#girl did the same thing to shuichi like omg
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for fucks sake someone get her diagnosed
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sips-tea-cutely · 3 years
I dont mind if long or short, but the drv3 guys accidentally looking up their s/o's skirt? Horny anon found her way to upskirt porn -🍑anon
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NDRV3 boys accidentally looking up their s/o’s skirt
note: sorry for disappearing for so long, i had venti and zhongli brainrot. also, maki got sick
cw: religion (rantaro)
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#Rantaro Amami
if this was staged somehow, istg, they better start praying to every god they believe in
if it was just an accident–– uhm
just headcanoning that rantaro’s a good catholic kid like me, so he probably learned the consequence of sin
he just ✨k n o w s✨ he sinned because he can’t look you in the eyes at all
lowkey dramatic about it too hehe
#Ryoma Hoshi
haha what if miu just pushed him under bc he’s just so tiny hehe
he’s just gonna pretend that never happened
he’d probably apologize in his lab as not to embarrass you any further
if someone, say kokichi brought it up again, ryoma would just stare at him until they ran off (like how he did after miu said that bad joke in cht. 2)
#Korekiyo Shinguji
he would be mildly embarrased
but how? he's over 6'
well, you're beautiful- er, that sounds pervy
i mean yes, you're gorgeous, he DEFINITELY regrets it, but you have nothing to be ashamed for, he should really apologize
i think he'd let you borrow something from his lab as an apology
this was an interesting experience, i suppose
he'd still rather burn 'i'm a bitch-ass pussy' on his head rather than it happening again
#Gonta Gokuhara
omg noo
red face, i’m so sorry gonta
“gonta so sorry, s/o! not gentlemanly at all…”
he’d be so ashamed 😭😭😭
angie might’ve made a–– h0rn33 remark
he’d try to give you a ton of things to make it up to you
materialistic things, acts of affection, etc…
ok but gonta is filthy rich, he’d buy you a ton of stuff just to say sorry
he could probably buy martha stewart just from his entomology discoveries alone/hj
#Kokichi Ouma
he's play it off as a joke/lie thing
side note, my guy is the human embodiment of /j ngl
"nishishi, s/o! you're soooooo lewd! why aren't you wearing any undergarnments?"
-followed by a bitchy remark by miu herself
i saw an NSFW headcanon that after the dance/make-outs, he needs some time to himself, its the same here
he'd brush the incident off by asking kiibo if he can shoot fists like baymax
he's flicked on the head by kaito for being such a dick
dw, he apologizes later in private!!
#Kaito Momota
lmao he probably accidentally saw it while carrying you with his head between your thighs
he promises he didn’t do it on purpose
idk but i think he'd just regret his entire existence lmao
he’d probably avoid you for a while like he did to shuichi in cht. 5
it’s ok, it eventually washes off and he’s pulling you to sneak out of your dorm again!!
“s-s/o! i sincerely apologize for my actions! i will erase this from my memory bank!”
miu would tease him hard
im getting ripped tonight, RIP kiibo
*sits in regret*
he'd def be terrified of it happening again so he'd cover his eyes when girls entered the room
the thing jay from modern family would do to mitch and cam
tenko would be proud ngl
kaede woud have to tell him its okay cause he has been doing it forever now
#Shuichi Saihara
kaito would immediately help shuichi up, bro thingz
haha, poor shuichi, tenko would beat his ass too
most of the guys would get kicked in the balls by tenko actually
he apologizes sm, bless his soul
okay but i think he’d go back to the hat but he’d be shit on for it
like someone might think ‘because he wears the hat to cover eye contact, he must be hiding his pervy eyes!!’ unironically made it miu lmao
alr, but i don’t think he’d have the balls to face you for a couple days, he’s so embarrassed
seriously can’t win with my guy 😔
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charlotteswriting · 4 years
I enjoyed sally's mask ask with sdr2 cast can i have same but with ndrv3 cast?
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Here you go, anon! I hope you enjoy this — you also requested this with THH cast so I’ll be writing that today, too! :D -Mod Kaede
Shuichi Saihara
He is aware of your boundaries so he won’t pressure you about it but he is really curious of your face!
The first time he met you he thought you were wearing it because you lacked confidence but when he found out the real reason he felt sorry for you
If you were to take your mask off in front of him, he wouldn’t look away though he’d be shocked but also happy that you trust him enough—he gets really emotional🥺and sweet🥺
He doesn’t really mind your appearance. He fell in love with you because of your personality and he still thinks you’re the (most beautiful/handsome) prettiest person in the world!!
Kaito Momota
He’s so noisy about it LMAO
Constantly begs you to take it off and he acts like literally a child—i ain’t joking😌😌
Though he knows his limits and will stop insisting once he senses it annoys you-
If you trust him enough to take your mask off in front of him, he’ll be more than excited
Once you take it off he’ll give you A HUG because he wants you to know he APPRECIATES it
If anyone dares to hurt you or judge you he’ll back 🤺 them 🤺 off 🤺 grrr
Not on his watch😌
Ryoma Hoshi
He’s a member of “Appearance? More like Personality ✨✨” Squad
Seriously though, he isn’t even gonna ask you to take it off. If you felt confident enough about it, you would and he knows that
Doesn’t pressure you not even a bit🥺
If you were to say something like “You won’t probably like it,” he’ll disagree as soon as you say that. He’s like: Not in my house.
He wouldn’t be against the idea of you taking off your mask when you two are spending time alone.
If you took your mask off in front of him, he wouldn’t think pity, he’d just feel sorry that you’ve had gone through something so harsh.
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta, being the gentleman he is, won’t let anyone or anything hurt you🥺
He’s probably the most understanding one bahahah
He’s the type that will caress your wounds and will tell you how amazing you are if you’re having struggles or looking down on yourself
Just stoooooop. Gonta thinks you’re amazing and you don’t deserve this!
Gonta won’t judge you if you were to take your mask off in front of him—he wouldn’t mind your appearance—he’s the type that will compliment about it!!
But he means it. You’re pretty/beautiful/handsome just the way you are!
Kokichi Ouma
Aaww, he’ll do anything to see what’s behind that mask of yours!
He’s asking you many questions and messing with you—simply does anything for you to take off your mask (didn’t pass the vibe check)
But I feel like he’d stop if you told him to- THANK GOD
He’d be reaaaally impressed by your appearance and if you were to look down on yourself—well, let’s say you’ll be receiving LOTS OF KISSES AND LOVE
“You look stunning and that’s no lie, S/O!”
He thinks you’re so charming, literally flawless. Tell them, Kokichi 😌
Still a perfect match, hehe
Korekiyo Shinguji
Same people different fonts
He’s already blinded by u!! If you were to take off your mask you’d just make him love you more bahahah 💀
Nothing really changes, he just admires you
He doesn’t mind if you decide to wear your mask, he’ll let you know he’s gonna accept you anyways,
He’s ready to tell you nice words and show his affection if you’re feeling insecure
“S/o, I can’t believe you were hiding this from me. You’re still breathtaking.” ajjejtjrkgfgk he’s cheesy like that<3 kthkyhhjj he’s just being sweet
Your appearance don’t really matter to him since he fell in love because of your personality and your beautiful nature🥺🥺
Rantaro Amami
He’s a chill guy but when it comes to you I can say he’s the sweetest one around <3
He’s so easygoing and will not hesitate to tell you how beautiful you are needed or not aejtkktg
He’s like your biggest supporter!!!
You taking off your mask around him means so much to him because it basically means you trust him enough to do that and he holds back his tears all the time:(
Fuck it. Not only that, you trusting him itself means the world to him😩💞💞
Rantaro, you guys have been together for a long time now lmao why’re you so surprised-
Let him have his happiness
K1-B0 (Kiibo)
He. 🥺
He kiNd oF wants you to know that you’re the prettiest human he has ever seen
And if you’re having a hard time accepting this absolute TRUTH, he’ll take that as an insult
He’s reaaally curious of your face but he doesn’t know how to bring it up and always stutters and embarasses himself so do a favor for him and tell him it’s okay
When you first took off your mask he,, screamed because he thought you dropped your mask and didn’t do that intentionally😤
He stared for a sec,, then looked away because he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, pff:(
But if you assure him it wasn’t a mistake, he’ll tell you the sweetest words you’ll ever hear🥺
Kaede Akamatsu
I kin her sm omg
She thinks you’re a literal sunshine and you didn’t deserve this
Neverthless she LOVES you and will let you know that anytime or anywhere!
She’ll support you and will tell you nice things about you if you’re seeking support 🤧
Respects your boundaries but can’t help but wonder about your face, too
So when you took it off for the first time she was so hyped about it!!
She thinks you have an angel’s face, it’s such a shame you had to go through that
Insists on keeping your mask off when you two are alone, if you say yes she’ll gonna be so happy about it aah
Tenko Chabashira
She couldn’t help but imagine how you looked like behind that mask of yours
You had to scold her multiple times for daydreaming too much, ugh
She thinks you still look stunning! You’re her S/o, there’s no way you’d look otherwise!
And she means that.
The first time she saw you she stared you for way TOO MUCH and you had to ask if anything’s wrong ajtkgrerkhhk
And she just says it’s because you look so pretty without your mask rkykyyjhjj 💍🧎‍♀️
She’ll ask for you to take off your mask more often
So you keep it off just to see her reactions and she boosts your ego with her kind words
Just kiss already smh 🙄
Tsumugi Shirogane
Okay but she was fangirling over you?? Before even you took off your mask??
Yes, your personality was what mattered to her the most. She loved how sweet, how nice you are to her🥰
If you were to call yourself mean things, she’d immediately disagree! “But how could you, S/o?... I think you’re really pretty...! With or without mask.”
If you’re having insecurities she’ll be there for you—her easygoing nature and kind words really helps you!
The first time you took off your mask...? *Fangirl Tsumugi noises* She had a nosebleed lmao
“You’re so beautiful/handsome, S/O!!!”
Maki Harukawa
She won’t ask you to show your face unless you mention it
She acts cool
But inside, she’s begging you to take your mask off so she can see your blessing face😤
Won’t admit but she already knew you looked cute under it, pff
“S/o, why you still bother to wear it? You know, you don’t have to when it’s just me and you,”
Bahahahah she’s finding excuses just to see your face-
If looks could kill, she’d die from your beauty but will she ever tell you that? Nope.
Also will kill anyone that dares to attempt hurting your feelings, I mean how could they?
She feels sorry for you and understands you. As her S/o, you’re someone she can open up to and is actually grateful you can open up to her as well🥺
Angie Yonaga
You didn’t even have to take off your mask in the first place because she was already ready to accept you!!!
She thinks you’re already perfect
If you were to take off your mask she’d have a big smile on her face and would give you cute compliments about it just to express her happiness
“S/o, even Atua thinks you’re breathtaking!” Yeah, and by compliments I mean she conveys compliments told by Atua.
They’re her true thoughts
She thinks you’re so precious you even inspire her to do more art ✨✨ Whenever you are around she feels herself filled with passion
Since you make her feel at her best, she’ll do the same for you. Her favorite thing to do is planting kisses on your face.
Himiko Yumeno
At first she might look as if she isn’t really interested about your appearance
But that’s just her nature. She’s actually curious in her own unique way but doesn’t know how to bring that up
Even though compliments from her are rare, they always make you feel better about yourself because they’re coming from HER
But how she wants to see your face? She’ll probably say stuff like her magic can cure your face or something like that lmao
But when you actually take it off, she just forgot her words
“Your face doesn’t need my magic, S/o. It’s already perfect.”
You’re like: 💆‍♀️
But at the same time: 🥺
Kirumi Tojo
As the amazing person you are, your mood being as amazing as you are is one of her priorities
So if you’re feeling down, she’ll be there for you until you’re feeling better
Holding you, cuddling, telling you nice words etc.
You’re someone she can be relaxed around, so she wants you to feel the same
So she’ll politely ask you to take off your mask when she’s around you, which you’ll agree after thinking a little about it
She doesn’t judge you and she’s down to do anything to tell you she appreciates your existence
Which makes you feel a lot better about yourself
“S/O, please know that I’m here for you anytime. And know that you’re pretty.”
Miu Iruma
Hahahah this girl
This girl wanted to see you so much that she literally kneeled down and cried to you
Seeing her like this, you played along a bit more, it was fun seeing her cry like that
“Okay, okay, stop. But don’t freak out, okay...?”
She didn’t get what you exactly mean. Did you look bad??
When you took off your mask she was even more confused. Because there stood you that looked as much as pretty as her???
No! She can’t drool over you now!
“What?! You’ve been hiding this from me? What’s wrong with you, S/O? You’re so hot!”
