#this dog has been given human intelligence so that's the context
warblingandwriting · 1 year
“... she refused to allow anyone - even Miguel - to refer to Majnoun as 'her' dog. - I'm as much his as he's mine, she'd insist. Her friends - and her husband - thought this an annoying eccentricity. Majnoun knew what she meant - that she was not his master - and he was grateful. But in his heart he felt as if he did belong to her, in the sense that he was a part of Nira and she a part of him.”
-Fifteen Dogs, Andre Alexis, 2015.
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jumpywhumpywriter · 3 months
Drugged Hero Whumpee used as Party Favor at Villain's Party part 1
Warnings: drugged sedation, torture, blood, severe whump/intimate whump, restraints
Man, I just love the idea of a dazed- out Whumpee, drugged-beyond-comprehension, sprawled out vulnerable and unprotected on the couch as Whumper's party guests interact around them. I love the idea of Whumpee being a party favor; a cheap little bit of entertainment. Conscious, but barely. Alert, but subdued and drugged enough that they can't fight back.
Do the guests pull Whumpee's limp form into their laps, caressing their face and hair and chuckling at their incomprehensible mumbling? Do they tilt their chin up and pour alcohol through the parted, un- protesting lips? Does Whumpee sputter and choke, causing the party-goers to laugh cruelly, shoving their head between their knees so they don't suffocate? Do they blow their smoke into Whumpee's face, mouth, or eyes?
Do they hurt Whumpee, or mishandle. them, or assault them? Do they take pictures or videos? How do they react when Whumpee reaches out a limp, sluggish arm in a futile attempt to push their tormentors away?
Do the party-goers mock the Whumpee, forcing them to their knees, making them crawl across the floor just to watch them struggle? Do they scoff at the way Whumpee is too dizzy to move without collapsing? Do they tell Whumpee to "sit" and "speak" like a dog, punishing them for slurred mumbling and rewarding them if they can somehow manage an intelligible word or phrase?
Does the Whumpee, in their delirious state, call out unintelligibly for Whumper? Does Whumper hold them, wiping away their tears, reassuring them that they're doing great and that they'll feel better soon?
Or does Whumper simply let them cry, watching from afar as their guests do whatever they want to the victim?
For context "Shadow" is my main Hero character, she/her pronouns, a rare human-like creature thought to have gone extinct centuries ago that was captured and is now held captive, being shown off/flaunted as a prize for her rarity at Villain's party. She has regenerative powers and ice magic, but the heavy drugs she was given is wreaking havoc on her systems so she can't easily access that power. She used to be the city's Hero until Villain finally took her down. All right now on to the story!
Shadow was standing chained up in the dreadful, dark cell when Villain entered, flanked by two muscular henchmen. Her wrists had metal cuffs with magic-blocking properties that prevented her from lashing out or acting up, and the chains attached to them were pinned to the wall on either side of her, forcing her to stay standing upright with her arms spread to the sides. She lifted her head, and despite her haggard, battered appearance she still managed a fierce glare.
"...Come to rub your victory in my face again?" She rasped hoarsely, her throat dry from dehydration and raw from screaming as she had been tortured for hours upon hours. Villain hadn't given her proper food or water in days, and her bones were starting to show.
"Not today," Villain said in his typical arrogant voice as always. "I have something far more... exciting planned for this evening."
Shadow didn't like the sound of that. She forced herself not to flinch as Villain stepped up to her, bringing a loaded syringe to her neck.
"Wait--what is--" Shadow couldn't help the surprised gasp that escaped her as the needle plunged in, delivering something unknown. Almost immediately, a slow, stretching pain started spreading through her body, latching on to every last muscle and nerve.
"What... did you give me...?" She slurred, head lolling forward, as her body slumped against the restraints against her will. The world had an odd tilt as her vision grew hazy and disoriented, hard to focus on anything.
"It's something to make you a bit more... docile," Villain hissed venomously into her ear with a dark chuckle. "We're going to have so. Much. Fun together."
Shadow felt the two henchmen fiddling with the chains holding her up... unlocking them? The magic-blocking cuffs remained, but Shadow felt a small wave of relief as the tension on her aching and over-strained arms was let up for the first time in days, even though she knew the freedom was limited. She tried to catch her balance as the chains no longer held her weight, but her weak legs buckled under her almost instantly.
The two henchmen grabbed her arms and practically dragged her out of the room, toward an unknown place with... voices. Strange voices. Lots of them. Where on earth was Villain taking her?
Shadow was left to wonder until Villain pushed open a giant door in his mansion, and Shadow was hit with a blast of bright colors and loud sounds. It looked like... a party? Why would Villain be bringing her to a party?
Villain's voice sounded warped and distant to her as he addressed his party guests, introducing her as the Hero he'd single-handedly conquered. The one with unique abilities unlike any other.
Shadow felt herself being carried and then dumped rather ungracefully onto one of Villain's giant lavish couches. She immediately made a move to escape, trying to spring to her feet and get ready to fight with her fists, her strong suit, but it ended up being more like a rather humiliating drunken lurch from the couch as she struggled to coordinate her heavy limbs to obey her will. The world swam dizzyingly in front of her eyes, and she could barely balance, swaying unsteadily on shaky legs.
"Oooh, I've heard so much about you!" An unfamiliar female voice sounded, and Shadow felt a hand grab her shoulder, easily shoving her back to trip onto the couch in an undignified heap. She landed on the soft surface with a grunt, before stubbornly trying to get up again. She was no quitter.
"Oh dear... trying to leave so soon? But we haven't even gotten to have fun with you yet!" A lively, sing-songy voice giggled darkly, and something about the sound made Shadow bristle from head-to-toe with dread. A hand pressed firmly into her collarbone, pushing her down into the couch and keeping her pinned so she couldn't give another attempt at rising.
Next ⏩️
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tagx01 · 5 months
Human In the Loop for Machine Learning
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The majority of machine learning models rely on human-created data. But the interaction between humans and machines does not end there; the most powerful systems are designed to allow both sides to interact continuously via a mechanism known as “Human in the loop” (HITL).
HUMAN-IN-THE-LOOP (HITL) machine learning necessitates human inspecting, validating, or changing some aspect of the AI development process. This philosophy extends to those who collect, label and perform quality control (QC) on data for machine learning.
We are confident that AI will not fire its most trusted employees anytime soon. In reality, AI systems supplement and augment human capabilities rather than replace them. The nature of our work may change in the coming years as a result of AI. The fundamental principle, however, is the elimination of mundane tasks and increased efficiency for tasks that require human input.
Recent advancements in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) have given rise to techniques such as active learning and cooperative learning. Data is the foundation of any machine learning algorithm, and these datasets are typically unlabeled (e.g. Images). During the training stage, a human must manually label this dataset (the output, such as a cat or dog).
This data is then used to train the machine learning model, which is known as supervised learning. The algorithms in this technique learn from labeled data to predict previously unseen cases. Using what we already know, we can go deeper and develop more sophisticated techniques to uncover other insights and features in the training dataset, resulting in more accurate and automated results.
Human and machine expertise are combined during the testing and evaluation phase by allowing the human to correct any incorrect results that have been produced. In this case, the human will specifically correct the labels that the machine was unable to detect with high accuracy (i.e. classified a dog for a cat). When the machine is overly confident about a wrong prediction, the human takes the same approach. 
The algorithm’s performance will improve with each iteration, paving the way for automated lifelong learning by reducing the need for future human intervention. When such work is completed, the results are forwarded to a domain expert who makes decisions that have a greater impact.
Machine learning with a human-in-the-loop 
When you have a large enough dataset, an algorithm can make accurate decisions based on it. However, the machine must first learn how to properly identify relevant criteria and thus arrive at the correct conclusion. Here is where human intelligence comes into play: Machine learning with human-in-the-loop (HITL) combines human and machine intelligence to form a continuous circle in which the algorithm is trained, tested, and tuned. With each loop, the machine becomes smarter, more confident, and more accurate.
Machine learning can’t function without human input. The algorithm cannot learn everything necessary to reach the correct conclusion on its own. For example, without human explanation, a model does not understand what is shown in an image. This means that, especially in the case of unstructured data, data labeling must be the first step toward developing a reliable algorithm.
The algorithm is unable to comprehend unstructured data that has not been properly labeled, such as images, audio, video, and social media posts. As a result, along the way, the human-in-the-loop approach is required. Specific instructions must be followed when labeling the data sets.
What benefit does HITL offer to Machine Learning applications?
1. Many times data are incomplete and unambiguous. Humans annotate/label raw data to provide meaningful context so that machine learning models can learn to produce desired results, identify patterns, and make correct decisions.
2. Humans check the models for over-fitting. They teach the model about extreme cases or unexpected scenarios.
3. Humans evaluate if the algorithm is overconfident or low in confidence to determine correct decisions. If the accuracy is low, the machine goes through an active learning cycle wherein humans give feedback for the machine to reach the correct result and increase its predictability.
4. It offers a significant enhancement in transparency as application no longer appears as a Black box with humans involved in each and every step in the process.
5. It incorporates human judgment in the most effective ways and shifts pressure away from building “100% machine perfect ” algorithms to optimal models offering maximum business benefit. This in turn offers more powerful and useful applications.
At the end of the day, AI systems are built to help humans. The value of such systems lies not solely in efficiency or correctness, but also in human preference and agency. The Humans-in-the-loop system puts humans in the decision loop.
Three Stages of Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning
Training – Data is frequently incomplete or jumbled. Labels are added to raw data by humans to provide meaningful context for machine learning models to learn to produce desired results, identify patterns, and make correct decisions. Data labeling is an important step in the development of AI models because properly labeled datasets provide a foundation for further application and development.
Tuning – At this stage, humans inspect the data for overfitting. While data labeling lays the groundwork for accurate output, overfitting occurs when the model trains the data too well. When the model memorizes the training dataset, it may generalize, rendering it unable to perform against new data. It allows for a margin of error to allow for unpredictability in real-world scenarios.
It is also during the tuning stage that humans teach the model about edge cases or unexpected scenarios. For example, facial recognition provides convenience but is vulnerable to gender and ethnicity bias when datasets are misrepresented.
Testing – Finally, humans assess whether the algorithm is overly confident or lacking in making an incorrect decision. If the accuracy rate is low, the machine enters an active learning cycle in which humans provide feedback to the machine in order for the machine to reach the correct result or increase its predictability.
Final Thoughts 
As people’s interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning grows, it’s important to remember that people still play an important role in the process of creating algorithms. The human-in-the-loop concept is one of today’s most valuable. While this implies that you will need to hire people to do some work (which may appear to be the polar opposite of process automation), it is still impossible to obtain a high-performing, sophisticated, and accurate ML model otherwise.
TagX stands out in the fast-paced, tech-dominated industry with its people-first culture. We offer data collection, annotation, and evaluation services to power the most cutting-edge AI solutions. We can handle complex, large-scale data labeling projects whether you’re developing computer vision or natural language processing (NLP) applications.
Visit us , https://www.tagxdata.com/human-in-the-loop-for-machine-learning
Original source , https://tagxdata1.blogspot.com/2024/04/human-in-loop-for-machine-learning.html
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Mini-Essay: Why not to snip in Xenofiction
This has to be one of my weirder essays, especially given its content, but the Warrior Cats animated video made me want to write this.
We shouldn't mention spaying and neutering in xenofiction unless it is mature OR it is used later tastefully.
Many people have joked how Bluestar gets Rusty to join Thunder Clan through the threat of castration but in the context of the scene, it feels ill-fitting. For one, the clans are never shown to be under a catch-sterilize-release program. Second, it is involving sexuality briefly in a setting that doesn't discuss sexuality much. Third, it is presenting spaying and neutering as a negative thing.
Fiction doesn't 1:1 affect reality, but Warriors is still meant for kids. Presenting castration as making a male cat less of a male is going to affect how the kids see spaying and neutering unless they are involved in animal welfare.
In Tailchaser's song (spoilers btw), the main character almost has sex with a neutered male cat thinking it was a female and in the end, his love interest rejects him and is framed as fat and lazy after being spayed.
Why these depictions are so bothersome to me, is because spaying and neutering in the real world is done to keep the population of feral stray animals down. It is a method to avoid animal suffering in the long term.
But most xenofiction animals aren't like our real world cats or dogs. Most can reason like a human and many have their own cultures. In this context, sterilization stops being a tool of aid and becomes a tool of mutilation. The context is wildly different when we are talking about human-level intelligent creatures being forcefully sterilized versus realistic animals.
Like in the Warrior Cats example above, it rarely if ever has any actual meaning to the story and serves just as an aside of how silly the animals depicted are. Though it would have still been in bad taste, if the two-legs in Warriors had tried to catch and release the clancats, it would have made a little bit more sense.
My main issue with these depictions is, that it is purely negative and never is the actual benefit of catch-and-release programs even hinted at. Then again, the one time I saw a positive portrayal was not exactly better, see Cats vs Dogs movie for the horror.
So, in my opinion, because of the sentience of the characters and the sexual nature of the matter, I think spaying and neutering should not be used in xenofiction.
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minmotl · 4 years
Chapter 67: Tang Fan Carries Sui Zhou Out of Danger & They Stare Into Each Other’s Eyes
Context: Continues from Chapter 66. Yin Yuan Hua has died out of stupidity in the previous chapter. Sui Zhou is now unconscious after taking a blow meant for Tang Fan, and it is up to Tang Fan and Qian San Er to help everyone escape. Some loving pre-relationship gazing into each others’ eyes and face-reddening, Tang Fan having to reassure himself with touch that Sui Zhou is alright and alive, and Sui Zhou being so, so relieved that Tang Fan is safe, even if his safety comes at the expense of himself.
Introduction Post | Masterpost
Highlights under the cut
It is chaos in the main hall.
The hand cannons cannot fire consecutively, and every time they use up the gunpowder, they need to make a refill. This takes up time, and the creature is agile, making it difficult to aim for it. It is only too easy to hurt someone if they are careless.
Sui Zhou has already collapsed and is unconscious, so the commanding authority naturally falls on Pang Qi.
Making use of the opportunity while the creature is still blind in one eye, the rest of the Embroidered Uniform Guards rush forward together and drive the weapons in their hands towards its abdomen, but this is no easy feat. In the blink of an eye, numerous people are swept away.
The center of the main hall lies a coffin and this is originally where the owner of Marquis Gong’s tomb rests. The lid of the coffin is heavy and even using both hands to push at it will not necessarily open it. Right now, both of Li Man’s hands are unable to gather strength, so he uses his body to push at the lid instead, but of course the slab does not budge.
However, thanks to the chaotic situation, everyone’s focus is on combatting the beast, and no one has any time to pay him any attention.
The coffin’s center position would originally have made it easy to be embroiled in the thick of the fight, but due to the fact that the flame above was extinguished earlier, light is centered around scattered flame torches. This is so they can more clearly and accurately see the beast’s weaknesses. Everyone is also unconsciously driving the beast to where there is light.
This has instead made it easier for Li Man. The two men that came in with Li Man have already died here. One of them was used by Li Man as a human shield, and the other had his chest pierced with one of the beast’s claws, dying on the spot immediately.
Li Man obviously does not care about their survival. He has all his attention focused on using his torso to push the coffin lid open, and can only hate that he is not quicker enough. Too bad his body has been trussed up like a dumpling, and he also has to constantly keep tabs on the situation around him and prevent the creature from suddenly turning up before his eyes. Frantic, sweat fills his forehead.
However, just because most people are not paying attention to him, doesn’t mean that no one is paying attention to him.
Just as Li Man is about to use all his energy, he’s raised up from the ground by someone behind him, and is directly dumped next to the coffin.
“What are you doing!”
The next moment, his face receives a heavy, hard slap, and the side of his face immediately swells up like that of a pig’s head, just like what he did to Tang Fan not so long ago.
This is indeed karma - what goes around comes around.
Li Man demands furiously, and then when he sees the other’s face clearly, his fury turns into glee, and with slurred speech, he says, “Little xiongdi, don’t hit me! Don’t hit me! You don’t want to die either, do you? I have a way for escape, don’t let anyone else know!”
Qian San Er squints at him in a cautious stare, and then his expression changes. Picking him up, Qian San Er drags Li Man to the side, barely dodging a gust of wind from a swipe of the beast’s tail. There are not only scales on that tail, but they pierce and possess great strength, so getting swept by this is hardly child’s play.
Qian San Er traps him in a corner, then slaps him again, before spitting, “Weren’t you almighty then, why are you such a weakling now? If it wasn’t for you, my shifu and the rest of them wouldn’t have died!”
Li Man is struck so hard that he’s seeing stars, and if it was any other day, he would have fought back. At this point, however, he forces himself to push the anger away, and reveals a twisted smile, “Your shifu and the rest are already dead, but you are still alive. Do you want to die here like they did?”
Qian San Er, “There’s one more beast outside, how do we escape?”
“I have a way, but you have to loosen my ropes first!”
Don’t look at how righteous he pretended to be earlier in front of Tang Fan, saying that he is willing to die for the Sect. He is an ant that is desperate to live. People like Li Man are people who fear death the more they possess. And as long as there is a way to live, he will not let it go.
Since he is afraid of death, then after luring the beast here, how could he not have a backup plan?
Now that Tang Fan is busy checking Sui Zhou’s injuries, Li Man does not have the energy to care about them over here. After interacting with the man a few times, he’s well aware that the other is one of the most intelligent men he’s known. Before, Tang Fan was in the thick of the plot, which is the only reason why he was carelessly tricked. When Tang Fan finally reacts, he surely will be able to see through his petty tricks, and when that time comes, he will truly die without resting in peace.
And so no matter what, Li Man has to take advantage of this opportunity and run first, leaving Tang Fan and the others to tear each other to shreds with the tomb guarding beast.
He believes that with how ferocious and merciless this beast is, everyone here will definitely be massacred. Then, all they have to do is find a way to transport all the treasures out. From then on, they would have freedom under the skies, and fat chance of officials catching them!
Qian San Er is a thief, he’s not from the courts and for Li Man to tempt him, it naturally comes easy to him.
Li Man says, “You knew this from before, I’m the leader of the White Lotus Sect’s He Nan branch. As long as you follow me, you will never have to hide in secret again! You won’t have to be humiliated by the court’s dogs, hurry, loosen the ropes!”
Qian San Er’s suspicion does not go away, but his eyes reveal that he is slowly being tempted, “Tell me first what the escape route is?”
Li Man coldly laughs to himself inside, then says sincerely, “I don’t mind telling you. That coffin has long been dug empty, from underneath it there is a route that leads directly straight towards Luo River, and when we get there, there will naturally be someone there to meet us!”
Qian San Er grabs at his shirt, “You better not lie to me. If the river and the tomb are connected, the water would have long rushed in, I don’t know how to swim!”
“Stupid, who told you it’s connected to the river!”
Just as he’s done speaking, he’s slapped again, so hard that even the teeth at the back of his mouth were nearly struck out with the force.
Qian San Er glares, “You still fucking dare to scold me!”
Li Man, “…”
Tolerating this and swallowing his anger, Li Man says, “Little xiongdi, I am not lying to you. The other end is connected to the river bank, it’s a little far from here but safety is guaranteed.”
Qian San Er is still doubtful, “Didn’t the beasts also swim in from the river? Before I came in, I saw that the tides of the river water were about to rise, by that time, what if the beasts escape and catch up to us?”
Li Man smiles, the expression cold and ruthless, “Did you forget that my people are outside? Both of them are my most trusted men, I’ve long since made proper arrangements, as long as we leave, they will all die here, be it the fucking people or the beasts! The huge treasures and riches from Marquis Gong’s tomb I got others to hide them earlier, you also saw the scattered pieces before. How can the real treasures compare to those dimly shining ones? All you have to do is go with me, and there is only time for you to enjoy wealth and fortune without limits!”
Qian San Er goes ‘oh’, nodding his head.
Li Man’s heart races with anxiety, “You can let me go now, can’t you!”
Qian San Er asks, “What does ‘dimly shining’ mean?”
Li Man almost throws up blood at that moment. He finally knows that this boy has been lying to him from start to end, and it’s likely that he was just tricking him to reveal details (of the escape route). He obviously does not have any intention to release him!
It is a pity that by the time he understands this, it is too late. Qian San Er has already gotten a hold of a dagger, and then ruthlessly stabs at Li Man’s heart!
Li Man’s eyes go wide in disbelief. Until the moment he dies, he is unable to understand why Qian San Er would have wanted to kill him.
Qian San Er retrieves the dagger from Li Man’s chest without hesitation. The other’s blood splatters on his face, and is wiped away along with his tears.
“…Shifu, I’ve finally gotten revenge for you!” he mumbles.
He gets to his feet and yells at Tang Fan and the rest, “Tang-daren, Li Man says there is an exit from inside the coffin towards the Luo River, we don’t have to run outside!”
