#think its neat. so very neat. amazing rly
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takitori67 · 1 year ago
Can you draw arjuna and junao with their outfits switched??🙏🏻
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andromeddog · 1 year ago
the way your draw uniforms tickly my brain very nicely, they always look amazing! do you have a specific source for reference pictures or have you drawn them so often now you don't need them that much anymore? xoxox- struggling artist who can't find good refs
hehehehe anon i love talking about uniforms so this ask is a real treat… this may get long so it’s going under a cut
first of all thank u for noticing i do really try to make the uniforms as accurate as possible. i spend a long time trying to figure out what specific coat/gun/boot/helmet/whatever people are wearing and what its purpose is…. thats really just googling around and clicking on links until i find something. luckily for band of brothers/ww2 related stuff theres a lot of interest and you can often find ppl on forums from like 2003 discussing the minutiae of gear that will point you in the right direction. ww1 related stuff is a bit harder to come by but i bought a full illustrated book to help with that lol
as for straight up references- pinterest is one of my main resources!! there are lots of pics of the boys from bob if that’s what you are specifically looking for (some boards i like are here and here.) these can be hit or miss sometimes if you’re looking for ref of a very specific thing, because they don’t always capture the angle of that bag or clear shot of a belt that you need.
if that’s the case then i just… rewatch the show lol. i have it downloaded on my phone through the amazon prime app so if im drawing a scene or looking for very specific reference i will literally go frame by frame to get what i need. i cannot tell you how many times ive watched this series just looking for reference. so many. too many??? for this secret santa piece im doing i have watched the same 10 second scene so many times that i can see it when i close my eyes. the bad thing about that is you cannot take screenshots (fuck you amazon prime) and also, it’s rly easy to get sucked into the show and spend an hour just watching it bc it’s a damn good show. i think ive watched the breaking point like 20 times by now bc of this. this is insane idk if you want to do this but if you are looking for straight up accuracy then it’s not a bad option
also, and this is not specific to uniforms, if you draw something enough the pieces will start to stick in your head… this happened to me with 1917 and ww1 british kits lol. i drew them so much they just stuck. knowing what layers are under a jacket, where a belt sits and what’s attached to it, the specific shape of a helmet (fuck you stahlhelms fuck you m1s AND FUCK YOU BRODIE HELMETS) and shit like that just comes with drawing them a lot. and also watching how they fit and move on an actual person is why rewatching the show is good. researching stuff also helps but i know ppl don’t always want to spend hours doing that shit if you’re just looking for a basic reference. but i’m rly into uniforms so that is fun for me!!
i’m realizing this is a lot but…… i like uniforms! thats part of why i like military history shit. its fun to think about how all the gear interacts and moves with a person! how different each country’s uniforms are and how they carry everything they need on their backs and how they change over the years! i just think its neat!
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radioiaci · 11 months ago
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Wanted to answer all the nice things I was given in one post, so find them under the read-more cuz it's long. <3
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@radiiosugars ⧐ you are a wonderful writer and i enjoy seeing your portrayal! I smile when you're on my dash <3 the little details you include with his perspective really do paint a picture! (and i hope your day gets better! )
WEH THANK YOU SO MUCH SALT, you're a blessing and I wholeheartedly appreciate whenever you spam me on Discord with SILLIES even though I don't always have the capacity to respond right away fjkdjgjdg I LOVE YOUR PORTRAYAL AND YOUR ART TOO and thank you for the kindness 😭
@copaceticjillybean ⧐ You are…soooo good at stuff! Your Alastor portrayal, your art, it’s all just really really cool! I’m always so excited, when I see you post your animatics, or a new drawing, or a reply, because I know it’s gonna brighten up my day a bit! ; I know you’re having a hard time today, but I just wanted you to know that I think you’re really neat and good at what you do. ^w^ ; Oh, and I almost forgot- you’re also just FUN. Like, your ooc posts are just cute and funny, and I like seeing you pop on and tell us what you’re thinking. You’re easy to talk to, and that means a lot, especially for someone like me who can get nervous talking with people >u<;
AAAA THANK YOU, I really do try to be as approachable as possible given the type of person that I am, so I really don't want anyone to feel like they CAN'T talk to me. sometimes the RPC can feel really limited and exclusive and I like to change that in whatever way I can. you are always very kind and fun to write with as well AND I CAN'T WAIT to see what sort of sillies Alastor and Jillian can get up to
@helluvaflames ⧐ I love the way you write Alastor and I'm still loving writing Fizzarolli and him in these scenes. You write Alastor so well and its been so fun to get to know him through our threads!
YES THANK YOU YOU GET ME, I love writin' with your lil Fizzy too! I'm also excited for Alastor and Angel's "date" LOL I'm sure there will be RIDICULOUSNESS there, just knowing how they generally interact. Thank you for putting up with me and my silly deer boy!!
@tinyfieryghost ⧐ YOUR ART IS SIMPLY INCREDIBLE. I love how you draw Alastor and writing with you is always a pleasure! I also love how you write Alastor! Silly guy who can and will murder and maim!!! Also you're great to talk to in general!
LISTEN YOU, YOUR ART IS ALSO PHENOMENAL and I didn't think I genuinely would get as invested into Alastor/Ghost's relationship but him in my brain was just like? ? ? ? "this one is mine? ? ?? actually???" so I MEAN IT JUST HAPPENED THAT WAY and I'm not mad about it. I'M EXCITED for Al's encounter with Reaper fr fr and I love writing with you!!!
@visage-of-hell ⧐ *violently kicks in the door* DID SOMEONE SAY POSITIVITY???? ; Bitch, you're one of the most TALENTED fuckers I know on this site. Amazing writing style? Check. Brilliant character portrayal? Check. AND knock-your-socks-off gorgeous artistic skills to boot???? Dude, you are a triple threat of sheer creative genius--don't you DARE be doubting that for even a second!
WUH HUH BUH LISTEN you are ALSO very talented and I VERY MUCH love writing with Al and Vis together because they're a real ENEMY TO LOVER ARC MAYBE? AND I KNOW IT'S SLOW MOVING BECAUSE ALASTOR IS STUPID but I LOVE IT ALSO??? Thank you my friend, I love to talk with you too and share funny sillies and fawn over them being so STUPID
@damnedrainbows ⧐ //you’re one of my favorite alastors and truthfully I admired from the sidelines for a while because I felt inadequate hehehehe I can!t wait to interact with our muses more and see where it go for him and lucifer ; also forgot to tack on, amazing artist ; like seriously I link my friends your art all the time on discord lol
WHAT???? ONE OF UR FAVS???? STOPPIT. That always means a ton to me, especially because I know how many TALENTED and wonderful writers there are playing Alastor out there so that RLY MAKES ME FEEL GOOD AND VALUED and YOUR writing is also fantastic! Al/Lucifer's first thread is so weirdly deep after starting off as like almost a meme and I'm LIVING for it LOL. AND I'M GLAD YOU LIKE MY ART LMAO maybe some day I'll draw something like actual serious for people to share jgdljgd but I enjoy drawing shitpost Al too much BUT THANK YOU this means a lot.
