#this counts as a drabble right
romansgoodluckcharm · 5 months
Okay, but Intruality w/ robo-Patt
Remus ignoring Patton's childcare protocols that try to keep people out (it's for safety more than discomfort) so he can tug on every wire that makes Patton glitch and squeal
Ohhh oh my god holy shit this is so good. Patton who insists on staying professional, the words automated and spilling through his lips before he can even think about it, but Remus can hear his fans kicking up so he doesn't overheat, can see his lens whirl to try and take in as much of Remus as he possibly can
Remus who tells Patton just what it wants to do to him as it steps closer and closer, getting more vulgar by the second, and Patton's processor is working over-time to take it all in, and for a split-second he's worried Remus'll surely get burnt from how hot his metal burns, but then Remus is pressing up against him and Patton can barely see the million pop-ups in the edges of his peripherals, can only see and feel Remus
Bonus points if Pat has no genitalia and is so fuckin desperate all throughout, Remus having to get creative to make them both feel good <333 rubbing against wires nd shoving it's fingers in ports nd biting at silicone casings nd breathing cool air against his motors till Patton's voice synthesiser is glitching nd warbling <33 overwhelming Pat so bad his UI seems to crash and he loses all rationale, fucked silly teehees
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maxlarens · 21 days
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hello jack doohan lovers. pls excuse any weird characterisation etc, i’ve never written jack before and am writing this because @coff33andb00ks gave me brain worms about this idea for jack x oscar’s childhood bsf!reader:
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Oscar’s your friend. Your oldest friend in fact.
Which is to say you’re proud of him and his big boy job as a Formula One driver. And, of course, you’re endlessly grateful for the opportunity to follow him around the world in return for your services as his social media lackey. It’s a job you enjoy even. Which is not to say that you’ve got any kind of ulterior motive to show up on race weekends—
Nope. None at all!
It’s certainly got nothing at all to do with the fellow Australian Flynn Rider-lookalike that hangs around Alpine hospitality. Nothing whatsoever.
Jack Doohan isn’t even on your radar. And you certainly don’t keep an eye out for a flash of warm brown hair or that Roman nose of his. The familiar Australian accent in a crowd, grey-blue eyes shining in the sun, the tooth that often catches on his bottom lip—
No. You don’t pay attention to Jack Doohan at all.
Well, at least not as far as Oscar is concerned.
Cootie-ridden, annoying, pain-in-your-arse, Oscar.
Who as far as you know, thinks you’re still seven years old and pushing him into the sandpit in your parent’s backyard. Who honestly thinks all boys look at you and still see the little girl with pigtail braids who used to play race-cars with him. Which, well, is the same way you look at Oscar and see the kid who used to pick his boogers and spend hours reading his favourite racing magazine to you when you just wanted to play Barbies.
So whatever, you’re even—
You think his girlfriend is crazy for being in love with him and he doesn’t think Jack Doohan has a crush on you.
Oh yeah: you think Jack Doohan has a crush on you. Or you might have a crush on Jack Doohan, who’s to say?
It’s really not some baseless accusation you’re spouting with no evidence. Again, Oscar just thinks you still have cooties. And, okay, y’know what, see for yourself—
You swear this time you’re only outside Alpine hospitality on accident. Oscar and Lando are wrapped up in some McLaren PR thing and you’re filming B-roll of the paddock to use in a reel you’re thinking about making. Ending up by Alpine was a total mistake.
Not that it bothers you much when the object of your affection turns up regardless.
You hear the scuff of shoes against gravel and feel a presence hovering at your back before you know it’s him. Somehow, you know it’s him anyway. As if you’re linked by some cosmic thread. As if you’re attuned to his very aura… Not that you believe in that stuff. But it is weird. The way you know him without sight.
You feel his hair tickle your cheek as he leans over your shoulder, all up in your space.
You don’t mind.
“Hard at work, huh?” he teases into your ear, his breathy laugh making you suppress a shiver.
“Mm hm,” you answer, tight lipped, trying to keep the camera stabilised despite yourself, “Doin’ my job.”
He moves away and you finally hit the button to stop recording. You spin around to face him, trying not to let a full-blown grin appear on your face. He’s doing something similar, half-grin, that snaggletooth you like so much on display. Eyes sparkling in the sunlight.
“Was that a jab at me?”, he raises his eyebrows (can’t raise just one, you’ve discovered).
You make a face, shake your head, “No, I would never,” you tell him in an exaggerated tone that says you’re taking the piss.
He scoffs, points a finger at you, “I’ll have you know that I was on the sim until three in the morning.”
You laugh this time, loud, tucking your phone into your back pocket and trying to resist the urge to lean into him like girls do in the movies. Hand on his shoulder, folding in half, like he’s just said the funniest thing ever. Like he’s not just some guy with brown hair and pretty eyes.
“Yeah, I know, Jack. You don’t let anyone forget it.”
His eyes widen impishly, “People need to know.”
“Sure do,” you smile broadly; meaning it, also taking a bit of a jab at Alpine’s chronic ‘middle-of-the-pack’-ness without being too mean, “Where would Alpine be without you?”
He shrugs nonchalantly, “In the gutter, with Williams, probably.”
You both burst suddenly into a fit of laughter. Neither one of you leaning on the other, but close to it. You’re sure it looks suspicious— Oscar Piastri’s known best friend and Alpine’s reserve driver bent over and giggling with each other— but you can’t bring yourself to care.
