alexe & her imaginary world
6 posts
hello there! i don't really know where this blog is going since it's my first time creating one, but i hope it'll come out good and that you'll enjoy discovering it! i maybe plan to write headfanons and OCs analysis of various anime universes, so see you soon ✌️
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alexeeeeeeeeeee · 2 months ago
Le reflet de la société à travers les réseaux sociaux : une réflexion
« Quand nous livrons une partie de notre vie aux réseaux sociaux, cette trace risque d'être indélébile. »
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Les réseaux sociaux.
Ah, il y en a des choses à dire sur le sujet, bonnes et mauvaises.
Beaucoup affirment qu'ils sont la cause du déclin des nouvelles générations, qu'ils ne font qu'accroître le mal contre lequel ils devaient servir; d'autres, qu'ils leur ont permis de voir la vie d'un nouvel œil et de sortir de leur zone de confort pour expérimenter et découvrir.
En un sens, énormément de personnes croient que ce qui s'affiche sur leurs écrans est un reflet de la société actuelle, complètement obnubilée par « le besoin d’être reconnu, d’être admiré par les gens autour de soi¹ », celui d'être « [stimulé], d’être au courant de tout ce qu’il y a de nouveau et d’innovateur² ».
Néanmoins, bien que certains utilisateurs qui se manifestent en ligne peuvent faire miroiter une forme de réalité à travers leurs commentaires, la vérité est tout autre.
Déjà, moins de trois personnes sur dix (29%) interviennent sur les réseaux sociaux pendant que les 71% restants se contentent de lire et de consommer sans piper mot. De ce fait, il est plus qu'erroné de clamer que la société entière (8,2 milliards d'habitants en 2024, donc un total de 2,38 milliards d'utilisateurs dits « actifs » sur les réseaux sociaux) est représentée par ces individus.
Ensuite, certes, plusieurs types de personnes malintentionnées s'amusent à créer le mal (majoritairement sous forme de cyberintimidation) et à accentuer la mauvaise humeur des masses (en provoquant des esclandres qui n'ont pas réellement lieu d'être), et, certes, ces besoins d'être reconnu - considéré - et stimulé sont une réplique d'un comportement bien réel.
Toutefois, il faut prendre en compte que, si ces gens le font sur les réseaux sociaux, c'est qu'ils n'ont peut-être pas la possibilité de le faire « dans la vraie vie ».
Parce que la société ne leur en donne pas l'occasion.
Les réseaux sociaux sont des lieux où il est possible de socialiser, de « tisser des liens au-delà du monde physique immédiat de [sa] famille, de [son travail] et de [ses] passe-temps³ », voire de simplement parler, de posséder une voix et d'être entendu.
Beaucoup affirment que les réseaux sociaux dupent, trompent, embobinent, « matrixent », et c'est vrai, mais la réalité le fait tout autant.
Les réseaux sociaux ne sont pas un reflet de la société, ils sont ce qu'ils sont : des plateformes numériques sur lesquelles on peut s'exprimer d'une façon dont on n'est pas forcément capable dans le monde tangible. Ils sont une autre voie, une autre porte qu'il est possible d'ouvrir pour se manifester, pour laisser sa trace (bonne ou mauvaise) et dire ce que l'on aimerait être ou devenir, ce que l'on aimerait faire ou obtenir, ce que l'on aimerait.
GIGUÈRE, Alain, « Non, les médias sociaux ne sont pas le reflet de la société », dans L'actualité (26 février 2019), (Site consulté le 29 novembre 2024).
LEE, Amanda, « Les jeunes et les médias sociaux : trois avantages et trois risques », dans Médias sociaux - Telus Averti (21 mai 2024), (Site consulté le 29 novembre 2024).
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alexeeeeeeeeeee · 11 months ago
Lesson One | Welcome to Devildom!
| 1 | Royal Academy of Diavolo
'Where am I...?'
In a dream.
Because there was no other reasonable explanation for the fact that Goh was currently standing dumbfounded in a huge medieval-looking courtroom, being stared at by several men claiming to be demons.
'Demons. Ha.'
Was this a joke? Was he high? Even though he didn’t remember ever taking that kind of substance in his short life, maybe the stifling air of his small room in the university residence had made him dizzy enough to hallucinate things...
