#this happened yesterday and it was like i was hypnotized
giyuulatte · 11 months
the moment when you’re listening to music while reading a fic and a song comes on that goes perfectly with the vibe of the fic so you have to listen to the song on repeat until you finish it
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yannawayne · 28 days
viii. a little death
SYNOPSIS: "Alright, let's do this one last time. My name is Y/N Kyle. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, And I've been the one and only Spidey in Gotham. I’m pretty sure you know the rest." PAIRING: Older! Damian Wayne/Fem! Reader TAGS: MILD SMUT (will put indicators if people want to skip), Established relationship, Wounds, Violence, Suggestive jokes, Doppelgangers AO3: yenwayne SERIES LINK: gotham's only spidey
The black of his suit bleeds seamlessly into the surrounding darkness, making him appear more phantom than man.
He looks like a living nightmare.
Damian lifts his head just in time to see Batman towering over you, his cape billowing ominously in the night breeze. A cold chill runs down Damian's spine as dread settles heavy in his chest. Of all people, his father was the last person he wanted to find him here like this—vulnerable, exposed, and with you.
Reacting on pure instinct, Damian scrambles to his feet, positioning himself firmly between you and the Dark Knight.
"Father." Damian’s voice is low but steady, though the weight of what’s happening lingers in every syllable. His mind races, knowing that Batman doesn’t recognize you in your vigilante form and likely believes he's cheating on you.
To Batman, this looks like betrayal.
Sunday, 12:13 AM - Stark Tower, Gotham City.
The rhythmic clacking of a keyboard filled the room, a steady, almost hypnotic sound that gently tugged you from sleep. You stirred, the tangled sheets wrapping around you like a cozy cocoon. Damian’s strong arms were draped around your shoulders and waist, his warmth a comforting presence as he held you close.
As he shifted slightly, his fingers traced absentminded patterns along your back, a tender caress that sent a soft shiver of relaxation down your spine. You groaned softly, turning towards him and resting your head against his chest. The steady beat of his heart beneath your ear was a soothing, rhythmic pulse, grounding you in the comfort of his embrace.
Across the room, Morgan was propped up at your desk, her messy hair pulled back with a headband, though a few stray tendrils had escaped and framed her face in an untidy halo. Her eyes were fixed intently on the laptop screen, where a Google document was open, filled with lines of text that seemed to flow endlessly. In her free hand, she cradled a steaming cup of coffee, the rich aroma wafting through the room and mingling with the faint scent of the morning air. 
After returning to the tower yesterday, you and Damian had practically slept through the entire morning—this one, however... 
You groaned, burying your cheek deeper into the pillow as you tried to block out the light from the laptop and her typing. 
“You bitch. Do you ever sleep?” you grumbled, your voice thick with sleep as you rubbed your eyes with the heel of your hand.
Morgan gave you a lopsided grin, the steam from her coffee curling around her face like a comforting fog. “Sleep? What’s that?”
You rolled onto your back, stretching your limbs. “That’s usually my line.”
She shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee. “I know. Just kinda hyper tonight,” she said, her fingers dancing across the keyboard as she continued typing.
"By the way,” she hummed thoughtfully, “what kinks do you think Nightcrawler would have?"
You could feel Damian’s confusion even before he spoke. "Excuse me?" he blinked at her, squinting as if he’d misheard. “Why on earth would you ask that? And why now, of all times?” “I’m writing fanfic,” she replied matter-of-factly, still typing away. “Ooh! You’re her boyfriend. What kind of freaky stuff do you think her hero-sona would be into?”
You stifled a laugh, propping yourself up on one elbow to enjoy the show. “Choking kink.”
Damian, who had been leaning against the headboard, choked on his own spit. His eyes widened in shock, and his face turned a deep crimson. “What?!”
“Don’t play dumb,” you snickered, reveling in the way his skin turned redder by the second. “I know you knew this one.”
Morgan’s gaze flickered between you two, her expression momentarily blank, though a hint of something inscrutable flashed in her eyes before she quickly shook it off. She returned to her typing, the clacking of keys filling the room once more.
“That’s so basic,” she huffed, eyes narrowed in concentration. “Give me a better one. I need something with a little more flair.”
You tapped your chin thoughtfully. “Bondage, then. Webs, remember?”
Damian's face turned an even deeper shade of red at the mention of webs, his mind clearly racing to process the suggestion. 
Morgan’s fingers paused mid-keystroke as she considered your suggestion. A slow, mischievous grin spread across her face. “Web bondage? Now that’s more like it,” she said, quickly typing it in. “I can work with that.”
“I’m surrounded by lunatics,” he muttered.
Morgan grinned wickedly. “Lunatics, maybe, but this is going to be one hell of a fic. And don’t worry, Dames, I’ll make sure Robin gets some action too.”
He shot her a glare. “Don’t. You. Dare.”
“There are ships of us already?” you blink, surprised. 
Morgan coughs into her hand, an odd twist in her face. “There are ships of everyone these days. People have imaginations that just don’t quit. "
“I had no idea,” you said, blinking in surprise. “What do they call it? SpideyBird? WebWing?”
Damian looked genuinely disgusted. “Why do they even need a name for it? Why are people spending time on this?”
You patted Damian’s shoulder reassuringly, trying to lighten the mood. “At least they’re rooting for us to be together, right?”
Morgan just shrugged off Damian’s reaction and continued to write. “The fanfics of you are pretty fresh. Only around a hundred works so far, but the edits…” She trailed off, her fingers fumbling for her phone with a mischievous grin.
Groaning, you shut your eyes as Morgan’s grin widened. 
“Do not show me—” you began, but before you could finish, the audio started blaring from her phone.
Well, come and get it now Come and get it now Baby, show me what you're doing Come and turn around 'Cause it's not just a figure of speech You got me down on my knees It's getting harder to breathe out
She looked up, grinning widely as if she’d been waiting for this exact reaction.
“What?” she laughed, thoroughly enjoying the moment. “You can’t tell me this hot.”
Curiosity got the better of you, and despite your better judgment, you peeked at the screen. The video was a shaky close-up, showing you leaning against a car, your hair tousled and your armor cracked. You were breathing heavily, your head thrown back.
The camera zoomed in slowly, and the lyrics that accompanied it were dramatic and overly romantic, turning the entire scene into something far more intimate than it had ever been. You could almost understand why someone might find it “hot,” but that didn’t stop the wave of embarrassment from flooding through you.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you groaned, burying your face in your hands. “That is horrible. I was literally on the brink of death. Was that from last night?” “Yeah,” Morgan nodded as she replayed the clip. “Your fans ate it up. Apparently, it’s going viral.”
Damian, who had been eerily silent throughout the entire exchange, finally broke his silence. “Where is that on?”
You immediately yanked your hands away from your face, your eyes wide with disbelief. “No. Don’t even think about it.”
“Tiktok,” Morgan answered casually, a hint of mischief in her tone. To your horror, Damian pulled out his phone
“Don’t you dare!” you warned, but it was too late. Damian was already typing your codename into the search bar. 
As the search results loaded, an edit began to play, and you felt your face flush with heat. The chosen song only seemed to amplify the humiliation. 
Touch me, yeah I want you to touch me there Make me feel like I am breathing Feel like I am human
Damian, smirked, liked the video, and saved it.
Sunday, 8:06 AM - Gotham City.
"Don't—" you seethed, sinking deeper into the plush leather seat of Tony’s limousine. The soft leather creaked under your weight as you clenched the armrest, your knuckles turning white. "Don’t even say a word."
Damian pressed his lips together, suppressing a smirk. 
His gaze drifted over your outfit—no, the uniform you’d been practically forced into. The Stark Industries cap perched on your head was like a crown of corporate shame, its logo glaring down at you from the brim. Your shirt clung uncomfortably to your torso, the bold emblem stretched so tightly across your chest it might as well have been tattooed on. Even your sneakers were branded with that obnoxious red logo.
You felt like a sellout.
“You look stunning,” Damian said, barely holding back a laugh as he glanced over at you from his seat across the limo. 
“Stunning?!” You shot him a scowl, the edges of your mouth twitching downward. “I look ridiculous!”
“Why didn’t you just wear—”
“I couldn’t!” you snapped, jabbing a finger at Morgan. “This fucking ginger goblin threw my clothes out! Now I’m stuck as a goddamn billboard!”
“Oh, boo-fucking-hoo," she mocked, turning to you from her spot in the limo, sprawled comfortably on the cushions. Her fingers casually brushed against the plush fabric as she spoke, “Don’t shoot the messenger. Dad’s idea, not mine. He wanted you to have a ‘fresh look.’”
You turned to Tony, who was lounging at the far edge of the limo, his dress shoes propped up against one of the seats. He was absorbed in his phone, mindlessly scrolling through this week’s gossip. Occasionally, he chuckled to himself, completely oblivious to the steam practically pouring out of your ears.
Fighting the urge to choke-slam him right then and there, you spoke up “What the hell is this all for, anyways?”
Tony peered up from his phone and grinned, “Oh, come on. It’s a marketing move. There’s going to be paparazzi and everything. We thought it’d be fun to put you in our new line of promotional gear.”
“Fun? You think this is fun?!”
“It’s not like we’re asking you to wear spandex,” Morgan snickered, her eyes drifting to meet Damian’s. He shot her a glare in response. “It’s just a little branding.”
“I’d almost rather be wearing spandex,” you grumble, pressing your cheek to the cool glass of the window. Your breath fogs up the surface, creating a clouded view of the city beyond.
Morgan whistles. "That's a sight I'd love to see."
You roll your eyes. The cityscape outside rushes by, a blur of towering buildings and streaks of light blending into a hazy, indistinct swirl. Outside, the world seems distant, almost unreal, as if you're moving too fast to truly grasp any of it.
“By the way, you’re going to hate me, but…” Morgan spoke up again, reaching into her bag. “I also brought a jacket.” She held out a sleek, branded jacket that perfectly matched the rest of the outfit.
You slammed your head into the glass and vowed to burn every Stark-branded item you owned.
Sunday, 8:14 AM - Wayne Tower, Gotham City.
Bruce wondered if it was too late to file for unemployment.
He sat at the head of the conference table, his eyes glazed over as he stared at the middle-aged man droning on in a monotone voice. The man's garish mustard-yellow tie jerked awkwardly with each exaggerated gesture, as if trying to bring some life to the dull presentation. His glasses, too large for his face, inched down his nose with every movement, threatening to fall off completely.
“—as you've all been aware, we've been facing issues regarding our stolen drone flight technology due to criminal activity in the—”
The slides projected onto the screen, filled with graphs and charts, were melding into an endless stream of data that felt like it was slowly turning his brain into mush. Bruce barely registered them. Instead, his mind was a million miles away, lost in a fog. He let his attention drift to the ceiling tiles, idly counting the tiny imperfections as the briefing continued. 
He glanced at his watch, stifling a groan as he saw only a few painful minutes had passed since he last checked. The meeting, as usual, felt like a slog, but today was particularly grueling. 
His thoughts kept drifting back to the text he received last night. Damian had invited him to your dress shop appointment today, telling him he would be covering the bill. Without a second thought, Bruce agreed and sent his card over—and if Alfred hadn’t intervened, he might have ended up buying out the entire boutique in his enthusiasm.
Could you blame him?
Much like Selina, you were stubbornly independent—always managing on your own, even when you needed support. It was a trait that made him proud, but it also left him wishing he could be more involved in your life.
If Bruce were a better man, less emotionally constipated as he often chastised himself, he might have reached out more. He might have asked if you needed to talk, offered his support more openly, and bridged the gap that seemed to widen with each passing year.
But he wasn’t that man. He was the one who held back, kept his feelings guarded, and let the distance grow because he didn’t know how to close it.
Adding salt to the wound, Stark would be there too, intruding on what should have been his time with you. 
An absolute diva. That man had a way of dominating any room, leaving little space for anything—or anyone—else. It wasn’t just Tony’s overwhelming presence that irked Bruce, but how effortlessly Stark seemed to connect with you.
In just a few months, Tony had managed to get closer to you than Bruce had in years. Where Bruce held back, Tony leaned in, closing the gap he couldn’t seem to bridge.
To make matters worse, Stark had already gotten a head start. Although Bruce would have loved to pick you up himself, he was stuck in this meeting he couldn’t cancel again—he’d already rescheduled it thirteen times.
Which is why, the moment the clock hit 12, he was already on his feet, pushing his chair back and making a beeline for the door.
"Sir, we still need to discuss—" mustard tie stuttered, but his protest was cut short as Bruce, without turning or breaking his stride, raised a hand and dismissed him with a flick of the wrist.
“Contact my secretary if you need anything,” Bruce called over his shoulder, his tone leaving no room for debate. The matter was closed.
“I’ll handle whatever needs to be done tonight,” he said, shutting the door firmly behind him.
And he would. Bruce had already gathered a significant amount of data on Black Mask and the recent robberies plaguing Wayne Enterprises. Although the case had taken a backseat amid the chaos with the spider vigilante, it was time to refocus. The priority now was to tackle what truly needed his attention.
As he stormed through the hallways, the lens of a nearby CCTV camera tracked his movements.
The camera’s feed flickered momentarily. The image on the screen sputtered and glitched, revealing fleeting glimpses of different worlds—flashes of varying times and places. Colors bled into one another, shapes twisted and warped, and for a brief, disorienting moment, the image seemed to fracture, as if reality itself was breaking apart.
Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the glitching ceased. The feed stabilized, leaving only a faint trace of the anomaly that had briefly unsettled the surveillance system.
Bruce jabbed the button for the ground floor and slid into the elevator. 
The lens refocused, but he was already out of sight.
The vehicle glided to a stop in front of a gleaming marble building, and you all stepped out, heading toward the entrance. The interior was as opulent as the exterior promised. Marble floors gleamed underfoot, and glass walls reflected the polished attendants who moved gracefully in their sharp suits. Nearby, customers mingled and laughed, their designer outfits adding vibrant splashes of color to the sleek surroundings. 
Your attention was drawn to the sleek signage behind the lobby desk, where a name was displayed in elegant gold lettering.
“La Ouvere.”
French. Expensive. So luxurious it practically oozed excess. Because, of course, this was the place Tony chose.
Grumbling, you adjusted your cap to hide your face. 
You couldn’t believe he made you wear company merch to a place like this. 
You looked up just in time to see two rough hands slam together in a handshake, the sound sharp and echoing through the lobby like a gunshot. Tony and Bruce exchanged pleasantries, their faces stretched into wide, almost painfully forced grins.
"Bruce! Good to see you," Tony started, his voice oozing with practiced charm. "I’ve got to say, I am a huge fan of your recent striptease at the Iceberg Lounge."
"Ha." Bruce’s reply was tight-lipped. "Tony. Always a pleasure."
The handshake lingered a beat too long, both men gripping each other’s hands like they were trying to see who could squeeze the other’s bones into dust first, daring the other to flinch.
Bruce placed a hand on your shoulder with a fatherly air. “I’m glad you saw great potential in her. I’ve always known her to be quite the achiever from a young age.”
Tony wasn’t about to let that go uncontested. He quickly slid his other hand onto your shoulder,  “Well, if anyone’s been pushing the limits and achieving great things, it’s definitely been her.”
Bruce’s eyes narrowed slightly. “And it’s all thanks to the support system. After all, it’s not just about talent but the environment that nurtures it.” He gave your shoulder a pat, adding, “Despite the struggles, her aunt raised her well—you just get to reap the benefits. Haha. Not everyone can rely on billion-dollar labs to get ahead.”
“Well, thanks to me,” Tony says, giving your shoulder a shake (again with the shoulders thing.) “I’d say she’s got plenty of both now.”
The testosterone in this room was so thick you could practically taste it.
“Alright,” you shake your head, gently removing their hands from your shoulders. “Lovely. Nice. Wow. Can we like, go inside now?”
Tony tossed you a quick glance and said, “Right. Lead the way.”
Bruce gave a curt nod. “Of course. After you.”
They both reached for the door handle at the same time, their fingers colliding in an awkward, fumbling dance. For a split second, they froze, locking eyes with a mutual glare.
Seconds dragged on, feeling like hours. Neither man budged. Their hands, now tangled together in a bizarre and clumsy struggle, seemed locked in an absurd standoff. Tony’s fingers began to subtly shift, attempting a stealthy maneuver to slip underneath Bruce’s grip. But Bruce wasn’t having any of it. With a deliberate twist of his wrist, he countered Tony’s advance, blocking the move with a firm slam.
Another minute stretched out, each second heavier than the last.
You couldn’t take it any longer.
“Are you two having a staring contest?”
Tony blinked first, cursing softly under his breath. Bruce’s smirk broadened, twice as smug than usual.
“Oh my god. Just move!” you exclaimed, throwing your hands up in frustration. “We’re here to shop, remember?”
The two men released the door handle simultaneously as if startled out of their petty contest. Tony stepped aside with a flourish, giving a dramatic sweep of his arm. “After you, mademoiselle.”
“These are the choices given to you by Mister Stark and Mister Wayne. Social event, oui?” the attendant says, her tone professionally neutral despite the clearly forced, fake French accent. She smooths down your black undershirt, ensuring it's perfectly straight before presenting the options.
She holds up the first suit: “Deep scarlet. Rich, saturated color—like fine wine. A luxurious wool blend. Two-piece. Tapered trousers, invisible stitching. Streamlined silhouette. French cuffs.”
Then she displays the second option: “Now, dark silk. Smooth, so smooth—like velvet in night. Classic sheen, very elegant. Three-piece. Also with tapered trousers, invisible stitching. Slim silhouette. Barrel cuffs.”
With a smile, she adds, “Both have their own magic, non? What shall you choose for the grand affair?”
“Uh,” you gape like the peasant you were, eyes darting between the two suits which seem nearly identical apart from their color. You barely caught onto the details the attendant pointed out.
As you wrestle with your decision, snippets of the conversation between the two men outside drift through the curtain.
“Sometimes, a classic black suit just gets the job done,” Bruce interjected. “It’s timeless and professional, never out of place.”
