#this card is so wholesome that i cant stop giggling
im-peech · 22 days
[Shinonome Yuhan Birthday Card 2024]
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*This is my very first time translating (big help from screen translate :>) so there will be mistakes and grammatical errors, please feel free to correct them!
*Note before reading the Butler story: This story contains spoilers for the “Water Dragon Song” event story. We recommend that you read up to chapter 12 of the event story before reading this card’s story.
If you wish to avoid spoilers, please click on the button on the upper left corner.
Chapter 1 - Throw away everything
[One day before Yuhan’s birthday]
Summer is almost coming to an end.
Yuhan’s birthday is tomorrow.
This year’s birthday, I have already decided what to give to the butlers.
A ring worn on the little finger… It’s a “pinky ring.”
Wearing the ring on the pinky finger of the left hand… It seems that its meaning is “preventing happiness from escaping.”
Understanding the meaning, I immediately set out the present for Yuhan… I prepared a ring with a small Spinel set in it.
And I wanted to prepare the situation for giving over the ring… I wrote a letter to Yuhan.
“On your birthday, let’s have dinner together.”
After the butlers have gone asleep… I left the letter in front of the door of the butler’s office in the villa.
I’m looking forward to seeing Yuhan’s reaction after reading the letter. Then, I fell asleep.
[Yuhan’s birthday day]
*Knock.. Knock…*
Yuhan: Lord, may I come in?
> “Of course.”
> “Yes.”
Sound of door opening
Yuhan: Good morning, Lord.
> “That costume…”
Yuhan: Yes, this… This will be my birthday costume this year.
Flure’s technique for making clothes… It’s truly something to behold.
> “It suits you very well.”
> “You look splendid.”
Yuhan: Fufu. Thank you very much, Lord.
Yuhan: What I asked you about today has something to do with this costume…
I would like to talk to you about my birthday.
> “About the letter?”
Yuhan: Yes. Thank you very much for the wonderful letter.
Yuhan: So it was written in the letter… I would like to ask you about the idea of “Let’s have dinner together.”
> “About that…”
I explained the situation to him.
Today is Yuhan’day… So I want to go out somewhere together, celebrate his birthday, and enjoy his birthday to the fullest.
As a finale, we will enjoy dinner together. At dinner, we will decide where to go next.
I told him that since it was his birthday, I wanted him to enjoy it without any hesitation.
> “Let’s enjoy your birthday without worrying about anything.”
> “Let’s go and eat Yuhan’s favorite food!”
Yuhan: Lord…
Yuhan: Thank you for thinking so much about me, even though I am just a servant…
Thank you very much.
Yuhan: I’m glad that the Lord thought of me like this… I am so honored that I cannot express my feelings in words.
Yuhan: However… I am happy enough thanks to the Lord’s feelings
Yuhan: Besides, I have the chance to sit at the same table as the Lord…
As a butler, this is unacceptable behavior.
Yuhan: So… Please spend today for the Lord’s happiness, not mine.
> “But I want to congratulate Yuhan.”
> “But I want Yuhan to be happy.”
Yuhan: Lord…
Yuhan: Fufu… 
I can't believe you care so much about my sake. 
Yuhan: The Lord is always so kind.
If I decline this any more, I will end up losing this chance…
> “Is there a place you want to go?”
Yuhan: A place I want to go…
Hmm, there are some but…
This is a little… That would be a selfish request.
Above all, it would be troublesome for the Lord.
> “I don’t mind it.”
Yuhan: Lord…
Fufu, thank you very much.
Yuhan: Well then…
I apologize for the inconvenience… Please accompany me with my selfishness all day today.
In this way, we can make Yuhan’s “selfishness” come true… I started preparing to go out.
[After a while]
We were visiting a fashionable clothing store. The atmosphere is somewhat different from other shops in the town… 
> “This store is…”
Yuhan: This is… 
An acquaintance of Mister Yimin has opened a kimono shop.
Yuhan: Lord, do you remember Mister Yimin?
> “Previously, in the Eastern land…”
Yuhan: Yes, in the Eastern land… He is Shinonome Yimin, who lives in the city of Shanglong.
After the Lord and Hanamaru-san returned from their request in the Eastern land…
I started corresponding with Yimin.
Since then, we were able to connect on good terms.
Yuhan: Above all, about my missing relatives… I also learned that Yutao is living a happy life.
However, if possible, at that time… I also wanted to visit the city of Shanlong with the Lord. 
> “Yuhan…”
Yuhan: Oops, I’m sorry. It seems like I’ve gotten off topic…
So… During the exchange of letters with Mr. Yimin…
An acquaintance of his was at Espoir… I heard that he had opened a kimono shop that sells clothes from the Eastern land.
> “Is that so…”
Yuhan: About that… Umm…
I think this is a really selfish request…
At the store today… The clothes from the Eastern land, I want to see the Lord wearing them…
> “Why not choose clothes for Yuhan?”
Yuhan: Yes… At that time, I was the one who couldn’t go to Shanlong city
So I was unable to see the Lord wearing the costume of the Eastern land… I’ve always regretted it…
Yuhan: So please, today…
For me only… Could you please show me the image of the Lord wearing the costume of the Eastern land?
> “Of course.”
> “I understood.”
Yuhan: Thank you very much. Now, let’s go inside the store.
Chapter 2 - Throw away everything
[Espoir’s kimono shop]
We entered the clothing shop and looked around.
Yuhan picked up the beautiful costume that caught his eye.
Yuhan: Lord, I would like you to wear this costume. I think it goes well with the color of the Lord’s eyes and hair.
Follow Yuhan’s recommendation… I decided to try the clothes.
> “How is it?”
It suits you very well, Lord.
You look many times more stunning than I imagined.
Yuhan: Fufu… I can’t believe I could have such a wonderful Lord all to myself…
I am truly the luckiest person in the world.
> “Umm…”
Yuhan: Arara, are you embarrassed? 
Hmm.. I don’t want to cause troubles for the Lord, but it seems like the Lord doesn’t want to do it… 
Please forgive me just for now. It’s so difficult to suppress my feelings… Since the Lord is now so astonishing.
> ‘A-about that…”
Yuhan: I will not offer any unwarranted flattery to the Lord.
> “Thank you…”
Yuhan: Haa… Although I’m just one of the servants…
I would like to keep such a beautiful figure of the Lord to myself only… Could it be… I never thought I would feel this way towards the Lord I serve…
Oh… that’s right, Lord.
