#this chapter is pretty short
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omegasmileyface · 1 year ago
im so fucked up. theres a scene in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (the sequel to hitchhikers guide) where zaphod is rummaging through the ruins of a long-destroyed city on a lifeless, abandoned planet, looking for a way off, and he stumbles upon the crumbling remains of a spaceport, and miraculously one of the crafts is still intact, and there's still a quiet hum of power going into it from a connected cable, and it's making a quiet noise. so he rigs up a makeshift stethoscope and listens, and there's a PA system saying something like "we are very sorry for the delay. we are currently waiting for a restocking on lemon-soaked towlettes, for your hygienic and culinary pleasure. in the meantime, we will be serving coffee and biscuits on the deck." and he finds the remains of the arrivals/deparetures board, translates the dates and does a little math, and discovers the delay has been 900 years. spooky, yeah? but he goes on the ship, hoping he can get it flying, and it's perfectly well-functioning and an android flight attendant comes out and tries to force him to sit in the seating area, continuing to apologize for the delay. and when he gets to the seating area, every seat has a person in it. long-haired, long-nailed, and completely silent, but very much alive. and another android comes out with a tray of coffee and cookies, and all of the people wake up and start screaming in agony as she gives them their snacks. zaphod is terrified, so he runs to the control deck and locks the door behind him, and he finds the autopilot computer, which repeatedly tells him to return to the seating area, and he eventually convinces it to talk to him. "have you seen the planet?" he says, or something to that general effect. "there's no civilization! you're not GETTING a lemon-soaked napkin shipment!" and the autopilot says "the most likely path to us receiving our shipment is to wait until another civilization develops on the planet and they can deliver it. so we have put the passengers in suspended animation, and we wake them up once a year for coffee." and then? and then zaphod's friend who he was looking for shows up and the plot carries on and they don't say another word about the ship (at least, as far as i know from my place a couple chapters later). thats it. some classic Space Horror Of Grand Proportions, a doctor who plot, a twilight zone plot, an scp article, an asimov short story— that, when a ship ran out of a luxury amenity and didn't get it fulfilled quickly, the autopilot ai decided that, regardless of plentiful fuel and safety, the ideal way to deal with the situation is to suspend the lives of all of the passengers, waking them up once a year, until a new civilization could evolve around them to produce napkins— and it takes up about two pages total before being put aside completely!
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oceanwithouthermoon · 3 months ago
i think one of the biggest misunderstandings that effects people even within the DEPTHS of this fandom is that people dont realize that saiki STILL has a mask on around toritsuka, aiura, and (less than the other two but still) akechi.
hes not being his perfectly true and honest self around them, hes not even being his perfectly true and honest self around his own mother, HES NOT EVEN HIS PERFECTLY TRUE AND HONEST SELF WHEN HES ALONE. because even in his own head hes constantly contradicting himself and denying himself everything he wants 😭 itd probably take the guy a few more YEARS of development to get close to that point with even himself let alone anyone else
idk i just feel like i see a lot of people inferring that since saiki isnt ever that happy, doesnt laugh, isnt very open, etc with those three that that means he wouldnt at all, ever 😭 but this is a saiki natural reaction when he thinks no ones watching
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this is also why its annoying when people call literally anything that we wouldnt see him do in the show "mischaracterization" even though we literally dont know what he will be like when more of his walls break down 😭 you can interpret it how you want, but we dont. know. we only know that he hasnt yet opened up much to anyone, which leaves lots and lots of room for interpretation
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buwheal · 11 months ago
Unexpected but fair.
How long were we disconnected?
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carpisuns · 4 months ago
chapters: 21/21
Summary: Adrien’s favorite color used to be orange. Until Marinette.
An Adrinette fic with short, drabble-y chapters all involving the color pink
21. marinette
“Okay.” With a flourish, she finishes the swirl on the last cupcake and stands back. “Not bad, right?”
She wipes at her forehead with the back of her hand, leaving a tiny smudge of pink frosting behind. A lock of dark hair has escaped from her bun, threading down her shoulder.
“Adrien?” she prompts again. “What do you think?”
“You’re amazing,” he says.
Her lips twist into a smile. “I meant about the cupcakes.”
“Hmm. Let’s see.” He picks one up and raises it to his lips.
“Hey!” She tries to snatch it away, but Adrien has already stuffed the entire thing in his mouth.
“Too slow,” he says, cheeks puffed and voice muffled around a mouthful of vanilla and cherry.
Marinette puts her hands on her hips. “That was supposed to be for Rose’s party.”
