#thinking about her again (underfell papyrus)
capricioussun · 2 years
Ooh if you're doing headcanons, tell us about UF Papyrus! What does he do with his hands when standing still? What do his footsteps sound like? How close does he stand to people he is talking to? He's such an interesting character!
It would be my pleasure darling! UF Papyrus (most commonly nicknamed here as Edge) is like my It Blorbo. The final girl of my brain. It always comes back to him…
(Probably) unsurprisingly, a lot of his “standard” behaviors were heavily influenced by his world and upbringing, so you’ll mostly see a lot of…caution, in his behavior, especially around others!
I’m a big fan of the headcanon Papyrus stims and fidgets, but unfortunately, these traits are either seen as childish or anxious/nervous in UF, so he’s had to repress them to avoid appearing outwardly weak in any way. When standing idle, he’ll either cross his arms or rest his hands on his hips – for some reason, he doesn’t like having his hands down, so they’re rarely at his sides if he’s stationary unless he’s standing at attention as a Guard. Though in private, or maybe after some time on the surface, he’ll pick up a mild tap wherever his hands are resting (still usually crossed or on his hips, but also might be clasped in front of him). It’s a pretty mild tic, especially considering his gloves mostly dampen the sound, but if he’s really stressed, his hands are clenched into fists wherever they’re resting, and he may clench and unclench them periodically (usually a sign his LV is bothering him).
As for his footsteps! It actually varies a lot! I’d mentioned a little while back he has a number of different strides, but overall, he usually actually has a surprisingly light step! It comes from needing to be quiet, for stealth’s sake, and unlike many other interpretations of UF Papyrus, Edge doesn’t really wear heels because he’s…already very tall and it would just make existing a little more difficult for very little return. So if wearing shoes, it’s usually tactical boots or reinforced “work” shoes, which lend very little sound to his steps at all! Though if he was barefoot and non-binding (and on a hard surface like tile or hardwood), you’d be able to hear the little clicks and taps from his claws! But just for standard walking w/ shoes on, quiet and even paced!
Again, possibly unsurprising, but Edge much prefers to keep his distance when talking to others, at least outside of stab range. He makes sure to keep his volume up when speaking to others he’s not overly familiar with, taking on a little bit of his Guard-sona, because otherwise, he’s actually a bit of a mumbler! So he tries to make sure to keep a level, hearable volume so whoever he’s talking to doesn’t try to get closer. Conversely though, if it’s someone he’s familiar with, he’s usually more than okay with being closer, especially if it means he doesn’t have to pay attention to volume or how he’s talking. It’s not unusual to see him and Levi (his Undyne) basically shoulder to shoulder when they talk! Half habit from having discreet conversations back underground (the closer the better, for quiet’s sake), but also just because they’re bros and personal boundaries have diminished between them over the years! Same with Red (Sans)! Tends to stand closer to avoid raising his voice, especially since Red is so much shorter than him lmao
Also, a little fun additional fact u did not ask for, he actually really likes picking people up. He’s way too uncomfortable touching others pretty much at all back underground, but after surfacing and getting more used to physical contact, he really likes holding others! Loves to carry kids or pets, absolutely the guy who moves people to their bed if they fell asleep somewhere else. Something about it just makes him feel…steady, reliable. He’s also super protective so it might have a little something to do with that, too, but eh, it is what it is. (This is especially fun with Void (VF Papyrus) because he has two (2) sets of arms, this means he can and will just pick someone up and also continue doing things unhampered)
I agree!! Aggressively!!! I love him…
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S/O and skeleton are secretly dating but haven't told Skeleton's brother yet. Until one day, S/O comes to Skeleton's house and says that they forgot their underwear and give them to him, right in front of his brother. Reaction of their brother?
Undertale Sans - He does the dramatic slow turn towards Papyrus, completely in shock. You're dating someone and you don't even tell your big brother? Oh shame on you. Shame on your cow. You're getting a hundred years of teasing as a punishment. Papyrus refuses to meet his eyes. He KNOWS what will happen the second he will.
Undertale Papyrus - Today is Papyrus' day. Well, every day is Papyrus day but this particular day is the day of his absolute triumph over the tyranny of Sans' terrible jokes and puns as the universe had finally given him the power to retaliate by making Sans blush to hell with a single stare. He is going to abuse that power and flush Sans for weeks, not leaving him one second of peace anymore. Papyrus knows and he wants Sans to know he knows by any means possible.
Underswap Sans - He's in shock, he thinks. He suspected his brother was in love because Honey was not exactly hiding it, but this? This is a thing no big brother wants to know. Honey is devastated and won't stop apologizing but Blue is frozen. He thinks he hasn't blinked in the last hour, just staring at his brother in disbelief. What.
Underswap Papyrus - He's not that shocked actually. Blue is a charmer and he had a few partners already, some weirder than others. He just assumes it's another weird one lol. No big deal. He still tells his brother he will make sure he doesn't lose his underwear again by writing his name on them just to see Blue brutally flush. Little revenge, you know.
Underfell Sans - Red stares in disbelief, as his brother smooches his human. That's absolutely disgusting. He can't stop staring at the bag with the underwear. Disgusting, really. He has to snap his attention back at his brother as he starts to chuckle. Red gives him a dark stare. "WHAT IS IT BROTHER? JEALOUS MY BIG BONE IS MORE EFFICIENT THAN YOURS? DON'T BE, YOU'LL BE AS TALENTED AS I AM. ... EVENTUALLY." Red gasps, offended. Now he's not disgusted, he's mad!
Underfell Papyrus - He opens the door and screams "FINALLY MY BROTHER IS NOT A VIRGIN ANYMORE" before Red jumps on his back and starts to beat him up to make him shut up. Edge can't stop laughing hysterically at his misery, not feeling remorse for even one second. That's revenge for his endless teasing the first time he dated someone.
Horrortale Sans - .... He closes his eyes and begs his brain to forget what he just witnessed. Ironically, that's one of the few things he can't unsee. Like, never. Every time he sees his brother, he sees his underwear. This is a nightmare. Why does the universe hate him so much? Willow is wondering why his brother is looking at him in complete silence like a rabbit stuck in the lights of a car. It's going to happen a lot in the next few days.
Horrortale Papyrus - He says nothing when it happens, but is quick to escape the house. He runs to Toriel's house and tells her everything lol. He needs someone to fangirl with and Toriel has always been good for that. When Oak and his human get out of the house, he can only stare, confused, as Willow and Toriel are more or less hiding behind the bushes despite being ridiculously tall, spying on him.
Swapfell Sans - He rolls his eyes at Rus, annoyed. It's not the first time it has happened and it certainly won't be the last. He has pity for this new human who will have their heart broken eventually like the twenty or so before.
Swapfell Papyrus - Rus chokes on what he was drinking, then slowly turns to his brother, who is bright purple. Nox is very secretive about his relationships and he for sure didn't expect that to occur. Rus is never letting him hear the end of this after that accident. Nox knows his peace is over forever.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He lost his inferior jaw, quite literally. Coffee is embarrassed, but actually not that shy anymore. WHAT?! What the hell happened? He has the best spying tools on the continent and he didn't see his brother was in a relationship. How blind he is? He's questioning all his skills right now. Also what the hell, his brother is in a relationship! That's terrible!
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee says nothing, trying to not let the thoughts win. But they won anyway and he suddenly screams "wait, does that mean you didn't wear underwear when you got home? how did you not notice????" before blushing furiously when Wine looks his way and teleporting out of panic into his room to hide in his wardrobe in shame lol.
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voidandabyssal · 8 months
Headcanons of the undertale,underfell horrortale,and underswap boys with a fallen angel reader?
Reader has scars on her back from them being ripped out.
At first he's concerned for you, he's worried that whoever gave you those scars could come back. When you reveal your wings were ripped off he gets even more worried, unlike humans, most Monsters wouldn't survive such an attack so to see the reminder of an attack like that worries him. He starts to research ways to give you your wings back and ways to prevent whoever ripped them off from coming around again.
He also asks a lot of questions, some probably inapropirate. But he means well, he's just very curious about this 'God' figure and if you were an angel old enough to have lived through the creation of the unvirse, oh boy, does he have questions.
When Papyrus first sees the scars its only a glimpse. Your shirt or dress slipping down enough for him to see the start of the scars. He doesn't say anything, he doesn't want to make you upset or bring up any bad memories.
When your scars flair up in pain he's there. Even if you don't tell him about your wings, or your past, he doesn't demand anything. He's just upset you were hurt so badly at some point.
Papyrus is willing to help with the pain whenever, you need medicine? He's running to the cabinet, you need a back rub? Gloves off right then and there, he doesn't care, he just wants you happy and healthy
He first sees your scares after you first sleep together, when you turn over to rest they catch his eye. "Who the hell did this to ya?!" he would growl out, demanding the name of the perpatrator, of course he couldn't just go and throw hands with God (he wishes he could though) so instead he focuses on making you feel protected.
For a while afterwards he's extra touchy if anyone in the Underground, aside from his brother, gets near you.
He calms down after a while, though his protective streak does flair up everytime your scars ache
he's throwing hands with God rn, you can't stop him. Knock knock pearly gates, he's coming your way.
No but seriously, he offers to.
He also starts training you, you and him go out every day in order to practise fighting. You're pretty weak at first, unused to not being able to fly away from danger but you start improving pretty quickly.
Soon you're the power couple everyone wishes they were
quiet concern at first, he tries not to pry but his curiosity eventually gets the better of him. When you reveal to him what happened he insists on training you, unlike Edge, his training is less offensive and more defensive and (assuming because you're a fallen angel you have magic) he also trains you to heal better.
He's always trying to keep you away from your insecuritys, whether it's about your beauty "your scars are so cool! They make you look even more beautiful!" to the shame "You stood up for yourself! Not many people can do that, you should be proud!" and the pain "Here, this should help with the phantom pains"
Stretch is the type to quietly comfort you, he doesn't ask questions and he doesn't pry. He knows what it's like to have to keep secrets. He makes sure other people don't see or know about the scars if your uncomfortable with people knowing about them.
He's similar to Blue in that he'll try and raise your spirits, but he do it in a more subtle way. If he notices your upset, he'll grab your favourite sweet on the way home, or he'll suggest doing your favourite activity. Most likely though he'll just drag you into a sleepy cuddle.
He doesn't actually think much of it. Horrific scars and injurys are pretty common for Monsters. He doesn't bring it up much, but he doesn't let you bring it down either. Like how you don't let him talk badly about his own injury.
Overall, it's not a big deal to him, he doesn't care that your backs all messed up, so what? so's his head. He'll defend you against anyone who insults you over your scars as well.
Crooks winces everytime he sees the scars. He's a nurse so he can absolutely tell what sorta damage that injury must have caused. He helps take care of you when flare ups happen and because he's a trained nurse he can actually get more heavy painkillers than anyone else could.
He also helps with physical therapy He knows it hurts, but if you get through it you'll get better!
Soon with the help of Crooks you're able to do things you haven't done in years!
hope you liked!
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magic-hcs · 1 month
Yoooo, I must say I adore your writing. I read the one where the boys have an argument with their S/O and end up hurting them… I was wondering if we could get a fluffy ending to that… 👉👈
Thank you so much! I'm happy you like my writing! And thank you for being so patient with me and waiting for so long. It's not really a fluffy ending, but an open ending instead with a positive outlook, I hope that works for you as well.
Since most people voted for Charon's part when its finished instead of waiting, I'll be doing that now, but don't worry I'm still working on the others.
You can find part one with Charon here
Charon; Underfell Papyrus
warnings: Hurt/comfort, and i think that's it?
Time to cast some magic and see what we'll get!✨
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Charon: After the fallout between you, Charon hasn’t seen you in months. More accurately, he has avoided every single place that you could possibly be at like the plague. (If he couldn’t avoid it, Charon would make sure to go only at certain times when he explicitly knew you wouldn’t be there.)
He couldn’t bear to look you in the eyes after what he had done. Unjustly done to you.
