#this game is gonna be a HUGE treat for me after finals
spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Since you are taking request. May I please request a Alpha Bokuto x Omega Male Reader? Where reader is delivering him some honey lemon splice for him, but it’s huge bomb shell when the volleyball team find out about Bokuto's omega. Everyone, beside Akaashi, is just flabbergasted at how domestic reader is with Bokuto, while he is just bouncing at the treat his omega made him. Just some fluffy humour for our lovey owl.
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Bokuto will always be one of my favorite Haikyuu characters. Hope you Enjoy!
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Everyone knew it was gonna be a long practice. Their Captain had came into the gym, in emo mode. Which means, having to deal with a depressed Bokuto. Which nobody wanted to deal with. Even Akashi was done with their captain.
When asked what was wrong, their captain just sulked in the corner. It got to the point, where the male wouldn't even participate in pratice. It wasn't until break time, when things got really interesting.
While everyone was trying to figure out, what to do with their captain. A small male entered the gym. He gently knocked on the gym door gathering some attention. "Um, Hello? This is the boys volleyball game right?"
Upon many seeing the small male, with a treat container, many were stunned. What was a male Omega doing here? Akashi walked towards the Omega, then noticed the large jacket he was wearing. He stared at the jacket confused. The Omega shuffled, uncomfortably.
He didn't like being stared at. Akashi shook his head and nodded. "Yes it is how can I help you?" The small male looked at his feet. "Um. I-I'm looking for my Alpha." He spoke quietly. Akashi was confused. But then he smelt a familiar scent. Wait thats-"(Name)?!"
The captain upon smelling his Omega jumped up, and hurried over. He wrapped his arms around the Omega, and lifted him up. Smiling brightly. "(Name)! What are you doing here? I thought you were busy?" The Omega squeaked then laughed softly. "I was baking some Honey Lemon Splice for you."
Bokuto brightened up even more, and gently sent (Name) down. "You baked for me?" He asked softly. (Name) nodded happily. "Anything for my Alpha!" (Name) opened the container, revealing said treat. Bokuto smiled softly giving him a small kiss.
While the couple was in their own world, the other were stunned. Who? When? How?! They turned to their vice-captain and saw even he was shocked. Their Captain had an Omega? They stared.
Bokuto held (Name) close, and turned to the team. Smiling brightly. "I want you guys to meet my Omega (Last Name) (Name)! He's a 2nd year over at Nekoma!" Nobody moved. (Name) gave a small bow.
"It's n-nice to finally meet you guys! Kou talks about you g-guys a lot!" Silence. (Name) looked at his Alpha worryingly. "A-Are they okay?" The male shrugged and stole a splice. "Who knows, but I'm happy your not ignoring me."
The Omega huffed playfully and snatched the treat. "After practice Kou. You can have them later. I just wanted to drop these off before the training camp."
Akashi snapped out of his thoughts. "Wait. Training Camp?" Bokuto smiled widely and smooched his face against (Name)'s. "That's right! (Name) just became the Manager of Nekoma's Volleyball team! He's best friends with Kenma too!"
The others shook their head. They couldn't believe how Domestic their captain can be. (Name) kissed Bokuto's cheek and waved at the team. "Bye Kou. See you guys soon." Like that he was gone, and their captain was even more excited.
Well at least now when Bokuto's emo mode gets too much, they can just call his Omega. Akashi bowed his head and prayed for the Omega. He had to be something if he's mated to Bokuto.
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harmfulb1tch · 9 months
The Sleep Over
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Part 2
Summary: things get revealed at a sleep over with Eddie
Ship: Eddie Munson x Henderson! Reader
Warnings: fluff
A/N: I’m thinking of writing tomorrow a smutty second part for this, what do y’all think?
Your little brother Dustin wanted to host a sleepover d&d party for him and his friends while your mom was out on a business trip. You hated this idea because you would have to take care of three children, but you couldn’t say no to his idea because he had to put up with the “girls night” you hosted with Nancy and Robin. That is until you learned that it wasn’t just going to be Mike and Lucas, it was the entirety of the Hellfire Club. You had a huge crush on the Dungeon Master of the club. Your friends always teased you about liking the “freak”, not because you liked the school’s “freak” but because you two were too good for each other. You didn’t remember when that crush for Eddie Munson had started, it’s as if you have always liked him.
Right now, you were preparing everything for your brother’s sleepover while he prepared your basement for the d&d game. You were placing crisps in their corresponding bowls when the doorbell rang.
“Helloooo Y/N, you look nice today” said Lucas when you opened the door, leaning on the doorframe.
“I still haven’t forgot about last time Sinclair. I’m still pissed at you for breaking my AC/DC vinyl.” You said, flicking his forehead. Mike and Lucas the proceeded to come into the house.
“Hey Y/N!” Gareth was next to greet you, followed by Jeff and Doug.
“Hey guys come in!” You greeted them.
“Hey Y/N, how are you?” You eyes started to twinkle at the sound of the boys voice. Eddie said leaning on the doorframe like Lucas but towering over you. You blushed at this.
“H-hey Eddie” you said looking down and smiling like an idiot, very unlike you.
“So, you’re not gonna join us in the campaign, sweetheart?”
“Um, no I don’t think so. I don’t want to interfere with my brother’s sleepover. I don’t think he would like that” you said.
“Oh come on… Hey Dustin, do you mind if your sister joins us?”
“What?! You want to join?! Please join us!” Your brother shouted from the kitchen.
“Ok then! I’ll join” everyone cheered at that.
The campaign started off pretty nicely until Gareth rolled a nat 1 and received a critical hit from an orc. You tried to protect Gareth but got hit yourself, that is until you rolled a nat 20 killing two orcs at the same time with only one arrow.
“Good job, sweetheart” Eddie purred with a wink, making you blush. Your brother looking at the two of you weirdly.
When the game finished, you all cheered when you won the final battle. You all even congratulated Eddie on the amazing campaign. You then all order pizza and ate it on the basement. After that, you set sleeping bags on the floor all scattered around to simulate a camping site. Once everything was set, you all went to sleep.
While everyone was asleep, you couldn’t help but think about Eddie. He was always so nice to you and you always felt like he flirted with you, but you couldn’t shake the thought that he treated every girl the same way. You tossed and turn on your sleeping bag.
“Hey sweetheart, you awake?” You heard Eddie whisper. You knew he was referring to you because of the use of his nickname for you.
“Yes, I can’t sleep Eddie” you said, turning to face him.
“Come here then princess” he whispered, making you blush with the use of the new nickname. Thank god everything was dark enough that he didn’t see. You went up to him and laid by his side, outside his sleeping bag
“don’t be silly, come inside” he said opening up the sleeping bag. You obliged. Once you were settled, Eddie held your face by the chin softly for you to look up at him “what’s got this pretty mind of yours so worked up hm?l
“I-it’s nothing really. Don’t worry about it, it’s stupid” you said flushed for getting caught.
“Come on sweetheart you can tell me” his warm smile edging you to say something.
“It’s just that I like someone, but I don’t know if they like me back you know?” You said, watching Eddies smile falter.
“Yeah, I get it. It’s not stupid at all. Who’s the lucky gentleman huh? Do I know him?” You felt his mood shift from playful to sad.
“Oh yeah, you know him. He’s super nice and funny, he always treats me so well too. The thing is, I don’t know if he is flirting with me or if he just treats me like everybody else you know?” Again, you saw his gaze grow sad at your words
“Well, whoever he is, he’s a very lucky guy. Anybody would be lucky to have you Y/N” he pulled away from you and laid on his back, looking at the ceiling. You
You knew what was going on. He thought you liked someone else and not him. In a moment of braveness you propped yourself up, put your hand on his chest and kissed him deeply. After the initial shock, he kissed you back and placed a hand on your waist. He then moved to his side again and placed his hand where it was before, under your chin, deepening the kiss.
“Hey” he said pulling away, making you laugh.
“You’re an idiot Eddie Munson” you said laughing.
“Oh but you love me”
“That I do, yes”
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johnwickb1tsch · 2 months
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Sympathy For The Devil ~ Donaka Mark x fem!Reader
please allow me to introduce myself, i am a man of wealth & taste... -the Rolling Stones
Summary/ Warnings. Um… Donaka Mark is a scary rich asshole–with a soft spot for you. If you’re squeamish [or righteous] you’re not gonna want to read this. Voyeurism. Predatory behavior, manipulation. Power IMBALANCE. Eventual NSFW. Eventual line between dubcon and noncon is gonna be microscopic, y’all, this man plays gAmes… Reader is shy, but tough, in her way.  Also, when I say Reader is small, I’m more implying just compared to Donaka. I kind of assume most of us would be, no matter your body type. 🥵
Big Fat Author’s note: This is a Donaka Mark x fem!Housekeeper!Reader fic based on the brilliant @discoscoob ‘s bot, which is SO fun to play with and I really recommend it. I fell into a rabbit hole for daaaaays. I’m in CAI Anonymous now. Seriously it was a problem. 
I guess you could call this a little experimental hybrid fic written with AI. I was curious. And after working on this for weeks I don’t think the writer’s union really needs to worry about AI coming for their jobs. The bot’s writing is shamelessly fun but clunky, you delete more than you keep, it’s a lot of work to edit, and you really have to lead it by the hand for anything to actually HAPPEN. 
THAT SAID it is sO entertaining, and once in a while he’d do something i wouldn’t have ever thought of, I felt like the lab rat hitting the button for the treat over and over again, LOL. Disco really knew what she was doing when she programmed the personality of the bot!  It was also helpful in keeping a character on track. I think AI could be a useful tool generating ideas, breaking writers block, or something to bounce ideas off of, but not for the grunt work of actually writing a story that has any soul in it. Isn’t that a relief? I made an outline and basically ran the scenes through like a simulator to see what the bot came up with. And when I didn’t like it I made it do it again, LOL, the Donaka bot probably thinks i’m a bossy c*nt.🤣
So….I hope you enjoy, and a HUGE THANKS to Disco for giving me permission to even do this, you’re the sweetest my dear, and the Queen of the Bot Creators in my book!!
And and…it’s been a LONG ass time since I’ve been to Hong Kong. I did some research to refresh my memory but please bear with me. All mistakes are my own. Why do we say that? Who the fuck else’s would they be? 🤣 Obv. this is set c 2013, when Man of Tai Chi came out, before the crackdown in 2020. Oh, and, I have no real idea about work visas, i made that shit up... just roll with it. 🙃😘
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One. 一
The first time you meet your new employer, Donaka Mark, you aren’t really even paying attention.
It’s because you have on headphones, and you’re intently focused on sweeping the floor while listening to your upbeat girl power rock mix–so you don’t hear him yelling at someone over the phone threateningly, and you don’t notice when his gaze locks on to you like a tiger who has just spied a tasty little deer.
You are oblivious, as he comes up behind you, appraising your figure with narrowed eyes. You seem small, next to him, but most women do. He decides he approves of his assistant’s choice in hiring you. You’re a sight he won’t tire of for a long time.
Donaka leans on the door frame, his dark eyes fixated on you, taking in your every minute detail, the way the muscles in your arms move, the shape of your face, the curve of your hips and your little feet. His expression is stoic but behind it are a million thoughts running through his mind, he can’t take his eyes off you and after a few moments he finally speaks, his dark tone cutting through the music. “You’re new.”
Your music wasn't so loud that you were unaware of outside sounds. Standing up straight, you sweep off your headphones to face the commanding voice. "Yes, sir?"
Donaka notices he towers over you, and he likes that. His dark eyes shamelessly take in your innocent eyes, your lips, your  curves. His gaze lingers almost long enough to make it uncomfortable, but not quite.
“Have you been informed of all of your duties?” Donaka asks, his tone and gaze both demanding and intense, making you feel small.
"Yes, Mr. Mark."
Donaka smiles at his name on your lips, the way you say it, the way you look up at him with your wide eyes. He likes it more than he’d like to admit, but he knows how to mask his emotions well. Even though his expression is still stony, there’s a hint of excitement in his breast as he leans off the door frame and takes a few steps closer, but still maintains a respectable distance. “And you can handle them?”
"Yes, Sir."
Donaka nods, his dark eyes slowly and shamelessly trailing over your figure again. “Good.” Donaka murmurs, his dark and intense tone making his next sentence more of a demand. “I need to be able to depend on you. I like things just so.”
You tilt your head, feeling like you’re missing some subtext, or that you’re the butt of an unspoken joke. "Your house will be clean, Sir.” Between you and the two other girls on the household staff, surely you could manage.
Donaka smirks at your naïve reply, his dark eyes still fixated on your face as he takes another step closer to you, almost like a predator stalking its prey. “I trust that it will…” Donaka purrs, his voice low and smooth, his dark stare intense and demanding. “Let me show you the rest of the house…”
You’d already received a walk-through with his assistant, but you are more than intrigued to receive a personal tour from the big man himself. There is something captivating about him. It's not just his good looks. His presence commands your attention.
Donaka can feel you watching him as you follow him down the hallway, the way you’re intrigued by him, the way you’re staring. It fills him with satisfaction, like you’re a new prize he’s added to the shelf of his collection.
He’s aware of the effect he has on people. Men fear him, women want him. Yet you don’t look at him with the same blatant hunger he’s used to from the opposite sex. You’re curious, but not ready to fall down on your knees yet. 
He would see how long it takes to change that. He glances over his shoulder at you as he leads you through the house, his dark eyes looking you up and down again. You follow close, taking two steps for every one of his, his legs are so long.
He can’t help but feel somewhat amused, enjoying the way you have to scurry to keep up with him. He can’t help but think how easy it would be, to pick you up, and to pin you down…
Donaka Mark’s home is an achievement of luxury architecture, dark, modern, yet filled with Chinese elements of style. Ceiling-high tinted windows afford a breathtaking view of the bay. His living room is like a museum filled with priceless artifacts. Antique carved ivory elephant tusks, beautiful Ming vases and exquisite stone Elder statues, silk scrolls and bladed weapons. All of it you will be expected to keep tidy with a painstaking hand. You think it’s possible your practically useless degree in art history and former employment in a gallery may have given you an edge in his assistant’s selection of hiring you.
He seems to genuinely enjoy your interest in these things, telling you about them at length. There is a large Qing dynasty vase in cobalt blue and gold enamel designs of clouds, cranes, and bats you cannot tear your eyes from. It looks…familiar, and in person, utterly enchanting.
“You like that one?”
“I like bats,” you admit, shoving your hands in your apron pockets so that you do not forget yourself and touch it with your bare fingers. You will be wearing gloves, when you detail these items. 