Tony retorted, “Oh, sure, blending into the background is so exciting. Why not go for red—loud, in-your-face, and impossible to ignore? It’s a damn statement.”
Bruce’s voice grew sharper. “I don’t know if you’re the right guy to make that call, considering the atrocity you dressed her in today,” he said, gesturing toward the Stark Industries merch discarded on the couch in the dressing room.
“Uh, says the guy who thinks monochrome is the pinnacle of fashion. Please, get real asshole. This is a hell of a lot better than your boring black blobs. Grow up.”
“You grow up,” Bruce shot back.
You roll your eyes and spot another suit hung up on a nearby wall—a deep emerald green. “What’s that one?”
The attendant perks up. “Ah, cette tenue! I apologize, it slipped my mind. This one was provided by the young gentleman with you. I should have mentioned it earlier.”
She holds the suit up to your chest, carefully examining the fit and adjusting the sleeve to ensure it drapes just right. 
“Three-piece suit with pattern. Jacket is single-breasted, notch lapels, welt pocket. The trousers are flat-front, slim fit, with sharp crease. The vest has five buttons, V-neckline, tailored fit. Very technical, very structured.”
You nod, satisfied. “This one. I like this.”
“Oh, magnifique! Excellent choice!” 
She quickly helps you into the suit. First, she slides on the vest, adjusting the straps at the back for a snug fit. Next, she drapes the jacket over your shoulders, smoothing out the fabric and aligning the lapels. Finally, she fastens the trousers, making sure the fit is right and the sharp crease is aligned.
You step out from behind the curtains, and every eye in the room locks onto you.
Morgan's face drops. “She chose the puke color.”
"Wow. Thanks. Really feeling the support here," you scoff, adjusting the sleeves. 
Turning to Damian, you raise an eyebrow, and it's only then that he truly registers what he's seeing. His expression softens gradually as he takes you in. The hard lines of his face are still there, but now they seem gentler, softened. 
You give him a small smile—nothing grand, just a subtle curve of your lips. But you know that even the smallest smile from you is enough to unravel him.
He watches, mesmerized, as you twirl slightly in front of the mirror. The suit hugs your figure perfectly, accentuating every curve.
“This was the boyfriend's pick," you say, flicking and straightening the lapels. Morgan's head snaps up. "I picked it because it matches his eyes, and honestly, I couldn't deal with your guys' arguing any longer.”
"Tt," Damian’s lips curl into a smirk, and he gestures for you to come closer. You step to his side, feeling the warmth of his hand as it rests gently over yours. With a subtle twist of your wrist, your fingers intertwine naturally, fitting together like they've always did.
Tony huffs, shaking his head. “Alright, well, whatever makes you happy. You look snug as a bug, kid.”
“Uh. Arachnid. Not a bug,” you correct him.
Bruce blinks in confusion, his brow furrowing as he tries to make sense of the interaction, clearly missing the joke.
He shakes his head and gestures to a waiting attendant, who approaches with a tray holding three boxes. The attendant opens the first box, revealing a necklace that catches the light and glints brightly. They lift it out, its shine almost blinding, and place it carefully on the counter.
“If you'd like,” Bruce smiles, “I’ve also picked out some accessories for you.”
The attendant then moves to the next box, lifting the lid to reveal a set of matching earrings, which they arrange neatly on the counter. They proceed to the third box, opening it to reveal a bracelet that sparkles just as intensely as the necklace. The attendant sets everything out with careful movements, arranging the pieces in a neat row.
You hold the necklace up to the light, blinded. “This is... a lot of sparkle.”
Turning to the attendant, you ask, “What’s the damage?”
“The necklace is priced at $250,000,” they say with a smile that’s more tightrope than genuine. “The earrings are $150,000, and the bracelet is $300,000.”
You blink, your mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, the numbers swirling in your head.
“What the actual fuck?” you blurt out, carefully setting the necklace back in its box with the reverence of someone handling a live grenade. “That’s… definitely not in my budget.”
Tony raises an eyebrow. “Don’t worry about it. It’s just money. If the price is too much, I can always—”
Bruce cuts him off with a grunt. “No need. I already have the check ready.”
"What?!" You turn to Bruce, shaking your head. “No! No one is buying me more than the suit! I appreciate the gesture, but this is way too overboard.”
"It's not that much, beloved," Damian hums, reaching for the earrings and holding them up to your face. "The necklace I bought you for your 18th cost twice of these combined."
Your eye twitches in disbelief. “You... you told me it was of ‘reasonable price.’”
“It was.”
“How much did you pay?!”
Damian remains silent, avoiding your eyes.
“Damian. Thomas. Wayne—”
Before you can finish, Damian calls over one of the attendants with a casual wave. “Excuse me? We’ll take all of this.”
The attendant, looking a bit taken aback but eager to please, nodded quickly and began arranging the items. You stared at Damian, your eyes practically burning and searing a hole through his stupid undercut.
“You can’t be serious!” 
Damian simply smirked, leaning closer. “Consider it a small gesture for someone who’s worth every penny.”
As you continued bickering, Morgan’s gaze lingered on the scene, her chest tightening with an unsettling, heavy feeling. She could feel something bitter and heavy rising in her chest, and she turned her eyes away, hoping that if she didn’t see it, she could ignore the way it made her feel, that gnawing ache she wished she could forget.
But then she heard your voice, soft and inviting.
It was like a lifeline, pulling her back to the present. She turned to you, forcing herself to meet your gaze.
"Can you tell them that I do not need this?" you asked with a groan, your smile radiating warmth. It was the kind of smile that could light up any room, even as your eyes drifted to the glimmering jewelry with exasperation. “They’re completely insane.”
Morgan forced a small smile of her own, the kind that didn’t quite reach her eyes, and shrugged slightly. 
“I don’t know,” she said softly. “I think they’re onto something. You’re worth every penny. More than any of this could ever show.”
The words came out easy enough, but underneath, she could feel the bittersweet edge of them, something she kept buried deep where no one could see.
Sunday, 10:24 PM - The Safehouse, Gotham City.
Shot through the heart and you're to blame Darling, you give love a bad name An angel's smile is what you sell You promised me heaven, then put me through hell
Music played from her speakers. The lab was dimly lit, illuminated only by the soft glow of various screens and the occasional flicker of a monitoring light. Morgan sat at her workstation, the faint blue light of the holographic display casting a ghostly glow on her face. She was surrounded by a sea of tools, schematics, and half-finished projects, but her attention was miles away from the work at hand.
The thought of how you looked at Damian earlier haunts her deep into the night. 
Morgan’s fingers tapped absently on the console, her gaze distant and unfocused. She tried to lose herself in her work, hoping the details of her projects would distract her from the ache in her chest. But every time she glanced up at the screen, it felt as if her mind was dragging her back to that moment.
It didn't take a genius to see that she had feelings for you.
Woah, you're a loaded gun, yeah Oh, there's nowhere to run No one can save me, the damage is done
On the screen, the potency of the toxin you were exposed to a day ago was being processed. Ivy's old journal lay open in front of Morgan, serving as a reference for comparison.
As she scanned the data, a troubling pattern began to emerge. The readings were unstable, fluctuating wildly and suggesting incomplete or inconsistent results. Hours melted away as Morgan poured over the data, her eyes darting between the fluctuating graphs and the notes in the journal.
An odd, unknown element kept appearing in the results. It was an anomaly.
"This is not supposed to be here...?" Morgan mumbled, scratching at her head.
The journal’s pages fluttered as she flipped through them, desperately searching for any mention of similar anomalies or clues that might explain the glitch. Ivy’s notes were dense with technical jargon and cryptic observations, but none of it seemed to align with the strange data she was seeing on her screen.
Morgan’s head perked up, her attention snapping back to the screen. The familiar, rhythmic pulse of data had been interrupted by a sudden alert.
Element Detected: 𝑜̥̊⃝𝑠̥̊⃝𝑏̥̊⃝𝑜̥̊⃝𝑟̥̊⃝𝑛̥̊⃝
She squinted at the glitching display. The screen flickered and distorted, displaying an unfamiliar string of characters. The text was unlike anything she had ever seen before.
The computer screen continued to flicker violently, lines of code merging into chaotic patterns. Cursing under her breath, Morgan fought to stabilize the screen. Her fingers flew over the keyboard, desperately trying to recalibrate the system.
After a tense few moments, she managed to clear the worst of the glitching. The flickering subsided, and the screen settled into a more manageable state.
Was that someone trying to hack in? The thought crossed her mind with a jolt.
She scrutinized the security logs, reviewed firewall activity, and cross-referenced access records, but found no concrete evidence of a breach. The logs were clear. Everything seemed normal—no unauthorized access, no signs of tampering.
But the unknown element was still there, stubbornly staring back at her from the screen.
Morgan ran her tongue over her teeth, a habit of hers when deep in thought. 
Alright. So. Every sci-fi movie warns against messing with unknown chemicals. And this is definitely one of those “don’t touch” moments. But what’s life without a little risk? Besides, it’s not like she hasn’t faced weird before. 
Problem was… the data on her screen right now was like trying to read a recipe from a cookbook that had been chewed up by a dog—completely useless. If she wanted answers, she’d have to get a closer look.
Morgan quickly set up a new data extraction protocol, isolating the unknown element. The process was slow and tense, but gradually, the substance began to take shape on the screen, its properties becoming clearer with each passing minute.
Once she had successfully isolated the element, she moved on to the next phase: synthesizing it into a serum. With a gloved hand, she carefully heated a glass flask on a burner and began adding the unknown element to the mix, watching as the contents started to react.
The silence was abruptly shattered by a sharp crack that split the air. Morgan’s eyes widened in shock as she saw thee glass flask on the burner shatter into jagged pieces. The once-clear liquid inside had turned into a dark, burned residue, and what was left was a blackened crust coating the inside of the flask.
"Great. Just great," Morgan muttered under her breath. She reached for the shattered glassware, cradling it gingerly in her hand. But as she did, something bizarre began to happen—the flask itself seemed to glitch.
The glass started to flicker and warp as if it were a malfunctioning image. It shimmered and pulsed with an otherworldly light, surface fading in and out of focus, struggling to maintain its form.
"What the fuck?" 
Her eyes stayed glued onto the flask. The constant flickering was starting to give her a headache, a dull throbbing that grew more intense with each passing second. She squinted, hoping to stabilize her vision, but the distortions only seemed to worsen.
Amid her growing confusion, she started to hear faint whispers—strange, disjointed voices that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. The whispers were so low she could barely make out their words, but their presence added to the sense of disorientation that was creeping in.
An unexpected impulse tugged at her—a sudden, inexplicable urge to take the serum. Her hand trembled slightly as she considered the syringe lying on the nearby counter, a dark thought creeping into her mind. 
She stared at the flask, her gaze mad.
A part of her wanted to see what would happen if she followed through with the intrusive thought. 
Then, in a sudden, jarring shift, the erratic glitching reached a peak. The flask’s distortion became so intense that Morgan could barely make out its shape. She snapped back to reality, jolted by the sheer intensity of it all. Her senses were overwhelmed, the whispers louder now, almost shouting in her mind.
In shock, her hand lost its grip. The flask slipped from her fingers and shattered on the floor, the blackened remnants scattering across the lab.
The sudden noise of breaking glass cut through the disorienting haze, and Morgan’s breath came in ragged gasps as she stared at the mess before her. 
The strange impulse had vanished as abruptly as it had appeared.
The glitching that had plagued the flask started to spread outward, expanding like a ripple through the air. Her eyes widened in disbelief as the distortion grew larger, forming a swirling vortex in the center of the lab. 
The portal-like disturbance expanded further, and out of it, a shadowy figure began to emerge. First, it was just a hand, reaching through the glitching void. It grasped at the air, solidifying into a more defined shape. Morgan's heart raced as the figure pulled itself further into the lab.
"Shit!" she exclaimed, as the figure's hand closed around her arm. The touch was cold and otherworldly, sending a shiver down her spine. She struggled against the grip, her heart pounding as she tried to pull away.
With a sudden, violent shove, the figure tossed her back. Morgan crashed into her workstation, slamming painfully into a shelf, sending tools and equipment clattering to the floor. 
Her eyes darted back to the figure, now fully emerging from the glitching portal. 
The intruder was clad in dark green armor, nearly black in the dim light, with a purple shawl draped over their shoulders and a hood shadowing their face. They wore goggles and a mask that concealed their features, lending them a menacing, almost robotic aura. Despite their height and build matching Morgan’s, there was a palpable strength in their movements, an unspoken threat in the way they stood.
The portal behind them flickered and closed, sealing off the strange rift from which they had emerged.
Morgan scrambled to her feet, adrenaline coursing through her veins. She clenched her fists, trying to steady herself as she faced the intruder.
“Who the fuck are you?!” she demanded. Every instinct screamed at her to run, but she stood her ground, ready to fight if she had to.
The masked figure remained silent, their gaze—hidden behind those reflective goggles—locked onto Morgan. They slowly tilted their head down, taking in the sight of the shattered remnants scattered across the lab floor. 
Morgan followed their gaze and noticed the scattered pieces of a hoverboard. She recognized it immediately from the fragmented components. The design was eerily similar to the one she had in development herself—a project that had been pushed to the back burner.
The intruder’s attention then shifted to the broken glass and the unknown element still displayed on her screen. A soft click of disapproval escaped from behind the mask as the figure nudged the broken hoverboard aside with a booted foot.
“Shame,” they murmured, their voice low and laced with something almost like regret. “I came a minute too early... You should have taken that serum first. You were supposed to. It would have made this easier for both of us.”
Morgan swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest. She didn’t know what they meant, but she didn’t want to find out. The figure took another step closer, closing the distance between them.
“Who are you?” Morgan pressed. “And how did you even know about that?”
The figure paused, considering her for a moment before answering. “Who I am isn’t important. What matters is what you could have been—what you were supposed to become.”
Morgan’s mind raced as she tried to make sense of the cryptic words. This wasn’t just about the serum—there was something bigger at play. She took a step back, trying to put more distance between herself and the intruder, but the figure only followed, matching her movements like a shadow.
“Don’t worry,” they said softly, almost mockingly. “I should know better than anyone that you would want answers.”
Morgan’s heart skipped a beat as the figure’s gloved hand slowly reached up to their mask. The tension in the room was suffocating, each second stretching out endlessly. The mask and goggles came loose with a soft click, and as they were removed, Morgan’s breath caught in her throat.
It was her.
Her own face stared back at her, a perfect reflection, yet not. There were differences—subtle but unmistakable. The other Morgan’s eyes held a cold, calculating gleam, their hair was longer and pin-straight compared to her short curls, and their lips curved into a smirk that sent a shiver down Morgan’s spine.
“I'm Morgan Stark,” the doppelgänger said, voice eerily familiar yet laced with something darker, something twisted. “But in my universe, they call me the Green Goblin.”
Morgan felt numb. The words didn’t make sense, and yet they explained everything. 
“What... what do you want?” Morgan’s voice was barely above a whisper, the shock of seeing her own face—so twisted and malevolent—making it hard to think straight.
The Other Morgan—the Green Goblin—tilted her head, studying Morgan with a mix of amusement and pity. “Isn’t it obvious?” she said, taking a step closer. “I’m here to make things right. In my world, I perfected the serum. I became something more, something powerful. But in this universe, you... you were just about to throw it all away.”
Morgan shook her head, trying to process the flood of information. “This... this isn’t possible. How can you—”
“Exist?” the Other Morgan interrupted, a cruel smile curling on her lips. “Multiverse theory, sweetheart. Infinite versions of you, of me, of everyone. Even our beloved Spidey. In my universe, I figured it out. Became a goddamn genius... and a bit of a monster, too. Here though? You’ve barely scratched the surface.”
“I don’t care what I—you’ve done in your world!” Morgan’s voice shook with defiance. “You don’t belong here. You won’t get whatever it is you’re after.”
The Other Morgan smirked. “Oh, but I already have. I didn’t come here to take anything. I came to see what I could have been if I hadn’t chosen the path I did. And honestly,” they scoffed, flicking a piece of Morgan’s hair, “I’m disappointed.”
Morgan’s fists clenched at her sides. “Get out,” she spat, her fear giving way to anger. “Get out of my lab, out of my life. Now!”
But they just laughed, a chilling sound that echoed in the small space. “You still don’t get it, do you? I’m not going anywhere. I didn’t come all this way just to walk away empty-handed. If you won’t take that serum, then...”
Before Morgan could react, her doppelgänger lunged toward the remnants of the shattered serum with blinding speed. Morgan scrambled to intercept, but her doppelgänger was faster. In a swift, brutal motion, they slammed Morgan down onto a nearby table, the impact knocking the wind out of her.
Morgan struggled against the hold, but her alternate self was stronger, pinning her down with ease. The twisted grin never left their face as they reached for a syringe. 
Morgan watched the charred solid remnants of the serum begin to twitch and quiver, as if responding to the presence of the syringe. To her horror, the blackened crust slowly liquefied, transforming back into a thick, dark fluid that oozed toward the tip of the needle.
"Shh," the Other Morgan cooed, voice dripping with mock tenderness as they drew the serum up into the syringe. The liquid swirled ominously inside, as if alive with a malevolent intent. “You’ll thank me for this in the future.”
Morgan thrashed, trying to break free, but her alternate self only tightened their grip, leaning in closer.
“Don’t worry,” the Other Morgan whispered, bringing the needle closer to Morgan’s skin. “This is a canon event, sweetheart. This is the part where you become more than just a bystander. This is where you become unstoppable.”
They leaned down, eyes glowing an eerie green. “This is where we kill Robin.”
“No!” Morgan's scream pierced the air as she slammed her knee into her doppelgängers gut, the sudden impact causing them to stumble back.
The Other Morgan staggered backward, clutching their midsection with a pained gasp. Morgan seized the moment, pushing herself off the ground and scrambling for any advantage. Her pulse raced as she darted towards a nearby workbench, grabbing a wrench and holding it defensively.
Scoffing, the Other Morgan recovered quickly, rising to their full height with their long hair cascading over their face, obscuring their features.
