#thinking about kuroshiro
sana5353 · 22 days
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Ruikasatober: KuroShiro
His dance partner is a special person. 
Tsukasa lies in bed, hands folded on his stomach. On his chest is a tiny music box, lid open. The cylinder inside turns as he listens to the delicate chimes, each sound rolling around in his head with a lilting whimsy. 
Somehow, a song fit for a party had evolved into a mechanical haunt. 
Tsukasa had spent hours deliberating over his music sheets, wondering if he could ever hope to write the feelings bubbling up inside him. It had taken the help of his stars to finish what he started. When he looked up, they focused and guided him along their sheets until he had a physical copy.
The rawness is part of him; always has and always will be. So, if someone like his mysterious dance partner can read and accept the feelings Tsukasa carefully carved out, then there’s no reason he shouldn’t continue.
Each chime was painstakingly placed. Tsukasa tilts his head to the window, an ear towards the music box as if the change in angle will suddenly make him a better listener.
It's not fair!
Tsukasa is always gifted such pretty trinkets when he's the one left scrambling to find something because he can't make up his mind. Yes, he put his all into that song he created. He would never give away something without his very best put into it!
Especially for someone as important as his dance partner.
So, if the gift Tsukasa created had been truly enjoyed, he’d know how to continue their exchange. Tsukasa will have to write him a better song as the next gift. And a better one in the future.
He yawns as his resolve gets the better of him. While he might like to fall asleep at the sound of his partner’s gentleness, he doesn’t want to ruin his gift so soon with overuse. The silence after he closes the lid is scarier than the disembodied music.
 If he wants to spend his morning listening to this cadence, he shall do so! For now, Tsukasa places the little box on the nightstand beside him, already thinking about what to write for the other lily. 
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karamell-sweetz · 17 days
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um. i um. i did a thingy and now i’m going to yap under the cut
ok now. so i did this with mainly just dynamics in mind because i am a firm believer that all of these ruikasaverse things can and SHOULD be explored platonically. yk for what they are. and not just in the context of romantic relationships. because. that’s just how relationships work right.
BUT i did split my ult favs into the ones i like more romantically (🚢) and platonically (which i should have labelled as 🍽️). just because i’ve been shipping them romantically for a good while anyway. that said everything in my 🚢 tier can/should be explored platonically too.
TIER ONE: ult favs, romantic
DANTORU OTP OF THE CENTURY. i don’t even have a good reason as to why they’re my favourite of all time, i think it’s mainly just the aesthetics of them together and the romantic implications of piano. and the stars too. think about it guys. imagine playing music with your lover beneath the stars… or playing a duet with them… or laying your hands over your lover’s as you teach them how to play!!! grrrh.
KUROSHIRO OTP OF THE CENTURY #2. dear ruikasers that make them painfully reincarnate into every other universe: you successfully break my heart every single time. that and giving them forbidden romance. and killing tsukasa for plot. it gets me every time. also an aesthetics thing, flowers are awesome and there is something so beautiful about being practically opposites yet coming together all the same. ugh. ughhh.
curtain call has the horrifyingly romantic implications of YEARNING for your lover and the passage of time threatening to break you apart. it’s pining and angst and all the joys and pains of life rolled into one.
if we count filament as nakashira then i LOOOVE them. salaryman yaoi or whatever. it would be AWESOME if we explored them platonically but i like the idea of them getting to know each other and slowly fall in love with each other… and make each other better… grrhh… domestic life… was never quite my style… /lyr
tacthina!! honestly don’t have a reason for why they’re up so high here but i think they’re very sweet. bonus for arranged marriage, and when paired withhhhh tactqilin!!! againnn finding your lover reincarnated over centuries… there’s something cool about going through time and searching for that one person again and again. i think that’s the reason why most of these ships are in the top category lmao it may be my favourite trope.
TIER TWO: ult favs, platonic
GHH as much as i love colorfes ritk romantically i honestly think they should be explored platonically too. like a long distance friendship with an ethereal deity. and also AGAIN with finding that person again and again throughout time and space (teehee)!! because rui’s usually an immortal deity in this au.
both zozos actually could have gone in ‘normal ritk with a mask on’ but idk there’s something about these two designs specifically that scratches my brain. no i don’t really know why i put them so high. they just look really good together.
i can go on forever about pandemonium the event and how it was such a turning point for rui’s relationships and character development and honestly that should be reflected in the cards too. EEESPECIALLY when you put their canon meeting in. stuff like tsukasa slowly warming up to rui’s antics and letting himself be a little less uptight with him. and rui getting to share all of himself with someone close to him!
KIRAPIKA. mmm. i dunno i just like rpg style things. and going out on missions and quests together. i dunno! i think they’re best enjoyed alongside emu and nene so they can all be a party together though.
SURPRISE I LIKE GALAJEST MORE THAN RINGJEST? man i don’t know either? most of the things i see with them are along the lines of rui crafting up tsukasa as a little galactic friend and i think that’s really sweet. hmm other than that i forgot why i put them so high. it’s mainly the idea of rui being tsukasa’s ultimate helper i guess, and tsukasa being rui’s companion in return. :)
TIER THREE: scrumptious!
BOODEVIL IS SO CUTE! something about rui, filled with all sorts of bitterness, being brought into the light by tsukasa’s simple ways of enjoying life.
wl is cute too, not much to say with them. i feel like i see so much royalty-based ritk that it’s hard to have any large feelings about it, at least in my case lol.
