#this chapter's all nice and long again WOO HOO
It's here! A (somewhat) dramatic reading of the first chapter of Bound Blood. If you'd like to follow along to the original fanfic, you can find it here. Additionally, I have added a transcript for the opening + outro under the cut. Please enjoy!
Intro Transcript: Narrator, somewhat deep tone: Warning! This fic contains: canon-typical violence, harsh language unbefitting of small children, brie mentions of nudity, and what I can only assume will be piss poor imitations of canon characters. Listener discretion is advised.
Narrator, lighter tone: A quick reminder: This fic is not sponsered by SquareSpace, Naturebox, Nord VPN, nor Raid: Shadow Legends. Thank you for listening.
Narrator: Bound Blood, Chapter one: Sharing Is Not Caring
*intro music*
Outro Transcript:
Jordan (me!), not doing any voice: *clicks tongue* Well, alright, that brings us to the end of Bound Blood, chapter one. I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who {pause for brain loading} responded to the original fic when I posted it, ages ago. Everyone that left comments, or reblogged it
Jordan, cont.: This has been one of my favorite stories to write- {flustered, faster} and I know I haven't finished it yet! {chuckle} and I do feel pretty bad about that
Jordan, cont: Um, and I think about it all the time though. Um, {mic makes a noise}, it's, it's just one of my favorites, there's a lot of fun, zany dialogue or whatever, just unhinged maiden as, uh, as {pause, small laugh} Rufus (referring to @lepusrufus , who was very nice when I started writing this story} likes to call them.
Jordan, after a beat, realizing they misspoke: Um... okay, well technically 'unhinged maiden' usually {read: basically always} refers to Nicole, but we were talking about - back in the day - about just the idea of Cassandra with someone who's unhinged, feral, etc... um, and yeah, just one of my favorite characters to write, and it's so fun
Jordan, cont: and I know I'm not the best at doing voiceovers, voice acting, that sort of thing, um, and {amused} my recording setup is also not exactly professional. Uh, but it's been a lot of fun. I know I'm out of practice, but I, uh, hope it was nice to listen to, if anyone stuck around this long... you know, thanks!
Jordan, cont.: I hope you enjoyed! I don't know if I'll end up doing another one of these, uh, I'd like to at some point, for sure. Um, it is, uh, time consuming. {laughs}. Uh, but again, it's really fun, so... yeah, I hope you enjoyed, thanks for listening, and uh, if you want to support me, there are links in my masterlist on my blog. So, uh, yeah! I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day, and I will... perhaps see you next time.
Jordan, giving a shoutout: Also real quick wanna give a shoutout to @melthedwarf for being a lovable ray of sunshine and one of my most consistent supporters, you're great. {voice getting higher and faster} this is my voice, saying your name, woo-hoo!
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rubyleaf · 8 years
Aaaaand the second update I’m whipping out in one day~ Although I swear it’s just a coincidence, not planned or anything X’D This time on GPF: Mahiru being a supportive friend, Yumi being a protective friend, MikuTsuru backstory, a harmless bit of TsubaSaku fluff, and Hyde having a rather meaningful dream. And a harmless cliffhanger for everyone’s enjoyment!
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Chapters: 23/?
Pairings: Sloth Pair, JekyllandHyde, Tetsono, TsubaSaku and MikuTsuru
Summary: All Mahiru wanted was to make an infamous delinquent stop skipping class. Getting dragged headfirst into a gang war and making a bunch of very weird friends was never part of the plan.
Chapter Summary: A small, nagging voice whispered in his mind, sneaking around him, always just out of reach.
Enjoy the read~!
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Assertive People
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A/N: I just felt like writing this and I really did enjoy writing it. Hope yall like it. 
PAIRING: Sirius Black x reader
“I am in love with you.” a sudden voice spoke next to your right. 
Slowly, carefully even, you turned your head to his face and decided to give him the cold shoulder. You turned your head back to your book and continued to read. 
“Ignoring me. The perfect type.” he bit his lower lip and leaned over the table and into your eyesight. He walked with his index and middle finger to your book and placed his whole palm on top of it. “Woo-hoo.” 
You shot him a deadly glare and pulled your book under his palm. You swung your bag over your shoulder in a flash, you were gone. Frustrated and angry, you stormed to the library instead. 
Hearing his footsteps run along after you, made you sped up and turn your current goal from library to the room of requirements. In a second, he lost you. 
“Bollocks.” he put his hands over his black curs and ran his hands down his face. 
He hadn’t seen you in the next few days. He told himself that you must have been avoiding him. The pretty, mysterious Durmstrang girl, who clearly wasn’t joyous from switching schools. He had always found you intriguing, made it his mission to make you his friend... if not more. 
Quiet, never smiling and always with a book tucked under your arm, you swiftly moved down the corridors, in the Great Hall and on to every corner of the castle. you hadn’t talked to anybody, made it clear you do not like making friends in this school. In and out was your plan. 
You never raised your hand but exceeded in every subject except Arithmancy. It was average but the grades started getting better throughout the following months. 
He had seen you in the common room, tucked behind a book. 
Gryffindor. Just the perfect house for you. He was excited to hear you got into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin since you had shown more characteristic of one than the other. 
“Here is why.” he sat down and grin, his eyes lifted up into the ceiling. “I think it was love at first sight. I saw you and you were this stunning woman I had ever laid my eyes on. You clearly did not even look at me, nor anybody really- which I don’t get.” he sat and leaned forward to you, this time his eyes blazing into you and the other way around. “You don’t talk. I don’t think I had ever heard you talk- you voice. It doesn’t matter.” he leaned back again, his eyes on you. “I think no matter the voice, it’s gorgeous.” he winked flirtatiously at you but you haven’t changed your expression. “Why don’t we start properly?” he cleared his throat and reached out his hand. “My name is Sirius Black.” 
You kept looking at him with perplexion in your eyes, then glanced at his hand and slowly reached down on it with your right hand. It was large in your hand, soft and it squeezed your hand firmly and shook it extremely slowly. He kept looking at you with a sparkle in his grey arms that resulted into baby blue colour close to his iris. 
“(y/n).” you said without any hint of emotion in your tone. “But I figure you already knew that.” you finished and pulled your hand away from him, leaning back on the sofa and turning your gaze back to the book. 
He felt his cheeks lift up to his eyes. “That’s something... (y/n).”  he rolled your name gently off his tongue, reaching into his bag and pulling out his own book- not just any book but the same book you read currently. He leaned back on the sofa and turned to first page. 
From curiousity, your eyes couldn’t stay long on the written words when you saw him shuffling on the sofa. You looked up and saw the same title of your book, written over his, the coverage, however, was green instead of orange like yours. He glanced up at you, his grey eyes meeting yours. You saw them lift as if he smiled but you couldn’t see due to the book that hid lower half of his head. 
You turned back to your book, hiding your own little simper. 
Sense of time isn’t present when you’re reading a book. You have no idea whether it was an hour or 10 minutes but you knew it was long when you heard him gasp in the middle of your reading session. You looked up and found him staring profoundly into the book. 
“No!” he gasped again, getting so close to the book that you thought he might consume it. 
He must be at the part where the little girl drowns. 
He flips back a page, tracing the sentences with his fingers and flipping fiercely the page forth- then back, then forth again, then he just kept doing that until he only moved the page front and back until he stopped and stared at you. “She dies?!” he frowns at you with his lower lip pointing out and his eyes about to tear up. “Bu- but it was supposed to be happy- he was supposed to-” he stopped as he finally saw your facial expression. 
You were smiling at him, your eyes sparkling at his reaction to the book. He felt his heart do a back flip as he found you hiding your lower half of your head behind your book, your chest jumping as you laughed a bit. 
“You think it’s funny?” he quirked an eyebrow. 
“No. I think your reaction is as close to mine when I read the chapter. Wait a few more chapters.” you pressed the whole book on your chest and pulled yourself up to the sofa. 
He watched you with wonder in his eyes. He had never saw a woman so gorgeous with her hair messed up like that. Your lips in a soft smile, your cheeks red from the fire and hands wrapping around the book. 
He can’t ruin this. Stick to the book, Sirius. Stick to the book. 
“Does he end up happy?” he asked, putting the book away just like you did. 
“I don’t know.” you smiled, looking at the fireplace, then back at him. “It’s fiction, not a fairy tale. Knowing a few works of this author, I’d say he will end it in a way that it’s comforting.”
“No- is probably the answer.” you smiled, pulling your legs up to your chin. 
“You were just going to let me down easy, huh?” 
“You’re assertive. You rush into things.”
“That’s a sudden change of subject.” he said. “ Though if I’m the subject it’s a good change then.” he flashed you a smile. 
“I don’t like assertive people, that’s why I read books because it’s a slow process.”
“That I do not like. Being assertive also means confident, which you have.”
“I don’t think being confident is something bad.”
“I never said it was.”
“Then what did you mean by that?” 
“That we are both assertive, both confident and I do maybe rush into things but only because I wanna get it before it disappears.” he smiled at you, mirroring your position and pulling his legs up to his chin. “It’s not a bad thing.”
“I never said it was.” you smirked.
“You implied.”
“I did, didn’t I?” you looked at the fireplace again, then back at him. It was a moment of silence, a nice moment and so you made it count to read his expression, take in his wonderfully structured face. “What really caught your eye with me, Sirius Black?” 
“I thought I told you.” 
“No. You told me what I wanted to hear.” 
“Your ignorance.” 
“You walked the halls with pride and ego, your head high, your chin up- too much confidence for a british woman, which you are not since you are from Durmstrang. Students there are cocky, high society-”
“That’s where you’re wrong. Students there are eager to learn because nobody wants to go back to their homes and live the life of their parents.”
“It is cold there- what do you expect?” you tilted your head.
“You miss it?”
“Yes. All my friends and family went there.”
“Then why don’t you make friends here?” 
“It’s not my priority.”
“Then what is?” 
“Succeeding. Achieving my goals.”
“How come you’re not in Slytherin?”
“I told the Hat I want to be in Gryffindor.”
Sirius wanted to say something but your answer surprised him. “Wh- I mean, aren’t-”
“You said it yourself, Sirius Black. We are assertive people.” you smiled again, then started to gather your things and prepared to leave. “Plus I prefer red over green.” you looked over your shoulder and sent him a wink.
He chuckled to your answer and shook his head. 
He had found you in the same place the next evening. Same sofa, same position, however, this time you brought yourself a blanket to cover your legs. 
He sat himself to his place and opened himself the book. The two of you met with your eyes, smiled and turned back to the book. 
Time passed and this time the reading was interrupted by your sharp intake of breath. Sirius looked up at you, found your eyes confused and tearing the book apart. Your eyebrows were drawn together and tears started to gather in your eyes. You flipped another, the last page and read aggressievely, your finger tracing the sentances until it reached half of the page and your eyes stopped. 
You stared at the page, then your eyes flickered up to his and a tear rolled down your cheek. You smiled through it and wiped the tear away. “Guess it doesn’t end up happily.” you tilted your head and he gave you a comforting simper. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Yeah.” you let out a chuckle. “Just... a really shitty ending.” 
“Do I even want to finish this book?”
“No, you don’t want to.”
“But I probably will because now you sparked my curiousity.” 
You let out another laugh, leaning on the back of the sofa. “What chapter are you on?”
“Not far behind you. I spent last night reading another half, so I’m-” he put his arm up and checked his watch. “Maybe ten minutes away.” he smiled then looked down at your blanket. “May I?” 
You looked down and nodded. “Yeah, sure.” you threw him the other end of the blanket and soon felt his cold feet touch yours. “Wow. You’re freezing.”
“Yeah, no thanks to your selfish arse.” he joked and you laughed. 
“You could have easily asked.” 
“And you could have easily offered.”
“My mind wasn’t on your cold feet or your needs.”
“Should be.” he continued to joke. “I was born to be served.” he threw his hair back and you laughed again, throwing pillow at , then leaning back and watching him. He looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows. “So you’re just going to stare at me?”
“You saw me cry. It’s only fair, I see you.”
“That’s unfair. My masculinity!” he put his hand over his heart and backed away.
“You’re pretending like you already had one to begin with.”
“You’re pretty mean.” 
“I’m being nice.”
He gasped, mouth open before turning into a grin. “Fine but let me tell you I won’t shed a tear. I never liked this characters anyway. I’m a man.”
You observed him as he read the next 10 to 15 minutes, flipping from one page to another, his expressions always changing. Sometimes he would mouth the sentences and furrow his eyebrows, re-reading them again. You could see he wasn’t much of a reader to begin with but he clearly enjoyed the book, living in it as he had completely ignored your gaze. 
He bit his lower lip as he flipped to the last page, leaning back with his mouth open and you could see his eyes changing colour. He wasn’t sad... no, not like you. He was furious, angry even. I guess, everybody has their own reaction to things. 
He slammed the book shut, fury on his face up until his eyes met yours. You were looking it him with affection- comfort maybe?
“How could you cry after this? It’s abominable.”
“It’s a book.” you smiled, leaning back and stretching your arms over your head. 
“Fine. Then it’s an abominable book.” he spoke with frustration and you only chuckled. 
You shrugged. “Wanna go get ice-cream?” 
Sirius’ face went through three different expressions when you asked him that. “What?” 
“You clearly need some comfort after what you just read.” you smiled and uncovered your legs, pulling them away from the warmth. 
It was at that moment, when you placed your feet on the ground that had Sirius realized how close the two of you were. The moment he felt cold again when you removed your legs from his; they were intetwined together all this time since he was reading. He just didn’t realize it because he was completely lost in the book. 
He felt something burn his cheeks and it wasn’t the fireplace that caused it. He stood up and stretched his arms over his head, grinning. When he stretched and cracked some of his joints, his arms fell right on your shoulder and pulled you a bit close. “Is the ice queen asking me on a date?” he teased, whispering to your ear.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “No, the ice queen wants some ice CrEaM to drown her sorrows in, now are you in or out?” you said but never removing his arm from your shoulder. 
“Only if we eat from the same bucket.” he wiggled his eyebrows and you laughed. 
“Get lost, Black.” you pushed his arm off and started walking. 
“Oh, I knew you’d warm up to me eventually.” 
“The book was a nice way in.” you shrugged.
“I know. Quite opposite of assertive, wouldn’t you say?”
“Bog off.” 
“I’m going to love what we have.” he wrapped his arm around you and pressed you close as the two of you walked together. “Especially if we share the ice-cream together. Imagine the bond. That won’t ever go away.”
“Are you always this dramatic?” 
“Depends on who you ask.”
“Don’t make me regret this.”
“I won’t for the life of it.”
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secret-engima · 4 years
School is currently planning to murder me through deadlines and like a respectable human being I decide to ignore it and go on tumblr. Would you mind sharing some non-angsty headcanons since I mostly see angsty ones now?
Ouch, sorry about the deadlines. *winces* and yeah I’ve been on an angst run but I can do non-angsty! Here lemme just break out a chapter 3 plot twist.
-So here Sondor is, wandering around Anima looking for his puppies, and this is after he saved Summer and possibly after he’s encountered Oobleck (definitely after weirding out Huntsman and civilians in general) when he hears sounds of Child Distress™ and, like any reasonable sentient Grimm who adores puppies, goes into Murder Mode™.
-One angry slaughtering of normal Grimm later and he is surprised because hello. He knows these pups! These aren’t “his” pups, because they died in the war before he got to really know them, but he recognizes their scent and he knows that Oscar Pup adored these two. Yes. It’s- oh what were their names. He can’t remember.
-He shall call them Flower Pup and Hammer Pup and by the moons they just disappeared where’d they go. Pups??? PUPS?????
-Oh wait he can smell them. He doesn’t have conventional eyes and his “sight” is reliant on Aura and sensing negativity (because fun fact I only learned/realized the other day was that unlike most Grimm SONDOR DOESN’T HAVE EYES), but he can still smell them and hear them pattering away. Pups get back here he needs to adopt you and take you back to Oscar Pup because that will make Oscar Pup happy.
-After reclaiming his pups and dealing with the requisite crying, escape attempts, wiggling, and ferocious but fruitless attempts to fight him off, Sondor is happily trekking through the wilderness again in his more bipedal mode, a child tucked in the crook of each arm.
-Nora and Ren, recent orphans and new best friends, are understandably having a ... very weird and stressful day. Not only are the orphans trying to get to another village on their own, but they were attacked by Grimm while Ren was tired and then they were saved BY a Grimm that attacked other Grimm, and when Ren mustered enough energy to use his Semblance one more time the Grimm got angrier and then FOUND them again somehow and now won’t let them go. And ... isn’t hurting them. Or killing them?
