#this has been quite the uno reverse situation
clonerightsagenda · 4 months
Apparently Frank is not trying to seduce his employee, he is attempting to become their evil dad. Mildly concerning that I could not tell the difference but I'm a big fan of evil dads and that's less of an HR violation. Leo has now asked him very nicely to stop doing evil experiments and he said sure. I can only assume that he will now do evil experiments but make sure the door is locked first.
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jumpywhumpywriter · 2 months
Double Hostage Situation - The Ultimate Uno-Reverse
Warnings: threat of death, violence, morally gray anti-hero, blood
Summary: Shadow is a morally gray hero who was ambushing Sebastian's base with Thomas, her human companion. Until it all went wrong, and Thomas found himself being used as a hostage. But unfortunately for the enemy... Sebastian wasn't the only one with leverage.
"Enough! Surrender to me at once or I'll kill your human pet!" Sebastian roared threateningly. Thomas could feel the cold metal of the gun pressed to his temple.
   "Too bad you're not the only one with something the opposing party wants." Shadow suddenly appeared, dragging a young man along with her as she stepped out into the open. She had a firm hand gripping the back of the collar of his shirt, and the other hand held a dagger, which was pressed to his neck.
   Thomas could see the young man was trembling in fear, looking desperately at Sebastian with wide, pleading eyes and muted panic written on his face.
   "Jonas..." Sebastion whispered under his breath, his voice hitching.
   Thomas tried to meet Shadow's gaze and gauge her intention, but she was zeroed in on Sebastian like a hawk fixated on its prey, and didn't even glance at him.
   "As you can see, we have a bit of a problem now..." She said flatly. "If I'm not mistaken, I believe this is your only son? The resemblance is quite clear." ((("Either both of us win, one of us does, or we both lose all. Quite an intriguing game, don't you think?"))) Her lips twitched upwards into a self-satisfied smirk as a tense standoff ensued between her and Sebastion. "A life for a life seems like a fair trade, is it not?"
   "If I play your hostage game... you'll release Jonas first, right?" Sebastion said, and Thomas could see him struggling to keep his voice from wavering and maintain his composure.
   Shadow let out a single mirthless laugh, shaking her head in amusement. "I think you might have misread the situation... you are not negotiating with me here. I make the offer, you take it or leave it. Period. My way or the high way." She tightened her grip on Jonas, and Thomas could see him fighting back a wince. Shadow jerked her head meaningfully towards Thomas. "You let that kid go first, and in return your son lives to see another bright and wonderful day."
   "How do I know you won't just kill him anyway once I release your human companion?" Sebastian asked, voice laced with suspicion.
   Shadow's eyes danced with cruel delight. "That's the fun part... You don't. And you know me well enough by now to know that I am far from being worthy of trust. But you also know I don't usually say things I don't mean. Which means that I will absolutely follow through with my threat if you give me a reason to." She shrugged nonchalantly. "At least by making the trade, your son has an increased chance of survival."
   "You--You're bluffing!" Sebastian sputtered in disbelief.
   "Am I?" Shadow pressed the blade deeper into Jonas's neck, and Thomas could see him visibly flinch as a thin stream of blood trickled down his throat. "Is that a gamble you're willing to bet his life on?"
   "Okay! Okay... wait, just don't hurt him. I need a second to think." Sebastian scrambled for words.
   "You have ten of those seconds. But I won't let you stall for any more time than that." Shadow's eyes glittered coldly, and Thomas couldn't help a fearful shiver. He'd never seen this side of her before. The cold, calculating monster that had been described to him before by various sources. She'd always been strong and fierce, but he never actually thought she'd go this far. He'd tried hard to believe that she was better than that, seeing as she was on the hero team.
   But in her face, in every taut muscle of her body... he knew in an instant that she'd do it. She'd really kill Jonas on the spot if it came to it. And that terrified him more than anything.
   The tension in the room was palpable as the seconds ticked by, each one agonizingly long.
   "Time's up. Make a choice. Choose wisely."
Sebastian looked torn, his face twisted into a mask of anguish as he met Jonas's frightened gaze, and Thomas could sense his resolve faltering, until he finally caved.
"All right, all right! You win..." Sebastian's voice cracked helplessly, and Thomas felt the metal barrel that had been pressed against his temple vanish, and heard the sound of the gun being holstered. He stumbled forward a step in surprise when Sebastian suddenly let go of him, and he turned to see his hands raised placatingly, fatherly desperation in his expression.
"Kid, walk over to me." Shadow's harsh voice snapped him back to the present, and he turned to see her gaze still locked firmly on Sebastian. Thomas quickly did as she instructed, hastily crossing the space to stand behind her, although he still kept his distance, unnerved by her vicious ferocity.
"There, I gave you the human back. Can you please release my son now?" Sebastian's words were strained and urgent, and Thomas could tell he was still trying to hang on to any last shred of dignity or power he had, searching for any sense of reason in his enemy.
Shadow slowly tilted her head from side to side, as if contemplating her options.
"First, I want you to beg me to spare him," she hissed at last, voice laced with venom.
Sebastian looked surprised, before his face fell and filled with dread.
"Please, I'll do anything you want -- just let him go--" Any trace of his usual malice as the leader of the Jackals had evaporated, and now he had been reduced to nothing but a frantic father.
Thomas held his breath and glanced nervously at Shadow, silently willing her to let Jonas go. He didn't think he could stomach it if his supposed ally broke the promise of no-killing simply to murder an innocent young man caught in the crossfire just to spite Sebastian. Kill the son in front of his father.
"Shadow..." Thomas whispered her name on a breath, his voice barely audible. It could be the absolute wrong move, but some part of him hoped he could break through her hatred and bitterness and convince her to spare Jonas.
Shadow didn't even glance his way, but he noticed her stiffen, as though she'd heard him.
"Please don't do this..."
Shadow still didn't directly react to Thomas, but he could feel her silent acknowledgment.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Shadow let the blade drop from Jonas's neck with an annoyed huff, and roughly shoved him forward. Jonas stumbled but quickly found his balance again, running over to throw his arms around Sebastian with a choked, terrified sob.
Sebastian caught him in his arms, and the relief was plain as day in his expression.
"You have ten seconds to run," Shadow growled low in her throat. Sebastian wasted no time making a beeline for the nearest exit, tugging Jonas into a dead sprint after him, and they soon disappeared through a doorway. Shadow's hands flexed at her sides as she watched them go, as though it physically pained her to spare the enemy.
Thomas let out an audible sigh of relief, sensing that the worst of it was over. He looked over at Shadow as she sharply turned around.
"Come on, kid... let's get back to headquarters," she hissed through gritted teeth, as though it pained her to even say it. Thomas quietly followed her out, not wanting to risk angering the furious white-winged bird-woman by speaking. The entire trip back was made in complete silence, and the whole way Thomas could feel Shadow's quiet wrath seething in the air around her.
It was only when they were about to enter the front doors of their base that Thomas finally mustered the courage to speak.
"W-Were you really going to kill him back there?" He squeaked nervously.
Shadow paused in her step, turning to meet his eyes. He could read the weariness in them, but also saw slight pity and sympathy, which confused him.
"Do you want me to tell you what I think you want to hear? Or do you want the truth?"
"The truth. I want the truth."
"Very well. In short, the answer is yes. I would have killed Jonas in any other circumstance, even if Sebastian wasn't holding you hostage. Just to make the man suffer."
Thomas felt like he'd been hit by a truck, and he couldn't help wincing in shock and surprise. But Shadow didn't seem to care.
"That's the truth, kid, even if you don't like it. Everyone calls me a monster... you should believe them. I'm a cold killer, it's in my nature... and I'm not going to change. I'll never change. Sorry if it's not the answer you were hoping for..."
Thomas averted his gaze, head pounding. "...Then why did you let him go?" he breathed.
