evilmortymortimer · 4 months ago
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some unfinished stuff
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icarian-avis · 9 months ago
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Roy character sheet, as promised
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habken · 5 months ago
calling undercuts ugly is iida tenya slander
now I think we can all agree that not all undercuts are the same, there's some fuckass undercuts out there
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gingermintpepper · 1 month ago
Stray Gods, I would like to make a formal apology for prematurely issuing a low score on my Apollo-in-media Judgement Scale before playing you. Yes, you do commit many cardinal sins with his physical design such as having him look like a surfer bro with the Brad Pitt-Achilles nape length bob and that is, in some ways, unforgiveable, but I should have known better than to judge a book by its cover. Or, in this case, an Apollo by his abs.
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mel-loly · 30 days ago
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-I cut my hair❤️
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thecrowsart · 7 months ago
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(crops under cut)
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#natsume yuujinchou#matoba seiji#natori shuuichi#horrible exorcists#sorry i couldnt think of a caption i literally sat here for like 2 minutes lol#usually i use a quote from the scene or a lyric from a song but in this scene they're just Looking#anyway FUCK architecture#really though this is csp's perspective ruler's fault. i shoulda just done this by hand#but i made it work. since it wasnt super super complicated lol#ummm i feel like natori looks like a baby ceo but that is what he was wearing at least in the anime version of this scene#and midorikawa's kind of vague about clothes so i made it easy on myself#but why are you rolling up to the exorcist meeting in a navy blazer and tan chinos?#his uniform color is tan so ig the pants could be from that but the blazer......#tryna represent the natori clan in front of the other exorcists ig idk#meanwhile matobas just in his gakuran lol#hes not the clan head yet so he can just be there as a kid#he even gets told off by takuma and called seiji-kun.....could you imagine like.#it's weird for him to not be matoba#anyway. um i completely kind of fudged the architecture because its hard to tell where exactly in the building this scene is and#i had a specific composition in mind#i only realized i messed up how the windows work like 3/4 of the way into lineart soooo#but thats the kind of thing only i would notice probably#btw i was originally drawing a different scene of them but i was faced with the reality of foliage.#and i remembered this romeo and juliet ass scene existed so#i chose architecture LOL#okay last thing. i feel like natoris haircut is too polished and nice but fr wtf is his canon hair#im doing my best LOL.........but boy#OKAY im done
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whos-hotter-jjba · 2 months ago
Hottest JJBA Outfit Bracket - Narciso Anasui Preliminary Poll
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youjibyers · 1 year ago
Honestly this sounds ridiculous but sometimes I think the constant bowl cut jokes that the ga and reddit make about Will are basically them just coping and seething at the idea of Will being an actually important character. It’s like every time they only choose to focus on how silly they think his haircut is, they progressively devalue his character and take him less and less seriously. And it kinda seems like they’re just trying to convince themselves that Will could not possibly be important to the narrative, could not possibly be explored in a deep and significant way-not because they correctly understand the story but because they really do not want a gay male character to be focused on in “their” show. The amount of attention Will and his sexuality get already is probably too much for some of them.
Because stranger things is so mainstream, I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people just subconsciously view it as a “normal people show” even though it started as a show about/for outcasts. Thus, the more focus that’s given to a gay male character, the more it becomes a “gay show,” and if their “normal show” starts becoming a “gay show,” it will make a part of the audience feel duped and “forced” into confronting a subject that makes them uncomfortable: homosexuality (and its associated struggles). And a lot of these people would be especially angry at this development because they can’t even comprehend that competent, male creators might willingly tell a story about a gay boy, so they end up assuming that the creators must have been pressured to force the story into taking a turn for the gay, or that they’ve been brainwashed by the woke agenda-after all, they couldn’t just be progressive people who sat down and simply decided naturally that they wanted to explore homosexuality as a major theme in a sci-fi horror show from the start. That’s not even allowed, right? Gay stuff should be contained and quarantined in gay-specific genres like a disease, right?
Anyway, I just think it’s maybe not a coincidence that I see way less “reducing Will to his haircut” behavior from people who are invested in the complexity and humanity of his character compared to the people who clearly want him to stay small and hidden, out of sight and out of mind.