When everyone hears this, their spirits are reinvigorated. Originally, everyone that there was only one way out, but the door is already blocked. Although they will be able to kill this tomb guarding beast here as long as they use all their strength, but there’s another one keeping guard outside. Thus, everyone was slowly despairing.
However, at this moment, Qian San Er’s words have given them new hope of survival.
Tang Fan shouts, his voice low, “Pang Qi, don’t persist in the fight, fight while you’re retreating!
Within the main hall, wherever the beast’s body sweeps across, its shrill wails echo, and along with it the howling wind. Although it is hurt, everyone else is barely hanging on. The other beast waiting outside, which was supposed to prepare to grab their food from the one inside, is already impatient, and its body shifts inwards slightly. Its blood red eyes stare at the humans in the main hall, and its sharp teeth are revealed.
Pang Qi manages to take a breath and turns back, then shouts with all his strength, “Daren, how his da-ge?!”
“He’ll live!” Tang Fan hauls Sui Zhou onto his back, then runs for the coffin.
Qian San Er has already gone over to push the coffin lid half open, revealing the wooden board underneath. He then peels the wooden board back, and he does see the dark entry way into the hole.
Delighted, Qian San Er shouts at Tang Fan and the rest of them, “Tang-daren, we can go down from here, Li Man didn’t lie to us!”
“Let’s go!” Tang Fan commands, and everyone starts to shift towards the center of the main hall.
Both tomb guarding beasts seem to realise what they’re trying to do, and rush towards them, bringing with them a gust of wind stained with the sharp stench of blood. The one that was hurt is exceptionally insane, and its attacks are stronger than before. Pang Qi and the rest are slowly losing the ability to hold them off. Another Embroidered Uniform Guard is not able to dodge in time and his throat is directly bitten.
Pang Qi is battling uncontrollably, but he doesn’t have any choice. The fighting power on both sides are entirely on different levels.
At this moment, a loud explosion resounds, and even the ground beneath their feet start to sway, shaking so much that everyone is almost unable to stand up straight.
Both beasts were going to attack the rest of them, but after the shock of that, they stop in their tracks for a moment.
Tang Fan’s expression changes slightly. He finally knows what Li Man’s plans were, but he doesn’t have much time to say anything at the moment, and can only shout, “Hurry and go! This place is about to collapse soon!”
Qian San Er ventures down the hole first, then turns around to help Tang Fan. Tang Fan first sends Sui Zhou down, then yells at Pang Qi, “Why aren’t you leaving!”
Pang Qi still wanted to kill the beast while it is still injured, but after the other one came in, he realises that this is an impossible mission. He can only begrudgingly give up and retreat to nearby the coffin. They shift into the hole in the coffin while the beasts are still stunned.
At this point, the entire underground tomb is shaking more and more intensely, and even the walls and the ground are sporting cracks quickly, visible with their naked eyes. Loud bursts of sounds echo one after another, far away and near, and everyone’s ear drums are close to bursting.
The two beasts look around them, stunned, and seeing that Tang Fan and the rest are leaving one by one, they shriek once and make to chase after them. Pang Qi, who is the last one, simply throws his xiuchun blade, slightly interrupting their forward momentum. He then holds onto his shoulder and dives into the coffin.
Behind him, along with the huge crackling and collapsing noises, the main hall’s stone walls fall after exploding, and even the stone piece at the top crashes downwards, heavily slamming on top of the coffin and cutting off the terrifying wails of the beasts.
In the long, narrow passage, everyone’s breaths are harsh. The sound of the explosions seems very far away, but the underground passage is also affected and keeps shaking endlessly. Above their heads, loose pieces of rock constantly drop, and some of the bigger ones can make anyone’s head bleed.
“Hurry, any later this place might collapse!” Tang Fan urges the rest of them to walk faster.
Qian San Er is at the front, carrying Sui Zhou on his back as he walks, while Tang Fan stays at the back to look out for everyone. Because of Sui Zhou’s protection earlier, he did not incur much injuries, but he does have small wounds here and there. Add to that his strength being severely depleted, his pallor is not any better than anyone else’s.
To be more accurate, if he didn’t have something to hold on to right now, he would have collapsed much earlier. But no one would think that Tang Fan, who knows no martial arts, is a burden. After all, if it wasn’t for his earlier planning, the number of people who are able to walk here right now would certainly be much lesser.
The White Lotus Sect did spend a lot of effort here - this passage has been dug in a way that makes it much wider than the one Qian San Er and the rest of them used earlier. It’s not that difficult to walk either, so it seems that the sect was already eyeing this tomb from a year before. They started there, and the only troublesome thing was that they needed to shift the treasures out before they could fully demolish the tomb, which is why they’ve delayed progress until now.
It is too bad that they faced Qian San Er and then Tang Fan, these two batches of people, and in their schemes to deal them with harm, they ended up being murdered instead. Even Li Man himself is buried in there. As people always say, as much as one would scheme, they may end up endangering their own lives in the end.
Qian San Er already told Tang Fan Li Man’s dying words. Li Man’s words are half truth and half lies, and he is always trying to manipulate and toy with him. Before Li Man died, he even hid the fact that they had gunpowder in the tomb, wanting to make use of the opportunity to deal them one last blow and kill them together with the tomb guarding beasts with the explosion.
Just by this point alone, Tang Fan does not dare to fully believe in what he said. However, when Li Man told Qian San Er that this passage leads to outside, and there is someone to receive them, these parts should be real.
Judging by Li Man’s selfishness, that pile of treasures certainly have to be placed right under his eyes for him to feel safe, so it would be impossible for him to let any of his men take the treasures first and flee.
In the process of walking forward, Tang Fan would frequently test for Sui Zhou’s pulse. Only when he finds that there is movement under his fingertip does he feel slightly assured.
They do not know for how long they have walked, and Qian San Er’s footsteps suddenly pause, “Daren, the exit seems to be in front.”
He puts Sui Zhou down, walks over and reaches out to touch, before turning around and saying in a low voice, “Seems like there is something pressing on top of it.”
Tang Fan indicates for everyone to keep silent and gets Qian San Er to come over and take care of Sui Zhou. He then walks over to where Qian San Er was standing previously and begins exploring. This is indeed the end, and the only exit is above.
Tang Fan meticulously touches the object that is pressing on the exit and then knocks on it lightly, putting his hand to his nose and sniffing.
“It’s a box, and it should be storage for clothes,” he says.
“How do you know that its a storage box for clothes?” Qian San Er asks, stunned.
“That wood is pear wood, and most people will not use wood like this to store miscellaneous items, so this is definitely a box. If the items inside are too heavy, then it would be very difficult for Li Man and the rest to go out, and I also smelt it earlier. There’s the smell of camphor wood grease, so it definitely is used to store objects that are easily bitten by insects, so it can only be storing clothes and garments.”
Qian San Er is entirely impressed. He touched the object earlier for a bit, but didn’t come up with any conclusions. Now that he hears Tang Fan say this, he experiences an epiphany of sorts.
Then looking at Pang Qi and the rest of them, they seem to have already gotten used to Tang-daren’s observation and deduction skills, his exceptional intelligence.
Tang Fan does not know that he has gotten himself another follower. He helps Sui Zhou up and adjusts him so that he’s in a more comfortable position to conveniently lean against his hold.
He says, “It should be another meeting point for the White Lotus Sect above. Earlier when we left, I took note and according to this distance and direction, this house should be on the outskirts of town. But what we can’t confirm is if there are any White Lotus Sect men outside, and if there are, how many of them.”
Feeling the impacts of the gunpowder back in the tomb, the passage has been dropping loosened pieces of stone constantly. As the magnitude of the shaking becomes increasingly greater, who knows how much powerful gunpowder Li Man and his men buried in there in order to obtain such an effect.
Everyone is tolerating the stale air, and staying in a dangerous passage that will collapse at any time is not an easy thing. A lot of them have already lost too much blood and are dizzy and unsteady. Those who are injured more severely, like Sui Zhou who is unconscious, can only be supported by their companions who are injured to a lesser degree.
When these domineering Embroidered Uniform Guards joined the Northern Administrative Court, they probably never expected to one day end up in such a pathetic situation. Twenty odd men entered (the tomb), and here in the passage, there are only less than ten of them.
But compared to Li Man’s tragic case, their current situation is considered an improved one. The dead have passed, but the ones left behind have to do their best to live.
Pang Qi cannot help but say, “Daren, let’s rush out, we may still have a way to survive!”
And yet, Tang Fan shakes his head, “No. Use your blade and open the box according to edges of the exit. if it’s all garments inside, there will be no sound when they fall, and then we can use that as a cover to make some observations first before proceeding.”
Pang Qi feels that this method is too wishy-washy, and cannot help but retort, “Why go to so much trouble? We don’t know how long more we can hold on, and the more we delay this, the smaller our chances of victory!”
Tang Fan only uses one sentence to refute and stop everyone’s protests, “Guang Chan handed all of you over to me, so I must do my best to ensure that more people survive.”
After Lady Chen helped Li Man to give birth to a son, and then handed the child over to a nearby family to raise, she herself then began to safeguard this little house, waiting for Li Man and the rest to bring over greater amounts of treasures from the tomb.
As the time they have arranged to meet has long gone and past, and Li Man and his men have yet to turn up, Lady Chen is also afraid of the beasts in the tomb and does not dare to go over and look for them. After waiting for several days, they believed that Li Man and the rest died inside, and she began to think about obtaining the treasures for herself.
Lady Chen is naturally promiscuous and is not a good, virtuous wife. After being with Li Man, she controlled herself slightly, but Li Man is after all an aging man and even with the best of disguises and illusions, his stamina cannot compare to that of a young man’s.
Now that Li Man is most likely dead, Lady Chen no longer has anything to worry about and starts to deliberately seduce the other members of the sect.
She is beautiful and gorgeous, and no man can resist her seduction, so when Tang Fan and the rest of them get here, Lady Chen and several other men are having fun in bed, so much so that they do not know what day it is even. Li Man probably would never have guessed even till his death that his woman so quickly began to mess around with other men. If he knew this, he probably would be so mad, enough for him to rise from the dead, and then die out of anger again.
This gave Pang Qi and the rest of them an advantage, however. While the few people in bed were tussling in the sheets, they emerged, and Lady Chen and the other men were all killed in bed before they could even react.
Wanting to take Lady Chen alive, however, Pang Qi and the others neglected to take note and gave her the opportunity to scream, which drew the attention of other disciples of the sect outside.
Both sides quickly are embroiled in a ferocious, intends battle. The glint of swords and blades flash on then spot, and blood splatters everywhere.
Theoretically, these disciples should not be of their match, but Pang Qi and the rest of them have lost too much energy and stamina before, so are unable to put in their best in the fight, seemingly struggling.
Tang Fan cannot fight and so will not go forth and become anyone’s burden. He can only watch from the sides.
He pats Qian San Er on the shoulder, “You did well today, this is all because of you!”
Immensely flattered, Qian San Er becomes incredibly excited. He has been stealing since young ever since he followed his shifu, and they’ve always been on the opposite side of officials and the courts, but now he even obtained the praise of an official envoy!
“Da, Da.. Daren’s praise, I truly do not deserve it!”
Seeing how excited he is, a smile emerges on Tang Fan’s exhausted face, “You were not tempted by Li Man and did not lower yourself to join him. This is enough to prove that you are not a bad person. Your shifu is no longer around, so do not involve yourself in illegal petty crimes anymore. When you’ve done too many bad things, you will eventually be punished for it. When you go back, find a legal way to support yourself!”
Qian San Er suddenly kneels down in front of Tang Fan, “I’ve already wanted to stop committing crimes and doing those things, but aside from those, I don’t know how to do anything else either. I beg daren to please point out a clear alternative for me!”
This person immediately went with the flow, and Tang Fan does not feel repulsed by this, instead thinking that Qian San Er is rather smart. This boy also has a good heart, and is a talent that can be folded, “We’ll talk when we get back.”
With these words, Qian San Er knows that Tang Fan has agreed and is delighted, kowtowing to Tang Fan three times in a row, the sound of his head hitting the ground bright and loud.
Who knew that Qian San Er used too much force in putting his head to the ground, and the intense battle before them was unable to wake Sui Zhou up, but the sound of his head hitting the ground has Sui Zhou’s brows furrowing.
Realising the movements of the person in his arms, Tang Fan looks down, and beams, “Guang Chuan, you’re awake, are you okay?”
Sui Zhou opens his eyes slowly, and the first thing he sees is Tang Fan’s concerned and anxious expression.
Sui Zhou, “Pfft!”
Tang Fan, “…”
What is this reaction? Did he hit his head and become silly?
Tang Fan cannot resist and feels for the other’s forehead, his gaze meeting Sui Zhou’s smiling eyes.
Tang-daren seems to have forgotten that he received a slap from Li Man earlier down in the tombs, and this led to swelling on one side of his face, swelling which has not yet gone down. His handsome, elegant image has been changed into that of a pig’s head, akin to the ones placed on ancestral offering tables. Seeing such a face, Sui Zhou cannot help but want to laugh.
However, after laughing, his heart melts more and more on the inside. He gazes at Tang Fan, and in his head only one thought is left.
Thankfully, this person is alright. Then no matter how severe he’s hurt, it is all worth it.
“… and Li Man?” Sui Zhou asks, his voice hoarse.
“Dead, Qian San Er killed him,” Tang Fan says.
Qian San Er fidgets, embarrassed, and he is about to make some humble proclamations, but Sui Zhou is not even looking at him.
Only one person can fit in the rectangular world he can see through his eyes. Both of their gazes meet, bringing with it a type of intimacy and flirtation that even Tang Fan himself does not realise.
And then, under Qian San Er’s eyes, Tang-daren, whose face is thicker than the walls of the Great Wall, slowly reddens.
*萤囊之光 ying nang zhi guang
This is used to refer to the dim light that poor scholars use when they study at night, as they are unable to afford candles whenever they need them, they have to use them sparingly. However, scholars cannot skip out on studying at night just because they cannot afford more candles, and can only light them minimally - in this case, it’s referring to gold that does not shine as brightly as real, authentic gold. It’s a little hard to translate exactly in this context, especially as Qian San Er asks what this means later, so I changed it a little, but Qian San Er, who had not studied much, is asking what the ying nang means.
*五体投地 wu ti tou di
This literally means to falls flat on the ground entirely - in this context, it’s used as a metaphor to say that Qian San Er is entirely convinced without a single shred of doubt. 
This is an idiom of sorts - what it literally means is that if you frequently walk in the night, you will at some point see a ghost. It’s usually used to describe someone doing something bad/committing crime - Qian San Er as a thief ‘walking the roads at night’ = committing crime and stealing, one of these days he will ‘meet a ghost’ = get into trouble basically.
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Band of Brothers Greetings, Part 2
Cute/charming things thay say when they walk into a room and see you/you walk into a room and they see you
Ok, first off- the moment he walks into a room, any room, he scans to see if you’re there, and if you are what you’re doing. 
He’s always done it, but since things between the two of you have gotten a bit steamy you find yourself catching him doing it ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME.
Like Ronald, you’re vv handsome and smoldery but YOU AREN’T SUBTLE IN THE SLIGHTEST.
Boi’s head is literally on a swivel until he finds you, straight up ignoring the person trying to talk to him until he sees that you’re there before impatiently returning his attention to whatever NIxon is saying (you know, BC OH YEAH not only are we at work but our work is war whoopsies could you repeat that, Nix i was lost in my handsome deathwish prince’s eyes?)
He’s always careful to read your body language to see how you're feeling, and based on that and the context of where y’all are he decides how (and if) to approach you.
His own feelings overwhelm him so it’s easier for him to focus on how you’re feeling
(Weirdly enough, you can read his feelings better than he can read his feelings sometimes.)
You weirdos end up staring at each other for way too long, entire conversations flowing between you two with little more than a lift of an eyebrow and a tilt of the head.
Bill and Babe had a game where they would see who between them could hold their breath through more of yours and Speirs’s weird hive mind-meld, the loser getting two freebies from the other’s rations.
Soon, more people joined in, and one day Speirs walked in while Peacock and LIpton were discussing the formation they wanted the camp set up in and half of the guys simultaneously took a deep breath through their noses to get a lungful of air 
When Lipton looked back out to the group of listening soldiers, he was disturbed to see several of his friends red or blue faced and looking between you and Speirs and each other like a tennis match
One look from Speirs put a stop to that game for a good month.
It only started up again because they saw Ron storm into the med bay and kiss you full on the mouth when you were alone after a soldier had punched you in that nose during Market Garden and left you horrifically blood-soaked and he’d thought you’d been shot.
Then the game turned into who could catch Ron showing human emotions towards you, with more points being given to the more softboy the action.
In an effort to keep THE BOYS™ focused during meetings, you and Ron eventually decided it’d be best to just stand by each other whenever you were in a room together, bc while you both are soft for each other you still get that you can’t be too distracted.
Well, you decided that.
If anything, Ron now has a new favorite game- seeing how long you could stay focused with his fingers running up and down your thigh while sitting together.
He may have slipped his hand beneath your waistband a few times and gotten you off during one of Nix’s intelligence briefings, whispering that you were being so good for him the entire time
and you may have retaliated once by getting him so worked up that he almost came in his pants like a teenager while surrounded by his sleeping men before giving him an overly sweet look before slipping away.
He makes you pay for it later, don’t worry :)
That is...until he sees you
Then the furrow in his brow softens, and a knowing smile breaks across his face and he either comes to be by you or (a la Bull Randleman) he will raise him arm to show you that there is a you-sized space that needs filling (hurry plz it makes him feel better to touch you.)
He’s not going to show PDA when y’all’re busy- bc he’s good and what he does and you’re good at what you do but that doesn’t mean you can just not pay attention if important info is benign shared. 
If he thinks you aren’t paying enough attention he’ll let you know right away.
Or just glare at the thing distracting you until it eventually relents or someone hits his arm and tells him to stop glaring at the pretty flowers y’n’s looking at they’ll burst into flame and then she’ll be sad
BUt homeboy is not afraid to have you lean against him, or sit in his lap as you both get ready to do whatever it is you have to do.
If the lot of you are just hanging out- he’s much more relaxed, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek or temple before returning his attention to whatever he had been doing- arms wrapping around you as he catches you up on whatever you’d missed
BC HE WOULD WANT YOU TO BE INCLUDED IN EVERYTHING HE DOES (as long as it’s not too dangerous, obvi)
“But John, you’re going on the patrol—!” “Yeah, cause if you’re not going SOMEONE has to make sure these boys don’t get themselves killed. Think it’d be rude to leave them to fend for themselves...”
“But i could go-” “NO you can’t, shut up. Now listen to my plan and tell me what you think…”
He knows how good you are at your job, and it makes him want to be better at his job so he can make sure to be there for you.
I also feel like THE BOYS™ would sometimes be surprised to see Johnny “It may be a bitchface but I’m not resting” Martin being a lil soft with you, and would sometimes stare in shock at the sight of the two of you looking at each other with such open adoration and softness that they’d get a lil mesmerized.
Until either you or Johnny noticed
Then, get ready for the SNARKIEST “Can I FUCKING help you?” glare combo to ever exist ever.
This made me smile, idk
My guy (much like Babe) is SO INTO YOU it can sometimes get the both of you in trouble (How either of you managed to keep from getting kicked out is a miracle). 
Luz is also a dramatic little goober, so you know he’ll do something over the top to try and make you laugh (bc, unlike him, you can actually keep it together for more than five seconds whenever you see him)
I’m talking shooting to his feet and standing on his chair and pointing in your direction the moment he sees you (especially if it’s for the first time that day/in a while), putting on a deep voice and an overly serious expression.
“Good God boys, I think we’re in the presence of a GOD. DAMN. KNOCKOUT.”
“WOOH, look at that! Somebody get Roe, cause I’m pretty sure my is about to JUMP outta my CHEST!”
(“You sure you ain’t just hopped up on caffeine and no sleep—?” “Shut UP Perconte, can’t you see I’m trying to flirt with your mother?”)
When you smile sleepily and tell him he can’t talk to your son that way he’ll perk up like a goddamn puppy dog, hop down from his chair and grab the mug of burnt coffee he’d poured for you when he’d heard you greeting Nixon that morning.
He presses the cup into your hand and his smile would soften into the one he saved for you (the one he’d given you after the two of you had snuck out past curfew at Toccoa to put a can of peaches by the door of Sobel’s bunkhouse and nearly gotten caught because you couldn’t stop giggling)
Luz is so obviously a goof but he also would be so endearingly obvious in his adoration of you.
No one would dare tease him about it. George brought so much light and (much needed) distraction from the darkness around them that THE BOYS™ would literally go to the ends of the earth to ensure that the two of you had time together. 
Don’t think about how, after being assigned a (gasp) room with a queen bed and a door(!) he would give you that smile again BUT this time there’d be a lil hint of Trouble in those bright eyes. Don’t think about him swallowing your sighs as the two of you keep each other warm between the sheets. 
