#this has been rotting in my brain for weeks
theblueflower05 · 3 days
These Violent Delights: Chapter One
A/N: Thanks for bearing with when it came to getting this first chapter out! Work has been dragging me by my hair, but i'm going to try to get this story updated every week. At least until I’m able to work through this Spike Fearn brain rot I’ve got going on rn.
Warnings: This story is pretty heavy from the jump. I mean, check the source material. Talks of suicidal thoughts and tendencies. Loneliness. Smut coming later!
Pariring: Bjorn x Reader
Summary: A friendship is formed under the most unlikely of circumstances.
Next Chapter
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Every day is exactly the same.
The sentiment runs through your head as you blearily blink up at the water stained ceiling. The comforter is tangled around your legs and your mouth is dry- a side effect from the sleeping pills. The shrill ringing of the alarm is the only indication that the morning has rose on the horizon, outside the singular window in your apartment it is still black as pitch. Your joints crack when you finally force yourself out of bed.
You go through your morning routine in an almost mechanical manner. Shower. Brush teeth. Get dressed in the standard issued trousers and blouse you’d been given when you got your assignment- the holes you’d sewn up yourself are barely noticeable. Barley. Clip your hair back. Even the movements as you eat the tar like oatmeal feel too practiced. Fake.
Lately, you’ve found you dont feel very real anymore. There’s probably droid’s walking around, wires for veins, that feel less hollow than you do.
Jackson Star is a planet in the Alfeios system, and in the 11 years you’ve been stationed here you’ve realized, that it is a planet that should've never been colonized. It’s harsh, by nature. Sweltering summers followed by frigid winters, and the ever present, extremely active volcanoes. The atmospheric processors can only do so much.
And they cant do shit about the lack of sun.
They can try to replicate it; expensive lamps and vitamin C tablets acting like a cheap knock off. Like Weyland-Yutani Corps way of saying sorry we dropped you in hell- here's the shittiest consolation prize in the galaxy.
This particular Friday is gloomier then usual, rain accompanying the dark. The walk down the cluttered streets feels even more…hopeless than usual. Like maybe this is all there is. Blurring lights of neon signs and the ruddy faces of children that hold out their hands on corners, begging for their next meal.
Like maybe if you stepped in front of the bus in this cross walk- then it would end the loop. You’d be able to get out of this eternally dark purgatory.
They aren't new thoughts, but you lifting your foot to step of the curb is. You go numb, not thinking or feeling as you step into oncoming traffic.
Theres the blaring honk of a heavy hand on a horn and then you're being yanked backwards, hard.
You gasp as you’re pulled back onto the sidewalk and out of the way of oncoming traffic. You’re equal parts grateful and disappointed. But mostly you’re shocked.
The girl is small statured, her brown eyes wide behind unruly curls. She curses filthy and fast in Spanish.
Her gaze makes you feel uncomfortably scene. Its assessing and…worried. Its been a long time since anyone worried about you. “Are you alright?”
You’re taken aback by her question.
“I’m fine. Didn’t see the cars coming” you don’t understand why you’re explaining yourself to this stranger. It’s probably the hot embarrassment that’s pointing your face red.
She doesn’t look amused by your answer but nods slowly “Okay…”
The signal turns red, the cross walk sign lights up and you’re gone, fast as your feet can take you away from your unlikely savior. Leaving her standing there, confused.
“You’re welcome!” Comes her snark filled holler. You don’t blame her. But with the shame filling you, you also can’t look at her. You just give a haphazard wave behind you. A piss poor thanks, you know.
You hope you never see her again.
After the blip this morning, the routine persists- until it doesnt.
The office is how it always is. Bleak. The yellow lights flickering and the wallpaper peeling. Patty, a heavy set woman with an acidic smile sits at the front desk. The grim reaper at the mouth of the river Styx. It’s pleasantries, your badge is scanned and then you find your way back to your cubicle. As ready as anyone can be to stare at a screen and four walls for the next twelve hours.
Maybe it’s something in the damp air, but once again, the day deviates from the norm.
You only ever work with electronic filing. Sorting piles and piles of e-documents into they Weyland/Yutani system. An office grunt you’ve been called. And yet today they want you up front, something about “Yolanda from zoning and housing” missing a day because her son is dying from black lung. God forbid she want to be by his side. It leaves the office understaffed.
