#serennedy pride week 2024
courtofparrots · 3 months
Serennedy Pride Week Day 2: Domestic
Just a little nap
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alitan99 · 3 months
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Serennedy Pride Week- Day 3 - Fantasy
Luis The Vigilant ⚔️
Prince Leon of Raconia 🦝 XD
Guess what, they’re in love 🥰
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mr-kennedys-elf · 3 months
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Serennedy Pride Week 2024
Day 2 - Domestic
"Rise and shine, Don."
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canineosteoblasts · 3 months
Serennedy Pride Week Entry #1–
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 1.5k
Pairing: Leon S. Kennedy/Luis Serra
Prompt: First words.
More info under the cut.
First, thanks to @wisecrackingeric-2 for organizing Serennedy Pride Week 2024! This entry is super late, but I really wanted to participate because the prompts are super cute and affirming to me as a queer person.
I’m not too confident about this one, since I started with one scene in mind and kind of wrote around it, but I think it turned out okay (at least). Feel free to let me know how you felt about it if you’d like.
Also, I totally wrote this instead of sleeping. Whoops.
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Introduction post!!
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Kia Ora!!!!! My name is Eric! My main account is @wisecrackingeric-2 where I am most active and post art!!!!! You may also know me as the person who hosted Serennedy Pride Week 2024!!
[if you have the time, PLEASE pretty please check out all the amazing art and writing under the tag everyone is SO DAMN TALENTED]
This is a side account dedicated to all things Luis Serra Navarro- I’ll be posting my own analysis, theories, character explorations and other general goofy posts!! I’ll also be reblogging posts about Luis I find informative or insightful, and some art as well!!!
This blog is meant to be a space to share theories, headcannons, and general positivity around Luis Serra Navarro, but also serves as a bit of a place to house any popular analysis/headcannon posts!!! So if you’re looking for something in particular, you’ll probably find it here!! Otherwise if you have a post you really enjoy but haven’t seen here, please please please feel free to send it to me!!!! I’ll also be posting about the ship serennedy quite often, and I’ll post about trans-related stuff every now and then!!
I most likely won’t be responding to anything on here, so if you URGENTLY need me for something, go to my main account!!!!! I also do NOT give permission for my posts to be screenshotted and reposted on other sites such as twitter or TikTok!!!!!
Please don’t interact with my account if you are a t3rf/here to try and “disprove” headcannons or erase important information, super hardcore pr0sh!p/fandom discourse blog/ship discourse blog/anti queer/race discourse, if you consistently whitewash Luis in any way shape or form and/or ignore POC voices, call Luis a ‘predator’ or a creep, or if you’re just going to be racist/transphobic/bigoted in general or if you’re only here to try and ‘prove me wrong’ or start and argument!!! And most obviously, if you come here and try to spout negativity about Luis, I will simply block you!!! This isn’t a discourse/meta analysis blog, this is just for fun!!
Also please don’t follow me if you’re an 18+/NSFW blog!! I’m not comfortable with sexual jokes!
Tl;dr: I love Luis a lot and he is always on my mind, so I made a blog dedicated to posting silly stuff about him!!!! Please don’t take my stuff TOOOOOOO seriously!!!
Hashtags I use for navigation under cut!!
#serennedyprideweek: the tag I used to host the Pride-themed Serennedy ship week in June 2024!!
#othersposts: other peoples posts!
#luisposting: my own posts/text posts!
#sillyposting: posts that are lighthearted or aren’t meant to be taken seriously!
#ericsart: Art reblogged from my main account!
#othersart: Art from other people!
#reblog: exactly what it says on the tin!
#serennedy: all things Serennedy-related!
#trans: for trans related stuff specifically!
#asks: for posts answering asks!
#important: important posts!
#to do: stuff I plan on responding to!
#Don Quixote 1957: for things about the 1957 Soviet Russian film Don Quixote by Orson Wells!!
#otherstags: for tags other people have added!
And finally, if you’re looking for a good end-all analysis video on Luis, I can’t reccomended HeroFatBrett’s video ‘Luis Serra — How RE4Remake Transformed Him Into The Series’ Most Tragic Hero’ enough!!! Unfortunately it won’t let me add links but you can find it on both of their YouTube channels!!!!!
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courtofparrots · 3 months
Serennedy Pride Week Day 8: Final Kiss
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Ok I think I kind of got the hang of this now anyway surprise! Day 6 wasn’t my last after all lol I put my heart and soul into this bitch I’m going to sleep for 20 years
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alitan99 · 3 months
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Serennedy Pride Week Day 1 - First Date
They went out dancing and later that night, they kissed ;)
I am SUPER late but I’m gonna try to catch up on some Pride doodles for these two before the week is over!
Original reference image
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courtofparrots · 3 months
Serennedy Pride Week Day 1: First Kiss
A little ficlet of Leon and Luis recovering in the hospital post-Spain
When Luis got hurt- when it looked like he had died- Leon didn’t think he’d be able to bear it this time. 
Don’t get attached he’d repeated to himself, but he hadn’t been able to help it. Not with Luis, anyway. Not with that loud personality, that charming smile, that- everything about him, really.