Actually, while the Lord was changing clothes, I also found a hair accessory that goes well with the outfit, it makes me feel relieved…
Could you please let me put it on for you?
> “Of course.”
Yuhan: Thank you.
Well then, let’s get a little closer. Please turn around, Lord.
I followed his instructions and turned around. Yuhan approached me from behind. When I see Yuhan behind me with the hair accessory, I realize that we are closer than usual.
> (S-so close…)
Yuhan: Lord, are you nervous? There’s a force on your shoulder,,, Please make it easy… It will be done soon…
> “Y-yes.”
Yuhan’s voice echoes in my ears and his hand touches my shoulder. It makes my shoulder tingling and feverish… I’m even more nervous.
Yuhan: Well, it’s done. It really suits you.
While my mind was blank with tension… Before I knew it, Yuhan had finished putting the ornament on my hair.
The hair ornament glimpsed… It suits me so well when I see myself.
When it matches with the costume, I feel like I had truly become a resident of the Eastern land.
Yuhan: I’m a little disappointed that I finished putting it on so quickly. I wish I could have touched the Lord a little more.
> “Huh?”
Yuhan: No, it’s nothing.
I can’t go further than this.
Yuhan’s attitude seems to be hinting at something, making my heart fluster… I take another look at my reflection in the mirror.
Then.. an elderly man called out to me from the back of the store.
The shopkeeper: Hey, those two wonderful people over there!
If you don’t mind… Would you be willing to be the subject of the photos I take as a hobby?
Yuhan: Become the models of the photo…?
I can’t believe anyone other than a photographer owns a camera as a hobby. You really like photography then.
The shopkeeper: Aa. When I see beautiful scenery, I just want to take a picture of it.
You two look so picturesque that I was wondering if I could take a picture.
As a thank you, I’ll give you both some of the photos I took.
Yuhan: Hmmm… If you take a photo…
I can keep this image of the Lord close to me forever.
> “Eh?”
Yuhan: Fufu.. It’s nothing.
Well then, Lord… If the Lord is okay with it… I would like to take a photo with you… Could you please forgive me?
> “Of course, it’s okay.”
Yuhan: Fufu, is that so. Thank you very much, Lord.
Then, we had some photos taken.
It takes some time for the photos to load.
We decided to shop inside the store until we could get the photos.
After a few minutes… The shopkeeper showed us the completed photos with a smile on his face.
The shopkeeper: Hey you brother, you had such a gentle smile in all the photos.
Yuhan: I have a gentle smile…?
> “What’s wrong?”
Yuhan: No… when I was in the military…
No one ever told me that I had a kind smile… I was a little surprised…
With the Lord by my side, I seem to have changed without even realizing it.
After saying that, his smile was just as gentle as in the photos.
Yuhan: Fufu… As a butler, I probably shouldn’t have expressed such thoughts, but…
This photo… It’s like a family photo.
> “A family photo…”
Yuhan: The Lord, dressed in the costume of the Eastern land, is truly wonderful.
This photo has become my treasure… Every time I see this…
This year’s birthday… There was an important person next to me. I will remember it forever.
Yuhan’s fingertips lightly touch me in the photo. Unlike before, I wasn’t able to touch it directly.
I once again felt a numbing, sweet sensation.
Yuhan: Well then, Lord. Shall we look for a restaurant to have dinner?
> “Understood.”
Yuhan: The costume and the hair ornament you are wearing right now… Please let me give them to you as a present.
Thank you for a wonderful date.
I was a little worried about giving him a present although it was his birthday but… Looking at Yuhan’s happy face… I decided to indulge his feelings here.
> “Well, can I return you a favor?”
Yuhan: Thank you very much, Lord.
After that, at Yuhan’s request, we head out to dinner. And I was wearing the costume of the Eastern land. 
[Espoir Restaurant]
[After a while]
Yuhan: Fufu… Thank you for the meal. 
All the dishes are very delicious, Lord.
> “It was exquisite.”
I dined out at a restaurant with Yuhan… It was a newly opened restaurant on the outskirts of Espoir which serves the flavors of the Eastern land.
Thanks to the clothes that Yuhan selected earlier, I have become accustomed to the atmosphere of the store.
Also, the seats were in private rooms… There was no need to worry about what other customers saw.
Yuhan: With my Lord wearing the same clothes as those in my hometown, eating the food in my hometown… It was truly a dream-like time.
Yuhan: Lord, we made many wonderful memories together today… Thank you very much. These memories will definitely support me in my future life.
Yuhan said that and smiled, he looked very blissful.
> “Your birthday isn’t over yet.”
Yuhan: Eh? Lord?
I stand up in front of Yuhan, who can’t hide his confusion… Then I held out a small box containing the gift I prepared for him. Of course, inside the box is the pinky ring I am going to give to him.
I took Yuhan’s hand as he stared intently at the box. I placed the box in his palm.
Yuhan: Um… Lord. What is this box?
> “Try opening it.”
Despite being confused, as instructed, Yuhan opens the box. Peeking out from the inside was a ring with a spinel set in it… The ring emitted a powerful radiance, as if it had captured Yuhan’s honesty.
Yuhan: I never expected this… Could it be.. The present the Lord prepared for me?
> “Yes. Happy birthday.”
Yuhan: It’s truly… a beautiful ring.
After that, I told Yuhan everything. I had decided that Yuhan’s birthday present would be a pinky ring. The reason is… I wish for “Yuhan’s happiness to go on…”
In particular, I chose the one with spinel inlaid… Spinel has the meaning of “supporting efforts and leading to clear thinking.” In order to support Yuhan, who spared no effort, that’s what I wanted.]
Then I took the ring out of the box and put it in Yuhan’s pinky finger of his left hand.
I’m proud of Yuhan, who doesn’t care about his work in both literary and military endeavors. I told him my true feelings.
Yuhan: Lord…
Fufu… I can’t believe I was able to have my Lord put the ring for me directly… It’s like a proposal from the Central land, I was a little surprised.
I became a demon butler with the intention of dedicating myself to fighting angels… for others’ happiness.
And to the most important person of this world, my Lord… I am so content that I can’t express it with words.
Yuhan: I will cherish this ring for the rest of my life… I promise to never let go of you.
This proof of happiness that I received from the Lord… I will never let anyone take it from me. I will live with this ring for the rest of my life… No, even if this body perished… I promise to continue to be your servant… if I could serve you for eternity.
