#thirsty for thranduil
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kc-writes-sometimes · 5 months ago
I’ve only just finished reading ‘because the king says’ and now I’m going to reread it because I need my thrandaddy drug because I am not patient and I cannot wait.
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wineandthrandy · 2 years ago
Haha... it's thirsty Thursday and Thrandy's thirsty!!🍷
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coopsgirl · 2 years ago
Thrandy is the best 🥰
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off the deep end (in a good way) about Thranduil. Kind and bursting with creativity.
😂😂😂😂 oh god I can't even deny it at this point 🫣
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madamebaggio · 6 months ago
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Notes: I was really - really - not supposed to be doing this today, but we just watched The Hobbit and I couldn't resist.
I hope you don't mind.
Chapter 27
Someday in August, somewhere in Mirkwood
Bluebell didn't know how many days had passed. Sometimes it felt like ages, sometimes it felt like no time at all.
Gandalf abandoned them at the entrance of the woods - that she could remember. It should've been a sign for them to stay away.
They lost the path somehow, somewhere along the way. Bluebell didn't remember if it happened before or after Bombur fell into the stream. They weren't supposed to touch the water - for some reason - but they were thirsty and tired and so - so - lost.
There wasn't any food left. They could barely sleep. They were walking in circles.
Sometimes she didn't even remember who those dwarves were. She'd thought one of them was a stranger invading her house… Only to remember she wasn't at home.
She didn't know if she'd ever be again.
There were fights, paranoia, fear… So much confusion. Bluebell sometimes couldn't even remember the name of those around her. She'd grab Thorin's hand because she was scared of losing him in the woods and never seeing him again.
It felt like torture.
Until someone - Óin, that was his name - said something about the sun…
"Sun. We have to find the sun." She looked up towards the top of the trees. "Up there."
Climbing up the tree felt harder than it ever had before, but with every inch she gained, made her breathe easier.
Until she broke free, and it felt like she was breathing for the first time ever, seeing the sun for the first time in a millenia.
Then the spiders appeared.
Thorin couldn't find Bluebell.
As the elves rounded them up and took their weapons, his eyes kept moving around, but she wasn't there.
"Where is the Burglar?" He asked his dwarves in Khuzdul, not daring to say her name in front of the elves.
The Company started looking around, searching for her.
"What do you conceal by speaking your tongue, dwarf?" The elfling who had taken his sword demanded.
"The business of dwarves is not the business of elves." He growled at him.
"In this forest, elves decide what is their business." He looked at Thorin carefully. "Are you looking for another one of you? Perhaps we missed another dwarf?"
Thorin pressed his lips together, refusing to answer and to take the bait.
The elfling turned to someone else. "Keep your eyes open. There might be another one of them out there."
That meant they hadn't found Bluebell. Surely they'd have mentioned if they'd seen a female in the forest, especially one as small as Bluebell, who was clearly not a dwarf.
"Let us move." A she-elf spoke up, and Thorin felt panic sizing up his chest.
They couldn't leave Bluebell alone in those woods. She'd never survive alone, not with those spiders running around.
When one of the guards tried to push him, Thorin struggled. He would not leave Bluebell there alone! Another elf came to help him and they were screaming orders at each other and screaming at him, but he did not care. He was not going anywhere until he….
"I am here." Her sweet voice called from somewhere really close, like she was standing right next to him. "Trust me. I will follow you."
"Givashel?" He called softly, even as he stopped struggling.
"Yes." Her voice whispered back. "You cannot see me, but I am here. Just go with them."
"Thorin?" Balin called, concerned.
"Let us go." He finally said to the others.
The elf who was clearly in command there gave him a look full of suspicion, but Thorin didn't care. He couldn't see her, but somehow he knew Bluebell was there.
He just hoped this wasn't a whisper of madness.
Bluebell should've expected Thorin to make a mess out of things, but she really hadn't expected him to be that antagonistic against the Elven King - Thranduil.
Yes, he hadn't been the most pleasant of fellows, but they were short on time, and they had no hope to get out of there without his permission.
Trust Thorin to choose stubbornness and pride over an easy way out.
And she wasn't judging him - much - over it, since she did understand the reason behind Thorin's resentment. Balin had told her about the elves' part - or better yet, lack of action - the day Smaug had attacked the mountain.
Thranduil could've helped, but he chose not to. For his own reasons - clearly - but dwarves weren't the type to forgive and forget.
She waited in silence, pressed against a corner until the elves had left, clearly not believing the dwarves could escape on their own.
She'd been invisible for almost a whole day, and she was dreadfully tired, but she still needed to find the dwarves.
Once it was all quiet, she made her way to Thorin's cell. After making sure there was no one around, she pulled her ring out.
He turned to her immediately, sweet relief taking over his features. "Bluebell." It sounded like he'd been holding his breath this whole time and now could breathe in peace again. "You are here." He hurried closer to the bars, and grabbed her hands. "I feared I had gone mad when I heard your voice in the woods. You are here, my love."
He pressed his forehead against the bars and she did the same, so they could be closer. "I was afraid you would fight capture thinking I was lost. I had to let you know I was fine."
His chuckle was pained. "You know me so well, givashel."
"I do."
"Are you hurt?" He needed to know. She shook her head. "Are you?"
"No. How did you evade capture?" He wanted to know.
"I found something in the goblin's tunnels." She told him, her hands holding his firmly through the bars. "A magic ring. It makes me disappear."
Thorin pulled away so he could look at her properly. "A magic ring?" He frowned.
"Gandalf said it is fine. At least, I am not behind bars." She gave him a flat look. "Unlike a dwarf that I know."
"I would not make a deal with that elf." He hissed.
"Really?" She snapped back. "And how do you propose we get out of here now?"
"You asked me to trust you, Bluebell. And I do." He used his hand to cup her face. "You will find a way out for us."
"Me?" Her eyes became round. "How?"
"You can watch them and learn." He told her confidently. "Find a weakness in their guard."
"Oh my goodness, Thorin Oakenshied." She took a deep breath in. "It might take some time."
"We do not have a lot of it." He sighed. "You are very tired. We have not eaten in…" He shook his head. "I do not even know how long we have been in this place." This time he used both hands to cup her face and look into her eyes. "Your face has thinned." He caressed her cheekbone. "They have brought us food. I will share mine with you."”
"No." She denied immediately. "I will find the kitchen and I will feed myself. Save your food. You will also need your energy."
He nodded. "Find some place to rest. Try to find the date and a way out. But, Burglar."
The corner of her mouth tipped up. "Yes?"
"Come find me every day." He ordered, even as his eyes pleaded with her. "Report to your King." He once again rested his forehead against hers. "This is an order."
Her chuckle felt a bit watery, but she closed her eyes. "I will do that, Thorin Oakenshield. I love you." She whispered reverently. "I love you more, givashel."
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middleearthpixie · 2 years ago
Hellooo, I love your work, and I would love to request something! If you don't end up writing it, that is completely fine. Please don't feel obligated to!
I'm not sure if you write for Kili, so if you do not, Thorin would be perfectly fine!
But imagine when the company is in Mirkwood and they are sitting in the cells. They are visited by (what they believe to be) a Dwarrowdam, while she is beardless, she is Dwarven in size and has long hair with a few braids in it (They consider her to be like Kili, relatively ugly for Dwarven standards). They get excited when she talks to them, but she doesn't seem to know anything of dwarves culture.
When the guards come, they ask her to hide, which she does not, and is thus greated by the Guards as their Princess, Legolas little Sister. They company realises they've met Thranduils Daughter, who might look a little dwarven but is an elf through and through, with long pointed ears, ethereal seemingly glowing long hair, and royal blood.
How it end is up to you! I hope you have a wonderful day! Take care <333
Hi there, Nonny!
Thank you so much for this and for your patience! 💜
I don't write for Kíli and probably couldn't do him justice if I tried, so I wrote for Thorin, since he is my first dwarf love. :)
Anyway, I hope you like it.
The Escape
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Summary: Thorin and his Company have found themselves imprisoned in Mirkwood, only to have help from one of the most unlikeliest of elves...
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x OFC Carys Greenleaf
Characters: Thorin, Carys Greenleaf, Thorin’s Company, Thranduíl, Legolas, Bilbo Baggins  
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.9k 
“Did he offer you a deal?”
Thorin bobbed his head, a hint of triumph surging through him as he replied, “He did. And I told him ish kakfê ai-‘d-dûr-rugnal! Him and all his kin!”
“Well, that’s that, then.”
“I will not bargain with elves,” Thorin told him flatly, moving to the far side of the cell. Of course, calling it the far side was a bit disingenuous, as the cell itself was too small to actually have sides. Small. Damp. With cots of woven tree branches that had poked through the packed earthen walls. There was barely enough room for him and Balin, and Balin was one of the smaller dwarves. Thank Mahal he wasn't locked away with Bombur. 
Thorin peered through the iron bars that made up the cell door. Across from them, Bombur and Bifur were crammed into one cell together, and Bifur couldn't be seen behind his cousin. Thorin just knew he was there, for every now and again, Bifur muttered something in khuzdul. 
“Without a bargain,” Balin was saying, “we are not getting out of here, you know.”
Thorin shook his head, moving away from the door to sink onto the edge of the roughly woven bunk. It was rough and uneven, and he couldn't imagine getting a peaceful night’s sleep on it, even if his mind wasn't already weighted down with their situation and the fact they were quickly running out of time to make it to the Lonely Mountain before the last light of Durin’s Day. 
Still, he had his principles and bargaining with elves violated every one of them. Especially bargaining with Mirkwood elves. Out of the question entirely. “We will find our way out. Our burglar is still among the missing, remember.”
“True, but we don't know where he is, or if he is even within the palace,” Balin pointed out, sinking onto the bunk across from Thorin’s. The cell was so narrow, if he reached out, Thorin would be able to touch Balin. Thank Mahal small spaces didn't trouble him, since it looked as though they might be there for some time. 
Best not to think about that.
“Are you thirsty?”
