#this extends to physical characteristics as well.
kings-highway · 3 months
as much as I love Ushiten as like... "Ushijima doesnt process/is unphased by Tendou's weirdness" i think its MUCH BETTER to consider that Tendou is just Ushijima's type. Like its not a "i dont see why people would call you freaky" situation but rather a "FINALLY someone freaky and fucked up time to make him my husband."
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hxnbi · 3 months
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⸻ ❀°。❝ SHORT STACK ❞
requested by @kuppuru: furin boys + togame with short reader
pairings. hajime umemiya, hayato suo, haruka sakura, ren kaji, kyotaro sugishita, jo togame x gn. reader (separate)
note: tysm for your request! sorry if it took so long to write, i was suffering with exams but im finally free now. this goes to all my fellow short ppl out there 🫡 i also just wanted an excuse to find these goofy photos of my boys lmao
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𝄞 ─ HAJIME UMEMIYA ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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What do you mean by that? You’re his significant other and that's all that matters! If anything, that only makes you even more adorable!
UMEMIYA's natural inclination to be clingy and protective intensifies tenfold when he's around you. As you often find yourself enveloped in his arms, whether it's at home, out for a walk, or even at a crowded event. He towers over you, using his height—and admittedly effective intimidation tactics, thanks to him being the leader of Furin—to shield you from the world’s troubles. 
"Up we go!" he jokes, effortlessly picking you up from out of nowhere and spinning you around like a merry-go-round carousel.
“Ume?!” you yelp in surprise.
Without realizing it, his face lights up like a neon sign, and he lets out a loud, joyful laugh. You’re so sweet! How could he not adore you?
Umemiya goes into press his lips against your cheek and buries his face in your neck. "You’re my perfect little charm." His laughter and love are almost infectious. 
Umemiya’s protectiveness doesn’t just stop at physical proximity, but extends to every aspect of your life. He’s always looking out for you, making sure no one dares to mess with you (not that anyone with a half-functioning nervous system would, anyway). Your height didn’t matter and will never matter to him, not when he sees you as his perfect partner and his other half, just the way you are.
𝄞 ─ HAYATO SUO ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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Without a doubt in my mind, SUO's a person who's all for teasing you. In fact, he revels in it. Even after calling the relationship official, Suo’s playfulness doesn’t stop. Rather, it only increases with time. Suo is all for teasing you about your height, flaunting his own height difference with that characteristic closed-eye smirk of his.
“Oh dear, do you perhaps need help?” he teases, pointing at something on a high shelf with one hand while the other resting at his back. “Would you like me to get you a ladder?” he asks 'kindly,' making you deadpan.
Suo finds your petite stature irresistibly cute, and he never misses a chance to remind you of it. But, to the surprise of nobody, like everything else in his life, he’s not as shamelessly open about it in public as opposed to in private. Rather, I see Suo bringing your height up when you least expect it, in hopes of getting a reaction from you recorded in his mind.
Though his teasing is always good-natured, Suo knows your boundaries well. He can tell when you're uncomfortable, especially around others. That alone is enough to make Suo's usual mischievous brows furrow, and he stares down whoever dares to cross the line, especially when he's around. His protective instincts kick in without hesitation. That, despite his constant banter, it’s clear that he adores you deeply, his eyes filled with warmth and affection so unlike his public persona that he discloses to the world.
𝄞 ─ HARUKA SAKURA ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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Okay, and? What about it? Who the fuck cares? He’ll just deal with anyone if they even dare to give you shit about it. SAKURA's nonchalant attitude towards your height is evident. He couldn't care less what others think, and he's ready to put anyone in their place if they dare to give you any trouble about it.
"If anyone has a problem with your height, they’ll have to deal with me," he barked, a protective arm around your shoulders. "And trust me, they won't like it.”
Nirei and Suo could only deadpan in unison seeing this. ‘He’s just a big softie…’ they both thought.
Regardless, his feelings for you don’t change. Sakura has also been through a lot. The people who berated and made fun of him due to things he didn’t have control over—his unconventional appearance—why do they care? Why should someone ever care? He understands how it feels to be judged for superficial reasons and is fiercely protective of you because of it. As for you? You felt warm, knowing he always has your back. 
Your height has nothing to do with who you are as a person, and he’s learning that, step by step. He’s always ready to defend you, ensuring you never have to go through the pain and ridicule he did, and not just because of your height, something you never had a peace or sovereignty over. Perhaps, he sees a bit of himself in you.
𝄞 ─ REN KAJI ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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Doesn't treat you any differently. And why should he? Is there some kind of top-secret reason that he's unaware of? Why should such a thing as height matter in his relationship? Dude grills his vice-captain Kusumi to get the full story, until he realizes that there is none. Tch, do you think he cares about bullcrap like that? Well suck it up, you shouldn't and never have to worry about such an outrageous thing.
KAJI continues to be his calm and composed self (when he isn’t blasting music until his ears bled), offering you the same level of respect and affection as always. Because, after all, "Why would your height change anything about how I feel?" he scoffed, putting back his headphones and closing the conversation right there, making you crack a smile at how matter-of-fact he was. 
Kaji’s grounded nature makes you feel secure. Height, weight, appearance, all those superficial aspects of a person doesn’t matter to him. It never did, because you never judged him for how he was. All he's doing is returning the favour to the one he one he loves, nothing more.
…So why are you looking at him with those sparkling eyes like he just found a cure for cancer?
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SUGISHITA is in the same boat as Kaji, and, in actuality, it’s even more pronounced, as, while Sugishita doesn’t say a word, he’s quietly observant. Your height is just another characteristic to him that he loves in you, nothing that affects his feelings or how he treats you.
He is but a silent trooper that stands at your side.  Admittedly, it gets funny at times, seeing the difference in height between you and Sugishita, apparently especially when walking side by side. But he doesn’t mind. To him, your height is just another thing that makes you uniquely you. And all with a stoic grunt and a subtle smile that he tries to hide, but the hearts in his eyes don’t disappear with such that. 
“They’re so cute, aren’t they? You just have to show it!!” Umemiya says. And show it, he does.
The way Sugishita pats your head and cheeks, similar to how Umemiya would to the same to him, is his way of expressing affection—all in the most awkward way possible, as Sakura would scoff while the trio of Suo, Nirei, and him would from a distance. 
“...The hell is he doing? Does he treat them like a puppy or something?"
“S-Sakura-san!! Y-You might want to—”
All Sugishita would see was red, and it wasn't just from Suo's hair. "YOU—"
But don’t let that fool you. The end was anything but pleasant, as yet another chair became a victim of Sugishita’s wrath, and was broken that exact day, much to the dismay of Umemiya. 
𝄞 ─ JO TOGAME ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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TOGAME's initial reaction to your height is one of surprise, with the way he would stare and drill holes into your skull, genuinely amazed at how someone could be so short and yet so oblivious, like you didn’t have a care in the world. But his curious stare quickly transforms into admiration. At first, you really thought that he was judging you, from the way his eyes would stare down at you for seemingly uncomfortable amounts of time, but to Togame, it was nothing more than fascination. You were so petite (to him), to the point of being even adorable… 
Togame ran his fingers through his locks of hair. Shit, if you ever knew.
His best friend Choji is a bit on the shorter side, sure, but you? You were like some kind of tiny sprite. Unbeknownst to you, he finds your petite stature almost endearing in a way. And unintentionally or not, takes it as an opportunity to be even more attentive and caring over you. Togame’s affection is shown through his actions, whether it's reaching for items you can’t, or holding your hand protectively in crowded places. Whether it’s out of a sense of curiosity or if he truly loves you, one thing is clear, he can't help but show his affection in every little gesture.
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©hxnbi. comments, reblogs, and likes are always appreciated ♡
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amourrs · 5 months
some people in this fandom are truly clammy palmed little lunatics who have never attempted to be normal for a day in their lives. writing reader as having all the characteristics of a literal child whilst claiming that you are engaging in “safe kink” does in fact make you a weirdo freak and i do hope you trip over and bash your head hard enough to knock some sense into yourselves. if calling glorified pedophilic media by its true name makes me a kink shamer then i’m proud to be one! it’s borderline laughable to put an 18+ warning on a fanfic where the reader is so childlike they might as well be a minor. no grown adult is so clueless about sex and basic biology and anatomy unless they have physically been kept from all aspects of the outside world for their entire lives, and infantilising female reproductive organs by calling them “cunny” or “princess parts” is creepy and gross. also using pictures of children and children’s toys/clothing as the header for these fics just further proves that you are deranged and need to be sectioned. you freaks see no problem with the fact that your creepy little perv fics promote weird behaviours and treat pedophilia as a fun kink as if it is not a) illegal and b) DISGUSTING! if anyone in real life called a vagina a cunny i know damn well i would call them a fucking freak so i see no real reason why that shouldn’t extend to the internet: if you write your reader inserts as extremely child-like and use infantilised language to describe sexual organs and acts, you are a fucking freak and need to log off.
+ further explanation.
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flawseer · 8 months
Jade Mountain Academy students
#4 - Sandwing chapter
Astute viewers may be tempted to point out that this rendering of Qibli is wearing his earring in the wrong ear. This is an intentional nod to the graphic novel depiction, which does something interesting with that entire thing. He starts wearing the earring in his right ear, but then it gets torn out during the fight with Icicle. In the next issue, that ear is scarred and he starts wearing it in his left ear instead. It's possible this also happens in the books, it's admittedly been a while since I read them front-to-back, so my memory on that is fuzzy. But I always thought that was a cool detail. And since Icicle is still present here, these pictures must have been... uh... "taken" before she absconded. Hence the earring in the right ear.
Also, with 20 out of 36 students done, this now puts us across the halfway mark.
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Tribe - Sandwing
Winglet - Jade
Color - Corn yellow
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - Winter (Icewing)
Favorite subject - Science
Least fav. subject - Literacy
Physical characteristics - small jagged scar horizontally across snout; freckles; small, wiry frame, with little body fat
Other characteristics - appears socially confident and outgoing, respected among Sandwing peers; "colorful" vocabulary (monitor spreading); least legible handwriting
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Tribe - Sandwing
Winglet - Gold
Color - Hazel
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - Tamarin (Rainwing)
Favorite subject - Anatomy
Least fav. subject - Cultural Exchange
Physical characteristics - thorny black stripe pattern across neck scales; skin studded with rows of black diamonds; stature is large and muscular
Other characteristics - Claims to be fugitive from Sand Kingdom; currently oldest student on site (no issues so far, but continue to monitor social integration)
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Tribe - Sandwing
Winglet - Silver
Color - Cream
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - Anemone (Seawing)
Favorite subject - Art
Least fav. subject - Exercise
Physical characteristics - underdeveloped tail barb; very small stature with little body fat; currently smallest size of all students (measured from nose to tail tip)
Other characteristics - musically inclined; mildly allergic to cow milk; "colorful" vocabulary (monitor spreading)
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Tribe - Sandwing
Winglet - Copper
Color - Mustard yellow
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - Peregrine (Skywing)
Favorite subject - Cultural Exchange
Least fav. subject - History
Physical characteristics - horns are split; pronounced and heavy-set jaw; stature is large and broad
Other characteristics - socially well-adjusted, courteous; very energetic
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Tribe - Sandwing
Winglet - Quartz
Color - Salmon orange
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - Siamang (Rainwing), Garnet (Skywing)
Favorite subject - Art
Least fav. subject - Science
Physical characteristics - snout is slightly crooked (likely from a prior fracture); criss-crossing scar across right cheek; metal band affixed to nasal barb
Other characteristics - musically inclined; sometimes struggles enunciating specific sounds; tires during extended speaking (keep in mind during classes)
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ravens-two · 8 months
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PAC: What's Your Planet Archetype?
This reading includes:
your planet archetype
how it affects the way others perceive you
The extended reading includes:
your aesthetic
the best way to work with this planet archetype
a mini-playlist that captures your vibe
Disclaimer: this is just for entertainment purposes, and as a pick-a-card reading it may not resonate for everyone.
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Pile 1
Ace of Cups, Six of Pentacles, Coming of Winter
"It comes in lullabies deep within your mirrored flesh. Alas, it is time to lay your quivering chest upon the winter's coming."