Shadow paused for another long minute, and for a second he wondered if he'd crossed the line--
"...Because of you," Shadow finally answered, her voice low and quiet. She didn't elaborate, leaving Thomas to wonder what she could possibly mean by that.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 11 months
Tagged by @lover-of-mine @steadfastsaturnsrings @watchyourbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @devirnis @forthewolves @buckactuallys and @thewolvesof1998 for tidbit tuesday! A few people sent in the bed head soft prompt, so here’s the start of the idea I had for it (set after Buck wakes up from the coma)
It's easy to rely on habit in times of crisis. It’s been a long while since Athena has been put on security detail but her body still sinks into it, easy. Think of a grocery list, or an only okay book you read, or try to remember all the rules of Risk — something to keep you from inattentive boredom, but not something so engaging you’ll be distracted. Feet a little apart, legs stiff but not locked, settle into your own bones because you’ll be here awhile.
It’s wrong, though, because if she were actually working she’d be in uniform, and she’d be by the door facing out instead of across the hall looking in, and she’d never be assigned to this room. She isn’t a doctor, there aren’t any hard and fast rules about family members, but any captain worth a damn would bench her for being too close to the situation to keep a clear head.
In the room, Eddie Diaz sets a plastic grocery store bag down on Evan Buckley’s bed. Buck shifts his thigh just a little to make room for it, looking up at his friend with a smile that Athena can’t quite manage to look at without hurting.
It’s late enough that Y’all can count this as a tag for wip Wednesday @shitouttabuck @bigfootsmom @rewritetheending and @ everyone who tagged me today I’m uno reversing you
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we need someone to uno reverse this person and dox them... just throwing it out there because you can be a hateful unresolved loser all you want but racism??? specially when tdp is so diverse??
Hmm I'm not a fan of feeding the cycle of hate and violence. I don't like their methods, and I don't think highly of the person, but at least I am above doxxing, and I will always have that going for myself. Do not stoop down to someone's level just so you can get the satisfaction of fighting fire with fire. It gets bloody. When it comes to situations like these, the best way to win is to not rise to their hate. These people hate that. They thrive off of your hate, off of your attention. Do not give them the satisfaction or the time. Fight fire with water: take care of it by notifying the proper people to see if a resolution can be made (which no one needs to do, as I have already contacted ao3 and am waiting on a response--doxxing is a crime and is legitimately harmful). In the meantime, you can disable guest comments if you wish, or just mark their messages as spam and ignore them. I use the same tactic when people post ragebait: I block them and move on. It's quite healthy and my life has been much better since I've learned this.
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tkblythofficial · 5 months
I'm here to offer tea in the name of 🍊 juice.
My friend did a new reading and here it goes:
About BB and T: She said she sees BB operating on a more noticeable level to try an regain T's attention because he's been drifting more and more as of late.
She also claims that BB is using his name as a way of gaining more fame for herself, and is truly bothered by T's friendship with R.
She says that BB has been gaining a more toxic aura about her lately and that she has tried to catch T in the act talking to R even going as far as reading his texts without his knowledge.
According to her, she perceived R as a threat from the get go for some reason and while R did try to form a bond, she couldn't and gave up on it all together because although she'll never admit it to herself, R didn't like how T's attention would be focused solely on BB while they hung out.
About J: My friend doesn't like him, she thinks he's shady and that's he doing something he shouldn't do, might even be talking to another woman behind R's back and to no one's surprise according to my friend she might be around 20 years old.
My friend also stated that R is for some reason worried about who's going to be the lead of FTA. When I asked why my friend started cackling and said it's because R is toxic and doesn't want to see T sharing any sort of connection with other actresses, that's quite possessive of him in general and doesn't like that another might have that so she's worrying over it.
Welcome back Tarot Orange and associate!
Is no one here normal? 😭 I thought BB was our last hope at normalcy but she’s just as crazy.
BB opening her account to get T’s attention and him pulling a reverse uno and unliking her pics 💀 what a mess. Men don’t like being boxed in or forced to do something so it makes sense.
Using T’s name for fame? I’m sorry but she’s a little stupid if that’s true. T doesn’t want to use his fame for himself, let alone her 😭 also she should’ve opened her account months ago to capitalize on his fame more
Reading his texts without his knowledge? Omg is it that serious? 💀 this is why an ultimatum never works. She’s doing all of this for him to talk to R anyway…and I can see her developing a toxic aura about this. It explains her strange behavior.
R not liking T’s attention on BB? The dinner party video is cursed. J was clueless, R was staring at T, T was smiling for the camera and BB was thirsty for his attention. Also Tarot 2.0 said a while ago that T saw no reason for R and BB to be friends and didn’t try to help cool down the situation lol. Is that true?
J sniffing after another young woman as R’s birthday draws near is so gross.
I can’t wait for Farewell actress to be announced. I’m glad Orange confirmed my suspicions. R is toxic now so imagine her toxicity when he’s preparing for this project with another actress.
Thank you :)
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liliallowed · 10 months
Weird how even though I love Dust sans, I don't like his Canon and hate the fanon versions of him. I try to ignore it most of the time because I know I won't be able to enjoy anything, but I feel so conflicted. I have see Dust sans so differently from everyone else it makes it so hard to enjoy any type of fan creation ;-;
(I feel bad most of the interpretations you share I mostly disagree- but I can't do anything because it's the majority)
Not sure why I'm ranting about this, I guess it's been on my mind too much-
lol it's fine!
I personally related to certain aspects of dusts mentality. a bit... too much. as a kid I wasn't in a best head space.
I clinged onto dust for a sense of understanding. a sense of comfort. something in me felt understood. aknowledged.
not sure if it was the self sabotage or the irony of yourself becoming your own worst self fulfilling prophecy with your doubts clouding your judgment...
or if it was his choice to take fate by the neck and say FUCK YOU I QUIT to the script, turning the timeline on it's head to what's got to be the coolest uno reverse moment.
something clicked with that. I don't know why dust specifically. I'm not like that with killer or horror or insanity. it was just DUST that I felt a small kinship towards.
I knew how he hated himself. that he purposefully sabotaged his own life just to be right about the shitty person he is and that irony would only feed itself.
he is stuck in a cycle. I to this day still feel like I'm stuck in my own cycle of improvement then I fall back to my worst then back up then worse goes on and on and onnnn it's never going to stop.
I'm not GOING to wait for it to stop I'm grabbing life by the neck and DEMANDING it to shit the hell up while I pull myself together.
like... I basically grew up with this au.
I was there when ask dusttales ask box was open. I read the entire thing like a deranged fan hoping to unravel secrets of the universe or stuff like that...
if we're comparing personal feelings and obsessions with dusttale... I've had A LOT of it.
but I've learnt that this projection onto fictional characters while therapeutic and helpful can actually harm others or make you sound like an egotistical jackass who thinks they know said character better than anyone.
it's parasocial... and I don't want to be mean to anyone I disagree with. when I don't enjoy others interpretations I try to focus on their positive side.
like, the fic I was ranting about?
that one legit had good grammar and the pacing was great. I liked the world building and the side characters! it wasn't bad! and I don't hate them. just a bit annoyed.
pick certain aspects you enjoy and put it into your own work! if you hate what others do? explain why and reason it IN YOUR STORY/ART/AU.
one of my fics was literally made out of spite to a dust x y/n soulmate au! (Thornbound souls)
just do what you like bud.
I like both canon AND fanon dust. but the plot has to make sense and he has to act in character accordingly in both situations.
my inmate au has a canon and fanon side! fanon side is for shipping shenanigans while canon inmate dust sans doesn't even MEET other humans or monsters.
I think you're allowed to enjoy both. in the end everything is just inspration for more things.
checking canon dusttale lore can be quite bland, mix it up with a bunch of head canons like... having dust occasionally spend time reading when he waits for resets.
as for fanon? do whatever you like just make sure you don't stray too far from dust being... well you know. dust.
classic ship of Theseus dilemma. though I won't ramble much further. just look for things you like!
and if it's under appreciated? CREATE IT YOURSELF!
I'm sure there are others who will gravitate to your head canons!