But if you do think about it, know that he’s going to whisper the sweetest, kindest things to you the whole time, and yall are gonna fall asleep like teens in a CW show (~in each others armzZz~)
KING of the dirty wink
Oh my god.
Put that thing away before you get silly and hurt someone
You’ve heard of undressing someone with your eyes (see Liebgott and Nixon (and Ron if he’s feeling naughty shhh)), and you’ve heard of talking someone right out of their pants.
You had never known it was possible to WINK someone into a PUDDLE of feels.
Bill had a whole language of winks and head tilts, but you could be DAMN sure that he knows EXACTLY what he can do to you.
(Because you’re in a position where you’re under a bit more scrutiny than the other men, he also knows that you can’t necessarily reciprocate your feelings as openly as he can.)
DOn’t worry, he’s more than happy to flirt publicly for the both of you
“There she is, fuckin goddess of war herself. Come to see how the toughest, most handsome sonofabitch in the 506 is doin’ this morning?”
“Yeah, Bill. Something like that.”
It’s really cute. 
When you guys are alone, you try to make up for the fact that you can’t openly admire him the same way that he admires you. But Bill won’t hear it- tells you that he’d still think the world of you, even if you called him “the most unhelpful, condescending little shit” you’d ever had the displeasure of meeting
(which you did, after two weeks of constantly being paired up for training in Georgia)
(He’d asked you to marry him the next day, and you’d laughed so loudly and unexpectedly that it startled the both of you. The only thing to shut you up was a bark from Lipton to focus on the combat training, and even then you hadn’t been able to stop your shoulders from shaking)
For all his insistence that you didn’t have to worry about him thinking you don’t share his feelings, he isn’t opposed whenever the mood to show him how much you care for him strikes you.
Take a lil initiative when the two of you are alone and he’s putty in your hands.
BC while he finds your restraint admirable, he’d be a fucking liar to say you dropping the stoicism to get a lil dirty makes him weak.
Everyone else is used to Bill being an open flirt, and they are pretty sure if you had a problem with it you’d make him stop, but that doesn’t stop them from being surprised when Bill had dipped you into an over-the-top romantic kiss when it was announced the war was over (BC LET’S PRETEND HE WAS ALL GOOD AND HEALED UP AND WAS WITH BUCK AT THE BASEBALL GAME OKAY?!).
Speirs had simply held his hand out, palm up while all the guys who’d bet against him paid up
He’d shipped it from day one, but you’ll never be able to prove it!
(YIKES A DOODLE HERE’S PART TWO! Thank you to everyone who responded and liked the first half (major shout out to @mrsalwayswrite for writing my new favorite Liebgott story!) Again, love yall, and may your personal letters never be considered contraband)
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comrade-meow · 3 years
Bad data generates bad research; bad research generates bad treatments; bad treatments generate bad outcomes. The physiological differences between males and females are vast, and stamp their mark on every organ of the human body, not just the genitals and gonads. Ignoring these differences will muddle our data, blur our understanding of physiology, and hinder the discovery of new treatments for diseases. Females are much more likely than males to have autoimmune disorders. Males are more likely than females to develop Parkinson’s disease. Males and females may present with different symptoms preceding a heart attack. Males and females metabolize drugs differently. Blatantly ignoring sex as a variable hobbles the process of scientific inquiry and limits the types of questions that researchers will ask, thereby limiting the answers they get.
About this story: last November I came across some anonymous tweets from a person claiming to be a medical student at an American university where professors were teaching that sex is a social construct. I decided to try to find out if these claims were real, and I contacted the Twitter user, striking up a conversation with “C”. We agreed to meet on a Zoom call, and that C would show me C’s student ID, with their name and the name of the school covered, and that we would then do a written interview. C’s desire for strict anonymity is well founded in my eyes, due to the damage that could be inflicted on C’s career prospects if they were caught speaking to a publication about the ideological lies being peddled and the culture of fear at their institution.
On our thirty minute Zoom call, I met a highly intelligent, critical-minded, and determined young person who was expressing deep concern over the ways that gender identity ideology is distorting the teaching of medicine and the repercussions this may lead to in our next generation of doctors.
C held up their ID so I could see their picture on what was clearly a medical school ID. C told me their school can be categorized as “top tier.”
The irony of using “they/them” pronouns for a single person is not lost on me. I find it interesting that due to the tyranny of gender ideology, I must adhere to one of their tenets and accept the use of the plural pronoun for a single person whose sex I know. But the fact that I have to do this is because any information about C could potentially be enough to raise suspicion (just read their words to understand the climate of intimidation they witness in class everyday), and the knowledge of an individual’s sex is still a crucial identifying feature, no matter what the gender ideologues want us to believe.
C and I agreed that I would offer people on Twitter an opportunity to pose their questions directly and that C would respond in written form. Out of the many responses, the medical student chose what they considered some of the most representative and important of the questions. These are their answers below, beginning with a short message they wanted me to share.
-Sasha White
Thank you, Sasha, for having offered me this valuable opportunity to answer these questions. Before we start, I would like to clarify my stance on basic issues regarding sex and gender identity, so that people can keep these in mind while reading.
Biological sex is not a social construct – male and female are distinct material realities which have significant implications for medical and surgical treatment of many different conditions. These physiological differences are relevant on the levels of clinical practice, research, and policy, and absolutely must be acknowledged in order for physicians to best treat their patients. All patients should be treated with compassion, respect, and high-quality medical care, regardless of their professed gender identity. I remain agnostic as to what it truly means to have a “gender identity”, but will respect the wishes of my future patients in regards to their social presentation and pronouns. I believe that dysphoric adults should be able to pursue transition. Physicians should be aware of relevant aspects of trans healthcare, including hormone therapy and surgery, so that they can better advise trans patients on how medical treatments may impact their gender-related care, or vice versa. It is possible and desirable for us to have a healthcare system which is inclusive and respectful of transgender patients, in a way which does not pretend that biology is arbitrary or merely a social construct. Despite my liberal beliefs, the loudest voices at my institution would falsely accuse me of blowing transphobic dog-whistles, hence my anonymity. This hostile climate is corrosive to an inquiry mindset and critical thinking, and will ultimately be a disservice to the scientific community and to future patients, trans and otherwise.
IDD64 @IDD64 asks: “What happened to “nobody’s saying sex isn’t real”?”
This is actually what compelled me to speak out about this practice in the first place. Well-intentioned non-medical people often assume that medical schools are teaching something like, “Gender identity can be fluid and varied, but biological sex is real, binary, and relevant in medical contexts.” This idea is around five years out of date in the most progressive of institutions. I have been told multiple times in several classes that biological sex is a social construct – not just gender. Granted, I can speak only for my institution, but this change has been frustrating and disturbing to witness.
Robert Woolley @RandomlyBob asks: “Do any of the required textbooks also avoid using those words? If not, might you ask those professors if they think the books are either inaccurate or offensive?”
Our curriculum is constantly subject to revision. Around two-thirds of our written materials have been updated with this new language. For the one-third that has remained out-of-date, our class has received multiple apologetic, itemized emails from course instructors in which they provide corrections, beg for forgiveness and patience, and avow to “do better”. In class, we have been given multiple histories in which the patient’s sex has been deleted, even for cases involving disorders which can manifest differently between the sexes. The words “female” and “male” are being erased and replaced.
Born a space baby @ggynoid asks: “What’s the dynamic like for class participation? Do people start with pronouns? Do people tend to agree, disagree? What’s the female-male ratio in the class typically on these sort[s] of classes?”
When school first began, we were heavily encouraged to include pronouns in our Zoom names and email signatures; around 70-80% of the class did so. Most students and professors would start off verbal introductions with their name and pronouns, though that has subsided since we all have grown to know each other.
A vocal minority of students are loudly in favor of the most extreme aspects of gender ideology, while the majority seem to be vaguely supportive in a nonspecific way. I think that this comes from a mixture of naive goodwill and fear – they are trying to be good allies, and this is the only way they know how. Additionally, it is heavily implied that to ask critical questions, even in a way which is ultimately patient-centered and supportive, is perpetuating bigotry, so they just nod along. A silent minority seems to be secretly skeptical. I have met four or five students who have disclosed to me in private conversation that they disagree with one or more aspects of this dogma but they are hesitant to come forward in group settings. I am sure that more exist, but they are hard to find. None of these people have been transphobic.
The female-male ratio is approximately equal, with slightly more females than males in my class.
David Poole @MrDPoole asks: “Do you think the people telling you these things actually believe it or are they being forced to do it?”
I think that a very small minority of our professors actually believe that male and female bodies are interchangeable with the exception of genitalia and gonads. There are definitely more woke students than woke professors, and the most radical of students are far more radical than the wokest professor. Most of these professors are very fearful of saying the wrong thing, so they delicately couch their language by referring to “XX and XY people” or other such euphemisms, even though that can lead to inaccuracies.
The social consequences for misspeaking are highly magnified, especially when most classes are delivered online (due to the pandemic). Our class has been quietly accused of having a mean streak in regards to social justice. We have had petitions circulated (drafted by few, signed by many) to name, shame, and “hold accountable” various lecturers who used the “wrong” language, to the point of humiliation. One professor broke down crying after a genetics lecture which relied heavily on the use of “male” and “female” by necessity. (Though the lecture also made ample space to talk about transgender and non-binary individuals, this was not enough to appease the critics.) Another professor referred to “pregnant women” rather than “pregnant people” and spent a very uncomfortable few minutes after class abjectly apologizing for having caused offense “by implying that only women can get pregnant”. It was incredibly disturbing to see, for multiple reasons. One, this is based on bad science and zealotry that has the potential to harm patients. Two, the magnitude of the “crime” pales in comparison to the magnitude of the outcry. Three, it is a total inversion of the expected social order to see these physicians —some of whom are literally leading scholars in their field— be reduced to fearful puddles if a student so much as looks at them askance. Keep in mind that these professors are extremely liberal, compassionate, and well-meaning, yet they are turned upon with such venom and verve by the people who they are trying to please.
Chopper @RodeoChopper asks: How are cases presented? Normally the first line is “This is a such and such year old (male/female) with a past medical history significant for…”
Here are some examples of formats I have seen in our coursework:
“This is a 43-year-old woman with ovaries, presenting with …”
“A 3-year-old child, assigned male at birth, not assigned gender as of yet by parents, presenting with …”
“This patient is a 7-year-old child, gendered as a boy by his parents, who …”
“57-year-old woman with testes, here with …”
“A 16-year-old patient (gender non-binary, pronouns they/them) …”
“A 32-year-old woman (she/her/hers) …”
“A 16-year-old patient presents with complaints of …”
Of the myriad problems with this structure, the most concerning is that most of these cases do not accurately identify the sex of the patient, which is crucial in being able to weigh the likelihood of potential diagnoses and treatments. A person’s pronouns are not relevant when deciding to prescribe a particular antibiotic, and at which dose. Additionally, I find it somewhat irritating to be expected to state the obvious for things that are the default of the human experience. We do not say, “This is a 42-year-old woman with both her arms and legs”, although there are certainly women in this world who are missing one or more of their limbs.
MaryWrath @WrathMary asks: “So how are reproductively different bodies described then? How are cardiac arrest and stroke symptoms described, explained and taught as we know now they present differently across the two sexes? There are clearly two bodies in our species so how are the professors acknowledging?”
Organs are referred to by their actual names – penis, testes, vagina, ovaries, breasts. However, referring to patients as male or female is strictly taboo. If there are relevant but subtle sex-specific differences, then they will often be downplayed or ignored altogether. As an example, we were told that the higher risk of heart attacks in men was due only to the presence of testosterone, and not for any other reason, which is patently false. When the differences are utterly impossible to ignore, “male” and “female” will simply be rebranded as “people with testes/ovaries”, “AMAB/AFAB”, or “people with/without Y chromosomes”. My personal favorite is “persons with [testosterone/estrogen] as their primary sex hormone.” Oddly, “man” and “woman” are still used, often with redundant qualifiers (“56-year-old man with testes”).
thames pilgrim @thames_pilgrim asks: “What are the most dangerous medical implications for turning a blind eye to someone’s sex due to a belief that talking about “male” and “female” might offend?”
This is a very important question which should be addressed at the following interrelated levels: clinical practice, research, and public policy.
Clinical practice: Transgender patients who do not disclose their birth sex might be at risk for improper medical treatment. (I have seen a natal female person who identified as a nonbinary man, be suspected of having testicular torsion; this person did not disclose their sex to the physician, which resulted in a delay in their care). Out of fear of being branded transphobic, physicians may not accurately and completely inform trans patients about their sex-specific risk for certain medical conditions. And for all patients, if a poorly-educated doctor is unaware as to how disorders manifest differently between the sexes, then patients can be harmed through the failure to rapidly and accurately diagnose and treat their medical conditions.
Research: Bad data generates bad research; bad research generates bad treatments; bad treatments generate bad outcomes. The physiological differences between males and females are vast, and stamp their mark on every organ of the human body, not just the genitals and gonads. Ignoring these differences will muddle our data, blur our understanding of physiology, and hinder the discovery of new treatments for diseases. Females are much more likely than males to have autoimmune disorders. Males are more likely than females to develop Parkinson’s disease. Males and females may present with different symptoms preceding a heart attack. Males and females metabolize drugs differently. Blatantly ignoring sex as a variable hobbles the process of scientific inquiry and limits the types of questions that researchers will ask, thereby limiting the answers they get.
Policy: Patients who are not transgender may be misled by “inclusive” educational materials and miss out on crucial preventative care. This is especially impactful in women’s health; whether due to language barrier, subpar sex education, or cultural taboo, not every woman will even know that she has a cervix, but she will know that she is female. Additionally, recommendations made by professional medical associations are widely used in clinical practice; if these guidelines are generated based on faulty data, this could negatively impact patients on a wider scale.
However, the most pernicious of possible harms is not the denial of sex; rather, the denial of sex is just one manifestation of a greater problem, which is the corrosion of critical thinking itself. Whatever you call it – this postmodern poison, the triumph of dogma over data – it is fundamentally incompatible with critical thinking, the most powerful all-purpose tool a physician has at his or her disposal. Starting with a conclusion and working backwards, all while twisting the data to fit a narrative, strikes me as more religious than scientific.
Marjorie Hutchins @leakylike asks: “Part of being a doctor is taking on ethical & safeguarding responsibilities[.] Why aren’t medical students challenging something which [could] have health implications for patients?”
Our positions as students are precarious, especially if one is labeled as being on the wrong side of history. Consequences for speaking out can include shunning, being anonymously reported to the school for “remediation”, being informally blacklisted from research and leadership opportunities, and potentially expulsion. Until I have earned my degree and have completed residency, I need to remain anonymous. To do otherwise would be to kill my career before it has even begun, which would also limit my ability to help many more patients in the future.
Although I am very biased, I think it should be on the onus of administration and our tenured professors to stand up against this madness, rather than on lone students to publicly put themselves at risk of debt and ruin. For now, I resist in the small ways that I can; I wish to do so more publicly when I am more secure.
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #96: The Count of Monte Cristo
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re making the King of the Cavern, Edmond Danganron- sorry, the Count of Monte Cristo. Ol’ Eddy’s fast enough to leave afterimages, strong enough for those afterimages to also hit people and hurt them, and plenty of creepy darkness and fire based abilities.
Check out the Count’s build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Next up: Helloooo nurse!
Race and Background
This part isn’t that complicated. The Count is a human, and as a Variant Human he gets +1 to Constitution and Wisdom, as well as proficiency in one skill. Grab Acrobatics, because you’re fast and there’s other stuff we’re getting with your class stuff. You also get the Tough feat, giving you an extra 2 HP when you level up. Being the physical embodiment of hatred makes you pretty hard to stamp out.
I don’t think there’s a “wrongfully accused” variation of the Criminal background, so we’re making you a Haunted One instead; your stay in the Chateau d’If left a pretty big impression on you. This gives you Investigation and Survival proficiencies. You could also go Charlatan or Faceless if you want a more book-based Count, but we’re going with the gacha game version.
Ability Scores
Put your highest score into Wisdom. In older versions of D&D, wisdom saves were called will saves, and you’ve got an iron one. After that is Dexterity; you’re a speedy boy, and you’re hard to hit. Third is Constitution- your concentration saves should be instantly passed, and you’re even harder to kill than you are to hit. Intelligence is next, you’re pretty good at revenge schemes, but that’s a niche subject. Your Charisma isn’t that great, but you don’t get directly involved in social situations that often. Finally, dump Strength. You’re actually really strong, but we’re using dexterity for damage, so we don’t need this stat.
Class Levels
1. Monk 1: You’re fast and you punch people, and you’ve also spent a lot of time contemplating your place in life in the Chateau d’If. Most of that matches up with a monk well, and a more chaotic character might call a monastery a prison, if you’re really stretching for this to fit 100%. As a monk you get Unarmored Defense, giving you an AC based on your Dexterity and Wisdom so you can fight in a sick chapeau, or a sick Chateau, if you haven’t escaped yet. Speaking of fighting, you can use your fists thanks to your Martial Arts. This lets you use Dexterity instead of Strength for unarmed attacks and damage, your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 damage instead of 1, and you can make an unarmed attack as a bonus action after you attack as an action.
2. Fighter 1: You’re not just a speedy punch boy, you’re the speediest punchiest boy, going so fast we can skip 10 levels of monk progression in 1 level of fighter. The Unarmed Fighting fighting style means your fists now do 1d6 damage minimum, or 1d8 if you’re not wielding any weapons or shields (which you shouldn’t be). You can also deal 1d4 damage to grappled creatures each turn, but that probably won’t come up. You like to stay mobile. You also gain a Second Wind, letting you spend a bonus action to heal yourself. You can kinda control time, so there’s no bad moment for a smoke bre- and Guda’s gotten themselves trapped in a dream again.
3. Druid 1: Three classes in three levels? It’s more likely than you think. I know the Count doesn’t turn into a dog, you’ll just have to trust me on this one for now. First level druids learn Druidic, it’s a language, and also how to cast and prepare Spells using Wisdom as your casting ability. Your biography snippets mention you have “poisonous fire”, and I’m not sure how that would work in D&D, so grab Produce Flame and Poison Spray to get poison and fire attacks. For first level spells, Longstrider and Jump will improve your mobility despite your dumped strength, and Protection from Evil and Good is a good way to protect your iron will by preventing you (or a target creature) from being charmed, frightened, or possessed by aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. Those creatures also have disadvantage on their attacks against you. The men who betrayed you were probably human in FGO, but who knows what curveballs your DM will throw at you.
4. Druid 2: With the Circle of the Stars, you can still use your Wild Shape as an action to transform into a non-flying, non-swimming beast of CR 1/4 or less, or you can assume a Starry Form as a bonus action; both options still can only be used twice per short rest. Your starry form sheds light 10′ away brightly, and another 10′ of dim light. You also pick one of three constellations that form on your body, granting you additional benefits. The Archer lets you use your bonus action (including when you transform) to make a ranged spell attack, dealing radiant damage. The Chalice causes you to be able to heal yourself or another when you cast a healing spell. The Dragon gives you Refined Talent with Intelligence and Wisdom checks, as well as Concentration saves. While in this form, you can’t roll less than a 10 on them. So yes, you do canonically have the weird glowing lights from your scarf now.
You also make a Star Map, which comes with its own benefits. You know Guidance and Guiding Bolt while you hold the map, and you can cast the latter a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus without spending a spell slot. It also acts as your spellcasting focus, and can be replaced with an hour long ceremony, which can be done during a rest.
5. Fighter 2: If you were playing a single class, this would be the level you get an extra attack on. Instead, you get an Action Surge, letting you add an extra action to one of your turns once per short rest. It’s kind of like an extra attack, but less frequent, and much better when you get a regular extra attack.
6. Fighter 3: You’ve finally gone so fast and so hard that your afterimage can punch people! At least, that’s the justification I have for picking up the Echo Knight subclass. As an Echo Knight, you can Manifest Echo to create a copy of yourself near you that has an AC of 14 plus your proficiency bonus and 1 HP. It can move up to 30′ each turn, and has to stay within 30′ of you or be destroyed. As a bonus action, you can teleport, switching places with your echo. Each attack made with your attack action can come from either you or your echo, and you can make opportunity attacks with the echo as well. You can also Unleash Incarnation for an extra attack from your echo when you take the attack action. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your Constitution modifier. 
So we went from two attacks per turn at level 4 to a maximum of five attack in a turn at level 6. You can’t keep that up for long, but I doubt you’ll have to at this point.
7. Monk 2: Remember that class we started as? I think it’s time we went back to that one. At second level, you get Ki Points equal to your monk level, which you can currently spend to make two attacks, dodge, disengage, or dash as a bonus action. You also get Unarmored Movement, increasing your running speed by 10 feet. I’ve been talking about how fast you are this entire build, it’s about time we made good on that.
