#think it has to keep the bigfoot thing tho
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one step closer to this blog reaching it's final form
#still not super thrilled with the url but at some point I'll pick a better one#think it has to keep the bigfoot thing tho#shut up ebby
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Oh mind electric we're really in it now.
#Cade.Txts#i think about tht song all the time.#when they say: Someone help me / Understand what's Going on Inside my Mind! / Doctor I can't tell if I'm Not Me!#I felt tht shit#like man.................me too.#idk tht bit of lyrics has always kinda hit me hard specifically.#Anyways how is everyone doin. sorry I don't ;ost much anymore.#I am posting on my stimblog mostly now BHINJGFDNI if u wanan see stimboards check it out.#im doing a series of stimboards on my favorite pokemon#so far got two boards out already d:)#Wanna keep working on it but i should also make gifs of stuff.#been kind of stressed by shit lately thts unrelated. worried about bigfoot.#he's been acting weird lately. real sluggish n tired. his teeth are bad- n we need to take him to get them checked#but it cost like. 600 to just get a few teeth taken from our dog frankie.#s o. -slides stimboard commission post on my stimblog- /nf#dont like advertising it. feels weird making things for money but if he does need teeyh removed#idk any other way i could make money for it.#hes just got me worried. he's a old man- even tho i always forget he is-#thinking about losing him scares me. am probably rly over thinking shit- he's old course he sleeps n lays around a lot.#but im stil worried.#ANYWHO. stimboard grind 24/7
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"shigaraki has become too powerful. we need to bring in the one person we know who can disable him from a distance." "you can't mean -" "I do. Contact Mr Smiley." (bnha s6e7-10)
I forgot Aquaman or wever his name is was keeping Eraser Head's eyes wet so he could stare at Tomura 'XD that's just, a thing. that's how this show works. that's just a thing in this show
"he even has all might's power and toughness" blinks in Magic player I wonder what those might be. Maybe like 7/7? or he's a 1/1 that can pump?
"'little brother?' I didn't say that. I don't want to be like you, teacher, I want to surpass you. my will is my own" yeah, I don't think you read all the fine print back when Super-Satan took you in. gifted powers from vague-talking benefactors have a tendency to not care what you want in the end
"Vanishing Fist" is a cool name for an attack. wonder what they cribbed it from (turns out they didn't, it sounded like something that coulda been from something else tho imo)
(midnight got got by mr compress and is telling momo to use a forbidden technique or something to stop bigfoot) hmmm. so midnight had yaoyorozu analyze her sedative stuff so she can make it? yaoyorozu's quirk may be a strict upgrade over some of the pros', then.
ngl, mt lady hasn't seemed to be slowing bigfoot down worth a damn so far. dint even try to get him off his feet, he was just pushing her ahead of him like a plow for the longest time
figures, acid girl remembered bigfoot from her origin story or something and it made her fumble the shot. or he just reminded her of it? not sure, I don't remember the details that well (could swear her origin story was literally about a "monster" looking guy just asking for directions but idk). anyway, kirishima to the rescue? like they do have that shared backstory bit kinda thing so like sure
…what the.
-- fucker just. …fuck is that called? gurning? yeah. mfer just won the universe gurning championship of all time out of nowhere. swallered his nose. and ears. and eyes.
(tomura got eraser head with the dart) I don't guess our guy's wearing dartproof shinguards under them trousers or summat? -- BRO.
-- BRO. when is this that kind of show
(OP starts up again) okay, get this upbeat… get this lewis carroll denver jam band shit outta my face, a man just cut his fucking leg off with a knife with one swipe, my man has a vorpal fucking sword specifically for chopping entire legs off and you are playing stuff that would sound too tame and mild and childish for fucking burnout 3. "lazy generation" wouldn't come close to cutting it for this shit, get outta here -- hell, what was he gonna do if it hit him in the gut? chop his entire fucking self in half? -- sweet from atlantis: "the catalog says this little beauty can cut through a femur in twenty-eight seconds. I'm betting I could cut that time in half"
"the giant villain is expected to pass through eleventy different cities on his way to wherever he's going" see, now they got sad twangy strings in the background, it sounds like "In the Woods Somewhere." this is appropriate music for the context -- also the kids really did go through all that for fuckall. : | apparently he can Tarrasque in his sleep or something
robotnik: "that one mistake will bring about your demise!" fucking cyclops with his stupid dinky eye lasers. and writers not knowing what defibrillators are for.
oh yeah, this episode's named after bakugo for some reason. writer really does act like he's fucking enkidu when he's just extremely simply a bad person, it's never gonna make sense to me
flashbacks of bakugo "helping" deku figure out the black whip ig -- wait shit, so deku now also has an ability called Float that just lets him Peter Pan. …or just levitate ig, apparently he needs the other stuff to actually move -- all might: "you're helping him learn his powers to atone for your past actions. but he probably never thought about it" these two make no goddamn sense. bakugo is still every bit as abusive, not only towards deku, but towards every person he interacts with, as he was when we first met him. he's never shown any trace of regretting being that way. hell, he also just got done spelling out that he can't understand that deku values and cares about other people, that that quality of deku's is repulsive to him. -- bakugo is just… is just wired in such a way, whether by nature or nurture or both, that he needs help becoming anything but several kinds of danger to other people. and he'll never get it, and he'll somehow continue to be portrayed as some kind of, for lack of a better word, "quirky" hero.
cyclops's cape is completely gone now, dang. is tomura gonna get a new one after this fight, or what? that thing was his whole wardrobe, now he's just Ben Swolo with wrong hair and chapped lips.
welp, here comes Super-Satan, Tomura, here comes your benefactor to take over the reins. toldja. -- (bakugo took the hit) there'll be no living with him after this. not that there was any before
"I finally got you" ah ah ah. if I didn't know any better, I'd think the Avatar Spirits might have something to say about that. I know you gave this power away, all that time ago, but it might not want to go back. it's got several minds of its own now
the villain team's hacker guy has visual on the fight? while riding on bigfoot's back? how shit is the good guys' tech if this nobody with a laptop can see shit and nobody else knew anything until bigfoot started moving?
"I need to ask sakuraraka why hawks killed twice" yeah because she'll definitely have any damned idea what you're talking about (did he die? I mean they kinda played it like he did but they do that a lot and it very rarely seems to take) -- "you're not the only one who's mad about twice" …what IS spinner doing here? what is his whole deal? does he have one? why is his sword twenty swords taped together in a pile, and why haven't we seen him do anything since like season two? at least, I could swear he hasn't done anything, for having such a distinctive design he's such a nothingburger of a character
"what are you going to do to me?" 'XD fucking nothing, the best her power can do is levitate you and you know it
oh goddammit, the next one's title is literally That Bit with the Gifs and the Hall & Oats Memes, the bit I been waiting for this entire time, but I just watched four in a row (four HEAVY ones) and I wanna stop. I'm just gonna have to save it and open on it (and Knife Girl's BS) next time
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i resent very much that i am writing twd meta this late in the year of our lord two-thousand-twenty-two after my long journey to distance myself from it, but the words are rattling around in my mind grapes, and because i am incapable of keeping things to myself, how about one more go for old time’s sake?
i think the main thing that i want to say to y’all is that we didn’t imagine it
obviously caryl has had chemistry from the very first scene they had together, but even these past few years, where we’ve dissected and meta’d every second of their screentime together under kang’s watch to death, and been like “here’s how bernie can still win!” we weren’t being delusional. the romantic beats were all there. the narrative was set up that way. she was wearing a ring in that dream sequence. he brought her a cherokee rose on a tray. they longed for each other, and planned to run away together, and it was never once foolish of us to believe otherwise, bc the only reason it didn’t happen is bc the narrative got eaten by amc’s desire to beat the shit out of twd for every drop of money it could possibly give them, and in the process they contracted Chris Charter Syndrome, which is unfortunately fatal
for those unfamiliar (tho with this group there’s probably enough crossover that i don’t rly need to explain), chris carter, the creator of the x-files, is notoriously dense af about how much of his show’s popularity is driven by his ~amazing lore~ vs the audience’s desire to have mulder and scully fuck
every conversation with him, to this day, goes p much like this:
[chris carter: people love the x-files for the mystery and intrigue and they don’t want resolved sexual tension, they want to watch our mains constantly will-they/won’t-they while battling government conspiracies until the end of time
the audience: we would watch one hundred billion hours of mulder and scully searching for bigfoot but comically missing him every time bc they get distracted by fucking each other, we could not care less about your plot. your plot doesn’t even make sense
chris carter: they just can’t wait to see what twists happen next
the audience: we are tired of the twists, and we want them to bone. in fact, here are graphs and studies and stats that all say that we would be much happier if you would just give us mulder and scully fighting silly monsters and stop trying to be gritty and dark with your plots that even you admit you don’t understand
chris carter: i am very good at my job
the audience: you are not good at your job]
rinse and repeat
if this sounds like gimple, that’s bc he has the worst case of CCS i’ve seen in a long time, and it’s unfortunate bc it’s contagious, and those who are especially susceptible are misogynistic money-hungry dudebro companies who think that what people want are GRIT and BLOOD and MAN PAIN, even when their statistics consistently tell them that they are wrong. a key component of CCS is an undeserved inflation of one’s ego and the inability to recognize the fact that one is making an ass out of oneself, which is why the past 84 years have looked like this:
[gimple: man, people love my negan and rick man-pain arc
the audience: no we don’t
gimple: i know what the ladies want, they want jerk-off contests between mediocre men while i kill off all their faves
the audience: no we don’t
amc: hmmm, while i’m picking up what you’re laying down, gimple, let’s see what this other showrunner can do for a minute
kang: people want stories about people. they want to see the seeds of character development that were planted at the very beginning bloom. they want to see the characters with chemistry go down on one another
the audience: yes, this, this is what we want
amc: interesting concept
amc: however
amc: that sounds suspiciously like conflict/resolution, and if things are neatly resolved then we can’t make money out of it anymore. i know that all the statistics say that caryl is our top ship, and that we should get them together, and let them have a concluded, peaceful ending
amc: BUT
amc: let’s instead launch a spin-off with one (1) of the duo (the male, obviously), and then let’s leave their storyline ambiguous bc that way they’ll follow us to the shitty spin-off, but also anyone who just has the hots for daryl/norman reedus will also watch bc he’s still an Eligible Bachelor ;)
amc: this is a good idea that will make us lots of money
the audience: no it will not
amc: gimple, we need your wisdom again, btw, the people miss you
the audience: no we do not
gimple: who’s ready for some GRIT AND BLOOD AND MORE MAN PAIN?!?!?!