Thorin jumped at the unexpected voice that floated through the bars and when he looked over to see who their visitor might be, he couldn't help but stare. How was it possible a dwarrowdam walked freely in Mirkwood, of all places? And not only a dwarrowdam, but one of the oddest looking women he’d ever seen, with her shimmering, white-blonde hair sleek as it spilled over her shoulders. He would have thought her to be an elf, were it not for her diminutive size (she was shorter than even Balin, and that was saying something,) and the fact that her face was completely devoid of any hair whatsoever. Her pale skin almost glowed in its bareness, making her wide eyes seemed even wider and incredibly dark. But then his gaze alit on the braids woven into that otherwise sleek golden fall. Two on the left side of her head and one on the right, each adorned with small silver ornaments of some sort. An outcast, no doubt, and probably some sort of elf-servant, which sent a rush of pity for her surging through him. 
“We want nothing from the likes of you,” he told her bluntly. “Leave us.”
She stepped closer and he realized then that her eyes were not dark at all. Instead, they were blue. A deep blue the color of the perfect sapphires that were once mined in Erebor. Deep blue and just as sparkling. Those beautiful eyes held his as she replied, “Stubborn fool. Think you anyone else will pass by and offer you water or anything, for that matter?”
“I deal with no dwarf who serves an elven master,” he told her flatly. “So take yourself off, and leave us be.”
“Thorin,” Balin’s voice was low with both warning and scolding, “there is no need to be rude to the girl.”
Thorin glared at him. “Mind yourself, Balin. We need nothing from the likes of her.”
She remained where she stood, unfazed by his dismissal. “Are you always one to cut off his nose to spite his face?”
“Begone with you, unless you’ve come to release us.”
“I couldn’t do that if I wanted to,” came her pert reply, “as Thranduíl would be furious with me and I’d rather avoid that, it’s all the same to you, dwarf.”
He held her stare as he debated about whether or not to scold her again. But when she held his stare without flinching or looking away, he relented with a muffled sigh. He was cutting off his nose to spite his face and in all honesty, he would gladly kill for a sip of anything liquid at the moment. “Very well. I beg your pardon. Water would be appreciated.”
“There,” she bobbed her head, “was that so difficult?”
Thorin felt Balin step up behind him, and he looked over at the older dwarf as Balin asked, “Who are you, lass? What clan do you claim as yours?”’
“Clan?” Her blue eyes clouded with confusion as she shook her head. “I’m afraid I don't know what you mean.”
“Whom do you call husband? I assume he’s the one what wove those into your hair.”
“Again, I’m not following you. I’m afraid I don't understand at all what you’re asking me.”
“The braids.” Balin gestured to his own woolly white hair. “The man you’ve pledged yourself to, was he killed in battle with these elves? Is that how you came to be indentured to them?”
“Indentured?” She shook her head, the silver ornaments in her braids thunking softly against one another. “I’ve pledged myself to no man. And I am indentured to no one. In fact, I have no idea what you’re going on about at all.”
Thorin wasn't exactly sure how to respond to her. “You don’t understand the significance of your braids?”
“Other than they keep my hair out of my eyes?” She smiled then. “There is no significance and I’ve pledged myself to no man. At least,” a glint came into her pale eyes as she met his, “not yet.”
To his surprise, his cheeks grew hot. She must have noticed it herself, for her smile grew winsome. “You, dwarf, are blushing.”
“Dwarf?” Balin broke in, shaking his head. “I beg your pardon, my lady, but he is no ordinary dwarf. He is—”
“That’ll do, Balin,” Thorin broke in, shaking his head as he glanced over his shoulder at him. 
Balin’s eyes widened briefly, then he nodded. “Of course.” And to the girl, he said, “Have you a name?”
“I do, of course. Surely you don't think they simply call out You! and hope I turn around, do you?”
Now it was Balin’s turn to blush and Thorin almost laughed aloud at the rare sight. Clearing his throat, Balin bobbed his head. “Of course not. That would be silly.”
“It would, indeed.” She smiled once more. “I am—”
Footsteps sounded and Kíli hissed, “Someone’s coming!”
Fíli appeared at the door of the cell he shared with his brother. “You should leave, miss. I should hate to see you in trouble.”
“Trouble?” She twisted toward him and Thorin couldn’t help noticing how her hair seemed to come alive, spilling like molten gold over her shoulder. “I’ll have nothing of the sort. Why would I?”
“Princess?” One of the Mirkwood guards appeared, scowling as he addressed the girl. “You should not be down here. It’s not safe.”
“Oh, do I answer to you now?” Her voice remained mild but there was no mistaking the amusement and annoyance threaded through her words. “Because I’m fairly certain I do not.”
“Your father would be displeased, should he know you’ve come down here.”
Princess. Thorin straightened at hearing her addressed this way. This girl was no dwarrowdam after all. Which explained so much, and yet left so many other questions clanging around in his head, beginning with why a princess was wandering about the dungeon, for starters.
“Carys!” A deeper voice rang out along the cells. “What mean you by this?”
“By what? Being here?” She didn't seem at all nervous or afraid as the elf who’d rounded Thorin and his company up in the Mirkwood forest stepped out of the shadows. “Legolas, you didn't even offer them a drop to drink and after battling the spiders, no less. What is the matter with you?”
Thorin almost smiled at the disappointment and scolding in her voice. It served the uppity elf right, to be put in his place. He not only accused Thorin of lies, but of thievery as well, and took it upon himself to relieve Thorin of the same sword Elrond had gifted him not a two months ago. 
Thorin looked from Carys to Legolas and almost groaned at the resemblance between them. She was not a dwarf at all, but merely a very small elf. A child, perhaps? He thunked his head against the iron bars. A child would not go against her father’s wishes and free them. The most she would do would be to offer them water. What else could she do? 
But if Legolas was chagrined by her words, he hid it well, snorting before he replied, “Why would I do such a thing? And you should not take it upon yourself to—”
“Oh, hush,” she snapped, shaking her head at him. “Don’t be that way. Papa is angry that they dared trespass, and while he’s within his rights to be annoyed, I think imprisoning them is overkill. They were lost in our woods and he had them arrested for it. They’d done nothing to warrant it, you know. Lost is not a crime, unless our laws have changed, which I’m fairly certain they’ve not.”
Legolas’ dark eyes flicked up and Thorin almost smiled as he met the elf’s stare easily. Stepping around his sister, he said, “Do not think I am as soft as she. I care not if you lot are left here long enough to turn to dust.”
“I’ve noticed,” Thorin replied dryly, mindful of Balin’s dark eyes boring into his back at the moment. “Although, I confess, I was not aware being lost was a crime, unless, as she’s pointed out, your laws have changed.”
“You are guilty of more than simply being lost. You took it upon yourself to attempt to hunt one of Thranduíl’s prized deer, and that is a crime in these lands,” Legolas told him, shaking his head. “You are fortunately this cell is all the punishment he’s ordered.”
“I certainly feel fortunate.”
“Thorin, mind yourself,” Balin growled behind him.
Thorin ignored the warning, adding, “We were lost and hungry and thirsty. You would do the same, were you in our boots.”
“I would never be in dwarven boots. I value my feet far too much.” Legolas turned to his sister. “Come. I will have one of the others deal with this lot.”
“I wish to bring them water first. A little kindness won’t hurt, you know.”
“Not now. Let’s go.” He grabbed Carys by the elbow and steered her away, calling over his shoulders, “She will not be back, you know.”
Carys scowled as she glared up at her older brother. “Would it have hurt to give them a sip of water? When did you grow so cold, Legolas, that you would deny anyone a basic necessity such as that?”
“You are too soft, is the problem,” he replied without looking at her. “And you know Father would agree with me.”
She pulled free. “We will see about that.”
“Carys, wait—”
She ignored him, marching ahead of him along the open walkway that led toward her father’s throne room. Although she knew her pleas would fall on deaf ears, she had to try. Thorin Oakenshield and his company had broken no elven laws, save for that attempt to shoot one of Thranduíl’s white deer, and she felt one hundred years in a cell was not exactly a warranted punishment for that. If they’d hit the deer, perhaps, but since he’d missed…
Besides, she’d heard tell of Thorin Oakenshield and had, for some time now, wondered whether or not he actually existed. Now that she’d seen him for herself… well… she was somehow going to convince her father to let him go. What harm had befallen her family from having the dwarves in their forest? Absolutely none. 
With that, she marched into the throne room where she found Thranduíl perched high atop his throne of woven branches, adorned with gilded versions of oak leaves, acorns, maple seeds, and pine cones. He blended with the surroundings in his flowing robes of gold, orange, brown, and red silk that floated about him like a mist. The sunlight that filtered through the treetops reflected off his crown of sticks and twigs, also adorned with gilded acorns and polished stones that in some lights appeared golden, and in others, almost black. 
“Papa, a word?”
His eyes were as green as spring leaves after a rainstorm, calm and tranquil as they met hers. “What is it, Carys?”
“The prisoners.”
“If you mean the dwarves, you should simply stop right there,” he replied sternly, “for I will not discuss them.”
“What have they done that is so terrible? They were lost.”
“That does not excuse them their trespasses.”
“They didn't kill the deer, mind you.” She shook her head as she stepped closer. “They did nothing except walk along our paths. They sipped not even a drop of water. Let them go.”
“I will do no such thing and we will not discuss it further. They stay until Thorin Oakenshield is willing to return to me that which is rightfully mine.”
“What?” She cocked her head slightly to stare up at him. “What are you about, Papa? What of yours can these dwarves possibly have?”
Thranduíl shook his head, sending his shimmering blond hair spilling like molten gold over his shoulders. “Never you mind about it. You have my answer. And I’ll not change my mind, so do not even try.”
“But, Papa—”
“No!” His low voice echoed all around them and his robes swished softly as he rose to sweep carefully down the staircase from his throne. “I’ll not settle for any less.”
“You are being impossibly stubborn, do you know this? You make no sense and this is just cruel. They’ve not even been offered so much as sip of water since you locked them away.”