ROSEOU… mmm… it’s neat to make friends with your butler or other sort of royal advisor. and also that idea of getting closer from a place of formality, and getting to show the hidden sides of you to another person especially when you’re both in a formal position.
lilyrose goes well together aesthetically. or as aesthetically as you can get with rose’s abysmal colours 😋 other than that it’s usually giving the same as roseou so not much to say that hasn’t been said already.
space opera… not much to say about them. intergalactic partnership ✨
now prommy i DO like ringjest. it’s good that they have each other’s backs. its just that certain bits of fandom have sort of ruined them for me :/ still cute tho
ahhh white day… there’s so much white day out there that i have no idea what’s going on with it /pos. that said, love the doomed yaoi.
i don’t have too many feelings on the seibaitAAAAAsu cards honestly, mainly because i haven’t had the time to read the story or really look into it in detail. these cards are stunning though. love the doomed yaoi again.
ok i’m actually a sucker for phantom thieves even though i have no idea what they actually do… it’s the cat and mouse aspect + mysterious identity for me!
lilyfes… mmm… againnn the reincarnation thing!! or rui looking over his partner throughout immortality and protecting him. oughh.
merking and merprince areee basically the same thing right? i love a bit of little mermaid style pining to be a land dweller, or even the opposite with king/prince wanting to partake in the ocean’s beauty or whatever…
cyberpunk on its own feels a bit too loose conceptually for me to be fully on board with it but once you slide idolkasa in there it has more weight to it. love me some hidden identity once again.
kemo… they are very cute… again not a strong enough concept/difference to get me fully on board with it
pop in my heart! bakerkasa feels very similar to boodevil now but it’s still cute
TIER FOUR: it exists.
hakapega… bwaaaah… i love the idea of pegasus being a robot replacement for tsukasa and the angst that that brings with it, but other than that i have no strong feelings on it. i’m a lover not a fighter 😔
sorry fesdog lovers but i am not sure about the dog… that’s all i will say.
potato boys are fun, just not hitting with me tbh
mmm you all know i have my own fairy au so technically i should be on board with the fairies… i just haven’t seen much of it. the idea is adorbs tho. just two bros living the miniature life in little fairy domestication…
the idea of colorfes and tinykasa is also very sweet, just not my cup of tea personally ><
i don’t have strong feelings for the starry sky melody set in general so unfortunately this ritk is getting the mid.
zozo2… same as zozo1 but they don’t hit as hard for whatever reason. they are still pretty though
knightfes is cool? but once you put sorcerui in the picture it’s not really unfortunately.
octoking is the same as merking and merprince. it’s in this tier because the tentacles do not entail the best things maybe. also i don’t know if i like them on rui.
knightprince could be cute actually. switches up what we’ve seen so far in roseou etc.
rmd… idk it’s interesting in regards to designs and the power dynamics but i’m really not feeling it :/
detectives are cute too but it feels like more office yaoi!! and i just prefer nakashira and phantom thief rui in that case.
never seen skaterzozo in my life but that’s because skaterkasa is relatively new. i think it’s cool tho.
i should have put middle school in tier three because it has a lot of potential platonically, but i honestly just like preserving the canon timeline regarding that era
sanrio is like if boodevil/pimh met merking/merprince. rui coming out of the water to visit tsukasa’s cafe… very sweet. no strong feelings for it though.
with starry sky orchestra it really depends on what angle you look at them from. most of the things i see with these two are trying to push the whole sibling thing in a weird way unfortunately, so that’s tainted my view of it a little. but if you DON’T make them related it’s just mid i think.
again, never seen skaterdog because skaterkasa is a new card. same issue as fesdog though. can’t get over the dog allegations.
‘TIER SIX’: normal ritk with a mask on
these are for the aus that are close to canon. i prefer to look at them platonically in that case.
anyway that’s enough of me!! sorry once i left this overnight i forgot what i wanted to say + after the first few tiers i ran out of things to say :P
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nuikasa · 3 months
I'll make a small list of aus I'm doing at the moment to organize a bit how is it going. All of them are off going and for now, only one has an end already decided, none of them end on tragedy, I'm not fond of killing my comfort characters so they will have angst but the angst will be resolved during the plot.
Dragonkasa au. The au is divided in 3 different timelines for now. past / present / future. This au has already an ending decided.
Sorcevalier au. for now has only two, present and future in which it's mixed with dragonkasa au. Still haven't decided when Tsukasa and Rui will get together officially, not ending decided yet.
Kuroshiro au. in development, has only one timeline, present.
Kasaverse au. has only one timeline but it would probably development in more on the future, has ending decided and it's the only au with a very straight plot since it's tied to wxs events and game plot.
I have other au ideas that are stories tied to any of these aus like fes ruikasa story that it's tied to kasaverse au but also connected with other au if you think about it so it doesn't count as a new one.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
What kind of parents do you think mikorei, sarumi, izuseri, and kuroshiro would be to their respective children?
Mikorei are absolutely the couple where one parent is very strict and careful and has a whole educational plan set up for their kid and the other is like sure eat paste whatever it’s fine. Like you know Munakata would be such an involved parent, he babyproofs the house to a ridiculous degree the moment they bring the kid home and he studies up on nutrition and what music the kid should listen to in order to help grow their mind, the whole thing. Meanwhile whenever he leaves Mikoto to watch the kid while Munakata is at work the child starts like climbing on bookshelves and Mikoto’s just like ‘try not to break anything’ (because then Munakata would yell at him), Mikoto is a very hands off parent. Though even then of course Mikoto is protective in his own way, like can you imagine if someone tried to bully their kid and suddenly found themselves face to face with the Red Monster. Mikoto is also the one who gets Munakata to tone it down as needed, especially as their kid gets older and starts to chafe a bit at the extreme doting Mikoto is the one to remind Munakata that kids need some level of independence.
