#this has been here a while so it's time to infodump to anyone else
abysskeeper · 10 months
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Quest Updated: The Nightrose
Fiona Silverwind (Azali Vareth) // Folk Hero // College of Valor Bard
Born the half-drow daughter to a Lolth-Sworn turncoat sorcerer of a father and a high half-elf bard of a mother, Fi had a more unusual upbringing than most. Up until the age of 12, she visited her mother semi-regularly, but spent most of her life with her father, Tarez Vareth, in the Underdark as he worked with a group of Seldarine drow to help other drow escape their lives among their Lolth-Sworn counterparts. In part, this was because Tarez wanted his daughter to grow up understanding her drow heritage, and in part this was because Fi showed a propensity towards magic at a young age. However, while the Seldarine drow were always kind to her (and far kinder than any treatment she would have received in Menzoberranzan), Fi was always distinctly aware of the barriers between her and the drow around her due to her half-blood heritage, and longed for the freedom of traveling with her mother and her well-regarded entertainment troupe on the surface.
After finally convincing her father she understood and respected her drow heritage, but did not belong in the Underdark, Fi started traveling with her mother, Lady Rose Silverwind, and the troupe. Fiona, then going by Azali still to honor her father, was quick to learn two things on the surface. For one, her complexion was...less than ideal when dealing with the day to day of the surface world, and for two, she had a strong inclination towards music as well as magic. She immediately followed in her mother's footsteps as a bard, and joined the troupe officially as a violinist and singer on her mother's one condition that she disguised herself and her half-drow heritage**. She knew her mother was not malicious with her intent and instead an incredibly worried mother, so Fi agreed and began performing with the troupe far and wide for anyone and everyone along the Sword Coast.
As time wore on and she grew older, Fiona eventually started wanting to strike out on her own (as herself) and honor the stories she came to know and love. Though convinced someone of her complexion could never be the hero of those stories (Drizzt was a once in a century sorta deal after all), she instead wanted to become the person to be there and catalogue the heroes' deeds so that their stories could continue being told and bringing inspiration for years to come. The idea of the Nightrose was a complete accident, born of her inability to stand idly by while injustice was happening and her need to help. After one, disastrous attempt to do so without any alterations to her appearance, she got the idea to start changing her appearance like her mother taught her and enact her vigilante justice in that manner. And thus, the Nightrose was born, and she donned a different appearance every single time, so no one else is sure who the Nightrose really is, or if she is even just one girl.
And so by day, Fiona travels as the young, half-drow bard, always willing to offer a story or a song to anyone who asks, and by night she works as the Nightrose wherever she's needed. It was all working wonderfully until a certain Nautiloid appeared and she got an additional little traveler in her eye along with the rest of them.
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How Fiona looks vs how she disguises herself, usually as a high half-elf who bares a striking resemblance to her mother. She's often considered hiding her eye color in her true half-drow appearance, since she knows the pinkish red eye she inherited from her father unsettles a lot of people, but can't bring herself to do it. Instead, she styles her hair and uses her clothes (her hat, primarily) to conceal it.
What her true, real name is (Azali Fiona Vareth or Fiona Azali Silverwind) depends on which parent you ask, or at what point in time you ask her. She kept the name Azali as a kid even when she went to the surface in order to honor her father, but she listed her family name as 'Silverwind' once traveling with her mother. When her father died, she felt like she no longer had any ties to the Underdark and took on the name Fiona, which is what her mother wanted to call her. Fiona Silverwind is what she's considered her full name most of her adult life, though of late she has been toying with the idea of reclaiming her father's family name and going by Fiona Vareth.
The scar on her cheek came from her first couple of months on the surface. She was out running an errand for her mother alone one day in Baldur's Gate and a couple of young boys were harassing her for her general appearance. They got annoyed at her ignoring them so one of them picked up a rock and threw it at her, hitting her in the jaw and leaving a nasty cut. It was this incident that convinced her mother she needed to be magically disguised, and admittedly, the incident that made Fi stop arguing against the idea.
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leoweooo · 8 months
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quick edit: estelle has a whole Thing goin on now. please feel free to peruse my #familytale tag if you'd like to see more of her and her family :)
i've been debating how much of my current isat art i want to post here. i do however want everyone to introduce everyone to estelle who me & @yonch share joint custody of (he also drew the portraits of postgame sif and isa)
she's pretty shy and generally introverted, not quite a bookworm but definitely on her way. once she feels comfortable around you, though, she's got a big personality (as all kids her age do, really)
postgame infodumping below cut
estelle lost her parents relatively recently (i want to say to illness or something) and she's having trouble dealing with it in the House. she's just a kid! she doesn't want to think about the loss of her parents being some kind of kind of Change for the better.
sif and isa, being pretty well-established members of the House's community, are pretty familiar with the kids that end up living there. in the end, estelle gets a little attached to sif, who understands her homesickness and feelings of ostracization more intimately than basically anyone else. isabeau is also there (clumsy but well-meaning, and with plenty of promises that he'll beat anyone up if they try to say anything mean to her)
i figure she probably moves in with isa and sif proper when she starts complaining about the house trying to move her into a different room with a new roommate: they've been thinking about adopting her for a while, but wanted it to be her choice so they didn't say anything. their family feels empty with bonnie grown up in bambouche, with odile back in ka bue, with mirabelle busy in dormont, and it's nice to have a lively house again.
...in the end, it still takes her a really long time to find out they're two of the saviors of vaugarde. she just never asked and they assumed she already knew.... and when someone says something to her, how's she supposed to believe it? papa? a savior of vaugarde? his hands shake when he cuts fruit for her! and maman always says he lived in jouvente all his life!!!! there's no way!!!!
now, if she could just get her hands on that familytale and know for sure they're just her two gross dads....
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duhragonball · 9 months
Dragon Ball Super Manga ch.91-93
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Last time, we covered the "prequel" story of Goten and Trunks adopting superhero identities and capturing Dr. Hedo. Now we get into the events of the DBS: Super Hero movie itself. I already liveblogged the movie extensively in September (here, here, here, here, and here), so for the manga adaptation I'll be focusing mainly on whatever changes Toyotaro made to the story.
First off, Chapter 91 opens with Piccolo picking up Pan from school, and when she talks about wanting to be a superhero like Goten and Trunks have been doing recently, Piccolo offers to train her just like he trained Gohan in Dragon Ball Z.
Unfortunately, this is the sort of thing we can expect from this adaptation. It's mostly a straight retelling of the movie, and the little extras that get added in don't really add much to the story. I mean, the movie established that Piccolo has picked up Pan from school in the past, but there was no need to show it. Also, the movie didn't really explain why Piccolo started training Pan, probably because it didn't need to. I think the manga pretty much proves my point, because it attempts to tackle the question, but only comes up with a fairly pat answer. She wanted to fly and shoot hand energy like Goten and Trunks, and so Piccolo offered to teach her and she said yes.
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Then we get to this scene, where Krillin's boss in the West City P.D. holds a briefing on the Red Ribbon Army and their plans to recruit Dr. Hedo. This takes the place of the flashback montage that opened the movie, and it sucks.
That montage was awesome, and Toyotaro could have drawn his own version of it here, but instead he did this. We could be looking a Goku punching Tao Pai Pai, or 17 killing Dr. Gero, or Cell smirking like a boss, but instead we're in a boring conference room reading walls of text.
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Look at this fucking page! It's awful! A lot of this one serves as a stand-in for Carmine's report to Magenta about Dr. Hedo. I get it, this is a lot of information to go through, and Toyotaro probably wanted to move on as quickly as possible, but part of what I loved about the movie was the way they showcased the characters and visuals during the infodumping. Carmine's report is pretty dry in the movie, but Magenta's office is interesting to look at, and Carmine and Magenta themselves are visually compelling characters. While they talk about Hedo, Carmine shows off his video editing skills and Magenta keeps screwing up his snacks
This police briefing, however, sucks all the fun out of it. This place looks like a hotel conference room with hardwood floors. All of the cops look exactly the same, and why the hell are they wearing helmets and sunglasses indoors, anyway? Krillin's boss, Sergeant Nutz, has some potential, but she has nothing to do with this story, so featuring her so prominently here is just a waste of time.
What really irks me is that the next scene shows Carmine and Magenta talking about Dr. Hedo, just like in the movie, except there's not much for them to say because Krillin and Nutz already covered it all! That's really dumb! We have two scenes designed to set up the plot of the movie, and one of them was in the movie, and actually features the main antagonists. But Toyotaro chose to emphasize the other scene instead.
So the idea here is that the police are already aware of Magenta's scheme to revive the Red Ribbon Army, and they know he plans to recruit Dr. Hedo once he gets out of prison. They also know that Hedo had that disc containing data on Dr. Gero's bioweapon, although I don't see how they could know that, since Trunks couldn't access the data on the disc and it was destroyed before anyone else could try. Hedo told Krillin in Chapter 90 that he memorized the contents of the disc, but he never said what it was that he memorized. This also goes against the storyline in the movie. In the film, Magenta had Gero's data on Cell, and the reason he wanted Hedo was because his own scientists couldn't do anything with it.
Anyway, the police seem to know everything about the Red Ribbon Army already. The only thing they don't know is where the Red Ribbon base is, so they send Krillin to follow Magenta's limo and spy on him. So we get the limo scene from the movie, except Krillin's clinging to the side of the car the whole trip, and then Hedo spots him and sends his cyborg bee, Hatchimaru, to attack him.
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The gag here is that Magenta and Carmine don't even know Krillin is out there, and Hedo doesn't particularly care. The scene plays out almost exactly like it does in the movie, but with Krillin spliced in like Jabba the Hut in the Star Wars Special Edition.
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Of course, Krillin gets shaken off so the base's location remains a secret, so this whole bit is completely pointless. It's just so dumb. I assume Toyotaro needed to pad out the story for one reason or another, or maybe he just wanted to add some new details so he wouldn't get bored retelling a movie like this. But if this is the best he can come up with, why bother? So far, this manga keeps "expanding" on the movie by answering questions nobody asked, like "Why did Piccolo start training Pan?" or "Why didn't the authorities stop the Red Ribbon Army?" or "Why is Gamma 1's cape red?"
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From here, it's a pretty faithful retelling of the movie, which kind of makes the "filler" scenes even more conspicuous. It's refreshing to see the actual story move along without all these pointless diversions. On the other hand, it's kind of dull, because I already covered the movie and there's nothing else to talk about here.
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There is some extra stuff in the Gamma 2 vs. Piccolo fight. Piccolo loses an arm, but then he grows a new one and makes it all long to catch Gamma 2 off guard. It doesn't slow him down much, but it's something we didn't get in the movie. I do find it a bit strange how Gamma 2 notes Piccolo's regeneration ability like it's this new data to add to his files. Shouldn't the Red Ribbon Army have all of this intel programmed into Gamma 2 by now?
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Moving on, when Piccolo infiltrates the Red Ribbon base, he gets stopped by his superiors, who remind "94" that he isn't assigned to this area, but another soldier offers to switch assignments so "94" can gain some valuable experience watching Hedo eat cookies.