And stars did he regret it…
But from that altercation between the two of you there came forth a single silver lining: It was the catalyst for Charon’s decision to go see someone who could help him see what had gone so wrong with the relationship, and how he could learn to better adapt to the surface world. After a few days of research Charon concluded that seeing a therapist would be the best course of action. 
It had not gone as expected…
The first frustrated him to no end, the both of them as the therapist said; “there was no click between us, and thus I believe it is best for us to part ways.” And so they did. Really, the only useful thing the first one provided was the fact that Charon could simply try with a different specialist. That sometimes, it took a few tries before he would find the right professional.  Well, luckily, Charon is nothing if not persistent.
The second one wasn’t it either. The third was down right racist! (speciesist?) So that was a hard and firm No. 
The fourth however, was one Charon was currently satisfied with. She didn’t make him feel stupid, she treated him with respect and in Charon’s opinion knew what she was doing and talking about. Thanks to self reflection - and her helping him find sources that taught him more of the surface world - Charon learned and realized what had gone wrong between the two of you. Learned how to better cope with his issues. (his therapist had told him it was called trauma and very normal for people and monsters to experience after what he had gone through. Charon still has trouble accepting that having them doesn’t make him weak.)
Few more months passed and Charon finally felt comfortable enough to go to the places you go to as well. Not fearing the possibility of running into you by chance. (Mostly because now he was prepared. He now knew where he stood, what he would do and say were he to see you again. (Having practiced role plays with his therapist pretending to be you.))
Charon was prepared.
Until he literally bumped into you and stood face to face with your scowl in the park. 
You were not happy to see him.
His nonexistent throat and mouth suddenly became very dry. He can’t help his red eyelights that automatically get drawn to your throat - remembering he had grabbed some part of you in that general direction - subconscious searching for any more but finding none.
You go to turn around when Charon finally finds his voice again. 
“You Were Right.” 
You halt your footsteps. Wide eyes staring at the floor. There was a crack in the voice, a slight air of desperation was in there as well. But it was the clear, open sincerity and especially the remorse that threw you through the hoop the most.  
You took a glance over your shoulder just to make sure that it was really him who said it. 
Charon isn’t standing straight and alert like a soldier would - like you were used to him doing. His chin isn’t pointed to the sky. He’s standing there, almost timid. Eyelights are still directed at you but he’s practically bowing his head slightly down. 
“You Were Right.” He repeats, and you can hardly believe it. 
“I Was In The Wrong.” He added. There was genuine sadness and remorse shining inside his eyelights. And you had never seen him open up like this before.
Despite your mind telling you no, despite your heart that still aches when thinking about him, when looking at him. Despite it all, you give Charon the chance to speak. You would hear him, but that was the only thing you would do.
The two of you had taken a seat on a park bench and Charon had started off with apologizing (although awkwardly.)
He wouldn’t let you try to apologize as well  - even though Charon obviously took the altercation too far, you were to blame as well in your opinion - requesting you to listen until he has explained everything. And you let him. Begrudgingly thinning your lips together.
Charon explained he had been going to a therapist, he’s been unlearning his learned behavior that doesn’t work on the surface, and been working on bettering himself. He conveyed his regret on what he did and how lashed out at you - that he hadn’t meant what he called you and said to you - staring at his hands all the while.
You were happy for him that he was working on improving himself, you said as much. You also accepted the apology but made it clear you didn’t forgive him yet nor felt comfortable continuing your relationship where you left it off.
Charon had broken your trust, your heart, and it wasn’t easily repaired, if at all. 
He had been very understanding of your notion. 
“I’ve Burned Bridges, I Broke Your Trust, I Destroyed A Lot Of Things. But If You Let Me, I Would Like To Start Over Again. Earn Your Trust,” Charon speaks and it’s in a respectful way. It’s different from the way he used to always demand things. Maybe he really changed…or at least is working to change.
“I’ll Accept Whatever Answer You Give me. You Say Yes And I’ll Start Right Now. Say No And This Will Be The Last Time You See Me In Your Life.” There’s a slight tremor in his voice. It’s obvious what he wants to hear from you. He hopes for it, longs for it, you can see it in his eyelights.
But it doesn’t make you feel pressured. 
You ponder over it for a moment or two.
You take a breath. There’s only one way you can answer this right here, right now.
“I need some time to think about it.”
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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ivyprism · 20 days
Rip and Tear (What if Two Humans Fell: Underfell AU....?)
Warning: Short, blood, violence, No Mercy Route, backstory, cackling, dust, cussing, death, complete loss of body control, etc.
Ivy shifted and danced around the bones before she struck. Papyrus did not have time to register the attack before a blazing ache struck his neck. He gasped in anguish and clutched his neck. He dropped on one knee. He didn't have time to think about anything as he peered up at the elder human and her cold malicious eyes. The sword in her palm nearly burned from her touch.
"I.... I don't know what I was expecting." Papyrus spoke almost out of uncertainty and impulse. He felt a chill run down his spine as the tiny human stared at her in dread. They ran over to seize him, but Ivy pushed them away. "You killed everyone in your path... for what? To defend yourself? No, this is not for protection or self-defense... This is cold-blooded murder." Papyrus spat as the human approached cautiously.
"You... are a murderer. Only a fool would believe in you." He spat as the human made her way over faster. She then, viciously, kicked him toward an area. Papyrus felt the air being knocked out of him. Before his vision faded, he could see red strings wrapped around the two humans and he could see tears running down Ivy's face before she takes the hand of the younger human and walked. After that, he just felt cold. He barely felt anything.
"No, no, fuck!" Sans wailed as he held his brother's scarf. He sobbed through it. The chilling realization sank in. "Paps, this isn't funny." Sans's voice begins to crack. "Please, fuck, gods please..." He can't stop thinking about his brother's death, dust, and scarf. He didn't notice any dust, but it could have flown away by now. Then he collapsed. His magic erupted, producing red bones around him as he cursed the universe and the Gods.
"Why?! Why do you keep fucking taking things from me! Over and over!" Sans shouted out in rage. He sobbed into his scarf before getting up. No, he could not cry. His sorrow turns to wrath. All he could do was sob while clutching the scarf to his chest, but his sorrow swiftly changed to a desire for retribution. He would fuckin' kill that woman and the child she has with her. He didn't care about the consequences anymore.
Even if he died fighting her.
Papyrus felt something--or someone(?)--push his soul back together. He coughed when he noticed the blood on the ground beside him. He grabbed his neck and shot up. He wasn't in Snowdin; instead, as his uncertainty dissipated, he realized he was in New Home. He felt something pulling on his SOUL, a plea for desperation and assistance. He felt a tug on his arm. He stood up, despite his aching muscles, and began to run as the instinct commanded. He heard fights and laughter.
"Is this some sort of fucking game to you?! You already killed me once and now you want to do it again?" Papyrus heard Sans' words as he approached, and he felt chilly as he noticed Ivy staring back at him, clutching a blazing blade. He noticed the smaller human lying asleep at his feet. The older human's harsh smile and chilly eyes gave him a nauseating feeling. "You aren't a human, are you?" Sans hissed at the human, who tilted her head.
"Oh? No, Sans, I'm really human." Ivy smirked and adjusted the sword in her palm, aiming it at the skeleton. "I'm as human as they come." Ivy hissed hard before striking the older skeleton, delivering a killing blow. The older skeleton falls to his knees and starts coughing up blood.
"Sans!" Papyrus shouted out, and the human glanced over. Sans' eyes lit up, and Papyrus wasted no time throwing the human against a wall with his magic. He grabbed up the little human and dashed to Sans. He felt the elderly skeleton fall into his arms. "Sans, Sans. Hold on. I can fix it." Papyrus cried as he held the skeleton who was slowly dusting in his arms.
"Paps, you.... wanna go to Grillby's?" Sans choked gently, and Papyrus felt tears well up in his eyes. He knew they grew up in a terrible, dangerous environment, but he held on so firmly. He didn't want this to happen; instead, he needed to stop it. He had to save his brother!
"Yes, yes, Sans. Just hang on and we'll go to Grillby's. We'll get your favorite greasy food and I'll- I'll enjoy some milk... Just hold…" Papyrus' voice went on deaf ears as he held his brother dust in his arms. He felt cold as his soul stopped. He could hear the older human begin to laugh so loudly in the background.
"How pathetic!" Ivy exclaimed with a wicked grin. He could see the tears flowing down her cheeks before she started laughing harder. It seemed nearly painful to her. He could see the crimson strings, but before she could finish speaking, he impaled her with a bone. She gasped as her sword struck the floor, splattering blood on the ground and onto him. The smaller human did not stir.
He awoke outside the Judgment Hall again, but he did not pause to contemplate. He ran inside the Judgment Hall when he saw her launch the final attack; he didn't pause, he didn't think, he dove, and his face was scarred as he killed Ivy again to save his brother. However, his interference and feelings twisted when he sensed the ground underneath his brother drop. He desperately stretched out, but he disappeared in a second. He focused his attention on the human as she began to cry.
"Stop- I want to stop-" Ivy shouted out as the cords that were so tightly wrapped around her adjusted her posture to face him with her weapon. He did not pause or hesitate; the fight began. It was violent and bloody.
She slashed, he dodged, he struck, and she was able to scratch him several times as he repeatedly attacked her. She had physically attempted to stop herself several times, but it only made her feel worse. She eventually stopped herself long enough to be impaled again, which completely devastated their universe. They felt the ground fall under them.
That was when they all woke in the anti-void.
"I'm sorry," Ivy said quietly, staring at her shaky hands. She was shaking. Hydrangea was attempting to calm her but failing; he felt nothing for her tears. The crimson strings were gone, and she'd recounted how she'd lost control of her body. He stared blankly, feeling nothing but contempt, and knowing that there was more danger ahead, he decided to concentrate on it as they all walked together.
They eventually decided on their own names. Soterios grumbled and pushed Baptisia along. The harm from their universe and the past, everything that transpired, fits him well. He remembered all of the resets and became hardened as soon as they left the Anti-Void. She could only protect his loved ones at this point. He couldn't keep allowing the world to break him apart. They had become fugitives in the eyes of many AUs, so they decided to wear masks...
After all, he felt he was too hideous to look at without his mask on.
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jaynosurname · 6 months
(110) Deltatraveler Section 3: Hell’s Forest
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Everything in this section was fantastic and worth the wait. There's one thing I'm mixed on, but besides that, I enjoyed my time with this.
The writing for the main three is on point as always. I love what they did with Kris. Section 3's best moments heavily involve them, and I'm very excited to see where they go from here, especially after the ending.
I also like that this isn't a one-to-one Snowdin remake, unlike the ruins in Section 1. Things were changed, and even entirely new areas were made, like the dark forest. Also, the ways to spare enemies changed significantly due to the monsters in this world, being... well more monstrous. You even have to do Papyrus's puzzles now.
Speaking of Papyrus, I adore this take of Fell Paps. The scene with him at the end of the section after sparing the section boss is great. I kinda wished he was the section boss instead of, well… this au’s Sans, who as a character, I'm very mixed with.
To get to the point, he's just too evil. I don't mind the idea of him being more bloodthirsty, but it's almost comical how much of a piece of shit he is. The moment he taunts Susie about killing this world's version of her, WHO, BY THE WAY, WOULD HAVE BEEN A KID, killed any empathy I had for him.
Again, I know it's an au, but I wished we got a bit of context on how he got like this. From what Papyrus states there was a point in time where he was more normal, so what changed? Maybe my feelings about him will change as more of his past gets revealed in GG!Underfell, but right now he's my least favorite thing about this Section.
Buuuuuut his boss fight is fun, and his boss theme slaps, so all is forgiven I suppose.
I think that's all I wanted to say about this section. It's good, and while I’m not fond of this au's Sans, most people seem to not mind him, so give it a go. Maybe you'll end up liking him more than I did.
I'm very excited to play the next section whenever it comes out. No rush, of course. Take as much time as you need developers!!