And she boosts your ego like that even when you don’t need it
If nobody got you, Miu got you, amen
Aahhh this took so long aıekfgkrkfgkkhj REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!! And you can always dm me if you want!! :) -Mod Kaede
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princesskokichi · 4 years
shuichi, rantaro, kokichi, and korekiyo when their s/o sleeps over for the first time ( SFW )
hah, yeah, sfw riiiight ? ah, these kind of things are so funny to me to write,so it was hard keeping focus on the important stuff & not the funny small details - Mod Kokichi
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[ K O K I C H I ]
- he didn’t think his s / o would actually want to sleep in the same room - so, you know, he didn’t,, do anything different - he went about his normal nighttime routine, pretty much ignoring you - his “ nighttime routine “ is literally splashing some water on his face, and finding something to do as quietly as possible to occupy his time - that night, it just happened to be plotting world domination - he’s really bad at falling asleep. he’s got boundless energy, what do you think he would do with that energy ? just drop it in a cup to come back to tomorrow ? - his s/o was kinda vibing in the kitchen, fixing yourself a smoothie because what time is a perfect time for a smoothie rather than 01am ? - he eventually drifted into the kitchen, surprised to see his s/o - kichi : “ oh, you’re not asleep,, “ - s / o“ i was waiting for you to tell me you were sleepy, dumbdumb. “ - kokichi kinda,,, well,, he did something kokichi would do - kichi : “ alright ! then let’s go into the bedroom ! but, instead of sleeping, i can think of something 100x more fun than sleeping :D “ - no he wasn’t aware of the implications - you were about to scold him when you realized what he was talking about - s / o : “ oh, yeah,,, sure, i’ll plot world domination with you. “  - kokichi took you by the hand, rushing up into his room before you could even get your smoothie - ah, all well, you’ll clean it up tomorrow - he sat you down on the floor, which had been “ cleaned “ up enough to have a large map of the world resting in the center - kichi : “ alright, let’s be real here. if we take over china & the usa first, then everything else would probably be really easy. “ - s / o : “ two words : russia & britian “
[ K O R E K I Y O ]
- he did not care in the slightest that this was your first time sleeping over with him - but that doesn’t mean he didn’t make it special, because things like this deserve to be rejoiced in a simple but important way - it had been planned for you to stay over, but he didn’t really have any other plans other than some vague ideas he thought he might act on  - turns out you,, weren’t interested in really doing anything that took a lot of effort during the night - yeah, you were happy to be with him - but baking at 10pm ? that’s a little too much for you - so when you told him, he nodded knowingly - kiyo : “ these activities are more for a dating setting, but you are just staying over. of course you would like to do something more appropriate for the time. “ - its kind of hard to just drop baking right in the middle, so you had to wait until the cake was out & covered before you could finally retreat into the bedroom like a tired introverts,,, wait - you sat down on the bed, watching him go through some books in his miniature library ( the closet. you don’t know where his clothes are ) - he grabbed on & started to read it to you, much like if you were a child - in the end, since you liked his soft voice, you snuggled up to him & listened to him read  - he probably woke you up after you started to snooze off to tell you to straighten yourself out on the bed instead of on him, because its “ better for your back “ - he wasn’t lying, but the more important reason was that his arm was falling asleep while holding you & he could no longer feel it
[ S H U I C H I ]
- oh god - oh god oh god oh god oh god  - you were going to see that he was a total pig when he sleeps ( he’s not, but that was the anxiety talking ) - it wasn’t planned for you to stay over, but you had suggested it so sweetly since you had walked to his place & now it was dark, too dark for you to walk home on your own  - so whether he was prepared or not, you were staying over at his place - he had excused himself halfway through dinner to have a mass clean of his bedroom - yeah, you had seen his bedroom before, but you never slept in the room, so he felt like if it wasn’t clean when you slept, you would have a hard time sleeping - he’s not really a dirty person omg - but he does have a lot of manilla folders & photos & legal / illegal documents scattered about the place - he also figured it would be hard to for you to sleep with a cork board of the evidence of the latest crime he was working on out in the open, so he put the board in his closet so the murder scene wouldn’t be staring you in the face while you slept - he came back to dinner a little tired, and you knew what he did, but said nothing other than a very appreciative “ thank you “ after dinner, with a peck on the cheek. - shuichi : “ why’d you say thank you ? you’re the one who cooked dinner. “ - s / o : “ i was talking about cleaning your room. i didn’t have a problem sleeping in there & i was actually planning to sleep on the couch, but thank you for thinking of me sweetheart. “ - ah, he was in love with you
[ R A N T A R O ]
- as he is with everything, he was very chill about you staying over  - a few of his sisters were still young & lived with him, so he had enough room in his place to hold you  - you thought it was great that he took care of his sisters, the youngest barely being twelve - so it was five girls, you, and rantaro in the house - but even with the amount of people there, come nighttime, it’s basically silence throughout the entire building - you had no idea how he managed to do that, but he did - rantaro : “ the moment it’s dark outside, they’re all asleep. even manisa, which i don’t understand how. “ - s / o : “ you’re the best older brother figure ever, duh. “ - rantaro, slightly laughing : “ maybe. “ - you were chilling with him on the couch, which is something that never really happens because he’s always moving during the day, reading a book he got from your latest travel expedition  - it honestly felt like a dream to you - so much so that you ended up falling asleep, your head resting on his shoulder - once he realized you were asleep, he moved slightly, trying not to wake you up, just enough so that your head was settled more into his armpit than his shoulder, so he could wrap his arm around you & just hold you for a bit - eventually once he had finished ten or twelve chapters, he’d wake you up gentle & lead you towards his bedroom while you were still half asleep - he let you snuggle into his chest as he wrapped a blanket around you, completely content just to lay there until he could drift off to meet you in your dreams - he’s also the kind of guy to make pancakes for you & his sisters in the morning 
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despaired-hcs · 5 years
DRV3 boys x Short!reader Headcanons
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Art not mine!!!
Word count: 1k+
Requested: No
Warnings: None
A/N: Hello! These are my first hcs for the danganronpa fandom but I’m certainly going to write more. I just love these boys with my whole small heart You’re going to notice Korekyo doesn’t appear in these and be like “Oh, lala, you dummy, you forgot Kyo!” but I do remembered him, I just choose not to write about him. Ever. Anyways, enjoy!
Gonta Gokuhara
Omg you’re so tiny next to him
Gonta is extremely careful with you, he’s afraid his superhuman strength will break you
He will help you with anything he can
Oh, you have to grab something at the higher shelf? Gonta can lift you no problem
You sprained your ankle? Gonta will gladly carry you home
He has to scoop whenever you two will kiss, so you tell him it’s okay to lift you up a little if it will ease his back
So expect lots of him picking you up and spinning before sweetly kissing you
Really, Gonta gives the softest kisses
When you’re both siting he gently holds you close by your waist and leaves quick pecks all over you face and neck
And he absolutely adores when you cup his face with your tiny hands
If you want to heat things up you’ll have to sit on his lap, straddling his legs
He’ll be a blushing mess but will keep kissing you as the soft baby he is
So it ends up with you firmly grabbing his shirt and kissing the life out of him
Gonta will surely show you his insect cage and compare you with the little ones
“You so tiny and cute, remind Gonta of ladybug!”
Later you notice how he refers to the ladybug by your name
“Today Gonta no could feed (Y/N).” He murmurs to himself, intensely staring at the insect
So pure
Gonta will fight anyone who insults or makes jokes about your height
Kaito Momota
You’re so cute he can’t handle it
He’s always there when you can’t reach something just so he can show you how tall and strong he looks as he reach the thing you need
Really, he will appear out of nowhere if you need him
He passes one arm around your waist and leans down to kiss you passionately whenever he’s proud of you even if it’s just for changing a light bulb
Kaito definitely gives you nicknames because of your height
“Little (Y/N)”, “Small bean” and “Baby girl” are the ones he uses the most
But he will get pissed if he sees anyone calling you that especially if it’s Kokichi
If you’re into high hells he’ll gladly buy you some
Cause he just loves the smile on your face when you’re just a little bit taller
He absolutely loves when you’re on your tiptoes to kiss him
Or when you pull him down by his jacket to reach his lips
Especially in public, he likes being seen with you
He likes putting his hand on the top of your head as he explains something to you
“See, little (Y/N), you can’t just trust people like that.”
And he would totally be that person who leans forward with their hands on their knees to be the same height as you
And he would regret it forever cause you got PISSED
Kaito will also throw fists at anyone who mentions your height as something bad
Kiibo doesn’t really care about your height
But he does like the fact that he’s taller
It makes him feel stronger and shows you how you’re safe around him
So expect him to ask if you need help literally all the time
“Yes, Kiibo, I need help. Come here and kiss me.”
He will be blushing and overheating as he quietly obeys and leans to kiss you
And later he realizes you didn’t need him to kiss you, you were just messing with him because he was bothering you
And he blushes even more
So since that day he stops to admire how you overcome your small stature with smartness
From grabbing a chair to reach the cabinet with the plates to throwing pillows to kill mosquitoes
He just finds you amazing
Kiibo will do anything if you ask with those puppy eyes and mentions how tall he is
He gets really nervous when you ask him to carry you on his shoulders, ‘cause he’s afraid he’ll drop you
But then he just can’t stop smiling at how you keep excitedly telling him how tall you are
So he loves carrying you around and making you feel taller
You made him the happiest robot when you sweetly asked him to lean down just to kiss him when he did so
Kiibo argues with anyone who makes fun of your heigh
Kokichi Oma
You being short is a big deal here
He never says it, but you know he’s kinda insecure about his height
People not believing he’s a supreme leader and not taking his advices seriously cause he’s short, it all stresses him
So yeah, he really likes the fact that you’re short as well
And he’s constantly bothering you because of it
He likes to enter your room while you’re off and hide things you like the most (like your favorite shoes) in the higher shelves
Just so you have to climb over chairs and boxes to grab them
No, he doesn’t do it because he has a great view of your butt while you’re up there searching
If you ever do the same with him, he will reply with “come on, (Y/N), grow up! I told you it wasn’t me!” and run off before you can hit him
He absolutely adores your hugs, since he can rest his cheek on your shoulder and you can do the same on his (the supreme hug)
And he loves how he can just pass one arm around your waist and keep his other hand in the back of your neck and take his time while kissing you
He actually encourages you to wear high heels sometimes
And when you do he always asks “so how is the view?”
But he also goes like “aww, my little (Y/N) finally grew up!”
It’s good to see you from other angles from time to time, but he never admits he likes it
Kokichi could totally get used to when you’re taller than him, with your arms around his shoulders, and slowly leaning down to kiss him
  Bonus if you two are kissing and you get out of your heels, it makes his heart flutter (and he blushes a little too)
Kokichi will make anyone’s life a living hell if they dare to make fun of your stature
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro loves everything about you
And that includes your height
He loves hugging you and resting his chin on the top of your head, calmly rubbing your back
He will try leaving important stuff at the lower shelves
And will always be there if you need help to reach anything
Sometimes you mess with him and keep asking him to grab things you actually don’t need just to watch him
And when he notices what you’re doing you’re so screwed
He tickles you until you ask for mercy (and since he’s way taller than you there’s no escape)
He loves your laugh and loves tickling you, but he knows the limits
Rantaro likes to hug you close by the waist and kiss you passionately, your back slowly arching as he leans in
He also likes it when you quietly approach him from behind and leave kisses all over his shoulders and back
Especially if you’re doing it to catch his attention so you can properly kiss him
Wear his shirts, just do it, he’ll blush so cutely
Rantaro will never forgive anyone who insults you about your height
Ryoma Hoshi
Even though you consider yourself short, Ryoma is shorter
And he’s okay with it
He likes how there isn’t that much height difference between you two though
Ryoma tries to act cool and let you be, but he’s always there when you need help
His house has shorter wardrobes and shelves and he already said you can stop by whenever you want or need
Ryoma will blush a lot when you pretend to whisper something in his ear and kiss his cheek
(And even more when you take advantage of his embarrassment to kiss his lips)
He’s afraid he will hurt you so he tends to keep some distance from time to time
But when you two are close again he’ll tenderly hold your hand and won’t let go for a long time
Ryoma kisses you slowly and with so much love you almost can’t take it
He’s ready to kill anyone who makes you feel bad about your height
Shuichi Saihara
This boy is so soft for you
He keeps staring lovingly at you even when you’re just existing
Shuichi never mentions your stature or make jokes about it
But he does like it when you ask him for help
He feels so useful and he’s just glad he can do something for you
Shuichi usually kisses your knuckles and forehead, too afraid to go for your lips
So you have to hold his sleeve to make him lean a little and stand on tiptoes to kiss him
And once you do, Shuichi won’t let go for quite some time
He will blush madly and giggle if you ever wear his hat
Or his shirt and coat
He just loves when you’re wearing his clothes
Just like Kiibo, he will do almost anything if you ask with puppy eyes
Shuichi doesn’t like to see you wearing uncomfortable high heels just to get a little bit taller
But if you really like them, he’ll get used to it and sometimes buy a pair
His favorite view of you is when you’re in front of him with your arms open wide, asking cutely for a hug
Shuichi won’t let anyone talk about your height in his presence
PS.: Requests are open, guys!
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Can you please do a Yandere Pre Game Shuichi x in game Kaede? Shuichi never got his audition, so Kaede remained the protagonist. He stopped liking DR, but he finds himself more interested in Kaede and only watched it for her. After finding out she and the other survivors escaped. He ran into her by chance as she hides from DR. He nabbed the girl and kept her tied up in his place. He thought if he could get her pregnant she won’t leave him.
Hiya!! Omg so this is like the first ask that I've ever answered on this blog omg. But I really wanna actually start writing something and I loved this prompt, going right into that beautiful dark messed up alley that I love!
But here are a few warnings before you decide to read: Super duper messed up and delusional Shuichi, kidnapping, light sadism, mentions of non-con and also possible forced impregnation.
If you're okay with this then please enjoy but if not then please don't read as I don't want to trigger or hurt anyone with my writings!
Shuichi had always loved Danganronpa. It was his escape from his sad excuse of an existence. His parents were never around in his life, always being too busy with getting drunk as all hell or just getting fucking high. He had to be independent from a very young age.
At school it wasn't exactly easier. He wasn't stupid and got good grades for what it was worth. Really he was one of the smartest students in his entire class.
Wouldn't this have meant that he had a lot of friends if he was such a good student?
Hahaaa, no.
He had absolutely no friends. Everybody were too creeped out by him. Nobody even bullied him because of the sounds of pleasure he made and how his face went red as well, just to add things up.
Plus his utter obsession with Danganronpa probably didn't help either. He basically breathed danganronpa at this point. It meant everything for him but even if anybody else liked danganronpa then they were never willing to talk to him about it because of his complete obsession over it and how his body started to tremble from joy and it almost seemed like he got turned on when he talked about deaths, executions and characters. It was just way too much for anybody to take.
So because of that he had nobody to talk too and he had accepted it. It hurt, yes, but he had accepted it that he was bound to be alone.
When Danganronpa had auditions for the new season then he had excitedly went there in hopes of becoming one of the new characters. God it was his life long dream. There were other people as well. He didn't pay them much attention but his eyes did move towards one girl with long, flowing blonde hair and violet eyes.
But after he saw her it was his turn to go and enter the auditioning room and no matter how hard he tried then eventually he was declined of a spot and was truly left devastated.
Shuichi felt so angry, so fucking angry and just done with everything. He had dedicated his entire life to this game and he didn't even get a spot that would have truly made his entire life? Well fuck that. Just fuck everything!
That was his slow declining of his obsession with danganronpa, nonetheless he still watched the new season and the only true good thing about the entire game was Kaede. Oh she was like a literal angel. Kaede Akamatsu, Ultimate Pianist, was her talent. She was so beautiful, so kind and sweet but yet so headstrong. Such beauty and grace in one person shouldn't be real but it was and he was the one witnessing it.
While his obsession with Danganronpa had disappeared then it was completely replaced with Kaede. He dreamed of Kaede, both during night and daydreamed about her in the day. He was in love with her. She was the perfect girl and she was supposed to be all his. Yes, she didn't know it yet but one day they would be together forever and ever. Nobody could ever tear them apart from one another. Such a beautiful thing to dream about.