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candycryptids · 4 months
UNO REVERSE! How do YOUR blorbos sleep, huh? 😤
Chuu sleeps anywhere any which way. Tuesday’s learned to not try to move her to any kind of bed or horizontal position, she’s sleeping fine where she is and when she wakes up if she’s been moved it throws off her groove, especially if she was in the middle of something lmao. If she CHOOSES to go to bed, she wears a big ol shirt and gets all cozied up under a weighted blanket with an eye mask and sleeps for 16 hours. [If her wife is home, she’s laying on-top of her like a blanket because she’s warm, lmao. Chuu is become Weighted Blanket]
Tuesday doesn’t need to sleep in the classical sense, but he does use ‘sleep time’ in the way human brains do; to sort and compartmentalize/toss out things from the last time he’s ‘slept’. (He tends to find a quiet place to do this, the FC house has a custom built ‘nap room’ with alcove beds he’ll use if he’s around home base. Otherwise he’ll even just find a chair in the corner and ‘doze’ for an hour. (Keathan likes to curl up on him from what I remember, because he’s warm, and relatively comfortable. And sometimes the sleepies just Getcha when you’re running all over creation.)
[cut cos there’s quite a few silly little guys ANDNFNEKD]
Ishi’li enjoys the fact that they can curl up into a little ball of Miqo’te if they’re having to sleep alone, but at a certain point she starts sharing a bed with Kizuna, who tends to hold her with his tail. And arms. They become a tangled octopus of limbs. LMAO. Purrs sometimes in his sleep. Really needs someplace soft/a bedroll to sleep, isn’t so good at just sleeping wherever on the ground.
Mochiie sleeps sprawled out flat on his back like a starfish in bed, but he’ll also sleep sitting up in armchairs or propped up against a dozen pillows. Or. Leaned up against Mindy with her big Chocobo head in his lap, lmao. He doesn’t tend to want/need a blanket but he does like sleeping in silken pants. 🥰 (he’ll bully Urianger away from staying up late studying to come lay with him in bed…. Only for Mochi to fall asleep and Urianger to just sit up reading with Au’ra deadweight leaned on him. Lmao)
Levraut wants to wear full pajamas to bed (nightcap, long shirt, pants… yknow, the Pajama Set. LMAO. His has Chocobo’s on it.) he snores, but claims he doesn’t. He’s a stomach sleeper, keeping his journal or whatever book he was reading shoved under his pillow (or AS his pillow, if he’s sleeping on a bedroll, hdjdjdjs) he sleeps best in a hammock on board a ship, but he lays on his back or side in those (the side sleeping makes his back complain a little bit he’s young, within the hour he’s stretched whatever cramps or aches out)
Colette! Sleeps best when Setsuna is curled up under her arm, pokey horns be damned. If she’s curled at her side then there’s no chance she’s in any danger. She sleeps naked, because every big comfy shirt for sleeping ends up mysteriously on Setsuna or in her possession, lmfao. She just gave up at some point. (I don’t talk much about Colette or her charge, they’re kinda background brain radiation, but Colette’s fun uvu!)
Tangy sleeps best when other people are around (either also sleeping or just doing stuff in the same room, background noise helps her best) she sprawls out on top of a soft surface (usually her bed) and falls asleep like someone tossed her already unconscious body there. As a Miqo’te she snores somethin’ fierce and awful, but her change into a Hrothgar seems to have fixed whatever was causing it more or less, and she’s now relatively quiet. (Sometimes she growls in her sleep though like dogs do when they’re dreaming!) she would very gladly cozy up in bed with a bunch of people for a big sleepover situation! Push all the beds together pile up all the blankets and pillows…
As a final little bonus; Jojoha sleeps sitting up with a dagger in hand, wary and ready, even when the chance of danger is very small. Solkmyna struggles to sleep on even good days, struggling with nightmares, and sleeps flat on his back like the dead when he does manage to fall asleep. Swydghem sleeps worryingly deep, a side effect of being under the effects of Sleep related spells and medicines. She also sleeps like a corpse, with her arms folded over her chest. Viking funeral style. Both Solk and Ghem sleep better when they’re in the same bed together following her recovery. Jojoha tries to never sleep at the same time as them when they’re staying together, so she can keep watch for. Anything. They’ve had enough misfortune in their lives; she’d rather at least warn them before it strikes again.
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magicalgrimm · 8 months
Is there anything you can tell us about Cyber? He has a really punchable face and I wanna know more about him so I can punch him in the face more
He is horrible <3
Ok but on a legitimate note, here’s a quick rundown on his backstory and character
He was once a normal guy who was evicted from his house then got kidnapped by super natural beings who used him to try to use as a vessel for their disabled buddy, but then he did an uno reverse card on that guy and pretty much possessed him back and nobody noticed because he just copy pasted the creature’s entire personality and the beast was mentally disabled due to being lobotomized years ago.
Unfortunately, cyber still worked for a pretty evil dude who disregarded every aspect of his humanity and tried to train him to be more animalistic and ruthless, cyber ended up losing every ounce of hope in getting out of his situation so he caved in and became a significantly worse person, even after his abuser passed.
He’s very good at his job, a bit too good at his job because a lot of things often get broken and people often die or get traumatized. The company he works under tries to employ him on missions as little as possible but he’s quite difficult to control and often just does what he wants. He’s grown very sadistic over the years and gained a hobby of killing and torturing for fun, so best to stay away from him as far as you possibly can.
There’s honestly a lot about him I could keep talking about, but I don’t wanna give away every single thing about him here and there are some elements I've been wondering if I should even add because it’s kinda dark. One thing I need to work on is making him flawed because he’s still a person despite being convinced he’s no longer human.
If anyone has any suggestions, critiques, or questions I’d be happy to hear.
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thekrows-nest · 1 year
You know, I don’t think Krow has properly thought this whole kidnapping thing out. 🤔
They’re already run ragged with work and the efforts of staying barely fed, they’re already stretched financially to the point that they have to do horrifically risky things on the side and sometimes even then go hungry, and that’s all just to support themselves.
Add on top of that the living costs of a captive Dove that isn’t working, isn’t free to help forage, needs precious time for care and supervision, and is completely dependent… the cold damp air and crumbling mouldy walls could even make them sick which is doctors and medicine. (This is assuming Dove has no medical issues or expensive special needs. And no pets.)
Logically how are they both going to survive on one low income? Both dinguses are now borderline homeless, freezing and going to starve. Forget having any children.
(Upping the murders to cover costs could get Krow caught. And if by some chance they lose a fight and are killed themselves nobody knows where captive Dove is.)
Also on top of losing Dove’s income/ability to help seek food there’s the loss of Dove’s apartment. Which could have been much more weatherproof, furnished, had heating and cooling during extreme temperatures, a proper kitchen and shower, laundry facilities… private internet access!
Krow bro, you’re making a mistake.
If you were so smart you’d pull the Uno Reverse card and get Dove to kidnap you.
Krowspiracy anon making me having to play Devil's Advocate for the birb boi. /lh Also stop being so perceptive anon. /j /lh /teasing
You DO bring up valid points, and they're not without truth or merit. Part of it is, the idea is neat to have a yan who DOESN'T have the resources or money to kidnap their beau, yet... tries to anyway.
That being said, the reason Krow does so is out of insane desperation, for whatever reason. He has to be really pushed to consider kidnapping Dove, let alone actually carrying it out.
Even with his crazy desperation, he would still try to adequately prepare for it. Getting things secure, having some kind of a rainy day fund, medication if needed, etc. etc.
...And maybe this is a tad spoilers but probably should be said lmao. The state of Krow's house is a bit of an ongoing joke with some friendo's, but it is not quite in THAT bad of repair. Krow in fact has done some fixing up of the place himself. So some of the rooms are actually... fine. That's all I'll say though dfgnx;dfg
Then the idea of Dove kidnapping Krow well... He really wouldn't mind it. Really he'd just chuckle on waking up to see he's been taken and just go "I-if you w-wanted me to l-live with you m-my Songbird, all you had t-to do was ask~" (and y'all are totally welcome to send in asks of an Uno Reverse situation of a yan Dove kidnapping Krow if you so desire.)
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idv-news-boi · 1 year
Rosalyn’s Offline {Event: 3N1GM4 Act 2}
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Laurence finds out Edward nearly got his vessel squashed.
{Voice call}
Laurence// *dials Enigma *
Laurence// *waits *
Enigmas// yo~?