“I needed not make sense to you, daughter, to have my wishes obeyed. Now, you are to stay away from the dungeons. Legolas,” Thranduíl’s pale eyes flicked up over her head, “see your sister to her chambers, please.”
“I can see myself there, thank you.” She spun about and swept out of the throne room through the doorway along the eastern wall, that led to a corridor traveled only by her family. Her rooms were at the far end, and she didn't slow down as she made her way through her chambers and out to the small garden behind them.
Hints of jasmine and honeysuckle hung in the air. If she closed her eyes, Carys could almost see her mother, for those scents would forever be associated with her mother. She had very little memory of her, but for her scent remained burned into Carys’ brain and would remain there. This garden was the only place were honeysuckle grew, as Thranduíl did not know she’d cultivated it. Had he, and Carys had no doubt he’d have ordered it burned. Not out of cruelty, but out of self-preservation, for he’d never gotten over her murder.
Carys was but an infant when it happened and had no memory of her mother aside from the flowers. And she could not even be sure that she linked them because she remember them or because her father told her that her mother’s favorite scent was honeysuckle. It didn't matter. Carys found comfort in the smell, just has her father found sorrow in it. 
A low stone wall ringed the garden and as she sank onto it, Carys sighed softly. Thorin and his men did not deserve to be locked away in a dungeon for a crime that was hardly a crime. The longer she sat there, her back against her favorite tree, watching the fireflies as they flashed through the growing darkness, the more strongly she felt they did not deserve this. 
The Feast of Starlight, Mereth Nuin Goliath was to begin shortly, and once the wine began flowing, no one would notice if she slipped away from the others. So she joined them all in the Great Hall, and by half-eleven, even her father was well into his cups. As she thought, no one seemed to take notice when she slipped out of the hall and down into the kitchens, where the keys were kept on a hook near the doorway. 
The iron ring was cold and far heavier than it looked, and she wrapped her fingers about the numerous equally cold and heavy keys to keep them from clanking together as she descended into the damp depths of the Mirkwood dungeons. That dampness bit into her, the cold made her feet ache through her thin silk slippers, and she wished she’d brought a wrap with her. 
But, she’d be up in her chambers and warm again soon enough, and so put her discomfort from her mind. It was temporary and it would pass.
“What time do you suppose it is?” The low male voice floated out from one of the cells.
“It must be nearly dawn by now.”
“We will never make it in time.”
She crept up to Thorin’s cell and softly rattled the keys. “I beg to differ.”
Thorin appeared in the doorway, his eyes pale blue slivers in the soft light afforded by the torches affixed high above them. Those eyes stood out starkly against his long tangle of black har and equally dark, heavy brows. “What are you doing?”
“I do not believe trespassing is deserving of a hundred-year sentence.” She slid the key into the lock and turned to set the tumblers opening. “And so, I’ve come to let you all go. But, you’ll have to move quickly, for it won’t take much for them to notice I’ve gone. They’re drunk, but not dead, you know.” 
The door opened noiselessly and a moment later, Thorin stood before her. Up close, he was strikingly handsome. Far more so than she would have ever thought and definitely more so than she’d ever expected. And since he was tall for a dwarf, and she was short for an elf, they were the same height, which meant they stood nearly eye-to-eye. 
Those eyes were friendly now, and almost warm as he said, “Princess, thank you.”
“There is no need for that.” She glanced over her shoulder at the sounds of people moving in the kitchens. “We need to move. Now. Follow me.”
“How do we know this isn’t a trap?” A dwarf almost as tall as Thorin and far more menacing-looking, with his balding, tattooed head, growled. 
“Why would I trap you when you were already trapped?” She shook her head. “There really is no time for this. Come with me or remain here for the next hundred years. The choice is yours.”
“Where is the hobbit? Is he here?” a dwarf with two jet-black pigtails asked.
“I’ve no idea what hobbit you might be referring to, as I’ve seen none. Now, please,” Carys tried to force as much urgency into her whisper as she could manage, “it will not be long before someone comes into the kitchens and notices this enormous key ring—” she held up the ring in question, jangling it softly for effect—“is missing. And they will know why it is missing. So, if you’d be so kind, please, follow me.”
“Do as she says,” Thorin hissed, then to her surprise, caught her by the elbow as he added, “Please, lead on.”
She did, moving swiftly along the all-too-familiar treads, deeper into the palace, until they reached the bottommost level, where at least two dozen casks stood carefully stacked, waiting to be filled with goods to be sent down the Forest River to Esgaroth and points beyond.
Thorin stared at her in disbelief. “You cannot mean what I think you mean.”
“You will be fine. Trust me. I used to do this myself as a child. It might give you butterflies in your stomach, but that’s the worst that should happen.”
“Thorin, you cannot mean to listen to her!” The dwarf with the pigtails stared in wide-eyed horror. “She’s meaning to drown the lot of us. And we cannot leave without finding Bilbo.”
“Please,” she looked from one dwarf to the next, shaking her head as dust filtered down from the boards above, “someone has noticed and you are almost out of time. Get in the barrels. Otherwise, my efforts will have been in vain and you will find yourselves back in your cells.”
“In with you all,” Thorin whispered sharply. “Waste no more time!”
More dust filtered down around them and the dwarves reluctantly climbed into the barrels, muttering and mumbling the entire time. She ignored them as she met Thorin’s gaze. “You should get in as well. I’ll pull the lever and get you on your way. Hopefully, the current will be swift enough to have whisked you out of reach of the archers, but I will try to stall them as best I can just the same.”
“Thank you, princess.”
“You’re welcome.” Footsteps thudded dully overhead. “You should go.”
He glanced up. “What will happen to you?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never defied my father this way. He will be quite angry, I imagine. But, that certainly won’t be the first time.”
The footsteps grew louder and now her heart beat faster. Thranduíl would be beyond furious with her, really. He might even banish her. She didn't know. She’d seen him banish other elves for lesser offenses, but they were not his daughter, either. Certainly she would not have to fear such a punishment.
At least, she hoped she wouldn’t. 
The boards directly over their heads creaked and voices, muffled at first, grew clearer. The seriousness of her actions bit into her then and without hesitation, she said, “Get in now!”
Thorin climbed into a barrel and looked back at her once more. “Thank you again.”
“Think not of it,” she told him, forcing herself to smile as she moved to the lever that wold turn the floor into a ramp. “Safe travels.”
Though kept well-oiled, the dampness still caused rust to form on the giant cogs and they squealed as she pushed against the lever with all of her might. At first, the floor only barely moved and fear bit into her with sharp teeth, urged her to push with more force. The muscles in her back screamed, the ones in her legs burned, but finally, the ramp lowered and one by one, the barrels splashed into the river far below. Another moment later, and they were out of sight.
The ramp clapped shut just as the first guards burst into the chamber, Thranduíl right behind them, his eyes ablaze with utter fury unlike any she’d ever seen. When those eyes fell on her, she stepped back, her stomach twisting into hot knots of fear unlike any she’d ever felt before. 
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queeniesrose · 2 years ago
This is inspired by a post that was done a few years ago on a friends blog where they did for the Pokémon universe where the SWSH leaders were reacting to thirsty tweets. Some of the terms I am using maybe new to some of you. I will not be explaining what they mean. This post will read like it is for a youtube video. The host of the video will be the reader. The responses here will be somewhat shorter than for the Pokemon post.
Master Post | AU Information
Warning: This is NSFW so if you’re under the legal age or uncomfortable with content like this, please skip over this one!
NSFW Thirsty Tweets: Middle Earth
As soon as the video starts playing, the viewer can see the host on screen. It wasn’t long before you said in the video, “On today's episode of Celebrity Thirsty Tweets, we have fashion royalty, the men of Durín’s Folk, and more! Sit back, relax and enjoy the video!” The screen fades to black with a rendition of ABC by Jackson 5 playing. Soon the first person and their corresponding tweet is on screen.
I want @Thrandaddy to simba me. No, I will NOT explain to those who don't understand.
Thranduil lets out a hearty laugh, "It has been some time since I last been asked to Simba someone. Both in a safe for work and a not safe for work context." He shakes his head as he pushes the naughty thoughts away for a moment. "But that is something that would be doable.... With someone special" He gives the camera a knowing look.
@DurinsFolkDwalin can angry moose me whenever he so pleases.
Dwalin shifts back into his chair, stroking his beard. In a low, gravely voice, he says, "Well, someone is a kinky little thang. Maybe you'll get lucky one of these days..." His voice trails off as he sinks a bit lower into the chair. "Or maybe not. The world may never know."
I need him soooo bad. I woke up thinkin about him dicking me down. @DurinsFolkThorin
Thorin scoffs a little bit, "You need me? You need me to 'dick you down'." He says putting air quotes around the last part of the sentence. A smile slowly creeps onto his face, "You certainly are a bold one to say that on the internet. Unfortunately, the only person who would get 'dicked down' by me, as you so eloquently put it, would be my significant other." He lets out a low chuckle.
I would hold his ass as if they were shiny jewels. Mans has a nice phat dumpy. @L.Greenleaf
Legolas immediately gets a mischievous look on his face. "Phat dumpy? What phat dumpy?" He asks as he stands up, turning around far enough to where his ass would be in frame and lifting up his shirt and jacket. Effectively showing off his ass. "Do you mean this phat dumpy? This is you wanted to see, right! It best be Greenwood's ass!" He burst out laughing after that.
Can I bite his butt? @DurinsFolkFili
Yes, you can. Don't forget to do a drive by ass slapping for @DurinsFolkKili. Just wind up your hand and then smack that ass so hard it makes a crack sound. Then BOLT.
It took Fili and Kili several minutes to get through reading their respective tweets. And even longer for them to calm down from laughing. Kili smacks Fili in the stomach a few times lightly, motioning him to speak first. "Oooooooooh boy! This is simultaneously the funniest and kinkiest thing that has been said to us as a pair. If you truly do want to know if you can drive by slap Kili's ass." He pauses for a moment, "Yes. Yes,you can. Don't let him know it's happening. Keep him on his toes."