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frostedclock · 1 year
Strings to Hold You Down
Underfell!Sans x Monster!Reader
(Soulmate Au)
Chapter 1: New Customers
You sat in your small shop, only the of dripping water filled your ears. Its been like this for a while now, and the lack of customers was beginning to drain on your gold. You picked gently at the stitches that were on your wrist, a bad habit you never really thought much of. Even when you would pull and tug till you felt your pitiful HP go down a few points. You drummed your fingers against the work desk. You almost snort.
Work desk huh? When was the last thing you made?
That dress the scary fish woman forced out of you for her friend. At least the lizard girl seemed kind of nice, or nicer compared to the red haired fish monster who made you give them a Royal Guard discount.
You rubbed your eyes and stood up to go lock the front door and just curl up in the room above the shop you called home. But, just as your fingers touched the knob, the door slammed open. Right into your face.
The ringing in your ears almost made it hard to hear the loud yet gravelly voice that followed the prompt door in the face.
You rubbed your nose, hoping no blood was dripping out of it. "Um yeah sorry... I guess" you muttered as you stepped back from the doorway. Your eyes come back into focus and to a hulking figure in front of you. More tall then large, you were surprised he could fit in the door without bending his head. A tall skeleton clad in black stood in front of you, it made you feel even shorter then you knew you were. He made a grunt in response to the apology, and his eyelights looked around your dusty shop. You were about to ask what he wanted when he slammed some gold onto the neglected work desk.
You hummed gently as he continued speaking about his brother. When he stops, you finally speak up. " Well I can easily do that .. But I dont know his size. Is he shaped like you?"
The tall skeleton scowled, making the scar down his skull seem deeper. " YOU MEAN TO TELL ME I HAVE TO BRING THAT LAZY- " He snarled under his nonexistent breath. "THEN I THE TERRIBLE PAPYRUS WILL RETURN WITH MY BROTHER"
He whirled in his red boots and stormed out of your shop, leaving you a little confused if not excited about finally having something to do. Even if it was just a single hoodie. Papyrus was the tall skeleton's name you assumed, with a slight giggle on your lips. It wasn't long before you could hear voices coming through the echo field outside your shop. One was definitely Papyrus, but one you didn't recognize.
The other voice seemed to rumble in a deep baritone, one that made your SOUL tremble in your body. You couldn't even tell what was being said, and yet your body felt like it was about to be lit on fire. The closer the baritone voice got, the more your body seemed to sake. You had to get ahold of yourself, otherwise these monsters might think your weak.
And in this world you can't afford to show weakness.
Not again.
Pulling and tugging on your stitches, deep shaky breaths. And you were back.
The door opening without a block this time, two skeletons stood in your shop now. If Papyrus was large in height, the other skeleton -his brother you guessed- made up for it in width. You stared for a moment, before Papyrus filled the warm tingly silence that stretched between you and the unnamed skeleton.
Sans, you caught the name even more then the rest of what Papyrus was saying. Sans shoved his boney hands into his black shorts and you watched him look away from his brother as Papyrus continued his little rant, small red beads of.. Sweat?... Went down his skull in places.
Then he spoke, and it made your soul clench. "Yea, sorry boss. I just can't stand around in the snow without my jacket. Ya' know?"
"Well.. Maybe he doesn't want to be chilled to the bone?" You said, a laugh behind your words.
The face Papyrus gave you made you freeze in your mirth and it turned to nervousness. He didn't say anything though, to you at least. His attention was fully on Sans as he spoke. "I NEED TO GO BACK TO MY PATROL. FOR ALL WE KNOW A REAL HUMAN HAS SNUCK BY MY TRAPS ALREADY. "
And with that the tall skeleton left your shop. Sans stood for a moment, you taking notice he had been staring now. It would have normally made you nervous. Most monsters aren't very friendly and most would rather use you to raise their own LV and EXP. Doll monsters were never big fighters, and you were no exception so most saw you as an easy kill. And some stupid monsters mistook you for a human from time to time.
You clear your throat after a moment and produced a bit of magic making a tape measure with it. " Um.. I guess come over here and we can get started."
Sans Pov
Sans had really liked that hoodie. So what if it was covered in stains? Papyrus had no right to just fucking throw it away! Sans dug through the cabinets as he let his angry thoughts consume him. Those stains were almost like children to him!
"Fuck! Stars be fucking damned! " he slammed the cabinet door shut. The mustard bottle he had stashed was no where to be found. He wanted to drink his anger down with what he had left but Papyrus must have thrown that out too.
Sans drug his slippers across the floor as he headed to his room upstairs. Maybe he could sleep away his irritation. He could almost laugh. Like Papyrus would let him do that. He's lucky to even have the house to himself right now and he had already wasted an hour tearing the kitchen apart .
Papyrus used to not be so bad. He used to hold onto the end of Sans' shorts and cry, and want to be read stories and for Sans to cook for him. Now all Papyrus does is run around doing what Undyne wanted, and yells at Sans at every chance he gets about being lazy and not caring about anything. Sans remembered the week before when Papyrus had gotten angry at him -when wasn't he angry anymore at Sans- and told Sans something that had sent him to Grillby's in the first place.
Those words stung more then Sans wanted to admit. It wasn't like he thought similar things over the years. If his soulmate was out there she had probably been dusted or worse knew she was his and as avoiding meeting him. It was his luck anyway.
His skull barely touched his unmade bed when he heard his brother come home. He cracked back open his eyesockets, listening to his brother walk up the stairs. He silently wished on the stars he's never seen, that his brother just forgot something and was going to leave without bugging him.
No such luck.
Loud knocking in the door forced Sans to sit up and get back out of bed. "yea yea what's up, boss?" He said trying to keep his tone level. No use in making his brother any more upset.
He just wanted his happy little brother back sometimes.
Sweat beaded on Sans' skull. " now now? "
Papyrus took ahold of Sans by his shoulders, and began to push him out of his messy room. He could have easily shortcuted away to Grillby's where he the the oh so great and terrible Papyrus wouldn't step foot in. But the words registered in his skull. Papyrus was actually getting him a new jacket? Now that was surprising. Sans started walking, grumbling about how he can still walk on his own.
The two walked in what felt like a nice silence for a while. But something was itching at his skull.
"Why ya doin' this boss? Ya havent bought me nothing since you were a baby bones."
Such as his last hoodie. But it seems that didn't matter to Papyrus like it did to Sans. Papyrus scoffed at him as he strode through the marsh of Waterfall. Sans shoved his hands in his pocket and he ground the tip of his gold tooth against his mandible. He should have kept his mouth shut.
"right yea.... gottcha' " Sans grumbled. Then he spoke up the last part. " thanks boss."
Papyrus grunted and Sans wanted to believe he saw a flash of the little brother he used to be for just a second but it was gone as soon as Sans thought he saw it. Echo flowers began to pop up one after another and then in thicker patches as they made their way across the thin bridge that lead to a small purple building in the midst of cyan. It had a pair of scissor on the door in yellow and it said in bold enough for Sans to read from this distance. The Stitched Strings? He couldn't help but laugh to himself.
Everyone in the Underground was horrible with names it seemed, not just the human-hunting King.
"uh nothing boss " Sans said with a shrug as they approached the little shop. The echo flowers echoing back their words after they pass by them.
Papyrus pushed open the door, and Sans noticed it was like he was expecting something to hit but didn't. He stood behind his brother a bit as they walked in. The smell that filled his nasal cavity and he relaxed the tension he had been holding in his shoulders that he had forgotten he had even been doing. Why was he angry earlier again? The old shop smelled of lavender and some other sweet scent he couldn't place right now. Mocha? Maybe.
Oh shit. His brother was gesturing to him and talking to a little doll monster. She had lovely locks that framed a simple yet pretty face that usually graced her kind of monster. If it wasn't for the stitches that littered her skin he would have first mistaken her for a human maybe.
Stop its prolly' just a nice candle.
Sans shifted and felt sweat running down his skull. Damn his brother was yelling about his coat again, he shoved his hands in his shorts.
" Yea, sorry boss. I just can't stand around in the snow without my jacket. Ya' know?"
"Well.. Maybe he doesn't want to be chilled to the bone?" It was the first words she spoke aloud and it made his bones nearly rattle at the honey tone of her voice and the fragile laughter that followed. He swore his brother must have heard his SOUL thumping around in his ribcage. He wanted to laugh at the pun, yet the cold gaze from his brother quieted the room more then before.
Sans swore Papyrus used to like skeleton based puns. He used to smile at them at least. He used to smile.
Sans looked away from the harder gaze his brother gave him before he spoke. "I NEED TO GO BACK TO MY PATROL. FOR ALL WE KNOW A REAL HUMAN HAS SNUCK BY MY TRAPS ALREADY. "
The door slammed shut behind Papyrus as he left Sans alone in this little tailor shop? Seamstress? He didn't know and kinda didn't care. What his main focus on was the monster woman in front of him.
He almost didn't hear her speak after she cleared her throat. He watched her magic glitter in the air and a fabric-like measuring tape appeared in glittering yellow.
He watched those lips part and ask in that voice that was driving him insane. Because it shouldn't be possible.
Someone as useless as him getting this Doll as a SOULmate.
"Um.. I guess come over here and we can get started."
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topazshadowwolf · 1 year
soriel brand dadmare. Nightmare overworks himself so Lyra give a back message so he can relax.
Should he get a monocle? After all this time, he couldn’t stand staring at his paperwork for so long. His vision was blurred, and his head was starting to hurt, a rare thing for him. His tendrils thrashed as he sighed and leaned against his desk.
Ever since he decided to start building alliances versus using every AU as a place to generate bursts of negative emotions, his paperwork has increased. What’s the AU? What resources does it have? Who is in charge? How willing are they to trade with others? What deals were made? What contracts were formed? So on and so forth.
He sighed and closed his socket, no longer able to tolerate looking at anything.
This peace was supposed to free up his time. He was supposed to be able to sit in his library and read all day if he so chose. Lately, he has had less free time. And his boys did offer to help. Sanses do, apparently, have a good record of doing paperwork. That whole bit with helping Papyrus as king, and likely Toriel when she becomes queen in a neutral run, is the source of that.
But the four already have enough to do. They are the ones who are scouting these AUs, talking with the leaders… being his voice when he can’t be there, among other tasks. He couldn’t make them do all of this. They would have no time for themselves.
“They said I could find you here,” Lyra said, and Nightmare opened his tired eye socket to look at her.
“Hello, Lyra,” He replied and watched as she walked into the room with a cinnamon roll and a cup of milk.
“I insist you take a break. If anything, let me help you,” She said as she waited for him to move some papers to set the treat down for him.
He sighed and picked up the fork before looking up at her. “I need more than help. I had believed I no longer needed henchman. The fact is, I need more employed. Among their chores and responsibilities, I can tell the boys are stressed.”
“So can I…,” Lyra agreed. She then moved behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders. “And so are you.”
“Yes… I could use someone who enjoys this tedious work,” Nightmare shook his head. “I need to employ a wide range of help…. The boys hinted at this, but it just seems weird.”
Something was happening. Lyra’s paws were moving. Fingers pressing into tense areas in just the right away. Nightmare hummed as his thoughts seemed to slow with the feeling of relaxation coming over him. “They mentioned it to me as well. You own a castle, Night. It is practically empty.”
“Mmm… yeah… there’s space,” He said, not noticing he shortened ‘there is’ into ‘there’s.’
“Before I left the OmegaTimeline today, Core mentioned that UnderFell Toriel outcode the boys found,” Lyra started. Nightmare hummed again, but this time in question. “She apparently has been saying that she would like to come here.”
That made him pause, and his tendrils grabbed her wrists for a moment as he needed a moment to think. “She has been? For what reason?”
“She doesn’t like it there, Night. It is not what she wants. She said she would do anything to get out of there and be here. Core hesitated but finally came to me and told me about that,” Lyra explained, and then Nightmare released her wrists.
“I see… ooooh…,” He relaxed again as she started in on massaging his shoulders again.
“You can find people. There are outcodes who would be willing to work for you,” Lyra said as she started to move down his back. And words could not describe how good that felt.
His tentacles lowered and relaxed as she worked the tension out just above their connection point. He couldn’t really think. At least not enough to find a point to disagree with this. Sure, he’ll bring in more mortals. Three was his limit, but if she was going to give him back massages, he would change that limit to whatever would get her to do this more.
