#things they'd totally say
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turnbackthependulum · 2 years ago
"Can you hug me as I go? It's been a long time."
— Gin Ichimaru, to Rangiku Matsumoto
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nevertem · 2 months ago
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girderednerve · 2 days ago
it is a hilarious title for a movie but we all know that 2 fast 2 furious is called that because they were not legally allowed to call the sequel to the fast and the furious (2001) "the fast and the furious 2" because there was a movie called the fast and the furious (1954), and when the producers of the 2001 movie licensed the older title they did not get the rights to use it in a sequel title. right. like we knew that already & we're just doing jokes for fun. also to be clear i think 2 fast 2 furious is the most underrated movie in the franchise. everybody wants to stick up for lucas black's accent in tokyo drift for some reason but where are the people showing up for devon aoki's bedazzled pink chaps??? lesbophobia is so real
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shimmerandfists · 1 month ago
Modern Au ViJinx thoughts:
Jinx exists in this universe as opposed to Powder but she's really a truer mix of the two than a direct 1:1 with Arcane's Jinx. She's closer to how Jinx was with Isha I think, still mentally ill but for the most part present and healthy, she has the tools to manage her symptoms for the most part.
She's been on the path of independence for a couple years now and at 19 she's antsy to move out of Vanders place. She's been relying less and less on Vi, Vander and Silco (everyone is alive at this point) as she gets older to the point she's making enough of her own money to save and buy things.
She doesn't have any real job of any kind but she's found under-the-table fix-it jobs for whoever needs it and pays the most. Unfortunately that usually ends up being shadier individuals, and has gotten her in trouble a couple times. She still hangs out with Ekko when they can. She helps him out with his college projects, even if it's his not-so-subtle way of trying to get her interested in going to college with him.
Vi is 23-24 (both the ages they are in the show) and has long since moved out. She's worked her way through an apprenticeship at a mechanics shop and has pretty steady work and income because of it. She tries her hardest to keep up her relationship with Jinx and drops just about everything to make time and space for her. Jinx hasn't asked for any of that in at least a year or two now. She keeps offering up her spare room to Jinx when she moves out but she hasn't gotten a solid answer from her yet.
Nobody has any clue what she does except for Vi, who bailed her out of jail the first and only time she got arrested. It may have been from a DUI she got for a party one of her clients invited her to when she first started working. She's the only one she would ever call if she needed anything at this point in her life even if she doesn't know how to talk with Vi like she used to.
She has her recently realized feelings for her older sister as well, she never really noticed them at all until Vi had moved out. Powder at the time was 15 and Vi was 20. Jinx didn't fully notice WHAT they were until she turned 17 and by then the space and time had changed their relationship. No matter how hard they both tried to keep it up, the fact was they both matured into different people they didn't fully recognize anymore. Neither think it's a bad thing, only that it's different and they don't know each other as well as they feel they used to.
With Vi living on her own and working a full time job, and with Jinx growing up and out into the world, it seemed inevitable. With more steady job leads popping up in the area where Vi had moved to, Jinx is starting to consider her sisters offer a little more seriously about the apartment room. Ultimately, she'd decide to get her own place but not too far away. Luck would have it that there was an apartment opening up in the same complex Vi was living at, a couple units down.
Vi is ecstatic about this and Jinx can't contain her enthusiasm either. The thought of spending time with each other was what both of them needed, they had really missed the other and there isn't anything like spending time in person to regrow lost connections. Vi was a little hurt at first Jinx declined her offer again but with how things worked out she doesn't hold on to that, and Jinx gets her own space while still being within bothering distance of Vi. They spend a stupid amount of their free time with each other, slotting back into each other's lives as if no time had passed at all.
That's about as far as I'm getting tonight but I'd love to explore this a little bit more later. With the flavor and depth and less of the foundation building. Like a detailed scene of Jinx' jail fiasco or some moments between the two when Jinx still lives at Vanders and Vi is in her own apartment. Future moments of them living in the apartment complex together, figuring out that in the process of getting to know each other again after that much time apart, they don't just love each other anymore. To both of their frustration, they're falling IN love with each other, and definitely in lust with each other.
