#things kaede akamatsu did
fried-manto · 1 year
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for fucks sake someone get her diagnosed
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meiiuka · 2 years
danganronpa v3— how they’d react to you giving them flowers as your s/o:
category: short read, reaction, lighthearted
Shuichi Saihara:
• "aww, those flowers are beautiful, i'm glad you could get something nice for yourself! ... WHAT DO YOU MEAN THOSE ARE FOR ME?-" his cheeks flush a deep magenta as he lunges to embrace you, nuzzling his face into your shoulder
Kaede Akamatsu:
• "ah..! these are my favorite!! with how well you know me, you have me fully convinced that we're soulmates" (all flowers are her "favorite") but she's SO bubbly and excited, she pulls you towards her for the kind of kisses you can feel giggles between
Maki Harukawa:
• "how sweet.. uh, i actually have a gift for you.. too..." she has flowers for you too, somehow??? did she pull these from outside or did she buy them from a professional florist? who knows, but she won't take them unless you take hers
Rantaro Amami:
• "wow, where did you get these?? they're gorgeous flowers, but never as gorgeous as you darling" he looks down at the flowers, smiling coyly with closed lips, then looks up at you with the same enamored eyes
Kokichi Ouma:
• "ooh pretty things..! i mean, they smell nice, but can i eat them? pfff what do i even do with these!" he fiddles with the bouquet with a puzzled look, then hands it back to you as a "gift" from him
Kaito Momota:
• "i didn't know i'd love flowers so much until i got them from you, this is sick! i have the best s/o to exist" he bear hugs you tightly, holding you close to his chest with one arm; the other carrying the bouquet
Korekiyo Shinguuji:
• "lovely roses... why thank you, dear. i'll keep these safe and guarded." he brings them close to his chest, before planting a kiss atop your head
Angie Yonaga:
• "thank you atua, for the beautiful flowers you placed in the arms of my sweetheart!!" you tell her you just bought them from the store but she walks away, humming happily to set them down
Miu Iruma:
• "woah, wait, these are the roses i've been wanting for so long... thanks, i guess? ... don't look at me right now!" despite her annoyed tone, there's a massive smile plastered on her face as she tries to avoid eye contact with you
Kirumi Tojo:
• "i... i'm speechless. i'm thankful that you love me so much as to grace me with something so beautiful" she smiles from her eyes and immediately gets to placing it in a glass vase, ensuring its well taken care of
Ryoma Hoshi:
• "huh.. i'm not the 'flowery' type. go return these for some cash and buy yourself something nice instead. you want me to keep these? because you love me.. man. i don't deserve you..." you hold him as he melts in your arms. the expression on his face tells you that he really needs it
Gonta Gokuhara:
• "PRETTY FLOWERS.. for gonta? to keep???" he grabs them with such excitement that one falls from the bundle, plucking one out to give it a strong sniff
• "i'm not sure if i know what to do with these, but since you're giving them to me, they're special nonetheless. i... appreciate it!" he holds them out in front of him with a solid foot of distance and examines the petals with care
Tenko Chabashira:
• "no way!! this is the nicest thing that's happened to me..." she gasps in awe and holds the flowers with both hands, blushing profusely at the ground to avoid your gaze
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gummy-bearz · 6 months
Ooh~ can you write Ibuki, Kaede and Mikan headcanons separately of course, where each girl is dating a delinquent that's usually mean but nice only to them and gets kinda shy and clingy around them too just cause they love their girlfriend so much
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Ibuki Mioda / Mikan Tsumiki / Kaede Akamatsu with a delinquent S/O that’s mean but nice, shy and clingy around their girlfriend
omg this request is so unique
- mod hiyoko
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Kaede Akamatsu
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- She noticed your disrespectful attitude towards other people, and she was really concerned.
- Kaede did sort of admire you for being so rebellious and determined…
- You being a delinquent made her worried in general- what if something bad happens? What if you get into a fight? Or what if you get in trouble?
- That was until you two were alone together.
- You began to show Kaede affection out of nowhere, leaving her shocked.
- You hugged her from behind (basically being a bit handsy or whatever) and refuses to let go.
- She thought that this was the most cutest thing ever.
- Was this your true nature? You didn’t have to be so shy about it…
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Ibuki Mioda
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- She thought that you were the most coolest badass person ever.
- Seriously though, she admired you!
- Ibuki didn’t care If you were mean or if you got into a fight, because she’s knows that you’re gonna kick ass.
- She’s supporting you no matter WHAT. If you were in a arguement, you’d hear Ibuki cheering you on in the crowd.
- You two were just chilling together, until suddenly...
- You held her close, wrapping your arms around her waist.
- Ibuki begins to burst out laughing while squeezing you back tightly.
- She didn’t understand why you were so shy.
“Awhhhh! You’re so adorable, S/O!”
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Mikan Tsumiki
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- Mikan was deathly afraid of you, so she was always careful because she doesn’t want to accidentally “anger you”.
- She always carry’s a first aid kit around you, what if you get into a fight and hurt yourself?
- Mikan apologized constantly whenever she made a mistake, she doesn’t want you to be mad at her.
- She always thought that you didn’t like her that much (even thought you two are literally dating) since you were so rude to other people around you.
- And while she was hanging around you,
- You hugged her tightly, causing a squeak to come out of her mouth.
- Mikan began to cry out of joy, thinking that you would never do such a thing.
- She hugs you back, still crying.
- She understands your shyness. <3
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lxvenderdreamy · 1 year
🩷🌸Freetime With You!🌸🩷 Part 1
[🍓] ~ Danganronpa V3 (except for Ryoma cause idk how to write him really) x Reader🍓
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🩷Shuichi Saihara🩷
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Shuichi was walking around the campus of the academy. He decided he would go and spend time with one of his fellow classmates just to get to know them better.
As he was walking he saw you, he saw you outside in the grassland. He gulped down the lump in his throat. Shuichi had a crush on you every since the very start of the killing game. He caught feelings for you and of course he tried to keep it to himself but it didn’t work due to his fellow classmates catching up with this.
Despite having a crush on you, he couldn’t bring himself to talk to you, thinking that he would embarrass himself and make himself look stupid. But yet he did want to talk to you, he really did.
This is his chance.
He took a deep breath as he started to walk over to your peaceful figure.
“H-Hey, Y/n…” Shuichi said, fighting back the heat trying to rise to his face. You turned to him with a smile. “Oh, hello Shuichi.” You said with a small wave. “Would you like to join me on a nice walk around the outside of the Academy?” You offered. Shuichi, in shock at how quick you offered him to take a walk, he agreed.
You two walked side by side as you talked about random things. Mainly just you. He allowed you to rent about your hobbies as you two walked, he adored the sparkle in your eyes as you talked about things that interest you the most. He felt a smile creep up to his thin lips as well as a small blush. He enjoyed your company, he loved the way you used hand motions to explain certain things, he loved how you spoke, he loved how you would look his way—that way was always greeted with a beautiful, sweethearted smile. You never fail to make his heart melt and get him red in the face.
“Oh! Sorry..was I talking to much?” Your voice took him out of his beloved thoughts and he immediately reassured you. “Oh, no. Please, keep talking.” Shuichi said with a smile. You smiled back at him as you continued to rant on.
After the time with you ended, he felt a bit sad that it ended. It felt like it all ended so quick.
“Thank you for spending time with me, Shuichi.” You said with a smile. “No problem.” Shuichi said. Shuichi smiled at you but then his eyes widened when he felt your soft lips touch his cheek. “Bye, Shuichi!” You said happily before running off. Shuichi was left there, looking like a tomato as he touched the spot where you had kissed him.
🩷🌸Maybe he should spend his freetime with you more often.🌸🩷
🩷Kaede Akamatsu🩷
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Kaede bit her lip as she fiddled with her thumbs. She was nervous. She looked at you from afar, as you were chilling in the dining hall.
Kaede had a big crush on you, she always felt herself stuttering and blushing around you and she really wanted to talk to you. She was always thinking about you to the point where her head starts to hurt.
“Come on, Kaede…you’ve been on stage many times..this—this is no big deal..” Kaede said to herself quietly. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down before turning on her heel and making her way over to you.
“Hey there, Y/n!” Kaede said with a smile. You looked over at her with a smile of your own, waving at her. “Hello Kaede!” You greeted. Kaede blushed when she saw your smile. “Would you like to hangout in my lab? I can show you a few thing or two about Chopin!” Kaede said excitedly. You happily nodded your head as she took your hand in hers and began speed walking to her lab. You weren’t able to see how red Kaede’s face was due to her leading you from behind her. Her mind was going haywire over thr through of being able to hold your hand.
When you two arrived at her lab, she started talking to you and telling you about Chopin, Prelude, Op. 28, No. 15 and the three Waltzes, Op. 34–everything! You sat there and you listened with a smile. She even got you to play the piano and taught you a few notes or two. It was great seeing her like this, especially in this killing game. She did this all with a smile on her face and a blush that you didn’t realize she had.
Kaede’s heart was bubbling with excitement. She was so happy that she’s spending this much time with you and being so close to you. It felt nice, it warmed her heart and it made her palms get sweaty, it made her feel all sorts of loving emotions that she got to spend so much time with you.
She didn’t even mind that you guy’s freetime was over. Spending all of her time with you fulfilled.
“That was so much fun Kaede!” You said with a smile. “You really are a good teacher, we’re gonna have to do this again sometime!” Kaede’s original blush deepened. “Y-Yes! O-Of course!” Kaede nodded in agreement.
“You taught me all sorts of things today. Thank you… Thank you so much.” You said before giving her a warm hug. She let out a gasp before she immediately returned it. She couldn’t believe that this was happening. She punched herself on her arm, still in the hugging position.