Yuhan: I couldn’t be happier. My mind, my body, and my life will stay like this…  I want to live for you and end my life for you.
That’s right, I was able to meet someone like this… It was really good.
> “Yuhan…”
Yuhan: Lord, please… Please continue to keep me by your side. I will always be there… I am your very own butler.
> “Of course.”
Hearing my words, he burst out a soft smile and gently stroked the ring on his left hand. His eyes were quietly lowered, but… There’s one thing that can't seem to be hidden, Yuhan’s happy smile… I, too, feel happy.
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Slutty Christmas Elf
~with softness~
@electricrituals​ hit me with this delightful prompt : “Hey babe! <3 I have a Christmas prompt idea if you're interested... I'm thinking Geralt is a Mall Santa (unwillingly, probably because he lost a bet, most likely to Lambert) and Jaskier is one of Santa's Elves. Sparks fly and things get NSFW in a... broom closet? Bathroom? Anywhere they absolutely should NOT be ;)” and you bet your ass I sat in the corner of the living room after Thanksgiving dinner listening to Mariah Carey and Kelly Clarkson sing Christmas songs while writing some hoey Christmas smut on my phone. 
Warnings: well its smutty so 18+ plz, anal fingering, anal sex, gentle dom vibes (no i currently cant write Jask any other way), trying (and failing) to keep quiet, v inappropriate use of a mall storage closet lmao, not a whole lot of up front communication but what is consent if not showing up to a closet for a booty call?  A shitload of swearing - as usual
"You promised, Geralt. Sit your ass down and get the fat pads on your thigh. They'll get sore if you don't." Lambert dangled the red Santa hat in front of Geralt's face with a devious grin. 
Geralt snatched it out of his hands, "Technically, I didn't even lose the bet…" 
Lambert had been walking away but he turned around when he caught the mutter, "Oh, I'm sorry? How many wings did you eat?" 
Geralt rolled his eyes and shoved the hat over his hair. 
"How many? Couldn't hear you!" 
"Twelve…" Geralt sighed. 
Lambert grinned, "That's RIGHT. Don't bet your Saturday on hot wings with me," he damn near skipped back behind the camera. 
Geralt sat for light tests and someone slapping him with a makeup sponge full of blush before he was finally allowed to go get his coffee. 
In the green room all the elves were lounging around, most on their phones, but one was hopping on one foot trying to get those stupid little booties on. 
He only barely had time to set his coffee down before he had an arm full of swearing elf.
"Fuck! Shit, I'm sorry. The cunts just don't fucking fit." The elf stood himself up, using Geralt's shoulder to keep upright as he finally yanked the bootie on. 
Geralt chuckled, "You know this is a kids event right?" 
The elf straightened up, hand formerly gripping Geralt's shoulder now sliding down his biceps as his bright blue eyes sparkled, "Then why'd they hire such a handsome Santa?" 
Geralt blushed, sure the makeup wasn't going to hide his embarrassment, "Lost a bet," he stammered. 
"Good thing we both have more wholesome friends," the elf winked, nodding over to a blonde girl with a guitar on her lap, "I'm Jaskier." 
"Geralt!" Lambert hollered from the hall and Geralt deflated, his eyes nearly rolling out onto the ground. 
"That's me," he squeezed Jaskier’s elbow before walking away, "You gonna stay standing without me?" 
Jaskier grinned, "I'm already swooning." 
Geralt did his best to keep himself from giggling as he jogged back over to Lambert. 
Jaskier, it turned out, was actually very good with kids, especially the ones who were scared but Geralt absolutely didn't pay close attention to him at all. He most certainly didn't look at his ass when he bent down to tie a kids shoe, and he would never glance over at him whenever he heard a particularly musical peak of laughter. Nope. Not Geralt.
Jaskier caught him looking more than he'd like to admit, winking every time. It sent a little swarm of butterflies through his insides and he'd only just met the man. Honestly who the fuck did Geralt think he was? 
When lunch break was called Jaskier made an excuse to sashay up to him and lightly hip-check him, "Hey there big guy. Enjoy your show?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
Geralt nearly lost his breath, "So that was intentional?" 
Jaskier rested his elbow on Geralt's shoulder and lowered his voice as Geralt instinctively placed a hand at his back, "We've got an hour and forty minutes before lunch is over…" 
Geralt's eyes bulged but he felt a heat shoot through his body at the suggestion, "How do you want to spend the break?"
Jaskier licked his lips and stood on his tiptoes to whisper in his ear, "Supply closet past the bathrooms. 5 minutes." 
Jaskier snagged his wallet before he jogged out of the greenroom and down the hall. Geralt was frozen in place. 
Was he really gonna do this? He didn't even know Jaskier’s last name. He might not even have a condom on him. Unless there was one in his gym bag? Yep. He was definitely gonna do this... maybe. 
Lambert appeared out of nowhere while he was rifling through his bag, "Hey! Wanna get lunch at the taco place? My treat." 
"Uh… rain check? I have uh… have to let Roach out." Geralt snagged his keys and wallet, praying Lambert didn't hear the little crinkle of foil he's hastily tucked into a card slot. 
Lambert quirked an eyebrow at him but shrugged it off, "Long as you're back on time." 
Geralt was speed walking down the hall, internally debating just how good of an idea this was. He might just walk past to his truck and actually go let his dog out. Nope. He glanced up and down the hall before cracking the door open. 
It was dark. Fuck. 
Before his self esteem could take a nosedive the door next to it opened and Jaskier leaned out, "That wasn't five minutes. Get in here. If Lambert finds us that's on you." 
Geralt cupped Jaskier's face and pressed their lips together, kissing him back into the dimly lit room and closing the door behind him, "He's caught me doing worse." 
"Mmm! Top or bottom?" Jaskier squeaked between kisses as he unzipped Geralt from the ridiculous Santa suit. 
He pulled back to step out of the onesie, left in his briefs and undershirt, "What?"
Jaskier was already peeling off his green leggings, "You wanna fuck? Or be fucked?" 
Geralt's cock twitched to life as he sheepishly admitted, "Be fucked." 
Jaskier groaned and bit his lip as he dug a condom out of his wallet, "Merry Christmas to me." 
Geralt chuckled, tossing his condom to Jaskier, "You're getting my hopes up." 
"Oh, darling," a dangerous look flashed in Jaskier's eyes, "pants off, face the door." 