But Luis hadn’t died as he’d just come to find out. For once, Leon didn’t have to bear another loss, and now he didn’t know how to act.
He stood motionless in the doorway to Luis’s hospital room in some BSAA-owned facility in some corner of Europe that they had been dumped at for medical attention after the chopper had picked up him and Ashley. He’d overheard talk of another man being pulled out of Valdelobos and brought here, allegedly the only other survivor found that night. He was positive it wouldn’t be Luis. With Leon’s luck it was probably Krauser, or worse. He was so sure that when he walked into the room and saw Luis there, covered in tubes and tape and the slow but steady beep beep beep of a heart monitor indicating life, Leon had simply frozen.  
A pair of gray eyes drifted open, and Leon thought he might have stopped breathing then. A sleepy smile pulled up the corners of Luis’s mouth as he caught sight of Leon, “not dead, eh?” he croaked, snapping Leon out of his stupor. He skulked over to the bedside of the beat up Spaniard, pulling up a chair and sitting down at a reasonable distance.
“Who? You or me?” Leon asked, as nonchalantly as he could, twitching his hand in the direction of Luis’s where it was pressed against his side with an IV needle poking out of it, covered in tape that would be sure to yank all of the thin black hairs out when it was removed. He thought better of it before he could actually touch him, and let his hand drop back to his side awkwardly. Luis tracked the motion with his eyes.
“Me.” Luis said, scooting his hand to the edge of the bed and weakly raising his fingers, moving them shakily toward Leon’s dropped hand. Leon did actually reach out this time, if only because he didn’t like the way Luis was straining. He slid his hand underneath the Spaniard’s and began to rub back and forth across tan fingers with his thumb in a stilted motion, attempting and probably failing to be soothing. It was nice. The weight and warmth of Luis’s hand in his own, a simple yet invaluable reminder that Luis really had made it, even in this subpar condition.
“I wasn’t sure I was going to make it for a moment there,” Luis chuckled, “although maybe I should have been worried about you, too. You look like shit, Sancho.”
Leon couldn’t help the smirk that tugged his lips at that, “I promise you look worse.” 
They settled into companionable conversation for a moment, Leon still holding Luis’s hand- the same one he’d held when he thought Luis was experiencing his final moments, he realized. Luis told him about the extent of his injuries, a collapsed lung and lots of lost blood, and Leon filled Luis in on what happened after he left the mines. How he’d saved Ashley, and killed Saddler, how they managed to cure their plagas with Luis’s equipment.
“By the way,” Leon said after a lull, curiosity thumping in his chest, “you said we were almost something. Before Krauser stabbed you. Almost what?”
Luis looked sheepish for a second, before finally replying, “Friends. I was… I was going to say we’re almost friends.”
“Friends? It feels like a little more than that,” Leon said, flicking his gaze down to their joined hands, “doesn’t it?” 
He felt his face heat up as soon as the words were out of his mouth. Luis’s eyes were wide when he looked back up, searching his face for something. 
Maybe the hospital wasn’t the right place for a confession. Maybe thirty-six hours together and several near-death experiences didn’t qualify a bond like the one Leon felt spark in his chest every time he looked at Luis. 
Leon had tried not to get attached but he hadn’t been able to help himself. There was something there with Luis, that he hadn’t felt in… maybe ever. Leon wasn’t going to just let it go without saying anything, not when he had Luis back and safe. He’d blame it on the pain meds the doctors had given him, or temporary insanity, or something if Luis didn’t feel the same way.
The beep beep beep of Luis’s heart monitor sped up slightly. 
“What?” He asked, in barely a whisper, “more?”
“I mean, if you wanted,” Leon said, clearing his throat, “I wouldn’t mind trying. To be more, I mean.”
Luis seemed to surge forward suddenly, before wincing and falling back onto his pillow with a pained groan like he had momentarily forgotten he was badly injured. Leon took his cue.
“Easy there, Don Quixote.” He murmured, rising out of his chair and leaning into Luis’s space, one forearm braced on the pillow beside Luis’s head, a palm placed gently on his warm cheek. Leon let his eyes drop down to Luis’s lips and then back up, letting the question show in his eyes.
“Leon,” Luis rasped, “if you don’t kiss me right now, I am going to hurt you, and probably myself in the process.” 
Leon smiled into the kiss when he finally pressed their lips together, joy and relief settling behind his ribs. Luis was alive, he was okay, and he wanted to try being more. He wanted to try with Leon. 
He broke the kiss when the heart monitor turned shrill, a constant beepbeepbeep that made Leon worry he’d disconnected one of the many tubes from Luis’s body on accident, or that he was hurting him somehow.
Luis simply glared at the heart monitor as he let his head drop back onto the pillow. “Pain in my ass,” he muttered at it, “spilling all my secrets.”
Leon actually laughed; the whole situation suddenly made him feel so light. “Feeling a little excited?” He teased, and Luis blushed. It was insanely cute. 
He probably should have given Luis and his poor heart a break then, but he was too happy. Instead, he nudged Luis over and climbed into the bed with him, wrapping an arm over the Spaniard’s shoulder so that they could both be comfortable and drawing Luis’s head onto his shoulder. Luis sighed and melted into him, muscles relaxing and eyes fluttering shut. It wasn’t long before he was fast asleep against Leon’s chest.