"First off, I’m not some fucking homewrecker," Morgan gasped, her breath coming in sharp, uneven bursts as she took a defensive step back, wrench clutched tightly. "And second, you’re insane! Spider’s happy with him! Do you honestly think she’ll fall for you after everything you’ve become?"
“You think you can stop me?” Other Morgan snarled. “You have no idea what you’re up against.”
“I know enough,” Morgan said through gritted teeth, trying to steady her trembling hands. “And I’m not going to let you hurt anyone.”
The Other Morgan’s lips curled into a smirk.
With a swift flick of their wrist, they threw a small device onto the floor. It hissed and released a dense cloud of smoke that quickly filled the room. Morgan’s vision blurred as she squinted, trying to make out the figure through the thickening haze.
Suddenly, a sharp, electric crackle pierced the smoke, followed by a powerful jolt that knocked Morgan off her feet. The room spun around her as she struggled to rise, her head throbbing from the shock.
Before she could fully recover, she felt a tightness around her wrist. She looked down to see a watch strapped onto her, its face glowing ominously. As she tried to make sense of it, a swirling portal began to materialize around her, its edges flickering with an eerie green light.
“Why don’t you take a trip to my universe for a bit?” the Other Morgan taunted, their voice dripping with malice. “I’ll handle things here while you’re gone.”
Morgan tried to protest, but the portal’s force was too strong. The edges of her world warped and twisted as she was yanked into the swirling void.
As she disappeared into the vortex, she heard a faint, mocking laugh. 
The portal closed with a swoosh, leaving an eerie silence in its wake.
The Other Morgan turned their gaze to the workbench, their eyes locking onto a pair of scissors lying casually on the counter.
“Alright,” they said with a chilling smile, “first, a haircut.”
They say you’ll be bitten by spiders no less than 500 times in your lifetime, and you probably won’t even notice 95% of those bites.
Spiders might not affect most people that much.
Damian, however, would have a different opinion. He’d also like to punch those people in the face
Tonight, as Robin swings through the city, his gaze is locked onto you. You dart between skyscrapers with a grace that seems almost effortless. Your Starktech suit, still in for repairs, has you back in your old black kevlar—sturdy, reliable, and showing signs of wear.
Damian, out with you for what was supposed to be a routine patrol and sweep, is seeing your skills up close for the first time. He watches as you maneuver through the urban jungle with an ease that both impresses and frustrates him.
He finds himself pacing alongside your swings, trying to stay close—not just to keep an eye on you but because he’s half-expecting to be called into action at any moment. Watching you is like witnessing a high-wire act where the safety net has mysteriously vanished. Moments ago, you executed a daring twist and jump that had Damian’s heart lodged firmly in his throat. He was practically holding his breath, bracing himself for the sickening thud of a broken leg—or worse—only to see you land on your feet with a carefree laugh.
But then, without warning, you yelp and take a sharp turn, diving into the open air. The sudden change sends a jolt through Damian, and his heart skips a beat as he watches you fall fast.
“Nightcrawler!” he shouts, his voice barely audible over the rush of wind. His grappling hook fires with a crack, and he rockets toward you, every muscle straining as he fights the pull of gravity.
Just as you’re about to hit the ground, Damian’s gloved hands wrap around your front, pulling you into his arms with a fierce grip. He tucks you close, bracing for impact. You slam against the wall of a nearby building with a jarring thud, Damian’s boots taking the brunt of the landing. The impact shakes him to his core, but he holds you tightly, shielding you from the collision.
Heaving, he immediately tucks a strong arm against your back, holding you against him. “Are you—”
You burst into laughter, your arms wrapping around his neck as you press your cheek against his. “Did you see that? I pulled off a perfect dive!”
Damian’s breath comes in sharp bursts as he steadies you both, his eyes scanning for any signs of injury. “You imbecile! What were you thinking? You could have broken your neck.”
You pout playfully, brushing a stray lock of hair from Damian’s mask. “I was having fun! Come on, I wasn’t actually going to fall.”
Damian shoots you a glare that borders on murderous. "Fun?! Fun isn’t worth risking your life."
His fingers dig into your hips as he continues to hold you tightly against him, his muscles tensed like a bowstring. "And you did fall—nearly landed on your face. If I hadn't been there, you'd be eating through a straw right now."
You tilt your head, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Uh. But you were there.”
Damian narrows his eyes, his tone dripping with frustration. "Do you get some perverse pleasure out of scaring me to death?"
"Maybe," you drawl with a teasing grin.
Even with his anxiety cranked up to eleven, he can’t help but feel a surge of warmth for you. The irritation in his eyes softens, revealing a flicker of affection.
“You talk and do too much,” he grumbles, though his actions speak louder than his words. As he starts to guide both of you up to a nearby rooftop, his grip remains firm and protective. 
He’s climbing with you in his arms, every muscle straining under the effort. You can’t help but whistle at the impressive display of strength, watching as his muscles ripple beneath his suit with each movement. 
“Tsk,” he scoffs as he hauls both of you up onto the rooftop, setting you down gently.
Once you’re safely on solid ground, Damian steps back, creating a respectful distance between you. As he stands against the backdrop of the city lights, his figure is dramatically framed by the glowing skyline. His cape flutters behind him like a dark, billowing flag, enhancing his imposing silhouette. Robin stands tall, masked, and cloaked in shadows—dark and lean.
You grin coyly at him, your arms tucked behind your back as you take a few steps closer. 
“My hero,” you tease playfully, your fingers trailing gently up his cape.
The gesture almost immediately disarms Damian, his irritation momentarily forgotten.
He snatches your hand away from the fabric, his fingers wrapping around yours in a firm grip. “Is this a joke to you? I am in no mood for your games tonight,” he grumbles, running a hand through his hair as he turns his gaze to the city skyline. He bends down, squatting on the rooftop, the city lights shimmering below and casting a soft, ambient glow over the scene.
You follow him, bending down to wrap your arms around his shoulders and drape yourself across his back. Leaning in, you press a soft kiss to his jaw through your mask, the gentle touch warm against the cool night air.
Damian’s shoulders relax slightly under your embrace, and he closes his eyes momentarily, savoring the closeness. For a moment, he considers chastising you, but the feel of your body pressed against his back makes the words die on his lips.
Instead, he lets out a sigh and shifts his position, guiding you so that you slide down his back into his lap, your legs draped on either side of his hips.
“You know,” he murmurs, “you’re not making it easy to stay upset with you.”
“That’s the point,” you whisper, your breath warm and teasing against his skin. 
“You’re going to be the death of me,” he says, moving to stand and pulling you up with him. 
You giggle, your fingers trailing down his chest, light and teasing. Your claws graze over the contours of his suit, scratching at the armor that covers his chest and abs. The sensation is electric, sending shivers through both of you.
“Careful,” Damian rumbles, his voice a low growl as he grabs your hands once they reach his waist, his grip firm but not unkind. You’re getting a rise out of him, in more ways than one.
You lean in closer, wickedness dripping from your lips. “When have I ever been careful?”
Damian’s eyes narrow, the heat in his gaze intense as he draws his face inches from yours. "You never are. You are a reckless, impulsive, and downright idiotic woman." 
“Yeah,” you press your chest against his, your voice low and teasing. “I get that a lot.”
"And you just love proving them right, don’t you?" he says, his voice low and laden with both warning and something else.
“Is that a threat, Robin?” you whisper, your voice dripping with challenge. Flicking your wrist up, you web his chest and pull him down. 
He crashes into you, his body pressing against yours. His hands fly to your thighs, gripping the supple flesh there.
A smirk spreads across his face. "Merely a promise."
Without another word, Damian tugs your mask off and closes the distance between you, his lips crashing onto yours in a fierce, heated kiss. His mouth moves with a possessive intensity that sends a shiver down your spine, his tongue teasing yours as he pulls you closer, leaving no space between your bodies.
You feel the low rumble of his moan vibrating through your chest, a sound that only fuels the fire between you. As your hands tangle in his hair, you suddenly notice something that makes you pause—he’s smirking against your lips.
He’s smirking. The fucker is smirking.
Grinning against his lips, you pull back just enough to murmur, “So my Spidey thing turns you on? Or is it the webs?”
"Keep talking like that and I'll have to shut you up," he grunts, his voice rough with desire before he silences you with another kiss, this one deeper, more consuming. His grip tightens as he claims your mouth again, leaving no doubt about the effect you have on him.
He presses you back, and in the heat of the moment, you take a step backward with more force than intended. Your injured ankle lands awkwardly, sending a jolt of pain shooting up your leg. Despite being healed, it still ached every now and then, and this was one of those painful reminders.
You pull away with a sharp hiss, unable to stifle the reaction. 
Damian's concern for you immediately eclipses his previous frustrations. His hands find your hips, steadying you to prevent you from putting too much weight on the injured foot.
“What happened? Did I—”
“It’s just,” you wince, carefully adjusting your stance, “just my ankle. It’ll be fine.”
"I thought you said you were healed," he fusses.
"Guess I thought wrong."
"I wouldn’t have let you out with me tonight if I’d known you were still having trouble. You should have told me it was still bothering you." he scolds.
You frown, your voice softening as you look up at him. "I just... I just wanted to spend time with you. Are you mad?"
Damian’s expression softens with an almost pained look as he carefully gathers you in his arms, lifting the weight off your injured ankle. 
"Mad? No, I'm not mad," he hesitates then, his grip on you tightening slightly. "But I'm worried. I worry about you, and your actions tonight didn’t exactly ease my concerns."
He looks down at your ankle, gently tracing his fingers over the injury. 
“I’m sorry. This is my fault. If I hadn’t—Last night, if I’d just taken time to ask you—you wouldn’t be hurt in the first place,” he whispers, his voice barely audible as he brings his face close to yours. The apology is raw, and when he mutters it against your lips, his breath hitches in his throat, overwhelmed by the warmth in your eyes.
“You had your reasons; it’s okay,” you say with your usual forgiveness, the kindness in your voice a balm to his aching conscience. 
His fingers gently graze the back of your neck, the touch tender and almost reverent. 
“I should have been more careful,” he murmurs, thick with regret. “I’ve let my anger cloud my judgment.”
“Damian, it’s fine,” you said, running your fingers through his hair and gently swinging your legs. “I trust you. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. We all have our moments, and it was just a bad time for both of us. I love you, and I trust you.”
Damian made a soft sound. Up close, in his arms, there was no space between you, and he seemed softer, more touchable.
“I love you too.”
You cupped his face gently as his other arm slid below your head, pulling you even closer. His strong arms enveloped you, holding you in a way that felt perfectly right—moving closer, exchanging breaths, and locking eyes to see everything there was to know about him.
 ༻⊰───⋅ smut begins
Whispering his name, you kissed him again, and he eagerly returned the gesture. 
He guided you into a shadowed corner, his kisses growing more urgent and insistent as he pressed you against a wall. The world around you began to dissolve into a swirling haze. The only sensations that mattered were the feel of your breath mingling with his, the whisper of your voice against his, and the way your hands tugged at his hair. 
You. You. You.
His tongue brushed against your lower lip, asking for entrance, which you granted immediately, opening your mouth and deepening the kiss. His hands roamed over your body, mapping the curves and contours like a blind man seeing the world for the first time.
You raised your knee and pressed it against him, eliciting a groan from Damian, his eyes rolling back into his skull. “Fuck…”
You teased softly, “That good?”
“As always, habibti.”
Damian’s words were swallowed by another kiss as you wrapped your legs around him, pulling him even closer, bodies pressing together in an intimate embrace.
His fingers roamed up your back, tracing the curve of your spine with the practiced touch of a man who knows you intimately.
Smirking wolfishly against your lips, Damian slowly dragged down the zipper on the back of your suit. The cool air kissed your exposed skin, amplifying every sensation as he worked his way down.
The heat between you two quickly spiraled into an unstoppable force that surged and twisted. 
His utility belt falls to the ground with a loud clang, the buckle hitting the asphalt. Fingers trembling with impatience, Damian tugs at his suit's zippers, each one loosening with a sharp hiss before he dives back in. 
Every touch, every movement, seemed to ignite a deeper craving within him. Each time you breathed his name, it was like a spark that fueled his losing control, pushing him further into the abyss of his desire.
He wanted more of you—every part of you, every inch of your skin, every breath you took.
He dips his head down, his mouth finding the pulse point on your neck. His tongue flicks out, hot and wet against your skin, as he begins a trail of kisses down your collarbone that sears into your skin. 
"I need to feel you, sweet girl." Damian's words come out in a guttural moan, half-curse, half-plea. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as his mouth found your chest, and you arched your back, pressing yourself closer to him.
“Damian,” you gasped, your voice a low moan. “Please.”
A flurry of movements passes, and finally, he's pressing himself into you. Your body welcomes him like it was always meant to be, fitting together perfectly as if he was always meant to be a part of you.
His cape falls over you, enveloping you both in a cocoon of shadows and heat. 
The rhythmic movement of your bodies creates a slow, intense friction between you. The heat between you two was scorching, each touch and caress creating sparks of pleasure that shot through your body. Damian's teeth sank into the soft skin of your neck with a possessive fervor, leaving behind marks that would linger long after the night was over.
He could feel you pressed against him, your warmth melding with his. The taste of you lingered on his lips, the flavor of you lingering with every kiss. The sweet sounds of your pleasure, your moans and gasps, filled and echoed in his ears. The scent of your perfume, intoxicating and familiar, drifted in the air, consuming, overwhelming his senses and pulling him deeper into you.
It was all you. Everything was you.
It comes in waves, each one building and cresting until the final surge pulls you completely out of orbit. Your toes curl, your thighs lock, your heart seems to freeze, and a cry of his name escapes your lips, echoing in the space between you.
“Yes,” Damian pants out. “There you go, habibti. Just like that…” 
He buries his face in your neck, his breath hot and uneven against your skin as he follows you through the aftershocks. Gently, he guides you down from your peak, his hips rolling slowly against yours until the rhythm gradually subsides. He murmurs love confessions in Arabic, lips trailing loving kisses over every inch of exposed skin, soothing you as you twitch and tremble in his lap. 
As the aftershocks subside, Damian gently lifts you and tucks you against his chest. 
"You okay?" he asks, soft and filled with concern. He gently massages your lower back, his fingers tracing soothing circles on your skin.
He pulls his cape around you like a blanket, wrapping you in a layer of warmth. Even in the middle of the night on a secluded rooftop, he’s focused on making sure you're cared for and cozy.
Damian adjusts his suit and re-secures his utility belt. Taking a cloth from his belt, he begins to wipe you down, removing any lingering traces of the night’s events. Once you're clean, he carefully tugs your suit back on, smoothing out any wrinkles and zipping it up with steady hands. 
 ༻⊰───⋅ smut ends
“Thank you,” you rasp out, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
Damian’s response is tender; he nuzzles his face into your neck, pressing a gentle kiss to your skin. His touch is warm and reassuring. Reaching into his pocket, he retrieves your mask and hands it to you.
You tug it back on, but before you can pull it down completely, Damian leans in and kisses you. Smiling, you kiss him back, the mask only partially covering your face, leaving your lips and the lower part of your cheeks exposed.
You slowly push Damian back, a sense of alarm creeping into your consciousness.
A loud thud echoes in the distance.
Before you can process what’s happening, Damian is violently knocked away from you. He’s flung onto the ground with a forceful crash, the impact sending a shockwave through the rooftop. You watch, breathless, as he hits the surface hard, pain etched across his face.
Cursing, you try to move toward him, but a sudden, chilling presence makes you freeze. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the dark, sweeping fabric of a cape fluttering through the air. Your heart skips a beat as you turn, dread coiling in your stomach.
For a moment, the world narrows to the figure looming before you, the embodiment of shadow and fear. The distant hum of Gotham fades, leaving only the thudding of your pulse, loud and insistent in your ears. The scattered light from the city below creates jagged contrasts on Batman's armor, casting him in sharp highlight. The black of his suit bleeds seamlessly into the surrounding darkness, making him appear more phantom than man.
He looks like a living nightmare.
Damian lifts his head just in time to see Batman towering over you, his cape billowing ominously in the night breeze. A cold chill runs down Damian's spine as dread settles heavy in his chest. Of all people, his father was the last person he wanted to find him here like this—vulnerable, exposed, and with you.
Reacting on pure instinct, Damian scrambles to his feet, positioning himself firmly between you and the Dark Knight.
"Father." Damian’s voice is low but steady, though the weight of what’s happening lingers in every syllable. His mind races, knowing that Batman doesn’t recognize you in your vigilante form and likely believes he's cheating on you.
To Batman, this looks like betrayal.
Bruce's hurt gaze flickers briefly to Damian before settling on you, his eyes unreadable beneath the shadowed cowl. His voice cuts through the silence like a blade, deep and gravelly. “Step aside, Robin.”
Damian doesn’t budge, his chin lifting in stubborn refusal. “No.”
“I won’t repeat myself,” Bruce warns, his tone colder, more commanding. “Move. Now.”
“You don’t understand,” he snaps back, voice laced with urgency. “It’s not what you think.”
“Isn’t it?” Bruce’s gaze hardens as it shifts back to you, scrutinizing every detail of your vigilante form. He’s searching for something—anything—that might give him a clue to your identity. “Who are you?”
You remain silent, your mind racing to assess the situation. Revealing your true identity isn't an option—not now, not like this. You adjust your stance, preparing yourself mentally for whatever comes next, but Damian's presence in front of you is a steadying comfort.
“She’s with me,” Damian states firmly. “That’s all you need to know.”
But Bruce isn’t swayed. He takes another step forward, his towering form casting a long, ominous shadow over both of you. The authority he exudes is almost suffocating, a force that demands obedience and submission. 
Bruce’s voice drops to a near growl, heavy with warning. “You’re making a mistake.”
Damian doesn’t waver, his stance firm, his resolve unshaken. “Maybe I am. But it’s my mistake to make. I’m not moving. Not until you understand—”
“Understand what?” Bruce’s voice, though controlled, cracks with an edge of hurt. “That you’re risking everything for—” His words catch in his throat, and his eyes, now seething, lock onto you with anger. The unspoken words hang in the air, heavy and accusing, as if he’s struggling to comprehend how Damian could make such a choice. 