Pile 1 your planet archetype is the Moon. In astrology the Moon represents our inner world, that which is hidden, but also comes to the surface in the shape of feelings and emotions. Those who are ruled by the Moon tend to be highly emotional, empathetic and artistic. All of these qualities are shown in your cards here. The Ace of Cups is the overflow of emotion that you feel, even by just watching a film. You feel deeply and sometimes that creates a dissonance with the people around you, as they don't understand things on the same emotional level that you do. This also makes you very intuitive. You are capable of picking up on a lot of information from subtle cues. You might be able to finish other people's sentences or to pick up on things and feelings that they haven't revealed.
Most likely you are more of an introvert, as your inner world is richer than the outer world. You don't get bored easily, because your imagination is incredibly rich. It's easy to create a story in your mind and to feel it deeply. You're also a really good listener. People might have a tendency of just opening up to you, even if they hadn't intended to do so. There's just something about you that makes them feel heard and understood. I also get the feeling that a lot of you also act a bit as therapists or psychoanalysts for yourselves and for friends. You listen to your friends and help them to work through their feelings, thoughts or problems.
How it affects how others perceive you
The first thing I'm getting is that you have a lovely voice, pile 1. People enjoy hearing you talk and you might also like to sing as well. I also get the feeling that people see you as someone who is wise beyond their years, but also as someone who tends to be fair. They know that they can come to you to help mediate a problem, because you'll be kind, but fair at the same time.
Some people see you as being closed off and sometimes even a little bit pretentious. They think that you're faking your sensitivity to get attention. This doesn't reflect the way most people see you though. In general, you're seen as someone who is very empathetic and compassionate. I get the feeling that most people think that you're vegetarian/vegan or that you care a lot about protecting animals. Also, you're seen as someone who "will turn the other cheek". They think that you're more inclined to forgive and forget, rather than to confront someone.
Some people might be a bit wary of approaching you, because they think that you won't be interested in them. Sometimes it seems that you are too deep for others to understand. But, there's also a vibe of mystery and a sharpness in your eyes that makes you very interesting. I also think that you give the vibe of being into spirituality or being very intuitive. Which can be a bit off-putting for some, and attractive to others.
Physical characteristics will be different for everyone of course, but I think that most of you have very intense eyes. It's the type of eyes that it feels like you're staring right into someone's soul. I think that some people are even intimidated about this, because it feels like you're jugdging them. It's like you'll know if they're lying - at least that's their perception.
Pile 2
Ten of Wands, Three of Wands, The Veil
"It's quite possible your eyes have become the fog in which you dwell. A half-swallowed glimpse of all that you truly are or can be, that the tears you bleed are ready for the storms to turn the skies inward."
Pile 2 your archetype is Pluto. This is one of the dark planets, it deals with power, destruction and transformation. Scorpio is a zodiac sign that has a similar energy to this planet. You're not scared of change, in fact, I think that you crave it. You're constantly evolving, changing and transforming yourself - I don't think that you have a final shape in mind, it's transformation for its own sake. You remind me of the Ouroboros actually. The snake that eats itself.
Your energy is dark, thick and mysterious. You share some similarities with pile 1, in the sense that you're both very intuitive, mysterious and deep. However, while pile 1 is deep in an emotional sense, you're deep in a more mental sense. What I mean by this is that you are more cerebral. You like to explore what is hidden and taboo. You like to explore topics such as sex, addiction, death, philosophical topics like why are we here, is god real, that sort of thing. You're not really into small talk, and you might start a conversation with a topic that is too deep. As you like to explore what is hidden some of you might have a tendency to try to figure out mysteries. This may mean that you like reading/watching murder mysteries or that you indulge in conspiracy theories. Some of you also like to talk (and act!) about topics that make people uncomfortable like politics and activism.
Something that can't go unmentioned is your interest in the occult. For your oracle card you even got The Veil. You see more than people realize and I mean this in two ways: you might have some sort of psychic powers, or it's just your ability to pick up information that hasn't been revealed. I think that you're quite prone to lightbulb moments, where you suddenly have big epiphanies.
How it affects how others perceive you
Do you know that dark feminine aesthetic that is so trendy right now? This is that exact vibe. Others see you almost like a vampire, something that is dark, mysterious and alluring, with just a hint of dangerous. Even if you're not conventionally beautiful people are attracted to you. It's the way you walk, talk and present yourself. The cool thing here is that this isn't really intentional on your part. Sure, you can amp it up if you want to, but it's just the way that you are naturally.
As we talked about in the previous section you love talking about deep and taboo topics, because of this some people perceive you a bit negatively. They might see you as a contrarian or edgy, it's like you're just talking about these things to rile people up or to be different (this is how they view it, not necessarily how it truly is). Others think that talking with you can be a bit dangerous because you never know what might come up and they may be refuse to engage in certain topics. Other people are put off by the way you eschew cultural norms and just start talking about these taboo topics. While some see this in a negative light, there are also people who admire the way you can just say what you think and bring up these topics without fear. It makes them a little braver themselves.
You might be seen as someone who is very sexual or sensual, or even as someone who is sexually liberated just because you don't conform to the way things have been up until now. This may attract weird people or stalkers. People also see you as someone who works hard, but tends to take on more than what they can chew. Most people think that you're going to go far in life and that you have the potential to be very successful. However, they don't see you being the center of attention.
Pile 3
Three of Pentacles, Hierophant, The Underworld
"Hand over your known, a shift is near. Take a leap, your journey is clear."
Pile 3 your planet archetype is Saturn. In astrology this is the planet of time, restriction, order and growth. This isn't an easy planet to deal with, and often it's guilty of presenting us with our most difficult challenges. This shows me that you have already been through a lot, everything that you have achieved has been through blood, sweat and tears. But, it also shows me that you don't shy away from a challenge. You're a strong person, because life has made you so. In your place a lot of people would break.
The Hierophant is a great card to show this Saturn energy as it embodies hierarchy and power struggles. You're someone who doesn't really like change and appreciates the way our society it's constructed. Sure, it has flaws, but it doesn't mean that it's a bad system. With Saturn being your planet archetype you understand that there's a reason for the existence of hierarchies and that power can only be achieved through a combination of effort and experience.
You work really hard, pile 3. You know what you want and how to make it happen, but it doesn't mean that the road to get there is easy. You also know how to work together with others and see the value in cooperation and community. I feel like you're someone who is very active in their community - you might even do some activism work for the betterment of your community. You enjoy taking care of others, and a lot of you are the Mom friend of your respective groups. I also get the feeling that a lot of you are the eldest sibling or, the older daughter.
How it affects how others perceive you
Others see you as someone who tends to stick by the rules and who doesn't think too much outside the box. If things have always worked this way why should you try a new way and waste time and resources? This how others see you. To them you are very non-nonsense. To some people you might come off as someone who is all work and no play.
Most people see you as being very ambitious and someone who will definitely reach high places. People think that you are very respectful and know how to conduct yourself in different places - like adjusting your posture and language in the group you're in. In general, you're seen as being a good communicator and I think that a lot of you have deeper voices. You seem to talk a little bit slower and with good diction. Also, sometimes the way you talk is almost like someone who is giving a speech (in a good way).
When it comes to seduction, people see you as someone who is very classy and most definitely out of their league. Your standards are super high and people think that they would never be good enough for you. Your flirting style is subtle and again, quite classy, a bit old-fashioned even. People expect that you will want to be romanced (if you're a woman) or taking the initiative and do the romancing (if you're a man).
Most people see you as being very traditional, even when it comes to politics and gender roles (again this is just their perspective and not the objective truth). I also get the vibe that some people think that you are very closed off and that they don't get to see the real you, just the persona that you're projecting.
Pile 4
Chariot, Eight of Pentacles, Crystals and Herbs
"Oh what medicine, what sacredness to behold. A dash of healing straight from Mother's home."
Pile 4, your planet archetype is Mars. Mars is the fiery planet of conflict, passion and drive. Something that I get right away is that you might be very into sports or dance, or that you move in a very graceful way. You're a go getter, pile 4. Differently from pile 3, you're not someone who wants to achieve things for status, but because you love the thrill of going after something. You are passionate and very outspoken. You have strong beliefs and you don't shy away from stating them. I get the vibe that most of you talk quite loudly.
This is a very specific vibe, but I think that most of you prefer to interact with physical things rather than technology. Basically the embodiment of "go touch some grass". You like arguing and play-fighting with your friends. You tend to have touch as love language, rather than talking about your feelings. When it comes to emotions I think that they can be very big and explosive almost.
I also get the vibe that most of you talk quite quickly as well, and sometimes it might be hard for other people to keep up with what you're saying. You're full of enthusiasm most of the time and tend to hype up and motivate your friends when you feel they need an extra push. When you're working on something it's easy for you to be completely focused on that and block everything out.
How it affects how others see you
Other people see you as someone who is very passionate and for some it seems that you would be quick to anger. They tend to see you as being impulsive and someone who acts without thinking. It's interesting because I think that a lot of people tend to underestimate you for some reason. It's like they think that what they see is what they'll get and that you don't have much depth beyond that.
You're also seen as someone who is very driven and very active. People think that you're always doing something and always occupied. I also get the vibe that you're seen as someone who is in shape or who exercises.
When it comes to a more physical side of you I think that your facial expressions are quite intense. If you're happy or sad or confused it can be seen clearly on your face. In general you also seem to move gracefully or if that doesn't apply you move in a very distinctive way.
When it comes to sexuality and seduction people think that you'll take the initiative and just ask someone out. People also tend to think that you're very sexual (I kinda see the Spicy Latina trope here for you guys) and even a bit promiscuous. People are attracted to you and they might project that negatively onto you.
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madstronaut · 3 months
got totally blindsided by a whole fucking beautiful chapter on IRL a/b/o pack dynamics in a sociological nonfiction nyt bestseller book I was reading
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EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU, ISABEL WILKERSON FOR INCLUDING THIS CHAPTER IN CASTE (great and challenging read btw, highly recommend) i am also honestly like why is there a whole chapter dedicated to this is she secretly an A/B/O fan LMAO
a few choice quotes for all my fellow a/b/o fiends out there:
"True alphas, the behaviorist told me, are fearless protectors against outside incursions, but they rarely have to assert themselves within the pack, rarely have to act with aggression, bark orders, or use physical means of control." speak softly carry big dstick vibes
"True alphas command authority through their calm oversight of those who depend upon them. They establish their rank early in life and communicate through ancient signals their inner strength and stewardship, assert their power only when necessary. An alpha generally eats first, decides when and who will eat afterward, inspires trust through firm shepherding for the safety and well-being of the pack."
"An alpha is not necessarily the biggest or fastest but usually the innately self-assured one who can chastise a pack member with a mere look or low voice. A true alpha wields quiet power judiciously apportioned."
"You know that you are not seeing a true alpha, or, put another way, you have encountered an insecure alpha, if he or she must yell, scream, bully, or attack those beneath them into submission. That individual does not have the loyalty and trust of the pack and endangers the entire group through his or her insecurities, through his or her show of fear and lack of courage."
"We owe our misperceptions about alpha behavior to studies of large groupings of wolves placed into captivity and forced to fight for dominance or to cower into submission. In nature, wolf packs are more likely to consist of extended family systems, packs of between five and fifteen wolves, led by an alpha male and an alpha female, whom the pack trust and has reason to trust for the survival of them all." ok let me interject here to briefly proclaim *clears throat* ALPHA FEMALE SUPREMACYYYY
"The main characteristic of an alpha male wolf is a quiet confidence, quiet self-assurance...you know what's best for your pack. You lead by example. You're very comfortable with that. You have a calming effect."
"At the bottom of the hierarchy is the omega, the underdog, the lowest-ranking wolf, arising from natural personality traits in relation to others in the pack. The omega generally eats last and serves as a kind of court jester who acts as an escape valve, often picked on by other wolves. He bears the brunt of the tensions they face in the wild, where they are subject to attack from predators or from rival packs and during lean times in the hunt for prey."