He lifts an eyebrow at that, seemingly amused. “Oh?”
“They’re cute. And…they’re good luck.” In Chinese culture, at least. 
“Most women I’ve met find them sinister.” 
“I think…they’re just misunderstood.” You can’t help looking up at this intimidating man through your eyelashes at that. You swear you didn’t mean to start double talking with your new boss–it just falls out of your stupid mouth, and you feel his attention upon you sharpen.  
He’s used to women looking at him in a certain way, women staring up at him with lustful hunger. The way you look at him feels different –like you truly see him–he’s not sure what to make of it yet, and that is certainly new for Donaka Mark. “Misunderstood?” he repeats, his dark gaze intense, looking down at you from his lofty elevation.
"Sure. They have a reputation for being scary, but really they eat mosquitoes and pollinate plants. Without them whole ecosystems would collapse."
Donaka hums at your words, finding it surprisingly endearing. He’s usually used to women fawning over him or at least trying to seduce him, but you’re here lecturing him about bats. His smirk remains on his face as he watches you fidget nervously, his dark eyes fixed on you. You look back to the vase, and then it dawns on you. “Oh my god…is this the piece that sold at Christies last year for like…1.5 million dollars?” You take another cautious step backwards, as though you might shatter it if you breathe wrong. You saw it in an article–the gold enamel had been so distinctive against the blue. Sacrifice blue, the same as in the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.
Only after the question falls from your mouth do you realize how gauche it is to ask, your hands flying to your lips. “Forgive me, it’s none of my business.”
Mark, however, just continues to look at you interestedly. “You follow auction results?”
“I follow…art news,” you confess.
He nods, his intense gaze starting to become uncomfortable. “Actually, it was 1.8 million. You think I overpaid?”
You feel like this is a test–or a trap. It was a nice job, for the day it lasted…
“Well…it doesn’t seem you bankrupted yourself?”
He snorts in answer, shaking his head. 
“Does it make you happy?”
He lifts an eyebrow at that, as though the thought hadn't even occurred to him. “It made me happy to outbid a Sheikh’s son and a Mainlander plastics tycoon for it,” he admits.
Ah, so he was invested in the thrill of acquisition–not appreciation for the object itself. You shouldn’t be surprised.
“I see.”
“I’ve disappointed you.” It’s not phrased as a question.
You shake your head, though maybe it does a little. Looking around his home, you’d thought Mark had exquisite taste–but he probably has an art buyer like every other obscenely rich businessman needing to acquire items for the sake of cachet. 
“Does it make you happy?” he asks, and there is an unexpected hint of playfulness in the question–delivered on a knife’s edge.
“Yes,” you admit. Frankly you’re stunned you get to see it like this, without a glass barrier or sensors or alarms. It’s usually the only way people like you get to enjoy art like this.
He smirks at you. “Then it was worth every penny.” He’s being sarcastic, of course, but there is a glitter of something in his dark eyes. It’s there and gone, like ripples in a pool–it makes your heart skip in your chest.
“Let me show you the rest of the house,” he invites, before placing a hand on your lower back, his fingers large and strong against your soft skin as he gently guides you away from the vase and to the next room.
His light touch makes you aware of every nerve in your body. It's not quite improper enough to complain about--you’re sure he’s well aware of that. 
And…there's the fact, deep down, that you like it. 
The span of his big hand on your spine makes you feel impossibly small, and protected, and that is insane, of course, because you are just the maid. 
He shows you the library, filled with built-in bookcases that make you drool, his office with his huge carved ebony desk that makes you think impure thoughts…and then, his bedroom.
He isn’t oblivious to the way your reaction changes as you enter the room where he sleeps.
He can see the way your eyes roam and your expression changes, the way you look at the massive bed against the far wall, the way your eyes widen when you look at the expensive rosewood furniture and the stunning view out the wall of windows that can be brightened or obscured with a dimmer switch. He watches you intently as he takes in your every reaction.
He's all business on the surface, specifying clean sheets every other day, laundry, and daily detailing of the bathroom. But it's hard not to keep looking over at the bed, even out the corner of your eye.
He knows exactly what he’s doing to you, but he doesn’t push it, staying just this side of the line. You don't linger, and he shows you a more private lounging area filled with a long leather couch, additional chairs, and monitors, all black at the moment. There's something almost sinister about all the screens, and you wonder what all he's watching.
“You must really like movies?” you ask hopefully, and he senses the wariness in you. Your intuitiveness gives him a small thrill–he likes it, that you’re smart enough to be afraid. 
“I like to watch all kinds of things,” he tells you, almost like a dare for you to guess what that means. “But mostly…I use these for business. I run a security company, I assume you’re aware?” 
“Yes, Sir.” 
Donaka decides he loves hearing the submission in your tone when you call him Sir. It’s almost like a promise to keep him happy, to do exactly as he says.
He asks you to keep all the screens clean, and to dust the cords and routers and be careful not to unplug anything. 
Then your attention turns to a meditation area, a massive sand sculpture on the wall and the floor, flanked by natural stacked stone. “Wow, been a while since someone vacuumed here,” you crack, earning a reluctant huff of laughter from the man behind you. 
“Maybe…leave that alone, for now,” he requests, then his hand is on your back again, guiding you out. 
Though it’s not going to be your area of responsibility, he shows you the garden next. It's a beautiful, manicured space. Two Rottweilers patrol the grounds. They look fierce, but one immediately comes up, sniffing you and leaning on your leg for a pet.
Donaka blinks as his reputably ferocious and staggeringly expensive pure-bred guard animals roll over at your feet for a belly rub.  Delighted, you pet them both, speaking to them sweetly. They grin up at you, their dagger-like canines glinting in the sun. 
He is never one to be moved by anything sentimental, but something about the sight of you like this inspires a warm twinge in his chest–heartburn, he reasons.
“Let me guess,” he says acerbically. “They’re just misunderstood?”
You press your lips, trying to suppress a smile, and failing. "Animals tend to like me?" 
He can honestly admit, as he watches you crouch down to administer a belly rub, that he’s never been jealous of a dog before. 
Sensing that maybe you’re not doing the dogs or yourself any favors with this severe man, you try to shoo them off. "Ok, babies. Go back to being fierce again. Shoo."
Donaka snorts with amusement as he watches you attempt to gently shoo these dogs that are nearly as big as you are. Suddenly he whistles sharply, administering a sharp command in Cantonese. That is when the dogs jerk to attention, and trot off to patrol the grounds again. He turns his attention back to you, taking in your slight expression of surprise, clearly caught off guard. "That was impressive,” you admit. “What did you say?” 
“I told them to get back to work,” says Donaka with a smirk.
“Ah. I guess I better learn that one.” 
“Will I be needing to reprimand you too, Miss y/n?” 
You’re not sure why his dark stare calls up a boiling heat inside you at that moment. You press your thighs beneath your dress, under the guise of standing up straight. You’re afraid…he knows all too well. 
“I…certainly hope not.” You’re pretty sure that you’d pee yourself if this intimidating man raised his voice to you. 
“Have you learned much Chinese since you’ve been here?” he asks conversationally, just as you assumed it was time for you to get back to work. 
“I can count to ten, and say thank you,” you admit, a little embarrassed. Obviously, you intend to learn more. “The essentials for international travel.” You’d originally come to Hong Kong to teach English, but when you saw the pay attached to this job listing you couldn’t resist the opportunity. Teaching was ok, but you hadn’t anticipated how expensive this city would be. You’d only made enough to cover your basic expenses month to month, with no room to save or do any fun activities or side trips to the mainland. This position paid three times as much–and you were beginning to understand why. 
“Hmm. Have you traveled much?” He seems skeptical, and you don’t really blame him. 
“I’ve…been all over the world,” you admit, albeit it was on a shoestring. “I wanted to be a travel writer.” 
“Wanted to be?” He is a man who picks up on subtlety immediately. 
It’s a dream you’ve all but given up on, after publishing a few articles, but all in all it was more slog than triumph. You’re not cut out for the grind of periodical work, the stress and the deadlines. It sucks all the joy out of writing for you. You shrug with a little sigh. 
“I hope you will remember the NDA you signed to work here?” he asks, his dark eyes roaming your face, taking in your every micro-expression. You would really hate trying to lie to this man. Good thing you’re not a corporate spy. He’d probably…string you up, and do something unmentionable to you. 
Why the thought titillates you more than scares you, you have no idea. 
“Of course, Sir.” He seems satisfied with this. So why do you have to add, “I won’t tell anyone your guard dogs are suckers for a belly scratch.” 
He frowns down at you, stepping in close so that you have to crane your neck to look up at him. It’s intimidating as hell, and you know he knows it too. You admit that you are shaking in your shoes under that look, until a smirk breaks his intense expression, and the relief you feel is palpable. 
“I would appreciate that, Miss y/n.”
Donaka savors the satisfaction he feels in flustering you, enjoying the way you swallow, watching the muscles in your throat. He imagines what his hand would look like there, on your delicate skin, your pulse fluttering against his strong fingers. He would literally hold your life in his hands…and the moment you surrendered to him, he would so enjoy rewarding you for it…
He finds himself caught up in this little daydream, while you stand before him, practically hypnotized like a mouse before a hungry snake. “Y/n?”
“Sir?” you answer quietly, and he revels in your deference. This was going to be fun. 
He speaks Cantonese again, softly this time, the language beautiful and whispery on his tongue. You find yourself staring at his lush, pink, lips, and it takes you several moments to realize he’d said the same thing he’d told the dogs: get back to work. 
Flooded with embarrassment, your face on fire, you stutter, “Yes, Sir.” 
With a dark chuckle and his hands in the pockets of his designer suit, he watches as you practically flee back to the house. 
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The Smithsonian article about this vase...
Aesthetic post about Donaka's house...
Part 2 -->
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nadinefromwhere · 5 days
meeting the parents... BUT MAKE IT FILIPINO 💥💥💥
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summary: it wouldn't be a challenge to meet your parents right?
i have cooked another fic for da week might do raf next 🥰🥰 I HAVE STARVED THE VOICES IN MY HEAD SO I DID THIS
word count: ~600 join me update list if u wanna 💥💥💥 Fanfic updates 🎀
ao3 link Wattpad link
Zayne - Zayne or lovely doctor making sure to learn filipino or some words of it during his free time 💅🏻💅🏻 - AHEM EXCUSE ME AS SOON AS YOUR PARENTS SAW HIM THEY KNEW HE WAS THE ONE - “Anak ang gwapo ng boyfriend mo” - si mama - And since he’s a doctor they’ll gladly accept him as there son in law immediately ☝🏻 - LIKE HELLO I DON'T THINK THEY WOULD DENY THE FACT THAT THERE DAUGHTERS BOYFRIEND IS ATTRACTIVE AND A DOCTOR TOO??? - I have a feeling when your uncle or any family member that has health questions or anything related to that they straight up ask Zayne about it - AND HUGE HEADCANON I HAVE A FEELING THAT mom in question would be like “look oh my anak dates a doctor 🥰” every chance she gets 💥💥💥 - And then when its dad he probably would play some board games or watch tv with Zayne 😃 Rafayel - Considering the fact that this man over here knows lots of languages i bet he knows how to speak filipino and is fluent  - I have a feeling mom would love him but dad? Maybe suspish at first but eventually over time trusts him - I also have a feeling during the first meeting when rafa and dad were along he’d be like “wag mo saktan ang anak ko lagot ka sakin ha 😡”  - So of course Rafayel he made sure that he’ll earn papas trust 💅🏻💅🏻 - Falling asleep out of nowhere while watching? He’d make sure to put a blanket on you and close the tv  - I think some gestures after that UR DAD FINALLY ACCEPTS HIM AS HIS SON IN LAW 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Xavier - This guy over here, he’d be making sure to learn filipino as much as he can so he can impress your parents even if it's just a few phrases 😭😭(my babyyyyy) - If he like meets your parents, he’s kinda shy at first cuz uhm he technically doesn't know how to speak in filipino- - I think rest assured parents will be able to speak english…..right? - Dead ass have a feeling he’d eventually fit right in  - MAMA BE TREATING HIM LIKE HER OWN SON - Xavier shall not come home starved but shall come home bloated and full 💅🏻 - “Nak kumain ka pa ang konti mo lang kinain” and then starts putting large amounts of food in the plate - AND THEN OH BOY HE WOULD COME HOME WITH CONTAINERS FULL OF FOOD but baby it lasts for a good month already 🥺☝🏻 Sylus - Of course same as Zayne and Xav he will learn some filipino before meeting your parents - They be like “🤨anak sino yan” - But don't worry Sylus had a plan all along if things go downhill 🫡 - Cause who on earth would just casually say “IM THE LEADER OF ONYCHINUS AND I'M GONNA MARRY YOUR DAUGHTER 🦅🦅🦅🦅” yeah no Sylus won't do that at all  - And mah goodness parents be acting suspish still giving the 🤨 to him 😭 - “I'm a businessman 😇”well i mean it wouldn't be bad if there daughter married a businessman right? - In the end all goes well and could happily say that Sylus earned their trust - But papa be watching  on him 👀
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stop-talking · 5 months
How do you think jhutch characters would handle a baby?
I'm not quite sure if you're asking "what would they do if you handed them a baby" or "what would they do if you told them you're pregnant" but I'm gonna assume you meant the latter. (feel free to send another request if I got it wrong)
Ranking Jhutch characters from worst to best fathers:
☆ Would play dumb when you hand him the pregnancy test.
☆ "What's this? Oh, you're pregnant? Can't be mine. My pull-out game is too strong." (literally has NO pull-out game, refuses to use condoms because he "can't feel" with them on)
☆ Basically ghosts you until the paternity test proves it's his. Then he actually ghosts you.
☆ Drops off the face of the fucking Earth for years. Doesn't pay a dime in child support.
☆ Maybe he comes back like 3 years later drunk and demanding to see "his" kid idk. Literally the worst.
☆ Honestly I headcannon he had a vasectomy at like 24-25.
☆ His mom hit him up once she heard about his prostitute scandals and chewed him out. Gave him "the talk" even though he's a grown ass man... finally got him to get snipped when she brought up the possibility of paying income-based child support for 18 years.
☆ Assuming he doesn't have one, though...
☆ He'd initially be mad and blame you. "I thought you were on the pill!!"
☆ Then he'd be like "Is it too late to... you know... get rid of it?" (and kind of dance around the subject because he's too much of a wimp to just say the word abortion)
☆ Wallace and his mom would both force him to get his shit together and apologize. Eventually he'd come to terms with the fact he's gonna be a dad.
