temporarily
I AM NNNOT going to continue the story from there . Because it includes another character and an oc i want to like. Build up towards
In any case, skipping ahead like a few pages when aiden manages to get out and is now travelling with 2 people (one of which is more than happy to use him as bait or a human shield), guy really just wants his arms back and feels stupid and scared without. Arms. Hes losing hope UNTIL they get to a certain dimension with a city full of these advanced redstone-loving folk
In aiden's endless luck they get into the equivalent of the black market and they find people willing to give aiden new limbs for free IF he agrees to the terms and conditions
... the terms and conditions were "we can freely experiment on ur ass for as long as we want :3" and thats. Yeah thats what the tinkerers did. They were super proud of themselves and even slapped on their logo on him
Aiden is completely useless at walking and using his mech spider legs for a long while till he eventually manages to grasp it enough to keep going. Hallelujah !! He eventually gets time to process everything that happens to him lol (he feels miserable for a while)
Other hcs down here vv
- enjoy embroidery. He's kind of shabby at it, but it takes his mind off of things. He also writes small anthology stories in a wee stolen journal he makes up when his mind drifts
- The jacket he's wearing is stolen, lmao
- when his jaw was ripped out and replaced, so was his teeth; they make a loud clank noise if he snaps his teeth. Like a beartrap!! Also a strong bite strength
- i like to think he made a small makeshift funeral for maya and gill despite having nothing of them. It helped him cope a lil
- is surprisingly kinder to kids who aren't like, loud, or overly annoying.
- misses having hands sometimes (misses being able to hold pencils normally, or feeling the fur of animals, or warmth and cold, or holding things, etc etc...)
- Loves fighting without a weapon in stupid amounts. He'll scrap w a skeleton for fun, and it's even easier with his edward scissorhands ass implants. The reason his jacket has that fire charge burn is because he got distracted with "playing" w a ghast
- in a similar fashion, likes play-fighting (i say play-fighting, but i mean like, full-on blood and bruises but without ill intent when i say fighting)
His fav mobs are creepers. Has attempted to get close to one before. In addition, really likes the nether as well.
- Given he can't yell as much anymore (though he will still be the loudest man on earth if something scares him) (think incyn from neocranium streams), he's overly condescening and sarcastic instead.
- His right pupil is all janked up because his face got slashed; the reason why was because he was trying to fight off the illagers that were taking Maya + Gill. Still believes he could've tried harder.
- occasionally loses sleep either because of adrenaline, stress, nightmares, or just because of his already abysmal sleep schedule.
^ not a morning person.
- is, in fact, still super competitive and will brag about any victory ever. Still learning not be a sore loser (its a work in progress, but its there)
- has dark humour in the sense he'll try and joke about things in the worst moments, also a bit grim or rude in the same way. He'll laugh about stupid shit in general, though.
^ when he laughs loud enough and for too long, steam will also come out his jaw vents/mouth (not to the same amount if he was to scream and overload his throat implant, its lighter and not as obtrusive)
- has a really good knack for stealing things and negotiating with traders. He likes doing it, too. He feels awfully proud of himself when he manages to pull it off.
- His little antenna thing at the side of his head emotes (whirrs up and down or twists slightly from side to side. Think warrior cat fanart or something.)
- can come off as rude (and he is, dont get me wrong), but sometimes it is just genuinely being blunt or like, brutally honest with his thoughts. He doesn't even do it intentionally, it just becomes a reflex lmfao
- Will ramble on about the history and art and process regarding architecture if he can. He'll get embarrassed about going off on a tangent for so long and will shut up but like a couple months later he will absolutely start up again
- likes using his mech spider legs to skewer zombies. Morbid stress relief, but it's still mildly satisfying to him.
- has a really bad fear of storms after the whole sky city thing; it makes him have what is essentially flashbacks to everything to the bridge fight and after it (aka, deaths of his previously closest friends). Feels similarly to copper golems and will like, discreetly knock them over or push them away using his mech-spider legs
- wont admit it for the life of him but actually really enjoys feeding birds. Wont say it because he feels like thats something people over the age of 60 do when they're having a late-life crisis.
- easy to annoy thanks to his temper
(Next design will be of a certain .,.. pumpkin-related lady ....)
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littlemissidontcare · 3 months
the man is clearly uncomfortable around her and is uninterested in her. she could be happy in the relationship, but he isn’t. /
your entire ask was spot-on, but this part in particular pretty much sums it up. Initially, I thought they were both uncomfortable and unfamiliar with each other. That was what set off the PR red flag for me. I didn’t necessarily love the vibes I got from AW, but I figured they were both doing a job and hoped they were at least friends. As I started to piece things together, however, my lukewarm attitude toward her quickly grew into dislike. I started to notice how she didn’t (and still doesn’t) hesitate to capitalize off every move he makes. Sebastian is making a small appearance at a hole in the wall movie theater? She does a photo dump to her stories. Sebastian has a huge moment in his career? Expect a bait and a dump and some ad for some ugly purse or overpriced face cream.