''... though we just call it RAD. You're standing inside the assembly hall, the very heart of RAD. This is where we officers of the student council hold our meetings and conduct our business.''
'Officers of... the student council? Is this a school?'
Goh had barely registered one piece of information that ten others popped up and assailed him with nonsense. A demon realm? A prince? What was his name again? Diavolo? One of the other men present explaining to him that Goh had been summoned into the Devildom as an exchange student aiming to complete an exchange program between a Celestial Realm and the human world? A man who actually happened to be Lucifer, Avatar of Pride?
'What the... Wait no, don't come any closer!... Stop talking already... A YEAR!?'
Oh, and now Lucifer (?) was handing him what looked an awful lot like an iPhone − a... D.D.D.? − and was informing him that it would be used to communicate with them and to invoke magic cards via a magic virtual book that would allow him to fight against other demons to strengthen his soul.
'Please, Goh, just wake up already... all this seems way to lucid for me to be reassured that nothing's real.'
Looked after by the Avatar of Greed, Lucifer's (?) brother?
Why didn't it sound promising?...
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| 2 | The Seven Brothers
''So, what business does a human got with THE Mammon?''
''You'll... apparently be in charge of me from now on.''
''No way! There's nothin' in it for me.''
So one of the little brothers of Lucifer (?) had already some beef against him because his older brother obliged him to take care of the human.
The three other men in the courtroom were apparently also siblings of Lucifer (?), the gorgeous champagne-haired being the Avatar of Lust, Asmodeus (?); the passive-aggressive blond, the Avatar of Wrath, Satan (?); the giant and hungry redhead, the Avatar of Gluttony, Beelzebub (?).
'Aren’t Lucifer and Satan supposed to be the same being? Also, those Avatar Lords seem to embody the seven deadly sins, which means there must be two other brothers for envy and sloth…'
Goh had a really hard time trying to correctly understand the situation, and he was still not completly sure whether all this circus was reality, but since taking the phone − the D.D.D. −, he had this uncomfortable feeling that he might not be dreaming.
After all, the device felt pretty real to him.
Heavy, even.
As the presence of the five men (?) around him. He didn't feel extremely safe with them near him, even though Diavolo said that the brothers were going to protect him of potential demons disagreeing with the prince who might try something against him to screw things up.
Thus, Goh would have to live with them in the House of Lamentation.
And thus, Goh needed to collect as much informations as he could. Because if this interdimensional exchange program was his new life − for a whole year −, he needed to be prepared.
Had to be prepared.
Otherwise, there was a possibility that he could never be able to return to his normal life.
And maybe that the courtroom door presently opening would be one of the first danger that he would need to be aware of.
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| 3 | Mammon, Avatar of Greed
Goh was so screwed.
He was definitely not dreaming.
The rush of fear that he felt as Mammon approched him and grabbed his shirt before ordering to give him all his money was way to real to only be a construction of his imagination.
Goh tried hard not to show any emotion, like he'd been doing since he'd become aware of his surroundings, as the tan-skinned and silver-haired demon was threatening to eat him right in front of his face, but it was a bit difficult when a fiery blue-green gaze and a hot breath were assailing him.
He got even more convinced that all what was happening was reality when Lucifer hit Mammon hard enough to let go and to cause him and the human he has been holding to stumble a few steps from the shock of the impact.
At this, Goh couldn't help but surreptitiously widen his eyes, momentarily stunned by the raw strength the demon was capable of displaying.
'I'm going to die. Protected? Hell, those brothers will be the cause of my death!'
Even though he had just been kind of attacked − technically, the demon hadn’t touch him −, the human felt a little confused when Satan revealed that Mammon really only cared about the money of someone, not the someone in question, because the bad feeling that was swarming tirelessly in the depths of his gut seemed to lighten a little when Goh's shaken mind had witnessed Mammon's reaction to Asmodeus' derogatory remark : the Avatar of Greed hadn't respond by making use of this threatening aura that Lucifer and Satan had released a little earlier when the latter was presented.
Even though the silver-haired demon obviously cared a lot about money − Satan called it ''grimm'', right? −, the human was able to perceive that he was also capable of restraint.