“Father,” Damian tries again. “Just listen, please. I’m not—”
But Bruce cuts him off sharply. “I don’t want to hear it, Robin. Stand down. Now.”
Damian grits his teeth, his jaw clenching at the command. “I won’t. You want me to move, you're going to have to make me.”
Bruce growls and his posture shifts, his body tensing as he readies himself for combat, cape swirling with a sudden, sharp movement, the dark fabric creating a menacing silhouette against the night sky. Damian rolls his shoulders.
The silent acknowledgment of the fight to come is all that’s needed. 
The first move comes fast and brutal—a sweeping kick aimed at Damian’s legs. Damian barely manages to sidestep, but the force of the attack sends him stumbling slightly.
Without a moment’s hesitation, Bruce presses his advantage. He lunges forward, delivering a powerful punch to Damian’s jaw. The blow connects with a sickening thud, causing Damian to gasp and stagger backward. He tries to recover, swinging a fist toward his father, but Bruce is already moving, effortlessly deflecting the strike and countering with a sharp elbow to Damian’s ribs.
Before Damian can recover, Bruce is on him again. He grabs Damian by the collar and delivers a powerful knee to his abdomen. The impact sends Damian sprawling, crashing hard onto the rooftop. The concrete shudders beneath him, and he struggles to get to his feet, gasping for breath.
“You’ve forced my hand. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to,” Bruce seethes as he advances. His fists come down in a series of blows, each strike aimed at disabling rather than harming. Damian blocks and dodges where he can, but Bruce's assault is relentless, each hit pushing him further back.
A web snares Bruce’s arm, halting his advance. His head swivels toward you, confusion and fury flashing in his eyes beneath the cowl. He struggles against the webbing, but you seize the opportunity to yank him off Damian, pulling him forcefully to the side of the rooftop. The webbing binds him tightly against the edge, restricting his movements.
Without wasting a second, you rush to Damian’s side. His breathing is ragged, masked cracked. blood runs down his lip You kneel beside him, gently pulling him up against you. Your arms wrap around him, providing a protective, comforting embrace.
“Baby, are you okay?” you ask urgently, voice trembling with fear.
Damian rasps out a laugh, his grin weak but defiant. “At least I know he’ll do the right thing if I ever do you wrong.”
You look up to see Bruce cutting through your webbing with a knife. The webbing disintegrates under the assault, and you curse under your breath. Without your web-shooters, your organic webs are noticeably weaker—a reminder that you'd need to ask Morgan for new ones as soon as possible.
Bruce continued his advance, his gaze fixed on you this time.
You raised a hand, trying to signal a truce, your voice shaky but earnest. “I... I don’t want to fight,” you said, the exhaustion evident in every word. 
“Then take off the mask,” Bruce commanded, his voice cutting through the air with a harsh edge, leaving no room for negotiation.
The demand hung between you, making your heart pound louder. You took a deep, steadying breath, feeling the weight of the situation bearing down on you. Slowly, you lifted a trembling hand toward your mask, fingers grasping the edge.
But before you could fully uncover your face, Damian's hand shot out, grabbing your arm and yanking it away.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” he hisses, eyes flashing with desperation. He turns to Bruce, getting back onto his feet.
“Don’t come any closer,” Damian warns as he unsheathes his katana, its blade glinting menacingly in the dim light. “I have the utmost respect for you, Father, but if you take one more step, I will have to engage you properly this time.”
Despite the weight of your decision, there’s no other choice. Your sole aim is to end this confrontation swiftly and with as little harm as possible.
With a sharp breath, you square your shoulders and raise your head.
“Nobody’s going to do anything,” you say firmly as you start to tear off your mask. The fabric pulls away slowly, the cool night air brushing against your exposed skin.
As the mask comes free, you are left bare to the elements, your face now fully visible under the moonlight. You hold Bruce's gaze directly, hoping that this gesture will be enough to de-escalate the standoff.
"It's just me."
ruh oh
mmmmmmmm yes 3-4 chapters left
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appleblueberry-pie · 11 months
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Miles Morales
Warnings: I wanted him to be creepier, but I don't know how. He's creepy. He's a little delusional. He's a little possessive and a dash of obsessive.
Miles loves watching you from afar. He loves trailing his eyes down from your head to your toes. Loves taking in your clothing styles even though the school only allows uniform. He loves seeing how you style your hair every day. Especially if you don't change it, he'll always notice the little differences between each style. If you have a hidden part, if it's sleeker than it was yesterday, the scent. 
Miles would pass by you on the way out of class just to smell you. Hell, he'll stay behind you just to see you up close. Staring at your back is just as good as staring at your front. He loves it when you glance at him for a moment, maybe giving him a tight-lipped smile before going back to work. He loves seeing you focused on your work. He loves seeing you try so hard in class. He fucking loves when you work for your high grades. He definitely wants to see you work for his love, if it'll ever happen. 
You're his only motivation in life. After losing his dad and becoming the prowler, you're one of the few things he looks forward to seeing every day. Being popular at school just because he fine as hell restricts how close he could get to you. But lately, he's thinking about making moves. He'd make sure nobody would touch you when you're with him. He'll make sure you stay close to him at all times. He'll give you what you deserve, and finally, you'll be in his arms. He wouldn't ever let you go. 
Sure, it might be creepy beating up niggas that start talking to you more frequently just so he can have a chance, but who fucking cares? Who gon stop him? 
You thought you liked Miles, but you don't know how to feel anymore. 
Yeah, sure, he's handsome as fuck, Afro-latino, tall, stoic, closed off, has beautiful and hypnotic eyes, but…you feel watched. You feel his eyes on you every. Time. He looks at you. It's creeping you out. 
You and him have the same AP Physics class and when you walk in the classroom, he's already there as if he was waiting for you to enter the entire time. You avoid his eyes, but you still feel them when you sit in your chair. He sits behind you, and his gaze burns on your back. You know. You fucking know he's staring at you. His gaze trails from your neck, down, down, down to your waist. It stays there until it shifts to the lower spine. It's almost like he's undressing you with his eyes. Your knees connect in an attempt to comfort yourself, make yourself smaller, but it doesn't work. 
When class is over, you stand up, rushing to the door, and you smell him before you feel him. His sweet cologne scent does nothing to comfort your frantic mind. You feel his uniform shirt brushing against your shoulder. You wouldn't dare turn around. He exhales, the breath from his nostril softly brushing your neck. You're disturbed. You're scared. 
But when you finally make it to the crowded hallways, all feelings of tension disappear, and you can suddenly breathe again. You don't know how long this will keep going.
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maddiethedogstories · 2 months
The Birthday - 7
My stomach's rumbling woke me up. I felt incredibly hungry. Despite that, I hesitated before opening my eyes.
My dreams had been some of the most horrific I had ever had, and they felt real. One in particular I swore actually happened. In that dream, Melody found out about my ABDL fetish and then hypnotized and blackmailed me into becoming her adult baby. I had spent a day being diapered, pissing my pants, humping a teddy bear, and nursing on her tit.
But, despite how real that felt, laying here in bed, I knew it had to have been a dream. In that dream, I had fallen asleep in our living room on the couch. I could feel that I was sleeping in my bed now. There was no way that Melody could ever carry me from our living room back to the bedroom. Relief washed over me at the realization that that must all have been a creation of my subconscious at the same time my stomach audibly rumbled again.
Moments later, I felt a familiar hand reach over my waist and gently rub my belly.
"Oh, sounds like somebody has a grumbly tummy! Is it because the baby's hungry or is he working on a little present for Mommy?"
My eyes immediately shot open as my wife whispered in my ear. There was no way! That dream couldn't have been real! I felt my cheeks start to redden as I slowly came to terms with the fact that my nightmare may have been real and, worse, may not be over yet.
Hesitantly, I decided to talk.
"What'cha mean, Mommy?" My words came out in a lisp around the rubber nipple occupying my mouth. My worst fears were confirmed. My nightmare wasn't a nightmare. It was real life, and I was still living through it.
I felt a soft hand tug at the back waistband of what had to be a diaper strapped around my waist at the same time as another hand cupped my ass and pressed damp padding up into my body. Melody was checking my fucking diaper.
"Well, baby, I know there are two things you didn't do yesterday that all babies need to do. You didn't really eat anything and you haven't made messies for Mommy," my wife said with the condescending, motherly tone she has adopted this weekend. "The way that tummy of yours is grumbling, I bet it's a little bit of both."
"I'm not gonna poop my pants!" I lisped out indignantly. "How did I get to bed?" I asked, both genuinely curious and trying to change the topic of conversation.
As I asked, I moved to sit up and noticed two new pieces of clothing, other than the wet diaper and pacifier, for the first time. As I pushed myself up in bed, I looked down at my hands. Instead of seeing the long, slightly calloused fingers I was used to, I noticed I was wearing a pair of baby blue, padded, locking mittens that completely immobilized my hands.
"What the fuck?!?" I exclaimed, holding my mittened hands in front of my face. Next to me, Melody, wearing my favorite blue lace nightie, sat up and glared sternly at me.
"Language mister! I will not have my baby saying naughty words!" Melody chastised me. "Do not make me punish you."
I stared at my wife, fuming. Now I wasn't allowed to use my hands? I was not a fucking adult baby. I was not fucking helpless. I would say what I fucking wanted and do what I fucking wanted. That's what I thought to myself, at least, until I felt the sudden urge to have my morning pee. Suddenly, the irrational, horrible fear of the toilet struck me again, and I remembered what 'punishment' from 'Mommy' actually meant.
"Otay, Mommy," I said, defeated, as I made the disgusting, humiliating choice to release my bladder into my already soaked diaper.
"Good baby! Smart move," Melody said, grinning as the hissing sound of urine hitting already wet padding radiated from my crotch. "And good job for using your diapers like a good baby!" My wife then leaned over and gave me an encouraging peck on the cheek.
"As to how you got here," Melody continued, "Well, despite being a baby, you are too heavy for Mommy to carry. But, did you know your hypnosis doesn't just go away while your sleeping? In some ways, it's actually easier to use when you're already unconscious!"
I swallowed nervously as Melody leaned over to her nightstand and grabbed her phone. "Take a look, big boy!"
I watched as Melody pulled up the first of what looked like numerous videos on her phone. This one started with a shot of me half naked, except for the diaper I was currently wearing, laying on the couch. She pressed play. Her voice radiated out of the small speaker as the image started moving.
*"Baby, can you hear me?" Melody's voice asked from behind the camera. My sleeping body just grunted.
Melody tried again, "Baby, Mommy says answer my questions without waking up. Can you hear me?"
This time, I respond. "Yes, Momma."
"Mommy says crawl to the bedroom," Melody ordered.
I watch my body roll onto the floor, get on all fours, and crawl to the bedroom, completely unbothered by the fact that my wife is laughing at my swaying, diapered butt.*
Watching myself moving without having any memory of it was disturbing to say the least. I put my hand to my head in shock, only to be reminded of the mittens strapped to my wrist. Melody noticed my reaction and smiled.
"I have to admit, it was so fun to watch you be so compliant, I couldn't resist playing some more after you fell asleep. Do you want to watch more, baby?" My wife asked.
There was nothing in the world I wanted less than to watch another video of myself meekly and unconcernedly debasing myself for Melody's pleasure. I said as much to Melody.
"No, Mommy."
Melody put her finger to her lip in thought, then smiled. "No, I think you should watch them. They are pretty entertaining and show just how good of a baby you can be!"
I turned my head away from the phone as she hit play on the next video. Melody was not pleased.
"Bad boy! Mommy says watch the videos."
Involuntarily, my head snapped back to phone, forced to obey my wife's orders. She restarted the next video.
*I was sitting in the carpet in front of our bed, my legs spread in front of me, my diapered crotch on display. I sucked contentedly on the pacifier between my lips as I stared off in a clear trance. The crisp sound of another of my wife's giggles sounded from behind the camera.
"Do you need to go potty, baby?" Melody asked.
I answer monotonously from behind my pacifier, "Yeth, Mommy."
"Go potty for Mommy, baby," Melody instructed my hypnotized body.
I feel my eyes grow wide as I watch myself immediately scrunch up my face in concentration and lean forward a little. Then, as I, unfortunately, expected, I heard a tell tale hissing sound complemented by the yellowing of the once blue wetness indicator on the front of the diaper.
To my horror, the video didn't end when I finished peeing.
"Do you like how your wet diapy feels, baby?" the version of my wife video taping the scene asked. My tranced-out self on the screen smiled broadly behind the shield of the pacifier in his mouth.
"Yeth, Mommy," I said.
"Why don't you play in your diapers a little bit, I bet that would feel nice!" Melody's voice rang out again.
I wanted to tear my eyes away. I didn't want to watch what I did next. But, because of my wife's command, I couldn't resist it.
I watched as, just as I was told too, I began playing with my wet diaper. The video version of myself got onto his knees so the soaked padding was now dangling just off the floor. He began to poke and proud at the stuffing, examining the wet diaper. Then, disgustingly, he started to bounce.
Slowly at first, and then faster, the 'me' on Melody's phone quickly lowered all of his weight to the ground, landing on the urine soaked padding, letting out a wet squelch. The speed picked up as video-me found he enjoyed the sound and sensation. In mere moments, I was watching myself bouncing up in down on the floor in my wet diaper, uncoordinatedly clapping my hands like an idiot toddler.
"Good boy! Good boy to bounce for Mommy! Tell Mommy how much you love your wet diapy, love!" Melody's voice rang out again.
"I wuv mah diapies DIS MUCH," the me on screen said, holding his hands out as far as he could as he bounced.
The video cut off in the middle of Melody's torrent of laughter.*
As the video ended, I felt the pacifier drop out of my mouth as my jaw dropped in horror.
"No," was all I could say, my voice barely above a whisper.
I remembered from my hours of research and writing ABDL fiction learning that you can't get someone to do something under the influence of hypnosis that they didn't truly want to do. I didn't truly want to do that, did I? I didn't want to become a giant baby who wanted nothing more than to bounce around in his piss-soaked Pampers? Right?
Melody didn't let me dwell on my existential crisis. She wanted to add to my psychological torture.
"How about just one more?" She said as she pressed play on the device.
*I saw myself sitting in the same location and position as in the previous video. However, unlike the last video, my diaper, the same one I am currently wearing, is soaked.
"Do you want to play a game with me, baby?" Melody asked.
"Yeth, Mommy," video me blathered at the phone.
"Do you want to really act like a baby?" My wife asked.
Video me didn't respond verbally. Instead, he just turned his head to the side as he suckled his pacifier, looking like a confused dog.
"I want you to show me how much of a drooly, babbling baby you can be for me. Can you show me that you can drool and talk like a baby?" Melody asked.
My stomach dropped as I watched what looked to be a genuine smile cross the tranced-out version of myself's face. Instead of answering verbally, he popped the pacifier out of his mouth and let spit and dribble start to build around his lips.
"Pfffftttttt!" Drool and spittal flew through the air and dripped down my chest as video-me blew a raspberry. Then, to my horror, I started to blather mindlessly while continuing to drool. "Goo, gaaahh, ooooo, goo, gahh!" I watched myself say, each word accompanied by a gush of saliva.
"Oh, very interesting, tell me more, baby," Melody chuckled back as if she was talking to an actually infant.
I watched as the person occupying my body, as at this point, I knew it couldn't have been me, giggle in response to my wife's words then shove the four fingers on his right hand into his mouth, suck on them, then continue to 'talk.'
"Ooo, doo gah, maaaa, maaa, mamamamaaaaa," I watched my body yell out from behind my fingers.
"Such a good little talker!" Melody said condescendingly, "Do you want to give Mommy a big, drooly, baby kiss?"
No, was all I could think as I watched the past version of myself pull his fingers out of his mouth, prop himself up on all fours, and lean up towards the camera, drool covered lips puckered into a big circle. The scene screamed of a toddler kissing their mother rather than a sensual or even affection-filled kiss typical between husband and wife.
As I watched myself extend my lips up towards the camera on all fours, Melody's face briefly enter the frame before I saw myself reach up and give her a sloppy, drooly kiss. I wanted to vomit.
"Oh, that's my big, stupid, drooly baby!" Melody said on the video. The words cut to my soul.
As I watched, the me in the video happily settled back down onto his wet diaper, bouncing up and down and sucking on his fingers as he giggled.
"Whose my big stupid baby?! Who is it?" Melody continued. I watched myself giggle. "That's right! You are!"
The video me replied by smiling around his fingers, leaning forward, and letting out a resounding fart into his diaper.
The video ended, like the others, with my wife laughing at me.*
I felt a knot growing in my stomach as I sat on my bed, and Melody's phone cut to black. That wasn't me. It couldn't have been me. But it was.
You can't force someone under hypnosis to do something they don't want to. The phrase rang out in my head again and again. I didn't want that. I don't want that. But, that was me. And, hadn't I just wet myself with barely a second thought? What was wrong with me.
"Did you like my videos?" My wife asked with a big grin on her face. As she spoke, she tucked the pacifier--my pacifier?--in my mouth.
My stomach gurgled even louder than before. Melody reached over and rubbed it again.
"Well, that means one of two things, and I can only take care of one. Let's go get breakfast, baby boy!" She said cheerily.
Feeling broken, I got on my feet and followed her, wet diaper dangling between my legs, to the kitchen.
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pinkthrone445 · 9 months
-Distant wedding bells- Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
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Pairing: Gary x Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:love, hurt, hurt
Warnings:Mention of cheating , insults
Summary:I don't wanna spoil it because I think it's good the surprise reading this fic like this.