Sarumi, Yata is the eager and excited parent and Fushimi is the really cautious one who has no idea what he’s doing constantly and worries that he’s screwing something up. Actually in this case at least when the kid is young I wonder if Yata would have to be the one administering any discipline, since Fushimi would obviously be the one to take it harder if the kid gets upset about it (can you imagine the first time their kid says ‘I hate you,’ Yata’s upset but realizes this is a thing kids do while Fushimi is quietly having a spiral and Yata has to reassure him that no, this isn’t like when you said you hate your dad, your dad deserved hating). I think Fushimi might be an unexpectedly gentle parent just because he knows what shitty parents are like and he doesn’t want to be that way. Yata meanwhile is also super involved, I see him being really excited by every milestone and bragging about how cool their kid is. 
Izuseri are proper normal parents, though hopefully their kid likes anko (imagine Kusanagi’s face the first time their kid asks for a glass of milk with anko). I think they’d be good with splitting duties parental-wise, like some days Kusanagi takes the kid to the bar and some days Awashima takes the kid to work for Uncle Munakata to have a playdate with. Awashima I could see as the slightly stricter parent, I bet it’s hard for the kid to lie to her because she’ll just stare at them until they tell the truth. Kusanagi is the looser parent but only until the kid does something really bad and then they’re in trouble, like for Awashima and Kusanagi’s kid Mom is scary but when Dad is mad he’s even scarier. Otherwise the two of them are very supportive of their kid though and do their best to let the kid grow up healthy and well adjusted.
Kuroshiro are definitely another one of the couples where one is strict and the other is like hey do you wanna do a science. Kuroh I could see being a very involved housewife, he absolutely will not let their kid grow up without any life skills and is probably dedicated to raising the child as Master Ichigen raised him (Shiro is fine with this but please wait until the kid can walk before you teach them to fly a helicopter). Shiro is somewhat looser as a parent, I can just imagine Kuroh like coming home to their apartment to find Shiro, Neko and the kid all happily fingerpainting on the walls with no regard to who will be cleaning that up. I feel like Shiro would be sort of excited to have a kid though, just with everything he’s been through and now he has a family and even a little kid, like it really hits him here how his time is moving again and he doesn’t mind that at all, he can’t wait to watch his kid grow happy and strong.
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2n2n · 1 year
I know that right now everyone is focused on chapter 104 😅 but I would like someone to explain me better about Hakujodai and the other one who also walks beside him (I don't remember the name). And also the ones that walk around Tsukasa, because now I'm confused if they're from Tsukasa or Sakura, because she can understand them. Please someone explain to me 😖
this is going to be a crazy long post. It's probably not what you wanted but it's what is going to commence.
Hanako's orbs are called Haku-joudai, and Tsukasa's are called Koku-joudai. Akane, and Teru, respectively, have referred to both orbs as "Tsueshiro" [杖代], which is a made-up word; unlike many words used in the manga, it does not have precedent in folklore, as far as I know. Both are holy in nature, unable to be harmed by Kou or Teru.
Now. the naming scheme, first off. It's insane and multilayered as Iro-sensei is about everything ever, there is significance in the kanji, in pronunciation, and Iro-sensei loves to fiddle wildly. Should be noted: It's not uncommon that some names and specific terms in JSHK use atypical readings. Whether or not a kanji is going to use the onyomi or kunyomi pronunciation is determined by things like, wanting to evoke other words as homophones, wordplay, etc… (In laymans terms, onyomi is the original Chinese pronunciation of kanji, while kunyomi is the pronunciation adaptioned to Japanese. Generally speaking, on is used in all-kanji words, and kun is typically in mixes of kanji/hiragana. But not always… aha. I have at least seen even natives struggle with some of Iro-sensei's decisions so I try to not feel too stupid about it.)
kun/on is kind of CONFUSING so I'll try to explain things in a simplified way... we are not professionals or scholars here.
I feel like it has to be included in all of this, even if we can hardly parse it.
白杖代 - hakujoudai / 白 - white (typically pronounced 'shiro', but in an all-kanji word, 'haku' is another pronunciation) As said, 杖代 is not a word, and I can't say which kanji definition is 'true' [though you can look at them here and here]. In all-kanji words the pronunciation would be "jou" and "dai".
黒杖代 - kokujoudai. / 黒 - black, (typically pronounced 'kuro' but in an all-kanji word, 'koku' is another pronunciation)
杖代 - tsueshiro - the incredible made-up word. It's using the pronunciations that would typically be used for words that AREN'T all kanji. but you can fudge it sometimes, which Iro-sensei does often , for words/names.
依代 - yorishiro - extant word. its NOT the same as 'Tsueshiro', but it shares the 'shiro' part. Worth thinking about.
The joudai are more or less "black joudai" and "white joudai", but Iro-sensei DID choose to name them distinctly.
黒白 connotates "black/white" in a "right/wrong" sense in some contexts. but it would be pronounced 'kuroshiro'....... Because Iro-sensei loves homophonous words, and homophonous words are frequently highly significant in character names, I will bother to mention that "kokuhaku", the combination of their names, black/white, is the word for 'confession' (not in kanji, but phonetically, or spoken aloud). Does this meaning anything? We do not know, Iro-sensei is insane.
Why do they both get pronounced 'Tsueshiro' and also 'Joudai' with the same kanji? Don't know.
Regardless of the unique name, their shape and candor is not without precedent.
In JP mythology, there are various sorts of orbs like this. Even in this manga, Yako has a more typical and decorative series of fire-balls about her. (probably 'kitsunebi' ?)