“... Alright… tell… uh… Core I will… meet tomorrow,” He hummed and he heard her soft laugh.
“I will. Now you just relax. We will find someone to help you sort this all out. As well as make better use of that laptop than a paperweight,” Lyra said with a giggle before she continued with the massage
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paintedkinzy-88 · 2 years
For your winged multiverse au, what au do you think the OG’s would hate the most? Just like in terms of ‘wow this place really really sucks in a way I couldn’t have seen coming.’
(And then you don’t have to answer this part but if OG Undyne and Nightmare got locked in a room together how long do you think it’d take for a fight to break out?) i rlly like how you write :)
Oooooo good questionnn! I don't want this getting super long, so I'll put a cut, but I'll gladly answer both no worries.
And thank you very much that means a lot to me ;-;
The obvious one would be Alphys and Undyne's dislike for Horrortale. They may have semi-bonded with Horror just a bit, and kinda understand his stance even if they don't like it, but boi they do not like his AU at all. It's kind of a harsh reminder that things/people can change really darn fast. They don't even really know about Alphys' role there, just Undyne's o-o It's freaky, they don't like it, but Horror himself is kinda chill in a way I guess—
A lot of them probably don't like Underfell the most, even if it's a bit of a bias cuz they know Red and his issues. Specifically Sans, Toriel, and Frisk. They just don't like how UF!Frisk, Flowey and Red are treated, or just how "weakness" is treated in general, even when knowing that pacifism is possible. That's a lot of stress on one kid's shoulders. More than OG Frisk ever had oof.
Paps wouldn't like Dusttale. It makes him uncomfortable, for very clear reasons. But, it's also Papyrus: he doesn't hate Dust, nor has he given up on seeing the best in all the Bad Sanses. It's just his least favorite world.
I honestly think Asgore wouldn't like Underswap very much. He doesn't like the idea of Toriel having to hold all the weight he does ;w; Again, hate is probably a strong word, but still. Horrortale's probably up there too, cuz he feels a kind of guilt for leaving his people behind to such a horrible mess.
Flowey hates Fresh the most. Idk if there's an actual Freshtale, but if there is, he hates it with a passion.
Chara's difficult... They find a lot of the more dark AUs disturbing, but they don't outright hate any of them. They kinda feel indifferent to a lot of it. I think their least favorite would either be Killertale or StoryShift, the first because they don't like the idea of partnering with Sans, and the second because they don't like the idea of being Sans lmfao. They just don't like Sans much XD
As for your second question! I'm honestly... kind of torn. Undyne would only really attack if provoked, and idk if Nightmare would try to provoke her in that scenario?? He wouldn't have much to gain. But, let's say that he does — maybe he's looking for some entertainment, or just a burst of negativity to keep him satisfied while they're stuck. I'd say like, twenty-thirty minutes before they're fighting XD Enough time for them to question how tf they got there, maybe argue a bit, give each other the cold shoulder, and for Noots to get bored enough to start something. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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anechomirrored · 2 years
Fandom: Undertale, Underfell
Rating: T
Prompt(s): "Check that again, are you sure?"
Warnings: minor to mid level swear words complements of Red.
Red handed Sans the wrench and went back to untangling several lengths of wire.
They were, once again, in the basement. Concrete walls and bare lightbulbs giving the room all the welcoming atmosphere of a prison.
Even the 'cool shed' back in his own universe was more welcoming than this place.
~heh, his pap hated when he called the interigation shed that.~
Sans raised his head up from behind the cobbled mess of his machine and accepted the offered tool. The shadows under his sockets were terrible even for him.
"thanks, buddy." His voice was tired and scratchy .
" yeesh, you you sound like me. ya've been down here all night, haven't you?"
" maybe? is it still wednesday?"
"it's may now, bud." Red deapanned.
"huh, don't know her. may-be you can introduce us."
Red made a face.
"even your jokes are tired. come on, dinner is almost ready."
Red rolled his eyelights.
Did this guy have to be as stubborn as he was? Guess that was how alternates worked, but hell! Sans had turned away to keep sluggishly working on the rear electrical panel.
"look pal, i know getting this clunker fixed is important. hell, its me and my bro's ticket out o' this gooey little universe! But ya can't just stay down here three days in a row and think your bro ain't gonna start worrying over ya again." Red sat down the wires and turned to face the stairs.
The clink of metal tools on metal parts ceased.
"paps is worried?" Sans asked.
Red could hear the all too familiar expression of guilt spreading over his features.
Red sighed.
"he's havin' kittens up there, comedian and you are the only one not making an appearance for dinner anymore." He really didn't want to pull the Papyrus card but he had been here himself before, and that lesson had been much harder learned in his less forgiving universe.
There was a pause and then Sans shoulders noticably sagged.
"...okay." he stumbled out from behind the machine to join Red on the stairs.
As they headed up the stairs Red clapped his weary counterpart on the back.
"I get that you want set this right but-" he was abruptly cut off by a series of beeps.
Turning, Red looked back towards the dimly lighted computer screens. Green text rolled across them as usual but...
A strip of lights had turned green at the top of the control panel.
Those lights were new.
For a minute they both stood there, dumbstruck.
Then both skeletons were clamoring for the controls.
"ya gotta be shittin' me-" Red felt Sans push by him but didn't even bother to growl about it.
Could it really be...
" is it...it's working." Sans murmured, expression still tired but spellbound.
Now Red let out a growl.
"Check that again, are you sure?" He was snapping at Sans but he didn't really care.
After two years of being nowhere close to fixing the damn thing, he couldn't get his hopes up at the first sign of change.
He waited as Sans eyelights scrolled over the lines of data popping up on the screens.
"...yeah...yeah it is." Sans stepped back a pointed to a line midway down.
those coordinates? that's your universe...the systems finally locked onto it.
Red stared at the screen for a long time. His jaw slack, and teeth slightly parted.
They could finally go home.
"heh, well stars be damned."
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terry-gator · 6 months
My FNAFverse Lore: The Next Generation 4 And 5
So like I previously mentioned in the post about my Afton family lore, the Nightmares are demonic entities that took on the forms of the Fazbear gang for so long that those became their default forms. Well they were able to biologically have children, though some spawned from a single parent still. Their children would go on to separate into an entirely different house and claim it as their hunting grounds.
Tumblr media
Their name's from left to right are: Star(One of Nightmare Freddy's twin daughters), Nightmare Franbear(Nightmare Fredbear's only daughter), Nightmare Chloe(Nightmare Bonnie and Nightmare Chica's oldest daughter), Thorn(Nightmare Freddy's youngest daughter), Franchesca(Nightmare Freddy's oldest daughter), Rose(Nightmare Freddy's other twin daughter), Nightmare Fionna(Nightmare Foxy and Nightmare Mangle's oldest daughter), Nightmare Felix(Nightmare Foxy and Nightmare Mangle's only son), and Nightmare Katie(Nightmare Bonnie and Nightmare Chica's youngest daughter).
Nightmare himself would not go on to have his own child but nevertheless he considers himself Nightmare Franbear's "Uncle" of sorts. The next generation of the Nightmares would hunt down any unfortunate soul who found themselves within the house. The only one who refused to hunt down any of the victims of the household was Thorn, which resulted in her being bullied endlessly by Rose while Star would just sit there and watch the whole thing play out.
Nightmare Fionna and Nightmare Felix's relationship is sort of similar to UnderFell Sans and Papyrus where even though they do care about each other, they won't hesitate to get aggressive and get physical.
Nightmare Chloe and Nightmare Katie are a lot more co-operative with each other and both of them got their mother's nightmarish appetite for pizza.
As for the Sister Location Next Gen, I unfortunately don't have an image of all of them but the least I can do is tell you who's who. So Elmer and Circus Bailey are Circus Baby's built children that she built while in control of Ennard. Elmer is on the shyer side, though he has taken on the leader role with Circus Bailey supporting her older brother the whole way.
Bane is Ballora's son that she built when she was in control of Ennard. Bane, instead of being a ballet dancer like his mother, was a breakdancer. While he comes off as "totally cool", he thinks he really doesn't deserve any fame he gets because he hasn't perfected the art of it all.
Funtime Fionna and Funtime Felix are Funtime Foxy and Funtime Freddy's children that they built while co-controlling Ennard. These two are very mean-spirited, Funtime Felix making puns at people's expense and bullying them while Funtime Fionna acts like that mean high school girl trope in media. These two are both foxes by the way, it's consistent with every version of Fionna and Felix.
Frinzy would come a couple years after Funtime Fionna and Funtime Felix were built, again being Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy child that they built when co-controlling Ennard as a whole. Frinzy herself resembles a bear like Funtime Freddy. She also comes off as a little creepy, especially since she has an obsession with creepy dolls.
Now I would've included the next gen of FNAF 6 but the thing is...I don't have any FNAF 6 ocs, so there's no Rockstar versions of Franny, Katie, Chloe, Fionna, and Felix. Also there's just TOO MANY ANIMATRONICS IN THAT GAME TO MAKE NEXT GEN OCS FOR-.
So...I'll leave that to other people to do to be honest.
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yournaothings · 6 months
Let's Start at the Beginning
Story Begin! Atara and the Underfell Skeletons!
((TW? Monster haters and violence.))
(((These are little snippets of Fell!Sans and Atara and his growing feelings for her. This is a long one, so buckle up! At least I think it's long?)))
Sans began to sweat. 
The situation couldn't get anymore awkward than this-
"I don't understand. Why would you be so comfortable around such a scary monster?" The stranger said with disgust, pointing their finger right at Sans. 
"It's rude to point." His human snapped as she slapped the stranger's hand away.  "He's my best friend, and has been there for me. Unlike any other human that I've had to live with in the past." His human crossed her arms and glared at the stranger.  "I don't need help, he's not harming me in any way. Besides, why come to my rescue now, when no one has ever really cared for me before?" 
The stranger gawked and sputtered a response, but his human could care less about it. She turned around and linked arms with him, starting to drag him away from the rude person. "Come on, Red." Sans gave one last glance towards the stranger, before stumbling after his fiery human. The two could hear the stranger calling after them, "He'll kill you sooner or later! That's what these monsters do best!" But, his human ignored them; Sans however, could not.  
"atara, wait-" 
Atara didn't stop, she wanted to get as far away from that asshole. How dare they talk like that about her friend! Someone who has always been there when she needed someone the most! Sans and Papyrus were two of her closest friends and would do whatever it takes to keep them safe! 
Sans stopped moving suddenly, causing Atara to be stopped abruptly, almost tumbling down if it weren't for Sans catching her. She righted herself, brushing her hair from her face and turned to face the skeleton, huffing in annoyance.  "What is it, Red?"
Her annoyance dropped immediately at the look he was giving her; it was replaced with anger. She was tempted to go back to that person and punch their lights out for hurting Sans.  
"you didn't have to say all of that back there-" 
"Yes I did, Red!" Atara huffed, stomping her foot down much like Papyrus does; it made Sans grin and release a chuckle from under his breath.  "Monsters have been on the surface long enough to earn respect! I'm not going to let some asshole talk down to you!" 
"i know, sweetheart. but i'm worried you're going to get yourself in trouble one day. i can't be losing my favorite human, not after all the work we've put into getting ya to live with us." He winked at her, but she wasn't fooled; she knew he was trying to make light of the situation. He always does. "Red, I won't get into trouble." She sighed, her shoulders dropping when doing so.  'We were supposed to have a good day today.' Atara thought to herself. 
Suddenly, Sans' arm wrapped around Atara's shoulders and pulled her in close, pressing flush against his side.  "you're so stubborn." He growls, but he grinned down at her. He still wondered how he managed to befriend such a caring human like Atara. Even through all her traumatic childhood, this young woman remained kind and ready to defend those in need. 
"For a good reason, Red." Atara finally relaxed against him and returned his grin. "Now, can we move on? I still really want that Nice Cream." Sans laughed as he released his human.  "yeah, sure. i'll lead the way, though." He winked down at her before they linked arms yet again, this time Sans guiding his friend towards the park; where the Nice Cream was open and handing out discounted Nice Cream! 
