eric-sadahire · 3 years
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You know you won an argument when the other person responds with "whatever"
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If you're a woman your strength is in your legs more than any other spot on your body so if you've got to move a piece of furniture you should try to put the back of your legs to it and walk backwards pushing it or if you need to move something really heavy sit on the floor and put your feet to the object and push. #thingsiknow #sharewhatyouknow #helpfulhints #tomboytips #diy #strength #thingsiassumedeveryoneelseknewabout https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UWBkQhuGy/?igshid=x1qmb3k3te27
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gertao · 6 years
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85/100 #distractions #100dayschallenge #backtoschool #useless #100headsseries #404 #watercolors #inks #coloredpencils #stoker #thingsiknow #learned #girl #inthewoods #stories #keepatit #countdown
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kimtownstudios · 5 years
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See those teeny tiny stitches at the top? That’s what happens when you try and see leather or vinyl without a walking foot. I finally found mine and I’m so thankful I did. The bottom stitches are with the walking foot. Aren’t they lovely? #walkingfoot #makesmylifeeasier #sewing #tips #tricks #thingsiknow https://www.instagram.com/p/B2HX2mpHape/?igshid=1a0wvlzgzijg7
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emq-blog · 8 years
things i know 1
I never made anyone do anything
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hilltopleader · 3 years
I'm so blessed. I'm a people person. Always have been. Friends from all over. Even a few dear Anon friendships. 😉 I'm a lucky, lucky woman. 🤗 #ThingsIKnow 😉
ps You think I'm ever going to stay quiet after seeing your lies? I've archived it. I have lots of proof re your true character. Thanks for that. 👍👍
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justkerrieb · 4 years
So, if you start crying in the middle of the night (from overthinking something said by someone you thought knew better) with a night guard on your teeth, it is possible to start laughing at yourself because your crying is impeded by the night guard. LOL. #thingsiknow@49
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It's been years since I read a Claire LaZebnik book but I'm very excited to start this one! • • • #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #booksofinsta #booksofig #bookstagrammer #thingsishouldhaveknown #thingsiknow #clairelazebnik #autismawareness #autismsupport #autismspeaks #autismfamiliessticktogether #yacontemporary #yabooks #ya4life #firstlove #firstheartbreak #springreleases #springreleases2017 #clairelazebnikbooks
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onecolorfulmess · 7 years
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Borrowed from #thegoodquote because I #likeit. #wisewords #truth #thingsiknow #love
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khansa-pake-s · 8 years
Things I Know About High School (From My Experience)
High school changed me a lot more than I expected. It changed me the way I think, the way I solve my problem, even the way I hijab, lol.  These are things I know about and learn from highschool:
1.People will always judge you no matter what you do. They will judge what you wear, what you talk, who you friends with. They will judge you, because that’s what they do.
2.There will always be some girls / boys who thinks they are the leader. They have rights to choose who they want to be friends with, they have rights to be mad at you when you don’t like their choices, they have rights to judge you, they have rights yelling at you when you make a mistake, they have rights to do everything. These kind of people—a drama-maker—they often annoying but, I don’t know, maybe without them high school must be really boring.
3.Every school (well, at least in my country) have uhm…what should I call it? Tempat nongkrong lah intinya.It’s a place for boys (or maybe even girls, but not many) to do everything that is illegal / obeying the rules. Like smoking, or playing cards, something like that. We called them bad boys. They are like bad boys, but not that bad. It depends on which perspectives you see.  I can’t explain it clearly. Most of them are like a troublemaker; some teachers don’t like them because they do something that school forbid.
4.I guess…every highschoolers have, at least, one person they have a crush on in their school, no? Some decided to be together, some do something (baca: kode-kodean) to make them—their crush—realize, some try to hide their feelings. And just like Taylor Swift’s lyrics on her song, “Somebody tells you they love you, you’re gonna believe them….” (fifteen-Taylor S.) Hmm…#DamnItsTrue.