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Nene-chan refers to Hanako's as "hitodama-chan", and "hitodama"[人魂] are, unlike simple little fireballs, the souls of the dead. You can read basic mythos about hitodama here! just ol' wiki why not...
Nene-chan is no authority, but it's interesting she calls them this, and not any of the other various terms for spirit-fire or what have you. Maybe they seem personable to her, or give off an air...
We don't know anything about them, really, but I can describe to you the little we can observe.
In boundaries, as mysteries are Gods of their own shrines, the Tsueshiro cannot be used.
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After the Yorishiro blessing a Mystery with Godlike power is destroyed, the Tsueshiro can then be used again. The SECOND Yashiro peels Yako's Yorishiro, Hanako dons his Tsueshiro. He does not wear it in her boundary before this moment , as Yako could simply forbid it.
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I believe the Tsueshiro are exclusive to Amane and Tsukasa; I think Tsukasa simply trusts Sakura/Natsuhiko to use them much more freely and order them, unlike Hanako. I wonder if Yashiro, if allowed, COULD be allowed to command Hanako's Tsueshiro, given that she is his kannagi?
One is a solid green 🟢 circle The other is an open ⭕circle with white in its middle.
The solid green 🟢 joudai is what Hanako appends to become a holy spirit, impervious to things like the exorcist's lightning. We never see him append ⭕. When in this form, he dons his cape, or manto (loanword 'mantle'), just a normal part of this old uniform style (his is just fancay).
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He also uses the 🟢 to attack kaii, suchas Yako, or the Mokke
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however, when he hits the lights above Aoi, he uses ⭕. he also uses ⭕ to move Nene-chan's cart to the moon in No. 4's boundary.
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Typically, the red ⭕ is used to guard, or scout. Hanako will have it tail Nene-chan, hide in her pocket, or stay behind to monitor a situation while he is away.
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Tsukasa's ⭕ seems to also be used for scouting and observation.
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in the Far Shore arc, Hanako leaves ⭕ on the train to watch over that situation, while he keeps 🟢 with him and Nene-chan.
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^⭕ staying behind with everyone
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^ keeping 🟢 with him, probably so he can access his blessed form if need be to protect Nene-chan or what have you.
as for Tsukasa, he uses both ⭕+🟢 to send Nene-chan to Sumire's boundary
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but this is .... the only time I've seen him use 🟢 .... if Tsukasa's can attack, or be appended to him, we haven't seen. (but bare in mind that we didn't know Hanako could also use the sleep-spell, which Tsukasa uses on Nene-chan in vol 7, and Hanako doesn't show us SURPRISE!! he can use until vol. 10. It might be that the boys share everything... we don't know!)
Hanako also uses his 🟢 to pluck Nene-chan from Sumire's boundary, so...
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[but here anyway, Hanako ONLY has 🟢, as ⭕ is away helping Akane/Aoi/Teru....]
Both Tsukasa and Hanako appear to use ⭕ to 'poof' away, or get to a location. Of course for Tsukasa you have the rooftop scene, for Hanako you get a few confirmations he can do the same...
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In any event ..........
Hanako often talks to ⭕
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both Hanako and Sakura tend to say thank-you to the orbs, or ask them questions, updates, directly.
They really externally interface with them as if they are talking ...
Hanako is pretty affectionate with his.
the orbs seemingly can express anxiety or stress at situations.
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Is it significant, the differences between 🟢 and ⭕? I don't know.
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deathkiiss · 2 months
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. ✧ . * . ⌜ mackenyu, 25, cis male, he/him   /   the summoning by sleep token  +   a weapon coated red with blood, dripping sweat from endless hours of training, and devotion so bright it is blinding ⌟ high greetings to KUROSHIRO BOLTON, the LORD of DREADFORT, also known as THE DARK BLADE. though they can be a bit STOIC &SECRETIVE, those closest to them will tell you they’re LOYAL & AMBITIOUS. perhaps that’s why they’ve placed their loyalties with HOUSE VELYARON. and are IN FAVOR OF the coronation of a high king. may the gods have mercy on their soul.
kuroshiro was raised on war stories of a creature without a name. they were all tales of madness and blood that should have scared a child who was barely old enough to understand them but instead, he was fascinated.
as the youngest son of the bolton house, he was naturally raised to be desensitized to an abnormal amount of carnage and hostility. he learned of his family's grotesque reputation in the north but that did not make their family bonds any less strong. some might refer to them as barbarians but they were not as heartless as the rumors made them seem.
as the war against the creature raged and the head of the bolton house did his best to carve out their name amongst the ongoing battles, kuroshiro spent as much time as he could training his own body. he knew he would never be head of the family without a great tragedy befalling his older brother and he had no interest in taking his place if such an event should happen. he had no great mind for leadership or politics, he simply wanted to feel the weight of a weapon in his hands that would ensure he could protect whomever or whatever he chose to tie his loyalties to.
kuroshiro took every opportunity he was afforded to prove his skills and gain experience as a warrior. he had a body count higher than men twice his age before he reached adulthood. it earned him the title of the dark blade of the bolton house. he made his family proud but it was not enough for him.
during his teen years, he had secretly trained under a lowborn man who was more well-traveled than anyone he had ever met. the man was also secretive and never told kuroshiro why he chose to take on a young lord as a pupil. thanks to him he was able to learn a variety of styles of swordsmanship.
before he had the opportunity to learn more about his mysterious teacher, he suddenly disappeared and an entire year passed before kuroshiro learned of his fate. the man had been involved in a battle against the thing that comes in the night and while his body survived, his mind did not. kuroshiro visited him only once after the incident and he could not bare to see the once strong man in such a state knowing it had no cure. he showed him the greatest mercy he could think of but it created a heavy and permanent weight on his shoulders.
when the war was finally nearing its end he was eager to know what kind of man it would take to defeat the nameless creature that had become an embodiment of hell itself in westeros. just as he earned the title of knight of the king's guard, he finally got his answer when the creature was defeated greatly in part due to the efforts of daemon velaryon. it is too late for him to face the creature himself but kuroshiro is looking forward to serving under a strong and worthy king.