@lilitophidian ⧐ HEEEEY YOU, I LOVE YOUR LITTLE DEER, AND WE GOT SOME DOPE ASS SHIT GOING ON LIKE??? your writing is so fucking good I wanna do more threads with you at some point even though I have verbal diarrhea ; BUT YOU DESERVE THE BEST LIKE I TAKE TIME ON MY REPLIES TO YOU SO THEY ARE GOOD EATS??? Like, let me love on ya!!! ; Also your art ; I'd tattoo the pink dress wearing Alastor on my body fr
MY LIL DEER BOY YES I'M SO EXCITED for him to be.... tortured... mercilessly (that sounds bad LMAO) but LISTEN we are both wordy and I do NOT hate that one bit, I EAT IT UP YUMYUM gimmi all that good good exposition and artsy prose I LOVE that shit and you do it SO WELL. Also thank you for recommending frilly pink dress Alastor, I think he will never live that one down LMAO.
@ducktastic-dad ⧐ you are SO funny and sweet pascall, i love writing with you ( and your writing is amazing obviously i cannot live without it ) but even just our conversations ooc bring me lots of joy !! you have fantastic art and i am FLOORED by how creative you are ! thank you for making me funny shitposts and indulging my horrible brainrot 😭💜
I'M GRABBING YOU AND SHAKING YOU BY THE SHOULDERS listen the fact that you have put up with my dumbass over the last few weeks just constantly spamming you with radioapple shit means that you should get some type of AWARD HONESTLY. every IC interaction we have is so good and whenever you reply I'm like *VACCUUM NOISES* as i ABSORB IT. YOU're the one indulging MY horrible brainrot and u know what there's something beautiful about that. THANK YOU ily ily
Thank you all for such kind words, it really did make me feel better about my poopy day. <3
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superdeluxeaverage · 7 months ago
sonic 2 has soo much style n like idk cinematic flair that i get why ppl focus on that more than 1 ( as a kid on mega collection i literally rarely played sonic 1 n me n my sister ALWAYS played n like played THRU sonic 2 which is insane given are platforming skill level wasnt that high we'd always die p quick into the sky ship zone tho but its like idk sonic 2 felt v timeless visually graphically musically but as kids sonic 1 felt like genuinely dated and like an old uninteresting game) BUT LIKE rly playing thru both sonic 1 is so much better very neat perfect chill length that makes it a fun game to casually run thru like how super mario 1 is like 2 has more genuine issues especially w/ the bonus stages but 1 is very managable w/o pulling your hair out for the most part. Like as a kid i never rly even gave sonic 1 much thought (i think the whole marble zone killing speed momentum debate thing falls into play there but like after playing thru the gane u recognize it as a necessary zone that teaches u patience early on and its in the best possible place it could be) but now im like the opposite where sonic 1 is the one i love n praise constantly while sonic 2 i dont think of as much but thats also cause i take sonic 2 so much for granted that i already know how beautiful n amazing n cinematic it is while i only rly got turned on to sonic 1 when i was like 15 or 16. I think it does need to be stated n addressed that a big appeal n importance of the sonic games compared to mario/what came before is that sonic has such a genuine cinematic flair that mario never had this is even so apparent in mario 64 vs sonic adventure. I love both cause im bisexual but i hate when ppl knock sonic cause therea genuinely so much thought into the craft of it all in stage design being more open and the boss battles being able to be completed at wildly different speeds depending on how u go about it as opposed to mario where bosses are very straightforward n simple in how u go abt them then ofc the previously mentioned cinematic quality just the flair of it all and the fun that comes the genuine rush of it
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inkdemonapologist · 2 years ago
what did you think of batdr?
So, grain of salt, at time of writing, I have not played or watched BatDR all the way through; I got it liveblogged to me by a friend (which honestly was an ideal experience) and then watched some cutscenes. INITIAL FEELINGS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
When BatDR’s release date was announced, I told friends that I thought it was going to be a pretty tight balancing act – if BatDR was REALLY GOOD, it could kill the enthusiasm for the fandom; yknow, a lot of times when you get what you actually want out of a story, the fervour fades. If BatDR was REALLY BAD, I could become too embarrassed about this franchise and not enjoy playing in it anymore. It has to be the perfect balance of messy and unresolved, but not TOO sloppy or thoughtless, and unfortunately for my ability to stop thinking about it, I think it kinda nailed it. BatDR has some heartfelt and startlingly compelling ideas that it executes sort of incoherently, which makes it FASCINATING.
The joke I keep making is that it’s not a sequel, it’s not a prequel, it’s a fanfiction. And I don’t mean that as a diss – it has a fanfic off-the-rails willingness to commit to a wild, self-indulgent take and just go with it, and I think that’s great. But it’s also sort of… disconnected from the original BatIM, in a way? It doesn’t follow BatIM’s themes at all when you think about it. Conflicts and questions in the original game (the downfall of the Studio, Who Was The True Creator Of Bendy, etc.) are strangely brushed aside in this game, rather than developed or resolved. 
Which is why you get weird things like, there’s a REAL ACTUAL NEAR-PERFECT TOON BENDY wandering around, but the original BatIM characters (Joey, Henry, Sammy; people you’d expect to have some kind of big feelings about a true toon Bendy) don’t ever get to interact with him because their feelings on toon Bendy aren’t the point here. BatDR explains what the loop in BatIM was, but that’s not something you discover yourself, because the loop is obsolete now – it’s just explained briefly in order to get to the real focus of this game, Joey Drew having a daughter. Even before you get to timeline questions/possible inconsistencies, the game feels less to me like an actual sequel that builds on the previous game, and more like a neat AU with its own headcanons bouncing off of and interpreting the previous game. 
Anyway, some random specific thoughts that come to mind:
They really coulda done something with the family theme if they’d just had Wilson go ahead and say who he was early on. Why did that have to be a surprise? I don’t think saving it really added anything.
Everything about Audrey being Joey’s daughter is AMAZING and I can’t stop thinking about this. Absolutely fascinating development. Have a lot of conflicting feelings on how this was handled but THATS FOR ANOTHER POST; I really do like this, though.
I RLY LIKE THE DESIGNS FOR HENRY AND JOEY. I was surprised to find that the way my brain parsed them was like, they’re the designs for the BatDR AU. Like BatDR is a new fan showing off their designs for their crew, and I’m drawing fanart for their cool AU.
The Ink Demon/ Bendy stuff uh, resolved very strangely. Am very into Bendy and the Ink Demon being the same entity but wish that had been explored a little more!
I actually like Sammy’s cameo(s). I’ve always gotten the feeling that the creators of BatIM were never entirely sure what we all saw in Sammy, so if they didn’t have anything they were particularly hyped to do with him, I think cameos were the right call. The Subject 418 moment is PERFECT. NO NOTES. His 5 seconds before getting shot at the end is like, it’s silly that he died immediately and we all joke about it, but also there’s an element of OH, IM SO GLAD HE GOT TO BE HERE FOR THIS for me, too.
GENT being all OOOOO LOOK AT ALL THEIR SUPER UNETHICAL SCIENCE, LOOK HOW SINISTER THEY ARE is kinda uninteresting to me. Something like, a single audiolog going “huh, that’s weird, when GENT left for their new building, all the ink left, too….” would be way more unsettling than explicit confirmation of GENT taking over and doing lethal human experimentation. And like, idk, I feel one of the things that made BatIM compelling was that it had all these spooky tropes, but motivated by a startlingly mundane desire – people believing in a cartoon so strongly that it accidentally veers into unhinged science and dark occult worship along the way. As soon as they’re just doing normal unethical science with ambiguous motives that seem totally disconnected from the studio, it becomes kinda generic.
Nothing about Wilson is coherent, to the extent that I honestly wonder if the original plan for Wilson was different and he had to be shuffled around for some reason.