Geralt shivered at his tone and did as he was told, pressing his hands to the cold metal and glancing back over his shoulder. Jaskier tore open one of the packs and rolled the condom over his fingers before coming to stand behind Geralt. 
"Are you going to be good and stay quiet for me?" 
Oh fuck. Geralt's breath hitched at his words and his cock ached to be touched. He bit his lip and nodded vigorously. 
Jaskier ran his other hand over his shoulders and back, guiding his feet back a bit so his ass was better presented, "You like that? Being told what to do? Giving up control?" 
Geralt pressed his forehead on the door, his breath coming in gasps already, "Yes, just don't call me 'honey'."
Jaskier pressed a kiss to his shoulder, "Wouldn't dream of it. Ready?" 
Geralt nodded and Jaskier dragged his two fingers over Geralt's hole, making use of the lube on the condom as best he could. Geralt shivered, and pushed out a breath to keep from moaning as Jaskier massaged his rim. 
"That's it, just relax. Let me make you feel good." Jaskier whispered in his ear, stroking his side and kissing the back of his neck, "Do you want to touch yourself?" 
Geralt hadn't even realized he was waiting for permission but fuck did he want to, "Please?" 
Jaskier stepped to the side a bit, still massaging Geralt while he tipped his chin toward him and kissed him, "Do what you want, love." 
Geralt gripped his cock and pumped ever so slowly, stifling another moan. Jaskier mouthed at his jaw and behind his ear as he slowly pushed one finger in, just to the first knuckle. Geralt's rhythm faltered and he gasped, "More." 
Jaskier's breath was shaky as he began pumping and curling his finger, looking for that lovely little spot. 
"Two," Geralt gasped, "you won't reach it without two fing-ehmm!"
Jaskier did exactly as he was told and a wave of pleasure rolled through Geralt's body, "Like…. This?" Jaskier curled his fingers again and held the pressure on Geralt's prostate for a few seconds while Geralt trembled. 
He whined as he nodded, canting his hips back. 
Jaskier stilled his ministrations and gathered Geralt to his chest to whisper in his ear, "I thought you said you'd be quiet for me?" 
"I can," Geralt whispered, "I promise." 
Jaskier hummed and pressed his palm over the center of Geralt's chest, "I'm going to add another finger. But you have to keep quiet." 
Geralt's hand pressed over Jaskier's, "I will. I will." He panted. 
Jaskier did as he'd said and Geralt bit down on his lip, finally feeling almost full. Jaskier began pumping again, pressing his own erection against Geralt's hip, "Good boy." 
Geralt rocked back against Jaskier's bulge, fucking himself on his fingers, "I'm ready." 
"You sure?" 
"One hundred percent." 
Jaskier pressed against his prostate one more time before slipping his hand out, making Geralt shudder and bite his knuckle to suppress a groan. Jaskier had the second condom out and ready almost immediately, lining himself up at Geralt's entrance as he ran his hands over his back in long soothing strokes. 
"You tell me when," Jaskier cooed, "pause for pause, stop for get out, work?" 
Geralt nodded and repeated the code before leaning against the door on one elbow with his palm flat against the metal, "Go ahead." 
Jaskier moaned as he slowly and steadily pushed in. Geralt twisted his hand over the head of his cock and almost forgot how to exhale he was so full. Jaskier slowly began rocking back and forth, maybe a centimeter or two at a time. As he started to thrust in earnest the bells on his costume started to jingle in time. 
Geralt tried to ignore it, but it was just so ridiculous and he was going to start laugh soon, "Jask, p-pause," he chuckled.
Jaskier froze, a hand coming to Geralt's neck and jaw, asking him wordlessly to look at him, "what is it?"
"The bells. Its- fuck it's too funny." 
Jaskier laughed as he peeled his shirt off and tossed it in a heap with his leggings, "Thank gods, they’re annoying." 
Geralt huffed in amusement as he rocked his hips a bit but his breaths quickly turned to pants as Jaskier picked up his pace again. For as quiet as he'd told Geralt to be, Jaskier was moaning wantonly whenever Geralt clenched or hummed as he brushed his prostate. 
Geralt had given up stroking his cock in favor of squeezing at the base for a while when Jaskier finally said he was close, staving off his orgasm as long as he could. The sweet slick fullness mixed with the near panic of constantly being on the edge was intoxicating and Geralt wanted to hang onto every second. 
Jaskier held his hips and squeezed like he'd really wanted to dig in and Geralt wished he would, "Are you-?" 
"Yes," Geralt really wasn't sure how he formed words, his whole body was pulsing and shaking. 
"F-fuck! Oh, Geralt. Sonofa-hmmm." Jaskier came with rough thrusts, keeping one hand wrapped around the base of the condom as he rode out his orgasm. 
Geralt gave himself three good pumps and that was all it took to send him over the edge. He barely kept his legs under him as he shook and groaned while Jaskier pulled out to dispose of the condom. He pressed his cheek against the door and sighed at the relief on his slightly sweaty skin, only mildly aware of Jaskier getting dressed behind him. 
"Geralt, how do you feel?" Jaskier brushed some stray hairs out of his face. 
"Good hmmm?" 
Geralt nodded and pushed off the door, running a hand through his hair to pull himself together. 
Jaskier didn't seem to be in a rush though, helping him get dressed and clean up in his rather hazy afterglow. He lead Geralt over to one of the benches and sat down, pulling Geralt into his lap, straddling his hips. His arms wrapped around Geralt's waist and pulled him close, one hand snaking into his hair and lightly scratching little circles on his scalp. Geralt hummed in exhausted pleasure and laid his head on Jaskier's shoulders, wrapping his arms around his ribs. 
"For as scary as you look, you're a big softie," Jaskier laughed, giving him a little squeeze. 
Geralt heaved a sigh as if raising his head from Jaskier's shoulder was a monumental effort, "I thought you said 'handsome'?" He teased, looking to Jaskier's lips as if to ask permission. 
Jaskier pressed a soft kiss to his lips, overwhelmingly gentle for a quickie in a supply closet, "Scary good-looking," he mumbled between kisses. 
Geralt let out an amused huff and before he could stop himself, asked, "Wanna go get lunch?" 
Jaskier pulled back to look at him in bewilderment. 
Geralt scrambled to take it back, failing miserably, "Unless- I mean. We fucked in a mall closet I'm not saying- i- fuck, I ruined it." 
Jaskier placed a finger over his lips and smiled, "I'd love to." 