-Also this Grimm can talk.
-Nora adapts more quickly to this new information, particularly after the Grimm gets them food with his weirdly long, stretchy, “can pluck fruit out of high trees from the ground” arms. Ren takes longer, for obvious reasons, but escape attempts prove fruitless and this Grimma actually hasn’t harmed them and being scared all the time is exhausting so eventually Ren just achieves a childish sort of Zen about being kidnapped and doted on by a giant monster that talks.
-Sondor is pleased. His new pups are easily trained. Now he shall enforce the Laws of Bedtime. Even if it’s inconvenient to no longer be able to search for Oscar Pup day AND night.
-This is probably relatively close to Sondor figuring out that Oscar and the others must be on Sanus rather than Anima, so soon enough Nora and Ren get to fly to Sanus on Grimm Back but after he arrives in Sanus there is still some traveling to do and pups to train and also Huntsman to freak out because now not only is he an oddly calm, strange looking Grimm but he has TWO ACTUAL CHILDREN riding on his back like a glorified horse. CHILDREN ARE YOU OKAY?
-Nora, waving cheerfully as Sondor leaves any huntsman in the dust: HI BYE NICE SEEING YOU WOO-HOO!
-So anyway yes, Sondor brings Ren and Nora to Oscar when he finally finds them, which means our beloved ninja child and hammer-happy castle queen are going to be raised by one Roman Torchwick and his pack of time-travelers. The chaos is gonna be *real*. And hilarious. And fluffy. And also angsty but we aren’t here for that right now.
-Picture these two going to Beacon down the line (because they so will), and they are so excited, and Oscar has probably been a Mystery Wizard over the years enough that as soon as Nora sees Pyrrha she’s like HIIII NEW TEAMMATE IT’S NICE TO MEET YOU AT LONG LAST! :DDDD
-Ren: Nora no. We don’t know for *sure* who our teammates will be.
-Nora, holding a bemused Pyrrha by the shoulders: BUT LOOK AT HER. SHE’S PRETTY AND SWEET AND RED HAIRED. SHE’S PERFECT.
-Pyrrha: Um. Nice to meet you?
-On a side note Ren and Nora are low-key absolutely terrifying in this verse because they, despite being orphans and never touching a combat school, have had the most thorough combat training ever. Because no way is Roman (and Team MEOWN) letting these two go “legal” while unprepared. They can be Huntsmen if they really want, but they WILL know how to take down enemies human or grimm with nothing but paper cuts and toothpicks, let alone their weapons that are made of the finest metals he could steal for them.
-Ren and Nora getting to participate in the Emerald City circus as kids! It’s so much fun for them, they love it.
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sunny6677 · 3 years
Title: Friends
Chapter 2: The Random Invite
As the gentle yellow light of the studio glowed on the corridors, Wally swept and swept away. He sweeped multiple floors, he emptied people's garbage, and so on. However, he noticed.. the random garbage that people left on the floors were mostly gone. Dust was the only thing that remained.
He was confused. He didn't know why all the trash on the floor was suddenly now just.. gone. Still, he kept sweeping, he didn't have much else to do in this hot of a studio.
"Ah.. da, da, da.. i'll be your angel.." Wally gently sang the song he knew all too well. Ever since Alice Angel(a new characters)'s debut episode was released, he had been hearing that song everywhere. Susie(her voice provider) did a pretty nice job by the looks of it.
"Mhmmm..mm.. just one for you to love.." He softly sang, swinging the broom around as he slightly danced. He was getting a little into the dance when-
"Nice moves, man!"
Wally's eyes widened upon hearing.. whichever voice just talked to him. He turned to the source of the noise and realized.. it was Andrew. It was the guy he met yesterday.
He internally groaned. He didn't know why, but this guy irritated him a little too much. "Aww, come on! It was just gettin' good! Oh! Your singings good too though! I love how soft your voice sounds!" Rambled Andrew.
But only then did he notice the items in Andrew's arms. It was.. random scrapped looking items. Crumpled papers, empty food bags, empty plates and all that. 'Has he been the one pickin' up all the trash around here?', Wally wondered.
"Oh! Yeah, that's right!" Andrew's eyes lightened up like he just realized something, "I kinda felt bad for you, seeing all the random shit lying around! So I'm picking it up! And that means you won't have to work for long! Or have to clean for long! Isn't that exciting?!" There were practically stars in his eyes as he shoved himself closer.
Wally backed up a little on instinct, holding one hand up to prevent him from getting a little too close. "J-Jeez, calm down! I.. I guess it's excitin' but.. but.." Wally trailed off, but wasn't able to finish his sentence when Andrew suddenly grabbed his shoulders, dropping all the garbage.
"Why should I calm down?! This means you get the Jon done easier and i-" Andrew just realized that he had dropped all that he was holding. "Oh, come on!" Andrew griped, and immediately bent down to pick it all up. He was practically shoving it inside his arms as fast as he could.
Wally chuckled slightly, "Heheh! You blew your wig so hard ya dropped everythin'!" Wally grinned. "Oh, shush! You can't blame me! I get happy when I make people's lives easier! And especially make them happy!" Andrew added that last part, visibly excited.
Wallys face distorted into amusement. "Heh," He laughed, "you may be probably the only person I've seen around here who isn't so gloomy all the time!" He grinned. Andrew stood up after collecting what he had dropped, "Eh? No one here's gloomy. Usually they tell me how right I am and 'Mhm'.. 'Sure, whatever'.. 'wow, so cool'.." Andrew listed.
'This guy's REALLY oblivious..' Wally thought to himself.
"Oh! Ooooh! I have an idea!" The stars in his eyes reappeared, but he also almost dropped all the things he was holding again. He managed to not drop them though, catching them quickly. After a few seconds, he continued. "Anyway, we should go hang out sometime! It'll be fun!" Andrew grinned, towering over Wally.
Wally nervously cowered. "Woah, woah, relax! We just met a day ago-" Wally was interrupted by Andrew's monologue. "Well hey! Just because we just became friends doesn't mean we can't hang out!" Andrew said.
"Friends?.." Wally raised an eyebrow. He didn't ever think of them as friends. He didn't exactly think he would hang out with him either. "I-" "Dont worry, Walls!" Andrew cut him off once again, "I'll find some place fun for us!" He promised.
"O-Okay but-" "Woo-hoo! Let's go! New friend, new friend, new frieeeennnnd!" Andrew cheered as he promptly ran out of the area they were in. After a bit of silence, Andrew poked his head back inside the door. "Meet me outside the studio at 6:00.." He whispered, before slowly vanishing.
Wally stood still, not exactly knowing how to react to the random invite he just got. "Heh, I guess I'm hangin' out with some guy I barely know.." He tried to make light of the situation.
"Hah.." He sighed, "How did I get myself wrapped into this?" He asked himself aloud.
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“The Christmas Cottage II: A Magical Christmas″ Chapter 4: The Wedding Night
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The lights were on in the cottage as the black car pulled up to the front door. Regina gathered her skirts as the driver opened the door and Robin slid out of the car. He held out his hand and helped her down along with the driver. Once he closed the back door, the driver nodded to them. "Just call the hotel tomorrow when you're ready to come back," he told them. "Have a good night."
"Thank you," Regina said, taking Robin's hand. They watched the car pull away, leaving them by themselves.
Robin then walked to the front door and opened it. She started to follow him but he stopped her. Before she could ask what was wrong, he swept her into his arms and she gave a little yelp. "What are you doing?" she asked.
"Carrying you over the threshold," he told her. "It is tradition."
She laughed as he carried her into the cottage, pausing just inside the door. He looked up and laughed as well. "It seems David and Mary Margaret anticipated this," he said.
"What do you mean?" she asked before looking up. She smiled when she saw a sprig of mistletoe hanging right by the door. "It appears so."
Regina looked back down, her eyes meeting his as he said: "It is tradition."
"It is," she agreed. "And who are we to argue with that?"
"Exactly my thoughts," he said, leaning forward and capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. She tightened her hold around his neck, sinking into the kiss as a cold wind blew around them.
Robin shivered as he broke the kiss, setting her down. "Let's close the door before we freeze."
"Sounds good," she said, starting to take off her coat as she walked further into the cottage. "Mary Margaret and David did an amazing job."
"Yes, they did," Robin agreed, wrapping his arms around her again and holding her tight as they admired their friends' handiwork.
They had placed Christmas lights in the windows and placed Christmas figurines on the mantle. In between the figurines were pictures and Regina approached to get a better look at them, careful of the fire the hotel staff had lit for them. All were pictures of Robin and Regina throughout the years - their first Christmas together, a picture of them at the beach when they were barely into their teen years, pictures from both their proms, a picture from the Nolans' wedding and then their engagement photograph.
It was perfect.
"Look at the tree," Robin said, guiding her to the evergreen standing near the fireplace and she turned her attention to it.
Mary Margaret and David had hung colored lights and silver garland on it before lovingly placing each ornament. Regina and Robin had selected the ones they wanted from their own tree, sending them with their friends. Along with those, she found the ornaments with the names of everyone in the Blanchard family who spent a Christmas at the cottage - including Robin's parents as well as Mary Margaret and David.
Soon, she and Robin would have their own ornament to add to the collection.
Looking up, she smiled as she saw the angel that had graced the tree since Raymond and Evangeline spent their night in the cottage. She leaned against Robin, hoping the same angel who had blessed his ancestors would bless them now.
Even if they were about to do some very unangelic things in the cabin that night.
Robin kissed the side of her head. "Let's go see what food the hotel left for us."
"Ooh," she said, her stomach rumbling. "That sounds perfect. But first, we should probably hang up our coats."
He chuckled, nodding. "Yeah, that's probably a good start."
"And I should probably get out of my wedding dress," she added, finally shrugging off her coat. "I don't want to get anything on it."
"Okay, so let's get ready to see what food the hotel left for us," Robin amended, taking her coat and heading over to the coat rack by the door.
Regina wandered into the bedroom and flipped on the lights. She smiled as she took in the bed, noting that Mary Margaret and David had strung Christmas lights along the headboard. They had also left candles around the room, all waiting to be lit to create a more romantic mood for Robin and Regina's wedding night.
She stepped closer to the bed, running her hand over the quilt on the bed. It had also been in the Blanchard family for a long time, kept on the couch in their family room. She and Robin had spent many hours wrapped up in it - first as friends then as girlfriend and boyfriend. Now it would cover them as husband and wife.
"The Christmas lights are a nice touch," Robin said, entering the room. He wrapped his arm around her as he also ran a hand over the quilt. "And of course this is here too."
"It's only fitting given how many memories we've made with it," Regina said, leaning against him.
He kissed the top of her head. "You know, I feel there's a little too much Blanchard right now."
She frowned, confused by his statement. "Of course there is. This is your family's cottage."
"But there should still be some Mills reflected in here," he said. "You aren't losing your identity as a Mills just because you married me."
His concern touched her but she still felt he was making a mountain of a molehill. Regina took his hands and looked him in the eyes. "I appreciate the statement but we're just spending the night here, not moving in. Tomorrow we'll be back in our house, which is full of our identity, both as individuals and as a couple. That's what matters."
"Right, right," he said, kissing her forehead. "Thanks. I guess I still get worked up because... well…"
"You still don't really feel like a Blanchard?" she supplied. He nodded and she squeezed his hands. "You don't have to feel like a Blanchard. We're Locksleys, right?"
He nodded though he still looked hesitant. "Yes. But we're surrounded by everything Blanchard."
"Not necessarily" she replied, smiling as an idea came to her mind. She picked up the quilt. "We've infused this quilt with our own memories. So for tonight, it's a Locksley possession."
"I'm not sure that's how this works," he replied, looking a bit skeptical.
She rolled her eyes and leaned forward. "Just go with it, okay?"
"Okay," he said, chuckling. "This is a bit of a role reversal, isn't it?"
"Yes, I suppose it is," she replied. "So, what quilt is on our bed?"
He smiled. "The Locksley quilt."
"Right," she said. She then pointed to her Alice band. "And what is this?"
"Your crown," he replied fondly, cupping her cheek. "My queen."
She laughed. "Sap."
He nodded. "And proud of it."
"I love you," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Robin placed his hands on her back, smiling fondly at her. "I love you too, Mrs. Locksley."
She leaned closer to him. "I quite like the sound of that."
"Me too," he replied, kissing her forehead. "Now, let's get changed so we can eat and then really enjoy our night."
"That sounds like a plan," she agreed, turning around. "Care to do the honors?"
"Happily," he said, unzipping her dress and helping her out of it. She carried it over to where someone had left her a garment bag and hung it up inside the bag.
Regina located the overnight bag left there for her and picked it up, pulling out the pajamas she had packed as a backup plan. "Glad I brought these," she said.
"Same," he replied, holding up his own pajamas. "We can at least wear these for now."
They quickly changed into their pajamas and Robin hung up his tuxedo. He then took her hand. "Come on. I'm starving," he said.
"Me too," she replied, letting him lead her back out into the living room. They then entered the kitchen where food was waiting for them.
Robin lifted a lid and chuckled. "Looks like it's the food we didn't get a chance to eat at the wedding."
"Oh, bless them," she said. "Everything looked and smelled so good. I really wanted to eat it and now I can."
"They also left us some more champagne," he said, motioning to an ice bucket. "Do you want to drink that now or wait?"
She raised an eyebrow as she sat down at the wooden table in the kitchen. "For what?"
He shrugged. "After we consummate our relationship?"
"Are we really going to have the energy to drink champagne?" she asked him, cutting into her chicken. "Or are we just going to want to cuddle?"
Robin thought it over before nodding. "You're right. Best to have it now."
"I knew you'd see things my way," she said, smirking at him.
He laughed as he popped the cork, letting out a triumphant cry. "Twice in one night without taking out someone's eye!"
"Woo-hoo!" she cheered, clapping for him as he poured them two glasses. He handed her one before taking his seat.
"Do you want to toast or are you toasted out?" he asked her.
She glanced at her glass before holding it up. "How about we keep it simple?"
"Deal," he said, holding out his glass. "Cheers?"
"Cheers," she agreed, clinking her glass against his. They then took a sip before turning back to their meals. It wasn't the usual way one planned to spend their wedding night but it was perfect for them.
Continue reading on FFN (non-smut), AO3 or Wattpad
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tardisman14 · 3 years
Wing It: Chapter 2: Tough Practice
A novelized version of Wing It Like Witches, told from Amity’s pov. A look into what was going through her mind in that episode, with snippets of happenings in-between scenes. Told in 4 parts (3 main chapters, plus the prologue), rated to be safe, and obviously Lumity.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out. Writers block combined with job stuff is not fun. Hoping to get the next and final chapter out soon.
Did Luz really just challenge Boscha to a game of Grudgby on Willow’s behalf?
“Luz, what are you doing?”
“I’m just following Amity’s advice. Boscha only speaks in grudgby terms. Trust me, I have a plan.”
Okay, this was NOT what Amity meant when she told Luz that. Also, she really hoped that Luz mentioning her name would result in Willow blaming her for this.
“Okay, maybe it’s the altitude of the second floor, but I thought I heard you say that Leaf Girl wanted to challenge me to a grudgby match.”
“That’s right! We’ll settle this once and for all on the field.”
“Or we could just talk about our issues.”
“Let’s do this.”
“Oh, no.”
Yeah, Amity was with Willow on this.
“If Willow’s team wins, you don’t get to pick on her anymore.”
“Fine! And when we win, Willow and your team will be our water gofers.”
“Ha! That’s not even a punishment. I love water.”
Luz had no idea what she was getting them into. During Amity’s time with Boscha on the team, any water gofer they had never lasted for more than a few weeks because-
“And we get to use you as target practice.”
...because of that. And if the hole Boscha just put in that nearby tree was any indication, she wasn’t going to make it easy for them.
“See you after school, losers.”
And now said tree was on fire. Yeah, someone’s definitely gonna be in the healer’s office later.
“Woo-hoo! Willow verses Boscha!”
Okay, as much as Amity hated seeing Willow getting picked on, this likely wasn’t going to make it better.
“Luz, this isn’t a good idea.”
“Yeah, I’ve never even played grudgby before! How am I supposed to beat Boscha?”