However he grew deathly jealous of those who talked to her in game. Who did those fucking assholes think they were touching his angel?! She belonged to him and only him! Nobody else could ever appreciate her the way that he did. Imagining stabbing them to death always brought a smile to his lips. He would kill for her. He would hurt himself for her and truly give his life if that's what she wanted! His life meant nothing without her in it!
He had been thinking for so long how he could obtain that beautiful girl for himself. It felt impossible.
But then...
Fucking finally god decided to give him a break from all of his suffering and give him a present.
The male had already obviously learned of his beloved and other 'survivors' managing to escape from Danganronpa which had never happened before so Team danganronpa was after them. But what he hadn't expected was to be face to face with his beloved.
She had bumped into him and that sent her stumbling onto him as they fell to the ground. So cliche but he had no time think about that when his angel was here. This was a pretty secluded place where he was at and he always went here for walks. His poor darling looked like she really had gone through a lot.
"You're Kaede!" He said and smiled, hiding the true obsession he felt for her behind someone that just happened to know her which at this point everybody did because there was quite the money for anybody who brought at least one of the contestants to team danganronpa. But he didn't need money when he had her.
She had paled and the poor girl had bags under her eyes. "P-Please don't give me up! God please I don't want to go back!" She had begged him and he had to fight absolutely every fiber inside of him to not suffocate her with his hugs and kisses. He had instead smiled at her in a comforting manner and placed his arm on her shoulder.
"Hey it's okay. My name is Shuichi. I'll help you. I have a place where you can hide out." Of course she looked a little suspicious of a boy she had literally just met and who also offered her a place to stay. But she also looked so desperate and it looked like she had truly been on the run forever. So she was sleepless and her mind wasn't probably completely at the right place. "O-Okay. Just please help me."
A bright smile came to his lips when he grabbed her arm and pulled her along quickly with the hidden roads. Of course he was careful and they made it to his home safely. He had let her sit down and brought her a glass of water that had been drugged. His beautiful blonde had so gladly accepted it and drank it all in just two gulps.
In no time at all the drugs kicked in and she fell off the chair and onto the floor. He squealed in utter glee and picked her up in his arms, kissing her forehead. "Baby! We'll finally be together forever and ever! God I'm so happy!" He giggled and brought her to the basement, a soundproof basement.
Shuichi had already prepared everything for her. Even if he was never sure before if he could bring her here then it was always better to be safe then sorry and he had been completely right.
There was a fairly comfy mattress in the corner and also chains. He chained her up from her ankle, deciding to not chain up the rest of her body.
Well at least not yet.
When his beloved had woke up then she had been so happy that she cried and even screamed of joy! Even the few mean words that she had said had made him so happy.
The two of them had become one the same night he brought her to her home, where she belonged. He had waited way too fucking long and now that she was finally here in his arms he wasn't gonna waste any more time.
His beloved continued to cry those tears of joy with every thrust he had made into her. He melted from her warmth and he had left marks all over her body.
"P-Please stop! No! Stop it please!"
She had said those words but his lover was just confused from the pure joy of them finally becoming one. He had cuddled her weeping form close when he had finished and they fell asleep together.
Time passed and she had warmed up to him a lot more by now. Even if she did try to escape and almost managed to when he had removed the chain from her leg after she promised that she wouldn't run away from him. That she loved him. He had happily trusted her but she had broken it and tried to run away.
Well let's just say when he caught her he wasn't happy at all and the girl suffered a lot that night, so many cuts were left on her body and he had mindlessly used her body for his desires with blind rage. She was his and she would never ever leave him.
Shuichi was also doing this because he wanted them to become a family. He wanted her to be pregnant because with a child they would be even more happy together, forever.
It was another time of him having to force her to take a pregnancy test and everytime they had come back negative, leaving him devastated.
But this time...
Oh my god, it had actually happened.
Tears of joy ran down his cheeks as he showed her the positive pregnancy test. He giggled and hugged her close.
"We are gonna be a family baby! I love you so much honey!" His beloved cried from joy in his arms as she trembled heavily.
He was so glad that they were both so overjoyed!
Finally everything was completely perfect in his life and he couldn't be happier. Him and his beloved girlfriend would be together forever and raise a child. His dreams were finally true and Kaede's as well.
Why else would she keep crying so much from joy?
He kissed her forehead and cuddled, continuing to talk of their future.
Everything was finally perfect.
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murdertrialimagines · 5 years
V3 Boys getting saved from a Gang by their S/O!
“Can I please request the V3 boys reactions to their s/o saving them from a bunch of gang members? And perhaps(if you're interested in writing it!), The boys find out that s/o has "dealt" with them before, and is afraid of them leaving because of this? Thank you in advance for this, love! You're doing an amazing job with your writing!”
Omg I love this idea!! I have so many ideas for each character! Story under the tag! NOTE: I made it so the V3 boy’s really go to Hope’s Peak! Also some cussing! 
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi usually walked home from school with you, but you had some errands to run around the city today
It didn’t bother him much, it gave him a chance to just walk and listen to the sounds of his city
That is, until he came across a street that was completely empty.
He looked around, now noticing the stillness in the air. Had he taken a wrong turn?
As Shuichi turned, a hand slammed into his shoulder, twisting him back around and knocking him to the floor. He recovered from the sudden force and looked up, seeing a knife pointed at his face. Four people surrounded him, all wearing scarves to hide their faces and hoodies to conceal their heads
“You go to that Hope’s Peak, right? How much does it cost to go to a big shot school like that? Probably tons, now give us your bag!”
Shuichi grabbed the strap of his book bag, picking it up off the floor. 
“I-I don’t have any cash on me!”
The knife was thrust closer to his face, one of the boys wrestling him for his bag. “That’s a horrible lie, now give it up!”
They struggled for the backpack, and Shuichi could feel his grip on his belongings loosening. 
Right before he gave up and let them take the bag, Shuichi felt someone rip the bag from both of their hands, swinging it at the closest attacker
He watched as the familiar figure continued to beat the gang, screaming incoherent words at them until they fled
“And stay away!” Yelled his protector, as he watched the four teens run back the way he came. Shuichi took a closer look at his savior, breath catching in his throat when he saw their face
His girlfriend gave him a sheepish smile before helping him up, returning his backpack
“Good thing your chemistry teacher made you take the textbook home today, huh? That thing is a brick!” She giggled
Shuichi stood, stunned. His girlfriend saved him?
“Y/n, I am completely thankful for what just happened, I really am, but how did you know I was here? That I would be getting attacked?”
I honestly just happened to be walking by and noticed what was going on. Haven’t you heard? Recently Hope’s Peak student’s have been getting mugged around this area, that’s why I have pepper spray. Plus, I know who those kids are, they used to mess with some friends I had.”
“Wait, you’ve fought that gang before?”
“Yea, a couple times.” She looked down at her feet. “Is that weird? I mean, I’m kinda in a feud with a local gang...and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Shuichi pulled Y/n into a hug, smiling into her hair
“It’s perfect, I’m glad you know how to protect yourself.
Kaito Momota
Kaito was used to accidentally getting into arguments, the occasional fist fight here and there
So when he got into that tiny fight with that kid on the sidewalk, he didn’t think nothing of it. Just his hotheadedness making his life slightly more difficult than it needed to be.
He had totally forgotten about it as he was on his way to Y/n’s job at a local bakery to have a Sunday lunch with her while she was on break.
He was almost there, could even see the shop when he felt his arm being tugged, and was harshly pulled into a nearby alley
“Hey, what gives?!” He regained his balance and looked up, slightly paling at the sight of four or five guys, almost immediately noticing a familiar face with a now black eye
“We heard what you did to our friend, pal, and we don’t exactly take that kind of treatment kindly around here.”
Kaito felt his hands ball into fists, already knowing his mouth was gonna cause some trouble. “Hey, your punk friend started it! I was just trying to get passed him when he decided to be an idiot!”
He felt a sudden pain on his face as his head was forcibly turned to the left, his cheek throbbing in pain. Did this guy just punch him?!
“We were gonna let you off with an apology, but it seems this tough guys needs a lesson taught to him!” 
Kaito dodged the next punch, but a kick threw him to the floor. He barely leaned out of the next kick, and managed to knock one of the guys down by kicking his legs out from under him. 
He knew that was a lucky shot, he would never be able to take on all of them at once! Another kick hit his shoulder, knocking him on his back
Before he got up he heard a yell, and a blur running over him at the people. He sat up to see his girlfriend, still in her apron and holding a fork, pushing the nearest guy back.
Kaito watched as one of them reached for her, but she quickly stepped out of the way and hit him in the nose. Kaito could see the blood running from his face as he backed out of the fight.
Another charged at Y/n, but a scream rang out. Kaito watched as the kid staggered back, fork lodged in his forearm.
As they all turned and ran, one of them shouted back. “This isn’t over, Y/n!” 
Y/n yelled back a crude insult before turning around and squatting, holding Kaito’s face. “They didn’t hurt you too badly, right? Oh, your face is all red! We can put a milkshake on it at work.” She pulled him up
He got up, dusting himself off and staring at his girlfriend. Oh, his absolutely amazing and stunning girlfriend
“Y/n, I have never been so happy to see you!” He pulled her into a huge hug. “How did you know I was...why did they know your name?!”
“I heard the fighting through the open window of the kitchen. On the whole, them knowing my name part, they tried to mug me after work once, but you know how Maki helps me train sometimes. Now I keep an eye out for anyone they try to hassle. Sorry if that scares you...does it?”
“Oh, absolutely, but I know you can handle yourself amazingly well, especially after the awesome show you just put on!”
Y/n sighed,grabbing her boyfriend’s hand. “Good, now let’s go before they decide to come back. Besides, this makes three forks they owe me back for.”
Ryoma Hoshi
Ryoma knew he was on the hit list of the mafia, but local gangs too?
He was currently being held against an alleyway wall by the collar of his jacket, tennis racket knocked away from him. Shame, this was the one night him and Y/n had time to have a proper date.
“Someone said they’d pay us big money to bring you to them, but they never said we had to bring you completely intact, so a few markings couldn’t hurt...” He watched as the one next to the guy holding him pulled out a sharp pocket knife, smirking as the blade popped out. He closed his eyes as the knife came closer to his face, ready for the stinging pain.
Ryoma quickly opened his eyes, seeing his girlfriend standing at the opening of the alleyway. Oh, she looked stunning in that new white dress, hair done slightly, and the new necklace he had bought her resting on her neck. How the rose pendant framed her perfectly.
One of the boys laughed, turning his head towards her. “Is this your girlfriend, kid? How did you score that?” Y/n took a step back, clutching the strap of her purse tighter
“Don’t touch her!” Ryoma yelled, kicking his legs. The bad guys snickered, lowering the knife from his face. 
“Oh yea? Would doing that make you cooperate more?”
A few of them moved towards her, her words demanding them to let Ryoma go fell on deaf ears. Ryoma struggled more, until he heard one of the guys speak
“Holy shit, it’s her! I barely recognized her all dressed up!” ‘Her?’ 
Ryoma watched as Y/n swiftly pulled something resembling brass knuckles out of her purse, punching the guy nearest to her. The punk yelled and stumbled back, holding his cheek
Ryoma let out a gasp as he was dropped, all of them now trained on the girl whom they all seemed to know. What was going on?! He quickly picked up his racket and helped fight the guys, until all of them were either running away or knocked out on the floor.
“Are you alright?!” Both of them asked at the same time, resulting in a half forced laugh. Y/n nudged the collapsed guy nearest to her with her foot, him letting out a groan of pain.
“Ryoma, what happened? Why were they after you?” She grabbed his hand, holding it tightly.
After he explained the situation, and calmed the fear in her eyes, it was his turn to ask a much needed question.
“Y/n, how did they know you?”
She gave a winced smile, eyes averting to the wall. “Well, they actually tend to do this a lot, though they’re not much good at fighting. We both know I can fight, so I try to help people out when I can. They’re honestly not much of a challenge. I guess they know my face now!” She let her signature smile out, Ryoma deadpanning. Was this really a good thing?
She looked back at him, eyes going round in fear. “Is that not a good thing? Do you not want someone who does that? I know you’re already stressed by having to avoid gangs yourself, I doubt you’d wanna have to babysit me...”
Ryoma squeezed Y/n’s hand, letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. 
“Y/n, I love you so much, but you’re going to give me a heart attack some day. I will never leave you, got that? You sticking by my side after knowing the danger I’m in is more than enough for me to trust you with my life, let alone my heart.”
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro has had his fair share of run-in’s with gangs, especially since they knew he came from a considerable amount of money
But once he met you, and you two had started dating seriously, he tried to be extra cautious of thugs. After all, how long until one of them uses you as leverage?
He always made sure to walk where people were, but sometimes he needed some quiet to think. That’s why he had decided to take a walk around Hope’s Peak’s gardens on the weekend, knowing no one would be here besides some students studying or working on their talent
Rantaro had put earbuds in to listen to music, which is why he didn’t hear the guys sneak up on him, one covering his mouth and another restraining his arms
“Okay, rich boy, give us everything you have, now!”
Rantaro gave a small smile as they removed their hand. “Well, I can’t really give you anything when I can’t move.”
This earned him a kick to the stomach by a third man, causing Rantaro to hunch over in pain.
“Hey guys, how much do you think we’ll get in ransom for twig arms here?”
Rantaro struggled in their grasp, trying to pull free, but to no avail. How had they gotten much stronger since last time?
He listened as they laughed and prepared to drag him off when he heard a yell from a familiar voice.
“Hands off, assholes!”
He felt the grip on one of his arms rip away, and he used that leverage to pull his other one free. He turned around, ready to punch the guy who was behind him when he saw that someone had beat him to it
Y/n, his girlfriend, was kicking one of them into the dirt, the second one already on the ground.
Rantaro saw the third one standing in what seemed like disbelief or fear, before he tackled him, making sure that he didn’t try to attack his girlfriend.
Once all of them were on the floor, Y/n grabbed Rantaro’s wrist an sprinted off, him nearly tripping from the sudden speed
When they were sure they were in a crowded enough place, Y/n let out a sigh
“You’re so lucky I had to come and make up that test, Rantaro.”
He smiled lazily, putting his hand on her head
“Good job Y/n, have you been training with Tenko?”
“Nah, I started taking self defense lessons the last time they tried to get me”
Rantaro’s smirk fell. “The last time?”
Y/n froze, wide eyes looking up at her boyfriend. “Ah, well, I guess they know we’re a thing, you see, and they tried to get me.”