Laurence// The heck is wrong with you <333
Enigma// happy birthday <333
Laurence// is not even my birthday, Mr. Mysterion <33
Enigma// That’s right, because that friend of yours doesn't know your birthday either <33
Laurence// As if anyone will remember yours <33
Enigma// go to hell, and start solving my puzzles <33
Laurence// Okay, nerd <333
Enigma// no u <333
Laurence// no u <333 *sends a pic of a uno reverse cards formed into a cross *
Enigma// I hate you <333
Laurence// The feeling is mutual, i guess <333
Enigma// what do you mean-
Laurence// :))
Yami happens to finally walk out of his workplace for once, it took a lot of debating in his mind to convince himself to just get coffee for a moment- usually, Angel would come in to check on him, but it seems that the beloved Tailor has more matters to attend lately,,, Matters he suppose it must be lots of commissions piling up for this summer.
But nevertheless, the Funeral Parlor Director deeply respects Angel’s work as much as the other cherishes his. Even if that means his Darin won’t come around as usual, which sometimes would become a little a bit shared between them.
Yami’s footsteps are small yet quick, as if he’s sliding smoothly, you can’t notice if he’s really walking normally. He merely strolls around with a mug in hand, not minding what’s around the world as long as he can quickly make his way back to his little corner of work-
Until a loud thud from the nearest other room is heard.
It may not be noticeable but the tall man flinches lightly with a tiny tremble as his eyes widen for a second. He then slowly turns his head around to peek from his back. Nothing.
Though- muffle of multiple voices can be heard as if conversing,,, they sound… panicking? Confusion?
Whatever it is, Yami is out-
The Funeral Director quickly turns to a corner to be far away from the situation, slightly sighing and mentally mumbling to himself ‘same routine, different day…’. The manor agreeably seems to be running normal as usual in his point of view; a disaster chaos.
Just as he is thinking that he’s already safe from any scene- oh gosh,,, he doesn’t expect what he’s encountering in his way.
He was about to turn to another corner- only to almost bump into a man, so he quickly halts and takes a quick step back, holding his mug with both hands to avoid it from spilling.
“Oh- excuse me, sir. Apologies…” Yami says quietly, looking down at his feet to avoid eye contact from making things more awkward.
“No no, it’s nothing! Just,,, excuse me first.”
The familiar Chinese accent can be heard. The funeral worker notices the golden lining of the traditional clothing the other is wearing. Oh, isn’t that the Cultivator Yami often sees walking around with Angel? What’s his name again?
As the Cultivator continues his way through the halls, Yami notices what the Chinese man has been dragging as his head remains low… a quite long sack.
It looks pretty heavy even.
“You’re… Narukami Eiji, right?” Yami suddenly says. He realizes what he just said before mentally panicking- he really wasn’t planning to start a conversation in this situation-
Yet, Eiji seems to look up before giving a tiny courteous smile. He seems normal, yet his body language and the way he is dragging the sack is not looking normal to see from him. It gives Yami a small, bad presentiment…
“Hai! Yes, I am,” The Chinese Cultivator responds, popping a small Japanese expression instead- he must be Chinese-Japanese, looking at the surname and the mix culture he brings in him.
“I heard from Angel quite a bit about you, Kazuichi Yami, right?” Eiji shortly says as he continues dragging the sack, looking both sides to see if there’s anyone around. “Is rare to hear Angel talk this fondly about someone- but with more sincerity!”
“…Really?” Yami asks with uncertainty, lightly shifting his mug as he tries to look everywhere but the other man, not sure if he should just leave by how in a hurry Eiji looks or follow him for a bit. “I didn’t know that… He talked quite a bit about you as well though. Hearing from him, you must be quite a good friend.”
“Ah, I’m quite honored!” Eiji chuckles while rubbing the back of his head, he looks behind to see where he’s slowly going, “Is comfortable talking with you- how about we meet up again over for tea?”
“Yes! At my Teahouse, anytime at noon.” Eiji smiles as he throws some pats at the taller man’s shoulder with his sleeved covered hands in great enthusiasm, before speeding up his movement. “I must go for now- I need to hurry with my chores, Aiyah! See you later.”
‘That’s a cue’, Yami feels mentally says with a thankful look. The talk is ending for now-
“Alright, have a good evening.” He now bids calmly before continuing his path.
Few seconds of walking, a thought crosses his mind as he stops walking for a bit.
What’s inside that sack? The size resembles… a man. The height of a man.
‘Did Eiji do something to Angel?’ Yami hesitantly thinks, but then shakes his head in doubt, ‘No no… There’s no way- I caught a glimpse of him 30 minutes ago- plus, they seem like old friends who talk to each other everyday like brothers… Mn.’
After that, Yami’s figure slowly shrinks the farther he goes deeper into the halls of the manor.
“Okay- done.” Eiji ends his statement after treating Edward’s wound with his jade orbs, “Rosalyn around could have been faster- but this is at least a traditional version of the natural fast healing.”
“I understand,,, cheers.” Edward mumbles a bit as he feels more numb than pain on his torso. “So,,, Do the others know about Enigma?”
“Well, Mira and Axel not yet I suppose,” Eiji starts, “The others l ready know through Rosalyn’s disappearance-“
“Wait- so her disappearance is connected to Enigma’s strange arrival???”
“I may not sense the real Enigma in this manor- but I definitely can sense his energy… but not a living one.” Angel states, confirming another possible vessel wandering around the infamous establishment.
“Just as I thought…” Edward says, now connecting more dots. He wasn’t the one who discovered the whole ruckus, instead he sensed her connection going offline at the moment of her disappearance like the others who weren’t with Angel and Eiji- which is a sign of unusual action through the connections.
“Where’s Calico?” He asks, noticing the unusual absence during such preposterous situation. Knowing her very well, she could have joined the investigation as early as possible too.
“Patrolling- checking for any clues as we speak- Also to keep a watch on the Specialist vessels in case the Hana one gets kidnapped as well.” Angel explains, definitely not pleased to see Kitty in such distress.
“Good afternoon.” A quiet but clear silky voice is heard from behind.
“AA- oh, hello Nikon.” Edward looks like he was about to jump but once he quickly turns around, he gets a bit less defensive when seeing the fellow Dyanthus.
Edward sighs more, looking at both Eiji and Akihiko, “Ah,,, You Asians should stop scaring me from behind like some kind of ninja, silent monolith soldiers- I keep getting heart attacks!” He complains teasingly, trying to not sound like a scaredy-cat around the coworkers.
“ごめんなさい,,,” Akihiko quietly says but sincerely as he lowers his head a bit.
“..对不起.” Eiji arches his brow slightly yet understandingly that the European is not in good condition to be spooked too often- not like it’s intentional anyway.
“But well, speak of the devil- I was about to also ask about you… and Mr. Americano. ( ‘-‘;” Edward adds anyway.
“Incognito is on his way,” Akihiko assures along with a nod.
"Nikon," Angel addresses the cameraman calmly but with a hint of demand, "Have you seen any unusual anomalies through your cameras?”
"Most of them are found blurry. But I managed to adjust into a clearer vision for some of the footage- they only can be seen as symbols and tags on the silhouette’s clothes.”
“Let’s take a look, then.”
Akihiko nods, before taking out his camera and bending it into a laptop. 4 footages are found adjusted and sharpened to show 1-3 similar symbols, one of them from Enigma corporation’s logo.
“Hey- isn’t that the Eaglewing crest on that military hat..?” Angel points out, his eyes going light violet as if scanning the images one by one.
Edward’s eyes widened lightly, “This…- wouldn’t that tell something???”.
“This can be a disguised to frame the Eaglewing government, probably.” Eiji suggested, a hand on his chin, “If it was the government, they could have covered the military hats and the crests and everything-“
“But if it’s the government,” Angel points one thing, “They’re telling us they also know what we’re doing-“
“…” Edward goes silent along with the silent cameraman, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Hello, team! How are you all doing?” A Chicagoan accent is heard in a half-happy tone.
“Incognito,” Angel starts, “Any information?”