Being around Jack is intoxicating.
He makes your head spin and your heart race and your chest feel like it’s got some yawning sun inside of it. When you’re with him you always want more. To hear him talk, to watch his expressions shift, to feel him, warm and there and next to you. It’s never enough.
You want you want you want,
He occupies your mind when he’s not around. You think back on your texts. Interactions that the two of you have had. How he looked on a certain day. If you’re being too annoying by replying to his Instagram stories—
It shouldn’t matter. It does anyway. You want him to like you, so desperately that there’s an ache pulsing in the middle of your chest. Right in the centre of your ribs.
Sometimes, you think he wants you to like him too.
You’re drunk on it— him, the laughter— it makes your fingers tingle when you look at him. Not sure if this is the Moment exactly, but feeling something in the air anyway. The way his mouth is parted, the way the corner of it lifts. It’s not the Something, but it is something. Or at least it’s something until,
well, until Oscar—
Oscar who comes barreling over like there’s not palpable electricity between you and Jack right now.
“Hey man,” he says, as you’re watching them dap each other up like Oscar isn’t totally ruining any chance to flirt further with the Alpine reserve driver. You roll your eyes covertly. Huff audibly when Oscar drags you away for PR duties. Send Jack a beaming smile over your shoulder anyway, get one in return that makes you all warm and fuzzy and hopeful.
Oscar side eyes you, “Why do you look all red?”
You raise an eyebrow, hair flicking into your own face as you snap your head to look at him, “Excuse me?”
He gestures at his own face, then points at yours, “Dunno. You’re all red. Did you say something embarrassing to Jack? He probably doesn’t care—”
“Oh my god,” you cut him off, “Are you that blind?”
He frowns, furrows his eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
You jut a thumb at Alpine hospitality in the distance, careful to keep your voice low, “You don’t think there was something back there? Like between Jack and I?”
Oscar stares at you for a long moment. Dumbfounded. Utterly confused. So much so that you begin to get annoyed at his silence. What does it say that your boy-best-friend can’t even imagine a guy having a crush on you? Are you really that insane for thinking Jack might?
“You and Jack?” he asks.
“Jack and I,” you repeat, tone clipped.
He’s quiet for another long second. Then he’s shaking his head like it’s the most absurd thing he’s ever heard,
“No,” he’s saying in that way that’s trying to sound like a maybe but betrays his true feelings on the matter.
You scoff indignantly, then shove him hard enough that he stumbles into a wall. He’ll eat his words one day, you know it.
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hope u guys enjoyed🥺
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ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU drabble - Moving
Hello I am back and I got another idea for this little silly au that I have @spotaus to thank for for the original idea :3 Though I think this may be officially becoming one of my AUs hahahaha
First part Prev Part Next part
Also yes. I know it would work better to number these uploads but also i am not writing these in any set order so it will become miserable for all of us if i number them because either they will be out of order or I will have to rework all the names and I am already editing links I don't need that extra energy in my life.
Next part! The one I lovingly clal in my head - The one where the gang finds a more permanent temporary home. (also yes. Before this they all speed-run the whole Parental bonding and emotional bonding to the idea of having a babybones. Which honestly can and probably will make four different drabbles)
Horror stares at the door and wonders once again how he got to this point.
Well, no. That is a lie. He knows exactly how he got to his point.
He glances over his shoulder where the other four at hiding off to the side. Out of view from the doorway but still visable for Horror if he looks just right. Seems like Dust won the discussion, again, and is holding Nightmare, again.
Horror wants to say it is surprising how quickly they all just... accepted the situation they got into but he really isn't. Monsters are weird like that. Forced adoption is not that wild all things considered when you are talking about beings made of magic and emotions.
Horror stares at the door and raises his hand before knocking twice.
He really hadn't wanted to do this but they have no other choice. As he waits he can't help but think back to what made them decide this.
Cross walks from side to side "That was way to close! That was the third time we came across the Stars with Nightmare out. Third!"
Killer nods from where he is sitting wiht the sleeping Nightmare in his lap "Yeah no kidding. It is annoying as shit that they are hunting us."
Dust shrugs "Not surprising. Nightmare 'disappeared' after all. We are their only lead."
Killer grins "We were lucky Cross managed to lie his way out of the last one." and he shoots Cross a wink.
Cross sputters "I panicked!"
Killer grins and winks "Sure sure daddy crossy."
Horror holds up his hands between his two... co-parents "This is not the time. We need to figure out where we can go." and he thinks things over.
Cross sighs "I don't get how they keep finding us!"
Dust huffs as he packs their bags "We go to too little universes. Makes it easy for Ink and Dream to pick us out because they recognise us personally."
Killer frowns "Meaning. we need a big universe?" he taps his chin "But also mostly positive as we still don't know how obvious Nightmare would be otherwise."
Cross frowns "I think it will be fine. He can't feel the balance anymore right? And no one seems to have a reaction to him like they had before nor how people have a reaction to Dream's aura thing. Maybe with the corruption gone he really is just... ex-guardian now?"
Killer groans "I hope so. I am not a fan of child labor."
That is when it hits him. Horror sits up "I think I know a place."
All of them turn to him and he immediantly regrets saying anything. See? This is why he normally tries to limit what he says.