Rantaro moved his hand, now resting it on her cheek. “Y/n, you know I want to keep you safe, one hundred percent, I’m afraid I won’t be able to...”
Y/n moved from his grasp, looking up at him with those same wide eyes, now with a hint of fear in them. “Is this a problem? Do we have to break up?!” She grabbed his hands
“No, no no no! I’m glad you can handle yourself, but I don’t know what I would do if they got ya. I’m just saying I want you to keep an eye out too. I’m gonna hire the best self defense teacher we can find, okay? Try to stay away from the gangs, but if you can’t...” Rantaro grinned, closing his eyes in the smile
“Kick their ass.”
Gonta Gokuhara
Why anyone would target Gonta besides him being an ultimate, I have no idea
But these thugs were fairly new, and wanting to seem tough, decided to pick on someone that would definitely get them street cred
That’s why Gonta was completely caught off guard when three people approached him in the park while he was waiting for Y/n so they could have their weekly picnic
He had been silently sitting on a bench, thinking about his girlfriends great cooking when three people surrounded him, smirking. 
“So big guy, we’re new around here, how about you give us something to, settle us in, hm?” He shoved Gonta’s shoulder
Gonta looked at them, flashing them an innocent smile. “Well, there’s lot of fun things to do! You go downtown and-”
The kid slapped Gonta, which in reality did very little to affect the entomologist.
“You know what we mean, or are you just that stupid?” Gonta stood up, stepping away from the bench
“That...that’s not nice! Should respect others!”
The boys followed him up, stepping closer to him
“Geez guy you really are mentally challenged!”
Gonta was about to respond when he heard rapid footsteps, along with a familiar, out of breath voice
“Gonta! I’m so sorry I’m late! The dog took my shoe and-” Y/n paused, now having approached her boyfriend and seeing the new people. “What’s going on?”
One of the boys laughed. “Is this your girl?” He approached Y/n, whos grip on their picnic basket tightened
“How about you hang out with us instead of this loser? I bet we can have a good ti-”
The boy was cut off by a wicker basket to the face, head turning at the impact. “What the hell?!”
Y/n hit him again, this time in the stomach. Her boyfriend watched as she swung at the other two who dodged, but were still shocked by the sudden attack.
She went to swing at one of them again when the first one grabbed her shoulders and shoved her, causing her to fall with a yelp
Her basket crashed next to her, some of the food tumbling out. 
Gonta ran over to her, helping her up. When she grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes, she saw more red than she had ever seen in them.
He helped her up and handed her her basket before turning to the boys.
“You guys are not gentleman, hurting Y/n like that! Only bad guy would hurt a lady!”
The boys were trembling already, when Gonta ran at them
They all screamed and scattered, one of them tripping as they sprinted out of the park
Y/n watched Gonta’s back as it moved with every breath, shocked by how angry he had gotten. She had never seen him like that...
When he turned around, all she saw was concern in his eyes. Gonta immediately ran over and looked her over, checking for any injuries
“Y/n not hurt, right?! You fell hard!”
She gave him a soft smile, putting her hand over his. 
“I’m fine, Gonta, promise. They’re not that tough, I don’t know why they go after people they obviously can’t handle.”
Gonta sighed, pulling Y/n into a hug.
“I’m worried they come back...”
“it’s okay, I’ve beaten them before, I can do it again!”
Gonta pulled away, holding you by the shoulders
“You’ve fought?! But you get hurt fighting!”
“I promise, I’m fine, they never land a hit on me, today they just happened to be able to.”
He pondered this, before nodding.
“Okay...but I want be with you next time you out late!”
You pulled him back into a hug
“Of course.”
Kokichi Oma
Kokichi knew it was bound to happen at some point
He was the leader of a secret organization, after all!
And by that he means he pulls pranks on people who deserve them (and sometimes they don’t).
So when a new gang showed up near Hope’s Peak, he knew he was going to have a field day
Christmas must’ve come early because this is an amazing gift!
He started off by doing harmless things, buckets of water on doors, glue and feathers, his usual game
But when Kokichi realized that this gang was actually attacking people, robbing them or beating them up, he knew they deserved worse
He started doing things to scare them, setting small (yet contained) fires in their hideouts, booby traps that end up with pencils in their legs, things that could possibly spook them enough to run out of town
So when he was walking to his organizations hideout and was pushed against a wall, he put on his best grin
“Hey now what’s going on? Can’t a boy go to his evil work and do evil things when he wants to?”
This resulted in him being pushed back harder, the grin on his face faltering ever so slightly
“Stop screwing with us, okay punk?! Or do we have to give you a real warning?”
Kokichi watched as one of them men behind the leader pulled out a pocket knife, flipping out the blade
“Awww, c’mon! We were just having fun, right? You can totally join my club if you want, and that’s not a lie!’
Kokichi grunted has a fist collided with his stomach, causing him to cough
“That wasn’t very nice!”
“Kid, we never play nice.”
He watched as the knife got closer to his face, and he felt it faintly touch his cheek when he heard a small honk
They all turned to see a toy car coming from down the sidewalk, beeping and making engine noises as it got closer
“What the hell?” One of the men picked it up while the other wandered further down the street, looking for the person
While they were inspecting the toy, Kokichi heard a yell come from the other side of the street, turning just in time to see a face he knew very well running up
Y/n, the last person he expected to see, came charging at his main attacker, what looked like their physics book in hand. She swung at him, hitting him in the neck
The man fell with a cough, wheezing out a breath at the brutal attack
Kokichi straightened up, picking up the now dropped knife and holding it
He turned to see the next two people running at him, quickly dodging and letting one run into the wall
The other ran at his girl, who easily tripped him and beat his back with the book, causing yells of pain to come from the fallen boy
Kokichi’s attacker recovered from his collision with the wall and dove at him, earning him a knife to the shoulder
The stabbed man screamed, clutching his shoulder before running off, the other two quickly following suit.
Y/n walked over to the toy car, picking it up and putting into the back that hung on her shoulders
“Are you okay Kokichi?”
“Never better! Say, why do you have that cool car? And how did you know I was here? And how did you fight them? And how did you-”
Y/n shushed him, putting her hand up in a stop motion and putting her book back into her bag as well
“I have it because I’m gonna put a stink bomb on it and drive it into Kaito’s lab. Second, I was on my way to your hideout to get said stink bomb. Third, those guys are everywhere! Constantly ruining my pranks!”
“Y/n, you’ve fought them before? That honestly worries me, I don’t want you to get hurt, and that’s a truth!”
“It’s fine, though now that they know we’re connected in a way, they’ll probably come at us again. I hope that wont change anything between us...?”
Kokichi grinned, putting his hands behind his head
“Nah, you’re stuck with me. And besides, what safer place is there than with the guy who’s specialty is getting away from things?”
Y/n giggled, pulling one of his arms down and dragging him away
“Good, now let’s go get those bombs!”
Korekiyo Shinguji
Korekiyo has had his fair share of bullying, and never really had friends
So when Y/n came into his life, he couldn’t be happier, even if he didn’t express it much! 
He still got his fair share of weird looks and rumors though, but he didn’t mind it when he knew you didn’t believe them
So it was no surprise when he was in the public library, looking at books on ancient rituals, that a few people crowded him
“Hey, freak! When are you going to realize that you’re making everyone uncomfortable?”
Korekiyo ignored them, only taking in the symbol on each of their hands. A gang sign, perhaps? It was nothing he’s seen before
The leader tried to get his attention again by smacking a book out of his hand, causing it to crash onto the floor with a thud
Korekiyo just sighed, picking it up and trying to walk away
The boys followed him. “Hey, are you deaf or something, freak?!”
One of the boys grabbed him by the shoulder, spinning him around.
“Cut the act, freak! You know what we want!”
“I really...don’t”
The boys laughed, the one closest to Korekiyo grabbed him by the collar.
“We want cash, kid! Now give us your wallet or you’ll regret it!”
“Don’t you know you should be quiet in a library?”
The one holding him shoved him into a shelf, causing it to shake slightly.
“I don’t give a damn! Now give us all the money you got or I swear you won’t like what happens!” I knife was flashed in front of his face
Korekiyo sighed and pulled out his wallet. This would be easier than being stabbed right?
The boy went to snatch it from him when a hand reached out and grabbed the boy’s wrist, stopping him.
“Hey, that’s not very nice.”
They all turned to see a small girl, who they all recognized.
“Hey, why are you picking on people? Get lost.”
The kid was at a loss for words. was he really being told off by her?!
He let go of Korekiyo, who straightened the collar of his suit before stepping in front of Y/n
“I would advise you to not hurt her, she has a lot of people who could snap you in half...”
The boys still tried to shove past Korekiyo, but before he could block them Y/n stepped though, smacking the closest boy with her hand and kicking his knee, making him fall
She kicked him a couple more times before grabbing her boyfriend’s hand and running, making sure to lose the other gang members before they stopped by a small antique store
“Phew, that was close! They never learn how to actually fight, and I bet they don’t even use that knife.”
“Y/n, I’m glad you came, but how did you know how to fight him? I sense you two know each other...”
Y/n sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. “Yea, sort of. We went to the same elementary and middle school, and he always bullied me. I guess when I left for Hope’s Peak he must’ve turned to the gang life, and I think he still has it out for me.” She giggled nervously at the end. 
“Y/n, that doesn’t seem very safe for anyone you know, if you’re constantly being targeted like that.”
Her eyes immediately widened, fear showing in them
“Does that mean you don’t want to be with me?! I’m sorry my life doesn’t seem very safe, but I do try to keep these types of things away from the people I know, and-”
Korekiyo placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump slightly
“Nothing like this will make me leave you, sweet heart. I assume it just means I have to learn to protect myself as well...”
Y/n smiled, holding his other hand. “Let’s go ask Tenko!”
Kiibo could very well protect himself from any attack, if he was prepared
The problem is Kiibo doesn’t want to hurt anyone, so he’ll try to use words to diffuse a situation
So when he was walking to Miu’s for the party she was throwing for the class, he was caught off guard when three people grabbed him and threw him into an alley, surrounding him
“So, you’re the robot, huh?”
Kiibo scanned all of their faces, not recognizing any of them
“Yes...I am the robot?”
“Heh. Well, how much would that school and your creator pay to get you back? Probably a lot, right?”
“What do you mean?”
“You have weapons right? I would advise not using them, or they’ll find nothing but your garbage can body in a ditch.”
“Hey, that’s a robophobic remark-”
The main boy yelled at him to shut up, pulling out a taser
“Come with us, and no one needs to get hurt, okay?”
They started walking off with Kiibo when a voice was heard at the end of the alley
“Kiibo, where are you going?”
They all turned around to see Y/n and Maki, both of them holding snacks for the party.
Y/n took a step closer. “Are you alright?”
Before Kiibo could respond, the main boy pointed the taser at Y/n, Maki pulling her back
“I recommend you walk away ladies, I don’t want to hurt girls!”
Maki set down her food, taking Y/n’s and placing it with hers
“Y/n, you run, okay? I got this.”
Kiibo tried to protest when Maki sprinted to the main boy, twisting his arm, causing him to drop the taser
He screamed in pain, falling to the floor. Maki ran for the other two, fighting them both at once. 
Kiibo watched from the dead end of the alley as Maki fought with ease. He wasn’t worried until he saw the third one get up, picking up his weapon and running at Maki
Kiibo yelled out, but before Maki could react, Y/n ran up, elbowing the boy in the neck and kicking him to the ground, snatching the taser from his hand
She pointed it at the two other gang members, who were bleeding and wounded from Maki’s ruthless attack. 
“Go away, or I will zap you!” She turned it on for a moment, the cackling sound of it causing them to bolt passed her and out into the streets
Y/n dropped the taser and ran to Kiibo, checking his body for injuries
“They didn’t fry your wires, or mess with any vital parts, right?”
Kiibo ran a quick scan, Y/n letting out a sigh of relief when he stated that there was no intense damage done to his body. 
Maki walked over, putting a hand on Y/n’s shoulder. “Y/n, how did you learn to fight like that? You’re usually so timid.”
Y/n smiled and grabbed Kiibo’s hand. “Being a Hope’s Peak kid already puts you at risk of things like this, and when you’re smaller and a girl, they see you as an easier target. I’ve had to deal with them before, but they’re nothing I can’t handle!”
Maki took note of this, reminding herself verbally to warn everyone at the party of this occurrence
Maki walked off to grab the food, and Y/n tuned back to Kiibo.
“Are you safe? I know you probably don’t feel safe...”
“Y/n, do you mean safe around you?”
She nodded, looking down
“These thing are going to happen regardless of whom we are with, and trust me when I say I’d rather be there to help you, than be safe and not be with you.”
Y/n looked up at him, his heart skipping a beat at her loving eyes
She smiled pulling him into a quick hug. When she let go she pulled him out of the alley
“Let’s go, I wanna tell everyone about how I beat someone up, none of them will believe me!”
Ahh, these last few feel so rushed! I’m super sorry this took so long, I’ve been really lazy and I have a huge exam coming up and my teacher keeps piling on work! I hope you enjoy it, and thank you for requesting something so unique!
314 notes · View notes
ryouverua · 6 years
Trial 6 - My Will, Our Will (7)
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A new challenger has appeared!
Trial: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
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Being on the other side of Shuichi’s glare and pointer finger is terrifying and now I’m understanding why all the culprits and others start freaking out so much. 8′D
Also, ooooh there it is, oh there’s Clair de Lune, i’mnotcryingyou’recrying
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A hope that requires two of their classmates to die... that’s the definition of ‘hope’ that was forced on them. K1-b0 is happy as long as he’s opposing despair - but Shuichi isn’t. I.... I think I understand what he’s saying.
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“S-Seriously Shuichi, I really don’t get a chance to be cool very often and you’re really stealing my thunder -”
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“You, uh, remember that my name is pronounced ‘Kii-bo’ too, right - ?”
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The music is continuing?!?! We’re using Clair de Lune the whole way through?? Man this is making even more of an impact than them playing the opening music - because there’s no triumph to be found here.
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He seems so betrayed! S-Sweetcheeks, we really need to finish his last FTE when this is all over!
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Oh..... oh....... oooooooh -
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Shuichi why would you say something so controversial yet so brave -
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mmm also look at my sweet v-counter skills guys -
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It’s not some great overwhelming force of nature, or some grand enemy to be conquered, something that can be easily shoved into a defining box! It’s a feeling, like anything else! And sure, despair is considered ‘the dark side’, but are we just going to let them also define hope for us?
also. ALSO.