"The omega acts as a kind of social glue, allowing frustration to be vented without actual acts of war...the omega is so critical to the pack structure that when a pack loses its omega, it enters into a long period of mourning, where the entire pack stops hunting and just lays around looking miserable, as if there were no longer a reason to go on. The loss of an omega can threaten social cohesion and put the entire pack at risk. Depending on the composition of the pack, an omega might not be easily replaced. The new omega would mean a demotion for one of the lower to mid-level pack members. Either way, the pack is destabilized. After all, these roles are not artificially assigned based upon what an individual wolf looks like, as with certain other species, but emerge as a consequence of internal personality traits that surface naturally in the forming of a pack."
tagging my fellow a/b/o + werewolf au fans/moots/beloveds:
@obsidiangravity @the-californicationist @ghostgorlsworld @http-paprika @deadbranch
@gemmahale @frogchiro @yeyinde @ghouljams @shotmrmiller
(i bless you all with enough inspo and hcs and fic ideas to rival loads of rut/heat-induced knotti-)
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the-golden-comet · 1 month
✨👑Character Profile Tag 👑✨
Thank you for this tag, @willtheweaver , here @paeliae-occasionally , @mundanemoongirl here, and here @saturnine-saturneight ! 💛✨
Okay, PETER TAKE A SEAT. We’re gonna let BENJAMIN answer this. ✨
Name: Benjamin Matthias Bartholomew
Nickname: Benji
Kind of Being: Human
Age: 21
Sex: Male
“Prince Benjamin was a red-headed dynamo: short hair with long strands in front of his freckled lobes, lining the contour of his soft jawline. A slender-bodied, slightly curved twink dressed in royal purple silk. He, too, had side-swept bangs to cover his slightly-sunburned forehead. His face was also dotted in many freckles that extended down his neck, past his shoulder and arms. He rolled his emerald green eyes as he crossed his arms across his chest.”
Occupation: Prince of Port Mayor
Family members: Father—Matthias Bartholomew (Duke of Port Mayor), mother unknown
Pets: None
Best friend: None
Describe his/her room:
Finally, swinging first his arms over the window pane, then his legs, Peter tucked and rolled inside the lavish room. It was adorned with golden accents, royal purple sheets, and heavily ornamented furniture. Standing quickly, the blonde pirate dusted off his hands and took stock.
“Right….” He looked around the room, observing his surroundings. “….Vanity, check. Wardrobe, check…..hm?” Peter knelt down on one knee and looked underneath the bed. A few sheets were preemptively tied together, as if the person this room belonged to had been planning an escape. “Ah, well that makes my job easy…..”
The Golden Pirate pulled out the makeshift rope, pulling the sheets taut as he tested the integrity of the tied ends. “….Though, whoever made this needs a few tips on tying knots….” Peter reinforced the sheets in his own sailor knots, satisfied that they would hold his weight. Then, he draped the rope of sheets over the bottom of the window, outside the room as they billowed down to a foot above the ground. Tying the other end tightly to the foot of the heavy bed, he secured his exit and got to work scavenging the room for loot.
Way of speaking: British accent, speaks like a royal.
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): very dynamic, perpetually pissed off, carries himself like a prince not because he wants to, but because that’s what he had to do in the castle.
Items in his/her back pocket/ purse: nothing
Hobbies: Ballroom Dancing, writing.
Favorite sports: Cricket 🏏
Abilities/Talents/Powers: Bilingual (English and French), somehow being both the luckiest and unluckiest man alive.
Relationships (how he/she is with other people): distrusting, gradually has to warm up to the person
Fears: Megalophobia, Hemophobia
Faults: naive, cynical, lofty daydreamer, idealistic, abrasive, blunt
Has Vasovagal Syncope with triggers from blood (more of a medical condition than a fault)
Good points: fiercely loyal, can stand his ground, knows exactly what he wants, shows bravery in multiple instances of fear.
What he/she wants more than anything else: To be loved by a man who adamantly loves him back, a romantic at heart. To have freedom to love who he wants, and live the life he wants.
Tag! @tragedycoded , @sableglass , @cowboybrunch , @wyked-ao3 , @gioiaalbanoart , @alinacapellabooks , @authorcoledipalo , @mysticstarlightduck , @ominous-feychild , @drchenquill , @finickyfelix , @autism-purgatory , @willtheweaver , @aintgonnatakethis , @moltenwrites , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @agirlandherquill , @astramachina , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @yourpenpaldee , @48lexr , @thecomfywriter , @thatuselesshuman , @rotting-moon-writes , @lychhiker-writes , @davycoquette , @katenewmanwrites , @leatafandom , @thebearthatreads , @tabswrites , @words-after-midnight , @theaistired , @theverumproject , @theink-stainedfolk , @ceph-the-ghost-writer , @cybercelestian , @differentnighttale , @jadeglas , +open tag! ✨
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 3 months
Powers post!
I wrote something up on COG yesterday which explains the entire cast's powers in a little more detail, and I thought it'd be nice to crosspost here.
Here you are!
Dion - Can create energy projections which emerge from terrain, e.g. walls, floors, ceilings. These can also extend from each other to a more limited extent. They specifically seem to manifest as geometric shapes, as in, rather than just a vertical energy barrier, it would be a cube-shaped projection
Mal - Exceptional durability/resistance towards physical harm (cuts, blunt trauma, etc.) Capable of altering their own appearance, including height/bulk, but not precisely enough to accurately mimic others (could maybe hold up to a cursory inspection, but nothing more)
Kay - As well as having sheeplike physiology, she is able to absorb impact (and energy to some extent?) and ‘charge’ herself with it, resulting in an electrical aura. More charge = harder hits and greater speed.
Teddie - Constant bone growths that push through his skin. Luckily for him, his body works with these to not be, y’know, constantly bleeding everywhere. Unluckily for him, he still feels the growth. And he can only get rid of them by breaking them off. He’s able to influence/stimulate growth to an extent, allowing him to construct exoskeletal armour for missions (hence his more elaborate setup on the two jobs so far)
Wil - Able to drain energy from others via touching them, temporarily boosting their own strength and speed. Apparently works on constructs like Portrait’s too, neat!
Surpass - Super strength, durability, and speed. Doesn’t work quite as straightforwardly as advertised, but we’ll get into that in time. ; )
Vantage - Creates precognitive simulations which enable her to predict roughly how likely a given course of events is to happen. The more information she has on the topic, the better her prediction. Has limitations: introducing outside factors to a simulation will likely render the previous simulation useless, and she’ll have to do it again, and she doesn’t have infinite concentration/mental energy to constantly run every possible permutation of events at all times. 97.65% was a bluff.
Arcade - Shoots lasers!! - fires colourful lasers from his hands, growing in intensity the longer he charges them up. Easily capable of causing burns/starting fires.
Enfilade - Augment. Cybernetically enhanced in various ways, boosting physical capabilities. Most prominently, her arms are almost entirely artificial, and one forearm houses a powerful bolt launcher.
Portrait - ‘Paints’ constructs from inorganic material, with the creations taking on some characteristics from the material (i.e. a concrete construct would be hard-skinned). The constructs have limited autonomy and are heavily reliant Portrait’s orders, which as you can imagine is a significant weakness. Struggles to maintain more than three at a time, though there’s no diffusion of overall power (they don’t get weaker as he makes more) Unclear whether the animal theme is a preference or a requirement.
Phalanx - Telekinetic manipulation of metal (so nope, she’s not Magneto). Metal she’s manipulating exerts force roughly proportional to the weight/size, meaning she’s liable to dragging herself around. Though that essentially renders her capable of flight, score!
Hypothesis - Still a secret!
Catalyst - Physical attacks are repeated threefold. He punches you once, you feel it thrice. One two three.
CG - Superhumanly perfect balance. As in “can run on walls and stand on pretty much anything capable of bearing her weight” perfect.
Variable - Can teleport themself a short distance, leaving behind a weird membrane like they just shed a shell.
Gremlink - Augment. Cybernetically enhanced with a particular view towards integrating tech with her senses. Absolutely none of this was done through legal channels. Tinkers her own cyberware because, to be frank, she’s possessed of a reckless disregard for her own safety.
Lullaby - They sing, you snooze.
Ranger - Can produce a temporary chameleon-like effect, allowing him to blend in with his surroundings. Maybe chameleon isn’t quite the right word as it’s maybe a bit more like stealth camo from Metal Gear? Anyway, he goes gloes to invisible, albeit still possible to make out a silhouette, with effort.
Hit - Greatly enhanced accuracy, especially with projectiles. Technically works in close combat but uhhh he’s kind of shit in a fistfight.
Mis - Greatly enhanced reflexes. Operates on kind of a scale depending on how close and direct something threatening physical harm is. Hence, in a straight up brawl it’s nigh-impossible to land a clean strike. Nowhere near as effective with grappling or indirect attacks, and, well, she doesn’t have eyes in the back of her head and she’s no stronger than any other young adult in decent shape.
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botanicalsword · 1 year
Rising sign observations • part 1 (Aries-Virgo)
Photo credit @le.sinex
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Aries Risings
People hope to become fearless individuals who always stay true to themselves throughout their lives, but often forget this after they are born. When they become fixated on playing the role of a warrior, they feel exhausted in this life.
Having grown up in an active environment, they possess a natural sense of rhythm and enjoy various sports, displaying physical vitality. They are always active, energetic, and constantly moving, which makes them less susceptible to weight gain. Additionally, they are quick to notice and prevent any changes to their figure.
Taurus Risings
The combination of all sensory experiences may result in them having a talent for music and art. This talent may come naturally or may be a result of growing up in an environment rich in visual, auditory, and other sensory stimuli, which made them particularly sensitive to beauty.
While having abundant resources can provide a great sense of security for Taurus risings, it can also become their cage.
Gemini Risings
During their childhood, attention was rarely given to them by their father or family. Their home was like a social gathering place, and the focus of family activities was not on the family itself.
They all enjoy having fun, but they also spend a lot of time alone. What sets them apart is that their way of being alone is not lonely or withdrawn; they enjoy fun with themselves. This is because they often feel out of place in their environment, as they have known since they were young that they are very different from their family. They have developed a habit of enjoying their own company.
Cancer Risings
Individuals who prefer to remain neutral may struggle in companies with complex power structures. This tendency towards neutrality is a self-protection mechanism developed during childhood, leading them to hide certain emotions. Although they tend to avoid getting involved in company politics and not taking sides, this often results in losing potential allies. Despite their efforts to avoid offending people with their attitude, their actions may still cause offense.
Their attitude towards people and things is very different. They are very gentle towards people, but they have direct expectations for their career. People would expect them to be the gentlest, most approachable, and least competitive person in the office. However, when working with them, they are found to be very persistent, decisive, and want to be in charge.
Leo Risings
Since their youth, they have been highly valued and well-cared for, in a strong sense of self-esteem. They view themselves as unique and outstanding and feel responsible for others.
Despite possibly spending all their money, Leos typically do not end up impoverished due to their likable nature, they are willing to lend a helping hand.
Leo risings have a desire to be remembered by others and in turn, make an effort to remember others as well. They value recognition from others and hope to remember those who value them in order to remember others.
Virgo Risings
They are well-suited for service-oriented positions, particularly those that involve fixed and repetitive tasks. They work quietly, pay close attention to detail, and are unafraid of hard work. They can perform regular tasks for extended periods without becoming bored.
Their ability to focus on details makes them well-suited for jobs that place a premium on attention to detail.
As children, Virgos often have a common characteristic - they value practicality in all their demands. They aspire to become functional when they grow up. Many rising Virgos maintain a habit of continuous learning and further education in practical skills, rather than pursuing knowledge or intellectual pursuits.
(To be continued)
Masterlist @botanicalsword
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faulty-writes · 1 year
heyhey how are you doing ? I was super excited to see someone writing so much for Tenya. So if it's okay...Can you write hc of him with a romantic partner (gn or fem if you feel more comfortable writing fem) who tries to bond with his family, like someone who would befriend Tensei, help him with his recovery maybe, would get along with his parents etc ⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝
[ I'm doing okay, thank you for asking. Been busy with schoolwork, Abnormal Psychology is kicking my ass this term but so far I've gotten A's so, hooray for me. Also got a new job. Honestly, he's very popular on my blog because I write him well. At least that's what everyone tells me, hah. Anywho, this sounds adorable. Plus Tensei is mentioned! I love him very dearly as well. ]
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"This is Y/n. She is my fellow student and romantic partner. She is rather admirable for the way she so victoriously displays her heroic skills during our assigned training sessions as well as the way she articulates her quirk!" You weren't sure if you were more embarrassed that those were his first words when introducing you to his family or that his mother immediately took a liking to you, going as far as to thank you for your interest in her son.
It was an honor to meet Tensei since Tenya continuously spoke of his admiration for the now-retired pro hero. Although it saddened you to see him in a wheelchair, it didn't dampen his spirits. "Hey! It's awesome to meet the girl my little brother keeps talking about!" He said, happily shaking your hand. "Brother! I ask you not to go into such details regarding that," Tenya insisted, flushing softly.
"Apologies, my family has requested my assistance." You understood that family was a priority for Tenya, especially considering he bragged about the Iida name. Because of this, he canceled your date plans on occasion, and you tried to remain supportive considering family bonds were precious.