From the way Mammon's brothers − minus Beelzebub − insulted him without flinching, Goh deduced that this was the usual way of treating the second eldest.
Second eldest who, if one followed a logic of power scale, must have been the second strongest of the siblings, just after Lucifer.
At second glance, Mammon appeared to be a free spirit, thus explaining why he didn't look eager to personally take care of Goh during his stay in the Devildom, but maybe he was really not the worst protector that could be.
'I guess he looks more reasonable and sincere than Satan, Asmodeus or Lucifer... As for Beelzebub, I think that if I don't touch his food, he should leave me alone. Maybe I can survive this... I just have to not get involved in things that don't concern me and I should be fine. I think... I hope.'
''Alright, human, listen up. As much as I don't want to look after you, I've got no choice. So in return, you better make sure you don't cause me any trouble, got it?''
A bit calmer than five minutes ago, Goh took a few seconds to size up his interlocutor, the demon's blue-green eyes glinting mostly with annoyance and resignation, but also with a spark that he could describe as curiosity.
Relaxing his imperturbable expression a little, Goh nodded, thus sealing their future collaboration.
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| 4 | Good Luck
''Humans, angels, demons, I imagine a universe where each accepts the other. Where we are brought together as friends. This is my dream, and I'm asking you to be the foundation for it.''
'Talking about an utopia...'
It wasn't like Goh was mad at them for kidnapping him without any warning only to throw him into this whole new and dangerous world, no : he was just internally furious and worried and so, so lost.
He was just a random university student, with common short and messy brown hair and even more common chocolate brown eyes. He wasn't tall, nor was he small, he wasn't particularly fit − just the right healthy shape to make his body work.
He was a nobody amongst nobodies.
Not even thirty minutes ago, he had been in his campus dorm, reading an anthropology book while trying to not suffocate from the late summer heat − nothing that was most normal and banal in his eyes.
But now...
The human let out a soft, tired sigh, a certain weight hunching his shoulders forward as Mammon guided him out of the room.
Even when he was little, Hugo Yatsurugi had never been the type of boy who believed in fairy tales or monsters under the bed. No, he had always been a down-to-earth, very curious child.
The mysteries of the world had fascinated him for a long time now, and it was human beings that had particularly caught his attention.
After all, what a strange creature this abstract life form was. Coming from the hominid family, humans had progressed from primate to the modern individual that they now boast of having reached in approximately seven million years. A lot of work and transformations to proclaim themselves master of the Earth.
Younger, the brunette had always wondered how the human mind developed and how it was really made. It was his curiosity about psychology and anthropological behavior that led him to study history and observe people. This was how he discovered his ''passion''.
Analyze, decode, then try to help if he could.
Neither Goh nor those around him understood why he had fallen for such a hobby. After all, as a kid, he hadn't been the most sociable of the classes he had been through, content to stay away.
But he seemed to always have had a soft spot for human beings in general. Even though the young man knew full well that the world he lived in was doomed to destruction because of human impetuosity and stupidity, he wanted to be able to relieve his specie of the scourge with which it had burdened itself.
As a human himself, Goh had come to believe that nothing and no one could dethrone the superpredator that they were. Obviously, he'd been wrong all along. Angels and demons now had to be added to the balance.
And this reversal of forces changed absolutely everything.
Especially for someone as realist as Goh.
As the human was crossing a paved street, he took advantage of the fact that Mammon was walking a few steps ahead grumbling under his breath, to allow genuine surprise to appear on his face when a bracelet adorned with a pendant representing Capricorn came to life with a will of his own and wanted to follow him, simply held back by the turnstile on which it was attached.
When the brunette was suddenly called − summoned? − to the council room of RAD, he felt immensely scared and confused, thinking he was going crazy.
Now, he just felt concerned, anxious.
And the fact that he only felt like that not even an hour after this whole traumatic experience and discovery destabilised him even more.
Taking his eyes off the rustic decor of the shops and restaurants − taverns? − of the Devildom, Goh let his blunt gaze land on the demon before him and frowned softly as his heart skipped an uneasy beat.
'Why does it feel like a... déjà-vu?'
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| 5 | The House of Lamentation
Goh expected that the residence of the seven brothers would be able to accommodate him and them, but he didn't think that the house would actually be a mansion.