Again, what is the point of this? We're just derailing the story so Toyotaro can waste a page explaining how Piccolo managed to get this far into the base. In the movie, nobody notices or cares that "94" is in the command center instead of the hangar. That's because they're all faceless, interchangeable henchmen. They wear masks and refer to each other by numbers, for crying out loud! This is why Piccolo disguised himself in the first place! If Toyotaro wrote Star Wars, he'd do a whole scene where Luke Skywalker has to rewrite the Death Star's duty roster just so "TK-421" can get reassigned to prison detail. Nobody cares!
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Okay now this is more like it. We get to the part where no one can reach Goku and Vegeta because they're training on Beerus' planet, and so Toyotaro gives us a little more of the sparring match Goku and Broly had in the movie. It's not a lot, but this is the sort of thing filler is good for. Toyo also does a whole montage recap of the DBS: Broly film, which is perfectly serviceable, but it annoys me because it demonstrates that he could have done the same thing with the Red Ribbon Army flashback in Chapter 91, but instead he did the briefing scene with Sgt. Nutz. Ugh.
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We see the same scene where Vegeta explains the importance of mental training, although when he talks about all of their recent opponents, he adds manga-only characters like Moro, Gas, and Black Frieza. And that's fine, although it's strange when he talks about Jiren and Black Frieza in the same breath like this. In the manga, Vegeta has gotten pretty good at "Ultra Ego", his answer to Goku's Ultra Instinct. And Goku's learned to tap into UI at will. So I'm pretty sure Jiren and Moro aren't really an issue for either of them anymore. I mean, the only reason Goku couldn't defeat Jiren by himself at the Tournament of Power was because he lacked experience using UI, and now he's much better at it.
The point I'm getting at is that in the manga, Vegeta doesn't need to do "mental training" to defeat Jiren because he's already surpassed him. And he might need it to surpass Broly and Black Frieza, but he speaks as though that's their secret, and he needs to learn how to do it himself. I'm pretty sure Broly isn't "relaxed" between attacks when he's using his full power. He was kind of freaking the fuck out back then. Black Frieza might have been doing something like that, but he only hit Vegeta once, so I'm not sure how he could be certain.
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So then we move on to the part where Piccolo wishes for a power-up from Shenron, and we just skip the part where Dende upgrades Shenron to do that. The implication here is that DBS-manga Shenron always had the ability to make Orange Piccolo, and no one bothered to ask before. Kind of annoying.
Anyway, while Piccolo and Bulma are getting their...ahem... enhancements, Trunks sees them and calls Goten. They make plans to sneak out and play superheroes again, even though Goten's grounded and he really doesn't need to run up a bigger bill with his mom. I guess this is the throughline for Goten and Trunks in Dragon Ball Super. No matter what happens, Dragon Team tries to keep the boys out of it. It's not just Chi-Chi wanting Goten to study. Back in Resurrection F, Bulma tells the others that she doesn't want them fucking around during the battle with Frieza. And Vegeta ices them out of the tournaments with the other universes because he doesn't want them turning into Gotenks and being dorks the whole time. The Saiyaman X-1 and X-2 caper probably didn't do much to convince anyone that Goten and Trunks have matured.
But they still crave the excitement of being in the thick of things. They know the adults are trying to keep them out of it, and that just makes it more exciting. I suppose this is the legacy of the Buu Saga, where they had to get involved because there was no other choice, and they've had the bug for DBZ mayhem ever since, but their parents said no.
And maybe that's why Goku and Vegeta were so determined to train the boys in the End of Z episodes. Sometime after Super Hero, they came back home, heard about the Saiyamen costumes and the battle with Cell Max, and decided that they needed to be toughened up. Like, okay, you want to go fight bad guys like we do? Stop doing the poses and quit relying on fusion and learn how to do it right. And if the sparring sessions are too hard for you, you can always go back to doing your homework like your mom wanted."
That's why Goten's so frustrated in DBZ 289. He just wants to go on dates or screw around, but his only options are a) homework and b) fight for-ev-er *clap clap clap-clap-clap*.
And now that I think about it, this is where GT dropped the ball with Goten, because he doesn't really seem to have gained anything from that. Hitting the books and getting hit by Goku should have made him a bit more serious about his life, but instead he's just constantly talking to girls on the phone, because that was the only thing GT's writers seemed to think of for him to do.
I mean, they kind of got it right with Trunks, who went into GT with a lot of responsibility and skills. He didn't enjoy his position, but you could tell he'd grown a lot as a person since the end of DBZ.
So yeah, maybe I'm beginning to appreciate Big Goten more than I did before, but this newfound perspective still doesn't do much for this part of the manga. There's just a lot of nothing happening here, and throwing more Krillin, Goten, and Trunks at it doesn't help matters.
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liquidstar · 5 months
Okay so like I know little about ReZero (would love to watch it one day but, the content warnings) BUT I love people talking about things they like so. Assuming this isnt already a plot point, who in your opinion would be the FUNNIEST character to also be aware of/remember the time loops (Subaru in this case does NOT know they are in on it lol). If this is already a plot point please tell me about a neat bird or something you saw recently instead, thank you :)
in the 4th arc subaru meets this witch lady, echdina, who kinda exists in a dreamworld, hard to explain, but shes aware of his timeloops. she implies that shes aware but tries to get him to say it himself. which he does so veeerrry hesitantly because he cant tell anyone Or Else. but after he realizes he can say it here, he has like, a total breakdown and keeps repeating his confession over and over again because he can finally tell someone about all this pain and suffering. and its an incredibly cathartic scene buuuuut she is very much manipulating him.
another character is vaguely aware of the loops but doesnt experience them/cant see them. that character is roswaal who is actually his boss. and the guy who has literally been PERSONALLY causing every single fucking issue hes had so far because some book told him to. and when things start going wrong he starts to, like, kick the shit out of subaru to try and get him to restart. yeah bosses are like that sometimes idk. everyone takes turns punching him at the end of this arc so its fine.
personally though if i had to pick a character whod be aware of the loops... id actually go with otto despite Everything. because i think hes the most likely to come out of the experience of watching his friend die horribly and come up with a plan, while also genuinely having subaru's best interest at heart. he doesnt care about anyone elses best interest tho, he was willing to let an entire country die for this guy. hes willing to kill the child he just adopted. so i think otto being aware would cause some fucking situations, especially if theyre not working together for a solution. i also think itd be funny if hes like "if we get gay in the timeloop no one has to know. ill just play dumb."
SO YEAH hes my pick for funniest one. all that being said im pretty sure i wrote up an episode by episode trigger guide if youre ever interested, i might have to touch it up tho. BUT if youre not interested theres never any pressure, this ask is already so sweet tysm again <3
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Craig headcanons, go
He's so autistic it's insane
He has shutdowns way too often :(
Even more often as he grows up
He's associated flipping people off with being able to leave class (to go to counselor's office) so he does it when he gets too overwhelmed at school
Because he's never been taught it's wrong, too, but that's secondary
When he has shutdowns he goes non-verbal too
Which has gotten everyone to assume he's simply not too talkative and let him be
Tweek eventually learnt what Craig's shutdowns were and he helped him out with them every time since then
For example getting Craig out of class when he looked like he was getting overwhelmed
Craig's so grateful for this<3
He doesn't get an autism diagnosis until 15 for some reason
Even though he didn't talk until he was 4- it's really weird it took him so long to get it actually
He had a really hard time coping with his diagnosis at first
So much internalized ableism
He probably locked himself in his room for a couple days after that
He told Tweek before he told anyone else
And Tweek helped him come to terms with it<3
Now he's fine with it :)
He hates how noise cancelling headphones feel, and instead wears earplugs to block noise
He doesn't ask teachers for permission because they can't see the earplugs with his hat anyways
His spin is totally space
He Loves space
He's infodumps to Tweek about it really often, Tweek loves it even though he doesn't understand even a third of it
He has those glow in the dark stars on his room's ceiling and a projector
His style never changed much through his life, comfortable clothes, nothing really specific
He's never stopped wearing that hat
Even though it's kinda broken now
Transmasc (he/him), only Tweek and his family know
He's always been so Boy even as a little kid that nobody's ever thought he could be anything else at all
Not exactly insecure about this but... Yes
Awful chest dysphoria
He's gay :)
His father thought that meant he was actually a girl but nope
Sorry for crushing your hopes Mr Tucker but your son is gay 😔✨
He's actually fine with it after not too long dw
Craig's family life is pretty great :)
Still he sleeps at Tweek's quite often
When he's not, Tweek's usually sleeping at his
Because otherwise they both struggle sleeping by themselves
They have such a healthy and cute relationship istg
They've been fake dating since they were 9, real dating since 10, and Craig got them promise rings at 13
They've obviously had troubles a couple times but they fixed them<3
Btw Craig got braces at 12 and wore them till 14
His teeth went from Awful to Actually Pretty Ok
But the braces made him so insecure while he wore them
His favorite subjects at school are the ones related to science
Math? He's awesome at it
Physics? He loves it
Chemistry? Fuck yeah
Biology? Pretty cool too
He hates literature with his whole soul though
"What was the artist feeling here?" "How would I know I wasn't there" (mood)
He's taller than Tweek until he turns 13
After that Craig mostly stops growing and instead Tweek gets so tall it's crazy
It felt so weird to them at the beginning 😭
And yes, Craig is half Peruvian on his mom's side :)
He and Kenny have conversations in Spanish sometimes
It's something they bond over idk
Aaand I think that's it :D he's a pretty chill dude tbh
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the-force-awakens · 8 months
Thinking about what a sweet, kind, silly and gentle hearted person Poe is until you piss him off and once that switch is flipped, he's a force to be reckoned with
Oh, did you mean? my most favorite? facet? of his character? that makes me lose my marbles? and also happens to be maybe my favorite character trope of all time? that? Okay I hope you were expecting an infodump because what-ho! that's what's happening, I have come prepared and with receipts, let's fucking go on how Poe Dameron is a goddamned force of nature and how the galaxy should be really fucking thankful his loyalty is first and foremost to the Resistance and to the Light, because if it wasn't...well, I'd dread to think, but it wouldn't be good for anyone else.
The fun thing for me, is that it has always been a part of Poe's character, right from The Force Awakens -- it's subtle, but it's there, hidden between the sassy quips in the face in danger and the professionality of Commander Dameron; little fleeting moments that tell you that Poe Dameron is not someone to be trifled with at all, including one of his very first scenes:
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I'm 90% certain that Poe's gaze actually lands first on Tekka's body here, before lifting it up to glare at Ren - and that's more than just a defiant glare, that's a look of loathing. Which fits, considering that I do believe the Force Awakens novelization confirms that Poe rushes in without thinking, and acts on sheer anger/rage when he goes to shoot Ren after Ren kills Tekka.
(More lengthy thoughts under the cut, I was not kidding, I saved a dozen images for this).
And that look is far from the only moment in TFA that clearly goes "oh. yeah, Poe can be scary when he wants to be", there's this frankly delightful moment during the trench run when Poe sees a fellow pilot perish while covering him:
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and then moments later, when Poe flies into the heart of Starkiller to destroy the oscillator, we get this shot:
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that's far more than just determination/focus, he's angry. and he has every goddamned right to be - he was just held captive and tortured for (??) days, and this monstrosity just destroyed an entire fucking planetary system, and the very Republic that Poe has spent his entire adult life believing the inherent values of, that he thought could genuinely improve. Never mind the detail that Poe probably likely spent time on the Hosnian System, if he didn't live there temporarily during his time in the Defense Fleet.