Inspired by this edit: Flashing, Volume Warning
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triglycercule · 3 months ago
thanks to amazing mutual's most recent fic,,,, i've had an epiphany ✨✨✨ i'm a fake mttpoly fan i dont think they'd ever love each other ✨✨ OK WELL MAYBE NOT FAKE i just dont think they'd ever fall in love
maybe its tooootally just me being unaware but i see no way how they could ever come to LOVE eachother. in anyway shape or form. is it too early for me to properly string together my thoughts perhaps but EVEN AFTER YEARS OF BEING TOGETHER i dont see how they could find something to truly LOVE in the other 2. like,,,, killer's got his whole. uhhh. emotionally repressed thing. and dust and horror have their own prejudices against the other 2. even if theyre given time to settle their differences and come to terms (somewhat) with their own issues and the other two's personalities/history that bother them i still just dont think theres any potential for....... love?????? am i understandable
the closest thing i could see is maybe care?? attachment??? maybe these are the same words some would use to describe love itself but in the context of the trio i feel like its different. i cant explain myself that well here but i could see them finding rational reasons to appreciate the others and then eventually that turns into genuine care. but not love,,,,, never love for them,,,,,
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palettepainter · 7 months ago
Amazon: HEEEY!~ Hazbin hotel is getting a second season!
Me: Oh okay, that's cool I guess.
Amazon: They'll be even MORE action this season!! We're gunna focus on Alastor's backstory, and Pentious will be a key character, and Vox is gunna be a more prominent protagonist, and we'll show off more overlords, and Vaggie and Charlie get a "sexy life"~
Me: Uh-huh. And I can only assume that this season has a bigger episode count so that any of those plot points you mentioned have time to breath for more then ten minutes unlike season 1?
Me:.....You're gunna give this season time to breath ri-
(Incase people don't read the tags: The reason this annoys me so much isn't because I hate the show, it's because I want this show to do well. I want this show to make me feel like I should care for any of it's characters and plot points because it's well made, not because it's been created by an artist who is already popular online. I truly believe the animators and voice actors are giving it their all for this show, the voice acting is honestly the best quality in my opinion and everyone nails their roles, but the writing and pacing has so far been a cluster fire.
This is a legit show now, it's being funded by Amazon's money with literal broadway stars as parts of the cast. If season 1 taught the people creating this show anything it's that there needs to be breathing time for the plot points and the characters, and I sincerely hope that season 2 takes this into account. I doubt it with how much they've said they're going to include, but I really hope that, for animation as a whole - cuz god knows Disney hasn't been pumping out good animated movies as of late - season 2 takes into account what season 1 did poorly and improves on it)
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megaclubdiolis · 4 months ago
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柄本 佑 || 「光る君へ」 (2024) · 第四十二回 「川辺の誓い」 ​​​
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reanimatedgh0ul · 10 months ago
listen ik lance would NOT be the type of guy™ to watch a disney movie but ik for a fact that if someone showed him treasure planet (2002) he would relate to jim hawkins sm that he would basically turn into this lol
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#ok now that i think abt it that person would be ilana if i'm being honest#i think lance would point out the fact that it's a kids movie and that they're not kids so why did she pick that out 🤨#which ilana's like well i picked it bc based on what i read abt it it sounded like the things we have back home (galaluna)#and lance is just like ok fine w/e 🙄#i feel like octus would sit down and watch it w her#ik ilana and octus would know how to make their own popcorn too#i def think the 3 of them have movie nights sometimes#octus would be like where's lance isn't it movie night she's like yeah well he said the movie#i picked was for 'little kids' so he passed on it w/e it's his loss#then i imagine lance comes down at some point to get like idk a glass of water or smth from the kitchen#then lance is just like so how's movie you guys are watching (but def says it in like a sarcastic type of way)#and ilana like oh man it's just getting good so turns out jim (he's the main character) came into possession of a device that's actually#a secret map to planet that's believed to filled w treasure and now him and his other guy (his name is dr delbert)#are going on an expedition to find it :D#lance is like wait rlly :0 (internally thinking wait this movie actually sounds kinda cool what)#lance sits down on the couch and ilana's like wait min i thought you said you didn't wanna watch this movie#and lance is like what no i'm just sitting down for couple mins#i'm totally gonna leave here in a bit ok (ilana's just like sure *doubt it*) and yeah ofc lance doesn't actually leave#watches the rest of the movie w them he just didn't wanna admit it#on that note i also totally think they'd check out atlantis: the lost empire (2001) afterwards#sym bionic titan#robi hcs#robi rambles
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turnbackthependulum · 2 years ago
Rangiku: Don't forget to eat your fruits, taicho! An apple a day keeps the doctor away, they say~
Toshiro: An apple a day can keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough.