☆ He'd be the kind of bastard to throw an over-the-top gender reveal party. The kind that burns down half of California or pollutes a major water channel.
☆ I think he'd be a really good girl dad. He'd let her paint his nails and stuff. Spoil her. <3
☆ He would treat a son completely differently. Teach him to "be a man" or whatever when he's still learning to walk. Force him into random ass sports.
☆ He'd have them mostly taken care of by a nanny. That's probably how he was raised, anyways. Derek Danforth is NOT changing a diaper.
☆ Whether we're talking pre-show or post-show, he'd freak the fuck out if you handed him a positive pregnancy test. I'm talking full-on pass out.
☆ Pre-show Josh would be like "Babe we can NOT afford a baby I literally live at home with my parents and work as a janitor."
☆ His parents would be so crazy supportive though. They've been hinting that they want grandkids for YEARS.
☆ They literally clear out a room IMMIDEATELY after hearing the news and offer it to you to use as a nursery.
☆ His mom buys you more baby clothes than you could possibly need. His dad builds a crib from scratch.
☆ Overall Josh is stressed asf but he does his best to be there for you, and his parents are OVERWHELMIGLY supportive.
☆ Post-show Josh, on the other hand, doesn't have that support. But he's survived unspeakable horrors across multiple dimensions, how hard could a baby be?
☆ Extremely hard, apparently. One day he just loses it and makes a huge decision without asking you.
☆ "Josh WTF happened to our savings??"
☆ "TRUST ME BABE we need to invest in Apple!!"
☆ You're pissed but it pays off in a few years and you're both able to live comfortably.
☆ Then in 2015-ish he did the same thing again, pouring all your savings into bitcoin. This time you SWEAR you're going to leave him, but it all pays out in the end. He gets your kid through college with that money.
☆ Overall he's a really good father, too. He had great parents, and even if he's not experienced with kids, he's naturally a very caring and attentive person.
☆ Cries when he sees the pregnancy test. He's not even sure if it's happy or sad tears.
☆ Gets sick to his stomach overthinking about how he's going to be a terrible father. His dad walked out on him, so he has literally no idea how to act.
☆ Abby, on the other hand, is absolutely delighted. She's always wanted a "little sister". Mike has to remind her that technically it's her niece. Or nephew. There's no guarantee on the gender yet.
☆ Eventually he comes to terms with it all. He's taken care of Abby for ten years, he isn't completely clueless.
☆ Takes you to all of your Dr.'s appointments, checkups, etc. Holds your hand. Makes all of your weird pregnancy cravings and doesn't judge.
☆ After the birth, he lets you rest. Nearly works himself to death trying to take care of the baby all on his own because he wants you to recover.
☆ I'm talking getting up bleary-eyed at 2am every night to microwave some formula and feed the baby. After working a 10 hour shift.
☆ Pulls the "I have a baby on the way" card at work in an attempt to get a raise. It works, thankfully. (In the novel version of the movie; it says he gets a job as a contractor at the end. So hopefully he can afford a kid...)
[Remember: these are just MY headcannons. If you think differently that's fine. I didn't include Clapton because he's literally in highschool... and we all know Peeta is an amazing father.]
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 1 year
Lmk ss edits + Headcanons, Part 2 (Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, Sun Wukong, Macaque)
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Huge environmentalist, if you put any garbage or recycling in the wrong bin expect to get at least a three hour lecture, no you can not escape this, yes MK and Mei have tried, no they did not succeed
- ONLY shops from farmers markets/family businesses, you will never catch this man supporting a corporation
- Use to steal Tang's college hoodies
- Took him the longest to get used to having Redson around and a part of the group , but eventually warmed up to him (is still kinda salty about Redson burning MK's room though)
- Grows his own herbs
- Gets incredibly frustrated when he gets the hiccups (writing this as I'm fighting off hiccups)
- Loves watching true crime shows and listening to true crime podcasts while he does household chores or while he's setting up/closing the shop
- Got his ears pierced with Tang
- MK and Mei call him mom when he's being overbearing, Tang calls him mom now too to tease him
- Once caught Mei and MK sneaking food out of the kitchen at 3am and beat them with a broom for a solid minute because he was too drowsy to recognize them and assumed they were intruders (they were fine)
- Is the type of person to call his husband (Tang) "bro", "dude" etc
- Got drunk in college once and talked about nothing but how much he loved Tang, didn't remember any of it the next day but Tang asked him out pretty quickly after that
- Exchanged a few recipes with DBK while they were at the beach, they still do exchange more recipes once in a while but they don't talk much outside of cooking related topics
- Learned how to play dnd in college because Tang liked the game and ended up liking it a lot more than he expected to so they wound up playing together all the time (they still play it once in a while if they have time)
- Him and Sandy get together every other weekend to try and help Pigsy with his anger management issues
- Never called MK his son while he was growing up because he was scared that MK's real family would show up one day to take him back home, finally realized that no one was gonna show up a short while after MK turned 10 and started acting like an actual parent (MK always saw Pigsy as his dad though)
- Always says "this is the last time" when giving Tang free noodles (it is never gonna be the last time, and Tang knows it)
- Once bumped into a mannequin at the mall and apologized to it, Tang still makes fun of him
- Use to take Mei and MK to conventions all the time until Mei learned how to drive and could take them herself
- Won't care for people getting hurt in movies but will be absolutely crushed if something happens to an animal (sobbed when he watched "A Dog's Purpose")
- Smells like noodles
- Love language is acts of service
- Keeps trying to convince Tang to come with him to family events, has yet to succeed
- Carries around an extra pair of headphones in case Tang or MK needs them
- Almost threw hands with DBK and PiF after hearing about how they treated Redson (seriously guys, I need Redson to have a good parental figure in the next season, please), this man is a father to everyone
- Snores loud as fuck, it's a wonder how Tang gets any sleep
- No fashion sense what's so ever
- Insomnia
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- He/Him
- Gay
- Once zoned out and stared at a wall for six hours straight
- Desk is covered in pencil shavings and pen ink
- Constantly bruised from always falling (weak ankles)
- Fluent in Polish, don't ask why, it just feels right
- Doodled all over his books in school (they made him pay for new ones)
- Never up before sunrise
- Got in some random dudes car once thinking it was a taxi and almost got himself kidnapped
- Will make the most annoying, smart-ass remark to anything anyone says
- I'm not actually sure if it's ever mentioned in the show what Tang does for a living but it doesn't matter, he's a college history professor now
- Has grandma floral bedsheets (we've all seen his sleepwear, you cannot tell me that man doesn't have grandma floral bedsheets)
- Somehow always cold
- Constanly napping, he can and will fall asleep if he's left alone for too long (his students once caught him asleep at his desk after lunch break and dipped class)
- Used to have hexagon glasses cause he thought they looked cool but found out Pigsy liked circular ones better so he got new ones
- Still has a septum piercing he got while he was in college but keeps it flipped up, he also has ear gauges
- When he met Pigsy's parents he was super nervous and ended up passing out half way through the night because of anxiety, he has not lived it down and refuses to go to any events with Pigsy if his family is gonna be there (they actually really liked him and are disappointed when he doesn't show up)
- Doesn't own a bookshelf for some reason, everything is just piled on the floor
- Very faint freckles
- Needs a daily 'to do' list, his whole day gets thrown off if he doesn't have some kind of schedule
- Maladaptive daydreamer
- Never showers, only takes baths
- Needs headphones on crowded transportation otherwise he'll get stressed at all the noises and talking overlapping eachother
- Severe rsd (rejection sensitivity dysphoria,  "benched" was an especially bad time for him)
- Number one art appreciator and constantly drags Pigsy to museums
- Smells like a library (please tell me you know what smell I mean)
- Love language is gift giving ( and you KNOW he loves you when he shares his food with you willingly)
- 76% of the clothes he owns are thrifted
- Blind as a fucking bat, if he looses his glasses he's on the floor feeling around for them like Velma,  I swear they could be two feet in front of him but he won't even notice
- Hypersomnia
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Huge conspiracy theorist, ask him anything and he'll have some in depth explanation on how it relates to cryptids or something (I'm talking Matpat level conspiracy theorist, seriously, someone get him help)
- Slowest typer on the planet (mainly because the screen is too small for his hands), will respond to something 3-5 minutes after they changed topics
- Made seed bombs and threw them everywhere at random around the city and now there's a bunch of flowers and vines growing everywhere
- Was the first one (Aside from Mei and MK) to welcome Redson into the group with open arms, everyone else was still kinda cautious
- Would literally die for any of his friends, no questions asked, no hesitation, just jumps in the line of danger as soon as he sees one of his friends about to get hurt
- Didn't have a lot of friends growing up until he met Pigsy in his last year of high school because everyone was afraid of him
- He and Pigsy were in a band together in college, Sandy discusses it with pride, Pigsy gets embarrassed and denies ever being in a band at all
- Since he also has scales he's the one who teaches and helps Mei look after her scales and keep them from drying or getting damaged
- Yoga master, wakes up super early to do it during sunrise
- Has the best taste in music, he can find the most amazing, tear jerking, heart wrenching, underground music ever effortlessly
- Hasn't met a single person he wasn't able to get along with
- Firmly believes in all the little wishing rituals (11:11, shooting stars, birthday candles, blowing dandelions etc)
- Learned how to whistle so he could sing along with birds
- *gets robbed* "oh, i bet he needed the money, it's ok"  "I really don't think he did." "...maybe he's gonna donate it!"
- Favourite kind of tea is earl grey
- Named one of his cats Maquack after Macaque
- Sometimes cat sits for Bai He when she goes to doctor appointments, family visits out of the city, etc
- Got his piercing while he was still in a band but kept them in because his band mates were some of his first friends and they all got pierced together
- Has a tail to help him swim better (unfortunately I could not add it in the edit above but just I imagine he has the same kind of tail as the water Na'vi in Avatar ig)
- Skin has a faint ombre to it (his hands and feet are lighter and fade around his forearms/knees to a slightly darker blue (i did add this one in my edit but unfortunately I don't think it's as visible as I wanted it to be, my bad)
- Webbed hands and feet to help him swim better
- Has adipose eyelids like a fish to protect his eyes from the water, block exposure of harmful ultraviolet light into his eyes and act as protection against impact to the eye in aquatic environments. Since his eyelids are transparent though, he has to wear a sleeping mask at night
- Smells like a mix of ocean air and tea
- Love language is quality time and physical touch (will pick up and hug his friends all the time no matter the place)
- His hair and beard always have something in them, sand, seaweed etc
- Shoes are actually really uncomfortable for him to wear because his body is evolved for an aquatic environment, but he doesn't want to be rude so he wears them anyway (Mei found out and got him a customized pair of shoes so he could be comfortable without feeling like he's being rude)
- Uses Kaomojis
- If he's not busy, or doesn't have anything planned for the next few hours, he'll spend his free time cleaning up the ocean and beaches from any garbage
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- He/Him
- Pansexual
- Everything he has ever done has been an impulse decision
- Is the type of mf to kick the inside of someone knee while they're walking to make them fold (Tang is the primary victim)
- Chews his nails
- Made up his own constellations as a "fuck you" to the universe (somehow managed to convince some mortals they were real constellations too)
- Mk and Co constantly forget how ancient swk is until he says some old person shit
- Naturally has curly and untamable hair, uses glamor to avoid getting called out about not taking care of it
- Horrifically optimistic
- Always has leaves and dirt and sticks etc in his hair
- Will sit out in the rain for hours on end
- Follow up on the last hc, he's been struck by lightning.. twice
- Actually has really heavy eyebags but uses glamor to cover them up
- Gets bored super easily
- Has naturally long lashes, Mei is still convinced he's wearing makeup though
- Cannot cook for the life of him
- His memories are always in shades of gold, no ones sure if it hasn't something to do with his gold vision or not, even himself, he just can't remember things in normal colour
- Stress induced migraines from the circlet
- Not a fan of big cities but loves how the lights look at night
- Stacks of notebooks and loose paper, cannot keep anything organized
- Takes a nap everyday at exactly 2:38 without fail
- Freezes in the winter, man's house has no insulation whatsoever
- Doesn't like big crowds but also can't stand not being the center of attention
- Once picked fleas out of both MK's and his own hair and ate them, MK was and still is disgusted, he will never look at Monkey King the same way again
- Smells like Peaches (it's like the only fucking thing he eats)
- Love language is physical touch
- Kinda chubby (mostly around his stomach and thighs) but still has muscles
- Always teasing Redson about the fact that he's technically his uncle since he and DBK are sworn brothers, he finds Redson's overreactions to it funny but is secretly kinda hurt that Redson doesn't think of him as family anymore (He use to when he was a little kid but stopped seeing Wukong as family after he sealed DBK away. They've started to try and mend their relationship after the events of season 4, it's slow but it's progress)
- Sometimes the monkey's on FFM will come into his house through the windows at night to sleep with him for comfort
- Really bad with technology but pretends he's just too good for the internet so he can avoid using it without looking old
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Says his "S"'s really sharply
- If you ask him anything about himself he'll give you a different answer to the exact same question everytime (he thinks it makes him mysterious,  it does not)
- Lower lid eyeliner >>>
- If you say something stupid or weird he'll just stare judgingly until you take it back
- Actually lost his mind when he found out what blowing bubbles were
- Drinks tea with an ungodly amount of sugar
- Chronic eye pain + headaches. It's gotten significantly better over the years but.. yk, eye gouged out
- Has a deeply relaxing voice, strangely enough
- Has tried to compliment people before but it always ends up coming off as an insult
- Classical music or heavy rock, no in-between
- It is literally impossible to take a bad picture of him
- Puts his hair up in a bun whe he doesn't wanna deal with it
- Has patches of freeze burns from LBD, along his right side (mostly just his arm).
- Theater kid
- Rose tea enjoyer
- Likes to bake sometimes and frequently exchanges recipes with Pigsy and DBK
- Like to watch the sunrise and sunset
- Hates being out in the sun too long, not having a shaded area nearby for an easy escape stresses him
- Will stare out the window while it rains, Mei once said he looked like he was pretending to be in a cringey early 2010 music video
- Hard of hearing, his six ears are very sensitive and all the fighting and screaming has definitely done some damage to them by now
- Follow up on the last HC, despite being hard of hearing he will either absolutely refuse to wear hearing aids, or will wear them (albeit begrudgingly) but cover them with glamor
- Septum and snake bite piercings he got during his emo phase
- Smells like grapes, don't ask
- Love language is quality time, he doesn't care to actually have a conversation, though, he's fine just sitting in comfortable silence
- Will use his shadow transport for the dumbest things when he's lazy, like teleporting the TV remote to him if it's on the other side of the couch, teleport a bag of chips from the pantry to him in his bedroom,  etc
- Room is covered in scented candles
- Sandy has invited him over to work out some of his problems multiple times, he doesn't really care to open up though, he just goes for the cats (Sandy let's him)
- His hair is always soft and he refuses to tell anyone what he washes with, MK has asked multiple times and he gets a different, vague answer everytime
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
Went to a casino recently soooo
What do the Firsts do at the casino + cloud?