Kili's eyes widen at that, before exclaiming, "Hey! Hey! No you can't! Not without doing the same thing to him, that is." He bursts out laughing again at his thoughts. "If you manage to bit his ass too...."
I just want @RangerStrider to hate fuck me so I can growl at him and never to him again. I hate him so bad.
Aragorn lets out a low growl, before smiling. "I'm flattered, but I don't think I'd ever hate fuck someone." He gets closer to the mic, softening he voice, "Soft, you want to see soft me, huh? Be good for me and maybe you all will be able to see a soft Aragorn."
Horny on main again for @K9DadHaldir.
Haldir looks into the camera with a slight confused look. "On main? What does that mean? Some of these young people slang confuse me." He says, scratching the back of his neck. "Is it like, the same thing as, or similar to being feral? If it is, thanks. I guess? I sure hope that's a good thing."
The camera fades to black, before you appear back on screen. "And that's all for today folks! This has been today's episode of Celebrity Thirsty Tweets! See you next time!" You say before your video outro plays.
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 8 months ago
youtube is recommending me thirsty ass thranduil clip compilations again.. we're so back
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Thranduil and Josie- Pt. 115- Letters
Summary: Raven abandons the Elvenking. He writes his Queen another letter. Lola comforts Josie. Haldir, Legolas and Josie have quite a conversation. Josie witnesses an unsettling encounter. She later writes a tear jerking letter. A heartfelt request is answered.
*Warnings* Angst, alcohol use
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Raven erratically paced about in front of Thranduil's concealed forest dungeon, debating on just leaving while she could since Jareth was still not back. At this point, she didn't care about Thranduil after how he treated her...again, considering the predicament he was in and she was his only hope. But she knew that Jareth would just hunt her down, and at this point, Thranduil would be her only hope in ridding the world of the goblin king. All she could do was keep waiting for his return.
"I know you are there. Why do you linger in the shadows?" Thranduil snidely remarked from inside his darkened prison.
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Raven decided to mess with him.
"I am here to tell you I am leaving while I have the chance. You're on your own Elvenking. You're lucky I have even come to inform you after your display of rage against me...AGAIN, when both times I was trying to help your unworthy ass."
"Do you call torturing me by impersonating my wife in a carnal manner, not once, but twice....helping me?"
"Well...you did the same thing to me, did you not? Offered me sexual pleasure that was not real....and then tried to kill me, not once, but twice. You really shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you King, for there are consequences. Need I remind you of what I know?"
Thranduil slowly paced about.
"Go ahead. Leave. See how far you get. Jareth will hunt you to the ends of the earth and need I remind you, there are still death dealers that will not rest until you are dead...and I am certain Lestat and his company are among those who desire to see you burn. You will never be free. Always peering over your shoulder. A fugitive you will be for the rest of your miserable existence. Your only refuge is here in the goblin kingdom with the goblin king...that is if he does not eliminate you himself. Is that not why you seek my aid? Or do you prefer to remain at the end of his whip for eternity?"
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His words resonated with Raven as she stared at his door. Thranduil was right about all of it. No matter the choice she made, death would always be on her doorstep and right now, she could have the chance to eliminate one of those threats with his help.
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"It does not matter. Jareth is not even here and I do not have a clue as to where he is or when he will return, so for now, we can do nothing for each other...and I am sick of this place and the mind games you play with me. You can just remain in your desolation, but I will not. My powers have returned full force and I am going to go on a little trip, pay some people a visit. Tell me, elf lord, should I swing by my sister's place and tell her about the skeleton in yours and your son's closet?"
Thranduil marched to the door and slammed his hands on it, making Raven stumble back.
"If you go near my wife I will..."
"You'll what? Kill me?" Raven chuckled as she cut him off. "Seems you would have to be free to do that. Relax Thrandy. I will be back in due time. You're patient. You can wait. Thanksgiving is around the corner and I am starving for some real food, and extremely thirsty for blood...and other things. I have needs. I cannot thrive here. In the meantime, you'll have your creepy goblin look alike to keep you company, wherever the hell Gollum is."
Raven walked up to the hole and shoved in four candles and four match sticks.
"That should do you for awhile on light. You're lucky I'm even giving you that. You'll have to ask Igor for assistance for anything you need while I'm gone. Toodaloo Thrandy. It's been real."
It would be beneath him to coax her into staying, so Thranduil said no more and walked away from the door thinking about something she said. Thanksgiving. He hadn't known what day it was since he had arrived in Jareth's evil realm, but what he did know was that it was All Hallows' Eve when he disappeared, which told him his daughter now almost three weeks old. It had also been three weeks he hadn't seen you and that you and everyone else believed him dead. It hurt him immensely that he had not been there for Leean's birth or that he was not there for you through it all. If only you or Legolas could hear him. Thranduil had healed from his physical wounds, but the evil of the dark forest had bound him of his powers, slowly sucking from him what life he had left. If he was not freed soon from this hole and this realm, he would surely die.
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"I vow to you my sweet Josephine, I will find my way back to you. I will hold on for you. I will find a way to make you feel me. I have died everyday waiting for you and I will continue to wait even if I die doing so." Thranduil whispered as he sat down and gazed at the letters he had been writing you. He then closed his eyes as a tear snuck out of one, and focused so hard on reaching you.
Thranduil began to write again.
"My sweet girl,
Come, walk with me for awhile said the moon. Let us go back to when we first met, back to when you first looked at me like I was magic, and the wolf in you called me it's only lover.
The day we met, frozen I held my breath. Right from the start I knew it. I found a home. For my heart beats fast. Colors and promises. How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone, all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow. One step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years, I will love you for a thousand more. Time stands still. Beauty in all she is. I will be brave. I will not let anything take away what's standing in front of me. Every breath, every hour has come to this. One step closer. All along I believed I would find you. Time has brought your heart to me. Time will bring mine to you.
More than nin own cuil, (more than my own life)
Your King,
Thranduil "    
He then folded the letter as he wept and sealed it with wax from the candle and placed it under his pillow, knowing you would never read the words from his soul.
You ran back to your room after Garrett took off, and sat on the bed crying. How could he do this to you again, after he promised he would never leave you. So much had happened for you to notice how much pain he was truly in and that hurt you deeply. Garrett had always been there for you and you hadn't been for him, although you knew he never would have expected you to be after all you had been and were going through, but that didn't make you feel any better about it.
Lola came to your side and comforted you through your tears.
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"Everyone keeps leaving me. I don't know what to do anymore. Thranduil, my sweet love, is gone and I have managed to push everyone else away that I care deeply for. I just want to go home....but...nobody's home."
"Hush now. It will be alright. Sometimes home is not a place, but it lies within people. Prince Legolas and Haldir seem to love you very much and you have a beautiful baby girl now as well and they all look at you like you hung the moon and painted the sky with all the stars."
"I..I know...so did my King and I...I miss him so much that I do not know how I am still breathing. I don't know how to do this thing called life without him. He saved my life only to leave me in need of saving all over again....and now my dad is god knows where and I had just miraculously gotten him back after nine years of believing him dead.... Garrett is gone too and it's all my fault. I have hurt him badly and I never meant to... and Narcisse...I thought he was different. I feel so alone and lost..."
"I do not like to speak of my employer for it is not my place but...Lord Narcisse really isn't a bad person, he has just been dealt many bad things, such as you have. I can see he has come to care for you as well. I am sure you and he will work things out."
"I...I just want to talk to Thranduil so bad and I can't. The feeling is indescribable....and all my powers are gone and I and everyone else is stuck here in some storm that is all because of me. I am just useless. If I had my powers, I might be able to fight the black magic that is upon this kingdom. I never even got the chance to speak with Stephane about that because....well, that part don't matter but..."
"Speak with him later when you both are more clear minded. In the meantime, if you want to speak to your King, write him a letter. It may help you to put your thoughts into words that are right in front of you. There's a pen and paper over there on the desk."
"Thank you Lola. You truly are a godsend right now. I may do that tonight before bed when all is quiet with the world and hopefully my heart. Right now, I need to go do something. Has Legolas been back at all, or have you seen Haldir?"
"No my lady...I mean, Josie."
"Alright. I will be back soon."
You kissed your sleeping angel and left in search for either of the two elves who were both also hurt by you. Where to start was the question. Haldir was livid when you last saw him so you were a bit worried how he was going to react to your presence...and Legolas was crushed by you asking him to leave. You had only done so because you thought it was best, not because you wanted him to go.
Eventually, you came across them both in a lounge room, drinking up the Dorwinion ale.
Slowly, you walked up to the two squiffy elves who suddenly became quiet as soon as they sensed your presence. Hopefully, the fact that they were there together in a civil manner meant that Legolas was able to make Haldir understand what he saw....or it was just the alcohol, which sounded damn good at that moment.
"Can...I speak to you both?"
Haldir set his chalice down and stood up, peering down at you with his happy hour blue eyes.
"Jo...I...I offer you my sincerest apologies. I was so very wrong about..."
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You didn't even let him finish and jumped into his arms, squeezing him tight.
"Do not apologize to me Haldir. I cannot blame you for what you assumed for I know how it must have looked."
He smiled and hugged you back, not wanting to let you go as the potent ale had him all in his feelings that he had been shoving down for months.
"Haldir...I..I can't breathe." you choked out a giggle.
"Oh...sorry my lady." he sheepishly said, swiftly releasing you.
"Look!" you excitedly said as you pulled out the dreamcatcher he had given you. "Lestat, he was here and found this in my room at his castle. he said it was one of the only rooms that had no damage form the fire."
His eyes lit up with sheer joy. "Jo, I am so happy for you. Maybe now you will get some peaceful rest."
"I thought I smelled another vampire all over you....and what would it matter if it had been what Haldir thought? It is not Haldir's business of what you or I do. It is no one's but ours." Legolas snarked from his seat after witnessing Haldir's indiscreet affections of you.
"It does matter Legolas because it was nothing of the sort." you snarked back.