-"Whether we like it or not, I'm still married to him" - she whispered, teary-eyed inches from your lips
-"I know, I can't fucking forget that" - You whispered and tried to kiss her again but she wouldn't let you, putting her fingertips on your lips to stop you
-"And I'm not a cheater..."-she whispered, and you sighed walking a few steps back, even if your soul ached for having to part from her after wanting to kiss her for so long. You knew why she said it, whether Gary was a bad men or not, he didn't deserve to be cheated on like her ex-husband did to her in her old marriage
-"I'll talk to Gary and then we will see where this could go... Would you be willing to wait for me?" - Melissa asked looking into your eyes and you barely smiled -"Always..."-You answered and arranged a strand of hair that had ruffled out of her perfect hair -"I'll see you tomorrow at school then... Please don't stay here, go back home and eat something and try to get some rest... And if Ava gets your transfer, don't accept it... Wait for me please or I'll go after you"- Melissa whispered and kissed your cheek, very close to your lips before leaving to talk to him.
The next morning, you walked into the teacher's room and made yourself a latte, it was the first morning in weeks when you didn't feel like garbage, the first morning you didn't need a strong coffee to wake you up, the first morning you felt relaxed and happy, the first morning you'd have breakfast again with the other teachers in the break room. The kiss you had given to the redhead kept playing like a scratched record in your head, making the smile you had on your face grow more and more.
For a few seconds the break room was quiet, until suddenly Abbott's entire team arrived for breakfast, including the redhead who drove you so crazy.
Your eyes immediately connected with the hypnotizing green orbs of the eldest, without being able to help it, you smiled at her and seeing how she completely swept over you with her gaze, you blushed slightly
-"Someone's happy this morning... It's good to see you with us again, I missed you" - Barbara commented, sitting in her usual place, at the same table you were sitting at, leaving a space between you and her for Mel, just like you usually sat when the 3 of you were together. It felt good that something felt like the old days before Mel got married.
Mel sat down next to you with a smile and brushed your hand on purpose, giving you a sneaky caress, implying that she also remembered what had happened the night before. No words beyond a 'hello' were shared between you and Mel, but Barbara had already noticed that there was something weird and different between you.
When you finished breakfast, Barbara walked down the hall with you, ready to get a little information out of you
-"Are you going to tell me what has made you change your mood so quickly? Yesterday you were in a very big emotional low and now you're almost jumping and singing through the halls"-Barbara asked and you smiled at her, unable to contain your excitement
-"Last night Mel and I kissed, not only did I kiss her, but she reciprocated everything"-You commented in a whisper with a smile from ear to ear. The eldest looked at you shaking her head with a hunch that this wouldn't end well
-"Be careful (Y/N)..."-It was all he said and you nodded
-"I know, I know... Mel will talk to her husband about divorce and then we'll be together. We'll do things right..."-You answered, and Barbara just nodded before entering her classroom.
Barbara later that day also spoke to Melissa, telling her to be careful with you and not hurt you because you were blindly in love with her and that could go wrong.
The week went by quickly, you wanted to ask Mel if she had spoken to him but you didn't know if it was too soon, so you decided to find out subtly
-"Hey Mel! Do you want to go out for a drink with me tonight?" - You asked her and felt the red-haired woman's hand brush yours as you walked together
-"I can't, Gary will be home and I have to make him something to eat..."-Melissa replied and you sighed, that meant she hadn't talked to him yet.
-"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow"- You greeted her by kissing her cheek and went home a little disappointed. After you made yourself something to eat, your cell phone rang with a message from the redhead
-🍒Lisa🍒:"I'm so sorry I can't be with you tonight... I'll go take a bath now, I'll try not to think about how much I'd like you to be here helping me wash my back, I miss you" - Her message lit up your face and made you laugh like a teenager
-You:"I'll go to bed now, I'll try not to think too much about how delicious your lips feel on mine and how much I miss having you close. Good night Lisa"-You replied smiling and she was slow to respond back
-🍒Lisa🍒:"I'm sorry for not responding quickly, he's near me all the time. Good night sweetheart , have nice dreams"-The redhead answered and you left your cell phone on the nightstand to start eating.
The next few weeks continued like that, you asked her out but she told you that she couldn't because she had plans with him, which made you understand that they hadn't talked yet, and you would get all sad. Then you'd come home and get a message from her that gave you the slightest glimmer of hope and you'd blindly hold on to that and put aside the fact that she hadn't been honest with him yet. Days and days trying to make plans without any result...
-"Do you want to go dancing with me? Just dancing, I promise, I won't try anything else."-You consulted with the redhead but she denied it with some excuse, she always had excuses.
-"Want to go for a coffee? I miss spending time together"-You asked another day and she turned it down again. Then, when you home, she would send you another message that would revive your hopes.
Between those comings and goings, two months passed where the desire to be with her was almost consuming you, the sadness was coming back and you didn't like that .
How you wanted her to finally talk to him, so that you could at least kiss her again. But every day the possibility of her talking to him felt more distant.
In a particularly stressful week, you began to feel the need to be with her and hug her even more eagerly than before. Mel hadn't had the best day and neither had you, so you thought maybe it would be a good idea to go out together to distract yourself. When you saw her walking out of the school through the front doors into the parking lot, you hurried your pace to get to her side
-"Hi..."-You smiled looking at her and she greeted simply with a smile too-"Do you want to go home to see a movie or something?...I know it's been a tough week for everyone and I thought maybe we could be together, grab a bite to eat, snuggle up a bit... -You smiled excitedly and she shook her head looking at her phone
-"I can't, I have a date with Gary, He invited me to a fancy restaurant "-she whispered and smiled barely visible
-"Right... Have you had a chance to talk to him?"-You asked looking at her and she rolled her eyes
-"Not yet"- Her answer was short and dry
-"Do you plan to do it soon? I really want to go out with you, to be able to be together in peace, to hug you or kiss you..."-You answered truthfully and the redhead stopped in front of you squeezing her cell phone a little bit annoyed with your insistence
-"I don't know! Okay? I don't know when I'll talk to him yet, the time hasn't been right. How insistent you are with that! I'll do it, it's not an easy thing to say, I need time!" - The redhead hadn't had a good day and she had no patience left, causing her to treat you badly and scream even though she didn't want to
-"More time? I don't think there's the right time to say something like that... You have to do it and that's it, without hesitating so much or looking for the right moment when it will never come... I know you need time to do it, but it's been more than two months since you told me you'd talk..."-You spoke sadly and sighed
-"It's not crazy what I'm asking, I'll talk to him, just wait a little longer"- replied the redhead looking at you with a frown
-"Do you know how much longer you need me to wait? Because I've already waited two months for you and it's difficult, especially when you don't help... It's been two long months where you tempt me and when I want to be with you or kiss you stop me saying you're not a cheater or something like that. Two months in which you call me in the middle of the night to tell me how miserable your life is with him, that you need me by your side, that you want to feel my arms hugging you as you sleep and the next day at the entrance to work I see you laugh and kiss him like you love him with all your being..."-You sighed biting the inside of your cheek trying to control your emotions-" I'll give you more time, don't worry... You'll have all the time that you need, I won't bother you with this again"-You whispered and kept walking to your car leaving her alone there.
That night, Mel called you but you didn't answer her, she also sent several messages
-🍒Lisa🍒:"Hey hon, I'm so sorry how I treated you earlier, I was tired and with almost 0 patience, can we talk? Please"-Mel sent the first message with no response
-🍒Lisa🍒:"Please, I promise to talk to him soon..."- Message delivered, read and unanswered, the redhead sighed and tried again
-🍒Lisa🍒:"Did you go out drinking? Do you want me to pick you up and so we can talk quietly? Maybe we can go grab a bite to eat if you want, just you and me, what do you say? I miss you" - Delivered, Read, No Response Again
-🍒Lisa🍒:"I'm really sorry, please answer me..."-Message sent, undelivered, and unread. You had turned off your cell phone. Melissa ran her hands over her face in frustration.
The next morning at school, you ignored her all day, even though you were in the teacher's room together or even if she talked directly to you, you just ignored her.
At the end of the day when you were about to go home, she stopped you to talk
-"Are you going to ignore me all day?"-Melissa sounded annoyed but you just looked at her seriously, without any other emotion
-"I'm giving you space, it was what you wanted, I don't want to overwhelm you with my insistence" - You responded and tried to keep walking but she hadn't let go of your arm, you sighed and turned to look at her
-"Please... Don't act like that, it hurts me when you walk away from me and ignore me"-Melissa replied, moving closer to you
-"So you can ignore me, handle me as you please and stay away from me all you want, but I can't do it because I hurt you?" - You asked and laughed at the irony of the situation
-"Have a good day Melissa"-You answered and left.
-"I don't ignore you, it's just hard to respond when he's right there next to me, and it's hard to make up lies so he doesn't suspect anything so can be with you... I'm really really sorry"-The redhead replied by making wet puppy dog eyes, she knew you had a soft spot for that, but you just sighed without looking her in the eye
-"I don't believe you and I don't xare anymore"-You replied without much desire to argue with her, you just wanted to go home to be alone
-"I mean it, do you want me to show you how much I miss you and how sorry I am?" - Mel responded with pleading in her voice and tried to kiss you but you turned your face making her kiss your cheek and took her hand making her let go of you
The week went on like this, you ignoring her and her insisting, but nothing changed your mood.
A particular day, Mel came into your classroom attracted by all the children smiling, singing, dancing and giving you drawings they had made. It wasn't your birthday, but the scene was very cute to watch. Her initial smile turned to confusion when she saw a cake on your desk that said 'we'll miss you Miss (Y/N), come back soon'
-"Hey... What is this?" - The redhead looked at you in confusion as you said goodbye to the last kids
-"I'm leaving and the kids wanted to say goodbye, I'm going to change schools, I'm going to work somewhere else, I finally accepted my transfer, after having postponed it for more than a month..." - You whispered making a pile of all the drawings and gifts
-"What? Was that what everyone was muttering in the teacher's room? Why does everyone know you're leaving but me? Why didn't you tell me anything? You promised you'd wait for me..." - Melissa was confused and hurt, how could you make that decision without telling her, why did she have to be the last to know?
Melissa stood there watching you go, with deep pain in her body and feeling her heart go after you, the same thing that had happened to you months ago when you saw her marry someone else.
-"And you promised you'd talk to him and it's been almost three months... I promised I'd wait for you, and I did, I've had my transfer ready for a while and I didn't leave for you, but I will not wait forever... You already hurt me once without knowing it, but now you know what you're doing, you're hurting me and you know it and yet you keep going. And yes, I'm stupid, but not enough to let you hurt me anymore... You want to have me and at the same time you don't want to face Gary, but you can't have everything, not everything is going to be the way you want it to be. You have to make up your mind and act, or life will decide for you... But don't worry, I won't pressure you into talking to him anymore, you don't need to do it for me, because I don't want to be with you or see you anymore... I'll leave so you can get on with your stupid marriage without having to worry about me or the pressure I make you feel with my messages or questions. I hope you are very happy with your dear husband and please don't ever call me again-You angrily took your purse and walked past her without looking at her, carrying in your hands the parting gifts that the children had given you. You didn't want this, you didn't want to start from scratch again, you didn't want to get away from her either, but you couldn't keep hurting yourself waiting for love from someone who wasn't going to give it to you.
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bidisasterevankinard · 6 months
Tease tidbit Tuesday
Tuesday for me and I can't wait to share . I back with bucktommy fic I posted on 7ss . I titled it I want to dance with you tonight (and for the rest of my life). he is Buck being completely soft boy in love:
Buck really can’t keep himself from being as close to Tommy as possible, craving his touch any time they are together.
He never felt so content in exploring his relationship, in making them more serious, as he is right now with Tommy.
Buck likes everything about them. How good they look together. How easily they understand each other or how perfectly their bodies feel being close. He likes how they can just exist together and he never feels out of place.
He likes Tommy. Everything about him. 
How tender, gentle and patient he is with everyone, but especially with Buck. Buck enjoys Tommy’s humor and how he can talk about the book he read just yesterday for hours, explaining all the details the writer put, which Buck would not even look at. Buck even enjoys listening to Tommy talking with him about basketball, cars and any martial arts. 
He will not admit it to anyone but during those moments when Tommy talks about anything he is passionate about, Buck can zone out, admiring how beautiful his man is when he is relaxed and happy to share with Buck. Around Tommy’s blue beautiful eyes, which look at him with so much joy, tenderness and adoration, wrinkles go deeper because man is smiling and Buck absolutely adores it. His pink plump lips move in a hypnotizing way, making Buck from time to time interrupt Tommy just because he's too weak to stop himself from kissing his boyfriend. When Tommy is so handsome (in Buck's absolutely biased opinion Tommy is always handsome), happy and right here with him, Buck can’t stop himself from kissing him.
He likes how Tommy is passionate about the job as much as Buck, which means they never argue or hurt each other's feelings about dates not happening because of the schedule. 
Buck even starts to believe he loves Tommy.
It’s too soon to say. But he is happy with the man. Tommy makes him feel safe and happy, wanted and cared, and Buck simply wants to embrace all those feelings and let them envelope his heart and keep him warm.
Tommy is warm. Tommy is someone he never imagined meeting, but always missed, while their lives went separate ways.
tagging @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @ebdaydreamer @evanbuckleysarms @evanbegins @rainbow-nerdss @rogerzsteven @the-likesofus @theotherbuckley @tizniz @transboybuckley @underwater-ninja-13 @pirrusstuff @smilingbuckley @spotsandsocks @spaceprincessem @steadfastsaturnsrings @devirnis @dangerpronebuddie @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck @hippolotamus @jesuisici33 @loserdiaz @cal-daisies-and-briars @bigfootsmom @bekkachaos @bibuckbuckley @bi-buckrights @neverevan @monsterrae1 @bewilderedbuckley @buckstommy and anyone who wants
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marrycv · 5 months
cry baby
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warnings : mention of sex on strap! fingering reader!receiving. angst, smut, toxic!ellie and addiected!reader. mention of drugs, alcohol. mention of drug addiction, mention of cheating. tell me if i missed anything:)
requests are open
the night was cold, colder than the previous ones that you remembered through the dark memories you had in your mind. flawlessly coming back as flashbacks you never meant to remember. it felt like every time, you had to revive that moment. it was so intense, so hurtful, yet so comforting at the same time. ellie was your comfort person, yet the person that made you curl in your bed to cry until your lungs hurt. she was just always playing with your heart that you let it into her hands, already too corrupted to be saved. only her could do something about it. and it wasn’t like she was gonna give it back to you, no her hands, playing with your heart was glued to it, no matter how hard you tried to take it away from her it was impossible, only was doing you and her more damage than ever.
she’d always come home in the middle of the night saying sorry, almost begging for it to finish with her strap deep filling you whole. you moaning her name like a song in repeat, beautiful like poetry while her actions and words were such a dirty sin to remember looking at, yet so good it made you remember why you stayed. you stayed because you’d fall for her words, her charm, the way she made you feel. as it could be with her skilled fingers or with her mouth. words and actions that were only to use your body as her biggest sex toy.
today wasn’t any different, a cold night, ellie knocking on your door to excuse herself under some intoxicating liquid or something else that you probably couldn’t name it. her brain wasn’t functioning like it would’ve.
it was draining knowing what will happen
that you’d wake up lonely again. yearning for more.
that was why she loved being with you, you’d open the door each time she knocked it.
but how could you know itll be her standing in front of it waiting impatiently for you?
in a way you always knew it was her, but you preferred finding an excuse to save yourself from you hypnotized self.
“im sorry yn”
“please leave it always happens like this”
you couldn’t do it tonight. not when last time you saw her was in the arms of another girl a month ago. her excuse was that she looked like you. you and ellie weren’t even together which in a way hurts more than it should’ve, she wasn’t yours, but you needed her to be.
you needed her to love you like you loved her. you needed her to put her life aside like you did for her.
at this point your days looked like laying in bed in a suffocating loop only because of her addiction.
the high was high and the down was a goddamn crash and you couldn’t recover from it only with some help. and it was another dose of her drug that would let you get up from your bed to open the door at 1am, needing that little high of her again.
you knew that when she’d leave, the down would be worse than it was yesterday. and you knew that the high would be less than yesterday too, but you couldnt help but think you needed it more than oxygen.
you couldn’t help but letting her devour the insides of you- quite literally.
she was so dangerous for you, like the nitrogen dioxide, you couldn’t resist to it in every way possible.
you just needed to pass out with the warmth feeling of her embrace, while your lungs and eyes were burning due of crying because of the such negative emotions she’d make you feel and how you got attached to the such rare ones.
“baby i got you flowerssss!!”
“Awwww!! Ellie this is literally so cute im gonna cry!!”
for the next second you two got into an argument and you threw the vase into her face, glass, water and tulips all over her face for reminders that you just figured out that she relapsed. lying to you that she was doing okay all this time.
leading you on.
she was intoxicating herself but it was contagious, and she could never see it.
“im so sorry yn! but i feel worse sober. i dont know what to do!!” she’d yell at you
you’d just fall in the act, like everytime.
you’d just open your arms to wrap her body around you.
but she was Ellie, she was broken, you needed to be here for her even though it meant dying for her.
you’d do anything for her to feel okay.
even though you never did with her.
she was still your whole world, she got your heart… remember?
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beforeimdeceased · 1 year
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pairing: 70s!ellie x reader
synopsis: today is nothing like yesterday.
author’s note: whipped this up kinda quick while watching ash asylum.
part one. > part two. > part three.
“and more on the shocking news we covered earlier tonight, the man found dead was 36 year old Benson Standold. not much on the fugitives that killed him, but a witness has disclosed that they saw two young women running away from the scene—“
the radio whirrs as ellie turns the channel.
“got on board a westbound 747…”
“dammit shit fuck!” you scream. she’d pulled the cigarette out of her own mouth and handed it to you, the unkept ashes falling onto the skin of your thigh. you wince, taking a drag. “what have we done?”
“listen, he was gonna hurt you. and you didn’t do anything, i was the one holding the knife.”
you shake your head, holding back a river of tears. “weren’t we just two kid in love yesterday?”
you’d both gone to get breakfast and were on your way back, when ellie noticed a car following in her rear view. she took a couple harsh lefts, sharp rights, and stopped over to the side when it was still there. she’d gotten out to confront him when he threw a string of slurs at her. hollering about his perverse thoughts. hollering about you.
he went to attack her and she fought back. ellie fought to win, nothing less. this was something he’d been forced to learn the hard way. now you were speeding off to god knows where with your things still at the hotel. a small sum of money, gum, and a pack of cigarettes on your person.
