#this comic was also an excuse to draw Jeff once again
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Vanny gets her sleepy FNAF guys mixed up,,
#myart#chloesimagination#comic#fnaf#five nights at freddy's#fnaf fanart#security breach#mike schmidt#jeff fnaf#fnaf movie#into the pit#I can imagine Vanny for a moment mistaking Jeff for Mike#and feeling so embarrassed she clocked this random man#BUT ITS OKAY#Jeff is use to to being called names actually#he’s very prepared for it#IT DOESNT even phase him anymore#he works with greasy pizza course he’d be greasy too#he didn’t even care being called the wrong name#he just enjoyed being noticed at all honestly#been a bit since I’ve last drawn Vanny and Mike#maybe I’ll do a new comic of em soon 💜#this comic was also an excuse to draw Jeff once again#me and ALLL my homies love Jeff 🩵🩵
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Everyone should try doing standup
It’s amazing what trying to be funny on stage can teach you
First, this isn’t a “yeah, and then you’d see how hard it is” post. I think that most reasonable people can intuit that being funny on stage in front of strangers is really hard. Since I assume people are reasonable, I’m not going to explain that part.
What I am going to talk about is what doing local amateur (okay, I got paid once, but I don’t think I’m really a “professional” comedian yet) standup can do in terms of helping you communicate better in all sorts of settings that have nothing to do with standup.
Know Your Material
If any of you have been to a local open mic night, (and if you haven’t you should, they’re really cool), you’ve seen the person who’s not done a lot, if any comedy before and figured they’d wing it. It is rare that it works out well for them. Being able to just walk on stage and riff off of whatever pops into your head and be funny to a group of random people, especially if you’re a n00b is hard. Like “Never played guitar before doing the solo from “My Sharona” perfectly” hard.
What you learn, and what I’ve learned is that the folks who are the funniest work the hardest. They think about their material. Not just the basic joke, but the arc of it. Should it be a short ‘in and out’, should it be part of a longer story? What about this is the funny bit? Is it a formal punchline? Is it the entire story? How do I end this? I’ve had stories that are funny in the middle, but the ending just sucks, because they don’t really end as much as I move on to something else. The person I think is the funniest in my local standup scene is also the hardest-working person in the room. That’s not coincidence.
You have to think about what you’re going to say, why you’re going to use this instead of that. I imagine everyone reading this can think of a dozen meetings or presentations where you wish to $DEITY that the person had thought about what they’re saying and why a lot more. Or at all.
In any situation, be it a presentation at a conference, or talking in an office, or in a bar, thinking about what you’re saying, and why you’re saying it is critical. What’s the point? What are you trying to say? How will the person you’re talking to take it…which brings us to:
Just because it makes sense to you…
One of the hardest things about standup is that you’re trying to read minds. Literally. You’re trying to figure out what a random group of strangers is going to find funny. It absolutely forces you to step outside yourself and (brutally) evaluate what you’re saying and how you’re saying it because it has to be funny to people who aren’t you, who may be nothing like you. There’s no second chances on stage. You’ve either figured that out correctly, or you suck.
Again, if we look at some of the more spectacular public comedy flameouts, you can see what happens when you guess wrong, or forget that it’s not just you and that asshole of a heckler, it’s the entire room. Or world. (Thanks YouTube!) You have to think about all the aspects of your material including places where it crosses the line from being humor to being asshole.
One of the best examples here is something that is incredibly hard to pull off, but something that far too many people try for: The Funny Rape Joke, aka TFRJ. TFRJ is like a postdoc in terms of comedy. There’s very, very few ways it works, and sooooo many ways it fails. I’ve now seen…5–6(?) locals try it. I’ve seen one person, maybe two hit it well. A couple that have the potential of a legit funny joke in there, but keep snatching defeat from the jaws of victory because they aren’t thinking hard enough about it.
I’ll also say right now that I agree completely with George Carlin on one thing: anything can be funny. The potential for offense is not, in and of itself a reason to not do a joke, or at least not the sole reason. But just like wearing a speedo or a thong, just because you can doesn’t mean you should. One bit that I’ve done that works because I don’t actually cross any line is one that starts with “I’m no racist, but…” and turns into a diatribe on how we should just admit the “white people in charge” experiment is a complete failure, already. Riiiiight up to the edge, but then turn 90º at the last second.
If you’re going to stray into certain sensitive areas, like rape, race, etc., you have to be very, very sure about what you’re doing. Just because it’s funny in your head does not mean that room full of people is going to agree. If you’re not sure, maybe consider another joke.
Note: just because you are a part of the group you are making the joke about does not mean you get a free pass. I’ve seen black comedians fail when it comes to racial comedy almost as much as white comedians. Like TFRJ, racial comedy is postdoc-level stuff. Approach with care.