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i hc wilbur made tommy president because he planned to go and press the button while tommy spoke and kill him along with himself
wilbur wanted end all his unfinished symphonies and as the person who raised tommy- he raised him like he raised l'manberg. he doesnt care for fundy- not since he denounced him- so he wanted to end him :)
i need a fic where tommy is the one who goes to stop wilbur and wilbur fucking stabs him before pressing the button saying "it was never meant to be" tommy loses both first and last lives to that phrase
tommys last words are it was always meant to be fucking wilbur survives the explosion and has no one to kill him and now he has to live with the consqunces tommy becomes toast- short for ghost tommy i refuse to write so many letters each time- and immeditly looks for his older brothers and he finds wilbur first :) wilbur is exiled for his crimes and also out of fear- they tried to rehabilate him! they really did but then he freaked out over seeing toast... in a bad way.... and he and toast burned georges house on toast suggest (maybe we should burn something! that always helps me calm down!) this is after wilbur is trusted enough to be not... in a prison... after phil convinced them he needs help and toast tries his best ok- (WHO LEFT WILBUR WITH TOAST!) (I THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA AT THE TIME! I WAS ONLY LEAVING FOR FIVE MINUTES! AND RANBOO WAS THERE TOO!) and toast tries to go with but everyone is like "yeah no" and toast is like "whhhhyyy i just wanna stay with wilby!" and everytime anyone tries to tell tommy about the wrongs that have happened to him he screams and clutches his head in pain and everytime he comes back he doesnt remember the convo toast,,, is the most BABY toast calls everyone cutesy nicknames unironcially he calls eret rere toast, chriping happily: TECHIE!!!! tubbo: TOMMY STAY AWAY FROM HIM! toast, in a very lost and confused voice: why? techno, freaking out: tommy? toast: hi!!!!!!! im toast!!!!!! :D techno: lowkey ab to cry toast: NOOOOOOOO DUN CRI! toast: there there techie... i know what will help! tubbo, sighing: arson? toast: ARSON! phil comes just in time to find tommys dead body and l'manberg gone hes not around for the withers neither hes there just to see the crater and wilbur in chains with blood on his hands trying to off himself phil will forever blame himself for not making it in time :> dream: taking wilbur away in boat toast, floating behind the boat: o^o dream do you have any games on your phone .///^///. looks at exileinnit hmmm spins roulette wheel who should i hurt... i picked d all of the above they dont let toast go with him but because he is baby and you can't tell him what to do tubbo: sighs finally now that the exiles done toast can you- tubbo: looks up tubbo: GOADDAMN IT
toast is promptly kidnapped back to l'manberg the next day toast keeps going back tho and no one understands why- he literally killed him! why does he keep wanting to go back! (toasts unfinished buisness keeping him tied was helping wilbur and l'manberg- he loved wilbur even at his worst)
toast vibes around everyone but he stays with wilbur- where ever wilbur goes is where he builds his home
its shitty but its an 'ome Toast, teary eyed: Dad? Why does everyone hate Wilby? Why can't I be with him... Phil, with no idea what to do: niki bakes cakes with niki whenever hes in l'manberg he keeps accidently setting her bakery on fire but hes sMOL AND GIGGLES A LOT AND HE HAS FLOUR ON HE GODDAMN SELF toast is a part of mexican l'manberg i dont make the rules mexican dream: AYYYYYYYYY HOMIE toast, giggling: 'OMIE!!!!!
Toast is wholesome while everyone is literally willing to murder Wilbur while also trying to stop him from khs toast is just a very happy lovely child and cries whenever anyone is mean to 'his big brother wilby!' and so they all constantly glare daggers over toasts shoulder wherenever he cant see em meanwhile Phil is just dying inside because Tommy is a ghost by Wilbur's hands and Wilbur keeps trying to commit suicide and oh god what is he supposed to do- he simply avoids this struggle by avoiding them toast, waddling up to philza: papa do you have any games on your phone? all im saying is that tommy called phil papa before changing to dad or fathercraft phil,in the tired parent voice: tommy please sit down- just for five minutes- at least for 5 minutes toast: sits down and then proceeds to struggle to continue to sit but he must because dad told him to toast is just ADHD incarnate wilbur, trying to end himself: im gonna escape my consequences toast: HI!!!!! :D wilbur: FUCK ITS MY CONSEQUENCES toast,,,, is so baby Wilbur is just not allowed to have anything remotely sharp i like how theres so much angst and im just hyper focusing on ba yby dream uses toast the same way he uses ghostbur! :D toast doesnt realize of course even after wilbur tells him dream is bad but he keeps forgetting!!! Everyone: da baby Dream: how can I profit from this oh dream is manipulating wilbur btw wilbur: suffering toast: i made you a card toast trusts eret wholeheartedly and this hurts eret because she knows if toast remembered he probably wouldnt- they wanted redemption but not like this- not because of death Toast: you look cool Toast: you are friend now Eret: sobs I don't deserve this Toast: what did I do wrong Toast: how can I help friend!!!!! Eret: sobbing more toast looks at everyone says "ah! friend shaped!" if ur wondering wheres the angst toast is the angst- toast is just tommy without any bad memories and hes so different they thought he was happy before they thought he was fine tommy was hurt too but since he internalized it no one cared toast sees wilbur being sad and goes! i know what will help! n-not arson tho people dont like arson when you do it.... BUT ITS OKAY! I BROUGHT A FRIEND! shows friend, the sheep and wilbur just fucking sobs Toast is wholesome chaotic in a perfect mix- toast is tommy but without the 'asshole on purpose as a self defense mechanism" someone mentioned something about Tommy masking insecurities once Toast doesn't remember. and he's fine with that he doesn't have any insecurities toast hurts because in retrospect toast, meeting bad: WOAAAAAAH! YOU LOOK SO FUCKING COOL! bad: LANGUAGE! toast, cringing back, looking at the ground: ..sorry :( bad: ...you can swear toast: :D bad: once toast hasnt sworn since "hes saving it for special occasions" sometimes he accidently swears and immedtly gasps and looks at bad and bad just sighs and is like "its okay it was an accident" bad never would have thought itd take letting tommy swear for him to stop huh... its almost like... hes a child.... and the negetive reienforcement.... was doing more harm then good.... toast: exists in an amount of happiness no one has ever seen him in before everyone: pain how much pain was tommy in before? they thought tommy was happy- was... was he not happy? he's so unabashedly joyful and energetic looking back they can see how forced every laugh felt, every smile- He's not afraid to just talk to people, make new friends he became so much more cautious after Eret, had it really effected him that badly? He's open. He never lies about how he's feeling, never brushes anything away how much was Tommy hiding, how much pain, how much fear- It's chilling. bone chilling. There's no way to fix what's been lost. No way to apologize to who Tommy used to be, to try and make it better. None of them every bothered to see him as anything more than a nuisance, an annoying child or cannon fodder and they'll regret it for the rest of their lives everyone: having a mental crisis toast: GUYYYYSS!! I MADE ANOTHER FRIEND!!!