“that was yesterday, doll. if you ain’t noticed already, things have changed.”
you bite your lip. “what if we just tell the police what happened?” ellie chuckles. “we ran. and they wouldn’t believe me anyway. listen, we can play this like i kidnapped you or something? murderous frenzy? way outta my mind? that might work.”
you stare at her like she actually is way outta her mind. “goddamnit ellie! i’m not letting you go to fucking jail for me! now shut up and keep driving.”
⋆˚✿˖° 7 years prior
you were dazzling in the low light of the bar. the music seemed to flow through you, overtaking your body. your movements, effortless but enchanting. hauntingly beautiful. hypnotizing.
ellie had up and gone and come back about 20 times (if you were counting right) and you were sure you were the reason she kept returning. never a moment in her reappearance had she missed the chance to sit and talk with you. smiling at you with so much love in her eyes you thought it might change your mind about her. about not getting too attached to a balloon that was facing the wind.
you’re startled by another presence, and by the change in music you can tell it’s her. she never fails to come back with a present. pretty key chain dangling on her index finger while her thumb points to the booth. how could anyone say no to that smile?
“when do you leave again?” you ask, conflicted on how you should react to the answer. she was doing what she’s always wanted to, but not seeing her was killing you inside. you couldn’t get over all the love you had for her. she tosses a toothpick around her mouth, then smirks showing that damn dimple. “in a couple days. you free?”
it was never just sex, though the sex was incredible. she’d take you on sweet little dates. she’d show you things you that you wouldn’t even know to go looking for. she’d talk to you about how the city was her heart but you were the blood running through it. how much she…
“want you there with me, but i know that you love this little shithole town.”
you scowl at her. “don’t call it a shithole. i love this place.”
“i know.” she sighs. “that’s why i keep coming back.”
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hello, goodnight 🫂
prompt 7 with Kunikida, female reader, pretty please? 😻
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7. Cuddlefuck
{part of this series: part i, part ii part iii}
The sun was starting to come in through the window. The start of a new day. A whole new chapter in his life it seemed.
Since yesterday’s events of being discovered by the President about his and [Y/N]’s relationship, Kunikida felt like a page had been turned in his life as easily as one of his notebooks. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting when the President found them, but it certainly wasn’t what happened.
“So, how long has this been going on.”
“Not long…” [Y/N] muttered. Not looking at her father.
“A year.” Kunikida answered honestly. “A little more, but on and off.”
The president growled low in his throat. Causing Kunikida to flinch and [Y/N] to finally look at him. “And you kept this from me because?”
“Well at first it wasn’t anything serious.” She confessed. Which was true. “Then it just sort of happened.” Again, also true. Kunikida could not legitimately pinpoint when their relationship became serious, or even an relationship at all. It just happened one night and then there they were. On and off until they were eventually on the whole time, even when she was away. “By then it seemed silly just to tell anyone, and it was also no one’s business.”
Fukuzawa-sama leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed. “Kunikida?”
“I’m sorry for lying to you, sir.” Though he technically didn’t lie, the sin omission was just as bad. “It was not my…our..intention. Though our intentions with keeping it a secret were not honorable, I would like you to know that my intentions with your daughter are very honorable. I love her. And I will do everything in my power to re-earn your trust in me as a subordinate and partner to [Y/N].”
[Y/N] looked shocked and quite moved by his words, but Fukuzawa-sama was quite stone faced. “For what it’s worth now, I would not have disapproved if you had just told me.” The couple looked surprised, but the president just leaned over his desk with his hands clasped in front of him. “You’re right, [Y/N]. It is none of my business. This does not effect the agency, your path, or Kunikida’s standing in the organization. I just wish you would have told me.”
[Y/N] hung her head. “I’m sorry daddy.”
“See to it there are no more secrets between us. Times are getting more challenging for our world. We must trust each other if we are to rely on one another, in these dark times.”
“Yes sir.” Kunikida & [Y/N] chime together.
“Good. Now please leave my office. Kunikida, take tomorrow off since your time was cut short with this off the clock meeting.”
“Yes sir.” He repeated, and escorted [Y/N] out as they headed to his apartment for the evening.
That was where he was not. Back at his apartment, like they had been so many times before, but it was all so different now.
Kunikida turned to look over at [Y/N]. Still asleep. A peaceful expression on her face, one he could make out even without his glasses. It wasn’t a secret anymore. He could tell everyone that they were together now. Tell the world. Kiss her in broad daylight like he wanted to.
Over come with the thought, Kunikida leaned over to kiss [Y/N] on her sleeping lips. Soft and pliable, they hypnotically open up for him at his prodding to kiss him back. “Kunikida….” He smiled when his name left her tired, kiss puckered lips. Wondering if she knew it was him or if she was dreaming of him. “What time is it?”
“Early.” He hadn’t looked at the clock but the light coming in was still pale. And although he had the day off, Kunikida's internal clock always woke him up at the same time, as if to get ready for the day. “Go back to sleep.”
“I was trying…” Her voice is slurred with sleep. Seeming to teeter between indeed falling back asleep and waking up. He kissed her again. Slow and lazy. Their warm limbs tangle around each other under the blankets. [Y/N]’s hips rocked up against him to feel his erection brush against her thigh. “Kunikida…”
He knew what she wanted by the way she said his name this time. He wanted it too. Kunikida tried to pretend that he was above such baser needs. Closer to his ideal refinement, but in reality he was just like any other man. Or maybe that was just [Y/N]’s effect on him.
He slid down the front of his sleep pants and brushed his bare cock over [Y/N]’s panty covered pussy. They both gasp. The seam of them was already damp as he rocked his hips between her thighs against that spot. Had she been having a naughty dream before he woke her up? Was he in it? Was that why she said his name?
His fingers hook into her panties under the covers and pull them down. Only one leg comes out of them, but that was all they needed. Kunikida hooked her leg over his hip and slowly pushed inside her. It was wet, and warm, and inviting. [Y/N] moaned before she tucked her head under his chin. The two of them just rocking and coiling together. Holding on to one another. It was bliss.
The goal was not to cum, as Kunikida’s only real goal was to be close to her, but it happens eventually. Messy and warm, they lay together still kissing before [Y/N] seemed to fall back asleep for a little while longer in his arms. He held her there a little while longer before he fell back asleep too. They could go tell the world later he guessed.
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ellaenchanting · 7 months
One misconception that I often hear amongst hypnosis geeks is that "mindfulness" is basically a normie-safe word for "hypnosis"- that hypnosis and mindfulness practices are essentially the same thing.
This is a hard misconception to disprove- in fact, "hypnosis" and "mindfulness" are often defined really vaguely and in different ways by different people so- they could often very well be refering to the same thing!* I know when I first learned about mindfulness practices, I dismissed them as "just" repackaged hypnotherapy- something I already knew a lot about. However, in doing so, I was neglecting ideas that turned out to be a really useful self-improvement tools.
If you're of a similar mindset, drawing a distinction between the two may also be really helpful for you.
So, the end goal of mindfulness is learning a kind of grounded way to self reflect. It's a potentially really helpful skill for people who get caught in thought spirals** or overwhelming emotions. A big goal for people learning the skill is to be able to observe thoughts and emotions without entirely buying into them OR dismissing them. Let's say I have a train of thought that keeps looping in my head- I'm worried about something stupid I said yesterday at work, for example. Imagine that train of thought is an ACTUAL train- maybe a toy train running on a looped track. Normally, when you're having the work worries it's like you're on that thought train- riding it around and around in circles while you're getting increasingly anxious and kind of limiting yourself from doing other things. With mindfulness practice, the goal is to get you OFF the train- it's not gone, but you're kinda watching it from the sidelines instead of ON it. It's still happening but with a bit of distance you can see the thoughts more clearly and better take care of yourself while that thought track is running.
Another example- let's say I have a big feeling. I'm going to pick overwhelming shame***. In mindfulness practices, the goal is usually not to ignore the shame or entirely give into it but to be able to sit with it and understand it without DROWNING in it. So, in that state of mind, I might sit with the shame and kind of question why it's there and what it wants from me. I might find some kindness for myself as someone who is experiencing shame (which is harder to do when I'm more inside it). I might work to conceptualize the shame differently- what does it look like, what sounds does it make, etc. In that way, I'm paying attention to an emotion that might be helpful- but not overly giving into it.
If I were teaching someone mindfulness techniques, the goal there is for them to be able to use the techniques entirely on their own whenever they need to. I'm not really trying to overly influence or control what's happening for them- I'm keeping my language as permissive as possible and encouraging them to accept whatever comes up. "Notice what's there without feeling like you need to change it" is a common mindfulness instruction. The practice encourages curiosity and bravery in the face of the overwhelming STUFF of life.
There are lot of different ways people do and experience hypnosis- and I'm definitely not going to be able to address all of them here. But, at least in kink, my goal in hypnotizing someone is to directly influence their thoughts. In fact, when I'm hypnotizing someone, a lot of my "induction" is convincing someone that I'm already in their head- that they're responding automatically to my suggestions. There's the kinky control fun of that and also the mutual shared feeling of intimacy- we're so close we could be one. (Or, in more D/s-ey terms, we're so close that now you are an extension of me!) In 101 classes you'll learn about the pacing and leading technique- basically matching your subject's experience and then taking them a step further. (Ex. You're reading my words and focusing on the screen and that reminds you to take a deep breath NOW.)
Explaining it by cold control hypnosis theory****, during an induction I'm helping someone kind of flip OFF their awareness of their agency- creating the illusion that things are happening internally because I'm MAKING them happen (and disguising the part where they're in complete control of their actions).
Especially in kink, what we're doing in hypnosis play is often a really conscious power exchange. You're giving me power over your thoughts because you want me to have it. I direct them where I want them to go and away from where I don't want them to be (ex. the actual reason why you're relaxing is, in part, because that's a natural thing that happens for most people when they close their eyes for more than a few seconds). (That's an excellent babysitting/parenting pro tip from me to you btw.) It's not that subjects aren't actively contributing their own images/ideas/metaphors/desires to the suggestions and play (really often they are!) but usually their whole goal is to be directed.
Even in hypnotherapy, that directedness and control is implied. You're not coming on (nearly) as strong as you would in kink, but your goal there is usually more in direction (with teaching self hypnosis techniques as an added bonus).
Sometimes the hypnosis and mindfulness methodologies can be incredibly similar with really subtle differences! For example, I might start a mindfulness-teaching body scan in the same way that I might start a progressive muscle relaxation induction- "Go ahead and get into a comfortable position and close your eyes". But continuing with the hypnosis induction, I'll usually be more directive ("Notice your feet. As you're noticing them, imagine sending a wave of relaxation down to your toes.") whereas with the body scan I'll be more exploratory. ("Notice your feet. What do they feel like? Are they hot or cold? Do they want to move or stay still? Whatever is happening for them right now is fine- just notice them") The pmr induction is intended to move someone into a suggestible state, the body scan is intended to teach someone a particular mindset and focusing skill they can use later. *****
Like I stated before, things that I consider "hypnosis" ideas and techniques and "mindfulness" ideas and techniques get mixed up all the time- with both lay folks and the actual professionals who teach them. There's a lot of surface similarities. "Mindfulness" has become such a therapy and corporate buzzword that it often DOES become synonymous with things like guided relaxation. Both concepts are vague enough that there's a lot of things that can easily be either/or- I'm thinking self hypnosis specifically here******. But- I hope if you're curious about mindfulness at all, you'll find this explanation useful and will maybe go out and explore some helpful resources for yourself.
Good mindfulness 101 books:
Full Catastrophe Living- Jon Kabat Zinn
The Mindful Way Through Depression- J. Mark G Williams et all
Just an FYI here at the bottom- like all self-help techniques, mindfulness stuff can be extremely helpful to some and not at all helpful to others. If it hasn't been personally helpful to you that's fine! I hope you've found some other things that are. Also, you can feel free to take my self help advice just as seriously as you would of any other kinky fetish blogger. :p I'm not your therapist, feel free to check in with them about things that might help you.
*I think people expanding the definition and ideas around both of these can be really helpful, in fact!
**Of the not-fun kind
***You know, like I normally do
****One of many hypnosis theories! And often not the best one for kink! If hypnosis doesn't feel like this for you, that's perfectly ok!
*****OK, in actuality both probably do both things! But the emphasis is different.
******A big difference in my mind- if you discover pain or discomfort, hypnosis-style techniques are usually directing you away from that while mindfulness-style techniques are usually directing you towards curiousity about those things.
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shanesbluechicken · 2 years
Harvey with an s/o who smells very good
Idk exactly where this idea came from, it just popped up at some point yesterday :'D
For me personally, I love a good perfume or body spray or whatever sooooo yea
TW: none
Gender: neutral
I feel like he'd be down bad for someone who just smells extremely good. It doesn't matter if it's perfume, deodorant, body spray or your natural scent. The man will be on his knees.
He didn't notice it the first time you two talked when you introduced yourself.
The first time he smelled your enticing scent was when you talked infront of the board at Pierre's shop. You leaned over ever so slightly to get a better look at the calender and he caught it. It wasn't much which made him think that he just imagined it.
But after that it happened more often and he found himself thinking about it more than he should.
Maru could be talking to him about something work related and he'd be completely lost in his own thoughts, the same thoughts that are filled with your basically hypnotizing scent.
He wasn't sure if it was a perfume or something else. Harvey had never smelled anything like it and it's making a fool out of him. He can't remember the last time he felt this attracted to someone.
He started standing closer to you, but always made sure he wouldn't be invading your personal space.
One time he lent his scarf to you, because you lost yours somewhere in the mines and when you gave it back to him he didn't touch it for weeks. He was too scared to lose your scent.
Don't even get me started on the first time you guys hugged. Wow, he was a goner. It took all of his self control to not burry his face into your neck or hair and take as much of you in as he could.
You practically got him on a leash ;)
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jadedwoman · 3 months
(Aww I'd love to be a robot girl~ here's a fun fantasy scenario about it~ although a bit horror themed and definitely aggressive)
You wake up after a rough day, tired and barely remembering yesterday, stumbling out from your bedroom, you head into the living area, and there you seem me. A cute robogirl, sleek and white with purple tinting, a soft padded chest that seems to be adjustable and a similar material for my butt as well. As you look at me, I quickly turn to face you, giving a quick wave and speaking in a slightly monotone voice "hello there human! You appear surprised, does my appearance disturb you?" I ask, your expression showing how surprised you are to see a real life robot that seems to be pretty smart.
Eventually, you calm down enough to walk over, sitting at the opposite side of the table I'm at, your expression showing both your distrust and curiosity, two things I immediately pick up on. "Oh don't worry, I don't intend to harm you, well, unless you ask that of me" I respond calmly, my face a rather complex arrangement to resemble a mostly humanoid face, although my eyes merge into one screen and my mouth clearly seems designed for more lewd purposes than just speaking. "You're staring an awful lot, see something you like?" As If on cue, you suddenly see my chest quickly grow a few sizes, going from barely an A-cup to DD rapidly, their shape perfect teardrops practically begging to be touched.
Despite how you stare at me, you're still visibly anxious, twitching and stuttering with your words, my eyes looking at you curiously before I seem to decide something. "Here, allow me, I know exactly how to relax you~" before you can question what I'm planning, my screen quickly changes, becoming a pulsing array of colors, flashing into your eyes, seemingly beaming the words right into your brain. The hypnotic pattern only grows more intense when you try to turn away, wires you hadn't seen before moving to grab your head and keep you staring.
As the lights pulse and throb, you feel as your own thoughts start drifting away, the repeated words 'obey, submit, sink, serve, relax, give in' just repeating over and over again. What feels like mere seconds pass before your brain finally gives in, your vision seeming to fade as you awake to yourself in bed. Right besides you stands me, a cold hand caressing and petting your hair. Horrified, you try and push me off, but my strength proves far greater, with a scoff from my lips I lean forward and speak "now now, be a good toy and sink~" and with that, you immediately relax.
All thoughts come to a halt as you look at me, my eyes pulsing those pretty colors once more as I speak such soft words, helping you just relax and sink for me, for your new robot girl~ and with a small giggle I lean close, whispering right by your ear, a wire temptingly laying by the other as if teasing you with what's about to happen. But before it fully slides in, before you truly become mine, you hear me say "now, how may you serve me~"
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sockcanvas · 10 months
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⚘. A oneshot [668 words]
⟣ ──┈⇢˚⋆ Pairing : Kim Gi-Myung + G.NReader
⟣ ──┈⇢˚⋆ c/w : suggestive | established relationship | fluff/silly
⟣ ──┈⇢˚⋆ a/n : jake’s gloves got me feeling sum typa way 🤤 gif was filtered and cropped by me, but created by @nonden.tx on tiktok. Got some feedback from a friend abt my writing style to not use big boy words I plucked off thesaurus.com😭 also i got lazy at the end, i suck ass with conversational dialogue💔💔 I had this drafted yesterday so i finished it up today, ofc… after my beloved Goo’s silly hurt comfort story [READ IT NOWWW]
snippet . ₊˚. The gloves, like a second skin of his, clung to him with an intimacy that you familiarly shared. Such display of seduction that you wouldn’t have expected Jake to pull off, left you captivated with your mouth agape.
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You’ve longed for it, a hidden desire that you never knew you had. It skimmed so close to the surface that you tried terribly to hide it.
Jake’s gloves were a yearning fantasy of yours, how he had secured the bestowed item with his teeth, pulling til his finger tips could no longer slip further.
The first time you seen it happen, was a whole revelation, a delightful tingle that sent a shiver down your spine.
His movements were on purpose, each fingers snugging themselves in the cool embrace of the leather. The gloves, like a second skin of his, clung to him with an intimacy that you familiarly shared. Such display of seduction that you wouldn’t have expected Jake to pull off, left you captivated with your mouth agape.