I see this in my ‘professional’ life all the time. Someone is talking and then you can see the moment the wrong part of their brain fires and they say something that’s just so…stupid. A great example was the kid at MacIT a few years ago. I’m standing there with my friend, N. Now, N. is one of the smartest people I know, degrees in Math and CompSci, decades of experience in the industry. She is smart as fuck. We were standing outside her employer’s booth in the little showcase area, and two teenaged boys come up and start talking.
At first, because dumb and a bit of sexist, they start assuming she’s a graphic designer. Sigh. She explains no, she’s a researcher, she does math and programming things all day long and can’t draw a stick figure. Dumbo’s friend goes “Oh, wow, that’s kind of cool”, and maybe won’t make assumptions based on gender again. Possible win! Dumbo however will not be dissuaded. For almost a half-hour he insists that she’s a designer. He is literally telling a grown adult, which he is not, what she does for a living, that she doesn’t even know how she earns her paycheck. That’s not even mansplaining, that’s just asssplaining.
And I am quite sure that in his head, all of his assery made sense. But to everyone else….not so much.
Note: This relentless refusal to accept reality is something that teenaged boys, in my experience, just do. I watched my son do this as a teenager over things that had nothing to do with gender, such as: the completely wrong way to mop a floor, why he was so cleaning the catbox correctly, planes do not work that way, and a remarkable attempt to justify not brushing his teeth for a week…teenaged boys don’t just back themselves into corners, they slam into the corner at high speeds and their legs keep working because there’s a part of the corner they haven’t managed to wedge themselves into. It could have been a lifetime of being raised in background sexism. It could have also been that teenaged boys are just mind-bogglingly dumb and unable to back down ever. Both are equally likely and not mutually exclusive.
Thinking outside your own head, your own experience is vital in this world, and Standup teaches you that both brutally and quickly. Don’t be the guy who keeps trying to pull off the PTSD/Rape Victim joke. Sarah Silverman? Sure. You? Not so much. Which is another lead-in to…
Know your limitations
There are jokes I know I can do reasonably well, and jokes that I couldn’t hit if I had a joke-hitting machine. You don’t see Jeff Foxworthy trying to be the second coming of Pryor, nor do you see Sarah Silverman doing gentle jokes about “oh that husband of mine”. Any good comedian figures out, pretty quick, where their sweet spot is, and rarely move out of that. You didn’t see Carlin doing a lot of slapstick. I’ve seen folks doing jokes and material that would be hilarious…with someone else on stage. It’s kind of painful to watch.
Know what you’re good at. Know where your expertise ends. I’m probably a pretty good person to talk about a wide range of sysadmin issues. I’ve a wide breadth of experience in that field. But there’s no way you’re going to get me to talk about Agile Programming, or really, any kind of programming at all, because I’m not even vaguely qualified to speak on programming as a programming expert.
That doesn’t make me dumb, it makes me someone who is good at these things, but not those things, which is everybody. (Okay, everybody who is not Isaac Newton. That motherfucker was good at everything.) Knowing what you should not talk about is really, really important on stage, in the office, at the bar…well, everywhere. The old “if someone thinks you’re an idiot, don’t open your mouth and prove them right” saying applies here. Be more than willing to admit you’re out of your depth. It’ll make you look a lot smarter than you may think.
HOW you say it…
Successful standup, at times, has less to do with the actual material and more to do with the metadata. A good comic could read you the recipe for upside-down cake, and you’d be pissing yourself from laughing so hard, while a bad one could have The Perfect Joke™ handed to them by $DEITY and it would still suck.
Timing, inflection, pacing, volume, do I stand still or pace or jump, energy level (Not always high. Steven Wright had a rather successful run with an almost negative energy level), everything about how you are doing your thing. Standup almost completely inverts “the end justifies the means”. With standup, the means are everything, the end is almost unimportant. George Carlin had me howling just talking about refrigerator behavior.
After Richard Pryor literally almost killed himself via self-immolation due to his drug habit, (is there anything less funny than someone being severely burned?) he turned it into fantastically funny comedy. Ponder that. He took a moment of what has to be unbelievable pain, mental, emotional, and physical, and turned it into something that made people laugh until tears flowed. One of my favorite lines by Elaine Boosler centers on the dangers women face from sexual assault and rape: “Excuse me? I’m sorry, no, we can’t just walk around New York at 2am, I have a vagina.”
The true masters of standup can take mundane or horrifying things and make them funny to a room, sometimes a huge room of strangers, and they do it not because the content is inherently funny, but because everything else about what they are saying is funny. Watch any top-flight comedian as a guest on a talk show. Even when they’re not doing standup, they kind of are. They’re still using the pacing, the timing, the facial expressions to make a story about parenting funny.
Again, when you’re talking to people or writing, think about how you are saying it, and this includes writing. Because that will enhance or totally destroy your point. How many times do you see someone say something on twitter that gets them raked over the coals, or has their lives completely fucked with, but when they have a little more space to talk about it, you think, “Oh. Well, that wasn’t anything like how it looked.”?