Huge, noble and austere, the old building seemed to have two floors, although the human managed to distinguish a third which must served as an attic. Several lights were on, informing the brunette of the presence of someone inside. Probably the two brothers who had not been present during the small welcome assembly.
''That rotten bastard... Does he really think he can scare me into doin' whatever he wants?''
'Ah, so he was complaining all along...'
Mammon suddenly turned around, almost making the young man who was following him trip.
''Just so we're clear... it's not like I can't say no to Lucifer, okay? I only agreed to babysit you because, um... Well you know, because... uh...''
''Anyway, it doesn't matter! Just don't go thinking that I'm scared of Lucifer or anything! Because I'm not!''
''I know.''
It wasn't the first time the student had faced people like the Avatar of Greed, those who turned a blind eye and said the complete opposite of what they thought to keep face. The best way to ensure that a conversation went well with this type of person was to go their way.
Delighted that their interlocutor was of the same opinion, they would automatically be more at ease.
''... Oh. Okay then, as long as we've got that straight.''
Goh was treated to a discreet glance that he could have missed if he hadn't been so attentive and observant by nature. Just after, Mammon turned around and pulled down the handle of the large double doors.
''... Ugh, whatever. Let's move on.''
An imperceptible smile stretched Goh's lips for the first time since he was in the Devildom. He was happy to have managed to understand part of the behavior of his protector in such a short time.
It could be useful to him later.
Following the demon and leaving the darkness of the night for the light of the residence, astonishment quickly took place on the young man's face as the entrance hall presented itself to him.
Listening absently to Mammon while detailing the place, he learned that the House of Lamentation was actually a dormitory reserved for members of the student council − minus Diavolo, who had his own castle − and that others like it existed all around RAD. From what the human understood, the student council acted as a sort of Congress.
As to whether the power of Diavolo and the brothers extended beyond the academy, the brunette suspected that it was the case, if only with the title of crown prince of Diavolo.
'Which means that these guys are really big shots here...'
''Hey, don't just stand there with you jaw open. Hurry up, or I'm gonna leave ya behind.''
The student noticed with surprise that his inspection of the entrance hall had absorbed him more than he would have expected, Mammon having had time to start taking the corridor which led to the rest of the ground floor.
It's while joining him at a small trot that Goh's chocolate eyes were attracted by a bulletin board where several sheets of part-time job offers were pinned.
''If there's something you wanna ask me, you'd best do it now.''
''What are your hobbies?''
The young man wanted to see if the question would destabilize him. Testing his reactions was a good way to establish the limits that should not be crossed to avoid really annoying him by accident. In addition, it would allow him to better understand the character who would serve as his bodyguard for the coming year.
''Hobbies? Pff, I don't have any... Wait, how about this : I like taking it easy, laughing, and having fun! That's my hobby! Eh, though I guess that's more like a 'lifestyle' than a hobby, huh?''
Maybe it was because of his cooperative reactions, but the human didn't expected the tan-skinned demon to be this easy to talk to.
At first glance, the brunette only saw the snappish character of the Avatar Lord − the fact that his first gesture was to grab him by the collar perhaps had something to do with it −, but when Mammon appeared comfortable in a situation, it seemed easier for him to express his true feelings.
''Anyway, I was actually asking if you had questions about life here at the dorm. I don't get why you wanna talk about me...''
'I don't know when I'll be able to know more about you, or if I'll be able to. I can learn about the Devildom whenever I want.'
''But I'm gonna give you a piece of advice, so listen up.''
The silver-haired stopped moving forward and Goh had all the difficulty in the world to stop to avoid hitting him. His chocolate irises were suddenly anchored in the blue-green eyes of his interlocutor and the serious and harsh look that the demon gave him made him swallow in spite of himself.
Their involuntary proximity already made him insecure, and the fact that Mammon began to tap his chest with his index finger, as one did when one wanted to threaten someone, did not help to calm his growing anxiety.
''If you wanna survive even a day here in the Devildom, you'd better listen real close to what I'm about to say. If it ever looks like a demon is about to attack you... run away.''
Lowering his arm, the Avatar of Greed turned again to resume walking, apparently not noticing the stress he had just put the human through.
''Either that, or die.''