🩷🌸She was glad this wasn’t a dream. You two then parted ways. Free time with you is something exciting.🌸🩷
🩷Rantaro Amami🩷
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Rantaro had always been..crushing on you. He isn’t so open about it and is really good at hiding it but really his mind is just all about you. He has the strength to you, of course.
…That’s what he thinks at least. When he’s talking to you, he is red in the face a little and he’s avoiding eye contact. He makes himself look like a complete idiot…But, that doesn’t stop him from being able to spend some quality time with you.
When he saw you standing in the hallway alone, he took his chance. “Hey there, Y/n.. How has your day been?” Rantaro asks with a smile. You smile back at him. “It’s been, alright. I’m just bored now..” You said. Great. That was great. Rantaro didn’t want you to be bored so of course he’s gonna immediately ask you if you wanted to hang out with him. Besides, that’s what he’s been wanting. “Eh? Bored? Nonsense… Here, how about you show me your lab? Never been in there before.” Rantaro offered. You nodded with a chuckle of yours.
When you both appeared inside your lab, he couldn’t help bur look around in pure interest. Your Ultimate was very unique, and he loves it. He definitely loves your lab. He listens intriguingly about all the things in your lab, asking questions or making nice statements. He could see that you were very happy with this and that’s what made him also feel happy.
Rantaro may think he looks just fine on the outside and just crazy on the inside but really the inside is just using it’s side effects on the outside, making him a blushing mess.
“Hey…are you okay?” You asked with a worried expression. “What..? Of course i’m okay. Why’d you ask?” Rantaro was confused about what you meant. “Y-Your face! It’s red! And your sweating a little…” Crap. Rantaro chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. “No, No..it’s fine. Really. I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” Rantaro said, hoping that you would move on from this.
“Okay..just tell me when your feeling ill!” You said with a smile before going back and continuing your talking. Rantaro sighed in relief but is also a little bit happy that you care about his health.
Rantaro and Your freetime is about to end sadly, but Rantaro will make the most of it. He told you a little bit about his sisters and the sad story about somehow them getting lost all around the world. You told him how sorry you were because of that happening and you wished him the best of luck on finding them safe and sound.
Rantaro felt himself getting closer to you, he was so happy he got to spend his time with you. He was happy he got to learn more things about you. It made him feel like he accomplished something greatly. Before you guys parted ways, you surprised him with a small peck on the cheek. “Bye, Rantaro. See you later!” You said as you ran into the distance. Rantaro put his hand on the cheek you kissed him on as a blush formed on his face.
🩷🌸Freetime with you is something he is definitely doing more of.🌸🩷
🩷Kokichi Oma🩷
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Kokichi is a liar. We all know that. But there’s you…you. You are able to tell when Kokichi is lying or not and your able to see through his mask. The funny thing is that you never plan to expose him of his lies unless you really need too..
Not only you can read him like a damn book. You wormed yourself into his heart, apparently he does have a heart after all. It doesn’t help that when he’s trying to hide those feelings for you, you figure him out! It makes him so mad but yet it also makes him…happy…it makes him happy that you realize his feelings for you. And he doesn’t know why. You also didn’t get tired of him so quick despite his lies and how annoying he is..you stayed. He tried to scram you away but it never did work. It also added onto his heart.
…He wants to spend time with you. Shuichi was busy, and of course nobody else wanted to deal with him so he wanted you. You fascinated him.
“Hey Y/n~” Kokichi said, skipping over to you. You were chilling in the game room. You looked down (your an inch taller) at Kokichi. “Hi, Kokichi.” You said plainly. Kokichi gave you a sly smile and you raised your brow. “If you want something then say it, Kokichi.” You said. He let out a hum. “Hmmm…what if I dont?” Kokichi said, snickering. “Then okay.” You said. Kokichi furrowed his brows at you. “Your no fun, Y/n!!” Kokichi whined. “You’re booorrrriiiiinggg!!!” You shrugged, not caring. “You want me to spend time with you, don’t you?” You said, putting your hand on your hip. Kokichi was silent as he still looked a bit upset.
“Come on, let’s go.” You said, walking out of the game room. “Wait for me, what the hell!?” Kokichi exclaimed as he ran out behind you.
You and Kokichi did lots of things together. You gave him a piggyback ride as you ran throughout the grasslands on the academy and inside of the academy, it was fun. Kokichi hated to admit it but he was actually blushing really hard during all of this but it was still fun. Both of you were laughing together as Kokichi directed you where to go. But you definitely had to target some people, just to add to the fun.
“Shuichi—! Run!!” Kaede said as she grabbed Shuichi’s hand and started running as you two chased them.
“Y-Y/n..! Is that degenerate male making you do this..!??” Tenko said as she carried a passed out Himiko in her arms.
“I will have you both in court for your robophobic acts..!” Kiibo said as he got chased by the two of you. He had to go through this TWO times!!
After all that chasing. you decided to buy kokichi Panta from the vending machine. “It was nice spending time with you, Kokichi.” You said softly. Kokichi snickered. “I agree! We should do this more often!” Kokichi said. You nodded. “I have to go but kokichi…” You said. Kokichi hummed and his eyes slightly widened when you kissed his head before walking away in the distance. “Bye.” Kokichi was left shocked and flustered.
🩷🌸Your freetime was the time where you proved your feelings.🌸🩷
🩷Tenko Chabishira🩷
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Tenko is very open about her feelings, it ain’t no secret. So that means she’s very open—too open about you.
Tenko loves everything about you, constantly talking about you, always wanting to do stuff with you and always wanting to spend time with you. Tenko is just completely over you!
So today was the right day to spend some time with you! She ran all around the academy, looking for you and hoping that nobody has gotten your attention. When she finds you she immediately clings onto you. “N/n! Im so glad your here!!” Tenko said happily as she hugged you. You smiled at her. “Yeah, what are you up to, Tenko?” You asked her. She blushed as he smiled. “W-W-Well..I-I was wondering..if-if you wanted to..hang out..!” Tenko said, fiddling with her fingers. You happily obliged.
The two of you did everything together. You took walks together around the academy and talked about whatever. You two checked out Tenko’s lab as she talked about Neo-Akidio. She also taught you a little bit of things during that time, training you on how to protect yourself from males.
“H-Hey..Y-Y/n…” Tenko started, fiddling with her fingers as she looked awake from you. You raised a brow at her. “Yes, Tenko?” Tenko gulped nervously. “W-Well…I just..really want to talk to you about..you..” Tenko said. You raised your brows. She wanted to talk to you about..you?
“Okay..what do you have to say about me?”
“Well…I-I always thought you were..I don’t know, amazing..? I always thought that you were just the best person i’ve ever met, really. I-I know I may seem like I act the same with Himiko but really…you have a special place in my heart…!” Tenko said as her face got redder. Your eyes widened.
“Is that really what you think of me, Tenko?” You asked. Tenko nodded her head nervously. You smiled warm-hearted at her and scooted closer to her. “Wanna know how I feel about you?” you asked her. Tenko’s eyes widened and she nodded slowly. She couldn’t help but feel so worried about what you might say about her.
“Tenko, you have to be the most interesting person i’ve seen here. You are very unique and..the way you are so passionate about your master and your talent, the way you try your best at everything you do, it’s all amazing to me. You never give up and that’s what I love about you.” You said softly, with a smile, Tenko hugged you tightly. She started to sob uncontrollably. “T-Tenko..!” You exclaimed worriedly as you rubbed her back. Tenko was so happy you thought of her so positively as she sobbed.
🩷🌸May this time last forever, it’s so beautiful 🌸🩷
🩷Himiko Yumeno🩷
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“But what is they say no…?” Himiko said, looking to the side. Kaede gently patted Himiko on the shoulder. “Oh i’m sure they won’t, just try! I believe in you!” Kaede said with a smile, gently pushing Himiko towards your door before running behind the stairs.
Himiko hesitantly knocked on your door, waiting anxiously for you to answer. When you answered, Himiko’s face get a little red. “H-Hey..Y/n..” Himiko said meekly. You smiled down at her. “Oh, hello Himiko. Is there something you need?” You asked her. “Nyeeh…” Himiko bit her lip slightly. “Would you like to…to..hang out in..in my lab..?” Himiko asked.
“Sure, I would love too.” Himiko nodded and lead the way. While walking down the stairs she could see Kaede giving her a thumbs up and a wink. It was a quiet walk there, but you didn’t mind. But for Himiko, she was a nervous wreck..what if you got bored hanging with her..?
When you two got there, Himiko wanted you to make her a small cup of tea. She also said that you could have a cup of tea as well which you happily took the offer. You guys spent some time drinking some tea together and talking to one another.
Himiko felt like she grew a whole lot closer with you today, it made her happy and feel warm inside that she got to spend time with you and chat.
“Himiko, you look tired.” You said softly. She did look really tired, she felt bad..”N-Nyeeh..i’m not tried..” Himiko tried to deny it, not wanting this to end so quickly. You gave her a small smile as your brows went downward. “Himiko, it’s okay if you want to sleep. I don’t mind. How about we walk back to your dorm?” You offered, standing up and pushing in your chair. Himiko let out a whiny hum before agreeing.
On the way back, Himiko couldn’t help but feel like she ruined the two of you guys hangout. Maybe she should try to convince you to stay inside her dorm with her..? You might say no though…Himiko isn’t really…active..