“This letter,” Laurence tosses the letter he just got from the so-called villain 3N1GM4, before turning his back around as if his mind is in a debate with multiple plans he came up on his way to the ‘team meetup’, “It seemed like child’s play work to me.”
“Child or not, is a criminal on the loose- even if the Eaglewing might be ridiculous on getting the job done, we cannot just underestimate outlanders.” Angel reminds Laurence, his fingers tapping in slow motion. But his eyes now glowing in violet might mean he might have some annihilation plans on the said-kidnapper.
“Just as how he shouldn’t underestimate us, an unknown danger.” Laurence turns back with a sneaky smile, but his glowing blue-sky eyes can tell he’s not in a mood to always play by the silly joker rules anytime soon. Laurence traces his eyes around the room the group is in before reaching what he’s looking for, a small suitcase.
“Patience,” Eiji starts, “We’re still waiting when to attack.”
Laurence sighs before starting to makes his way for the door.
“Incognito- You cannot just go by yourself!” Edward protests once seeing Laurence walk away, who pauses for a moment when being addressed.
Though, the blonde gentleman turns around once again, smiling at the brunette.
“What, you think I’ll act like a selfless hero when I have you all helping me? I’ll rather take advantage of that~” Laurence winks before motioning everyone to follow him, Angel took the common sense to follow as well- supposing the Reporter has other plan.
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majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years
&& hold the nail (for the hammer stroke) || (1/?) a Jopving episode
source: the terror amc centric character: John Irving relationships: pre John Irving/Thomas Jopson  chapter warning/tags: Escalates Quickly, those Victorians and their damn ankles, light canon-typical internalized homophobia from Irving, excessive use of “John” and “Jopson” bc i couldn’t be bothered to avoid repetition overall heads-up: Some toxic behavior from Irving, truly obnoxious thought process from Irving, canon-typical homophobia, vaguely questionable relationship dynamic but we gotta trust Jop’s judgement on this one lads he knows what he’s about additional tags: aroace!Jopson, Irving’s Gay Panic, mutual appreciation for Miss Jacko, Irving’s Gay Panic gets an uno reverse card in chapter 2, Jopson has the patience of a literal saint but he also has standards, Irving astral projecting to avoid taking accountability for the Gay, Crozier lowkey keeping an eye on the situation, Irving going from “awww” to “Oh god. Oh no” in the space of a single paragraph.
additional heads-up: i ship hard but i have genuinely no idea how romance or any of that even works so i’m literally just throwing darts with my eyes closed here.
summary: When a misunderstanding creates tension between himself and Lieutenant Irving, Jopson’s attempt to restore harmony leads to a different understanding entirely.
It happens like this:
John comes in from the cold, into the slightly less cold. He’s grumbling to himself, and doesn’t notice the captain’s steward until the man’s polite greeting almost makes him jump out of his skin. 
Jopson is too professional to look more than a little amused, but there’s humor in his eyes, and John gives a short laugh in spite of himself. 
They are not friends, but they’ve always been amiable enough. John can respect a man who works hard, and few if any can rival Jopson’s dedication to the captain. He’s a pleasant sort of person, steady and generally cheerful; John’s never heard a word of complaint from him, even when the expedition’s events would warrant it. Their rare conversations are simple, but enjoyable.
Reliably, Jopson soon notices the source of John’s own complaints. 
“Snagged on a nail,” John replies to the questioning look. Indeed, concerned look. Jopson is looking at the tear in the leg of John’s trouser as if it’s a minor wound. He huffs in irritation. “I’ll have to ask Gibson to-”
“-I can do it, sir,” Jopson interrupts, with a gesture toward the coat on his lap. “I’ve needle and thread already to hand, it wouldn’t take a minute.
Truth be told, John would rather be stabbed than speak to the other steward any more than absolutely necessary after their last interaction, and in any case he is aware of the quality of Jopson’s stitching. He readily agrees. 
Jopson smiles again and sets his other work neatly aside, rises and motions for John to take the vacated chair. 
While John settles with an appreciative sigh, more tired than he’d realized, Jopson deftly threads a needle, grinning softly over the spool. “Miss Jacko stole this earlier,” he says, “Had to bribe her with a spare button to get it back.”
“Perhaps she wanted to join in your sewing,” the thought amuses John, and pulls a laugh from Jopson. 
“I wonder if she could,” the steward muses. He takes a knee before John, grimacing briefly before bending to inspect the damage. “She has the hands for it. She could make a career in small mending.”
The notion is wonderfully absurd. He may have to sketch it, later, a capuchin seamstress-in-training, mischievous but astute under the gentle tutelage of a black cat with curiously clever paws. 
On the note of clever paws, the occasional feather-light pull at the fabric of his trouser leg brings John’s attention back to the ones currently making good on their promise of quick work. 
Jopson’s head is bowed, but John still catches the occasional glimpse of his face - not quite frowning in concentration, but very much focused. He is, John knows, one to give every task complete attention, even something so simple as this. The stitching is finer than strictly required, meant to be all but invisible in addition to holding well. The garment will be, rather than simply repaired, nearly like new. Something like fondness grips him. He opens his mouth, meaning to express gratitude he already knows the steward will call unneeded.
And then Jopson’s hands brush close enough as he fiddles with the lower part of the tear, lifting the cuff minutely for access, that Irving notes the mild pressure of it and, for a moment, thinks he can feel the warmth of those hands even with his boots in the way. Fondness dissipates in an instant. 
Oblivious, Jopson continues his stitching. He gives the fabric an experimental tug at the end and nods, satisfied. He spares Irving a quick glance, brushes back stray hair. “There we are, sir,” he smiles, “Good as new.”
Lieutenant Irving is not sure at what point he began clutching the sides of the chair he’s trapped in, but he suspects he’ll be removing splinters from his hands for weeks. He doesn’t meet the steward’s gaze, instead staring a spot on the opposite wall until the man ducks again, brushing against Irving as he uses his teeth to snip the thread. 
Irving’s vision burns white.
He’s on his feet so quickly his head spins. The Steward is saying something, alarmed, but it falls on deaf ears. Which are surely red as blood if the heat of them is any indication. 
Mortified, Irving flees from the room, paying no regard to the baffled man on the floor. 
He does not stop walking until he reaches his own bunk, slamming the door behind him. He thinks of the Hold, of Gibson and of that slithering serpent of a caulker’s mate, and of his father and of hell and no, it will not do. He would never-
Irving stops his frantic pacing. He would never. Such notions would not spring to mind unprovoked, and if provoked he can hardly be at fault.
(What notions, he hardly knows, and does not dare to interrogate. They are evil things, wicked things, they must be smothered quickly, not taken out and examined closely)
But what was the provocation? He had not supposed the captain’s mild-mannered steward to be the sort...but then he had not suspected the filthy caulker’s mate, either. Had it not been the steward’s suggestion, at any rate? And he supposes it makes sense, for one of a servile nature...
(He strangles the thought before it finishes its first breath.)
It makes sense, loathe as he is to accept it. It is troublesome. 
Despite being directly affronted in this case, he finds he cannot reach quite the same state of anger as he’d felt toward Mr. Hickey. Mainly, it is a sense of disdain that falls upon him and weights down his shoulders.
The captain, he thinks, would be horrified. 
He will not reveal this anymore than he did poor Mr. Gibson’s torment. Not for the steward’s own sake but because Captain Crozier has enough on his mind, and is terribly fond of the man. Self-preservation, too, is a factor. It would not do to be tarnished in the Captain’s view. 
He wants to be more furious than he is, particularly because the steward was close enough to being a friend. Friendly, at least, and had always seemed so good and upright. He must be more careful in his choice of acquaintances. If he must admire a dedicated steward, let it be Captain Fitzjames’ Mister Bridgens. There is a man who is above reproach. 
John shudders, his course of action decided: To take none. 
Instead, he will keep the matter quiet, and will pray for the wayward souls aboard this wretched vessel. Perhaps they are not beyond help, though he certainly won’t be the one to do so. 
His prayers do little to set his mind at ease, but that is his cross to bear, and his soul is somewhat more settled. For his nerves, he resolves to take out his sketchbook and work until his hands stop shaking. 