"Is that why you asked of me to kiss you?"
"You what?" Haldir inquired in bewilderment.
"Legolas Greenleaf, that is not how it went and you know it. Do not twist the tale!" you snapped with a glare.
"Jo....he is just feeling sorry for himself because you kicked him out of your room." Haldir reveled with a grin at the perturbed prince.
Legolas stood up with a bit of a sway. "She did not kick me out. JO kindly asked me to move to another chamber."
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Haldir definitely picked up on him calling you Jo, just like Legolas intended for him to do.
"So now you are calling her Jo too?"
"Why not? She asked me to"
"You what??' Haldir repeated his prior statement in an even more bewildered tone than the last one.
"I did...but he hasn't done it until the convenience of this moment. Why is that Legolas?" you sarcastically asked as you folded your arms over your chest.
"Must I have a reason?"
"You do not, but I know you have one and I also know you are going to tell me."
"Well.... since you are so inclined to know, it is because I choose not to. The silly nickname belongs to horny Haldir and now also to the special Stephane who does not like shirts, so I choose to have something for only myself by calling you Josie."
"Horny? You are one to talk about that and not liking shirts. In fact, you don't seem to like any clothing after what I saw that I cannot unsee."
"You are just jealous because she asked me to kiss her and not you."
"ENOUGH!!" you shouted.
"I asked you to kiss me to make me warm like you did in the forest back on the mountain and you know that Legolas! So enough about the kiss before I smack you like I did Narcisse for kissing me!" you accidentally blurted out in your anger.
Both stunned elves whipped their head to you with a simultaneous response.
"He what???"
"You know...I certainly have not missed the relentless and ridiculous bickering between the two of you. I am going back to my room for the rest of the day and night. Enjoy your beer!" you huffed and marched off.
As you rounded a corner on your way to your room, you quickly stepped back as you saw Narcisse embracing a woman. The same woman you saw speaking two two weeks ago outside of the stable that had soon left in a carriage. You could hear them speaking so you peeked with one eye out of curiosity in knowing who she was.
"Stephane, I don't want to lose you. I know there's resentment between us but..I want us to be together, to go forward together. I have a special dinner planned for us tonight. We can talk more about how things have been going since I've been away."
The woman gripped him fiercely as if she were desperate to keep him, but there was this look in her eyes that relayed nothing but evil....and Stephane did not look happy at all but more so....trapped.
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She then left and Narcisse just stood there as if his world had just fallen apart.
Suddenly, he slowly turned his head to the side as if he knew he was being watched, then a smirk formed on his mouth as he began to turn his body. You gasped and flung flat against the wall, stiffened with panicked eyes as your heart pounded so hard, you swore it would leap from your chest. You weren't about to let him catch you spying on him although you had a good inclination that he knew you were there. After all, he was a witch. Off you sprinted in the other direction and took a back way to your room where you rushed in panting, spun around and slammed the door, then turned to lean on it as your shaking legs threatened to give out.
"Josie...is everything alright?" Lola asked as she came up to you.
"Yes...yes Lola. I...I was just spooked. The large halls are quite frightening when you're all alone in them." you fibbed...well some, as that part actually was true. "I would like to feed Leean now. Would you mind gathering me some lunch while I do so?"
"Certainly." she obliged and left.
After feeding your precious child, you ate your food and then fell asleep with Haldir's dreamcatcher clenched in your hand. Hours later, you awoke, dream free. Leean was still sleeping and Lola was too, on the couch where Legolas used to sleep. You missed him already even if you were a bit upset at his inebriated actions earlier.
You decided to do what Lola had suggested and write a letter to Thranduil.
You lit a candle and sat down at the desk, not knowing where to start because you had a novel in your mind of all the things you wanted to tell him, so you just let your heart take over.
"My dearest King,
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I miss you in ways I didn't know existed. You are a mental and physical ache, a longing woven deep into my dna and I don't know how to live like this. I feel like the wolf who howls at the moon, for I feel he is in love with it and cries for that love he will never touch. I haven't felt safe since I was pushed from the safety of your arms. One minute, all was right in the world and in an instant, I was trying to hold my own heart as it crumbled. As I sit and stare at this empty room, it takes everything in me not to cry from the hurt that washes over me. Where there was once words and immense love, all I have now is emptiness and sorrow. I often think about where it all went wrong because I loved...love you more than I have ever loved anyone, but as the song says, sometimes love is not enough. If it were, my love would bring you back. My mind is always drifting off to countless thoughts and memories of you as tears stream from my eyes. You are the love of a lifetime that slipped right through my fingers even as I clawed and fought to keep you alive. I wish I had answers and to know what you're thinking at this very moment...if you can even think anything at all now, but I will never know. Now I must live the rest of my life never understanding why you were taken from me when we were so close to a beautiful forever. Maybe I'll find you again someday in another life, because I have always known we were together in times before...but that solace does me little good as my heart slowly breaks with the pain of a thousand lifetimes. To hear your voice once more, to see your smile again, just to feel the emotions of our love wash over me as you call me your sweet girl, these are only some of the many things I dream of. I must be strong now and try to smile for our sweet daughter that we created out of the rarest and purest love, and try to look for the light in a new day. I miss you. I miss us. But now all I have are whispers of your voice in my heart and my love for you that will never fade. That will have to be enough. True love never dies and that will be my hope for all my tomorrows without you, until I see your beautiful face once again. I will love you until my last breath and then I will find you and I will love you more.
More than nin own cuil, ( more than my own life)
Your Queen,
You folded the letter as you sobbed and sealed it with wax from the candle, then placed it under your pillow, knowing Thranduil would never read the words of your soul.
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"Thranduil, my love, my King. Show me a sign that you are still here with me somehow....so that I can manage these excruciating endless days without you." you whispered as you laid down onto your pillow.
Moments later, there was a rapping on your balcony door. Gasping in fear, you sprung up and stared at them. But after just asking for a sign from your King, you had to open the doors and see who it was.
The arctic breeze stung you in the face as you opened one door slowly and peeked out. There sat your crow on the ledge, gazing at you.
"You...you've come back! Where did you go?"
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The big black bird cawed once and turned around and picked up something shiny that dangled from his beak. Your eyes were so foggy with tears that you couldn't tell what it was right away. Reaching out your hand, the crow dropped it into your palm.
It shone bright as starlight when it made contact with your skin. It was your moonstone necklace Thranduil had given you on your wedding day...the day he vowed to be with you forever........
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catz4ever · 3 years ago
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My favorite picture of Lee. All of his features are captured so beautifully. His "come and get me" expression and the freckles on his flexed bicep...this man does things to me that no one else can...🖤
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bakuliwrites · 3 years ago
Today feels like a good day to work on Elven King spice
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wallywaffle · 5 years ago
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Im W E A K look L O O K
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Would i fight him for throwing books? Yes. Would i tap that? Absolutely.
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😳....you dont have to tell me twice damn
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bluebellhairpin · 5 years ago
Damn Thranduil can slit open my throat please
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blairsanne · 3 years ago
Somehow this continues to be one of the most popular things I've posted on here.
Can someone please tell me what they liked about it so I can do more of it?
12: Mulled Wine
Drabbles for December based on this prompt list.
The Hobbit - Thranduil x Reader, Legolas, Tauriel
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Based on this request by @acupnoodle
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Thranduil strode into his private chambers and shut the door behind him, soothed by the fragrant smell of the mulled wine that was waiting for him at his usual seat. It had been a long day. For some reason, his son had been asking him strange questions and giving him mischievous looks that had him pondering what Legolas might be up to.
He needn’t have questioned it long, however.
He stepped further into the room and stopped short when he saw you seated in his chair. You read the subtle disapproval in the twitch of his eye, though he simply tilted his head. “Good evening,” he offered. You stood and offered a polite bow. “Good evening my king.”
You had started calling him your king, despite not being of Mirkwood, as a matter of respect. Lord Elrond had sent you to liaise with Thranduil about a complex matter of trade between the two realms, and, some weeks later, you were nearing conclusion of all the formalities. Soon you would have to return to Rivendell, and, if you were honest, you were a bit sad at the thought. Mirkwood was so different from your home in the hidden valley, and you had grown quite fond of it.
Thranduil stepped past you and slowly served himself a glass of the wine that was still simmering in a pot sitting on the table. He took a sip and then finally glanced over his shoulder at you, brow raised. “What business have you in my private chambers, pray tell?” “Oh-” You felt color rising to your cheeks as you looked down. You were instantly mortified. “I was told that you had called for me. My apologies, there must have been a misunderstanding-”
“Who told you that I had sent for you?” He turned to face you, his expression unreadable. You pursed and then licked your lips, feeling foolish as you avoided eye contact. He might think you were lying, you realized, because the answer was absurd; but you thought it best to be honest regardless. “Prince Legolas.”
You looked up in time to catch the subtle smile that ghosted his lips. “Ah. I see.” It seemed he believed you. You bowed again. “I will leave you to your evening, my king. My deepest apologies once again.” “No need to apologize,” he purred, holding a hand up in a dismissive gesture. “You were simply doing as instructed. I can ask no more than that.”
When you tried to open the door to the hallway, the handle would not turn. You tried the other door, then both at once.
You were sure King Thranduil must think you were a complete imbecile by now. Just as you turned to explain that you were having troubles with the door, he appeared beside you and placed his lithe fingers on the handle, frowning when it did not move.
“It seems we’ve been locked in,” he stated simply and without alarm. “Locked in?” You looked up at him, concern resting subtly in your features. “But why would-” “Would you like some wine?” “My- king?” Your concern faded to confusion as he stared down at you. He was smiling, his impossibly pale eyes boring into you. “Come,” his tone became more authoritative. “Have some wine with me while we await a rescue.”
You followed him back to his table, knowing better than to disobey a foreign king in his own home. You sat down in the other chair, murmuring a polite thank you when he handed you a goblet of the warm, fragrant liquid.
“I would like to ask you not to call me that.” “Call you what-” “Your king. Please, refer to me as Thranduil as you refer to my son by his name alone.”