On more than one occasion, you had dinner with the Iida family. "It is quite an honor to share this family bonding moment with you! I do hope the Iida family has made you feel welcome!" Tenya would always try to break the ice and unlike his mother, his father was less impressed by you but regardless, you tried your best to connect with him.
"You can pull harder, it's totally okay!" Tensei said. Sometimes you'd help him with his physical therapy exercises when Tenya was busy studying or just provide him with companionship, all of which Tenya would thank you for. "To show such noble attributes to fallen heroes is a wonderful characteristic! I hope that I may be able to display true hero qualities such as yours one day!" Sometimes his praise was too much.
His mother would invite you to go shopping or out to eat. Of course, you weren't used to the fine taste the Iida family was known for. However, you genuinely enjoyed your time and when you returned, Tenya was eager to hear what had happened.
The basis of your relationship was honesty and open communication, and you extended this courtesy to his family. Especially with his father who asked you specific questions regarding your dreams and goals for the future. He also asked you about your romantic life both with his son and any past partners you had.
The two of you managed to keep each other in balance and more importantly, worked around your busy schedules. Between your academic and personal lives, it was tricky to maintain your romantic life. But Tenya always made time to show you how much he and, to an extent, his family cared and loved you.
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spiralingthoughtpost · 8 months
Vedic Astrology Observations
Mars Dominant Men
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(GIF context: The gif shows Mars Dominant Jim Carrey [Mrigashira Moon and Dhanishta Ketu] being extra, which is what he is known for. The other video is just shear chaos that I think is demonstrative of Mars energy at its most energetic and undeveloped. Just... watch it, and you will see.)
Mars, known as "Mangal" in Vedic astrology, is the general of the army of gods. It is a symbol of dynamism and excitability, embodying the essential forces of ambition, anger, and action. In Vedic astrology, Mars plays an important role in reinforcing principles related to assertiveness and drive. The placement of Mars in an individual's kundli (birth chart) is indicative of where energy is most actively expressed and channeled, often linked to pursuits involving motivation, courage, combat, and conquest. Additionally, Mars governs the domains of passion and sexuality, overseeing primal instincts of desire and attraction, thereby significantly influencing sexual drive, romantic pursuits, and the broader expression of fervor, which includes violence and cruelty. In the context of relationships and sexuality, Mars' placement in the birth chart can reveal an individual's approach to sexual matters, assertiveness in romantic endeavors, and physical intimacy. The influence of Mars also extends beyond physical exertion as well, as it similarly encapsulates broader concepts of mental initiative and the cognitive drive necessary to achieve goals and overcome obstacles. Mars is not a one-dimensional force; while it represents the essential pursuit we all need to get things done, it also signifies potential conflict, impulsivity, and a propensity for brashness. Like fire, Mars's energy can both forge and destroy, serving as a tool for constructive purposes or leading to destruction if not properly managed. This complex nature of Mars highlights the importance of balance and control in harnessing its power. The journey of Mars in one's life is that of a warrior's path, necessitating not only the wielding of power but also an understanding of its consequences and the judicious use of such force. The process of learning to balance and direct one's energies appropriately is central to the teachings of Mars, making its influence important for personal growth, self-understanding, and the realization of one's potential.
Mars, within the framework of Vedic astrology, wields a significant influence on an individual's personality and life direction, something that becomes especially pronounced in natives with prominent placements in Mars-ruled nakshatras like Mrigashira, Chitra, and Dhanishta. Investigating Mars' astrological impact provides an opportuned look into the inherent characteristics, life paths, and challenges of those under its primary influence, particularly regarding its astrological significations as they manifest in the real world. The presence of a dominant Mars in an astrological chart typically results in a personality distinguished by ambition, assertiveness, and a pronounced expression of will. Although these traits can be observed in both genders, they tend to be more conspicuous in Mars-dominant men. This is a bit unrelated, but I would recommend that, for all astrological endeavors, you should be able to see the influence of astrology in people's' lives, and that should roughly align with the significations of the energy behind the different signs, planets, houses etc. Astrology is true beyond self-reflection. It is the essence of life and the universe itself and establishes a oneness to all things that can be observed even in and beyond material world.
Anyway, Mrigashira Nakshatra, often referred to as the birthplace of Mars, is where the planet's energy is expressed most vibrantly and potently. Symbolized by a deer, this nakshatra embodies an inherent restlessness and a relentless quest for chasing after something. It represents qualities like agility and grace, mirroring the inherent qualities of Mrigashira individuals, such as quick intellect, adaptability, and a certain delicateness in their approach to life and relationships. The ruling deity of Mrigashira, Soma, the Moon God, adds to this Nakshatra a layer of emotional depth and intuitive insight that complements its inherent restlessness and quest for knowledge. Soma's influence brings a nurturing and reflective quality to the vibrant and potent energy of Mars, softening the aggressive pursuit with a touch of gentleness. When Mrigashira falls in Taurus, co-ruled by Venus, this brings in elements of sensuality, aesthetics, and a deeper connection to the material and sensual world. The influence of Venus enhances the allure and charm inherent in the deer symbolism, adding a dimension of beauty and attraction to the restlessness and curiosity driven by Mars. Conversely, when Mrigashira is in Gemini, co-ruled by Mercury, the focus shifts more towards communication, intellect, and a mercurial nature of being skilled. The deer's symbolism here aligns with agility not just in physical movement but in mental acuity as well. The connection of Mar's and Mercury's influence on this Nakshatra infuses these individuals with a sharp wit, a capacity for rapid intellectual processing, and an insatiable curiosity about the world around them. Together, the influence of both Taurus and Gemini are combined to make up this cusp Nakshatra as a whole, blending qualities of each for those born under it. Individuals with significant placements in Mrigashira are marked by intense curiosity and a dynamic spirit, leading to a restlessness that transcends the physical, spurring a constant pursuit of knowledge and unfettered thoughts. Their minds are agile and adaptable, producing a versatile and energetic approach to life. However, this can sometimes result in an overwhelming influx of thoughts, necessitating continuous physical/mental stimulation and a penchant for novelty to keep them quiet. In relationships, their charismatic and dynamic nature is alluring, yet their constant craving for change can challenge the stability and depth of these connections. Professionally, they excel in roles that demand innovation, quick thinking, and adaptability. Additionally, with Mars' association with sex and desire, the birth of Mars in this nakshatra intertwines with the genesis of desire and the inherent chase in seduction, shown in its natives as being either "hard to get" or relentless in their pursuit of another. The symbolism of the deer in this nakshatra resonates with this quality of desire and chase as it relates to innocence and allure, reflecting the dual aspects of seduction as both a playful and deeply carnal force.
(GIF contexts: The first gif shows Hugh Jackman [Mrigashira Moon, Chitra Sun and Chitra Mercury – I also thought I should mention he has Shravana ascendant {moon and saturn-ruled nak, while not moon dominant, the aspects in my moon-dominant post will still somewhat apply to him, since ascendant is a very important placement}, which introduces an aspect of discipline that I talk about a little later]. He is dancing while sitting. The second shows Armie Hammer who is jointly Ketu and Mars Dominant [Mrigashira Moon, Chitra Venus and Ketu / Magha Sun and Mercury]. As a side note, Armie Hammer played in Call Me By Your Name with Timothee Chalamet who is Joint dominant with Ketu and Jupiter, which is interesting considering Mars is one of the most compatible with Jupiter. The third shows Lionel Messi who is mix of Mars and Moon again [Mrigashira Moon, Chitra Midheaven / Shravana Asc and Rohini Venus])
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Chitra Nakshatra, symbolized by a bright jewel, epitomizes the fusion of creativity and allure. This nakshatra, much like a finely cut gem, reflects the qualities of precision, intricacy, and brilliance. Chitra Nakshatra, under the guardianship of Tvashtar or Vishwakarma, the divine architect and cosmic craftsman, radiates the essence of creative brilliance and aesthetic perfection. The influence of this deity gives Chitra natives a blend of artistic talent and a keen eye for details, mirroring Tvashtar's role in shaping the universe with precision and creativity. They can be some of the most expansive when it comes to world-building, almost to the point where it becomes disturbing how far into detail they will go. The symbol of Chitra being a bright jewel perfectly encapsulates the splendor and allure that Tvashtar imparts to these individuals, fostering an affinity for harmony, design, and the finer things in life. When Chitra falls in Virgo, co-ruled by Mercury (possibly Ceres), the focus is on the meticulous and analytical aspects, mirroring the precise and careful crafting of a jewel. This placement accentuates the intellectual and detailed-oriented facets of creativity, similar to the skilled artisanship in gem cutting. Conversely, in Libra, co-ruled by Venus, Chitra's energy shifts towards the aesthetic, the harmonious, and the beautiful aspects of a jewel's allure. In this sign, the emphasis is on artistic expression, sensory appreciation, and the creation of visual harmony, aligning with Venus's influence on Chitra's inherent Mars-driven dynamism. The symbolism of the jewel in Chitra thus resonates with the attributes of detail, thoughtfulness craftsmanship, and aestheticism, making this cusp Nakshatra very similar but different to its less developed predecessor. Individuals with significant placements in Chitra are known for their artistic sensibility and charm, often drawn to professions where creativity and aesthetics hold sway. Their pursuit of beauty drives them towards perfectionism in various life aspects, from art and design to personal expression, much like a jewel being chiseled to display harmony and beauty. However, this pursuit can sometimes lead to a performative aspect in their expressions, prioritizing appearance over substance. The fiery energy of Mars in this nakshatra can manifest as a combative trait, fueling their dynamic approach to life but also leading to conflicts when ideals of perfection meet less polished realities. The symbolism of the jewel in Chitra reflects a balance between brilliance and fragility, much like a precious stone: captivating, yet susceptible to cracking under pressure. Additionally, Mars adds a layer of passion to their artistic endeavors and romantic pursuits, modifying the expression of Mercury and Venus with an added layer of intensity. This might extend to all Mars men, but Chitra tends to really emphasize the smile.
(GIF contexts: First one shows Joseph Morgan [Chitra Moon]. The second shows Jude Law [Chitra Moon]. The third is John Krasinski [Chitra Sun and Moon with Mrigashira Ascendant])
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Dhanishta Nakshatra shows Mars in its most sophisticated, refined form, particularly dominating in aspects of masculine sexuality and spirituality. Presided over by the Vasus, the eight elemental gods in Vedic mythology, this nakshatra emulates the virtues of wealth, generosity, and musicality. This celestial domain gives its natives the essence of resourcefulness, resilience, and a connection to the natural and cosmic elements as symbolized by the drum, encapsulating rhythm, charisma, and the very pulse of life. Co-ruled by Saturn and straddling the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius, Dhanishta harmonizes the discipline of Saturn with the vigor of Mars, captivating others with its endurance, charisma, and a refined spiritual power. The significance of Mars being exalted in Capricorn plays an important role in the expression of Dhanishta Nakshatra. Mars' exaltation in this Nakshatra at the 28º of Carpcorn signifies the planet's optimal expression of discipline, determination, and the ability to achieve goals with focused energy. This exaltation enhances Dhanishta's traits, giving individuals a formidable ability to channel Mars' dynamic force constructively and with purpose. The balance of Mars' raw energy and Saturn's structured approach in Dhanishta translates to a sophisticated handling of power, a relentless drive for achievement, and an alignment with a sense of purpose. This blend of Mars' exalted qualities in tandem with saturn leads to a unique amalgamation of strength, resilience, and responsibility, albeit with the potential for emotional extremes and a tendency toward depressive states. While Dhanishta engenders purpose and strength, it can cause emotional fluctuations and a tendency towards depressive as well as over-excitable states. The highs of Mars' fiery energy can swiftly transition to the lows of Saturn's cold and somber disposition, creating a challenging oscillation between the two extremes. In their personal lives, the Dhanishta native's need for energy and control, amplified by intense sexual energy, can complicate relationships, leading to a cycle of passionate engagements followed by phases of solitude and detachment. This pattern, often observable in the lives of many Dhanishta natives, can result in a disconnect from one's authentic self and meaningful relationships. Furthermore, the Saturnine influence in Dhanishta brings an enhanced sense of duty, which, coupled with Mars' ambition and focus on male sexuality, often culminates in a relentless pursuit of success and a desire to satisfy the male ego, sometimes at the cost of personal health and well-being. Acknowledging the features of Mars in this Nakshatra is especially important as it reaches its maturity at age 28, when these themes become more pronounced for those under its strong influence. Individuals with prominent placements in Dhanishta often have a lustrous personality and a commanding presence, qualities that often thrust them into the public sphere. Their charisma and appeal are rooted not just in external factors but emerge from a deep sense of self-assuredness and a vigorous inner life. These people may also become overly-involved with their work to the point where it adversely affects their health, so that is another thing to keep in mind.