Either way. Here they are now and Horror prays this works. Please. They need one thing to work in their favor.
The door opens and a gasp "Horror! It has been ages! It is great to see you. How have you been?" Crop smiles at him.
Horror steels his nerves. Come on. Too much hangs on this moment "Hey Crop. Nice to see you. I am... okay. How are you?"
Crop frowns at him instantly "You sure? You don't sound okay. Trouble at home?"
Horror chuckles "Kinda? Not exactly. Euh... Can't go back to that place now?"
Crop frowns "Why? Need a place to stay? I got a spare room."
Okay yes! this is going great! just... gotta make sure he knows.
Horror nods "I do need a room. Not just for me though..." Crop starts to frown and Horror raises his hands "Just temporarily!"
Crop frowns "Did... something go wrong?"
Horror pauses and thinks this through once more. He trusts Crop. Crop has never been anything but kind even when Horror had been an ass. Even when he had to once drag Dust here to get healing before they could make the jump back home.
Horror looks to the side and he sees the others just beyond the treeline, hidden in shadows and waiting. Crop takes a look as well but he can't quite spot them. Crop looks back up at him.
Horror takes a deep breath "You need... to promise me, no not just promise you need to swear. That what you are about to learn will not leave this universe."
Crop frowns as he immediantly looks uncomfortable. It is the reaction a promise gets from most of them. But Crop also shoots him a considering look before he nods. He holds out a hand "I swear and promise I will not share the about to be giving information. UNLESS! It endangers anyone." and he waits.
Horror stares at the hand and thinks. That... That is fine right? That should be fine. Nightmare being a child doesn't endanger anyone. Only them and Nightmare. Horror nods and shakes the hand.
Crop nods and steps aside "Come inside. I bet you will be more comfortable explaining there." he glances at the forest "Do your... friends? Want to come in too?" a guess clearly. probably on multiple fronts.
Horror shakes his skull "Not yet. Need to know your answer and reaction first." He turns to the forest and makes a signal to wait a bit longer. He sees a thumbs up shot his way back. Probably Killer. He never bothered with the signals they had learned together.
Crop nods as he steps aside and Horror walks in, having to duck slightly for the door. The door closes behind him and Horror sees the small living room with fireplace.
Crop leads him to the kitchen "Lets talk there. I will get some tea."
A few minutes later they are both seated and with a cup of tea. Crop looks at him expectingly.
Horror takes a deep breath and takes out their most valuable resourch. The Dreamtale book. And places it on the table. Crop frowns at it before looking at Horror.
Horror nods to it "It will help explain... Very long story short... Nightmare was never an adult. He was a child with a magical shield of some type. That magic has ran out."
Crop stares at him for a moment, then he pulls the book closer and starts reading it. He pauses at the title before opening it.
And now he waits.
Crop sits wiht his skull in his hands. Horror just sits across from him, with his empty cup of tea. Crop's own cup has grown cold a long time ago. Horror just waits for anymore questions but Crop hasn't said anyhting in the last ten minutes.
Horror looks back at the book and sees that Crop has turned the pages back to the one with the drawing of Nightmare's head being cracked open. The image makes a very clear show on how small Nightmare was compared to the ones attacking him.
Horror still thinks the book doesn't do it justice. Nightmare is much smaller in person than the picture makes him seem. The cracks had been much worse than the picture showed. But it is the closest they got.
Crop finally sighs and speaks. He doesn't look away from the picture "I don't... Know a lot about this whole... multiverse stuff. It isn't my place at all. And that is fine." he pauses for a moment "But this... You are telling me... That the one being that had everyone afraid. That everyone saw as a demon. Is a child... is this child?"
Horror nods before he explains more "Nightmare... gained a lot of magic and powers when he ate those apples. At least that is what the story implied. We haven't managed to get him to tell us yet, mostly because well... he is six again." Crops pulls a face as well, yeah. Horror agrees. A PTSD filled six year old is not easy. But they are managing.
Horror nods "so... What Cross nad Dust think what happened is that... The magic and negativity of the apples bond itself to Nightmare. Which game him the magic and powers he would use. The connection to the balance because the apples were part of the balance. and more importantly, an adult form and mind to fit all the magic. There was just no way all that magic and energy would have fit a babybones. Especially one that hadn't shown much magic beforehand." an assumption on their end as Nightmare was never said to use magic in the book.
"We think... We think that this magic of the apples just. ran out. We had been in battle at the time and Nightmare had been hit but it shouldn't have had that much of an effect. it was the same type of attack he had been hit by before. Dust thinks it was just the last bit of magic that the apples had having run out. Meaning that with the magic and energy so went the form." all a theory of course. But it is the only thing they have.
Crop nods as he clearly thinks "And as he was suddenly an adult. instead of just being afraid and scared. all that pain and emotions took a more violent turn. As he was an adult and was suddenly able to realise that it was unfair which made him angry..." Crop pauses.
Crop glares back at the table and shakes his skull "It is... It is a whole story about victim blaming. A victim is blamed for the abuse they suffered. They are made to believe they deserve it and should be abused. Then as soon as they fight back and defend themselves they are seen as guilty." Crop takes adeep breath as he leans back "What I don't get... Why come here? I can't help with any of this."