"Wilby?" Wilbur heard Tommys voice say in an innocent tone.
Was he hearing things? Tommy's dead. He killed him himself.
"Wilby why are you in prison?" The image of his little brother asked, "Did you commit arson without me?" it asked in a pout.
"TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled running into the cell where Wilbur was kept, going through the bars with ease, "Tommy get away from him!"
"But 'ubbo!!!! Wilby is 'ere!!!!" Tommy (?) said with a smile Wilbur hadn't seen since Tommy was a child.
"Tommy, I understand you don't remember anything right now but you need to come back over here!" Tubbo demanded and Tommy flinched
Wilbur was struck with the sudden realization that this isn't just his mind- no no it can't be- but Tubbo acknowledged him he has to- Wilbur reached his locked hands towards Tommy only for him to pass through him. What? No no it was just his imagination that makes sense.
"Oh sorry Wil! I'm kinda dead! I don't remember how i died... but i think im a ghostie!" Tommy said plainly, floating off the floor. Wilbur looked at him in confusion. Whats happening?
the first time toast sees the crater toast srceams in intense amount of pain- its so loud you can hear it all over the smp- and just dissapears for a few days before reappearing with no memories of what happened toast saying things tommy thought but never said- he calls eret "big brother" and eret fucking d i e s toast cals all the l'manbergians older siblings He's far too honest for anyone to handle tommy was always honest too but he learned from experince that honesty only lead to hurt Tommy was like an enderchest, you could never see beyond the exterior, everything inside was exclusive to him and him alone Toast is like when someone dies and all their fuckin items explode onto the ground. you just see everything and most of it was  pain and everyone feels bad because they thought he was the only one uneffected that nothing had ever put a damper on his happiness and energetic smile- at what point had that smile became fake? also for angst reasons the last memory toast has is before the elections toast has uwu boy vibes but more chaotic toast goes to dream smp from logstedshire purely for sam nook toast starts making his hotel since he sees nobody has a home (including dream LMAO) (and he wants to make a safe place since everyone keeps saying something about war) and wants to make one and asks sam for help since apparently hes good at building and sam lets him pay after he finishs the hotel and sam nook is there since day one because i dont think i could handle a world without sam nook toast: biting everyone tubbo: wHY DO YOU DO THAT?????? toast: once techie bit all the cupcakes and then said it was his cuz he bit it so im biting everyone to show their mine!!!!! tubbo: i- tubbo: i am both flattered and disgusted everyone, remembering how tommy used to bite everyone upon meeting and then everyone would get mad at him and yell at him until he stopped biting people on meeting: sadly whips and nae naes hes a BABY toast deserves the fucking world also i havent talked ab it but there is wilbur and fundy angst here fundy confronts wilbur also not that fundy is angry about not not not getting murdered by his father but also why does he consider tommy his unfinished sympohny and not him? he raised fundy too- maybe he just only ever loved tommy (based off his insecurity of how close wilbur and tommy are based off wilbur raising tommy and wilbur only being there for fundy by the time he was older and also using hybrid age go nyoom for this dream manipulates toast during wilburs exile along with wilbur and toast realizes both of them were being used by him and fucking screams lourder than he ever has before and dissapears for a week and then shows up at technos house (he got lost and he didnt know why he was at logsted shire- he doesnt remember the place) on the day of the excution and tries to help technoblade but keeps forgetting that everyone is trying to kill techno the butcher army is hesitant when "hey why are you all attacking big brother Techy-" "HE SPAWNED WITHERS IN L'MANBERG!" "he did?" toast asked tilting his head in confusion "YES! HE DID! AFTER YOU DIED! NOW WHERE IS HE TOAST! WE NEED TO CAPTURE HIM!" whenever tubbo talks ab how theyre planning on excuting techno or how there was no trial toast has flashbacks to tubbos excution but hes never able to hold on to the memories just leaving him feeling bad toast sees anything traumatic and just makes the blue screen noise toast has to reboot every time anything truamatic happens and when he does he doesnt remember what happens after
toast hurts on a "THE FUCKING IMPLICATIONS OF THIS" level just.. everyone trying to make up for not noticing tommys hurt and trying to be good to toast when its already too late... far too late glatt is also here because whenever ytoast dissapears after something trauamtic he bounces back to the land of the dead for the bit and sometimes he drags glatt out to the land of the living with him only works bc toast has unfinished buisness so he can freely go between and just stays in the land of the lving until he can finish his unfiinshed buisness ghostbur and toast wouldve been good friends if they ever met anyone yells at toast and he immeditly starts sobbing
basically when everything is calm and peaceful and everyone is happy together after dream is in prison and toast is like "oh... this is what ive always wanted"
"toast?" tubbo asked, confused toast smiled softly, "i think its time for me to go" "what?" wilbur asked his pitch unusually high due to the fear lacing his voice "i think... i think this was my unfinished buisness... this is the last thing i wanted when i was alive, the reason i stayed... i think its finally my time to go now" toast said smiling tearfully "no! you vcan't go! we just got you back!"
basically when everything is finally ok, when things finally calm down toast fades back to the void/afterlife thing
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I finally figured out how to send asks on mobile :D Got any headcanons for how Illumi, Hisoka, (plus gon and Killua if it's not too much trouble) would decorate for Christmas? I just think that would be kinda poggers UwU
YESSSS I DO ACTUALLY! CANT WAIT TILL CHRISTMAS GUYS! I decided to just pin this post until the end of December so if anybody else wants any Christmas headcanons I’ll just add it here and I did put extra characters/headcanons because of that reason and if you want me to add anybody else just send in a request about it! (also dont mind the random juiceboxes I just left them out bc I don’t feel like adding new ones when adding random hc’s.) THANKS SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING! I’ll finish illumi and hisoka later but my food just arrived so I’m gonna go start on that first :)
Hunter x Hunter Christmas Event! This Event Includes The Main 4, The Adult Trio, The Phantom Troupe, The Zoldyck Family, The Freecss Family, And The Minor Characters!