What else happened in this game….. Im glad alice got a murder party but I don’t know why she’s here. That One Scene with her and Allison feels very fanservicey but not in a bad way lmao.
Probably other stuff but I think this post is long enough!!
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dateamonster · 2 years ago
first look at the monster high g3 animated series
alright rather than bombard u all with a series of posts im just gonna go in for a second watch and put a play by play of my impressions under the cut. reader beware: its going to be long and stupid as hell.
watch along with me
0:18 the new design for the school is kind of amazing. like part of me misses the more traditional spooky-gothic-castle but like i cant deny that the big lightning bolts look cool af and i do think it has more character than the g2 which imo just kind of looked like. a school.
0:33 new spectra is soo cute lol she wasnt anywhere near my fav in the old series but smth about the big flowy purple curls is rly charming me this time around
0:47 ghost ms frizzle??
1:10 i rly like a lot of these background monster designs. this zombie girl in particular is very cute and also i think i spied a werewolf boy in the back who i liked.
1:19 still obsessed with this cleo design. hope future dolls get better at capturing her charm and in general they stop being so weird abt her race and skin color. also for all that ive seen folks worry that this gens cutesier design will mean taking out the more horror-adjacent elements for the sake of better fitting the typical Girl Toy brand, im so happy to see mh3 doesnt shy away from a bit of tasteful gore <3
2:01 BRITISH TORALEI LMAO?? idek why this is just killing me for some reason. its such a little thing but i feel like it gives her a totally different vibe. maybe its the anglophobe in me.
2:08 i wasnt sure where to put this part but im still sort of struggling with this concept of monsters hating witches, especially considering in this version witches arent like a separate monster-adjacent species (rip casta fierce) rather witchcraft just seems to be something anyone can learn to do? i dont entirely hate it i just dont get it i guess. i do think itd be fun if later there was like a witch high rival school. possible opening for the long awaited ever after high crossover event? anyone?
2:17 FUCK THE HATERS LAGOONA IS SOOOO CUTE i love that she immediately jumps to imagining a star-crossed monster x witch romance which is such a teen girl move imo. and that then she seems to like remember halfway in that we all hate witches for some reason and gets so immediately morbid with it i LOVE it go bestie go
2:45 i know its just a vampire joke but in before g1 purists get mad abt the idea of g3 draculaura actually biting ppl even though shes a vegan in g1. i mean i think theyll probably keep that trait since its a handy way to avoid blood in a kids show and its sorta quirky-endearing to boot but i think itd rule if they let draculaura bite some people this time around tbhhh.
3:00 choklat milk snake B)
3:20 ride or die ghoulies dont even question why their bud needs u to catch a living snack this is why frankie is a real one
3:55 im so obsessed with this frankie. i love that they found draculauras stash and were like neat :-) now to not mention this to anybody :-) iconic behavior
5:08 its just processing for me now that draculaura has this like huge portrait of her dad just in her room. i do think its cute that her character is more perfect-daddys-girl-but-with-a-secret (a trope i largely enjoy a Lot) this time around but thats still wild behavior.
5:11 ok i know i said this when the sneak peak came out but the idea that heath is an actual demon and son of the literal DEVIL this time around, confirming that hell is real in monster high lore, is making me insane. i genuinely love it. wish theyd given heath some cute lil horns or a tail.
5:15 THAT THING WITH THEIR EYES!!!! frankie is so damn cool.
5:37 dracula being this like celebrity in the monster world i think is an interesting take but i feel like im gonna get so annoyed if his character starts showing up a lot. idk i dont hate it its just a weird vibe.
6:05 it took a while to click since clawdeen doesnt talk a lot in this ep but it is kind of weird hearing her (and draculaura) without an accent. i kinda found g1 draculauras voice a little grating at times so i dont mind that and i do rly like how clawdeen sounds more like an actual kid but idk i miss the accent
6:28 theres not a whole lot to say on deuce since hes only here for side gags in this ep but just wanted to go on the record with: i think hes cute
6:42 weirdly super enamored with the food-creatures, especially the burger lol. reminds me of bugsnax. also this whole fight sequence rly displays how far mh animation has come from rigid flash animations of a handful of stock characters. its neat.
7:13 bat!draculaura is adorableeee
8:23 now i rly thought she was abt to say living foods go to hell in this nickolodeon kids cartoon ghjfdjhd
8:35 the headmistress is so cute too wtf it IS snack time snack time so tru bestie
8:56 fghjkjhgf sorry that resolution is ridiculous. im not complaining mind you i just. like. wow. also side note but i think the intercom being based on the monster high skull-with-bow logo is a cute throwback. didnt realize before but i feel like it hasnt been as central in the marketing in a while. its still def around but not as much i dont think.
9:08 lol ok i know its probably just another reference to dracula being bad with technology (cute trait for him tbh) but when i first saw this i couldnt help over-analyzing with my Lore Brain and wondering if it was also a reference to vampires not showing up on camera. but then i realized the kid he takes a pic with also has fangs and bat wings and shows up fine so thats probably not it, especially since drac canonically shows up fine in video.
9:50 the "bat out" reoccurring line is so incredibly cheesy it makes sense hes quoting it from some 70s b-movie he was in. but that doesnt make it any less cringey to me. also i know i said he kinda annoys me and he does but i do desperately wanna know how this bitch got into show business. drac backstory please. dracstory, if you will.
10:45 im reeeeally excited to see how this plot develops. i honestly assumed this series would be more like the web shorts except longer and more developed. as in, episodic and largely unrelated to one another, but im soo hype to see them doing something more serialized with overarching conflict and stakes. also we <3 classic troublemaking cant mind her own damn business toralei. like girl you have no reason for acting like this. she is simply a messy bitch.
final thoughts: really really liked it. love the visuals and the ways the new characterization plays with old beloved traits. love that this series has more of a familiar cartoon hijinks vibe rather than leaning too hard into it being like a Teen Girl Show just because the toys are first and foremost a fashion doll line. i dont know if im articulating that well i just mean i like that the girls are allowed to have like a full range of motion and action and emotion, and that they can be like gross and funny in addition to pretty. i think g1 had a good start in this regard but was definitely limited both by the animation and the expectation to follow that niche established by like barbie/bratz animated works (no hate to any of those either tho)
there are changes that ill need to get used to obviously, but i feel like the franchise is heading in a strong new direction. i saw some folks complaining that the bits about draculauras witchcraft and clawdeens half monster/half human felt like they were introduced as a means to employ annoying Fantasy Racism tropes, and thats a really valid criticism, but its also kind of something monster high has always done (with regards to monster/human conflict, certain monsters being discriminated against for certain traits, jackson jekylls entire character, etc).
i get the concern, but i feel like in a series so centered on embracing differences its kind of impossible to not include issues of discrimination, and it being a kids fantasy series, that does sometimes translate in a way that feels wonky or oversimplified at best. tho tbh monster highs execution regarding the subject always kind of felt to me like one of the better ones. idk. im just feeling good about this first look and excited to see how the show and the monster high franchise as a whole develops further as we move forward.
anyway stan g3 lagoona she deserves better than the g1 purists have been giving her.