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running-in-the-dark · 6 months ago
just got trapped in the bathroom by a spider for like 20 minutes. stood on the edge of the bathtub for most of that bc I was so scared, then eventually realised with how bad I was shaking it was pretty likely that I'd fall and hit my head so i used a broom to open the door & yelled until my husband woke up and killed the spider. I'm free now, technically, but the spider won (I can't stop shaking and thinking about all the other big disgusting spiders that are probably all around me and I just can't see them)
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inkykeiji · 8 months ago
Clari I wondered if I could ask your opinion/advice? So lately I've noticed I have this follower who likes literally EVERYTHING I post in here. Idk what fandom they originally found me on, but it's getting to the point it's kind of weirding me out? Also their blog is completely blank, no info on it at all, so idk what kind of person they are or why they're jumping on everything I write. I tried soft blocking them just to get a little space but they didn't back off and have just gone right back to liking every post and it's making me not want to write anything now. But I'm worried if I block fr then they'll get aggressive or send hate anons or whatever. Wwyd in this situation?
hmm, well! i have a few followers who do this to me and i don’t mind it at all (i’m actually quite flattered hahaha) but their blogs aren’t blank. i’d say, if it’s personally making you feel uncomfortable, protect your space and your peace by blocking them. i totally get the fear of receiving hate anons after hard blocking someone, but i also think that nothing about this situation screams malicious. they probably just really enjoy your work and are using that blog + their likes to bookmark everything; i don’t really see a reason why they’d send hate. besides, if it’s stated in your rules that you block blank/ageless blogs, then you’re WELL within your right to block this person, because they aren’t respecting you or your wishes n boundaries.
all in all, if it’s bothering you, hard block them. you don’t need a reason or a justification to block someone, and you are never obligated to give anyone an explanation on why you blocked someone. this is your online space and you’re allowed to do what you want with it! <3
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designernishiki · 2 years ago
sometimes i kinda wish mirei wasn't killed off because boy the divorced exes dynamic with majima could've been so god damn funny
#everyones seen my 'if you see my ex-husband at pride' post. thinking about that sort of thing#like yeah i know y5 said they werent exactly on bad terms (though i think that was vague and debatable considering the way she#recounts her backstory with haruka not really painting him in a great light- for understandable reasons mostly dont get me wrong- but my#point is . i think there may have been more passive aggressive animosity lingering in there than what was presented in the romanticized#retelling of the story later on in the game basically). but come on. you cant tell me they'd get along just fine if she were to have lived.#say what you will about her and her intentions and etc but regardless she DID tear kiryu's family apart and guilt trip the SHIT out of him#to do so. knowing majima. and knowing how majima feels about kiryu. do you think he'd be like. cool with that#like if/when he heard the whole story i do Not think mirei's Heartwarming Vicarious Dreams would be enough to excuse the damage she did#and its such a wild coincidence itd be hard not to think- at least just a tinnnyyy bit- that she somehow found majima's weakpoint#(kiryu) and attacked it on purpose out of spite or something.#yeah all that and i think their relationship mustve been inevitably Very toxic and fucked up considering. everything about both of them#especially at that point in time. plus the very weird and not great gap in maturity (18-19 vs 27-28) and all that. no way that ended just#totally chill and amicable. no fucking way. she had fair reason to harbor resentment towards him and i wouldve liked to see that honestly#anyway so i mean you see what im getting at. perfect setup for the most toxic but kind of hilarious divorced dynamic Ever#if she were to ever come anywhere near kiryu again majima would be there in 0.2 seconds to sheild him from impending psychological warfare#rambling#majima#mirei#y5#yakuza 5 spoilers
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jihyocentric · 2 years ago
i feel like that person said about kazuha being the name i feel like if mihyun have another baby it should or how some mixed kr kids have like and eng and kr name but since mina is jpn the baby can have both kr and jpn name
idk but mihyun to me is like that couple that will either have a single child or only have a second baby when their first child is all grown up and ready to leave their house to meet the world... and she could have both names but i'd like to give her only one. should i make a poll? i'm really indecisive 😭
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aeide-thea · 2 years ago
the thing abt this website (and really, every other website and also people irl) is that you'll be introduced to a new person who seems interesting (read: has some stuff to say that you agree with), and you'll think, ooh, maybe i should follow them! and then you'll check out their blog and realize, oh, fuck, right, they're the same person who was advocating 'systematic and targeted online harassment' of people who spread a message they dislike, as though that were either an acceptable way to behave or, for that matter, an effective way to convince anyone of anything—like, hello, if you harass your enemies they will shut their ears to you and become further entrenched in their current positions! also decent people will see what you're doing and distrust you even if your cause would otherwise earn their sympathy!