“But you’re the better witch. I don’t know much about sports, but I know about sports movies. We, too, are a ragtag team of lovable misfits joined together to defeat a powerful enemy. With a little team spirit and a training montage, we can win.”
Well, it looks like there’s no talking Luz out of it at this point.
“Well, if you think this’ll work, then I’m in. How about you, Gus?”
“In seasons past, these flags have waved in support of grudgby greats. Now they will wave for the greatest: Me!”
“What about you, Amity?”
Right then, Amity’s head was filled with mental pictures of her and Luz. Playing a contact sport together. Being within VERY close proximity of each other.
“Me? On a team with you? Running around in cute uniforms? SWEATING?”
At this point, Amity was in full-on panic mode. Her mind failing to come up with a response, she could only act on instinct. And right then, her only instinct was to bolt it.
Alright, Amity would admit that probably wasn’t the best way to respond. But she was a 14-year-old witch working with new, intense emotions. What else was to be expected?
Once Amity had gotten some distance, she started to calm down a bit, giving her some time to think clearly. There was definitely something she knew. Even if she hadn’t gotten flustered around Luz at that moment, she was still unsure about whether or not it’d be a good idea to accept her offer to be teammates. She’d already gotten two teammates injured last season due to her cocky attitude during the championship. She didn’t want to risk it happening again with her friends by playing.
Bonesbrough Library,
Once Amity had settled in at the library, she got started on the assignments for the night. Most of the work was relatively simple, so she was able to get through about half of it in 30 minutes. However, during that time, her mind couldn’t help but wander back to Luz, Willow, and Gus. While she knew that they’ve already been through a lot together, none of them really had any proper experience with Grudgby. On top of that, she also knew that there was no way that Boscha was gonna go easy on them.
Not to mention what this says about Amity’s efforts to make things right with Willow. Sure, she had told off Boscha that morning. But when Luz challenged Boscha, Amity really made no effort to back her or Willow up. And when Luz asked her to be a part of the team, she got so worked up over the idea and just left without any explanation. Why couldn’t these new feelings just be simple?
Amity thought that she’d be able to get her mind off of it by trying to focus on school work. But it seemed that wasn’t going to happen any time soon. And if that was the case, she knew that just sitting there worrying about it wasn’t going to do much good. So, that just left her with one option.
*SIGH* “I can’t bail on them now.”
Amity looked at the clock and figured that they were probably still practicing at that point. Knowing that she owed it to Luz and Willow to be there for them after everything that’s happened, she decided that the homework could wait. Right now, she needed to, at the very least, offer them her moral support. If anything else, maybe she could even give them some pointers.
Hexside School for Magic and Demonics,
5 minutes before the match
After hurrying back to the school, Amity went straight for the Grudgby field. Hopefully Luz, Willow, and Gus would be understanding about her sudden exit earlier. However, when she got to the field, something was off.
Luz was just sitting in the bleachers. Looking sad. Amity figured that it might have something to do with why she didn’t see Willow or Gus anywhere nearby. Curious about what happened, she started to approach Luz.
“Tough practice?”
“I pushed Willow and Gus too hard. It’s just, I hate seeing Willow get picked on. She’s one of the best friends I’ve ever had. Winning this game is the only way I know how to help.”
Pushing her teammates too hard, huh? This was starting to sound all too familiar to Amity. Although she could at least tell that Luz’s heart was in the right place.
While Amity had been trying to avoid the subject all day, at this point, she could maybe think of one way to help cheer Luz up.
“Did you know, before Boscha, I was the grudgby team captain?”
Well, Amity supposed that this was bound to come up sooner or later. Might as well be sooner.
“Well, once I left the team, I decided that was a part of my life I wanted to forget. We were playing Glandus High for the Island Championship. We had a move planned, and it was a good one. But, at the last minute, I decided I wanted to do something a bit flashier. I changed our game plan to... the Thorn Vault.”
“Good Witch Azura 2: Field of Deadly Fates! You watched it too?”
“Uh, yeah.”
It would seem that even a saddened Luz is still just as enthusiastic about Azura as ever.
“It went disastrously wrong. My teammates got hurt. All because I had an idea of how things should be. I pushed them too far. I never played again after that day.”
Well, at least Amity was able to get that off her chest, and-
Next thing Amity knew, she was lying flat on her back due to the surprise.
“Ah! Sorry. I just really love backstories.”
As Luz helped Amity up, both of them had noticed that Boscha’s team had just arrived. Right then, Luz was putting something into Amity’s hand.
“I know what to do to make this up to Willow. Thanks.”
As Luz walked towards Boscha, Amity looked in her hand and saw… Willow’s hair clip. Wait, if Luz needed to hand it to her, what was she about to do?
“It’s after school. Where’s the leader of the loser brigade?”
“I’m here on her behalf. We forfeit.”
Wait, what?
“And I’m here to tell you that I’ll take Willow’s place as your water gofer, target practice, whatever you need.”
Okay, while Amity knew this was a nice sentiment, she had a feeling that Boscha wasn’t going to be swayed by this.
“Wow, you’re really a good friend.
And unfortunately, she was proven right seconds later as Boscha lit the ball of fire.
“And a perfect target.”
Oh no.
“Think fast!”
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stardust-walker · 3 years
High Hopes: Chapter 15
Previous Chapters:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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word count: 3897
Julian didn’t know what to think of the new group that had just come onto the farm. He didn’t trust the one guy, that was for sure. He’d gone into the city with Otis and had come back without him. Otis was a good person, but it didn’t sound right. He probably would’ve done anything to save a little kid but the guy seemed sketchy. He felt sort of relieved when it seemed like not everyone bought his bullshit either.
He was jumpy as he waited for Maggie to get back from her run to the store. Since Otis, the thought of people leaving the farm felt like they were marching off to their deaths. A smile was on his face as he finally spotted Maggie riding up on her horse with Glenn. That guy didn’t seem too bad, at least. Unable to contain himself, he leapt off the porch and had the reins of Glenn’s horse in his hands before the other man could say anything. “Let me help you put the horses back,” he said brightly.
Maggie and Glenn exchanged a look before Maggie replied. “Sure thing. Thanks for all your help out there, Glenn.”
Julian looked over his shoulder as the other man hurried off to join the rest of his group by the tents as the dark haired woman from before and her redneck companion came out from the trees. “What do you think,” he questioned Maggie before he clicked his tongue and began to lead to horse to the stable.
“Nothin to think. They find that little girl, odds are my daddy’s gonna make them leave,” Maggie shrugged her shoulders from atop the horse.
Julian nodded his head slowly, “You see anything out there?”
“We didn’t see her out there if that’s what you’re askin me, Jude.” Maggie shook her head before she let out a long sigh.
Julian’s shoulders slumped. He couldn’t help but stare out at the barn in the distance as he opened the door to the horse’s pen. A shiver ran down his back before he averted his eyes. “Better than the alternative, I guess.”
Dove rested somewhat easily that night, she felt some comfort in the fact that the next day would mean the search was in full swing. She still hated doing the laundry, though. She would rather be out there in the woods looking for Sophia, but Carol had roped her into her chore. “C’mon. No one wants to help me with this. Andrea’s off tryin’ to play Annie Oakley somewhere and Lori’s still sleepin.”
“I wish I was still sleepin,” Dove grumbled as she picked up a basket of clothes. She squinted her hazel eyes at the closest well. “Jesus, what happened over there?”
Carol shook her head. “You missed it. They sent Glenn down into the well. Apparently there was a walker down there.” Dove opened her mouth to reply but Carol cut her off. “I know you woulda raised all types of hell if you were here, but Glenn’s fine. You’ve seen him.”
Dove huffed and blew a stray hair out of her eyes. “I’m gonna give that little bastard a piece of my mind for not tellin me about that. When I’m done with him, he’ll wanna go back down that well.” She let out a chuckle.
It felt like hours, but it wasn’t too long until she was sitting on top of a picnic table, basket of wet clothes next to her. She handed Carol a wet shirt to hang up as Lori stepped out of her tent. “Mornin, princess,” Dove called over cheerfully, “Nice of you to join us.”
Lori managed a weak smile as she walked over and greeted the two sisters. “Can’t believe I slept in.”
“You probably needed it,” Carol smiled at her.
“Yeah, I think we all need to take turns sleeping in. It feels amazing,” Dove yawned as she ran a hand through her ponytail.
“You feelin ok,” Carol scrutinized Lori carefully as the other woman nodded. “I have an idea I wanted to run by you two. That big kitchen of theirs got me thinking, I wouldn’t mind cooking in a real kitchen again.” Dove smiled as she thought about Carol’s cooking. She definitely wasn’t a five-star chef by any means, but Carol was a good cook. There was no doubt about that. “Maybe we all pitch in and make dinner for Hershel and his family tonight. Kind of looking for things to keep my mind occupied.”
Dove leaned back on her hands with a heavy sigh as she looked up at the sky. She really wanted to be out there. She wanted to help look for Sophia, but she knew Carol would fight her on it. Maybe the right place for her to be was here on the farm; she needed to be with her sister.
“Seems like the least we could do,” Lori agreed.
Dove nodded her head, “Yeah sure. I’ll try to help. I’m not real good in the kitchen, but I’ll try my best.” She flashed her sister a quick smile.
“You mind extending the invitation,” Carol smiled at Lori. Would feel more right comin from you,” Carol reasoned.
Dove eyed Lori. “You’re like our unofficial First Lady,” Carol joked.
Lori and Dove both rolled their eyes but Dove let out a snort of laughter. “President Rick Grimes? I don’t remember votin, but that sounds about right,” she raised an eyebrow at Lori and raised a hand quick enough to block a clothespin from hitting her face.
Meanwhile, Julian had made his way over to the group by the car. He felt like he should be trying to help them look for that little girl. Every person out there could make a difference in finding her or not. He would want people out there looking for his sister like this if he had any idea where she was.
“She might have gone further east than we’ve been so far,” Rick stated as he laid the map out in front of them.
“I’d like to help,” Jimmy spoke up first and Julian narrowed his eyes at the younger man. Hershel would kick his ass for trying. Jimmy was just a kid, but Julian was grown enough to make his own decisions. “I know the area pretty well and stuff.
“I think I know the area better than you, Jim,” Julian spoke quietly as he approached the group.
“Hershel’s okay with this?” Good question. Julian would like to believe Jimmy, but he couldn’t help but think the kid was full of shit trying to look cool in front of his girlfriend.
“Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me,” Shane spoke from the car.
Shane gave Julian the creeps. “They found Elizabeth Smart nine months after she went missing on pure chance of someone noticing the people who took her,” he remembered seeing something about it when he was younger and it just stuck with him. Shane might be a cop, but it seemed like he wasn’t too invested in the search.
“Whoever slept in that cupboard was no bigger than yay-high,” Daryl held his hand out to about elbow height. Definitely seemed like a little kid and unless Georgia was suddenly overflowing with feral children, Shane was full of shit.
“Maybe we’ll pick up her trail again,” Rick sounded hopeful.
“No maybe about it. I’m gonna borrow a horse,” Daryl pointed at the map. Hershel won’t be happy about that, Julian thought but didn’t speak. He didn’t want to get on the bad side of this guy.
“Good idea,” T-Dog spoke up, “Maybe you’ll see your Chupacabra up their too.” A short laugh echoed from behind Julian and he turned to see Dove, still perched on the picnic table, shake her head.
“Chupacabra,” Rick inquired.
“You never heard this,” Dale sighed. “Our first night in camp, Daryl tells us that the whole thing reminds him of a time he went squirrel hunting and he saw a Chupacabra.” Julian shuddered at the thought of the goat sucking monster; Jimmy laughed. Julian gave him a quick slap to the back of the head as Daryl spoke again.
“What are you braying at, Jackass?”
“You believe in a blood-sucking dog,” Jimmy questioned.
“You believe the dead walk,” Daryl sneered.
“He’s got you there, Jimbo,” Julian shrugged his shoulders as he rested his hand on the hood of the truck. Jimmy reached for a gun, man that kid was really trying it today.
“Why don’t you come train tomorrow,” Shane offered. “If you’re serious, I’m a certified instructor.”
Andrea spoke up, “For now, he can come with us.”
“If it’s alright, I’d like to go with Jimmy.” Julian turned his attention to Rick. He didn’t feel like going in a car with Shane. The last man to go with him somewhere didn’t exactly seem to fare too well. Even if it meant going with the woman that he didn’t really know and someone who’d made fun of someone for believing in a Chupacabra.
Rick nodded his head and held out his hand to the younger man, “Alright. Thanks for helping us, kid.”
“Julian, sir.”
“Rick is just fine,” the sheriff smiled a little.
“Right, sorry. Not used to bein too friendly to the police. But, no problem, Rick. It feels right to help. Just hope we find her,” Julian nodded his head. The others didn’t notice him tense up as he turned his attention away from the barn and focused on the search plan.
Dove let out a heavy sigh as she turned her attention from the parting group to the house. She couldn’t keep Carol waiting much longer or she might send out another search party for her. As she ascended the steps, Glenn caught her attention. He seemed out of it. “Yoo-hoo. Earth to Glenn,” Dove waved a hand at him.
The man jumped slightly as he turned his head to look at his friend. The smile on his face fell slightly as he realized who was standing in front of him. “Hey, Dove. You not heading out today?”
“Nah, decided I might as well tend to my womanly duties,” she flicked her hair behind her shoulder in an exaggerated manner. “You alright, bud? You see kind of out of it since you got back yesterday.” Dove frowned as she leaned against the post.
“I’m fine. Just…a lot going on in my head, you know,” Glenn smiled sadly as he rested his hand on the guitar in his lap.
A sly look was in Dove’s eye as she spoke. “Well channel all of that emotion into a song and I’m sure you can woo yourself a farmer’s daughter in no time,” she wiggled her eyebrows at him.
The blush that shot up into Glenn’s cheek answered any questions she might have had. “What are you talking about?”
“Nothin! Just that I think a blind man all the way in Korea can see what I’m talking about! But that’s none of my business,” she shrugged her shoulders and took a step closer to him. “But if you do happen to want to talk about it, just let me know! I’m your friend and I’ll always be here to listen. Plus, no better person to go to for girly advice than a girl.” She chuckled as she ruffled Glenn’s hair.
Glenn smiled at the woman as she took a step back towards the door, “Thanks…”
Dove thought that Hershel’s house was nice and she made sure to tell them so. “Well thank you,” Patricia nodded her head politely.
Dove bit her lip as she looked around the hallway. “I just want to thank you,” she turned her attention back to the older blonde. Her expression seemed to be unreadable. Something about these people was off to her. They all seemed nice, but something wasn’t right about any of them. “For letting us stay here while we look for our niece. It’s not something you have to do especially now, you don’t know any of us from those walkers in the streets.”
Patricia held up a hand to stop her, “It’s not a problem. I just want to make sure that Rick and Hershel have made it very clear to you…”
“Once we find Sophia, once Carl is good to roll, we’re gone,” Dove nodded her head. “But still. Thank you,” she smiled as she turned on her heel to walk into the kitchen. “Just hope you don’t mind your mashed potatoes with a little crisp,” she called as she entered the room, “I suck at cooking!”
Carol shook her head at her younger sister as Lori laughed. “You can measure the ingredients,” Carol patted her arm.
“Listen, we all have skills. I was not made to be a house wife,” Dove raised her hands in surrender. “You, however, were a better housewife than any man ever deserved.” She winked at her sister.
Slightly uncomfortable, Lori changed the subject quickly. “You know you weren’t made to be a housewife?” She looked over her shoulder at the younger brunette as she began to peel a potato.
“Sure do. I was a few months away from trying it out, but let’s just say I had to cancel the subscription before the free trial ended,” Dove popped a piece of carrot into her mouth.
Carol clicked her tongue disapprovingly, “Still think you were better off. He seemed unstable.”
“Who? Owen,” Dove questioned her sister with a raised eyebrow. Carol just turned her attention to her. Dove rolled her eyes as she picked up a bigger carrot and started to peel it. “I mean he was a little…quirky.”
Lori let out a small groan at this, “Honey, we all know what quirky means. Quirky is code for ‘you’re unstable but I love you’.” The older brunette elbowed Dove lightly.
Carol let out a quiet snort of laughter at this, “You got that right. The one time when we went up to visit, we stayed in DC so-”
Dove cut her off with a panicked laugh, “Alright listen, I get it! Owen was unstable and I have terrible taste in men, but it’s over now so…we don’t have to rehash that story! Alright.”