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 6~
shen qiao: bro why did u poison me? :) yu ai: lol what?? POISON?? whaaaat??? no waaayyy, i would NEVER!!! here drink something i prepared with my poisoner hands pls shen qiao: 🎶MAYBE I SHOULDN'T SAYS CÚNLA!🎶 past!yu ai: yes…..YES! DRINK IT!! DRINK THE POISON BOOZE!! BAHAHAHAHAAHAAAA >:D past!shen qiao: bby bro ilu, actually ur just as good as i am, so u look after everything for me, ok?? if i die u take over my position and everything will be great, i trust u with my whole heart :) :) :) past!yu ai: ….....uh-oh ngl yu ai has a really cute face??? actually i might…..i might think he's a teeny tiny bit cuter than shen qiao?? I DON'T LIKE HIM MORE!! but idk i feel like….maybe they fussed with shen qiao's face a bit TOO much and got a weird effect? (i say this as someone who often fusses too much over my drawings' faces and ends up with a weird effect ;A; it's a curse 😔) NOOO SHEN QIAO DON'T GET SICKER!! poor bby sorry i criticised ur appearance so much ;A; awww he doesn't want to be bros anymore ;A; i find it interesting how he's willing to be forgiving of strangers, but not his former bro. not that the former bro really deserves it, bc he's being awful ;A; but its interesting to me, how different ppl approach betrayal!! I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT U SHEN QIAO. TELL ME UR SECRETS PLS. yan wushi is so relatable lol. he watches all this and goes 'what an idiot!' and it doesn't even matter who he's referring to, bc he's right lmao shen qiao poor bby ;A; he cough so much ;A; someone get my mans a glass of water ;A; HOLY SHIT YU AI JUST ATTACKED HIM WTF???!!!!! DID DID HE CALL HIM A-QIAO AS WELL?? WHAT A RUDE JERK!! THAT IS UR SHIXIONG, U BRAT!! >:V yu ai: 'i don't want u to leave!' *makes shen qiao spit blood* 'i don't want to hurt u!! come on bro, just stay here with meeeee uwu' ITS THE OLD MAN! HE'S HERE!! aww he help shen qiao up ;A; so cute ;A; uh sir u need to learn to take 'no' for an answe--OK NVM HE'S JUST WHISKING SHEN QIAO AWAY BY THE WAIST ONCE MORE THAT'S FINE. I GUESS yan wushi, king of evils??? LMAO more like king of dramatic hoes 'the evil gang' ….idk what i expected it to be called really DID HE JUST DID HE SLAP YU AI FOR CALLING SHEN QIAO 'A-QIAO'????? THATS AMAZING a bit hypocritical BUT STILL AMAZING AND HILARIOUS DO IT AGAIN!! DO IT AGAIN!! he's such a badass omg ;A; also he has such great accessories!! such good taste in fashion rly!! lol now it's yu ai's turn to spit blood!! serves u right for being a jerk smh lol i LOVE these random side characters who just look like normal ppl in comparison to these bishounen pretty boys. 10/10 artistic choice oh we've met a new friend! yuanchun! hello sir!! he's quite handsome, even if his spine is made of jam SHEN QIAO WILL U WHIST I CAN'T HEAR THEM OVER UR INNER MONOLOGUE yws: i'm gonna help u, then hurt u, then help u again, then ruin ur day and make u cry >:) shen qiao: …….. :( get me out of here pls :( yws: *evil laughs triumphantly* i just want everyone to know that every time yan wushi evil laughs, i laugh too🤣 'YOU SHAMELESS GUUUUYYYYY!!!!!!' amazing oh ok we're we're just gonna fight now. ok cool fellas, is it gay to touch fingertips with ur bro while wreathed in spiritual energy?? GHOST SWORDS!! i do love these pretty sequences with all the martial arts…..stuff lol. i wish i were clever enough to describe it but. just know that it's all very spiritual and neat ;A; aww shen qiao is so cool ;A; ilu my lad! ur a good boi!! WH SSIR SIR WHY ARE U GRABBING HIS FACE LIKE THAT WHOOOAAA UR GETTING REAL CLOSE TO HIM THERE SIR oh i see, the devil whispering in ur ear is actually yan wushi trying to make u be his wife, it all makes sense now!! yws: A-QIAO COME BE EVIL WITH ME. IT'LL BE FUN A-QIAO I PROMISE. WE CAN BE EVIL TOGETHER A-QIAO. I WILL BE THE EVIL HUSBAND AND U CAN BE MY EVIL WIFE A-QIAO. ARE U THE ONE FOR ME A-QIAO??? I THINK U ARE THE ONE A-QIAO. A-QIAO the old man moves fast, not like he's got unlimited time left i guess OH MY GOD HE'S LITERALLY CARRYING HIM AWAY LIKE A BRIDE in summation:
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cicadaships · 3 years ago
oh my gods it just hit me that ur talking abt subnautica bc you said it. i didn't Realize omg omg omg i LOVE subnautica and i just needed to come into your inbox and say: AMAZING taste in game, PHENOMENAL f/o taste as well. al-an is very cool!! i haven't looked at below zero (or anything subnautica, really) in a little while so i don't remember much about him but i do remember him being rly interesting!!
pls use this ask as an excuse to talk more abt him and maybe your ship with him if you want!!
OHH SUBNAUTICA IS SO GOOD, I JUST FINISHED THEM TODAY. Al-An is just....... so pretty. and so tall, like god damn hes like 11 feet, large boy. his voice is so soothing to listen to, so calm and soft. And his colors changing based on emotion? turning blue and pink around Robin/The player, the flashes of red while hes giving his backstory and explaining how things went wrong, its so neat how expressive he is. his little shrimp tail is so cute, I wanna mess with it and be annoying dggfdg Earlier in game, I started talking to myself as I played and i called him the weird dog who lives in my brain. he went very quiet afterwards, like, i found several artifacts and he Would Not Speak To Me. when he finally spoke up he told me to go somewhere that had a leviathan and i think that was on purpose. payback for calling him a weird dog dfghgfd.
but like, how genuinely curious and open to learning about humans he is throughout the game? and how gentle he is about it? he doesnt belittle or anything, just asks and tells a little about himself in return. he is TRYING to understand and relate to humans. hes just so genuinly nice and kind throughout the events of the game. and hes shows so much fondness, accepting help and being so trusting. hes so sweet, its cute. hes cuuute aaaa
Im not sure about what my ship with him would be like just yet, but he seems very patient. my s/is tend to be very "annoying on purpose" so thats good. small and >:3 energetic / big and patient dynamic, probably.
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tomwaterbabies · 3 years ago
You deserve a proper Pinocchio question! Which scene wouldja say is the most Beautiful from an animation standpoint?
im SO DELIGHTED by this ask thank you so much!!!!!! peace and love
i rly thought about this and have multiple answers bc it's hard to choose LOL. and a disclaimer: i was a traditional animation student so my answers are probably biased around my experience with animation itself
1. pinocchio first comes to life
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this one i think is more beautiful from a storytelling standpoint. it IS amazing animation just maybe not as incredible as the others. but here's the thing: animation at its core is about bringing characters to life in a very unique way- so seeing that be used for a character that is also LITERALLY coming to life within the story? the combination of both those things is just wonderful to me, there's something special about it! rly gets to me
2. i've got no strings (hard to find bigger gifs... apologies)
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this one is probably my answer for most technically impressive. the scene is choreographed wonderfully for starters- with good composition as well! but then the actual execution of the animation is incredible to me. pinocchio's movements are gorgeous and really impressive- and then adding the fact that he has wooden limbs that HAVE to be symmetrical??? thats HARD dude. thats really hard. very impressed and its beautiful work (if u choose to watch any of these examples, look this song up on youtube! great scene)
3. monstro's chase + fucked up donkey moments
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again kind of a bad gif sorry BUT. i really love how monstro is animated. its got like a painted look which is a really neat effect that i think adds to the intensity of the scene. legitimately frightening but cool to look at bc its super different to the rest of the animation style within the movie so i think it really stands out!