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kabutoden · 4 months ago
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bringing back this classic look from 2013 🥺🥺 melosa bb you are doing STELLAR your outfit is literally so gender... message to ALL dont listen to the HATERS!!! follow your GOALS. never stop looking swag!!! you ARE so masc you ARE
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skeletalheartattack · 6 days ago
hi I like gelato a lot
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#ask#anon#hi anon. sorry that i used this opportunity to talk about the sims 2 console port#ive had this template made and didn't use it for much besides a few jokes to send to friends#but i think it's on par for Gelato to be this knowledgeable about one of his favourite games.#but yeah basically i grew up with the xbox version of Sims 2 and since the xbox was my brothers console. i didnt get to play it a whole lot#and years later i bought the sims 2 on PS2 and noticed a lot of slowdown on actions and stuff#and the golden bolt (i think thats their youtube name) did a video about the console ports of sims 1 & 2 games#and i was kinda confused hearing them talk about how the sims 2 only had one save file (on PS2) because the xbox version had like eight#and so that. paired with me looking through the cutting room floor page of the sims 2#i was kinda curious to see if the xbox version really performed as bad as it does on the ps2 version#because the golden bolt was also talking about that in their coverage of the ports#and so like again. there's only two videos on youtube that I could find of the xbox version#and the ones uploaded by IGN run on the ps2 version. because of the fucking button prompts they show on screen#anyway. so like thankfully one of the only other xbox videos showcased making a sim. and it's. so much fucking faster than the ps2 version#like on the ps2 version. you'd select a hairstyle. wait 5-10 seconds. and then the hair changes and you get the ui element to customize it#press cancel and you wait 5-10 seconds to revert back to your previous hairstyle#on the xbox version though? it's so much fucking faster#i haven't checked gameplay of the gamecube version but ik that speedrunners use specifically just that version of the port?#im not sure why only because i havent done the research to check what's better about the gamecube version#granted. i have to get around to getting an original xbox controller at some point to prove it for myself that the xbox port runs the best#i know it probably wont be perfect due to the disk having a few scratches. but its gotta beat my ps2 copy#im also curious to see how many save files i used. because im almost certain i used like 6-7 of them#just because i kept creating new story modes with almost identical alien sims with mohawks#in my last playthrough. i think i broke that tradition and gave my sim a flatter haircut. i also forget if i made him an alien or not.#i havent played it in a year due to getting my computer and it taking up the space i used for my crt setup#anyway. hi anon. sorry about that. im happy you like Gelato :)#i genuinely love him so much ever since Helper sketched him up. like she absolutely nailed it. literally couldn't ask for anything better#and writing up stuff for him has honestly made me love him so much more#thank you for the ask anon!! :)
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ganemouchie · 6 months ago
I think this is somewhat obvious, but I still wanted to say it. My favourite part about listening to podcasts has been so far the lack of official visual design for the characters in relation to the progression of the plot
Like, I'm listening to Malevolent (currently part 20, wish me luck), and yeah, I think Arthur had a very trimmed, well-kept mustache before it all started. Yes, I think he tries to keep it afterward (hence why he's so fixated on the shaving kit). YES, I think he shaves it completely off after his time on the hole/prison.
It is just so fun to play around with their physical appearances like that oaughh.
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gayleafpool · 1 year ago
varian buys platform boots to make himself taller but nobody even notices cuz he’s still itty bitty
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nhura · 4 months ago
🧍‍♂️............................................................................................... alright man I'm just going to say it. I'm so hsrpilled that it's making me act out and draw fanart again. look forward to it or else ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
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^ that's a wip
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vendarkoe · 1 year ago
playing slow damage rn why'd they have my beautiful genderqueer king cut off his hair at the end of his route what are we doing to our queens
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icantalk710 · 8 months ago
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moongothic · 7 months ago
Honestly the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced OPLA's [random Background Extra at Roger's execution everyone thought was pre-t Crocodile] isn't actually Crocodile.
And just so we're clear; we don't need that Background Extra to be pre-t Crocodile for Crocodile to be trans and/or Luffy's other dad. One Piece already has a fuck ton of material to provide for us to push the Crocodad Agenda and this Extra from OPLA would not and frankly does not tip the scale of Crocodad's plausibility in either direction (as I'm going to attempt to explain). I know a lot of us got kind of attached to the idea that the Extra could be Croc because it added fuel to the fire for the fandom (hell, it is what made me fall down the Crocodad Rabbithole to begin with), and so the fact that I'm now going to try to dismiss it might feel a little bad. I just want you to understand that we don't need that Extra to be Crocodile. We have better evidence for Crocodad elsewhere.