“I’m not trained for that position” you try to reason but it falls on deaf ears. There are numbers to be punched, and your lack of true no how doesn't really matter. You begrudgingly leave your familiar desk, taking only the thermos of hot coffee with me. Small mercies, really.
Front desk is as hellish as one would think it would be. Between having to interact with real human beings, not the computers you’re used to combined with Patty’s snooty remarks; you’re absolutely jonsing to get the fuck out of there and go home by the afternoon.
In the back office the digital copying machine is down for the fifth time this week. All of the filing systems have honestly been off- a result of the shitty outdated tech on this planet.
“Ugh- they really dont know what they're doing back there” Patty sighs, muttering under her beath about how she doesnt get paid enough for this shit “Im going to go help. Again. Keep your head down and follow the guideline on the forms” she gives me stern instructions and a side eye “And dont touch my stories”
She cares more about the trashy soap operas she watches on her tablet then the mother she just evicted from her apartment.
Where’s a fucking droid when you need one? This is most definitely a job that shouldn't be done by anyone with a conscience.
With dread in your stomach you put on a brave face as the security system announces the next client;
It’s a girl. With a small stature and wide brown eyes. Ones that reflect the same recognition you feel. It takes a moment for you to swallow the surprise.
“Name” You demand in a practiced voice. The shakiness you feel not transmuting to your tone. Or at least you hope it doesnt.
“Kay Harrison” and just like that, she’s not a stranger anymore “I’m here for an appointment”
You type quickly, plugging in the details on the keyboard. Pulling up her file. Scanning the information quickly. “Yes, I can see that. Here to formally request an eviction extension”
Damn. Thats tough.
“Yes. But only because we truly will be able to pay it next week. I brought not only mine but my brothers work logs and proof of direct deposit-” she pulls out a beat up old tablet and slides it under the glass. “We’ll be able to get the rent paid in full by the fourth”
What kind of cruel fate is this? The most twisted form of serendipity. She saved you this morning and now you have to co-sign on her eviction this afternoon.
You know it doesn't matter, you saw their file. The Harrisons arent newbies to being late for rent and their landlord is chomping at the bit to get them out.
“I’ll scan these into your case but at this point in the process it really doesn't matter” at your words, panic induced tears fill her eyes.
“No- because. We’re late. But we always pay. We’ve never been negligent, not on purpose. Since my dad died we’ve done our best” Kay rambles an explanation that doesn't matter and you feel frozen. Stuck. Conflicted in a way that you we’re supposed to have trained out of you.
“I cant-” you sigh and she looks pathetic. Drained…void.
A feeling you know all too well. That had almost led you right into the grill of a bus this very morning. And yet- she’d stepped in.
You gnaw on your lip and as discreetly as possible, your eyes scan around the empty office. Your co-workers still not back yet. You’re the only one in here. Its madness, but if there was any time to act on madness- it would be now.
You begin typing furiously, entering in codes that a normal front desk clerk wouldn't know, it isn’t in their training. But you’d been trained for filing.
“An extension wont be needed” You speak purposefully, giving Kay a pointed look “The landlord marked the eviction for the fifth. That gives you three more days to get a payment in before the constable is scheduled to come for the lock out”
There’s a moment of heavy silence.
The landlord had actually marked the second but well. It’s an easy enough over turn. Easy, but extremely illegal. You just did something that could not only cost you your job but risk your contract. Land you in jail-
“He marked the wrong date…” Kay chews the words, like she cant believe what she’s saying.
“Yep” I say quickly, finishing up, covering my ass by copying multiple files into the system. It would be hard as shit to uncover it, if anyone cared to bother. Kay’s just another file in the hundreds today. “Here you go, Miss Harrison. You have seventy two hours to get the payment to the respective party. If not the constable will be there to conduct the eviction”
I slide her tablet back towards her.
“I- I don't know what to say” She stutters and you give her a glare. You don't have the time for groveling, for un- needed thanks. As far as you’re concerned, you are now even.
“Don't say anything. Take your things and go”
I don't look at her again, not even when she leaves. Instead I refocus on my computer screen. Trying to breathe through the nerves that wrack my body. That was just about the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.
Your heart beats furiously and it’s the most alive you’ve felt in months.
After that it seems like something has been broken. The pattern no longer functions.
Jackson Star is by no means a small colony. Thousands strong, full of unfamiliar faces. And yet. You keep running into the same one.