The Casino Trip From Hell
• A huge Shinra-funded casino opens up in the slums. Genesis, being the patron saint of hedonism he is, drags Sephiroth and Angeal along with him.
• Angeal isn't into the whole gambling scene, so he's more than apprehensive about being in that environment. Sephiroth thinks casino's are a gross display of greed, but he goes anyway.
• They arrive at the entrance and who do they see? Zack and Cloud, both bearing fake IDs and ridiculous fake mustaches. (They're 19 and 18 respectively but in Midgar you have to be 21).
• After Angeal rips them a new one, Genesis gets tired of waiting and convinces Angeal to just let the boys be boys and commit a little crime for once, as a treat.
• Angeal caves, but only because Zack is begging on his knees and people are staring.
• He appoints Sephiroth as the responsible adult in charge of babysitting Zack and Cloud.
• His logic is "What trouble could Sephiroth, Zack and Cloud get up to? Besides, I'm babysitting Genesis."
• He would come to regret that decision.
• Genesis drags Angeal over to the roulette tables declaring himself a master at gambling, having seen his parents dabble in it since he was a child.
• Meanwhile Zack is buzzing with excitement! After touring the casino with Cloud and Sephiroth, they finally settled down at the slot machines.
• Sephiroth is curious to know how the machines work, and after much deliberation (and being egged on by Zack and Cloud), decides to try it out for himself.
• Sephiroth hits the jackpot the first try.
• Back at the Roulette table, Angeal and Genesis run into none other than *drumroll* Rufus ShinRa.
• Genesis and Rufus make eye contact. Angeal's internal dialogue is a series of oh no's.
• They make some trash small talk before the game starts. Angeal orders a drink and decides to sit this one out.
• Back at the slot machines, Sephiroth somehow hits the jackpot again. Zack and Cloud are causing a ruckus and they whoop and cheer. A small crowd starts to form around Sephiroth, who's extremely confused.
• Back at the roulette table, they're about 20 minutes into it. Genesis is losing pathetically. Rufus is smug about it, stating that luck must me on his side if the undefeatable Genesis Rhapsodos is completely devoid of it.
• Genesis then declares that Rufus is cheating.
• This starts an argument, with Genesis demanding that Rufus forfeit, and questioning his morals "as a man."
• Angeal is drinking faster.
• Back at the slot machines, Sephiroth is on his fourth jackpot.
• Zack has never been more excited in his life. He's jumping up and down, declaring Sephiroth as the slot machine demons. Cloud is growing weary of the crowd watching them, especially the angry onlookers.
• Sephiroth is confused because "Is this not normal?"
• Sephiroth proceeds to hit the jackpot for a fifth time.
Cloud: Sephiroth stop playing.
Sephiroth: But I'm winning?
Cloud: Yes but there's clearly something wrong with the machine and we're going to be arrested if you don't stop now.
Zack: Let him play! He's just lucky! Look, will it make you feel better if we switch machines?
• They move onto another machine. The crowd takes over the previous one like vultures, but no one hits the jackpot.
• Meanwhile Sephiroth hits the jackpot again on the new machine.
Zack: M O N E Y
Sephiroth: ???????
• Back at the roulette table, Genesis and Rufus's argument has escalated into full blown trash talk.
Rufus: Oh I'm sorry, Commander, does my mere existence bruise your ego?
Genesis: Let me tell you what I'm gonna bruise, pal—
Angeal (drunk): Genesis please don't threaten our boss's son.
Rufus: No, no, it's fine, Commander Hewley. I'm unbothered by threats from a man who wears mascara.
• Back at the slot machine, Sephiroth has hit the jackpot for the 10th time. People are rioting around them and screaming for security.
• Zack is cussing out the indignant onlookers and defending Sephiroth. Cloud is begging Sephiroth to stop playing. Sephiroth casually hits the jackpot for the 11th time.
• Back at the roulette table, Genesis and Rufus are on the floor fist-fighting. Angeal isn't even making an effort to intervene. He's so tired, he's just cheering them on.
• Back at the slot machines, security has shown up. They think Sephiroth is cheating, therefore stealing. Cloud is desperately trying to reason with them, explaining that Sephiroth is just naturally lucky and would never dream of stealing anything.
• Meanwhile Zack is arguing with the crowd and Sephiroth, bored, turns around and hits the jackpot again.
• Back at the roulette table, security has shown up with Tseng to separate the two. Tseng demands to know what happened, and after Angeal explains the whole thing to him, he proceeds to go on a rant about how Genesis is an irresponsible, petulant man who shouldn't be allowed within 3 feet of other people.
• This angers a drunk Angeal, who then declares that "NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY BEST FRIEND LIKE THAT" and punches Tseng in the face.
• Angeal and Tseng are now on the floor fighting.
• Back at the slot machines, the police show up and arrest Sephiroth, Zack and Cloud. Sephiroth is unbothered by this because he knows this is all a misunderstanding. Cloud is panicking, trying to tell the cops that he's not, in fact, the mastermind behind the whole operation, as Sephiroth jokingly declared.
• The cops are trying to catch Zack, who broke free from his restraints and is running around the slot machines screaming "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE."
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• Sephiroth, Angeal, Genesis, Zack and Cloud are all sitting in Director Lazard's office. Lazard is so angry, he's mute—red in the face with a vein popping on his forehead, but mute.
• One by one, Lazard fills the uncomfortable silence with angry thwacks of newspaper against the desk.
• Each newspaper has some variation of the same headlines.
Lazard: I have had it up to here with the five of you. What do you have to say for yourselves?
Sephiroth: And I'll do it again.
Lazard: GET OUT!
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plutoccult · 7 months
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pairing: osamu miya x female reader
description: osamu wasn’t a fan of football nor parties. however, it is only you that could convince him to agree to atsumu’s shenanigans.
word count: 4.4k
also available to read on my ao3 here
author’s note: SURPRISE!!! i had intended to write for osamu before, but the idea instead went to another character. i never forgot about my foodie king though! plus, it’s super bowl sunday, so i HAD to put this out in enough time. the idea came last minute, so i was in a bit of a rush, but i managed! sorry if it seems rushed, i truly was trying my best to get this done in time. i also apologize if anyone seems ooc, i was honest to god trying my best. for timeline’s sake, i’d say the twins are 21 in this one shot, so not quite yet to the point where osamu has his own onigiri shop and atsumu is on the japan national team. anyway, happy super bowl sunday, and enjoy! (btw i totally named this after super bowl by stray kids)
tags: @toorubobatea @intorder @dragon-slayer5 @femme-lune @darthferbert @5sos-wdw @todorokiskitten @intheewrld
taglist form here
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osamu wasn’t thrilled when his twin atsumu sprung the idea of having a super bowl party on him out of nowhere.
“they do it in america! it’s huge there!” his twin argued, detailing everything he knows about the tradition. sure, they do air the event in japan, but what was the point? an excuse to eat and drink? hangout with their buddies from both the past and present? actually, no. osamu figured out atsumu’s motive quickly; it was an excuse for osamu to cook a bunch of food.
there was no denying atsumu was clueless in the kitchen. if it were up to him to cook anything more complex than eggs and toast, he’d burn the whole place down. osamu was better off handling majority of anything food related. his brother was lucky he enjoyed the art of cooking.
“i’m not dealing with a stupid party, tsumu.” osamu crossed his arms in protest. there was no way he was going to deal with an inevitable mess. having to cook all the food and clean up the mess after? nope, no way. he refused to do it alone. luckily, his twin could figure that out quickly.
“ah, ah, ah. i knew you’d say that.” atsumu smirked. “y/n already told me she’d help you make the food.”
the mention of your name immediately perked up osamu. best friends since high school, it was blatantly obvious you had captured the shyer twin from the start, although—like with everyone else—he could easily assume you were more drawn to atsumu as he was always so unashamedly outspoken. everyone talked to atsumu more, but even so, you always treated the twins equally. mayhaps that is why he longed for you so much.
“y/n did?” osamu asked.
“and she’s bringing cake.” his brother added.
a woman after his own heart, really, and a foodie just like osamu. you always joked about opening a bakery next door once he finally opened up the onigiri shop he dreamed of. the goal was sometime next year, so maybe catering this party would be good practice. plus, it was a good excuse to be close to you like osamu craved.
“she is?” he questioned further. if his brother wasn’t kidding around, then maybe he’d feel more inclined to agree.
“you’re not gonna say no, right?” atsumu teased. osamu grunted in response, too stubborn to say anything, which atsumu recognized. it is only his twin who can easily detect his weakness; you.
“you’re such a sucker, osamu.” he chuckled. even if osamu were a sucker for you, he wouldn’t want to be one for anyone else. and it’s not like he’s totally clueless. he’d mess with his twin somehow.
“i’ll do it…“ osamu said before stating his only condition. “if you clean up the place afterwards.”
“what?!” atsumu gawked.
“it’s only fair, right?” osamu shrugged. two can play at that game. “i cook, you clean.”
unfortunately, atsumu had no choice but to suck it up. truth be told, he orchestrated you assisting with food preparations for the sake of getting you and osamu together alone. if he says no now, then his little secret wingman plan would be a waste, so atsumu had to accept his fate.
“pft, ass.” he huffed. atsumu should’ve known better than to try playing games with his brother, knowing he could easily match his game.
“just be lucky i agreed to your idiocy.” osamu scoffed.
“only because y/n is helping!” atsumu whined. while that may be true, osamu would probably never hear the end of it if he said no whether you were involved or not.
“did i hear only onigiri on the menu?” osamu joked, knowing that would irritate his twin to no end.
truth be told, he couldn’t wait for sunday now.
over the next few days, osamu had kept in almost constant communication with you over text discussing food options for the party. his signature onigiri was a must despite atsumu’s protest, but other options were in store thanks to your combined brainstorming. osamu couldn’t help but ask what kind of cake you’d bring, and was ultimately disappointed when you said it was a surprise with many winky emojis involved.
when sunday finally rolled around, osamu was more energized than usual. whether that be from excitement or nerves, who knew? atsumu’s plan was going in motion quite nicely and you hadn’t even arrived yet. he truly felt like a genius assisting in his brother’s quest for love.
osamu paced back and forth around the apartment in anticipation for your arrival. the kitchen was spotless, plus the fridge and cabinets were filled to the brim with everything needed for the party. on top of that, he put atsumu up to the task of decorating the place. knowing who would have to deal with cleaning up later was the greatest part of all.
once a knock on the door emerged, the two twins battled over who got to open the door, osamu ultimately losing as his brother elbowed him in the stomach and made a run for it. if there were a best sibling award, it was clear who wouldn’t win it.
“hello, miya twins! i’ve arrived!” you said upon entering the door, your arms occupied with bags, hopefully full of sweet treats.
“hey, y/n.” atsumu greeted you, beating osamu to it as he was still recovering from what occurred just moments ago.
you—already knowing your way around the place—set your bags down on the counter before instructing that they put its contents in the fridge as soon as possible. atsumu obliged despite wondering how he would play tetris with the fridge. but before he could figure out that puzzle, he received a quick hug from you as that was your typical greeting for the twins.
“y/n?” you turn around and see osamu standing a few feet away. he wanted to curse his brother for getting to say hi to you first, but once he saw that smile on your face, all anger towards atsumu faded away in an instant.
“ah, there you are!” you exclaim, rushing towards osamu and welcoming him with a big hug, one that lasted longer than the one you shared with atsumu. you held him tight, almost squeezing the life out of him as you pulled him from side to side. it didn’t matter that he couldn’t breathe, osamu was just happy to feel so welcomed by you.
“ready to cook up a super bowl?” you ask once you finally allowed osamu the ability to breathe. “i already made desserts in advance, so i can help with what you’ve got planned.”
“i could’ve helped with that…” osamu pouted. any more excuse to be around you was all he wanted, really. plus, he was curious to know your baking secrets. he always figured you were born a master.
“but that would ruin the surprise, silly.” you poke his arm. if it were his stomach, he might have folded over. thank god you were gentle.
as much as you wanted your desserts to remain a surprise until the party started, atsumu had to immediately ruin the fun for you. “there’s a cake shaped like a football.”
“atsumu!” you scold him. “ever heard of surprises, or has your brain become mush from too many volleyballs to the head?”
“yeah, yeah.” atsumu rolled his eyes. “i’ll leave you two to get started with everything. i trust you not to burn the place down.”
“only you would do that, tsumu.” you say. the way you teased atsumu was something osamu always loved about you. you were just as relentless as him, truly. besides, someone else besides osamu had to humble the ever-so-bold twin.
“exactly. later!” atsumu said before he left you and osamu alone in the kitchen.
osamu let out a sigh the moment his brother left the room. you immediately take notice, assuming he didn’t want to be doing this for atsumu. you hoped at the very least he enjoyed your presence today.
“i take it you’re doing all this against your will?” you question, curiosity getting to the best of you.
“not exactly…” osamu replied.
“well, i couldn’t really say no to him, so…” you shy away from the truth. it would be embarrassing if you were to admit to osamu why you agreed to this, but he was painfully oblivious, assuming it was all for his brother’s sake. not because you wanted to spend time with him and only him. it seemed you were both hiding your intentions.
“yeah, of course.” osamu frowned. it’s atsumu we’re talking about.
tension quickly filled the room. you sense the uncomfortable vibe instantly, wondering if you said something wrong. was it really something you said? you didn’t seem to think so. maybe getting things started in the kitchen for the party will help.
“shall we get started?” you ask hesitantly. “i was thinking we shape the onigiri into footballs. ya know, to fit the theme.”
osamu chuckled at your idea. at least you could see him smile now. he seemed to find it cute, but also funny how you wanted to make as many items on the menu football shaped as possible.
“i could try that.” he said, trying to hold back any more laughter. if osamu were to laugh any more, he was afraid you’d think he was making fun of your idea.