But these shots makes it clear where the comic gets the idea from that the First Order might, y'know, actually be. A little bit terrified of Poe Dameron:
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He's a serious threat, and ruthless when it comes to the First Order. People joke a lot about Poe being reckless, but I don't see a lot of recognition for the fact that he can be ruthless - he sees point b and dives straight at it, and he's absolutely relentless in his determination to take the First Order down.
The quickest possible way to enrage Poe is inaction or injustice. We see this clearly in the Last Jedi, when he believes Holdo is essentially leading them to their deaths and has thrown the Resistance away:
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but we also see it as far back as Before the Awakening by Greg Rucka:
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This conversation carries on for a page or so more, I think, with Poe arguing against the New Republic's decision to not act or investigate further (it's also what prompts him into going rogue to investigate on his own, which leads Leia into recruiting him for the Resistance).
And we've even seen it in material as recent as Free Fall, which means this is a character trait Poe has had his entire life:
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(these do not paint my girl in a great light but like she's fucked up okay!! and being groomed into taking her mother's place it's fine, it's fine, she's my fucked up little blorbo)
anyway. so this is Poe when he's, probably about 16? 16 going on 17 here, and this is probably the angriest he's ever been considering how shocked he is about the chill in his own voice (which if you were ever curious why I say Poe's anger runs cold, it's because of this scene right here). He's so enraged by the injustice being carried out by Sotin, that he's genuinely - for the first time in the book - considering actually killing someone. And he gets into a screaming match about what the right decision is with Zorii.
(he also gets to punch Sotin later, by the way, if you even care. It's glorious. I love my favorite character who decides murder is okay if said murder is in question a guy who deals in the slave trade)
But also.
My favorite instance of this, ever, which rewrote my fucking goddamned brainchemistry in 2017 when I read it and made me have to step away from my computer and honest to god pace the length of my house to walk it off, is his confrontation with Terex in issue #13 of the Poe comics.
Because you know what?
This entire fucking exchange is personal, and almost/pretty much outright vindictive? Like at this point, Poe has solidly won this round - Terex has finally been defeated, and all Poe has to do is hand him over to the First Order. He knows, in doing so, Terex will likely be killed, and after who knows how long of Terex's bullshit meaning Poe couldn't trust his squadron, and the fact that L'ulo just died - well, Poe's not real broken up about it, which is fun in itself.
But then he asks Malarus if he can have a moment with Terex before he hands him over and Poe....uses that moment to gloat.
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And y'all know me i don't use words like that for Poe but like. he kind of does? he asks a moment alone with terex specifically so that he can taunt Terex that he won, that Terex didn't beat him, and that in trying to take Poe down, Terex cost himself everything (a fact Poe happily rubs in his face), and even adds that "and when I give you to the First Order, I bet they'll take the rest."
So like. Yeah.
Poe knew full well they'd likely kill him, and spends the next few issues full heartedly believing that Terex was dead. And he taunts Terex with it here in this moment. It is TRULY glorious and honestly had 17 year old me's little head spinning because it was such a subversion of what I thought Poe would do -- but he did! He didn't try to figure out a way to spare Terex's life, and he used his final moments with Terex to make sure Terex knew that Poe was fully aware of what the choice he was making meant.
It's fucking DELICIOUS.
And I also love this panel from earlier into the issue:
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Because again, it's a great illustration of how Poe can come off cold because of the art choices Phil Noto made here: look at the jacket. It's zipped up all the way to Poe's neck (a rarity for Poe), and just generally gives him this very closed off, cold appearance because he's at his wit's end in this issue, and he is angry about the circumstances Terex has forced him into.
So...yeah. Poe Dameron is a sweet, compassionate, silly guy who makes the worst fucking puns you've ever heard this side of the galaxy. He loves his droid, wears his mother's wedding ring with the intent to give it to the right partner someday, and loves all of his friends full heartedly and is generally the most tactile, affectionate person you will ever meet. He's pretty much everyone's best friend, because he has that kind of charisma and ability to make anyone feel like they're the most important person in the galaxy.
But Poe Dameron is also the man that the First Order seems genuinely intimidated/afraid of. He's the man that destroyed Starkiller base, and toppled the most powerful crime syndicate in the galaxy when he was just 17 years old. He is not someone you ever, ever want to piss off, because for all his warmth and love, Poe has an anger that runs cold, and when he hates something - it's just like when he loves something, he doesn't go half-way.
General Organa isn't the only Resistance general that can be absolutely terrifying in her own right as much as she can be gentle and loving. It's just that Leia's the only one anyone ever notices, because...well, Poe's silly and funny and usually kind of easy going.
And the fact that people underestimate him is what makes him that much more dangerous.
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kyoukris · 2 months
i am holding this up to you and politely begging for you to infodump about Lysander if you can 🎤
MANNN idk how long this ask has been in my inbox (too long probably) but uh uhhh lemme just put down a list of things about them that i can think of rn
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(I might have mentioned before but) Lysander is genderfluid! They use any pronouns but do go through periods of feeling more masculine or feminine and these periods last a long time due to how she's lived for over 500 years and so time passes differently for her.
She found out very early in life that she was genderfluid since her parent was too! Her parent Falril, a half-elf, went by any pronouns. She looked up to him so so much when they alive together.
She's also bi, poly, and asexual. She's been married twice, and has raised about 14 children between those marriages!! Even though she had acute amnesia as a vampire, her desire to have a big family, both times, was definitely something she wanted in life having been raised as the youngest of 6 children herself. This was something she couldn't exactly remember, but stayed with her regardless.
She lived as a vampire for about ~463 years, during which she had no memory of her previous life, so even having died near her home she had no idea where she was or Who she was, only remembering her first name and nothing else, which is why she wandered off trying to figure out what she was and what she was supposed to do. She was in hiding for some years before meeting her first spouse, Selene.
Her childhood friend Malvicor was the vampire that turned her, having been attacked himself while out hunting, he became very scared and lashed out when Lysander's parents (the local physicians) couldn't help him. Lysander didn't exactly help things when she kicked him out of their home and forbade him from coming back for how he treated Falril specifically, and Malvicor held contempt for Lysander until he died and turned, finding her by chance after having made plans to leave their village before anyone found out. He took out his pain on her, killed her, and left her. She eventually woke up as a vampire herself, having just barely been able to turn she woke up with zero memory of her life until that point.
To this day she has a tendency to loom over others as a parental figure, not intentionally trying to mother/father people but she just tends to care in that parental way and it just so happens all her fellow guild companions are centuries younger than herself.
She keeps in contact with all her living descendants and her 3 remaining living children, taking all her free time to visit them and their families.
She has cussed maybe 5 times in her whole life. She is not one to use language like that but I allow her to say one swear each chapter of our campaign when she gets really pissed off. The last time I allowed it last chapter was when one of her twin daughters was being pursued by vampires, having attacked one of them they retaliated and realized she was a vampire herself, commented on this, and she laughed and said "I'm going to knock your fucking head off."
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idk maybe ill dump more info later i gotta get ready for work soon :9
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prima-materia-ttrpg · 5 months
It Begins / How do I introduce over six months of development in a single post?
Salutations, I'm a gay nerd and I wanted to make a fantasy ttrpg with a setting that panders to myself and anyone else who might have my taste so here we are :)
The ttrpg in question is Prima Materia, and I've been working on it for a while and making ok progress so I figure I should probably start a devblog (that's what this is) so I can finally start sharing it rather than keeping the entire project within my own circle of friends, never seeing the light of day beyond that. Particularly because I'm finally playtesting some aspects and want to actually release it into the wild someday so people can share and play it as they please.
Ah, so you've clicked the keep reading link? OHOHO you fool I shall unleash an infodump of epic proportions onto ye!
*checks notes*
Right I should probably introduce this project in more depth and explain how I got to this point, and why I'm working on it in the first place. A chronological account should suffice.
Back in the days of yore (2020) when I was getting into ttrpgs for what would become the third time I had first gotten into them (previous times don't count), I was trying to create a setting for DND so I could become a DM for the first time, fueled by the disappointment that every other game I'd been a player in ended after about 2 sessions max. Making an entire setting is of course not recommended for first time DMs, particularly ones that ever want to play the game, but of course this did not dissuade me for I am built different [incorrectly].
I built a tidally locked planet for that campaign, filled it with lore and towns and cities and an apocalypse that happened some time in the past. All was well, and the campaign lasted about a year before the holiday season came and caused it to dissipate. Reduced to atoms. By that point I had been homebrewing creatures and items for my homebrewed setting, including new playable species and subclasses. Homebrew is like a glue trap, and brother, I'm a dead rat.
After that campaign ended the OGL scandal hit (among many other things I won't go into depth about) and I saw the need to create for myself a place where I can always and forever write fun stuff to share with others, in a system that I have control over. After all, integrating the system and the setting, building them explicitly to serve each other, would allow for much more creativity.
That setting still exists on my hard drive, and while I do import some of my original work for it into Prima Materia's setting from time to time, it is dead and shall remain dead until such a time I can completely re-write it to make sense in Prima Materia. But it's so ingrained with DNDs lore that it honestly would be more like an homage to the original campaign I had with my friends.
So, I got to work. I started, of course, with watching a million videos on the subject of making a ttrpg and not actually writing anything down. But eventually, an eternity later, I was ready. I started doing some science-adjacent worldbuilding to build the initial planet for the setting, in which the initial setting would be. I created continents that looked mildly plausible, charted out ocean gyres, wind patterns, and finally climates. This continued for a while, and I made the playable species and started figuring out where on the continents they would have evolved so I could figure out what their cultures would eventually be in the modern day after 10,000 years of history.
In short, I had worldbuilder's disease; and while I did make some decent progress on mechanics like dice rolling, some combat, skills, attributes and stats, it started coming to a head when I convinced myself that I needed to make a minimum of five conlangs in order to name seven continents (and various cities).
Enter stage left, one of my friends who thinks my project is cool but recognizes that I am not getting much done. This friend, Spinz (who I hear has their own project coming down the pipeline by the way >w>), has become my Screamer of Tasks and is reminding me of the important things to focus on to actually make the ttrpg a reality some time in this millennium. Thanks to their help, I've been able to get to the stage where I am able to inflict my project onto my friends so that I may playtest mechanics and generally have an otherwise fun time with them.
So what actually is the setting? That seems like a lot of buildup and waffling.
True! I felt it was important to explain where the project is coming from. As for the setting itself, I don't think I can do better than the introduction I already wrote for it in the PDF. So here's that.
After several hundreds of trillions of years the last known natural stars in the universe began to die, heralding the end of the stelleriferous period and the start of a new age full of the neutron cores and black holes they left behind. But the gods this universe spawned would not let their mother die so soon. They created new stars fueled by their own Prima Materia, the building block from which all other substance comes; a pure marriage between matter, energy, time, and thought through which the manipulation and creation of physics itself is possible.