“Here, I grabbed you a coffee. Extra sugar, like ya like, even though it’s going to rot your teeth out” Kay waits for you at the same corner that the two of you had met on. Weeks ago. She’d hunted you down after that fateful day and had shown that she wasn't giving up on showing her gratitude so easily.
Having friends in the colony is a dangerous game. Every friend you’ve ever had has either been transferred off planet or died. And yet here you are, eagerily bounding over to Kay. Taking the paper cup full of cheap coffee.
“My teeth are my own business thank you”
And it goes like this; the train station where Kay catches her ride to the mines isn't far from your job so the two of you make your morning commute together, gabbing about nothing. It's nice. It feels familiar, you used to have loads of friends.
Kay’s easy to talk to and she shares so much of herself so freely. Her little stories about her family make you smile. Make you feel warmth, and secretly longing. And yet still, every time the topic of you meeting everyone comes up you shy away.
Being friends with Kay is one thing. Meeting the most important people in her life is another.
She offers again today. Dinner at her house, ya’ know, the one she still has because of you. It’ll be lowkey. Just the friends. Fun.
Although you crave it, you’re scared of it too. That’s why you’re shaking your head, giving another of those flimsy excuses. Kay just pats your arm.
“If you change your mind, you’re still more than welcome to come. I’ll text you the details, okay?” She’s got this way about her. Gentle but not condescending, a hard balance to strike. Too bad she’s on this near barren planet, she’d be a great mother.
“I’ll keep that in mind, thank you”
When the two of you hit the proverbial fork in the road- you go your way and she goes hers. You to the office and her to the mines. Both prisons in their own rights.
You watch her cross the street and join a tall man at the train station. His skin’s the same shade as hers, his eyes the same almond shape. He’s handsome in a way that you’ve only seen on screens, in those old movies your mom used to watch.
This must be the older brother she talks so much about. Tyler.
He says something you can’t quite decipher to her and then looks over her shoulder, across the street at you, and beams.
Its not a normal smile. It’s pearly whites flashed at you in a way that makes your heart skip a beat in your chest. When he gives you a smooth wave you feel like you might be knocked over.
You just know the grimace and jerky hand motion you give back is as awkward as it feels.
If you obsess about how much of an antisocial weirdo you are all day, that’s your own prerogative.
I mean come on? You can’t even manage to wave back at someone? You truly need to get it together.
You think about that as you eat dinner at your makeshift table that night. Maybe, you’re just out of practice. You’re not awkward, just dusty. You just haven’t spoken to anyone for more then five minutes since your upstairs neighbor had a pipe burst.
It’s what leads you to pulling out your phone, to pulling up Kay’s contact. It’s still new. Still fresh.
Is there anything I should bring?
You don’t have to wait long for a response.
Kay: Nope, just yourself!😊 [location attachment] see you tomorrow.
You stare at her response on the small bright screen until your eyes burn. This is the change you had craved so badly.
So why are you so scared?
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This chapter kind of took on a life of its own. I so desperately wanted to have Bjorn in this but there was just- a lot of ground to cover. Next chapter we’re jumping right into introducing him (and smut towards a the end of that chapter to!)
Big shout out to @spikedfearn for letting me ramble like a crazy lady in her inbox. Her Bjorn content literally makes me salivate.
If anyone else is still going through Romulus hyperfixation please feel free to comment or send asks! I’m always here to chat!
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the-good-neighbors · 2 months
I apologize for nothing
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heliocentricsunflower · 7 months
Sagada - Cup of Joe
Levihan version :')
(really messy and rushed—did this at 12am lol)
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kkyos · 5 months
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Those who partake in dragon communion will one day shed their humanity
(Messmer and godwyn twins AU)
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saintobio · 1 month
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dramatis personae; sylus, reader, xavier. heavy angst. period piece. medieval au.
— “in a realm where light and dark doth vie, ‘tis not thine eyes, but thy heart, that must discern who be the true enemy.”
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♱ forbidden love
an illicit romance: crown prince xavier, your childhood friend and devoted lover, stands on the precipice of duty as the sole heir to philos. as he is bound by the chains of his obligation to the throne, his heart aches for the one lady he cannot claim.
♱ marriage of convenience
wed to a tyrant: emperor sylus, an oppressive ruler from a neighboring empire, secured your hand through a ruthless bargain he struck to claim you as his wife. your marriage is not one of love, but a cold transaction sealed by power and ambition, leaving your heart trapped in a gilded cage.