Leon took in the deep breaths coming from Luis, the way his lips were slightly parted, the contrast of his dark lashes fanned across tan cheeks. He followed quickly into a deep sleep of his own, one of the best he’d had in years.
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courtofparrots · 3 months
Serennedy Pride Week Day 4: Pride Parade
Quick and messy screen shot redraw of that one iconic couple (pic below the cut)
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courtofparrots · 3 months
Serennedy Pride Week Day 6: Cigarettes
This is my last submission for this week (thanks for hosting this event @wisecrackingeric-2 @trans-luis-serra-navarro !!)
Here is a little cigarette based drabble:
"I've never smoked," Leon says, watching Luis from his perch on the patio furniture. It's true, he's never even tried it drunk. Rare for a kid that grew up in the 80's and 90's, but here he is.
He's never wanted to smoke either. He's not even sure why he's bringing it up right now, but there's just something about the way Luis looks when he does it. His deft fingers around the cigarette, the way his mouth works over the filter, cherry lighting up red as he takes a slow drag and then tips his head back to exhale the smoke. The way the motion exposes the long line of his throat in the process- god.
Luis lowers his chin, shifting his gaze to Leon as he brings down the cigarette to ash it onto the concrete, wiping them away with the toe of his boot.
"Never?" Luis asks with a small smirk, "I'd let you try it, but these things'll kill you, right? Besides, it'll taste bad."
"I know what it tastes like," Leon says immediately, defiantly, like a child. Luis arches one brow at him, smile widening a fraction in a way that says I'm sure you do. Leon feels his face grow hot as he looks away.
"That isn't exactly the same as tasting it from the source, amigo." Luis laughs to himself, bringing the filter back between his lips and just leaving it there. Leon tracks the motion.
"Let me try it then-" he says, reaching out an expecting hand.
Luis raises his eyebrows, but pulls the cigarette from his mouth to hand it over, before seemingly changing his mind. He licks his lips once, places them around the filter again and inhales one steady breath, but doesn't exhale it. Leon watches quizzically as Luis stands up and walks around the patio table towards him.
He plops himself right down into Leon's lap, eliciting a small huff from Leon. Fingers wind their way into the hair at the nape of Leon's neck and tug, tilting Leon's head back. The slight sting makes him part his lips, and then Luis is there- mouth ghosting over his and exhaling directly into Leon's lungs.
For a long moment, all Leon can sense is Luis and smoke and musk as the breath curls into his chest, heady, and then Luis is leaning away and letting Leon breathe him back out, smoke rising past his lips and scattering into the chilly night air.
He wonders idly if he just got baited into that- the taste isn't even that different from kissing Luis after he's freshly in from smoking, but it hardly matters. Something about the easy confidence, the proximity, the act itself has Leon's blood roaring as he stares at Luis through suddenly hazy eyes.
Luis smiles at him, then stands up, snuffs out the cigarette, and saunters inside.
"Jesus," Leon mutters to himself before following, nearly tripping over himself in the process.
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mr-kennedys-elf · 3 months
Serennedy Pride Week 2024 - Domestic?
Domestic quarrel / teasing still counts, right?
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canineosteoblasts · 3 months
Serennedy Pride Week Entry #2–
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 1.4k
Pairing: Leon S. Kennedy/Luis Serra
Prompt: Domestic
More info under the cut.
Once again, thanks to @wisecrackingeric-2 for organizing Serennedy Pride Week 2024!
I was originally going to flesh this out a lot more, but I’m super busy lately, and it’s 4:30 AM so maybe a drabble is better for now.
These two give me BRAIN WORMS. I’m such a sucker for seeing them care for each other, and I had to write it down.
Feel free to let me know your thoughts <3
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canineosteoblasts · 2 days
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General Audiences ★ Teen and Up Audiences ♱
Mature ꫂ ၴႅၴ Explicit .ᐟᅟ Complete ✿
Incomplete ᨒ
Chrisker Week 2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Serennedy Pride Week 2024 1 2
Chris Redfield/Albert Wesker (Chrisker)
- Do What You Can With Me, and Do It Quietly (As You Do) ꫂ ၴႅၴ
- Everything’s Clean Except for My Thoughts (Thinking About Me Getting You Off) .ᐟᅟ
- Secrets I Have Held In My Heart Are Harder to Hide Than I Thought (Maybe I Just Wanna Be Yours) ★
- If I Could Be Under Your Skin (Closer Than We've Ever Been) ꫂ ၴႅၴ
- Would Never Belong to Angels, Had Never Belonged to Men .ᐟᅟ
- If You Start to Kiss and the Record Skips, Flip It Over (And Sit a Little Closer) ꫂ ၴႅၴ
- I Wish I Could Talk To You (Pull My Chair Right Up There Next to You) ★
Leon S. Kennedy/Luis Serra (Serennedy)
- The World Lying Fallow, And You Are Apart From Me ★
- He's Absolutely Smitten, He'll Never Let You Go ★
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