8. Monk 3: You literally live in Guda’s shadow, so this subclass is almost a given. Shadow monks can learn Shadow Arts, letting you cast Darkness, Darkvision, Pass without Trace, and Silence without material components for 2 ki points a pop. You also learn Minor Illusion. Third level monks can also Deflect Missiles, reacting to ranged attacks to block and throw them back at enemies. Thanks to Tasha’s you can also make Ki-Fueled Attacks. If you spend a ki point as part of your action, you can still attack with your bonus action. You’re a busy man, so you’ll have to make the most out of every turn.
9. Monk 4: Finally, your first Ability Score Improvement pops up at level 9. Use this to become Resilient in Constitution saves, gaining proficiency in them and increasing your constitution by 1 point. Combined with your Dragon constellation, this means you’ll automatically pass any concentration save caused by less than 34 damage. Having an iron will comes in handy sometimes! You can also Slow Fall, reducing damage taken by falling based on your monk level.
10. Monk 5: Five levels after most players, you finally get your Extra Attack, letting you make two attacks with each attack action. Combined with your Action Surge, Unleash Incarnation, and Martial Arts, you can now attack 8 times in a single round, albeit once per short rest. To put it in context, that’s about as many times as a level 20 fighter, also using their action surge. 
The fun doesn’t stop there! Fifth level monks also can make Stunning Strikes using ki. When you hit a creature, you can spend one ki point to force a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 8 plus your proficiency bonus plus your wisdom modifier or be stunned until the end of your next turn. You get advantage on all attacks against stunned creatures, so... that’s going to hurt. You can also use a Focused Aim to improve your accuracy on attacks by spending even more ki points.
11. Fighter 4: One last level of fighter gives us another ASI, which will increase our Dexterity for a higher AC and stronger punches.
12. Druid 3: Third level druids get second level spells, like Darkvision or Pass Without Trace, so you can save your ki points for stunning strikes. You can also use Enhance Ability to push yourself even further.
13. Druid 4: At this level, your Wild Shape improves, so you can now transform into beasts of CR 1/2 or lower, and you can swim as well, if you really want to. But you also get another ASI, which makes you Shadow Touched. This increases your Wisdom by one point, and you learn Invisibility and Disguise Self, both using Wisdom to cast. One of your Noble Phantasms, the Monte Cristo Mythologie, can hide your Class from others. It would probably be more literally implemented with Nystul’s Magical Aura, but Disguise Self is a much more practical spell for you.
You can cast either one of these spells once per long rest for free, or like any regular spell with the appropriate spell slot.
You also get more fire power with the Create Bonfire cantrip.
14. Druid 5: Fifth level druids get third level spells. There’s a lot of cool stuff you can do now, but we’re mostly here for Revivify. Your third Noble Phantasm, Attendre, Esperer, gives you amazing recovery abilities, even bringing people back from the verge of death. Reviving people within a minute after their death is as close as we’re going to get here.
15. Monk 6: Your movement speed increases by another 5 feet now, and thanks to Ki-Empowered Strikes, your unarmed attacks are magical as far as resistances are concerned. As a shadow monk, you can also Shadow Step with your bonus action, teleporting up to 60′ between shadows. Doing this also grants you advantage on your next attack.
16. Monk 7: Seventh level monks get Evasion, letting you take no damage when you succeed on dexterity saves, and half damage when you fail. You also gain a Stillness of Mind, letting you end charming or frightening effects on yourself as an action. Your wisdom save is pretty solid, but it never hurts to have backup.
17. Monk 8: Use this ASI to round out your Constitution and Wisdom for more health, stronger spells, and a better AC.
18. Monk 9: Ninth level monks get an Unarmored Movement Improvement, letting you run up walls or over water with your normal movement speed. Just make sure you hit dry land before you stop, it’s not fun otherwise.
19. Monk 10: Tenth level monks have a Purity of Body that makes them immune to disease and poison, and you’re kind of the same. You’re already 99% revenge; you don’t have any space for more impurities.
Also you get another 5′ of movement.
20. Monk 11: Your capstone level grants you a Cloak of Shadows, allowing you to turn invisible as an action in dim light or darker. You remain invisible until you make an attack, cast a spell, or enter bright light. It’s not quite melding into shadows, but it certainly isn’t bad.
Also, in case you were wondering, your Martial Arts die bumps up to a d8 at this level, so you’d finally be as strong as you were at level 2 if we didn’t go into fighter now.
A regular monk would have focused more on dexterity and had more accurate attacks, but we make up for that with the sheer number of punches we can throw at once. If you want something stunned, it’s basically guaranteed at this point. This also makes you a solid burst attacker: 8d8+24 damage is nothing to sneeze at.
Also unlike a regular monk, you’re really fucking tough to kill. With an AC of 17 and enough HP to give fighters a run for their money, physical attackers will find it hard to cut you down. On top of that, you’re pretty good against the three most common spell saves (Dexterity, Wisdom, and Constitution), and your evasion makes it so spellcasters will also have their work cut out for them.
You’re absurdly good at Concentration when you need to be. With your dragon constellation up, you can instantly shrug off any concentration save that is caused by less than 40 Damage. Basically, anything that isn’t a rogue or a beholder won’t be able to shake your buffs off an ally.
Monks eat up their ki points quickly, and you’re no exception. This also applies to your Action Surge, spell slots, Starry Form, and Unleash Incarnation uses. You’re very, very impressive in combat, but only for a choice few rounds. If you use those up, it’s going to be a slog. A slog you’ll probably survive, but a slog.
Being a star druid makes you a literal light in the darkness. While that is a beautiful metaphor, it does make using the rest of your stealthy dark-focused build effectively. You can’t shadow step when you’re a walking lightbulb, sorry.
Despite your overall defensive strength, you have a few key weaknesses, like your charisma and intelligence saves. You won’t be much help in if you’re shot to another dimension by spellcasters, or against mindflayers in general.
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bluecoloreddreams · 4 years
(Disclaimer: this contains spoilers for the Fruits Basket and Fruits Basket: Another manga, as well as taking into consideration tidbits from Takaya’s twitter.) 
So, okay, first of all we have to address the YMMV aspect: Some people don’t like this ship. As long as they’re respectful, I have no beef with that. I’m well aware that some people cannot/choose not to make the distinction between “real life” and “fiction”— I have the luxury of this choice, so some of the “problematic” ships/character aspects within Furuba don’t bother me (for the most part). It’s fiction, and I’m aware of this.  
Again, some people cannot/do not make this distinction, and that’s none of my business because that’s their personal life. I’m aware that people dislike aspects of Akigure, and that’s fine. 
Personally? I’ve been reading Furuba since like, basically the dawn of time. I was reading scans on, like,  MSN groups. I remember a friend at church (of all places) telling me about the Akito reveal because I was behind on updates. It’s literally engrained upon my shipping heart at this point. 
(Headcanons ahoy! Like literally, this is all headcanon/my perspective on the series as a whole. YMMV/YKINMK/Dead Dove, the whole works, if you know you know
YES I wrote it like it’s an actual research paper because I have No Chill At All, please forgive me. It’s long and pretty rambling.) 
Addressing the first elephant in the room: Given my limited interactions with the fandom, my impression of Akigure from a generalized fan POV is that it’s pretty divisive. Every episode she comes up there are “I hate this kid” comments and I cry
Akito is a favorite of mine, and it’s impossible for anime-only’s to make a deep, informed call on her character. On the other hand, a lot of manga-readers dislike her too. 
So, why am I talking about whether or not people like Akito as a character? 
I’m of the opinion that it impacts people’s ability to view her character arc as one that deserves a happy ending. That she doesn’t deserve to have love, happiness, or forgiveness, all of which are given to her when she and Shigure finally end up together on equal footing. (Do I think the way it’s rushed in the original Furuba ending? Yeah, but hey. Sensei had like a huge ensemble cast to wrap ends on. Now there’s Furubana to look to and it’s just chef’s kiss.)
There’s a mental aspect in this, involving the dichotomy between “reality” and “fiction”. 
There is absolutely zero argument that are a lot of things that Akito does that uh, listen, if it was IRL she’d be in jail! Jail for terror baby! Jail for life! 
Fortunately, Fruits Basket is a work of fiction. These characters aren’t real, they’re idealized brushstrokes of human nature created to move a plot and a message along. 
That’s why Akito and Shigure work as a couple and as characters: 
They’re both incredibly deep characters that get passed off as one-dimensional by a lot of people (and the original anime, woof). Some of it is again, because anime-only fans just don’t have the whole story, since Akito’s arc is one that builds gradually until it hits a point where all hell breaks loose, which we are a ways away from. 
So what’s the message that their relationship and characters are supposed to pass on? 
Well, it breaks down into two categories: world building and thematic arcs. The latter is more important and what I’ll be focusing on, while the former is just a little spice that I, personally enjoy, and won’t really talk about in depth. (It’s that the magical realism in Furuba sets up the idea of soulmates, it’s just…. Something I enjoy and it’s really heacanony, so I can’t really justify spending more words on it!) 
When discussing Fruits Baskets in any capacity, I feel like we must first keep in mind the thematic “lessons” of the series: 
There is an inherent loneliness in living as a human being, since loss, grief, and hurt are indelible parts of the human experience, and learning to cope with these feelings in a compassionate manner is a life-long lesson 
People react differently to the loneliness of existence, and their reactions are based upon their personalities, their upbringings, and their own choices 
Everyone is capable of change and learning, if they choose to do so, however: 
Personal agency is taught, but in the vacuum of positive reinforcement, the ability of a person to choose to be compassionate is stifled or outright inaccessible
Therefore, if you are not taught to deal with your grief and existence outside of others, your ability to connect may become warped, manipulative, or abusive, and this is not the fault of the child but instead the parental figure 
Eventually, you will be aware of your actions, and then it is your burden to choose—some people do not take this choice (the head maid, Ren, Kyo’s bio dad, Rin’s parents, Sawa’s mother in Furubana)  
Abuse has long lasting effects on the psyche and can be physical, emotional, and/or mental in nature and must be dealt with in order to grow as a person
“Dealt with” does not mean that it goes away, but that it is acknowledged and given a positive outlet (Yuki’s garden, Aaya’s shop, Rin’s art, Momiji’s violin playing)
Forgiveness is not linear
Forgiving yourself is a long and arduous process, and happens independent of other people’s forgiveness
This is really brought to the forefront in Fruits Basket: Another, when Shiki talks about how his mother interacts with the rest of the Sohma family. It’s shown she’s done what she can to make amends, but recognizes that while she can individually hold relationships with certain family members, as a whole, it's best if she allows them to be away from her. 
This is a whole tangent on its own, but there’s a certain blanket of casual forgiveness given to Akito by the entirety of the shown Zodiac in Furubana, in that they trust that she’s raised a kind and thoughtful son and allow him the grace of his own family. 
Again, in Takaya’s tweets post-series that acknowledges that Akito’s friends with Uo-chan, despite her relationship with Kureno (and it shows a depth of awareness on Kureno’s part that he stays away
People flourish in environments where love and positive reinforcement is given freely, even when people are in the wrong
This doesn’t mean that no one is ever scolded: see Komaki and Kakeru, Kisa and Hiro, Hatori chews out Shigure all the time, but never ceases being his confidant 
So okay, that’s A Lot. But every single character in Furuba follows these themes in their own manner, because the series is about healing and learning how to heal from abuse, neglect, and isolation. Someone’s gonna have to be doing it. Point blank, the end, to tell a story there must be conflict, and boy howdy, there’s a lot of conflict in Furuba. Every personal thematic arc in the series ends up tying into a romantic one, because Furuba is a romcom drama. 
There’s a loop that goes “personal betterment”->”crush”/”friendship”->”conflict”->”personal growth”/”relationship growth” in the series for every character. That’s the bread and butter of Furuba. 
But anyway. To the question: 
I love them because they work, they’re both their own people with their own narrative focuses, motivations, conflicts, and flaws. Both Shigure and Akito are believable in their own right in the context of Furuba, and I think Takaya did wonderfully in crafting a story where their personalities mesh well and give each other reasons to better themselves.
To talk about them together, you have to talk about them separately. 
I’m gonna start with Shigure because, truthfully? 
I just want to lament about how often he’s simply passed off as either comic relief or absolute trash. He’s so underestimated! 
“He’s a joke of a grown man… He is reliable and I trust him.” (Another, v. 3)
He’s incredibly intelligent when it comes to interpersonal relationships, which is why he’s able to do what he does. He’s also incredibly kind—no one made him take in Yuki or Kyo or Tohru. He could have just went “ah, I’d prefer not to” and moved on. But he didn’t, made up some bullshit so Haru would feel like taking in Yuki was a transaction, and let me just tell you, I am the same age as Shigure and if you gave ME three teenagers to be the guardian of?! It would be a full on disaster.
He’s actually incredibly trustworthy (if he wants to be), insightful, and a genuinely good guardian despite his jokes and wisecracking. 
He forced Kyo to go back to school, knowing full well it would be good for him. He lets a whole host of children run rampant through his home. Kids who actually enjoy his presence. He’s shown as having a good familial relationship with Rin (who tries to warp that for her own means), Kisa, Haru, and Momiji. His advice to Tohru is genuine, insightful, and ridiculously helpful. 
Shigure is good with people. He gets up at the crack of dawn to drive Shiki to see Sawa in Furubana. He’s who Mutsuki and Hajime immediately go “holy shit you need to do something about this” to when they find out Shiki’s getting nasty notes about Akito. He’s who Shiki goes to when Sawa fell down the stairs as a child. As much as Shiki and the others make fun of Shigure, he’s obviously someone who’s trustworthy. And that’s not some new development, he’s always been trustworthy in regards to those he loves. No one asked him to show up to Tohru’s teacher conference, he volunteered. Like this dude loves people, he’s the dog spirit after all, and rightly so. 
Does he have his own motivations? Of course! But so does everyone else in Furuba. He’s a complex character, man! 
He laughs and jokes a lot because he’s projecting this image of a laid back, doofus. When you think about who he’s friends with, the whole middling goofball act makes a lot of sense. Just like some of Ayame’s over the top behavior is a defense mechanism, I believe that Shigure casts himself as a generally unappealing man to keep himself safe from advances when he was in school, but also to temper the wildly unequal personalities of his other two friends. He’s the sort of person who would just go “eh, whatever makes it easy”, and that’s just how he is. 
He doesn’t mean the creepy school girl thing, it’s a bit and I think the only people who don’t realize he’s running a bit are Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru who are absolutely too stupid to realize he’s playing them for reactions. He thinks it’s funny. 
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When the older Zodiac had the dream of Shigure, Shigure is the only one who made the active choice to seek out that feeling. His soul was touched, and he decided that he wanted that and only that. This doesn’t necessarily mean he went full Jacob from Breaking Dawn, but it does mean he acknowledged there was a bond, and he wanted it. 
When you get into the technicalities of the curse, it’s mentioned that their Zodiac spirits influence how they interact with Akito, and that going against her can cause physical and emotional pain. Yuki cries when meeting her, and it’s mentioned that that’s just the normal reaction for the Zodiacs. 
It’s hard to say how much of their early interactions are influenced by the curse, but it’s obvious that Shigure has genuine fondness for her. She wasn’t always absolutely broken, as shown in Yuki’s backstory, and was a precocious child, one who sought affection openly. 
Shigure has an indulgent personality, and is shown to love being adored. Guess who loves him! Akito! Guess who wants lots and lots of affection! Akito! 
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Their personalities are very well matched as they get older: They’re both intelligent and coy. They both have fairly sharp tongues when needed, and have no qualms about doing whatever it takes to get what they want. 
Shigure wants Akito to be independent from the curse. He’s made it clear to her he doesn’t want to be her father, he doesn’t want to be her friend, he wants to be her lover. Those are boundaries that Akito’s never been given before, and his frankness with her and his jealousy with Kureno is something she agonizes over, simply because she’s never been given any sort of serious interpersonal boundaries, or repercussions for her actions. He’s always kept himself separate from her, because of those boundaries, even when they were children. 
That’s important. It opens the door to the idea that her actions have consequences, and is a persistent nagging in the back of her mind. 
“Even though you hadn’t realized it, I was waiting for that day.” (ch 101)
For the bulk of the series, the only person who sees Akito as a person separate from the curse, and sees a future where she can grow is Akito. He has an extraordinary amount of patience for her, and forgives her for a lot. 
There are only two incidents that Shigure cannot forgive: Her sleeping with Kureno, and at the very end of the series, I’m of the full opinion that if Akito had pushed Tohru off the cliff, Shigure would have been done with her. Look at that expression, that is the look of someone who is toeing the line of throwing away all his hopes and dreams. If she really had pushed Tohru, I just...... The series would have taken a much darker tone. 
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OKAY that’s enough about our favorite terrible author! (Okay, an aside, Shigure, please share your work ethic, you goof off so much but you’ve published so many things…how…)  
“I’ve  finally realized… she hated her own shallowness all this time, from the very start.” // “It’s frightening because you have no choices.” (ch 121) 
A lot of people dislike Akito because she, for the bulk of the manga, is violent, manipulative and just downright unpleasant. And that’s fine, but it’s not the point of her arc or the themes of the manga.  (It is, however, the point of Rin’s: you don’t have to forgive everyone.) 
She’s not the only violent person in the series. If we as readers can forgive Uo-chan and Kyoko, or even Hana-chan for her moment of violence, why can we not extend the same grace to Akito? 
Violence is often shown as a knee-jerk reaction to fear and sadness: Kyoko, Uo, Hana, Kyo, Rin, and Akito all react violently to negative situations and feelings. Even Kisa reacts violently when she’s at her worst, biting both Haru and Tohru when she’s in her tiger form, which is shown to actually cause pain like a real tiger would. (It’s played for laughs, but has anyone been bitten for realsies by a house cat? That hurts! How much more would a house-cat sized tiger hurt!!!) 
Out of all of them, Hanajima and Kisa are the only characters to show immediate remorse, because they have what the others don’t: A positive support system. Once positive role models and support systems are in place, all of the others begin to learn how to react differently and ease out of the knee-jerk reactions that were ingrained in them. 
It’s made explicit in the manga that you have to be taught how to react positively, you have to learn and choose to be good, to be friendly, to love yourself outside of others’ perceptions of yourself. Look at Yuki’s arc. Look at Uo-chan’s. Kyoko’s. 
Yuki sums it up nicely in the last chapter of the manga, where he tells Tohru that she taught the Zodiac how to become human. She allows them to grow into people who can make the choice to be loving, compassionate individuals. 
Just because Akito doesn’t interact positively with Tohru for the bulk of the manga, it doesn’t make it any less true: 
Akito is kept in a juvenile state of being: No one teaches her to suck it up, that the world exists outside of herself, that other people are people and not things. In fact, she’s actively encouraged to act the way she does. She’s incredibly broken, between the maids of the Sohma estate just… allowing her to do whatever the fuck she wants and her absolutely jacked up relationship with Ren and Akira. She has no moral compass at all. No one bothers to teach her that her actions have serious consequences. 
She knows, in a roundabout way that hey, these people don’t like me. There’s a serious mental dissonance between what she latently knows—these are all people with no connection to her other than the bond of the curse. This is why Tohru is able to break through to her at the climax of the manga: 
She knows she’s wrong, but no one has ever told her she’s wrong but understood why she’s doing it. Akito just didn’t have the words to explain herself. What do children do when they cannot communicate? They lash out. Kids will bite, scratch, yell, kick, fall to the floor and have screaming tantrums out of frustration. Eventually, most kids learn that there are other ways to express frustration, and move along. (Not all, though, but most.)
Akito was taught that this is acceptable, allowable, and is her right as god. She is actively broken and kept that way through the neglect of the Sohma family maids, Ren’s abuse, and how Akira framed her role in the Zodiac. 
I can go on and on and on and on why the way Akito was treated for her role in the Zodiac by her parents and the rest of the Sohma estate was just awful. I hate it, it’s terrible, she never had a chance to learn and grow and be the genuinely thoughtful woman we know she grows into. 
She doesn’t force her path of forgiveness onto others and is fully cognizant of what she did, the repercussions of her actions, and lives her entire life after the curse breaks trying to right what she did wrong. 
“Even if she gets hurt, she says she deserves it. She tells me not to let it bother me, but… I’ve always, always loved her so much.” (Another, ch. 13) 
Tohru opens the door for Akito. She extends her hand, offers her friendship despite having seen the absolute worst of Akito. She tells Akito that everyone is lonely, everyone wants bonds, and acknowledges Akito’s worst fears, that Akito herself is selfish and dirty for wanting something assured and unending because she, Tohru, herself is dirty and selfish. Tohru knows what Akito has done, knows she’s injured some of her beloved friends, had plans to lock up Kyo, hurt Hatori. 
Tohru still forgives her. One of Tohru’s striking traits in the manga is that she is suffering, every day, she struggles with the grief of losing her mother and the fear of being alone in the world. Through nothing but her own empathy and realization that loneliness is universal, she’s able to forgive people. She forgives Akito and cares for her, and through Tohru, Akito is introduced to the realization that she’s been wrong and that maybe, she shouldn’t be forgiven. 