(GIF contexts: The first one shows Ashton Kutcher [Dhanishta Sun, Moon, and Venus -- possibly also Mrigashira Asc]. The second one shows Aaron Taylor Johnson [Dhanishta Sun and Mrigashira Moon.] The third shows Nicholas Cage [Chitra Moon and Dhanishta Saturn with Venus])
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Mars-dominant men are characterized by their complex and intense personalities, significantly shaped by the dynamic energy of Mars. This influence is evident in a range of behaviors, including assertiveness, vitality, and notable physical expressiveness, which are often juxtaposed with a distinctive emotional sensitivity and a tendency towards irritability. Such a combination frequently leads to a heightened level of emotional reactivity, predisposing them to sudden outbursts or intense responses to both physical and emotional stimuli. These reactions can sometimes seem erratic or disproportionate, emerging unexpectedly and potentially being perceived as a lack of emotional regulation. This aspect of their personality may come across as somewhat childish, marked by a lack of control in emotional expression. For example, they might exhibit an exaggerated reaction to minor annoyances, such as becoming excessively upset when disturbed, demonstrating an almost melodramatic response to scenarios that others might approach with greater composure. However, this same intensity of emotion can also manifest as a form of strength and fervor. Their copious energy often channels itself into various activities that capture their interest, leading to deep immersion in these pursuits. For instance, their engagement with a book might become so absorbing that they forsake any plans they have for the day, opting instead to consume the entire thing in a single session. This characteristic illustrates their capacity for exaggerated involvement in activities they find are passionately interested in, reflecting the significant impact of Mars' energy on their concentration and enthusiasm. This deep involvement can be both a source of fulfillment and, at times, a challenge, as their intense focus might lead them to overlook other aspects of their lives. Understanding and managing this potent Mars influence is key to harnessing its strengths while mitigating its potential downsides.
Mars-dominant men, driven by this planet's passionate and energetic influence, often gravitate towards activities that demand physical exertion and pose a challenge. This preference can take various forms, from athletic activities to spontaneous physical actions, some of which may be seen as unconventional or particularly intense. These men are typically drawn to extreme sports or activities that stimulate adrenaline, reflecting their desire for excitement and a drive to test their limits. Their approach to these activities is characterized by an intensity and a readiness to embrace risks, mirroring the unrestrained energy of Mars. While they generally may not favor disciplines like weightlifting or bodybuilding, which require a level of sustained discipline that contrasts with their inclination for sporadic bursts of energy more familiar to mars, a more refined expression of Mars, such as through Dhanishta Nakshatra, might lead them to engage in physical activities that incorporate a more structured approach. In addition to these pursuits, Mars-dominant men might also find a strong interest in the military or related fields, aligning with Mars' traditional association with warfare and combat. The disciplined structure, physical demands, and the inherent challenges of military life resonate with the Mars-driven need for a dynamic environment and the opportunity to demonstrate courage and strength. This attraction to the military or tactical fields can be seen as an extension of their adventurous spirit and their propensity to engage in activities that test their physical and mental fortitude. The discipline and order of military life provide a constructive outlet for their Mars-driven energy, channeling their inclination for risk-taking and physical exertion into a structured and purposeful framework. This interest in military pursuits or related activities not only aligns with the martial qualities of Mars but also allows these individuals to find a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment in an environment that values and nurtures their inherent traits and abilities. In daily life, their spontaneous physical behavior is also noticeable. Mars-dominant men might exhibit impulsive reactions, such as sprinting to catch a bus, suddenly engaging in a random dance, or displaying various forms of physical restlessness like tapping or bouncing their legs. These actions, although demonstrating their physical vitality, can sometimes be surprising or even disconcerting to others due to their intensity and the unexpected nature of these bursts of energy. This unpredictability, coupled with their physical prowess, can sometimes induce apprehension in those around them, stemming from a perception of a lack of control. This physical expressiveness is integral to their nature, providing a means to manifest Mars' fiery energy in a visible and impactful way that is hard to temper. Whether through structured sports or in spontaneous acts, their physicality is a crucial channel for their passion and energy, significantly shaping their interactions with and experiences of the world around them.
(GIF context: The first shows Charles LeClerc [Chitra Sun and Mercury – He also has prominent Ketu but not enough for me to consider that a joint-dominant.] The second shows Antony Starr [Chitra Sun and Mrigashira Moon.] The third is Aaron Paul [Chitra Moon.])
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In social settings, Mars-dominant men often exhibit a dichotomous behavior. Outwardly, they may present a reserved and polite persona because they wish to carefully curate their public image driven by a desire to be liked and admired and experience anxiety surrounding their inability to control their energy. However, this external calmness often conceals an inner whirlwind of energy and a combative intensity. Despite their efforts to appear controlled and composed, their interactions can unpredictably shift into provocative realms, especially in environments where they feel supported or defended by their social circle, or where they are otherwise at east. They may engage in boundary-pushing behaviors, rule-breaking, or ignite debates, just to elicit reactions that energize them and test the limits of others. This inclination to provoke and challenge is deeply ingrained in their nature, influenced by Mars' inherent provocativeness, which can be both physical and mental. When in the company of those they are comfortable with, their behavior can vary dramatically, shifting from polite and composed to passionately arguing about a complex political issue, for instance. This stark contrast between their almost shy, reticent demeanor and a more tumultuous, uninhibited side (which they often try to conceal) is a direct reflection of their internal struggle to reconcile Mars' fiery influence with societal norms and expectations. This struggle is alike to the effects of an imbalance in testosterone – rather than a balanced hormonal state that encourages virility and self-control, the Mars energy resembles the effects of excessive energy, where increased strength and irritability are coupled with unpredictability and a paradoxically stunted yet uninhibited sexual nature. Their social journey is thus characterized by navigating the fine line between innate Mars-driven impulses and the external social dynamics they aim to navigate. This ongoing internal conflict shapes their social interactions, influencing not only how they are perceived by others but also their self-perception. The challenge for Mars-dominant men lies in finding a way to harness their intense Mars energy constructively, without succumbing to its more disruptive tendencies. This balancing act is central to their personal growth and their ability to form meaningful and stable relationships in their social environments.
Mars-dominant men often exhibit an accentuated display of traditional masculine traits, influenced in part by their internalization of Mars' energy, which they frequently associate with conventional notions of masculinity and male sexuality. This can lead to an overemphasis on attributes such as stoicism and dominance, which are viewed as ideals to be aspired to. At the same time, there is often a tendency to devalue or even disdain traits traditionally considered feminine, such as emotional expressiveness, vulnerability, or gentleness. This behavior, albeit somewhat paradoxical given their own emotional intensity/sensitivity, reflects their struggle to balance their intense Mars-driven energy with societal perceptions of gender roles. It's important to note that these tendencies can be moderated by more feminine influences in their astrological chart, but generally, this is a prevalent pattern that is based on their usual harsh dealings with women. In terms of physical contact, Mars-dominant men typically exhibit a guarded approach. They are intensely protective of their personal space and can react strongly to unsolicited physical interactions. This protective stance is not merely a preference but part of their personality, rooted in a need to maintain control over their physical boundaries to avoid lashing out. However, this respect for personal space may not consistently apply to others. Their occasional disregard for others' personal boundaries can manifest in social settings, though this is often mediated by their desire to be perceived positively. This contradiction highlights another aspect of their complex nature, where the desire for personal autonomy coexists with a less pronounced respect for the autonomy of others. The challenge for Mars-dominant men exists in understanding and respecting the balance between asserting their own boundaries and acknowledging those of the people around them, navigating this aspect of their personality with awareness and sensitivity without compromising their values.
The complexity inherent in Mars-dominant men extends from their personal attributes into their intellectual and relational domains. They often hold complicated perspectives on various subjects, stemming from their willingness to engage with initially challenging ideas to gain a more objective perspective. This intellectual curiosity leads them to explore different sides of an argument, not just for the sake of learning how to refute the side they disagree with, but to substantiate their viewpoints with well-rounded research, reveling in the satisfaction of being "right" with multiple sources to back their claims (keep in mind, that is just one expression of mars. Sometime's mars individuals will just argue for the sake of arguing because it makes them feel good from the adrenaline). This love for intellectual depth is also evident in their approach to relationships. Mars-dominant men are attracted to partners who provide mental stimulation and wish to engage them on various levels – intellectually, emotionally, and physically. They value complexity and depth in their partners, seeking out relationships that offer open, thought-provoking dialogue. But beyond that, they want to be the center of attention in their relationships. These men desire a partner who can take charge and perhaps even educate them, not in a sense of having to be taken care of, but in a dynamic of expecting to be the better one in the relationship to guarantee their security. They enjoy delving into philosophical or abstract discussions, finding pleasure in the mental gymnastics such conversations provide. Consequently, they often avoid relationships that appear superficial or lack intellectual substance. The exception can be found in individuals with a strong Chitra influence, who might seek a balance that includes both depth and external perfection, sometimes even at the cost of authenticity. Regarding their relationship dynamics in terms of expression, Mars-dominant individuals can be either passive or dominant, influenced by their partner's disposition. A more assertive partner tends to bring out their passive side, whereas a more submissive partner tends to elicit a more dominant aspect in them. This adaptability is partly due to Mars' gender-neutral nature in its birth nakshatra, Mrigashira, which allows for a fluidity in their relational interactions but an adherence to traditional gender roles. This flexibility enables them to harmonize with various partner dynamics, adjusting their approach based on the energy and personality of their counterpart, ultimately seeking a balance that satisfies their complex nature, which can be a challenge for most of them.
GIF contexts: The first shows Eminem [Dhanishta Moon and Chitra Sun]. The second shows Ben Shapiro [Mrigashira Moon.] The third shows Alex Jones [Chitra Moon and Dhanishta Sun with Jupiter.])
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I think it is necessary to include that, while exhibiting behaviors that align with traditional masculinity and occasionally underappreciating feminine traits, Mars men are not typically overt misogynists. Their inclination towards activities and behaviors often seen as masculine can inadvertently draw in those with more extreme views on gender roles, such as certain friends or fans. However, this association should not be seen as a direct reflection of the personal beliefs or attitudes of Mars-dominant men themselves (One could argue guild by association, but that is not my call). In fact, contrary to subscribing to misogynistic views, many Mars-dominant men possess a deep respect and admiration for strong, independent women. They often challenge patriarchal norms that subjugate women, such as the notion that women's desirability diminishes with age or that women should be perceived as delicate and in need of male protection. Instead, they find strength, intelligence, and maturity in women attractive, indicating a more progressive and equitable view of gender. This perspective on gender highlights the complex influence of Mars in shaping their personalities. Just because Mars-dominant men may naturally gravitate towards pursuits traditionally labeled as "masculine" and may struggle at times with the expression of various traits, their core beliefs about gender often embrace a more nuanced understanding, appreciating strength and assertiveness regardless of gender. Recognizing this aspect of their personality is key to gaining a clearer understanding of Mars-dominant individuals, revealing a facet of these individuals that goes beyond surface-level interpretations of their actions and associations.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 8 months
I was thinking about the old LN1 character bios and remembered the line about the Twins being "born to be chefs". Assuming their not native to Nowhere, this would mean they had some violent tendencies before becoming residents, like it was their destiny.
This then made think about the end of tson ep 3 where Otto says the something like "Our world isn't the only world, let alone the predominant one".
All this made me realize that the worlds other than Nowhere may have been created by it (The Nowhere is implied to be sentient in it's own right) specifically to create concepts and injustices that could be used to warp and traumatize children, turning them into visitors and then into residents.
Alright so this is a great question that I think leads to a much larger discussion about how the Nowhere operates. I would like to hear what other peeps think as well.
So, starting from the Chefs. Personally I always assumed that they are part of that group of characters who are from the Nowhere because of the way their description is worded (and also their baby pictures... this one is so cute lowkey...)
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--- But following your train of thought: considering what we know of the Nowhere, it seems to amplify certain characteristics of a person, usually the bad ones. Two kids who are a bit propense to get into fights in the waking world may very well become blood thirsty maniacs in the Nowhere.