the audience: for the love of god]
it’s stupid and exhausting, and i have Mad Respect for those of you who have been putting so much effort into making sure our voices have been heard. ( @my-mt-heart , @gunmetal-ring , @lighteneverything to name just a few) plz know that your voice WAS heard, and i fully believe that you DID make an impact. it’s just that, when push comes to shove (i.e. when you’re dealing with misogynistic rich white men), CCS is one helluva disease
and it’s sad! it’s very very sad! i’ve been spending my time away over in the “our flag means death” universe, and y’all, it has been WILD. all of the interactions with the show’s creator and the cast have been “oh you enjoyed that? we’ll be sure to keep that in mind so that we can cultivate a show that you will love, bc it makes more sense to listen to our viewers than to ourselves sometimes, bc they’re the ones who keep us from driving ourselves directly into a ditch! thank you for your feedback, we appreciate and love you!”
but see, that’s the difference between creators who are in it for the story vs. creators who are in it for the money. if you are solely money-driven you’re never going to be able to dedicate yourself to the narrative, bc narratives have concrete endings. they require you to not always be looking for that next spin-off, or to not sacrifice a character’s integrity to fit it inside of a bad plotline. they are shows like the good place, that had an ending in mind from the start. they are shows like ofmd or what we do in the shadows, where the audience’s opinion gets listened to. even supernatural (mother fucking supernatural, you guys!!!) catered to its biggest fanbase better than twd did. it might have been clown shoes, but destiel’s last-minute confession was at least explicitly romantic. amc was too cowardly to give us even that, bc it might “jeopardize” their spin-off

what we can take solace in, tho, is the fact that they are in the end stages of CCS. they think they’ve given enough to string caryl fans along over to the spin-off era of twd, but they haven’t. they’re going to crash and burn, and go out the way of GoT, in that everyone is going to be like “wow that was... let’s just not talk about that one, huh?” and it will be satisfying to watch them fizzle out into nothing when they get hit with the grim reality that they should have gotten their heads out of their asses and listened to their fans who told them that, yes, your “hot male lead” needs that middle-age grey-haired woman you cast to the side so carelessly, and that fact doesn’t change just bc you can’t fathom people caring about a woman over the age of 25
whatever. it is what it is. what matters most here is what i said up top, which is that we didn’t imagine it. we did not waste our time. we were not stupid. we had these beautiful characters laid out before us, and a storyline that supported them, and we took it and ran with it in the right direction. it’s not our fault that the narrative didn’t follow
our retribution will be the fact that now it’s our turn not to follow. instead, we can finally rest, not having to worry about the future, bc who fucking gives a shit about their dumb taunts, trying to get us to watch the spin-off for the “possibility” of caryl way down the line? we’re over it. we’re not chasing anymore carrots. we’re happy here in our caryl sandbox, with our li’l aus and headcanons and fix-its, and we don’t have to fucking discourse at each other every week anymore. we can come and go with a lightness we haven’t felt maybe fucking ever, bc it’s over now. it’s not in their hands anymore, it’s in ours
it was real. the feelings we felt, the relationships that were made between us, they were real. and it will all continue to be real in whatever way we decide to keep it. we can and should grieve what could have/should have been, and we can and should be mad, because there’s no question, we were wronged, but let’s not stay in that negativity place forever. let’s not forget why we all were drawn here to begin with, and let’s not forget what we’ve gained from each other
it wasn’t “just a tv show.” it was, and is, a community that has influenced lives to the point of changing their entire trajectory. i have written over one million (1,000,000+) words of caryl fic, and bc of that i have been able to self-publish my own book, and get into freelance writing. bc of caryl, i have been able to ghostwrite and collaborate with published authors, and am on my way to making my actual day job being writing, which is something i’ve wanted since i was itty bitty. bc of caryl, i have traveled the world. bc of caryl, i have made relationships and connections that have, quite literally, changed my entire life. amc can’t take any of that away from me. it can’t take any of that away from YOU
so yeah, shit sucks, but hey, i got something for you:

we are fine, fam, or we will be, once we’ve had a chance to lick our wounds, because we are the holders of the narrative now. caryl is OURS, finally
so, when you’re feeling up to it, come join me in the sandbox, and let’s have some fun
stay hype, stan each other, bc twd is in its grave, but caryl is forever,
p.s. felt weird not having a 30 rock reference in here anywhere so:
k bye 4 real
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What are your random head canons for swordvan?
Hm I gotta have just some random ideas kinda milling in my head. Alright here's some I can think of (some are repurposed from past posts but sssh):
Demo's mom kind of hates Sniper bc well. have you seen that boy. I know it's kinda more popular (nothing w them is ever Popular but you get the idea) to make Demo's mom LOVE Sniper bc Professionalism but I think the opposite is really funny like son this white boy sucks
Similar note, Sniper's parents LOVE Demo. I also see "they hate Demo bc he kills people and they hate Sniper's job" but look. I am a guy who is weird in real life. I know how parents of weird people are. They are just so pumped that their son is making friends (yknow. "friends") that they will accept ANYTHING. It also helps a little bit that Demo is hot like that's kind of just an added bonus
I think they both deserve to be like cryptozoology guys. Demo's kind of a nerd about it and Sniper just likes camping and also camping is romantic if you do it right so they win. Not finding Bigfoot but definitely finding love
Sniper doesn't know shit about cars and Demo has to keep coming out to fix the stupid van and they bond. OR he pretends to not know shit about cars only so his hottest coworker will have to keep coming out to fix the stupid van and they bond
Demo is like the first guy to really make friends with Sniper and I think he's a very touchy affectionate friend. This is great bc Sniper is unbelievably repressed and that just. KILLS him bc oh no he's hot
However I think the minute they like, establish themselves as a Thing Sniper is super touchy. Maybe he pretends he isn't around people or smth but he loves affection and he does not get any attention please pet him etc etc
Demo likes PDA and Sniper is embarrassed by this and the fact that he's embarrassed by it makes Demo do it more. It's cute and respectful tho he's not rlly overstepping any boundaries <3
Back to the self-esteem thing from the last ask but in like a jokey way: both of them are CONVINCED the other is way out of his league. Demo really genuinely thinks Sniper is like hot and charming and cool deep down so even tho he def teases him a lot he's still wondering how could something this good happen to me. And the answer is bc you deserve it babe cmon
#uhhh i think that's all i got i'm sleepy#this was REALLY fun btw i love this. oh no#ask#anon#tf2#team fortress 2#sniper tf2#demo tf2#swordvan#demosniper#<- that's how u know i want attention
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Yooooo, I got a Hanna-Barbera oc! His name is Frimby Fox and I love him!
God, I came up with him when I was 13 maybe... His design was so different back then and honestly I'm still making a few little changes but this is what he looks like for the most part!
Ok here's some things about him:
Frimby was a ghost at first, a young man who hadn't died long ago, but he took the form of a cartoon fox! So, he's a ghost as well pretty much!
Before he died, Frimby was a guy who loved cartoons and wanted to be a cartoonist! So when he died and learned he could morph his ghost body, he took on the form of a cartoon!
To him, cartoons and being one means being a piece of art come to life! Frimby has a pretty wide mindset and believes in all kinds of stuff like the supernatural and superstitions (he strongly believes in things like Bigfoot for ex.) so he's not really bothered by the idea of drawings being alive.
He doesn't have his own show but he likes to help everyone else out with theirs.
Loves hanging out with all the Hanna-Barbera characters! Snagglepuss is kinda his bestie tho
Has trouble thinking of himself as a real cartoon a lot. It's because he wasn't drawn or brought to life like other cartoons were since he took on his own form and he's technically dead (cause he's a ghost) rather than being a 'piece of art brought to life'. Has thought really over complicated stuff about it before.
ok, here's stuff that's more about his features and personality:
He's 4'11
His eyes are brown
I've debated ever since the day I made him what I think his voice would sound like. Most of the time I picture him with something like an Ed Wynn voice so I may keep it at that.
He can be pretty energetic at some times and relaxed and laid back at other times. He's just mixed up like that lol
He's pretty fine about talking with his friends and people he's comfortable with but he's pretty introverted with others.
Loves to be goofy and make his friend laugh!
Ok that's all I got about him for now, but I'll probably post more about him soon!
#Oc#hanna barbera#I totally didn't base his personality off of me hehe#or what I want to do if I die and become ghost nawwww
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Be My Valentine?
Attack on Titan X Reader
A/N: Look at y’all, giving me a sweet tooth. A few days too early too. I wrote this like a week ago. - Nemo
Warnings: A little suggestive. Much Fluff. Modern AU.
Listening to: ‘That’s What I Like’ by Bruno Mars (slowed) - ‘You deserve it baby, you deserve it all.’
Armin Arlert
He is so organized, and no I’m not meaning he remembers to buy chocolates, flowers or a stuffed bear - no no no, to Armin that is not acceptable.
To Armin those are things he does every day.
So you can bet your lovable ass that you have a much better Valentines Day than anyone else you know.
He even manages to top it every year.
Once, he rented a penthouse for the night just because - tbh he probably said something dumb like ‘you deserve this and more’. (okay not that dumb, I’m just upset because no one will ever do that for me.)
He had to save up for like, two years to do it though.
Baby boy just wants to show his appreciation.
Erwin Smith
He’s less organized than Armin, but he does have more money, and he is 100 per cent not afraid to ask for help.
But like he’s an old fashioned guy.
Dinner, red roses, mayhaps a night in afterwards *wink wink*
But deadass this guy just makes it seem so special every time? Like you did it last year and you know you’ll do it again? But it’s so exciting anyway?
Def feeds you the choccy strawberries. Or chicky nuggies. Whichever. He don’t care as long as his beloved is happy.