“We’re here! Hope you have a nice sleep Himiko.” You said, waving. You were about to walk away when Himiko stoops you. “Wait…” She said. You turned and looked over at her. “…W-Will you stay with me? I don’t want to be alone..i’m not that comfortable here.” Himiko said, a blush forming on her face. “Of course, here, let’s get you in bed. And i’ll stay in your dorm for as long as you like.” You said with a smile. You two went inside the dorm together and you got Himiko in bed. You made sure she was all tucked in.
“Thank you, Y/n…” Himiko said as she let out a yawn. “Oh, no problem Himiko. It was fun hanging out with you today.” You said softly adding you sat down in a chair next to her bed. “Yeah…thank you for…hanging out with…..me….” Himiko had fallen asleep. You let out a chuckle before leaning down and planting a small kiss on her head.
🩷🌸Himiko slept with very comforting dreams, that day.🌸🩷
🩷Gonta Gokuhara🩷
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Gonta had a funny feeling from the first time he saw you. He asked Kaede about it and described it to the best of his ability and it was confirmed by Kaede that he had a crush on you.
“When you have a crush, it means you love someone very deeply.” Kaede told Gonta a few days ago. Gonta thought long and hard and decided he’d gain the courage to spend some time with you! Like a true gentlemen!
Gonta looked for you over the campus and when he saw you he immediately ran over to you, feeling so happy that he finally found you after all this time. “Mx Y/n!” Gonta called out to you. You jumped at the sudden voice and saw Gonta. You smiled at him. “Yes Gonta?” You said. Gonta started to blush softly with a smile of his very own.
“Well..Gonta was wondering if you want hangout with Gonta!” Gonta said. You smiled brightly and nodded. “Why of course!” You said. This made Gonta very happy that you wanted to hang out with him.
Gonta took you over to his lab, and showed you all the bugs, he taught you stuff about bugs that you never knew about and you listened intriguingly. You asked questions and he answered them to his full capacity. It was really fun. You were also starting to get closer to some of the insects like the butterflies, ladybugs, stick bugs, and beetles. You were so happy and Gonta was happy as well, he was happy he got you to feel the same way, he was proud of himself for acting like a true gentlemen and treating you well!
“Y/n..” Gonta started, catching your attention. “Gonta…Gonta has something to tell you..” Gonta said as he fiddled with his fingers. “Go on ahead, Gonta.” You said with a smile and a nod. Gonta cleared his throat.
“Gonta..just want to say that he thinks Y/n is very kind and …Y/n makes Gonta feel a certain way that Gonta. cant explain. Gonta..Gonta thinks he has crush on Y/n..”
You couldn’t believe what you heard but it made you smile from ear to ear as a blush started to form on your face.
“Aww..Gonta!” You said happily as you hugged him tightly. “That was very sweet..thank you.” You said. Gonta couldn’t believe it. He was so happy as he hugged you back with a smile. “I love you too, Gonta!” Gonta was blushing a lot. “Thank you, Y/n! Gonta promises he will be gentleman!” Gonta said happily. You chuckled at that.
🩷🌸This will be something neither of you will forget.🌸🩷
🩷Angie Yonaga🩷
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Angie has been thinking about you, A LOT. She says that Atua was blessed her with a beloved crush on you! so Atua is telling her that she should hangout with you and paint you a beautiful portrait of you!
Angie went to your dorm immediately and knocked on your door. When you opened it you were greeted with a very happy-looking Angie. “Good Afternoon Y/n!” Angie said with a smile. You smiled back at her meekly. “Good Afternoon..Angie.” You said back. “Would you be devoted to spend time with Angie? Atua lead Angie to you just so that we could spend time together!” Angie said. You blinked and agreed with Angie’s offer.
Within a swift movement Angie grabbed your hand and lead you to her lab. You wondered as to why she-well, Atua. You wondered why Atua had lead Angie over to you so that she could spend some time with you. You were kind of curious to say the least. Angie on the other hand was more than curious, she was excited to spend such time with you! Her beloved!
“Okay…sit perfectly still and don’t move! I’m going to paint you a portrait!” Angie said with a closed eye smile as she sat down with a canvas displayed in front of her. “O-Oh..okay.” You sat down on a chair and stayed perfectly still as Angie did her thing. A part of you wanted to do something else instead of sit there like a statue but a part overcame that, telling you that it’s best to stay and wait. You obliged.
Angie’s mind went off as she painted. She was so happy that she got to spend so much time with you, and being able to paint such a beautiful portrait for her beloved is what makes her so happy. She thanks Atua for giving her this beautiful chance in life. She swiveled her paintbrush around freely, occasionally peeking behind the canvas to look at your face for a few moments before going right back to her painting spree.
Angie hummed a peaceful hum as she did her thing. To be honest, you were quite excited to see the portrait of yourself since Angie was the Ultimate Artist of course. It was nice getting your portrait painted by someone like her.
“Angie is done.” Angie said as she put her items down as she stood up, grabbing the painted on canvas. She walked up close to you. “Y/n, this is a painting that shows how I feel about you.” Angie said. “What..What do you mean?” You asked. Angie gave you a closed eye smile before turning the canvas around. Your eyes widened. It was beautiful…she did an outstanding job. “Wow Angie…this is..beautiful.” You said with a smile. Angie gently put the painting aside and she grabbed your hands and put them in here.
“Y/n.” Angie said, looking at you. “That painting expresses the way about how I feel about you.” Angie said. “Angie, loves Y/n. Atua brought me into the arms of an angel. That angel is you Y/n.” Angie said. Your eyes widened..did she have feelings for you? “A-Angie—I..I never expected you to say that..” You said in disbelief. “Atua has lead me into a path of love, Y/n. You are my beloved. Atua is never wrong in his ways.” Angie said.
“Will you accept Angie’s confession that Atua has brought upon you?” Angie asked. You blinked a few times. You couldn’t believe it. But..you wanted to accept this confession, something was telling you that you should accept such a confession.
“Yes. I accept your confession and Atua’s, Angie.”
🩷🌸A path that was given by no other then a god himself🌸🩷
🩷Miu Iruma🩷
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Miu thought that you were just..amazing. She felt herself getting hot when she saw you or when you looked her way. She wanted to be able to talk to you but it would always backfire even if she tried. She would always humiliate herself..
But this time. This time..she will spend time with you even if her whole life depends on it! She is on a mission. A mission that requires lots of building.
“Hey you! Y/n!” You heard a familiar voice call out. You look over to see no other than Miu. She looked nervous and she was red in the face but you pushed it off. “Yes, Miu?” You asked, raising a brow. “I..I…I..” Miu started shaking as she tried to talk. You were getting so worried in til she shouted. “WILL YOU SPEND TIME WITH ME!?” She shouted. This made you jump. “Uhh..sure, of course.” You said meekly, covering your ears.
Miu decided to show you all of her inventions. She took you to her lab and sat you down and began to talk to you about all of her inventions and what they do and how to work them. But she couldn’t help the blush on her face as she did so.
“Your so talented Miu, your also very smart.” You said with a smile. Miu blushed heavily. “O-Of course I am..! A-A pretty woman like me is always full of talent and smarts!” Miu said as she tried to be all smug about it when really her heart was melting.
Miu and you then decided to move onto having lunch together. You guys talked for some bit before Miu decided to confess something to you. She took a deep breath. “Hey..uhh, Y/n..?” Miu started, looking over at you. You hummed know response as you looked at her. “I..I have to confess something..” Miu started with a sigh. Her face got redder and redder by the second. “Go ahead..” You said.
“Listen,” She started. “Y-You really do excite me Y-Y/n..you—you are just so smart and your just..amazing…you never call me mean names or doubt me…you..believe in me…” Miu said quietly. “Y-You get me hot! All over! You make me feel some sort of way that..that just makes me feel all weird..!” Miu confessed as she stood up, she towered over you from your seat as she put her hands on the table.
“Even in this fucking killing game..you still managed to make me feel like..like…a person..” Miu said. “What..What does this mean Miu-“ “IT MEANS I LIKE YOU, GODDAMNIT!” Miu yelled as her face got red. “I like you! You—Your fucking stupid..! H-How did you not realize it..?!” Miu shouted, pointing a finger at you. You sighed with a smile as you stood up and walked to her side before hugging her. She let out a squeak.
“Miu..you really are something else.” You said with a smile. “I like you too, Miu. Really.” Miu looked at you with shock in her eyes. “R-Really..?” Miu stuttered out.
“Of course.”
🩷🌸Love is a beautiful thing🌸🩷
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frickingnerd · 2 months
to distract our hearts from ever missing them
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pairing: kaede akamatsu x gn!reader
summary: before your last concert with kaede, you remind her how much she means to you…
tags: canon divergent (hope's peak student!kaede), musician!reader, angst with comfort, kaede crying, wholesome fluff, vague confession (can be read as platonic/romantic), bittersweet
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“can you believe that it's been five years since we first met? to think that today is going to be the last time we'll stand on a stage together…”
kaede sat in front of the huge piano placed in the center of the stage. the auditorium was still empty, as the concert wouldn't begin until a few hours later. but as always, the two of you were already there, preparing for the show.
“if it was up to me, things would stay this way.” you admitted. “i know attending hope's peak academy is a once in a lifetime chance, but i wouldn't give up what we have for anything in the world…”
kaede was too far away from you to see, but you could've sworn you saw a small blush hush over her cheeks as she averted her gaze hastily.
“you're just saying that to guilt trip me into staying. there's no way you could resist hope's peak, if they offered you a place.”
kaede's tone was playful, but tried to brush over what you said earlier. she knew that what you two had was special, yet she had already made her choice. she might never find another musician that she harmonizes with as well as she did with you. but perhaps, hope's peak could help her achieve even greater heights. even if she might leave behind a treasured co-worker and friend in the process…
“no, i'm being serious.” you said, slowly closing the distance between kaede and you, as you walked over towards her piano. “sure, it's tempting to leave. but i know i'm not half as good of a musician without you by my side.”
kaede's head hung low as you said those words. and when you finally stopped in front of the piano, you could quietly hear her sob, as she quickly wiped away the upcoming tears.