Horror shakes his skull "This isn't about any of the big stuff. We don't even care about it. We just... Nightmare is himself again. His real self." he taps the page lightly "Not his aged-up self that the corruption enabled him to be."
Crop stares before his face changes to shock "You are trying to hide him." Then a frown "Why not go to your own home? Has it been compromised?"
Horror snorts "At this point? probably." a confused look and Horror continues "Nightmare used his magic to shield off an universe and make a castle." he shrugs at the glance "Nightmare likes to read. I imagine he liked to read back then too. He may have been an adult technically but he was still a child at soul. Child him wanted a home and wanted that to be a castle and adult him made it happen... probably... that is Killer's theory at the moment."
Crop laughs and nods "Suonds reasonable- oh... and with his magic disappearing."
Horror sighs "When I left his universe the castle had already been decaying..."
Crop frowns "Left? The five of you you mean?"
Horror looks to the side and feels the shame return "We.... we did not react well... when we saw the changes at first... we... we obviously dind't know what was going on and well." he looks down "We abandoned him. I know it was wrong and stupid and we all regret it. We came back but we still did it." shame.
shame shame shame shame shame shame shame-
A hand on his shoulder. Horror glances up and Crop smiles at him "It is okay. You are trying to fix it now right? obviously. Not cool that you abandoned a child... but it can be nerve wrecking. Suddenly going from a position where a person is mostly guiding you, to going to a position where you suddenly are responsible over that same person."
Horror looks to the side "We still left." he can't believe they just left!
Crop nods "But you returned." he grins "And you are trying to fix it."
Horror nods again "We are..." he chuckles "Not that we have been doing a good job at it. Jumping from place to place."
Crop hums "So you are looking to settle, at least for a little bit, while also hidding. Why this universe?"
Horror nods "Yeah..." He looks to the side "We... we don't know how everyone will react. To him being like this. Maybe they will react well. Maybe not. We don't want to risk it. Risk him."
Crop stares at him for a long time and nods "There must be better places?"
Horror shakes his skull "The Stars kept finding us. Dust figured out we needed a big universe that leans towards positive. Yours is one of those. It is one of the wider and bigger ones. And overall leaning towards positive."
Crop frowns "It can't be the best one..."
Horror shrugs but continues "True... there are bigger and more positive ones. But those are busy. Many people. many places. Yours is quieter. more empty. Gives peace and room to work from."
Crop frowns as he taps his chin. He thinks deeply before sighing "You guys got any type of backstory we can use? The multiverse thing isn't a known thing here and the only reason my brother and I know is because you crash landed here."
Horror blinks "You will let us stay?"
Crop nods "Sure." and he grins "Can't kick out four parents with a babybones." and he gets up.
Horrro shakes his skull "That isn't... Well I mean technically." He knows that Killer has come close to killing quite a few people with how protective he has grown over Nightmare and that isn't even including the motherhenning of Cross nor the clinginess that Dust has.
Crop chuckles as he nods towards the stairs "The attic is messy and should be cleaned but can be used by you four, well five. There is an old bed and an old lounge chair up there." more thoughtful "How big is he exactly? we will need some clothes. Probably also get a healer to check him if he is developing okay after all those magical shenanigans."
Horror stares for a moment before smiling "Thank you... I know it is a lot."
Crop shrugs as he opens the linnen closet "Horror. Taking care of milking all the cows on your own is a lot. Having to fix your roof in the middle of a thunderstorm is a lot." He straightens his spine with blankets in his arms "Helping a friend and his friends who have somehow aqcuired a babybones, while strange, does not compare to either of those. Now get your friends out of those woods. They will make the animals nervous." he grins "I am excited to be one of the first ones to meet the real Nightmare."
Horror smiles as he packs his book and goes towards the door. "Thanks again Crop."
Crop waves it off as he moves the piles upstairs.
Boom! and they are staying in FarmTale for now! Horror and Crop are homies and Dust is more of an acquaintance of Crop but it works. Aged-up Nightmare knew that Horror had an universe he liked to visit but never demanded details. *shrugs* Nightmare didn't see the point. as long as horror wasn't going to betray him what did it matter he didn't tell him?
Surprise Nightmare, this is your temporary home now. For a bit. or maybe longer? They are still figuring it out.
First part Prev Part Next part
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uhohdad · 3 months
the way ur so sweet to us anons actually makes me melt and feel safe tysm for everything you do ur my fav könig writer
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ily <3 <3 <3 🩷💕💗🩷💗💕🩷
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phthalology · 3 months
ok, now I’ve won the space war
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kathbunny · 1 year
Kyana pressed a kiss to Sunny's little forehead, the little dragon chirping up at her and sticking out their little tongue.
Kyana giggled at that, leaning down to give Sunny another little forehead kiss, only for Sunny to put their little claws on her cheeks.
"Hmm..? What are you doing, Sunny?" Kyana smiled at the little dragon.
Sunny bumped their little nose against Kyana's nose, chirping at her.
"Aww.." Kyana cooed.
Sunny, invigorated by the response, licked Kyana's nose before going back to just sitting in Kyana's hands, their tail seeming to wag.
Kyana gave Sunny the second forehead kiss.
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amtrak12 · 2 months
Okay yeah, I'm really glad I signed up for this Seasons of Drabbles challenge. It was a little difficult to switch away from Lucifer and to another fandom, but also really fun! I wish I had more time and energy to spare for it, because there's at least two other prompts I would love to write a treat for.