♱ the damsel in distress
the bastard daughter of a grand duke: born of noble blood but marred by your mother’s lowly station, you walk a fine line between privilege and disgrace, ultimately forced to marry a man for your own survival. yet, your fate was sealed by a vow to xavier—a promise to break free from sylus’s grasp when the crown of philos finally rests upon your lover’s head.
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yuutakuns · 1 year
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Close friend Yuuta who takes a little bit too much advantage of how dear he is to you.
It starts with innocent little touches, the bump of shoulders and knees when you sit squished together. Sometimes, it’s a sneaking light hand on your thigh, creeping softly but not far enough that it has ever become uncomfortable. You don’t mind it, you think it’s cute that Yuuta is a little bit of the clingy type, he is your best friend, after all.
Content Warning: MDNI (minors do not interact), 18+, dark content, afab reader, dub-con/non-con, manipulation, reader is referred to as “angel”, unprotected sex, unhealthy!!!
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It took some time, but eventually it began to dawn on you how Yuuta relishes in your attention, preening when you call his name. He’s always happy to be the shoulder you cry on, the one to listen to all your woes.
You only began to realize how bright Yuuta smiles, cheeks burning at the sight of you tearfully weeping into his broad, warm chest.
It’s after you start to notice Yuuta’s particular infatuation with your attention that it hardly takes any time until you find yourself cornered by him. He has you pinned up against a cold concrete wall, knee between your legs.
Your mind is filled with spiraling emotion, you can’t help but think maybe it’s your fault for not stopping this sooner, spoiling Yuuta too much with your trust and attention. But how could you have known?
You’re ripped from your apprehensions soon enough. Yuuta’s grasp is unshakeable, with one calloused hand pining you immovably to the wall. His breath is hot against your neck, leaving a trail of love bites and teeth marks as he holds you firm with his grip, like a dog starved baring it’s teeth for the first time.
Paralyzed, you feel as his free hand begin snaking down into your slick soaked panties. “Yuu— wait a minute—,” you manage out, stifling a moan into his chest. The room reeks of lust and you don’t think your whimpers will stop Yuuta any time soon.
His head hangs low into your neck as he fucks your cunt on his fingers, playing within your sweet little folds. Your whines only goad him further, “Shhh- you’ve been wanting this, yeah? Been needing me, my angel? Been waiting for me this whole time? I’m here now. I won’t ever let you go.”
You feel a little sick, unsafe, but despite that it’s hard to ignore the heat forming in the pit of your stomach. You try to open your mouth to respond but it’s covered by Yuuta’s hungry kisses, hot breath against yours as he moves his thumb to tease at your throbbing clit. He’s careful with the bundle of nerves, not going too hard nor too soft as his plays with your sopping pussy. You whine as you feel your cunt clench and your eyes roll back as you cum messily on his fingers, moaning weakly into his mouth.
It’s easy to let go after that, to be pulled into the nearest room and be bent over the closest table and have Yuuta pound into your pussy and squeeze your tits as he drinks you all up, takes all that you have to give and eats you alive. His cock stretches you out, burns in the most delicious way.
You cry out as your legs become shakey. You feel them almost give out but Yuuta continues to hold you up against the table, still fucking into your messy cunt as you cum again and again on his throbbing cock.
“A-ah��It’s like you were made for me, like you were made for me to fuck you. You’re perfect. I’ve always known you were perfect”
Yuuta moans as your pussy spasms around his dick, his pace becoming erratic as his hips slam into you. The grip on your hips is hard enough to bruise as you feel his cock twitch and spill out his seed out into your used hole.
Yuuta smiles as he lays his sweaty forehead onto your back, leaving a trail of kisses down your spine as your head begins to feel heavy and your eyes close from sheer exhaustion. You feel him hold you tighter and tighter, you fear he won’t ever let go.