5.Friends in high school…? Uhm, I can’t tell much. Some say your friends in high school are friends for the rest of your life. I don’t really know about it, let the time answer it. But I know this: friends are not only those who talk with you everyday, it can also be those who understand your silence. Friends are not only those who makes you feel comfortable and safe, it should be those who makes you love yourself, be yourself, and makes you want to improve yourself, in a good way.
6.      In highschool, you start knowing yourself better,…you start knowing a lot of things. And try a lot of things. Some times you regret it, some times you’re grateful with it. You start knowing what you really want, what you hate, what your plans ahead.
Hmm I think that is all. You can add more 😊 #ThingsIKnowAboutHighschool
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It's been years since I read a Claire LaZebnik book but I'm very excited to start this one! • • • #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #booksofinsta #booksofig #bookstagrammer #thingsishouldhaveknown #thingsiknow #clairelazebnik #autismawareness #autismsupport #autismspeaks #autismfamiliessticktogether #yacontemporary #yabooks #ya4life #firstlove #firstheartbreak #springreleases #springreleases2017 #clairelazebnikbooks
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sick0fsarah · 9 years
Woo. That was a long streak even for me. Let's see about tomorrow. My heads definitely not been screwed on straight lately
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thngsiknw-blog · 9 years
Things I Don’t Know
I have been having a great deal of trouble lately with self-evaluation. I go through periods of time where I am extremely confident in my intellectual abilities. I tell myself and truly believe during those times that I can accomplish anything. I can get the LSAT score I want, I can get into the law school I want, I can get the grades I want. It is an overwhelming feeling of capability and any failure or perceived failure is from lack of reasonable effort. In contrast, I go through periods where I lay awake at night and worry that this has all been a series of luck. That I pick classes I will do well in, that the standards at my University are somehow lower than at other places, that I have fooled everyone including myself. It is a debilitating self-doubt that I cannot overcome. I become obsessed with success but fear to take action. I am a firm believer that success is rooted in self-belief, but I am having difficulty lately. Sometimes it feels like there in a weight on my chest, pressing me into the ground and I don’t know if I can overcome the weight. It is the weight of my own dreams, my own pressures, my own self-doubt. I must overcome it. 
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foxsanders · 10 years
Things I Know
1. Black coffee: 5 calories. Always.
2. Black tights+black shoes
3. Moderation: overrated
4. B*tch face
5. Bouncers
6. Silk bathrobes
7. Men in suits
8. Tiger-blood
9. Cranberry lips
10. Vanilla Ice
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Things I learned in 2014: a note to my 20 year-old self.
Dreams can become a reality, if you work hard enough for them.
Everyone always remembers your mistakes.
Sometimes you don’t always learn from your mistakes the first time.
You can’t always do things alone. It’s better when you have a friend by your side. 
Not everyone will understand you, and that's okay.
I am not perfect, and that’s okay. I am only human.
“It’s not always rainbows and butterflies, its compromise that moves us along.”
Getting exercise is not all that bad.
It’s okay to take breaks and goof off once in a while.
You will go insane if you’re always working.
Don’t let mistakes take over your well-being. Nothing good comes from this. Try to learn from it and move on.
Dreams can be lost if you don’t work hard enough for them. But is it really a dream if you don't care enough to work for it?
Failure only occurs by perceptions.
The universe has a plan for you.
People who love you will always tease you.
People who tease you will not always help you.
Don’t waste your time trying to prove to people that you are enough.
Don't think about what your boyfriend wants, what your mom wants, what your dog wants, etc. from you. Do what you want to do. Whoever you disappoint will get over it.
Only you know what's right for you, so if you follow your passions, nothing can ever stop you from achieving them. You may bump into roads. But no one said life was easy, and not everyone can achieve something as fast as others.
Most of all, believe in yourself.
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megvegas · 10 years
Things I know to be true:
Life is strange and unpredictable
$100 tequila is amazing
Movies or a good book can complete change you perspective
Life is an awkward and unrewarding journey, buckle in 
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