Atara has been living with the skeleton brothers for a year now, and she couldn't be happier. After such a painful up-bringing, she finally found a home; these two skeletons loved and cared for her as if she were one of them. 
Of course, it took a while for the younger skeleton to warm up to Atara- heck! Atara had nights where she expected the skeletons to abandon her; and when it became too much one night, she was forced to confront the skeletons about her fears of being left behind. She would have her anxiety attacks when the brothers weren't around, and if they came home (or woke up if it was night time), she would pretend everything was okay.
The sound of Papyrus' concerned voice made said girl jolt in place on the sofa. The two brothers had woken up after Atara had a bad anxiety attack, crying out just a bit too loudly this time, startling the brothers. Papyrus and Sans directed the girl towards the sofa, making her sit down. 
Now, staring up at the massive and tall skeleton, Atara knew that this was serious if Papyrus wasn't using his normal loud voice. His usual fearsome glare was missing, morphed into one of concern.  "What is this about? Are you.. Not happy here?" 
The distress in his voice broke Atara's heart, and she was quick to shake her head.  "I-Its not that at all, Paps." She was quick to explain, but as the words started on her tongue, she felt herself freeze up with fear. What if the two would think of her as dumb, or maybe they actually wanted her gone?  "sweetheart," Sans' voice called out, his hand reaching to take Atara's.  "whatever is going on, know that you can trust us." 
And just like that, Atara blinked away her tears, drew in a deep breath before starting her story; her sad childhood, never having parents. Not having a concrete home, or anyone who really loved her. By the end of her story, she found herself wrapped up in the skeleton brothers' arms, her heart warm and pounding against her chest while she cried  tears of relief. 
Both Sans and Papyrus accepted her, and promised to never leave her, ever.  After that night, Atara had the feeling of being free. Free from her past and her fears. All thanks to these two monsters. She couldn't have been any happier. 
Since then, anyone who tried messing with Atara, if either skeleton was around, they'd make damn sure the offender would be taught a lesson- at least until Atara stopped them, only to absolutely destroy the offenders with her self-defense techniques. She didn't need any of her monster friends getting into trouble, or herself. So, the moment a offender would put their hands on Atara, she'd knock the mother fu-
Let's just say, the offenders would be embarrassed when having to explain why their teeth were knocked out. hehehe
"take another pizza of my heart now, baby~" 
"Nooo," Atara groaned, but couldn't help the grin and snickers that escaped from her as she snatched up another piece of pizza- monster pizza. They were having a movie night and had finished one of many Mettaton movies that Papyrus had fixed up for tonight's entertainment. "that was terrible, Red." Atara whined as she sat back down beside him- Papyrus surprisingly had remained quiet, but with one glance at his tense back, Atara knew he was trying not to get mad and yell. 
"come on, toots." Sans grinned, Atara sent him a glare, hoping to shut him up before-  "these pizza puns are knead to know-" 
"GOD DAMN- SANS! STOP WITH THE PUNS!" Papyrus spun around so quick, his cape almost flew off from his shoulders. Sans was snickering while Atara flinched but stuffed pizza in her mouth, wondering if she should take cover before Papyrus could get in Sans' face.  "hey now, paps, grab that pizza, and these pizza puns, while you can. they're here today, but gone tomato." 
Atara was quick to jump over the back of the sofa, laughing when Papyrus stomped over and shook his fist in Sans' face, yelling about how his jokes were tasteless and not funny.  "of course my jokes are funny!" Sans grins to Atara, who was now by the pizza yet again; their eyes locked and Sans' grin widens.  "what did the pizza say to the tough guy?" He asks, Papyrus was trembling, his skull steaming with his temper. Atara opened her mouth to answer but Sans interrupted her.  "dough, you wanna pizza me?"
The sound of the sofa flipping over and Sans laughing was heard in the room, before Papyrus' stomping and yelling slices through Sans' laughter- Atara joining in after. "Paps, don't let Red ruin our movie night!" Atara giggle, she grins mischievously which Papyrus narrows his eyes at, Sans manages to shut up long enough to listen to Atara.  She picks up a mushroom, showing it off to Papyrus and Sans.  "Why does the mushroom always gets invited to parties-"  "ATARA, NO-"  "Because he's such a fungi." 
Papyrus screeches in disappointment, disbelief etched on his features as he pops the next Mettaton movie in, grumbling about Sans infecting their human with his stupid jokes. Sans on the other hand was literally rolling on the floor, laughing.  "pfft- fungi!! shit, that's good, 'tara!" 
Once everyone calmed down and the sofa fixed up, the three found their places yet again to finish the Mettaton movie night. 
Papyrus was busy cleaning up the mess of empty pizza boxes. Sans gathered a sleeping Atara into his arms, giving her such a happy look. "i'm gonna tuck her in bed, paps."  He didn't have to look at his brother, who just waved in acknowledgement. Sans didn't teleport, choosing to carry her upstairs, too worried that his "short cuts" would startle his human awake. 
Getting into Atara's room, Sans doesn't flick on the lights, but he knew of every poster that hung on her walls; rock bands, anime, etc. She even had collages of photos of friends hanging out- Undyne and Papyrus were pictured in many of them with Atara looking like she was cackling in the background. Sans and Atara in a few, most of them being taken right before pranks. 
Sans smiles to himself, he's got her whole room memorized, even where her furniture sits. He uses his magic to pull back her covers so he could lay her down. Atara mumbles in her sleep as he lays her down, the moment she's on the soft surface, she rolls over and snuggles into her plushies on her bed.  Sans gently covers her up, but pauses as he watched her sleep.  
Sure, it may look creepy, but Sans couldn't help it. He hasn't known this human for very long, but he couldn't help but care so much for her. His sweet human had gone through so much, yet she was so caring! Maybe he saw Frisk in Atara, the two sharing various traits, and it was something he admired about her. This human knew of all the bad the monsters have done while Underground, but she still cared. Loved he and Paps with all her heart! 
Sans startled when he felt tears brim over his eye sockets; he realized just how important she was to him- maybe not in a partner, but as a friend. He would do anything to make sure she is well protected. If anyone ever tried to harm her.. His left eye flared red as he grinned almost manically. He knew he would kill for her, if needed... 
Turning away, Sans shuffled out of the room, gently shutting the door behind him as to not wake his human from her slumber. He had the strangest feeling, one that made his non-existent gut twist with dread.  Sans paused and glanced behind him at Atara's door, beads of sweat gathering over his skull as he soaked in this uncomfortable feeling. 
Something was going to happen. 
Was it another reset? Or was he about to lose something so dear and so close to him- 
Shit. Sans growled in frustration, his teeth grinding at the mere thought of losing Atara. A reset would put her right back through the pain she had been in before she met the two skeleton brothers. Everyone would forget yet again, and there were no promises of meeting his human again in the next reset. But.. 
What if it was something more? No reset, but rather something so life altering, it would ruin him? Ruin Atara? 
His eye lights shrunk and his sockets widened; what if it was both Papyrus and Atara? What if it was him?
Sans fell into a fit of panic, his hand reaching to grab the door knob so he could make sure Atara was still there in bed. He had to make sure-
Said skeleton jolted in place and spun around to see his little brother walking up the steps. A calculated gaze caught Sans' wild one; Papyrus' eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Is Atara Okay?" Papyrus lowered his voice, as to not wake Atara in case she was asleep still. Sans sighed, realizing he let his anxiety get the better of him- or, it would have if Papyrus hadn't cut it off.  "yea, paps, she's alright. just tucked her in bed." 
Papyrus stared down Sans a moment longer, trying to read past Sans' blocked expression; he knew what Sans' anxiety attacks looked like by now. Something had been bothering him.. "You Know... I Am Always Here If You Need To Talk." Sans' uneasy grin eased into a smile, his anxiety dissipating all together. He closed his eyes and let himself relax then.  "yea, i know, paps. you're the best." 
The little brother made a huffing noise and stood tall, grinning down at his big brother. "OF COURSE I AM! I'M THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS, AFTER ALL!" He released a few  "Nyehehes!" Before bidding his brother a good night, and disappearing into his bedroom. 
Sans sighed and followed after his little brother's example, shuffling towards his bedroom door- but instead used his short cut to get inside. He landed on his bed, the poor furniture wheezing from under his weight. He was surprised at how well it's kept him up from every time he's fallen onto it. 
The skeleton crossed his leg over the other, his arms tucked underneath his skull, Sans closed his eyes, hoping sleep would come to him easier tonight. 
Children screaming in delight filled the atmosphere, drowning out the music that played over speakers. Rides and food venders were scattered all around down street of Ebott City. Frisk had asked if Atara wanted to come along with her to the carnival! Atara usually went all by her lonesome, and it wasn't very fun, and the pricing was terrible- (seeing as how she had a lame ass job that didn't pay well); until she met Frisk and the monsters.  
Now, Atara had Frisk's hand grasped in hers as they hurried through the crowds of parents and children. Toriel had called out for the two to be careful and  "Don't talk to strangers!" 
Atara grinned down at Frisk, knowing she wouldn't let anyone harm this young girl. She'll put the asshole in the hospital before Frisk got hurt. Atara was old enough to be a guardian for Frisk, letting the two on the rides with no complications. By the time Sans and Papyrus made it to the carnival, Atara and Frisk were on their fourth ride for the day. The two girls were on the Ferris Wheel when they spotted the skeleton brothers, Papyrus already on observation duty, yelling after some parents for littering. 
Although they couldn't see it, Sans had beads of sweat on his skull as he peered around at all the people; humans and monsters. Atara wondered what he was looking for, or maybe it was a who? Atara grinned as she pulled her phone out of her pocket, opened her camera app and snapped a photo of Sans, then sent it to said skeleton. Frisk and Atara giggled as they watched Sans shuffle and pull his phone out, opening the message, before raising his head to try and find the girls. 
Frisk slapped her hands over her mouth, while Atara raised her phone again and took a video this time, first showing the two girls before flipping the camera to zoom in on Sans, who is still looking for Atara.  "Guess where we are~!" Atara cooed before ending the video and sending it to him. The two girls cackled when Sans got the video and narrowed his eye sockets then turned his red eye lights up at the Ferris Wheel, his eyes locking on to Atara's- The older girl grinned mischievously and stuck her tongue out at him, adding a middle finger for fun. 
Sans' grin grew dangerous, and when the Ferris Wheel started moving again, Atara and Frisk were startled when Sans suddenly disappeared once someone walked in between their sight and Sans.  Frisk giggled, knowing Sans was going to try and prank them, or maybe just Atara. The older girl felt an overwhelming feeling of excitement, anticipation to the game she just started between her and Sans. 
As soon as their feet were back on the ground, Frisk was immediately dragging Atara through the crowds; the game was a foot! The two girls knew that Sans was close behind, but he was waiting for the right chance to pounce. 
Frisk pulled Atara into the mirror maze that was set up for the carnival; while the two girls believed it would be fun and an easy way to lose Sans, the reality of it was far from it. It didn't take long before Frisk separates from Atara, and the realization of being lost hit Atara. She wasn't afraid for herself- the fear was for Frisk's safety. It didn't help the fear when the lights suddenly flickered off, leaving Atara in a pitch black darkness.  Her heart started pounding in her chest, there was no way she'd find her way out now- 
An idea came to mind, her phone is in her hand now, the flashlight switched on and she starts making her way further into the maze;  "Frisk?!" She was pleased to hear Frisk call back-  "I'm okay!"  Is the young girl's response.  "Stay put, I'm coming to you." Atara called out. She was relieved to know Frisk was safe, but she forgot about the looming skeleton- 
There was a flash of red, the only warning Atara had, before her flashlight switched off so suddenly. No matter, she'll just turn it back- 
Hearing shuffling behind her, Atara turned just in time to see someone hover above her- before she could elbow the asshole in the gut- A red eye light flared to life in his left eye socket, casting very little light over the rest of his face; Sans' grin was stretching across his skull, the gold tooth glinted just slightly from his eye light. "gotcha, sweetheart." 