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ofallthingsnasty · 5 months
tw: yandere, kidnapping/basement spousery, depression, mentions of noncon, gn reader characters: Crocodile, Sanji, Doflamingo, Law word count: 1.3k
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One thing I learned recently is that I'm definitely a social creature and would get horribly, horribly depressed as someone's basement wife, even a well entertained one. All the books, the crafts, the soft music in the world couldn't prevent me from sobbing into my pillows, couldn't get me to crawl out of bed and to paint a smile on my face. Oh, but how would your captor react? For some, it's definitely a necessary evil - Crocodile comes to mind here. Annoyed by your lethargy, by your random tears and your meek, taciturn responses, he finds himself frustrated at times. This state of mind really isn’t ideal - he wanted you docile, sure, but not lifeless. Yet it's also awfully convenient when you just let him push you around, let him caress and touch you - and not out of fear of him, simply because you don't care to struggle. He discovers that he can forgive a lot when you're especially shaken and cling to him, bury your head in his chest because he's the only human you'll ever know again and the world is so bleak around you and you just need him right now. Of course, it would be nicer if you didn't do it because he's the only warm-blooded creature that you interact with, but he'll take what he can get. (And with time, it weirdly grows on him: him turning into the center of your life, the way your eyes seem to light up the tiniest bit when he comes home to you, something he thought mildly annoying at first turning out to be awfully convenient.)
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To others, it's devastating. Sanji lives for your smiles, your warmth, the way your eyes crinkle and you jut your head forward when you fully, genuinely laugh - total apathy is worse than antagonism to him. If you were to scream, shout, put your fingers around his neck and squeeze with the desperation of a cornered prey animal, he'd at least get a reaction, some signs of life out of you. But you don't even do that. You just sit and try to suppress tears while he holds your hand. Sometimes he just cries with you, letting himself fall into the same hole you're being pulled into. It makes him regret taking you so utterly, bitterly, makes him feel all those memories from when he was a child bubble up in his stomach until they force themselves out and he has to vomit to be rid of them. He’s just like his father, he thinks, and it makes him sick. He’s rotten down to the very core, cursed from birth and now he has gone and soiled you, too - he’ll end up sobbing into the crook of your neck more than once, full of genuine remorse. And all you’ll be able to do is absentmindedly pat his hair, thoughts spilling like an knocked over ink well. No, you slipping into a deeply depressive state is only going to worsen the hatred he has for himself, is going to poison him slowly and steadily until he’ll be in agony. Maybe it’s his just punishment.
Then there are the ones like Doflamingo who simply don’t care. You don’t crawl out of bed until noon? You just stare into space or bury yourself in books when you finally do? You’re just lifeless by his side, just blink, shrug your shoulders when spoken to, just exist? Whatever, he has always treated you like a doll from the start. He can even weather the elusive bouts of sobbing and crying (even if he hates it when they happen), because most of the time you’re just his poseable thing and he is nothing if not generous to allow you a tantrum here and there. He doesn't feel bad about you being a more of a hollowed out shell of a person than a fully-fledged human with a rich inner life and doesn't care that most of it is his fault - his fault that you fester and rot beneath the surface, his fault that all the opulent, vibrant clothing and the scorching hot days by the pool still leave you frosty and weirdly bloodless, like a cold-blooded creature in winter. Food is ash in your mouth and only sours your stomach but you still eat when he tells you to, touches feel foreign and loveless but you still let him fuck you if he so wishes. Why should he care what circles around in your head when he gets to do anything he wants to you? That you feel like life is no luster, only desperation? The truly bothersome parts are taken care of by his myriad of servants and the family. Messes left behind get cleaned up, baths are forced on you regularly, as are grooming sessions. If you don’t get dressed on your own either someone else will see to it or he will - and he’ll have his payment for his time, trust me. The solemn mood, the non-existent smiles… he doesn't care for that. You’re not here for your entertainment, you’re here for his. And you just accepting your fate and letting him do whatever it is he wants… That’s just perfect, isn’t it?