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and then there is the donkey transformation scene. i love how visceral it is. the animation of course is great but the intensity is what really brings that scene together in a great way. they did an amazing job animating what some would say is kind of a harrowing scene LOL and trauma for the baby (important) just look at how well they convey his terror
ok sorry i answered with four Got Damn examples instead of one but lol u know how it is. anyways thanks so much
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vaulttecvevo · 3 years ago
Can you recommend some fallout new vegas mods that you think are essential pls? The kind that are lore-friendly and enrich the world because sometimes the mojave feels kind of empty. I've got covered the ones that improve the performance so no worries about those. Thanks dude
basic lore friendly cut content restoration:
Prerelease Restored
Lucky 38 Climate Restored
Uncut Wasteland
New Vegas Uncut - Outside Bets
New Vegas Uncut 2 - A Koch and Bohr Story
New Vegas Uncut 3 - A Van Graff Scorned
(new vegas uncut is a series of mods but the others dont add much imo so its good the mod author separated them)
to make the wasteland more alive (and this is the star of the show):
The Living Desert - Travelers Patrols Consequences Increased Population and more
its the only one i use, both to minimize conflicts and bc its just has everything w/o it being too much, it still feels like a wasteland but w trade caravans and patrols (all depending on choices u make)
new lore friendly stuff (visual only):
Classic Adobe Buildings in Mojave
Camp McCarran Animated Monorail
these just look cool and i love classic fallout nostalgia, its amazing how much more alive east vegas feels Just bc the monorail buzzes by above you every few min
misc purely visual upgrades to char models/armor:
(not essential but i just think theyre neat and i do always play w them on)
NCR Trooper Overhaul - Distributed
We Are Legion same as above for the legion, this is link to a yt vid, i found it years ago on r/modpiracy so id check there if u want it
classic fallout super mutants this is an obscure one youll have to get from this weird french site but i can confirm its fine and works
Qwinn's Refined FNV Redesigned 3 i saved this one for last bc while i do use it, installing it and getting it to run was agony bc its a mod to another mod to an overhaul to another overhaul,
im looking to replace it for my next playthrough w NVR3R - New Vegas Redesigned 3 Revised so maybe try that first,
they make npcs look better like beaten up ones will have bruises and corpses will have wounds, crucified npcs will looks like theyre in a bad way etc, i think it also adds raided caravans along powder gang territory
personal pref, also not essential but much aesthetic very atmospheric
Realistic Wasteland Lighting w brighter nights optional file
Simple Interior Lighting Overhaul
A Little More Lamplight
Strip Lights Region Fix
Lucky 38 Lights Redone
& my fav quest mods just for fun:
Salt Lake Stories
The North Road Remastered
New Vegas Railroads (its not rly on par w the others i just love trains lmao)
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surpriserose · 3 years ago
Doppio or Akira 🥺
Im going to do both <3
do I like them: yes hes my bestie 🥺 hes just a weird little guy <3
5 good qualities:
-> hes just so weird!!! Like even without the phone thing he just like is so strange idk but i love it <3
-> i love the fact that hes a coward most of the time like thats so uncommon for jojo characters like!!! He is genuinely afraid and kind of lame!!
-> and how that ties into him and diavolo as the villain like its really neat idk like hes just so unexpected and hes really just some guy and hes nice and its like you see that after diavolo has been sooooo awful
-> hes pink 🥺
-> hes hilarious im sorry i just araki excels at creating very strange character traits and especially for doppio LIKE!!! IDK this is so all over the place but i mostly know character vibes not solid traits hdhshshajz
3 bad qualities:
-> threatening to kill people who rip you off is pretty bad doppio
-> shouldnt have been mildly nice at the best of times especially as a contrast to diavolo at his worst and maybe you wouldnt have been uwuified to death
favourite episode/etc: i have watched the risotto fight sooooo many times omg...
otp: none hes just a guy let him be just a guy
brotp: diavolo is unfortunately his only friend so </3 i think people will say squalo or tiziano but honestly i dont think people really like doppio im sorry dyvzhsjsjsj
ot3: none let him just vibe <3
notp: diadop like...why
best quote: im so sorry but calling risotto an edgy douche in the dub lives rent free in my mind
head canon: doppio got the tattoos not diavolo LIKE you think diavolo would get IDENTIFYING MARKS???? NO???? diavolo was probably yelling at doppio the whole time too <3
Akira omg the pink and purple besties in one ask <3
do I like them: YEAH!!!!!
5 good qualities:
-> being a musician is very fun and cool :)
-> ouughhh ourple
-> literally commits so many crimes just for fun <3
-> hes gender for so many people and i think thats beautiful <3
3 bad qualities:
-> bad taste in music....red hot chili peppers come on man
-> im sorry he sucks to play in eyes of heaven like its so bad
favourite episode/etc: hes only rly in the one like physically bdhsujsjzjz
otp: idk akirohan seems like it has fun potential <3
brotp: i will be his bestie <3<3<3
ot3: they dont need a third person come on he cant handle that
notp: akira and keicho like???? Guys?????
best quote: not technically him but the entire page dedicated to his guitar in the manga
head canon: stole his outfit right before his fight which is why he was hiding before hand :)
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yukisohmasmokesweed · 4 years ago
Who are your top 5 ships may it be canon or not?
5. tohru/rin - very sweet and pure for my tastes but !!! tohru and rin have an instant connection and i think their friendship is very special and unique, and i just think it would be neat if they kissed!! tohru thinks rin is soooooo pretty and rin won’t admit it but she has a kindness kink. very cute and good gf’s
4. yuki/kyo - we could’ve had it all....enemies to lovers with an absolutely insane amount of baggage? hatefucking to disguise the fact that they’re intrinsically drawn to each other? this would be akigure levels of complicated and its what i wanttttt, yes i’m a straight kyo apologist yes im putting yukikyo on this list!!! i contain multitudes!!!! 
3. kyo/tohru - romance of the ages, obvs. truly one of the best written romances in fiction. nearly flawless, perfectly built up, amazing slowburn, the foundation to this relationship is just so strong. they really are best friends and love and understand each other so deeply and their love for each other is integral to their character arcs. takaya rly went off writing this one everyone clap
2. akito/shigure - these two fucking deserve each other, they’re both horrible people and that’s what i love about them. its always bonkers to me that akigure exists in the same story as kyoru. their love for each other runs extremely deep but they also have a metric fuck ton of baggage and radioactive levels of toxicity. this kind of thing is not everyone’s cup of tea but i personally find relationships like this very compelling because i think they’re more interesting than a straightforward romance
1. yuki/kakeru - ugh it really is about being in love with your best friend and agonizing over it.....im a sucker for gay best friends to lovers and yuki and kakeru really do love and trust each other so much. it’s not nearly as epic as kyoru but i like that better, it’s understated and closer to life and relatable. yuki and kakeru get together challenge 
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pinksuitman · 4 years ago
I was tagged yet again by the lovely @dreamduran to do ten songs I have been obsessed with recently, anyways lets gooooooooo!!!
1) I’m Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance - Black Kids - Ik, it’s cheesy 2000s indie pop at its finest but it’s so goddamn infectious and fun and makes me feel I’m on a roadtrip or at a party with my friends. 
2) Sorry - Beabadoobee - I’ve been so in love with Bea recently and her current musical evolution and this song is gorgeous. I love how the instrumental is surprisingly distorted and heavy against her voice and there’s also a neat string section too. 