Slightly frowning, the brunette couldn't help but think that this advice was worth gold.
Of course, here, he was just a weak human at the mercy of an entire country filled with seemingly man-eating demons.
No way he would do otherwise.
''How about this? I vote for you to die, Mammon.''
'... Huh?'
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| 6 | Leviathan, Avatar of Envy
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| 7 | The Tale of the Seven Lords
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__________________ 🕯 __________________
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alexeeeeeeeeeee · 11 months ago
Chronology – I
lesson one
⤷ chapters 1 to 7 : September 1st, 2019
lesson two
⤷ chapter 8 : September 2 to 4, 2019
⤷ chapter 9 : September 4, 2019
⤷ chapters 10 & 11 : September 5, 2019
lesson three
⤷ chapters 12 & 13 : September 6 & 7, 2019
⤷ chapter 14 : September 7, 2019
⤷ chapter 15 : September 9, 2019
lesson four
⤷ chapters 16 to 18 : September 9, 2019
⤷ chapter 19 : September 10 to 16, 2019
lesson five
⤷ chapter 20 : September 16, 2019
⤷ chapter 21 : September 17, 2019
⤷ chapter 22 : September 17 & 18, 2019
⤷ chapter 23 : September 18 & 19, 2019
lesson six
⤷ chapter 24 : September 19, 2019
⤷ chapter 25 : September 19 to 22, 2019
⤷ chapter 26 : September 23, 2019
⤷ chapter 27 : October 5 & September 23, 2019
lesson seven
⤷ chapters 28 to 31 : October 4, 2019
lesson eight
⤷ chapters 32 to 35 : October 5, 2019
lesson nine
⤷ chapters 36 & 37 : October 7, 2019
⤷ chapter 38 : October 8 & 9, 2019
⤷ chapter 39 : October 9, 2019
lesson ten
⤷ chapters 40 to 43 : October 10, 2019
lesson eleven
⤷ chapters 44 to 47 : October 11, 2019
lesson twelve
⤷ chapters 48 to 51 : October 12, 2019
lesson thirteen
⤷ chapters 52 to 54 : October 12, 2019
⤷ chapter 55 : October 12 & 13, 2019
lesson fourteen
⤷ chapters 56 to 59 : October 13 , 2019
lesson fifteen
⤷ chapters 60 to 62 : October 13, 2019
⤷ chapters 63 : October 13 & 12, 2019
lesson sixteen
⤷ chapters 64 to 67 : October 12, 2019
lesson seventeen
⤷ chapters 68 & 69 : October 26, 2019
⤷ chapter 70 : October 27, 2019
⤷ chapter 71 : October 28, 2019
lesson eighteen
⤷ chapters 72 & 73 : October 29, 2019
⤷ chapter 74 : October 30, 2019
⤷ chapter 75 : October 31, 2019
lesson nineteen
⤷ chapters 76 & 77: August 24, 2020
⤷ chapters 78 & 79 : August 28, 2020
lesson twenty
⤷ chapters 80 to 82 : August 31, 2020
⤷ chapter 83 : September 1st, 2020
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alexeeeeeeeeeee · 11 months ago
Obey Me! Masterpost
Welcome to all the Obey Me! fans, this is the masterpost of this universe ^^! Within these lines, you'll be able to find my main headcanon storyline of the game plot (and events), as well as analysis evolving around my OC and his relationship with the other characters, and world building posts about chronology of events and timeline/history.
For the storyline, I'm starting from the very bottom (aka season 1 of the OG) and I follow the order of publication of the next seasons → OG seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, then Nightbringer seasons 1 and 2
Events will published in order of parution as well, but in a separated section from the main story.
Analysis will pop up now and then according to my mood or questions on a specific subject concerning my MC.
Chronology is a following in real time of now adventures
Timeline is my own interpretation of the OM past important world developments through the ages until the beginning of the exchange program.
If you enjoy what you read, don't hesitate to go check my other works! Have fun in the OM universe ^^!
Book One ⤷ Lesson One | Welcome to Devildom! ⤷ Coming soon...
Book One ⤷ Coming soon...
Of Book One (main story) ⤷ Chronology I Of Book One (events) ⤷ Chronology I.I
Of Book One ⤷ Coming soon...