It was quiet in the kitchen for a moment before Lori whispered, “You’ll tell me later?”
“Oh, you bet,” Carol whispered back as Lori picked up a bucket to go collect more water.
“The hell you will,” Dove shouted as she picked up a carrot shaving and whipped it at her sister. “Be serious and cut up your god damn carrots,” Dove laughed and shook her head. Still, her thoughts went back to her life before everything went to shit. Actually, this was more like her life going to shit take two. Carol was right, she was way better off.
“Bout time you strolled on up here, Dixon.” Daryl’s attention snapped to the side, back to the direction of the farm.
“Hell do you want,” he snapped at the figure in front of him even though he knew she wasn’t real.
“Should really be getting home,” the figure spoke as she twirled a small pendant between her fingers. She wasn’t really there, but her hazel eyes stared right into his soul just like if she were there, “getting dark out.”
“Shut up,” Daryl snapped as he started stomping back towards the farm. The figure was a few steps ahead of him as he shuffled forward. “Don’t give a shit anyway.”
“Like you said. Merle wasn’t there for you, so why should you listen to him,” the voice was further ahead now and he glanced around before he spotted it a few yards ahead between the trees. “So man the fuck up and use you head for once, asshole.” When Daryl blinked, she was gone.
Dove had decided to take a break from the kitchen, but she didn’t seem to be able to find anyone that she wanted to see. Glenn seemed even more miserable than before, the other men were back without much news, and Daryl still wasn’t back yet. The last part made her feel uneasy. It was getting dark out. A creek on the porch made her turn her attention. “Julian, right? You find anything before,” she stepped towards him.
The young man lowered his binoculars before he shook his head, “Not a thing. Sorry. Maybe your friend found something?”
“The redneck guy. Daryl?”
Dove scoffed, “I don’t think that you can really say that me and Daryl are friends but…”
Andrea’s panicked shouts about a walker cut through the relative silence. Dove felt her pulse quicken and Julian shook his head, “we don’t get many walkers out this far.” He stepped quickly off the porch to help out and shoved the binoculars into Dove’s hand as he went.
Something in her gut told her to look through and when she did, the binoculars fell from her hand as she took off at a run. “Wait,” she shouted as she ran faster than she thought she had in years. She didn’t even realize how quick she was running until she was about halfway across the field.
“Is that Daryl,” Glenn said.
“Holy hell, man. You look like shit,” Julian shouted.
“That’s the third time you’ve pointed that thing at my head,” Dove heard Daryl reply and she slowed down to a walk as a relieved laugh left her lips. “You gonna pull the trigger or what?”
It was silent for a few moments as Dove continued to approach the group. Glenn turned and noticed her but as Dove opened her mouth to call out, a gunshot rang out. What left her throat instead was a panicked scream as adrenaline took over and she took off again. She didn’t even realize what she’d done until her knees hit the ground. Rick was screaming back at Andrea and there was blood on her hands. “Jesus Christ, what the fuck,” Dove turned her head back in the direction of camp before she turned her head back to the sight in front of her. “Dumb fucking bitch, cmon don’t be dead please.” Dove muttered as Rick dropped to the ground next to her. “She shot him in the fucking head,” Dove’s voice shook as she reached a shaking hand out and turned Daryl’s head slightly.
“Good thing she’s a bad shot,” Rick mumbled as Daryl let out a pained groan. His eyes fluttered open for a moment and Dove felt relieved as she realized that he might look out of it, but he wasn’t one of them. He wasn’t dead yet. A hand on her shoulder pulled her to her feet as Glenn wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
Glenn gave her shoulder a squeeze as they watched Rick and Shane haul Daryl to his feet. “I was kidding,” he growled before he passed out.
Anger flared through Dove as Andrea approached them asking if he was dead.
“He’s wearing ears,” Dove heard Glenn’s panicked voice over the pounding of her blood in her ears. Her gaze fell to T-Dog as she fought to control her anger. How could you be so stupid Rick told you not to do it, she raged internally. Even the sight of Sophia’s doll couldn’t calm her down. All she could think of was how, if Andrea had killed Daryl, they would never know where Sophia might be.
She reached a boiling point as they crossed over into camp. All of the bullshit thoughts and prayers about Sophia. All of the wanting to save people and act like she was big and tough. On top of losing Sophia, it was too much. “I’m so sorry,” she heard Andrea say again as Glenn finally released her arm.
“You’re sorry,” Dove rounded on the blonde woman. The few people who hadn’t rushed into the house froze, Carol put a hand over her mouth and shook her head. “You’re sorry that Sophia’s missing. You’re sorry that you wanted to blow yourself up. You’re sorry that you fucking almost killed the one person who might have the best shot at finding Sophia,” Dove’s voice was eerily calm as she stepped closer to the blonde.
“I thought he was a walker! I was just trying-,” but Andrea didn’t get to say what she was trying to do. There was a shout and all of a sudden, both women were on the ground. Dove only managed to land two punches to the woman before she was wrenched away from her.
“Bitch,” Dove shouted as she was pulled back towards the house. She watched with narrowed eyes as Dale helped Andrea back to the RV.
“Holy shit,” Julian mumbled as he held the squirming woman tighter as he tried to pull her towards the porch. It was quite a task, but once it was accomplished, he sat her in a chair and hurried off into the house.
Dove’s attention finally turned from the RV as she winced. A quick look down showed her that a cold washcloth was being placed on her knuckle by Carol. “You shouldn’t have done that,” Carol mumbled.
“Yeah well, she shouldn’t have shot someone,” Dove closed her eyes and shook her head.
There were quiet footsteps as she heard Carol walk back into the house. She sat like that for a while before the door creaked open. She opened her hazel eyes and her shoulders slumped as Rick walked out. The sheriff knelt next to the chair and she felt her shoulders tense as she waited for him to reprimand her.
“I’m not here to yell at you,” Rick sighed as he ran a hand down his face, “I very well should be for the stunt you pulled. I don’t wanna have to hear about you tryin to fight like that in front of my son like that. I’m sure you understand,” Rick glanced over at her.
Dove nodded her head before she turned her gaze over to Rick. “Sorry…I just got,” she took a deep breath, “I got real angry like I haven’t in a real long time.”
Rick frowned and nodded his head, “I understand the last few days have been real hard on you and Carol, so you don’t need me to be hard on you too.” Dove sat up a little straighter and faced Rick fully. “But I just wanted you to know that Daryl’s just fine. He’s resting, we didn’t tell him that you punched Andrea.” She raised an eyebrow. “I think that’s a discussion that you should be able to have by yourself. But he did tell us where he found Sophia’s doll. Pointed it out on a map and everything so we have an even better grid to look for her,” Rick smiled and Dove felt the corner of her mouth quirk up into a smile.
“Thank you, Rick,” Dove whispered.
“Not a problem,” Rick patted her arm.
Dove moved the washcloth from her hand and flexed her knuckles, “Guess it’s best if I don’t sit next to Andrea at dinner, huh,” she joked and Rick chuckled quietly.
“I would advise you not to do that. Just in case,” he rose to his feet and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I want you to know that I’m gonna do my best to find her. I promise.”
@crossbowking​ @momc95​ @chaotic-gary-king-stan​
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atc74 · 4 years
Soul to Souls - Seven
Warnings: Fluffy roadtrip, Dean singing *gasp*, bit o’cliffhanger
Summary: Since she was four years old, Annaleigh has seen the same boy in her dreams. For twenty-five years, she grows to love the boy that has now turned into a man. Dean Winchester just lost the only family he has ever known. The guilt drives him to work harder than ever before. He works to forget the pain, until he meets Annaleigh and she turns his world upside down. What she learns changes both of their lives forever, but what will he do when he discovers the truth? Will he accept it or run back to the only life he has ever known?
Pairing: Dean x  OC Annaleigh
Word Count: 1022 (I know this one is short, but it is worth it, I promise)
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches​​​, @katehuntington​​, thank you both for being my guides! Dividers and new cover art by the amazingly talented @talesmaniac89​​​.
A/N: This was my very first series I ever wrote four years ago in September 2016 and I am so happy and proud to bring this back home. 
Series fun fact: This chapter was my point Z. This is the only thing I saw when I originally had this idea and it was so fun getting to this point. I knew this was how it ended, but there is so much more to go. I hope you have enjoyed the ride so far and hope you’ll stick around for the rest of Dean and Annaleigh’s story. 
Soul to Souls Master List
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Over the years, Dean thought he had known love, with Cassie and with Lisa. But, after only a few short months with Annaleigh, he’d realized that those relationships had done little to prepare him for the overwhelming emotion he felt for her. He wanted to be everything for her, and that meant letting her in further than he had ever let anyone in before. And, if he was being honest with himself, while it terrified him, he liked it. Dean wasn’t still entirely onboard with the soulmates angle, but he knew he would move mountains for her.
After everything Annaleigh had told Dean, after everything she’d shared about their future, he thought he would be terrified that someone knew so much about him. She knew things about him he had never even told his brother. Dean Winchester wasn’t exactly about full disclosure; he didn’t open up to people all that easily, and when he did, he usually held back. But, he didn’t feel like he had to hide anything from Anna. He was more comfortable with her than he had been in his own skin for most of his life. 
For Annaleigh, it was easier. She had had her whole life to adjust and get to know Dean through her visions; she had seen it, felt it. But, for him it was different. Dean jumped in head first, not afraid of the fall, for the first time ever. He was no longer afraid that he couldn’t have something that he craved, even if he still didn’t feel he deserved her.
Domestic life for Annaleigh and Dean, though routine, was anything but boring since he had met her three months prior. It was the apple pie life Dean always hoped it would be. They lived quietly, peacefully, in the small mountain town. But, more importantly, they were together. Dean didn’t know if he had ever felt this satisfied in his entire life. He still hunted, only now he called on her for lore instead of Bobby most times. When her schedule allowed, she took time off to travel with Dean on a hunt, to provide research and moral support. With the Impala packed up for another trip, they hit the road to Sioux Falls to spend a week with Bobby; no case, no monsters; just some much needed family time. 
As Dean drove to Sioux Falls, Annaleigh couldn’t help the restlessness that settled over her. To occupy her hands, and her mind, she kept flipping stations on the radio. Baby was soon filled with the smooth vocal stylings of Tim McGraw. The song brought Dean back to the night when she revealed her secrets to him, and he broke down the walls he had built around him for too many years. Tim was singing about that girl again, and Dean looked over at the amazing woman next to him. 
Roll, won't you come roll with me slow, fast, full speed
Girl wherever sweet time takes us
Hang, with me down this old road
Only god knows where we'll go
Don't matter long as I've got your love
I don't ever want to wake up
Lookin' into someone else's eyes
Another Voice calling me baby
On the other end of the phone
A new girl puttin' on her makeup
Before dinner on Friday night
No I don't ever wanna know, oh oh
No other shotgun rider, beside me, singin' to the radio woo hoo oh oh
Slide, slide over nice and close
Lay your head down on my shoulder
You can fall asleep I'll let you
Dream, life ain’t nothing but a dream, don't wanna be
Cruisin' through this dream without you
Annaleigh sang along and she really was good, harmonizing perfectly with Tim. Dean reached for her hand, and she laced her fingers with his. She was singing to him and he looked over at her when he could take his eyes from the road. She was truly brilliant and beautiful. Strong, capable, brave, loving, and willing to put up with him. She was something he never thought he could have, and he couldn’t have asked for more. He kept trying to figure out how he got so damn lucky. 
Even though he would always miss his brother, she had eased the pain. It seemed like just yesterday and forever ago all at the same time that Sam was sitting where she was now, in the shotgun seat of Baby, making fun of Dean’s cassette collection. “House rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole,” Dean would tell his brother every time. And, truth be told, he didn’t mind her choice in music, most of the time. Dean joined Annaleigh at the chorus and she smiled, knowing she was the only one that had heard him sing like this. 
I don't ever want to wake up
Lookin' into someone else's eyes
Another Voice calling me baby
On the other end of the phone
A new girl puttin' on her makeup
Before dinner on Friday night
No I don't ever wanna know, oh oh
No other shotgun rider, beside me, 
Singin' to the radio, woo hoo oh oh
No other shotgun rider, oh oh
Singin' to the radio, oh oh
You're my shotgun rider
As they hit the city limits, the song ended and she resumed flipping, finding some classic rock to finish off the drive. They pulled into Bobby’s yard and stepped out of the car, Dean grabbing their bags from Baby’s trunk. He slid one arm around Anna’s waist and pulled her in for a quick, playful kiss as they walked to the door. She laughed softly against his lips, and they almost tripped because Dean was only paying attention to her mouth. Outside of their little bubble, someone cleared their throat, as if to remind them they were no longer alone. They turned their attention back to the house, but Dean stopped dead in his tracks.
The witness leaned against the post, casual as can be, a beer in his hand and a smirk on his face. “Hey, Dean.”
Dean breathed out a single word, barely a whisper, “Sammy.”
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Did you like it? The nicest thing you can do for a writer is reblog their work and tell them, and others, how much you like it!
Soul to Souls tags: @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @iwantthedean @jensengirl83 @deanwanddamons @smol-and-grumpy @kbl1313 @waywardbeanie​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​ @princessmisery666​ @spnbaby-67​ @shy-violet-soul​ @lastcallatrockysbar​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ @squirrelnotsam​
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lovelyteng · 3 years
Haunted Corruption Chapter 6 - Truth of Reformed Part 1: Befriended
(Fade as cut to night sky, pan down to Inhabitants walks on the Christmas Rose Park. Fade to Cal close-up as seems sadly.)
Cal: (narrating) I'm feeling self-pity when after I did it. It's caused like my wife was died while I got lost as self-doubt... (He looking Lucy who she holds his hand in happily; barely smiling in sadly while he continues narrating.) Well, my friends have been forgiven me when I've got infected by my friends as they're happy to me for join me.
Lucy: Uh... Cal?
Cal: Yes, Lucy?
Lucy: You've a lot of used negative emotions by yourself when you've been first lost at the chess challenge.
Cal: (sighs in sadly; regret) Yes, I know... I was alone since Betty died... I don't have a real siblings for my real family... While always left me... (Start sobbing and crying as walks and sitting onto box while other Inhabitants stops walks and looking him as they toward to him in worried as join him for sitting on the boxes.) It's all my fault!
Jose: (pats Cal's shoulder) Hey, Cal. It's not your fault. It's our.
Eis: (pats Cal's shoulder) Yes, he's right, Cal! You see... You finding a real family even adoptive family of group! And we're still be friends as never leave you!
Cal: (sadly while sobs) Yes... (Wipes his tears) That's why I always with you.
Fortstopher IV: That's what talking about, Sir Suresh!
Fortie VI: (in Cal's head) Yes! Woo-hoo!
Cal: (stops crying) Thank, guys! You know, there constellations for stars in the sky at night as looking that, right? (other Inhabitants nods.) Like one of us...
Sana: (realized) Wait a second, guys! Don't you think for same us about constellations?
Iben: Yeah, what is it?
Sana: Twelve Zodiac Constellations!
Inhabitants but Sana: (realized) Oh! Twelve Zodiac Constellations!
Cal: You're right, sister! We're Twelve Zodiac Constellations! (He and other Inhabitants laughing until stop as they heard familiar sobbing offscreen.) Did you guys hear that? (He and other Inhabitants shocking surprise from familiar screaming after sobbing.)
Bruce: (points at Haunted Funhouse) There! Inside Haunted Funhouse!
Cal: (nervously) Oh...! I don't likes that!
Eis: Then come on! (He and other Inhabitants hop off from the boxes and runs to Haunted Funhouse.)
(Cut to inside of Haunted Funhouse at the completed dark. Cal opens doors as he and other Inhabitants enter it in walk as step, they looking around while walking as their eyes was glowing from Vision Goggles.)
Voice #1: (in male kid high-middle tone; whispering in worried) I'm so scared! I can't see everywhere without light!
Voice #2: (in male pre-teen middle tone; whispering) Shh! I know! I heard someone inside it. Just keep away from them... (Sound of walking as away.)
Fiona: But I can see everywhere for inside with light.
Anjellica: (in Fiona's head) That's a night visions. You and your friends can everywhere in the dark for half-corrupted powers from me and my friends.
Cal: I heard that, Anjellica. We have a night visions! Also, I have a mind reading!
Inhabitants but Cal: (dumbfounded) Wow! You have a mind reading?!
Cal: Yes.