3) Bridge To Hawaii - Tacocat - I’ve been getting myself back into a bit of Riot Grrrl again and this was something new I found while I was browsing. This is more on the poppy side of the Riot Grrrl spectrum but I love how its very infectious but I could also lose my shit in the pit to this. 
4) Hazelton Avenue - Manic Street Preachers - will I ever get sick of these mfs? The answer is no! I always find some new song of theirs to love off of every album I listen to and this one is my favourite off Postcards. It’s very nostalgic and feels like a warm blanket around you on an autumn evening. 
5) I Don’t Need Anyone - Kylie Minogue - Yes Kylie has quite a few bangers and I’ve been loving a lot of the songs where she’s experimented with the more rock side of things. This banger yet again has amazing strings and a very euphoric vibe. (Also this one has the manics as her backing band which is a very epic bonus and it makes me happy to think about the fact that nicky got to collab with her cause of how much he loves her.) 
6) The Facts Of Life - Black Box Recorder - A very underrated Trip Hop-ish tune that I found on the Alternative 90s playlist not so long ago. It’s unlike anything I’ve heard before in terms of its general vibe but it does make me quite happy. 
7) Son Of a Gun - The Vaselines - This is kinda at that intersection where jangle pop meets a more messy punk sensibility and it’s so fucking fun. Also the interchanging male/female vocals have so much chemistry. 
8) Be With You - Atomic Kitten - Although I don’t rly believe in guilty pleasures if I did believe they existed this would probably be one of them. (But honestly this is like... the perfect dance pop song tho you can’t listen to this and not be happy.) 
9) Troubled Valentine - The Aquadolls - yet another mopey slightly distorted sounding indie rock tune but still very much impeccable... you just cannot deny the goddamn hook. 
10) Sunday Drive - Ladyhawke - A rediscovered and unearthed banger from the student radio station rotation of my childhood. I’m in love with the juxtaposition of how minor chordy/melancholic it is but also very very danceable at the same time. 
Ok thank you very much for hearing me waffle!! I tag @guitarboyluvr @blurryband @destructive-aesthetic @pinkmoonmystic and anyone else who wants to try hhhhhhh... 
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glorywaited · 5 years ago
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☽ /   @verumheart​  :   💕 {Aqua, Terra, Larxene, hhh tbh any muse of mine you want LOL}                 SHIPPING INTEREST CHECK !!   (  accepting – no need to have interacted prior !!  )
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Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a thread || anything goes
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other
god im just...rly rly weak for aqua n cass as a ship ive always rly wanted it tbh like they’d just...rly vibe on a lot of things n aqua having been through what she has could rly help cass through things especially struggling with overcoming the darkness n im rly just...emo for them n i like what we discussed before with her n aqua n her n terra tbh ?? i rly rly would love to do that bhdajkmd
after everything tho like her being a keyblade master would be lit n them being a big power battle couple makes me weaaaaak like can u IMAGINE 
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a thread || anything goes
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other
same with aqua tbh ?? im rly weak for terra n  cass as a ship n like he’d understand even more where she’s coming from n what she’s going through ?? n just him helping her through it helping her fight the darkness n everything but also same as aqua them as an amazing keyblade wielding battle power couple is mmmmmmmm !!!!!!
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a thread || anything goes
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other
i tbh think they would be rly interesting n i’ve thought about these two before ?? theyd have a rly interesting n fun dynamic tbh !! id love to like plot some things or just explore it tbh cause !!!!! i love her hbasjkdm
---- N I’LL JUST....list some more....guilty pleasures i got daskjdm but im open to any u can think of tbh !! ily n i love plotting with u n shipping with u n writing with u weeps !!  -----
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a thread || anything goes
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other
listen like...i...tadashi n cass are a big guilty pleasure crossover ship for me always like i just...ammmm rly weak for cass with huge nerds n hes so sweet n caring like she needs someone like him tbh n i do have a bh6 verse she works at sfit as a security guard but she gets in a big explosion that embeds tech in her chest n like having been both through near death things like that n maybe helping her deal with it ?? trying to figure out how to get the tech out of her chest tbh would be fun ?? them getting to kno each other n start catching feelings before everything happens dhbjskdn extra Angst n i kno u love angst dasjkmd uwu
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a thread || anything goes
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other
another ship i...rly rly love n have loved forever dhjaskmd but tbh same as above with them getting to kno each other n getting close n catching secret feelings before cass’ accident but tbh with more Big Stubborn In Denial feelings n i live for that ?? but ugh theyd be so cute n so powerful ?? also after the accident when cass gets the tech embedded in her n she gets her powers like before it starts corrupting her she works with bh6 n just like them fighting together n patrolling together ?? CUTE I LOVE IT !! but also...angst in watching cass slowly getting more corrupted by the nanites in her tech, having her mind messed with n physically she starts getting paler n angrier n it physically hurts her when it starts digging into her more n spreading into her body && brain so like :’) watching that when u love someone would uuhhh Hurt n im here for it uwu she also starts shifting in morals cause she has a lot of bitterness where villains are concerned n she’ll start trying to ykno...kill them as she gets corrupted n she ends up more of a anti hero but she also has the potential to be pushed more into villainy it all depends how it goes !!
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a thread || anything goes
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other
listen i just love momakase n i think theyd be Neat ?? also they have matching aesthetics especially after cass’ accident n i love that for them ?? them ending up working together tho ?? id love that i think it’d be pretty fun ?? n just going from there, spending time around each other ?? bjskdma 
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a thread || anything goes
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other
okay i think about cass n ella a lot because my irl friend ships them a lot n i hear about it sm... just ykno she gets what its like to have an unfair life n being a servant like that n cass would be Big Mad about her being treated so unfairly ?? i think theyd idk vibe rly well n be very adorable n she’s just...so sweet i think cass could use that sm bhdjaksmd
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starsreign · 5 years ago
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☆ /  @irnmaidn​ :  🌠 give me all of them !!! 💖            SEND 🌠 && I'LL RECOMMEND A PLOT FOR US TO TRY OUT !!  || accepting !!
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i added a few recently too so like...this gonna be long sry....
☆ AHRI.   i mean...would cass like to meet a sexy fox spirit ?? because she could if she wants !! she’s curious && fairly cordial but she’s very deadly && mysterious && just kind of comes off with an air of uncertainty whether u should trust her or not && i think that’d be fun with cass cause we kno she loves dangerous mysterious women with a taste for biting wit. but in my tangled verse it’s similar to her canon -- she’s a fox spirit && has been alive for so long, ever searching for where her people like her are && where she came from. so perhaps cass could run into her && help ahri post series ?? or she could simply be along for the ride with mysterious && selfish reasons she won’t say but either way it’s always interesting to think about when her cloak finally drops && cass gets to find out about the fox ears && nine tails ;’) also she’d probably flirt with cass sry not sry
☆ NEEKO.   iiim admittedly still working on her tangled verse cause she’s a chameleon but pls love my lesbian chameleon girl she deserves the world tbh ?? she’s extremely sweet despite her entire tribe being destroyed && killed && she FELT every single bit of it && felt her people fade away. she’s pure sunshine but she WILL fight when she has to, when there’s no other option or when people with good sho’ma are endangered. she’s looking to make a new tribe for herself now -- made up of everyone, not just oovi-kat, so she really takes in everyone who she can && who is willing. she can shapeshift by extending her sho’ma to other’s sho’ma which is a sort of spiritual essence && she can borrow their appearance, gain current emotional state && recent memories to better camouflage as them && immediately kno friend from foe so i think it’d be rly neat tbh for cass to encounter that ?? plus with neeko she wouldn’t have to open up too much or have to fight to express her emotions or voice them since neeko can feel && sense && taste emotion -- they have colours && tastes to her. she can also split herself into two, sending out a clone of herself while she becomes invisible && has a lot of floral / plant based magic as well so i think she’d rly vibe with ur cass portrayal !! but tbh she’s very chipper upbeat && kinda rapunzely personality wise -- she’s just very curious about the world && wants to learn everything since she was from a magical tribe that isolated themselves from the world, so for hundreds of years she’s literally ONLY known her tribe && their home && it’s EXTREMELY different from the world ?? she’s so used to not physically speaking && just extending sho’ma && reading emotions from each other, so she struggles with communication && that can frustrate her sometimes, but she’s knows emotions && she can see past like faking things or past all those walls she’s got up !! it’d be neat...theyd be....cute tbh... i rambled too much but i just rly love neeko sm n if u wanna kno more about her or any of these u can ask too !! also...not for nothing but neeko rly rly loves n swoons for strong badass ladies !!