Unfortunately, I also have a new Lucifer WIP chapter due this week :( So it's just the one drabble for me, but I will definitely be signing up for the fall session later this year! Maybe I'll be able to write more drabbles at that time. 🤞
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What If? Kacy canon-divergent drabble #1
Wrote a Kacy drabble in 3 hours. Inspired by this post and this post.
Lucy's POV, 2nd. Angst (minimal) with happy ending.
It’s too much, all at once. She is singing to you, and it's too much.
You’ve always been like this. You feel too much, and don’t know what to do, how to respond with all that emotions swirling in your chest, your stomach, the tips of your fingers. So you do the first thing you think of then.
You walk away.
(You will later regret it.)
That night, once you get home and wash the day off of you, you think about secrets and vulnerability and the way she looks at you in the lights and the smiles she reserves for you behind closed doors and…you want to talk to her.
But it’s 1am and you think after the day you both had you figure you can call her the next day. You fall asleep, knowing you will hear her voice tomorrow. 
(You forgot to tell her she has a nice voice, when she bared her soul and sang to you. You will also regret that.)
You call her and for the first time ever, she doesn’t pick up right away. You fumble through a voicemail and go about your day with a nervous energy that reminds you of your first day at work.
Monday comes and still no response. You try not to let it get to you, but you can’t help but worry. It’s unlike her.
(You realize that even when you were butting heads with DIA Officer Whistler, she had never left you hanging like this.)
You come into the office and ignore the questioning look from Jesse and Kai. Tennant just raises one eyebrow, and you shrug. You don’t know what to say. You go down to Ernie’s lair to deliver his coffee. You don’t expect him to say-
“Hey, about what happened at the party, with the tall blonde FBI Special Agent, I didn’t think she would take it literally. Sorry. How are you feeling?”
“What do you mean you ‘didn’t think she would take it literally’?”
“I,” it’s rare when Ernie doesn’t seem to know what to say, “I may have…told her to? I told her to go big or go home and may have suggested serenading as a way. I didn’t think she would go for it!”
“What? Why would you do that?” you find anger rising in your chest, not because of Ernie’s meddling, but because you expect him to know you better, to know that you might not respond to that positively.
“Because!” he raises his voice, not angry, just trying to explain, “because you love her, Lucy. I know you. I know you do. And I don’t understand why you’re denying yourself of what you can have with Whistler. And because she loves you too.”
“You don’t know that.”
“That you love her? Or that she loves you?”
“You don’t know her as much as you know me. As I know her.”
“Are you sure about that? Because I can tell you with 100% certainty that she loves you.”
“How?” you hate how defeated you sound. You don’t know what you want anymore. You want to figure it out, to have an actual conversation with Kate, but here you are again, talking to everybody but Kate. 
Then he shows you the video. You look at her and can’t help but be amazed at her determination, at her vulnerability, at her love. Her love for you.
(A week after the Pearl Harbor celebration, you were both under the cover at her place, and she told you, through tears that turned into sobs, how she was never lonely because of Noah, how it was them two against the world, how scared she was when he was deployed overseas, and how she was a shell of a person after he died. You thought this was the most fragile she was in front of you, and you thanked her, for trusting you enough with this part of her, for telling you a history you were sure she didn’t want reminded of, and you tried to comfort her with soft touch and kisses.)
(And now, now she shared that part, even just a glimpse of it, to a stranger - an enemy, to coworkers, all so she could help you. And yes secrets are bad and you two will still need to have that conversation, but in this moment you know more than ever that you’re in love with this woman.)
A text from Tennant telling you both to go up startles you, and you realize you are crying. You wipe your tears and fix your make-up, and dare Ernie to say anything. He stays quiet, but his eyes are understanding.
When you go up to the bullpen, you all meet a new FBI Special Agent, one who says things like “Special Agent Whistler is on a special assignment” and “I will be the FBI liaison for the time being” and “no I don’t know how long this assignment will take.”
You think about your unreturned call and voicemail, and how her face fell when you walked away, and the ground feels like it’s opening up under you. You run on autopilot for the rest of the day to the team’s worried looks, with quiet anxiety beneath your skin.   
She’ll be fine, you think. You think about fractured ribs and minor head trauma and-
She’ll be fine.
You see her again three weeks later in the hospital. You don’t know what happened, can barely register the voices around you, just something about a bomb, and shrapnels. You think about that night under the cover, when she told you about Noah and how she would follow him anywhere. You pray she doesn’t, not now, not there.
You keep your eyes to the ground, ignoring Tennant and Curtis talking in a quiet voice, and the man sitting five feet away from you, who is apparently the freaking Director of the NSA, who “borrowed” Kate for a secret mission with one of his teams. Something snaps in you. You turn to him and your voice is low, containing nothing but anger and hurt and how he shouldn’t have taken an FBI agent, should just have used his people, should have looked after her better. Tennant tries to stop her, and Curtis looks uncomfortable, but the stupid Director just looks at her with quiet understanding, and says-
“I’m sorry.” and “You love her.” and when you don’t respond, has the audacity to reassure you. “She will be okay. She’s tough.” like he knows anything about her.