Haoyu: That's amazing! I wish has my visions' power without Vision Goggles.
Worville Wright: (in Haoyu's head) Oh, you will to have it.
Jose: Hey, Cal. (Holds up Survival Corn as gives to Cal.) Here, you calling to us.
Cal: (confused) Us? What do you means? (Fiona holds Picture of Fiona and Dolphin, Yuri holds Dome of Bug Case with Bugs, Haoyu holds Paper Airplane, Sana holds Birdhouse, Cass holds Paula's Daisy, Iben holds Wedding Ring, Attilio holds Clown Mask, Lucy holds Painting of Distorted Lucy, Eis holds Firefighter Hat, and Bruce holds Cleaning Cane as 11 Inhabitants give Cal.) You means I takes caring your items? To keep it as safely?
Inhabitants but Cal: Yes, Cal.
Yuri: Just be careful for this.
(Cut to Cal walks to the box on the cart as holds and pushes it to Inhabitants as they putting all items in the box, then he holds out Black King Chess Piece which Inhabitants gasp in surprised.)
Attilio: It's looks like you already be... (Fortstopher IV covered his mouth.)
(Cut to shadow of Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI appear as behind Cal who shocking to them which they feeling nervously.)
Fortstopher IV: (nervous) Actually, it's... uh... (Uncovered Attilio's mouth; To Cal as whispering) Sir Suresh, give me your King Chess Piece, please?
Cal: (confused) Okay? (He gives Black King Chess Piece to Fortstopher IV which takes it.)
Fortie VI: (nervous) We're just... excuse us... for second... (Laughs nervously along Fortstopher VI as they're faded away.)
(Cut to shadows of Nega-Bosses appear as behind Inhabitants who shocking to them which they feeling suspiciously.)
Hooverton: (suspicious) I thinking Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI seem acted... good and nice us even Cal.
Bruce: (shocking confused) Uh... What?
The Hydrac: (suspicious) We're just follow them without sound... (To Eis; glares as Eis scared) You stay here, Eisley. (He and Nega-Bosses faded away as moment to other Inhabitants looking Eis in shocking surprised not even Cal who feeling nervously.)
Cal: Well, his long name as others called that of his long name as I heard his name for I was child.
Eis: As I heard your name for your parents called you "Caleb".
Inhabitants but Jose, Cal, and Eis: (shocked) Caleb?!
Jose: Yeah, his secondary first name as I always called him with his long name.
Eis: As only be friends to call Caleb as his true long first name.
Cal: (sadly) But others calling me Calvin as my primary first name.
Eis: I was always responsible after your chemistry was highly extremely dangerous one as it hurts me with fire as school's destroyed. When I was healed as I'm went the school to find you at Grade 7 as high school but you're not here at school which you goes the other school as I don't know where you are, then I started guilty to I did you! (Other Inhabitants gasp in shocked.)
Sana and Cal: (shocked) WHAT?!
Eis: I went a middle school when School Reunion Day as I looked Cal until I saw Wally Darren doing Cal's new experiment as he got a plan, then whole school was fire! (Other Inhabitants gasp in horrible.) Everyone's out of school as I finding Cal but I found Wally which I found out his true color about school as I battle him until he's defeated, I'm continued to find Cal until I found him where he's stuck for his legs on heavy materials, during and after threw away materials while I told him for I'm caused him for my irresponsible as I apologize him and then Cal agreed that as I'm holds him for school was started break as I running to fire exit where it's been blocked as Cal told me about how unblocked door of fire exit, and then Cal and I finally out of school as survived!
Inhabitants but Cal and Eis: (quietly amazed) Wow...
Jose: Reasonable to that. That's why you always responsibility and when you become a friend of Cal.
Eis: (sadly) Yeah... (determining) But we're just following the people inside of this place! (He and other Inhabitants walk away even Cal pushes the cart.)
(Cut to Inhabitants stopped walking as looking 12 tunnels.)
Cal: Okay! Let's split up! (He and other Inhabitants nods and going through tunnels each one.)
(Cut to Mirror Hall where other room from Haunted Funhouse as Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI with silhouette of perfect shapes as they looking in panicked until sigh in relieved.)
Fortie VI: I thinks we're lost them like that, brother.
Fortstopher IV: (holds Black King Chess Piece as he and Fortie VI looking it in sadly worried) Well, we're finally freed of negative morality and understanding about human culture and society by this with Sir Suresh's saying about his true happiness from few years ago.
(Cut flashback to Cal's consciousness when Fortstopher IV crying and Fortie VI fall slowly from anti-gravity as holds Cal's box of macarons.)
Fortstopher IV: (flashback; crying) Nobody to me for being friend!
Fortie VI: (flashback) Actually... I got the box as Sir Suresh disappeared. (Holds Cal's box of macarons.)
Fortstopher IV: (gasps in surprised) What?!
Fortie VI: (walks to Fortstopher IV) He's left it as dropped it. (He opens the box as he and Fortstopher IV gasp in surprised as inside of box was one lemon cheesecake, four red velvet macarons, and four cinnamon roll macarons.) Wow! Sir Suresh brought this box! (He and Fortstopher IV notice White King Chess Piece floating and glowing mix of red and indigo layers.) Wow, White King Chess Piece was floating and glowing.
(Cut to White King Chess Piece as unknown figure appear with glowing indigo holds it as stopped glowing figure and White King Chess Piece as revealed was Illusion Cal who looking and holding White King Chess Piece in happily.)
Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI: (shocked) Sir Suresh?! (Fortie VI runs to Illusion Cal but phases him which he and Fortstopher IV confused shocking) Huh?!
Fortstopher IV: I thinks he was illusion, Fortie. Just listen to him.
Fortie VI: Okay...
Illusion Cal: (flashback; happily) I finally understand that! Winning or losing doesn't matter for I wanted! I'm so happy about children playing it while I'm teaching them as they're winning or losing as I forgot about past glory as never doing that again! (Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI start shaking and hold their head as closing their eyes.) I realized about I got a first lose of chess... (Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI start glowing mix of red and indigo layers around them.) It was... (Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI start groan and grunt.) ...My past mistakes! (Rises up White King Chess Piece as start glowing of dark violet.)
(Cut to Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI screaming and open their eyes with completely fill of dark violet as they floating as dark aura come out and flying into White King Chess Piece which it covering black from bottom to top until it filled as Black King Chess Piece while Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI stopped screaming and close their eyes as they falling down as lied down on the ground, then Illusion Cal fades as disappeared with red and indigo sparkles as Black King Chess Piece floating and glowing mix of red and indigo layers. Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI groaning as wake up as open their eyes, and then stand up as rubbing their head.)
Fortie VI: What's happened, brother? (He and Fortstopher IV gasp in shocked surprising as Fortie VI covered his mouth.)
Fortstopher IV: (shocked worrying) Brother? Why you calling me?!
Fortie VI: (uncovered his mouth) Because we're connection with Lance's magic and Sir Suresh's DNA! (He and Fortstopher IV gasp in shocked realising.)
Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI: (shocked realising.) His DNA?!
Fortstopher IV: I thinks we're twins as I was first one as oldest and you were second one as youngest of Sir Suresh!
Fortie VI: (gasp in realized) Which means...
Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI: (happily) He have a real brothers! (Shocked confusing) Huh?! What?!
Fortie VI: (shocked) Why we're acted like this?!
Fortstopher IV: I thinks we've been removed our negative morality from Lance's magic as it went into (Points at Black King Chess Piece floating to he and Fortie VI.) that piece.
Fortie VI: Hey, brother. (Walks and takes Cal's box of macarons as back toward Fortstopher IV.) Macarons?
Fortstopher IV: Sure. (Fortie VI passes three red velvet macarons him and holds one as start eats it but he and Fortie VI shocked as looking each other; shocked.) Hey, brother?
Fortie VI: (shocked) Yes?
Fortstopher IV: (still shocked) I thinks we've got understanding about human culture and society from Our Bishop's memories and morality! (He and Fortie VI gasp in realized.) I thinks we did hurts him when we have a dark aura!
Fortie VI: (gasps) Oh no... (He and Fortstopher IV looking Black King Chess Piece and then each other in worried.)
(Cut to present as end of the flashback, Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI looking Black King Chess Piece on the Fortstopher IV's hand in sadly.)
Fortstopher IV: (sadly) You know... Sir Suresh wanted a real siblings as never be alone.
Fortie VI: (sadly) Yeah... He's just always be friend. I wish be like Sir Suresh being friend as never alone.
Fortstopher IV: (still sadly) Me too... (Black King Chess Piece start floating and then glowing mix of red and indigo layers as he and Fortie VI start floating which they scared.) What's happening?!
Fortie VI: (scared) I don't know, brother!
(Black King Chess Piece shoot Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI with red and indigo magic while Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI screaming loudly while other Nega-Bosses with silhouette of perfect shapes run and then looking Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI in horror. Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI covered them as unshown with light aura, then flashes of light explode as massive wave of light aura which Haunted Funhouse turned on all of light even Cal falling down on the ground as wall broken as another tunnel, then he stand up and looking broken wall as new tunnel.)
Cal: (shocking surprised) Huh?! (Runs as pushes the cart going new tunnel.)
(Cut to Mirror Hall which mirrors was all scattered while other Nega-Bosses shocked expression for moment and then Cal arrived as enters it.)
Cal: (still shocking surprised) What's going on here?!
Fortstopher IV: (offscreen; happily) My Bishop! You're here! (Cal shocked expression as looking as same Nega-Bosses.)
Fortie VI: (offscreen; confused) Sir Suresh? Are you okay? You're looking... worry.
Cal: (still shocking surprised but worried as points at Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI) Just... looking... yourselves... (Picks and holds big broken mirror to Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI.)
(Cut to unknown shapes of Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI as they holds big broken mirror as looking their reflection as revealed was their human form as they're screaming and then each other in horror while Cal and Nega-Bosses screaming in horror. Cuts in one to Inhabitants heard the screaming in echo. Cut back to Cal, Fortstopher IV, Fortie VI, and other Nega-Bosses continue screaming until they stopped by Cal start shouts.)
Cal: (shouts in loudly) STOP! EVERYONE CAN HEAR YOU!
Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI: (worried) Sorry!
Cal: I can't believe! (Notice Black King Chess Piece stopped floating as falls on his hand.) This piece was my Corrupted Source! And you finally have a human form!
Fortie VI: Yes! Also... I kind of likes this! Look! I got a hat! (To Fortstopher IV) And you got a crown!
Fortstopher IV: (notice his crown on his head) Oh right! I liked this form as same of Sir Suresh!
Fortie VI: Yeah! Because his DNA!
Cal: My DNA? You have my DNA?
Fortie VI: Yes! I thinks me, my brother, and my friends was made of you and your friends' DNA and Lance's dark magic!
Cal: Cool! Nice saying, Archie!
Fortie VI: Archie? What was that?
Cal: Your human name, brother.
Fortie VI: Cool! He knows his brother to me!
Cal: You means... I knows my brothers to you of both?
Fortstopher IV: I thinks we need full name for our human name. Just thinks... (He, Cal, and Fortie VI start thinking.)
Cal: (ideal as snaps his fingers) I know! (Points at Fortstopher IV.) Your human name is Christopher IV Suresh! Chris is your short human name!
Fortstopher IV: (happily) That's perfect!
Cal: (points at Fortie VI) And your human name is Arthur Ford Suresh! Archie is your short human name!
Fortie VI: (happily) Oh! I loved it!
Cal: I telling our closest friends about you but we don't telling you!
Fortstopher IV: Well, not all of our closest friends, brother.
Cal: (shocked confusing) Huh? What did you means?
Fortstopher IV: My friends still have a negative moralities yet, My Bishop.
Fortie VI: They will get us.
Cal: (shocked) What?! (He and his brothers notice other Nega-Bosses who glares at them.)
Inkabelle: I know you two was befriended Cal and his friends!
The Hydrac: Which you both removed negative moralities!
Princess Marey: You both have understanding about human culture and society from Cal's memories and morality!
Cuckoo: And then you both have a human form!
Cal: Run! (He and his brothers runs as gets stuff.)
(Cal gets tool box, Fortstopher IV gets mine cart, and Fortie VI gets motor, then they back to the cart as building cart with tools as finished was Motor Carts as they're hop in of front cart as Cal presses the blue small button as pop out and covered of glass dome for carts and then he presses the red big button as start driving as out of Mirror Hall.)
The Grim Creeper: They're getting away!
Barktholomew: Get them! (He and other Nega-Bosses chase them.)
(Cut to Suresh Brothers on the Motor Carts as Cal driving it on the hallway)
Cal: We're on the hallway!
Wormsworth: (offscreen) Come back here, you nasty boys!
Fortie VI: (looking mirror as reflection of other Nega-Bosses; worried) Brothers! We've been problem about that!
Cal: I got idea! (Turns to left as drive away, cut to 11 Nega-Bosses runs to left side until stopped for dead end.)
Purrla: Hey! They're just headed to left side of path! Meow!
Hooverton: Just finding them, youngsters! (He and other Nega-Bosses runs away.)
(Pans down to below the floor as revealed location called Winter Mine as Suresh Brothers on Motor Carts as driving on the ground of Winter Mine which they looking around.)
Fortie VI: Wow! Winter Mine looks like Iben and The Grim Creeper's stage set world!
Fortstopher IV: Indeed, brother! (To Cal) So, you still finding exit of Winter Mine, Sir Suresh?
Cal: Not yet... (Suddenly, he and his brothers hear baby voice crying.)
Fortie VI: (worried) Ah! What was that?! There's baby monster in the mine?! (He and his brothers notice shadows of big one holding small one who crying. He screams.) There's snow monsters in the mine! (Hugs in tightly to Fortstopher IV in worried.)
Fortstopher IV: Ouch!
Cal: Wait a minute! (shocked) Ben and Elie?! (Cut to Ben walks as light on him as holds Elie who stopped crying as she looking Suresh Brothers in happily; To Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI) See, brothers? They're never scared you. (Fortie VI let go Fortstopher IV who rubbing his arms.)
Fortie VI: Who's Ben and Elie?
Cal: Ben was Iben's fiancé and Elie was Iben's youngest daughter.
Fortie VI: If Elie was youngest daughter of Iben and Ben, then who oldest child?
Cal: Ward was Iben's oldest son! You knows, he helping Bruce to cleaning the sidewalk at the park.
(Cut to Ben and Elie as Ben holds Elie as walk toward to Suresh Brothers.)
Ben: Hi, Calvin! You have a two people, they like... you as your face like brothers to them.
Cal: Ben, this is Christopher IV and Arthur Ford. (To Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI; whispering) Just don't used your real names! Just used human names!
Fortstopher IV: My name is Christopher IV Suresh! Anybody calling me Chris for short as Cal's younger brother and Archie's older twin brother as middle one of Suresh Brothers!
Fortie VI: And my name is Arthur Ford Suresh! As calling me Archie for short! As Cal's youngest brother and Chris' younger twin brother as youngest one of Suresh Brothers!
Cal: And Chris' older brother and Archie's oldest brother as oldest one of Suresh Brothers! We are...
Suresh Brothers: Suresh Brothers!
Ben: Nice of you and your introduction as new one, Calvin! (realized) Oh! I knows where exit of Winter Mine and where's Iben?
Cal: First, thank you to help us. Second, she's up with her friends as finding two people inside this.
Ben: That's means...! There's my son!
Cal: (shocked) Ward?! He's inside Haunted Funhouse?!
Ben: Yes, Cal.
Fortstopher IV: If Ward was one of two voices...
Fortie VI: Then who's people inside along Ward?
Cal: (suspicious) Hmm... That's voice sounds... familiar. (Gasps in realized) Flint Glover!
Fortstopher IV, Fortie VI, and Ben: Huh?
Cal: A boy who saved from fire of building by his uncle Eis Glover who trying to brave from his fear of fire to save his nephew!
Ben: Then come on! (He and Elie hop on the front cart of Motor Carts as back seat, notice box on the back cart.) Cal, what was that?
Cal: My closest friends gave me their special items. I keeping it safely from any dangerous.
(Cal starts driving along his brothers, Ben, and Elie as Motor Carts moving to turn the right while pans to Darren Family creepy smiling as Willy holds walkie-talkie as speaking to it.)
Willy: Tora, I found Cal! Inside Winter Mine! As he gets his friends even he have a two brothers. Also, they're heading exit of Winter Mine as finding Ward and Flint!
Tora: (speaking through of Willy's walkie-talkie) Great! Good luck! (Hang up of Willy's walkie-talkie.)