THESE COMMENTS. THESE COMMENTS. I-I can’t stop collecting them -
No, that’s wrong!
What are you saying, hat boy? i might steal ‘hat boy’ that’s really good
Can’t say anything now, scrub
He’s not wearing a hat anymore. THE COMMENTER CORRECTED THE OTHER ONE GFGH
What if Shuichi is the mastermind? girl where have you been for the last hour -
I wonder who’s going to live.
Hope always comes in waves.
You’re slipping up, detective.
hurry up and vote
Show me hope.
There’s hope because there’s despair.
Suck it, hope
Keebo’s not gonna lose!
Keebo is hope...
and hope lives on!
Shuichi is the cycle of despair?
Things are getting interesting.
The fight’s just started!
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The endorphin rush they get when, despite all odds, the good guys win over the bad guys, reaffirming that ‘good’ always overcomes ‘evil’....
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Or worse yet, they revel in it, because to paraphrase a certain someone, ‘they’ll use these tragedies to shine even brighter.’ Watching someone rise above adversity and come out the other side even stronger is inspiring. For the same reason that we enjoy playing the games and cheering the survivors on when Junko or whoever is ultimately defeated in the end, this audience eats up every round of the killing game. They can enjoy that with the privilege granted by being able to observe it from the outside, just like us. But strip that layer away, and -
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I’m sorry, excuse me?
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What’s with that look, Tsumugi? Is it because Shuichi wasn’t actually supposed to fight for despair? Or was the idea that he would be cheered on/convinced by K1-b0, the same way that Naegi convinced the others in the first game?
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Th.... The music..... stopped....
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oh man maybe Tsumugi can hear the music cues. Maybe she realizes Shuichi is onto something. now I’m imagining every time the music shifts Tsumugi’s the only one aware of it, and she’s also the only one reacting appropriately to it ffhg
Also, I assumed that the punishment was execution... but was... was that the mental trap???
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Why wouldn’t there be?! They’re being ‘sacrificed’, aren’t they?!?!
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Everything would make sense -
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Oooh! Ooh - ! Is - is that what it is, then?!
Jeez, it’s super interesting to be in K1-b0′s POV for this - especially with Shuichi being the one asking us questions. Being in his POV before meant he never had the opportunity to really use leading questions like this, which really lends him an unexpected air of authority. Unexpected but earned, mind you...
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You continue the cycle....
Oh, poor, poor Rantaro -
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Did he have the same options laid out for him? Or did he know that he would be choosing to repeat the game? He still had the determination to end the killing game.. so was that left over from his last game’s iteration? How many times has he repeated it? For that matter, how long has he been in holding while they gathered new people??? I swear that one commenter said they had waited 3 years, so???? Rantaro how old are you?? 
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Was there only one person made into a sacrifice, or two like last game? .... side-eyes K1-b0 and Tsumugi -
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Does... that mean Tsumugi was the mastermind last game too, or....
Also Maki as the Ultimate Survivor would absolutely tear things up. They’d have to pull another stunt like they did with Rantaro if they wanted her out of the game. She definitely has the fitness and demeanour to survive, unless she snaps on someone like she did on Kokichi in Chapter 5.
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Just like Kokichi did, Shuichi is going to try and attack the game itself. His name really hasn’t come up since the motive video reveal, but I’d like to think that this strategy was inspired by his Chapter 5 plan.
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What an interesting set of characters to represent despair winning. First we have Izuru, being all disdainful of their choice and mocking him with the word ‘boring’ - very much his thing, but also reminiscent of Kokichi. In fact, I suppose the despair option is very similar to the stalemate situation Kokichi installed when he was pretending to be the mastermind!
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Then Celestia. She’s not a people-pleasing person. So why her? Thinking back, she was one of the most desperate to escape, despite hiding it... so maybe this is Tsumugi ‘showing’, not telling, that she isn’t happy with them choosing the despair option?
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And then the hope fanboy... basically telling them that despair is the inferior option, but couching it in positive language. Passive-aggressively pushing them towards the actual answer (s)he wants - very on point for him.
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Is it really okay to pass the buck like that?
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In perpetuity...
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I..... I don’t have an answer for that.
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It does... sort of suck that he’s singling out those two in his speech, because it can feel like he’s being dismissive of everyone else - but I don’t think that’s true. He definitely appreciates the losses of everyone else, but those two were the ones that hit him hardest.
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of course it’s bloody Komaeda over there having the time of his life during this speech
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First of all - how strange is it that there are only a few people who look like they aren’t in excruciating pain right now. Rantaro’s face can’t be seen, Angie, Ryoma and Tenko look like they’re sleeping, and Kaito is smiling....
And - ah, Kokichi can’t even be seen. But there ‘he’ is, with his own section in this collage - I guess that third ‘body discovery’ we had in chapter 3 was the closest we would ever get to something real, huh? Poor guy...
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“You said I’d be fighting the entire world, Tsumugi? Fine by me! Meet me behind the school after the trial!”
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“S-Shuichi that’s a lot of people -”
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That’s... true. There is a mental barrier that is hard to cross, especially if they’ve all conditioned themselves to accept real people dying for their own entertainment.
Also there are new comments, which means I am obligated to transcribe them.  Most of them is the audience turning on Shuichi, damn. Okay, here it goes:
Forget about Shuichi
You’re in despair, right?
show me the despair ending
it’s okay to feel despair sometimes... THANK YOU ANON COMMENTER
Why have we been doing this...?
Hope doesn’t turn back!
The big reveal, at last
And it was just getting interesting.
We’re the mastermind.
Are they blaming us?
hurry up and refute it
C’mon, Keebo! Attack!
Force hope through.
something’s different right?
C’mon Keebo!
No, that’s wrong!
No, that’s wrong!
What’s going to happen?
mmm... Shuichi’s eyes ^q^ SWEETCHI97 STRIKES AGAIN
What are you saying, detective?
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Oh!!! Oh shit!!! Shuichi you brilliant bastard!!!
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“Thank god - I mean, let’s be honest, we all knew this was coming - uh, I mean -”
Actually though, how depressing. So many times we’ve talked about ‘reasons to live’, and later on, reasons to die, and lo and behold here we are, at the end of everything...
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Shuichi’s learned from the best, Kokichi Ouma - sometimes, death is just a means to an end, and that end is usually flipping someone off.
Random thought - isn’t it interesting that Shuichi is the ‘lone man against everyone’ while Tsumugi, the final boss, is the one ‘acting on behalf of everyone’? When Naegi was trying to rally everyone on his side, they had known at that point that people had been fighting and dying to rescue them. For Hajime and the others, they had the defected Future Foundation members who had risked their own safety to come in and rescue them, and even had Nanami reach out to him. Shuichi, though... Shuichi came to this conclusion on his own, with everyone either against him or swept up in the narrative.
He told Kokichi at the end of Chapter 4 that ‘he was alone, and always would be’. But maybe... that’s not such a bad thing. Maybe Shuichi needed to be alone to have that clarity of thought, and to come up with a way to ‘end everything’. Anyway, it’s just an unexpected parallel I thought of - m-maybe I’m just inserting endgame Kokichi and Kaito thoughts here because the game didn’t. Whoops
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It’s not your own will. 8c
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Can you fight it? Do you have the ability to fight it? The strength of will?
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I love Monokuma’s priorities.
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omg we only have hope as a bullet
And all the noise says hope
Also Shuichi is dominating it too, holy shit! This strength in his voice is super inspiring!
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thank you for bringing back angry Hanamura it’s still one of my favourite things from the second game
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Ohoho I see what you did there with that line ~
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i’m sorry I was just curious about the fluff text
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“That’s redundant btw - I can read the comments just like the rest of you, and they literally are not shutting up about how much they want hope to win.”
speaking of which
What are you doing, Keebo?
Don’t give up hope!
Hope! Hope! Hope!
Please side with hope.
1 vote for hope!
I bet the mastermind is shocked. lol
Hurry up and show me hope.
Hope counter!
show us maki roll! oh hey she has fans too!
it’s unanimous hope.
Hope hasn’t lost yet.
Defeat despair!
cmon it’s hope again! right?
I’m routing for despair so *shrugs*
I got 10 bucks riding on hope. that’s it? weak
I’m on the side of hope, so...
I wanna break Shuichi’s fingers <3 SWEETCHI97 WHO HURT YOU
Huh? It’s hope?
So... So wow, even most of the people talking about wanting despair really did want the hope ending in the end. Shuichi read them like open books.
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This - this is why you’re the Ultimate Robot. Forget the upgrades - the ability to learn, grow, adapt and choose your own path is another part of your strength!
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WE.... WE’RE LOSING HIS POV..... We’re losing his POV?!?!
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Yeah??? You wanna expand on that???
T-Though I mean, they said they’re happy to let themselves die via no vote so exactly what can they do anyway? At the end of the day, they’re viewers, right? Relegated to an observational role. Powerful and untouchable.... but in turn, that separation of realities means what’s left of the class can’t be hurt by them, either.
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Tsumugi he literally said he’s fine with dying. Exactly what can you threaten him with here???
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How is it that after all of this, Shuichi is still unable to fight for himself? Maybe I should amend what I said before - he is fighting for other people. They just... well, they don’t know it yet. He’s fighting to prevent future victims, and he’s trading his own life to protect them. I guess in a sense he is fighting something ‘greater than himself’ like Naegi did, but even he had ‘hope that he and his friends would survive with a happy ending’. This is... completely the opposite of that.
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And we’re back in his POV!
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Oh man she is not happy about this. Not at all.
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Hey? Hey Shuichi? What - what the fuck does that mean? You were going to end it all right then? Mid-trial? Excuse me what the hell did you take poison with you to the trial or something -
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Oh - oh. I just realized. This... This was bloody foreshadowed, way back in Chapter 1 with the escape tunnel. With Kokichi’s speech to Kaede, about how she technically had the moral high ground when she was doing all the classic ‘we can’t give up here!’ encouragement, we got to see firsthand hope being weaponized against us. It was right there.
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Of course they have Naegi pleading for hope here
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He’s just talking over her omfg
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You trivialized their lives in the first place and now they’re supposed to consider them sacred?!
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It’s literally the only thing that still wholly belongs to them, so what other choice do they have???
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Wait what is happening -
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i can’t believe she was a slytherin this whole time
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I’m quietly relieved that she doesn’t ‘nyeh’ in her internal monologue
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this might be worse than nihilism - at least you weren’t able to use that
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How interesting to have him fighting us (along with Sakura and Peko for that matter, the former who literally threw away her life for her classmates and the latter who treated her life as a tool for Fuyuhiko). This was his philosophy and motive of his trial, but he also chose to be the killer and used his life as a means to save the rest of his class, right? Tsumugi, what are you trying to pull here?
Though I guess the whole point was that they were all trying to help the others survive, and Shuichi is getting the whole class to kamikaze themselves so...
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Damn, she didn’t take much convincing at all. It’s nice that she’s repping both Tenko and Angie here. 8′)
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FUCK YEAH WE NAILED THIS HIMIKO! We work well together, who knew!
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Himiko is so well-spoken here. And to think that she was the first to follow in Shuichi’s footsteps - I really thought it would be Maki. Good on you, Himiko.
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lmao that segway - Alright, now it’s Maki time, right?
also Tsumugi why would you phrase it in a way to piss off Maki like damn seriously??
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“No seriously why would you just call me out like that.”
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okay she has a point actually
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Never forget that we are in a class trial where almost all of the survivors are introverts who prefer their emotions on the inside.
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Her... internal dialogue is so interesting and immediately comes off as different from Shuichi’s, Himiko’s and K1-b0′s. It seems... angrier, maybe. Is that it? Or maybe it’s all the red lines that makes it seem that way...
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This whole line of her entire self being at the whim of someone else’s writing seems to be targeted at her more-so than the others because she’s already struggled with the idea that she’s had no choices in her life, and that she’s always been a weapon to be used by others. Actually, that’s probably why this hits so hard - she thought she was developing feelings on her own and making a choice to fight to defend him, and the idea of even that being taken away from her...
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“I have love, but more importantly SPITE ON MY SIDE!!!”
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hsdfjgh no don’t pan over the Kaito portrait w h y my heart
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Angry Mikan is still as terrifying as she was in SDR2!
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As an aside, I don’t know why Hagakure repeatedly showing up is so funny to me - I swear he’s been used more than the others? I-Is he secretly Tsumugi’s favourite character? is it because he’s also older than everyone else and she finds that thought comforting -
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“I won’t go far as saying I don’t want to die mind you, but I’m surprisingly neutral on the subject!”
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If Tsumugi’s ‘everyone’ who she’s fighting for is the living, then the ‘everyone’ Shuichi is fighting for is the dead...
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Even if it’s fiction - it’s their reality. Expecting them to understand that because it’s someone else’s fiction... that’s just not fair, is it?
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Sweetcheeks has an uphill battle to fight, but to have a second class revolt in a single game....
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That’s... that’s it. I think we’ve done it. They’ve finally done it! They were able to turn it around after all!
34 notes · View notes
screamin bout zi-o 36
i had fun doing this last week, so let’s make another screencap post! of course, i said that, and then it took several days to upload all the pictures because tumblr just stops fucking working sometimes. anyhoo! it’s yuko kitajima roast hour. image-heavy and spoiler-heavy, naturally.
so ginga blew everyone up and they ran away to a sewer it seems.
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honestly that theory makes as much sense as anything else on this booty ass fuckin’ kamen rider show
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i was just like...he isn’t
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but then he was
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swartz: she could step on me in those red pumps and i’d say Thank You
hora: i regret so much right now
uhr: *shonen anime character walking down the street pose*
then over quartzer plays and im starting to feel a little lost because i don’t get to hear about the episode according to woz’s book? hello??
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yuko’s still out gettin her spa treatments and shit, god only knows how she got the money for all that, and somehow she never crosses paths with the cops or anyone who recognizes her from the news?? uh
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honestly yeah?? a queen deserves to look GOOD. her theme music is eerily sexy, i need an mp3 of it right now
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don’t get me wrong, im well aware that swartz is being a suck-up to try and get yuko to help with his plan to seize ginga’s power, but damn im kinda shipping swartz with yuko now too...i mean, he WAS looking at her while doing the sexy ice cream thing last week. what flavor ice cream would yuko be? black cherry chip maybe?