Of course, let’s not forget about the ones who secretly love it. Law is a prime example, especially with his medical background. He isn’t surprised that your mood sways - he expected as much when he restricted your every move, declared the outside world to be too unhealthy for you. Of course you’d slip into a depressive episode. And it’s not a flaw, it’s intentional. Because now - now, when you can’t peel yourself out of bed, when everything feels too much, when you can’t feed or move or dress or take care of yourself- he gets to swoop in. He gets to do it for you, gets to tell you that he’s here and that he’ll always catch you when you fall. That his assessment of your condition was accurate - that you always needed him, right from the start. Dependency is worth more than all the love in the world to him. It simply doesn’t matter if you’d rather slit his throat than to behave for him out of your own volition - as long as you can’t leave. Even if he genuinely loves you, he’s not deluded enough to cling to daydreams of him and you living a quiet, happy life full of reciprocated affection, that ship has long sailed - sailed ever since his childhood got irrevocably destroyed. No. Love is nice and good and makes him wash you gladly, makes him care for you with delicate hands and with a patient brow - but your sickness makes you stay, renders you unable to leave him. It’s the only currency he can trade in when it comes to you. He’s your savior and tormentor rolled into one person; but above all he is the only one who cares and will forever care. You could rot yourself into a pathetic, sweat-soaked, disgusting corner, could turn into nothing but a husk and he’d always, always nurse you out of the ditch he’s found you in, just at the right time.  What he doesn’t tell you is that he could help you. At least artificially. Boost your moods with SSRIs until you bounce off the walls with nervousness and sweat thrice as much; make you giddy and shaky until you get used to the dose. Until the world seems worth living in once more, until at least some color returns to your drab eyes. He could get you the medication, even try some speech therapy, could help you like a good boyfriend should. But why? It makes no sense. Why help you only to get some fire back, maybe even for you to slip through his fingers? It’s easier to sit in twosome silence with tired eyes watching him, eyes that one day might be grateful for all the work he has put into them. Until then, it’s of utmost importance that they stay right where they are: in a cramped, dirty corner of a bed, dull and lifeless.
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nvirskies · 9 months
you guys you guys,,, what if i *ahem* clarisse la rue x daughter of hephaestus where she walks into the forge seeing reader hammering away at something and immediately she's like :o woah muscles... :O pretty girl (kinda ooc but like she's caught off-guard?)
fic here!
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itsybitsybatsyspider · 5 months
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don't you just love it when you find an obscure mediocre media that has such an intriguing concept and storyline that has better potential than whatever Marvel's been putting out for the last two years but then go to see that there's no fandom or fan content for it so you're basically vibrating and going feral by yourself in the corner as it rots your brain??
yeah so anyway, have some Max Steel doodles
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shijjii · 14 days
chilchuck begging for more is just-
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"F-fuck, you're so...." He whispers "You're such a fucking tease" He gasps out through gritted teeth, his breathing slowly becoming ragged
"Hm?" you ask in a hum, looking at him with a mischievous smile
"what was that?" You ask with a small hint of pride in your tone
"Please, give me more..." He pleads, covering half of his face with his arm but the red tinge on it is as obvious as the sun in the sky.
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k2ntoss · 7 months
after lazarus pit!jason todd feeling teenage rage so he wanders around streets listening to blink-182, it makes so much sense to me and he still blasts their songs whenever he's on patrol and he sings "stay together for the kids" screaming at the top of his lungs !!!!!!
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misspoetree · 1 year
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+ The worst crime of them all:
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KinnPorsche + Text Posts: Anniversary Edition
[many more text post memes]
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cherry-bomb-ships · 11 months
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Aran Ryan Animations that Make Me Insane 💚💜💚
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hashileio · 1 year
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shadow wizard money gang
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john-laurens · 10 months
Something about Laurens and Kinloch being so similar yet so different, both being part of the southern elite, neither being the firstborn but both being the oldest son, both experiencing the death of a parent in their adolescence, but while Laurens lost his mother, Kinloch lost his father and was then placed under the guardianship of a man who was a staunch loyalist living away in England, both Kinloch and Laurens traveling to Europe for their education and being so close and so like-minded in many ways and both feeling conflict between their own wants in life and the will of their father/guardian, Laurens wanting to return to America to fight in the war but his father wanting him to pursue law, Kinloch at first taking strong loyalist stances in the same vein as his guardian and holding so fast to these beliefs that it severely harmed his relationship with Laurens, but then Kinloch later returned to the colonies and fought on the American side, meeting up with Laurens again in the process, and then victory came but Laurens was not ready to leave the war behind, but Kinloch (and Hamilton) had already gotten married and had a child and determined that he truly enjoyed a domestic life away from war and politics, meanwhile Laurens's wife had died and Laurens soon followed, leaving behind a child that never knew him, and an obituary was written for Laurens by some anonymous man living in Virginia with an intimate knowledge of his life story (*cough* Kinloch) and concludes "I am happy thus to perform my last duties to the memory of a friend"
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bbbutterfingers · 1 year
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did you let me die in your arms in the timeloop?
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