Interestingly, the modification of traits does not only apply to personality but also the body -- and usually, the physical changes are in relation back to said traits. For example, the Teacher - someone who is known to be controlling - can extend her neck infinitely to look everywhere and have the ability to blink removed to make sure she's always watching. The Doctor, a perfectionist with tons of authority, is always looking down on people while also growing enormous to match his ego. So on and so forth, you can follow this reasoning for a large number of the Residents we meet.
I think other timelines derivating from the Nowhere is definitely a possibility, as we don't know much of how the universes work there.
The general theory of a multiverse irl is that no timeline has any specific weight or importance over others; they are all parallel no matter how different, with no timeline being "the real one". This is if we view the Nowhere under the lens of it being a separate dimension. In TSON, the Nowhere is kind of implied to be sucking the people most vulnerable to it right in, so perhaps the idea Otto has of it the predominant world stems from the fact that he can't explain his fascination with it... or from a real, genuine desire to somehow "return" to the original land, if that's where the other timelines originated from.
HOWEVER, I would like to offer an alternative perspective on this --- based on what I found out during my research on the Ladies. Yup we're going there again
Rather than the characters themselves, this time I'm going to refer to a symbolism that is very prominent in their lore: Buddhism. More specifically the references to the six planes of existance, and how those can be tied back to Little Nights in a loose way. As stated in this site:
" The six realms of rebirth are a schema in which beings are reborn according to the kind of life they lived. [...] The animal realm, in which inhabitants are driven by basic needs, is one of the three “lower” realms. The other two are the hell realm, a place of constant suffering and torment, and the realm of the hungry ghosts, grasping beings who are never satisfied. The three “higher” realms are the human realm [...] the demigod realm [...] and the god realm, where beings enjoy a life of pleasure. It’s important to note that some Buddhists view the realms as literally real, while others interpret them psychologically as metaphors for the emotional states of the human condition. "
(Click on the link to read the whole thing; I only highlighted the parts I think are relevant to this conversation :] )
What I believe specifically relates back to the Nowhere are the three lower realms, from which the place itself may be loosely inspired by because of how its inhabitants are described.
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All of these are things we see in Little Nights from various Residents, depending on the social class and place. It is important to note that while these realms are placed in different hierarchies due to quality of life, they all cohexist together without necessarily being more important than each other as they all have the same purpose in the end.
If the worlds of Little Nights operate in a similar way, then what we're looking at is not really a case of dimension hopping, but rather a passage from a plane of existance to the next. A forced one at that, at least in the case of Noone.
Now, considering Otto's assumption, the idea of the Nowhere being a predominant realm only popped up because he was trying to wrap his head around it and how Noone felt, but to tell you the truth, it is a rather baseless assumption considering he's never been there and is only experiencing it in a very limited way. However... considering how many children from different places in time and space have experienced the Nowhere, sometimes even simultaneously, I wouldn't say that it's completely wrong to assume that the place might be the "original plane of existance".
Now. Reflecting on what you said at the very end, I would like to ask a question back: do you think the Nowhere is, hypothetically, only capable of bringing out the worst in people inherently? Or is it only acting this way because humanity itself is more easily conditioned to fall victim to their bad traits?
I've been recently thinking about it because of the Maw. The writer of Little Nightmares, Mr. Mervik, has stated multiple times over the years that the place has not always been the way that it is; at the same time, he also said that it was not man made, but rather created by collective hunger/desire to be fed. These two things don't make sense together unless you assume the Maw was not originally born for the Guests and the whole cannibal business, but rather from a desire of shelter. A need to be fed. Which is not inherently a bad thing -- and it would explain why the structure itself is so largely built to house so many people, and why children still feel relatively safe in it to this day.
So I find myself thinking that perhaps, the Maw degenerated overtime because the people inside of it (cough its leaders cough) did. And if this is the case for the Maw, who's to say it's not the same for other places? The Nest, for example? The School, the Hospital... etc. But. It is also true that the creatures who inhabit the Nowhere (the Ferryman, the North Wind, the Flesh...) all seem to have their own interests and destructive amusement more at heart than anything. If these creatures are what move the large of the Nowhere (which I guess they are considering the eye symbol is all over the goddman place), then the human will can't really do much.
That being said, I am wondering currently if it could be possible for the Nowhere to bring out something good from a person in the right situation. At the same time, the hopes are incredibly slim. Nonexistent, actually, but it's nice to think about hypothetics.
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thehollowwriter · 9 months
The Official (Remastered) Bio of Finn Clearcove
Basic Info:
Class: Class 2C
Dorm: Octavinelle
Club: Gargoyle Research Club
Birthday: 20th November
Age: 17
Height: 146cm
Dominant hand: He's ambidextrous
Unique Magic: Mirror Image. He can copy the voice of anyone he directly touches and their physical form if he pushes hard enough. If he wants, he can limit it to certain characteristics. (E.g: voice or eye colour). He can also copy their unique magic. However, it often comes out "wrong" (for example, King's Roar will result in a goopy black tar instead of sand), and if it results in a physical object like Riddle's collar, the object will look nonsensical and ai generated
Favourite subjects: Art, biology
Hobby: Painting
Likes: Butterflies, animals, reading, music, cooking, painting
Dislikes: Large crowds, loud people, showing his teeth, loud sounds, bright lights
Favourite food: Chocolate mousse, shrimp
Additional Info:
Homeland: The Coral Sea
Species: Cookie Cutter Shark Mer
Family: His father and later on Chrysos who belongs to @distant-velleity
Nickname: Blue Angel, courtesy of Floyd (thank you @azulashengrottospiano for the name!)
Relationships: Finn is polyamorous with the Octavinelle trio
Sexuality: Finn is gay and polyamorous
Finn has long, fluffy forest green hair that has a curly seaweed/kelp like shape that goes to just past his is shoulders. It is often tied in a tight bun. His eyes are a bright amethyst and his teeth look like they came straight from the mouth of an angler fish, twisted and horrific.
Finn is very chubby and most people think "soft" and "squishy" while looking at him. Until the dread sets in, that is. He's quite pale as well but has recently started to tan a bit. He is very very small and most of his clothes have to be taken to be adjusted so they actually fit him.
In his true form, Finn's tail and face are forest green in colour, just as is the rest of him. The palms of his hands are seafoam green. His tail is like that of a cookie cutter shark's. There is a large patch of scarring on his left shoulder and the middle of his tail. He has long black claws that are retractable and incredibly sharp.
Finn has a band of black scales around his neck, and from just below that all the way to his navel are photophores that glow in the dark, which helps him camouflage and can even make him look like a school of fish from below.
Finn is quiet and mostly keeps to himself, barely speaking to most people unless absolutely necessary, and is usually polite. He lives be the rule "don't bother me and I won't bother you". His "default" expression, if you will, is usually just a blank or serious face.
Finn is intelligent and quick-witted. He often weeds information out of people for Azul, taking the role of the "therapist bartender" except most people get an uncanny valley feeling if they look at him for too long. Despite his politeness something about him always feels wrong to others. They get this sense of dread that make them want to leave as soon as possible.
Finn is quite sadistic and has a deep love for the twisted and macabre. This is often reflected in his paintings, many of which are disturbing in nature. He is very happy to extend his sadistic ways to other students if he deems it necessary. Only if he deems it necessary. (What he deems as necessary can vary)
Finn is, most of the time, immensely confident in himself and who and what he is. He is quiet but he is not, by any means, shy or timid. He does have his insecurities though, mainly about his teeth since they're often viewed as ugly. He covers his mouth whenever he laughs or smiles in public.
Some "Fun" Facts:
▪︎Finn is haunted by the ghosts of the siblings he devoured in the womb in true shark mer fashion, they aren't aggressive towards him but they are tethered to him and cause him nightmares and endless stress and fear (they are the cause of the sense of dread people get around Finn)
•Finn's voice is very soft and very nice to listen to. It's like a flowing river. He's difficult to hear at times.
▪︎Finn enjoys flying and is very good at it
▪︎His family comes from the deep of the midnight zone, so he is well versed in abyssal magic and the dangerous and powerful spells that come with it
•Finn likes to garden
Fic Masterlist
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Art by @clovenoko
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Art by @boopshoops
A/N: Here's the boy! New and improved with an extra long personality section ooops
Tagging: @distant-velleity @krenenbaker @kitwasnothere @officialdaydreamer00 @jaylleoo14 @oya-oya-okay @cynthinesia @azulashengrottospiano @whspermy-name @minteasketches @the-banana-0verlord @adarkenedforest @whspermy-name @twisted-wonderland-but-gayer @ramshacklerumble @cyanide-latte @boopshoops @skrimpyskimpy @jovieinramshackle @quartztwst @amOnline @offorestsongs
@the-trinket-witch @ghostiidasponk @poisoned-pearls @natsukishinomiyaswife
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spageddy · 5 months
Skibidi Toilet
The skibidi toilet (Skibidus latrina) is a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusc in the family Dafuqboomidae. This species can only be found in the United States, primarily in Ohio.
The original habitats of the skibidi toilet are American public restrooms, but due to their adaptability, they have extended their range to outdoor urban areas. Scientists consider them to be an invasive species.
Skibidus latrina is usually diurnal and omnivorous, eating about 27% scrap metal and 73% human flesh. Its only natural predators are cameramen (Homo visus), speakermen (Homo amplificarus), and TV-men (Homo imaginum).
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Skibidi toilet engaged in combat with a cameraman in Detroit, Michigan
Based on fossil evidence from Dayton, Ohio, the first known members of the Dafuqboomidae family lived in North America in the late Anthropocene about 250 years ago. Similar tooth and skull structures suggest dafuqboomids and humans share a common ancestor, but molecular analysis indicates a closer relationship between skibidi toilets and snails.
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A senior skibidi toilet without its shell.
Physical Characteristics
The body weight of an adult skibidi toilet varies considerably with shell size, making it one of the most variably sized molluscs. It can range from 36 to 2246 kg (80 to 4952 lb), but is usually between 41 and 50 kg (90 to 110 lb). The smallest specimens live in southern Florida, while those near the northern limits of the skibidi toilet's range tend to be the largest (see Bergmann's rule). Males are usually 15% to 20% heavier than females.
Skibidi toilets have long, soft, flexible abdomens. The vulnerable abdomen is protected from predators by a salvaged empty latrine or urinal carried by the skibidi toilet, into which its whole body can retract. Multiple skibidi toilets may inhabit the same shell, especially when young.
Mature skibidi toilets develop a snail-like muscular foot that allows them to travel over hard surfaces. The large, flat foot remains attached to the surfaces over which it is crawling due to the adhesive properties of the skibidi slime it secretes to protect its soft tissues.
Studies have shown that skibidi toilets are capable of organized crime. Whether they know what they do is morally wrong is a topic of debate among skibidiologists.
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Two male skibidi toilets lust after a female in Cincinatti, Ohio.
Skibidi toilets are pack hunters. Typically, the largest skibidi toilet is in charge. Skibidi toilet packs readily accept new members until resources become limited. They are territorial and generally establish territories far larger than they require to survive, assuring a steady supply of prey.
Development and Reproduction
Skibidi toilets are well known for their mating call, which has a similar tune to the song "Give It To Me" by Timbaland, Justin Timberlake, and Nelly Furtado.
Female skibidi toilets lay their fertilized eggs in toilet water. The hatchlings feed on human feces and urine until they become large enough to consume humans themselves. Skibidi toilets reach sexual maturity at 6.9 years of age.
Captive skibidi toilets have been known to live for more than 80 years. However, the species' life expectancy in the wild is only 16 to 30 years, depending on local conditions such as traffic volume and hunting. Young hatched in infrequently used restrooms are vulnerable to starvation, and it is not uncommon for them to vore their own skiblings.
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Young skibidi toilets share a shell with their skiblings until they are large enough to find their own.
Skibidi Toilet Syndrome
The bite of a skibidi toilet can cause Skibidi Toilet Syndrome, a serious disease that causes the infected to believe they are a skibidi toilet. Symptoms include sequestering oneself in small spaces such as laundry baskets or cardboard boxes and chanting the skibidi toilet's mating call. There is no known cure.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Aphrodite Talon Abraxas
Aphrodite's Allure: The Profound Meanings Behind the Greek Goddess of Love
In the vast realm of Greek mythology, few figures evoke as much fascination and allure as Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, and desire. Revered for her unparalleled charm, beauty, and influence over matters of the heart, Aphrodite's captivating persona has left an indelible mark on literature, art, and culture. In this blog post, we will delve into the captivating world of Aphrodite, exploring her origin, powers, symbolism, and enduring legacy.
