#think i succeeded
lonichedgehog · 9 months
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Them... QuQ
(My take on that one Twitter redraw going around)
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Watching the sunset
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cupcake-hearts · 2 years
Mandalorian S3 E1
so for those who watched it-
Did you see the armorer run to save that one guy? Like there were several other mandalorians falling down almost getting killed, yet she runs to get him (pretty sure it was a guy, male armor I mean.) Maybe I’m being stupid, but what if that was her foundling. She seems like the parenting type. I think I’m looking way too into this, but hey, Boba Fett started out the same way too.
I wanna name him. I wanna give him a backstory. And I can’t remember off the top of my head, what color his armor was. Once again, I’m pretty sure it was a guy.
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dapper-lil-arts · 3 months
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Happy pride from the changeling kingdom
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bulbabutt · 1 year
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87 donnie might have some issues since the last time he showed his van to inter-dimensional brothers they didnt exactly appreciate it
someone once pointed out that most donnies issues are that they need to be told they did a good job, who better to hear it from than yourself?
previous part | all comics in this series (chrono)
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pocketgalaxies · 2 months
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Her dead husband. I'm going to have his face. || Delilah and I have shared a brain for an incredibly long time. (for @sharkodactyl)
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unknownhyperial · 3 months
I made a poll on Friday asking people if they wanted to see Survival Isles Gangles first design pass and majority of you guys voted yes so here she is!
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I honestly have no idea what I would change to improve upon this design because I absolutely adore it, but who knows! Shes a little hard to draw which is why I'm making sure to sketch her a lot to get her design fully down but imo the efforts worth it.
If you guys have any questions/comments about The Amazing Survival Isles or her in general feel free to inform me! I hope you guys like her as much as I do!
Heres a silly doodle I drew to try and get her design down better
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carouselunique · 5 months
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They had a bit of a chance encounter on a day where Blueblood was dealing with something that was very difficult and was so caught up in his emotions he didn’t even care that he was in the garden getting grass stans on his coat and Ditzy, with her natural impulse to cheer ponies up, didn’t even notice or care that she was flying into the palace gardens when she saw someone sat in the rain.
At first he was definitely going to call the castle guards to come apprehend this strange filly with the odd eyes who was intruding when this was the last moment he’d want to entertain any desperate debutantes, however she surprised him by not fawning or anything, not even caring about his status, just putting one of her fluffy wings up and asking if he needed somepony to lend an ear.
“Don’t let my eyes fool you, my ears work just fine!”
She was incredibly disarming and while he didn’t reveal everything about why he was upset, he found himself talking about his feelings to her. And she made such cheerful remarks, and was very comforting. In the end, he felt better and she came to check on him the next day, even sharing a blueberry muffin with him. He remarked that he’d never seen her around before, and that he wouldn’t mind terribly seeing her more often.
The rest, as they say, is history.
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sotiredmostnights · 7 months
"why does awakening present the player with choices that don't even matter"
that's. that's the point. you're supposed to feel like your decisions don't make a difference. you're supposed to feel hopeless when emmeryn dies. you're supposed to feel like you have no real options when facing lucina's judgement. these moments are intended to make the player feel fate's inescapable grip on them, which makes it all the more rewarding when the final choice the player makes in the fight against grima lets fate loosen its grip at last: the choice was made, and it DID matter, and fate was truly bested, be it in the present or 1000 years from now
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lesorus · 5 months
The rise in popularity of "subversive" movies and tv shows about students seducing their teachers or women lying about getting abused, raped and groomed is really concerning to me. I don't care if "its a good story" or about the aesthetic. Who are these getting produced for and why? As soon as the narrative started shifting around the abuse of women and girls people are trying to bring back the status quo.
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calciumdreams · 7 months
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him just opening a window to scream at a random universe
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been wanting to scribble them as this meme for a while
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“I felt the red-winged man gaze, I heard him speaking. I know who you are, he said, there are two ways this can go, no, three ways. I don’t want to count the ways, I said, I just want to finish it. I need to get to the end. His wings lifted and sanked. Oh my darling, he said, you’re a long way from the end.”
— Anne Carson, H of H Playbook
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chio-chan2artbox · 1 month
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The love birds ^u^
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justarandomart · 10 months
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'realistic' King
just a little render exercise
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reddpenn · 1 year
Your whole rock collection is a slay. Show me some funky pieces you haven't been asked about yet!!!!
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Here’s a rock I’ve been dying to talk about! This little guy is orthoclase feldspar! You might be familiar with the feldspar family, as it contains gemstones such as sunstone, moonstone, labradorite, and amazonite. What’s really, really interesting about this piece of feldspar is its shape. This cool formation is called a Carlsbad Twin. Let me tell you about it!
Feldspar crystals often form as flat-topped, six-sided prisms which are strongly skewed sideways. Here’s an example of another feldspar in my collection, amazonite, which shows off this crystal habit really clearly!
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The two crystals in my piece of orthoclase are making that common feldspar shape! But you’ve probably also noticed how they appear to be mirror images of each other, and also growing through each other.
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That’s Carlsbad twinning!! It’s a type of penetration twinning, which means the crystals appear to be penetrating or passing through each other. But looks can be deceiving; what's ACTUALLY happening here is much cooler. These crystals are conjoined twins! One hasn’t penetrated the other; they’re actually sharing some of their molecules like human conjoined twins might share organs.
This can happen because of the shape of feldspar’s crystal lattice - the orderly arrangement of its molecules.
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The crystal lattice won't match up perfectly throughout the entire structure, but it WILL match up right along the C axis, where we flipped it. Along this line the grid of molecules aligns, and our twin crystals can share them. The place where lattice points are shared is called the composition surface.
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Simply put, molecules don’t know what shape they’re making on a macro level. The shapes they make are by complete accident, because that just happens to be what shape you get when you arrange molecules in that kind of grid. The only thing the molecules know is how they can connect to other molecules. It doesn’t matter to them which direction the crystal is growing in, or which direction the crystal lattice is facing. If they can connect up in a way that completely flips the crystal lattice, well... they don't know they're doing that! They're just doing what molecules do!
And that’s how you get Carlsbad Twins!
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