“i'm sorry that i'm leaving…”
“oh– n-no, it's alright–!” you quickly sat down next to her and grabbed both of her hands, smiling gently at her. “i know that this is a great chance for you. you don't have to feel guilty for taking this step and doing something new. i just–”
you paused. gently, your fingertips traced over kaede's hands, as you carefully thought about the next few words you'd say.
“i'll miss you.” you quietly admitted. “you gave me a reason to be better, to improve myself and push forward. without you by my side, i– i just… i can't imagine doing this with anyone but you by my side, you know?”
kaede's eyes widened, tears glistening in the corners of her eyes. for a moment, she seemed to have calmed down. but then, she started crying even harder, wrapping her arms around you.
“i don't want to leave you behind…” kaede sobbed, clinging onto you. “and i don't want this to be our last time on stage together…”
your heart ached to see kaede cry. but to know that it was out of love and affection for you made it bittersweet.
“come on now…” you smiled, trying to be strong for the both of you. “don't cry, alright? you're way prettier when you smile…”
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Now that submissions are closed, we can talk stats. There were 881 valid, unique submissions for 474 characters! Woof, women have it rough out there!
The most submitted characters, with a relevant propaganda snippet included, are:
1. Sakura Haruno (Naruto): 28 [where do i even fucking begin]
2. Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel): 21 [OH SO MANY THINGS]
3. Misa Amane (Death Note): 20 [The author of Death Note invented new forms of misogyny just to apply them to Misa.]
4. Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3): 15 [Oh, you thought we would have a female main character in one of our mainline games? With a cool defining talent, no less? That's stupid of you]
5. TIE: Kairi (Kingdom Hearts): 14 [I'm so mad. I think she deserves a gun.]
5. TIE: Stephanie Brown (DC Comics): 14 [She does eventually get retconned as surviving the event and hiding out in Africa (don't ask, it does not make more sense in context)]
The canons with the most submissions, with a relevant propaganda snippet included, are:
1. DC Comics: 61 [DC has SO MUCH sexism it's laughable]
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: 35 [Fuck Joss Whedon, man.]
3. Naruto: 33 [because Kishimoto hates women]
4. Warrior Cats: 26 [Warriors is one of the most misogynistic children's series I've ever seen]
5. Danganronpa: 25 [I honestly had to think about it just to decide which woman is treated the worst because this series hates them so much]
The canons with the most characters submitted, with a relevant propaganda snippet for a specific character included, are:
1. DC Comics: 21 [Free her from the huge tits back breaking pose.]
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: 12 [Anyways she was so hot and for what. 10/10 my lesbian awakening.]
3. Supernatural: 11 [Yeah, she got randomly killed off-screen for shock value and manpain, but she sent an email right before she died so at least her death wasn't in vain, right?]
4. TIE: Star Trek: 9 [She literally gets teleported out of her clothes in one episode.]
4. TIE: Yu-Gi-Oh!: 9 [One loss is particularly brutal as she falls from a large height directly onto her head and goes into a coma (again. yes this was the second time).]
5. TIE: Warrior Cats: 8 [I'm sure she'll get submitted again just ask any reasonable fan they'll tell you about her and her sister]
5. TIE: Attack on Titan: 8 [As a child soldier, she does commit some war crimes]
And here are some charts to show how some of these entries fucked the scale on my charts:
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Look at Sakura, fucking up my chart with her numbers.
On a similar note...
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Good god, DC, I know what you did, but add fucking up my charts to your list of crimes.
And now, enjoy some rankings of my favorite things:
My favorite universal sentiment quotes from propaganda are:
She lived she served cunt and then she got killed off super early so that the male characters could experience man pain and also because I guess she would have been too powerful if left alive. [Wen Qing (Mo Dao Zu Shi)]
That design. Dear god. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. [Mitzi (The Queen's Corgi)]
In the end she may have girlbossed too close to the sun, but I support her anger. [Ling Wen (Heaven Official's Blessing)]
the victim of “writer doesn’t understand women and also hates them” disease. [Naomi Misora (Death Note)]
She could 100% kill somebody but nobody ever effing lets her. Rip queen. [Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)]
My favorite raging at a writer quotes from propaganda are:
1. You took every single protagonist to weird lion heaven, Clive, but suddenly Susan isn't good enough. [Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)]
2. Being a woman written by Joss Whedon should automatically entitle her to financial compensation tbh. [River Tam (Firefly)]
3. A lot can be summed up in a couple words, namely, "Furman, why?" [Arcee (Transformers)]
4. Can you tell respect women juice ran in Tolstoy's veins. [Lise Bolkonskaya (War and Peace)]
5. TIE: (specifically a guy called Dan Didio, who we all hate) [Stephanie Brown (DC Comics)]
5. TIE: until Geoff motherfucking Johns comes into the picture [Pantha (DC Comics)]
My favorite quotes from propaganda that have nothing to do with misogyny, y'all are just funny:
I wish I could use bold here, because there's no such thing as uppercase numbers. [Arcee (Transformers)]
the most convoluted and lore dense piece of media this side of the afton criticality. [Jane Crocker (Homestuck)]
ended up starting a gang war by accident [Stephanie Brown (DC Comics)]
Ashfur, who later turns out to be a murderous incel [Squirrelflight (Warrior Cats)]
Hawkfrost is actively seeing Brambleclaw and his evil father in cat hell. [Squirrelflight (Warrior Cats)]
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yawujin · 6 days
Heeeey! Could you please make Korekiyo, Kaede, Shuichi and Ryoma with a mean girl reader??
*I can't find the emoji so just pretend a heart is here*
found your emoji > ❤️ < hope this is to your liking!!
request | korekiyo, kaede, shuichi & ryoma x mean! reader
type | female reader , short read , reaction , she/her/you pronouns used
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korekiyo shinguji ♡
he isn't fazed. however, he would like to see if you are able to break character
he wonders if there could be something so outlandish he can say that would make her unable to come with a retort
he wants to know the limit to her meanness, or if there even is one
there is no insult you could throw at him that he would take personally. he knows that being mean is part of human behavior
kaede akamatsu ♡
upon meeting her, kaede tries to understand why they act so mean.
she often goes to start up a conversation with you which ends up in her just walking off because she feels drained
feels defeated because kaede really thought she would be able to get along with you, despite your mean disposition.
she still does her best to be at least respectful towards you.
shuichi saihara ♡
he's literally like 'wtaf'
you remind him of miu, except you are 5x meaner and less sexually driven
she isn't worse than kokichi though
he tries to control his emotions if you insult him or his friends, but some of the things you say rile him up.
ryoma hoshi ♡
the most chill about it, although he does wonder why you are so jaded
he's always telling her things like: "cool it" and "how long did it take you to come up with that insult?"
you two are in a war, an idgaf war and he's winning
keep trying to insult him, and he might just agree with you
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Hi dear! Im not sure if request are open, but I hope so
I will like to request for Chihiro, Mikan and Kaede (separate) with a S/O that is easily distracted so S/O always hold their hand so they don't get lost, please!! ❤️
Chihiro, Mikan and Kaede with an S/O that is easily distracted
Chihiro Fujisaki
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•First of all best boi boyfriend
•And bless his heart he's always doing his best to keep you on track
•It's a good thing he's an expert at multitasking since you always tend to wander off
•He learned the hard way to never take his eyes off you
•It was just once, but when he did you somehow ended on the other side of tokyo
•Needless to say he learned his lesson from that
•And he also found out that you were related to a certain upperclassmen who also liked to wander off
•An upside to this is when your walking around he always has a reason to hold your hand
•Sure this makes him nervous in a good way, of course, but still
•At he's actually programmed the doors to alert him whenever you leave so he stop you
•And If he's not there we'll it may seem creepy but he's got a tracker on you for your own safety
•You being so easily distracted is a worry for him,but it doesn't make him love you any less
Mikan Tsumiki
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•Now Mikan is probably the person who has the easiest time dealing with you being so easily distracted
•I mean she's a nurse since she's had to deal with situations like this before
•And she's also friends with your sister Ibuki so she has experience
•Now Difference between her work as a nurse is that this is much less stressful and she gets to have her beloved rely on her
•She loves that she gets to hold your hand whenever you two go out
•She loves how it both shows that you're her beloved and she can keep you from wandering off
•She knows it not exactly a good thing,but she loves how much control she's able to have in regards to you and how comfortable you are trusting her to take care of you
•Lucky you, you have your very own personal nurse
Kaede Akamatsu
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•Yeah, kaede finds you absolutely adorable
•She loves how easily distracted you can get and how curious you are about everything
•Doesn't mean she's gonna let you just wander off though
•She's love struck not naive
•So whoever you go out she's keeps a tight grip on your hand along with a close eye on you
•She's also taken to having kirumi on backup in case you somehow slip away
•It pays to have the ultimate maid as a friend
•Now at the house you to share, she's basically made sure all the doors leading outside have alarms on them so she knows when you leave
•She has miu to thank for that, though it was a hard to get her not to add anything potentially dangerous or perverted
•Needless to say, but kaede is a very attentive girlfriend
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rantaroamamifuturegf · 3 months
Apologizing after an argument
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A/N: Yes I did just randomly throw a bunch of characters in this, and yes there are some spelling errors of course✨[And Yes I’m also working on some request as well, I’m just slow]
Plot: You guys are in a relationship but gotten into a heated argument and now their either here to apologize or you apologize to them.