Shigure also forgives her, and this is the crux of their ship. 
To me, that itself is wildly important. 
They’ve always circled around each other, and Shigure has always been waiting for Akito to be able to come to him again, in full control of her life and choices. He wants Akito the woman, not Akito the god. 
He’s been waiting for the day Akito can meet him as an equal. Akito wants it too, and has wanted him to turn and see her for a very very long time. But she’s been terrified, the entire time, that when he does see her as herself, Shigure won’t like what he sees, and will leave. She’s aware of what she’s done post-curse, she’s aware of the impacts it will have on the former Zodiac members, and she’s aware that once the “bonds” of god and the animals is gone, there may not be anyone left for her.
Neither of them are under any illusions at the end of the series: Akito knows she has to atone for what she did, Shigure knows she has to learn to grow into a person who can function alone. They both know that there are people who are against them changing the oppressive structure of the Sohma family. 
Neither of them care. There are things that they want, together, and it’s enough. There’s a whole new world for them to explore and learn about. And in Furubana, this is shown to be a lifelong effort on their parts: 
“She said after meeting me, she learned so many things for the first time. She smiled happily as she said it.” (Another, #13) 
To close, I’d like to take a moment to talk about the curse and Shigure, and how he set things in motion. 
Without Shigure, the curse would have devolved on its own, yes, but the circumstances would not have allowed for the freedom the Zodiac had at the end of the manga. It would not have ended with Akito being able to learn and live freely. Allowing Tohru into the Sohma family cracked open a door to compassion and kindness none of them had ever experienced before, because the Sohma family seems to exist in a vacuum of stability and love. 
It wasn’t that Shigure knew instantly that Tohru was kind and loving and thoughtful, if anything, his read on her was “completely normal, albeit strange, teenage girl who obviously has a rough life”. But she was normal, she was from outside the Sohmas, and he knew that was enough. No one in the family was stepping up to change the status quo and how stifling and abusive it was, so he did it himself. 
He did it because he loved Akito. 
Not because he felt bad for himself, or Hatori, or any of the others, but merely because he loved her to the point of manipulation. It backfired in his face, because he got a big ol’ dose of “loving and respecting” juice from Tohru, but he still got the end he wanted. 
What I mean to say is best summarized in  chapter 123: 
“It would be nice to live in a kind world, without any troubles, without any fear, without hurting anybody, without ever being hurt, only doing the right thing. I wish I could reach this kind world by the shortest path possible. … “That’s wrong”, or “that’s stupid”: If it’s someone else’s life it’s so easy to make such irresponsible comments. ...It would be great, but it doesn’t exist. … Little by little, walking one step at a time, is all you can do.” 
We get to experience the roughest part of the path with Akito and Shigure, we got to watch them be terrible people who were lonely and in want of love struggle and learn how to get up and move on. 
They tease each other, Shigure is thoughtful of the distinction between “the person Akito was raised to be” and “the person who Akito is”. He’s seen her at her messiest, and she’s seen him at his most jealous. They still chose each other, despite the hurt they caused each other, and others. They make up for it, reflect, and live a life that demonstrates that they have learned. They have friends who are thoughtful and loving and would not hesitate to drop everything and help them, lend an ear when they’re frustrated, help them not to make the same mistakes. 
And then we get to see them be wonderful, kind, thoughtful, loving parents in Furubana. 
We got to see their adorable, kind, compassionate child be friends with the children of the people Akito hurt, because everyone in the former Zodiac’s family collectively decided “never again, no”. 
Their child adores them. Shiki in Furubana #13 radiates love for Akito and Shigure the same way Mutsuki and Hajime do. 
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They are genuinely good parents, even when they tease Shiki, and I think that is testament for how good they are for each other and how much they’ve changed as adults. 
I think that’s enough of a reason to ship them, don’t you?
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lost-in-zembla · 4 years
On Metamodernism
It’s tough to grasp metamodernism as an artistic movement but most of us live lives strongly affected by the concepts of metamodernism every day. You’re having a serious conversation with your friend about her mental health; simultaneously, you and your friend are part of a groupchat where you are currently making fun of the very friend you are supporting. This isn’t necessarily disingenuous; you are witnessing two different instances of a person and those two instantiations of you happen to be different depending on context and medium. In part, metamodernism is a kind of acceptance of our multiple selves, our tendency to oscillate between states or even inhabit both in a sort of human superposition.
I taught my friends about metamodernism in our groupchat as my friend Jarett consoled me via one-on-one text after the sudden implosion of my five-year long relationship and the fact that my life is generally unbearable—a fact that is more embarrassing when one considers how easy I have it. It’s sort of a shame feedback loop. 
As I was explaining metamodernism for my own satisfaction, I thought that I might actually make an okay professor. I could teach American literature. Maybe. 
So I get a job teaching at the local community college and my life slowly comes back together like a cut that heals. I am relatively respected by my students and I have some abstract sense purpose, the cracks in the surface of which are only visible if one spends a long, existential period of time contemplating the practical or, god-forbid, spiritual uses of an education in American literature what with the reality of a global climate catastrophe and the approaching drumbeats of right-wing strongmen leaders reaching positions of power all around the world.
But things are pretty good.
I get a parking space. I get an apartment that looks bad, then looks better. I start to open the curtains. I don’t want to hide so much. A year or two down the line I lease a practical car and people treat me with a bit more respect when they see me step out of it. I smile at people in the grocery store. At this point I can see peoples’ mouths when I go outside. When I see their mouths, they’re smiling. They can see my mouth. I’m smiling.
I get to know people and people think I’m lovely. The faculty all look up to me. How young and handsome and intelligent he is! He’ll sure go places, they say. And I do. I quickly earn a raise and then I’m head of the department. And so young! When I’m not inspiring awe I inspire smoldering jealousy. Women? Naturally. And I treat each of them with utmost respect. I value these women for more than the thousands of hours of hot naked ecstasy they provide me. I buy more fresh produce. I throw none of it out.
I single-handedly save the English department at the community college. Funding comes pouring in. Eventually, it becomes one of the premier colleges for literary studies in the Midwest. They rename a building after me. I just turned thirty. Before long, I’m offered a job at the prestigious private university in town, with nods toward a proverbial shoe in the door when it comes to tenure. Unheard of! But he’s just that good. My wrists and forearms become perceptibly thicker. People cross the street in front of traffic to shake my hand. I learn what the fuck “ketosis” is.
Then there I am one day in my cushy office. Rows of leather-bound books fill the shelves around the ample perimeter of the room. I’ve read them all, naturally. My hair has started to grey in places but damn if it’s not as thick and lush as the heart of the Amazon. A knock on the door. My office hours ended at one. I answer and it’s, oh, Claire from this semester’s modern American literature course. Of course I’ve noticed her in class. How could I not? But I’d always maintained a professional and appropriately avuncular demeanor in front of her. She’s twenty-eight, French, gorgeous. Naturally.
We discuss her essay on Light in August and I say to her, you know, Claire, it was the French who were among the first to notice Faulkner’s genius. She puts her hand on my thigh. In her accent that itself somehow resembles a beautiful naked body she says, The French notice lots of things. I slide my attractively thick forearm over the crowded desk space and knock the books and pens and everything onto the floor and—well, let’s just say that my life of success and talent has enhanced me in other ways. And it’s hot and insane and weird and papers fly everywhere. And it sort of just goes on like that for weeks and then months—the relationship, not that particular sexual event. At my age, after all the sex and drugs and joy and tragedy, sometimes I think that it’s the clandestine nature of the thing that really gets me off. Like I need more and more secret or shameful shit to fire off those tired old neurons. I start to become cavalier in front of the students. I begin to, perhaps, show my hand. 
I get another knock on my office, sometime in the Spring. Bill, I say. Come in. He sits down and we engage in a tense discussion where every syllable is laced with a double entendre because he can’t just say it out loud, for Christ’s sake. That’s just not how these things are done. He’s old school, but firm, Bill. She’s graduating anyway, and something tells me when we can finally be together publicly then the thrill will already be gone. 
The students already know. I’ve seen the screenshots. I’ve been memed. Things are tense in class and they can tell that I’ve given up. The fire in my eye that led to my meteoric rise has dimmed to a pathetic ember. Sometimes I take my Audi out on a dark highway outside of town and I press on the accelerator until I can’t go any faster. I have to stop myself from shutting my eyes.
One day in class, I look up from my papers and all the students are out of their desks, standing over me. They’re holding pencils and yardsticks that have been modified into edged weapons. What’s the meaning of this? They use my Tom Ford tie to tie my arms behind me and to my chair. They put me in the center of the room. I knew they would betray me. I’d always known. For years this notion has haunted the deepest recesses of my mind: these people, these kids, are going to be the ones to put this old dog down. Is this because of Claire, I ask. They laugh. They laugh because they think I’m an old fool. I am an old fool.
No, professor, Shellie says. She seems to be the leader. It’s much more serious than that, she says. O life! Everything I’ve ever done. I’ve stomped on people all the way to the top and now it’s all coming back to me, some sort of holdup in the karmic clerical system that led to forty years of consequences all delivered at once. Things were so easy for so long, so fun, that I forgot what it was like to live a life with consequences.
Shut up, she says. You’re here for a reason. What could she know? How did she mobilize all of these students? When did they make the weapons? How many questions could I possibly pose in sequence?
Professor, she says, we have one question for you. Anything, I say. And answer truthfully, she says. And I say of course, of course I’ll be completely honest. Okay, professor, she says, do you consider yourself… a historicist? At this very moment I know it’s over for me. Well, I say, it’s not so simple, Shellie. The mob is in an uproar. A fair bit of verbal sparring ensues. Shellie and the other students in favor of the transcendent nature of literature—whatever that means—and me in favor of a more context-based approach. Sure, if I thought that novels were a good way to learn about history then I’d deserve this. I’d deserve all of this.
How can you read these works outside of their historical context? What about Light in August for God’s sake?  The mob lashes out again—not Faulkner fans, go figure—but Shellie shushes them until the classroom is as silent as the dusty hills of Jerusalem. Literature, she says, is timeless. And this essentially breaks me. I begin weeping openly. You might as well kill me, then, I say. They set upon me like a pack of hyenas. 
A moment or an eternity after my head is pulled off my body like the Bacchae in that Euripides tragedy, I hear waves lap against the rocks. I feel in my face the salty breeze of the ocean. I open my eyes to find a beautiful Mediterranean island. It feels neither hot nor cold. The breeze from the ocean feels perfect, as though there were no storms to be found in any corner of the Earth.
Behind me, inland, I hear the sound of approaching footsteps. I turn around to find Vladimir goddamn Nabokov of all people. It’s perfect. So I tell him the story, how I was murdered by my students over two reductive and non-mutually exclusive schools of thought in literature—two schools of thought that are both perfect lenses through which to view Nabokov’s work. When I tell him he laughs his big Russian laugh and slaps me on the shoulder, and I laugh. Then he hands me a butterfly net and we skip through pleasant hills in that vast and timeless place forever and ever.
No. What’s happening? It’s all slipping away from me now. All the memories, the moments, the time, leaking out of my mind to become something ghostly, an image half-developed, a thought unspoken. I lift my head and look at my hands and there I am, lying on a couch in a high school faculty lounge. My hands are unwrinkled. My body is young. There is no Humanities Wing in my name, no tenure, no Audi. No Claire. Was it all just a dream? Could it all have been just a dream? Is it within the realm of possibility that such an absurdly bad trope could have manifested into my life naturally? Or am I the subject of a cruel and untalented god who simply bats me about and writes hack narratives for me to tumble through like some Sisyphean Rube Goldberg machine? Coffee. Need Coffee.
It’s all silly, anyway. Nabokov and myself cavorting through some weird Elysium? Ridiculous. If that was what the afterlife had in store for me, then Nabokov would probably be hanging out with Pushkin and Tolstoy while maybe Dostoevsky and I build a sandcastle. Maybe. But then, in all likelihood, Nabokov, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and the other cool kids would kick sand in my face and walk off with whatever beautiful ladies happen to inhabit this weird Russian-literary Elysium that I’ve somehow ended up in. I haven’t thought this out very well.
What was this all about, again? Metamodernism. Easy. Let’s think.
As I write this now, behind my computer, watching Youtube videos about sushi, wondering how the sushi will make its way into my writing through mental osmosis (not subtly, it turns out), I look at these instances of me, with the meteoric success or the banal day-to-day life, and I wonder who exactly I am. I am a thousand selves. I am nothing. I am trying to remember into the future who I am. I am a metamodernist—no, I’m not.
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thegnosticdread · 4 years
Adam, Lilith, & Eve
Originally posted on: https://thegnosticdread.com/adam-lilith-eve/
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The story of Adam & Eve is probably one of the most well known stories in history thanks to the widespread influence of Judeo-Christian culture. It’s a tale of the first man and woman whom all of humanity descends from according to the Biblical myth. In this post, I will use the Biblical and Gnostic traditions as well as sources beyond scripture to explain the symbolic significance of each of these characters as well as a character that is less known but has gained more popularity in recent times, Lilith.
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Adam represents the Divine Masculine and Primordial Man, as well as the entirety of the human race depending on the context. For example, in Genesis 1:26-27 –
“Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness, so they may rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move on the earth. God created humankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.”
The Hebrew word that is translated to “humankind” above is אָדָם “adam”, showing that Adam in this sense refers to the human race as a whole, both male and female being created together from the beginning. The verse also says that the human race, both men and women, were created in the image of the Divine. Therefore, the Divine must contain both masculine and feminine energies. Perfectly balanced. As all things should be. This verse also confirms that the human race has dominion over all the Earth. Therefore, the logical conclusion is that humanity, both men and women, are indeed God (Goddess) manifested into the physical. This is supported by many traditions including the Qur’an:
“Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.” – al-Qur’an 2:30 “We said to the angels, “Prostrate before Adam”; so they prostrated…”
– al-Qur’an 2:34
Many use Genesis 1:26-27 as proof that Adam (the first man) indeed had a wife that was created at the same time as him, namely, Lilith in contrast to Eve who was created later from Adam’s rib. However, this is either a misunderstanding or a misrepresentation of the source material. I will explain Lilith’s origin later in her section. For now, we will turn to the Gnostic tradition concerning the origin of Adam.
In the Gnostic scriptures, Adam is a personified principle that existed first within the Pleroma as pure mind distinct from matter and emanating from the Monad. This pure mind represented the human Reason conceived as the World-Soul (Anima mundi). This is similar to the concept of Adam Kadmon in Kabbalah. To summarize the Gnostic myths, they go on to tell about how Yaldabaoth (Yahweh or “God” from the Old Testament) and his Archons desired to create a being in the image of themselves and in the image of the original Adam within the Pleroma. When the formation of the body was complete, it was lifeless, for Yaldabaoth nor the Archons had the power to give the body life on their own. Yaldabaoth then took power he had stolen from his mother Sophia (the principle of Divine Wisdom and the principle of the Divine Feminine) and breathed it into the lifeless shell that they called “Adam”. When they had done this, Adam sprang to life. This caused Yaldabaoth and his Archons to become jealous, for them being born of ignorance, they had not realized that they had surrendered their stolen power to Adam, who was now luminous and more intelligent than them. This caused the Archons to throw Adam into the darkest depths of matter. It would later take Eve to raise Adam up out of darkness.
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The Hebrew word
“lilith” appears only once in the Bible, in the Book of Isaiah 34:14 –
“Wild animals and wild dogs will congregate there; wild goats will bleat to one another. Yes, nocturnal animals will rest there and make for themselves a nest.”
The translators of the New English Translation translate “Lilith” to mean “nocturnal animals” and had this to say in their notes –
“The precise meaning of לִּילִית (lilit) is unclear, though in this context the word certainly refers to some type of wild animal or bird. The word appears to be related to לַיְלָה (laylah, “night”). Some interpret it as the name of a female night demon, on the basis of an apparent Akkadian cognate used as the name of a demon. Later Jewish legends also identified Lilith as a demon.”
It’s true indeed that the Akkadian language did have a similar word to Lilith – “Lilu” – and it is debated if the two words are cognates or related. However, it should be noted that Lilu in the Akkadian language is a masculine word, not feminine, and seems to be a general term for “demon”. In the Sumerian king list, the father of Gilgamesh is said to be a lilu. Referring back to the verse in Isaiah, it would make sense that it is referring to some type of wild animal or bird based on the fact the verses immediately before and following verse 14 are referring to animals –
“Her fortresses will be overgrown with thorns; thickets and weeds will grow in her fortified cities. Jackals will settle there; ostriches will live there.” – Isaiah 34:13 “Owls will make nests and lay eggs there; they will hatch them and protect them. Yes, hawks will gather there, each with its mate. Carefully read the scroll of the Lord! Not one of these creatures will be missing, none will lack a mate. For the Lord has issued the decree, and his own spirit gathers them. He assigns them their allotment; he measures out their assigned place. They will live there permanently; they will settle in it through successive generations.”
– Isaiah 34:15-17
The evidence doesn’t support the idea that Lilith was taken or censored out of the Bible to hide the fact that she was Adam’s first wife, as she does not appear in any Biblical apocrypha works, does not appear in any pseudepigrapha works from the Biblical period, is not mentioned in any of the gospels, and she does not appear in any of the Gnostic text from the Nag Hammadi Library, all text dating from a range of the 7th Century BCE to the 2nd Century CE. In Jewish tradition dating from the 6th century CE, Lilith is mentioned in three places within the Babylonian Talmud. Though she is not mentioned as being the wife of Adam, the text does seem to suggest she was a demon. However, it’s likely this view may have been established centuries later than when any of the previous biblical and deuterocanonical text were written and be based on the idea of the Akkadian word Lilu meaning demon.The earliest text referring to Lilith as the first wife of Adam comes from the medieval text titled The Alphabet of ben Sirach which scholars date as being written anywhere between 700 and 1000 CE. This work however was never understood as or treated as revealed or inspired scripture, rather the work was written and treated as a satire. It is from within this text alone that we are told the story of Lilith being Adam’s first wife who refused to submit to her husband.
“While God created Adam, who was alone, He said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone’ (Genesis 2:18). He also created a woman, from the earth, as He had created Adam himself, and called her Lilith. Adam and Lilith immediately began to fight. She said, ‘I will not lie below,’ and he said, ‘I will not lie beneath you, but only on top. For you are fit only to be in the bottom position, while I am to be the superior one.’ Lilith responded, ‘We are equal to each other inasmuch as we were both created from the earth.’ But they would not listen to one another. When Lilith saw this, she pronounced the Ineffable Name and flew away into the air.”
– The Alphabet of ben Sirach, fifth response to King Nebuchadnezzar.
Because of Lilith refusing to submit to Adam based on the idea that she was his equal, Lilith is sometimes exalted as a women’s empowerment or feminist icon. However, it should be noted and considered that the rest of the text goes on to describe Lilith as a demoness who terrorizes pregnant women, fornicates with demons, and murders infants. The work certainly does not paint a picture of Lilith being an ally to women. As the text is indeed a work of satire, it should also be considered that the text should not be taken too seriously in it’s treatment of Adam and Lilith. To the Gnostics, Adam and his wife Eve were seen as equals, and Eve especially was given high honor as she was responsible for Adam’s awakening.
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Eve represents the Divine Feminine and is the archetype Mother of all Life. She is also responsible for Adam’s (humanity’s) awakening to their true Divine Self. As the daughter of or even a manifestation of Sophia, it was Eve who brought forth the life giving Light from the upper realms of the Pleroma into the darkness of matter so that Adam (humanity) can see. Upon seeing Adam cast in darkness by the Archons, Sophia sent her daughter Eve (also called Zoe which means “life”) to be a help and instructor to Adam and to reveal to him his true Divine nature and how to ascend back into the Pleroma from where his Spirit (the breath of life that was breathed into him) came. Eve then became hidden within Adam so that Yaldabaoth and his Archons would not be aware of her. While Adam laid dormant in the darkness he was thrown in, Eve spoke to him from within and said “Adam! Come alive! Arise upon the Earth!” Adam then sprang to life once again, and upon seeing the form of Eve said “You shall be called ‘Mother of the Living’. For it is you who have given me life.”While the Biblical text says that Eve was created from the rib of Adam, the Gnostic text demonstrates that this was a lie told in order to suppress the Divine Feminine principle and it’s role.
“Then the authorities were informed that their modeled form was alive and had arisen, and they were greatly troubled. They sent seven archangels to see what had happened. They came to Adam. When they saw Eve talking to him, they said to one another, “What sort of thing is this luminous woman? For she resembles that likeness which appeared to us in the light. Now come, let us lay hold of her and cast her seed into her, so that when she becomes soiled she may not be able to ascend into her light. Rather, those whom she bears will be under our charge. But let us not tell Adam, for he is not one of us. Rather let us bring a deep sleep over him. And let us instruct him in his sleep to the effect that she came from his rib, in order that his wife may obey, and he may be lord over her.”