(Later on, when Kate is okay, and awake in a hospital bed with you right by her side, he will walk in to check in on her, a teddy bear in his hand, which he hands to her with a I love you, get well soon, Katie and Kate will explain to you how she used to hug a teddy bear when she was sick or hurt as a kid, and that he’s her father. You are still trying to process this.)
(She also tells you how she has called her father sobbing in an emotional breakdown about you, and he has suggested she comes to work on a case with him to take her mind off of you and take her away from the debacle she created that night. You shouldn’t have walked away.)
When the doctor comes out and says that she’s okay, and is expected to make a full recovery, you sag with relief. Kai hands you a water and some food. You sit by her bedside all night long.
A few days later, when she wakes up, you talk to her. You kiss her, like how you should have done that night, and you apologize. She smiles the smile only for you, and says it’s okay, because you’re here now and that’s all that matters. It shouldn’t be, but at the end of the day, you love her and she loves you and oh, isn’t that all that matters? 
(She will tell you how she hates being out of her comfort zone. You nod, you know this, because Kate tends to stick to things she knows. She will tell you how being with you makes her uncomfortable, because she is not used to an actual serious relationship, not used to being emotionally vulnerable, not used to sharing herself, but with you, oh with you she is willing to be uncomfortable, as long as you’re there. Because the reward is worth all the discomfort. You kiss her, and tell her how she lights a fire in you ever since that night at the bar.)
In another universe, that night you would walk away and Kate would be gone. In another universe, you would stop her and kiss her right there and then. In this universe, you walked away, but you still got her, forever and always. 
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The final season of Ghosts highly likely will be the season of changes so I've been imagining tons of parallels that would echo to other seasons' routines to show the evolution, and here's how I picture the beginning of the season:
Alison wakes up like every morning with the sounds of Button house (for example, Fanny casually falling off the window, or Kitty and Thomas arguing on who has the right to greet Alison at the door for a good morning, even though they can totally be heard already lol) and Mike gets up when she gets up.
With a yawn Alison walks to the window and takes the stopwatch nearby, but when she looks through the window she doesn't see the Captain at the ready next to his obstacle course he and Alison spent so much fun and time making for him.
She's intrigued then suddenly she panics; she barges out of the room, leaving Mike, Kitty and Thomas with wide eyes as she zooms to the stairs. She doesn't find him in the living room. She passes by Julian and Robin in the kitchen, who are talking about breakfast eggs, and she asks them urgently where the Captain is.
"That's weird, I haven't seen him leave his room this morning", says Julian.
Alison hurries to the Captain's room, and wishes that she won't find it empty.
Not now, not like this, not after everything they went through. Moving on is beautiful and such an achievement, but she was not ready--
She barges open and find the Captain laying on the bed, on his back, calm, serene, his hands joined in his middle. He turns to her with questioning eyes.
"Good morning Alison."
She breathes out and chuckles. "I thought you were getting sucked off."
The Captain widens his eyes, and looks down to his legs and general posture. Then up at her, his panic and confusion beyond the perception that her chuckle was out of relief to see he was still a ghost.
"Oh." He realized. "No, Alison, I wasn't. I'm still, uh... Here."
She smiled at his choice of words, taking her breathing again, then frowned with a smile at his state. "Are you okay?"
"Why yes."
That was the most suspicious answer, so Alison went on. "You weren't at the obstacle course this morning. Why? Do you want to change it?"
"No, it's perfect the way it is." He answered, since he always inspects it to the millimeter before and after he's done running.
"Then why are you still in bed?"
The other ghosts finally join her, confused, and silently catch up with the conversation. The Captain realizes the attention on him, and slightly looks away with a bit of embarrasment.
"I uh. I decided that I would do nothing today."
Alison is astonished.
"No... Keeping yourself busy?"
The ghosts are as shocked as her, their silence renewed.
"...Nope." Replies the Captain, his 'p' exaggerated.
Everyone finds it weird, and worrying, and grow concerned. To light up the mood, and because Alison kept staring at his posture, she smiles and says:
"Really? Because you seem very tense."
The Captain clenches even harder than he was on his military stick. "I'm not."
The ghosts smile or nods in agreement, some sighing.
"You definitely are tense." Says Fanny.
"I'm not tense at all!" Retorts the Captain, clearly tense, his tone waving.
"You more tense that hunted deer." Noted Robyn.
Alison finds the whole situation very funny, and gestures to the ghosts to follow her. "Well, do as you please, if you want to do nothing and stay in bed all day, fine, but we're going to have breakfast downstairs. See ya."
They all make a show at following Alison in the corridor with smiles.
They leave and there's a long silence.
"......Wait!" Eventually exclaims the Captain in a crooked voice, and he jumps out of bed, hoping he'll make it in time to count the toaster's timer.