Warnings: Some signs of a toxic relationship coming from Monokuma, OOC Kyoko? Maybe
Characters being used: Human Monokuma, Makoto Naegi, Mondo, Chihiro Fujisaki, Kaede Akamatsu.
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Human Monokuma
You had to apologize first
You knew that he has been purposely ignoring your calls and text messages since he does that every time you both usual get into an argument.
You didn’t really want to apologize to him because you knew he’ll be a dick about it and just say “I knew you’ll come back, you just can’t get enough of me huh?” It was annoying how he was so full of himself
Which the funny this is that is what you both were exactly arguing about, it’s not that you don’t want him loving himself.
it’s just it feels like the only person he cares about in the relationship is himself and not you
But yet even after all that you’re still walking up the steps to his door as you knocked on it only just to see that shit eating grin of his.
Exactly how you predicted he made some jokes saying how you just love him so much you just can’t leave even if it’s obvious he’s a red flag. And right he was.
Makoto Naegi
You apologized first
He does not like arguing with you, I mean you guys do argue but it’s like once in a blue moon yk
You and Makota didn’t really argue much because he never really did anything to piss you off or annoy you whatsoever
And you didn’t do anything to annoy him either so the relationship was calm majority of the time
But this time you guys into a argument because of you being jealous, you loved Makota and you know he loves you as well but you couldn’t help but feel a jealous when it came to Kyoko
Despite the fact she already has a romantic partner of her own you still felt that she was better than you for some reason, she was smarter, faster working and catching than you were
You don’t have anything against her but those feelings kept getting stronger and stronger to the point you and Makota broke out into a argument which made you both distant towards each other for a bit
Kyoko figured out what was going on and had a talk with you as she reminded you that both her and you are equals and she sees you as highly as you see her and reassures you Makota seeks no interest in her in that way
After hearing that out you quickly texted to Makota and went over to his place and apologized, he obviously accepted it not wanting for both of you to continue ignoring each other
But he told you if you ever feeling such a current way again just talk to him about it first
Mondo owada
He apologized first
It was normal for you and him to break out into arguments and such since sometimes Mondo would act without thinking and it could annoy you at times
And sometimes you did some ridiculous things as well that pisseed him off as well but this time he did something that really set you off
The other biker gangs were getting bigger and bigger and was looking to claim the spot as the 1# Biker gang in the country
Due to this they were looking to take down Mondo and his gang, obviously not wanting to lose Mondo give it his all to win but unfortunately the other biker gang hand something up their sleeve
They thread to take you and hurt if Mondo doesn’t give up his spot as the 1# biker gang unfortunately for the other gang and without thinking
Mondo blurted out saying how you and him broke up and while ago and they could do whatever they want
The other biker gang actually being dumb took his word for it and believed that you and him broke up since they don’t got evidence to even prove your both still together
Unfortunately for Mondo, the word spread like wild fire as it was long before it reached your ears and as soon as it did both you and him broke out into a argument
He kept trying to tell you the reason why he would say shit like that but you kept cutting him off just leading to both of you shutting each other out and walking away pissed
Not long after a few days and some help from friends, Mondo came and apologized to you, he told you he understood that he was in the wrong for speaking without thinking but he admitted he didn’t want for you to get hurt because of him
As you apologized just back because you didn’t hear him our earlier as well as you both decided it would be best just for the both of you to keep your relationship in private
Chihiro fujisaki
He was gonna apologize first but was nervous because he felt like you didn’t want to see him and he didn't want to push it so it ended being you who apologized first.
He still feels bad even after you both made up, even if it’s not his fault he’ll still feel somewhat responsible for arguing back with you.
He hates arguing with you honestly and most of the time y’all get into a argument it ends with him crying
Which you [Obviously] feel bad about it and this causes you broken to make up right away in the end
The reason why you guys started arguing in the first place was because he kept trying to push himself to be stronger and even staying up at night doing it.
You told him you didn’t like how he was “overdoing” it and he told you not be worried but you kept going and ended up being an argument
Long story short you came back to him and apologized and he agreed he was in the wrong for making you worry so much about him.
Kaede akamatsu
She apologized first
The thought of you and her being mad at each other and not speaking with one another really bothered her a lot so she called you and met up with you at a cafe to discuss about.
No matter what the both of you were arguing about she just really wanted to patch things back up even if you’re in the wrong she just want you both to be loving with one another.
Honestly the reason why you both started arguing is because you missed her concert and she really wanted you to go, she wanted you to go so bad that she’ll remind you everyday but unfortunately you had a long and tiring day so her concert completely slipped your mind.
Kaede would’ve be usually understanding because she knows how hard working you can be but this concert meant a lot to her and you sleeping over it made her feel as if you didn’t care in general.
Which that’s when the argument broke out and stormed away and she just stood there pouting and being annoyed and that was 2 days ago which bring us to here.
She was sitting across from you in the cafe and you just sat there, the only words you both shared is when you came and said hi but not for long she broke the silence and started apologizing.
Of course you forgave her and told her you were in the wrong and apologized back. Lucky after that nice moment, the argument went away and you both went back to your loving lives with one another.
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detectivesplotslies · 2 months
I've got smoke, I've got mirrors, what's next?
Saimatsu Week 2024 - Day 3: Swap / Seasons @saimatsu-week
Description: Ultimate Inventor Kaede Akamatsu wants to ask the Ultimate Magician Shuichi Saihara about a trick she saw! Word Count: 2,314 Read on AO3 here
“And then when the audience was looking over there, the magician opened the latch and folded the fake wall, halving the space and hiding it, right? I’m right aren’t I? I didn’t get to examine the box but from the angle I saw it, that’s gotta be how it works, but then I tried making one at home and one of the measures wouldn’t quite work, but I ended up making a pretty nice space saving cabinet and… Saihara-kun are you okay?”
Kaede tilted her head, ponytail bouncing a bit as she came out of her excited ramble and noticed the stiffness of the boy in front of her. His hands, which had been nervously fidgeting with the brim of his top hat before, had gone rigid. She leaned in and a bit lower to get a glimpse of his eyes under it, and saw they had widened in panic. As her face swam into his view, Shuichi backpedaled himself right into the desk behind them and fell to the ground, hat tumbling off and limbs askew.
After a brief moment of surprise, she straightened and hurried over to help him up.
“I’m… I’m fine, Akamatsu-san,” he mumbled as she yanked him back up to his feet. “I uh… I have to go.” He retrieved his hat from the floor, shoving it down low over his face and started towards the hall. Kaede blinked.
“Hold on! We were talking!” Well, she had been talking, but semantics. Kaede hurried after the quiet magician. She had approached him earlier after everyone introduced themselves for two reasons. One was because she loved magic tricks, working out how they were done was such fun as an inventor, and here he was, the Ultimate Magician himself! Finally someone with the answers to the ones she wasn’t quite sure of. Despite his headstart, Kaede found herself catching up and matching Shuichi’s pace quite easily. Glancing at him sidelong, she could see he was adjusting his bowtie and avoiding her eye.
“Where do you have to go?” She decided to change the subject and watched his face as they descended the stairs side by side, narrowly avoiding a collision with a certain grinning pianist as he slid down the banister and past them, calling out greetings for the ‘wizard’. She rolled her eyes, but caught Shuichi’s sigh as well. When they reached the ground floor, he stopped, and peered at her with one eye from under the hat brim.
“Uh, well… Akamatsu-san… it’s just… um…”
“Yes?” she prompted, smiling encouragingly.
He glanced down the hall, and following his eyes she spotted Rantaro and Kaito, apparently talking about places they’d both been, loudly. Her eyes darted back to Shuichi.
“Did you want to talk somewhere else? Somewhere more private?”
“P-private?” Even with the hat she could see his cheeks go red. Her own burned a bit as she realized how that sounded.
“Y-yeah, I haven’t seen my lab yet, and it just opened so maybe we can talk there!”
“Oh! Uh… Yeah okay, we can do that.”
Bolstered, Kaede took the lead, turning them towards the front door of the school. Shuichi hesitated only a moment, before following her tread. The tails of his coat fluttered as he sped up. With the promise of talk when they got there, their walk settled into a more comfortable silence as they stepped out the door into the caged sunlight. The bars around them were still troubling to see, but there were other things to think about for the time being.
It wasn’t long before they were down the steps and walking toward a brassy looking building with a bit of an old fashioned look off to the side of the path. The door had a neatly welded pattern on it of little cogs, much like her own hair clips. Thoughts of their prison were replaced briefly with a giddy excitement. “Oh I hope it’s like my workshop back home, I have been itching to work on something!”
She reached out to grab the door and pulled, but stopped, and turned to hold it, looking back at Shuichi with an expectant smile.
He stared, fidgeting with his cuff as he peered between the doorway and her. “Don’t you want to see it first..? There could be something p-personal…”
“It’s a workshop, right? I doubt it. Come on, I insist! Not like I’m going to slam the door and lock you in!” Kaede joked. Seeing his alarm, she quickly added, “I promise.”
Shuichi hesitated a moment longer, then rolled his shoulders and stepped in. She followed after, letting the door swing after her.
It was dim inside and hard to see, and that alone brought some disappointment. Maybe it was silly to get her hopes up for something provided by a bunch of robot bears, but an Ultimate Lab sounded like something she could really use right now. Looking up, trying to find a light switch, she walked right into the boy in front of her, who had paused to look down at something.