🧃 rich kid is gonna be the one with either nothing but a tree or literally is gonna go to the point of fake snow on the stair rails
🧃 it’s either nerf or nothing for this man. either go all out or don’t go at all mf
🧃 he likes Christmas except the fact it’s cold, girlie isn’t a fan of cold weather
🧃 he’ll probably do the jazz with the gingerbread cookies tho :’)
🧃 but yeah his tree’s gonna look like the ones in the movies with like all the height and the little balls with the perfect star on top bc babie is perfect so his tree should be too ✨
🧃 he says he doesn’t want anything but if you actually get him something he’ll be so touched-
🧃 he maybe will take a day off of fuck knows what to spend Christmas with anybody- 
🧃 okay we all know he’s spending Christmas with hisoka and we can’t change that 
🧃 poor baby he just wants to be held and feel the feeling of warmth again so he is a fan of hot chocolate
🧃 will not go out in the snow but he will go with you or anybody that wants to go outside and play
🧃 he isn’t a fan of dressing up but he’ll take his s/o out on a Christmas date (I will do a mini scenario/hc’s for this if you guys want.)
🧃 I feel if he wasn’t a pedophile or mass murderer they would hire him to work as a mall Santa Claus.
🧃 he’d probably do a color coded thing and the whole house would be that color
🧃 this mf would buy a gift for himself-
🧃 he wouldn’t do anything to his room and the biggest ick about him I have is that he has nothing in his room but a bed, dresser, desk, lamp, and nightstand like only the necessities so he wouldn’t do that much.
🧃 if he had a kid he’d 100% to elf on the shelf until they were like 16 years old and even use his nen ability to secretly make them move so the kid would believe in the magic for a while
🧃 he’s forcing illumi to come over cause he doesn’t want the little shit to be alone and sad on Christmas.
🧃 he got illumi a present
🧃 not a fan of those childish Christmas films but he’s pretty fond of the romance ones tbh
🧃 he literally never ends up under the mistletoe because everybody’s avoiding it so they won’t have to kiss the scary guy-
🧃 he can COOK asf so he’ll def make a feast for him and his s/o or just friends :)
🧃 he’s gonna be the most fun with all this, he want everything either blue, purple, or white. Literally he hates doing shit and not perfecting it (nikki minaj??)
🧃 he’d be the one to act like a mom saying “stupid I’m not buying that it’s too expensive!” and then you wake up with it under the tree- “you thought you weren’t getting it didn’t you?” I stg he is literally EVERY SINGLE MOTHER ON EARTH and it’s not even funny.
🧃 he wants to go play in the snow and make snow angels but he won’t say anything until you say something
🧃 hc that his ears and nose turn kinda red when it’s cold
🧃 he’s literally cooking a red velvet cake and there is no point in stopping him
🧃 he probably isn’t a morning christmas guy, he’s all for around 11-12 gifts so then you guys can bake cookies and play in the snow a ton because you got some energy stored up
🧃 this mf wants chocolate robots for Christmas and probably at one point in his life asked Santa for a new family but he didn’t deliver ig. (Illumi probably wrote him a fake Santa note saying that his family was better than everybody else’s.) 
🧃 his parents forced him to go sing those fucking Christmas songs when they know damn well those kids sound ratchet.
🧃 he ALWAYS ends up under the mistletoe with somebody. Even if it’s unintentional it always happens. 
🧃 a giant fan of wreaths for some reason? He puts one on every door.
🧃 his favorite holiday is Christmas so ohhh boy this is gonna be magical-
🧃 red green and white colors. you cannot change his mind literally that is what colors are in his head as soon as he hears the word Christmas.
🧃 the tree’s gonna be HUGE and he’s gonna want to decorate every room in the house. The bathroom, your room, his room, and yes he is that one neighbor with the fucking big ass lights outside-
🧃 he is a firm Santa believer he doesn’t take criticism. 
🧃 literally is going to wake everybody up at 6 fucking am to open gifts and everybody is gonna do it because can we really resist his pouty face? no. 
🧃 the joy on his face opening any gifts make it a fucking can of baked beans makes it all worth losing about 3-4 hours of sleep :,)
🧃 he probably wants toys for Christmas, I get he’s 14 but hxh doesn’t exactly have too much social media so he wouldn’t be trying to grow up too fast
🧃 he would get matching sleepwear for everybody except for some fucking reason it actually will look cute and he won’t just settle for a ugly ass tight suffocating elf sweater.
🧃 he believes Christmas is about spending time with your family and probably donated his old toys to a center so kids who didn’t have toys got some :)
🧃 he’s gonna make sure everybody has a good time, like every single person. it’s a  main protagonist thing I guess but I mean I applaud him for it.
🧃 doesn’t quite ever end up under the mistletoe with anybody but if he happened to he’d giggle and kiss their cheek in a friendly way.
🧃 he’s gonna reuse the same fucking plastic wrinkled tree he’s been using for 12 years because the tree prices are “insane” even on sale.
🧃 he would be the one a Walmart ringing the little bell and forcing kurapika to sing with him because he needs the money.
🧃 his house is the one with rainbow colored little balls and it’s so ghetto but at the same time adorable
🧃 he is literally that one neighbor who gets the most snow and it’s the snow that’s basically ice and will take around 6 good days to shovel up.
🧃 maybe wont shovel out the snow too early because he wants killua and gon to have fun. 
🧃 he wants money for Christmas and nothing more, but kurapika tells him money isn’t a real gift and to ask for something else
🧃 even not being a morning person, he LIVES for morning Christmas.
🧃 probably eats snow.
🧃 he would try to cook and it might work actually
🧃 miss girl is plopped right down right next to gon watching elf on the shelf movies
🧃 he wears the Santa hat and is lowkey twinning with kurapika-
🧃 this bitch is gonna make you wait all fucking day to open gifts 😀
🧃 he thinks afternoon/nigh Christmas is the best. On Christmas eve he would literally sit down and watch movies with killua and gon for exactly 2 hours while leorio waits outside because kurapika wants him to sound like there’s somebody on the roof and kurapika can put the two children to bed and get a break for the rest of the night to finish gift wrapping and food making
🧃 hella good at wrapping gifts- commercial wrapping mf.
🧃 he thinks a white color coded Christmas looks best 
🧃 he’d give killua and gon like 150$ to buy Christmas stuff for their rooms and that’s lowkey just him trying his best he doesn’t know what the fuck else to do he isn’t a mom-
🧃 he might teach the other 3 traditional kurta songs his clan and him sung on Christmas.