Later, he leaves his cabin, having composed himself and set the incident aside. He resumes his duties with a quiet spirit. 
The sketchbook is left atop his desk, open to a worthy likeness of Miss Jacko furtively clutching a needle and thread. 
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
This chapter was so juicy omg lets get straight into it
Agatha literally embodies me 😂 everything shes said i’ve either said or thought. From her saying she never had faith in reader’s relationship with yelena to calling it a rebound. She’s exactly right and i’ll come back to those two quotes a little later. The other thing about sparky being a mastermind is something I genuinely thought earlier on i was like aw damn the dogs bringing them back together but I didn’t say anything and now i really wish i did cos same agatha same 😂
Im gonna speak about wanda briefly here and then I’ll come back to her affer. But in that whole conversation with agatha she’s very mature about the whole thing considering reader kissed her. She’s not getting excited about it out of respect for readers relationship(that’s already over but she doesn’t know that yet) shes also being cautious because of what happened last time with reader.
Im glad Valkyrie apologised and that wanda didn’t string her along honestly did not want another reader yelena relationship for lack of better words.
Vision is gone thank fuck for that he will not be missed.
Natasha. Quite possibly one of the saddest parts of the series. Nothing hurts quite like a friendship breakup between best friends. I said it last time and my views haven’t changed. Nat is supposed to be readers friend, while I completely understand why shes angry it makes sense yelenas her little sister and i get it but reader is also her friend. It a complicated situation because its very difficult to be neutral. Reader shouldn’t have cheated full stop. However, if we’re being realistic some could argue reader has been emotionally cheating since the start considering the love for wanda was always there. But back to my point this relationship should never have happened to begin with or at least not when it did. Yelena shouldn’t have pursued reader and reader shouldn’t have dated her either especially not without having the therapy that is so desperately needed. Im not blaming yelena or saying nat’s reaction is wrong because i truly understand both sides its just really sad that this is how its ended. Im not sure what your plans for nat are for once i genuinely dont have a clue.
I think its very ironic that at the start of this wanda didn’t really have that big a support group but now thats kind of the reverse because reader now has no one. I also think its very like idk what the word is “impactful” i guess that now reader’s lost everyone but wanda is still there for them.
Back to wanda. Idk how to feel because we know what happened to wanda last time they entered this sort of arrangement and i really don’t want it to again because she has made so much progress. On one hand i feel like she won’t let herself go back that far but the ones we love can be our weakness sometimes. And on the other hand it seemed different this time less aggressive like the way reader cushioned wandas head. But one thing I didn’t like was reader leaving with no aftercare i saw someone else say it and I definitely agree. PSA to everyone aftercare is so so so important okay? Good. And i also don’t like Wanda missing therapy because of this arrangement it feels like a step backwards (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing in terms of story writing cos like i said last time recovery is not a linear path and its really validating that you’ve included that)
And finally pietro. Oh dear god the anticipation is killing me. Ive been dying for chapter 17 and its almost here. He knows why wanda missed the sessions (or at least suspects) and i think hes got a picture of wanda in the hospital or maybe after he found her (im not quite sure who found wanda after she overdosed I don’t remember but uno what i mean💀) and hes gonna send it to reader maybe saying back off
I swear im in love with your brain youre incredible I can’t wait for chapter 17
Reading your comments/thoughts is always a favorite habit of mine whenever I post an update. Like, srsly dude, I look forward to it.
There's something you highlighted that I did not even intended in the story: I think its very ironic that at the start of this wanda didn’t really have that big a support group but now thats kind of the reverse because reader now has no one. I also think its very like idk what the word is “impactful” i guess that now reader’s lost everyone but wanda is still there for them.
I guess that happened naturally. I mean, when you're maintaining a positive vibe in life and taking care of yourself in general, suddenly there's room for people in you life who also want to share the same outlook in life. You attract good energy. You're able to take care of relationships around you because you're in a good place. I guess that's what happened :)
Yes, aftercare is really important. R is neglecting herself, wasting away, so she really is incapable of thinking about another person's needs at this point.
My mind?? Look at your mind! Look at what you'll think Piet would do O_O
Once again, thank you! I super enjoy reading your points!
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sixstepsaway · 2 years
Having a weird time of it lately because I realized the only recent show (as in, things I watch as it airs) in the last like...ten years that hasn't ended up horribly disappointing me is Killjoys
and, like, a lot of shows would do well to take a leaf out of Killjoys' book? It's pretty clear to me that she was given two seasons to wrap things up at the end of season 3, and she didn't have quite enough time (only 20 more episodes) to tie up every loose plot thread, so she opted to let those go in favor of letting the characters be wrapped up and finished
and on top of that, at the end of the show, she pulls a total uno reverse of the usual "and at the end, this beloved character DIES! 😈" by straight up bringing back a character we were all positive died because she could. because it made us happy. because it worked.
but I was never super into GoT but I really loved Jon and Dany, and the way those two went was just... ridiculous. I tuned in for the last few episodes because of her (and him) and to watch them destroy her character and his was just... awful. You can say whatever you want about Dany (somewhere else, not on my post pls) and how she was "always meant to go evil because it's in her family lineage" (which... gross, actually) but it also turned Jon into something unrecognizable: a man who would distract the woman he loved with a kiss, just to plunge a knife into her chest and kill her. He didn't even give her a fair shot!
and then hotd decided that because people decided Daemon was the internet's boyfriend they'd talk loudly about how actually they were all stupid because he's an irredeemable villain, as though they didn't... write him as morally grey and (inadvertently, I think, if I'm honest) humanize him further by having him do things like not kill Laenor when his book version almost certainly did
let's be honest here: daemon being the internet's boyfriend is a power fantasy. abusive men are angels to everyone around them and awful to their partner and children who are trapped with them. daemon is awful to everyone around him and an angel to his wife and children and that's what makes it a power fantasy.
the power fantasy is being the one(s) he doesn't hurt, even if he's terrible to everyone else.
this weird push for everything in fiction having to say something about reality and what you really desire is fucked up, to say the least, but the idea that because a bunch of people online think daemon - who has been shown to be adoring of his wife and kids even ignoring the deleted scenes, and protective as fuck of them - is a great fantasy boyfriend that they're Stupid Women Who Want Abusive Men so they should be ridiculed when haha look daemon choked his wife, you see how stupid you were now? is painfully short-sighted and just downright cruel
how many people get the "see how stupid you were? we TOLD YOU he was abusive all along" treatment? how many of them actually deserve it? why perpetuate it into fandom? it's bullshit. and it's cruel to just go "gotcha" at people as though the characterization hadn't been written for nine episodes as daemon being unable to hurt rhaenyra and defensive of anyone and anything that did.
(also it's worth noting that assault is not the same as abuse. abuse is a pattern, it is not a single action or event, and it requires a power dynamic and an element of manipulation. you are welcome to feel that the choking was abusive, but to me it reads as a singular assault (also bad! very bad!) not a pattern of abuse involving power. if daemon abuses rhaenyra, she has the power to have him cast out, exiled or even killed - she is queen! he has very little power in that situation. to me, that is different. still terrible! but different.)
anyway, after all of that came the witcher's baffling announcement about recasting geralt and i just...? okay. it's pretty clear to me that hc had enough of the writing going so far off the books, and i get that. I haven't read the books (yet), and I enjoyed s1 and s2, but having read about the books and learned that yen's s2 plot was actually triss' in the books (or close enough) and other things they saw fit to change for no good reason, I can fully understand why hc would peace out if it gets even worse in s3 because frankly? same
and, like, i came out of killjoys feeling like i could never write anything that good ever, like i'm not exactly a bad writer but like i would never be that good
and it's weird that i keep coming out of these shows with the resonating feeling that i could do better
i am not an egotistical person, i like to think i'm pretty down to earth about these things, but i will never understand how these shows end up with writers who hate the source material and writers who instead of handing the show to someone with love for it crap all over it and then leave, or writers who just don't care and actively hate their viewer base
(i suppose we return to our regularly scheduled rerun of a tweet i can't find rn which says how there's a certain genre of tv writers who think they're writing for men, then find out their show's fanbase is largely made up of women and/or queer people and instead of embracing it, punish.)
it's just fucking weird and it's left me with a really sour taste in my mouth because idk if it's my autism, my adhd or both, but i get so invested in shows and i feel physically injured when the writers decide to shrug emoji and throw everything to the wind for bullshit reasons
if it was just me feeling like this i'd think maybe i was dumb, but it's very clear from everything i've seen and read that hc also feels this way about where the witcher went. grrm said the books will end "very differently to GoT" which...yeah. obviously. he's actually a good writer lmao.