Probably has a new item of jewelry bought a week in advance. Even if you don’t usually wear it, just do it for that night and he’ll be satisfied.
He like’s buying you stuff, and he likes seeing you with/wearing the stuff he buys.
Dunno why, some shady possessive stuff probably, but who are we to complain?
Levi Ackerman
Man’s does not care.
At all.
‘Valentines? Who is that?’
But seriously, the only reason he doesn’t care is because he think’s ‘it’s dumb that we only have one day in the whole year to show our love for that one person when it should happen all the time.’
If he see’s a particularly nice bouquet or a brand of sweets you like that’s around during this time of year - however - he will get it for you.
Because he knows you like whatever it was.
And if you do like Valentines day, he will do something for you on that day.
He doesn’t think his opinions should always be yours and vice versa.
But don’t catch him browsing the valentines themed isle in the grocery store otherwise you’ll get beat.
Reiner Braun
nEVER forgets. Ever.
There are three dates set into his brain and he forgets everything else.
1. Your B-day. 2. Your Anniversary. And 3. Valentines Day.
Bed’s covered in the petals of your favorite flowers. There’s matching bouquet���s in every room.
Music’s playin’ as soon as you walk in, he’s standing there in that outfit he knows you like. Favorite dinner and drinks all set out. JUst walking home to that is *chefs kiss* ahhhhhh
But make sure you get something for him.
The way he melts that you got him something? Even if it’s little, he will grab you and not let you go for like half and hour.
Please return the favor. Hold him this night. Do not let go. Hold him tighter and tighter and he will not stop saying how much he loves you.
Even as he starts to fall asleep he will keep telling you.
Zeke Jaeger
Probably takes you on an overnight trip somewhere way too expensive and acts like it’s nothing.
‘Zeke, this is a private jet.’ - ‘And?’ - ‘It’s going to Paris Zeke.’ - ‘Yeah? That’s like the whole point?’
Mans sees no problem spending a minor fortune on one night’s worth of activates and items.
Goes all-out and is not afraid to do so.
Will have you dress-up all nice and take you out on his arm to go to dinner. He’s trying to show you off. Like ‘look at this beauty I scored. You wish you were me.’ and I think that’s very in-character of him.
Like legitimately the most fancy thing you ever wanted to - he’ll have it.
Ball gown? Slim shimmery red-carpet dress? A suit that matches his that you pull off so much better than him?
Shows his love through gift-giving, so just let him do what he gotta do.
Jean Kirstein
He’s another classic roses, chocolates, and teddy bears guy.
There’ll be a few times where the date creeps up and catches him off-guard, but he’ll always go out of his way to make sure he doesn’t see you empty-handed.
Yes, that has once meant he rocked up to your door with a handful of flowers that were definitely from your neighbors front yard.
You do also have one section of your bookshelf designated to stuffed animals he’s gotten you for valentines day. Yeah, not just bears. There’s a llama, lizard, and a bigfoot also.
More like ‘at least’.
ALWAYS WRITES A NOTE OR CARD - depending on how much time is left - AND IT’S NOT JUST REALLY CUTE AND ROMANTIC BUt he draws a little mini him and you in the corner holding hands.
Jean write me a valentines note plz, I’m so lonely and I love you.
Connie Springer
Dumbass never remembers.
And if you don’t remember either then oh well. Guess a midnight Macca’s run is in order.
Yeah, he CAN make McDonalds romantic. Don’t think so? Fite me.
But then he feels bad, so he ducks into the closest open store and buYS YOU A RING POP -
‘Sweetie, I got you something?’ - ‘Yeah, what?’ - ‘A new cushion because dat ass keeps ruining all mine.’ ‘A ring, I hope you like it uwu.’
tbh if you rock up three days later - candy eaten - but still wearing the ring part he’ll start bawling.
He ends up getting you a real ring a little later - a muther fooken PROMICE RING. OF aLL thingS. So yeah, He does top every single other person on this list. Don’t @ me.
You still keep that ring pop tho. Cherish it forever.
#armin arlert headcanons#erwin smith headcanons#levi ackerman headcanons#reiner braun headcanons#zeke jaeger headcanons#jean kirstein headcanons#connie springer headcanons
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Hi! I think yr totally right about Felix's teeth probably not being great and how he and the rest of the crew should have more scars! Do u have any other lil appearance HCs for him/the whole gang? (:
OK! SO! I have a Lot of HCs about the crew, appearance-wise, anyway. Don't get me wrong, I love their canon designs, but I feel like they didn't utilize "Halcyon is fucked" enough with your companions? If that makes sense. I'm going to break this up character by character, so it'll be an easier read!
Also, I'm gonna put a TW on this for slight self harm on this?? It's not emotionally motivated at all, it's like when you'd compete to see who can get the gnarliest eraser burn in middle school, but nevertheless, I want to warn y'all ahead of time, it's on Ellie's part.
-Honestly, her eyes are gorgeous. They're brown, but an amber kind of brown, and very bright.
-I personally HC that Parvati chews her nails when she's nervous, so they're always nubs and usually pretty dirty, bc Mechanic and all.
-Her hands have faint scars from nicks and burns from working on machinery. The skin on her hands doesn't scar easily, but she still has a few gnarly scars from particularly bad burns or cuts that she wasn't able to take proper care of.
-Constantly has bruises of unknown origin on her arms and legs. She bruises very easy, and always has, which is kind of precarious when you're a mechanic.
-This might already be canon and I just haven't noticed bc I'm using the Switch version, but I HC Parv has some freckles sprinkled around her face. Not a lot by any means, but I HC she gets frequent sun when she's working on certain parts of the town, and freckles are a bi-product of that.
-She has a couple small scars on her face; one just below her eye on her cheek, and another on her chin. I like to think she fell on her chin, and the other was from her first project that blew up in her face, literally.
-Her skin is just a bit ashy because she hasn't had access to a lot of good lotions over the years.
-Despite taking a shower every morning, she accumulates grease smudges and dirt from her plants on herself very easily. She cleans up for her and Junlei's dates, but for casual visits both don't really bother. Sometimes they make a game of smudging each other with grease while they work and by the time they're finished their faces look like they were going for war paint.
-I like to think Parvati and Junlei eventually wear rings with each other (like, years down the line) and when Parvati gets deep in thought, she rests it against her lips. Junlei does something similar by turning her ring on her finger.
-Parv has ok teeth, not like great, but she takes pretty good care of them, even if sometimes she has to forgo it for a day or few while out with the Captain.
-When she's in Edgewater, she's always skinny, and if you squinted you probably could pick out a rib or so. But after she moves in with The Captain, she gains weight, and finally has the little pooch of fat that you're supposed to have around the middle. Ellie helps her keep up with nutritional needs (what you can get in Halcyon, anyway) and gets very proud when she makes her goals.
-This boy has horrible teeth. His sweet tooth + being an orphan in the Back Bays didn't leave much time for proper teeth cleaning. He probably never really had enough bits to get toothpaste with, either.
-Oh, boy. He has scars galore. Some are from scuffles (he has some on his back from when he was a kid and used to get in trouble for stealing) but a lot are also from getting burned by pipes, or jagged metal. A fair few are from him doing dumbass things in his teenage years ("I wonder what would happen if I heat up these rounds of light ammo with a flamethrower??") because you can't tell me this boy didn't do dumb things like every teenage boy did but with more disasterous results bc SciFi.
-His nose has been broken quite a few times, so it's crooked in a couple spots.
-Can frequently be found with bloody knuckles just because he forgets that punching someone with a mask over their face really isn't the best idea. This eventually culminates into him making the "Millstone Drop-Kick!" his go-to move.
-This isn't exactly appearance related, but I HC Felix has a fucked back from his life of hauling heavy boxes. It doesn't help that he drop kicks literally everything that moves tho.
-Probably has chronic pain in his hands from his hands getting crushed by boxes at some point or another. Several of his fingers are crooked from being broken and improperly set. His bones probably aren't the best bc of poor nutrition growing up, either, so they're a little easier to break.
-Just. Me thinking about Felix in his 40s, or even early 30s: Honey, you have a big storm coming.
-This is also a little random, but I like to think that it takes a long time for Felix to grow any kind of facial hair (he has chronic babyface) so he's super proud of his scruff.
-Max: That's peach fuzz. If that.
-Felix: Leave me alone you big hairy bastard, just bc you have to shave like every other day to keep a clean face doesn't mean all men do!!
-(He's just a bit sensitive about his facial hair)
-(He one day dreams of growing a glorious beard like Sanjar's, but it would take him like 50 years)
-(Shut up Max one day he'll have an amazing handlebar mustache and you won't be laughing then)
-I have no idea if piercings or tattoos are a Thing in Halcyon (probs not, honestly, but I can dream) but if they are, he tried to pierce his ears by himself once, they got infected, and he got really sad when he had to let them close. The marks are still there but the holes have closed by now.
-Felix is strong, but he's skinny and gangly as all hell and it's hard as fuck to get him to gain any weight, mostly because he still has his habit of eating only what he needs and stashing the rest. It takes him a while with the crew to get over that, and when he does, he gains a healthy amount of weight around his middle. Ellie teases him a bit, but is 1,000x happier that he's no longer damn near a walking skeleton.
-Listen. Ellie and Felix are bros I don't make the rules. She denies it but she would kill for Felix.
-Usually has slight dark circles under his eyes, because he has nightmares sometimes and can't sleep.
-His eyes are really, really pretty. Like. Super fucking pretty. He has long lashes and they sparkle when he smiles. His eyes are hazel like Max's, but more on the brown side, with streaks of green radiating out from the pupil.
-Speaking of smiles. He has the goofiest and sweetest grins around. A little self-conscious about his teeth, but honestly that doesn't stop him from laughing and smiling with everyone. He has a couple broken teeth, but honestly it just makes his grin a lil lopsided and cute.
-He gets the Worst bed-head. It stands almost straight up in every direction, but it's really easy to tame. Mostly because he just runs his hands through it and calls it a day.
-He found Max's hair gel once and went Ham. He used the whole can sticking his hair up into a mohawk, and proceeded to parade around for Ellie and Parvati. Then bolt to his room and lock the door when Max shouted his name from the bathroom. Max's hair was out of whack for like. A week. He kept blowing it out of his face and Felix and Ellie would giggle like madmen when he did.