That seemed far too forward, but you weren’t going to argue with him. “If- that is what you prefer…”
In the hallway, Tauriel looked over her shoulder as she approached the king’s private chambers. She grinned when she saw Legolas casually pacing the floor.
“Well?” Legolas returned her grin. “They just tried to get out, but Ada didn’t even call for the guard when he realized the door was locked.” Tauriel’s nose scrunched in amusement. Legolas played with the large key to the doors and raised his brows. “Should we go pass some time?”
The drink you’d been encouraged to have was delicious, and filled you with warmth and a feeling of coziness. You wondered if Thranduil drank this every night before bed; it certainly seemed like a good choice for unwinding.
The two of you had exchanged pleasantries, and he’d asked about a walk you had taken with Tauriel earlier that day. He seemed so relaxed in comparison to you, and you wondered how he was so unperturbed by being locked into these chambers unexpectedly.
After a quiet moment passed, his voice startled you. “You must be looking forward to returning home.” You looked up from your cup to see his eyes trained on you intently.
You licked your lips. You had been taught never to outright disagree with someone who held power over you, though you also weren’t inclined to lie to Thranduil. You weren’t sure if he was subtly telling you he wanted you to leave, or simply making conversation. You hummed.
“I’ve really enjoyed my time here. I had no idea Mirkwood was so different from Rivendell, and I fear I may find myself missing it greatly upon my return.” There was a twinkle of approval in his icy eyes, and in the soft raise of his chin as you spoke. “I am happy to hear you’ve enjoyed our hospitality. It is rare that we have guests from the hidden valley.” You nodded. “I suppose only those on business.”
He pursed his lips and gave a small nod, then sipped his wine. “And with ours nearly concluded I suppose it shall be some time until such an occasion arises again.” “A shame.” You let out a small sigh and sipped your wine, a sadness settling over your features as you thought of the long journey home and the feeling of loss that was sure to accompany you there.
You had spent a disproportionate amount of time socializing with Thranduil’s son and his friend Tauriel, who had immediately taken you under their wing when you arrived in their forest home. Despite his high station, Legolas was surprisingly light-hearted, and had invited you several times to dine with him and the king. Despite only knowing them a few weeks, you’d managed to grow closer to and fonder of Legolas and Tauriel than your acquaintances in Rivendell.
Thranduil, on the other hand, had a way of making you feel slightly unnerved. He had striking features and carried himself with such authority that even if you hadn’t known him to be the Elvenking, you would have surely taken notice of him. And taken notice you had; his intense stares met you in your dreams as you imagined becoming closer with him.
Once, a week after your arrival, you happened to witness him laugh at something Legolas had said; a genuine, facade-crumbling laugh that you never could have imagined from him. Since that day, you had wondered if you could ever hear such a magnificent sound again.
For Thranduil’s part, he’d been curious about you from the moment you arrived in Mirkwood. Unfortunately, you seemed the least at ease around him. You were able to speak almost casually with his son, and he’d heard various things about you from Tauriel, who was becoming a good friend to you. He wondered if his position intimidated you, or if perhaps you were trying to maintain a distance so as to be a better negotiator. You were never rude with him, but you were adept at politely declining suggestions that were not to Rivendell’s best interests. It seemed to him that every conversation with you was a sort of dance around things you felt you shouldn’t say and potential points of contention. He wished to push past your defenses and engage with you as the others did.
“A shame, is it?”
You felt your cheeks grow hot and you looked up from your wine to see the stoic Elvenking’s icy blue eyes boring into you. You struggled to know what to say, your mind slowed by the sweet liquid you’d been drinking deeply of. “There’s no need for you to leave Mirkwood when negotiations conclude,” he offered lightly, then took a sip of his wine. You struggled to read his face. He noted your lack of reply. Perhaps he needed to be more forthcoming with his suggestion. “We could send written notice to Lord Elrond with the final contract and you could remain here as long as you wish.”
It was a generous offer. They’d given you such lovely accommodations and had treated you as an honored guest for so long that you were sure you’d soon wear out your welcome. Not so, apparently.
“To what end, my- er, Thranduil?” Your insecurities soaked through your voice. “Once we’ve concluded, then surely I’ll be of no use here.” “Use?” He let out a quiet snort. “If it is a task or occupation you find yourself in need of, I’m certain one can be afforded. You’ve proven yourself to be a skilled intermediary.” He caught the way your brows rose and your eyes sparkled with interest. “If- If you truly mean so, then I would be happy to stay here.” A soft smile played on his lips. It seemed you’d said the right thing.
Happy, he thought. Not ‘honored’, not ‘open to the idea of’- but happy. He took your use of emotive language as honesty. “It would make us happy to have you.” “Oh-” You felt your face flush and you gestured with your hand - about to say something self-deprecating - accidentally knocking over the goblet of wine you’d put down on the table.
You stood in a panic. “Oh! My- my deepest apologies, I-” “It’s nothing.” Thranduil was upon you immediately, his lithe hand resting on your shoulder. “Just a spill.”
You licked your lips, feeling a bit dizzy at having stood up so quickly after so much sweet alcohol. His other hand hooked under your chin and he stared down at you with knit brows. You looked unsteady on your feet. “Are you feeling alright?” “I feel… a bit strange,” you hedged. Not only from the wine, but also at his soft touch and proximity; his invitation to stay in Mirkwood still feeling too wonderful to be true.
He let out a soft hum. “Do I make you uncomfortable?” You noticed the way his lips tugged downward as he studied your face. “You are so at ease around the others.” “I simply mean not to offend,” you murmured. “Far from it… The only offense is the pedestal upon which you have placed me. I would prefer your friendship to your fealty.” His gaze flicked to your lips, then back up to your eyes. “Though I would accept both.”
You almost protested; insisted that you were too low station to befriend the Elvenking (or his son, for that matter, though you hadn’t had much say once Legolas had decided to befriend you). Not wanting to displease, however, you simply felt your breath hitch as you watched him watching you. “I see,” you murmured.
Not one to be denied that which he wished, Thranduil took your acquiescence as an invitation, and slowly lowered his face to yours. He paused, noses touching and searched your heavy-lidded eyes. “May I?” Was this reality? A dream? If you’d fallen asleep and invented such a scenario in your mind, you were surely glad of it. “You may.”
His lips tasted like sweet wine and spices, softer and warmer than you would have thought, his hand moving feather-light over your jawline to cup it. When he pulled away, you looked down at your feet, heart thumping in your chest.
“I hope with you staying in Mirkwood, we can become very good friends indeed.” “I would like that,” you admitted. “We can discuss more in the morning, but for now I think perhaps you’re in need of a rest, hm?”
In the quiet hours just before sunrise, Legolas snuck back to the locked door, Tauriel in tow. They carefully, silently, eased open the large door, smirking to each other at the sight of you resting sound asleep in the loose arms of the king. You were both sitting upright against the headboard, fully dressed, having fallen asleep awaiting a rescue that Thranduil had hardly been in a rush to receive.
“I think it worked.”
December Drabbles Masterlist
A/N: Thanks so much for your patience with this request! I started it right away, but life was SO BUSY this month and then it became a lot longer than I expected... I have such a hard time with brevity, haha. I hope it's okay, this is my first time writing Thranduil and it seems like everyone does so a little differently. Thank you so much for the request! Please send me another any time!
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gentle-healers-hand · 2 years ago
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"Good," Thranduil whispered again and it seemed even this took an effort. "Perhaps...I'm sentimental now...but once we are healed and back...we are having those pancakes. For dinner. Promise?" he coughed tiredly.
This sound finally caught Estë's attention, for she came soon after. She smiled at Valya.
"Welcome back to the world of waking, your Majesty. You probably don't feel very well, but that will get better. Please, I need you to answer a few questions - just a yes or no. You need to spare as much strength as possible. Are you in pain?"
Thranduil admitted it hesitantly. Soon questions like where it hurts the most, if it is intense, shar pain or dull, if he feels hungry or thirsty were answered.
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long-cosmos-overhead · 4 years ago
Okay I’m gonna feel so dirty and thirsty for requesting this but can I have some nsfw headcanons for Glorfindel and Thranduil reacting to making their s/o squirt? I'm so sorry if this is to much.
Oh my gosh of course these men are fine as hell
(I do not own LoTR or The Hobbit or it’s characters/ gifs not mine)
⚠️ NSFW below the cut minors do not interact ⚠️
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Glorfindel is known for his strength and attractiveness he knows exactly what drives you wild and makes you squirm he’s definitely quick to find his way around your body
In his mind if you’re not crying from pleasure he’s doing it wrong he easily exceeds multiple rounds
You can guarantee your legs will be shaking and you can’t walk properly anyways however this time Glorfindel still isn’t satisfied
His hands are gripping your thighs pushing you into the bed as your legs shake after being hit with another wave of pleasure
You thought this would be the last one you were completely fucked and exhausted
Your back arches when he buries his tongue in between your thighs fingers quickly following suit creating a steady rhythm within seconds
‘Glorfindel p..please, I- I can’t’
Your begging does nothing the speed of his fingers and tongue increased dragging all sorts of noises from your lips
He lived for your moans and pleas pushing himself deeper between your legs
Your pleas to slow down halted as you came, juices squirting from your pussy running down his chin and off his fingers
You were too overstimulated to properly process what happened, his free hand raised your back slightly lips meeting your ear as he whispered
‘My love, you look divine when you react in such ways, allow me to do it again’
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He’s definitely one to use overstimulation as a form of reward or punishment and will only stop when he’s satisfied or you’re begging
Thranduil has fucked you every way possible bringing you over the edge multiple times, making you scream and grip onto him or the bedsheets
He can sense you’re exhausted and overstimulated and he loves it, it boosts his ego knowing he can make you feel so good
He’s grinning ear to ear as he goes down on you hands coming up to hold your hips in place as he brings you over one last time
His eyes fill with lust when your hand grasps his wrist pleading with him to give you a break your mind hazy from all the orgasms he just gave you
‘That’s right my Queen say my name’
You can bet he ups the anti if you don’t respond with his name within 5 seconds it’s the most beautiful sound in the world to him
You barely get the chance to say anything before you scream his name juices squirting across his chin and lips
He finds it so incredibly attractive snaking a hand up your ribs grinning like he’s just received all of middle Earth
He hovers above you for a bit letting you come down from your high before staring you dead in the eyes, hand stroking your thigh and saying
‘Do you think you can handle one more, my starlight’
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Thranduil and Josie Part 102- Monsters and Mayhem
Summary: An info and action packed chapter of twists and turns as the battle against Jareth and Raven commences and Chateau de Lioncourt comes to an end...Buckle up.....