The gods created massive bodies for themselves in orbit around their stars. Some fell into a deep sleep, some are content to watch as the eons of time give way to the fruits of their labor. Others still engage in grandiose projects of a more personal nature. But they all continue the work which allows for life to once again evolve in the small pockets of the universe which now continue to defy entropy, a constant stream of Prima Materia flowing from their bodies into the stars that they orbit. Some day, they too will reach the stars.
But that's old news, and there are none left alive to remember it but the gods themselves. In the world of Prima Materia, you play as a relatively normal sapient creature in a smaller corner of reality that has much smaller problems to contend with. Brigands, societal clashes, ancient ruins, dragons, and the wayward extra-universal threat to the planet. Many societies have also been able to harness certain powers of now free-floating Prima Materia through a process often known as "Alchemy." Alchemy, an involved study which requires just as much craftsmanship as it does ingenuity, has opened up an entirely new science for societies to develop in this age of the universe.
Who will you be? What legends will be written in your name?
There are several playable species in the setting, all of which have various distinct cultures. Koura, which are basically giant lobsters; Sepia, which are basically giant Cuttlefish; Humans, which are basically giant chimpanzees; Entari, which are strange bird pterodactyl things with feathers (they're hard to explain but I will get art I promise); Xente, which are basically giant amoeba (ones that can change their shape to be humanoid of course, what even would be the point if they couldn't); Possum, which are basically... bipedal possums and Ternaki which are basically short technicolor space elves (They believe in God). All of these species will get their very own blog post of course, but this post is hugely long and I'm getting worried about people getting bored so that's all for now.
In the future blog posts won't be this long I promise (hopefully) and they'll be a lot more focused on one thing. This blog is meant to record the development process, write down a lot of worldbuilding that has lived only in my head for too long, and link to playtests.
If you made it this far, holy crap you read a lot of my shenanigans thank you for your time I am indebted to you, truly. The next post will be about Dice Mechanics. Bye.
P.S. If you want to ask questions about Prima Materia (or me) you can send me an ask on my main blog @girlcodedcreature
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bettsfic · 10 months
hello! here's an excerpt of the snowbaird modern AU i've been working on. it's a holiday fic, so i'd love to have it posted before christmas. in this fic, coriolanus is a server at a restaurant and lucy gray is the bartender. she's recently started asking him for rides home, so they've been getting to know one another. it's currently sitting at about 10k and i hope to god it maxes out before 25k.
With his texts still pulled up, he decided to reach out to Lucy Gray. They were friends, after all. Friends texted each other. But what to say? “How are you” was boring and banal. She might find it sweet but he knew her well enough to know that she liked getting to the root of things. 
Where was that song from? The fare thee well one
She didn’t reply right away. He tried to occupy his attention with organizing his email inbox and checking his Canvas assignment calendar, but he found his eyes straying repeatedly to his phone. Twenty minutes later, he received a text back. He snatched up his phone, expecting the name of an artist and album, or a link to a YouTube video, or an inquiry as to why he didn’t just google it himself, but instead when he opened the message he found a wall of text so long that he had to scroll three times to reach the top.
HI CORIOLANUS!, it began. He thought all caps and an exclamation point was stylistically redundant but he appreciated and was relieved by her enthusiasm. Fare thee well has an interesting history dating back to 1909…
Were it not for the myriad spelling and punctuation errors, he would have thought she’d copied it from Wikipedia. From anyone else, the infodump would have bored him, but from her it only warmed him to think she’d been willing to spend so much time sharing her knowledge with him. To him, both time and attention were precious commodities.
He’d put off texting her for so long in part because he worried the conversation would become strained and awkward, but the reverse was true: texting her was so easy—and he was so eager to respond to her messages—that he did it while he drove and nearly veered into a median on the way home. He knew she was working that night and so the messages slowed down in the evening. He had to pocket his phone at the dinner table per one of the few household rules, but he could still barely pay attention to the benign chatter of Tigris and the Grandma’am about grocery store deals and soap operas.
While he did the dishes, Tigris leaned against the counter, arms across her chest, and said, “You’re in a good mood today.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because you work sixty hours a week and don’t sleep.”
He glanced over his shoulder to find the Grandma’am had returned to her easy chair in the family room, the television blasting an obnoxious commercial jingle for a local car dealer. 
“I met a girl,” he said.
Tigris’s pale eyebrows rose up to her equally pale hair. “A girl? Like, a girl girl?”
“How is a girl girl different than a girl?”
“I just mean, like, a girl?”
“I have a crush, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Tigris squealed and hugged him from the side. “Baby Coryo’s got his first crush!”
“It’s not my first—” He stopped. It was his first crush, aside from Geena Davis in A League of Their Own. His usual date for high school dances and makeout parties was Livia, who was easily the prettiest girl in his cohort just as he was the prettiest boy, although he had never been attracted to her and the feeling, or lack thereof, seemed to be mutual. But that was the Academy for you—if you looked like you should be together, then you were, by definition, together. The power of appearances.
“I guess it is,” he said to the dirty dishwater.
“Does she like you back?”
He hadn’t considered that. He’d just assumed she didn’t and never would. Everything he’d ever wanted had been out of his reach and Lucy Gray was no exception.
“I’ve been driving her home from work,” he said. “And we’ve been texting.”
He showed Tigris the text thread.
“All of this is from today?” she asked, scrolling and scrolling.
“She’s a bit verbose.”
“She uses so many emojis.”
“It’s so cute.”
“And look at all these spelling errors.”
“Also cute.”
Tigris looked up from the phone. “You’re really gone on her. I never thought you’d like a girl who messes up there, their, and they’re.”
“I’m not a pedant.”
“Pedantry is a core facet of your personality, Coryo. You started correcting my use of ‘whom’ when you were four.”
“You may have noticed I’ve changed a bit since then. If nothing else, I’m taller and slightly less obsessed with Spongebob Squarepants.”
She gave him a look.
“Okay, very slightly less,” he amended.
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circular-bircular · 4 months
apologies in advance because this will contain some infodump on our system along with it. as a DID system I feel often out of place in pro/endo spaces. not really unsafe or unwelcome, just really weird and alienated.
the spaces I'm in, in a lot of cases, have endo systems that have some... peculiar thought processes about their headmates, such as treating them as a collectible, that makes me feel really uncomfortable. it's not my business anyway so I'm not saying anything, and if they as a system are happy that way, it's not my place to interfere and say they're doing something wrong. live and let live yk.
but also. I look at our alters and can't help but feel like so out of place. I look at one introject, who in source has lost his right hand, and has severe somatic disfunction over it, to the point of making our right hand unusable when he's close to front, he physically can't move it and it is PAINFUL. like reversed phantom pain. I look at another introject who's our depression and suicidal thoughts holder, and he's miserable all the time so we can pretend that we're functioning. I look at yet another introject, who upon forming shut the front off for days to deal with our flashbacks and severe trauma on his own.
I look at this and think, am I in the right place there? can I talk about these things there? I don't think I can. we don't treat our alters as a fun quirky collectible or imaginary friend because it's not what we are (and I'd like to reiterate: I don't care if anyone does it. their approach to their system is their own. I don't care if somebody created their headmates because they needed friends in middle school, or because they're a writer and needed their characters to talk back, or anything else. it's not my place to interfere. you're fine)
I mean sure I can freely use pk for example and I won't get judged for it for "separating too much" or "pretending to be a character" or anything else, but hopefully those things don't happen in anti endo spaces either so that's not really a point. I don't know man I just feel alienated everywhere I go for being a DID system who's very pro endo
As someone who, up until very recently, fully identified with the label pro-endo, I understand fully. I have always felt like this in all inclusive-plural spaces I've been in. Yesterday, everyone in a server I'm in was having a long discussion about introjects and comparing... how... abusive their introjects were in source... While laughing about the abuse they've done?
(Stares in "the only introjects I have were split to hold frustration and anger due to severe trauma I've experienced, one being a murderer and one being a misogynistic potentially homophobic asshole")
It always feels so alienating to be in those spaces, esp with younger individuals in the servers.
Here's what I'll say though: Talk about it. Talk about that discomfort. Because that's the only way change is going to happen. There's a reason I stuck around in that server -- because I could chime in and say, "Hey, look, you aren't your source, nobody should feel like they're like that" and opened up a conversation about how introjects are not the abusers they split from.
Regardless of system origins.
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jollyinha · 6 months
50 (+3) Facts About My Rook Listener (aka Félix)!
Because I love him in a hiperfocus kind of way 😭💙 If you want to see how he looks like, go to my yuurivoice tag, and you will find all my listeners! Although I probably should make an updated version, he has gotten a 2.0 version ever since... Also, tagging @itsargyle since they suggested taking other YV fans! I'm... Too shy to tag anyone else tho lmao
Anyway, here goes my big infodump on my favorite sunshine boy:
1 - Hey, I'm Félix Torres... Or not, because that's my middle name, and my actual name is Victor. But I'm not that fond of Victor, so I go by Félix!
2 - Victor was my mom's grandpa's name, and Félix is a tribute to my dad, whose name was Feliciano.
3 - Thanks to the acute accent, the correct pronunciation of Félix would be "feh-liks", not "fee-liks". Oh, and the "c" in Victor is mute. It's Vitor. But sometimes even I forget that it isn't supposed to be spelled like the gringos do, haha!
4 - My mom is Brazilian and my dad was Colombian. I was born in Brazil (Aracaju in Sergipe, to be more specific), but have been living in the USA for most of my life now. I used to spend the holidays in Colombia as a kid, but haven't been there ever since dad passed away... I really should pay it a visit again soon, though. It's a real nice country.
5 - I speak native Portuguese, fluent English and intermediary Spanish. I've been studying ASL (as of right now I just know basic stuff like "hi", "how are you?", how to introduce myself... But hey, at least I know the whole alphabet off the top of my head!) and French too, but it has been hard to find some free time... And when I do have it, I always end up drawing, crafting, cooking... Duolingo's owl wants to eat my ass.
6 - Speaking of which, these are my favorite hobbies! Drawing and painting are main passions in life, though. I've been in love with art as far as I can remember. I was in a few-years-long hiatus when it came to painting, only came back to it recently, but have been drawing non-stop ever since I was a little boy!
7 - When it comes to crafting, I enjoy many aspects of it... I've been really into papercraft these days. Origami, paper dolls, collages... But I also really like jewelry making and fabric painting (even if I find it so damn hard, haha!). I just love personalizing things in general. Sometimes, I see a piece of furniture, have an idea and just have to put my personal touch.
8 - I also know how to sew, but I can't say that I'm a big fan. I've tried crochet once, per example, and almost fell asleep on the couch. It's just a bit boring to me... But I'll gladly sew back a button or fix a hole if you ask nicely!
9 - And, last but not least, I love cooking! Not as much as I love to eat, but anyway. I picked up cooking as a way to deal with my pyrophobia and to bond with my uncle (he owns a restaurant!), and really took a liking to it... And modesty aside, I'm damn good at it!
10 - Speaking of which... I'm a bit of a bottomless pit when it comes to food! I'll eat (mostly) anything, am willing to try (mostly) everything and am hungry 24/7. Please, feed me.
11 - My favorite food is kind of specific, but: I love Thanksgiving pies. And breakfast foods. But anything that's chicken or has corn is also very damn good.