Wally: Okay, guys! Let's following them and then we're removing to Cal's covered!
(Darren Family laughing echoes as fade to Suresh Brothers looking each other in worried while Darren Family's laughing throughout echoes, pans to back cart of Motor Carts, them fade to inside the box as Inhabitants' items start glowing mix of Nega-Bosses' main color theme. Cut to silhouette of 11 Nega-Bosses looking and walking in slowly to Suresh Brothers, Ben, and Elie on Motor Carts in smiling evilly.)
11 Nega-Bosses: We just be a friends, Suresh Brothers! (Laughing evilly.)
(Cuts in one to Inhabitants heard the laughing in echo as feeling worried. Fade out as pitched black screen.)
To be continued.
List of Chapters
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us2dinosaurplanet · 3 years
The Stay on Dinosaur Planet: Chapter 2-A Newborn Princess; Tricky’s Little Sister
Later that morning, Fox and Misty felt and heard a savage beast breathing on them. When they awoke, they saw that it was an Earthwalker breathing on them. They were spooked and lifted themselves up in a flash. Earthwalkers can seem monstrous when seen from down below, so it shouldn’t be surprising that Fox and Misty were spooked. Fox: “Whoa! If that was my wake up call, then I’m never complaining about my alarm clock again.” Misty: “You said it.” Earthwalker: “I’m sorry to wake you from such an unpleasant experience but this is urgent.” Fox: “How urgent?” Earthwalker: “Very, the king and queen needs me to bring you 2, the prince, and the blue and blonde little one to them right away. Something important is about to happen.” Fox: “Alright, alright, I’ll wake them.”
Fox kneeled in front of Bubbles and Tricky and shook them slightly. Fox: “Bubbles, Tricky, wake up, the king and queen need us.” Tricky: “(groan) Huh? Not now, mom. 5 more minutes, please.”
Fox then grabbed the two of them and shook them like an earthquake. Tricky: “OK, OK, I’m awake, I’m awake.”
Fox was able to drop them back on the ground. Fox: “It’s about time; the king and queen Earthwalker need us now, it’s urgent.” Tricky: “How urgent?” Fox: “Very, we need to return to Thorntail Hollow right away. Something important is going down.” Tricky: “Well why didn’t you say so, Fox? We need to return to Thorntail Hollow right away.” Fox: “I just said that.” Tricky: “Oh, right, sorry.”
Fox rolled his eyes.
Soon, Fox and Misty climbed on the Earthwalker’s back and rode it out of Cape Claw and into Thorntail Hollow followed by Bubbles and Tricky. When they arrived, they saw the king and queen Earthwalker waiting for them in the chamber. Tricky: “Mom! Dad! We arrived here as fast as we could. What’s the urgent news?” Queen Earthwalker: “I’m glad to see that you could make it, son. However, before we get to the urgent news there’s something we need to confess. During the attack of our army at the Krazoa Palace, your father and I hid something besides his gatekeeping powers behind the sacred seal. Within the hole of that wall is where it’s hidden. The reason I called your friends here is because my husband and I can’t seem to reach the hole.” Fox: “And you want one of us to try to get that thing that you can’t reach within the hole?” Queen Earthwalker: “Right.” Bubbles: “Leave this one to me, Fox.” Fox: “No, no, I’ll take care of this one, Bubbles.”
Misty flew over to Krystal, picked her up and flew away as Fox approached the hole. He reached inside the hole and pulled out an egg. The egg was sort of a darkish-pink color with brown spots and a yellow bottom. Tricky: “Oh, my gosh, that’s not what I think it is?” Bubbles: “What is it?” Tricky: “It’s an Earthwalker egg!” Bubbles: “Oh! (gasp) Oh, my gosh, that’s not what I think it is?”
Fox, Misty, the queen and king Earthwalker laughed at Bubbles’ cute remark. Queen Earthwalker: “But indeed it is. The king and I worried that Scales would use it to threaten us once he found it. So your father hid the egg behind the sacred seal, as well as his powers.” Fox: “So, securing the egg within the hole to make sure that Scales doesn’t grab hold of the egg even if he found a way to crack open the seal?” King Earthwalker: “Right.” Fox: “So how long will it be until it hatches?” Queen Earthwalker: “Oh, I believe the answer to that question will arrive soon, Fox.” Fox: “Uh…what exactly is that suppose to mean…? Huh?”
Suddenly, the egg shattered and revealed a cute little Earthwalker covered in yolk. However, the Earthwalker wasn’t the only person covered in yolk. Fox: “Er, congratulations, it’s a girl.” Misty: “Wow! She’s beautiful.” Tricky: “Oh, wow! I can’t believe it! I have a sister! Alright! Woo-hoo!”
Tricky started jumping up and down with excitement. Tricky: “Mom, dad, you’re the best!” Fox: “Protecting this baby from General Scales was worth it for you, Tricky, and all of us, even me. You guys should be proud of your efforts.” Queen Earthwalker: “And we are proud. Thank you, Fox.” Fox: “Don’t mention it. So, what will you name her?”
The king and queen looked at each other and then back at Fox. Queen Earthwalker: “Well, actually, Fox, we’ve decided that you should name her.” Fox: “What? You can’t be serious.” King Earthwalker: “Oh, but we are. It’s the least we can do after what you and your friends have done for our world.” Fox: “Oh, well…um…that’s…awfully nice of you but to be honest…I’m…um…not very good with names.” Bubbles: “Don’t worry, Fox. Misty and I will lend you a helping hand.” Fox: “Really? That’s great. I was hoping you would say that.”
Fox, Misty, and Bubbles turned away from the king and queen and huddled. Fox: “Ok, girls, we need to think up a name for this Earthwalker child. Got any suggestions?” Bubbles: “How about Cutie?” Fox:” Mm, I don’t think so, Bubbles. It’s…sounding kind of strange. I mean, I agree with you; she IS cute, but she won’t remain like this forever. Try something else.” Bubbles: “Oh!” Misty:” I’ve got one, since she’s so beautiful, we should call her Beautiful.” Fox: “No, sorry, Misty. Not catchy enough, either. Do you have something else?” Misty: “Well, my first suggestion was Beauty, but…” Bubbles: “I like it!” Misty: “You do?” Fox: “Yeah, Beauty, that’s a perfect name. Misty, you’re a genius.” Misty: “I am? Oh, Fox, you’re just saying that.” Fox: “No, I mean it, and you’ve always have been for the past 9 year that we’ve known each other.”
Oh, brother, once again, you see Fox and Misty staring into each other’s eyes very deeply but have they find out that they were in love with each other, yet? NO! When in the name of Star Haven are they going to figure it out?
Soon, they turned backed to the king and queen. Fox: “Our minds are made up. We have decided to name this Earthwalker Princess Beauty.” Queen Earthwalker: “That’s a wonderful name, Fox.” King Earthwalker: “I agree, you didn’t do too badly for someone who was bad with names.” Fox: “Well, actually, it was Misty’s idea.”
Fox then handed Beauty to Bubbles. Fox: “Here, Bubbles, take Beauty for me, I rush over to the river and wash this yolk off me before I start going ballistic. (Laugh)”
Bubbles chased after Fox. The queen and king left the chamber along with Tricky. Misty put Krystal down and chased after the others. Suddenly, Krystal slightly opened her eyes and turned towards the exit. Krystal: “Oh, Fox, someday you, too will discover that you have a sister, as well: me.”
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revisionaryhistory · 4 years
Three Days ~ 40
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I got up to make banana bread for my niece. This chapter is just as sweet. Enjoy.
I woke up face down and naked on top of Emma's bed. I turned my head and could see Emma was also face down and naked. She was also using my lower back as a pillow with her arm under my ass. I have no idea how we got here. I remember the blonde with long hair trying to start shit. Then more shots. And more shots. We hadn't driven, so we must have taken an Uber back. I could see towels on the floor, so we must have showered. That's good because we both had to stink after all day in the sun. Her more. I stifled a laugh and felt Emma shift. I said, "Morning." My voice sounded like we’d been drinking all night or I’d started smoking again.
"Morning." Her voice sounded as rough as mine. She started to move then stopped. "I'm hugging your butt like a teddy bear. Interesting."
"Gotta admit, it's a first."
Emma joined me right way on the bed after planting a kiss on my ass. I rolled to my side, mirroring her, "Any idea how we got here?"
"Not really." She cringed, "I remember getting out of an Uber and barely being able to unlock the door."
"There's towels on the floor."
She leaned and sniffed my chest, "You smell nice and clean." Her eyes shifted between both our naked bodies. "Did we have sex?"
I laughed, "Oh, I doubt it." She laughed with me. I ran my hand down her side to rest on her hip, my eyes following. "I may always want you, but I think too drunk to fuck was a thing last night."
She smiled, her single dimple making itself known, "Always, huh?"
"Always." I went to kiss her, but was stopped by her hand on my chest.
"Oh no." She shook her head. "Something has crawled in my mouth and died." She climbed over me and headed to the bathroom. I heard her pee, flush, and turned the water on.
I knocked, "Can I brush too?"
She let me in and made room in front of the sink. We continued talking as we brushed. "How do you feel?"
"Not horrible. A little headache. My finger hurts. How about you?
"Dehydrated. Headache."
"We have brunch with your parents in two hours."
I looked at her in the mirror, "We can push it back. I don't want to cancel."
"No, Advil and some water and I'll be fine." She put her hand over her stomach. "I'll be hungry by then." She finished brushing her teeth, put her tooth brush away, and looked down my body. Emma's hand caressed down my chest to cup my balls. "You're very naked, Mr. Stan."
I almost choked on a mouthful of toothpaste. I spit and rinsed while she continued to fondle me. Thankfully, she waited to stroke my cock. I dropped my toothbrush in the sink with a groan. My hands ran down the silky skin of her back to her ass and I pulled her closer. I stopped a fraction of an inch from her lips, "You're very naked too, Ms. Marcum."
I kissed her and realized I was already hungry.
Two hours later we walked into Jill's Bistro and sat down with my parents. Mom was happy to see both of us. She'd texted me Friday morning to make sure we were still on and to tell me again she liked Emma. I was glad. I love my mom. While her approval of someone I'm going out with isn’t necessary, it is nice. Especially considering how much I liked Emma.
Mom did separate us for brunch. When we got to the table, she and Anthony were seated across from each other. I rolled my eyes as I hugged her, "Traitor."
Mom kissed my cheek, "I can talk to you both." She hugged Emma, "Nice to see you again."
"You too."
I pushed in Emma's chair and kissed her cheek before walking to the other side of the table. This was fine. We were both tall enough for me to stretch out my leg and touch hers. Yes, I am just that ridiculous.
Mom was on Emma's right and immediately noticed her finger, like any good mom would. Emma had left it uncovered to get some air. The blood was gone, but it was still red and looked like it hurt. She said it did. Emma told them about the game and I pulled out my phone to supplement with pictures and video. I smiled watching again, even more with the interest my parents showed. Eventually we talked about other stuff. Food was good. Dessert was incredible. It was a good time. I was still a little dehydrated and tired. Inside the CRV I looked at her, "Are you tired?"
"A little. Why? What do you want to do?" Her smile and the way she's looking at me. Damn.
Shaking my head, I said, "Nothing. I was thinking I was a little tired and figured you really must be."
"Wanna go home and lay on the couch? Read. It's your turn to introduce me to a TV show."
I laughed, "Yeah, it is. You need to turn in your lesson plans too." I remembered.
"Last week. Woo hoo!" She pumped both arms in the air. We were laughing when her phone rang. The CRV screen said, "Dad #2". Emma pointed toward the steering wheel, “Hit answer for me. The one on the left." I hit the button and the call connected. "Hey, dad."
A gravelly voice came through the speakers and my inner fanboy got very excited. My thought that Dad #2 was Ed proved true.
"Hey Emma. How was the tournament?"
"We won!"
"That's fantastic. Congratulations."
"It was fun. I'll send you pictures."
"Can't wait to see them. Did you hurt yourself?"
"Broke off a nail. Nothing major." She looked at me and winked. "I'm being well taken care of."
Thus far the conversation had been a quick back and forth. There was a noticeable pause before Ed started speaking again, "What exactly does that mean?"
"I'm seeing someone. He patched me up when I hurt myself."
I was thinking being a knight in shining armor would get me some points.
"Do you not remember the rules? Do dating before thirty. In the last two weeks have you miraculously turned thirty?"
Nope, no points for me. I'm also docking myself some points because I don't know how old she is. She's got a job and a condo. That’s old enough.
"No, I have not. Wait, he's over thirty." I held up some fingers. "Thirty-six."
"Was that supposed to make it better, Emma? Thirty-six. Fuck, he's not a musician too is he? 'Cause that requires paperwork."
"No, not a musician."
"What's he do?" There was a tone in his voice that told me he knew she was not telling him something.
"He's an actor."
"Not better. Should have never let you move to New York. Actors and musicians everywhere."
"I met him here." She was pointing down like he could see her. They were used to FaceTime.
“Yes or no. If I was to hang up and change to FaceTime would I see him?" He was giving her shit, but his affection for her was clear.
"Of course not, Daddy. I’m in the car. Answering FaceTime would be dangerous."
I let out a barking laugh. The tone of her voice was very Cher from Clueless.
"Ha! Thought so. What’s your name?"
I answered without pause, “Sebastian Stan. Nice to, well, meet you. Sort of."
"Sebastian Stan. S-T-A-N." I nearly laughed again. Fucking Eddie Vedder was Googling me. “That’s why your name sounds familiar. Marvel. What the hell are you doing in Beacon?"
"My parents live here. We met when I was helping them move." Yes, that's me sucking up. I pulled into her drive and put the CRV in park, waiting to cut the engine until we were done with the call.
Ed laugh, "I trust her that you're a nice guy, Sebastian, or she wouldn't have answered the call."
Emma laughed, "Very true. We're home. Now that you two have met can we continue the inquisition tomorrow night. He leaves in the morning."
"Sure. Harper has awards tomorrow, so wait until after school."
"I will. I can congratulate her.  Give the girls and Jill a hug. I love you."
"I love you, too Emma."
Emma put her hand on my arm and leaned over the console to kiss me, "He'll have your phone number, address, and SAG member ID in five minutes. Ten tops."
We kicked off our shoes and headed to the couch. I sat down and she straddled my lap, giving me a kiss. I decided to tell her what I'd thought. "He was giving you shit, but I could tell he really loves you. He sounded more, I don't know, amused, than anything."
She smiled, her tongue sticking out between her teeth. "He was. He's a lot of fun. He did tell me I had to get prior written approval before going out with a musician."
"I don't think he would have signed off."
"Me either."
I kept my arm on her leg, my hand on her hip. My other hand went to her face to guide her in for a kiss. A very long, slow kiss. I kept my hand on her face, "I don't know how old you are."
"Twenty-eight. I'll be twenty-nine on November twenty third."
"Eight years."
She ignored my statement. "I have a confession." This was going to be interesting. "I said I wouldn't Google you, but I had already checked IMDB the day we met. You hadn't said your last name when you introduced yourself and I wanted to make sure you were you I thought you were. Your birthday's on there."
I smiled with how she wasn’t sure who I was, "You're so cute I want to squish you." I hugged her tight, rocking her from side to side.
She was holding onto me and laughing, "Can I look at Google images? I like looking at you."
I un-hugged her where I could see her face. "You can look where ever you want. Promise me you'll ask me about anything."
Her face said no before she did, "I want pretty pretty pictures not articles or gossip. I’m having too much fun getting to know you. I want to learn about you from you."
I dropped both my hands to her thighs. A week ago I didn't touch her like this. "That means more to me than you can possibly imagine."
Emma shrugged one shoulder, tilting here head toward the shrug, "I think you're gonna mean more to me than you can possibly imagine."
Jesus. Maybe twenty-eight is too young to be afraid to say shit like that. I want to know how she's so fearless.
"I have a pretty good imagination."
"We'll both have to wait and see."
A very nice moment was broken by my phone. Something told me to pick it up. FaceTime and I didn't recognize the number. Emma did, "Ed." She climbed off my lap. "I'm going to grab my tablet. Want me to get your book?"
"Yes, please, outside pocket of my bag."
"Be right back."
I answered and waited for Ed's face to show up. "She told me it would take you five, ten minutes max. You're late."
"Everything takes longer on Sunday." He smiled, "My wife tells me I can be intense and overprotective."