Warning! Dark fic, angst, torture, gore, violence, language
All Hallows' Eve 3 am
A battle like no other you had witnessed was about to take place. Wendigos and orcs with their wargs were at Jareth's command. You figured since he was a goblin King, he would have had them here as well, but did not. The Lothlorien elven guard, including Haldir and Legolas, were at Aragorn's lead. Afterall, he was the husband of Arwen, the granddaughter of Celeborn and Galadriel. The warlocks Julian, Narcisse and his squad were ready, willing and able. Lestat's vampire clan, backed by Maharet, Armand, Selene and his own dealers included, were thirsty for blood. Michael and some random werewolves that arrived per his telepathic invitation, were all chomping at the bit for a piece of the dhampir witch Raven and her warlock mastermind Jareth. And then there was you, a white witch that completed the army of seven devils with Garrett at your side.
Jareth's words rendered you speechless. "Julian is not your father. I am." As if your life hadn't already been ripped from it's foundation with the loss of your husband in every sense, now the only man you've ever known as your father that you had lost once was trying to be taken from you again. Thank god Garrett was holding you up because you felt you could just drop and shatter into a million pieces. Thranduil should be here, you thought as your heart cried in pain. He could take out every single evil entity here effortlessly with his magnificent sword wielding skills.
You caught Raven's eyes and she was just as flabbergasted as you were. She whipped around to Jareth. "So, if what you are saying is true, then that means you slept with my mother?"
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"There is no truth to this, right daddy?" Your tone pleaded with him to agree that this was all a farce of Jareth's.
Julian was enraged as he moved closer to this brother in an attack stance. "Jareth!" he growled. "I've waited to bring you to your knees!"
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Julian swept off the ground so fast and swiped Raven off her feet like a hawk snatching up it's prey, then circled back to where he stood.
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He threw her to the ground and held her down by her neck with his bare foot, then grabbed her foot, removed her boot and shoved an iron nail into her heel more than once.
"How do you like that witch?" Julian reveled. Raven's screams were blood curling. Your father was right. You did not want to see his dark side.
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"Easy there brother. How would you like to deal with this little slice?" Jareth stood in front of the catacomb entrance that he slithered out of and conjured up one of his crystal balls, then whirled it into the tunnel.
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A tightening formed around your waist and you felt yourself being lifted from the ground. You gasped and screamed as you clawed at the air, desperately trying to clutch Garrett's hands as he did yours, but it was so fast that not even Garrett's speed could stop you from being slung through the air and held firm in the arms of Jareth. Garrett flew after you, only to to be smacked into a tree by one sway of Jareth's head, knocking the vampire out cold.
"Garrett!!!!" you screamed and squirmed. You glanced up at Aragorn as Legolas and Haldir each took a step forward in panic. They couldn't do anything with you in the line of fire and it was clearly written all over their faces. Neither could the vampires, wolves or Narcisse's guard. If they tried, Jareth's evil empire would attack and they would have to reciprocate with you and Leann put at risk. They had to protect you at all costs in honor of Thranduil. It was now all up to Julian.
"What you hold for what I hold. A straight swap of goods." Julian raged as he continued to hold the wriggling witchvamp down. The iron nail had weakened her powers which had been Julian's intentions.
"Your offer seems light. For what I hold is far too dear to both of us. You don't want your...I mean my daughter to be harmed now do you Julian?"
"You are not my father!" you shouted up at Jareth as you rustled about, trying to free yourself. Your powers seemed to be rendered useless in his grasp.
"Oh but I am dear one. Have you heard my brother deny it? All it took was one little roll in the hay with Caroline one night...biggest mistake of my life mind you. You see....it was all out of vengeance on her part against Julian...."
"Stop!" Julian commanded. His eyes were ridden of guilt. "I will tell her...not you!"
"Please...be my guest." Jareth snarked with a grin. Your thoughts were reeling because you could tell it was in fact true.
"My Jo...Do you remember Maharet telling you how Caroline killed two of her own sisters?" Julian asked with a soft voice.
You nodded and whimpered. "Y...yes?"
"One of those sisters, Carrie, was your mother's identical twin, the 6th born. The witch tricked me one night by impersonating your mother and I am sure you can figure out what occurred. Caroline found out and was furious that I did not realize the difference. That is why she killed her sister...and she never forgave me for it which was the beginning of our downfall. In turn, Caroline slept with my brother out of spite....which resulted in...you. It was not her intentions though to become with child by him, so she kept it to herself. I did not learn of the affair until a few years after you were born so I had no reason to think you were not my child. I loved you so much and when I found out, that never changed. You were mine in every way that mattered, and we both vowed to keep it that way because as you can see, Jareth is bad news. The reason you saw him when you were 15 is because your mother told him the truth out of her hatred for me after I placed that spell on her to keep her from touching you, and of course because I hid ashmole and it's 3 most powerful pages from her. Don't you see? That is why Jareth wants any involvement with you now. He knows you finally have the power to locate the book. Back then you did not."
Your head was spinning. As important as all of this was, you just wanted your husband. This all had to be a fucking nightmare that you couldn't wake up from. "It has to be another trick athair!! Otherwise, how did your touch ignite my powers?? I am of light, they are both of darkness?? I got my light from you!! You said so! How do you know that this is even true?? Just by his and Caroline's word??"
"Josephine, you are of light because you choose to be. It is not inherited like most believe. My touch brought your powers to life because I am still your blood. Why do you think I placed that spell on Caroline so she could not touch you? It was of great risk that her darkness would spread through your blood and take ahold of your heart, turning it black like hers. I could not let that happen. Caroline, she didn't want Jareth to know because she feared he would take off with you and use you for his own evil purposes which is all he wants to do now..... A simple spell told me the truth about you when I became suspicious after I learned of her infidelity, and it was also verified by the faerie you saw, for she cannot lie. It must be why she is here. You were so pure and innocent, so full of light. I could not let you be tainted. I loved you too much. You were...are my daughter and always will be. I hope you can understand and forgive me."
You became so angry. "Thranduil ignited my power, not you! His light and magic is what is in me!! How could you harbor such a lie!! You had to have known I would find out considering Jareth knew! You should have told me instead of letting my find out in such a way! My entire life has been a lie. Both of my parents are monsters...."
"Now Sarah, that is very hurtful to speak of me in such regards." Jareth smirked. "I'm no more a monster than my brother, for I am not the one torturing a young girl."
"My name is Josie! Why are you calling me Sarah??? and..you do not consider what you're doing to me torture??? You're demented!"
"You should mind your tone with me girl, for I can do far worse than this if you make me angry. Just ask your sister. Your name is Sarah. You told me so when I saw you all those years ago. Do you not remember?"
Just like that, the memory hit you. He had asked you your name and you lied as he was a stranger that creeped you out because of how he was dressed. Sarah was the name of your friend who lived next door which is where you were headed that Halloween night. She and her mother went missing a week later and was never found.
"I can see you now recall that night. Quite the little liar just like your mother. As you can see, bad things happen to those who are untruthful." You felt so sick. He was implying that he was the reason that Sarah vanished, and it was all because of you. "Would you like to see what became of your nosy friend? All you have to do is look into the crystal." Jareth magically held up another of his clear glass orbs and held it just inches from your face.
"No! Josephine! Do not look into it." Julian pleaded.
You tried so hard to keep your eyes closed but you just had to know. You reluctantly watched as a very familiar man sat talking with her about her amulet while you were chatting with her mother and then later he appeared in Sarah's bedroom and turned her into glass.
(Turn on the volume)
You threw your hands over your eyes and screamed so loud when you saw him shatter her into pieces. Sarah tried so hard too use magic on him. She had been into all the witchy stuff and knew who he was right away. The both of you played around with it here and there but you only did it for fun and certainly never believed it would work...but she did. Now you knew...your friend died all because of you.
"You...you killed her!!" you sobbed.
"Oh no my child. As you can see, that is untrue. That man was not me. You saw it for yourself. He is our brother, the 6th born. Jonathan is his name although he goes by Harker. He lied like you did and called himself Phillip Covington."
That name...you knew it. Suddenly, you remembered that night. You went over to Sarah's for dinner with her and her mom. That man was there...invited by Sarah's mother, maybe a date, you weren't sure. After dinner, you and Sarah went up to her room and that's when she immediately told you the man gave her bad vibes. She also told you that the prior week, she had watched from her window and saw you with Jareth and that she felt they were connected somehow. She told you not to give him anything and asked if either of them had taken anything from you in which you replied that you did not and that they hadn't as far as you knew. She felt strongly that Phillip was bad because of the way he watched you both, the things he knew and what he asked about, especially you and how close she and her mother were to you. She adamantly expressed that he was not what he seemed.
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That's when you reminded her that she said she herself was a witch. Sarah then said she was but that it was different, that true followers of the craft practice their powers for the good, for the earth, for the occasional love potion, she said with a grin. You had then asked her what you both should do then. She began to read out of a book. "Witches, warlocks and other demons that commune with the devil work their spells with the aid of a personal item from their victim. If the item is given willingly, the spell has that much more power." You then told her that you wouldn't give him anything and began teasing her that she actually thought he was a demon wanting to cast spells on you both in which you then laughed and asked why....she said she didn't know but that she was going to find out and made you promise again that you wouldn't give him anything. You had soon went home as you didn't like to leave your dad alone for too long and that's obviously when this Harker went into her room.