Anyways, yeah, the more I think about the less I think that lady is pre-transition Crocodile (-> going to be she/her'ing her). To be fair, there isn't really much to provide as evidence for either case, since she was just A Background Extra who we saw for a split second. It's just that I don't think it's a "50/50 it could go either way", but more like a "92/8 probably not, though not impossible" Also quick reminder I have not watched OPLA, all I know about this Extra is from screencaps so if I'm missing any helpful context then yeah that's why.
My key reasoning is pretty boring though. It's just that she does not look like Crocodile. As in, she does not have enough of Crocodile's key features (in his character design overall) that help us recognize Crocodile as Crocodile. Yes, we have no idea how he looked during Roger's execution. Yes, he probably did not have his iconic scar nor hook during this time. That's not what I'm talking about. There's more to Crocodile's character design than those two things.
When we saw Crocodile at Roger's execution in Chapter 0, we specifically saw him from behind. We don't know how his face looked nor do we know what he might've been wearing. All we do know is that: He was wearing a furlined (or a full fur) coat. He had his cigars. He wore his hair slicked back, and he had at least one earring.
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And all this Background Extra has going for her is the earring(s). Even her hair, which, sure, IS slicked back, is still quite different from how Crocodile wears his hair, as it seems much longer with braids and seeming to be tied back. And yes I know pre-t Crocodile might had long hair, it's not like we can really see or tell in the panel.
But there's two things I want you to think about here.
1) Oda generally speaking does not change character designs that much through out the series, as the characters get older etc. Like generally speaking, each character has certain traits and features that help us recognize the characters, and while Oda may change some features about the characters, he'll also always go out of his way to ensure they also retain other features, so that they remain recognizable to the readers. Here's a few examples to drive my point
Moria's body changes a lot as he gets older but his facial features remain essentially the same as does his haircut (and his alt fashion style)
Sabo's haircut changes completely as does his face a little bit, but his fashion sense has not changed one bit
Her ⌛️ phase aside (because Oda is a horny bastard), baby Charlotte Linlin has the same big nose, large eyes and huge smile as she does as Big Mom+the rotund body shape in general (and even ⌛️ Linlin, who is otherwise unrecognizable, has Big Mom's iconic pirate hat)
Baby Doflamingo wearing his stupid little glasses even as a kid- we don't know what he looks like without them, but the sunglasses make him weirdly more recognizable that way
Really, I could go on, but the point remains; Oda does not drastically change character designs often, and even when he does, they're still recognizable because they retain certain features. And so the fact that the Background Extra doesn't really have "enough" of those features makes it hard for me to buy that's Crocodile. Because...
2) ...If OPLA did want to include pre-t Crocodile as an easter egg, why make it this vague? Genuinely, they could've given the Extra something slightly more recognizable to us, like given her either a cigar or a furlined coat (maybe not both), and honestly there'd still be a really good level of deniability if Netflix wanted to be cheeky about it. Like OPLA wouldn't have to worry about them confirming Crocodile being trans before Oda, because we don't know how Crocodile looked during this time. Even with the coat or a cigar we'd still have no way to prove or debunk whether or not the Extra really was pre-t Croc (as long as nobody in staff went and blurted it out).
But as the Extra is right now, her resemblance to Crocodile is so non-existant that it feels frankly pointless to me if that really was him, it's too deniable. Where as, imagine if she had a furlined coat on. We'd be having a much more heated discussion about whether or not that really was Crocodile, because then the resemblance would be immidiately much more noticable, but still just vague enough to be deniable -> much more heated debate.
And I know, I know, people can change drastically how they present themselves when transing their gender, so it could be realistic if pre-t Crocodile looked nothing like post-t Croc. But this is a silly comic with a funny rubber boy as the protagonist. This is fucking One Piece, man, you can't get much more unrealistic than OP And again, like. How many characters in OP have dressed nearly the exact same and presented themselves in the exact same style their whole lives? It's not realistic, but that's what OP is like, so frankly it would be much more on-brand for the series if pre-t Crocodile presented himself the exact same as he does now. Because that is how Oda normally does it.
But again. Regardless, there's plenty of material in the manga for trans Crocodile truthers to cling onto. This Extra does not add anything substantial by any stretch of imagination. She just does not matter.
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