⤷ The meaning of Goh ⤷ ...
For any questions or analysis requests, don't hesitate to ask via my questions section!
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alexeeeeeeeeeee · 11 months ago
Chronology – I.I
season one
⤷ dark santa : December 20 to 25, 2019
⤷ demon de butler : between January 6 & 19, 2020
⤷ we're all bad here : between January 21 & February 2, 2020
⤷ good night devil : between February 5 & 16, 2020
⤷ when vampires go bad : between February 19 & March 1st, 2020
⤷ rub that lamp : between March 4 & 15, 2020
⤷ young malicious demon's academy : between March 18 & 29, 2020
⤷ the devil's detective : between April 1st & 12, 2020
⤷ welcome to hell's garden : between April 15 & 26, 2020
⤷ ruri-chan is my bae : between April 29 & May 10, 2020
⤷ paws and claws : between May 13 & 24, 2020
⤷ calling out to you : between May 27 & June 7, 2020
⤷ whose glass slippers are these? : between June 13 & 25, 2020
⤷ a party for you (septet) : January 28 to February 1st, 2020
⤷ summer festival : between July 12 & 23, 2020
⤷ spooky happenings : between July 26 & August 6, 2020
⤷ sun, sea and demons : between August 9 & 20, 2020
⤷ let the games begin! : between August 25 & 30, 2020
___________________ 𖤐 ___________________
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alexeeeeeeeeeee · 11 months ago
The meaning of Goh
Even though the original script and plot of the gacha game Obey Me! are already predetermined by the developers and the choices you make to achieve the relationships or the lore revelations you're seeking to obtain, there is a loooooooooot of underestimated − or unused? − elements that we can make work of to create our own story with our own very unique MC (our main character).
[DISCLAIMER : the game has made a point of not revealing the gender (or lack thereof), ethnicity, age (although this aspect is a bit ambiguous), background or deep/real personality of the story's protagonist. This post is about my OC and my OC only, so please don't feel obligated to refer to this fictional character when playing the game.]
[SPOILERS : since this is a character analysis, of course there will be spoilers of all the seasons that are currently out. You have been warned!]
For my part, HUGO YATSURUGI is the original character I designed to be the MC of my playthrough of Obey Me! :
He is a human with non-magical habilities (like stated in the scenario and main character global description) and a male in the flesh and in the mind (he/his).
His family and friends mostly nickname him Goh, and that's because he told them to do so.
During the entire season 1 until the ellipse in lesson 19, he is 18 yo and then 19 as of December 25, 2019 − which means he's born on the Christmas day of year 2000.
He has short (at the beginning) and a bit messy brown hair, Caucasian skin, pretty average body height (1m70 / 5'7'') and shape (not very muscular or skinny, just the right body to stay healthy according to his standards), chocolate brown eyes a tiny bit stretched asianly like.
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(Here is the most ressembling image I could find of how I designed him in my head → AI Art found on Google Images)
I know, physically described like that, I made him look pretty average, ''normal'', maybe even insignificant, but that's the whole purpose of this charadesign.
He has brown hair and eyes, which are the second most and most common pigmentations of their color chart categories, his body is not perfectly in shape like Beelzebub, nor is he ridiculously good looking like Asmodeus (and all the other characters, let's be honest). He has lived for less than two decades and know very little of the world he once thought he knew well before being dragged to the Devildom, and he has obviously not a single idea of how the magic looming between the three worlds and connecting them works.
In short, I made him look exactly like the weak and pathetic creature most demons and angels think human beings are and, like that, I created some sort of paradox : seven of the most powerful demons that are currently existing and who were pretty set up on their own interpretations and perceptions of the human kind are attracted and intrigued by the in flesh representative of the label ''ordinary''.
I mean, just take a look at Solomon and you'll understand what I'm saying. Solomon has everything to himself, must it be the magic, the relations, the freedom to go where he wants to or the mere power/resources. His physique screams ''I'm special! Look at how powerful and shady mysterious I look everyone'', and that's not a bad thing considering his will to remind everyone that he is the most capable and mighty sorcerer of the three worlds, but Goh isn't that kind of person and certainly don't want to be.