🧃 he’s twinning with leorio cause he got the reindeer ears I mean get it ig- 
🧃 leorio is BEGGING kurapika to let him get a couple of drinks and kurapika’s like “YOURE GONNA STAY SOBER AND YOURE GONNA LIKE IT BITCH.”
🧃 he may or may not boys whatever they asked for and accidently on purpose use leorio’s credit card-
🧃 he just wants everybody to be happy, but can we blame him? it’s Christmas why wouldn’t he?
🧃 okay all wholesomeness aside he’s making leorio shovel the driveway.
🧃 he thinks this is like a romance thing
🧃 he’ll probably steal a gift or 2 for you ya know
🧃 I feel he’s the mf to have a black Christmas tree or a white one theres no in between
🧃 cookies are a yes
🧃 just go watch a classic romance movie one with him, it’ll give ya clear skin ma
🧃 he won’t decorate outside but inside will look magical asf
🧃 I think personally he’d wear a santa hat
🧃 probably would make a big phat juicy meal just for the two of you and he’d get gifts for the troupe if they cared about celebration
🧃 I feel the troupe isn’t big on that holiday stuff but if you felt like celebrating with him he’d be over the moon
🧃 he got that big tree though for no reason, he also takes the tree down the day after Christmas
🧃 Probably would give you a gift everyday leading up to christmas
🧃 He probably was forced to sing carols and ring the bell on christmas as a kid-
🧃 he doesn’t really care much and won’t care to decorate but may or may not get you gifts
🧃 if you get him something he’ll have a small smile behind his mask 
🧃 he doesn’t wanna be in the cold just make some hot chocolate and watch a movie with him jeez
🧃 probably will wear reindeer horns if you insist
🧃 his favorite holiday is halloween but christmas is nice I guess
🧃 he probably would spend his entire day if he didn’t have a s/o with shalnark seeing who could figure out the christmas word find fastest
🧃 he’s gonna just see if theres anything he could steal for anybody
🧃 doesn’t bother with snow at all if there is snow he just doesn’t care to go outside when we got a perfectly nice house
🧃 firm believer in christmas isn’t about family it’s about gifts
🧃 he’s gonna get you something expensive though
🧃 alluka the sweet princess is literally the neighbor that has the biggest brightest lights
🧃 she probably had her big brother killua come help her
🧃 her christmas tree is pink and white, and she decorated every square foot of her house
🧃 Christmas is her favorite holiday :)
🧃 she get’s everybody gifts and for christmas she wants some toys maybe to go shopping or something
🧃 snow angels are a must 100%
🧃 firm santa believer doesn’t take criticism.
🧃 she’s gonna be so happy just to spend time with people honestly even if nanika comes out she’s just gonna be happy
🧃 her gingerbread houses look absolutely amazing like please become a house builder sis-
🧃 she’s wearing matching sleepwear with killua and gon, probably doing a elf santa and reindeer theme which is adorable
🧃 this is the best day of her life and I’m living for it.
🧃 This bitch is not a fan of anything
🧃 she want’s to paint those little christmas ball things and yeah
🧃 probably says she doesn’t want anything but some jewels or bracelets would be nice 
🧃 also isn’t a fan of snow but her house doesn’t get much to be honest
🧃 for the troupe she gives them like some bakery idem she made because why not that’s her family after all
🧃 probably wears fluffy socks on christmas and they’re like really adorable she just doesn’t realize it
🧃 she probably got something extra for shizuku idk I head canon them to be friends :)
🧃 she wont steal anything probably will buy or make it
🧃 omg machi stitching little christmas sweaters and socks omg that’s the highlight of my mother fucking day
🧃 her house if she decorates, is red and white.
🧃 omg this beautiful woman I love so much
🧃 her house is white and blue and it’s all pretty
🧃 she has lights and stuff but doesn’t like overdo it or anything because she isn’t that jolly but might decorate a tree or two
🧃 she donates to animal shelters on christmas and literally it’s so cute
🧃 will probably get the troupe something specific that fits them or that they like because she isn’t trying to get somebody useless shit
🧃 for her s/o she’ll go out in the snow with them if they’d want
🧃 she buys the best gifts like that one aunt you don’t wanna give kisses but they always come through except we do wanna kiss her asf
🧃 she’ll wear machis socks that machi made her :,)
🧃 probably is the best person to have on christmas because just look at her
🧃 cuddles are everything just let’s just hug her while she watching a movie yes
🧃 yes
🧃 she thinks christmas is all about family
🧃 def an adult who says that they don’t want anything
🧃 she loves gons little handmade gifts or cards though
🧃 she decorates the house whatever way gon would want to cause you know he’s the only kid in the house
🧃 so basically her family has like a huge feast and everything and the food slaps
🧃 she makes gon wear this adorable sleepwear thing cause she thinks its cute
🧃 won’t let gon near any gifts before christmas
🧃 she’ll bundle gon up like a burrito if he wants to play in the snow which is adorable
🧃 she’s the mom like “you thought you wasn’t gonna get that huh? oh you welcome baby.”
🧃 this small little boy omg
🧃 he loves christmas but nobody really pays attention to him so he’s a little sad
🧃 with the troupe if they get him something he’ll be so excited but you won’t be able to tell :(
🧃 he’ll give people stuff because to him this is probably the most spirt he gets
🧃 he might just go sit out in the snow to enjoy the scenery 
🧃 he enjoys christmas eve most because of the vibes
🧃 doesn’t believe in santa but you know he’ll let alluka believe in it
🧃 probably a bit hurt killua wants to celebrate with alluka but not him tho
🧃 will ask killua if he wants anything def
🧃 might get illumi and milluki something if they let him
🧃 he is always cooped up in the zoldyck house so they probably don’t decorate or celebrate but he still enjoys it
🧃 if illumi or something gets him a new game he’ll pretend he doesn’t care but he’ll appreciate it :)
🧃 he loves snow like yes
🧃 he might ask his siblings for something because his bitch ass parents wont buy him anything
🧃 yeah he doesn’t rlly give af but like yes
🧃 he probably just wants a new game or figure 
🧃 he might go online and talk to his online friends to see what they got and watch hauls on yt
🧃 probably the mf to want something that arrives in like july like damn pick something else
🧃 wont get anybody else anything sadly
🧃 we stan milluki here
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