“Oop, sorry about that Saihara-kun, I-”
There was an audible click as he stumbled another step forward, and she fell silent. The click was followed by a winding sound, then a rhythmic ticking. She stared around the place, trying to spot the source. It sounded like a machine, maybe something like a clock or timer? Or with the winding, maybe a wheel? It sounded like it was somewhere up above them, but the ceiling was so dark there could be a whole canopy up there and she wouldn’t be any the wis-
Her wrist was suddenly yanked hard, and Kaede yelped in surprise as she tumbled down to join Shuichi, who was crouching on the floor since she last looked down. She gaped at him, about to barrage him with questions when a whoosh of air flew past their heads, his hat falling and her hair blowing with it. Her eyes darted up to see the comically large mallet swinging down like a pendulum for another pass on the way back. “Whoa!”
The two of them sat on the floor watching the ridiculous thing swing a few more times before settling. Finally, the clicking stopped, and one by one the lights around the lab blinked on, bringing a warm golden glow to the space. There were shelves of jars, boxes and baskets full of odds and ends, parts, toys. There was a work desk lined with tools to the side under the brightest lamp. There was a record player that came to life as the last light flicked on, a jaunty classical tune playing. And of course, all around the ceiling and the walls were strings and tracks for what seemed like the most elaborate trap. There were ball bearings set to fall on springs, a fishing reel with a loose string that looped around a book on a shelf, a bucket dangling from a chain that was definitely full to the brim from the telltale drip. It looked like a cross between a child’s idea of a toy shop and a hermit’s jury-rigged idea of security.
Her eyes finally went to the floor, and spied the trip wire Shuichi must have pushed into when she nudged him. Had he spotted it already and stopped for that? Cautious, she stood up and poked at the mallet, then laughed aloud.
Shuichi stared up in horror. When she glanced down to see he wasn’t getting up, she hurriedly pointed at the mallet. “It’s inflated, like a balloon! Full of air. Come on, poke it!” Kaede held out her hand to help him up for the second time now.
“It is?” Taking her hand, the magician got back to his feet. He reached out to poke it suspiciously, watching the given under his finger before it bounces back to shape. “Why was something like this even here?”
“If I had to guess… Maybe it’s for people who didn’t knock?”
“...What?” Shuichi’s eyes found Kaede’s for a moment, before looking away, suddenly conscious his hat was still on the floor. She giggled, then pointed to the wire on the floor.
“See, it’s connected here then goes all the way to the desk at the back. That’s probably where you set it, so that when you’re working you can stop someone from rushing in uninvited, or disarm it when there’s a knock! I actually made something similar for my room when I was younger, but instead of a giant hammer it dropped a blanket from the ceiling!”
“You.. Your ceiling??”
“Yeah! I caught my dad in it a few times when he was trying to tidy up my inventions! Sure, it was a little messy but as long as I knew where everything was did it really matter? But wow, Saihara-kun, you noticed where it was so fast! What tipped you off? Or as a magician have you trained to have amazing night vision so you can run around the stage when the lights go out?”
“N-no, my vision’s normal. I saw the wire so I knew something was coming.”
“But you knew where it was coming from,” Kaede countered, putting her hands on her hips and tilting her head. “I could tell something was happening too, but you knew where. How?”
“...” Shuichi retrieved his hat from the floor, and glanced up. “...I heard the hinge and knew it was something swinging, and then felt next to us to see how high the f-furniture was.”
Kaede raised a brow and looked around. Sure enough next to them on the side the mallet swung front was a bench that came up to about her waist, right where Shuichi had pulled her down to. She carefully pushed the mallet and looked up at the ceiling and just as it reached the farther side she heard the hinge squeak. It wasn’t very loud, but they had both fallen silent when the clicking started, she had just been so focused on it. “That’s amazing that you noticed!”
“It isn’t that big a deal,” he answered, dusting himself off rapidly, and taking in the rest of the place.
“I think it’s really cool! That was like something in a spy movie, how you saved me!”
“But it wasn’t actually dangerous.”
“You thought it was, though, right?”
“...” The magician fell silent again, adjusting the brim of his hat.
The inventor huffed, but decided not to push it, walking further into the lab to marvel at all the materials. There were so many things in so many sizes. So much cool stuff she could make with these! She fished through a bin, checking some rubber tubing, a little bell, and even an old toaster before she noticed what had Shuichi's attention. She set her new treasures down and stepped over quietly to look at it as well, from behind him.
“...So, did you want to talk now? It’s just us,” Kaede prompted again, lightly.
“Well, the thing is, Akamatsu-san… Even if I wanted to, I can’t tell you how that trick worked.”
“Oh, it’s okay if you don’t know. But I figured the Ultimate Magician might!”
“No that’s… That’s not quite it. See, there’s a thing called The Magician’s Oath. I’m bound by my honour as a magician, and as my uncle’s apprentice.”
“An oath? Is it serious? What are the conditions?” Kaede asked. Then she realized. “Wait! Then you DO know how that trick works?”
“It’s not the point whether I do or not, it’s that even if I do, I can’t tell you.”
“That doesn’t seem fair, not even if I guess? What’s this oath anyways?” Kaede asks with a pout.
Shuichi sighed, and lowered his hand. He began to speak, or more likely, quote. “As a magician, I promise never to reveal the secret of any illusion to a non-magician, unless that one swears to uphold the Oath in turn. I promise never to perform any illusion for any non-magician without first practicing the effect until I can perform it well enough to maintain the illusion of magic.” He peered at her from under the edge of his hat. “When I became an apprentice I had to agree to that. It’s pretty simple.”
Kaede tilted her head, ponytail bobbing. “Yeah, it is pretty simple.” She cleared her throat. “As a magician, I promise never to-”
“H-hold on! What are you-?”
“I’m swearing the oath!”
“But you’re not a magician!”
“Well, yeah, but I have to swear the Magician’s Oath to become one right? Otherwise you can’t teach me anything!”
“You… What?”
Kaede beamed brightly. “I’ll become a magician! Then I can become your apprentice, and you can show me how to do the illusions, right? I bet having an assistant will make them easier to do here, you could even put on a show before we find your lab if I make the tricks”
“Why do you want to do magic? Aren’t you an inventor?”
“Why do you think I invent stuff, Saihara-kun?”
Kaede sighed, but her smile remained. “I invent things so people get to see something new. And what’s more new than magic tricks? Sure, I can make lots of other stuff, but this will be new for me too, and that’s exciting! Please, let me be your assistant.”
“I’m still learning myself, I’m not sure I can teach the stuff you want to know…”
“That’s fine! I want to know everything so anything you know is fine!”
“..You’re sure?”
Kaede nodded, and took his hand. “I promise! Now repeat the oath with me, I’ve already forgotten the words!”
Shuichi’s cheeks reddened under the shadow of his hat, but his hand curled around hers after a moment and he gave a shaky nod. “O-okay.”
Together, they recited it. “As a magician, I promise never to reveal the secret…”
A new duo was invented that day in the lab.
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luxexhomines · 8 months
Danganronpa Character Tropes/Patterns Across Main 3 Games
I'm sure this exists somewhere already, but I wanted to make a list for my own self-reference because I was analyzing the patterns across games, so I figured why not post it? Unfortunately, this ended up egregiously long, and I decided to stop and post it before it got even longer. I'm sure I missed plenty of things, but I didn't want it getting any longer. I already spent a lot of time refreshing my memory and poring over the Danganronpa Fandom Wiki to make this list, ahaha...
So, here we go--I made a few categories: 1. Personality, 2. Ultimate Talents, 3. Cast Dynamics, 4. Killing Game, and 5. Body Characteristics. Wasn't sure how to format it, but I tried. I didn't list their Ultimate Talents since I figured most people remember/know.
If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to pop into the replies or my askbox and we can discuss! There might be some you disagree on. Under the cut for Danganronpa spoilers and length!
Bossy toward men 
SDR2 - Mahiru Koizumi
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira (complete misandrist) 
Little Shits/Gremlins (& most obnoxious criers) /affectionate
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Made-up Words/Sayings 
SDR2 - Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Angie Yonaga
Most Unhinged Participants
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
Multiple Personas/Personalities
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (has DID; Genocide Jack)
DR1 - Junko Enoshima
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji (older sister)
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Mahiru Koizumi
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
DR1 - Mondo Oowada
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
Self-Esteem Issues
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
DR1 - Touko Fukawa
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Stoic/Serious Ladies
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama
NDRV3 - Kirumi Tojo
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Ultimate Talents
DR1 - Leon Kuwata
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Akane Owari
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Martial Artists
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira
DR1 - Sayaka Maizono
SDR2 - Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
Ultimate ???
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Rantaro Amami
Has Secret/Other Talent
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (as Genocide Jack - Ultimate Murderer) 
DR1 - Makoto Naegi (Ultimate Hope) 
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata (as Izuru Kamukura - Ultimate Hope)
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa (Ultimate Assassin)
Cast Dynamics
Protagonist & Friend Iconic Duo
DR1 - Makoto Naegi Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara Kaede Akamatsu
Mystery Solvers/Complicators
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
DR1 - Byakuya Togami
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
DR1 - Byakuya Togami
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Protag’s Guy Friends Who All Have That Same Loser Vibe
DR1 - Yasuhiro Hagakure
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
Breaks the 4th Wall
SDR2 - Gundham Tanaka
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Serial Killers
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (Genocide Jack)
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama (fake; “Sparkling Justice”)
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
Killing Game
DR1 - Makoto Naegi
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu (one chapter still counts!!)