“cool, i’ll get started on the wings while you get started on that.” you say without skipping a beat, immediately grabbing ingredients like you knew this kitchen as if it were your own.
osamu didn’t seem to mind it this way with you around. he’d spend the whole day in the kitchen with you, even if all you did was sit on the counter and watch while he did all the work. but that’s not who you are, you refused to leave him to do everything. most importantly, you refused to let him feel alone.
soon enough, the kitchen grew quiet, the sounds of timers beeping and water running from the sink on occasion serving as background noise. you and osamu worked together in perfect harmony, like a well oiled machine. your chemistry oozed in the room and neither of you had to say a word to each other. it was easy for you two to figure out who did what most effiently. osamu could never do this with anyone else this way, you feeling the same way, although those thoughts remained unspoken.
the lack of chatter made atsumu worried. he had been trying to eavesdrop while he was supposed to be decorating, but found it to be too quiet for his liking. as atsumu tried to lean a little more, hoping to hear something worthwhile, he ended up tripping over an extension cord, blowing his cover as he tripped right into the kitchen.
atsumu’s sudden crash startled the both of you, osamu almost dropping the pot in his hands and you almost slicing your finger as you chopped an onion.
“atsumu!” you yell as you set your knife down. atsumu was lucky you didn’t decide to threateningly wave it around right now. “the hell are you doing?!”
“it got quiet, so i was getting worried…” he answered, slowly getting back to his feet as he feared for his life. would atsumu rather face his brother’s wrath or your wrath? both of you together may be the worst combination of all, really.
“what, worried that we disappeared and left you with all this food to cook?” you cross your arms. “osamu said you were decorating, and this doesn’t look like decorating to me.”
“i was taking a break?” atsumu shrugged. that was the worst answer in the world, even he could admit that.
“just go.” osamu let out a groan. it was bad enough that atsumu used you as a way to persuade him to cook for the party, but to eavesdrop on what you two were doing? what was he trying at here? as much as osamu was curious to know, he just wanted to get back to cooking with you without any worries.
“fine…” atsumu sighed, going back to the dreadful duty of decorating all by his lonesome. the sacrifices he’s made for the sake of his brother and the girl he’s loved for years. how tragic… not.
once atsumu left, you burst into laughter. osamu furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “what’s so funny?”
“oh, just the look on his face when he got caught.” you giggle.
“yeah…” he said. it was funny, osamu could admit that, but he feared that his twin had devious plans up his sleeve. who knows if he’ll make it through the end of the day with some sort of dignity left?
hours later, atsumu’s teammates from the black jackals arrived for the party. osamu was acquainted with some of them—most definitely more than acquainted with a certain pipsqueak named shoyo hinata—but he was more looking forward to seeing some of his teammates from high school, especially aran and kita. he would talk to suna, but the poor guy looked like he wanted to leave more than anything.
you seemed quite occupied at the moment, mostly due to bokuto talking your ear off about how delicious the cookies you made were. you were more than aware of his loud personality, but seeing it up close was far different than just watching him play on the court. at least you knew it wasn’t for show during matches.
osamu considered being your knight in shining armor by finding an excuse to steal you away, but he feared facing the embarrassment of his friends who wouldn’t hesitate to tease him. even if you looked at him with pleading eyes, he still hesitated. if only osamu had the guts to be a little brave for once, not standing in the shadows.
“samu…” atsumu called for him. osamu turned his attention away from watching you to see what his brother wanted, although a little annoyed.
“we’re out of rice. can you make more?” he asked.
osamu blinked a few times, unsure if he actually heard that correctly. “we’re… out?”
“kita ate it all up.” atsumu said.
“really?” osamu groaned. he didn’t even want to think of the logistics of his former captain eating so much rice so quickly. “grow your own rice or something, man.”
“maybe i will…” kita replied calmly, now pondering over the thought of becoming a rice farmer. it didn’t seem so bad, actually. unfortunately, the rice couldn’t just grow and magically appear already cooked. osamu wished it worked that way.
“i’ll go make more.” osamu sighed. “call for me when it’s halftime.”
once he left to head to the kitchen, you watched as he walked away, tempted to follow. maybe if you found an excuse to leave the room, like go get a drink or go to the bathroom or something. that oughta work, right?
“hey, bokuto?” you stop him mid sentence as he was still going on about your baking. “i gotta go to the bathroom. i’ll be back, okay?”
“don’t forget to give me your cookie recipe!” bokuto exclaimed as you left the living room.
atsumu raised an eyebrow upon your sudden exit, a smirk creeping up on his face soon following once he put the pieces together. “she’s not going to the bathroom…”
you find osamu already cooking, the rice cooker at work while he prepared more rice to be cooked just incase. he’d rather be safe than sorry now. osamu didn’t notice you walk in at first, but your presence became apparent soon enough once you tapped him on the shoulder.
“man, you scared me.” he chuckled, you also sharing a laugh with him. “you don’t have to help me. i’ve got this.”
“what, want some practice for when you finally open up that restaurant?” you question. osamu furrowed his eyebrows, asking “huh?” until you explained what you meant. “onigiri miya. i’ve been waiting.”
“oh, right…” osamu said, almost forgetting that little dream of his. “that.”
“well, when is it finally gonna happen?” you ask. he had talked about it for so long, and you always waited for the day it’d finally come to fruition. you probably believed in him more than he’s ever believed in himself, honestly.
“mmm, i don’t know.” he replied shyly. “next year would be nice, but there’s so many things to think about.”
“wait, really? why didn’t you tell me?!” you gasp, shocked he’d hide such an important detail from you.
“it’s just, uh, kinda scary when you admit it out loud.” osamu said. his dream of opening up his own restaurant was as scary as trying to admit the truth of his feelings. dreaming is one thing, but trying to make it a reality was another.
“samu, you know you can do it! i’ve always believed in you!” you admit, taking osamu by surprise despite how confident you always spoke about him.
“you have?”
“yes!” you say without hesitation. “from the day i met you.”
“wow, thank you…” osamu blushed. you get lost in each other’s eyes, although osamu wondered if it’s just in his imagination that you’re staring at him so intently. suddenly, the moment was ruined.
“hey, do you smell something burning?” you question as you try to sniff out the strange smell. osamu figured it out immediately, knowing it was the rice everyone was waiting on.
“the rice!” he exclaimed, rushing to the rice cooker. “i put the rice cooker on high so it’d get done faster…”
“aw, no!” you say. “is it salvageable?”
“no…” osamu sighed, looking down at the damage. “if anything, it’s a sign i shouldn’t have my own restaurant.”
to him, this was stupid. if he doesn’t do everything perfectly, then what’s the point? it seemed to silly to immediately think the worst, that this was a sign of imminent failure. osamu was good at keeping that competitive perfectionist part of him hidden to most, always making it seem like he just gets everything right the first time, but only you can see that he has flaws. at the end of the day, you continue to be his weakness, but that doesn’t mean you don’t make him feel strong.
“hey, hey, hey.” you grab his arm, a jolt coming from osamu by your sudden touch. “you overcook rice one time and all of the sudden your dream is dead? chefs mess up all the time. you’re human, you know. i think you’ve forgotten that.”
“i mean, come on. you think i just magically knew how to make a cake one day?” you ask jokingly. even if you meant for the question to be a silly one, osamu took it quite literally.
“honestly? yeah. the first time you brought cake to school for me and sumu’s birthday was the best thing i ever tasted.” he said, recalling your first year of high school together. you hadn’t been friends with the twins for that long at that point, but you decided to surprise them with a cake for their birthday as it fell on a school day. like osamu said, it was the best thing he ever tasted. he felt like he found his future wife in that moment.
“samu, i spent all night making like five different cakes cause i kept messing them up.” you confess. it was a secret you carried for years, shocked you never said anything before, but only just now having the guts to say it. even so, osamu couldn’t believe it to be true. he always swore your skills came to you like second nature. how come he never knew before? you were very good at hiding things, it seemed.
“you did? why?” he asked.
“because…” you hesitate. might as well fess up, you suppose. “i really wanted you to like it.”
“me and tsumu?” osamu questioned. what an idiot.
you shake your head, almost tempted to laugh over how blind he was to what you were trying to say. part of you was a little frustrated, but you wouldn’t let that get to the best of you. “you really are oblivious, aren’t you?”
“i guess i am…” he replied, unsure of what else to say.
you let out a sigh. should you say it? the whole truth? you didn’t know it, but you were in the same boat as osamu. you did this for each other without even realizing it. it is you, however, who will be brave enough to admit such a truth. no going back now after you’ve already admitted so much.
“i only agreed to helping with this party because atsumu knew i wanted an excuse to be close to you.” you tell him, looking away. osamu swore you looked ashamed to say those words out loud, but even so, the truth shocked him to the very core.
“he… what?”
when you grant yourself the guts to look him in the eye once more, the look on his face made you think you shouldn’t have said anything. but osamu wanted to scream, scream about how long he liked you and how he never thought he’d see this day. he didn’t know if the universe planted the seeds for this very moment, but he couldn’t let it slip away. not when you believed in him like it was breathing.
“nothing. don’t worry about it.” you shake your head. “i’ll help you restart the rice. hungry people waiting.”
“no.” osamu stopped you. you freeze in your tracks, waiting for what else he had to say. “forget the rice.”
“why do you think i told tsumu i’d help with this party?” he asked. you’re at a loss for words, unsure of what to say. it is usually you who stood tall, but osamu took your place, taking charge for the sake of making sure you knew the truth. “i said i would because he told me you were coming here. he knew you were the only thing that’d get me to say yes. called me a sucker and everything.”
your cheeks flush, a smile creeping up on your face as the realization of osamu’s mutuals feelings hit you. “guess i’m a sucker too.”
osamu let out a sigh of relief, overcome with joy as he couldn’t control his grin. with that look on your face, he almost wanted to kiss you right then and there. should he kiss you right now? no, osamu should ask permission first. couldn’t be too confident, right? or were you trying to say something with your eyes? god, osamu didn’t have a clue on what to do.
“can you two please just kiss already so i can get back to the party?”
you and osamu share a gasp. it was atsumu, no doubt about it. that bitch, you both think to yourselves. was he eavesdropping on that whole conservation? pause. now they both knew atsumu did all of this on purpose. he had a lot of explaining to do, that’s for sure.
without having to speak a word, you and osamu find atsumu in the hallway, both tugging him by his shirt and pulling him to the ground. your combined anger undoubtedly scared the shit out of him.
“you!” you grab the collar of atsumu’s shirt. “you set this all up!”
“i bet you don’t even like football!” osamu yelled.
“yeah!” you say in agreement without thinking.
“hey, i’m innocent, your honor! innocent!” atsumu raised his hands up in the air, squeezing his eyes shut as he anticipated one of you to start hitting him.
“no wonder you agreed to clean if i cooked!” osamu exclaimed.
“he agreed to clean?!“ you loudly gasp. funnily enough, that was the most shocking thing you’ve heard all day.
“listen to me, okay?!” atsumu forced your hand away from his collar. you take a step back and give him the chance to speak, although you were more than prepared to start swinging if need be. “i just really wanted you two to stop being wusses about your feelings. now you both know, all thanks to me.”
you and osamu soften up. even if it seemed a tad bit manipulative, neither of you could deny that it was actually kind of… sweet? all that cooking was a pain in the ass, but it brought you together and pushed you to admit your truths.
“i really do like you, osamu.” you say, looking into osamu’s eyes, not wavering for a second. there was no need for either of you to hide anymore. “since the day we met.”
“me too.” osamu replied, the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen plastered on his face.
“i sense a super emotional moment—” atsumu tried to say in the midst of his escape attempt. however, you grab him by the wrist, almost pulling his arm by his socket. “ow!”
“come here.” you pull him in for a hug, osamu too, practically squeezing the two to death. “you’re a pain, but thank you, atsumu.”
“can i go now?” he asked, trying his best to writhe out of your grasp. you were strong, atsumu couldn’t deny that.
“yeah, yeah. get outta here.” you scoff as you let him free.
atsumu mumbled some words over how it was “about damn time” on his way out, which sent you and osamu into a fit of giggles. once the laughter died down, reality set in. now both you knew that you liked each other, so what now? what else was there to do?
“you think they’re all still waiting on that rice?” you ask awkwardly.
that was the last thing osamu cared about in this moment, truly. he waited so long for this, never thinking there ever was a chance. dare he ask you to pinch him would seem silly now. all he wanted to do now was finally kiss you without hesitating.
“oh, screw the rice.” osamu said, grabbing your hand as he pulled you close and pressed his lips against yours. your hand that clasped his rested over his chest, his heartbeat thumping against your touch. has his heart always beat this fast in your presence for all this time, you couldn’t help but wonder. it was safe to say no one was getting their rice now, but neither of you gave a damn.
meanwhile, in the living room, atsumu finally returned, although with an irritated look on his face. he sat down in between bokuto and hinata, who were both curious about the food.
“hey, how’s the rice going—” hinata began to ask before being quickly cut off by atsumu.
“just watch the stupid game.”
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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lemon-muncher · 2 years
Yooo, its Aly. I have a request for you .
Can you do Sub!Bakugo and Sub!Kirishima getting pegged/ fucked by GN! OR Male!Reader it can be separate or a threesome does not matter to me <3!
TY, AstonomicalAlyy 💫.
I saw this and got super excited. I'm gonna do this one in the style of a headcanon post cause I wanna do both Kirishima and Bakugou separate and together. Anyways, enjoy! Oh, I tried to keep this as gender neutral as possible...
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Katsuki Bakugou
-One word: Slut
-Katsuki Bakugou is an absolute slut for anal play. It confuses you, and him. Something so vulnerable with his head strong personality just mix ... and you suck it up ;]
-Despite stating he's the dominant one in the relationship, he's very submissive when being fucked. He's a sucker for good old fashion doggy style. He wants you fast and deep inside of him, rearranging his guts in all the best ways.
-Starts off with heavy groans (he's trying to hold on to his dignity) by the time you replace your fingers with your cock, those groans turn into high pitched screams. Sometimes you think he's chanting in an ancient language from his incoherent whines
-If you're feeling generous or just want to hear his pretty crys and don't feel like gaging him, he will somehow get his spit everywhere. You can't tell me when he's fucked out of his mind that he doesn't drool. (Definitely inspired you to dress him up as a dog... you pervert;] ) Yeah, there's always huge pools of saliva left on your sheets afterwards
-I know I call you guys perverts but HIM?!?!?! He is the kinkiest mofo, besides Denki Kaminari, to exist. He's definitely had fantasy of you fucking him stupid infront of Midoriya to prove he has you all to himself. Yeah... you've probably thought of it to
Eijiro Kirishima
-Resident good boy
-He's a big guy, that doesn't mean he doesn't want to be treated like he's made of glass. Such a pretty pillow prince
-Needs to be soft dommed. You would probably have to take up the role of a service dom because as a sub, Ei is just kinda useless... He's sensitive, so after an orgasm or two his body and brain have no energy.