Atara's heart was loud in her ears, at first she was pretty pissed off that Sans scared her so bad, then realized she was never in any danger. Her and Frisk weren't- wait... "You and Frisk planned this?" Sans leaned in closer, peering down at his favorite human who now leaned against the mirror with a stance of confidence. No longer smelling of fear; Sans was worried he might have fucked up if this prank didn't go well in the end. 
"nah, but i got what she was implying when she pulled you into here." Sans chuckled, his magic flaring again and allowing the lights to switch back on. The bright lights made Atara flinch, having been in the dark long enough.  It wasn't too long before Frisk found the two, giggling with glee.  "You little shit." Atara sent a playful glare after Frisk, who shrugged and stuck out her tongue.  
"so uh, how do we get out of here?" Sans asked, sweat  appearing on his skull yet again.  "Teleportation!" Frisk cheered, but Atara declined.  "I want to find my way out, you two can teleport." She said, then started making her way through the maze, only bumping into the mirrors a few more times before she manages to reach the exit. Outside waits Sans and Frisk-  "Cheaters." Atara grumbled as she flipped the two off. 
Sans paid for some treats afterwards, Frisk enjoying some cotton candy while Atara and Sans shared monster made funnel cakes. They found a nice spot under a large tree, giving the perfect shade. 
"We should do the photo booths." Atara smiles as she watches couples leaving a photo booth, they pull out their photos and laughed or cooed at how their photos turned out. "yeah, sure." Sans agreed, smiling as he now imagines the photos pinned to Atara's wall with the others. As soon as the two girls were finished with their snacks, the three snatched a booth, Sans inserted the money for the first session; the photos started nice, and decent. Then they turned silly with funny faces. Before they knew it, Sans was paying for three more sessions! The results were great, and Atara looked through the photos and decided who would get what. 
Frisk was keeping the sillier photos, while Atara kept the more decent and the more.. inappropriate ones with the three of them flipping off the camera- if Toriel ever found out Frisk raised her middle finger, both Sans and Atara would get a lecture. 
"I'm adding this to my scrap book!" Frisk grins before skipping ahead, Atara and Sans following behind.  "These will go on my wall for sure!" Atara grins and points to one of her favorite photo of the three of them. Frisk, Atara, and Sans (in that order) were squeezed in close, their cheeks mushed against each others', their fingers positioned with peace signs. All three looked so happy, joy radiating from each of them. Even Sans looked happy and it made Atara's heart warm.  "This one is my favorite. I haven't seen you that happy, ever." 
Sans peers down at his human, his eyes widened, registering how Atara's tone grew soft and warm; she was so elated to see Sans relaxing and having fun. Sans realized suddenly that Atara paid close attention to him; she knew when he was having bad days. When his nightmares got to him, or when he and Papyrus got angry at each other and they wouldn't apologize just yet- 
Atara tucked the photos away and linked her arm with Sans, his cheeks lighting up with a blush; Sans didn't plan on coming to the carnival, but Atara and Frisk had begged him to come. Now, he's very glad he showed up. Getting this attention from Atara, just him and-
"Gross! You two need to take that shit elsewhere!" 
Atara stopped suddenly, her eyes widening and looking for the asshole who was yelling- Frisk screeched to a halt and stared at the man who glared hatefully towards Sans and Atara.  The man thrust his finger at the two, continuing to insult what looked like a monster-human couple.  "You come up here and demand to live among us, then take our women?!" 
"Shut your God-damn mouth!" Atara snarled, her arm releasing Sans' as she marched closer.  "No one wants to hear your bitch ass blame monsters for the fact you can't find a girl who would actually accept you!" 
Frisk and Sans' eyes widened and jaws dropped open in shock. Atara always got angry when her monster friends were verbally attacked, and she didn't stand back to watch- she jumped in to attack right back! But, this time- 
"sweetheart, maybe we should-" Sans tried to stop Atara, but she threw a glare over her shoulder at her friend. She wasn't going to back down. 
Taking the advantage of the distraction, the asshole rushed forward and grabbed Atara by the front of her shirt, yanking her towards him so he could yell at her. Atara was quick though, her fist connected with his gut, causing him to release her and bend over as he held his stomach in pain. The crowd around them that started to gather, gasped in shock. Whispers broke out around them, these people judging Atara for her actions- it wasn't long before a few police officers showed up and apprehended both Atara and the asshole. 
Sans tried to reason with the officers, but they told him to  "stay out of this, unless you want to be arrested as well."  Sans cursed under his breath, pulling Frisk with him to find Toriel; they were going to have to find a way to get Atara released- she was only defending... Well herself, he supposed. The asshole was spitting out how distasteful the sight was of him and Atara linking arms. 
For a moment, Sans wondered if Atara only jumped in because she was offended at the idea of the two of them being a couple... He didn't know how to feel, honestly. Atara was very deal, but the idea of her being disgusted with being with a monster like him.. Well, it hurt. 
No, Sans shook his head.  Atara wouldn't be like that. No, she only jumped in to argue with that guy because she was defending monsters- defending him again. Atara was too nice to act disgusted at the thought of monster-human relationships... 
The situation was explained to Toriel, and it didn't take long for them to free Atara- thankfully, no charges were made. Atara was free to go, but was given a warning. "Don't do that again, or you will get time." To this, Atara snorted and blew it off. 
The rest of the day continued on with no more problems. However, when they got home, Sans excused himself to his room, while Atara stared after him in concern. She remained downstairs to help Papyrus with dinner. She didn't have much more time to ponder why Sans was acting weird, as Papyrus turned his attention towards her; 
"Atara, I Admire Your Courage, But You Cannot Hurt Others Just Because They Insult Us Monsters..." 
Atara turned around so quickly, her hair falling in her face as she stared up at Paps. She didn't think Papyrus would lecture her. She's realized by now that her actions were too reckless, and she did feel bad for what happened.  "Sorry, Paps." She frowned, looking away. She began to work on her task at hand, chopping vegetables for Papyrus' dish.  "It's just that we were having such a wonderful day. No one had bothered us, then that guy yelled at us. Sure, I got in his face, but he grabbed and startled me, so I went on autopilot." 
Papyrus nods, understanding this.  "I Understand, We All Do. But, The Human Officers Don't. Please Be Careful Next Time." He peered down at Atara, catching her gaze; she blushed with embarrassment, Papyrus hardly has to tell her to not do something, she knew better. His expression morphed into a concerned gaze, frowning and Atara didn't like it.  "Sans Had Been Scared For You." He added on, watching Atara realize why Papyrus was saying this; she had scared her best friend. He already had issues with his past and his nightmares. This event probably scarred him as well.  "I... I didn't mean to do that." She glanced towards the kitchen doorway, hoping Sans would appear so she could see him; maybe he'd be happy again, like he was earlier. 
But, he didn't appear, and remained in his room.  "I'll... I'll apologize to him. I'll do better." She startled when Papyrus rested his hand on top of her head.  "I Know You Will." He offered a smile before raising his voice while he directed Atara with what else to do for dinner. 
Sans joined the two later on just before dinner was finished. He set the table before snatching a bottle of mustard, almost downing it instantly. 
The older skeleton almost spat out his mustard when two smaller arms wrapped around his middle and squeezed; her face pressed against his ribs as she held him tightly. She spoke but it was hard to hear what she said with her against him, but he couldn't hear her.  "come again, toots? i can't ear you." He snickered as she pulled back to pout up at him.  "I'm sorry for worrying you. I didn't mean to actually hit him, he just scared me when he grabbed my shirt."  Sans reached up and pat the top of her head, his grin softening as he peered down at her, lovingly.  "'t'is okay, sweetheart." His phalanges combed through her hair before pulling away.  "i'm happy you try to defend us monsters, but don't forget.. you're important too." 
Atara felt tears burn her eyes, so she pressed her face against his turtleneck sweater, hiding away in the safety of Sans. His arms wound around her, holding her close and his chin resting on top of her head. 
The three ended the day with a TV program Papyrus wanted to watch. All three of them curled up on the sofa- well, Atara was curled up against Sans' side, who had his arm around her shoulders. It wasn't long before Atara fell asleep after such an eventful day. Sans didn't bother to take Atara back to her room, not yet. He was scared that he was going to lose her today. He just needed to have her close just for a little while longer. 
Once Papyrus had finished the program and turned in for the night, Sans stood with Atara in his arms. He began to walk away, up the stairs, when she stirred awake. "Red?" She yawned and rubbed at her eyes.  "Where..Where are we going?"  Sans smiled down at her, finding her just so damn cute! "i'm taking you to your room. we're turning in for the night."  Atara let his words settle into her head before blushing a dark red;  "Red, put me down! I can walk!" She said in panic, embarrassed that Sans was carrying her to bed.  "sorry, toots. i'm already halfway there-"  "So I can walk the rest of the way!"  "nope, not an option-"  "Red!" She tried to slip from his arms but he refused to release her- he pulled her close to his chest and grinned down at her in warning. "Red, don't you dare-" 
She had to screw her eyes shut as Sans used his 'short-cut' to enter her room, and dumped her onto her bed. Atara grunted when her body fell onto the mattress, and once she recovered from the trip, she started to throw her plushies at her skele-boy. 
Sans laughed while Atara threw all her plushies at him, then her pillows. Her body pillow was the only one that hit him square in the face, almost knocking him off balance. He snatched the pillow, tossing it behind him before launching himself at her, his phalanges beginning to tickle at her sides. Atara shrieked and started to laugh, crying out for him to stop- "I- I can't breathe!" 
Sans would lay off for just a moment to let her breath, before jumping back in and tickling her sides again. Both their laughter mingled in the room, Atara once again begging for Sans to let her breathe- 
The door burst open and the loud shouts of Papyrus;  "SANS! WOULD YOU KNOCK IT OFF?! LET THE HUMAN SLEEP!" 
Sans and Atara stared at the taller skeleton with wide eyes, Atara blushing as she hid behind Sans who started to sweat from under Papyrus' glare.  "r-right. i was gonna-"  "NO YOU WEREN'T-"  "really, paps. i was." Sans pulled away from Atara and raised his hands up to show he was all done torturing her.  "let me help clean up this mess." Papyrus grumbled under his breath before bidding Atara good night, before marching back to his room; his door slamming shut behind him. 
With a sigh, Sans used his magic to gather all the plushies and pillows back onto Atara's bed.  Atara stared up at Sans while he finished adjusting a few of her plushies, then turned to grin down at her. "there, now you can get some rest."  Atara drew a shaky breath in, then released it, allowing herself to calm down. She was embarrassed, having made Papyrus so upset he barged into her room. (Even if it was Sans' fault.)  She also couldn't get over how the two must have looked when Paps barged in; Sans pinning Atara underneath him, both on her bed-
What was she thinking?  
The two of them always would chill on her bed. Even with the door shut and music blaring to the point Papyrus had to yell at them both to turn it down.  She didn't understand why she was so flustered all of a sudden.  
She peered up at Sans through her lashes, oblivious to the way he held his breath and his eye sockets widening.  A small blush dusted over his cheek bones, but Atara was quick to avert her gaze from him.  "I-I hope we didn't make Paps mad, but he is right. We should probably go to bed, it's getting late." She said this while glancing at her phone; it was well past midnight now, and she knew Papyrus had to work in the morning, and so did Sans.  
The older skeleton seemed to snap out of his trance he was in, shaking away the thoughts of just how cute Atara was staring up at him with those innocent green eyes, and her cheeks lit with her cute blush-
"oh uh-"  Sans cleared his throat and turned away, chuckling nervously.  "yea, i wouldn't worry about paps. he'll be okay." Turning back towards Atara, Sans reached out and ruffled her hair, earning him a quiet  "hey" and a light slap from her hand to get him to stop. He laughed at her, thinking that she resembled a cat right then batting at his hand.  "good night, sweetheart." She huffed but smiled;  "Good night, Red." 
With that, Sans disappeared from Atara's room, using his magic to cut through the space and void to enter his own room. He crashed on  his bed, cursing at himself.  He needed to pull himself together!  His emotions swirled with his soul, his admiration for Atara was growing and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or bad thing.  He also wondered if maybe she felt anything for him, if she would return his feelings if he confessed to her. 