"My god...if only I had stayed. This is all my fault! Did he kill her mother too??" you cried.
Julian had enough and interrupted. "Give me my daughter back now...or Raven's death will make all others seem like a painting party. You shall hear every whimper, every cry, every gasping gushing breath from her slow dying body."
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Julian then held Raven up by the back of her jacket letting her dangle and kick in the air. "See her Jareth...the mouth, the legs, the breasts, much like those of someone you knew...someone both we knew. Well Jareth, shall she live or shall she join sweet Caroline in the hereafter?"
You couldn't believe your ears or eyes. Julian had went off the deep end, swimming in the full blown abyss and seemed no better than Jareth or this Harker guy.
"Take her." Jareth held you firm as he extended you out from his body. "But take her by hand."
Julian tossed Raven aside like a rag doll and stepped forward. "How's this?" he snarled.
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"No spells, no flying, no magic. Take her if you're able." Jareth taunted.
"Now who makes the hollow offer? You give up nothing."
"I do not need to for you think you are more powerful than I, so prove it. Take her...if you're...able!!" Jareth repeated impatiently.
Julian then displayed his power as he shut it off.
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"So you fear me?" Jareth enthusiastically said.
"Tis I others fear." Julian confidently replied. In this moment, you could see why.
"Not you. The magic." Jareth snarked.
"Having waited so long, it could prove wonderfully good to linger."
Jareth set you aside in an invisible hold and advanced towards Julian. What you saw next was an all out fist fighting brawl between brothers. Garrett sped over to you but could not move you from the ground, so he hovered over you like a shield because Aragorn finally called it now that the two of them were away from you. "Leith thul!!"
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It all turned into a war zone in seconds as elves, werewolves, vampires and warlocks were all charging against the orcs, wargs and wendigos.
Jareth had Julian's face shoved into the dirt while chanting some magic words. The ground began smoking and burning Julian's face.
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"Daddy!!!!" you screamed in horror.
Garrett couldn't stand seeing you cry and so scared. While Jareth was distracted, Garrett paid him back for slugging him into that tree. The vampire acted as if he had a sling shot in his hand. "How about a shot of rock salt witch!" He pulled back the unseen chord and released, hitting Jareth right in the head, whirling him out into the mosh pit with great force and speed.
Julian got up and looked down at Garrett who had you cradled in his arms. "This does not forgive your past." He grinned and then huffed off after Jareth. Julian was clearly never going to accept Garrett, no matter what he did. Thranduil never had either for that matter. Narcisse on the other hand, seemed to be alright with him now that he knew he was not responsible for the Laketown slaughter.
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You were now able to move as Garrett's speeding invisible rock broke Jareth's power hold on you. The heroic vamp scooped you up and whisked you out of the line of fire.
Julian began spewing bolts of fiery beams, one at Jareth and then another at Raven, but unfortunately missed them both as the goblin king vanished into thin air and Raven ran through all the chaos.
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All of a sudden, the night sky morphed into an ominous expansive swirling funnel cloud dancing with lightning.
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Julian stood below it reciting some incantation. Controlling the weather was a power of yours as well when you became angry or distressed and you had to wonder if you received it from Julian through the bloodline, but he was calm and collected as he commanded the storm.
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The wind briskly picked up as you stood beside Garrett on the sidelines. Julian continued his chant but now with boundless energy. The wind was so loud that you could hardly hear what he was saying from where you stood, but you caught the end of it as he shouted with ample force. "Go back to hell where you came from. I command thee!!"
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One by one, Jareth's unholy army were being sucked up into the vortex. It seemed to only be singling them out but you still feared for Legolas, Haldir and the others which you did not see anywhere in the mass chaos.
"What's happening!!?" you frantically shouted. You could barely stand in the cyclonic winds as you clutched Garrett's hands.
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And then unexpectedly, Raven's malefic presence appeared behind Julian, jabbing him in the neck with syringes. "How about some salt water witch!" She reeled in revenge for Garrett's hit on Jareth with salt and for what Julian did to her.
Salt was a witch's worst nightmare and and would kill them if ingested, burning them from the inside out. It was deja vu as you remembered one of your first dreams of Julian burning inside and just like your dreams notorious predictions, it was coming true as Julian screeched in pain.
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"Daddyyyyyyyyy!!!!!" you howled and began running to him as Garrett chased after you. The emerald pendant on your chest began to glow with beams of white light bursting out of it which it had never done before. It was your light and it shot right into Julian as you stood panting in fear.
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He slowly lowered his hands from his face in shock of his instantaneous healing. Your eyes then jolted to Raven who stood in panic, all alone. The rage that soared through you was incredulous. You wanted her dead but you couldn't do it because she knew more about Thranduil and you were bound and determined to torture it out of her.
Raven was now backed into the center of a triangle as you, Garrett and Julian became 3. Her eyes burned yellow as fire blazed all around her.
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You weren't about to let her strike so you swiftly brought up your spinning disc of flames and slammed it right at her, knocking her on her ass.
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"Tell me what you did with my husband's body you fucking bitch!!!"
Raven shook off the impact and got back up, now even more furious as an inferno of fire erupted behind her in the form of wings.
"Burn in hell Jo!!!" she shrieked.
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"You first...." An uncontrollable explosion of light, wind and electricity swarmed out of you, engulfing all four of you as you stood paralyzed screaming Thranduil's name.
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The magic ceased and you dropped to the ground as did Raven who had already been weakened by your prior fireball hit. Julian and Garrett withstood the destructive force and both came running to you. You sat up in confusion and then panicked when you saw Raven on the ground. "Nooooooo!" You sprinted over to her. "Wake up!! You are going to tell me where Thranduil is!! Wake....UP!!" you shouted hysterically as you shook her. Just as her eyes began to flutter open, the most unbelievable, frightening and menacing sight arose. A behemoth demon engulfed in fire that must have stood at least 50 feet tall.....and it was coming right for all of you with the most deafening and demonic scream.
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"It's Jareth!" Julian roused. Apparently, hurting Raven was not taken lightly by him. "Garrett, get her out of here now!!"
You gasped as the force of Garrett swooping you into the air took your breath away. He took you into the castle for cover. As you watched from a darkened doorway in fear for your father's and everyone else's lives, fire beams shot out of his mouth like dragonfire as he targeted the elves, vampires and werewolves.
"Haldir!!!!! Legolas!!!!!!!!!!" You kicked, screamed and cried while trying to break free of Garrett's death grip around your arms. As skilled as they all were, elves, vampires, and werewolves weren't fireproof and neither were the warlocks Narcisse and Julian. The fire breathing Jareth could char all of them in one sweep. You had no idea if the pendant could save something of that nature and you didn't want to have to find out as there were too many of them to save all at once, although Haldir and Legolas would always come first with you. Fire was a vampire's worst enemy and one thing you did know, they lit up fast. One would have to be wearing the pendant to be shielded from the flames and as far as the vampires, Garrett would be your priority as he never left your side since this all started only 6 hours ago. He and you had been through a lot of shit together, even if wasn't all good shit.
They all quickly spread out and were still dealing with orcs and wendigos that didn't get sucked into hell. You saw Aragorn slicing them with his sword in one hand and lighting them up with a torch in the other.
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Jareth knew just how to draw them all back. The flamethrowing beast stomped towards the castle you were in and began torching it.
The tremors could be heard and felt. Jareth knew Garrett would get you to safety. His plan was not to hurt you but to kill the others, Julian first for harming his precious Raven.....and the plan worked to lure them out into the open as Julian, Haldir, Aragorn and even Legolas came running to help you after all the hurtful things he said to you earlier. As much as Selene adored you, her devotion was to Michael, so she stayed by his side....and you understood every bit of that as you would do the same for Thranduil. Just as you did when he faced down Smaug. He would always come first to you. Always.... and that time was right then and there as you saw Raven rushing off into the forest.
"Garrett! Let me go, now! I cannot let her get away!! Help me please!!" you begged as you peered up into his eyes.
He couldn't say no to you. Not now. Not this time. "Come with me." he swiftly said and began to pull you through the castle to the dungeon entrance when Aragorn, Legolas, Haldir and Julian came rushing inside from the back entry way. You and Legolas locked eyes for a split second and then he looked away.
"Where are you taking my daughter!" Julian snapped.
"Raven ran into the forest. I am taking her to find her because she asked me to. The safest path to get there is underground, through the catacombs and we will come out at the other entrance where Jareth had been, only feet away from where she entered the woods."
Garrett, we need to go now before we lose her!" you pleaded and yanked at his arm.
He smiled at Julian. "Gotta go." Off you both descended down the stairwell.
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You could hear the shuffling feet of Aragorn, the elves and warlock behind you. You turned and grabbed Haldir's hand, pulling him beside you to quickly walk with you. "I am sorry. I did not mean to make you feel like you didn't do enough in stopping Raven or that you screwed up. You helped more than you know. If not for you, we may have never found Thranduil. I know I hurt you. Can you please forgive me?"
"You know that I can and will although there is nothing to forgive. I understand your pain and grief. You were looking for someone to blame and I just happened to be standing in front of you."
You slightly turned to eye Legolas after that statement. The Prince knew you were looking at him and he knew why. Because he did the same thing to you. He felt guilty and wouldn't bring his eyes to yours. Legolas then rushed passed you both in eagerness to get to the forest.
Haldir put his arm around your waist and squeezed you with a smile, kissed the top of your head, then took your hand. "Come on, let's go!"
All of you began running to catch up to Legolas. Once at the exit, Legolas motioned for you all to stay back while he inspected the outside surroundings. He then looked back. "Clear." Off he went as you all quietly followed.
Suddenly...screeches from the great eagles could be heard in the distance. You gasped as one flew closely overhead of the blazing beast, taunting Jareth.
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Legolas then scoured the area with wide confident eyes as Aragorn stood behind him in wonder of what the Prince knew.
"A white wizard approaches."
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