(headcanon: woz tries apple pie ice cream and declares it a crime against both apple pie and ice cream alike--but he still eats the whole coneful)
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hora and uhr get ZA WARUDO’D down the stairs by swartz
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we were all uhr right here
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yeaaaaaah she just doesn’t want to fight ginga
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tsukuyomi’s a mood. someone put a band-aid on geiz’s forehead pls
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ok woz i get that if you’re looking for a despotic ruler to follow that yuko is likely a better bet than sougo, but you’re missing an important detail: if yuko actually had a shot at becoming queen of everything, she’d already have one of you in tow, and you would most likely hate each other.
...majou means “demon queen” in this case, not “witch”, right?
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aaaaaand this...is the moment when yuko started making me very uncomfortable. the way she responds: “yes...i do remember. it’s you.”
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and sougo’s face just lights up--my guy, she could so easily be lying. she didn’t say one thing about the band-aid or the playground or anything that’d indicate she’s actually sougo’s crush.
like...if not for the fact that sougo had such a crush on the seifuku girl, it wouldn’t be all that major a memory. it likely wasn’t for the girl in question--just a happy sunny day cheering up a lonely little boy. a beautiful memory, yes...but memories fade.
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can someone please explain to me why woz’s characterization is all over the place in kiva arc? are you pro-yuko or anti-yuko, woz? i don’t understand what’s going through his pretty head at all honestly. he gets pretty taciturn in the scenes he’s not inhaling pie, but then at times he seems to think yuko’s cool aaaaaagh i don’t know
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junichiro: meowing, just wanted an excuse to cook lots of food
sougo: “yay, uncle’s cooking!”
woz: [deadpan monotone] “yaaaaaaay uncle’s cooking...”
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ive had enough of this evil bitch honestly but when she points it’s still Good Shit
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ridiculous move name, but also an awesome move name
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and turning to stone to heal up while the sun’s clouded over? very cool
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i noped so hard at this part. like...i really do feel protective of sougo. yuko doesn’t give a damn about him, she just doesn’t want him to get in her way.
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nope. no. nuh uh. you two step away from each other right now.
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ok but in all seriousness, do you want time jackers? because, im calling it now, letting oma zi-o go in raw is how you get time jackers.
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yeah im pretty sure miho would’ve kept at it if she’d lived, and yuko...shes not gonna listen to sougo
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thank you for the much needed reality check furry man
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so she’s a...fu-joshi? 👀
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yuko wears such fabulous shoes
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was anyone surprised at this point that yuko was the real killer? i sure wasn’t. not after all the obvious lies.
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i love her leitmotif. i need it. where do i download
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hey kids! it’s time for *mashes play button* la-la-la lies! yeah, tell me that you love me! la-la-la-lies! look deep into my eyes! la-la-la-lies! say there’s no one else above me! i’m the king of fools, cuz baby, you’re the queen of actually very hurtful and manipulative lies!
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that’s such bullshit
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now im the last person to be like “don’t play the dead mommy card”--i practically keep that card in the hello kitty wallet my dead mommy gave me. but i bet you yuko’s mom is just fine (aside from living with the trauma of knowing her daughter’s a murderer and pathological liar).
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thank you tsukuyomi. god sougo really needs a chaperone with yuko around, he’s way too dumb and thirsty.
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GUESS WHO’S BACK. BACK AGAIN. fortunately, it seems swartz and woz have been just standing there watching him for the duration of the rain shower.
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lest we forget (because i didn’t screencap it), when zi-o took the brunt of ginga’s attack earlier, it sent him flying. now, that’s a human body, which has some ability to absorb force because it’s mostly pretty soft and fluid. yuko’s manhole cover almost completely absorbed this blast--she barely shifted her weight on impact. is it just that she’s THAT ripped? 
then The Boys rider kick ginga to oblivion. rip ginga, you didn’t have a personality or a character arc, we never even saw you un-transformed--you were just a cool looking plot device with pretty attacks. but for that much, we appreciate you!
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swartz looks so pleased with himself. he must not have watched the preview for this episode.
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YOINK! gotta love how swartz doesn’t look surprised so much as puzzled.
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sure am glad kurowoz took his other self’s advice and kept an eye on swartz
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i love it so much how woz just has these magic scarf powers and it needs no explanation? hell, he can fly and time travel and make people fall asleep and he’s super strong too, with no explanation? and he’s the comic relief? ALSO HE’S REALLY HOT? woz is a being to behold honestly
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speaking of super strong and really hot, yuko is KILLING IT in that gown. i mean...i guess that’s the intention. killing it. cuz she’s a homicidal maniac. haha.
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she’s so good at pointing. yuko could be a prosecutor in shuichi kitaoka: ace attorney. (FUND IT)
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yuko throws her manhole cover at the boys (rude!) and next we see geiz holding it. a shame we don’t get to see him snatch it out of midair. or did woz catch it and just hand it to him? we may never know.
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zi-o. listen to geiz, zi-o. use the fucking watch. just use the watch, zi-o. you seriously plan on just letting another kiva go on a killing spree? do you not get by now what she’s capable of?
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thank goodness zi-o has his retainers to make wise decisions so he doesn’t have to.
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please note the placement of mars on ginga woz’s suit. very important.
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I Love You
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my favorite character gets a beautiful rainbow final attack. i feel so blessed.
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i mean...protecting all mankind would probably include protecting them from people like yuko. just sayin.
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is it bad of me that my immediate thought right then was “at least woz’s attack wasn’t what did her in.”
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this shot, especially in the context of the church, definitely gave me pieta vibes--albeit reversed somewhat.
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weirdly enough, woz does an outro instead of an intro this episode.
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at this point while watching, i said to shylax “you know what this calls for? pie!” but before i could finish--
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--PIE! cmon sougo, it’s time to gobble up your feelings!
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fucking woz, i swear, you have pie in your mouth and pie in your right hand and pie on your FACE and when your overlord expresses how miserable he is you just go for his uneaten pie with your empty hand.
...is it normal to eat pie like this in japan? because the only times i’ve seen americans make this much of a mess eating pie is when they’re toddlers.
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oh hey, what do you know? looks like sougo’s first love wasn’t a violent crazy person after all. she also wasn’t yuko.
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sougo’s just an idiot who will mistake any older woman who rubs him on the chin and calls him cute for his sailor girl.
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i blame joshua kiryu
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how eloquently this one line sums up not only kamen rider zi-o but kamen rider decade as well. that’s it, that’s the show. that’s the clusterfuck we will inevitably get whenever toei decides to make a kamen rider crossover.
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LOOK AT THIS! TSUKUYOMI REMEMBERED SOMETHING! who is she smiling at? is it her dad? is that swartz behind her?! omg baby tsukuyomi is so CUTE!
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“a team”. uh huh. is that what the youth are calling it these days? cuz when i was a wee lass, i believe they called it “fucking”.
so what have we learned this week?
very little about ginga
sougo does not remember faces all that well
before sougo dates ANYONE that person should be fully vetted by junichiro, geiz, tsukuyomi, and woz because CLEARLY HE CANNOT SAFELY CHOOSE A PARTNER FOR HIMSELF
i still really like yuko as a character, if not as a person. same as i enjoy junji ito manga, but would be very upset if most of it happened in real life.
swartz loves a woman who can kick his ass
what the fuck are manhole covers in this world
i can’t wait for baby tsukuyomi flashbacks! that, and more tsukasa.
9 notes · View notes
My impressions of Danganronpa : Killing Harmony.
If you are fine with being spoiled or already know everything about the game then you can read this ^^
So! As I said here is what I thought of the game! I’m not really used to do game review so don’t expect too much! I’m going to talk about each chapter and then I will answer some of your questions ^^ Prologue : Really interesting, I liked how they started it by showing bits of all the previous game, really helped “hyping” the game. The story of the prologue was also really good like I was really into it and having some mysteries right from the beginning was a good idea! :)
I also was really happy to be able to play a female protagonist (poor naive me).
Chapter 1 :
Okay so. That chapter destroyed me. And I doubt I’m the only one xD
BUT. I was really not a big fan of the way we had been “tricked” into thinking that the protagonist for this game was a girl. Like with the rest of the game I learned to love Shuichi but damn. Let the girl be the main hero at least once.
Aaaand…Rantaro was one of the character I loved the most. And he was soooo interesting!! When I first saw him I was sure that he was going to be one of the last students alive. Boy was I wrong. I nearly stopped playing when I saw that he was THE FIRST victim. I understand why they did it but for me it’s still a BIG waste of potential. (Plus I’m still bitter that we don’t know his talent. Like he is supposed to be the Ulitimate Survivor but what was his talent in the previous killing game?) Kaede “murder” wasn’t that well thought but since it was more or less something decided at the last moment/day I guess it’s okay. Plus when it got explained I remember thinking “well she was still (un)lucky that it really fell on him and didn’t miss him”…Well…
Her execution…Damn. Poor Kaede…Like when she got dragged away and Shuichi was trying to grab her hand…My heart… And the last scene in her lab with the music finished destroying my heart.
Chapter 2 :
I liked this chapter just fine but to be honest the chapter 1 was soooo “big” that the chapter 2 seemed almost lacking.
I didn’t mind the way they brought back the “motive video” with the new twist. It was interesting. I laughed way too hard at the Bug Meeting XD Kukichi had the right idea once again but he really should have explained everything right from the beginning but well, he wouldn’t be him if he had done so haha! At first I found Kaito really obnoxious (and I thought he was going to be the killer when he asked me to meet him outside and then take off my jacket, like I thought he had stolen my room key and was going to see his motive) but he was really well written so I quickly started liking him ^^
Ryoma…I found him really interesting too so I was really sad to see him be the next victim. Especially the way/reason for his death…Like damn. He really needed a hug, not someone to murder him.
Kirumi was really smart, her murder was nearly perfect and even the way she tried to manipulate everyone after her trial… Also I couldn’t help but cheer for her when she ran away even if I knew that it was useless. And the CG we got when she was running for her life while saying that she wasn’t going to die…Damn… Her execution too…She tried so hard…And yet…
Chapter 3 :
Sooo…I liked Angie at first, she was cute and her sprites were really funny. But she really started creeped me out in chapter 2 and by the time we got to chapter 3 I was really hoping that she would be the next victim (yes, shame on me, but I liked the others farr better >w
So when we discovered Angie body instead of being “oh no she is dead” I was more “couldn’t she at least resurrect him before dying?!”…Yes, I know, shame on me. But c’mon, Rantaro was one of my fave! (I hoped for his return until the last second of the game)
I think it was at the end of the previous chapter that we learned Maki talent and if at first the way she acted reminded me a bit too much of Kirigiri the way she was developped was really good and I liked her more and more with every chapter!
Plus the scene where Kaito hugs her bc he is afraid was just too cute haha!
Back to the murders! When Korekiyo suggested to do a seance and said that it would have to be pitch black and be into one of the three room I knew right away that one new murder was going to happen. But I thought that Kiyo was the one who was going to die (and that Kaito would be the killer). Until I heard Tenko said that she would do it and saying all those things to Himiko. At that point she had so much death flags around her that there was no way that could survive. I didn’t like her that much at first but chapter 2 (trial) and chapter 3 really made me like her so I was sad to know that she was going to be killed.
Also am I the only one who saw a lot of commun things between Himiko/Tenko and Saionji/Mahiru? And between the 3rd chapter’s murder(er) of sdr2 and v3?
I don’t have much to say about the trial appart…wtf Korekiyo!?
The CG of Kiyo and his sister with the little * was funny though XD
I was pretty neutral about him (hadn’t seen a lot of his FTE) and his trial didn’t really made me feel pity for him so I wasn’t too sad that he got executed.
I’m still really curious about how a character could have been brought back to life…
Chapter 4 :
The concept of this chapter was really interesting!! I’m not going to lie I was a bit disappointed with how they treated Miu, she was supposed to be a genius but she hadn’t been really useful until that moment. And even when she talked in trial she mostly said stupid/dirty things.
Also I couldn’t help but think that most of the things she did build was the same things that Souda could have done so I would have liked to see more special things about her ^^
But her idea for the murder was just really good. Her only mistake was to target Ouma. He is the smartest character of the game. Don’t pull anything on him. He WILL know. And he did and was able to act against it.
Let’s talk about the trial. I really liked how it went. The way Kokichi spilled everything because people were telling him that the truth was always better, just to show them how terrible the truth can be. One of the part that really made me stop for a second was the moment everyone was telling him to stop harrassing Gonta and he just said something like “oh, but you were all fine with ganging up on me earlier?”. He had a lot of moments like this when he just become serious and says things that make you think and I loved it.
About Gonta. Okay…Hear me out. How cool would it have been if Gonta had actually done all this by himself and was just pretending to be “stupid” since the beginning but was in fact a bit like Celeste (in the way that he was fooling everyone and waiting for the right time)
Don’t misunderstand, I love Gonta, got heartbroken over his crying sprites/voice but at one point during his trial I was like “omg don’t tell me that he his actually evil!? No way!!” and yeah, he wasn’t.
I’m really bad with bugs (sorry Gonta) so his execution was even worse for me than it would have been with something else.
Also I remember being really curious about the motive and frustrated that AI Gonta wouldn’t say anything x)
Chapter 5:
Can you just imagine how different the story would have been if Miu had trusted the others with her inventions? Just…Why, Miu??
So…I know a lot of you love Kaito and I do too but I was really hoping during all the chapter that he was the one who had died. Of course things never go as I want to.
Once again we were able to see how smart Kokichi was and the way we were able to glimpse a bit at his true feelings was, well…At least we got something out of his death T_T
And can we talk about his death? Out of all the death since the beginning of the DR games I think it was one of the most horrible.
To be honest when we saw the moment where Kaito told Maki to run and that he was going to do something I thought that he was going to kill himself. That way Maki wouldn’t have been the blackened and no one else would be executed. I also thought that Kukichi had done this to his body so it would be “less boring”. Of course it couldn’t have been so easy.
Can you even imagine the inteligence of Kokichi though? He was able to write a whole scenario for what would happen during the trial? Who could have done that??
Kaito’s execution…Well in your face Monokuma! Congrats Kaito! I wasn’t sad for him even if I really liked him because he was able to go out with a bang, like a true hero.
Also Maki’s confession and teary sprite…My heart…
Chapter 6:
Sooo…I knew that something was going to happen with Keebo when we saw that he got hurt during Kaito’s execution…But I didn’t expect that XD
But he was badass.