-Listen, I am extremely gay for Max. This needs to be known before I continue, because I have a metric fuckton of Max HCs.
-So, first off, Max takes VERY good care of his appearance. Like. Insanely good. His hair is always perfectly held back by a moderate amount of gel, his nails perfectly trimmed and cleaned. He keeps a clean-shaven face.
-But don't let that fool you, Max can and will get down and dirty when need be, he just doesn't care to stay like that.
-Quite a few scars from his prison and Tossball years. But because of the clothes he wears you wouldn't be able to see them easily. Mostly on his back/sides, though he has a couple on his torso and legs.
-The Captain calls him Bigfoot because his grows hair really fast and his arms and chest have some pretty thick hair. Max is very confused, because he personally doesn't think his feet are that big.
-Not an appearance HC per se, but he smells like soap, aftershave, and books.
-When he doesn't gel his hair, it falls in his face constantly, and it annoys the fuck out of him.
-Fuckin ripped bro. Just. What the fuck. Why is a priest this fuckin shredded. Why make my gay little heart ache more than it already does, Obsidian??
-Despite his arm muscles being like. Huge, he still has a healthy layer of fat over his middle, mostly because being an OSI Priest, he got a little bit better nutrition VS. literally all of Halcyon.
-When his knee gets Bad (like hiking through Monarch with the Captain) he has a slight limp? Barely noticeable, but you can tell he's not putting weight on it. I HC its an old Tossball injury (that might be canon, I haven't played in forever).
-Its hard to tell in the different lights of the game whether his hair is Black or Silver, and I like to think he's greying, but not fully grey yet. He can have a little hair color, still. As a treat.
-Fuckin no lashes to speak of. None at all. Baldy eyes. Its the only part of him that doesn't have really thick hair and ngl he is very salty about it. Tho his actual eyes are very pretty; they're hazel with a lot of green. He has a darker ring on the outside and flecks of brown in them.
-Has very good teeth, whiter than most of Halcyon's because of the OSI providing for him.
-Broke his nose once during Tossball, though he was able to get it set alright. Slight crook in the bridge of his nose.
-He has a lot of those moles from his face scattered around. Particularly his shoulders and back.
-Also have you seen his fuckin canon thighs??? Bro. They could crush a watermelon. Once again, I must say, what the fuck, why is this priest so fuckin shredded.
-Actually takes his physical health very seriously, so I like to think he's in great shape for his age. Seeing him in some of the canon outfits though makes me more inclined to think that's canon.
-Sorry, I have thought about this A Lot, and the gay jumps out of me sometimes.
-A fair amount of scars on his arms. Not as many as Nyoka, but a little bit more than Parvati.
-Has calloused hands, but they've softened over his years as a priest.
-Now I feel like Ellie wouldn't have many scars that she didn't let scar up on purpose to give her an edge. They're essentially superficial; they look cool but didn't do any real damage.
-Also, her skin is very pale, so she doesn't scar easily anyway.
-Though she does have some, and they're more recent. A couple of gashes on her arms, and a bullet wound in her side. She's proud of them.
-The dark circles under her eyes are because she likes to stay up late at night. Sometimes she contemplates her life, but she doesn't like it, and usually doesn't bother too much.
-Her lashes are very thick and full, and they compliment her eyes very well. Her eyes aren't exactly ice blue, they're a bit darker, and have real pretty lighter streaks in them.
-Yes, her lips are naturally that color. Good for picking up women, bad for looking intimidating to marauders.
-Really soft skin, she's always had access to good lotion. After she leaves Byzantium, she purposely looks a bit more grimy than she did then, which is easy to do because of her skin tone.
-Has a few moles and freckles, but not many, mostly on her shoulders and back. She was inside a lot prior to her leaving Byzantium.
-Her hair doesn't really sit down when she sleeps, but it does lose some poofiness, so she has to meticulously push it up in the mornings.
-Not quite an appearance HC, but I feel like when she gets comfortable with ADA, she gives her compliments. Stuff like "Your screen is very bright today, ADA!" ADA does the same thing. "And your hair is looking very bright as always, Dr. Fenhill."
-Muscular, but lean, and puts on weight a little easier than others, so she wouldn't look like she could kick your ass without her pirate get-up, but she could 100%, no holds barred kick your ass.
-Very good teeth. Despite wanting to look like a gnarly pirate she takes dental care very seriously. Tho she thinks about getting punched in the mouth occasionally so she could like break off a piece of her tooth. Not the whole thing, just enough to make her look tough.
-Idc if piercings and tattoos aren't a Thing in Halcyon, Ellie has pierced ears. Three in each ear, and I like to think an eyebrow and maybe nose ring. She doesn't wear them when she's in Dangerous Situations because she firsthand had to fix ears that had their earrings ripped out during rich catfights that she does NOT want that to happen to her.
-She also has tattoos covering most of her back, and some of her upper arms. She got them "illegally" (meaning it's illegal to The Board, but the Groundbreaker doesn't really give a shit) on The Groundbreaker and she's proud as fuck of them.
-I have Feelings about the missed opportunities for illegal tattoo/piercing parlors. Like I know there's not a lot of self-expression to be had and no Art aside from fonts, but c'mon. Humans have drawn on their skin since the beginning all around the world and we WOULD find ways to do it again, even if it's needle-poke tattoos.
-Anyway, back to Ellie.
-You ever hear of a "lighter tattoo"? Basically, you heat up a lighter and then stamp the hot metal into your skin and it makes a mark in the shape of the lighter head. If you get it hot enough and hold it long enough it can scar. They have a similar thing in Halcyon with Plasma Cutters. Instead of Stab, you heat it up, turn it off, and press the blade to your skin and it pretty much scars within a couple seconds.
-Ellie 100% did a few of those when she was in Byzantium as like the "hahaha edgy" thing that teenagers do.
-Like I know technically kids aren't around but... bruh... you can't tell me that teenagers in a SciFi setting wouldn't do dumb ass shit like that.
-Ellie is honestly the baddest bitch and I love her, ok, she just reminds me so much of of those high school delinquent tropes in 90s movies
-Listen, ok, she would 100% have a lot of scars from her life on Monarch. I share some HCs with @nyokaacore in that she has three scars over one of her eyes, and a few others around her face, like on her lips.
-The bulk of her scars are on her arms and body, though, as she usually is able to get the Canid or Rapt off before they get to her face.
-I like to think the scars on her eye are from Freida, the first Rapt she ever killed that's taxidermied on her wall.
-But she has a lot of scars from Raptidon claws and Canid mouthplates, sprinkled with some Manti burns and burns from Rapt spit.
-She also has her fair share of bullet scars on her, and definitely has some patches of skin discoloration from incidents regarding the sulphur pools. Chemical burns are a bitch.
-She's tall, and not exactly curvy? But broad. Big shoulders, wide hips, sturdy legs. Looks like she could kill you, could actually kill you alignment.
-The sand and sulphur in the air plays Hell on her skin, so she's got some old acne scars and places that scarred up into moles on her face. Has an issue with dry skin.
-Her skin is also pretty oily, and she washes it when she can, but water is usually better spent being drunk than washed with. However, she does carry a spare bottle of non-drinkable water to wash Rapt acid off in emergencies, so sometimes she'll pull from that to wash her face with.
-Big hands, calloused, pretty scarred up from her time on Monarch.
-I also like to think that she can tell you stories about most of the scars she has, lmao.
-Her nose, like Felix's, has been broken quite a few times and is pretty crooked.
-Most often, you see Nyoka with a slight sunburn on her face. It's hard to see, but her cheeks are usually warm to the touch.
-Her teeth aren't the best, but she does take as much care of them as she can out on Monarch. Still pretty yellow with some cavities, but not as bad at Felix's.
-Honestly the dark circles around her eyes are usually because she doesn't sleep a lot. She has dreams about CHARON, and that's not her favorite thing to do.
-At a pretty healthy weight for Halcyon, and ofc, has muscles as big as your head.
-Surprisingly soft hands, though.
#the outer worlds#tow#the outer worlds hcs#headcanons#hcs#parvati holcomb#felix millstone#ellie fenhill#nyoka ramnarim wentworth iii#vicar max#maximillian desoto#appearance hcs#asks#anon#i need to stop now or i'll never stop
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what are some roles that have been largely changed for cityrune? since you said queen was an influencer now :]
hi ty for asking me im vibrating. havent gotten to talk about this au now for three years and now that chapter 2 is like real and this time i can like........draw occasionally and i have more understanding of nuance...... [grips table] [screams]
this isnt quite what you asked but heres what's everyone from chapter 1 has been Up To with a little bit of context (and under a read more bc it got LENGTHY):
kris - professional stay at home teen (they live w/ asgore n help run the flower shop sometimes. this decision was entirely bc i dont like toriel). was wrongly diagnosed w Sudden Soul Rejection when they were incredibly young and given an experimental transplanted soul as a replacement. it works for them fine, give or take having to see gaster once a month for checkups. but sometimes the soul makes them skittish n decides they're going to sit in front of the pc and play 30 consecutive hours of a certain simulation game and not even let them drown people in the pool. if it were entirely up to them, they'd be like. passing out on the sofa to documentaries about bigfoot. or practicing cool knife tricks to impress their friends at their next tabletop meetup
- EDITED IN: the soul is kind of their friend. they are wearing a hypothetical get along shirt. most of the time, they agree on actions and things to do. tends to refer to themself + their soul as we/us which originally was just something they did in their head but they kept slipping in speech/text n just became a Thing of how they talk. switches to 'I/Me' whenever smth is wrong.