1. Origin and Birth:
Aphrodite's birth story is as captivating as the goddess herself. According to Greek mythology, she emerged from the sea foam near the island of Cyprus. Born from the remnants of Uranus' severed genitals, Aphrodite embodies the irresistible allure and beauty that captivates both mortals and gods alike. Her entrance into the world is shrouded in mystery and grandeur, emphasizing her divine nature and otherworldly charm.
2. Goddess of Love and Beauty: Aphrodite's domain encompasses love, desire, beauty, and fertility. She represents the epitome of feminine grace and allure, enchanting all who encounter her. Artists throughout history have sought to capture her radiant beauty, portraying her in paintings, sculptures, and poetry. With her power to ignite passion and stir desire, Aphrodite exemplifies the essence of romantic love and physical attraction.
3. Love Stories and Relationships: Aphrodite's influence extends beyond her own existence, as she plays a pivotal role in various love stories in Greek mythology. Her most famous union is with the handsome god of war, Ares, with whom she bore several children. However, her dalliances with other gods and mortals, such as Adonis and Anchises, contribute to her complex persona, revealing both her passionate nature and her ability to manipulate the hearts of others.
4. Symbolism and Attributes: In art and literature, Aphrodite is often depicted with symbolic objects that represent her powers and characteristics. The most renowned symbol associated with her is the shell, which emphasizes her birth from the sea. Doves, roses, and myrtle are also commonly associated with Aphrodite, representing aspects of love, fertility, and beauty. These symbols further highlight her connection to the natural world and her ability to inspire adoration and desire.
5. Legacy and Cultural Influence: Even though ancient Greece is long gone, Aphrodite's legacy lives on. Her representation continues to inspire contemporary culture, particularly in the realms of art, literature, and music. Artists continue to draw upon her timeless beauty as a muse, while authors weave her essence into tales of passion and romance. Aphrodite's influence can be seen in modern-day concepts of love, beauty, and desire, making her an enduring figure in the collective imagination of humanity.
Aphrodite Pronunciation The pronunciation of "Aphrodite" is typically given as uh-FROH-dy-tee. Please note that pronunciation can vary slightly based on regional accents.
Aphrodite’s Husband Aphrodite's husband in Greek mythology was Hephaestus, the god of fire, blacksmiths, and craftsmanship. Hephaestus was known for his skill in forging and creating magnificent works of art, including weapons and jewelry. He was often depicted as a bearded, muscular figure.
However, despite being married to Hephaestus, Aphrodite had numerous love affairs with both gods and mortals. She was famously associated with Ares, the god of war, with whom she had a passionate and tumultuous relationship. Aphrodite's infidelity and dalliances with other gods and mortals were a common theme in her mythology.
Aphrodite’s Children
In Greek mythology, Aphrodite had several children, and the parentage of her children varies in different versions of the myths. Here are some of Aphrodite's most well-known children:
1. Eros (Cupid): Eros is the god of love and desire. He is often depicted as Aphrodite's son, either with her husband Hephaestus or her lover Ares. Eros is known for shooting arrows that inspire love and passion.
2. Harmonia: Harmonia was the daughter of Aphrodite and Ares. She was married to Cadmus, the founder of Thebes, and together they had several children.
3. Phobos and Deimos: Phobos and Deimos, also known as "Fear" and "Terror," were the twin sons of Aphrodite and Ares. They were associated with war and often accompanied their father into battle.
4. Priapus: Priapus was a minor god associated with fertility and agriculture. He was considered the son of Aphrodite and either Dionysus or Hermes in various accounts.
5. Hermaphroditus: In some versions of the myth, Hermaphroditus, a deity with both male and female characteristics, is described as the child of Aphrodite and Hermes. Hermaphroditus is associated with the blending of genders and represents the union of male and female qualities.
It's important to note that the parentage of Aphrodite's children can vary in different myths and sources, and not all accounts mention or agree on the same offspring.
Aphrodite Lore in Greek Mythology
While Aphrodite is primarily associated with Greek mythology, there are several folktales and stories passed down through folklore that feature her. These stories often highlight her role as a goddess of love, beauty, and desire. Here are a few examples:
1. Pygmalion and Galatea: This famous story tells the tale of Pygmalion, a skilled sculptor who created a statue of a woman named Galatea. Pygmalion was so captivated by the beauty of his creation that he fell deeply in love with her. In response to his heartfelt desire, Aphrodite brought the statue to life, allowing Pygmalion and Galatea to be together.
2. Cupid and Psyche: Although primarily associated with the Roman tradition, the tale of Cupid (Eros) and Psyche is also connected to Aphrodite. In the story, Psyche, a mortal princess, incurs the wrath of Aphrodite due to her beauty. Aphrodite instructs her son, Cupid, to make Psyche fall in love with a monstrous creature. However, Cupid himself falls in love with Psyche, leading to a series of trials and tribulations before their eventual union.
3. The Golden Apple: This tale is well-known for its involvement in the events leading up to the Trojan War. At a wedding attended by several Olympian gods and goddesses, Eris, the goddess of discord, throws a golden apple inscribed with "To the fairest" into the gathering. Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena all claim the apple, leading to a competition where Paris of Troy ultimately chooses Aphrodite as the fairest. This choice sets in motion the events that culminate in the Trojan War.
4. Adonis and Aphrodite: The story of Aphrodite and Adonis is a poignant tale of love and loss. Adonis, a beautiful mortal youth, becomes Aphrodite's lover. However, he meets a tragic end when he is killed by a wild boar while hunting. Aphrodite mourns his death, and in some versions of the story, she transforms his blood into the anemone flower, a symbol of his beauty and the fleeting nature of life.
These are just a few examples of the folklore stories and myths featuring Aphrodite. Each tale emphasizes different aspects of love, beauty, and desire, showcasing her influence over these realms and the impact she has on the lives of mortals and gods.
In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, desire, and fertility. Her origins are varied depending on different versions of the myth. One popular myth recounts that Aphrodite was born from the sea foam when the Titan Cronus castrated his father Uranus, and his genitals were thrown into the sea. As Aphrodite emerged from the sea foam, she was carried to the shore of Cyprus by the winds.
Aphrodite is often depicted as a stunningly beautiful goddess, captivating both gods and mortals with her charm. She possessed an irresistible allure and had the power to inspire love and desire in others. Aphrodite's influence extended beyond romantic love to encompass beauty, sensuality, and the creation of life itself.
Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths and craftsmen, but she engaged in numerous love affairs with both gods and mortals. Her most famous mortal lover was Adonis, a handsome youth with whom she had a passionate romance. Adonis's tragic death further deepened Aphrodite's association with love and loss.
The goddess was not only the subject of desire but also the patroness of it. She had the ability to bestow or withhold love and favour upon mortals, often intervening in their affairs to ensure love's triumph or punishment for those who spurned it.
Aphrodite's mythology is replete with tales of love, jealousy, and rivalry. She is frequently involved in the affairs of other gods and goddesses, such as the judgement of Paris, where she bribed him with the promise of the most beautiful mortal woman, Helen of Troy, leading to the Trojan War.
Aphrodite had numerous epithets and aspects that highlighted different facets of her domain. For example, she was worshipped as Aphrodite Urania, representing spiritual love and the ideal form of beauty, and as Aphrodite Pandemos, symbolizing the love that is common to all people.
Aphrodite Symbols
The symbol of Aphrodite varies depending on the context and representation. Here are some common symbols associated with Aphrodite:
1. Scallop Shell: The scallop shell is one of the most recognizable symbols of Aphrodite. It represents her birth from the sea foam in Greek mythology. The shell is often depicted as a motif in artwork, jewelry, and sculptures associated with the goddess.
2. Dove: The dove is a symbol of love, peace, and innocence and is strongly associated with Aphrodite. Doves are often depicted alongside her or as messengers of her divine love. They represent the gentle and nurturing aspects of love.
3. Mirror: The mirror symbolizes self-reflection, beauty, and vanity, all of which are connected to Aphrodite. Mirrors were believed to be a tool through which she could enhance her own beauty or bestow it upon mortals. Mirrors can also represent the importance of self-love and acceptance.
4. Rose: The rose is a powerful symbol of love and beauty, and it is closely linked to Aphrodite. The red rose, in particular, is strongly associated with romantic love. Roses are often used as offerings, decorations, or representations of the goddess in rituals and altars dedicated to her.
5. Swan: The swan is a symbol of grace, beauty, and elegance, and it is often associated with Aphrodite. In mythology, swans were sometimes linked to her, particularly in tales of love and transformation. The swan represents the ethereal and enchanting aspects of Aphrodite's domain.
These symbols can be used to represent Aphrodite in artwork, jewelry, or as visual representations on altars or in rituals dedicated to her. They embody different aspects of her mythology and energy, reflecting her associations with love, beauty, and desire.
Aphrodite's mythology reflects the complex and multifaceted nature of love and desire, encompassing both its divine and mortal aspects. Her stories explore the transformative power of love, its capacity to inspire both joy and sorrow, and its significance in shaping the lives of gods and mortals alike.
Aphrodite as a Deity
While Aphrodite is not explicitly associated with witchcraft and Wicca, her qualities and attributes can be incorporated into these practices. In witchcraft and Wicca, various deities from different pantheons are honoured and called upon for specific purposes. Aphrodite, as the goddess of love, beauty, and desire, can be invoked for matters related to relationships, self-love, sexuality, and enchantment.
1. Love Spells and Relationship Magick: Aphrodite's domain over love makes her a natural choice for practitioners seeking assistance with matters of the heart. Devotees of Aphrodite might call upon her energy and guidance when performing love spells or rituals aimed at attracting a romantic partner, enhancing an existing relationship, or fostering self-love. This can involve creating altars dedicated to Aphrodite, using symbols associated with her, or reciting invocations to invoke her presence.
2. Beauty and Glamour Magick: Aphrodite's association with beauty lends itself well to rituals involving personal transformation, enhancing physical appearance, or boosting self-confidence. Practitioners may incorporate Aphrodite's energy into rituals involving beauty spells, glamour magick, or rituals aimed at cultivating inner radiance and self-acceptance. This could involve using beauty products, performing mirror work, or engaging in self-care practices as acts of devotion to Aphrodite.
3. Sexuality and Sensuality: As the goddess of desire, Aphrodite can be invoked in rituals or practices related to sexuality and sensuality. This may involve exploring and honouring one's own sexual identity, embracing pleasure, or seeking guidance in matters of sexual health and relationships. Aphrodite's energy can be called upon to invoke a sense of passion, liberation, and connection within oneself or with a partner.
4. Emotional Healing and Self-Love: Aphrodite's influence extends beyond romantic love and physical beauty. She can also be invoked for emotional healing and self-love practices. Devotees may seek Aphrodite's guidance to cultivate self-compassion, heal from past heartbreaks, or foster a deeper connection with their own emotions. Practices may include journaling, affirmations, or rituals that encourage self-care, forgiveness, and acceptance.
It is important to note that witchcraft and Wicca are highly individualistic practices, and the way Aphrodite is incorporated can vary among practitioners. Some may work exclusively with her, while others may call upon her alongside other deities or incorporate her attributes into broader rituals and spellwork. Ultimately, the choice to include Aphrodite or any other deity in witchcraft or Wicca depends on personal preference, spiritual connection, and the intentions of the practitioner.
Crystals For Aphrodite
Crystals and herbs can be used to enhance your connection with Aphrodite and to amplify the energy of love, beauty, and desire. Here are some crystals and herbs traditionally associated with Aphrodite:
1. Rose Quartz: Known as the "stone of love," rose quartz is strongly linked to Aphrodite. It promotes self-love, deepens connections in relationships, and attracts love and compassion.
2. Rhodochrosite: This crystal is often associated with romantic love and passion. It can help heal emotional wounds, enhance self-confidence, and ignite the flames of desire.
3. Emerald: Symbolizing love and fertility, emerald is a crystal of abundance and attraction. It can open the heart chakra, promote harmony in relationships, and enhance one's ability to give and receive love.
4. Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is a versatile crystal that can amplify intentions and energy. It can enhance the power of love spells and rituals and facilitate communication with divine energies.
5. Moonstone: Moonstone is connected to feminine energy and intuition. It can enhance emotional healing, balance emotions, and promote receptivity to love and sensuality.
Herbs for Aphrodite
1. Rose: Rose is a classic symbol of love and is strongly associated with Aphrodite. Its petals can be used in love spells, baths, or as offerings. Rose promotes self-love, harmony in relationships, and attraction.