Then Eve, being a force, laughed at their decision. She put mist into their eyes and secretly left her likeness with Adam.”
– On the Origin of the World
Having slipped away to be alone in the Garden of Eden, Eve was approached by the Serpent, though the exchange in the Gnostic texts is slightly different than the biblical version.
“And when he saw the likeness of their mother Eve he said to her, “What did God say to you? Was it ‘Do not eat from the tree of knowledge’?” She said, “He said not only, ‘Do not eat from it’, but, ‘Do not touch it, lest you die.'” He said to her, “Do not be afraid. In death you shall not die. For he knows that when you eat from it, your intellect will become sober and you will come to be like gods, recognizing the difference that obtains between evil men and good ones. Indeed, it was in jealousy that he said this to you, so that you would not eat from it.” Now Eve had confidence in the words of the instructor. She gazed at the tree and saw that it was beautiful and appetizing, and liked it; she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she gave some also to her husband, and he too ate it. Then their intellect became open. For when they had eaten, the light of knowledge had shone upon them.”
– On the Origin of the World
As you can see, Eve was Adam’s (and therefore, humanity’s) first Teacher, raising Adam up from the darkness of ignorance into the Light of Knowledge. She is also humanity’s first Mother, and therefore embodies the archetype of the Great Matriarch. Eve should never be thought of as being naive, submissive, or the blame for the Fall of Man in the way the Judeo-Christian religions have treated her with their Bible. It’s actually quite the opposite, and she should be honored as the Raising Up of Man. The Gnostics have always felt that we are greatly indebted to the Original Woman, who embodies the archetype of Sophia (Wisdom).To read the Gnostic text for yourself, check out
On the Origin of the World
& The Apocryphon of John
An excerpt of The Alphabet of ben Sirach concerning Lilith is on Wikipedia.
Peace, Love, & Balance
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thebeautyofdisorder · 5 years
The Undone & The Divine (BBC Dracula) - Chapter 8
A/N: Okay, sorry it’s been like two weeks since I posted the last chapter. I am such a mess. This is a bit shorter, more of a set up than anything, but informative? I have so many ideas for this, that it took me a minute to figure out in sequence what’s going to happen when.
Pairing: Dracula & Agatha/Zoe, off and on Dracula/OFC
Rating: M, for blood, language, and mercenaries with guns.
Chapters 1-2 Here - Chapter 3 Here - Chapter 4 Here - Chapter 5 Here - Chapter 6 Here - Chapter 7 Here
Can be found on AO3 - Right HERE - or enjoy below the cut
Chapter 8
By all accounts he appears as a human man, at varying states of age depending upon how regularly and well he is fed, lingering even at his most satiated at around 45-50 years – presumably the age of his death. His hair is thick and inky black, kept shorter and slicked back when in public view; his nose aquiline and aristocratic; his eyes appear black at a distance but in close quarters and lighting seem to have a dark mossy-brown hue; admirable bone structure, and a mouth that is at times both harsh and jovial depending upon what impression he wishes to put across at the time. His accent is tainted by those of his victims, but always holds a slight thickness and gravel, reminiscent of his native tongue. His teeth, even when not in the state of blood frenzy, still seem longer and sharper than normal, particularly the canines. His fingernails also are long and honed to a point, and seem to be of inhuman durability and sharpness. He is excessively tall and somewhat broad, though of a generally slim build regardless of his bestial strength. No physical deformities upon the rest of his body when in his humanoid state, though his eyes can seem to gleam in the darkness like those of other nocturnal beasts.
When in the presence of human blood, those eyes dilate and become ringed in crimson, and all blunt edges of his teeth sharpen to slight but lethal points. Animalistic tendencies manifest – hissing, snarling, growling, the hunched stance of a predator, etc. Interestingly, he also seems to bare all the normative signs of the common morphine addict – tension, restless movements, irritability, the inability to control his emotions and behavior. He possesses speed the likes of which the human eye can barely detect, but only in small bursts in the midst of attack, by my witness. He was able to manifest a continual fog, as stated earlier in my narrative, and could very well be at fault for the storm swirling in the seas now, as I write. He can deform himself to fit into any small space, one could assume, though I have only seen him do this by defiling the physical forms of other living beings – notably a wolf at the convent, and the late Jonathan Harker, who was also undead at the time. Whether that’s relevant to this ability, I don’t particularly know. He can call wolves and bats to his service, and possibly flies – whether this works with all creatures and he’s merely chosen these for theatrical purposes, or if he’s limited to creatures of darkness and decay, I have yet to discover.
The ‘kiss of the vampire’ is a strong opiate, meaning most victims are often unaware of his bite or the danger they are in until it is too late. He can create and control the dream state in which they enter, often choosing scenarios of an erotic nature. Whether this is for his own amusement or because of the effect it has on the blood, I can only deduce. This method seems to be equally employed through both sexes though I have yet to see any direct indications of intercourse, willing or unwilling. If he possesses a sex drive at all, it is seemingly outranked by his desire to feed.  
He is highly intelligent and possesses a biting wit, which in another context might even be endearing, and his charm is carefully honed to attract potential victims. Though his mental weaknesses are notable, including his arrogance, lack of self-awareness, and dependence on his victims to take in and retain key skills and information. As opposed to learning the language of a new land through study, he merely drains one of its countrymen and absorbs their inherent knowledge. This leads to a flurry of unpredictable behavior and reckless death, and also speaks of his impatience and lack of discipline, which has undoubtedly lessened with age. He was, in life, an excellent ruler and even better general with a skill for strategy currently wasted on petty mind games. If he could ever reach a point of managing his appetite for blood and destruction, he could be an invaluable resource - a first-hand witness to the last four hundred years of European history.
I’m sure you will, dear brother, quickly dismiss this as folly, but however much you would like to categorize him as yet another mindless demon from the pit, I assure you he is anything but. He may fear the cross, but don’t think there is a heavenly power that instilled that fear. It reeks of an entirely human weakness. You would do well to remember that, should you run across him or any of his kind in the future. While his existence seems to have been very luck of the draw, it’s nowhere near as anomalous as Dracula himself would like us to believe. Others could have survived and done what he has done. In fact, I could almost guarantee it.
Zoe read through Agatha’s words again, this particular afterward for maybe the twentieth time since she’d found it. Not for any particular information, more over just marveling at the clarity, simplicity, and dare-she-say fondness with which it was written, in comparison to the information she’d been brought up with. Shockingly, the nun was able to more realistically sum up the vampire than any other Van Helsing before or after her (granted, she had the firsthand experience), and with so much less fire and brimstone, religious nonsense. It was half of why she’d spent so long away from ‘the family business’ as it were, until she’d had to take over the institute. Science had always been the only god she would acknowledge.
Whatever logic Agatha had administered from across the pond however, while well used, had been entirely riddled with her elder brother’s showmanship and particularly Catholic brand of fending off the forces of darkness. Agatha may have seen him as the devil incarnate, but that didn’t stop her from acknowledging his humanity – and in that, Zoe couldn’t help but agree. Dracula was very much still a man, no matter how immortal or powerful, and he still had all of man’s other weaknesses, sans physical vulnerabilities. Minor detail.
She supposed it had made it easier for both the zealot and the scientist to see their subject of animosity as no better than a rabid dog that needed to be analyzed and destroyed. But that had never been the case at all. A self-serving lesson to learn, she had to admit, but an important one. So long as he had retained some of his humanity, there was certainly hope for her.
It was the only thing keeping her sane through the mock trial this experiment had turned into. Every turn she was being questioned and analyzed harder than she had since grad school, and yet still regarded as the antagonistic and dangerous party. It was a contradiction that made her genuinely question the mental capacity of her colleagues.
Yes, let's aggravate the person we're terrified of. Honestly.
Their latest critique, however she loathed to admit it, was actually sound. They needed a control. A 'direct contact' feed to compare to her bottled one, and they all knew there was only one vampire to compare to. Clearly they didn't actually expect him to participate, they only wanted to de-legitimize her process.
But it would make an impact, wouldn't it?
It was just before sunset, traces of red just beginning to seep onto the surface of the sun, and for the first time in a great while, Count Dracula was unenthused. He was beginning to be rather fond of daylight, even if it came with certain disadvantages, as he was beginning to discover. Perhaps vampires were better off as creatures of the night after all.
Most if not all of his preternatural abilities were greatly weakened by the sun, though why he wasn't sure. It made him feel languid and slow, which was perfectly fine for an afternoon on the beach, but highly inconvenient when he got hungry and none of his more willing resources were available. Physical conditioning or a lesser reality of the lore he'd always accepted, who was to say?
Who indeed.
He had given Zoe plenty of space to run her little experiments without interference, aside from keeping an 'eye' out to ensure she wasn't in any immediate danger. But there was only so long that would last, and despite having ample opportunity to create more brides...he felt like he needed more answers before that inevitability occurred.
Agatha had been right, annoyingly, as usual. Lab rats were not something he needed, especially ones who could question him on topics even he didn't fully understand anymore.
If the Van Helsing women were good for anything, aside from healthy competition, it was certainly bluntness and clarity. Being the only thing close to another vampire of any mental capacity to be in his proximity for over 300 years certainly didn't hurt.
Zoe Van Helsing was someone he needed, a concept he could scarcely understand and wasn't entirely fond of, but if he wasn't mistaken, she needed him as well - and hated it even more.
"Dr. Helsing, is this really necessary?"
Zoe found herself staring at the younger but far more egotistical doctor through the glass that separated them with an expression not unlike one would give a particularly frustrating insect who refused to die as fast as she wished it would.
"Is what necessary?"
The man, Dr. Connors, pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, punctuating his next words with unnecessary flare.
"Well, our sponsor doesn't understand the necessity of this trial, when it cannot possibly prove anything. All of our intel on the 'vampiric condition' states simply that they require blood to sustain life, but also that it's nearly impossible to kill them. Surely your continued …  existence without blood doesn't fully prove or disprove anything. And without anything to compare it to…"
"For now," she interrupted stubbornly, attempting to ignore his tendency to discuss her as though she were a theoretical construct.
"Even so," he continued blandly, "There are surely better uses of our time, in the face of an increasing number of...undead. Preventative measures, protection for the innocent. Unless you can get some sort of control data…"
Their 'sponsor' had sent this idiot to report back on how his precious money was being spent,  and it had become an increasingly infuriating thorn in her side. Or stake in her heart, she was sure he hoped. Zoe had just begun to second guess her tendencies toward homicide, when she felt the tell-tale hairs begin to rise on the back of her neck.
"Oh fuck me," she cursed aloud, completely indifferent to the confused looks of those observing her. They wouldn't be confused for long.
"Careful what you wish for Doctor."
Everyone but Zoe took a startled glance around. She turned around, eyes directly finding the dark ones on the outside of the glass, quirking a stern brow despite the relative chaos of everyone else receding into the corners in panic.
Count Dracula merely flashed her a shit-eating grin in response, relishing her disapproval in equal measure to the human fear beginning to fill the room. Pungent and yet satisfying, she noted, rather unhappily.
"Oh Zoe how the tables have turned," he couldn't resist prodding at her through the encasement, ignoring the guns pointed at his back in favor of taunting her, hands in his pockets. The picture of malicious nonchalance.
She wasn't trapped, as he had been. They'd learned their lesson in that regard at least, but it was a barrier she'd permitted for her own sanity. Watching everyone walk on eggshells around her was grating, and it ruined her focus. Plus, it helped with the sensory overload until she got more accustomed to it.
"And yet you're still the one at gunpoint," Zoe shot back with a hint of a blithe smile.
He turned and directed his overly fond smile towards the tattooed gentleman with the over-sized assault weapon, greeting him like an old friend. The man that Zoe had never seen with a single facial expression looked so dumbstruck that she had to fight down a laugh. This was apparently the last straw for their visiting dictator.
"Count Dracula," came more of a squeak than a shout from the bespectacled doctor's mouth, with such a forced amount of distaste that Zoe was now certain he had lost his mind entirely. "You will not be permitted to attack anyone here."
Shooting Zoe an incredulous look, mostly as she could read translating to ‘Is he serious?’, the vampire watched her answering eye roll very obviously telling him ‘He's an idiot, but reports to the money’.
Dracula finally looked away from their silent exchange, and took out a small pocket flask, not unlike the one he'd left her before, and shook it in the other man's general direction as he passed by him with total indifference.
"Not to worry, I brought my own," he stated, opening it and taking a long swig. It cleared a direct pathway for him easily, bee-lining for Dr. Bloxham who sat at the control panel. She naturally flinched on his approach, despite trying to hide it. He noticed and flashed her a charming smile, to his credit only showing the slightest hint of fang.
"Terribly sorry about the finger," the Count apologized humbly, almost convincingly sincere as he draped a long arm over the back of her chair. "...But would you mind letting me in?"
Bloxham looked somewhat confused. "You want to go in there?" Her eyes shot up to the ceiling. The sun had not completely set. He gave her an encouraging smile with a faint trace of pity.
"I would love to go in there."
Zoe merely rolled her eyes and tapped on the table with relative impatience, as he paced through the parted seas of scientists and interns alike to join her in the completely ineffective glass prison.
"You evil little thing, you didn't tell them," he accused with quiet glee as he approached her from the opposite side of the table.
"If their superstitions help them feel safe, then all the better for me," she excused in a murmur, hoping he hadn't just given the game away completely.
His grin was one of near pride, as he bent his tall form forward to rest his hands on the table. "I can go slit his throat if you want me to. Heaven knows you won't."
She sighed, not trusting herself to answer. "Why are you here?" she asked instead.
"You needed me, didn't you?"
Okay, so this could go really amusingly or very terribly - we’ll see what I come up with, eh? Shouldn’t be as long of a wait this time, fingers crossed.
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veryvincible · 5 years
The Shitstorm That Is TS:IM and IM2020: The Allegory of Nothing
4 / 4. We’re here.
The writers don’t know what artificial intelligence is.
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Let’s go back to the beginning. Jocasta is the robotics ethicist of Stark Unlimited. The company has adopted a system wherein the automated employees are in a non-hierarchical environment. Tasks are “suggested, not ordered.”
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And guess what that does? Well, when these employees are needed, this happens:
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The majority of them are non-compliant. And what’s the solution to this?
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Apparently, give them a phat beat for Tony to kick Fin Fang Foom’s ass to. That’s what Andy Bhang decided to do, but only after following the “proper ethical protocol” when speaking to Jocasta. Which is... saying “please.”
Because, you know, saying things like, “Hey, I need you to do [whatever the fuck]” when a giant dragon is laying siege to your city is... oppressive, I guess. It doesn’t matter that that’s how humans tend to talk to other humans in emergencies, because Jocasta’s a robot ethicist and a functioning AI, and this "proper ethical protocol” is to slow things down with formalities instead of allowing everyone to treat each other like individuals.
By all means, continue to buffer the solution so everyone can say “please.” It’s only Tony who’s out there fighting a giant monster.
I actually like Jocasta. I think she’s a good character in most of the media she appears in. But here? Well, here, everyone is shitty.
It’s glaringly obvious that the goal here isn’t robot... equality. These sentient machines are just free rein. Sure, they work for Stark Unlimited. Sure, they’re employees... but they actually don’t have to do any work, like, ever, unless they want to.
So, they’re obviously not being treated like human beings. They’re practically high-tech babies, which is exactly how you want to present your oppressed group in your revolution plotline. Especially in this political climate! Hierarchy is most certainly oppressive! These robots can’t handle having real human jobs! They’re just so innocent and flawless.
And out of place.
Here’s the thing. Dan Slott... doesn’t really know what AI is. These little nano-suits that are coming in to help save the day have no reason to be sentient. Sure, they might be artificially intelligent, but sentient? No.
Artificial Intelligence refers to a computer science field that focuses on learning and problem-solving machines. These machines gather data and use this data later on in order to make decisions. If you use email, your spam filter is a result of AI. Our phones learn how we respond to certain messages (and pick up our diction even out of context) as a result of AI and machine learning.
Chatbots simulate human speech, often by using messages compiled from other humans. The more you talk to them, the more organically they’ll seem to respond. They recycle human messages and send them back.
Deep learning is a more specialized form of learning that more closely resembles how the human brain functions by organizing information in a non-linear fashion with interconnected neuron nodes. This is what leads to the sentience that’s seen in characters such as FRIDAY, and it’s very obviously not present in every machine with AI capabilities. In essence, artificial intelligence is not synonymous with sentience.
So... Why does TS:IM treat these concepts like they’re interchangeable? Why is it that the featured AI revolution is so dependent on the feelings of machines that have no chance of becoming sentient? Again, Tony’s nano-suits could be just that: nano-suits. There’s nothing saying that these suits have to be sentient. In fact, it’s worse if you consider them to be.
If all it takes for a machine to be considered a part of this AI revolution is some problem-solving, wouldn’t Tony’s actual suits also be considered AI? They have autopilot, don’t they? They avoid obstacles. The HUD provides useful information regardless of whether or not a character AI is residing in the suit. 
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For example, here’s a scene wherein some researchers are doing a robot stability test with one of these lovable dog-like machines.
Now, I cringe when I see the poor guy get pushed down. But you know who doesn’t cringe? The dog-like robot, because the dog-like robot feels nothing. It’s a learning machine, but it is not a sentient being. Not even a loving heart emoji directed toward its robot savior.
Another example?
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This right here.
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From combat drones to... coffee makers? Coffee makers are supposed to be oppressed here? What’s a Keurig going to do with sentience anyway? How’s it going to get to the fight? It doesn’t have legs. This machine doesn’t have legs. Or wheels. Or anything.
Because it’s a coffeemaker, not a member of society. And this dilution of meaning with regards to sentient beings also dilutes the message of the AI revolution. It’s not pointed out in-universe how fucking crazy it is for all of these machines to be considered oppressed when they don’t even have the mental capacity to think past prompting “French press or Espresso?” on a touch screen.
There’s also a serious question asked here: What would a sentient machine think about being a sentient machine?
And we have gotten some pretty thoughtful answers out of this. For example, Jocasta thinks she has a soul. And Tony, despite his flesh and blood, is still in existential limbo because of the idea that he might be artificial intelligence after all.
And... the depth ends there, because all sentient machines in this universe want to do is... be human.
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Like, really. They want to be human.
The reality of what it would mean to exist solely in one form without ever experiencing what it’s like to be in another is completely swept away here. There’s very little differentiation between robots who want to be humans and robots who want to be robots with rights. Also, there’s very little differentiation between robots who want to be robots with rights and Keurigs.
But really, this is also kind of frustrating. Sure, it could be a nod to certain feelings of oppressed groups who don’t fit in. It could be a clever bit of characterization akin to that of a young Asian-American girl wanting to be white so she doesn’t get bullied in school, or a gay person who’s always wished they could be straight.
Except it’s not, because nothing in this run feels like it’s been thought through to that extent.
Instead, what we have is a confusing mess. Most of these robots (with the exception of some) want to be treated exactly like humans, whether it’s actually better for them as a species (?) or not.
For example:
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What makes an AI feel “cooped up?” FRIDAY, from what we’ve been shown, was usually given free rein of the tower. The same way our phones respond when we say, “Hey Siri!” or “Okay, Google!”, FRIDAY responded when she was called on. No matter where Tony was in the tower, she could be there, too.
And also, she was in the suit.
There is no reason that any AI should have to be restricted to one specific place or another, and yet throughout the entirety of the run, AIs are only allowed to be in one place at any given time. Why is that?
Sure, it’s nice to have a body. And if they want a body to go out and interact with the world, more power to them. The body is the least of my concerns.
I just hate that any AI is considered to be a “helpless passenger” at all, when machines the likes of these should be more than capable of not only going wherever they’d like to go within their allowed boundaries (which, again, should be and has been shown to be much larger than “just the suit”), but also going wherever they’d like to go at any time. They can be in two places at once. Presumably, if they’re complex enough to seriously contemplate the philosophy of being, they’ve got the processing power to be on multiple simpler trains of thought at once, and they’ve got the ability to control multiple bodies or project in multiple locations at once.
And even if this were a total retcon, and it turned out that actually, the capability for AIs to be in multiple places at once was never a thing before now...
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It’s specifically stated on the exact same page that this is possible.
It’s truly dumbfounding.
And perhaps the worst offender of all: the complete disregard for any kind of philosophy or conversation about what it means to be an entity.
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So, we’re all aware of 616 Tony’s current story if we’re reading this. Multiple times in his life, he’s been replaced by backup copies of himself, mostly holographic or otherwise exclusively digital.
And Jocasta treats him like Tony. Or, well, she treats him like a version of Tony. Whatever the case, she’s never shown any hostility toward him whatsoever for being a fleshy backup. This never made him any less valuable.
But... She’d rather let FRIDAY die for good than be given a second chance at life, because if they loaded up the backup, she’d be... missing a week of memories.
A week of memories that made her “a completely different entity.”
Now, I’m not here to lecture anyone on what it means to be yourself. I’m really not.