And his hands, oh.. his hands… They weren’t just hands, rough yet smooth, protected from callous thanks to the gloves. It was like an empty canvas that was painted with experience, it was the hands of Gapryong Kim’s son.
They were large, you could argue, the largest you’ve ever seen. But size isn’t what matters, as many say. It wasn’t his hands at all that intrigued you the most, it was the gloves.
How come the worn leather was so well-preserved?Weathered yet still resilient, it remained as intact as it was since the pre-generational era of fighters, how it was adorned by a unique golden embroidery at it’s hem
Yet, within your desires, Jake remains a masterful tease, skillfully playing with the strings of your eagerness. He was very aware if your ogling, playing along with your gaze, tracing the lines of your fascination with each deliberate movement.
He adorned his hands, savoring the heightened senses that hung in the air. You, the willing participant in this tantalizing stalemate, couldn’t help but succumb to the attraction. His eyes, locked onto yours, read your shift in demeanor. His gloves, now transformed into a sensual artifact, accentuated his every move. As he flexed his fingers, coaxing forth the friction between his leather gloves. A mesmerizing spectacle that hypnotized you to look, each nuance movement drew your gaze. 
In the tender interplay of hunger, captivated by the alluring performance. He gave a knowing smile, a playful glint in his eyes that acknowledged the shared secret between you two. Your figure shifted gradually in response, returning with a sheepish smile to contradict his smug look. 
“What?” you blurted out first, your ears burning hot from being caught in the act of unashamedly ogling his hands. The heat of embarrassment radiates from your cheeks. It was as though a spotlight had been directed onto your not-so-secret fascination.
He chuckled, a playful melody that underscored your discomposure. “You’re practically burning holes into my hands,” he remarked, the amusement evident in his voice, and you couldn’t deny the truth of his statement. Your eyes were laser focused, like it was attempting to etch a lasting impression on those gloves. 
Defensively, you retorted in a childish manner, “You started it!” an accusation that was far from true. The realization that he was well aware of your sneaky glances only intensified the flush on your cheeks.
He leaned in, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, and with a sly grin, he teased, “Well, can you blame me? My hands are just irresistible.”
You rolled your eyes, but a subtle smile betrayed you. “Irresistible gloves, maybe,” you scoffed, already openly admitting that his gloves were the factor that held your attention.
Jake, undeterred, leaned back, feigning innocence to his words, “Oh, these old things?” He gestured with the gloves, waving them, “They do have a certain charm, don’t they?” 
You huffed, feigning annoyance, “Don’t flatter yourself, Jake. I just appreciate a good pair of gloves.” Jake lets out a soft laughter that was joined shortly by you. Sharing a playful exchange with good-natured teasing. The gloves, now a shared secret between you two, continued to be a source of amusement, wrapping your interactions with a flirtatious charm.
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yeonjunsbxtch · 2 years
No Peace - Choi Soobin
genre: angst, smut, slight fluff
summary: You have been having a hard time with your breakup with Soobin. You felt like you were going crazy to the point where you would imagine him with you. Until one night, you broke and called him, asking for closure.
Warnings: Breakups, heartache, passionate sex, dry humping, kissing, overstimulation, swear words, pet names, alcohol consumption, unprotective sex, mental health, slight restraint, cockwarming at the end - Minors DNI
Song Inspo
pairing: soobin x fem!reader
word count: 6k+ (i'm so sorry)
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You gazed into the mirror at yourself. Mascara was running down your face as you saw Soobin standing behind you, smiling. His bunny smile was more magical than ever. His lilac colored hair shone under the fluorescent lights of the bathroom so perfectly. His hypnotizing brown eyes glistened brighter than the north star. You swallowed hard as more tears escaped your eyes.
‘How can I be crying when the love of my life is right behind me?'
"I love you."
You shut your eyes as his soft voice rang through your ears like your favorite song.
You quickly spun around to reach out to him.
Only to find yourself grasping the air.
'Oh right, I was imagining that.'
Your chest started to burn as you collapsed onto your knees, feeling as if you had been punched in the stomach. You could feel your lips trembling as you sobbed on the bathroom floor. At this point, you lost track of how many times you've fallen onto the floor in tears.
You felt stupid for trying to pretend he was there with you but it seemed to be the only way you could cope. Yet recently, you couldn't tell if it was helping you or making you go even more crazy.
It has been 3 months since you and Soobin broke up but it stung like it was just yesterday. You see him in everything you do and everything around you reminded you of him. You always found yourself taking second glances at almost everyone around you, thinking it's him at first glance. His favorite song seems to play at the most random times. You felt like you were going insane, especially because sometimes it seemed like you could still smell him. At this point, you were convinced that heart break was just another form of torture. But it was worth it when you thought about the last thing he said to you.
"We can't be together, at least not right now."
Those words played over and over again in your head like a broken record. Those words held so much meaning within them that you couldn't let go of. They were the flimsy piece of wood that was just barely holding open the window of hope that Soobin would come back to you. But you knew that would never happen. Your relationship with him had come to a point where it seemed impossible to fix. He was probably just trying to let you down easy with those words. But still, you thought about those words every second of every day.
It was now 1 in the morning and there you were, still lying on the bathroom floor. 'How long am I going to let myself feel like this?' You thought to yourself. Three months had passed and you still find yourself lying on the bathroom floor in tears with alcohol flowing through your veins. You knew you needed to let this go. Let him go. But how?
You glanced over at your phone that was lying right beside you on the floor. You had promised yourself and your friends that you would not contact him. And you've been good about that. But another thought suddenly crossed your mind.
'I need closure.'
That was what you needed. And it's what you never got. Soobin left you with the thought of getting back together eventually. And without that closure, there's no sleep, no relief, and no peace. When he left you, it felt like he had taken a piece of you with him. And you needed that piece of you back.
You reached out and grabbed your phone. You unlocked it and opened your contacts. Your heart started to ache as your thumb hovered over his name.
Soobinnie 💗
Yes, you kept it the same. You never changed it. How could you?
You were hesitant to press it, afraid of what he will say or if he will even answer at all. You didn't want to wake him in case he was sleeping but you knew you wouldn't be able to have this courage again.
So you pressed on his name. You've got nothing to lose at this point.
You slowly put your phone up to your ear. Your whole body started to shake as the line rang. A nauseating sensation came over you as the ringing continued. It felt like it was never ending. You figured it was useless, that he was probably asleep or would just ignore your call.
Then suddenly, you heard his voice.
His voice was low and muffled, as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep. You questioned if he even knew it was you.
"Soobin?" You choked out his name. Your throat burning like you had just taken a shot of strong vodka.
"Y/N?" You felt two tears fall down your face as you heard your name roll off his tongue and through the phone to you. At this point, you were speechless. You really weren't expecting him to answer your call.
So what do you say now? Do you ask him to talk? Do you ask him about his last words to you or if he has re-thought your relationship?
But then you suddenly realized it was your own self who you had to ask a question to. What exactly would give you closure?
"Y/N, are you there?"
Hearing your name again pulled you out of your thoughts. You took a deep breath before speaking to him again.
"Can you come over?"
Those words spilled out of your mouth without a second thought. And the weird thing was, you didn't regret them. You knew it was what you needed. You knew you just needed to talk to him, face to face. You swore you could hear your heart pounding with how quiet it got. Soobin was on the other end, so quiet as he thought your question through.
"Y/N.. I don't think that's a good idea."
He spoke softly. Your stomach started to turn again as you heard those words. But you weren't going to give up.
"Soobin please.. I just need to talk to you."
"We're talking right now."
You were taken back by his sudden response, attitude pronounced in his voice. You knew he just needed to understand that you weren't trying to convince him to come back to you. You just needed to have one more real conversation with him.
And to see his face one more time.
"No I mean face to face. I'm not trying to win you back. I just need to talk to you and get some closure because it feels like I'm going insane."
Silence was heard again for a moment.
"So you want me to come over right now?"
"Okay.. I'll be over in 15 minutes."
So there you were, pacing back and forth in your living room. You were growing impatient as you saw that 15 minutes had gone by and Soobin still hadn't showed up. Did he decide not to come over? Did he just want to lead you on? You were stuck in your own brain at this point and you couldn't get out. You were tempted to take another shot of alcohol to calm yourself but you didn't want him to smell it on you. Not that you were expecting to get that close to him. You just wanted to talk.
Do you call him to make sure he was still coming over?
Or would that make you look too desperate?
And suddenly it was like fate. Right as you were about to grab your phone to call Soobin, that's when you heard that familiar knock sequence.
For a brief moment, you felt calm. Hearing him knock the same way he used to made you feel the most normal you've felt in a while. But you knew you couldn't afford to feel like that. Because you knew it was over and tonight was meant for closure and closure only.
But the calmness didn't last long when you realized what was happening. You started to second guess this. Maybe you shouldn't have invited him over. You didn't think about the possibility of falling back in love with him. Not that you ever fell out of love with him.
Soobin suddenly knocked again and you knew you had to quickly compose yourself. You walked over to the door, legs feeling like jello. You took a deep breath as you grasped the door knob. You knew there was no backing out now. It was like ripping off a band aid. You just had to open the door. Don't think about it, just do it.
So you did. You felt the chilly December air hit you as you kept your eyes down, afraid of making eye contact with him. 
He spoke, trying to get your attention. Your eyes slowly traveled up his body, noticing he was still in his pajamas. He wore his grey sweatpants which you loved so much with his black v neck and a puffy coat. You swallowed hard as you looked up at him. Your eyes widened and your jaw slightly dropped when you noticed his hair was... black. He no longer had the lilac colored hair that you loved and remembered. But you couldn't deny that he looked even more breath taking than ever.
"Hi.." You managed to spit out. Soobin stood there with a half smile, showing one of his dimples. Memories of you kissing his dimples and telling him how cute they were flashed into your head and this was when you knew that this truly may have been a mistake.
"Can I come in? It's really cold."
"Oh yeah, come in.."
You moved to the side, letting Soobin make his way into your house. You watched him as he took off his shoes and coat. Your heart ached as you saw him put them exactly where he used to. He walked over to the couch and sat down. It was silent at first. You had no idea how to talk to him. You even kind of forgot what you needed to talk to him about. You knew you needed closure but you had no idea what that consisted of.
"So.. what did you want to talk about?" He leaned back into the couch and crossed his arms. He was staring at you with narrow eyes. You could tell he was putting up a front. You could tell he did not want to be here. And you felt bad.
"I-I don't know." you stuttered out.
"So you woke me up at 1am and asked me to come over to talk about nothing?" Annoyance was growing in his voice. You quickly shook your head.
"No I wanted to talk to you.. I'm just having trouble gathering my thoughts."
"You should have gathered them before I got here."
"I'm sorry.." You didn't know what else to say. You fiddled with your fingers as you looked around the room, avoiding all eye contact with Soobin. You could still feel him staring you down. He then let out a deep sigh.
"You said you needed to talk because you needed closure." His voice sounded a bit calmer now. He always knew you were sensitive. So he knew that this wasn't easy for you. You finally made eye contact with him again, seeing his eyes looked softer now. You nodded your head. "So.. what would help you with that?"
You thought about that question for a second, not knowing exactly what would bring you closure. You knew you weren't the best girlfriend to him. You made a lot of mistakes. So you knew you needed to start by apologizing for everything.
"Tell me everything I did wrong." You blurted out. Soobin gave you a confused look.
"I just need to know everything I did wrong.. please."
Soobin let out a deep breath as he looked around the room, trying to think.
"Y/N, it wasn't anything specific that you did wrong. I just felt like you needed more than I could offer."
You were taken back by Soobin's response. Why has he never told you this before?
"Wait what? What do you mean?"
"I know you were depressed and anxious a lot. You would get upset at me for a lot of things, even small things, and I felt helpless. I wanted to help you but I always felt like everything I did and said was wrong. I couldn't do anything right and I just felt like you could find someone better who could make you happy. So if anything, I was the one doing everything wrong."
Your heart broke all over again and you were holding back tears at this point. You stared at Soobin who was staring down at his feet.
"Soobin.. That's not true."
"I've told you before that I haven't felt good enough for you. That I felt like I never did enough for you. We'd be having a good day and then suddenly you would be upset with me about something, and you would never tell me what I did wrong or what was wrong in general. Then I was left wondering what happened. I would replay back every moment of the day trying to figure out if it was something I did or said that made you so upset."
"Soobin that's not it.."
"I just felt like when you would randomly get upset at me for god knows what, all the good things I have done for you and said to you, got canceled out and didn't matter anymore. And it hurt Y/N. It hurt a lot. It destroyed me so much that.. I just couldn't do it anymore."
You sat there silent. You recalled back to when Soobin had mentioned he didn't feel like he was enough for you. When he mentioned that he felt like nothing he could do or say would ever make you happy. And each time, you assured him that it wasn't him making you feel that way. But you also didn't do anything to make him feel or think otherwise.
You knew you weren't a perfect girlfriend, but you didn't know how much of a shitty girlfriend you were until now.
"I'm sorry..." is all you could say. All you could do was admit defeat. You were seeing everything differently now and you realized that you've been victimizing yourself for three months straight when in reality, you were the killer.
"I've tried to tell you this before but.. you never listened." Soobin's voice cracked and a single tear rolled down his face. Seeing Soobin cry was rare. He never liked crying in front of anyone. So seeing him wipe a tear from his cheek was enough to make your heart completely shatter.
You did this to him.
You broke him.
And the worst part was that it was preventable, if you had only listened to him.
"You're right. I-I don't know why I'm realizing all of this now. Here I've been crying every single day for months, getting drunk and pretending you're still with me just to try to cope when you're the one who needed the saving."
You ran your fingers through your hair, frustrated that you ever made him feel that way.
"You've been getting drunk?" Soobin asks.
You looked at him weirdly, why is that the thing he's focusing on?
"Yeah.. Why?"
"Does that mean you have some alcohol I can have? Or did you drink it all already?" The side of his mouth tugged up a bit, forming the slightest half smile. Your eyes started to water even more. You broke this guy and he is still trying to make jokes with you. You slowly nodded and got up to grab him and yourself a soju from the fridge.
You handed him the bottle and sat back down. You slowly opened your drink as you watched him chug half of his in 3 seconds. This confused you as you didn't want him to be stuck at your house for the night, especially since you knew he didn't even want to be here in the first place.
"Woah there, don't you need to drive home?" You asked, ready to take away the bottle.
"Yeah, we'll see."
And there it was again. Him cracking that window of opportunity open just a little bit more. Soobin looked at you once again as he took another chug of the strong drink. You took a chug of yours along with him. Bringing back that drunkenness that had worn off not too long ago. He then continued the conversation.
"So in conclusion to what I had said before, you didn't do anything wrong. I just felt like I wasn't able to give you what you needed especially when it came to your mental health."
You shook your head at him.
"No Soobin, that is what I did wrong. I didn't treat you right. I took my insecurities and my mental health out on you and that wasn't fair to you. I don't know why I didn't realize it sooner and I sure as hell don't know why I didn't listen to you when you tried telling me these things before. Most of the time, I didn't even know what was wrong. I would just randomly get upset and when you would ask me what was wrong.. I wouldn't tell you because I didn't even know myself. I know that's not an excuse, none of this is an excuse. It's just an explanation. I was just as frustrated with myself as you were. I didn't want to be like that. I never wanted to hurt you like I did. But I was being selfish, I know. You didn't deserve any of that and if I could go back and change everything, I would. In a heart beat."
You looked at him as tears flooded out of your eyes. He gazed back at you, knowing how deeply you regretted everything. His heart ached as well, hearing the words that came out of you. You didn't know it yet, but Soobin needed this as much as you did.
You watched Soobin as he wiped more tears from his eyes as well. He rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath before speaking.
"Y/N, this is all I ever wanted, an explanation and a look into your mind. All I ever wanted was for you to open up to me and be vulnerable." Soobin quickly finished off his bottle of soju to try and keep himself from crying more. You took this opportunity to also finish yours. He then got up and went to your fridge, grabbing two more bottles for both of you.
Your heart jumped as he sat back down, sitting down a bit closer to you than before. You got a sudden whiff of his cologne, the same cologne he always used to wear. The same cologne you would smell randomly during the three months you two were apart.
"I'm sorry Soobin, I really am."
"I know." He said sincerely.
"I'm also sorry I woke you up for this, I don't know what I was thinking."
Soobin took another chug of his soju before he scooched a little closer to you. You felt your heart skip once again. He then took ahold of your hand and held it in his lap.
"I'm actually glad you did."
You turned to look at him, surprised to hear him say that. 
"Yeah, I'm not gonna lie and say I haven't been going a little crazy as well. I feel like there were a lot of things left unsaid to each other that day and I also needed the.. uh.. closure."
You then remembered exactly why you two were having this conversation. Closure. But during these three months, you always held onto the hope that you two would get back together. But that was when you were stuck in your own narrative. Knowing what you know now, you knew that you had to shut the window for good. But not for your sake, but for Soobin's. 
"Well, then I'm glad I did. This whole time, I kept repeating in my mind the last thing you said to me. When you said that we couldn't be together, at least not at that time. I really just needed to know that getting back together wasn't an option because that's what has been driving me crazy and preventing me from moving on." 
You felt his grip on your hand loosen and you swore you could see his face slightly sulk. 
"Oh, right. I mean, I wasn't just saying that.. I meant it."
You were finally hearing everything you've been wanting to hear for months, yet it didn't bring you the joy you thought it would. You knew deep down that you weren't good for him. Your mental health issues haven't gone away and there was no way you were going to risk putting him through all of that again. But now he was the one who had that longing look in his eyes. You swallowed hard, knowing what you had to do.
"I know, but I really can't risk hurting you like that again. I don't know when I will be able to get the help that I need and I really think it would be best to go our separate ways, for real this time."
You couldn't believe what you were saying and you could see his eyes start to slightly water again. He struggled to make the slightest smile as he nodded, understanding what you were saying. Even if it's not what he wanted to hear. 