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (as Junko Enoshima)
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
SDR2 - Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - K1-B0 (unknowingly)
DR1 - Junko Enoshima
SDR2 - Alter Ego Junko Enoshima
NDRV3 - Tsumugi Shirogane
De Facto Forensic Examiners
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
First Victims
DR1 - Sayaka Maizono
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)
NDRV3 - Rantaro Amami
First Killers
DR1 - Leon Kuwata
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura - SDR2
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu (as scapegoat) - NDRV3
Framed/Suspected of Murdering Close Friend
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji - SDR2
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Victims of Double Murders
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada Kiyotaka Ishimaru 
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira Angie Yonaga
Double Murder Culprits
DR1 - Celeste Ludenberg
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
DR1 - Sakura Oogami** 
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)**
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama*
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda** 
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi**
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara*
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma**
(* = became culprit, ** = became victim)
Non-Culprit Tries to Misdirect Voting to Execute All Participants
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Is Incited/Led by Antagonist to Murder
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
SDR2 - Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
Sustained Injury/Death Not From Participant Murder or Own Execution
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (as Junko Enoshima)
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu  (from Peko’s execution, not own)
SDR2 - Nekomaru Nidai
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
NDRV3 - K1-B0 (final explosion)
Mystery Victims
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (Chapter 5 reappearance)
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Makes Plot & Trial-Relevant Technology
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
Most Notable Character Development
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Himeko Yumeno
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Body Characteristics
Super Muscular
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
SDR2 - Nekomaru Nidai
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara
Tan/Darker Skinned
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
DR1 - Yasuhiro Hagakure
SDR2 - Akane Owari
NDRV3 - Angie Yonaga
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Small Girls
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Small Boys
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Breasted Boobily (reference to meme please don’t kill me lol)
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Akane Owari
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
DR1 - Alter Ego
SDR2 - Mechamaru Nidai
NDRV3 - K1-B0
Ahoge Havers
DR1 - Makoto Naegi
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - K1-B0
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Different, Cartoonish Eyes/Features
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Other patterns: 
At least one red-haired, one black-haired, one white-haired, and one blond character per game
At least one red-eyed and one same hair & eye color character per game
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plaindangan · 15 days
in a comedic, lighthearted, but not without some sexy tension and dirty words : Over the span of 6 month, each month kaede gets NOTICEABLY thiccer, turning into a mega milf version of herself barely 4 month in. We follow maki in a 6 part reaction (1 part per month) as she sees the slow but STEADY and large progression of kaede into a sexy mega thicc pornstar sized cutie (and of course each single month maki gets more and more jelly)
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
“I was told to keep a journal entry of my time in Hope’s Peak Academy recently, though, quite frankly I find it a waste of time. But, Hope’s Peak wants me to keep a written record of my monthly time here so I’m forced to go through with this. Honestly, though, I don’t see the point. It’s not like I expect much will happen here that it needs documentation. I guess I can talk about the people here…but, really there’s only one that kinda, sorta, catches my eye and isn’t God annoying.”
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“Kaede Akamatsu? That pianist girl…she’s not as annoying as the rest, and even kind of…tch. Why the Hell am I writing that down for you?! Look, here’s a pic of her. Just a regular blonde girl. That’s all, nothing more, nothing less. For what it’s worth, she’s pretty okay in my books. Just wants to help about the class, leaves me alone, isn’t trying to annoy me to death. At the very least, I can work with her.”
“...And don’t ask why I have a picture of her, alright?!!!”
“...Okay, I kind of take back my ‘regular blonde girl’ comment. Kind of. Sort of. Honestly, I think I might need my eyes checked a bit. Because over the course of this month…I swear something’s up with her body? It’s nothing too strange, but, she’s…bigger. I guess that’s the word I can describe her?”
“Look, here’s a picture of her.”
The picture itself was of Kaede sitting on her desk and seemingly talking with someone. Compared to how Kaede looked before, the most obvious difference was that her boobs had significant increase from expected to ‘how the heck did Kaede’s shirt and vest fit them’?  It was if someone stuffed balloons into them, and it wasn’t helpng that her skirt was a tad shorter too. Giving you even more of a look at her fluffed up thighs~ 
“Perhaps, she’s just an even later bloomer than expected? I mean, it’s really nothing that special. She’s still the same Kaede as before. Annoyingly peppy and trying to help others out. Though…can’t help but feel she’s also a bit…dimmer now? Probably just my imagination.”
“Okay, so it’s not my imagination and she really isn’t a regular girl, because how the fuck do you explain this?!!
In this, Kaede was leaning against a hallway wall - without a care in the world. In this photo, Kaede looks as if she said ‘screw that’ to a few things. One, she was no longer wearing her sweater vest, instead option to just rock the dress shirt full time. The problem that entailed came with how it was very obvious her boobs couldn’t be contained by it. Similarly to Akane, a lot of her cleavage was showing, but in contrast to the gymnast, Kaede’s tie was slipped between her boobs and, aside from the button holding her boobs in place, Kaede had left the rest of her buttons undone to show off her chubby belly in the shot. Skirt wise, while it didn’t get any shorter, Kaede was now clearly wearing a pink thong and was rocking it unashamedly. You also can’t help but notice that her lips were now glossy pink and she had a fake, pink, butterfly on her cheek as well. 
“What the Hell is going on? She’s so…flashy now. How the Hell and why the Hell does she grow this much and not…? Ugh!!! Is there a scheme in place?! Maybe…maybe I have to go looking around. This isn’t normal. Nowadays, she’s acting almost like a kinder, if sluttier, version of Miu. I see her take so many guys and girls into side rooms now that it seems like a miracle if she ever comes to class. Then again, suppose with that body now, people she could always fuck her way to straight A’s now.”
“Update - I’m currently at my wit’s end. I’ve been studying and looking out for any signs of who or what could be affecting Kaede and haven’t found much of anything! What could be the reason she’s like this? Wha could have transformed her so thoroughly each month? Here’s how she looks now...”
For this photo, Kaede was standing at the side in a classroom or the other, eyes downward (probably captivated by some cock or the other). At this point in time, Kaede pretty much ditched the dress shirt and tie. Replacing it was a bright pink crop top that…honestly, wasn’t doing much to ever really conceal the jumbo sized milkers. But, at this point, you doubted she cared, especially considering half of her nipples were practically showing out. Trailing downwards, you’d see that Kaede now had a belly button piercing and a star right above it. To compliment it, or simply because she wanted a switch up, she was wearing magenta booty shorts that still kept the thong peaking. Given how Maki took this angle from the side, you would now be able to see the shelf of an ass that Kaede was carrying and how little those shorts were covering it up. Looking up top, Kaede still rocked the glossy lips, but now had heart-shaped sunglasses on top of her head, in addition to a heart-shaped tattoo being on her left cheek now.
“As for demeanor, yeah at this point she’s pretty much what you think a blonde bimbo would be like. She’s giggly, kinda shallow, doubt she has much brain cells in use - and really fucking horny. She’s gave up any attempts at trying to be subtle. Now, she just walks up to whatever person she wants, kisses them on the lips and practically fucks them wherever they’re at. Hallways, buses, outside in the park. I’m sure she’s done it everywhere on campus. That stupid sexy, whor-fucking Hell. Scratch the sexy part, damn it!!”
“Got hopeful news and annoying news. Because, fuck you, I’m giving the annoying news first. That’s what you get for reading this far.”
“Annoying news first is that Kaede’s body and demeanor is still growing…and I think it’s catching on somehow? First, bodywise, she nows looks like this:” 
For this pic, Kaede was outside, waving and strutting down a sidewalk - with sheer confidence exuding from her. It seems as if Kaede had reached her final form. The first thing that would jump out at you is the fact she had gotten quite the tan, with her skin being quite the shade of brown. Encompassing such skin is the thinnest of things that can qualify as clothing: Pasties and a thong. Sure, there were other minor accessories she was wearing like a gold necklaces, bracelets, and hoop earrings, but when it comes to the major stuff that covered her completely? Yeah, no. 
The pasties were heart shaped, being plastered haphazardly over each nipple. It was sloppy, but at this point, one couldn’t blame Kaede for the change. By now her boobs were so big, not only where they easily dwarfing her head, one could likely fit several other people’s heads between them with ease. On her boobs, ‘PIANO’ and ‘SLUT’ were tattooed on the left and right respectively. Of course, her boobs weren’t the only thing that could be taken note of. On the thong front, it was sinking deep withing a giant meteor of an ass, and from the angle Maki took it, you could also see that running down the side of her right cheek to her right thigh was a stream of music notes. Still cared about her passion even as it’s clear it’s taking a back seat to a more ‘lewd’ interest.
“Seriously, why the Hell does she get to look like this?! I…I clearly don’t want to look like that either, it’s just…anyways. You see what she looks like right now, but that kinda pales to what she’s doing. At this point, she’s now doing 18+ lives streams that I know makes her big bucks given how much I can overhear her catty mouth at night, moaning. Got everyone looking at her now, and…looking up to her? More girls at the academy are trying to emulate her…and a lot of them are looking like her. Even stuffy types like Kirumi or high-class girls like Sonia? They’re looking and acting more like her…?”
“...Which leads to the good news, I think I might have found a lead to the source? Apparently, it’s connected to some new drug or the other by a ‘Ms. Zetsubo” chick or something? I need more information, but, hopefully, by next entry, I’ll have something that’s worthwhile…”
There’s only one sentence and a photo for this entry.
Attached to the photo was a photo:
The scene seemed to be a hotel room, and in it were two people. Both naked, though with one In the back ground a Maki with lipstick running all over her body, a lovesick smile on her face and eyes lit up in elation. Hm? Was it just you or did her boobs seem bigger as well? Well, perhaps that can be examined some other time as the main focus in the shot was a naked Kaede.