I really like the exploring (Kokichi’s bedroom and lab please) and the concept of “time left”. Plus finally knowing more about Rantaro was a good thing.
For the trial and the big reveal……I’m not a big fan? Like I don’t know the direction the game took was a bit too “breaking the fourth wall” and a bit too insisting on the whole “this is the last game”. Tsumugi was really good as a mastermind though, I didn’t expect it at all, and especially not like that!
But, but. I’m going with the last suggestion Shuichi made : that most of the thing they remember are in fact true. Let me explain.
Tsumugi said that the “light” put informations/new memories into your brain. But for me it’s more likely that it could only overwrite/modify memories. There is no way that it was able to create Talent. And just thinking that you have a talent doesn’t make you suddenly talented. And we were able to see with multiple characters (like Miu) that they were indeed true Ultimate. Plus creating a personality doesn’t give you an illness, or make you fall in love (especially since it didn’t happen right away). Also I get that they were suposed to be all fan of the game but how were they able to have all this technology (like Monokuma) if it was really just a game? So I can’t say for sure what is true and false right now because IT IS complicated but for me they were real Ultimate and most of their personalities/memories were true.
Next…Noooo Keebo!! Not you too!!
In your face Tsumugi! Bye, bye Monokuma (he made me laugh so much during the trial, especially when he said things like “you can’t end this game…Or I’ll be out of job!” and “Everyone love me, I can even become like this *become ultra muscular*)
I thought the game was going to end with an open-ending like “are they still alive?” but I’m glad it didn’t. But damn, only 3 survivors? And nearly all of my fave are dead…
Soooo that’s all for my opinion on each chapter, I probably forgot a lot of things but you know most of it! Now I’ll try to answer questions I got about the game!
Who are my favorites characters?
With how I talked about him that will surprise absolutely no one but : Kokichi!
He is not the only one though, in no particular order: Rantaro, Keebo, Maki, Shuichi, Kaede, Tenko.
Will I play the V3 characters?
Yes! I love them so much that I absolutely want to play them. But I have a few things to think about ;
On this blog or another? Having them all on this blog might be a bit too much, don’t you think? 16 more characters and yeah I don’t want to only play the survivors….Let me know what you think about it!
How? By that I mean what story can I do that will let them be on a blog and all alive? I can go with them having been put on a simulation too like the dr2 cast or I can make it so as if all the death weren’t real and they were in fact still all keeped alive somewhere (one of the only way I could see the resurrection that should have happened in chapter 2 work), maybe they were put in a simulation where they really “experimented” their death. Or I can go with the story of the bonus mode (that it was for a love show and not a killing game) but that would take away a lot of things…
Do you ship some of the characters?
If you know me then you know that yes, of course I do XD
Shuichi x Kaede (the FTE and the scene at the love hotel made me ship it even more)
Kaito x Maki
Gonta x Tsumugi (before knowing that Tsumugi was the mastermind, now I don’t know if I still ship them)
Himiko x Tenko
Keebo x Kokichi / Kokichi x Rantaro (I was shipping those two before the game and the really few things that happened between them still make me ship them, like how Kokichi called Rantaro “my dearest” when he found him dead or how he kept his statue in his bedroom) So I don’t know with who I ship Kokichi x)
And I think that’s all! Tell me if I forgot something!
-mod lili
41 notes · View notes
ryouverua · 6 years
Trial 5 - Pre-Execution
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Investigation 1 / 2 - second half is where I put my own theories that I penned before playing the trial.
Trial: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Hnngh - okay, this is actually happening now. We’re having a post-trial talk with Kaito before we send him off to the gallows. Cool. Cool. Cool cool cool cool -
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marvels again that on the most basic detail I was right but as a whole I was very, incredibly wrong about what went down
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This is going to be a weight for her to bear for a long time, huh.
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He’s trying so hard to stay positive and cheer everyone up - how can you be so upbeat right now???
well I guess there’s the fact that he’s had plenty of time to come to terms with his own death since yesterday’s events but -
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get this man an Oscar 
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Kaito is low-key impressed just saying.
I’m sorry when the fuck between the extreme muscle spasms, seizures and general shut down of his body was he supposed to have written this? Was this something he started before all this happened? Was this a contingency plan? omg - was he thinking of Shuichi when he originally wrote the script and came up with a ‘in  case something happens to me’ trial plan, then filled in the details up until he died to match the exact circumstances of what actually happened? He did ask Shuichi to be his partner last chapter... how long has this particular plan been in his head for???
How hard was it to swallow his pride and ask Kaito for help instead of Shuichi?
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going for those Beatrice vibes even beyond the grave, huh
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okay I see what the game is trying to do here. And I appreciate it going and highlighting how clever Kokichi is for his foresight, his planning, and his general awareness and understanding of the people around him. That is coming through loud and clear.
But can we talk about Kaito’s ability to ad-lib on the fly, in character, and react to all the situations he was presented? Because Kokichi could not predict the exact future. He clearly planned things, not just in the general sense, but there is only so far a mere mortal could go.
“When Shuichi brings up these points, counter with those.”
“Flatter Himiko to throw her off. Here are some sample lines. Push it as far as you need to to make her flustered.”
“Play on Tsumugi’s ‘everyday boring girl’ syndrome.”
“Here are all the insults I’ve come up with to use at K1-b0 to distract him. Choose the ones that fit the moment, or use them to come up with your own if needed.”
“These are turns of phrases I use to project my incredibly important image.”
“Here’s a 20 paragraph speech I’ve prepped as a giant SCREW YOU to Monokuma, you can break it up as you need to but you have to make sure you get through all of it at some point because I want to rub this in his face and if I’m not there to do it you NEED to do it for me.”
I’d laugh if he had scripts and script notes denoting possible variations, but there’s just a bookmarked page partway through the script and it’s this long  anti-Monokuma manifesto
Anyway, I want to admire Kokichi’s planning, absolutely - but I also want to appreciate Kaito’s own skill along with it, because I don’t think they should take from each other at all. Even if he broke character a few times (which is even more hilarious in hindsight), he was utterly convincing in full acting mode!
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.... does K1-b0 power off his eyes when he wants to look incredibly depressed... sorry, utterly distracted for a moment...
(Himiko looks depressed too - I’m just trying to not literally upload every single frame of the scene already and it’s HARD.)
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Fucking hell Kaito, with all of your self-aggrandising talk why is it now that you can’t understand why everyone is upset?!
Well... I mean, I do kind of get it. Trying to make everyone around you happy - in general, and with themselves - is practically your raison d'être. And right now, you’re the reason everyone is so upset. But still, it’s only because everyone cares about you so much!!!
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Kaito put on a pedestal and pushed off of it - check. 
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How?? Like, how did he phrase it??? Did he decorate it with his normal sureme leader talk? Did he lay out that Kaito basically owed him a debt now? Or did he leave it with just ‘Maki will be the blackened if you don’t do this’?? I have a feeling that whatever I get from the flashbacks, it still won’t be enough 8′D
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In the last chapter? Or longer? ... It must have been longer, right? He was writing on that stone since at least chapter... 2? 3? and was talking to Monokuma in Chapter 4. 
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“Oh shit really? Wow, go figure.”
i enjoy kaito’s mildly shocked face here
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HOW MUCH GEAR DID YOU GET MIU TO MAKE FOR YOU??? Am I going to have to pore over all of your interactions after all??? You guys gave each other so much crap during the trials and outside of them??? You had that ridiculous black-and-white scene in front of the computer??? How close WERE you two before she lost herself to paranoia?!
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I can’t help but think everything with Gonta was improvised based on how events were unfolding around him. Would he have still tried to do the same thing if Miu hadn’t been making an attempt on his life? Or did he know that at some point down the line he would have to orchestrate a murder to convince everyone that he was the mastermind? Was this something he had to steel himself to do, or was that always in the back of his mind as an option from the beginning?
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I’m sure that last bit upset Kaito the most - he was Gonta’s most stalwart defender in the last trial.
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I haven’t seen this sprite in a while, jeez. Or... have I seen this sprite before??? It’s definitely similar to the ones he showed in Gonta’s trial, but I don’t recall him being so, erm, sweaty then.
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That has to rankle more than anything. He highlighted Maki’s talent repeatedly and continuously called her out about it, and then this. 
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The fact that he’s framing it as ‘the true mastermind is at fault’ and not putting it all on Maki is interesting. I wonder if Kokichi just sees Maki as a weapon as opposed to a person? Accurately in this case, perhaps...
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Frowning/serious Kokichi is so strange?!?! Not that there’s any reason for him to be smiling here, but it’s really telling that he can’t even bring himself to do it here. This is probably the closest we’ll get to seeing his true feelings and thought process, huh...
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Whelp I just went back to this part after writing a whole blurb a few screenshots down and the ‘mastermind doesn’t remember they’re the mastermind’ theory I concocted for fun just died an unceremonious death. I did enjoy those brief few minutes of my oddball ‘Maki doesn’t remember she’s the mastermind’ theory while it lasted so I’ll leave it up for you guys to laugh at enjoy! Unfortunately Monokuma being in time-out debunks it unless there are two masterminds.
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If we tie this to the funeral scene... I proposed the idea that the flashback lights give their brains scenes to work with - aka that they aren’t necessarily actually their memories, but perhaps someone else’s, for example - and that their brain works to interpret them and make sense of them, and generally fit them into their own world view. I think it’s becoming accepted now that memories themselves are somewhat pliable and can even change during each ‘recall’. So if they were given the flashback light that said, ‘hey, there’s a cult working to destroy you all and it’s led by the traitor in the group, X’, their brains would fill in ‘X’ with Kokichi based on the context at the time. It also gives room for the idea that I originally had, aka that the talents and perhaps even memories they all have aren’t necessarily their own - that they could have easily had their talents switched between them in the prologue, and the fact they landed like this was just a coincidence - and the one known as ‘Kokichi, Supreme Leader’ could have easily one of the other classmates in a different timeline. The mastermind would be able to have the ability to adapt to any scenario, if that was the case...
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lmao yeah that was pretty obvious
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So even Kokichi never figured it out in the end? That’s pretty significant - the kid is basically a living lie detector. That leaves four possibilities that I can think of:
1) The mastermind isn’t actually among us. I highly doubt that - we’ve been building to a reveal from the beginning, even as far as having Shuichi find the door in the library. 
2) The mastermind is among the dead - someone Kokichi never got a chance to ‘read’. The best candidates for that would be Rantaro and Kaede. Rantaro would be the almost too obvious choice, between his memory loss, the video where he tells himself ‘you wanted this’, and his general intelligence and knowledge of the proceedings - and, hell, his lab door. Alternatively, this would be a good way to bring Kaede back into the game - we did see a shot of her wearing that helmet too, and also it would be nice to see her again tbh 
I just... don’t think this is the case though. Not only because we’ve done that with Junko already, though that’s a bit one, but because everything was set for DR1′s twist from the beginning - 15 students and 16 stands, the ‘odd one out’ murder aka Mukuro, etc. Rantaro’s video is certainly hinting at something, but I’d be shocked if it was leading to his reveal as the mastermind.
DEBUNKED :( 3) The mastermind doesn’t have their memory. Now, we’ve already done this with SDR2 so I really, highly doubt this is the case but if it is this way the best choice would be for it at this point in the game to be Maki. I mean, Shuichi would have been viable too... if he wasn’t the protagonist, because then we’d really be retreading old territory. Anyway, here’s the fun ‘what if’ for why Maki!mastermind could potentially work - it would really add onto Kaito and Kokichi’s conflict. Kokichi never liked Maki from the start, and antagonized her repeatedly - what if it was he sensed that potential in her? What if she was sent to infiltrate the mission by the cult and have everyone killed like this? And on Kaito’s side, he spends big chunks of the game trying to redeem her. What if it worked? What if it turned out that both Kaito and Kokichi were right, as a follow-up to this chapter where they both set aside their differences and work with each other (and, well, are killed by Maki). What if Kaito turned someone who had the capability to set up this game into someone that wouldn’t? There’s so ground that could be covered in this direction - I mean, I doubt it’s true which is why I said from the getgo that I highly doubt it’s the case, but it would be a fantastic reason to have highlighted her character so much and really give depth to, well, ‘tsundere assassin learns to love’. I could go on about this tbh...
4) The one I’ve been partial to for a while now... the mastermind is someone who specializes in lying. In putting on a mask. In breathing life into a persona, inhabiting it, becoming it, until it’s indistinguishable from their own identity - perhaps becomes their identity in those moments, to the point that Kokichi wouldn’t be able to realize they were lying. Oh, Kokichi was incredibly adept at it, sure - but he was recognized for his leadership skills, as unorthodox as they may have been. There’s someone else still alive, however, whose talent addresses the concept of ‘becoming another person’ has not been showcased much if at all to this point. 
now mind you other than the proclivity for cults shown in chapter 3 and references to escapism, I still haven’t gotten a proper motive in mind but at all but hopefully that’ll come next chapter??? anyway I’m getting distracted again
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kokichi has the heart of a gamer
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You just know that’s Kokichi’s game face. I mean, Kaito has his ‘optimistic!’ face on right now to give him the strength to face his own execution - maybe this is Kokichi’s way of comforting himself too?
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Could it have worked the other way around? If Kaito let himself die, Kokichi pretended to be Kaito in the exisal and it was left decide whether ‘Kaito’ mercy-killed ‘Kokichi’ via the press or if he died by poison first, would that have been viable? Probably not as effectively... it would be a lot easier for them to believe Kokichi was pretending to be Kaito, less believable that Kaito wouldn’t show himself in the exisal, and a whole host of other factors. Maybe not, then.
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And of course Kaito asked Kokichi that, because if he’s going to be committing to a plan this wild he needs some assurance.
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Then there have to be people alive, right??? But they saw the burning ruins around them when they tried to leave, and even collapsed because of the air quality - so what, did they crash land in an area that was wiped out or something? But there are still places where people are alive?
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It was a test, then.
... Gonta... has to have been a heavy weight on his conscience. I think we can officially say his breakdown over him was real if he would go so far as to try and end the killing game like this - and if Gonta was a necessary sacrifice, it was one Kokichi was pushed to make when he had few options left.
I think the chess analogies I’ve been associating with him are accurate at this point, and it would even be fair to say that if you were to think about Kokichi’s strategic thought process, the allusions are almost necessary - the whole game is about exchanging pieces in order to get a more powerful position on the board and eventually corner the ‘king’, and at some point Kokichi looked at the board and his available moves, as well as the ‘piece’ Miu Iruma putting him in a ‘check’ position, and realized that his only option was to intercept her with ‘piece’ Gonta. I also like using chess here too because there’s duality in that too - there’s the side of Miu that Kokichi can and clearly did use for his strategies, and the side that the mastermind used by way of motive.