When you are using a medium like Twitter, where you have no space for anything really, you cannot afford to ignore how you are saying something or what this might look like to someone who isn’t you or doesn’t know you well. Unless you lock down your account, the entire planet can see what you are saying, and guess what? Most of them aren’t you.
You’ll note throughout this post, and indeed most of my posts period, I make somewhat liberal use of italics and other styling features. That’s not an affectation. I know that text, even long-form text, is sparse. You don’t hear the tone of things, you don’t hear where I’m putting the stress, you can’t see facial expressions and timing just doesn’t exist. I don’t have any of that, but what I do have are italics and block quotes and other thing that let me call more attention to this word or that phrase. It doesn’t guarantee success, but using those, and other tools, gives me a much better chance of success.
Twitter is even more sparse, your toolset is even more limited, and yet, we (literally) continually see people saying shit that comes across as mind-bogglingly stupid, and when that is pointed out to them, they immediately blame twitter. Look, once or twice, sure, maybe you’re new to Twitter, (more common than people think), or whatever. Everyone should get a mulligan or two. But after the fifth or sixth time? Come fucking-on.
Richard Dawkins is an exemplar of this. He continuously says things that simply do not translate well to the forced near-haiku simplicity of twitter, and yet, like someone with no short-term memory at all, keep pushing on that door, because one day, that “pull” will change to a “push” and it will work. That’s not insanity, that’s just dumb. Dawkins knows he talks about a lot of things that are often subtle and need space, and rather than admitting Twitter is not good for that and that he does not have the skills to use Twitter well, he just keeps ramming into that wall. I hope he lives near a good chemist.
It is nice to assume that everyone will be so blown away by our amazing point that any problems or defects with how we articulate it will be ignored, overlooked, or forgiven. I have a question for the people who do this:
Are you really that fucking stupid?
Because there is nothing about the world, now, or really at any time in history, (and I’m going back past Gutenberg here) where that’s been true. How you say something, the techniques you use, the context in which you are saying it (for every value of “say”) are so hugely important, and we see this reality reinforced every day that I cannot believe anyone who does not live in a sealed, underground box with no link to the rest of humanity would think that way. Even a Skinner Box doesn’t teach you that level of ignorance.
Notice Things
If you really analyze the majority of comedians, they aren’t talking about anything you haven’t seen or done a hundred times before. They are all talking about the stuff that makes up our lives. What they do that we don’t is notice the details of life. The absurdity of our daily routine, the mental gymnastics we use to get through the day without going insane, the lies we tell ourselves to justify our beliefs.
They hold up a mirror, but they do so in a way that allows us to not just feel stupid, but to laugh at our own stupidity. The laughter removes the defensive walls and allows them to worm inside our heads in ways no amount of stentorian lecture can. They look at all the little rituals and habits we have, and say “You know, this is all kind of stupid.”
They let us know that yes, we all do have that background commentary track in our heads saying the things we can’t, because you know, fired, divorced, arrested.
Pay attention to things. Notice things. One of the reasons I like live conferences over conference calls or videoconferencing is that in person, I can notice things that you won’t see in those other mediums. Even on Skype, people know they’re being watched, so their behavior changes. But live, in person, that part of our brain that lies to us and says “YOU’RE INVISIBLE TO EVERYONE!” (you know, the one that tells that CEO in the Rolls-Royce that their windows have a special “antipoorperson” tint, so the guy in the ’96 Camry can’t see them picking their nose) kicks in and you can see when someone doesn’t seem to be getting something, or has a really urgent question that their sense of ettiquette won’t let them ask or, or, or.
If you want another viewpoint, what is most of what Sherlock Holmes does? He notices things.
No, really, I promise, I’m done
If you’ve hung on this long, good job! (Also, you may want to get off the toilet, your legs are probably going numb. ) It’s wordy, but so am I.
Standup can be terrifying, it is regularly brutal, and possesses little gentility. But, it can, if you let it, teach you a lot of things that are surprisingly useful.
…and every so often, you might make a roomful of strangers laugh. That is not the worst feeling in the world.
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Michael learns of Jeff’s pizza from FNAF Into the pit
#myart#chloesimagination#comic#fnaf#five nights at freddy's#fnaf fanart#michael afton#oswald fnaf#Jeff fnaf#Jeff’s pizza#into the pit#fnaf itp#Jeff from Jeff’s pizza my beloved…#I did finish into the pit btw#(which I might replay soon to get the best ending)#CAN I JUST SAY I love Jeff#He’s just so chill#I like how he doesn’t really stop Oswald at all#he’s actually really nice to the lil guy despite how exhausted he is#so needed any excuse I could have to draw him out#Michael curious what happened to Freddy’s after it shut down etc#SHOCKED that the Jeff in Jeff’s pizza is a real dude named Jeff#Jeff is once again unphased by Michael just think he’s sick#it’s funny cause Jeff is called ‘zombie pizza guy’ ny Oswald in the books#so truly Jeff and Michael might just match in vibes pff#also may draw Jeff again.. I think he’s neat#might update his design too here and there but I think I more or less got him down
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