He manages to swallow. “I’m sure she’ll survive with only nine hundred ninety-nine cupcakes instead of a thousand. Besides, don’t you want to hear my verdict?”
“Fine. How are they?”
Gently, he settles his hands on her waist. “Amazing. Because you made them. And everything you do is amazing, milady.”
She allows him to draw her closer, till there’s hardly any space left between them. “If you’re trying to be suave, it’s not working. You have frosting on your mouth.”
“Well, feel free to have a taste test.”
She huffs a laugh. “You’re so annoying.”
“Oh, bugaboo. It’s pronounced ‘alluring.’”
“Cut it out with the bugaboos and miladys. You’re gonna give your identity away, and then Master Fu really will take our miraculous.”
He brings his face close to hers, so that their noses are almost touching. “He could never. You heard him. We’re the perfect partners. The dream team.”
She glances at his lips. “That’s … that's not what he said.”
“Close enough.”
He closes the gap between them, capturing her lips with his. Her arms come up to drape around his shoulders, and his own arms tighten around the small of her back.
"Adrien," she murmurs, sighing against his mouth. Then her lips slant against his again, and he’s lost in her.
Marinette is his favorite person, and pink is his favorite color.
Pink like pastries and cotton candy and bubble gum.
Pink like the frosting she kisses from his lips. Like her hands in his hair and his name on her breath. Like her cherry-blossom cheeks and her sunrise smile.
Pink like her heart, in perfect sync with his.
“I love you,” he whispers.
She pulls back, studying his face, like she’s committing it to memory. Her eyes are bright and focused—the way they are when she’s trying to figure out her lucky charm. Like she’s somehow looking at him and in him and through him, all at once.
“I love you too,” she says (pink, like a rose), and the words are washed in red.
They’re the same color, really. He knows that now. Tints of the exact same hue. Ladybug was always pink, and Marinette was always red, and now, with all the pieces drawn together, he can finally recognize all the shades that make her up—from crimson to coral, scarlet to strawberry, and everything in between.
She pulls him back in, lips warm against his, and he can feel her dye him from the inside out, all her colors bleeding through him till his very bones are stained with them. Till he feels them singing through his veins and swelling in his lungs. Till he feels like he might burst with it—his favorite color, the color of her heart.
Love is pink, and so is Marinette.
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queenlua · 4 months ago
When Tibarn calls for the bird tribes to unite as one nation in Serenes, Reyson is skeptical, and Naesala refuses outright. But when rising ocean levels threaten to devour the islands of both Phoenicis and Kilvas, none of them have much of a choice in the matter.
This fic is now finished at ~138k words!
If any of these pithy/snarky summaries sound good to you...
"the bird tribes should've had a Hague, probably"
"Naesala has a bad time & then Reyson has a bad time & then they make each other worse <3"
"Leanne gets a fucking gun knife"
...there's a decent chance you'll enjoy this story; take a peek :)
(Also: peep the latest chapters for some beautiful new @gloamvonhrym art <3333 THANK YOU FOR ALL THE BIRDPEOPLE VISUAL SPLENDOR)
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mllekurtz · 2 months ago
Or: Caleb makes a new friend.
(Chapter 4/21 of the Shadowgast Witcher AU part 2)
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demaparbat-hp · 6 months ago
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For the Spirits— Chapter VII: Take Me South
Take me south when it's the time
Pour me away like golden wine
I'll form a splash and it will dry
But in the shape of you
—Pure You by Nothing But Thieves
Yume placed her hands on her hips and took a step forward. “That I do, yet I can't help but wonder about the timing. Heading South, seeking information on the Tribes…it's all very sudden, don't you think?”
The folded parchment hidden under his vest suddenly seemed to hold the weight of the world. Zuko placed a hand on his chest, where the sketch rested just above his heart. He stared thoughtfully at the floor.
Why now, indeed?
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thebiggestfuckgiven · 10 months ago
How I DIDN’T Become a Villain…
ch.1 piece
“Wow,” Danny commented with his mouth full. “You managed to get a shit ton of stuff done. Good thing no one walked in for hours.”
“Dude, first off, nice manners,” Ray said sarcastically, the left corner of his lip lifting with the tone. “Second, shut the fuck up. I keep telling you, you’re gonna jinx us.”
Danny snorted, swallowing the food in his mouth.
“C’mon, nothing’s gonna—"
Danny froze like a deer in headlights. Ray, on the other hand, threw his hands up with an exasperated sound before bringing them down loudly against his thighs. He turned his head to direct a glare that screamed I told you so, pointing aggressively at the out-of-sight entrance.