12 - I don't really like fruits. Most of them feel either bland (apples taste like NOTHING!) or straight up gross. I hate, HATE peach. Mango, guaba and pineapple too. Disgusting. I'm team vegetables all the way. Lemon and watermelon are the only ones that get a pass.
13 - My favorite ice cream favorite is chocomint!
14 - When it comes to drinks... I like coffee, as long as it has milk and unholy amounts of sugar (hate bitter coffee, as contradictory as it is). And while I'm not too big on alcoholic drinks, I like champagne.
15 - I also like biking, but, much like studying ASL and French, I don't have enough free time nowadays to really get into it again... But I try to bike every weekend I can!
16 - As a kid, I was in singing classes! I really enjoyed it and was pretty decent at it, but nowadays I do it just for fun. Love singing and listening to music around the house while doing other things.
17 - I have eight tattoos on total: Flower sleeves on both arms (featuring a clock among the flowers on the left arm and a bird on the right), music player symbols on the left side of my chest, "keep going" on the right side, an anchor on my upper back, a sun and a crescent moon on my lower back, a sea monster's tentacles going through my right hip and a paper plane on my left ankle!
18 - I also have a bunch of moles. On my face, on my back and on my chest. I used to be embarrassed by them, but nowadays, not nearly as much.
19 - I have been dyeing my hair blonde ever since college. I'm actually a brunette! I like being a blondie, but I'm considering going back to my roots... My hair is screaming for help. [He goes back to being a brunette and lets his hair grow after the events of Escape]
20 - Oh yeah, speaking of college... I have a Law degree. And am working on this field. Ya-hoo... Unfortunately, I needed a more lucrative career to support my family. But my long-term life goal is to be able to quit and live from art! And I like to believe I'm almost there.
21 - I pierced my ears in college too! I usually only wear my lucky sun earrings, but if I'm feeling fancy, I can go with a larger one.
22 - I considered becoming an English major for a while, but didn't happen either.
23 - I have a weird love for plaid jackets (of any color, but especially blue ones) and grungy bracelets. If you wanna give me anything that's wearable, going with either of these is the safest bet! Can't ever have enough of these!
24 - My favorite animals are octopuses (I had an obsession with sea monsters as a kid and this love never really died) and peacocks (they're just awesome)!
25 - My lucky number is sixteen, because my birthday is on February 16th, and because if you put "Félix Victor" together, there's a sixteen in Roman numerals right in the middle: XVI!
26 - Also, I'm 30 as of 2024, and... It's terrifying, to be honest. Buuut I'll find comfort on the fact that I look like I'm 20, hehe.
27 - This one will be hard to explain, but... I really like the sun. From summer to sunflowers to sun imageries... I like the sun. And all because of my dad. It's a long history, but yeah.
28 - I have a younger sister, her name is Alice! She's in college right now, she's History major! And... She's my pride and joy.
29 - And I also have five younger cousins: Ariel, Rafael, Leon, Joyce and Mercedes! I love them all, they're like my siblings. [Joyce is actually my Sunflower listener!]
30 - I... Have a... Weird relationship with my mom. It has been getting worse these last few years... Ah, nevermind, I shouldn't have brought this up.
31 - I had three relationships in my life... Well, three and a half, if you count that high school fling, but I digress: My first boyfriend lasted, like, half a year of my freshman year in college. It was nice, we just realized quickly that neither of us were serious. And my second boyfriend... Ergh. Tristan. We began dating in my junior year, and had a pretty messy break-up right after my graduation...
32 - ...But, nearly a whole decade after that, he sent me a DM on Instagram asking me how I was, and I mistakenly thought he became a decent human being. Hell, he was the one who got me my current job. He works in the Marketing department and was kind enough to tell me that Legal was hiring. I thought that we could at least be friends again, but... He's still a pain in the ass, at the end of the day. And still wants me back. ERGH...
33 - ...But, actually, I should thank him for that. Ironically, by trying to get back with me, he got me my third and current boyfriend... And... I won't talk too much about our relationship, but... This is the happiest I've ever been with someone. I mean it.
34 - Ok, how do I say this? I... Have been told that I... Have a pretty high libido. Or, if you want to be meaner, I'm a horny bastard. I... Will not elaborate if that's true or not. [It Is Literally Canonical]
35 - But even if I WAS a horny bastard, I'm a romantic at heart, believe it or not! I like being swept off my feet! I like flowers! I like cheesy pick-up lines! I like cuddles, god, I really like cuddles... Anyway.
36 - I'm a petite lil' guy. I'm 1m69cm tall... Or 5'8ft.
37 - I have ADHD. I was diagnosed when I was 20. I've been taking meds to help with my lack of focus, and it really has been helping.
38 - I also have insomnia. It isn't as bad as it was a few years ago, but it still sucks.
39 - My favorite song of all time is "Don't Stop (Color on the Walls)" by Foster The People!
40 - My favorite movie of all time... It's a tie between Footloose and Burlesque.
41 - My favorite animated movie of all time is Ponyo!
42 - My MBTI is ENFP, my Enneagram is 2w3, and I'm an Aquarius!
43 - In my opinion, my biggest strengths as a person are that I'm pretty charming, I can get along with nearly any kind of person (given enough time), and that I'm notoriously hard to piss off. As long as you're not messing with my loved ones, it takes A LOT to make me actually angry.
44 - And my weaknesses... Well, I let people get away with stepping all over me pretty frequently... And I'm very restless. And I don't mean only physically, I mean like... Mentally. I feel like I'm a shark: If I stop moving, I'll die, y’know? Oh, I've been told that I can be pretty shameless and a bit nosy... And, welp. I... Can't really deny that.
45 - I hate the cold. I hate winter. I hate snow. Fuck you, northern hemisphere.
46 - I really like sitting on the floor, ever since I was a little boy. It just... Grounds me. No pun intended.
47 - My favorite color is blue, but yellow and orange are also lovely... And I've been getting real fond of red these days. Hehe (Can't believe that it took me this long to say my favorite color, we're on fact 47th...).
48 - I'm a dog person! I never got to have one, though...
49 - I, not-so-secretly, really like cute things. I may or may not have a big octopus plushie on my bed. And may or may not love Pompompurin and Gudetama.
50 - I'm overall pretty confident on my looks... Except for my smile and my laugh. My ex-boyfriend (Tristan) once said that my smile is wide enough to be scary, and my mom said that my laugh is too loud, and I've been restraining myself from truly smiling and laughing out loud in public ever since. But I tend to let go when near people I trust.
51 (bonus!) - I have a very sensitive neck... Now, if I see it as a good thing or a bad thing... Depends on what your intentions are... If you know what I mean.
52 (bonus!)² - I'm also pretty great at typing. My words per minute game is insane, modesty aside.
53 (bonus!)³ - I... Can be a little bit jealous when I'm dating someone. I was never a pain in the ass about it, I mostly just sulk in silence, but... Yeah. It's my toxic trait.
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waterfire1848 · 1 year
Dear person, youre on fire I freaking love your Azula / Azutara posts! Funny, adorable, angsty headcannons go!!!
Here's a few Azula prompts / questions. You don't have to answer (any or all) just throwing them out there if you want XD:
Azula (and Azutara) stans, what are some headcannons:
-Azula's humour?
-Azula big-time nerd? (Sokka friendship?)
-Azula raised as a soldier in a hardcore military family / environment?
-Azula growing up basically surrounded just by old people? (Lo and Li? Her vocabulary? Hobbies? Mannerisms?)
-Socially awkward Azula? (We know she can talk smooth as a lawyer and schools adults twice her age, but let her talk casually with people her age... its gonna be bad. The Gaang and or Mai and Tylees reactions lmao)
-Azula's friendship with Mai and Tylee? (Outside of the toxic time where they were all forced into the war pls)
LOVE your blog, your posts make my day.
Thanks for the ask!
Thank you so much! I’ve been having such a bad day and this really helped!
I will always answer Azula/Azutara prompts and headcanons.
- (Azula’s humor) Azula has a different style of humor I think. She lived her life in a military setting with Ozai as a dad so I wouldn’t be surprised if she thinks things like falling on your face are hilarious. Remember when Zuko laughed at the pirates getting their ship stole? That would be Azula’s whole sense of humor.
- (Azula big time nerd) 100%. She was just never allowed to show it because of Ozai, but after the war she infodumps about her latest mystery novel to anyone who will listen. While she healing a lot of that falls to Katara.
( Azula raised as a soldier in a hardcore military family / environment) - This could actually make an interesting modern AU now that I think about it, but it's still true. She grew up under her father's belief that she was going to be the next Firelord so she had to know military strategy, how to move troops, how to talk with enemies or other military leaders, etc. She and Sokka would be best friends after the war.
(Azula growing up basically surrounded just by old people? (Lo and Li? Her vocabulary? Hobbies? Mannerisms?)) Would this mean that she knows all the slang Aang uses. Like everyone else is confused when Aang says words like hotman and hotwoman but Azula responds correctly and confuses everyone. She might have a secret hobby that relates to her spending time with Lo and Li (I don't know what though).
Socially awkward Azula? I was just talking to @akiizayoi4869 about this! Katara, Suki and Toph would be shocked by Azula's lack of social understanding, but eventually (after laughing) they'd help. They would also be the ones to suggest Azula might be bad at flirting with guys because she likes girls (a relatively new concept to Azula, Mai and Ty Lee because they grew up in a nation where that's outlawed). Extending on that, Azula also doesn't know how to do some simply things like putting her hair up. Katara and Suki teach her how to do it in Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom fashion and Ty Lee teaches her the top knot.
Azula's friendship with Mai and Tylee? Since you specified outside the war....they do reconcile after Azula starts receiving treatment. At first she yells at them and doesn't even believe they're there, but after a few visits they start talking. Ty Lee is the first person who gets Azula to actually laugh. When Azula returns to the palace, Mai is waiting for her with cherry mochi. When Izumi is born, Azula is the first one (even before Iroh) who gets to hold her.
I'm so happy to hear that! I'm not kidding when I say that this really made my day. Thank you!
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cheeryconspiracy · 2 years
I literally NEVER use tumblr except to stalk my fixation tags but I know that the my time series has a relatively sizeable fandom here so I thought I’d use this opportunity to share my My Time at Sandrock ocs! I love sharing stuff like this so if anyone ever wants to share infodumps abt their ocs or just the series in general I’d love to meet more people into it! <3
Anyway here r the ocs 🥳 I’ll introduce them individually under a read more (I think that’s how tumblr works? I don’t use this enough)
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Clarice is a 26 year old Sandrock native. While her parents are originally from Walnut Groove and Vega 5, they moved to Sandrock in the peak of the relic rush era and decided to stay, even after everyone else had packed up and jumped ship. Clarice herself is an aspiring opera singer, who loves all sorts of old world music. Her life goal is to travel across the free cities and perform, but for now she remains in her hometown, and the Blue Moon’s guests remain her most loyal audience. Clarice is the type of person who it’s easy to get along with - she’s a good listener, kind and gentle, and treats everyone with respect, even when she disagrees.