(sometimes i wonder if this is also what happened with torchwood, if rtd realized he'd appealed to the 'wrong' audience and punished with ianto's death, but i'm not so sure about that one)
anyway i'm stuck now with such intense trust issues that i am actively dreading ofmd coming back because i cannot stand the idea of what they might do to it
especially considering it's on hbo
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okay so ummm. well i got shy but it's basically an obsessive autassassinophile (maverick, he/they), his current "love interest" whos an assassin (samael, they/them) and a medicine student with repressed anger problems due to his strict parents who likes organs a bit too much (blade, he/him).
maverick considers murder as the ultimate form of love and sexuality due to associating it when he himself was stalked and nearly murdered by another character (zachary, he/him), well mav killed him in self-defense in a panic (zachary actually revived as a demon but he doesnt knows that) but his mind did a reverse uno card for dealing with the fact he killed someone and now *hes* the stalker lol. and now interprets what happened to him as ~the most romantic time of his life~ and desperately wants for it to happen again. he looks for getting in situations like that by basically using the dark web and snvff/gore sites as dating apps.
this is where he meets samael, but maverick pretends he met them "by chance" instead of telling them he knows about their particular "job" and that he has been "studying" them for months before making the first move to actually meet each other. to this point mav already formed an obsession with them, and molds his entire personality to fit what they would like, in hopes of being of their taste, them falling in love with and eventually murdering him 💖 out of love 💖. this has yet to happen due to samael being closed off emotionally and actually wanting a friend more than a partner, since they were forced by their family not to have a single friend while they were still in school, because that would risk them telling their peers about "family secrets" (they come from a family of assassins) lol. however, they're quite dependent of maverick, and if they saw even the slightest threat of him losing interest on them, they will do *whatever* he wants them to do, regardless if it goes against what they want.
however, in the middle, maverick and blade had "a thing" through internet, because mav recently had a nasty "break up" with his ex gf (roxy, she/her. she never saw him as anything but a toy to unleash her sadistic desires on) and so was in #hoemode, in which he "messed around" with blade, and for these two it meant narrating deranged gory fantasies to each other, both what mav wanted him to do, and what blade wanted to do to him (included but not limited to ripping off his organs while they were fucking and then fucking these organs when hes dead).
blade is kind of a dumbass so he genuinely got attached to maverick and wanted to meet him in person n everything. but mav didnt wanted that due to finding samael and ghosted him lol. so now hes trying to get maverick back to his side, and acts like a scorned lover. considering the town they all live in isnt really that big, they did ended up meeting in person but by chance in a party lol (they knew how each other looked). whenever they see each other, blade tries to get intimate but it kind of... doesnt works lmao. even when theyre literally a match made in heaven. (maverick does gets kinda horny when it happens though bc that man gave him the best fantasies of his life, and sometimes masturbates with a knife [which side he uses depends on how horny he is] thinking about their little chats together tho)
so yeah, these are some of my ocs. once again im so so so sorry this got extremely long, i just have a lot of oc lore
No no don’t apologize! Tbh I would totally read a book about these characters. Makes me want to go make more of my own ocs lol. Loved this, thank you so much!
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cafecourage · 3 years
The moment they realized they loved you. (Isekai Au Edition) Part 2
If you want more information on this AU here is the Link!
- It started slow and very sweet.
- He took a long time realizing who you were. But he still believed in the others when they started to recognize you.
- When your behind him cheering you on, he feels invincible. Since during his adventure Impa tore into him pretty badly when he was late to save Zelda.
- Your presence is comforting to him. It feels like home despite being on the ground.
Being back in Skyloft was a small blessing for the chain. The tight knit community had already welcomed the travelers with little to no questions about their origins. It was a stroke of luck that they landed in front of the bazaar in the early morning when no one else was up yet. Their first day there was a resting day in attempt to gather information on the black blood monsters and inventory checks.
Sky took his time catching up with everyone. Letting the Headmaster and Sun know about the situation that had the hero hopping around in the timeline. Then he needed to go down to the small settlement on the surface to check on them. Sun did already tell him that things where still safe down there and that he should take a break. But he still would rather check it out himself just in case something did happen it better to be safe than sorry.
Despite being able to jump off from any of the decks in Skyloft. He automatically went towards the plaza near the tower of light. During his adventure it was the quickest way to the opening above Faron Woods. Sky was just turning the bend when he saw his Loftwing was already there on the docks and under its wing was You. You were trying to put a small amount of distance between you and the bird but the creature kept bring you closer to hold.
“(Y/n)!” Sky was baffled at his Loftwings reactions to you. He dashes to your side. “I’m so sorry. He isn’t normally like this.”
“It’s fine.” Your uncontrollable laughter the was full with childlike glee finally reached him. “In fact, I think he recognizes me!” You whispered smiling. The Crimson Loftwing cooed now leaning into his masters touch as Sky softly pet the side of his necks. Sky wondered if what you said was the truth. Since a Loftwing and its rider do share a special connection, it’s fully possible that his also felt and heard you. “Hey Link?” Suddenly your demeanor changed. “Can I ask something?”
Your bashful and embarrassed expression made Sky feel soft inside. “Of course.”
“One of these days can you show me around the sky or the surface?” You shifted awkwardly from him. He actually forgot that you haven’t physically been to his era before. That for the longest time you only saw things from his point of view without the ability to truly explore anything. “You don’t need to- “
“Are you free now?” He quickly cut you off. “I was actually heading down there now to check on the settlement.”
“Really?” Your face seems to brighten but then you remembered something and leaned closer to him whispering again “I don’t have a Loftwing though.”
He gently takes your hand “my Loftwing is strong enough for both of us.” He guided you to his side. You eyed the bird with uncertainty but you let him help you up onto the harness. Sky got on behind you reaching around you to get the reins. “Hold on to me if you get scared.” He teasingly warned and before you could question him. His Loftwing took off nose diving off of the deck.
You let out a small squeak as you latched onto his tunic. Sky almost felt bad that he actually scared you. But once in the air and on a steady path you finally opened your eyes again. “Woah!” The sight was nothing special but it was still just as beautiful. The clouds below them created an endless sea of white. “It’s so pretty.” Pride bubbled up as Sky watch you taken in the beauty of his home. This was just the start of what he wanted to show you as different locations came into his mind. “Hey.” You looking over your shoulder with hope in your eyes. ”Next time can we go to the Lumpy Pumpkin? I remember you singing high praises about their pumpkin soup.”
Sky tried to think of what he wanted to do tomorrow, right now there wasn’t anything that needed his attention. “If we have time tomorrow, I can take you there for lunch or dinner.” Maybe he could take a break from being a hero for a bit.
“Great! It’s a date then.” You sent a wink his way that sent his brain into a haywire before looking back into the endless sky. He was lucky his Loftwing is able to steer himself. As dot’s where finally connecting in Sky’s head. Pure love and affection bubble up as he embraces his new found feelings.
- He will be the one to uno reverse card on you. All love and affection will drown you instead. There was so much he wanted to tell you before to thank you for being by his side and encouraging him.
- Cuddle time will start here because of his need to make sure you know your loved too.
- He would be the one to confess first, but it would probably be played off as friends telling each other that they love each other.
- You’re not dense but overly affectionate. He might just need to spell out how you make him feel on a daily basis. Maybe then you’ll understand what you’re doing to him.
- It hit him like a freight train.
- He isn’t mad at you. He is mad at himself. He had made his dues with what the people he had lost. Yet here he is. Already going too far.
- Your ability to make the situation brighter slowly eroded the walls he put up years ago.
- It might be all in his head, but he swears that you always make sure his needs are met even if he is trying to hide them.