And his discomfort, and often times disgust, around her were hard to ignore. And in these past two years, it’s only gotten worse. I tried really hard to give her a chance because at the end of the day it isn’t my business. I don’t know her, nor do I know him. But body language doesn’t lie. Not when you compare this situation to his previous relationships. Not when you see him showing incredible sweetness and kindness to every woman he encounters. AW is the first woman I’ve ever seen him publicly mistreat, and I can’t help but believe that has less to do with who he is and more to do with who she is.
She may have a creepy little obsession with him and what she can get from him, but he clearly views her as a job. That is not love. It is not happiness. It is not a genuine connection. If people who are so obsessed with “proving” that this is real truly cared about Sebastian, they would not behave the way that they do. If you care about someone, you want them to radiate joy. And if someone is stunting that, then why the hell would you want that someone around the person you care about?
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7grandmel · 6 months
Todays rip: 07/04/2024
Mt. Dedede (extended)
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 7: Part mm2wood
Ripped by JJokerDude
Requested by mobbsz02! (Tumblr Askbox)
The topic of the bait-and-switch is one that comes up a lot with Season 1 posts in particular, you might've noticed. The reason, of course, is obvious - it was the foundation the channel was built on, to make bait-and-switches, yet ones that didn't leave the viewer feeling cheated or dismayed. Something like Live and Ooooooooooooooh is pretty much the perfect example of the Season 1 bait and switch, a classic video game song that many will search up for childhood nostalgia only to realize just a bit of a way in that something isn't quite right - and get a huge grin on their face when they realize just what the edit is doing. And as Season 1 developed, the metagame grew more nuanced, and we started seeing different ways to play this same game. Some like RNR (Rip No Riffs) tried to play it subtle until a very long ways into the rip, some like Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be My Girl pioneered the legendary double-switch-up to catch even seasoned viewers off guard, and some (quite controversially) just went straight for the throat and had the joke be at the viewers' expense. Yet there's one more path to the bait-and-switch that's yet to be discussed, the sneakiest of them all, and the one that Mt. Dedede (extended) employs - to have the switch be so natural, so subtle, so expected, to where the viewer may never even realize that something is wrong.
If you're, say, a casual Kirby fan seeing this post, and you put the rip on in the background while you're reading, you may not even have registered what the joke of the rip is meant to be. "It's just Mt. Dedede, it's King Dedede's theme from Kirby's Dream Land which has stayed a constant in the series since - what's so special about it here? Sure, there's four seconds of The Nutshack as the rip fades, but that's not the entire joke, right?". At least, that was what I first thought when I gave the rip a listen upon entering my submission box - I chose not to check the wiki first, and was left scratching my head just listening to the rip on its own. That's because I'd made a fatal mistake in my above-described thought process: Because although Mt. Dedede absolutely laid the *foundation* for King Dedede's theme for the series going forward, the original version of the theme is actually - and quite literally - only half the story.
Yes! Akin to something like Collision Chaos Good Future JP [CD Beta Mix], this rip is in reality a "downscaled" arrangement of King Dedede's Theme from Kirby Super Star, one that begins the same as in Mt. Dedede, yet has an entire second half to it never present in the original. The original theme was only ever present for two games with Kirby's Dream Land and Kirby's Dream Land 2, wheras the extended version from Kirby Super Star - already one of the most popular Kirby games - feels as if its appeared in just about every Kirby game since in some form, and has completely eclipsed the original as a result. I, and likely many others, weren't even aware that the theme ever WAS as short as it was in those first two Dream Land games, a notion that JJokerDude just helps to sell with how inexplicably seamless his edit is with Mt. Dedede (extended).
The Mt. Dedede rip has racked up a ton of views, and I wonder how many of those genuinely aren't aware that they technically got tricked, "technically", because really nothing about the joke here betrays what your expectations would be going in. Unlike almost everything else on the channel, this is the kind of rip that its entirely possible to walk away from without ever realizing something is wrong - fuel for a fake Mandela effect, in a way! Rips of this kind are obviously far less common to see than the more explosive or blatant kind, mainly because its required scenario is a lot more specific (to have a theme that got extended in later iterations to begin with), but they do still show up from time to time! That lack of explosiveness means that they often get buried quite a lot of the time, yet that shouldn't take away from how genuinely neat they are to listen to, like getting to finally complete a puzzle left sitting in your mind - the answer to a question you hadn't really asked yet were always passively wondering about. Mt. Dedede (extended) is EXACTLY what it says on the tin, likely tricked a lot of people without even realizing it, and is part of perhaps the least explored avenue for bait-and-switching, and I think that's just pretty cool.
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