Danny raised his hands in surrender, eyebrows high. He was about to defend himself when a shudder ran down his spine. His body tensed instinctively, chest tightening in anticipation of that familiar cold. It never came. A deep unease settled in his chest instead. He fought down that fight-or-flight adrenaline that was flooding him, trying to push him into unnecessary action. His eyes widened at the feeling. One he hadn’t felt in years.
He clenched his fists that were still in the air and physically shook the feeling off. Ray let his death glare drop to raise his eyebrows at him questioningly.
“Uh, you okay?”
Other than feeling twitchy all over and like someone stomped on my grave?
“Yeah, peachy.” He cringed at the croak in his voice. “Just shivers. The usual.”
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respheal · 2 months ago
WIP Wednesday!
The river below roared as nine swordsmen lingered outside a cliff-side cave, shifting uneasily. Despite the bright afternoon, the mouth of the cave loomed dark and foreboding, as if the sun itself had turned away from the riverside bluff. Even the birds seemed to have abandoned the nearby grove of trees, leaving only the thunder of rushing water and the group’s faint murmurs and shuffling to break the silence. Hyrule stood near the back of the group, instinctively putting their bodies between himself and the dark mist curling from the cave’s entrance. Something deep in his core had tightened the closer they came to their destination, twisting into a knot as the cave came into view. The thought of the task ahead of them turned his stomach more than the smell of rot emanating from the cave. “Is this it?” the eldest of their group, Time, asked. “Yup.” Legend stood with a hand on his hip, looking at the cave with a grim expression. “It’s a shame. She helped a lot during my first adventure.” Hyrule’s eyes flicked toward him. “You knew her?” Legend nodded towards the mountain range beyond the cave. “My first dungeon is up there. This fountain’s fairies are half the reason I survived. It kind of feels wrong to repay her with…well, this.” He gestured toward the fountain’s entrance. Pulling his scarf over his mouth, Warriors stepped closer to the cave. “Anything we should know about the terrain in there, vet?” Legend shrugged. “It’s pretty standard as far as underground fountains go—or it was. A couple statues and the pond. I don’t know what else to expect in there since…. In any case, it may be tight. These things aren’t roomy.” “Should we split up?” Sky asked, eyeing the darkness apprehensively. He had never been one for caves. Hyrule, on the other hand, would have been ecstatic to go spelunking in his predecessor’s time period, if not for the solemn nature of their task. Killing a Great Fairy. She’s already gone, Hyrule told himself, a lump lodged in his throat.
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nonokoko13 · 2 years ago
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Edit: Apparently his name is Yuuta, 16 yo. Maybe his surname is Mito, from what I heard in Reddit. I also read there that his family owns a Chinese restaurant, until you have better sources or find where it says that yourselves don't take it as official.
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velkyr · 7 days ago
mannnn I am stuck in a rut of thinking my writing is a trash fire and just constantly overediting the draft. and then not liking the output of that overediting so accomplishing a big old net 0 for hours of work. it sucks and I would like it to end please and thank you xo
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florida3exclamationpoints · 2 months ago
I dont necessarily want to re write every single episode of boy meets world as a Steve/Bucky/Peggy au but every episode is sooooooo Steve/Bucky/Peggy coded
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chekensheppppp · 1 year ago
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I'm late in my timezone but whatever. Happy throw short people day (October 21)! Remember to throw your resident midget capitalist gremlin today!
To celebrate, I redrew an old comic i made back in 2021 that i posted on reddit. I suppose this is also me checking how much my art has changed from then lmao.
original under cut:
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(and yeah, i'm u/thewalkingwaddledee, i just moved away from there because fuck spez. if you saw me on reddit before, well uh, hi, hope you're doing well.)
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i'm so funny hahahhahsadhsjafhdzbcfd
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erregiulydraws · 2 years ago
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“Let’s go on and on together forever“
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emberunderscore · 6 months ago
chat chat chat !! its a fluff chapter . like actually !! there were almost no tws on this chapter chat !!
oh except the conversation which is kind of the whole point of the chapter . thats kinda sad-
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thegeminisage · 4 months ago
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chapter list for my dumb wretched little dragon age fanfic about lucanis's year in solitary. i am done with 1-3 already and only at 10k, which means i can probably get it done in under 40k, which is the opposite of how this usually goes for me. also i think it's funny that i accidentally set it up like a season of arcane. i'm still considering the order of chapters 6-8 but that's basically what it's gonna look like
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