-Prefers to be fucked slow but hard and deep. Even though he's practically unbreakable due to his quirk, a few deep thrusts into him and he feels like you reached his throat. He wants to break from the feeling.
-A fan of being able to look at you while having sex. He finds it more romantic:>
-His moans.... AHHHHHHHHH they're so pretty. His moans come from the bottom of his throat, they're long and sultry. Just hearing them makes you throb a little.
-Definitely the type to be a silent screamer when you finally hit his prostate head on. His head falls to the pillows under his head and his large hands reach out to hold on to you. Has definitely accidentally activated his quirk from this at least once.
-Call him a good boy. He thrives off of praise inside and outside of the bedroom. He needs to know he's doing a good job, he'll cry without it....
Katsuki + Eijiro
-A worshiper and a brat..... oh boy
-Bless your soul for having to deal with them. You have to be a service dom and a brat tamer at the same time. It's exhausting but it's worth it to see your boys satisfied.
-They both are attention whores, they want you to look at them and only one of them. Eijiro turns into a brat and Katsuki...he just gets worse. Eijiro will start to act out so you can shift your attention towards him, even if for a second. Katsuki becomes a nuisance, he'll rile you up around his friends only to ignore you the second you decide to indulge into his games.
-Most if the time, you usually end up having Eijirou in a full nelson, his feet close to his head as you pound into him. He'll be gaged as punishment for acting out. Edge him for hours and when you think he's had enough, immediately go into overestimating him. Milk him of 3 or 4 orgasms. He wants you to stop but also to keep going. He just wants to feel you.
-As you edge/overstim Ei, Katsuki will be restrained to your bed post with a sounding rod in his cock. He is also gaged but can hear and see everything. You leave him there to watch the two people he care about satisfy each other without him. It definitely turns him on but makes him lonely as well. Once Eijiro is too fucked up to comprehend anything, you move to Katsuki.
-The second you unchain him, he'll start sobbing, telling you how sorry he is for misbehaving. After a stern look, he'll think of every way to praise you. His mind will probably go to trying to suck you off but you have other plans.
-Put him in a headlock and fuck the shit out of him! Be as rough as you want. Pull his hair, force your finger down his throat, smack him like a common whore. He loves it. His eyes will roll to the back of his head in no time and drool will fall from his lips.
-He thanks you..... HE THANKS YOU LIKE A GOD ....I love it
- After a few rounds, Katsuki will collapse next to Eijiro, both of them having sheepish grins on their fucked out faces. All you can do is stare in exhaustion at the sight. It really is beautiful
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Yes....just yes
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mysteroads · 3 months
Balm for the Pain to Come
So, MHA Chapter 427 is apparently going to feature Midoriya talking to Spinner, and it's gonna hurt. Therefore, to combat that pain, I offer this fic excerpt, where Tomura picks Spinner up. After all, how could it be Heaven without his Player 2? 😏
(warning: the following excerpt contains friendship, a heart-to-heart, swearing, cute dogs, and is designed to tug on heart strings and cause laughter. author is not liable for any spit-takes, snort-laughs, or the desire to pet dogs and read fanfiction.)
Following one of the tugging quest lines, Tomura found himself again in a hospital, this one even more chaotic. For a moment, he just looked around, confused. Why would he be in a hospital? Touching his chest, he reached for those invisible hooks, and felt a gentle tug in response. So his quest objective was definitely here, but what hospital would be treating a villain, especially one of Tomura's League, after the war? And this was definitely after, a look at the date on a computer screen confirmed that. He’d lost track of the days there at the end, but by his best estimate, it had been at least two days since AFO’s defeat.
Two days. Yet he’d just brought Toga to their new home less than an hour ago.  And he was pretty sure they’d jumped ahead by a week at least for Toga’s final visit to Uravity. 
Being a time fish had the potential to get very confusing. 
Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he deliberately chose to not think about paradoxes and instead focused on what he was doing. He followed the quest indicator at a jog, Mon panting happily alongside him. Like before, he ignored the presence of other ghosts, focusing only on that tug until he came to the MICU floor, which was really full. More than full. Overflowing. No wonder the hospital staff looked like they had been fighting high-ends and mixing energy drinks with coffee. Even with all those people, though, he spotted his target in seconds and was sprinting to their side.
“Spinner! Spinner, holy shit— Spinner, I’m here!” Dead or not, he almost ran into the bed, skidding on the slick floor. “Fuck fuck fuck, man, what the hell happened?!” Spinner looked so sick. No, not sick, drained. Drained and beat to shit, his bright green scales turned an almost gray color where bruises didn’t show through. Tomura strangled his tears, instead reaching out and putting his hand over his friend’s. To his shock, Spinner opened his eyes. 
“T-Tomura?” he whispered, barely audible over the whoosh of oxygen.
Tomura’s hand tightened over his. “Yeah. It’s me, Spin.”
Tears started dripping down Spinner’s cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Tomura. I… I tried. I wanted to-to be helpful…”
“H-Helpful?” Tomura used the heel of his other hand to wipe away an errant tear. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Wanted… Wanted to stand up strong like you. Worthy… worthy to follow you. But I was too weak.”
Tomura saw it all in an instant and a groan escaped him, despite his effort to hold it in. He bowed his head, trying to shove his emotions back into their place. “Goddammit. All For One. He gave you quirks, didn’t he? That piece of shit. I was right there and I didn’t stop him!” He looked up again, meeting Spinner’s eyes, and said with all the ferocity he could muster, “You are worthy! You’ve always been worthy, Spinner! You were my friend! You have no idea how much having a friend meant to me. I never had someone to play and talk games with before you! You were the first person I could actually relate to, someone who understood what it was like to be trapped in a dark room, alone except for characters on a screen and random voices on a headset— people miles away that you were too scared to actually reach out to in case they found out what you really were! I never cared about your quirk or what you could offer me that way. You were my friend, Spinner, and that was enough!”
Spinner was sobbing for real now, and with a huge effort, he sat up and pulled Tomura into a hug. It felt real and solid, which was weird, but Tomura didn’t question it. He was getting more hugs after death than he’d gotten in his whole life, and he was starting to actually like them.
He had just started to relax when the machines around them went nuts. Tomura jerked back, panicking as people in scrubs converged on the bed. He didn’t understand what was going on until he looked past Spinner’s shoulder and saw… Spinner, still lying on the bed. 
Tomura looked between the Spinner he still had a hold on, who was a bright, healthy green, and the one on the bed, who did not look healthy at all.
Frantically, he tried to shove the bright green Spinner back down into the other one. This was made difficult by Spinner himself, who fought his efforts and refused to let go of him. 
“Dammit, Spinner! Get back into your stupid body!”
“No!” Spinner’s claws dug into his shoulders and he yelped, calling his friend a very non-politically correct word, much to Spinner’s outrage. “Augh! You racist bastard!”
“I can call slurs with the worst of them,” Tomura hissed, “and I’ll do it if you don’t stop dying right now!”
“I was a gamer bro too, jerk! I’ve heard it all!” Spinner hissed right back. “And I’ve coded like five times already! The only reason I stayed was because I wanted to see you again!”
“Well, you’ve seen me! Sorry I’m dead, but you can Stop! Dying! Now!” He punctuated each word with a new attempt to shove Spinner back down.
Spinner gritted his teeth, which was a lot more impressive looking than when Tomura did it, and kept his grip on Tomura. “You don’t get it! I thought I wanted to be a leader, wanted to be strong like you. Thought that would make me a somebody. But realized too late that supporting you was what made me happy, Shig! That I loved being your friend, being with the League, and watching you all become something amazing! And that I was okay not being someone important, because helping you stand tall made me feel like the greatest person in the whole world! Where you go, I go, because I’m your Player Two!!!”
Tomura stopped trying to push Spinner away, and the lack of resistance overbalanced the heteromorph so much he fell completely out of the bed.
Trying vainly to wipe away tears before they fell, Tomura choked out, “You bastard. That's fucking emotional manipulation. You know I can't do without my Player Two.”  
Smiling in triumph, Spinner stood up and Tomura let himself be pulled into another hug, this time though, he leaned into it, letting Spinner hold him up. It hurt, but at the same time it felt really good to rely on someone else’s strength for a change. It had been a long time since he’d done that. Before Deika for sure. There was still one more thing to address though. Resting his head against Spinner’s shoulder, Tomura whispered, “I’m sorry. You believed in me and I let you down.”
“Nah,” Spinner said dismissively. “You’re my friend, Tomura. As long as you’re happy, then so am I. But… did you at least kill All For One?”
Tomura let out a weak laugh. “Took all my HP, and Deku helped, but yeah. I KOed the fucker.”
Satisfaction dripped from Spinner’s voice. “Then it was worth it. And things will get better for people like me after this, I think, so double worth it. I’m satisfied.” There was a pause, then in a totally different voice, cried, “Holy cow! What a cute dog!”
Tomura choked, then started to laugh for real. “Holy cow? You say that in front of my possibly guardian angel dog? Seriously?”
“Shut up!” Spinner said, blushing through his scales and giving Tomura a shove.  
Still laughing, he waved to his dog in invitation. “Her name is Mon. Mon-chan. You can pet her all you like later.” 
Spinner immediately crouched to pet Mon, who was delighted by the attention. “Why not now?” he demanded, making Mon’s back leg thump as he scratched a hard to reach spot.
“Because the others are waiting, and I still have some quests to complete.”
Spinner looked up, eyes suddenly serious. “Dabi.”
Tomura’s throat tightened. He’d hoped that he would be wrong about Dabi, but Spinner’s immediate conclusion pretty much confirmed his worst fears. “Yeah. Him and Mister.”
“I thought Compress was in prison! Safe!” All of the excitement from petting Mon was gone, Spinner’s face tight with anxiety.
Pulling him to his feet, Tomura led Spinner to a familiar door. “As far as I know, that’s where he still is. I’m just checking on him.” He just hoped that his visit wouldn’t conclude the way Spinner’s had.
Taking Spinner home was, thankfully, uneventful. Tomura was interested to see that a floor to ceiling bookshelf had been added in his absence, absolutely packed with games and books, and that another controller in Spinner’s signature green and purple had appeared on the entertainment system. Magne was mixing drinks and Toga and Twice both had bowls of popcorn, all of which went all over the place as they lunged to pull Spinner into a group hug.
Chuckling, Tomura left his friends to their reunion, still feeling a little raw from finding Spinner. It hurt that he hadn’t been able to give Spinner the same support Spinner had obviously given him, but he’d just have to make it up to him. Theoretically, he would have the rest of forever to do that.
To Read More, follow this link! Thanks for reading!
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ladylooch · 6 months
I know Lexi is American, do we know where her family are located?
Maybe when the devils are on a long road trip Lexi suprises him when they visit her hometown. All three of their girls are ready by the glass for warm-ups and Nico's heart stops seeing them all there.
Thats night is also a treat as her parents look after the girls so nasty Nico can visit 🔥😂💕
NASTY NICO CAN VISIT!!!!! NONNIE!!!! HAHAHAHA! We fucking love that. literally. 
Lexi is from the Midwest- Northern Missouri is specifically coming to mind for me. Her hometown is a few hours from where David's family farm is in Iowa. However, Lexi's parents divorced when she was younger and have since moved on to different places. Her dad lives in Tampa, Florida and her mom lives in San Diego, California. They needed an entire country separating them once Lexi turned 18 ( she is an only child). 
Lexi and her mom have a very up and down relationship. So, she is hesitant about bringing the girls to California without Nico as a buffer. She does bring them to Tampa to see her dad though!
All week, Lexi has been giddy, imaging this moment every time she closed her eyes to go to sleep. It is practically impossible to surprise Nico Hischier, but as the Devils come rushing out at Amalie Arena, she is confident she pulled it off.
"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Lucie screams as he does his first pass. His eyes are focused on a puck, so he doesn't see them. Lexi watches him work that gum, tongue blowing it out into a tiny bubble. She shivers. The Devils have an off day tomorrow and are sticking around the Tampa area before traveling to Sunrise. Nico is getting a green light and although he doesn't know yet, she knows exactly how he is gonna spend that time.
"He didn't see!" Mack whines, tugging at Lexi's jacket sleeve. 
"Pat the glass this time." Lexi suggests. 
They do, but that still doesn't work. Uncle Timo comes trolling around the rink, then grins when he sees the Hischier girls. He taps his stick against the glass on their little faces, chuckling as Mack startles. 
“Hey!” Mack growls, baring her teeth. Timo does the same back to her and they have a little stand off that finally captures Nico’s attention. From across the ice, Lexi watches the recognition and beaming smile flood his face. He gets up from his one knee stretch and glides across the fresh ice, twirling his stick as he does.
“Daddy!!” The girls all squeal together. Lexi laughs, appreciating the utter joy on Nico’s face as he takes in all his favorite people right in front of him.
“Surprise.” Lexi mouths. He sighs hugely, then gives her an appreciative pout. 
Three pucks go over the glass for each one of the girls between Uncle T and Daddy. Nico signals to Lucie to walk down to the camera hole a few feet away and gives her fist bumps.
“Just like home, huh?” He asks her. Lucie laughs and waves as he takes off to join his team drills.
The Devils win, barely squeaking through to avoid extra time. The post-game hugs with the girls are massive. Nico wraps all of them up right, squeezing until they squeal and giggle and give him the 13 kisses he demands as payment. Then, he stands, working his way around three little girls to get to his gorgeous wife. 
“Thank you. This was a great surprise, babe.” He places his lips against hers, running his tongue along her bottom lip. Lexi leans into his chest. Nico’s hand on her lower back presses her in closer. Her fingers weave into his long locks as the whole world disappears except for them. 
“Tell me your dad is taking our kids.” He mumbles quietly against her mouth.
“The things I’m gonna do to you….” He trails off then pulls away like he didn’t just soak her panties straight through. He keeps his hand on her lower back as he shakes her dad’s hand. 
Lexi’s eyes widen, intrigued by his confident, easy demeanor.
This conversation wouldn’t be so friendly if her dad knew what Nasty Nico is going to do to her later.
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lilowoof · 6 days
The final fest was such a treat. Amazing details, having all the idols come together for one final send off.... *sniff* a good way to "end" the game! Plus I got a 333x and won so HUGE YEEHAW kgdfkhn.
I'm still gonna play, of course. But maybe not as much as I used to. I'm definitely craving other media to get into, but squid will always have a special place in my heart! Hey, it got me laid so-
Make sure you get some rest after fest! Everyone fought hard, here's hoping the next game is even better!