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babes-and-baddies · 6 years
so uh since i’m temporarily back from the void and i’m in the mood to continue last night’s OC fest, i figure i may as well introduce one of mine, so i guess:
Basically, she’s a 17 y/o UA gen-ed student who just wants to chill with her buddies and design fashion in peace, but since her best (and only) buddy is actually a quirk-made monstrosity of horror, fear, and darkness who’s being hunted down by it’s villain creator, she’s having a bit of a hard time with that whole ‘peace & quiet’ thing.
Eyes: The left eye has a black iris and white eyelashes, the right eye has a pale silver iris and black lashes. Her eye shape is upturned almond
Hair: White on left, black on right. It’s straight, parted down the middle and goes to lower-mid back. Sometimes they’re pulled into twin buns.
Body build: Slim but firm, lots of lean muscle, and an hourglass figure.
Personality: She’s distant and unapproachable at first (and her love of black, punkish clothing doesn’t help any), since she grew up without any friends and has some trust issues. Ami is strong-willed and oftentimes stoic, prefering to do things by herself then have to get involved with other people, but she’s never mean about it. She’s just most likely to politely but firmly decline any invitations for social interaction. But those who manage to become her friend learn that she’s actually extremely loyal, smart, and creative, with a love of making art and saying dirty jokes. She has her own strong sense of personal morals, but doesn’t care much about what others or society thinks. As long as she’s doing what’s necessary to protect her own, and not hurting innocents in the process, she has no dilemmas.
Myers-Briggs Type: INTP- A
Alignment: Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
Quirk: Yin/Yang - She can summon both ‘light’ and ‘dark’ energy from her left and right sides, respectively. Her ‘light’ side causes relaxation, peace of mind, and comfort; it also brings about slightly improved luck. It can also very minority heal and reduce pain, but not enough for it to make much of a difference. Her ‘dark’ side does the opposite, creating feelings of fear, panic, and pain, as well as minor misfortune. She can also cause pain, and cause minor injury. When using ‘light’ she creates tangible light from her side/hands, and when using ‘dark’ she appears to be in shadows on her right side/hand. Both sides are relatively weak, and only work when someone is being exposed to her light/shadows and therefore it has a short range. 
Skills/Talents: Fashion design( and the art, sewing, etc skills necessary for it), dancing, and yoga, as well as Capoeira and Aikido martial arts. Ami’s also a skilled cook.
i’m also writing up a full/extended profile which i should be finished with soon if you want to hear more :)
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knchins · 3 years
I’m a huge fan of Kuroshiro. Can I have more Haya and Gojo content please? I know you were taking a small break from it but I miss it
You have no idea how happy this ask made me! Kuroshiro is the biggest project I've completed in years and to see people enjoy it just beings me so much serotonin. As for the request, of course! I am always game to write Gojo and Haya together!
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Pairing: Gojo x OC
Warnings: mentions of past heartbreak/unrequited love, but this is mostly fluffy.
Word Count: 780
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There were times when he saw glimpses of her past self. Her smile would last a little longer or she’d let a giggle slip out like a schoolgirl. She gave in to his antics instead of blowing up at him. She’d show him the love that he deserved. The love that she had always shown Suguru when they were dating. It was fleeting. Gone before he could truly notice it. Then she’d be back to the way she had been after he left. After her heart had been broken in two for the very first time.
First love was meant to change people. It was an uncommon thing to escape cupid’s bow. Heartbreak could make even the strongest person cold and shut off. It could fuel fires big enough to burn down cities. It could fill oceans with tears.
Gojo had never admitted to anyone before that Haya had always been his one and only love. Other girls were just temporary. Meaningless flings to pass the time. He had never just wanted her because his best friend had her. He wanted her because she was bright and happy and beautiful.
He had never felt unrequited love before. Sure he had been rejected (though that was another thing he wouldn’t admit to), but those times didn’t hurt anything but his ego. He could always convince himself that there was someone better, someone more worthy, someone that could see beyond his exterior strength. Her rejection had felt different, more personal, more upsetting.
Of course, he had never told her any of this. If he had then he felt that he’d look like some lovesick fool. That she’d just laugh in his face or think he wasn’t being serious. Or even worse, she’d somehow weaponize it against him in a future argument.
Today was her birthday. He had gone out of the way to special order her favorite cake from a renowned bakery in town. He had set up a private dinner for them and found a beautiful necklace that he was sure she’d love. He had almost bought a ring but realized again that it would probably somehow turn into a fight. Something about true commitment as if they hadn’t been committed to one another since that stormy night where they first came together.
He didn’t want to fight. Not today. They could fight tomorrow or the day after, but just not today. He wanted to see that beautiful, genuine smile. The one that reached her gorgeous dark blue eyes. The little gasp she did whenever he did something that caught her off guard and made her fill with joy.
They arrived at the restaurant and Haya was surprised to find the whole place was illuminated by strings of fairy lights and candles. She hadn’t been expecting anything this special for her birthday, though she had worn one of her nicer dresses just in case. Hopes of an engagement rose in the back of her mind and she quickly pushed them back. This was just simply for her twenty-fifth birthday. It wasn’t for any other reason.
The food had been amazing. Haya felt like a princess, having his full undivided attention. There were no curses, no other people to impress, no elders or bosses or students. It was just them and that made the evening all the more magical.