"I get it, she's one of your daughters. I think she's pretty special too." I hoped my sincerity played over FaceTime.
He leaned back on whatever he sat on, "If she's letting us meet, she thinks you're pretty special too."
I smiled and nodded, "I hope so." I heard Emma coming down the stairs, "Please tell me you're tougher than her other dad."
Ed laughed, "He's a cupcake."
Emma put her face next to mine where he could see both of us, "Do not scare him. I like him."
Ed shifted his attention to her, "Should you say that in front of him?"
"Don't be silly. He knows. I would never."
There it is! I’ve been waiting patiently and there it finally fucking is. I turned my head and pulled away to see her, "There's the southern accent I’ve been waiting for!"
Ed smirked, "Wait until she goes back to Georgia. You've got a good two or three days before she loses the accent. The harder she tries the worse it gets."
"Which is why I don't try."
Indignant, but still a little Southern. I snickered. She turned her head and kissed my lips. I winced, “Don't do that. I think I was winning him over."
A young female voice came through, "Is that Sissy?"
"Hi Livvy."
A teenage girl with long straight hair moved in beside her dad. She looked confused, shifting her eyes between us. She settled on me and her mouth dropped open, "Bucky?"
I loved when kids called me by my character, "Who the hell is Bucky?”  A smile lit up her face, “How are you, Olivia? Emma’s told me a lot about you."
Attention back to Emma. "Sissy, you're dating Bucky?"
"I am."
Olivia's hand covered her mouth, "Oh shit!" She pushed her dad's shoulder, "Do not scare him off. I want to meet him. It's six months to Hawaii. Emma, you keep him happy and I'll make dad be nice. I love him." She was looking at me.
"Thank you."
Ed was glaring at me and holding up a finger. "One, Seb, I have a one daughter limit."
"I'm not willing to trade. I like the one I've got."
He smirked, "I'm starting to like you, but it could turn and I will find you."
"I'II try not to give you reason."
Another face came to the other side of Ed’s face. Obviously, his beautiful wife. She looked at me then Ed, "Have you two finished the pissing contest?"
Ed smile at his wife, love filled his face, "We've got a truce."
We stayed on FaceTime for a while longer and I was a little sad when we hung up. Emma stood up and I turned enough for me to grab and pull her over the couch into my lap. Her flailing and squeals made me laugh. I buried my face in her neck, kissing and tickling her. She tried to fight back and I held her wrists. Despite her wiggling I was able to kiss her. That stopped her. But I wasn't wanting serious or to sit here making out. I was still in fanboy mode. "I want to get on a plane and go to Seattle. That was so much fun, even the parts where Ed looked like he wanted to murder me. I got to see you with your family and finally," I looked to the ceiling and shook my fist, "got to hear your southern accent."
"We do have a lot fun together. Not that my parents and sister aren't fun, but it is different."
"Sure. I loved you telling Ed FaceTime would be dangerous. You two going back and forth."
Emma laughed, "We watch Clueless every New Year’s Day."
I punched my thumb and forefinger together, "Spot on."
She combed her fingers through my hair, "Do you realize me seeing you with your family is just as fun for me? Your mom sending you to the other side of the house and watching you two was great. You reverting to a little boy was amusing." She did the thing in my hair again. "And very sweet."
We like each other's family (at least the half I've met) and we like each other. Things are working out well. I rearranged her a little on my lap, "Can we catch up on some making out?"
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Drawn Together: Chapter 20
Not dead yet, woo hoo!
It took a couple of days to adjust to the new setting.
"3... 4... Come on, Feliciano, you can do better than 4." Ludwig said, holding a timer as he sat by Feliciano's side.
"I'm pretty sure 4 is my limit now." Feliciano answered, laying face down on the floor. The reason? He was trying to do push ups, according to Ludwig, an important part of training to lose weight.
"Come on, you have 5 more seconds." Ludwig encouraged... sort of.
Feliciano tried to go through with one last push, but his hands gave up and he was met with the floor again. He cried as his nose collided with Ludwig's hard, polished floor.
Ludwig stopped the timer, flipping Feliciano over. "Well, that's one more than it was yesterday." Feliciano smiled at the encouragement as Ludwig offered him his hand to help him up. "Get your refreshments, we're running today." He said and Feliciano's smile fell. As well as maybe his eyes.
This was how the two spent their days now, the awkward first day now long behind them. Feliciano absolutely enjoyed spending his days like this, Ludwig had classes in the morning, but had the whole afternoon just for Feliciano. That didn't mean that Feliciano was allowed to sleep the morning away. Gilbert made sure that won't be the case. If Ludwig got to spend the whole afternoon with Feliciano, then Gilbert had every right to keep him occupied in the morning.
As for Grandpa Rome, he usually had meetings in the morning and worked the afternoon off. Feliciano never really saw him working like that, he always thought his grandpa would do his job with a wink on his face, given how he didn't talk about it much. Coming to Germany and seeing his grandpa so hardworking was an experience. He didn't talk much to either of the Beilschmidts and even when he did, it was almost always to Gilbert. Feliciano got the vibe that his grandpa didn't really like Ludwig much.
Gilbert was his own special case of happy to have Feliciano here. Although he worked the afternoon, being a chef wasn't easy, he spent most of his free time showing Feliciano around Berlin. Occasionally, Elizabeta and her husband, Feliciano learned his name was Roderich and that he was the inspiration behind the character Rod, would drop by. Elizabeta was overjoyed to see Feliciano after so long, but Roderich kind of scared him. Ludwig told Feliciano that Roderich and Gilbert had a rocky relationship since birth, especially since Elizabeta came into the play. Things are better now that Gilbert has moved on though.
Ludwig wasn't the type to show it, but he was happy that Feliciano was living with him for a short while. They didn't do as much sightseeing as Feliciano would like, but they enjoyed their long talks, often lasting deep in the night. Ludwig was sure that Feliciano could never truly run out of things to talk about. The same seemed to be the case now, and, truth to be told, Ludwig was amazed by Feliciano's ability to talk while running. Even if he wouldn't call that running.
Feliciano was fast walking behind Ludwig, talking about birds. From what Ludwig could gather, Venice was filled with birds all year round and Feliciano was surprised by the lack of them in Germany. There were birds, but it wasn't the same amount.
"It probably has something to do with feeding them. We don't really feed them much here." Ludwig commented, slowing down until he was 'walking' by Feliciano's side.
"Probably, tourists in Italy don't know any better than to feed them. And I'm pretty sure they are told not to do that." Feliciano said.
"That just makes them assholes for not listening."
"Agreed. Hey, Ludwig?"
"You don't have to go anywhere tomorrow, right? Since it's Saturday."
Ludwig paused to think. He didn't have work the whole week since Feliciano was here and he considered working that weekend, but he could postpone that consideration. Feliciano was giving him one of the cutest puppy eyes he had the privilege of seeing after all. "No. I am free all day. Why?"
Feliciano smiled. His smile shined so brightly, Ludwig had to look away from it. "Well, when I was walking around with Gilbert yesterday, I saw some interesting movies. Wanna go with me?"
Ludwig nodded. "Sure, why not. When is it playing?"
"Well, I was hoping you would choose the movie because I'm really bad at making decisions, but I can give you a list of some of the interesting ones. So you can pick the movie and the time." Feliciano fiddled with his fingers, his pace slowing even more, he wasn't even running at this point.
"If that is what you want. I think we should go for a dinner out as well. You said you wanted to try some German food."
"As expected from Ludwig, you remember everything!"
"Not everything..." Ludwig turned his head away, shy at the sudden compliment.
"Well everything about me. It's like we're having a date tomorrow! What do you call a date between friends, though?"
"Friend date, maybe."
"Friend date with Ludwig, yay!"
"Aren't you excited." Ludwig stated and Feliciano would swear on his art collection that he saw a smirk on his face.
"I've been excited since I came here. I'm having so much fun!"
"Alright then. Now finish your running." Ludwig said and Feliciano whined.
That evening, Gilbert was greeted by a series of yelling coming from the living room. From the looks of it, it seemed like Elizabeta and Roderich came over, he could hear Elizabeta's voice a mile away.
He entered the living room to see Feliciano, Ludwig and Elizabeta playing a board game and Elizabeta seemed to be losing. "What y'all doing?" He asked.
"Playing Ludo." Feliciano answered, rolling a 2 on the dice and moving his yellow piece. He had all 4 of them out, 2 in the 'house' area and the other two on their way.
Ludwig rolled after Feliciano, rolling a 6, not that it was a surprise for Gilbert because his brother was good at these games. He moved his green piece and stood at the front of his 'house', waiting. It was his last piece out of it.
Elizabeta had tough luck, having only 1 of her red piece in the 'house' area and 3 not out yet. She rolled a 3 and it seemed to piss her off even more. If she was going to lose, she didn't want to lose like this.
Gilbert sat down to watch their game, too late to ask to join in. He talked a bit to Ludwig about his day at work, distracting him. In the end, Feliciano won because Ludwig wasn't paying attention and Feliciano kicked him out in front of his house area, seizing his victory. Ludwig didn't care and Elizabeta ended up losing, only getting halfway through with her second one.
Gilbert joined in for round two and it looked like it was going to be a tie between him and Ludwig, until Elizabeta kicked both of them out and Gilbert flipped the table. It was then when they decided to go eat something.
"So, when are you two going to watch that movie?" Gilbert asked.
"Tomorrow-" Both Feliciano and Ludwig started, but Ludwig let Feliciano finish his sentance.
Feliciano smiled, Ludwig was really nice. "Tomorrow morning, so we have the whole afternoon for play time."
"Aw, that's so sweet. You two are already going on dates together." Elizabeta cooed, causing both of their cheeks to flush.
"It's a friend date, Eliza. Not like that date." Feliciano said, wiggling his thumbs together.
"Keep telling yourself that, honey. We'll see in a few months."
"Betty, stop." Ludwig interjected. "It is uncomfortable."
Elizabeta sighed. "You two are no fun."
That was the last all of them spoke together, too distracted with their own conversations to notice other ones. Ludwig and Feliciano, mostly Feliciano, talked the entire time, unaware that Gilbert and Elizabeta were watching them closely, almost giggling.
Elizabeta left to go home after dinner, despite what Gilbert previously thought, she didn't bring Roderich with her. Kissing and hugging Feliciano, she bid them goodbye just as Grandpa Rome returned home.
He greeted them before turning to Feliciano. "Why aren't you in bed?" He asked. It was only then that they all looked at the clock to see 1 a.m. flashing before their eyes. Elizabeta hurried home and Feliciano leaned in to kiss Ludwig on his cheek, causing the latter to blush furiously.
"What was that for?" Ludwig asked, eyes everywhere but on Feliciano, Grandpa Rome noticed.
"It's a goodnight's kiss. You don't do that here?" Feliciano said, confused.
"Not really, no. Is it common in Italy?"
"Kind of, yeah."
If it weren't for Grandpa Rome's deadly stares and Gilbert's jumping behind Feliciano, begging him for a kiss as well, this whole situation would have been too awkward for them to deal with. But, they both brushed it off as a misunderstanding. Feliciano noted that Ludwig might want a warning before a kiss next time.
Kissing Gilbert good night, Feliciano and his grandpa retreated to bed. Gilbert and Ludwig stayed up a little longer, probably to clean any mess they left. Feliciano knew that because as soon as he noticed them go to their own rooms and as soon as his grandpa fell asleep, he sneaked out.
He had been to Ludwig's room a couple of times, mostly during the day. Ludwig was a very clean person so his room was neatly organized. Ludwig was the exact opposite to Feliciano, who was a mess of a being. "Ludwig, are you awake?" He asked.
Ludwig must have been taken by surprise because he shuffled loudly in his bed, turning on the light to see Feliciano at his door. "Feliciano?"
"Can I come in?"
"Sure. What is wrong?"
Feliciano made his way to Ludwig, sitting on the floor by his bed, even when Ludwig offered him to sit on his bed. "I wanted to say sorry for making you uncomfortable tonight. I'm just used to kissing my brothers goodnight so I forgot it's not exactly the same everywhere else." He blurted out fast, playing with the one curl always sticking out, a trademark of Vargas family.
Ludwig blinked the confusion away. "It is alright, I was just surprised. You didn't have to come here this late just for that."
"Well, maybe I had other reasons. I like talking to you after all." Feliciano smiled.
"You still have things to talk about even at the end of the day?"
"Yes. I can't get everything out of my system in just one day."
"Do they even let you talk at home?"
Feliciano went quiet at that question, afraid to answer it. "They do, but they don't really listen like you do."
Ludwig nodded. "I see."
"Have you ever felt like that, Ludwig? Like you're just talking to yourself even when there's people around you?" Feliciano asked, avoiding looking at Ludwig.
"Sometimes. I don't talk to others all that much. I don't have many friends and all the talk with my colleagues is just work or homework oriented." Ludwig stared at the ceiling, a bit of white paint was starting to chip off from it.
"I was like that in school, too. And even then everyone would just ignore everything I said. Even my teachers would sometimes tell me to shut up when I tried to talk about the things I liked. So I just-"
"Stopped." They both said at the same time, causing a few giggles.
"That's why I like talking to you, Ludwig. You listen to what I have to say. I've never had anyone listen to me like that before."
"I believe that the other person always has something important to say, even if it is something as simple as 'hello'."
"Do you believe the things I say are important too?"
Ludwig blushed again, not that Feliciano would notice in the dark. "Yes."
They ended up talking a lot more that night, Ludwig eventually got Feliciano to sit in his bed as they talked. Feliciano talked about everything that his mind could think about and Ludwig talked mostly about the dogs he saw that day. In the end, they both collapsed on Ludwig's bed, cuddling close together.
Gilbert woke them both up that morning, noticing that they were nowhere to be found 2 hours before the movie starts. Seeing that Feliciano wasn't sleeping next to him in the morning when he woke up, Grandpa Rome was very suspicious. Those suspicions only confirmed themselves when they found them sound asleep together in Ludwig's room, Gilbert snapping a few pictures for Elizabeta.
Feliciano wouldn't lie, that was probably the best sleep he got since birth. Nothing was hurting him, he didn't dislocate anything and life was good. Despite sleeping only 4 hours max, he felt well rested and energetic. Ludwig was the same, even if he did wake up with Feliciano's drool all over his pajamas.
They quickly got ready for the movie and speed run to it, Ludwig refused for them to take a bus, saying it was a good exercise to run for the cinema. They made it in time, buying their tickets and going for a little ice cream break before it starts.
Said movie was the most boring thing Feliciano watched in his life, but he didn't complain. The movie didn't matter to him in the slightest, just the fact that he got to spend more time with Ludwig. He got a good laugh out of Ludwig's head movements whenever a questionable scene came up. Boy just couldn't decide where to move his head in order to look away.
It didn't feel right to go home as soon as the movie was over so the two of them decided to take a walk. It wasn't as cloudy as it normally was that day and they took absolute advantage of it, walking towards a small park Feliciano spotted earlier.
"There are so many flowers here, it's amazing." Feliciano commented, picking every flower he deemed pretty enough to paint when they came back. He stopped in the field of daisies. "You know, I think daisies are very underrated among flowers."
"Why is that?" Ludwig asked, he already knew Feliciano loved daisies, but he wanted to hear why.
"Because there's always a lot of them and people don't really notice them all that much, but if they weren't there, the world would be boring. You know what I mean?" Feliciano ranted, picking a handful of daisies.
"I understand. You are saying that just because they are small, it doesn't mean that they aren't enough to make someone else's day better." Ludwig offered to hold some of Feliciano's flowers.
"Exactly! They are really small, but they are one of my favorites and they remind me of when mom was still living with us and I would pick them up and give it to them. They always make me smile because of that." Even now Feliciano was smiling at the memory.
"I think that is a nice reason to like them. Did you know that they belong in the same category as cornflowers do?"
"I don't really understand flower categories, but I like cornflowers too."
"They were my favorite when I was younger. I used to pick them up and give them to Gilbert a lot. I can teach you some things about flowers I know." Ludwig smiled. Gilbert used to call him an endangered species whenever he would do that, saying that no living being on Earth could compare to how cute Ludwig was when he was a kid.
"You know I would like that very much."
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youngwings-writes · 4 years
Infinitely Ordinary
Lee Felix x OC
Summary: "𝕀 𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟"
Busy. Busy worrying, working, just trying to survive. That was the daily life of Jordan Johnson. The world never seemed to slow down; not for her...not for anyone. Finally deciding to take matters into her own hands and get some much needed R&R, she jets off on a trip to South Korea. While there, she unexpectedly meets her soulmate. Will they be able to find happiness together, or will his status get in the way?