- also edited in: they believe the soul they have is their original soul bc nobody has told them otherwise. whenever theyre like 'oh yeah we think about our soul n view it as a separate entity to us like. all the time. it likes to hurt if we make too many choices it doesn't seem to like and kind of forces us to be a toned down version of what we want to be but thats just how souls are haha' and everyone is like.... 'Hey Kris That's Really Not How It Is.' theyre like. 'huh. gonna ignore that for now' - this was going to be a plot point
toriel - head of H0MEWOR1D (H01)'s department of education; kind of lost her roots as a simple math teacher as she was pushed into a lot of power she didn't even really seek out. divorced asgore over some miscommunications in their relationship; also loosely as a result of grief from asriel's death
asgore - the same. runs a lil flower/gift shop. people come in more to talk with him than to buy flowers most of the time, though
asriel Flowey - he's back in flower form, thanks to the government an accident. causes a lot of technology glitches wherever he goes, and wants revenge. isn't sure how to go about it. asriel "died" around 8 years before the story takes place and kris still misses him and refuses to even THINK about even the IDEA of calling someone their sibling after what happened, just in case it somehow happens a second time
susie - more of the same really. she spends most of her time either at grillby's (she's sort of become his assistant n helps with opening/closing. it just happened) or getting into low-stakes trouble w/ kris
noelle - she's in the city's equivalent of college and shes so tired. shes So Abysmally Tired n got kinda pushed 2 follow in her mom's footsteps. she's rarely around anymore except through text or on monsters & mages (dnd) night. (however.........she will come back w/ a long break n hang out w everyone again)
berdly - tbh i didnt even consider berdly when i made the au initially. idk what he's doing. probably in a similar situation to noelle??? canonically got kicked out of the M&M group due to clashes w/ other players but lurks in their group chat to posts memes sometimes
didnt rly think of any other of kris' classmates (+ their families) after ch1 and probably will continue to not, until chs 3-5 come out and i gotta whip up roles and histories for like. a lotta guys all of a sudden. i also forgot about noelle's parents
sans - runs a convenience store that everyone kind of thinks is a front, but also it has really cheap snacks and the local teens make a point of stopping there after school. so essentially, more of the same papyrus - similar to ut. is a very polite and sweet boy but you'll know when he's coming
grillby - he's back. he runs a bar like back in ut but the cozy vibes and weird-for-a-bar hours keep attracting kids who need parents, so half of his menu is comprised of overly sweet mocktails. usually only frequented by monsters
QC - same as usual. has a "rivalry" with grillbz but, theyre besties and have a book club
mettaton - he's real and he's back. he's similar to how he is back in ut w/ his EX body. likes to hang out at grillby's and talk to unsuspecting fans. has a show for everything
napstablook - similar to how they are in ut. helps mtt with making music sometimes. doesn't leave the house too often, but spends a lot of time posting on undernet
undyne - unfortunately. more of the same. she is a cop in the monster district. i am also upset by this but couldn't think of anything better for her
alphys - a doctor studying under dr. gaster in the hopes she'll one day take over his research. she spends most of her time as a nurse with a bigger title, though, and blocks out the weirdness of her job with anime.
gaster - weird guy. H01's top soul researcher and resident House wannabe. trying to manufacture the ultimate soul that can be controlled with simple internal switches, but so far he's only had 1 (very limited) success with a certain human. monsters just melt, and darkners just sorta......get weird... he's onto Something, though.
ralsei - lonely boy with some very strange hobbies. popular on UnderNet for poetry, baking videos, and general cryptid vibe. is the DM for the monsters & mages group (also seems to think everything is actually very fine in H01 when it is very much not)
lancer - about the same. professional Round Boy. lives w/ rouxls full time. follows susie around like a lost puppy and calls himself her "underling."
rouxls - runs a hotel/casino kind of deal where the objective Bad Guys hang out, and usually ends up doing any of the spade king's paperwork.
spade king - mafia godfather. kind of a dick. don't play cards with him
seam - works with the spade king as his right hand cat more or less because they have for a lot of years and are in that 'sunk cost fallacy' zone. thinks of retiring to a quiet life in the monster section of town like, daily
jevil - used to work with the spade king, but got imprisoned for Crimes. got weird after The Accident (separate from asriel's accident)
temmies (all) - dont really get mentioned except offhandedly but they run the monster space station. so far, are the only monsters who have ever been to space.
as far as chapter 2 goes:
yeah i dont have much so far for characters. in the original version of the au i accidentally made darkners as a whole just kinda..... not great? like all sorts of weird organized crime ties n sort of going out of their way to be A Problem to the city (not even in like. a revolution way. in a working against them but with the same goals kinda way). with the whole context it worked At The Time, bc i just had the spade king to look to as a villain, and also in this au the darkners are just trying to survive a world that ultimately was not built for them (that humans think they own, and monsters sort of... seeing this and wondering what it'll mean for them whichever one wins), but w/ new info abt how the dark world works n more guys to work with i want to kind of. edit the vibe a bit. like yea darkners will ultimately do whatever it takes to take over H01, but maybe in a better way than like. idk. all this. it doesnt have to be peaceful or anything it just has to be more adaptable as we meet more kinds of darkners
however yeah i thought up 'queen as some sort of childless mommy blogger/influencer' and that completely revived all memory i had of this au. she should be on mtt's talkshow. also she sells collectible wine glasses w/ her likeness
spamton is another one of gaster's failed soul experiments, but he hasn't melted yet, and seems............fine? sort of. so he hasn't gotten decommissioned yet. he does want to give you malware tho. hot monster singles in your area n all that
im blanking on the rest of the guys but i hope any of this was comprehensible
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hello!!! i’m chey and before i introduce you all to my boy yijae, i would first like to let it be known that the only form of animal crossing i have ever played is pocket camp </3 but i watch the hell out of island tours on yt so i was so excited to see this rp in the tags! you can find yijae’s profile here and his plots here and.... a mess under the cut but i’ll call it an intro
first of all: no, his name is not actually yijae. it’s a play on his name because another romanization of the surname lee is yi, so it’s his surname + the second syllable of his given name. might refer to him as this in threads, might not, but it’s his main nickname that his friends prob use with him! he likes it a lot.
the youngest of three. was really young when he lost his parents, doesn’t have any solid memories of them so he kind of views his siblings as half-siblings, half-parents.
endured a lot of people telling him that he was lucky to have siblings to look after him and needed to behave well, show appreciation, not give them a hard time. most people who said that meant well, but it bothered him a lot bc that’s like telling a kid they can’t get upset Ever because they’re lucky someone is raising them.
anyway it resulted in him being an ass-kisser as a kid, didn’t want to give anyone (esp his siblings) a reason to view him as a nuisance / pest
developed really, really good people skills bc he was constantly looking for ways to make himself useful / valuable in some way, felt like he had to prove his worth. genuinely very social, likes people a lot so it’s whatever, really. he probably would’ve ended up developing good people skills regardless
he does have a rly bad temper tho...... beware
also has anxiety and a lot of his symptoms are the lesser understood ones (w/ the main one being irritability/anger), so mix that with his naturally short temper and he do b causing scenes and hurting feelings sometimes
literally always seen carrying some kind of bottle w/ water in it because once he starts getting overwhelmed, he starts getting Hot and it’s just.... handy to have water at his disposal whenever he needs it yk
most of the time, he’s pretty well-put together and very very smiley!!! considered the face of able siblings’ clothing shop bc he greets each and every customer with a smile. always available to answer questions, give recommendations, relay messages to his siblings or just chat! not really all that skilled when it comes to sewing or any other skills directly related to clothes (which is partially why customer service is his main duty) but if u’re in a rush, he’ll try really hard
pretty much the only thing that can make him lose his cool w/ customers is if you come in and start talkin shit about any of the items
values the store a lot, but also kind of feels like he carries more than his fair share of the weight. definitely not true LMAO but that belief makes him get annoyed w/ his siblings sometimes
if you ever come into the store at the wrong moment and find him throwing a fit / fighting with his sibling, no you didn’t <3
keeps a sketchbook full of clothing ideas. ofc he’ll never make any of ‘em because he’s not quite that crafty, but he shares them with his siblings / with other store employees to see if they’re up to the challenge. collects lots of different fashion magazines to keep up with trends or just to look at bc he thinks fashion’s neat
if he’s not @ the store, he’s probably riding his bike around either one of the islands. enjoys bike rides a ton, likes to feel the wind in his hair and nonchalantly see what’s going on outside of the shop (aka he’s nosy)
fun, but also kind of flaky??? like he’s the guy who will Definitely go to that party with you on short notice but will also call out of plans you made with him 6 months ago
sometimes he goes mia for a couple days, always has some really dumb explanation like “i was hunting for crabs and i lost track of time” or “i was attending a 4-day clown seminar” or “i was camping with my boy, bigfoot” but really he’s just been laying in his bed and trying to re-energize. it b that way sometimes
speaking of crabs... he likes them a lot! thinks they’re groovy lil’ things. ticket into his heart? crab-hunting with him!!!! he doesn’t disturb them too much, he just likes to dig them out of the sand and look at them for a minute, then let them go. he thinks they’re super funny-looking so sometimes he just... laughs his ass off as they scuttle away. some people who have witnessed this have nicknamed him The Crab Bully, but he doesn’t have any bad intentions. it’s just entertaining for him
wears glasses most of the time bc his sight is terrible. could wear contacts, yeah, but he has chronically dry eyes and artificial tears only go So Far! aka it’s more comfy to wear glasses even if they make his face look even rounder than it already is
has a slight lisp. very very slight. mainly when he has to pronounce s/th or l/r... skz stans you know what i’m talking about
fucks with his hair a lot. kind of a comfort thing, kind of a fashion thing. it’s dark blue atm, but it changes pretty frequently. he does it himself, too, so you already know his hair is fried to HELLLLLL
really social, but also might ghost you for three weeks and then resume the convo as if he never left. knows he looks like the pleading emoji (god knows he’s been told enough times) so he uses his cuteness to his advantage when he knows he’s been actin like a dirtbag. also might send funny animal vids to ease his way back into ur life
when i say he’s really social, i mean he’s really social. will talk to anyone and everyone. make eye contact with him for half a second On Accident and oh, no, here he goes. very interested in other people, wants to know everything you’re willing to share. depending on the person, this can either be really comforting or really overwhelming. u think u want him to shut up but then he shuts up and it’s like damn..... why isn’t yijae talking. that’s weird
idk... i feel like i’m leaving out some really important info but this is all i’ve got for now. feel free to ask me if there’s anything else you wanna know about him!
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Underwhelming, full of plot holes, and unresolved storylines to the very end. Supernatural was nothing if not consistent.
Supernatural was a grab-bag of plots and ideas.