“Satoru, I can’t believe you did all this.” She murmured as the waiter brought out the cake he had bought. She didn’t want to know how much it all cost, not that Gojo had ever spared any expense when it came to her.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out the thin rectangular box instead of answering her and handed it over. Watching as she opened it with wide, excited eyes. There she was again, the younger her that was excited for every little present that was given to her. Her family hadn’t been ones to gift her anything so now she saw gift-giving as a true sign of love.
She opened the box to see the beautiful diamond necklace set in white gold, small sapphires peppered in through the heart-shaped pendant. It hadn’t been the ring she had wanted, but it was something she felt was just as good.
“Thank you,” She said softly as happy tears began to creep into her eyelids. “I-”
“I love you.” He said and again she looked at him with wide doe-like eyes. They rarely ever said it to one another. Somehow that just made the phrase all the more special.
Haya let out a small chuckle as she wiped her eyes, carefully as to not mess up her makeup. “I love you too, Satoru.”
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Kuroshiro Masterlist | Request Rules
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threadmonster · 3 years
💙, 👀, 💦and 💣 for any fandom you're currently into right now
:O thank you @starryredflames! I just ran with anything that applies
Ship I used to have as an OTP: honestly KuroShiro? I dunno it's just weird when he's all back put together as Weissman? Like if it became canon I wouldn't be that excited.
Ship i'm curious about: any rarepair in Haikyuu!! probably. There are so many characters sometimes i just go "what if X met Y and they hit it off" the timeskip arc made me into OiHina, they're just chaos together.
Ship that is taboo: I dunno, I've seen people in the past couple years be like "oh my gosh how can you ship AkuRoku" and i'm just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ does it matter? Also maybe Utau x Ikuto (Shugo Chara), but in the way that i think Ikuto should have given her more attention.
Ship that pisses me off: it doesn't bother me as much as it used to but the main cast of Soul Eater in meister x weapon pairs, i.e. SoMa, Black*Star x Tsubaki. Okay, guys, I get it they canonically have strong feelings for each other. But why can't they just have the greatest platonic relationships ever??? Also maybe Shinra x anyone that isn't Celty. I'm not necessarily pissed off. people can ship whatever they want, i don't really care but, y'all, he literally only cares about Celty, he would watch you all keel over and die and set your bodies on fire if it was for Celty. He's low-key a freak. But then again it is Durarara!! so.
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profnodanna · 3 years
isana yashiro for the ask meme :D
send me a character and i’ll list:
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favorite thing about them: His cunning. For almost all season 1, even without memory he was able to keep up with all the crazy Kingly stuff that were thrown at him: he managed to trick Kuroh to save his own life, he lived in Ashinaka school even if he didn'y belong to that place (also thanks to Neko's illusion), he escaped from both Red and Blue clans. That's really impressive, if you ask me.
least favorite thing about them: his initial naiveness and passiveness. Shiro, or I should say Adolf K. Weismann, are you seriously telling me the army is funding your studies "to make friends"??? Also, I am still not over the fact that he saw what a Damocles Down brought at and he still chose to do nothing about it, even if he was the most expert about the Slates.
favorite line: I'd thought of many "important" lines, as when he say something like how the Lieutenant has shown him both his dream and the reality of it, but then I remembered this scene, which I think captures a trait I like very much about Shiro! xD Kukuri: "You brought a bento?!"
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brOTP: I am a simple woman who loves the old trio Addy-Klaudia-Kokujoji Daikaku. Also Daikaku devoting his whole life to make Addy and Klaudia's dream true? It moves my heart.
OTP: Considering the ending, I'm not even sure if I can say I ship them, if we intend "to ship" as in a romantical way, but I really love Kuroshiro dynamic.
nOTP: I don't have one
random headcanon: I don't have any particular one
unpopular opinion: I'm not very satisfied with his character's arc ending, which is not a criticism to the character himself, but about how the whole resolution of the story was handled. In short, I believe that, compared to the rest of the cast, Shiro got the easiest way to put an end to his arc; even his sacrifice doesn't have any impact on the audience, since we see him all fine like three second after the scene in the alley (imho a case of bad writing).
In ROK the main theme around Shiro is taking responsibilities over what he started by awakening the powers within the Slates, by renouncing to his original dream because he realizes that the way to obtain friends is not about power; but there have been and were other Kings with different beliefs, right or wrong they could be, and Shiro making this big decision for everyone doesn't look to me like just "taking responsibilities", but choosing for everyone, as if he owned the Slates. Idk, I feel like this whole theme could have been handled a lot better in general.
song i associate with them: Audiomachine - Empathy
favorite picture of them:
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koshehehe · 3 years
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i did a kaeya haha. cryo archon kaeya when lmaaooo
would be cool to see khaen'riahn archon tho i mean like *lip bites*
took me about 2-3 hours to make i think
heres the speedpaint btw forgot to put the link here nyehehehhe
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1-lightofjustice · 4 years
You said that you sometimes ship Reisaru, what times do you ship it and what time you don't? Also you dislike Munakata as Fushimi's father figure narrative, so you don't see their relationship as platonic?
At what time I ship it? Obviously when I encounter good fanfics or fanarts that portrayed them in shippy way. For example, my all-time favorite fanfic is Becoming by KittyGetLoose and I pretty much squealed when they finally kissed (and have sex later). I also like Chimera by dehautdesert and I can see them as lovers by the end of that story. I admittedly like some NSFW Reisaru fanarts as long as they don’t have any rape elements. And at what time I don’t ship it when the contents portray them as brothers or family, be it blood-related or adoptive. Like I have a headcanon that Fushimi gets adopted by the Munakata family, he becomes Reisi’s little brother, and he changes his name into Munakata Subaru as per Reisi’s suggestion, but in that headcanon, they don’t end up dating each other. Same rule with other fanfics and fanarts.