Genre: Fluff
Length: 1026
Chapter 2: Ready to Go
Here we go kiddos, chapter 2! It's time for my writing to inevitably go downhill and all plot get lost! Woo hoo! 
ALSO, there is a slight trigger warning for this chapter! There are brief mentions of anxiety and anxiety attacks, so if you are sensitive, PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. take care of yourself bb!!
Growing up, pretty much all of my long distance travel was done via car. We would occasionally drive to Utah in the summer to visit distant relatives or family friends. Once I got older, those trips stopped and we began driving to Oregon to visit my grandparents in the summer. While getting away from the heat was nice, the 20+ hours of driving was not. Thank god we split the trip up.
If only that was the case with my flight to Seoul.
I had not been given the luxury of stopping between my hometown and Seoul. I was up in the air for almost an entire day with no layover.
And here I was thinking that the three and a half hour plane ride I took to New York when I was 15 was long. This flight truly put it to shame.
I don't think I've ever been so thankful to be in an airport.
Landing at the Incheon Airport was like a breath of fresh air. Not only was it incredible to finally have my feet on solid ground again, but getting to see hints of Korean culture in the airport was exciting; and this was only miniscule in comparison to the amount of culture I had yet to experience on the remainder of my trip.
Lucky for me, finding my bags and making my way out of the airport went smoothly. Honestly, getting a taxi to my hotel was more difficult than claiming my bags and showing my passport to security. 
Sitting in the backseat of the taxi, I watched the world go by. Everything felt so surreal. I had always wanted to travel the world and see new cultures, and now it was finally happening. 
And I did it all by myself.
I busted my ass working to get here. I saved every cent given to me from birthdays, graduation, you name it. On top of saving whatever money was gifted to me, I worked several jobs. I would pick up shifts whenever I could, work multiple jobs at a time, and so much more. I cut back on so much just to have this happen.
While completing both my general education and secondary education were some of my proudest moments, taking this trip is definitely up there with them.
The anxiety I had felt back home about the things going on in my life were washing away as I watched the city of Seoul fly by. Instead, my stomach was filled with a new anxiety. This wasn't the one I was used to; instead of gasping for breath, sobbing for seemingly no reason, and shaking uncontrollably, this anxiety was almost...pleasant.
Yes, my hands were shaking, but I could breathe easy. My eyes were dry and full of wonder. My stomach was filled with butterflies and fire crackers. Really, the tremors in my hands were just me itching to explore. I knew my body was tired from the journey, but I had never felt more awake. 
I used to think the most alive I would feel in my life would come from performing in high school marching band. But this...
This was so much better.
Soon enough, the taxi pulled up in front of the hotel I would be calling home for the next two weeks. The driver got out and helped me with my bags even though it definitely wasn't necessary. Thanking him profusely, I paid him for his services and added a small tip (oh Americans and our tip culture).
I looked up at the large building and took a deep breath. With a smile on my face and a pep in my step, I wheeled my luggage into the lobby of the hotel and waited to check in.
Checking into my room wasn't really any different from back in the states. I guess the only big difference was me stumbling over my words more than usual. The whole speaking another language thing always got to me when I spoke to native speakers, and this time was no different.
 Despite me making a slight fool of myself in the lobby, the lady at the front counter was very patient and very kind. She made the process much less nerve wracking than I thought it would be.
Keycard in hand, I made my way into the elevator and pushed the button for the third floor. The doors soon opened and I began the hunt for my temporary home. Number flew by until my eyes landed on the number I was looking for, 325. Putting the keycard up to the sensor, a soft beep and click were emitted as the door unlocked.
Too lazy and distracted to do much I else, I pushed my bags in the corner of the room and threw myself onto the cushy bed. While I was undoubtedly still buzzing with excitement, my body was aching for me to slow down for a minute.
I flipped over, now on my back staring at the white ceiling. There was no noise in the room except the soft sound of the air conditioning and distant sound of traffic. I could hear my steady breath and heartbeat in my ears.
My mind was flying at a million miles an hour.
I did it.
I'm here.
And boy, am I ready to go!
A/N: I know these first few chapters aren't super exhilerating or lengthy, but I promise things will start picking up soon. After all, you gotta get to your destination before the story can begin ;) n e ways, Felix and the gang will probably show in either the next chapter or the chapter after that, so keep your eyes peeled!! I hope everyone is doing well right now. Stay happy and healthy! I'll see you all in the next chapter :) ~youngwings-writes
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arts-n-anarchy · 5 years
The Worst Night Ever (Chapter 2)
Pairing: Queerplatonic Errorink
Warnings: Some internal conflict
Word count: 1222
A/N: I FINALLY BEAT MY WRITER’S BLOCK! WOO-HOO! NOW TAKE MY TRASH (this is actually trash, for real)!  {Chapter 1}
Error was watching the AUs in the anti-void, as he always did before he went on a destroying spree. 
He would survey each AU, determining whether it was useful or not. If it was a waste, he would make a note to destroy it when he had the time (which he had today). Since Ink was busy, Error could sneak out without getting caught. Then he could really have his fun.
So far, this one was nothing good. He jotted it down in his notebook and snapped his fingers. The screen switched to the next AU, showing Underswap Sans hugging his brother. Error scoffed. 
Meanwhile, several clangs and crashes sounded from afar. One time Error swore he heard a cat yowling. He didn’t know what the heck Ink was doing, but he thought it would be better not to find out.
He sighed and continued working, trying to block out the noise behind him. But in a moment's time he couldn’t even hear his own thoughts over drilling sounds. Error snapped and stood up. He left the AU unmonitored as he stomped away to confront Ink. 
Ink had finished his grand creation and was sitting next to his brush. He patted it, giggling about what Error's reaction might be. He smirked when Error came to him less than a minute later. 
“What are you-“ Error started to shout, but then his voice lowered to a whisper.
Behind Ink stood a brown three-story house that had not been there before. It had aluminum sidings, a gable roof, and a front porch. Smoke was flowing out of the chimney and roses were blooming in the garden. 
Error dropped his jaw, conflicted on whether to scream or to gasp. He couldn’t deny it was nice, and Ink had spared him most of the work. The hardest part would be moving in, especially because he was used to living in a disorganized wasteland. 
“I—wh—how?!?!” He stammered as Ink’s smirk stretched even wider. “I was bored.”
Ink grabbed his brush and got up. “Whew! All that hard work made me hungry. Come inside! I started putting some snacks in the kitchen.”
Ink bounded towards the house, beckoning for Error to follow him. Error hesitated, still not sure what had just happened. Still, something in his head was pushing him to go inside.
He became curious about whether he should keep it or tear it down. If he didn’t like it, then why should it take up space?
He was led through the front door and into the living room. It didn’t have any furniture in it yet, but the walls rose 20 feet high and the wooden floor was neatly polished. The ceiling was perfect for hanging strings overhead, like he did in the anti-void. The room was also fairly big, so he would have a space for his dolls to live in.
The next room was the dining room, with a large limestone table and a chandelier above it. There were seven chairs on each side, and two on each end. Near the doorway was a shelf with assorted glasses. Error couldn't help but mumble to himself about how white stupid it looked.
The third room was a TV room, with a real TV at the end of the room and a bean bag. The TV rested on a low shelf, and under it was a cable and a DVR. With the DVR, Error would never have to throw a fit about missing Undernovela again. 
The last room on the first floor was the kitchen. There was a stove on top of an oven at the side of the room. On both sides of the room was a long, slender countertop. Above the stove was a microwave, along with some cabinets. Error opened the cabinet farthest to the right to see a box of Froot Loops and Thin Mints.
“There’s Cheez-its and Doritos in the other ones, if you want them.” Ink said. Ink paused, and then his eyes changed to exclamation points. “Oh! By the way…” He walked over to Error and whispered, “I got you your favorite. It’s in the next cabinet.”
He opened the cabinet next to the first one. Inside was a box of macaroni and cheese. Error squinted at it, then cracked a smile. Ink led Error upstairs. There were two bedrooms next to each other, and they each had full-sized beds with a dresser. Each also had a desk for so-called "organization purposes." 
Last but not least, there were two bathrooms at the end of the hallway, complete with a shower and bathtub. They had large cabinets for storing toiletries and came with towels and a rug. 
At the end of the tour, Ink asked eagerly, “So, do you like it?” Error stood there in silence, at a loss for words. “Actually…” he mumbled, avoiding Ink entirely. “…I think I’m hungry too.” 
Error made his way down the stairs and disappeared into the kitchen. Ink smiled subtly and glanced at the floor below. He noticed that he had left the front door open, giving a glimpse of the empty world.
Error needed a home, Ink thought. Sure, he had his own AU, but he never thought of it as a home. 
Would this make him happier?
He moved like a robot down the stairs while he was lost in thought. He asked himself questions that had never even crossed his mind before.
Why am I doing this? And why do I care about him so much? I never worry about other people like I do with Error.
He got back to his senses the moment he stepped into the kitchen. 
The first thing he saw was Error eating a box of macaroni and cheese near the countertop. He didn’t even notice Ink coming in with the huge spoonfuls he was shoving into his mouth.
Ink reached into a cabinet and took out a bag of Doritos. They were Cool Ranch, as Ink insisted they were the only good flavor. So there he was, standing in a house he made, with a snack he brought into said house, putting fistfuls of it into his mouth. 
Ink and Error stood in silence while inhaling their food. For several minutes, they weren't on edge by the presence of the other. And it was glorious. 
Ink was going through the notes on his scarf, as he always did when he had nothing to do. In a laid-back time like this, he thought it was best to catch up on current events. 
Error was the first one to move, walking towards the doorway before he had even finished eating. At that moment, something popped into Ink's head, pleading for an answer. 
“Wait!” Ink yelled. Error whipped his head around. 
“Um, didn’t you say you were gonna use me as a reference for new doll?" Ink raised an eyebrow. "Because I saw you were making Underswap Sans instead. Also, I saw your old doll of me strung up on the ceiling with the rest of them. What's up with that?"
Oh. Shit.
“Um…” Error wiped his forehead, staring down at the ground. He fumbled with his fingers until he dropped his spoon with a CLANG!
Welp, now was the time to kiss his evening plans goodbye. 
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mai-fanblog · 5 years
The 10 best moments of Ducktales in the first season
Here only one scene per chapter will be emphasized, plus the critical score of the good of the chapter, that is memorable and that left a certain continuity.
10° "Lena's Nightmare" (T1 Ep 19 “The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck!")
 This would have been higher, if it weren't for the subplot that led to nothing (Gavy is hated more by Mark); however, that doesn't take away from the importance in Lena's development, where it shows her biggest nightmare graphically incredible and giving more depth where she feels imprisoned both physically and psychologically, because she doesn't want to lose the first friend who really loved her and have her captor hurt her.
Lena from that moment was crowned as the best secondary and original character of the reboot, but that would be the tip of the iceberg
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(This part hurts)
9° "Call me Uncle Scrooge" (S1 Ep 17 "From the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22!")
A tender moment in the series no doubt, Webby always had that admiration for Scrooge as the great adventurer he is and wants to be like him, when Mrs. Beakley is captured by an agent F.O.W.L and Scrooge and Webby (sneaking in) come to the rescue, there is a good development between them and a pair of interesting flashbacks, the best part is the end where Scrooge tells her to call Webby "Uncle Scrooge" and she hugs him, it is an important part, their relationship becomes stronger until a certain moment that later almost destroys it. This moment must be recognized.
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8° "Scrodie in the best" (S1 Ep 15 "The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!")
Scrooge and Goldie as a couple is interesting to me, it doesn't drive you crazy like other couples from other series, but I recognize that it has certain tips that there might be something; the specific part of their confrontation while dancing in the golden pond is memorable, adding that Flintheart has good gags when he tries to separate them, and the part where Goldie saves Scrooge from the liquid gold that would kill him gives a good closing, referring to the fact that Goldie can show off on her own, but it doesn’t detract from the fact that their relationship with Scrooge, although complicated there are feelings, that is, Goldie's happiness doesn’t depend on Scrooge because of their very opposite views of life, but that they both know each other so well that they know what they are like and find out things they didn’t know.
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7° "We are almost at the top" (S1 Ep 9 "The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!")
This chapter is very much underrated, but it leaves something important; Scrooge was about to reach the top of the mountain, which has portals leading to a random spot, and Huey dictates that they should leave it that way for the good of all, and Scrooge listens to him at the end; even his descent down the mountain during the avalanche is epic when he reaches the beginning. Apart from that, Scrooge gives Huey the confidence to keep going until he knows how much to stop. It's a good lesson from an underrated chapter.
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6° "The race of the lucky and fighting man of life" (S1 Ep  6 "The House of the Lucky Gander!")
Of the best chapters with a relative of Donald with the most imbecilely charming cousin, the parts of Gladstone and Donald are well represented, especially near the end where Gladstone and Donald must make a race to the death to be free or imprisoned by a lucky frog demon, obviously Donald gets the punches and wounds, while Gladstone is still intact and almost wins, when Donald was about to surrender, Louie yells at him encouraging him to keep going even if it is difficult, at that moment the first gesture of recognition that Donald has in the series and there he wins (and a 20 dollars that seemed for convenience). One of the best moments Donald and showing the contrast that exists with the character who was born with luck and the character who struggles to overcome their own obstacles.
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(Donald is the best of the best)
5° "The ransom in car against B.U.D.D.Y" (S1 Ep 11  "Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. System!")
Pure action in this scene and also in one of the best chapters, the roles of Launchpad and Fenton shine more than ever in this scene. As Launchpad demonstrates that a full-fledged driver while trying to save his boss and the others is great, Fenton's participation with the suit was a very good debut; both fulfilled their goals in this chapter and the end of the scene where they almost fall to the cliff and Fenton saves them and saying Woo-Hoo while Launchpad comments on Fenton's first car is a good closing to that scene.
This episode is very good and gives another good introduction to an important secondary character for the series, besides leaving a good demonstration to the audience.
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4° "Behind the Dime" (S1 Ep 23 "The Shadow War!")
One of the best plot twists in the series and the correct introduction of a final villain; when the moment of truth arrives for Magica De Spell both Scrooge and the fans (at that time) were amazed and all his physical introduction is memorable so far. Showing the awesomeness of her presence when she uses magic against her enemy.
This is how it introduces itself to a final boss, not that alien son of a b**ch with a Napoleon complex.
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Magica is majestic in that presentation
3° "The lesson of independence that turned out very well" (S1 Ep 21 "The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!")
This scene exemplifies all that Scrooge represents with his number one dime and its meaning, when he discusses again with his father that he never helped him and that he alone had to make his independence, revealing that indeed his father helps more than Scrooge thought, giving an American dime to a worker so that Scrooge learns to get what he wants with effort is spectacular; after this revelation Scrooge and his father strengthen their bond again, and Scrooge sees his father with different eyes.
This gives a nice message of how a father can support a son no matter what, unlike the comics it is sadder because he cannot forgive his father who has passed away; in the reboot Scrooge takes advantage of that moment to reconcile the man who helped him indirectly as he is now.
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:,)  :,)
2° "Mom?" (S1 Ep 1 "Woo-oo!")
This scene is short but powerful, showing that less is more, where Dewey sees in the painting at the beginning of the series Della in the painting saying: Mom?
It was a tremendous shock and the most important initial part of the plot at that time.
This was a good closing for the first episode and that we were interested in that mystery that we didn't know before.
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1° "The breaking of the family in The Sun Chaser !" (S1 Ep 22 "The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!")
The most distressing scene in the series deserves this first place; the truth of Della's disappearance and the consequent reactions while they were on the plane is majestic and painful, the children blaming Scrooge (although he knows that Della was more responsible), Scrooge breaks down wanting to be left alone and the most painful part is when Scrooge shouts at Webby "You are not of my family" was a severe blow to the girl who admired him. Surely this moment must be at the top. It left most of them hurt, crying and distressed as a truth that was hidden for so long destroyed them in an instant, here Frank gave us one of the best moments of the show and played with our feelings.
(Still in the air Scrooge's apologies to Webby, she deserves an apology)
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(This hurts three times)  :,(
This list is my opinion
Here ends this list, later I will do it of the second season.
If you have other scenes that are good, you can share them without any problem.
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