☆ KINDRED.    kindred is literally just...y’kno...death, the grim reaper whatever u wanna call them !! they’re as old as the concept of death && started as one man who cleaved himself in two so he’d have a friend -- they understand the deep pain of loneliness despite having each other now because they were born from loneliness. they’d sense that from her && i think there’s plenty of times she could have met them, when death was near to her or around her && theyre certainly not entirely happy about her resurrection. they’re easily translatable into any verse but they are very ethereal && magical && love to play with people. so anything considering death. near death or perhaps just running into them if cass happens near a particularly brutal bandit robbery about to take place on the road that ultimately she wont be able to stop even if they tell her about it :’)
☆ HANA.   hjdksmd u kno i love these already n all we’ve talked about aa !! but also i’d literally be up for anything i love them sm already !! but like ?? soft moments ?? cass getting to come to her kingdom ?? getting to pilot the mechs n getting to just uuhhhh live her life be free n be happy ??
but also :eyes: hehe what if we also have a plotline where hana finds out about the moonstone thing n meets her while she has the moonstone n tries to talk her down :’) possibly mushy stuff they don’t wanna say could come out too mayhaps :thinking:
☆ AMITY.   she’s a little witch !! in her tangled verse she’s still a witch but she && her family are more in hiding about their powers && school so they’re all hidden away but amity’s family is a very, very noble family with a lot of money && power -- which extends to magic too lol. but it’d be Neat to meet cass n like amity looking up to her ?? she’s a lot like cass tbh, pretentious mean girl type who is rly rly icy n mean n sassy on the outside but she’s soft inside she just CANNOT show weakness n she oof is rly oppressed by her family n standards set for her n she ALSO has a crush on a sunshine girl who happens to be human. n she reads to younger kids n helps them out she’s softe secretly...just has a lot of pressure on her -- her parents wont let her hang around witches with lesser talent either. they’d get along i think after like tension but she’s just a lil teen witch n needs a good strong role model but she could also help cass out with the whole magic thing ykno ?? 
☆ PERFUMA.   ooooh they’d be cute !! perfuma is just...so sweet n positive n !! i’d love to interact with her in any of ur she.ra verses or i could absolutely try to fit her into a tangled verse but i’d absolutely want to keep her plant powers but that’d be neat with ur cass n her powers too !!
oh !! or aaalso, concept: we could have perfuma interacting with chrys !! n like when her n cass start working with the princess alliance n her helping them out n giving them insider info even if shes nervous n its dangerous n just perfuma helping her with that n giving her pep talks about her being brave ?? helping her with fashion stuff, helping her adjust to life where her sister can’t help as much ?? that’d be so cute bhadjksbh
☆ AKALI.   hehehee akali n cass would be hilarious at first i swear it -- they’re both headstrong, stubborn && sassy tbh. she’s from an order of acolytes that try to keep the balance of the spiritual / magical realm && the outside realms; she was raised in it && her mother && father were higher ups && very powerful in the order -- her father died in an attack led by her master’s friend on the order && they had to flee && try to remake with smaller ranks when she was very young. she succeeded her mother as the fist of the shadow but could not vibe with the way her master wasn’t taking action like she wanted to -- she wanted to restore balance in her way && she wanted to spill blood to do it because that’d be the only way to do it, so as an adult she just peaced off to do it her own way. && tbh that could fit in with a tangled verse -- just in the shadows, keeping the balance of magic unseen to most. she’s a trained assassin && she can literally throw three kunai && pierce three different hearts while in the midst of a smoke bomb like she’s insanely good -- she is also tiny n has some amazing muscles on her arms back && has very visible abs n she sexy n she kills me daily !! but they could get along ?? she does some magic but she was never the best at it tbh but depending on where in the timeline they meet it could be interesting ?? like s1 would be neat for her to meet someone like akali ?? another strong woman fighter but she also comes from a place that praised women’s strength instead of putting it down -- buuuuut she was hiiiighly ignored by her own mother in favour of another neophyte growing up so....ykno...Mood right ?? it stings a lot -- she saved everyone from a corrupted tree spirit n had the girl she looked up to spit in her face because she lost her leg n blamed it on akali && then her mother praised the girl instead of akali despite the other kids telling her what akali had done n singlehandedly dragged them to safety n she was like around nine or ten or so at the time... but it’d be cool if they met s1 n got to kno each other n maaaybe akali joins them on their journey since it has a lot to do with restoring the magical balance of the world n they could use a master assassin but also...the angst with cass taking the moonstone n the conflict akali would face about having to oust her cause ykno...shes fucking up the balance n thats her ykno....entire purpose riiiip
☆ WIDOWMAKER.   IDK BUT OOF i love widow. i haven’t thought about a tangled verse or a fantasy verse but like uuhhh something about being a french noblewoman married to a freedomfighter but ending up being brainwashed by some magical sect or talon but they’re part of zhan tiris crew or whatever ?? might be neat. she killed her husband && she’s just a little bit possessed now && a ruthless killer. so maaaaaybe....her trying to stop them on their journey to the dark kingdom ?? but her brainwashing starts wearing off the more she’s away from the source tbh -- but also, she’d be on cass’ side when she has the moonstone n honestly that’s very powerful, she’d have a very powerful ally to keep her on track && help like tell her she’s doing great because in the end she’s on zhan tiris side && she can probably see her the whole time && would be working to help get her back to power. also up in the air whether she ends up regaining herself later on && helping cass escape or whatever but she’d feel intensely guilty yikes but anyway i think it’d be honestly rly rly interesting n i’d love to do something with this if u’d be up for it bhdajkmd n like i said we can talk about any of these if u want too !! 
☆ BENSON.   i have zero ideas for this right now because his series is just so far removed from tangled....it’s a post apocalyptic universe where there’s extremely large animals some of which can talk n want to destroy humans who all live under the surface mostly except the ones who try to survive on the surface. TBH u’d love it...i think u’d love wolf specifically too ?? i dont wanna spoil anything but yeah it might be something u might enjoy ??
but also like mlm wlw solidarity pls ?? he’s a pretty carefree but smart gay teen, he’d get along pretty well with her n play off her iciness cause he’s just like that ?? he started off just caring only for himself n his bug buddy n just thieving a lot but like got a lot of character development -- but i guess he could be a thief in tangled verse ?? n like grow out of it or she could show him there’s better ways n stuff ?? idk...