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Calliope is a 23 year old acolyte of the Church of the Light. She was born in Meidi, to parents who were both extremely devout followers of the Church. Technology was strictly banned for her household, as were any sorts of old world paraphernalia. Growing up, Calliope became very interested in the old world, indulging in her interest in secret. After training under the Church in Meidi, she made a request to be stationed in Sandrock - the most accepting city state of old world relics, and is currently on a three year service. Despite not believing in the church’s teachings at all, Calliope is very devoted to her job, although it’s her dream to be a professional ruin diver. She’s very cheerful and tries to get everyone to be the best person they can be, even if sometimes she comes across as a little pushy, and doesn’t really leave a lot of moral support for herself.
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Topher is a 29 year old Civil Corps Officer. Raised in one of Atara’s more wealthy families, Topher is used to having everything handed to him, on a silver platter no less. As he grew up he became much more spoiled and developed a lot more of an attitude. Unable to cope with his attitude, his parents were able to pull a few strings and get Topher enlisted in the Sandrock Civil Corps, in hope that Sandrock’s harsh climate and more dangerous jobs would straighten him out a little. Despite this, he still manages to be as pompous as ever, often redirecting all of his jobs to Unsuur when possible.
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Adelaide is a 28 year old builder! Born on the border of Lucien, she was caught up in Duvos skirmishes from a very early age. After losing her mother at war, her and her father packed up and headed to Highwind. Adelaide learned to toughen up from a very early age, knowing that if she had to return home for whatever reason, she’d have to do it a lot stronger than she had been. She lives a relatively comfortable life, impulsively switching up on jobs every few years. At the moment, she’s on a building kick, and moved to Sandrock on a complete and total whim - who knows where she’ll end up, though? She tends to be snarky and overconfident and a bit of a bastard, always picking fun at people. Despite her short height, she’s incredibly feisty and always aims to prove how strong she is! She’s shipped with Pen :> gotta draw them at some point
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And then there’s Hestia! A 24 year old builder who serves as my self insert for the series! (I still made up backstory for them tho cuz. Ofc) Hestia was born in Portia but due to her parent’s wanderlust was moved around constantly - every few months or so - until he and his parents eventually settled in Highwind East. Her builder father passed away in a co-gliding incident soon after, and her botanist mother, as a response, went into a workaholic frenzy, often forcing Hestia into her work with her. Hestia got to visit Sandrock multiple times in his youth as a result of this, though it wasn’t until he ran away from home several years later that she’d return for good to become a builder. She’s shipped with Fang, bc he’s my favourite :>
If you actually read this far, first of all I appreciate you so much. Second of all hi! Have a good day <333
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vinbee631 · 2 years
Family Ties
Logan used to have a hard time expressing his emotions. His new family ensures this changes. (For the better, I may add.)
writing these logince fics has been so much fun! i can't believe I'm almost done with all of them!
thank you all for the support on my last couple posts. it means the word to me, and it's crazy to me that there are several humans that have read all the silly little words I mash together and neglect to proofread
anyways!! this work is connected to day 4: winter, so you may have to read Welcome to the Family to understand some of this
enjoy! (the prompt for day 6 is hopes & dreams also)
Logan had been in college for eight years.
It was strange to think about, all that time (and money, as well. Even with financial aid, college was unreasonably expensive) he had spent to get to this point. In two weeks, he would graduate with his doctorate degree, and he wouldn’t ever have to step foot on a college campus again if he didn’t feel so inclined.
And yet, this very thing he had worked for, the commitment he poured his soul into for eight years, was overwhelmingly anxiety-inducing.
He had no idea what he was going to do. Oh, not with his career. He had already been job searching and starting applications that he needed his doctorate certificate to finish. However, the idea of leaving behind an atmosphere he had accustomed himself to for so long was ridiculously daunting.
He had become an adult here. He pulled his first all-nighter during freshman year finals, and it was followed by an incredibly unhealthy amount in the next seven. He made some of his best friends here, friends he had trusted enough to drink in front of for the first time when he turned 21. He got his autism diagnosis mailed to the apartment he still lived in two years later.
He came out here.
He lost contact with his biological family because of that, and gained an entirely new family as a result, not necessarily while he was at college, but during that timeline, so it counted in his opinion.
That was perhaps his fondest memory of all those he had made in his time tied to his school. Roman and his siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents had been so welcoming to him from the very beginning, and his love and trust in them had grown stronger than ever through the years.
Even as he endured all the teasing from them when he and Roman finally decided to start dating three years ago.
It was a very stark contrast from his biological family’s reaction, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
…His family.
Logan had tried to distance himself from thinking about his biological family ever since they disowned him, but the three of them had been extremely close up until that fateful day. Coming out had gone… poorly, and ever since then, the complete loss of contact has been jarring.
Perhaps jarring was an understatement. His mother and grandpa were the most important people in his life up until he was 22 years old. They’d raised him, fostered his love for astrology, helped him with even the hardest of classes, and paid for his first four years of college in full.
Then, Logan told them he was gay, and they threw him away like he’d never meant anything to them in the first place.
Logan sighed, shaking himself. It was too early in the day for this many mental tangents.
Perhaps he should call someone.
To anyone else, this would be strangely out of character. Logan had never been one to willingly talk out his feelings. Another thing his biological family had given him, always being closed off, opting to deal with personal problems quietly and alone.
After spending about 10 seconds with his new family, it was clear none of them had ever operated that way.
They shared everything with each other. Good news, bad news, funny news articles they’d found while doom-scrolling, anything they could. It took Logan some time to get used to this, but now, it was instinctual to be comfortable sharing what was on his mind.
And now, he did a lot more infodumping as well, something he had never been allowed to do with his biological family.
Yeah, the separation from them had taught him a lot about the reality of how good his biological family had actually been for him.
Subconsciously, as he had found himself mentally trailing off, Logan had called Gram.
“Well, hello, dear. It’s been quite a long time since you called me. I was beginning to think we’d never speak again.” Logan snickered at the teasing. He’d called her two days ago, but he was quite used to her dramatics and had picked up quite a bit of her sarcasm himself.
“Hello, Gram. I didn’t imagine I’d ever see the day where you, of all people, complained about having a conversation, but I suppose there is a first time for everything,” he jested back.
“Oh, leave an old woman be, I was just surprised. I figured you’d be busy with all the graduation preparation or whatever it is they make you poor kids do nowadays.”
“Gram, college is not that much different than when you were a kid. But no, my schedule is rather free for the next few days. And… I have missed you, quite a bit.”
“Oh dear,” she mumbled gently, fondness overtaking her tone, “you are far too sweet to me. I’ve missed you as well, darling. You’ve had a long couple of months, haven’t you?”
Logan nodded, then quickly realized his mistake. “Ah, yes, I suppose so. I suppose it has been worth it, though. The only thing I would change about all this is allowing myself some more free time for my family.”
“Entirely too sweet, Roman has been a terrible influence on you,” she joked. “Now, what’s going on?”
Logan blinked, taking a long moment to process her question. “I’m- not sure what you mean? I have a completely free day today, so I called to talk to you, as I have done many times before. So, nothing is going on other than this conversation?”
“My bad, darling. That was a bad way of phrasing it. I meant: what’s wrong? I can tell when one of my babies is upset, and it’s pretty clear, hon.”
“N-nothing’s wrong, Gram. I... I mean, it has been a long week, but nothing out of the ordinary. I am doing just fine,” he replied smoothly, sneaking in as much of a smile into his voice as he could manage.
Logan could hear her head shake through the phone, and not just because of the audible rustling. “You’re testing my grandma senses, dear? Trust me, I dealt with Roman in his slumps. I know how to tell when someone’s hiding a problem from me. Especially you, considering all the time it took to convince you that sharing is alright. I mean that nicely, by the way, I care a lot about you feeling alright.”
“Thanks, Gram. I… suppose it is a bit complicated to explain.” He didn’t elaborate further, cutting himself off with a long sigh. Was this really how he wanted to spend his valuable time talking to one of his closest family members?
“I have an idea, if you’ll hear me out. Why don’t you come up for the weekend. Roman will be here too if you’re not up for talking with me this time. He’ll want to see you anyway, and so do I.”
Logan thought it over. He didn’t have any classwork. Really, the only reason he was still near campus was because he’d already made his final housing payment, and he intended to use the space for as long as he owned it. If he left on Friday, he’d get plenty of time with Gram and Roman, and whoever else happened to be there, and still have the opportunity to leave on time to get back to his minimal responsibilities on Tuesday.
“...Yeah, I’ll be there. It will be… nice to talk things out in person. And to see you, of course.”
“Oh, you, such a flatterer. Worse than Roman, I swear. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you, hon. Love you big bunches.”
“Love you big bunches as well, Gram.”
The weekend came far too quickly, and yet not fast enough. Logan was anticipating the time with his boyfriend and family, but the real reason for his visit had been looming over him all week.
He knew it would be good to discuss what was bothering him. That did not make it any easier to look forward to doing so.
The four hour drive passed as fast as a blink, and Logan realized with an achinly fond smile that Gram had been waiting on the porch for him.
“Get over here, baby,” he heard her call as soon as he closed the car door behind himself. She met him halfway, wrapping her arms securely around his waist and inching up on her tiptoes and nudging Logan to bend down so she could kiss his cheek.
“Hello there, beanstalk. I’ve not missed this height difference, but I did miss you. You’ve been so busy, I’ve been lucky to get all those weekly calls.”
Logan chuckled. “I wouldn’t mist those for anything, Gram. I’ll always have time to talk to you.”
“Don’t remind me, I’m sure I know that,” she reassured. “I recall a good handful of those calls prefaced with a warning that you were at work or driving to class, or whatever else it was that made you so busy, you wild little multitasker.”
“Says you,” Logan teased right back as she ushered him inside. “Every time I come over, you’re cooking six things at once and in three separate conversations. I’d argue that’s much more impressive multitasking.”
“Flattery,” she laughed, pinching Logan’s cheek, “but as much as I love to tease, that’s not quite why you’re here, now is it?”
“Well, of course not, it’s because Romam is coming tonight, and you’d hardly miss the opportunity to tease us together under one roof,” Logan replied innocently, making her chuckle again.
“Oh, you are terrible. I would never do such a thing! Except, perhaps I already have. Alright, stop distracting me! I had a point, and you have become a worse instigator than your boyfriend,” she chided, nudging him along to the living room and onto a couch right next to her.
“Now, I won’t push you outside of what you’re comfortable with if you’re not up for this right now, but even over the phone, it was obvious you’re having a hard time. We can talk things through now, or wait for some other time, or never if you’d rather talk things out with Roman when he gets here. Or, a surprise fourth option, I guess.”
“I’ll take door number four,” Logan deadpanned, his false glare breaking with Gram’s laughter. “No, I… suppose I should talk things out. It won’t do any good to let them fester.”
“At least one kid listens to my lectures,” Gran shook her head, gently squeezing Logan’s hand. “Ignore my whining. You talk whenever you’re ready, dearheart.”
Logan took a deep breath, squeezing her hand back. Despite all the ruminating he’d already done, it was considerably difficult to figure out how to express all those pesky emotions he’d been dealing with.
Eventually, it all just spilled out. It started with his biological family, how the memories had been creeping up on him now that he was finally going to be moving on from the last connection he had to them.
Next, it was losing that connection, losing his home of eight years to graduation. He was still confident with his job choice and the ease of getting one of those, but the act of leaving… he was terrified.