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need all these levi’s to provide me the strength to continue writing thru this brain fog
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willowser · 2 years
okay i just have to link to this art by nooepkt on twitter because it. is. everything to meeee ✨️
he's so handsome !! 🥺 and i have this vision that you meet by chance and it's not that you're wealthy or high-class by any means, but you know who you are and you hold yourself to a certain standard. a little proper, maybe, because there are so many in your little town that are drunks and thieves and you just try to make do as best you can. and i think you have dreams !! 🥺 of being a painter and seeing the world 🥺 lands and horizons you couldn't afford to ever look upon as a single young woman 🥺
and then here comes this man, right, some guardsman to the governor 😒 and you know these types !! all slimy and sleazy and more wicked than they appear — but this one, strangely, has a lot to say about your paintings. knows a lot about pastels and rococo, even mentions a french artist or two that you happen to admire. and you're floored !! because there aren't many you can talk about art with, that are cultured !!
oh, oh, and you're sketching out the fluffy waves of a calm shore and he moves to correct you, kindly informing you that,
"she ain't quiet like that, the sea," voice low and rough and right over your shoulder, drawing goosebumps up your spine. "a wild thing, alive with the spirits of dead men and the sirens that drug 'em down."
and it's because he's so close that, when you turn to look at him, you can see clearly the scar over his eye and the tattoos that trail down his neck and into his coat. and his hair is tied neatly back, but it's so — red, and the gold hoops in his ears gleam as the sun sets behind you both.
and then bells are being rung !! shots fired !! because a body has been found, stripped of his uniform, and one of the govenors ships is sailing out !! you're so caught up in the panic in town that you lose him for a second, but then you find him standing at the edge of the sea wall, freeing his wild hair before covering it with a tri-corn hat, winking at you once before diving over the edge.
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walkinginland · 1 year
why did no one tell me that when you write a drabble and you're at 102 words and you have to find a way to cut those two words it's like making a blood sacrifice of your own children
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the-expatriate · 2 years
((I'm gonna share a snippet of something I wrote a few years back but it never became a thing.
It's part of Pari's story, but it's much further down the road and it's if she went down the path of really getting at her ex's gang associates. It's also dark as hell. Enjoy! -
From outside of the small shed was the sound of someone tipping something onto it. A fluid, dousing the sides of the wooden construction and the roof of it.
Inside of the structure was one of Mr Kingsley's head enforcers. He'd been knocked out after Pari had came across him, but then again it was fairly easy considering
Pari knew the 'gentleman' had a weakness for strong drink and a pretty face. Not to mention, given Pari had changed her hair, she looked nothing like the blonde haired and perfectly dressed lady she used to be.
He stirred, smelling the petrol that had not only been liberally doused on the shed, but also on him.
He tried to fumble for his phone, tried to wriggle out of the restraints. But he wasn't having any luck.
The shed was in an abandoned area, far from prying eyes and far from being recognised. But one thing he did recognise was the almost cheerful voice from the other side of the shed.
"You're thinking this is personal, but I assure you. It isn’t! But the thing is, you stuck with him during some of the most disgusting shit he'd done. And that's not even starting on what he did to me."
A little huff as she tossed the empty can and flicked a disposable lighter on, taking a light to a stray piece of wood that she'd use as another torch. Still while wearing gloves that didn't give away any fingerprints.
"You'll only feel the faintest flicker of my wrath. The real rage is reserved for someone else! And so it only remains for me to say to you meat-headed, diabolical cunt.."
She paused once more, smirking at what she was about to do.
"Brace yourself!"
With that, she tossed the flaming wood towards the shed and took a step back as the shed started to catch fire. And for a moment, she'd watched before removing the goon's phone from her pocket and taking a picture of the flaming shed once it had became an inferno.
Of course, she'd sent it to Robert.
[Hello :) xx]
And then that was tossed into the flames in turn.
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duskofendflame · 1 year
You stare up at the impressive structure of the monastery as you wait. You’ve seen plenty of large buildings before, but cathedrals like this are rare back where you come from. And you are always so curious about things that you have not seen before. It’s impressive, and beautiful. A lovely backdrop to the boredom that threatens to succumb you. The bustling of the churchgoers keeps your mind occupied, curious eyes observing everyone that they can.
The cold stone thumps against your bare feet as you shuffle awkwardly in place. How much longer are you meant to wait anyway? You are eager to be able to explore your new environment.
“Lord Corrin?” Your head jolts up quickly as someone calls out your name, ruby eyes quickly snapping to attention. The monk looks kind, but you have learned that is not exactly a perfect judge of character. You still want to be able to trust people, want to believe anyone you come across, but you know now that appearances are not always exactly as they seem. But for now, you have no reason to want to distrust the man. So you stand, and smile brightly.
“Yes, that’s me! I suppose you are the one I was waiting for then? The interviewer?” The monk nods gently and you move to follow him as he directs you to a room off of the corridor. You laugh softly to yourself, ready to get started upon this new adventure.
“Please, sit Lord Corrin.” You quickly do as told, staring ahead at your interviewer with wide eyes, curious about what he will even ask you. You’ve never been interviewed before, but maybe it will be a little bit fun!
“Alright then, allow us to get started. What has led you to where you are today?” Oh! So this was the kind of thing that would be asked. You could surely handle this. You smile, thinking back on the path you have followed. You think you were right in the end, but there was still more than you could have done for the world, a little bit less loss you could have prevented. You know the path you had chosen was right, that your actions in the end were the only thing you could have done without losing any more family than you had to.
“The path I was led down was because of the love I held for my family, to be able to unite the two extremes that I called home. That love is still what leads me, to know that the choices I make are correct.” Your eyes are bright as you speak of your family. They are what makes you confident that your choices have always been correct, that the path that you followed was the right one - for both yourself and everyone else.
“Thank you for your insight Lord Corrin. Moving on, What are your greatest strengths? Greatest weaknesses?” 