2. Jasmine: Jasmine is a fragrant herb that represents sensuality, romance, and beauty. Its aroma can create an enchanting atmosphere and heighten feelings of love and desire.
3. Damiana: Damiana is an herb traditionally associated with passion, lust, and sexuality. It can be used to increase libido, enhance romantic encounters, and ignite passion.
4. Lavender: Lavender promotes relaxation and peace, creating an atmosphere conducive to love and connection. It can be used in love spells, bath rituals, or as an offering to promote emotional well-being and harmony.
5. Yarrow: Yarrow is often associated with love divination and protection. It can be used in love spells, sachets, or charms to enhance attraction, strengthen relationships, and protect against heartache.
Remember to research and familiarize yourself with the properties and uses of crystals and herbs before incorporating them into your practices. Connect with their energy and set your intentions when using them in rituals, spells, or altar decorations dedicated to Aphrodite.
Aphrodite Animal Correspondences
Several animals are associated with Aphrodite due to their symbolism and connections to love, beauty, and sensuality. While not exhaustive, here are a few animals commonly associated with Aphrodite:
1. Doves: Doves are perhaps the most prominent animal associated with Aphrodite. These birds symbolize love, peace, and harmony. In Greek mythology, doves were sacred to Aphrodite and were often depicted as her companions. They represent the gentle and nurturing aspects of love and are seen as messengers of the goddess.
2. Swans: Swans are often linked to Aphrodite due to their elegance, grace, and beauty. They symbolize purity, loyalty, and transformation. In various myths, swans are associated with love and desire, representing the ethereal and enchanting aspects of Aphrodite's domain.
3. Sparrows: Sparrows are connected to Aphrodite as symbols of passion, fertility, and companionship. They were believed to be birds of Aphrodite and were associated with love and lust. Sparrows are often seen as joyful and social creatures, reflecting the joys and connections found in relationships.
4. Dolphins: Dolphins hold a significant place in Aphrodite's mythology, as she emerged from the sea. Dolphins represent playfulness, joy, and the transformative power of love. They are associated with sensuality and pleasure, reflecting the fluid and graceful nature of Aphrodite's energy.
5. Butterflies: Butterflies are often linked to Aphrodite due to their symbolism of transformation, beauty, and freedom. They represent the growth and change that can occur through the power of love. Butterflies also symbolize the ephemeral and delicate nature of romance and desire.
These animals can be incorporated into rituals, artwork, or visual representations of Aphrodite. They serve as reminders of the goddess's qualities and can deepen the connection with her energy when working with her in spiritual practices.
Honouring Aphrodite on your Altar
Decorating an altar dedicated to honouring Aphrodite allows you to create a sacred space infused with her energy and symbolism. Here are some ideas for altar decorations inspired by Aphrodite:
1. Images or Statues: Place a statue or image of Aphrodite as the centrepiece of your altar. Look for representations that resonate with you, such as those depicting her emerging from the sea foam or holding symbols of love and beauty. Alternatively, you can use a mirror to symbolize Aphrodite's association with self-love and reflection.
2. Flowers and Plants: Adorn your altar with fresh flowers and plants, particularly those associated with Aphrodite. Roses, particularly red or pink ones, are strongly linked to her. You can also include other blossoms such as peonies, daisies, or myrtle branches, which are traditionally associated with love, beauty, and fertility.
3. Shells and Sea-related Items: As Aphrodite's birth is linked to the sea foam, incorporating seashells, seashell-shaped dishes, or bowls of sea salt can symbolize her connection to the ocean. These items can represent her birth and her power over love, allure, and fertility.
4. Symbols of Love and Beauty: Include symbols related to love and beauty on your altar. These can be heart-shaped crystals, small pieces of rose quartz (the stone of love), or small sculptures or images representing the concept of beauty, like Venus de Milo. A small dish or vial of rose or jasmine essential oil can also add a fragrant touch.
5. Candles: Light candles on your altar to create an ambiance of warmth and devotion. Choose candles in colours associated with Aphrodite, such as soft pink, red, or white. Use candle holders in shapes or materials that evoke a sense of femininity and elegance.
6. Offerings: Offerings are a way to honour and connect with Aphrodite. Consider placing items associated with beauty and love as offerings on your altar, such as a piece of jewelry, a love letter, or a small treat like chocolates or honey. Remember to remove perishable offerings regularly to avoid spoilage.
7. Written Invocations or Prayers: Write invocations or prayers specifically crafted for Aphrodite and place them on your altar. These can be expressions of gratitude, requests for guidance in matters of the heart, or affirmations of self-love and beauty.
Remember, the most important aspect of altar decoration is personal connection and intention. Let your intuition guide you as you create a sacred space dedicated to Aphrodite, infusing it with your own unique energy and devotion.
Sabbats to Honour Aphrodite
In Wicca, the Wheel of the Year consists of eight Sabbats that mark the changing seasons and celebrate different aspects of the natural and spiritual cycles. While Aphrodite is not specifically associated with the traditional Wiccan Sabbats, you can still incorporate her energy and themes of love and beauty into these celebrations. Here are a few Sabbats that can be appropriate for honouring Aphrodite:
1. Beltane (May 1st): Beltane is a joyous Sabbat that celebrates fertility, passion, and the awakening of nature. It is an ideal time to honour Aphrodite's connection to love and desire. You can create a ritual that focuses on invoking her energy to embrace and celebrate the sensual and passionate aspects of life. Dance, sing, or perform rituals that symbolize the blossoming of love and beauty.
2. Litha (Summer Solstice - around June 21st): Litha marks the peak of the sun's power and the longest day of the year. It is a time of abundance, light, and vitality. You can honour Aphrodite by creating a ritual that celebrates the beauty of nature and the fullness of life. Offerings of flowers, performing acts of self-love and self-care, and expressing gratitude for the blessings of love and beauty are appropriate during this Sabbat.
3. Lammas/Lughnasadh (August 1st or 2nd): Lammas/Lughnasadh is a harvest festival that focuses on the first harvest of the year. It is a time of gratitude for abundance and the fulfilment of desires. You can honour Aphrodite by acknowledging the fruits of your emotional and creative endeavours. Offerings of fruits, grains, or flowers can be made to express appreciation for the blessings of love, beauty, and abundance in your life.
4. Mabon (Autumn Equinox - around September 21st): Mabon is the time of the second harvest and a time to give thanks for the abundance in our lives. You can honour Aphrodite by expressing gratitude for love, relationships, and the beauty that surrounds you. Consider creating a ritual that emphasizes balance, gratitude, and reflecting on the cycles of love and personal growth.
Remember, while these Sabbats have specific themes, Wicca is a flexible and personal practice. Feel free to adapt and create your own rituals and practices that align with Aphrodite's energy and your own spiritual connection with her. The intention and devotion you bring to these celebrations are what truly matters.
Other Ways to Honour and Invoke Aphrodite
Incorporating Aphrodite into your spiritual workings and rituals can deepen your connection with the goddess of love, beauty, and desire. Here are some ways to include Aphrodite in your practices:
1. Altar Dedication: Set up a dedicated altar space for Aphrodite. Decorate it with symbols and items associated with love and beauty, such as roses, seashells, doves, and mirrors. Place images or statues of Aphrodite on the altar as focal points. Light candles and offer offerings of flowers, chocolates, or other items associated with love and sensuality.
2. Devotional Offerings: Offerings are a way to show reverence and establish a connection with Aphrodite. Consider offering items that are sacred to her, such as rose petals, rose water, incense, or sweet scents. You can also offer acts of devotion, such as writing love poems or creating art that honors her beauty and qualities.
3. Love Spells and Rituals: Invoke Aphrodite's energy in love spells and rituals. Call upon her assistance to attract love, strengthen relationships, or enhance self-love and confidence. Use candles, crystals (such as rose quartz), and herbs associated with Aphrodite in your spells. Focus on setting intentions aligned with her energy and visualize love and beauty flowing into your life.
4. Self-Love and Beauty Practices: Aphrodite's domain includes self-love and embracing one's beauty. Incorporate practices that promote self-care, self-acceptance, and self-love into your daily routine. This can include taking luxurious baths, practising positive affirmations, wearing or using scents that make you feel beautiful, and engaging in activities that make you feel confident and empowered.
5. Honouring Relationships: Acknowledge and honour the relationships in your life, both romantic and platonic. Set aside time to appreciate and express love to your partner, friends, and family. Practice acts of kindness, compassion, and understanding. You can also create rituals or celebrations to commemorate special moments in your relationships, inviting Aphrodite's blessings and guidance.
6. Gratitude and Appreciation: Express gratitude for the blessings of love, beauty, and desire in your life. Take time to appreciate the beauty of nature, art, and the small moments that bring you joy. Keep a gratitude journal or perform a gratitude ritual where you express your thanks to Aphrodite for the abundance of love and beauty in your life.
Remember to approach your practices with sincerity, respect, and a genuine desire to connect with Aphrodite's energy. Adapt these suggestions to fit your personal beliefs and practices, and always follow your intuition when working with any deity or spiritual energy.
Aphrodite, the beguiling goddess of love and beauty, transcends the boundaries of ancient mythology, captivating us with her allure and influence over matters of the heart. Through her timeless symbolism and enduring legacy, she serves as a reminder of the power and complexity of love. As we navigate our own journeys of romance and self-discovery, Aphrodite's essence continues to inspire and remind us of the transformative nature of love and the enduring beauty that lies within us all.
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goodqueenaly · 8 months
Hello and happy new year! I had another question for you, an aspect of marriages in Westeros that I feel unsure about: do you think that in the North, marrying someone from one of the mountain clans would be considered less “prestigious” than someone from a more traditional (for lack of a better word) house? And as far as I can tell, it seems that different branches of House Flint aren’t necessarily described as all being mountain clans, although Arya Flint was from the mountain clan branch?
Do I think there could potentially be some level of snobbery from one or more of the noble families of the North toward the northern mountain clans, and specifically marriage with them? Possibly. While the severe disappointment and alienation experienced by Lynesse Hightower after returning with Jorah to Bear Island was certainly exacerbated by her culture shock after leaving the heart of southron, specifically Reacher, urban society, even some of the mountain clans’ fellow northern nobles might find life in the northwestern hills quite a bit different from their daily experiences. The lack of aristocratic finery characteristic of the mountain clans - no major cities or towns, no lordly titles, no chivalric tourneys, only “small and rude” castles - combined with the hardscrabble existence in these areas may strike northern families like, say, the southron and city-minded Manderlys or even the quasi-chivalric Dustins of prominent Barrowton as crude and strange, which in turn could extend to the families living in the hills. The Norreys, Wulls, Harclays, and their neighbors are as much vassals of Winterfell as any of the other families in the North, but their relative isolation and absence of aristocratic splendor may influence those other families to see such clans as somewhat strange, especially as potential marriage partners. Needless to say as well, daughters of the northern mountain clans would likely bring little in the way of liquid wealth, and perhaps not valuable land either, to serve as a tempting dowry for a non-clan House.
However, do I think that such an attitude is probably hugely prevalent across the North as a land and (sometime) kingdom? Probably not. No one, so far as we know, lambasted Cregan Stark for marrying Arra Norrey, nor Rodrik Stark for marrying Arya Flint. The historical closeness, both physical and politico-dynastic, between the Starks and the northern mountain clans likely, I think, limits the extent to which other northern families sneer at the mountain clans as fellow, equal aristocrats, including for the purposes of marriage. Likewise, while some families in the North might style themselves along the lines of southron noble Houses, and so distinguish themselves to some extent from the mountain clans, other families would probably find the lives of, say, the Wulls or Burleys much like their own; indeed, I speculated before that Mormont sons and daughters, used to the hardened and rustic existence of Bear Island, may regularly intermarry with daughters and sons of the mountain clans. Plus, the question of intermarriage between hill clan families and other northern families may simply not come up very often, given the relative separation of the northwestern hills and their residents from the rest of the North: both Bran and Jon allude to the fact that the mountain clan families tend to keep to themselves (apart from their trips to pay homage to Lord Stark, or when they have important business elsewhere). So a family like, say, the Hornwoods or the Karstarks or Lockes may simply not find the clan families as obvious a choice for dynastic marriage alliances as some closer neighbors.
As far as the mountain Flints go, Jon provides the answer on that family tree in ADWD:
It was a tale that any northmen knew well. "My father's grandmother was a Flint of the mountains, on his mother's side," Jon told her. "The First Flints, they call themselves. They say the other Flints are the blood of younger sons, who had to leave the mountains to find food and land and wives.["]
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