Those thoughts would be saved for another day. Sans needed to get some sleep, and prayed to the stars that he would get a good night's sleep tonight... 
0 notes
What would skeleboys do if their so's family is against monsters so they have to keep seeing each other in secret eventually marry and start their own family(if lifestyle fits the boybut one day her family members find her in her and skeletons home and try to hurt even maybe kill her and the hybrid child for ruining family's reputation by dating a monster and the skeleton comes home to witness the act, what would he do?
Undertale Sans - He diverts the attention by sending a blaster in the room. While your family is staring in surprise, he runs, grabs his S/O and his child's hands and he teleports out of there straight to Undyne's house. Come and get them now that the kid's scary aunt is on the case. Sans won't force his S/O to take legal actions, but will highly recommend they think about it. This is not how family is supposed to treat you.
Undertale Papyrus - He comes in the room like nothing happened to stop the conflict and ingeniously places himself in front of his S/O and his child so if the person tries to hurt them again, they have to go through him first. He then tries to calm your family members and reminds them that this is not their house and that they're not welcome here anymore. He then firmly asks them to leave. Once they're gone, he relaxes and joins his family to see if everyone is ok.
Underswap Sans - He stays in the corridor, hidden, and calls the police to ask for some help. He watches to make sure they don't hurt his family, before charging with ten police officers and arresting them the second they lift a hand on you. Blue will make sure they never get close to you again.
Underswap Papyrus - Honey is not sure what to do, but he can't just stay there and do nothing. He enters the room and joins his family. Honey hates all sort of conflict and can't find the words to deflate the situation. When your family member jumps to hit you he puts himself in the way and takes the hit, screaming to his S/O to run. Poor Honey then gets beaten very badly, but it at least helps S/O to gain enough time to call Blue for help. Blue arrests them without remorse, after making sure his brother will be taking care of. Honey has to go to the hospital for a few days, but he's happy he protected his S/O.
Underfell Sans - Not a second of hesitation. The second he sees your member's family grab a knife, he lunges at them from the shadows and attacks with all he has. He saw people lose family too much to hold back. He doesn't care if he kills them. He just has to protect his family. Once they're on the ground, knocked off or dead, he's not sure, he takes his S/O and his child outside to check on them and discuss what they will do next.
Underfell Papyrus - When he sees the gun, he goes full royal guard mode and engages in the fight. He gets shot twice in the action, but Edge eventually succeeds in disarming the assaulter and pinning them on the ground. He then calls the police, exhausted, and holds them until the rescue arrives. Once your family member is gone, he refuses to get help. He's too anxious about other people from your family coming to get revenge and he refuses to leave your side. He's not going to calm down, even starting to get aggressive, before you convince him to let the rescuers sedate him and promise you're going with him to the hospital.
Horrortale Sans - Oak simply walks into the room and stares menacingly. He knows he looks scary and he's bluffing like hell right now, hoping it will be enough to make the guy leave the house. He walks straight to your family member, forcing them to take a step back and point the gun at him. Oak keeps walking until they're stuck against the wall. He then tells his S/O to call the police and take the child out of the room. Oak simply stays in front of the assaulter in complete silence, staring through their soul, until the police arrive. He's so relieved it worked, he's not going to lie. He deserves a cuddle session.
Horrortale Papyrus - He silently creeps behind your family member with a huge pan in his hands. The second they attack, he slams it behind their head. They never saw what hit them. Willow then leads his family out of the house to safety and calls the police. He ties the assaulter waiting for them.
Swapfell Sans - He enters the room, walks to his drawer without caring about what's happening, picks up his gun, turns around and shoots in your family member's leg. He then gently but firmly pushes his S/O and his child out of the room and closes the door, asking to leave him for a minute. He then proceeds to scare the shit out of the assaulter by telling them that the next time they try something on his family, not only he knows where they live, but they won't live long enough to regret their actions. He's pretty confident they're not seeing them again.
Swapfell Papyrus - He stays hidden and calls his brother for help. He only acts if they attack, jumping on the way to tank the damages waiting for his brother to come rescue them. Nox is really not happy someone tried to kill his baby niece/nephew and he's not going to hold back to show them what he thinks of this.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He grabby grabs soul and yeets the assaulter through the open door. He then yawns, bored, and closes the door at their face and locks it behind. Come back when you'll learn how to fight for real.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He runs in the room, picks up his S/O with the child on them and then runs for his life, screaming his brother's name at the top of his lungs lol.
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antlered-prince · 2 years
You doing au headcanons? Underfell and horrortale if you're up for it
i hope these make sense!
It may be a kill or be killed society but there's actually not a lot of dusting that happens. There's a lot of protection fee type stuff, if you kill someone it could set off a very long chain reaction. Most threats are for show and there's overall just a lot of tension throughout the Underground.
A lot of the LOVE that monsters have gained come from older generations. Older monsters who feel like they have served their time with 'gift' themselves as EXP to their children or someone they respect greatly. It's an honoured tradition and refusal is greatly frowned upon if you are chosen to receive such a gift.
The ability to hold back on/stop an attack and spare someone death is greatly sought after and respected. This is the reason that Papyrus is head of the Royal Guard and not Undyne.
Most, if not all, monsters are very skilled at combat. Even though the majority of monsters are LV 2 or less, they make incredibly tough enemies.
The monsters in the Ruins are actually friendly. The Ruins serves as a refuge to 'weaker' monsters that are under Toriel's protection. Toriel is still more harsh than her Tale counterpart though, she has to be to server as a decent enough threat to protect those under her care. Once Frisk convinces her that they want to leave and head home, she actually keeps them there to train them on dodging and dealing with the much harsher society that exists beyond the doors.
The famine is actually something that has happened before, way in the past when monsters were first trapped in the Underground. A lot of the knowledge of how it was overcome was lost with Asgore and Toriel however, and a lot of the older monsters were either too young to remember or were the first to fall down when it resurfaced again.
The famine is actually caused by an overabundance of magic. When the monsters were first sent into the underground they brought all of their magic with them, it soaked into the ground, rocks and water. The new density of magic caused any crops to become 'overripe'. The Core failing did the same thing, sending a new intense wave of magic through the Underground. If they had gotten the Core up and running the way it used to, it would regulate magic once more.
The only reasons Sans' magic was able to restart the Core briefly was because it has the same magical signature as Gaster, it has nothing to do with power level or anything like that. When Gaster fell into the Core his magic became interwoven in its mechanisms, a significant boost of a similar magic (either from Sans or Papyrus) would have been enough to restart it.
In my headcanon, Toriel was also defeated by Frisk. This is because I believe this 'run' was someone's first and only, someone who gave up trying to talk it out, someone who didn't bother to go back and get the 'best possible ending'.
The thing about eating humans..... I don't think that many have actually fallen down, at least not enough to affect anyone who has eaten them. Most of the changes that have happened to monsters are because of the extra magic, it changed them to help them survive tougher conditions. For example, making them taller/bigger, sharper teeth, improved vision etc. In some cases, this has affected their mental state as well.
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capricioussun · 2 years
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@nanogrem Yes! Yes I do!! I even mentioned it yesterday and forgot again! Ough
Anyways, let me tidy up the notes I have
Before I get into it, I must add a disclaimer: a large part of the reason I haven’t drawn much for it yet is because I’m still a little hesitant to solidly decide on locations, characterizations, and color palettes, so all of this may be subject to heavy alterations the more I flesh it out! The palette struggle is mostly because I’m torn between only really changing the red and black to white and blue vs just straight up inverting everything. I think that might be cool, but I think it could also run into the issue of becoming really heavily eye strain-y, so as it stands now, just the primary symbolic colors are inverted, while most everything else remains close to the same!
So. It was actually all inspired by the song Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish, of all things. That came on my shuffle as I was walking, and I have a tendency to associate Billie Eilish music with Fells in general, Edge especially, because her music portrays a lot of emotionality in such a cold and quiet way, usually, and has sort of like…an air of tragedy about it that just. Works, to me. But in these specific circumstances, that song doesn’t really fit given Underfell’s colors are predominantly red- but that was where the lights flicked on.
I got this stark imagery of an Underfell Papyrus but with an inverse color palette. Complete with crisp bright blue eyes. Invertedfell. It’s not swapped, everything is inverted.
The Ruins are actually a well maintained place, probably just called something like ‘Old Home’, it’s relatively quiet and calm, the monsters there retreated from the world outside and are mostly just timid and exhausted. Toriel is...cold. Distant. The very definition of thousand yard stare. It feels like she’s looking through you. She wouldn’t help a player through, actively telling them they won’t survive long down here, but when they inevitably make it to her house, she reluctantly lets them in to rest. Still does fight you to get you to stop, go back, or at least stay with her, feeling...a lot of responsibility for not just the children, but the current state of the underground.
Snowdin, a bustling town, probably twice the size of standard Snowdins, lots of people, very dangerous. The dogs are put together, fierce guards, hardly animalistic at all, and they reflect the Guard Captain who resides there. Papyrus is cold, quiet, and scarily calm. It seems like nothing upsets him. Rumor has it he doesn’t experience emotions. Or that, perhaps, his brother experiences enough for the both of them. Sans is a bit unhinged. Intense would be a good word to describe him. Can, and will, pick fights, and he doesn’t tolerate people talking shit about his brother. Has several nervous tics. Always smiling.
Waterfall is basically just a military training grounds. Most of the shops and their residents only survive thanks to passers through, it’s dark, dingy, and above all, strict. Lieutenant Undyne is a miserable monster. After Papyrus defeated her for the position of Captain of the Guard, she became a bit of a recluse. She’s still second in command, but doesn’t leave her house for anything that isn’t work, for the most part. Mute.
Hotland is essentially the testing grounds of the Royal scientist. Both residents and guards alike must be wary, things are always changing, posing threats, but it has a successful drug market since it *is so difficult to navigate. Difficult to catch criminals, too. Alphys is an angry, bitter scientist. One of the few people who will openly argue with Asgore, is self interested, and doesn’t have a lot of patience. Mettaton is mostly her social experiment (she does not take pride in what she’s done to him). He has trauma induced psychosis that is purposefully exploited for “entertainment”.
New Home is next to abandoned. Run down, dirty, mostly people who can’t afford to live somewhere squat there. The castle is still in relatively good condition though. This is of no doing by the King. He’s as unstable, incredibly paranoid. Violent and angry, very difficult to deal with, and “hates” just about everyone.
The important part is that, at their core, they are still all very much the same characters, just inverted. Not swapped with anyone, but their own traits are basically turned inside out more or less.
Some extra stuff specifically about the brothers!
Sans is. Essentially a loose cannon. Basically? He “snapped”, and became so fed up with everything he stopped trying to hide his hand. People know how dangerous he is, and not just because he’s the Judge. His anxiety basically became volatile hostility, and his paranoia gave him permission to act. He will do anything to protect them, and doesn’t make a secret of that. Though he is still generally miserable. They look out for each other, but when they’re alone, rarely interact.
Papyrus. He’s not cruel, not really. He just. Lacks emotionality, basically. He has his priorities, his objectives, a job to do, and a reason. Gaster made them to break the barrier, and if the best he can do is obtain a human soul for it, then that’s what he’ll do. But in the meantime, he’ll keep them alive, and the best way to do that is status. Still secretive, of course, but is a little more straightforward about his strength as well, helps keeping things in line. He can express mildly, but I mean mildly. It’s rare to see anything beyond vaguely irritated, and his “happy” is basically a barely there smile that looks more learned than natural. He’s like a robot, almost, and no one trusts him, not even Undyne. Sans is too fucked to care about trust. If Papyrus randomly killed him one day, it would just be something that happened. He doesn’t care anymore. But that doesn’t impact his motivation. Papyrus would never lay a hand on his brother.
They’re an odd job and a half, really.