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peacheenie · 5 years ago
hl1/2 gordon scentric hc time
im rly feeling half life in this chillis tonight so....some....hc’s about everyones favourite free man, i have a lot so enjoy
-he’s actually mute and uses sign language but only about 50% of the time cuz people either don’t know what he’s saying or he can’t do it whilst holding like 20 different guns/weapons to protect himself so instead he makes big gestures a lot or writes down what hes trying to say (pretty much everyone at black mesa could understand him via sign language so he was very comfortable using it, during hl2 however he has to keep reminding himself not everyone is fluent and it frustrates him to no end)
-when he tries to speak it hurts and the most sound he can make is mumbles or little sqeaks so if theres ever a time he needs to alert someone to dangers reeeal quick he ends up hurting his throat a lot to try and make some kind of warning noise thats loud enough, he can hum tho and enjoys humming along to music as well as when he’s signing to try and convey some kind of emotion along with his facial features of which he emotes a LOT
-his hand writing looks like that of an actual dotors and its neat cursive but very hard to read so if he’s trying to write as a form of communication he just defaults to caps with big spaces inbetween and people (barney) tease him about it constantly (barney)
- hes incredibly short sighted without his glasses and ends up squinting a lot without them on and since he’s usualy default bitch facing he just looks very angry all the time when really he just cant see anything please dont be offended sir he didnt mean to upset you
-is actually very scared all the time abt like everything, hes literally just a scientist who just happened to be “the right man in the wrong place” and was just so determined to try and save those around him during the cascade that he pushed thorough his fears and anxiety to try and get the job done but he def has some form of ptsd after it all, barnicles specifically really freak him out because getting strangled and slowly lifted off of the ground into a row of razor sharp teeth is fucking TERRIFYING and he wouldnt wish it on anyone
-only reason he knows how to use guns is because barney would regularly take him down to the shooting range during their breaks and they’d see who could shoot straightest after a few drinks, barney would always win.
-after hl1 when he was put into stasis and he wakes up in hl2 hes lost like 20 years of his life and hates that fact terribly, all his friends have aged around him but hes still in his 20′s when he shouldnt be and he hates it so fucking much
-he also finds himself missing the feeling of the HEV suit terribly during the begining of his re-awakening in city 17, he’d grown so used to the feeling of it on him and keeping him safe that it makes him anxious without it and the cold air on his hands is also uncomfortable so he prefers wearing gloves all the time, when he finally gets the HEV suit back it feels like a weight has been lifted and he can finally stop worrying, the suits voice is also a comforting sound beccause its familiar and a sign that he’s not alone, same goes with the healing station and suit charging noises; they’re a comforting sound to hear and he enjoys humming along to the vrwwwrrrr vrrwwrrr vrwrrrrwr the machine makes when he plugs into the port
-he worries about overdosing on the healing stations a lot though; the morphone they give out is indefinite and once during the casade he’d passed out from taking to much and woken up to a zombie very slowly approaching him from down a corridoor but with how drowzy he was it was it was a horrible struggle to lift the gun and fire between dozing in and out
-he gets attached to people quickly since also during the cascade days he’d regularly meet people in danger who only had him to keep them safe so he tries his absolute hardest to make sure he can protect people even if that means he gets shot in the process, the suit usually protects him/heals him anyway so he’s used to it and if theres danger he almost default/automatically moves infront of people to make sure they’re okay without any concern for his own safety
-he also reeeally likes antlions and will pet them any chance he gets, he tried to do it when he first saw them and almost lost a hand so it makes him upset he has to kill them but when he finally gets the bug bite from the vorts? ohhhhohohoh he pets so many antlions, it again makes him sad he has to use them as like fodder for turrets and stuff but if an antlion comes back to him after taking down a turret or killing a combine he gives them extra pets and becomes a very proud papa
-since hes technically in his 30′s (and would be nearing his 40′s had he not been in stasis) he feels more of a big brother/fatherly bond toward Alyx since he’d also met her as a baby and finds any romantic involvement with her awkward, (so Elli’s comment on him “wanting grandkids” he ends up slapping the man on the arm with a frown to which Eli just laughs) this doesn’t help his attachment issue though so when they have to seperate to do things away from the other he worries for her safety even though she constantly assures him she can take care of herself and he KNOWS she can. he still really can’t help but worry though...
after hl2 ep2:
-when eli dies i dont like to think they all straight away go to mossman and instead get to spend some time mourning at the base, this gives gordon some time to finally sit down and relax for a little bit but he finds it incredibly hard to even take off the HEV suit at first because to him there was no passage of time between being put into stasis and waking up in city 17 all those years later; he’d closed his eyes, went into the portal and then the next second awakened in a completely unfamiliar place, in unfamiliar clothes with unfamiliar people (he definitely had a panic attack before geting off that very first train) and the thought of that happening again when he’s not prepared is terrifying.
-when he does finally take off the suit (after a lot of helping and reasuring from alyx, kleiner and barney a LOT from barney; theyre very good friends (;) he takes to wearing very comfy and heavy clothes such as jumpers, ponchos etc as well as a bullet proof vest because it makes him feel safe, the HEV suit gloves he retires entirely cuz theyre gross, definitely covered in his own blood and have been through hell so instead he has a bunch of different pairs he cycles through depending on how he feels that people around the base give him after learning about his fondness towards them
-he secretly carries a gun around with him even when they’re not in any danger becaus it’s another added layer of security and becaus he literally can’t trust things to not go bad EVER; now though nothing will go wrong again on his watch because he’ll be ready for it!! this really doesn’t help with his nerves though since he’s constantly looking for something to go wrong
scene specific hc’s:
-i always think abt that one specific sene in the train that gets derailed where alyx is trapped by a stalker and gordon has to pull it away with his gravity gun and i always imagine him franticly pulling it away with so much alarm on his face and such panic, when shes free though and has to stop to catch her breath gordon would give her a hug and make sure she’s okay cuz it must have been terrifying to have that thing screaming inches from ur face, gordon just instantly  goes into protect mode
-another scene that always comes to mind is when you first encounter an advisor and it makes that horrid loud noise where alyx is holding her head; i imagine gordon almost dropping the gravity gun in a panic to try and cover his ears because he doesn’t handle loud noises too well and it freaks him out so much alyx has to help him get out of the room since he kind of locks up on hearing it
-same goes when you get trapped by an advisor in a barn and almost become food for it; gordon is absolutely terrified at getting so up and close without being able to move that when it finally does drop him he starts hyperventilating and alyx has to protect him from the oncoming combine for a little while before he can catch his breath
-last scenes but some of my favorites are the ENTIRE sections of gordon being up close with breen, 
first being the teleporter malfunctioning and when gordons heavy breathing i imagine hes trying super hard not to start freaking out/hyperventilating and when breens doing his “i want that twink obliterated” spiel and then looks up and says his name, gordon almost looses it and internally is like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
second is when youre trapped in that like...metal contraption thing the stalkers are carried in and brought to breens officce and that entire section where breen is talking directly TO YOU i just adore it becausee gordon would have been looking away awkwardly unable to actually respond and furrowing his eyebrows at the nerve breen has upon thinking you would ever agree to any such terms and would definitely also spit in breens face as a response just like alyx did since he can’t use words
okay that is all, if you read all of these you’re amazing and i love u and also gordon hes an amazing “character” because i can insert as many of my own quirks into him as i please because valve literally never gave him a personallity :^)
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