About how I see their relationship, platonic or romantic, honestly, I’m not really fixated on just one of them. In general, I don’t really see them as “OMG, they should get married, ASAP”, but also not as “Ew, they’re basically family, they must not kiss each other”. I also don’t mind their power imbalance, because boss-employee romance is one of my favorites prompts and it’s not like Fushimi is completely helpless in front of Munakata, we know that he will not let himself ruled by Munakata if he doesn’t want to. Also, Reisaru for me doesn’t make Munakata a bad boss because the fact that Fushimi is Munakata’s favorite is already well-known, but his subordinates still respect him and acknowledge Fushimi’s capability. I just love the fact that there’s a strong connection between them, they admire each other, they care for each other so much, and their interactions are always interesting for me. But indeed I don’t really like Munakata as Fushimi’s father narrative, especially when others use it to belittle Reisaru as “portray Munakata as a pedophile”. Seriously, how old do you think Munakata is, 5 years age difference is hardly pedophiliac. I also don’t like how fandoms put Munakata as “Niki’s substitute” for Fushimi. Munakata is Fushimi’s dorky annoying but amazing King, not Niki but better. Except for their genius minds, there’s no similarity between Munakata and Niki, and I hate any contents that made Munakata resembles Niki in Fushimi’s eyes except again for their genius minds. And doesn’t Fushimi usually end up as Munakata’s babysitter? Sure we have some moment when Munakata basically dotes Fushimi, but we also have Fushimi indulges on Munakata’s antics, albeit reluctantly. We have moments when Fushimi basically told him to move his ass and works, but also moments when Fushimi disapproves his sleep quantity, his lack of sleep quantity to be exact. 
From the start, I see their relationship as general as mutual admiration and affection. Can’t accept less, won’t refuse more. The reason why I prefer Reisaru than any other major pairings is because it came to me as a surprise and bazookas me right in the heart. Like, before I fell in love with Reisaru, I realized that the anime practically points us to ship Kuroshiro, Sarumi, and Mikorei, and honestly I don’t really hate them. Mikorei is quite a good ship for me before Mikoto practically forces Munakata to kill him (I mean, I enjoy Mikorei on R:B and their drama cd’s are hilarious, but I don’t like Mikorei post-S1 when Munakata broods about Mikoto constantly), Kuroshiro is nice even though I can’t see Kuro topped Adolf, and Sarumi is...not really a fan of psychotic ex narrative but their building is solid. But I’m more intrigued with the fact that Munakata and Fushimi have a secret plan together, a suicidal secret plan together. Then Reisaru came to me at the end of ROK when Fushimi smiled after knowing that Munakata hired someone to save him, like before I only see Fushimi’s sadistic smile, who knows that he can make such a tender smile? And his slow blink resembled a cat who feels content and safe so as a cat lover I saw that scene as an important sign. I read LSW after that and...
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Yeah, I’ve fallen into the hell of rarepair ship. But I’m glad that K official contents give us many Reisaru moments despite the fact that it’s a rarepair ship. We have many drama CDs about them together, manga and short stories also acknowledge strong bond between them, and we can find many good official arts about them. But indeed they can’t be compared with the amount of contents of other major ships. Especially when it comes to fanfics and fanarts.
(Little observation, why many of Reisaru fanfics on AO3 are in Chinese? Not that we can’t translate them with Google Translate, but the character’s names are getting translated into Chinese version and make them quite confusing. Especially when Saru is directly translated into ‘Ape’. Like the sentence “Ape looked at Zongxiang solemnly”, it’s kinda awkward. Damn you Fushimi Niki and Kisa, for naming your son as literal monkey. Damn you guys to the deepest hell.)
Conclusion : Platonic or romantic, I don’t care. I’m happy to eat any content about two of them.
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tyranttortoise · 6 years
Is there a reason why the others don't like the UnderLust bros? Is it because they are more sensual acting than the rest or did they actually do something? They both seem like really good guys so I'm just wondering. You don't have to answer if you don't want to but if you do,thank you so much. :3
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I just got that anon ask, and it reminded me that I had a set of UL questions in my drafts from forever ago!  (So sorry kuroshiro if seeing me answer something of yours surprises you; I know this ask was from months ago!)
The big reason that they dislike the UL bros is because they initially kept coming onto the other skeletons -- and each other.  It weirds them out; none of the other bro sets in SSLL would cross that line, and they don’t get the whole perpetually in heat thing, nor do they see it as an excuse.  Seeing alternate versions of themselves act like that really bothers them, so they actively don’t like them being around.
That said, it’s heavily implied that Mutt and Charm may’ve done something.  I’ll leave that implication up to you guys to decide if it happened or not, but that’s why Blackberry really loathes them.
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It’s actually canon that UL Sans and Paps have hopped timelines, so I think it’s safe to say they’ve seen a ton of other AU’s!  I headcanon that they use the machine in their timeline to do so, which is why Lust could really help Sans fix his, but he doesn’t want to and Sans hasn’t asked.  This is the first Surface timeline they’ve seen (in my hc’s, at least), so they’re not in any particular hurry to return to the Underground. 
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I love the Underlust AU!  There’s so much more to the story than just them being in heat all the time, and it’s got a lot of world-building potential.  I actually realllllllyyyyyyyy want to write about UL Burgerpants.  That might be my next smutfic lmao.  But yeah!  It’s also interesting to think of how they can be legit friends with benefits.  Sure, Paps (Charm in SSLL) may get attached easily, but Sans (Lust) can totally separate his feelings from intimacy.  I’ve been wanting to write a Surface take on UL for a while now, too!  
