emq-blog · 7 years
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Make a wish 🐞 🐞 Watch the slowmo loop on Snapchat I am snapbackbro87 and I am so happy it finally works on my phone!! Before, it would just open and shut but now I'm all over this magical land of fun and my avatar has a green beard I wanna do that so badly! Who will bleach and dye my beard????? Follow me and comment here to let me know your snap so we can be snap back bros #eyy? #clever #imagine #aworldoffilters #wooow #snapchat #ladybug 🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘
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emq-blog · 7 years
They say and do so many things, but I can't focus
Eventually I will have my mud pit
But until then, the game is to clean up
But not in that way because I'm different 
I have tools, senses, and something to say
You won't understand me today 
The way I focus is peaceful
Perhaps I am permanently off the fast track
Everything I do is better done at my pace
What a privilege and a chance to take
At school, they'll know me by new impressions
At the rate my mindful awareness is pushing my authenticity 
I will be excited for the first day of school 
For the first time in almost two decades 
Excited, terrified, and prepared for war
Expect greatness
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emq-blog · 7 years
To be nobody sharing your heart is many times greater than being somebody teaching your religion.
​Michael Kewley (via abiding-in-peace)
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emq-blog · 7 years
My Dad, Stanley: Would it be inappropriate to sell t-shirts to trans people that say ‘This Too Shall Pass’?”
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emq-blog · 7 years
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emq-blog · 7 years
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(by Simon Harsent)
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emq-blog · 7 years
eeeeessshhh is that harsh ??? whew.... that feels good to hear so many times inso many ways.
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Uh oh, time to get real
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emq-blog · 7 years
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emq-blog · 7 years
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emq-blog · 7 years
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emq-blog · 7 years
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emq-blog · 7 years
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emq-blog · 7 years
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emq-blog · 7 years
I have been eliminating foods, chemicals and habitual thought forms of late. There are times when a great emptiness descends over my body and mind. Strange, this emptiness manifests as a great weight, tiredness and cravings for sugar, people, anything that will fill the void and provide relief. It was almost overwhelming at first. But now, some months down the track, I have the capacity to weather these ever -decreasing manifestations of deep change. As I improve in health my mind has clarity and at last it has made peace with my body. When mind and body unify there is no battle. The conflict ends and the dance begins. The concept of self-improvement has been replaced by the feeling of deep caring for self and what was seen as difficult is now seen as sensible.
Stephen Cuthbertson -  20/04/2013 (via abiding-in-peace)
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emq-blog · 7 years
trans sapphic girls with deep voices. your voice is feminine, because YOU are feminine. doesn’t matter what anyone says. your voice sounds lovely. keep talking, we’re blessed to hear your voice.
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emq-blog · 7 years
i’m a little different now because of you
(via phototags)
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emq-blog · 7 years
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