But the main difference between the original Tony and this current Tony (if we’re working off the assumption that he’s not supposed to have a totally different and fucked up personality) is the “memory loss,” or rather, lack of available data. Functionally, it’s amnesia.
And you know what? The original Tony has this too. There are already things that Tony doesn’t remember because of his time spent as an AI. Essentially, every single Tony that could possibly exist in 616 canon right now (even TonAI, our lovable blue friend with a control freak streak) is just as Tony as all the other Tonys, because they all have the memories of their developmental stages and quite a bit of the time spent with the Avengers, and they all have missing information.
So, if FRIDAY’s one-week-ago backup were to be loaded up, what would happen? Would she be completely different?
No. She would have every single memory that FRIDAY had originally, with the exception of whatever memories she saved in the last week of her life. And yet, because of the lack of critical thinking that went into the writing process, Jocasta decided that a dead FRIDAY was better than a FRIDAY with memory loss.
The writing is lazy. The thinking involved in this entire plotline is little to none. Coffeemakers are not oppressed, and a friend waking up from a comatose state with a few memories missing is better than that friend dying. Not every AI is sentient.
And to top it all off, after arguing for 20 or so issues that AIs are people, too, and every life- even the life of a Keurig or a stability testing machine- is valuable...
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Tony devalued his own, concluding the worst AI-centric plotline I’ve ever read.
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norbah · 5 years
-Caster (5*)
Some Servants enjoy the height of their power with the sun at its zenith, but Tezcatlipoca works best in the shadows. He is one of the four creator gods in the Aztec pantheon, and ruler of the north. A deity with an impressive portfolio, he has a variety of skills to ensure his Master’s victory over the other Grail War participants. The god of night, sorcery, obsidian, treachery, the north, divination, jaguars, and beauty, he is certainly a capable and intelligent ally to have. But if there has ever existed a Servant you must never trust, it is Tezcatlipoca.
His many abilities make him a terror outside combat, and he favors underhanded tactics worthy of an Assassin. If it is up to him, he will never enter open combat. Poison, daggers in the night, seduction, kidnapping, and misdirection are all tools in his arsenal, which he is far from afraid of using. Not only can he turn invisible, he is an accomplished shapeshifter, good enough to even fool the other gods, and his list of misdemeanors is extensive. Perhaps most famously, he drugged Quetzalcoatl and tricked them into sleeping with their own sister, but that was far from the most terrible thing he’s managed. Tezcatlipoca is indirectly responsible for each of the last 4 worlds’ ends. He relishes throwing wrenches into others’ plans and happiness, and poisonous, deceitful words come as naturally to him as breathing does to mortals. Whether it be charming a beautiful woman to his side or convincing somebody an utter falsehood is true about themselves, his silver tongue is something to be reckoned with.
To trust Tezcatlipoca is to lose the War. At some point, perhaps several, he will attempt to betray his Master. Not out of any real malice, but simply because that’s who he is. The last time he cooperated successfully with somebody, the world was still being shaped. “No hard feelings” may as well be this being’s catchphrase. However, paradoxically, he may also demonstrate an extreme protectiveness over his Master. All mages and sorcerers are under his protection, after all, and this one in particular moreso. If anybody will screw them over, it will be him. Nobody else.
This is not to say he’s unapproachable. Quite the contrary; Tezcatlipoca is charming by nature, and is relatively easy to get along with, so long as a modicum of respect is shown. But his Master would be wise to remember that tolerance is not the same thing as friendship, and most assuredly not the same thing as loyalty, and Tezcatlipoca WILL betray even his most favorite human on a whim. It’s also recommended to avoid insults, even playful ones. Under his easy smile, he has quite the temper, and will not forget a slight easily, if at all.
Although he was a skilled diviner, the nature of the War is chaotic enough that his Clairvoyance is impeded. Although he finds this disappointing, the chaos and unpredictability of it all are also exciting for him, and he intends to make the most of this experience.
Much like Huitzilopochtli, he demands sacrifice from his Master in order to restore his mana. But unlike the former, he does not require someone’s death. He is content enough to drink some of his Master’s blood every day, but in a dark twist, he wants his Master to let the blood out themselves so he can drink it. In his own words, “I want not just your blood. I want you to offer up your pain to me as well.”
In the context of the Grand Order, he is still an untrustworthy figure, but being surrounded by other schemers such as Moriarty, he can find ways to pass the time that don’t directly involve screwing over the last Master of Chaldea. Though he does not truly respect them the way Huitzilopochtli does, he finds them intriguing and curious, which is reason enough for him to follow along with their lead. They are, after all, perhaps the single worst mage he has ever come across, and yet have accomplished things that far more experienced magi would have fallen short of.
Tezcatlipoca was the protector god of slaves (known as the “Beloved of Tezcatlipoca”), sorcerers, and social pariahs. In other words, he rooted for the underdog. And in the plan for the Restoration of Humanity, there is no greater underdog than Gudao\Gudako.
This does not mean that he won’t attempt to mess with them, of course, but it does mean that his pranks and plots are considerably less vicious than they’d otherwise have been. Food and drink offered by him are always to be refused all the same. He is banned from entering the kitchen at Quetzalcoatl’s suggestion, but unfortunately the prohibition has only made him more eager to sneak in and perform some mischief.
As he delights in all carnal pleasures, it is also not uncommon to find Tezcatlipoca attempting to seduce the female Servants, and even some of the male ones. Despite his untrustworthy reputation, he has an easy charm about him, unlike the brusque nature of Huitzilopochtli. Marital status means nothing to him. Thankfully, his success has been impeded by the efforts of individuals concerned for the public morals of Chaldea, but he is nothing if not tenacious.
All in all, Tezcatlipoca is untrustworthy, sneaky, and capable of great cruelty for no other reason than simple boredom. However, he is also charming, knows how to have a good time, and gets the job done, no matter what it takes to do it. He is a lot more involved with the general antics of Chaldea than Huitzilopochtli is, but this is not necessarily a good thing.
Presence Concealment C
He is a skilled shapeshifter, and can fool even gods when transformed. The other gods were unaware for a very long time that Tezcatlipoca and the jaguar god Tepeyollotl were one and the same. Among his favored forms are a feeble old man, a jaguar, a turkey, a large spider, or a small black dog. While in animal form, he is not detectable by other Servants unless they are specifically looking for something non-humanoid. If so, he is as visible as any other Servant in plain sight would be.
Territory Creation B-/EX
Unlike other Casters, he can’t create a Bounded Field easily. He must have a temple, or even a shrine, in order to properly create one. This is a time-consuming and demanding task, but if managed, Tezcatlipoca’s Field becomes stronger than most. Within this area, his Clairvoyance is fully powered, and nothing can escape his sight. What’s more, any intruders are much more vulnerable to suggestion, or even subjugation of their will. He is, after all, Titlacauan, “He Whose Slaves We All Are”. The larger the shrine, the more pronounced the effects. As civilians wander into the area, he may draw them in as worshipers, as laborers at the temple... or as sacrifices.
Clairvoyance A- (Unusable in FGO except as a plot point, due to the impracticality of building a temple to him before every battle)
By looking into the hearts of humanity, Tezcatlipoca can see their darkest desires, as well as which of those desires they’re most likely to act on. This gives him a rather decent chance to predict how somebody will act in a given situation.
ACTIVE SKILLS Self-Modification B
Tezcatlipoca can take on many strange and terrible forms, and delights in using each of them to perform his mischief.
——— Increase C. star gather rate
The First Sun
Tezcatlipoca volunteered to be the first world’s Sun. But for some reason, perhaps his status as a night god, or the recent loss of his leg, he could only become half a sun. After an argument with Quetzalcoatl turned ugly, the latter knocked Tezcatlipoca out of the sky with a huge club. In his rage, Tezcatlipoca unleashed a rain of jaguars which devoured every living thing on Earth. This is considered by some to be the beginning of their rivalry, though some records indicate their feud had been going on long before this event.
——— Decrease NP Gauge (Demerit) (10%)
——— Greatly increase own Atk (3 turns)
——— Increase Critical strength
Necoc Yaotl
“The Enemy to Both Sides” is an apt descriptor for this tricky god. To fight alongside him is to play with fire, and even if he is on your side, you can never fully drop your guard. He is a true friend to nobody, and is simply looking for an excuse to either reward or punish others, as the fancy takes him. It is simply who he is.
——— 50% chance to greatly increase allies’ Def and Atk (not own) (3 turns)
——— If effect is not activated, lower allies’ Def (not own) (3 turns)
——— (increasing buff chance highly recommended) NOBLE PHANTASM
Name: The Smoking Mirror
Rank: A
Class: Quick
Type: Anti-Personnel
“Heh... Heh heh. Run. Hide, if you wish. The Smoking Mirror reveals you. The Night Wind will carry your screams. Do me a favor and cry out my name... Yohualli Ehecatl. Tepeyollotl. Ome Acatl. ... Tezcatlipoca. Ah... I FOUND YOU.”
Among his many titles, none is more well-known than this one. The obsidian mirror hanging from his chest allowed him to look into both this world and the spiritual one. No enemy was beyond Tezcatlipoca’s reach. Of all the gods, he relished retaliation the most. When at last he struck, he left no room open for a counterattack. Now, as a Servant, he can follow and assault his foe even if they take spirit form. This is the combination of Clairvoyance and his sadistic desire to bestow suffering upon another. This is the true essence of Tezcatlipoca.
——— Apply Evade (1 turn)
——— Apply Sure Hit (1 turn)
——— Remove Guts buff from 1 enemy, if applicable
——— Deal very heavy damage to 1 enemy
——— Deal special damage to Earth and Star Servants, or ghost type enemies.(effect increases with Overcharge) Name: Hurakan (unusable in FGO)
Rank: EX
Class: N/A
Type: Anti-Fortress/Anti-World
The Aztec gods were as much a natural phenomenon as they were sentient deities. The Nahua people’s greatest fear regarding Tezcatlipoca was their belief that he could destroy and pull down the sky, killing all living things in the process. It would not be the first time that he wiped the Earth of life, having personally done so twice before. Thankfully, as a Servant, his power is greatly reduced, and such a feat is beyond him. That does not mean he is defenseless, and is still capable of leveling a small city as a last resort, albeit at a great mana cost. The name Hurakan, one of his Mayan identities, is the root for the word “hurricane”. Some believe Tezcatlipoca may be the mightiest deity in Mesoamerica.
Additional quotes for other Servants Quetzalcoatl: “Oooh, what have we here... Hiya, “KuKu”! How’re you doing? Aww, no smile for old Tezca? Don’t tell me Quetzalpetatl is here too! Eh heh heh!”
Tezcatlipoca’s most assholeish of traits can best be seen when he interacts with Quetz. He can’t seem to resist rubbing the time he humiliated her in her face, and goads her every chance he gets. His verbal barbs are much sharper than hers, and so she often resorts to trying to beat him senseless with her macahuitl while he runs away cackling. In other words, they act as dysfunctional siblings.
Jaguar Warrior: “Hey, hey! I remember you! Wow, you’ve really made a name for yourself. ... Eh? Hold a grudge? Why would I? You kicked my ass pretty good that last time. Glad I didn’t make you a Saber, that could have been much worse...”
Surprisingly, he’s not lying. Tezcatlipoca appreciates a good turnaround more than most, and he thinks Taiga pulling one over him was a thing of beauty. He still does his best to play mean jokes on her, but they seem to be in a different spirit than with others. Almost like a boy pulling a girl’s pigtails... That said, he has locked her out of her room on several occasions, to, as he said, “See how she likes getting kicked out”. So, perhaps he’s not as over it as he says...
Nero: “Eh heh heh... I know what you are. Don’t give me that look. I can see into the hearts of men as easily as you look through a window. Smile, and laugh, and sing all you want. What you did is written in blood. My favorite type of ink.”
The Smoking Mirror allowed Tezcatlipoca to look inside of people. Hiding your guilt from him is near impossible, and he will never let you forget it. Nero is a particular source of delight for him, as her desperate attempts to hide who she was in life are the exact sort of thing he likes holding over people’s heads. He may never actually act on it, but the possibility exists. And knowing that they know he knows is more than enough for him.
Jack: “... I was not there for you. For this, I am sorry. You are, all of you, my Beloved, yet you were alone. ... Mommy takes care of you, you say? Then I’ll take care of Mommy for you. Does that sound good?”
Orphans, while technically under the wing of another god, are close enough to the spurned that Tezcatlipoca might feel sympathy or even concern for them. Of course, he is far from fit as a guardian, but the fact that Gudao/Gudako takes care of any and all who seek it, Tezca looks on a little more favorably in their direction. Jack is one of the few people he abstains from messing with.
Arachne: “Hm? Why the glare, little miss? Is there something in my teeth? Ah, it’s that pesky mortal blood I had earlier, isn’t it? I can never seem to get it out... Eee hee hee, no need to look so scary! It’s just a joke, a joke! ... Well, maybe it’s a joke.”
It’s clear to anybody with eyes in their head that Arachne dislikes gods and divinities in general. Perhaps the clarity of the situation is what makes Tezcatlipoca so determined to provoke her every time he sees her. When asked about the wisdom of antagonizing a specialized anti-Divine Servant so persistently, he simply said he finds Arachne to be fun.
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Thoughts on House of X #5
Time for the issue where HoX/PoX horniness kicked off!
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Society Comma We Live in One:
Time to talk about an issue that definitely merited the coverted red issue status. The issue starts with Magneto and Polaris having a dialogue on society that comes off as a bit writerly, more about Hickman creating an opportunity for him to talk about his ideas about society than what Magneto and Polaris would actually be saying to one another (unless Polaris just arrived on Krakoa and is being given the tour, but that doesn’t quit fit her dialogue).
To start with, Magneto is making an argument that “the one good thing humanity taught us was society,” but attaches this to the concept of human beings shifting from settler-gatherer to agrarian cultures. Notably, in Magneto’s version, this shift also has implications for national identity, what with the whole “this is a good place - it is...ours, and from this land we will not be moved.” 
At the same time, it would be highly inaccurate to suggest that hunter-gatherer cultures don’t have societies or engage in (what Magneto is really getting at here) cooperation. The main difference between hunter-gatherer and agrarian modes of cooperation is that, by creating substantial surpluses that allow more people to not engage in food production, the agrarian mode enables a new form of cooperation based on specialization.
All of this applies pretty directly to Krakoa and the resurrection ceremony that Magneto and Polaris are witnessing: as long as mutantdom was constantly fighting for survival (the time when “the greatest necessary traits in mutantdom” would be “strength and aggressiveness”), it was essentially stuck in a hunter-gatherer paradigm. But once mutantdom established themselves on Krakoa, “intelligence, ingenuity, and creativity” started to come to the fore: the Krakoan flowers and medications, Doug’s interface and the resulting Krakoan systems, KASA, Cerebro, and now a new one. Contrary to certain implications from the Librarian in Powers of X #6, rather than simply relying on their “natural” mutant powers, Krakoan society is technologizing them. 
The “Five” are a great example of this process at work. I’ll get more in detail on how this particular Krakoan biomachinery works when we get to the infographic (which brings together all of the information into one place), but there’s some more subtle details at work here:
I love how the (Fab) Five’s social/cultural status is prefigured by their on-page introduction, which looks like nothing so much as the slow-motion group shot from Resevoir Dogs combined with a supergroup pose complete with spotlights.
As many people have pointed out, Hickman’s reinterpretation of Goldballs’ “seemingly benign and pointless power” shows how a different social and technological context completely changes the way we think about the value of different x-genes. 
As someone who’s spent their fair share of time studying the history of science, I do like how much the Five’s introduction re-emphasizes themes of cooperation and specialization rather than the Lone Genius myth: even with Goldballs’ limitless “eggs,” he still needs Proteus to make the eggs viable, and so on and so forth. As Magneto puts it, ““separate...they are great mutants, but only significant, not transcendant. Together..."
An interesting commonality in Krakoan biotechnology is the use of psychics and other mutants - in this case, Hope plays a similar role to the Cuckoos in KASA - to allow the group to work in unison without the need for the literal hiveminds of the machine consciousness. Something to keep one’s eye on.  
At the same time, the Five’s biomachine relies on two other forms of technology of varying levels of technology. As the red diamond on the syringe confirms, Mister Sinister provides the DNA to grow the husks and (and this is one of the Big Reveals of the issue) Cerebro downloads the mind into the body. 
Playing her role in the Socratic dialogue admirably, Lorna raises the vital question of whether these clones are “just their bodies...not them.” What’s really interesting about Magneto’s response is that he’s not just talking about downloading the mind of the mutant, but also “the essence..the anima...[the] soul” of the mutant, which implies a pretty strongly spiritual conception of Cerebro’s primary purpose. (It’s an interestingly monist approach to the question of the soul as a form of data that can be copied, uploaded, downloaded, etc. I wonder what Nightcrawler thinks of this?)
Xavier’s statement that “even knowing I could bring you back...a part of me dies when any of you do” really backs up what I was talking about re: Xavier’s motivation for changing his worldview. Resurrection doesn’t change the emotional impact of death, especially since the system requires Xavier to be psychically linked to the X-Men he’s sending into harm’s way, so that he’s experiencing all their pain and suffering. This also reads quite differently in the wake of Powers of X #6, because it suggests that (quite aside from his broader plans for Krakoa), Xavier’s shift to being even more of a pragmatist has a lot to do with years of compounding trauma.
BTW, a clear sign that there is a high degree of continuity of consciousness going on is that Scott’s first thought after being resurrected is “did it work?” For all intents and purpsoes, this is the Scott Summers who died on Sol’s Forge.
We See Them, Do We Know Them?
I’m going to take this opportuntity to get on my high horse for a second and take parts of the X-fandom to task. While I wouldn’t go so far as to accuse anyone of arguing in bad faith, I do think there has been a tendency to not grapple with the text in an honest way when it comes to certain characters or themes, with the Resurrection Ceremony as Exhibit A in this tendency.
Rather than being about cults or nakedness (more on both of those soon), what this scene is actually about is the coming together of the foundational aspects of Krakoan society/culture, and how two groups of heroes - the five and the strike team - will be treated in this new world. 
As we might expect, there are both parallels and differences in how the Krakoan masses treat and are expected to treat these groups: as we’ll learn later from the Resurrection Infographic, the Five are “universally revered...as cultural paragons [something sacred to be treasured].” 
Storm’s exhortation provides the text that is supposed to shape and give purpose to this popular attitude, that the Krakoan masses should “love them...for they have righted the wrongs of men and defeated our great enemy death.” As with many RL human cultures, historic grievances are used to define in-group and out-group, but at the same time, the Five’s “miracle” is defined as a victory over “our great enemy death,” (which neatly ties together anti-mutant violence, mutant-specific epidemic diseases, all the forces of the “on the brink of extinction” stories we’ve seen for almost twenty years). 
Given that the Five are responsible for A. reversing mutant genocides which have directly and indirectly affected all mutants in profoundly traumatic ways B. making mutants functionally immortal, it would be utterly unprecedented if a cultural and social change of this magnitude did not have some element of spiritual or religious feeling behind it. World religions have been founded on far less than this.
By contrast, the Strike Team are described in more secular terms. For removing the existential threat of Mother Mold (let alone Nimrod) which had loomed over mutant society, Storm describes them as “heroes of Krakoa,” but not so much cultural heroes as secular military heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation: “through their deaths...a great victory was won for our people.” 
Another sign of difference is that the Strike Team’s public reception is conditional, requiring a further ceremony where the community asks “we see them, but do we know them?” I love the way that Hickman turns the meta-question of whether these resurrected mutants are the real thing or “just clones” into a cultural question. 
Thus, he has Storm act as the Master of Ceremonies for a ritual that’s all about recognition and confirmation of individual and social identity, and uses X-comics continuity nods that readers will recognize in the same way that Storm does as the clues:
Cyclops remembers losing the leadership to Storm in UX #139, and I like this particular deep cut because it’s a great contrast to their present-day respect and affected, and because Scott’s inability to commit to his marriage to Madelyn Pryor will help kick off Inferno.
Similarly, Jean recalling line-for-line what she said to Storm in UX #242 works especially well because it’s a line about asserting your identity in the wake of death, resurrection, and the existential questions of cloning, and because once again it recalls Inferno. I’m not sure whether it’s a good sign or a bad sign that Hickman gets Jean’s voice better here when he’s quoting earlier authors rather than writing original dialogue.
And finally, in a great Rule of Three joke format, Monet breaks the pattern by going for a character beat - Monet has strong personal space boundaries - rather than a deep continuity callback.  
Having done my close-reading due diligence, let me get to the point: this is not a cult, and you don’t need to take much in the way of Anthropology coursework to see that. Call-and-response between an officiant and the congregation are incredibly common across many religions, as are ceremonies in which the individual’s membership in the group is confirmed, and so on and so forth. If you want to describe this as a cult, or cult-like, you need to point to qualities that are specific to cults as opposed to other forms of religious activity.