Half the problem was that there were so many cooks in that metaphrocal kitchen noone had a clear end goal. Look at all the movie series from the last few years, they changed directors and teams at the drop of a hat, the plot got nerfed every five seconds and characters had no real characteristics.
Like Thor, look at all the personal growth he went through in Ragnarock... and they erased it immediately in the next Avengers movie. Or how ZaSnyder has clearly never read a batman comic in his life and madeit all weird, gritty etc.
Also I think the biggest flaw for Supernatural, was a mixture of the following:
1) It was supposed to end in S5, but the executives kept pushing and pushing for the writers to keep going bc it was very profitable.
2) There were no stakes. Death is usually the big Oh Fuck NOOOO of a show. Maybe it gets thwarted in a grand gesture, with love, with sacrifice and tribulation... but when you give the main characters a revolving door to the afterlife, it means nothing. Why should I care if they’re in danger in this episode? Cas or another angel can snap their fingers and everything’s fine.
3) Sexism. Like, every female character was either murdered in the opening, for dean to reinforce his no homo self through commentary or banging, someone to be a replacement mother who also died for them, someone to die for Sam, or just a few episode prop. Always look sexy tho, can’t be an ugly lady on supernatural unless they’re making jokes about it.
They didn’t pass the bechdel test until S5, and the ladies died immediately after.
4) No homo. They went so hard on no ladies as mains that they ended up accidentally making a gay ship canon, queerbaited like mad, then backflipped to avoid it. With pressure, they pulled a fast one and hurled Cas into megahell for being gay.
5) No diversity, unless it filled a niche or need for that season/episode. [Think about how in Teen Wolf they brought in Kira for her heritage, and then just fucking dumped her in a confusing way after it was all resolved, etc.] The one I recall most was the african american female hunter who helped the boys track the 7 sins or whatever the fuck that was about. Her death was just another in the long line used for manpain.
It’s a little hard to see them as heroes when they seem to survive solely by using everyone they ever meet as a meatshield. There’s a river of blood with their names on it... seriously, like yikes.
There was A fat(ish) character who was a lady deputy, and that was her niche. She did get to come back later on in another ep, but that was... how she died I think. The only reason she was there was to get a treatment for being fat.
There are others, but that’s the one I recall right this second.
You would think there’d be more disabled hunters, too.
Deafened by a banshee, lost a limb to a rougarou, night terrors after a bad haunting. Anaemic after being attacked by a vampire. Spine damage/nerve damage after fighting a bigfoot. Etc. Show us the hunters who have faced this and come out of it.
This whole ‘you hunt or die’ thing leaves no wiggle room. 6) And this is just for 2020, but these motherfuckers would have spread corona like mad if they and other hunters were zipping all over the place.
[Insert the shrek meme here: They aren’t even vaccinated!]
7) The way they treated fans was a little... hmmm. The character of Becky? Hmmmm.
It was a shitshow, realistically. The first few seasons were a FUN shitshow, could have used more non-human monsters (even GRIMM managed this alright, by showing how they hid in plain sight through shifting their faces/bodies etc).
It just got... boring.
There were gimmick episodes that caught the attention, like the scooby-doo one and all. But it was more of a ‘Hah they did WHAT now?’ thing than, “Oh shit I need to watch the new season for that ep”. Lmao
I forgot my point here, I have this headache that is going to make driving a nightmare...
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hear me out: madwheeler buzzfeed unsolved au (ft camera man and enthusiastic third wheel dustin)
it starts out as mike and dustin's idea, but dustin is more interested in the filming/editing/research aspect than performance or danger, so he suggests max be the costar (okay it's also because he believes this stuff too so he thinks max, a skeptic, would be a much funnier match to mike's excited belief) (he knows how to get views)
max agrees bc she cant wait to see mike scare the shit out of himself over and over again
and okay honestly... it sounds fun and she's got some down time this semester
basically its just max making fun of mike for being a nerd (in a loving and comedic way)
(bc honestly she thinks it's cute how excited he gets about all this research that he really spent his free time conducting, even if its also dorky)
mike acts all disgruntled about her not believing, but he can't help but laughing at her jokes most of the time
max always laughs at him for screaming, and she always taunts the ghosts which freaks out mike but also weirdly comforts him?
bc mike does actually believe a lot of this stuff, so he freaks himself out
but max cracking jokes and being all carefree really helps
(another reason dustin knew she'd be a better partner - he also freaks out a little, and he's just the camera guy when they go on site)
max is the one to suggest sleeping over in a haunted house, and she mostly does it because she thinks there's no way mike would agree, but she underestimates his competitivesness and pride bc he agrees
but he ends up getting so scared he needs to cuddle with max
they both forget about the camera
max shows her soft side, stroking mike's hair while she holds him
and she whispers little teasing remarks and jokes, smiling when she can feel him relax against her
honestly she's kinda freaked out too, but she would do this again if it meant she got to hold mike like that again (not that she would even admit that to herself, much less dustin or mike)
when max realizes dustin has that all on tape she demands he delete it or she'll break his camera (she's all talk tho and dustin already made a copy for blackmail purposes)
mostly they have a lot of fun on site!!
but one night something is too much for mike
they're in an allegedly haunted house, and they're explaining what happened while standing in the room where it happened, and mid-sentence mike's voice just breaks in a sob
it was such a horrible tragedy, and to be standing where it happened was just... overwhelming, and he fell to the floor
dustin freezes behind the camera, but max barely hesitates before dropping to his side and pulling him into her arms
he can't speak for a while, can barely catch his breath, but max keeps holding him until he can
and then he starts asking if what they're doing is exploitative and disrespectful
max reassures him "listen, none of this is worth it if it's gonna upset you like this. we can scrap the whole episode, okay? and we can go back through the others and fix things or take them down." fuck, max would take the whole channel down if it would fix that broken look in mike's red-rimmed, watery eyes. "whatever you think is right, okay? you don't need to do anything that's gonna make you this upset."
mike nodded, tried out a smile. max returned his smile encouragingly before taking his face gently in her hands and pressing a chaste but lasting kiss to his forehead.
dustin filmed the whole thing, and he finds it way too sweet to delete (he swears they'll thank them once they're married and old)
it's a while before their next episode, and they have a long conversation about how to go about it while respecting the victims and looking after themselves
eventually they find a balance and get back to the silly banter, but max is always protective over him now, even when she does her best to hide it
sometimes mike will get scrapes or cuts, and max insists on attending to them immediately, not caring about the shot as long as mike's in pain
they film a bigfoot episode eventually and camp out together
dustin sleeps in the van, so it's just the two of them in the tent
it's colder than they prepared for, but neither of them even consider leaving the tent, not when they have such a good excuse to cuddle for heat
so they share sleeping bags and huddle in close
they're shooting the shit, just giggling together
but max can feel mike is tense, scared, so she starts to slowly rub his back, a silent reassurance and a habit of her protectiveness over him
at one point they seem to simultaneously stop laughing, their faces suddenly so close, their breath mingling
"i'm glad you talked me into doing this shit with you" max whispers
"so am i" mike agrees, and as he nods their noses brush
max reaches up and turns the camera off before leaning in and connecting their lips
and mike is all sweet and blushing before pulling her in for more
until an owl hoots, making them gasp and pull away from the kiss, but hold each other closer
they meet each other's gaze before bursting into laughter
"you should've seen your face!"
"oh come on, you so were scared too!"
dustin scolds them in the morning for sacrificing potential footage to suck face when he learns why there's so little stuff on the camera, but he makes sure to let them know how happy he is for them
dustin also gladly bestows on himself the title of their official third wheel
the views and ratings skyrocket now that the two of them are together
and as dorky and silly as it is, max gladly accepts their status as the paranormal investigator couple, bc she loves her dorky, silly boyfriend and all the fun they have together, and he loves her
the banter doesn’t change tho, and neither of them would want it any other way
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some amnesty thoughts under the cut!!!! spoilers galore
holy fuck i forgot how much i love indrid
i also always forget how much i love hollis until we see them again but??? i think they might be working up into my top 5 faves from amnesty
also the moment of all the hornets deciding to team up with them was??? really fucking cool
thacker meeting up with juno was so wholesome
i also love juno divine so much
deputy spectre dewey chilling out in the closet was so fucking funny
���barclay is bigfoot” “baRCLAY IS WHAT?!”
also though, the speech aubrey was giving to sheriff owens? about how they don’t get to make the easy choices because they are the ones who have to keep people safe? if i was an animator, i would make an animatic of that speech voicing over a bunch of flashbacks of all the times the pineguard has risked their lives for the safety of kepler
duck wanting to see muffy and winthropp was definitely a choice and, dare i say, it was the best choice
winthropp fucking speaking in latin on the phone fucking killed me
and that ending???? wasn’t like the cliffhangers we’ve recently been getting but it was so fucking good
ik i say this every couple episodes, but i think this might be one of my new faves just bc it was so funny but also really started to get that “endgame, everything is coming together, people are starting to fight back” feel
also tho every time dani is not mentioned, i get nervous
also where the fuck is dr harris bonkers (phd), griffin, i know you didn’t just put a bunch of flashbacks mentioning dr bonkers in there for shits and giggles, griffin
also some quotes from me and my friend while we were listening:
“so, indrid’s back and he hasn’t shot aubrey yet” “he just shoots duck and that’s how amnesty ends”
*when aubrey is talking about finding sylvain) “so who’s gonna tell aubrey that she’s sylvain”
“jake coolice takes off his wristband and he’s a seal. and then he takes off another wristband and he’s aubrey’s mom. and then he takes off another wristband and he’s dr harris bonkers phd. and then he takes off another wristband and he’s pigeon. and then he shoots aubrey.”
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nct 127 as your best friend
is literally a grandmother
you’re the person he goes to everytime he doesn't understand something slang wise
“y/n,,,mark called me the goat,,,is that good or bad?”
“today jisung called me a bro but i’m not his actual brother, should i tell him?”
also needs you to explain memes to him
“johnny just sent me a picture of a trashcan and said mood should i be concerned?”