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(Solomon's Box | Obey Me! Game Resources (fan-made) |
So, to summarize, Goh − physically speaking − is the definition of ordinary, of normal, of the freedom to be without the constraint of any external source (ex : being recognized as King Solomon the Wise) − at least for the time being, because the next seasons change that aspect of his character without him noticing it.
But what about the intangible parts of his existence? What about his own designation as an existing, sentient being?
I'm talking here of his name.
First name : Hugo
Last name / family name : Yatsurugi / Salvador
Nickname : Goh
Since I'm a big fan of secret meanings and symbolisms of all sorts, I think it's interesting to dig a bit deeper into the signification and origin of the names I chose when I decided to create Goh.
Let's start by his nickname, since he's most commonly called like that by the others − because he told them to call him like that, his friends didn't come up with that nickname.
If I'm honest with you, when I first started to play the game, I had just finished the recent episodes of Pokemon Journeys and I really liked the name of Goh, so I decided that it was going to be the name of my MC 😂
Of course, since it was a quick without any thoughts decision, I considered changing it, but I decided to do some research on the signfication first − because let's be honest, ''Goh'' isn't the most common or usual first name.
In fact, ''Goh'' is mostly known as a Chinese or Korean surname, but can also be found as a Japanese given name.
''Goh is a common last name found among Overseas Chinese communities around the world. In fact, “Goh” is the transliteration of several different Chinese surnames. Its meaning varies depending on how it is written in Chinese, and which dialect it is pronounced in.'' (Source : Goh Chinese Last Name Facts – My China Roots)
It's majorly popular in Singapore, United States and Malaysia, and often associated with the surname ''Wu'' because of the similarities between the two hanzi (吴 / 吳 [Wu / Goh]). Basically, it means an ''area comprising southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and Shanghai, [and the] name of states in Southern China at different historical periods'' (Source : Goh Chinese Last Name Facts – My China Roots)
This surname is also pretty similar in minnan (Southern Min) pronunciation with gǒu (狗), which is the literal translation of ''dog'', but it's something I'll talk about in more details in an other post that'll dig deeper into the family relationships of my OC.
The Korean ''Goh'' is a romanized version of the common surname Ko (Hangul : 고; Hanja : 髙 / 高).
''According to the Samguk Sagi [a historical record of the Three Kingdom of Korea], the Goguryeo royal family claimed descent from the mythical god Gao Yang, who was the grandson of the Yellow Emperor of Chinese mythology, and thus took the surname of “Go” (高)'' (Source : Ko (Korean surname) - Wikipedia)
Its signfication is ''high'', which is not very surprising given that its supposed origin is from a mythical god, but it's still an interesting hasard to notice (*wink*).
Finally, there is the Japanese given name Gō/Go/Gou/Goh, a first name mostly masculine and one that can be written in six different ways (豪, 剛, 強, 昂, 郷 or 江). The most commonly used are 豪 (overpowering, powerful, superior) and 剛 (strong, sturdy, brave), but I tend to personally prefer this one : 昂, meaning ''rise''.
Again, you can see that there is this connection with a certain elevation, something to surpass or to reach that needs Goh to rise up and high and strong (*wink wink*).
When I did my researches for this nickname − which was originally supposed to be a first name −, I felt that those Korean and Japanese significations and meanings were pretty fitted for the character I wanted to build, so I decided to stick with it. The Chinese origin only came to use later, when I started to establish the nationality and ethnic origin of Goh.
Besides, speaking of nationality and ethnicity, you can notice in the picture I shared above that Goh doesn't look very Japanese, and his first name doesn't sound Japanese either. That's because Hugo is a metis (mixed blood). He was born American − Texan, to be more precise − of a Mexican-American mother and a Chinese-Japanese father, but he has his Japanese nationality.
Yatsurugi is obviously is father last name, inherited from his paternal grandparents, but Goh doesn't consider Yatsurugi to be his family name. For him, Salvador, his mother last name, his more a family name to him than Yatsurugi, and that's because of some beef between him and his asian family side that will be explore somewhere else.
For the time being, let's just analyze the names of Yatsurugi and Salvador.