“Hrm… well for strengths, I’d certainly say my ability to trust those around me! I’m also quite good at thinking on my feet! Or at least I’d like to think I am!” You laugh, running a sheepish hand through your hair. It is your weaknesses that are not so easy for you to admit. To be able to speak your insecurities is not easy, you would not want to betray any of the expectations that are set upon you. To admit that you feel as though you are inadequate compared to others in your life, it is truly hard.
“My weaknesses… I… I tend to have trouble with larger forces on the battlefield, but my only true weakness is my inexperience. I hope that teaching here at the academy and any other parts of life will help me be able to grow out of that inexperience.” You know you are not as strong, nor as smart, as people may expect by looking at you. But with time, you also know that you will improve.
“Thank you again Lord Corrin. Finally, If your life was a storybook, what role would you play?” You perk up instantly, compared to the intensity of the last question, this is easy. Your own life already felt much like it was the story of a hero, of a fantasy that you never could have dreamed of when you were a child.
“I’d like to think that I’d be the princely hero who saves everyone! But perhaps that is just an ideal that I cannot hope to ever embody. It’s a nice dream, a nice story, for a book though!” Your story has really only truly just begun, so you cannot truly tell what your role will be in the end. Only time can tell, until your fate has become determined. A fate that will always lead you down the right path, of that you are at least sure.
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queenharumiura · 2 months
Send 'small things' for three memories my character has with yours that they hold dear, of moments that seemed insignificant at first, but became magical later. (from Dera, your choice of verse)
[Original] ||Accepting|| @whiskeysmulti Verse chosen: Default, bc more for me to work off of.
There were a lot of memories that Haru had with Gokudera over the many years that they've known each other, but there were some memories that felt different when looking back on them now.
Haru and her mother always took turns making bento for the day, and during the time she had fallen in love with Tsuna, she'd always put forth the extra effort to make a love-packed lunch for him. It was part of her love language, to enjoy feeding people.
Somewhat like a grouchy cat on the streets that hardly accepted foods from strangers until it grew to trust you, she would make more food for the others and he'd sit down and eat with everyone. The only times he didn't is if Bianchi was involved. Maybe it's a bit silly to say, but it always brings her a smile if she cooks some curry and Gokudera comments that it tastes good.
She still wonders to this day if he was being a tsundere or otherwise when making the comment that anyone could make curry. (Don't worry, he did get seconds if he asked for it. Haru wasn't that petty) Maybe he doesn't remember the comment, but she recalls it with fondness, because it's interesting how differently he responds to her cooking now. What is it, a gap moe, sort of? It's cute!
Gokudera has always been what many would call- UMA Freak. There's no other way of looking at it. He loved the unorthodox and the moment anything UMA related was brought up, he would go raving about all the information he gathered about them.
Whether or not they actually exist is something Haru is skeptical about, but she usually lets him ramble on about it. Lambo usually was the one who would come up to Gokudera to ask about a random UMA. The child occasionally would search up information and try to stump Gokudera with trivia information-- not that he's ever succeeded yet. The guy really is a UMA-maniac.
There was a time when they were in the future timeline where 'Nessie' was found and the news was televised. She'd never seen Gokudera so excited about anything that wasn't Tsuna related. He didn't stop talking about it for a bit. It was fascinating to watch him so enthusiastic about something.
Japan has a large population of monster enthusiasts, so there is a bit of overlap between him and them. So when Nessie was found, there was a lot of Nessie trinkets to be found in stores. When shopping for some supplies with Kyoko, she happened to find a small keychain of Nessie and bought it because she thought of him.
She walked up to his room and knocked on the door to hand him the keychain. She can't remember exactly what she said, but it may have been something along the lines of 'So what's the deal with this Nessie anyways?' and that's how she got dragged into listening to the history of the Loch Ness Monster aka Nessie. Thinking back on it now, it's actually kind of cute to see him get so hyped about UMA. It's like you get to see a bit of the boyish charm that he keeps hidden because of his tough boy attitude.
She wouldn't call them insignificant moments, but they were frequent moments. Gokudera had seen Bianchi's face (again) and then passed out (again). It was the usual protocol of setting him aside somewhere to get rest as he recovers from the trauma response of seeing Bianchi's face. Sometimes they'd lay a blanket over him on the days that were a bit chilly.
It was so common that everyone didn't question it if Gokudera suddenly falls over and passes out. The first thought that would come to the forefront of everyone's mind would be: 'Bianchi is here without a mask on.'
One day, Haru felt bad that he kept missing out on the festivities everyone else was enjoying so she'd stay near him on the off chance he'd wake up. She'd offer him something to eat or to drink.
Somehow, one day, it just became a habit. If Gokudera passes out, you could expect Haru to stay nearby to check in on him and make sure he's doing okay. Sometimes she'd lend him her lap as he's out cold. It was always unfortunate that this happens because of a traumatic response, but she always hopes that waking up with company makes it a bit less 'sucky' as they'd say.
She has the habit now of smiling at him, "Good morning~" when he does finally wake up. The first time he woke up using her lap as a pillow, the look of confusion was rather cute-- but she won't tell him that. Maybe that's why she continued to do so afterwards.
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amarantoestrella · 9 months
I understand why people want to follow someone with a masterlist, but whenever I try to make one it seems pointless lol
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