“why do you keep sending me kermit pictures, i do not get it”
but he’s the cutest bean alive
hugs you all the time!! hello hug, goodbye hug, i appreciate you hug, all the hugs!!
has the voice of an actual angel
he gets super shy when you ask him to sing but will belt out whatever song you want
also plays the guitar whenever you visit him at the dorms or at practice & attempts to each you
he encourages you to sing with him, whether you can or not not doesn’t matter, he likes it when you two are screeching the lyrics to your favourite song together
loves eating your food, even if you can’t cook, he appreciates it!!
scolds you if you don’t do your homework or leave dishes in the sink, he is a lil granny hehe
you call him beanstalk so he calls you jack, even if you’re a girl he doens’t care lol, together you’re jack and the beanstalk
sends you memes throughout the day when he has time, he just feels like you have to see them or else he’ll combust
he always messes up your hair whenever you say horton hears a who
makes you tune in to nct night night everynight & will literally quiz you on what he was talking with jaehyun about
always giggles when you hype up his singing voice and dancing
he did’t spend all that time in the dungeon for nothing
whenever you two go out and get separated you just shout “oh daddy” and he’ll find you
almost died laughing when you worse his shoes before, he’s literally bigfoot
has the ugliest photos of you on his phone but he says they make him feel better about himself
but then you just send him his predebut pics and he shuts up real quick lmao
never ask his opinion on your outfit unless you want him to just
*inhale* johNNYS FASHION EVALUATION *exhale*
3am meme wars
literally kills you with his pun, doesn’t matter where you are
johnny, holding up a pie: “hey y/n you’re such a cutie pie!”
johnny, with a bag of candy: “these may be sweet but you’re even sweeter!”
johnny;"if you were a booger i’d pick you first”
johnny; “h-” “say another word johnny seo and i would fucking cut you”
you’re highkey done with him but you don’t know what you do without him
and vice versa <3
sometimes you want to smack him because he keeps overworking himself!! & you want him to rest!!! but he doesn’t listen
so most of the time when he has a day off you just go over to the dorms with takeaway and spend the day watching that anime he hasn’t shut up about
but he loves how much you take care of him (he won’t admit it tho)
he usually comes to you if he has a problem or just needs to rant & you listen every time!!
he loves when you send him random pictures of dogs you see because he misses his own dog ruby
he laughs so hard when you attempt to rap his parts in songs, esp in chain like,,,im convinced taeyong has gills because of how fast he raps
calls you randomly in the middle of the day just because he wants to hear your voice (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
cutest little man alive, if you’re happy he’s happy, always giggles at your puns even if they’re bad
also brings you with him when he gets a piercing, so he can squeeze your hand
pouts when you say any member is better looking than him as a joke
“but i’m the center,,,(ಥ﹏ಥ)“ then he brings out the puppy dog eyes so ofc you take it back
he’s also super caring towards you and will fight anybody who makes you sad
sassiest man alive & will roast tf out of you
but its okay you roast him back so your entire friendship is just insulting each other
but nobody else can insult you, otherwise yuta gets angry >:[ & vice versa
judges you when you wear his jumpers because only he can make it look good
makes you watch anime with him but without the subtitles & unless you speak japanese, you’re going to be bored for ages
tries out shitty pick up lines on you they’re for winwin
all the members aid yuta is like a hot pouch so he lets you cling to him during winter or when it’s cold because he doesn’t want his bestie getting a cold smh
then’d he have to take care of you rip
comes whining to you everytime winwin rejects him but also wont accept your love???
teaches you little phrases in japanese and dies when you repeat them but butcher them
also asks for your opinion on his outfits & piercings
“y/n should i go with the cross earrings or hoop?”
“neither you’re too ugly”
“not as ugly as you”
you two fight like cat and dog but deep down he’s a total softie for you aw
another sassy man but only roasts you if he feels you’re being annoying
whenever you’re sad tho, doyoung makes you your favourite meal & mAYHaps you cried at how thoughtful he is
treats you like you’re his little brother
he pushes you off the couch because he find’s your reaction funny rip
but whenever he goes away on tour he always comes back with hella souvenirs just for you
doesn’t let you near jeno because “you’ll taint him!!” but he gives jeno your number as an emergency contact???
he’ll randomly text you that he’s coming over then show up two seconds later & you two end up blasting bazzi all day while he bitches to you about the other members lol
when you cook, even if you’re good or bad, he’ll always be hovering over your shoulder and telling you that you’re doing something wrong, jokingly
then he’ll eat up the whole dish & tell you it was horrible #justdoyoungthings
judges you silently whenever you bring up an ex he never liked but still lends you his shoulder to cry on if you get upset
if you ever call him sad he’ll be over to yours in about 5 seconds with your favourite snack and let you pick movies for you two to watch
sends you random clips of him singing during the day & gets all bashful when you say you love his voice
you got him a toy bunny for his birthday and despite him saying he hates it, he brings it with him whenever he goes on tour & sleeps w it :’)
marine boy
glares at you every time you call him jeffery
you always ask him wtf is his skincare routine but he just laughs & says “perish :)”
sings you to sleep with his voice actually from HEAVEN because you called him when you had a bad dream & he’s hella smug because you trust him that much(▰˘◡˘▰)
doesn’t get annoyed when you poke his dimple, he’s find its cute how you find it cute which you find cute and you’re both just C U T E
encourages you to tune in to nct night night but will highkey be sad if you don’t
you two always stay up super late talking to each other on the phone because his voice is so soothing and he thinks the same about you until one of you end up falling asleep like (´﹃`)
he has so many screenshots of you fast asleep on facetime and he sets the funniest one as his lockscreen, so when hes away he can look at it & remember you’re there for him (⺣◡⺣)♡
lets you borrow his jumpers but only if you really need it like he’s not giving you his tommy hilfiger jacket unless you forgot your own jacket and its -374873 degrees outside lol
also p cuddly with you since he’s so comfortable around you
like you’d just be chilling at the dorms and he’ll lay his head down on your lap & you’ll start running your hand through his hair as he dozes off
or when you two go out to eat he’ll loop his arm your shoulders whilst you walk & wouldn’t even bat an eyelid
you two get mistaken for a couple so much you end up just shrugging it off because lol their opinion doesn’t matter
your friendship is important to each other all thats all that really matters
only likes getting dotted on by you
when the other members yuta smother him with love hes just ( ¬_¬)
but when you do, he’s like (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
he attempts to teach you his wushu skills and his cool flexible tricks but you just end up dislocating something lol
he ends up switching to chinese whenever he rants to you & unless you speak chinese you’re basically listening to an angry winwin for about 20 mins
but so long as he gets it off his chest you don’t mind :))
do not let the boy near a kitchen he will literally set it on fire
for your birthday he tried making moon cakes but ended up burning his hand (つ﹏<。)
but you still appreciated the thought & he bought you take away
he gets a bit down sometimes because of how little lines he has & sometimes he thinks he’s voice isnt that good but you reassure him every time that his voice!!is amazing!!! sm just need to get their shit together sm more like smh
he loves it when you speak to him in chinese, it makes him feel so at home awe
likes to fall asleep on you because you’re the most comfortable thing to him
doesn’t matter where or when because to him
your lap= free real estate
you two also get mistaken for a couple sometimes but winwin just nods hugs you close to prove his point & you two always die from laughter afterwards
he always listens to you though so whenver winwin is moody, taeyong calls you to give out to him so he goes from (-`д´-) to ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ real quick
winwin loves you & you love him too
softest boy
whenever you meet up with him you don’t say hi, you just do his part from boss then he walks away from you lol
you always encourage him to speak up, esp. when he’s with a bunch of people
since he has a habit of copying what people say you say the most complicated words in english
“super fuck off y/n”
your entire friendship consists of either eating at your place or eating out at some random all you can eat buffet
super supportive of you even when you do stupid things, you look over at him and hes just d( ̄▽ ̄o) “you do you y/n”
sends you selfies of him so you can fawn over his beauty & tell him which pose suits him best
claps like a seal whenever you say something funny but gets pouty when you make fun of it
super affectionate with you & glares at anybody who comments on it, like jungwoo just wants to be close with his bestie, is that wrong?
is lowkey protective of you like if he thinks lucas is tryna make a move, jungwoo will swoop tf in and whisk you away to the safety of his room
you two end up cuddle under the blankets watching his favorite movie & he ends up dozing off
does aegyo whenever you get mad at him so you can’t really stay mad, he’s just too cute
always goes to your first whenever he writes a rap because he values your opinion a lot & you’re honest with him
lots of inside jokes which just consists of you two giggling to each other randomly
needs you to tell him to take a break because of how much he works
if he doesn’t listen you threaten to feed him sour candy
but you’re super duper proud of your canadian bestie, when he preforms on stage you’re deadass in the crowd like
“thats my bEST FRIEND!!!(´⌣`ʃƪ)“
pouts when he tries to call you & you don’t pick up
he wanted to tell you about the fluffy dog he saw a minute ago!!
but texts you nonetheless & you wake up to 36 messages describing the texture of the dogs fur and how it barked
but you loved how weird mark was, the weirder he was the more comfortable he was and it was just so cute
doesn't care if you steal his jumpers, he has about 300 but will not let you touch his caps, they are his prized possessions
he doesn’t even try roast you because of how many memes of him you can send back
you always tell him how much you miss his ramen hair
he laughs at anything so you could literally cough and he’d cry from laughing but thats what makes him so endearing
you call him seagull boy to annoy him & it works lol
gets shy when you watch his dance at practice & ends up making mistakes but nobody is mad about it hehe
you also refer to him as long ass ride boy or sing sang sung boy
he threatens to block you irl
tries to teach you how to play guitar but you end up purposefully messing it up and he cringes so badly lol
but mark is your best friend and nothing will change that
he is That Bitch
always comes to you first when he has tea on the members
“y/n bitCH, mArk actually flirted w winwin infront of me, i’m cancelling him smh”
random dance competitions at 4 in the morning are a must, he always ends up beating you (πーπ)
also snaps you selfies of him randomly because he wants you to hype him up
which you do obviously
also texts you almost everyday & keeps you updated on what hes doing
“i’m at a cafe w my hyungs tday!!”