Ah, and of course I’d be remiss to not mention that Yu-Gi-Oh! the card game works well too here (hell, it comes up in his FTE) even though it’s less accessible; it’s a game where more powerful moves require sacrificing lower level ‘monsters’, and there’s a literal graveyard they’re sent to. Also, unlike chess, playing from the graveyard is a legitimate strategy in YGO . I’m sure, especially after this trial, Kokichi can relate to that strategy in particular.
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Or maybe as they’re suddenly starting to imply it’s more like the ‘Black Book Club’ ala YYH? There must be people alive then, right? ... So maybe... people who survived through unscrupulous means and sheer force of wealth and need some sort of entertainment??? They remembered being kidnapped at the beginning of everything, right? Were they intercepted before the gopher project had a chance to play out and now they’re being kept in an isolated facility somewhere meant to replicate the ship, but it actually isn’t the ship at all? Wait, when did I start wearing a tinfoil hat - ?!
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Kaito is defending Kokichi, everything is right in the world
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Shuichi: Please don’t redirect the spotlight at me - ah, shit shit damn it shit 
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“It’s just like Kokichi said!”
mm thank you game, keep feeding me merci beaucoup
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Himiko just gobbles up any bit of positive attention thrown her way with the obvious and incredibly glaring exception of Tenko??? man I really need to do her FTEs or something - does she just not know how to handle straight-up affection or -
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i n h a l e s
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This just makes me wonder if betting and big money in general is wrapped up in all of this. “Who is the mastermind? Now gentlemen, place your bets before the reveal!”
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dude he found a way to save Maki and potentially stop the game, I would hardly call it ‘evil’.
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“I mean, I was hoping we could cut straight to the chase, but you’re actually a decent guy at the end of the day, and unlike most of the rest of the class don’t actually want me dead. Damn it.”
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Fucking hell, between the music and his faces it so so easy to frame him as eeeeviiil!!! And yet just looking at the text in isolation, it reads:
“But are you sure you’re okay with that? Because if this poison kills me, then Maki would become the blackened. And her crime would be exposed so easily.
If that happened, then Maki and I would’ve died for no reason, right? Which is just what the true mastermind expects...”
And yeah sure it still has a bit of an edge to it, but it’s way more ambiguous when presented outside of his “Supreme Leader” aura which apparently can warp both his face and music.
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Kaito is still trying to filter this through his ‘hero vs villain’ narrative, bless his heart. Either that or this is a heavily edited version of events - it would be interesting, even if it’s unlikely, if we found out that Kokichi made Kaito promise to tell everyone a different story than what really happened in the event of being found out.
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There are gears turning in Kaito’s head right now, you can’t tell me there aren’t.
even if some of them are just him thinking ‘no seriously how are you doing that with your face’
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FUCK I want to have a montage of Kokichi doing incredibly kind-hearted and generous things and just doing his damnedest to spin it all in the most scary, ominous way possible!
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“To answer your question, it’s really hard for me to hold my face in these expressions and the muscle spasms beginning to wrack my body are making it that much harder.”
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But you can see shades of yourself in him, can’t you? That’s the scary part. Their goals aligned. This whole time, they’ve just wanted to help their classmates survive. They assigned themselves bombastic personalities in order to take the pressure off of those left in the class and damn it, they both prepared themselves to die alone in order to make good on their wish to save everyone left. Kaito made references to Kaede’s last wish - I wonder if Kokichi took it to heart as well?
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No you were, Kokichi! No you fucking weren’t! Fml I don’t know how much solace that gives you at the end of the line, but...
Okay I nearly ended the post here as a tribute to Kokichi’s efforts but I have a rule of doing a single post-trial, pre-execution post and I must resist that urge -
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I-It’s going to take you a while to warm up to the idea of ‘Kokichi actually wasn’t the dick he pretended to be’ huh. 8′D
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just. just want to make sure that point was clear for myself. Seems like it’s important characterization-wise, that’s all.
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This seems like a good time to note that I am 99% sure Kaito had those swirly despair!eyes DR is known for in the last image with him coughing up blood. That was definitely the turning point for the chapter.
Also, Kokichi didn’t just swallow his pride - Kaito did too. He’s wanted to be the hero who swooped in to save the day for how long??? And here he is, admitting that this was fully Kokichi’s plan, and acknowledging that Kokichi was correct in a lot of ways even if he didn’t agree with him on everything. Beautiful.
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“Ha ha yeah I could probably drop dead at any moment tbh ha ha why are you giving me those looks huh ha ha ha hrk -”
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I’m guessing the medical exam took place before all of these events happened. But wasn’t the whole point of selecting these guys that they were immune or something??? I mean clearly it wasn’t true - I guess it was dormant or - ?!
... which Monokuma then brings up himself. Cool, thanks.
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How dare you say that so cheerfully. >:(
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he’s so bloody casual about the whole thing
I mean I get that it’s because he’s come to terms with dying but
damn it Kaito
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A chance to end the killing game and save everyone, knowing he was on his way out either way, and a way to save Maki specifically - it really was the perfect storm, huh?
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Well damn it I know it’s implying this all happened after Kokichi died, but the idea of Kaito visibly fangirling over the plan in front of Kokichi, giving him a bit of external validation for the first and last time since his miserable life started here, makes me feel a little better. If nothing else, he would have at least felt good about the chances of success before he died.
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I’m not sure if he’s trying to comfort Shuichi after messing up Kokichi’s plan or not but if he is, he’s incredibly good at it.
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Was it????
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again, more praise for him -
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Kokichi, beyond the grave: NO YOU DUMBASS I GAVE MY LIFE SO YOU COULD END IT IN A SINGLE TRIAL as soon as you join me in the afterlife I am going to KICK YOUR ASS -
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Oh you big hypocrite. Wait - no - let me check -
*takes off shipping glasses*
Nope, I still don’t buy it. Kaito has a tendency to go to an extreme with his words - he’s shown that time and time again. The fact that he’s already started layering praise on Kokichi at this point - that means something. The idea of him as a whole still rankles Kaito and he still has their clashing viewpoints and outlooks on life to work through, but his opinion on him has already turned so much at this point. If he had more time to think on it, I bet it would change that much further. And again - pointing to that love hotel scene - Kaito loves a challenge, and people that challenge him. Kokichi was a fantastic rival for him, and the fact that he knows now that he never meant any true harm to them is important. He also hasn’t been given a chance to really digest the importance of everything Kokichi revealed to him - he basically got the script and plan thrusted into his hands, spent whatever time he wasn’t sleeping and recuperating studying it and preparing for the trial, and now, well, we’re here. Kaito has been shown to be very good at reevaluating people once he’s cooled off, and he hasn’t had a chance to really do that!
.... If only he had more time to reflect. 8c
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!!!!!    g o d ........
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The darkened face sprite...
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Insert Himiko parallel here.
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If you really thought that, would you really share those words with everyone? In fact, just the fact that you said that in reference to being a ‘lying sack of shit’ in regards to his supposed feelings during the game and acting like everything happening was fun -  that, uh, kinda speaks for itself!
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Thank you K1-b0!!! I officially forgive you for calling Kokichi a Remnant of Despair again.
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don’t you pull this shit on me game
just because you have the class split down the middle doesn’t mean you can pull the wool over my eyes
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No seriously, what an odd thing to say. I... I don’t know what to make of it. Do actions not speak louder than words? Am I the crazy one here??
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Seriously I could probably learn a thing or two from it, damn.
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Chapter 5′s entire mission is to make me cry, I see, I see.
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Even now, three chapters later, I am still incredibly impressed by that move on Kaito’s part. He just knew exactly how to alleviate the pressure Shuichi was under.
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as;dlkfj Kaito you and Kokichi are tied in having the most horrifying sprites in the game. Congratulations! You did win at something after all!
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speaking of sprites that denote great terror!!
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I-It really is the Kaede scene all over again D: including them being willing to fight Monokuma and Kaede/Kaito protesting!
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I hope you do little man!!! 
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This was the strength Shuichi desperately wanted but didn’t have in chapter 1 - and man oh man it’s nice to see him showing it now, in full force!
but as usual Monokuma is off thinking about his own thing
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Okay they all introduce themselves here but you know what? No. No. I’m not dignifying you guys with your opening screenshots even if I do love your theme song. sorry monodam I like you but I’m lumping you in with the rest of them
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perhaps to make sure those that were immune to the virus were what humanity needed to survive or something???
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oh jeez okay we’re making a direct comparison then - I guess that’s fair at this point of the game, but I guess I just wasn’t ready for it?
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Except you. Only you. so basically the opposite of monokid. whatever i really don’t care about the kubs tbh
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........ oh fuck
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Sadly I’m on Kaito’s side in all of this.
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It really did grow on her, huh. When was the last time anyone showed her any sort of affection outside of that ‘childhood friend’ hinted at in her FTEs? :(
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I didn’t keep all of the interspersions of Kaito reacting in surprise to Maki’s statements but the fact that he didn’t realize his impact on her, that he was really getting through to her, is sad to me. Makes sense - the only indication he got that she was starting to respond to his ‘training’ was from Shuichi in the hangar bathroom scene, and then just a few hours later she busts in, completely throwing away everything he said about her being more than her talent, and basically acting as the mastermind’s weapon. It is incredibly interesting that he’s so shocked by all of her outbursts here - that he didn’t realize how much she actually cared about him.
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Aaaah she’s crying D: Those sound clips, man...
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And here’s the confession that was pretty much inevitable at this point.
For once Shuichi knew a matter of the heart before Kaito. That’s significant - in fact, it may actually say more about Kaito than Shuichi. You brag so much, but when it comes down to it, you really did underestimate the power your positivity had on people - or perhaps, more likely, your own self-confidence was shaken that badly in the last chapter?
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Figures you’d only let us see you bleed is when you physically can’t hide it anymore and are actually about to drop dead.
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You - are you not going to address her confession at all??? omg I... I think Kaito may not feel the same way about her. Oh. oh jeez this is awkward...
Seriously though, what a smart way for him to take that confession and use it to help her. Whether he likes her back or not, it doesn’t matter - he won’t be around much longer anyway. What’s most important to him right now is that his friends will be okay when he’s gone - and in this moment, that they stand down and live.
I mean. Come on. He’s literally dripping blood from the mouth and smiling through it. Kaito, you’re absolutely ridiculous and I love you.
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easy for you to say, you can’t see yourself right now
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whatever Kaito you can’t fucking stop me I’m on the other side of the screen
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Wait, that’s a reference to Ishimaru, right? Uh, Ishida?
.... does that mean this is him speaking for both him and Kokichi right now???
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“Like I did. Like Kokichi did. Learn from us. Grow in our absence. Thrive. And take that sonuvabitch down.”
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Man, you just weren’t ready for this game at all. Physically you were stronger than everyone else, but mentally...
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And just like that, he backs down. There’s probably some pretty valid criticism levelled at Kaito about being persistent and not always taking ‘no’ for an answer, but he does when it’s most important to, I think. And he knows to back down here because damn it, she needs to get this out of her system.
You’re not just some hero, Kaito, and that’s okay - you’re not some larger than life Ultimate Astronaut, Luminary of the Stars, just as Shuichi isn’t just the Ultimate Detective and Maki isn’t just the Ultimate Assassin -
You’re Kaito Momota, Shuichi and Maki’s friend. <3
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Just so you know, when I played this through initially I just. I just paused the game a few screenshots before this because it was late and FUCK THIS SHIT I’M NOT WATCHING HIM DIE BEFORE I SLEEP TONIGHT
not sure if delaying the inevitable was any better but anyway, that’s where my head was at. I was incredibly Not Ready either way.
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fuck it it is now
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holy shit it’s the execution that started the whole series off
Also I’m mad about how pretty the whole thing is. Is that the planetarium that we can use as a gift???
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Nice new threads, Monokuma.
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Usually these are ironic though??? His whole thing is about how he wants to  go to space, though I suppose the irony of being killed with what you love always fits like it did with the others...
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I didn’t notice it until I looked at this still, but aren’t those the headmaster’s bones???
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I-Is he still alive at this point??? The headmaster was reduced to bones at some point during the trip, right???
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oh god he
he smiled... for just a moment....
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Kaito, on his way to hell, at Monokuma: ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮
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He died amongst the stars.... 
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Wait so does that mean they didn’t see any of this happen??? Or was it projected on a TV for them or something -
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oh jeez -
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Despite the smiling, despite him finally reaching space, there ultimately isn’t any happiness be found in death. He never wanted to go out like this. :(
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ryouverua · 7 years
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Maki’s here too, and ready to roast Shuichi as per usual!
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But Kaito Momota, luminary of the stars, is undeterred! Though uh... he still looks shaky... m, maybe you want to go lie down again? Watch it have been food poisoning this whole time - but at least he looks a little better than last night?
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Kaito if you aren’t careful you’re going to be the victim for the chapter!!! Though with that said, I have a bad feeling that ship has sailed already...
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“I’m totally not in the beginning of a slow-burn romance story that ends with me finally admitting to him that I love him in a heated moment!” which at least says something about Kaito’s survival chances next chapter thank god stopdeathflaggingkaito2018
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record scratch moment for me
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no.... it hasn’t been about the occult this whole time....
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no way... no Way..... no FUCKING way...
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omfg Kaito I’m kinda mad at you but at the same time maybe you should be lying down right now???
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Can you imagine if we had found Kaito dead this chapter
and it had been from a heart attack
Can you even hold a trial for something like that
would nerdmugi make a Death Note reference
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“How dare you have adorable flaws!!!!!”
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Kaito names everything he loves, end of story, just how it is guys.
I’m 100% okay with this ot3 btw
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omg Korekiyo cares about Kaito too???  I can’t get over this guys 8′D Kaito has such a presence with his classmates!
Also can you imagine if they invited Korekiyo to training with them because I, personally, cannot imagine him attempting a push-up. I want to see him attempt it but my brain just... can’t.... put the mental image together at all...
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scribbles down notes “tsundere/kuudere assassin girl appears to be teasing (under the guise of scorn) shounen protagonist with ill-conceived facial hair while introvert baby goth observes. will continue observation and record the results. potential love triangle impending, love is wonderful, humanity is beautiful, etc.
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whispers “please call me a sweet roll kaito”
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