Yatsurugi (八釼) litteraly means ''eight swords'', and just with that, I would be able to create a connection between his familial lineage and his fate, but let's elaborate a bit. 八 is the common kanji for the number eight − 8 −, but in this last name context, it can also signify ''eight times, occasions'' or ''eight in order'' as well as it can imply the action to ''divide'' or suggest the time of ''two o'clock''.
The number 8 isn't trivial as we know that, before falling from heaven, Lucifer and his brothers had a sister, Lilith, which would've brought the counter to eight demons if she had survived after the fall. When Goh appeared in their lives, he was the eight in a sequence of order to set foot in the Devildom. Without really wanting it, by forging pacts with the brothers to try and reconcile Lucifer and Belphegor, Goh was momentarily the cause of a more important dividing between the eldest and the youngest when he revealed to the former his intention. Moreover, in numerology, the miror hour of 2H02 is basically a sign of kind and comforting reminder - as if Lilith sent Goh to reassure her brothers that everything would be alright - and the raw signification of 8 is prosperity, luck and wealth.
As for 釼, it can be interpreted as ''sword'' or ''sword with blades on both sides''. The sword the name is referring to is a tsurugi (剣), ''a specific type of Japanese straight, double-edged sword used in antiquity'' (Source : Tsurugi (sword) - Wikipedia).
''Nowadays it is mainly associated with very remote historical times, as well as legends and mythology. [...] The most famous example is the legendary sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi [, which is one of three Imperial Regalia of Japan. It was originally called Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi (天叢雲剣, “Heavenly Sword of Gathering Clouds”), but its name was later changed to the more popular Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (“Grass-Cutting Sword”). In folklore, the sword represents the virtue of valor.'' (Source : Kusanagi no Tsurugi - Wikipedia)
At first, I wasn't very convinced by the sword part of the name, even less when I realised the actual name meant ''eight swords''. Although, I thought about the utility of a sword and came to a pretty satisfying conclusion that can settle the entire meaning of this last name :
Goh enters into pacts with seven of the most powerful demons of the Devildom, seven Rulers of the Underworld, seven double-edged swords in the sense that they can hurt and protect at the same time.
But what about the eight?
Well, it can refer to the power up of Goh throughout the different seasons and the path he's choosing to follow by trying to control his immense magic strength. He's doing his best to not hurt anyone again with it, but there will always be the possibility of loosing the thin control the Ring of Light gives him.
(Also, highlights to the Japanese names translations of the legendary tsurugi : the first could be a reference to the one Lilith once represented [the heavenly one] and the second, to Goh [grass-cutting as a reference to the human world reincarnation and descendance].)
In the case of Salvador − the last name that Goh considers his real family name, but doesn't wear for some reasons −, it's inherited from his mother Mexican side, and thus arbor a spanish and latin ethymology. Salvador, meaning ''saviour'' in Catalan, Spanish, and Portuguese, is normally an indirect way of naming a Messiah − and a not so subtle way to refer to the unique being that is Goh.
The ''saviour'' part is not directly refering to my OC, in the sense that he is not really the one who saves, but the one who is saved − of course by his mother family side, because it wouldn't make any sense otherwise. The reason I don't see Goh as a saviour, even though he managed to help the brothers patch their familial relationships, is because he didn't really saved them, he helped them to communicate by being a bridge all along, the neutral party in the equation (Simeon just verbalized what MC always did since the beginning regarding the Belphie matter in lesson 17).
But what about is given name? Hugo doesn't sound either spanish or asian...
Actually, Hugo is of German provenance (and Latin if we go back even further in ethymology), originally written ''Hugh'' (hug if you can see through it), and means “mind/spirit” and “intellect”, as well as "soul", "thought" and "heart". Goh has a naturally unfazed personality and his curious mind never ceases to fuel an impressive memory and capacity for analysis and deduction (one of the many reasons why Satan loves him by the way).
[Source : Hugo - Baby Name Meaning, Origin and Popularity (]
Although, even if he is an intellect at heart, that doesn't mean that he can't be kind and attentive to others − Lucifer (and Barbatos in Nightbringer) often say that he is way to nice and gentle for his own good sometimes.
There is also an Italian version of the name, which can be written Ugo or Hugo, and that connects a bit more with the Spanish-Mexican root of Goh family.
So, yeah.
Hugo Yatsurugi is quite the extraordinary.
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