You kept your eyes on him as he stood up, seeming like he was going to get ready to leave. He stumbled a bit when trying to walk to the door. 
"Woah Soobin" You quickly got up and went over to him, trying to keep yourself from stumbling as well. You gently grabbed his arm and guided him back to the couch. "You really shouldn't drive home. We drank a lot and you drank more than me. So if I'm tipsy then I know you're definitely drunk."
He let out a deep breath and nodded, sinking into the couch. 
"You're right, I didn't realize how hard the alcohol hit me until I stood up. Can I sleep on the couch?" 
You couldn't lie and say that you didn't want to cuddle him one more time. Wake up to him one more time. Just sleep next to him one more time. 
"Well if you want, you can sleep in my bed with me. I would like to sleep next to you one more time but don't worry, that's all I want to do."
Soobin looked at you once again and smiled, this time you could tell it was a genuine one. 
"I would like that."
And with that, you and Soobin stumbled up to your room. Luckily, you two were both already in your pajamas. You got to your room and closed the door. Soobin looked around your room, noticing all the things that stayed the same and all the things that have changed. He noticed every single empty bottle of liquor in your room that you used to cope. He also noticed the framed picture of the two of you that you kept on your nightstand. It hurt him to know that you'll probably be getting rid of it when he leaves tomorrow. 
You noticed him looking at the picture of the two of you on your nightstand. You were about to make a joke about it before you saw the look on his face. So instead, you hopped into bed and gently patted the spot next to you. He climbed into his usual spot and turned off the light next to your bed. 
"Goodnight Soobin."
"Goodnight Y/N"
You slowly turned away from him. All you wanted to do was hold him but you didn't want to hurt him even more. You wished that the two of you would work. You wanted nothing more than to have him next to you every single night once more. To be snuggled up in his strong embrace and having his comforting scent surround you as you drift off to a perfect sleep. But you knew you wouldn't be able to treat him the way he deserved. He shouldn't have to wait for you to get better when there is someone out there that you know would treat him good from the start. 
You hadn't felt Soobin move since he got into bed, which made you think he passed out. So you continued to stare at the wall, wondering if you had made the right decision. Either way, you couldn't go back now. You knew you had to stick to what you said. You finally closed your eyes, coming to terms with the fact that this was it. 
You suddenly felt Soobin shift a little bit next to you. You then instantly felt the warmth of his chest radiate onto your back as he slowly snaked his arm around you. A sense of peace washed over you, as his beautiful scent surrounded you once more. Your breath halted for a second as you felt his heart beat at a quick pace. You let yourself relax into him. It was now obvious to the both of you that the two of you were still wide awake. The tension in the room grew stronger as you felt his hand gently rest on your lower abdomen. A tingling sensation shot through your core. He must have felt the way you shuddered, feeling his cold hand touch the skin where your shirt was conveniently riding up. His breath shuddered against your neck. You knew this wasn't good for either of you but your drunken mind thought otherwise. 
You slowly moved your hand down, resting it gently on top of his. This was all Soobin needed to know that you were reciprocating. He knew you well enough to know the ways you react to his advances. 
"Y/N.." Soobin breathed out. The sudden exhale on your neck sent shivers down your body, becoming hot as you heard your name escape his lips. 
"Hm?" Is all you could get out. You were slightly embarrassed as it came out as more of a moan than anything. He dragged his hand slowly up to your neck, gently moving your hair to the side. His breath grew stronger against the back of your neck. You could feel his lips ever so slightly graze against your soft skin as his hand found its way back down to your abdomen, but this time, even lower. 
Then suddenly, Soobin turned you over onto your back as he hovered over you. The room was dark. His face was barely visible as the only source of light was the moon shining perfectly into the room and onto him. You locked eyes with him as he was just centimeters away from you. His lust filled eyes darkened until they were as black as his hair.
He then cut you off, suddenly crashing his lips into yours. His kiss was heavy as his body pressed into yours. Your lips melted into his as you felt your hearts beat as one once again. Your hand made its way to the back of his head, tangling your fingers into his luscious hair as you pulled him even closer. Your lips parted slightly, allowing him to slip his tongue inside. Your body was on fire at this point but you pulled the blankets up even more, making you two feel even closer. You knew this was wrong, but that's what made it even more intense. 
"I..I want you.. so bad Y/N.." He breathed in between his sloppy but passionate kisses. 
"But Soobin.. what about.. what about earlier.." 
He slipped his hands under your shirt, slowly feeling up the sides of your body. 
"I don't care.. I just want you.. I want all of you.." 
His lips left yours to travel down your jaw and neck. He made his way to the sweet spot on your neck that he knew all too well. You felt your hips buck up into him as he took a hold of your skin in between his teeth. You opened your legs more, allowing him to position himself more comfortably between them. He made his way back to your lips, crashing into them once again. Your hands traveled down his body, gripping onto him every time he grinded his hips into yours. 
"Show me.. please.." You moaned into his mouth, making him fully thrust against you.
"Fuck.." He deeply groaned out. Hearing you beg underneath him drove him insane. 
He quickly reached down and pulled down your pajama bottoms and underwear, still while keeping his lips on yours. You shuffled them all the way off and kicked them to the side. Soobin thrusted against you again, grinding his clothed dick against your bare clit. You moaned out, finally feeling the friction you needed. Your hands made their way to the waist band of his sweatpants and boxers. You forced them down the best you could before he shuffled his off as well. 
You grabbed a hold of him, making him let out a small whimper. He then took a hold of both your hands and pinned them above you. He pulled back, staring down at you with dark and lust filled eyes. He didn't want to waste anymore time. The thought of using a condom neglected to cross either your minds. His mouth hung open as he stroked his dick against you before sliding into you. He watched as you knitted your eyebrows together feeling his cock stretch you out so perfectly. You couldn't help but let out a long moan, finally feeling his cock inside of you again. Your pussy clenched around him earning a low groan from him. As his hand kept yours pinned above you, he used his other hand to pull on your hair causing you to keep eye contact with him. He started to slowly thrust in and out of you, observing your every expression. 
"Did you miss me Y/N? Hm? Tell me you missed me." 
He thrusted harder into you, making it hard for you to form the words he was demanding from you.
"Fuck Soobin.. I missed you.. I missed you so fucking much.." 
"Fuck.. I missed you too babygirl.." 
Your stomach felt like it flipped upside down when you heard him call you babygirl. He continued to fuck you hard as he let go of your hands, taking his shirt off in a swift motion. You immediately wrapped your arms around his torso, pulling him closer to you. He quickened his pace when he felt your nails dig into the skin on his back. You could feel the pressure building up in your stomach as he thrusted even deeper into you, his lower abdomen hitting your clit so perfectly.  
"Tell me baby.. tell me you missed my cock."
With every hard thrust you let out perfect little moans that were music to his ears. 
"I missed your cock so much Soobin.." 
You then wrapped both of your legs around him, making him fuck you deeper than you thought was possible. You threw your head back as the sound of him fucking you filled up the room. The pressure continued to build up in your stomach causing you to instinctively push him away. Soobin quickly took a hold of both your hands again, restraining them above you once more. His other arm wrapped around your waist as he held you in place, pounding into you even harder.
"I thought you missed my cock huh? Why are you running from it, hm?" 
You squeezed your eyes shut, tears rolling down your cheeks from the intense pressure. Sex with Soobin was always great, but the intensity of his thrusts now was nothing like you've experienced before. 
You opened your eyes again to meet his. The strands of his hair were drenched in sweat. He stared back down at you, mouth hung open as he watched the way you were reacting to his cock practically destroying you. You gazed into his eyes, savoring this moment. Savoring the feeling of him inside and all around you. He gazed back down at you as he did the same. As you were looking at him, you could have sworn you saw his eyes start to water as well. His grip on your hands above you loosened as his hard thrusts became more sloppy. You slipped out of his grasp and held his face with both your hands. 
Soobin suddenly lowered himself, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. Wrapping his strong arms around your body, he slowed his thrusts just enough to regain control of himself. He couldn't hold you close enough. 
"I don't want to let you go again" He breathed into your ear, "I'm not letting you go again Y/N."
"but Soob-" 
Before you could finish your sentence, Soobin's hand pressed against your stomach, feeling the way his cock moved inside you. 
"No buts.. You feel this? You feel my cock ramming into you? This means your mine." The pressure intensified and you were on the verge of exploding. His breathing became heavier as he was watching you. Your moans turned into whines as you squirmed underneath him. "Baby, I know those whines. Cum for me, cum on my cock babygirl."
You moaned loudly, curse words flooding out of your mouth as the pressure in your core finally released. A euphoric feeling enveloping you as you started to see colors. The sound of Soobin's thrusts became wetter as you came around him. 
"That's it baby, let it out."
He continued to ram into you, overstimulating you until you were a puddle underneath him. 
"Stop please.. fuck Soobin I can't-" 
"Tell me baby, who's gonna fuck you like me?" You turned your head to the side as you tried to crawl away again. Soobin grabbed your face by your chin, turning you back to him, forcing you to look him dead in the eyes. 
"I asked you a question, who's gonna fuck you like me?"
"No one.." You breathed out. Soobin leaned down to kiss you once more, becoming sloppier by the second. 
"Ahh.. Fuck I'm gonna cum Y/N.."
You didn't know what came over you to wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him even closer to you. His thrusts became messier as he got closer to his orgasm.
"Soobin.. cum inside me.. please" You begged him, not knowing what made you demand that.
Soobin looked down at you, giving you a confused look as he processed what you said. But it was those words that caused him to come undone, and by then it was too late to try to pullout. You moaned as you suddenly felt a warm sensation inside of you. You watched as Soobin squeezed his eyes shut, bucking his hips into you as he rode out his high. He let out low groans as his thrusts came to a slow stop. 
You two laid there in that same position for a minute, catching your breath and savoring the moment. Oh how you didn't want this moment to end. Soobin gently cupped your face and wiped away your tears with his thumbs. You stared back up at him, his eyes now glistening with his own tears. He leaned down, gently kissing your forehead, cheek, chin and then lips. 
"Are you okay?" Soobin gently whispered. You nodded your head.
"Yeah.. Are you?"
He nodded his head as well. 
"I am."
It felt as if you were staring into each other's eyes forever. You knew this was wrong, but neither of you could deny the fact that you two still had a strong connection, a connection that was going to be hard to break. 
"So.. What are we gonna do now?" You broke the silence. The time you were dreading had come. 
"Y/n... I want to be with you." 
Your heart skipped a beat hearing him. You had longed for him for so long and here he is on top of you, telling you that he wants to be with you. 
"But Soobin.. We were suppose to get closure tonight.. This is wrong." 
"Then I don't want to be right." Soobin took your hand and held it against his chest. You could feel his heart beating fast. "This heart is yours. I want to try this again. I was listening to what you went through without me and Y/N.. I went through the same things. Let's communicate more this time and we can both get the help we need. I don't want to live another day without you."
At this point tears were pouring out yours and Soobin's eyes. It was like time had stopped and you two were the only ones left on earth. You could feel the warmth emitting from each other's souls and your heart beats were erratic. This is all you ever wanted. On the surface it felt wrong, but deep down, you've never felt more comfortable, more unerring, more raw.
You slowly nodded your head, seeing his eyes light up.
"Yes.. Let's try again."
Soobin hugged you tight. His embrace was warm and passionate and it was right then you knew, he was your person. He was your home. And you were willing to put in the work to make this right.
"I love you Y/N"
"I love you too Soobin"
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vixezn · 1 year
Yandere Wally Darling hypnotizes his loved one with his eyes to make them happy + want to stay with him + play with all his friends... And Home has hypnotic eyes as well! @_@
OOO! I love this idea so much!! I tried to make it a little dark, but your probably won’t notice it 😋
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🌀 - Wally remembers the day you two first met like it was yesterday! You were watching his TV show for the first time, after you saw a friend mention it!
🌀 - Now, he should’ve been concerned how someone who was at least a teenager, or older, was watching a children’s show, but he couldn’t help but be captured by your presence!
🌀 - You looked so unique! And he could tell that he was your favorite character! 
🌀 - So, he devised a plan! A simple one that would make you want to join them in their world! Only with a little bit of manipulation.
🌀 - And he was ecstatic when he saw you turn on the channel again! Great! This was his chance! 
🌀 - After you got settled in, you noticed how Wally’s eyes were set on the camera. No worries! Your friend told you that he loved to make eye contact with the camera!
🌀 - But as time grew on in the episode, you noticed how he only stared at the camera, like he was staring at you. At the end of the episode, he turned to face it.
🌀 - “And this is a special shout-out to one of our very precious viewers, [Y/n]!” 
🌀 - You were taken aback. Did he just say your name?
🌀 - “Hi, [Y/n]! I believe that you’re the only one allowed to see this message, which is great!”
🌀 - You stared at your TV in shock! You noticed how the background behind him changed into a spiral… Going round and round…
🌀 - Wally only smiled. “Just stare at the spiral, [Y/n]. You’re getting sleepy.”
🌀 - He… He was right, you were sleepy! How did he know? As you closed your eyes, you felt the static of the TV get louder… and louder… and louder… and louder, and louder, and louder, and louder and louder and louder and louder and louder and louder AND LOUDER ANDLOUDERANDLOIDERANDLOUDERANDLOUDERANDLOUDERANDLOUDERANDLOUDERANDLOUDERANDLOUDERANDLOUDERAND-
🌀 - You woke up, somewhere, that wasn’t your room. And you had this urge to play with Wally and his friends.
🌀 - After that event, you loved hanging out with your new friends! But you liked hanging out with Wally the most!
🌀 - You both loved painting each other, while his was in excruciatingly a little more detail than yours, you preferred a more fun and easygoing style!
🌀 - You kept a painting or two of him in your living room, it just adds to the design!
🌀 - Wally on the other hand, had a whole room dedicated to you. You and only you.
🌀 - For some reason, you couldn’t remember anything that happened before you woke up in your room!
🌀 - You tried asking Home, but one look into his eyes and you wanted to go paint with Wally! Oh, or maybe go jump roping with Julie? No, no, just Wally.
🌀 - Just… Wally.
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quiet-hypnotist · 6 months
Cozy Date
“You are almost too good at this. It’s not fair!”
“What? Shoulder rubs?”
“Dork. That too, but I meant the rest!”
“Ohhh, that part, huh? I thought you liked it though?”
“I do. That’s the issue! How am I meant to fight it if it feels so good?”
“Are you?”
“Huh? Of course I am.”
“I see, my bad. I must have gotten distracted then as I was massaging you.”
“Don’t you get sneaky with me. I’m wise to your tricks now.”
“Certainly. We’ve been at this for what? Two years?” “Three to the day yesterday and you know it, you told me about it yourself at lunch earlier, remember?”
“My point exactly. Of course you would be very familiar with all my tricks up to this point. Easily so focused on seeing them coming that you learned to recognize every look, every gesture, every drop in my voice. You would see it coming from a mile away.”
“Damn right I would. I know you better than you know yourself sometimes. Not to brag or anything, of course.” “Naturally. It’s what happens after several years. And honestly that makes me pretty happy. Because that means that we both know exactly how my words are only intended to draw you in when it is a safe time for that to happen. You figured that part out so early on, didn’t you?”
“Mhm. Oh, you’re on thin ice. But also way too good with your hands. Keep going, I wanna see the look on your face when I resist this.”
“Funny you would say that when there’s nothing happening that you would have to resist in the first place. After all, you were the one who confirmed for me just now that you would see my trick coming from a mile away. So even if I weaved entrancing words into this rambling, you’d know them by heart already and could recognize them easily. Right?”
“Which means it would be silly to drop my voice a bit lower or speak a bit softer...”
“Because even if I did, you would only get lulled into that sleepy haze if you wanted to go there anyway. Right?”
“Of course!”
“So even if I used the most clever words right now, you wouldn’t get drawn into my pace at all because you’d be too busy enjoying the massage, wouldn’t you say so?”
“That’s obvious. Told you so!”
“Exactly, you did! So even if I did any funny tricks with my voice, you wouldn’t feel compelled to listen or smile about it, right?”
“And even if I slowed down the pace… and massaged you a little firmer… while letting you relax deeper… even then you would be free to not get hypnotized right now, right?”
“Duh! You got it.”
“Which means that even if I keep this up, you’re not getting tricked by me right now, right?”
“So you can simply choose not to relax deeper and deeper under my fingertips right now, right?”
“Uhh, sure… Any moment now...”
“That’s right. Any moment now you can simply choose to stop listening, can’t you?” “Uh huh. Gonna show you...” “And it’s going to feel so good to show me how this time you’re not getting hypnotized right now, won’t it?” “The best...”
“Such an amazing feeling to know that you’re not falling deeper and deeper for my tricks and schemes right now, isn’t it?”
“So good...”
“You’re not getting hypnotized right now.” “Uh huh...” “You’re not growing limp and sleepy and warm under my hands right now.” “Mhm!” “You’re not mindlessly listening and enjoying this.” “Hehehe…!” “And whatever might happen, you’re not deeply mesmerized and loving every second of it right now.” “Hmmmm, loving it...” “Because if you were, you’d love the idea of falling a little deeper every time at your own pace whenever you really want to switch off your brain and enjoy yourself, wouldn’t you?” “Yes please!”
“In which case all I would need to do would be to invite you. And you would happily go along with it when that sounds like the sort of fun you want. Isn’t that right?” “Yes, yes, yes...”
“Awww, someone got a bit excited about that, hmm?” “”Uh huh! Hehehe…” “Looks like you bested me again. But I am sure next time I could put you under. Does that sound like something you want me to try?” “Yes please!” “Well, then I better wrap this massage up, so that when you’re up for it we can get up to all sorts of shenanigans. And hey, maybe you’ll actually win against me one of these days!” “Huh…? Oh, you! Just you wait. I’ll show you a hypnotized and tricked thrall! Tomorrow. Maybe. Though… I suppose I’d have an unfair advantage. I guess if you asked nicely, I could let you put me under once or twice first. Y’know… to let you practice and level the playing field.” “What a generous angel I asked out! Lucky me. Then don’t mind if I do.”
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