#and like. it's not a group or message i endorse either! that's not the point!#anyway tbd bc this IS vagueblogging it's just like. very frustrating#i very much want to like and respect people! wish they'd let me!#(a problem with the internet is that you run into dealbreakers much faster than you can build real bonds with people)#(and so you don't forge the kinds of relationships where you can say‚ hey‚ love you but that thing you said was pernicious actually!)#(so you just quietly unfollow‚ or don't follow in the first place‚ and no one learns anything from anyone else#that isn't already dreamt of in their existing philosophy)#(love my internet pals to bits but it really is like. in many cases we're not proper talk-things-out friends)#(and where we are‚ that's really developed in spite of the prevailing internet culture‚ i feel like‚ not because of it)#(like everyone talks this big dramatic game about Mutuals but so many of those [non-]relationships are really‚ like‚ mutually parasocial)#(they like your posts and you like theirs but nary a word is ever exchanged)#(so you don't get any practice at finding middle ground and figuring out what areas of disagreement you can push back at)#(you just either always-already-agree or silently part ways)#(anyway. these tags took a turn lmao)#(i'm just very conscious that this aspect of internet culture is not serving me)#(but like. what do you do about it?)#(still follow the person you think said something totally wrongheaded bc irl you wouldn't have been aware they'd said it?)#(maybe that IS where you start but like. then you end up with a dash that stresses you the fuck out‚ probably! so that's not the end of it.#(anyway.)#(sigh.)
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guiltyidealist · 2 years ago
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I was immediately smitten with Hayabusa when I first played Okami.
I considered him my husband and shipped myself (Ammy) with him.
It blew my MIND when he wound up being more than just another dog... He was a whole dude and I had to fight him and he used his digging techniques because of course he would have digging combat moves!!!! He had an entire PRECIOUS backstory, and I actually teared up the moment he saved Mushi from Orochi's arrow.
Here I'm pictured carrying him (side note: I wish you could still carry him after you find out he's a canine warrior ): ), fucking him????????? jumping with him, digging shenanigans, and cracking open a cold one with the boys
He's a Kai Ken apparently, which is 1/6 Japanese breeds alongside the Shiba Inu. I've only ever seen one kai ken plushie and it's fuckin $50 😭😭😭
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crest-of-gautier · 2 years ago
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made an eeny bit of progress in pq today... im like maybe 80% through the 3rd floor of you in wonderland and currently level 11...!
#pq#lizz.jpg#lizz.txt#i love how i say 'eeny' as if i did not play for like four hours. LOL.. i think i wanna play in smaller chunks next time#yall... i have so much fear of those gosh darn card soldiers... i dont want to know what my life is going to be like if they give f.o.e.s-#more gimmicks... THEY ARENT BAD I JUST. I REALLY DONT LIKE THE F.O.E. STARING AT ME#my (ougouoguough) of the f.o.e.s is so real that if i have energy i would totally make a doodle about it#dont really have much interesting things 2 report... i think next play session ill probably end up finishing the labryinth#it seems pretty close to done tbh esp since i stopped b4 the room with the three fucking f.o.e.s and im like#'i do not have the mental energy to figure out how to do this' (they say and proceed to write a text wall)#and im guessing we'll get to see the investigation team after finishing the labryinth?#the games being like REALLY silly right now but im like. squinting so hard at zen and rei you have NO idea how sus these guys are to me#not to go against my 'im not intelligent on this blog' policy but theres something about a thing that elizabeth said early on thats like#alerting the lizz sus radars. she said something like you wouldnt find living humans here and that they might theoretically be an entity-#that merged w/personas and shadows AND TO ME THIS IS A HGUE RED FLAG???#LIKE.... me just looking at how RYOJI fucking mochizuki is a thing and im like “ah i see now why they set it before ryoji” BECAUSE !!! AAA#because at this point sees wouldn't have met an entity like ryoji who is fucking shadow that is humanized by minato so uh like#if they met ryoji and were past dec 2 AND THEN PQ'D IT UP then they'd look at zen and rei in addition to what elizabeth said#then IDK WHAT IM SAYING BUT LIKE ZEN AND REI HAVE TO BE SOME KINDA ENTITY AND I DONT KNOW WHAT#for shits and giggles ill say death bc i like death as a thematic thing LMAOOO im a really delulu little guy rn dont talk to me#um. im being really normal right now yeah uh this should've gone under a read more oops ill do that next time#for my own sanity i will NOT go into what thoughts are brewing in my head (hypothezing what time the p4 cast was pulled from-#BUT ALSO THE WAY TEDDIE ALSO falls into elizabeth's description UGH screams into. a bucket.)#anyway for. something. thats not me spitballing i hope that i can see yosuke soon.. i want him in my party!!!!#i rlly like the game mechanics and while zen and rei have been great 2 start with they cant equip subpersonas... ough#ok thats. thats all. i did not expect to text ramble but (THIS IS ME WE ARE TALKING ABOUT i cannot shut up)#im having fun though!!!! its been nice to play smthn else for once LMAO i wonder how much ill get through b4 the month ends
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