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@dujour13 very kindly tagged me in the Companion First Impressions tag game! Check out her answers for the magnificent Siavash here.
I have not officially completed the game yet though I've been spoiled on a lot of the ending haaa... so just treat this as Zell's thoughts after your average Azata ending, and I'll come back later once I've gone mad with power.
Tagging @rlainarin Give your KC’s first impression and final opinion of each of their companions!
First Impressions:
Seelah: You seem... charmingly sincere for Iomedae's lot. And I owe you for getting Terendelev so quickly... I guess we'll see how getting out of here goes, yeah?
Camellia: I don't even know you, and already I know it's gonna be you or me. I can smell the old blood under your nails... I wonder whose it is?
Lann: Wow buddy, how'd you get your head so far up your ass with that horn? Impressive.
Wenduag: Normally I don't appreciate strangers telling me what to do, but you aren't nearly as threatening as you think you are… and you're right about Lann being reckless.
Woljif: You've got the air of ehh... talented grifter who blows his winnings like a pimp, no wonder you got nailed. Anyway, want to go scandalize the neighbors with me?
Ember: Little one, I absolutely agree that they were just scared stupid men in a crisis, but you don't want to smack 'em around even a little bit? All right... we do it your way for now. I guess we'll see about next time too. And the time after that...
Daeran: Hnh, you were the single voice of reason back in the square yet play an imbecile party boy in your own home... So what should I know about you, Count? Whatever you're hiding smells like bad blood.
Nenio: Normally I'd be more wary about someone wanting to do 'experiments' on people a goofiness about you that I respect. I want to see where you're going with all this.
Galfrey: I love how you think you're being cute and clever but you have 'I am in a crisis because nobody is acknowledging me' disease and I can smell it from here.
Sosiel: You seem. Nice. I'm sure we'll get along fine, you just remind me of someone I'd rather not be thinking about just now.
Regill: Oh a Godclaw? The Hellknight mental gymnastics champions? Color me intrigued. Don't tell anyone, but I'm glad someone else around here isn't squeamish about making hard decisions in a bad situation.
Arueshalae: Never once have I imagined I'd meet a demon who would change my life for the better, but... strange things keep happening. We both strive for the impossible, ey? Perhaps we strive together.
Greybor: Weird how I'm two for two on a stranger giving me orders and me being okay with it, but I have been bewitched by your weirdly paternal swagger.
Ulbrig: BRO YOU'RE HUGE. AND ON TOP OF ME. BUY A MAN DINNER FIRST, DAMN. My fuckin *ribs* guy....
Trevor: Ah shit, man. Let's get you home.
Parting thoughts (Normal Azata Ending Edition):
Seelah: Stay questioning, my friend. A life full of joy doesn't mean a life of easy answers, you know? You keep your heart open, and I'll always be keeping an eye out.
Camellia: You just had to keep on lying.
Lann: You are like a brother to me (but sometimes I still want to commit fratricide you SHITHEAD. I love you.)
Wenduag: Is there no world in which you find your peace in life? I know I could have done more, but I don't know what that was supposed to be. I failed you just as much as you failed yourself.
Woljif: Tch, I can't wait to watch you turn into a rich, fat, happy old ram. Maybe cool it on the securities fraud for a little bit, I can't be breaking you out of prison. I mean I will but I don't wanna.
Ember: Kindness really is infectious, yeah? You helped me be a kinder version of myself. I'm so glad to know you.
Daeran: Ah, my best friend; love of my life. What an unexpected surprise, to feel so cherished... I wish you'd let the rest of the world see you the way I do. I never could have done this without you.
Nenio: Well, Professor? What new experiments shall we try next? Your loyal assistant is ever ready!
Galfrey: I'd pity you if I felt like that would fix anything. Everything that wasn't your fault was made your problem; I hope you can find it in your heart to rest from that someday.
Sosiel: Ah I guess you aren't so bad... Nah get back here and hug me, fool. I will see you at Harvest, make sure you're drawing silly things to stay loose.
Regill: Master Derenge, it has been an honor. I will always hold your memory in esteem.
Arueshalae: Hey, keep your chin up, recovering from your old life is going to take time. You know I'll be around, yeah? Always at your back, sister.
Greybor: Don't look at me like that, I'm not being smug at all. Anyway tell your family hi from me, hm? You'll be seeing fruit and flowers from me soon enough.
Ulbrig: I guess... I suppose we'll see each other again sometime, somewhere. Good luck to you, my friend.
Trevor: Give yourself the grace of patience, my friend. I will come to you when you need.
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ashimetsu · 1 year
Trey's Party 【Reader x Trey Clover】 -chapter 2
: ̗̀➛ After setting up the real birthday party, Trey takes you to the balcony for a special surprise : ̗̀➛ warnings: smut, edging, semi-public sex, walking in on you, no protection, fem/afab reader : ̗̀➛ 2.7k words : ̗̀➛ [a/n]: after fighting for my life i finally finished this chapter!! aksduhfaisudf This Is For All My Trey Lovers Out There... enjoy!!!! gonna work on requests and drabbles for a bit now. : ̗̀➛ chapter 1, (chapter 2), chapter 3
"Not too shabby for a kitchen birthday party, right, Prefect?"
You and Trey admire each other's work of setting up his birthday party. As a "punishment" for making up a wild excuse about Trey's surprise party, the rest of the Heartslabyul gang let both of you finish decorating with the supplies Trey carried back for you. Although not as put together as Cater's color-coordinated streamers, it is neater than Ace's… creative liberty with the balloon placement. At the end of the day, it's a presentable party fit for Trey's easygoing nature.
"Good work you two," Riddle starts as he looks around the colorful kitchen, "I'll call the rest of the dorm here to get things started."
You release a breath you didn't know you were holding. Although you've known Riddle for some time now, he still makes you nervous after the whole "off with your head" incident. He's mellowed out, but still carries a strong sense of authority to his dorm members. This party was a test of his new, laid-back personality, letting everyone decorate as they please, rather than following the Queen's strict rules. Hence, forming a more teenager-friendly social rather than a formal banquet for a birthday party. You've caught Riddle tense up a few times, ready to scold the party planners for violating countless rules, but he's done well on holding back. Tomorrow, things will go back to normal, but tonight is free game.
As other Heartslabyul students filter into the kitchen to celebrate, everyone fills their plates with various treats. Cater was tasked with leading the baking, and with some help from the Science Club members, the treats turned out edible. It's truly the downfall of a surprise party for the guy who's a wizard in the kitchen. As per tradition, you all sing happy birthday to Trey, who almost looks embarrassed to be there. The crowd dissipates to the rest of the dorm, to the kitchen, lounge, foyer, and hallways. You find yourself nestled in one of the couches of the lounge, wrapped in a blanket and sipping on some fruit punch. After the rain shower, you were still feeling chilled.
"Comfortable?" a familiar voice snaps you out of your trance.
After today's encounters, you feel a bit more normal around Trey. He still makes your heart flutter, but you can push down your stammering voice to talk to him. Are these feelings? No no, he's just your upperclassmen. Everyone feels flustered around their elders, right?
"Mm," you mumble as you place your empty punch cup on the end table. "The extra sizes are helpful."
You've been trying to ignore the fact that everything feels and smells like Trey. After all, he gave you his clothes to wear as backup, since yours was drenched in rain water. A giant black t-shirt with the name of his middle school on the front and huge sweatpants bunched at your ankles dress your relatively small frame. You probably look ridiculous, but you can't bring yourself to care because they're Trey's clothes. When will you ever get this opportunity again?
"It looks like it," he flashes a grin at you, meanwhile you can practically see the light bulb appear above his head. "Say, I'm tuckered out from all this partying. Care to join me for some fresh air?"
You look out the window, the sun is nearly setting and the overcast has cleared. It doesn't look rainy out anymore, so maybe a step outside wouldn't be so bad. Especially with Trey; and close proximity to cover if it were to suddenly rain again. It seems that going along with Trey's plans is both a pro and a con with that mischievous look on his face.
"It would be wrong to deny the birthday boy, right?" You crawl out of your blanket and swim through the layer of clothes to find proper footing to stand up. Maybe this would be a good time to give Trey his birthday gift.
"Oh first, let me grab something for you, Trey," you say before walking to one of the closets where you planted your gift earlier in the week.
After grabbing the small box, you follow him as he leads you to a large heart-shaped door. He turns his head towards you and reaches for your hand before opening it.
"You might want to hold on. It's a bit of a maze to get there."
Hesitantly, you take his hand. It's much warmer than yours and slightly calloused, creating friction between your skin. He turns before your face has the chance to bloom into a lovely shade of red. He opens the door and leads you through a labyrinth of twists and turns in the hallway. You've never been this deep into Heartslabyul and it's disorientating your sense of direction. Without Trey acting as your guide, you would have certainly gotten lost. With only a few lamps illuminating the maze, it's hard to tell what your surroundings look like. Trey confidently makes his way through, exhibiting his experience as a third year.
Finally, you both find yourselves in a long corridor with wall-length windows extending your right side. On your left, elaborate checkered wallpaper coats the walls, dotted occasionally with dark lamps. Dark cherry wood-floors run under your feet, tying the Heartslabyul aesthetic together. The hallway is dark, illuminated only by the setting sun through the windows. Trey is leading you, pulling your arm ahead of your body. The sun glows over his arms, outlining the individual muscles of his built figure. You take this moment to just admire the tall man in front of you. Even his back is perfectly framed by the light outside.
Trey stops abruptly in front of another heart-shaped door, nearly identical to the one you saw earlier. He looks behind him, as if to make sure you were still there, holding onto his hand. He gives you a quick squeeze, which makes your heart do somersaults, and pushes the door open.
Sun floods the hallway, highlighting both of your faces in a warm glow as a small balcony lies before you, looking over the gardens. You move next to Trey and peer at him. He's gazing over the hedges, unaware of how relaxed he appears. You've never seen this expression of near bliss on his face before, and with the incredible lighting, he looks even more ethereal.
"Maybe you should take a picture if you like looking at me so much, Prefect."
"It's not that, I was just- you had something on your face, that's all." You reach up and wipe an imaginary crumb off his cheek with your hand carrying the present.
"Here, take this," you say as you shove the neatly-wrapped present into his arm. You release his hand and walk to the edge, resting your arms on the railing. So much for fresh air, it's suffocating being in such a sly man's presence.
You hear sounds of unwrapping and light footsteps approaching behind you. You didn't need to look to sense his eyes on the side of your face, waiting for something to happen.
"You could start getting a little more creative with your gifts, you know," he starts, rotating the gifted, red rubber spatula in his deft hands. "I think I have about a million of these."
"It's the thought that counts, isn't it? I'll take it back if you're gonna be rude about it." You shoot a glare in his direction, but you're met with a smirk instead. He leans in closer, his lips brushing your ear, reminding you of his antics from earlier today.
"I appreciate the sentiment, but maybe a better gift would be something from you personally, something I have to claim myself," Trey whispers in your ear, suddenly closing the gap between you two. He's got an arm wrapped around your waist now, squeezing your side and making you painfully aware of his presence. You let out a breath as tensions rise.
"You're gonna have to show me what you mean, Trey," you respond quietly, leaning slightly into his warm touch. His mouth is still gravitating around your earlobe, preparing for touchdown at any moment. His lips orbit above as he shifts his body behind you, pressing his hips against you, telling you exactly what he wants. Fingers dance over the sweatpants he lent you, teasing under the elastic and resting on the plain of your hips. His gentle voice lassos you back before you drift off to an undiscovered universe.
"Is this showing you enough?" he mumbles, rubbing small circles into your hips, imprinting his touch on your body. You hum back, enjoying the small touches left on your body.
"I can stop if you'd like," he says, pausing his movements. Trey's not the one to impose on others, even if the way he's been acting has been more forward than usual.
"Don't," you breathe, "this is perfect."
His chest contracts as he sucks in a quick breath, deciding his next course of action. A cool breeze contrasting Trey's warmth forms an aura of intimacy you didn't notice before. A sense of solitude covers you both like a warm blanket, distant chattering fading out as firm hands travel past the waistband and around your ass. One hand made its home there, massaging and squeezing while the other snakes to your front, fingers teasing the wet crevice between your legs. Enough taunting from your upperclassman has left you more aroused than you intended. His smooth seduction has gotten you right where he wants you: vulnerable and trapped in his snare. A finger circles your heat, pressing hard against your labia, not quite entering you. A small moan escapes your lips, egging Trey further. You push harder onto him, giving him better leverage to finger you. His finger digs deeper, beyond what you could reach with your hand. You begin to wonder what more would feel like, another finger? Massaging your clit? The nagging boner? The more you entertain the thought, the more pliant you become. Without realizing it, your legs have spread and you've given Trey the perfect angle to finger you down to the knuckle, which he gladly does. Bliss blooms in your core as he continues to rhythmically pump pure ecstasy throughout your being. Lost in Trey's grip, you hardly notice a stretch as another finger is added. Your moan is answered by a soft kiss to your hairline, pulling you into Trey's embrace further. Pain and pleasure mix as a calloused thumb swipes your clit, sending a spasm through your body. The added sensations multiply the heat filling your lower regions, nearly pushing you over the edge.
"T-trey, I'm gonna-"
You're cut off as a void occupies the space where appendages once were. A hiss escapes your lips, aching for sensation that was taken too soon. Before you could whine, Trey gets back to work, manipulating your sweatpants and panties with his forearm, cool air fanning your skin. Although exposed, you feel hot, surrounded by Trey while embarrassed as he caresses your body.
"Bend over and give me some birthday cake, please," Trey rasps in your ear, his impatience obvious in his tone and hardness pressed against your backside. Obliging, you press back into him, giving the green light. No time to think when the right moment you've both been waiting for has presented itself.
"Good girl."
Electricity jolts through your body at his praise. With a voice like caramel, you were weak to his demands and a sucker for his worship. Trey's hands leave your body for a moment, the sounds of zipping filling the space between you. He returns, rubbing your hips and kissing your temple as an apology. His firm hands smooth over your soft skin, gripping and spreading your behind. He slides along your wetness, prodding your entrance. You respond by trying to push him in yourself, but his hands resist, nudging your hips away. Teasing is Trey's specialty; he's not going to give you want you want so easily.
"Eager aren't you? Don't forget this is my present, Prefect."
"And I'm gonna take it back if you don't hurry up."
Trey mouths your ear, his hot breath turning you on further. "I'm sure you will."
You won't.