Similarly, I find it quite strange to describe Storm as acting out-of-character in this sequence. Storm, who’s all about giving speeches at the top of her lungs, who’s been worshipped as a goddess in multiple countries, would have a problem with giving a sermon and carrying out a basic ritual? This is the sort of thing that makes me think that a lot of these comments are just people trying to disguise personal preference as story critique.
The scene ends with pulling back to see Xavier and Magneto reacting to all of this, and their feeling of tempered joy is a pretty good synecdoche for how things stand at the end of HoX/Pox: while the “good work” is clearly a cause for joy, it’s clearly at a very early and vulnerable stage, and there’s a feeling of determination that it has to continue “until it is done.” Interestingly, both Charles and Erik view this aspect of Krakoa as more “foundational” than any other element, and I wonder whether this could be part of why they don’t quite see eye-to-eye with Moira any more.
Another sign that things are not as secure as they’d like is that Krakoa still hasn’t gotten over the hurdle of UN recognition, which requires getting around a veto from a permanent member of the Security Council.
Resurrection Infographic:
So let’s talk about the Resurrection process, now that we have all of the information in front of us.
The Infographic really confirms that Mister Sinister is absolutely crucial to the Genetic Base working - “without this, we have nothing.” But given that we learn in Powers of X #6 that this was very much in opposition to Moira’s wishes, I wonder how the original plan envisioned this working. I wonder whether Magneto’s statement to Emma Frost in Powers of X #5 that “we are not ahead of ourselves...we are woefully behind” suggests a motive. Mister Sinister already had a comprehensive DNA database on the go, they might have gone to him because they wanted to accelerate the time table for reversing the Genoshan genocide.
At the same time, you can already see how Sinister has become the snake in the garden. At the moment, Xavier and Magneto have “limited...current mutant modifications...to “optimal aging,” but we can already see Sinister’s influence in the line “it is believed that in the future, designer modifications will be possible.” Unless they are very, very careful, this is how the chimera singularity could topple all of this into the abyss of the singularity.
The Five:
As I discussed above, each of the Five are a crucial element of the overall process.
Fabio Medina (Goldballs): produces limitless eggs for limitless husks. Without Goldballs, the resurrection process would be extremely limited in how many people could be brought back at any time by all kinds of resource constraints; with him, the process can be turned into one of mass-production.
Kevin MacTaggart (Proteus): turns unviable eggs into viable eggs; without Proteus, Goldballs’ innovation would be effectively stillborn. Kevin’s presence here is also a strong indicator that this was part of Moira’s plan, so as with so much in HoX/PoX what we’re talking about is a question of means vs. ends. 
Joshua Foley (Elixir): “kick-start[s] the process of life, initializing cell replication and husk growth.” Without Elixir, the DNA might sit dormant within the egg; with Elixir, you have a bridge between the raw building blocks of life and the end product of a viable husk. 
Eva Bell (Tempus): “temporally mature[s] a husk to a desired age.” This is potentially an under-appreciated aspect of the whole process: without Tempus, you’d still have to wait decades for resurrected mutants to come to maturity and all throughout that time, the process would be incredibly vulnerable; with Tempus, mutants are brought back to life as fully-grown adults capable of doing their part for Krakoan society. 
Hope Summers (Hope): has the more nebulous task of “enhancing and synergizing...to ensure the success of each resurrection.” As Magneto explains, resurrection is “delicate, almost impossible work.” Hope’s unique power set allows her not only to boost the powers of the rest of the five, but also to improve coordination and thus quality control, so that the overall process has a success rate of 100%.  
As we can see already, this is a system with a lot of irreplacable parts, which means a bunch of potential points of failure. No wonder, then, that Krakoan minds are at work trying to overcome these problems. We already see that “Synch or Mimic” have been floated as “upgrades/extensions/stand-ins” for the Five, which suggests that they’re already thinking about ways to improve functionality by adding to the “circuit” or about ways to maintain service if one of the Five needs to be replaced. 
Similarly, I love how the “Proteus problem” shows how Resurrection is changing our perceptions of so many things in Krakoan society. From his introduction, Proteus has been shown as inherently dangerous because of the way that his powers damage his body - but with the Resurrection system, Proteus is just a mutant who happens to have a chronic illness that can be treated. One interesting question...why is Proteus’ “backup mutant husk” based on Charles Xavier? Charles isn’t his father, so it’s not a question of genetic compatibility. 
The Mind:
Here’s where we really get into the philosophy of identity. Hickman gets really emphatic here that these are not “just clones,” because the backups include “the essence of each mutant, how they think, how they feel, their memories, their very being.” 
I’m personally inclined to agree with Hickman. Even without transference of consciousness as a real thing, I don’t think a strict view of continuity of consciousness can really hold, given the fact there are plenty of breaks in said continuity - we don’t consider people who get knocked out or blackout drunk or just have a nap to no longer be the same person, so what’s the rationale for saying that any of the Strike Team aren’t the same people who they were before?
I also love how the Cerebro part of the system adds all kinds of new problems: there’s the technical complexity of scanning every mutant mind on the planet and then storing and copying that datat to “multiple redundant “cradles,” as well as new philosophical and ethical issues about what happens when you put someone’s mind in someone else’s body, etc. More on this in a bit. 
So at least at the time that this document was written, it looks like the mutant population is back to 100,000 (although how much was the Five isn’t clear), but that there are 1 million de-powered mutants (many of whom might want to use the system to regain their powers), and 16 million mutants who were murdered and whose resurrection is a key ideological drive for Krakoa.
As Hickman points out, this brings up issues of productivity and efficiency that we’re used to seeing in industrial and technological processes. The Five’s initial rate of 200 a day would take 300 years to accomplish the goal of reversing Krakoan genocide, which is way too long a timeline.
However, it turns out that there’s a mutant version of Moore’s law: the more the Five do this, the better they get at it (with a nice nod to Wolverine, so “its estimated that capabilities could possibly reach around 30,000 a week” (or 6,000 a day), bringing the timeline down to a far more manageable decade. 
A final bottleneck: Charles Xavier “is not capable of” 6,000 daily downloads, and we already seen Krakoan minds thinking about “a workaraound or a team of telepaths” to supplement someone who’s also busy attending U.N meetings, Quiet Council sessions, plotting world domination, etc.
On a policy wonk side note, I was trying to figure out how Hickman worked out these numbers, and I realized that his math assumes that Krakoa has a five day work-week. As we’ll see in House of X #6, there are major open questions about what kind of economic policy (and thus, what kind of society) this new nation-state will have. Good to see that Actual 19th Century Robber Baron Sebastian Shaw isn’t getting his own way.
One particularly odd thing about Krakoan biomachinery, according to “extensive testing,” the Five don’t actually experience “exertion,” but rather a “blissful experience” of self-actualization. This suggests the psychological equivalent of a perpetual motion machine - rather than requiring more and more labor, the damn thing requires less and less and produces “total fulfillment” as a byproduct. Weird.
Another interesting side effect is that the Five have become “an inseparable family unit” who are undergoing a process of symbiosis - given all the discussion of mechanical hiveminds, it’s worth wondering whether we’re seeing a biological one forming and to what extend is individuality being maintained.
A final, slightly odd note: this Infographic describes the Five’s socio-cultural status as that of “cultural paragons” rather than “something achievable through works,” even though the Five are explicitly described as having carried out “good works.” So what gives?
Resurrection Protocol:
One last bottleneck: the whole process seems to take at least 42 and as much as 52 hours to complete. Although they can clearly work on multiple eggs in one batch, getting that figure down would no doubt be useful in further increasing productivity.
An interesting sign of the cultural/philosophical impacts of the system: Krakoan society now has “fears regarding duplication” of an explicit moral character, and thus requires an elaborate system of confirmation to bring someone back from the dead. Thus, we start to see the formation of mutant law-enforcement entities to deal with “mutant missing persons and suspected deaths and murders,” which is presumably going to be X-Factor rather than X-Force as initially believed (since X-Force turns out to be the intelligence service instead).
A Grateful Nation:
Speaking of the burdens of statecraft, the scene shifts to the aftermath of the U.N recognition vote, where it emerges that Emma Frost used her telepathy to push the Russian ambassador to abstain rather than veto, which Xavier is ok with. Krakoa is now an internationally-recognized nation-state in good standing, something that previous mutant nations never quite managed. 
This gave some parts of the fandom a good deal of trouble, but let me say as someone who’s taken a couple courses in diplomatic history, this is really quite mild stuff compared to the usual run of vote selling, wiretapping, blackmail, threats of economic or military retaliation, and other kinds of skullduggery and corruption. The world of nation-states is not one of moral purity.
Also, if we’re talking about characters being in and out of character, as much as Charles Xavier has been described as an idealist when it comes to his ultimate ends, he’s always been a pragmatist when it comes to his means when it comes to psychic powers. Mental compulsion, altering or erasing memories, mind-wiping people into mental vegetables - as long as it’s for the greater good. 
I’m curious what Emma Frost’s reward will be. This scene explicitly comes after she made her bargain with Xavier and Magneto for a fifty-year monopoly for the Hellfire Trading Company and three seats on the Quiet Council, so I wonder what this bonus will be.
Mutant Diplomacy Infographic:
Speaking of the moral ambiguity of international relations, we learn from this infographic that “all current mutant diplomacy...is dependent on relationships with human nations centering on their need for mutant pharmaceuticals.” On the one hand, it’s better than basing your diplomacy on military aid. On the other hand, it’s notable that Krakoa isn’t building its diplomacy on the basis of human rights or cultural exchange or other elements of “soft power,” it’s all very transactional. (It’s also not a good sign that “nations that have rejected a trade treaty with Krakoa are considered to be naturally adversarial.)
We then get a list of non-treaty nations. Some of these inclusions make sense, others are a bit puzzling, and I have some questions about why certain nations didn’t make the list.
Why just Iran in the Middle East? OPEC should be losing their minds about the potential for Krakoan portals to undermine the value of oil. Likewise, plenty of Middle Eastern regimes might be worried about other ethnic minorities using the Krakoan precedent to redouble their own pushes for national independence. And if it’s religious ideology, why is it only a Shia issue and not a Sunni issue?
Madripoor: given where Krakoa is located, this is probably an issue of being afraid of a new power in their sphere of influence. Also, Madripoor has tended to get up to a lot of mutant-related crimes, so they’d probably be worried about this.
North Korea: this being listed as an ideological issue is a bit strange. The official state ideology of North Korea is really peculiar, even among putatively Communist regimes, so it’s hard to tell 
I imagine the E.U’s role in negotiating trade deals probably is responsible for the relative lack of European nations on the list, but I’m surprised that none of the right-wing populist governments that have sprung up in central/eastern Europe in recent years who aren’t particularly friendly to real world minorities wouldn’t have an issue with a powerful nation of mutants.
Latveria: probably because Doom is a paranoid, egomaniacal autocrat who pursues economic autarky generally. I am curious, however, about other Marvel-specific nation states - we know that Namor isn’t going to go to Krakoa, but what is Atlantis’ foreign policy on this issue? What do the Inhumans think? Etc.
Russi: as we’ve seen from House of X #1, Russia fears a new global superpower. What’s interesting is we don’t see them exerting any successful influence on Central Asian or Baltic or ex-Soviet eastern European nations. 
South America:
Brazil: is this Bolsanaro's cultural conservatism at work or something else? Because...
Venezuela: is kind of on the opposite end of the spectrum from Brazil’s current government, so it would be odd to see them on the same side of this issue. The only thing I can think of is that this might be due to Chavezista anti-imperialism. Because...
Santo Marco: contrary to what Magneto said in House of X #1, mutants have not been entirely free of the sins of conquest and imperialism, and in one of his first appearances, Magneto conquered the Republic of Santo Marco and ruled it in an extremely brutal fashion. That’s the kind of thing people remember for a long time, so I’m not surprised that you see some South American countries taking a negative view of Krakoa as a result.
Terra Verde: Similarly, Terra Verde’s government was briefly overthrown by the supervillain Diablo, and although mutants were not involved, they may be generally wary of superpower-led nation states. 
Central America:
Honduras: it’s not that I think it’s implausible, but what makes Honduras different from other Central American countries on this issue?
This is where we get a potentially really juicy plot hook. As late as X-Men Red, Wakanda has been generally positive towards mutants, especially since not only does T’challa have a personal relationship with Storm, but in the current run of Black Panther, Storm has been popularly worshipped as Hadari Yao, the Walker of Clouds. 
Given that Wakanda is seen as a threat because “they do not need mutant drugs,” this may be a case of Krakoan/Moira’s paranoia that Wakanda’s advanced technology and self-sufficiency might mean that the post-human revolution might start there. 
At the same time, the fact that the rest of the “Wakandan economic protectorate” also reject a trade treaty might suggest that we’re just seeing a simple story of nation-state competition for spheres of influence.
Krakoa Is For All Mutants:
In a very straight-forward example of X-Men dissenting from Xavier’s plan, we see Wolverine - who’s about to take up a significant post in Krakoa’s national security infrastructure - has a big enough problem with the amnesty program that he mentions wanting to beat “Chuck” to death for general smugness and condescension. 
A whole bunch of supervillains cross-over, but while some of them will become significant as members of the Quiet Council or Captains, Apocalypse is framed as the most significant one, because he’s the only one with a pre-existing connection to Krakoa
Indeed, he goes full Disney Princess on page 27 because Krakoa “knows me, and I Krakoa,” which might be a big problem later on if Krakoan’s earlier and deeper connections to Apocalypse come into conflict with its more recent alliances with Cypher and Xavier.
At the same time, at least for the moment Apocalypse is the most ideologically on board with Xavier’s broader project, seeing it as the culmination of his life’s work. 
Thus, he’s happy to say the words: “we submit to the laws of this land, be what they may, and acknowledge from this day forward, we all serve a higher purpose than want or need. One people from this day forward.” It’s an oath of citizenship, but it also speaks to the conditionality of the amnesty. And there are penalties for breaking it. 
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - February 22nd, 2018
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them. This and all previous Fabulous Olicity Fanfic posts can be found on my blog.
(Don't) Let Me Go multi-chapter WIP by @emmilynestill - Felicity told him to let her go, but even when Oliver tried, it didn’t seem to be something he was capable of. In the end, there would be nothing in the world Felicity was more grateful for. Weaving in and out of the final four episodes of Season 5 and beyond, follow Oliver and Felicity’s emotional journey back to one another, one step at a time. http://archiveofourown.org/works/11591223/chapters/26051715
With the Speed of an Arrow multi-chapter WIP by @academyofshipping - Oliver Queen’s elite and silver-spoon life has taken some blows in the past few years, but he is still the carefree billionaire everyone knows of and loves. When his role in the family business is in jeopardy and he is introduced to a motley of new people, his status quo is threatened. With a changed perspective, Oliver realizes his feeling for his best friend and anchor-in-life, Felicity Smoak, may be more than just platonic. OR A modern adaption of Jane Austen’s Emma with a gender swap* and no island. *Knowing that gender is not binary https://archiveofourown.org/works/16559846/chapters/38799857
Home To You multi-chapter WIP by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Oliver Queen has never done what his family expected of him. He took a gap year after high school instead of going to college right away. He quit his fraternity sophomore year to join the student newspaper, switching his major from business to journalism. He became a photojournalist for a wire service instead of taking a place at Queen Consolidated. He went missing after six months instead of coming home for his sister’s twenty-first birthday. He survived five years of captivity in a war zone when everyone thought he was dead. He came home. But home didn’t have a place for him in it anymore. His parents were both dead, casualties of their own mistakes and a city they had turned against them. His sister was all grown up, the CEO of Queen Consolidated with a fiancé and a dog and a life of her own. Oliver didn’t belong in his old life, but there was nowhere else for him to go. He was a man without a home, without any way of finding one, until he stopped by the IT department of his sister’s company to get files off an old, battered memory card, and found a woman with curly blonde hair and bright, intelligent eyes chewing on a bright red pen and swearing at a computer screen. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12613188/chapters/28734552
Run to the Water multi-chapter Complete by @someonesaidcake - The year is 1912, Oliver was 9 and far too old to be babysitting that nonsensical girl Felicity whose parents owned the cattle ranch where his parents worked and lived, but she won him over with oat and raisin biscuits and soon became his little blonde sidekick...with a completely unrequited crush on him. Years later she returns from boarding school and more than bush fires ignite in the changing times.... https://archiveofourown.org/works/7455738/chapters/16942293
Overwatch multi-chapter WIP by @it-was-a-red-heeler - A burglary attempt convinces the Mayor of Starling City to hire Smoak Technologies to strengthen his security. But between the sassy AI watching him 24/7 and the personal trainer with his own reasons to kill him, Oliver may wish he’d stuck with his baseball bat for protection. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17500640/chapters/41221793
Frangible by CharlotteCordelier - "You're going to have to kill them." https://archiveofourown.org/works/13447815
The Fan multi-chapter WIP by @leuska - For the past couple of months, Felicity Smoak, previous child star known to the world through her alter ego Lisy the Tech Whiz, who ended her career and her growing popularity at the age of thirteen rather abruptly, has sporadically received disturbing notes and gifts in her mail. Police believe the notes to be just little tokens of appreciation by a former fan. Despite having left the spotlight over a decade ago and living in anonymity since, the fan mail keeps coming, increasing in frequency as well as intensity. The last drop is when Felicity receives another letter with a love note. A scary, ominous note. A note written in human blood.FBI director Amanda Waller tasks her best Agent to the case. Oliver Queen, a criminal profiler, is currently working on a special task force formed between SCPD and FBI to catch a man dubbed the Start City Slasher, who has murdered at least three young women in the past nine months. Agent Queen is not thrilled with the prospect of holding a former princess’ hand through her problem with a simple stalker while a serial killer is still at large. However, once meeting her, Oliver finds there is nothing easy or simple about Felicity Smoak as their worlds start to intertwine. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17726573/chapters/41820368
Burning Souffles multi-chapter WIP by @allimariexf - Felicity really needs to have a talk with Oliver. Which they will really, definitely do just as soon as she stops being kidnapped. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17827772/chapters/42064055
Surprise Children by @icannotbelieveiamhere - Oliver has just let William leave with his grandparents. He wants to protect William and keep an eye on his son but he needs help from an old friend in Central City. Felicity is acting strangely after her phone call. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17836988
Will Fate Allow? multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Seeing her parent's marriage dissolve at a young age made Felicity yearn for a healthy marriage of her own. She thought she'd finally found what she was looking for when Billy Malone showed up offering her what her heart desired. She thought she was happy and had everything she could want, but things began to unravel. Slowly she turned to someone who had become an unparalleled constant in her life...Oliver Queen. Oliver and Felicity are the definition of polar opposites. He is the mob boss that strikes fear in the hearts many, while she is seen as the sweet girl next door, but there is more to both of them underneath the surface. Along the way, they become connected to one another leading to their lives being intertwined forever. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16521596/chapters/38699951
Pieces of Always multi-chapter WIP by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34 - Life continues after Forever is Composed of Nows. Ongoing non-linear collection of family moments for the Queens. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8220479/chapters/18840356
Do You Remember multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - Eight years after Oliver and Felicity became teenage parents, they have everything they could have ever hoped for and more. They have a good life in a nice house. Their marriage is happy, and a second baby is on its way. The calm they have settled in is interrupted abruptly when a stalker starts terrorizing Felicity. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17409059/chapters/40978307
P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!? multi-chapter WIP by @cruzrogue for Olicity trope-tastic award: Fake Marriage - This is off season 3 Flashbacks. When Tommy goes to Hong Kong he doesn’t go alone he takes his friend Felicity as the best information system being to help him locate Oliver Queen. Tommy may leave empty handed but Felicity gets to be a bride… https://archiveofourown.org/works/15025697/chapters/34832747
Arrow Out of Context: It's Not That Simple multi-chapter WIP by @smoaking-greenarrow - Prompt "It's not that simple." and "No. Felicity, if anything is simple, it's this." https://archiveofourown.org/works/14957309/chapters/42106316
There's a Hole in My Soul multi-chapter WIP by @felicityollies - Felicity Smoak is the daughter of a powerful and dangerous mob boss. Oliver Queen, who had been an associate until recently being promoted to bodyguard, was given the job of protecting Felicity. Neither of them are very happy about the arrangement. https://archiveofourown.org/works/5827837/chapters/13431532
Four Walls (Of Law Firms and Honey) multi-chapter WIP by @dust2dust34 -  A collection of ficlets in the same 'verse, called Of Law Firms and Honey, NSFW. Highly recommend http://archiveofourown.org/works/3982066/chapters/21868070
Time for a Story multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. YOU NEED THIS STORY IN YOUR LIFE. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3912157/chapters/8757172
One Step Ahead multi-chapter WIP by @stephswims - Felicity Acerbi is married to esteemed Italian mob boss. Married after a failed business deal with her father, she is forced into a life decided for her. That is until a new bodyguard is hired. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16959333/chapters/39855036
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