There were other things as well, his returning, paralyzing fear of failure creeping back as he began to transition into something new. There were a few jobs he had considered applying for that he had to stop considering because of their terrible policies for the disabled. Not that he needed many accommodations, but an institution such as those would likely not be welcoming to an autistic individual.
And after all the work he’d put into acquiring this job, he was not about to settle for a place that would not make him feel human.
By the time he had gotten everything off his chest, and shed a few tears in the process, it had been… a while. At least an hour, likely more. Gran had been attentive the whole time, offering nonverbal support and comfort as he vented.
God, he loved her so much.
Once he was feeling calmer, a byproduct of the venting and the love his grandma had been pouring out to him, she tugged him along to the kitchen with a smile.
“Instead of making you sit through a saccharinely sweet talk about how much I love and support you, and whatnot, we’re gonna bake cookies. Sound good?”
“I would not be opposed to the love and support but yes, cookies sound fantastic.”
Gran whacked him gently on the arm, the smirk peeking through betraying her true feelings. “Quit being cheeky, you absolute menace. Here I am offering my home to you and giving you all the support you deserve, and you treat me like this in response? The cruelty! Whatever happened to respecting your elders?”
Logan laughed, and in an impulsive but familiar move, leaned down to wrap her in a firm hug. “Thank you. I… I needed this, more than I think I realized.”
“Oh, of course, Lo. Anytime, I-” Gran cut herself off with a smile. “Enough from me. You’d better go and say hi to your boyfriend.”
Logan perked up immediately, ending their hug with a final squeeze before rushing out the door to meet Roman as he hopped out of his Uber.
“Logan!! Oh, my precious starshine!” Roman exclaimed, throwing down his bags to scoop Logan off the ground. Logan giggled, nudging halfheartedly at Roman’s hold. “Roman I am taller than you, this is obscene-!” He cut himself off with a squeak as Roman began to spin him around joyfully.
“If you drop me I will never forgive you!!” Roman laughed joyously in his ear, but he did noticeably tighten his grip on his boyfriend. “Worry not, light of my life! The only thing I’ve ever dropped is my jaw at the sight of your lovely face!”
Logan resisted the urge to roll his eyes, smirking fondly at Roman as he was set down. “You are perhaps the clumsiest man I’ve ever met, forgive me for doubting the validity of your statement.”
Roman gasped loudly, a dramatic move Logan could recognize from a mile away. “You- don’t believe me? Your own partner? Would I ever lie to the loveliest man in existence, the force of nature that keeps my very heart beating? The slander, in my own childhood home! You disparage me, starlight!”
“You are incorrigible, but I suppose I knew that when I signed up for this,” Logan continued, laughing at the over-exaggerated gasp that was so forceful it made Roman cough.
“You win this one Tall, Dark, and Handsome. C’mon, let’s go in. Gram’s probably got a whole laundry list of teasing remarks at the ready, the old sap. Emphasis on the old.”
“Be nice!” Logan chided, huffing at his boyfriend’s antics. “Your grandmother is a saint, and to imply that the first thing she will do at the sight of us is jest is a slanderous oversight. I cannot believe you right now. She’s already teasing us right now, under her breath, testing out which ones sound the best.”
Roman wheezed, nearly buckling over as he walked. “You- you have a point, beloved. Forgive me for such an oversight. Now, let’s head in to hear what she’s planned for us, yes?”
The rest of the day continued similarly. Logan eventually ran out of conversation spoons just after dinnertime, and spent a few hours in his guest room destressing. Around ten that night, he wandered down the hall to Roman’s room, curling up with him on his bed.
“Welcome back, dear. Feeling calmer?” Logan nodded, shifting closer so he could kiss Roman’s cheek. ‘Much calmer, thank you, sweetheart. How are you?”
“Oh, a bit stressed about the upcoming show but hey, that’s just life. Also, Gran snitched on you, so I’m gonna awkwardly transition into bugging you about that now.”
Logan groaned, hiding his face in Roman’s chest. “Awful, terrible family. Why did I ever sign up for this? You people are so cruel to me.”
“Not as cruel as them, I can assure you of that.” Roman had meant it in a teasing manner, but Logan couldn’t help but wince. It was perhaps a bit too soon to be joking about something like that so soon after he figured out all his feelings.
“Ouch, that was in poor taste, wasn’t it? I’m sorry, beloved.” Logan shook his head, leaning up for another kiss. “Not your fault, I suppose it was a bit funny. I’m just… “I let them control me for years, and I didn’t even realize. They were so… harmful to me, but they were the only people I had. It… it was so hard to realize that all that time spent idolizing them was time wasted. And, I don’t think I’ve ever completely moved on from it, which is terrible. They don’t deserve it, even if they are just thoughts.”
“First of all, you are allowed to grieve over losing them as much as you need. No, they don’t deserve it, but you deserve to process what they did in a healthy way. And yeah, the things they’ve done were terrible, but it wasn’t time wasted. You truly did love them, and they taught you so many things that make you so special. It’s not time wasted, it’s just… time you had to spend to get to us.”
Logan blinked, pushing away the sting of happy tears. “I.. suppose you have a point. I know I need to process my grief healthily, I just wish they didn’t make that so difficult. They… I almost wish they would have made it more obvious that they were terrible people. They hid it behind so much positive and healthy behavior, it can be hard for me to remember that they are bad for me.”
Roman sighed, rubbing a hand across Logan’s back, sending shivers through his body. “I know, darling, it is very complicated. It can be hard to deal with all the gray space in the black and white of talking to someone or cutting them off entirely. But, no matter how positive some of their influences were, you’re so much better off here. I hope you can remember that.”
“I am trying,” Logan decided, “and I know I will get there. It just… I want to be able to block them out forever as they did to me, but I’m not sure I’ll ever be capable of that.” “You don’t have to push yourself to forget them entirely, but I can understand why that would be desirable,” Roman reassured. “You have dealt with all of this incredibly well given the circumstances, and you have accomplished so much. Hell, you’re graduating with a doctorate this year! You’re amazing, Lo, and if they can’t see that beyond the hatred, then it’s their loss.”
“It truly is,” Logan agreed, “especially since it means they never get to meet you.”
“Aww, come here, precious.” Roman grinned, hugging his boyfriend so close, Logan could feel his boyfriend's heartbeat pulse through his own body. “You’re incredible. I am so proud of you and the things you have accomplished. I am so confident in you, and I know this change is going to be hard, but you’re gonna embrace it just like everything else.”
“Ah, she really did snitch on me, huh?” Roman nodded solemnly, still holding his boyfriend as tight as he could manage without actually hurting him. (Logan loved this, he had been encouraging Roman to help him with pressure stimming for years, and his boyfriend always agreed.)
“I can’t say I’m surprised, but… I’m not upset that she did. Talking about everything again would be way too many spoons for one day.”
“Well, if you do need to talk more, I’m always here, my love. You are so important to me, and anything you need, I can provide.”
“The same to you, dearest. Now, it is getting late, and I know you’re going to be up early working tomorrow. Sleep with me?”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, starlight.” Logan smiled, kissing him gently on the lips before pulling the covers up around him. He truly was lucky for every single person in his life. Even his biological family, he supposed.
Without them, he never would have received the kind of love the Reyes family would be outpouring to him for years to come.
He and Roman fell asleep tangled in each other's arms, and Logan only dreamt of love and happiness.
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edienotsedgwick · 2 years
Introduction again
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It’s been a while since my last pinned post and a lot has changed. I deleted it cause I decided I wanted a new one.
The basics
My name is Edie
I’m from Aotearoa/New Zealand.
I’m 20
I’m autistic (likely autHD actually but the ADHD hasn’t been diagnosed yet)
I’m a lesbian
I’m an animation student on the weekdays, a musician and a essay writer on the weekends.
Aquarius sun, Capricorn moon, Aries rising
A witch who’s extremely lazy with her craft.
I’ve been on Tumblr since 2014! You may have known me from…
Many cartoon fandoms. Too many to count. (Spanning from 2014-16)
Emo bandom tumblr circa 2017-18. Particularly the Fueled By Ramen/Decaydance bandom.
Early Scenecore tumblr in 2018. (I still have a few selfies and hit posts from then gaining notes).
Britpop/early alternative music bandom 2019-2021
And since then I’ve just kind of been doing my own thing and mainly using this blog as a personal moodboard and an outlet to post ideas I don’t want to share anywhere else. I do post about a lot of things I like, but I’m not tied heavily to fandoms anymore - I mostly just lurk. That being said though, don’t be afraid to talk if you share a particular interest with me. I always need to infodump!
What I post
Stuff I find pretty. This blog is mainly a moodboard. I keep wanting to expand out of it but I always give up at some point.
Stuff that makes my brain go brrrrr! Mainly bands + shows.
Music stuff! I mainly like to post lyrics from songs I’m writing that are a work in progress, and sloppy covers/demos that I feel aren’t polished enough for my other socials. I also do cheeky self promo of my songs that you can already listen to. You guys should stream my E.P ‘Thing Is Me’.
I’ve been aspiring to write long form essays about things I’ve been passionate about for ages. I don’t think I’ll directly post them here, but once I get my Substack up and running you’ll be able to see them getting crossposted here.
Stuff I like
Feel free to talk to me about any of these things cause they’re my main special interests!
Music history from the 60s-2000s. In terms of what specific period I’ve jumped to at the moment, I’m fixated on mid-late 2000s indie music, twee pop of any era (mid 80s-present tbh), + some of my old favourite scene bands lmao. I’ve been nostalgic for them lately.
Skins UK (yes I know how 2014 and sad of me). I’m a Cassie apologist so leave me alone if you think she sucks lmao. That’s my Blorbina and my adopted little sister who’s currently got a song + a Substack essay series being written about her. In all seriousness though, I find this show to be very misunderstood in general.
Sighthounds! I love all dogs in general but the pointy ones are my favourites. I have a Greyhound, he’s my best friend :,) When I move into my own home one day I want to have another Greyhound + a Borzoi!
This is a very casual one of mine but (in case you can’t tell from what I mostly reblog here) I love fashion! My fashion tastes span the same general group of decades that my music history knowledge does. Much like my current music fixations I’ve been inspired by the late 2000s, but what I actually wear on a day to day basis is never one particular style. I mix and match a lot.
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bla bla bla DNI time
Don’t follow if…
You meet the typical DNI criteria (no ists or phobes of any kind please! Just basic bare minimum human decency)
No pro ana (one of my special interests being skins + me seeing myself in a disordered character you made the face of your little circle does not give you a pro ana free pass around me. I’m not disordered myself + I ask you don’t follow me because I don’t want to accidentally trigger anyone by letting people of your group in my space.)
Same goes for general S/H blogs!
That being said, if you are already vulnerable seeing me potentially reference any of these sensitive topics in anything I post/talk about don’t follow me for the sake of your own well-being if you know it will be triggering to you. Stay safe ILY. I do try and tag though and you can always ask me to do that if you wish.
No creeps of any kind! Please do not send me anything sexual, or talk to me about anything sexual unsolicited you will be blocked immediately.
Okay that’s everything! If you’re cool I hope you enjoy following me. Please listen to my music. ‘Edie VC’ on every platform if you want to. You’ll like it if you like twee/folk/dream pop Xx
All the tags below are for my interests, aesthetics that people could say match my vibe, as well as my face tag (if you want to know what I look like) and my text tag. Hopefully I can make some cool new mutuals.