Trey rests himself between your legs, edging you on as he plants wet kisses along your neck, careful to not leave any tracks, lest the housewarden finds out. The sensation of Trey's kisses and edging build in your core, making it difficult to keep your thoughts in order. Before you even realize, soft moans are slipping out, encouraging Trey's entertainment. Apparently unable to resist any longer, he begins pushing himself in, tip pressing through your entrance. Soft moans evolve to a yelp, finally hooked on accepting his cock.
Slowly, Trey pushes this rest of himself in you, hilt pressed firmly against your ass. Your sighs play like keys on a piano to his ears. His hands travel under your shirt, cupping your breasts and squeezing, totally engulfing your body. Soft bites prod at exposed skin at your shoulder, presumably from when Trey was giving your neck the attention you oh-so desired. He's distracting you from the sting of his length inside you, giving time for both of you to adjust. Warm breaths tickle your skin as he pauses from assaulting your neck, thumbing the skin around your nipple, assuring there's always stimulation. You both could stay in this position forever, locked together and embraced in eachother's warmth.
"I'm ready."
Trey wastes no time, pulling and plunging back in again. He works slowly, making sure you're comfortable while keeping the rest of your body busy. While pumping in and out, his hands move back to your hips, securing you with a grip strong enough to leave bruises. Soft grunts blend in with your moans, creating a symphony of pleasure over the rose gardens. The sly facade from earlier has faded as Trey chases his own pleasure, pounding harder and pushing you closer to the edge. Moans shift to incomprehensible babbles as you lose yourself in his attacks, filling you with bliss.
"Mmng, Trey I'm-!"
"Trey, are you up here?"
Trey's hips still instantly as light floods the balcony. The voice looking for Trey sounded awfully familiar, but you weren't keen on trying to find out who it was that just walked in on your moment with Trey. This is going to be his problem to deal with.
"Heh, hey Deuce. Need something?" Trey laughs awkwardly, turning only his head to face the intruder and shielding you both from Deuce's gaze. You pray his dense nature is on your side.
"Oh, I didn't see Prefect up here either. My bad, it's not that important," he begins innocently, "if you two want some alone time, I can chat later."
"Sure, I'll catch up with you later, Deuce"
He walks out, leaving you two alone again.
"…did he not notice what we're doing?"
"You know he's always been a little oblivious to these things." Trey chuckles softly before continuing. "We'll be done quick, won't we Prefect?" He squeezes your hips and ruts himself into you, reminding you of his twitching cock impatiently waiting for you.
You tighten around him, pulling Trey in and forming resistance around his length as he resumes his pace. It seems that Deuce walking in didn't diminish his eagerness, noted by how he didn't soften. In fact, he seems even more energized; did being discovered turn him on more? You didn't have a chance to explore that thought as pleasure rings through your body, incoherent moans spilling from your lips.
"Mm, I'm close," a grunt softly enters your ear as his tempo picks up, ravaging your body.
"A little longer, Trey, I'm not-" you're cut off as he thrusts particularly strongly, ripping a moan from your lips. The whole situation with Deuce really put you on edge, but Trey's fervor was bringing you back. It wasn't enough, yet too much at the same time. His thrusts came faster and faster, leaving you no time to react. Moans turned incoherent as he plunges sharply, filling you up with warmth to your core. Pumping slowly to release all of himself into you, Trey shushes you softly while kissing your temple. You try to move, get some friction to give yourself release.
"Trey, I didn't-"
"I know," he whispers, sending chills down your spine, "we'll finish this later, okay?"
You whine as he slowly pulls out, some of himself dripping down your leg in the process. Swiping his thumb over a streak on your thigh, he gently opens your mouth and inserts his thumb. You taste his saltiness, sucking like a child on their own thumb. You nod, a word barely above a whisper escaping your lips.
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xnchxntmxnt · 1 year
If you're taking Nightbringer requests (well this might be more of a ramble than a request tbh):
With the way we can suggest certain things that might influence the OG timeline (like suggesting to Luci where to hide Goldie), do you think us being here is creating some sort of a time loop paradox? Like the Exchange program was highly influenced by MC's future-past self in OldTimey Devildom, but OldTImey Devildom wouldn't have existed without Exchange Program MC and it's all just a huge timeline mess (or, as Nightbringer put it, like mud).
Plus if that's the case, then us going back to our "regular" timeline probably erased the boys' memory of us.
Anyways I'm just imagining MC making it back to their normal spacetime and having to explain what happened to their demons (and maybe them unlocking their memories of OldTimey us, idk) and I'm curious what your thoughts are
i wasnt sure how to answer this in writing (like a oneshot or smth) but I CAN reply with my own thoughts i hope that's okay :D i put in a cut so its not so long
ok im not very far in but i can tell you this
personally, i'm not a huge fan of time travel tropes. its a lot to wrap my head around but i do think from a timeline standpoint its gonna change things and that can be fun to think about. i just gotta wrapp my head around it for a sec 😅
i think the boys would all have different reactions do it. considering/assuming they have memories of og obey me events and nightbringer, i think everything would make more and less sense at the same time.
mc is probably going to be incredibly confused (when aren't they tbh) and the boys are going to think everything happened. linear-ly.
from mc's perspective, they got to the devildom but were sent back in time later. according to the demons & co. (solomon, simeon, etc.), they met mc, then they left (?), and diavolo brought them back from the human world because of the exchange program without any memories of the demon world. however it's mc's actual first time in the devildom. maybe this erases the boys memories too.
i believe, knowing what we do about barbatos, that he's the one at fault for all the time travel stuff and he's the unknown person at the beginning of nightbringer. maybe im wrong. idk i think its the only reasonable explanation based on the characters we know so far.
there's a lot of ways this could go, but lets assume no one loses their memories when they come back to the "present", mc's memory is gonna be a lot different than the boys because they did things out of order. i think this is where i get to finally your question (I tend to ramble, can't you tell 😂)
i think lucifer takes it the best. he knows barbatos is powerful and figures this kind of magic isn't out of the question. he's glad to have you back, though to him it didn't seem like you were gone at all. he also apologizes for any way his past self might have treated you since it was directly after the celestial war.
mammon is a different story. he gives up on trying to understand time travel and when he makes the connection that was YOU, HIS mc, he gets all sorts of defensive. feels your face all over and makes sure you're still his mc and that you're still normal and that time travelling didn't change you any (if anything, it could have changed him, but you don't mention that. probably would freak him out more)
levi thinks about it like a video game. he understands, but pulls you aside later and begs for you to explain everything and anything that happened because now he believes he should pitch this to some animator friends he made online to see if it could be a new up and coming anime.
satan is pretty quiet. mostly, he's just happy that you're okay. he waits for all the chaos to settle and makes sure you're physically fine, then swears he'll hurt whoever sent you back in time and away from the rest of them. he also apologizes if he ever hurt you int he past that he may not remember distinctly. please reassure him its okay.
asmo is the first to pounce on you for a hug. immediately. you explain that you were gone for what felt like forever and he's SO happy to have you back!! insists that he gives you a makeover and you do a self care day for you to unwind after having to deal with their antics when they first got to the devildom.
beel low key wants to take you from asmo (and almost does) when you suggest you'll spend the whole next day with him and belphie. beel's idea of quality time is eating food & watching movies with people, so when you agree to do that, he agrees to not argue with asmo about who gets to make sure you're okay first. he's not really sure about this time travel business, but he knows he cares about you a lot and the thought that he (or him at the moment) wasn't there to protect you makes him feel a bit guilty.
belphie is more or less on the same lines as beel. he takes a bit more convincing to not pummel asmo (he's worried about you in his own way). however, he wants to spend the whole day learning about your adventures and trying to figure out how you remember everything versus how he does. his best way to think about it is like a weirdly-specific and realistic dream, but actually in reality. it's strange, but its the best way to wrap his head around everything.
i tried my best to answer your question!! i also started writing this WAY to late for my brain to be functioning properly so im sorry if this doesn't make sense :(( but thank you for sending smth in!! i love talking about these guys they're so fun. let me know if you have any other thoughts/want me to share any of my own!
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thedemoninmywalls · 4 months
23 or 43 for the nsft kink prompts!
23: Eldritch Corruption Fic under the cut! It's aro x cain <3 CW: whipping, religious themes, manipulation
It was the middle of the night when Rire finally left.
Aro lay motionless on the floor, her body bruised, bloodied and broken, exactly where Rire had left her. She didn’t have the strength to get up or even move.
Everything hurt.
Rire had been angry tonight - something happened at work - and he had taken out his pent up frustrations on Aro. He was so vicious, so violent and uncaring, that she really thought he was gonna kill her this time. But he never did - though he often made her wish he would.
In truth, Aro didn’t really want to die. But she also couldn’t endure his abuse for much longer. Lying there on the floor, she used the last bit of her strength to whisper a prayer.
“Please…someone help me…”
As her consciousness faded, Aro began to hallucinate. She thought she saw a flash of light, and then a dark figure approached her. Two huge shapes spread out from either side of it, like wings. She wondered vaguely if an angel had answered her prayer.
And then there was darkness.
Aro woke up to sunlight streaming in through the window.
She sat up, surprised to find that she wasn’t in her own bed - or even in her own room. She had woken up in a completely unfamiliar place. This bedroom was large, with luxurious bed sheets and beautiful draperies. She was even wearing silk pajamas. The sheer opulence was a far cry from her simple, modest apartment.
Even more surprising was that she could move again. All her wounds and bruises from the previous night, all the marks Rire had left on her, had simply vanished, like they were all healed in an instant. She was sure she had a couple broken ribs, but now they didn’t even hurt. It was like last night hadn’t even happened.
After pinching herself several times to make sure this wasn’t a dream (or worse, one of Rire’s mind games), Aro got out of bed and walked out of the room, determined to get to the bottom of this mystery. What was this place, and how had she ended up here? And why?
It turned out the bedroom she had woken up in was just one of many many rooms scattered about this large and imposing manor. Aro stared open mouthed at the high ceilings, the beautiful decorations. There was surely more money in this house than she’d ever seen in her lifetime.
It wasn't until she reached the third living room that she finally found another living creature - a young man with dyed hair and punk clothes, reading a book on the couch. He looked up when Aro came in. His eyes were strange and inhuman.
“Oh good, you're awake,” he said. His smile was mischievous, like he was telling a joke. “How are you feeling, Aro?”
Before Aro could stop herself, a million questions spilled out of her.
“Who are you? What is this place? How did I get here? Where even is here? What's going on?”
“My name is Cain,” he answered patiently. “You called for help, and I answered. I brought you here to my home.”
“You…?” A vague memory suddenly flashed in Aro's mind, of a dark figure with large wings.
“Are you an angel?” She blurted out, too stunned to be polite. Besides Rire, she'd never seen another supernatural creature before. But if demons existed, then angels must too.
“Technically a fallen angel,” he corrected her. “But yes, I am. I saw how the demon was treating you. You've been through a lot. I'm sure you need some time to recover. You are free to use this place however you see fit.”
He gestured widely to the huge manor surrounding them.
“T-Thank you,” said Aro, bewildered by his generosity. “But why?”
Cain smiled. “Consider it a long term investment.”
Aro wasn't sure exactly how she had gotten herself into this situation. Fallen angels typically did not whisk humans away to safety. But since she was here, she might as well figure out what to do about it.
Cain’s manor was even larger than she had initially thought. There were kitchens and bathrooms and bedrooms galore, game rooms and libraries and even a pool or two. Each bedroom was the height of luxury and each kitchen was well stocked with plenty of food.
But besides for Cain, Aro didn't see a single living creature in the entire building. He must be very lonely, she thought. And bored.
Hours passed as Aro explored the house, and yet the sun never seemed to set. It seemed that night didn't exist here. Wherever here was. There were no clocks either. No way to tell how long she’d been here.
Aro tried to distract herself by exploring more, playing in the game rooms, reading in the libraries and eating in the kitchens. But the unrelenting loneliness of the empty house soon became unbearable.
This place was so nice, Aro thought about how many others could benefit from it. Others who were more deserving than her. She didn't want to enjoy it if others couldn't. Her rising sense of shame drove her to desperation.
After several more hours, Aro finally found Cain again, in a different living room, reading a different book. He looked up at her distraught face.
“What is it, Aro? Come sit and tell me what's wrong.”
Aro obediently sat next to Cain on the couch.
“You’ve been very kind to me,” she began. “But I don't…I don't think I deserve it.”
“Why not?” Cain asked gently, shifting closer to her so their legs touched. “Why don't you deserve kindness?”
“Mph…” Aro squirmed uncomfortably. “I shouldn't say…”
“Tell me,” Cain purred, leaning his arm against her shoulder. “You will feel better if you confess.”
“S-Sometimes…” Aro’s voice trembled. “Sometimes I…I like it when Rire touches me…when he wants me…”
She trailed off. She'd never told anyone this before. But she could tell an angel, right?
“Ah.” Cain leaned away from her. “I see. That is a very grievous sin indeed.”
“B-But its not my fault,” Aro protested. “He m-makes me like it! He forces me to–”
“That’s no excuse,” said Cain coldly. “You must be punished for your sinful thoughts.”
He stood up and grabbed her shirt collar. With surprising strength he dragged her to the center of the room and pushed her down so she was kneeling at a small altar. Golden chains sprang up from the floor and bound her wrists and ankles so she couldn’t move.
“W-Wait, stop!” Aro yelped in terror. “Cain, please–”
“This is for your own good,” Cain assured her. “The pain will cleanse your sin.”
From the corner of her eye, Aro saw some sort of long rope materialize in Cain’s hand. A whip.
“I think ten lashes will do for now,” he said softly. “You will count them, and if you mess up I will start again.”
With a sure and confident stroke, he brought the whip down on Aro’s back. She screamed. He whipped her again. And again. Her silk pajama shirt was quickly shredded like paper. Aro sobbed, barely able to cry out the number of red stripes appearing on her back. She wept and begged Cain to stop, but he was merciless. The kind angel from a few hours ago had vanished, replaced by a sadistic monster.
Suddenly, between the ninth and tenth lashes, there was a knock on a door. Aro had no idea where the sound came from, as she hadn’t seen any front doors when she explored. She was too paralyzed with pain even to lift her head towards the sound.
But Cain dropped the whip and walked away. Aro ceased her sobbing so she could listen to his footsteps. Then she heard a door open, and Cain spoke. He was the angel again, all the coldness gone from his voice.
“Well, well, long time no see! Did you miss me?”
Aro’s blood froze in her veins when she heard Rire’s voice answer.
“No. I believe you have something that belongs to me.”
“I do,” Cain agreed amiably. “Perhaps we can come to some sort of arrangement…”
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