“Link!!!” You barreled towards him ignoring the questioning stares the people of Windfall Island. “Link! Link! Link! LOOK!!!” You hold up a pink rabbit stuffed animal that you bought. “It you!”
The veteran in question huffed, “seriously of all things.” He turned on his heels “I’m going back on the ship.” He didn’t know why he was still entertaining your antics at that point.
“Wha- Hey! I was joking!” They were stocking up in Windfall and Legend was not happy to be on a boat nor in the ocean again. He wouldn’t say that he afraid.
Just… cautious…
You on the other hand looked like you were having the time of your life on the ship talking the it��s Captain and crew member’s. Yet most of the time you would stay by his side. The reason was obvious but nether wanted to talk about it.
Which is why you dragged him out to the port island. ‘An easy distraction.’ You told him, ‘I can show you around so we won’t get lost!’ He wasn’t worried about that. Legend trusted you. A fact he will never say out loud. However, he would rather hole up somewhere and escape the world then be here.
A soft hand took his when Legend reached the docks. He already knew who it was since you’ve been following him like a lost puppy all day. “One more place please?” You looked at him expectingly. “Then you can go back.”
“What are you a child? Why can’t you just go alone?” Legend snapped back, “you don’t have to be around me.”
“Legend I like being with you.” You pointed out like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “However.” You let go of his hand. “I also understand if you don’t want to hang out anymore and want to go rest.” There was no fighting back. No offense to his words. Nothing. Just a warm smile that filled him with warmth, that was accompanied by words fueled by unlimited care and understanding which made his heart beat faster. The silence between you two seemed to give you an answer. You turned around. A panicked feeling shot through. Legend was surprised with himself when he almost reached out to you when you walked away.
Instead, he watched you go. In the wake of his own emotions, he realized what had been happening. How he has been acting around you was starting to get familiar. “Not again.” He whispered disappointed in himself.
- Legend is going to be bitter about it. He isn’t going to take it out on you, but his mannerisms are going to be different after this.
- Not quite closed off, but it’s almost like he is mourning another loss.
- You would need to drown him in love and affection before he realizes you like him back. But like Twilight, he is going to be heartbroken if you decide to leave him to go back home.
- Its progression was as natural as breathing.
- He just got off of his adventure so he always had you by his side. Just being near you is second nature.
- If anything, he was more than excited to actually have you physically be here alongside him.
- It rare to see ether of you not near each other when traveling together you two are inseparable.
The only upside of being in Wild’s Era is that the champion knew what to expect, it’s chaotic was normal for him and actually brought him a bit of peace. You came with that peace of mind. Having you join the chain to him was almost like you never left his side in the first place. From the moment he woke up after being told his name and what he needed to from Zelda, he was aware of your presence. You were the one to encourage him to explore the ruin kingdom. You were the one to recognize structures that the people in his world didn’t know about. The weird part was that you didn’t know how he was before the calamity, but he didn’t question that fact too much. He was more than happy to have someone treat him as a different person from before.
Now having you physically with him. Wild wanted to bring you to all of your favorite locations that you vocally told him about.
But that had to wait for now, because the downside to Wild’s Hyrule was the amount of things that wanted him dead. Moblins? Bokablins? Those guys are fine to fight they were push overs unless infected with the black blood. Actually, most of Wild’s monsters were like that. Once you get a hang of fighting them and recognize their patterns. They are a breeze.
A common threat that was annoy to deal with however, was the Yiga Clan. Which leads to the situation Wild and the others found themselves getting in while on the road to Hateno. He should of figured that they were going to strike when he got back to his Era. But he honestly didn’t think it would be in this quantity they were out number but thanks to Warriors taking control of the situation where managing. He was trying to make sure everyone was accounted for and was alive when he heard a string of curses coming from his right.
You had been knocked on the ground by a Blade Master. Your sword was near the clan member. Wild felt his world freeze in that moment as he bolted towards your body. With a falcon bow in hand. Wild side jumped. Locked in an ancient arrow and let it go.
The arrow sped towards the Blade Master. Hitting him directly. Turning the Yiga member into a bunch of Sheikah blue ribbons before collapsing into an orb where the arrow hit.
Wild slide towards your body. A pulse he needed to feel a pulse. Placing the tips of his index and middle finger on the base of your thumb and wrist. He pressed lightly to feel the blood pulsing beneath his fingers. A sigh of relief escaped him. Wild was lucky that the battle had come to an end. As the other Yiga members ether retreated in horror of what happened to one of their own or cut down quickly.
Hyrule join him soon after shooing him out of the way gently. Wild didn’t move from your side all that much. He didn’t want to. Just in case you left him too. He doesn’t know a life without you in it. A world like that just doesn’t exist.
Wild knows the name of the cause of his feelings. It’s the same thing that drives him to share his experience with you. He wants to be by your side and to make you happy.
- He is protective but not controlling. If anything, he wants to spar with you more. So, you can get better at fighting.
- You can bet he is going to start making you taste the different foods he had discovered, or sneak out to visit areas in his world more often. He doesn’t want you to miss a thing.
- There is so much he wants to do with you. So much he wants to share. So many things to say. That he just wants to do it all at once so there can be new things you both can discover together.
(Part 1)
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 years
might i add to today's opinion pile?
first off, as a chuuya enjoyer, i actually really liked the fact that we're getting to see actual tension and peril regarding him, cos normally he's so indestructable; like?? its so cool cos it gives a fun "character must get over hurdle" potential, yknow? also seeing trickster-schemer dazai back is just soooo enjoyable; its so fun to see him be quippy and stupid and secretly lethal when nobody's looking; i love that so much
secondly, as to the soukoku thing,,,,,,, idk, like. i know i am in the minority here, but i feel like shipping them actually diminishes the whole point of their characters, and the point of their partnership(s) (and not to get salty on main, but seeing what is, canonically, their team name with a glorious bit of wordplay at the center cough cough used as a ship name,,,, has actually really rubbed me the wrong way for a while? idk why fandom does that, and i cant *quite* define why it bothers me, but maybe it is something to do with the fact that it takes a fun interesting character dynamic that *isnt* inherently romantic, and waters it down to something that *is*)
and in a way? thats also a thing i enjoyed about this chapter that completely runs against what one would assume a soukoku (which i mean in the canon sense) enjoyer would think? the bickering, and the needling, and the teasing, barbed as it may be coming from dazai, was just so good and interesting and reminds me of chapters of old, and i LOVE that we're possibly gonna get more of their almost silent-communication-way-of-working; that just *clenches fists* makes me so happy, that we'll possibly get to see such a strange & fascinating character dynamic again
........i am rambling, and this is running long, but i guess tl;dr, i feel very odd-one-out about chuuya, and soukoku sometimes in this fandom, and 1) it's nice to see ur silly gleefulness abt the situation 2) thank you for being a nice chill blog where nothing's toxic 3) tysm for just being an awesome friend in general :D
YES OKAY YOU'VE HIT IT RIGHT ON THE NOSE, ONE OF THE REASONS THIS CHAPTER IS SO FUN: seeing Chuuya struggle. I don't think we've ever seen Chuuya really struggle before in the manga. Even when the ADA is kicking his ass, it's more comical than anything and he's not really framed as the protagonist in those situations, more the villain, and he's never been in danger of dying before. Which makes this chapter fuckin delicious.
AND YES!! I HAVE MISSED GLEEFUL JACKASS DAZAI LIKE YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE. Depressing, so-smart-he's-a-plot-device Dazai is just. Not what I loved him for when I started watching. I've missed him so much.
And hell yea! I get the most enjoyment out of soukoku when they're platonic/vaguely homoerotic but never outright romantic. Romantic soukoku, as you've said, can feel almost reductive; to me, it feels incredibly OOC to the point where it's barely Chuuya and Dazai anymore, so I rarely read it. I feel like they're the epitome of this young-closeted-queer-experience, when you have this intense, fraught, and indescribably queer relationship with someone in your teens that sticks with you as you grow up (and often ends badly). Non-romantic soukoku is so important to me in a way I can't describe and you are SO VALID for enjoying them that way.
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