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sirenspells · 2 years
Summary of that one actually developed plot in my Omori Pokemon AU
I’ve been meaning to make a post like this for a while. My Omori Pokemon AU is a mostly general and plotless AU, just for fun, with the exception of this one plot that is kind of meant to parallel OMORI’s main plot. I’m just going to summarize it, as I highly doubt I’ll get a fic out for it or draw much of it anytime soon. Some context for this AU before I start infodumping to you guys
The main characters live in Sinnoh, Twinleaf Town specifically, which effectively replaces Faraway Town here
At this point in the story, Mari has her Espurr, named Mewo, and her Ralts, and Sunny just has his Absol. The rest of the characters’ pokemon don’t really matter, but I imagine they all still have just their first
With that, here’s the entire plot, putting under a cut cause it’ll be long:
Stuff plays out much like canon up until a certain point. Mari and Sunny were planning on performing a recital together, Mari pressures him, Sunny doesn’t feel he’s good enough, etc. Like canon, Sunny throws his violin down the stairs, him and Mari argue, and Sunny pushes her. But here, their pokemon are all there to witness it (Basil is not here btw), and Mewo is able to use her psychic powers just in time to stop Mari from falling.
Sunny, horrified at what he almost just did, runs out of the house, and Mari goes after him. Sunny runs all the way out to Lake Verity, and Mari catches up to him there. While Mari is trying to talk to Sunny about what had just happened, she notices Sunny looking horrified at something behind her. Mari also turns around to see it, looking upon a shadowy pokemon with a single blue eye staring right at them.
The pokemon suddenly starts charging an attack, seeming to be aiming for Mari, but right as the attack fires, Sunny jumps in the way and takes the blow, falling unconscious as a result. The pokemon flees, and Mari tries desperately to wake up Sunny, but to no avail. Mewo, Ralts, and Absol arrive at the scene, but it’s too late for them to do anything but witness Mari crying over Sunny’s body.
Mari carries Sunny’s body back to Twinleaf, and relays the news of what happened to everybody. Sunny is taken to the hospital, where, no matter how much they try, no one is able to wake him up. Notably, Sunny appears to be suffering in his sleep, groaning, lightly thrashing about, and mumbling fearful things (remember Eldritch’s son in the Sinnoh games? Yeah, like that).
Mari is asked about the pokemon she saw by the lake, but none of the adults around her recognize a pokemon of that description. Except for Basil’s grandmother. Away from everyone else, Basil’s grandma tells Mari and the other main characters that the pokemon that attacked Sunny was likely Darkrai, a mythical pokemon known for giving its victims horrible and sometimes, in the case of Sunny, never-ending nightmares. She also tells them of how the feathers of the legendary pokemon Cresselia are said to be the only thing that can wake people up from these endless nightmares.
Hearing this, Mari decides that she wants to travel to Fullmoon Island to retrieve one of Cresselia’s feathers and save her little brother. When she brings up this idea to their parents, however, they disapprove of this plan, with their father especially being against it. Reasons include that they don’t truly believe Darkrai exists and therefore believe that Mari would be making this journey for nothing, but also that Mari’s rather young for making such a journey.
Mari mulls over this for a few days, and becomes increasingly frustrated as no improvements on Sunny’s condition are made. So she decides that she’s going to leave for Fullmoon Island anyway, planning to sneak out in the middle of the night without telling anyone. This includes not even telling her friends, as much as it pains her to keep such a secret from her closest friends and even her boyfriend, but she wants to be absolutely sure that the plan won’t get out to her parents before she leaves. She, of course, takes her two pokemon with her, and Sunny’s Absol also decides to go with her, wanting to do whatever he can to help his trainer.
The night Mari leaves, she leaves little notes by her friends’ windows, as well as her own window for her parents to find, that explain where she went. And with that, Mari and her pokemon leave for Fullmoon Island.
Now let’s head over to Sunny, who is having a hell of a time right now. He has been trapped in horrifying nightmares for what feels like days now, and I imagine these nightmares are much like Black Space, being distorted areas of Sunny’s memory, filled with weird and terrifying monsters out to get him. Sunny is desperate to escape, missing his friends and especially his sister, but there doesn’t appear to be any way out.
Something finally changes one day, however, as when Sunny is once again being heckled by weird nightmare creatures, someone gets in front of Sunny and fights them off. This mystery person, who looks like a monochrome Sunny, introduces himself as Omori, and reassures Sunny that he is not there to attack him, but rather, to protect him. Sunny is wary of him at first, as everything in this world has been out to get him, but finally relents and allows Omori to stay with him as they wander the nightmare, with Omori destroying any nightmare creatures they come across that try and frighten Sunny.
Sunny had not at all been aware that he was actually dreaming until Omori told him, and unfortunately Omori can not help him in waking up, but he hopes that just staying by Sunny is enough. Also, Omori has to occasionally leave the dream entirely, for reasons that he doesn’t elaborate to Sunny, and which Sunny finds weird cause he was under the impression that Omori was part of the nightmare like everything else.
Still, Omori stays with Sunny often, and the two of them start to become friends as time goes on, with Sunny even becoming comfortable enough to tell Omori about his life back home, and about his friends, sister, and pokemon. Despite their growing closeness, Omori still doesn’t reveal much about himself, and Sunny highly suspects that Omori’s hiding something from him. For one, the fact that Omori can and does occasionally just leave the nightmare, but also that Omori appears to use pokemon attacks when defending Sunny, and whenever Sunny asks questions about what exactly Omori is, he either answers with something vague or manages to dodge the question entirely.
Finally, Sunny demands that Omori tell him what he is, no more vagueness, no more dodging. Omori is reluctant, but finally, he tells Sunny everything.
Omori reveals that he is actually Darkrai, the very Darkrai that had trapped Sunny in his nightmares in the first place. He explains that on that night, he had only been at Lake Verity as a small break from his monotonous life on Newmoon Island, and hadn’t really expected to run into any humans there, let alone be seen by them. When Omori had attempted to “attack” Mari, he had only wanted to put her to sleep, and then flee before his nightmare powers, that he can’t control, kicked in. With this, Mari would have woken up later just fine. However, Sunny jumping in the way at the last second shocked Omori to the point that he froze up, long enough for Sunny to get afflicted by his nightmare powers.
Omori felt extremely guilty for doing this to Sunny, and so he decided that the best way to make it up to him was to directly enter Sunny’s nightmare and try to provide comfort as best he could. The reason Omori occasionally leaves is that he does have to physically travel to Twinleaf Town in order to enter Sunny’s dreams, and he only does so during the day to try to have as little people as possible be asleep and fall victim to his nightmares. So when night falls, he has to leave.
Omori expects that this revelation will cause Sunny to hate him, or fear him, and waits for Sunny to react negatively…but to his surprise, Sunny instead reacts by hugging Omori. Sunny tells Omori that despite all of that, he still wants to be Omori’s friend, and he knows that Omori must be a good person if he went out of his way to help Sunny after what he’d done to him.
This revelation actually makes Sunny and Omori grow ever closer. Sunny understands Omori better, and enjoys asking him questions about what it’s like to be a pokemon that’s lived as long as he has. And Omori, for the first time in the thousands of years he’s been around, actually has someone he can call a friend, and someone that he can talk to about his life and his lonely existence isolating himself on Newmoon Island. Sunny makes a promise to Omori, that one day, when he’s old enough to travel, he’ll go all the way to Newmoon Island to visit Omori in the real world.
Now let’s get back to Mari. She’s finally made it all the way to Fullmoon Island, and of all things she’d expected to see once she made her way to the island’s center, Cresselia herself was certainly not one of them. Cresselia is able to speak to Mari using telepathy, and Cresselia explains that she appeared to Mari because she could sense her pure heart and good intentions. Mari explains to Cresselia her reasoning for making this journey, and Cresselia is more than happy to give Mari a Lunar Feather to save Sunny.
Cresselia offers to take Mari back to Twinleaf Town, and after Mari agrees, Cresselia uses her psychic powers to make Mari fly alongside her as they travel back to Twinleaf Town. The two of them land on the roof of the hospital that Sunny is staying at as the sun has made its way into the sky. Mari thanks Cresselia for all that she’s done, and Cresselia is about to leave…until she senses a dark presence near the hospital. She recognizes it as Darkrai, and feels that she must directly enter Sunny’s dream in order to fend Darkrai off. Mari insists on going with her, and so her and Cresselia enter the nightmare together.
In the nightmare, Sunny and Omori are just hanging out as they usually do when they hear what sounds like Mari calling out to Sunny. The two are wary at first, as there have been times where normal-sounding voices have actually turned out to be nightmares, but when Omori sees Mari, he confirms that she is the real Mari, not something imitating her.
Hearing this, Sunny runs over to Mari, and finally the two siblings are reunited, tightly embracing each other and giving each other tearful apologies. Cresselia catches up to them and expresses relief that the two of them are okay, but then notices Omori standing some distance away from them. Immediately recognizing him as Darkrai, Cresselia fires a Moonblast at him, sending him flying into a nearby wall.
Mari and Sunny are shocked, and Sunny runs over to Omori to make sure that he’s okay. Because Omori sustained damage, the illusion over his body fades away, exposing his true form, and Mari realizes that Sunny is defending the pokemon that had caused them all this trouble.
Cresselia tries to warn Sunny that “Omori” is dangerous and cannot be trusted because he is actually Darkrai, and Sunny reveals that yes, he’d already known about Omori’s true nature, and explains to them everything that Omori had told him and that Omori is not malicious and was only trying to help Sunny. This comes as a shock to Mari and Cresselia, especially the latter, as she’d been under the impression for years that Darkrai was downright evil, and that all the nightmares he’d given people were on purpose.
Omori decides that now it is finally time for him to leave, and so he and Sunny exchange goodbyes before Omori disappears, leaving the nightmare and returning to Newmoon Island. Cresselia and Mari let Sunny know that he’ll finally be waking up soon, which he’s happy about. Mari and Cresselia leave the nightmare, Cresselia flies back to Fullmoon Island, and Mari enters the hospital from the rooftop.
When Mari enters Sunny’s room, all of her friends and her parents are there around Sunny’s hospital bed. When they notice Mari enter, they all rush over to her, relieved that she’s okay, but also admonishing her for leaving so suddenly without telling anyone. Mari apologizes, and then approaches Sunny’s hospital bed, and gently places the Lunar Feather on his chest. The feather glows, and then Sunny wakes up!
After everyone expresses their relief that Sunny is okay, him and Mari explain everything that had happened on the night of the recital, and everyone forgives them. Mari and Sunny also apologize to each other, Mari for pressuring Sunny so much, and Sunny for breaking the violin and almost pushing Mari down the stairs. And Sunny also thanks Mari for saving him :)
AND THATS IT. YEAHHHH. I will say there is kind of another part of this plot I’ve thought up, where Sunny does uphold his promise to Omori and travels to Newmoon Island four years later to see him again, bringing all his friends with him. Which means at some point he does tell the rest of his friends about Omori. But besides that that does it for this little piece of my omori pokemon au. If you actually read all this then hi I really appreciate it :)
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