Giving you a wink and kissy face, alongside the V-sign?
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Goodbye to a "Hero."
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Are...you sure that this is a good idea?
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What? Leaving? I think I already made my stance on that clear.
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I think he means not telling anyone besides the three of us.
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I don't want a commotion before I go. That's not the way I wanna go out on.
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Not even Kaede Akamatsu? With the relationship the two of you have built up over these years, she owes a great deal to you. I'm sure she'd want to see you.
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What about Kibin? That goes double for her.
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Akamatsu's going through a lot right now. She needs time to recover, and I'd prefer her to spend time with her actual friends and family. Not me.
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Kuripa, you know she doesn't-
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Just stop...The only reason why you three were the one's clued in were because I thought you'd be the only three who really needed to know and/or gave a toss.
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Heh...Not even my own "girlfriend" wanted to come and see me off.
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Kibin? Wait, where is she?
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I don't know. She's not here anymore, that's for sure. Moved on to greater pastures. And to think she was actually gonna get the apartment to herself. Heh...I guess it's not much of a home if I'm not there.
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Are you saying that the two of you broke up?
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I guess so. I guess she just had enough of the unfulfilled promises...Can't say I blame her.
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...Oh...Kuripa...I'm sorry...
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Hmph...This might sound really unfair, but compared to getting all my limbs broken, my face blown off, almost watching my best friend die, and everything else that sort of happened? ...Breaking up with my girlfriend is by far among the better things that have happened to me in the last day...
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Are you all ready to leave?
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It's not gonna be the same without you here...You know that, right?
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...I know...But you'll manage. You've got Uchui in my place now after all, and he'll do a way better and more agreeable job than I ever did.
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Kuripa, come on. NO ONE could replace YOU.
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I am warning you now though. Try any funny shit like jumping off the building, and I WILL come back and catch you.
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Well, at least I know how to summon you if I ever need you again. But don't worry. I'm...working on that.
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At LAST! Well...anyway...I think I've-
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*Kuripa rolls his eyes, as all of a sudden, Komaru, Toko, Kaede, Shuichi, and Izuru suddenly appear, all of them (besides Izuru) looking miffed.
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You JACKASS! You really think you can leave without saying a word to any of us!?
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Is it really true that you're leaving the Future Foundation once and for all...!?
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There's no way we could just sit by and accept such a heartless farewell!
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Yeah! It's only right that you say goodbye properly to everyone before you leave!
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starxluv · 2 years
||Kaede and Korekiyo with a Obsessive/Stalker G/N Reader
i guess you could take this in a yandere sense if you want to 🤷‍♀️
oh yeah, and I’m making this take place in the killing game
Kaede Akamatsu 🎹💗
On the first day that you guys met, you were a bit too ‘clingy’.
It was odd, but she just assumed that you were just being overly friendly and acted like that with everyone.
Well, she didn’t exactly see you interact with anyone else but her.
In the morning, you were always standing at the door of her dorm room.
“Good morning Kaede! I see you’re ready to head to the dining hall, we should go there together!”
“Er…How long have you been standing here?”
“About 30 minutes.”
The odd thing about it is that you seemed to not notice anything wrong with the way you acted.
“You don’t see anything weird about that?”
Kaede asked you, feeling slightly uncomfortable.
“Nope!” You exclaimed as you grabbed her hand and started walking towards the school.
She was definitely feeling fear rise in her stomach, what was stopping you from killing her on the spot?
“You look so cute today! Did you do something new with your hair?”
Kaede was surprised, she did infact do a new thing with her hair. But, it was very hard to see.
“Wow, you really pay attention to me that much? I’m flattered, Y/N.”
“Of course I do! I watch you every single day.”
That’s when Kaede stopped walking, all of the alarms went off in her head.
“W-watch me? What do you mean ‘you watch me daily’?”
“Well, I watch you play piano, talk to Shuichi, sleep-“
“SLEEP?” Kaede cut you off once she heard that you watch her sleep.
“Not only are those things you just mentioned you weren’t there for. But, sleep?! What the fuck…?”
“Of course I watch you sleep, doesn’t everyone watch people rest?”
“NO. No, no, no! Only creeps do that.”
“Oh. Good thing I’m not a creep.”
She looked up at you, stepping away slowly.
“Sorry about this, but I think it’s best if I walk to the dining hall…alone…”
“Aww, why?”
You asked as she sprinted away from you.
Little did she know, this wasn’t the last she’d see you at her front door.
Korekiyo Shinguji📚
He thought you were very ‘interesting’.
That’s his replacement word for weird af.
Nobody really paid any attention to him, but you did.
He was very observant of his surroundings, and well, you weren’t the best at hiding.
“Y/N, what are you doing?”
He looked at you dead in the eye as you were trying to hide in a bush.
“……just living life….”
He feels flattered that you’re so interested in him, It’s very unusual for him.
(i’m trying so goddamn hard not to make this NSFW 😩)
He didn’t even introduce himself to you, yet you were already all over him.
“Kukuku, your rather ‘special’ nature makes you all the more beautiful.”
Though, he does get annoyed by it sometimes. Especially when he’s trying to do something in private.
Korekiyo was planning his infamous ‘seesaw attack’ as he messed with the floorboards.
“Hey Kiyo!”
He turned around as he saw you standing right behind him with a big grin on your face.
“W-what the-? How did you get in?! I locked the door!”
“I couldn’t get in so I took off the door, duh!”
Kiyo looked behind you to see that you quite literally used a screwdriver to unscrew the door off.
“Anyways, what are you doing?”
He knew he couldn’t actually tell you what he was doing, that would fuck up his entire plan.
But, he was very aware of your obsession with him, so perhaps you could help him.
“Hm, well Y/N, I’m working on an ‘experiment’ with these floorboards. I’m trying to see if they’re are capable of harming a human being.”
“Of course they’re capable of harming people, Kiyo. I’m not stupid. Tell me the truth.
Gosh darn it, he really did think that excuse would work with you.
It felt like his only option was to tell you the truth, if you didn’t want to help afterwards, he could just kill you.
“If you insist, I shall give you the truth, I’m setting up a murder trap.”
You stared at him, thinking to yourself if you should, run or stay.
It wasn’t completely morally correct to stay and help, but you stalking him proved that you barely have morals.
“Can I help?”
“Of course, Y/N.”
Korekiyo proceeded to win the killing game and live a good life. You died with all the others.
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poffyfluffnugg3t · 3 months
While listening to Revenge party and cautionary tale, I kept imaging
Aoi asahina as Janis and Mondo Owada as Damian.
And since I've already seen the Hamilton And Danganronpa crossover By @stressed-depressed-andobsessed
An the fact I've believed from the beginning that Mondo is a musical fan(who has hyper fixated on The Six and The lightning thief)
I might as well speak my casting thoughts so I can stop imaging danganronpa characters in musicals.
Kaede Akamatsu as Cady Heron:
She originally just wanted to be a part of the instrumental/choir but she decided to just tryout for a role. Now when she got the role of Cady, she just sat there. And by just sat there I mean she just said "Oh...cool!" Then silence followed. But everyone in her class was loud with excitement (And by everyone I mean Kaito and Gonta) But Kaede just stayed quiet for the most part
Junko Enoshima as Regina George:
This bitch automatically auditioned for Regina. Like there was zero hesitation (Then again she usually auditioned for the bad guy cause she's extra). But when she was asked why she wanted this role she straight out said: " oh I auditioned for this role because I like to be in the spotlight and control people!" She also tried to bribe the casters but they didn't accept but gave her the role anyway.
Mondo Owada as Damian Leigh:
Now Mondo didn't want to audition. He is doesn't like the Mean Girls musical or movie because he thinks that 99% of the characters are crazy. But Hina convinced him he should auditioned.
So he did. He was hoping for a background character. he got Damian. He wasn't made that he got a main character he was just angry by the fact he had to be in the spotlight of a musical he doesn't like. He excepted it at the end though.
Aoi Asahina as Janis Ian:
Hina wanted this role. Like from the beginning.and She specifically wanted Mondo to be Damian. No on else. Just Mondo.
Gretchen Wieners: Kiyotaka Ishimaru
He originally auditioned for the role of Aaron Samuels before being cast as Gretchen. At first he was angry with this role then he started relating to Gretchen.
Karen Smith: Ibuki Mioda
Ibuki was just there to have fun she honestly didn't care if she got a role or not. But she did and she loves it. loved the comedic potential of Karen's character and wanted to bring her vibrant energy to the role. Initially auditioned for the role of Janis tho.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu as Kevin Gnapoor
Fuyuhiko aimed for Aaron, thinking he would be able to get that part just because. However, his unexpected humor made him a standout for Kevin. His audition was filled with surprising humor and charisma, fitting Kevin’s entire character. He was slightly displeased with this. And unlike everyone else he still is
Byakuya Togami as Mr. Duvall
an obvious choice for Mr. Duvall. He auditioned for the part, and he was the only one who did so he got that role.
Kyoko Kirigiri as Ms. Norbury
Kyoko initially aimed for Regina, intrigued by the character’s complexity.(that was the only reason she auditioned for any role) However, her Personality made her more suitable for Ms. Norbury, a mentor and voice of reason. Her audition highlighted her ability to guide and support others, fitting perfectly with Ms. Norbury's role.
Kaito Momota as Aaron Samuels
Kaito tried to get his whole class to audition but only Kaede was willing to audition. When he got Aaron's he was really excited. And I mean extremely like the same type of excitement you see when a dog has the zoomies. He originally wasn't planning on auditioning for a major role but he just decided meh! Why not.
And that concludes this thing I've had in my head for three days now. And I know it's not leaving.
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