“omg i have a shoot @5am i’m going to d i e”
“come over and make me ramen pesant”
buT he looooves when you baby him
before you leave the dorms after hanging out, he makes you tuck him in & give him a lil smooch on the forehead goodnight awee ( ˘ ³˘)
but would die if you ever told his hyungs s you swear not too plus it’s good blackmail for you hehe
you always say “ohmgod its michael jackson hehe” whenever you two meet up and homeboy loves it so he moonwalks over to you
he’ll randomly challenge you to singing competitions of who can hit the highest note haechan and whose voice will break first yours
also cuddles with you all the times, you’re his personal teddy bear & will snap back at the members if they try comment on it
“you’re just mad nobody will let you touch them mark”
the most savage best friend but only lets you baby him aw
#nct#nct headcanons#nct imagines#nct scenarios#best friend au#bff au#haechan imagines#doyoung imagines#taeil imagines#jaehyun imagines#mark imagines#johnny imagines#jungwoo imagines#winwin imagines#taeyong imagines
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i love you and your ships so riley/santi + kate/nathan + mia/leon please go hog wild
maria u have my whole heart actually.... 💞💞💞 mia/leon & kate/nathan are here but cracks fingers i am about to go hog fucking wild with riley & santi apologies in advance
who hogs the duvet
riley’s actually that person who kicks the whole duvet off the bed in her sleep but it’s cool she’s more than happy to fulfil the role of the duvet and sleep practically on top of santi.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
these idiots are really out here texting every single thought they have to one another. santi probably wins out on quantity. riley leaves her phone somewhere for an hour or two and comes back to an indepth text essay of santi trying to kill a bug, or carrying on a convo they’d previously been having or like a blow by blow of adrian and marcus having an argument. whenever riley is free for more than twenty minutes though she calls santi just to listen to him talk or fill him in on the latest hope county gossip and santi really drops whatever he’s doing to answer that phone call. :/
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
riley’s good at gifts but only when they’re not actually gifts, you know? like she’ll see a dumb shirt that she knows santi will 100% love and picks it up for him but when it comes to getting gifts for holidays she psyches herself the fuck out. santi is good at giving such particularly riley themed gifts (because thats his best friend and he knows her, duh) and it really makes her heart explode.
who gets up first in the morning
riley is literally up with the sun. but when santi’s within two feet of her she contracts lazy bastard disease and ends up being the one pulling him back into bed.
who suggests new things in bed
sex is something riley knows. serious relationships? not her strong suit. fucking? absolute champ. it’s not something she’s ever embarrassed by and she’s always happy to bring up things she thinks could be fun.
who cries at movies
if it’s a movie where a dog dies riley’s fucking gone.
who gives unprompted massages
santi. he’s very soft with them though and riley’s just like ‘babe, not to sound like some cheesy porno, but please go harder’
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
when santi gets sick riley is really stress dot jpg. he’s got a cold and she’s show up at his place like ‘i didn’t know what to get so i just got everything’ and has like half a pharmacy worth of stuff with her.
who gets jealous easiest
riley!!!! she’s a stupid easily jealous bastard. santi is like insanely handsome and funny and charming. like literally the whole package and any time someone hits on him, even when they’re just ‘best friends’, riley’s such a dick. like they’re at a bar and she comes back from the bathroom and someone is at their table very obviously flirting with santi, she’d practically situate herself in his lap like ‘hey babe who’s your friend’ while glaring daggers at whatever poor bastard was just looking to make a move. (the fact that she’s like this and doesn’t realise she has Feelings for him. i’m gonna kill her.)
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
riley literally has the worst taste in music. it’s not embarrassing it’s just bad.
who collects something unusual
santi and his numerous weird slogan tshirts that he unironically loves.
who takes the longest to get ready
santi. if only because for riley getting ready is pulling on a pair of jean shorts and vans.
who is the most tidy and organised
santi is military so being tidy is kind of just second nature. riley isn’t messy either though.
who gets most excited about the holidays
riley goes all out for christmas. also these idiots 1000% do dumbass matching couples costumes for halloween. but its like. she’s mothman and he’s bigfoot. or he’s a shark and she’s wearing a sign that says ‘tornado’.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
pratt: are you a big spoon or a little spoon?riley: i’m a knife.santi: she’s a little spoon.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
riley!!! when they play games together santi’s chill as fuck and really doesn’t care if he wins or loses. whereas riley will be like ‘its whatever’ if she loses but is internally seething and if she wins she’s a big smug braggy bastard.
who starts the most arguments
god, they really don’t fight a lot to be honest. if there’s a serious issue they’ve promised one another that they’ll let the other person know and talk it out between the two of them because they’ve both spent a really long time repressing stuff and holding back (and they both know how shittily that can end) so they want to be open with one another. with dumb stuff they can both be little shits. like its fair game for either of them to be like *says opinion they know will rile the other person up*
who suggests that they buy a pet
riley wants six million dogs actually.
what couple traditions they have
these dumbasses were dating before they were ever actually dating. sometimes their jobs will keep them busy and they won’t get to see each other, so they’ll always make sure to call if thats the case. also there are regular movie nights.
what tv shows they watch together
ghost hunting shows!! and the x-files. riley makes santi watch supernatural with her. also considering neither of them can really cook they’re extremely invested in a number of cooking shows.
what other couple they hang out with
cata & sharky. that’s actual so much dumbass energy in one friend group it’s dangerous.
how they spend time together as a couple
just chilling honestly. watching tv and movies. going out for food. hiking and camping together. lazying around at either of their places.
who made the first move
these idiots literally accidentally kissed and were just like ‘we’re friends that was an accident lets ignore that’ so in that case, santi! for their first real kiss they’re both leaning in but riley closes the gap.
who brings flowers home
santi does once but riley’s allergic and spends the whole night sneezing and doesn’t admit it’s cause of the flowers for ages bc she was like ‘i really like them tho :/’
who is the best cook
they both fucking suck.
#im literally so fucking soft for them#riley pointing at santi like: sir thats my emotional support best friend#me writing all this cute shit like 'imagine this but cult stuff still goes down au wow'#highoverseer
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face our fears & the man in the mask
Let me first begin by saying that I loved this show growing up and I love this group and honestly I hope y'all love them as much as I do. Anyway, Miles here is heavily based on Shaggy Rogers from Scooby-Doo and he needs the rest of the gang in order to, like, survive.
The group has sort of assembled over the years, but Miles' very first friend in the group was The Daphne. They met somewhere shortly after Miles' family moved back to Marblehead, when he was six. I've made mention of her in his app, if you'd like to take a look. Miles worships the ground that The Daphne walks on and would probably do just about anything she asks of him.
Between middle and high school, The Daphne became friends with The Fred. They shared an interest in sneaking around and "Investigating" abandoned houses, conspiracy theories about bigfoot and swamp monsters, and just generally goofing off. It didn't take long for Miles to latch onto The Fred's friendship. And for a long time (ok like two or three years), it was the three amigos.
The Velma showed up right around junior or senior year, after a long-time online friendship with The Fred turned real-life friendship when they realized they both lived in Marblehead (like, how did they not even know?!) They probably met in some conspiracy theory chat room tbh and the rest is history. She fell right into the group with ease, as if she'd always belonged. They've been an inseparable bunch ever since.
I imagine the rest of the group is either in university or have jobs by this point. Below, I'm mostly going to list some fast facts about them, but by no means do these have to be set in stone. Please lemme know what face you have in mind or if you need suggestions and I can help. It would amuse me to no end if everyone was taller than Miles, btw. Just because it would be opposite of the real mystery gang lol.
I'm thinking the gang runs a paranormal/private investigator vlog out of The Fred's apartment. Kind of like the actual mystery gang tbh. Except current and probably a lot more trespassing and a lot less real business. And way more talk about murderers and conspiracies lol.
Also wanna note that if you have questions or anything, you can hit me up on discord @ chels#6523
Fancies himself a detective of all things including, but not limited to, the bigfoot living in the the woods behind his house. Will help you solve the mystery of your stolen bike while at the same time questioning if it was the mole men again.
Half the reason the gang even has a criminal record. Tends to act before thinking. Also the only reason none of them have actually been convicted thanks to his cop daddy.
Worst at making plans, despite boasting. But he is exceptionally good at packing supplies and keeping notes.
Charming. Polite. Wants to find the truth™.
Definitely has a side-blog dedicated to any and all conspiracy theories, paranormal phenomenon, and aliens. Probably has a cork-board in his living room with red string to leads on "cases" etc etc.
Has a flaming crush on The Velma, but is too chickenshit to ask her out.
Has amazing hair and will crush anyone who thinks otherwise.
I'd be fine with someone like Ansel Elgort, Joe Keery, or someone equally tall and handsome. *shrug* Bonus points for someone POC.
Not your fucking damsel. In fact, she could probably crush you with her thighs if she wanted to.
Has several belts in different fighting styles. Knows how to dismantle a gun. Basically a badass. Don't fuq wit her.
Fiesty and fashionable. Like. She has hella good taste in clothes and isn't afraid to wear a 6 inch heel. But also don't fuq wit her unless you want to end up on your ass.
Momma bear mode if anybody tries to mess with her friends. Super protective of them. Especially Miles.
Probably has a lot of disposable income. Will still give receipts to The Fred during their adventures/work. #noshame
Incredibly smart and sassy. Probably going to college for something unique.
Goes along with The Fred's stupid ideas without much question bc she loves adventure almost as much as she loves danger. Caution: will scale a fence before you can say "No, stop".
Some suggested faces might be: Zendaya, I'm awful at this... but bonus points if she's a POC.
Has probably hacked into the FBI database and may or may not be on some CIA watchlists. She's not sorry.
Certified genius who graduated hella early and went off to uni as a preteen.
Spends entirely too much time on The Dark Web.
Often a voice of reason to The Fred's stupid plans to go hunt bigfoot in the woods at midnight. Infinite eyerolls when nobody actually listens to her. Muttered insults when she tries to scale the fence after them.
Incredibly shy and probably full of sarcasm and possibly a little prickly. Like a hedgehog. Smol & angry. But mostly harmless.
A total thicc babe. Will smite you if you call her one tho.
Very much the Garcia to The Fred's Morgan. It's fire. Except she hasn't admitted it, yet.
I'm totally pining for Barbie Ferreria with little negotiations unless you've got a thicc POC recommendation.
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