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dyoun77 · 6 years
Do you mind sharing your kuroshiro headcanons? 👀
Kuroshiro headcanon (with angst bc i can)
- I headcanon that it was difficult for both of them to accept their feelings towards each other during the time Shiro was in Hieda’s body. Kuroh refuses to fall in love with Shiro bc it means that he loves a whole person that doesn’t exist and shouldn’t exist (the body is owned by a stranger, it’s wrong to feel any desire !) And he’s scared that when Shiro returns in his original body one day, he will feel like an entire new person, and that the Isana Yashiro he always known disappears. As for Shiro, he knows the body isn’t his, and if he ever manage to let Kuroh fall for him, it will hurt him when he returns as himself (what if kuroh rejects him ? Doesn’t recognize him ??)
- But when Shiro finally returns as a teacher, they finally are free to love each other whole heartedly !
- Other sad headcanon, i imagine that loosing his immortality, the old body of Shiro starts to decline a bit, Shiro gets weaker than before because of all of the immortality power held back for decades (i wrote an angsty fic on this, but let’s say it doesn’t go to THAT extreme ending;; ). So yeah, Shiro’s health has problems and Kuroh is extremely vigilant with his meds etc. But they’re still happy !!
- On a more « hot » tone ;) , i headcanon that Kuroh usually tops during sex, and he puts a lot of care and energy each time, so much that he ends up being exhausted after, and Shiro cuddles him and is the big spoon for the rest of the night~
- Then.... of course i headcanon that they sleep in the same bed, just like everyone else i guess lmao
- The only way Shiro found to make Kuroh laugh is actually to attack him with tickles ! He hates it but can’t help but laugh. When it doesn’t embarrass him, it puts him in an odd teasing mood and attacks Shiro back.
- Kuroh wakes up earlier than Shiro and he is often in charge to wake him up before Shiro get late for work. But sometimes he allows himself to lazily spend the morning cuddling in bed during the week end ~
- for their marriage, they left Japan to go to Germany for a trip ! and so Shiro is overjoyed to share this experience with Kuroh, he feels a bit sad because of the painful memories, and is mesmerized by the changes in his native city when they visit Dresde after so many years ! Kuroh is excited to go to Europe and learn a new culture~
I probably have some more, but it’s all i can think about right now ! Sorry not sorry for the angst ;b !
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
The clans hang out in an everybody lives au and the conversation gets to love interests. Some don't want to reveal the names of who they like and instead describes them. MikoRei's description of each other sounds like insults, SaruMi doesn't recognize their descriptions, KuroShiro has Shiro having fun with this, and IzuSeri is the only normal one and they weren't hiding the other person's name.
Someone’s gotta be the adults in this conversation okay XD Imagine Everybody Lives AU and maybe the cast are having like a meeting at Shiro’s dorm just to go over the state of things in the post-Slate world. As they’re talking Neko comes in, having just finished up her classes for the day, and she attaches herself to Shiro as she asks if they’re having ‘girl talk.’ Kukuri was telling her about this, that everyone sits in a big ring and discusses their love lives and other things. Shiro says this isn’t quite the same but he would be happy to discuss his love life, he has a beautiful wife who cooks him delicious meals every day. Neko is intrigued by the food part but curious about the ‘wife’ mention, Kuroh steps out of the kitchen and clears his throat as he menacingly states that he perhaps has interest in someone but that person should learn to be more conscious of the one making his food. Shiro laughs sheepishly like oops upset the wife, Kuroh sighs and says it’s difficult dealing with a useless husband, all while Neko looks between the two of them in confusion.
Munakata suggests they get back to the task at hand but Shiro thinks this is nice, isn’t it good to just discuss personal things and get to know each other better sometimes. He wonders if Munakata has anyone he’s interested in and Munakata states that the only person occupying his thoughts regularly is a certain troublesome barbarian. Mikoto thinks that’s an awfully nasty thing for Munakata to say but he gets it, he’s got a lot on his plate dealing with a stuffed shirt kind of guy who always gives lectures and can’t admit that he’s wrong.
Shiro decides maybe he should change the subject before they start fighting and destroy his dorm, he looks around for a rescue and his eyes rest on Yata. Yata of course gets all red at the mention of romance, coughing and looking nervous as he admits well there is someone, this really amazing guy but he’s kinda hard to deal with and always oblivious about these kinds of things so it’s hard to talk to him. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says of course an idiot like Misaki wouldn’t be able to handle anyone with more depth than a swimming pool and Yata’s like oh yeah well who do you like then. Fushimi snorts and says he doesn’t care about stupid things like romance, but if he did maybe there’s a sunshine idiot with a stupid smile out there that he could handle if that person ever stopped being a moron for one minute. Yata’s all surprised like wait so you do have a crush on someone who is it while Fushimi says that’s none of Yata’s business and doesn’t Yata have a crush on someone else too. Shiro also has to stop them before another fight can happen, even as he mutters under his breath ‘it’s—it’s really obvious for both of you, you know.’
Finally he turns to Awashima and Kusanagi, both of whom are drinking tea and waiting to get back to business talk. Shiro asks about who they like, surely Kusanagi is the type of person that gets a lot of attention. Kusanagi slowly looks up from his cup and then laughs a little as he admits that he and Awashima are already dating. Shiro’s actually caught off guard because hey someone said it right out, he tries to ask Awashima and she just calmly says ‘yes, we’re dating.’ There’s a long silence as everyone collectively realizes that mature adults are really something huh. 
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