But yeah!! I love thinking about them, and how drastically different all of their relationships are. Ice’s nickname is definitely very fitting, but at his core, he is still Papyrus, just because he doesn’t show his emotions doesn’t mean he doesn’t have them… Flowey and Frisk would also be inverted, so it might be…a little trickier to get a true pacifist ending, but it all balances out, in the end! Also���gotta come up with nickname for everyone…
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topazshadowwolf · 6 years
Underfell Gaster blaster AU
Here’s a fic for my “Gaster Blastober” thing I’m doing again this year. I decided to do a fic in an Underfell variation of the Gaster Blaster AU. Which is fun, since both are kinda vague and have no real set rules as to how they are, so I got to make up how I wanted it to be. Anyway, there is some violence in this, but I’d rate it at teen. AO3
Sans never before wished he had a tongue. That weird fleshy object always seemed disgusting and a pain to deal with. Where did it fit in a mouth amid sharp teeth without getting bitten? With fangs like his, if he bit his tongue (that is if he had one) it would definitely be a painful experience. But, at that moment, as the wounds on his transformed body ached, he longed for some way to relieve the pain. He had seen other monsters lick their wounds before, and it seemed like such a comforting act.
All he had was his fang-filled jaws, which would only scratch and irritate the damaged areas. Well, he should be grateful. Had Boss not insisted that they do their rounds in their full blaster form he would be dust for sure. While still physically weaker than his brother in this form, as a blaster beast Sans had far more defense and HP than he normally had. Thanks to daily blaster scouting and training in dodging, this runt lived another day.
Still, as nice as it is to survive, the cracked and chipped bones were definitely something he could do without. Part of him wanted to retreat to the door in the woods. The lady there was good at healing, and few know that or even went there. Not even Papyrus knows about her, and Sans promised not to tell. She took a liking to Sans, for some reason he couldn’t explain. She liked his jokes at least, or she was that starved for the company that she tolerated him returning daily. Even in this large, lumbering form, when she couldn’t understand his jokes, she just opens the doors and walks out to sit with him and knit. He would like that right now, resting with her healing him and just being near; but, he knew Boss wanted Sans to wait here, to meet up once it was all clear.
The older blaster didn’t like that his younger brother ran off to scout their turf for any more of those punks from Waterfall. Sans had no warning for that surprise attack, and they were ready to fight him in this form. What they weren’t prepared for was Papyrus being close enough to provide back up. Knowing that Sans hated that Papyrus was alone when there could be more monsters ready to fight a blaster. Unfortunately, there was no stopping Boss, once he had an idea in his head he ran with it until he succeeded or failed in a way that made him feel he succeeded. In a world like this, that kind of productiveness was rewarded more than Sans laziness. So, he had long since passed pack leadership over to his bro. That did come with some interesting changes in Papyrus.
The younger skeleton now liked being called “Boss” when they were working or in public, no matter the form. Papyrus had also gotten nippy and rough in behavior, but nothing harmful. Sans wasn’t sure, but he wondered if it was his brother’s way of encouraging Sans to be more aggressive as well. Unfortunately for Boss, Sans was too lazy for that and would tuck tail, whine, and surrender. Not that Sans never “fought” back with his bro. He just preferred teasing Boss and testing his patience until Sans got that deserved nip on the nose or more. While it seemed worse to a watcher, no harm was ever done to either, and it was more bonding that not. Ultimately, the two were brothers, they had each other’s back… No matter the teasing or bullying they kept each other and their territory safe.
The sound of crunching snow alerted Sans to the return of his brother. His brother sniffed Sans over and growled softly. The older brother knew the growl wasn’t meant for him as Papyrus anger was still directed towards the jerks who thought they could invade their land and attack Sans. The younger blaster threw his head back and let out a roar that caused Sans to flinch. Papyrus stomped around angrily, blowing off steam in the process. Shifting his head slightly, Sans watched his brother with mild amusement.
<what now, boss?> Sans asked his brother once he finally settled down.
Papyrus looked at Sans for a moment then huffed while raising his head to full height in pride. <I SHALL TAKE THIS UP WITH UNDYNE. SHE AND I HAVE AND A LONG UNDERSTANDING ALLIANCE. I HIGHLY DOUBT SHE WOULD HAVE ISSUED THIS ATTACK>
It took an effort to shift his paws back under himself, but Sans slowly stood, snow falling from his aching bones from where he had pressed wounds against the cold for pain relief. They hurt, but he felt he could travel with no trouble. Even though he had not been sleeping just now, it still helped his magic to start to heal as he rested. <yeah, ok, makes sense, boss. besides, undyne’s the type who’d be here and not be just sending underlings. she might be in trouble herself, y’know.>
Turning, Sans started to walk towards the tunnel that lead to Waterfall, but as he started his brother snapped at him. Papyrus left a shallow scratch is previously undamaged snout with a fang. Sans jumped back lowering his tail while growling at Papyrus. <the hell was that for, boss?!>
That surprised Sans and he tilted his head, unsure what his brother wanted from him. Didn’t Papyrus just say they were going to meet with Undyne? <uh, to waterfall?>
<ABSOLUTELY NOT! YOU WILL REPORT TO OUR DEN AND REST!> It was a clear order from Papyrus, but Sans glared at his brother.
<and let you wander into possible trap alone?> Sans snorted, annoyed his brother was blocking him.
<ARE YOU DOUBTING ME?!> Papyrus stood taller as he tried to appear threatening. Normally this display of self-confidence would cause Sans to laugh, but right now all Sans felt was worried.
<naw, of course not, bro. i just don’t doubt them either.> Sans huffed.
The younger brother growled deeply, the sound echoing like distant thunder with an underlying rolling hiss. Sans understood there was no arguing past this point. With a sigh, Sans sat and lowered his head to let his brother know he won this fight. His younger brother relaxed while still holding a strong stance. <GO HOME, SANS, REST. I WILL NOT BE LONG.>
Sans watched as Papyrus trotted off towards Waterfall as he slowly stood and started in the direction of Snowdin. But… had Papyrus knowns his elder brother well enough. He would have known Sans was not going to let Papyrus wander off into enemy territory like that. Just because his brother won the growling match, that didn’t mean he really won at all. Sans didn’t risk his life every day raising his younger brother just to have him killed by some punks who found out ways to fight a full-blown blaster beast. Keeping a safe distance, Sans trailed his brother, keeping an eye on him as they made their way to Waterfall. It wasn’t easy, as blasters had such strong senses, and Undyne’s house was a fair distance into Waterfall. But this wasn’t the first time Sans had followed his brother without Papyrus knowing.
There was plenty of long grass, deep water, and rock formations to hid behind, making it easy for Sans to remain hidden from his brother. Papyrus, though, was marching along, with no fear. Luckily for him, so far, none who saw him dared to approach. They had seen the Snowdin guard enough to know he was friends or allies with Undyne and understood it was in their best interest to leave him alone.
Sans always liked this place. Had it not been so populated, he would have stayed here with Papyrus instead of venturing into Snowdin. As two small pups, trying to survive without adult protection, it was far too dangerous with all the monsters living here. Unlike Waterfall, Snowdin had fewer monsters, and the ones that did live there formed a bond with their neighbors instead of small gangs. The cold and snowstorms could be just as deadly as a powerful monster, if not more so. When the world around you seems to be plotting your demise, waging war with everyone around you who could be a useful resource later is generally unwise. This made Snowdin a powerful unit of monsters who knew and understood how to work with each other far better than any other community in the Underground.
Still, it is easy to marvel at the beauty of Waterfall. In the darkness, the glowing echo flowers and mushrooms were wonderful to admire. More than them, though, the ceiling above looked like what he heard the night sky of the surface looked like. Millions of tiny dots above his head, shining in a gorgeous display that he could sit and look at for hours.
Unlike usual, it wasn’t difficult to overcome his desire to just sit and stare at those mock stars. He was here for a reason that was far more important to him. Keeping a socket on his brother, he continued to trail him to the house in question. The red hair of the monster out front gave away that she was the predatory, fish monster they were looking for. Sans glanced around, and sniffed the air, he didn’t see any threats around. Perhaps he was worried for nothing and should slink back home before Papyrus noticed.
“Papyrus? What are you doing here?” The gruff voice of Undyne asked his brother who started to shift down to a partial blaster form so he could speak to her. Something still nagged at Sans that he should keep an eye on them. With a sigh, he gave in to his instincts and remained hidden nearby, watching.
Hearing a noise, Sans turned his skull to see a shadowy figure of a monster lurking not that far from him. The cat monster hadn’t noticed Sans, his focus solely on Papyrus and Undyne. Sans could feel the ill intent radiating off of him. A yell from somewhere else signaled an attack, and before Undyne or Papyrus could react magic was flying at them. Luckily, both were skilled enough to block and avoid most of the magical bullets flying at them. As monsters ran out of hiding at them, Sans decided to even the odds a little. The cat monster was about to spring into action when Sans struck them with a well-placed slash of his claws. He could see the shocked and pained look of the feline. The cat monster took a turn and attacked him, but Sans dodged his magical attacks with a wince as the previously gained wounds ached from the use of his bones and joints. Annoyed, Sans sought to end this as soon as possible. He finished off the cat monster was just an easy pounce.
Dusting other monsters never sat well with Sans, but he did what needed to be done, for his survival and the survival of Papyrus. Looking back at his brother, he could see Undyne and Papyrus were holding their own fairly well, but they were still outnumbered. They would surely win, but it could go faster if they didn’t have so many to fight. He lowered his head and opened his jaws, feeling magic gathered then burst forth in a beam. His attack struck three monsters who were standing next to each other, and with their high LOVE, they were nothing but dust by the time the light of his attack died down.
His location known, Sans leaped from his hiding spot and struck at a monster with his claws. They stumbled back, clutching the wound, the pain from KR causing them then drop to their knees and scream. A yell from behind Sans caught his attention and he saw two monsters charging at him. Swinging his tail, he sent them flying off to who knows where. What mattered was they weren’t attacking his brother anymore.
“SANS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I TOLD YOU TO REST!” Papyrus yelled and to that Sans whined an apology. “IF YOU WERE REALLY SORRY YOU WOULDN’T BE HERE!”
Well, his brother had a point.
“Sans, stand down, we got it from here!” Undyne yelled, looking just as annoyed as Papyrus to see his help. This caused the attacking gang remaining to reconsider their options. After all, the one who just dusted three monsters in one attack was being told to stop helping. Good thing too. Papyrus and Undyne could both easily dust the rest of them without breaking a sweat. And as spears and bones rained down on them, those that weren’t dusted ran like the cowards they were.
Once they were alone, Papyrus turned to Sans and put his hands on his hips “SANS, YOU WERE GIVEN AN ORDER TO STAY HOME, WHY ARE YOU HERE?”
“Hey, normally I’m all for yelling at your brother, but look, he’s and not being lazy when he even had a good reason to sit around. And he did great, DID YOU SEE HOW FAR HE SENT THOSE TWO FLYING?! I bet they’re in Hotland!” Undyne smiled big, showing off her teeth as she spoke. She walked closer and reached up, patting Sans on the nose, letting him know she approved of this. “But, if you are ever so careless with your life again, I will dust you myself, got it?”
Sans blinked at her change of tone and nodded. He then waited patiently for his brother and Undyne to discuss what they were going to do about these attacks. Strengthening the patrols of the Royal Guards was the solution that they came to, which Sans worried would possibly lead to more trouble down the line. But, hey, what did he know, he was just a sentry.
Side by side, the two blasters made their way back to Snowdin. The younger fussing over Sans the entire way. <WHAT IF YOU GOT HURT MORE?> <YOU DID WELL IN THE FIGHT BUT YOU COULD HAVE JUST KEPT A SOCKET ON SNOWDIN!> <WHAT IF THEY SPOTTED YOU FIRST?> All it really boiled down to was that Papyrus had been worried about his older brother, and Sans was touched by this.
Once back home, they shifted back down into their skeleton forms. Papyrus ordered Sans to take a nap on the sofa after shoving a plate of spaghetti in the older skeleton’s face. The “food” was barely edible, but Sans managed to keep it down before curling up on the sofa. His body was still sore and tired from all that happened, but knowing his brother and their territory was still safe, Sans was able to drift to sleep.
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