#things i've been accused of in my notes today:
ot3 · 18 days
starting to reach the point where i might consider remaking my blog again. i really don't want to have my archival tags split into Three Separate Locations but also it's so deeply frustrating that no matter how careful i am with phrasing things or how irrelevant a post is to anyone else people are still gonna find a way to have a problem with me for it. it's so frustrating. it's either that or just like preemptively stop the vast majority of my posts from being rebloggable when i post them, and that just sounds like so much work
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bohoteacher · 2 months
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Navigating Betrayal: Reconciling Admiration with Disillusionment
Like many Neil Gaiman fans this month, I've been shocked and distressed by the news regarding the SA allegations. I won't go over the details, as they're readily available online. I'll start by saying that I believe the accusers, and even the most lenient interpretation of events is still troubling enough to discredit Gaiman. For a long time, I didn't know what to say. I was just shocked and, somewhat naively, felt betrayed. I don't typically idolize actors, authors, or other public figures—I'm here for the characters, they're who I love and believe in. So, how did I end up believing in this man and his rhetoric?
I only had a parasocial relationship with him, which is to say no real relationship at all. But I took his Masterclass on writing, spent hours taking notes, and learned from him. I feel betrayed by someone I saw as a beloved teacher. I know this is insignificant compared to what the women who came forward experienced, but it's a valid feeling, and I needed time to process it. My initial reaction was to throw out and discount everything he’s ever written or done—of course it was.
This isn't just about my love for Good Omens, although how can it not be? I learned so much from this man—about writing, about not being too hard on myself, about the creative process. I read his books to my middle school classes, and we all learned how to be better people from them. Today, I saw and bought Instructions, a children’s book by Neil Gaiman illustrated by Charles Vess, from the used bookstore where I volunteer. It was a used copy, so no royalties will go to him. It’s a beautifully illustrated book where the main character walks through a land that clearly symbolizes life, learning lessons like saying please and "if any creature cries to you that it hurts, if you can, ease its pain." How could someone write this and then do what he did? I asked myself. "What an evil hypocrite," was my first thought. But then I recalled a line from another author, Stephen King. In The Stand, a character is described as "awake at the lectern, but asleep at the switch," meaning they know the right thing to do and can talk about it, but in the moment of choice, they act without integrity.
I don’t know if I’m making sense, but I think it’s too easy to label Gaiman as simply evil, as if he intentionally manipulated us by saying the right things just to make us read or watch his creations. The reality is likely far more complicated. Within this man is the amazing, thought-provoking, life-affirming wisdom that many of us have tried to live by, but also the hard, thoughtless, selfish cruelty that led him to abuse young, vulnerable women. The wisdom does not justify the abuse, and the abuse does not nullify the wisdom.
I think it's too simplistic to say Gaiman is despicable and always has been, hiding it from us all along. This doesn't acknowledge the complexity of human nature—that there is potential for both good and bad within us all. As it’s said, possibly by Terry Pratchett or possibly by Neil Gaiman, “It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally people.”
Gaiman is a man who has done some fundamentally good things and some fundamentally bad things. I can’t forget either one.
This is just my opinion. I know some people want to cancel him, while others want to exonerate him. You do you. As for me, I will continue to love Aziraphale and Crowley. I will continue to read and create fan-fiction. I will continue to find comfort and wisdom in books that have meant so much to me over the years. But I will also remember that they were created by a very flawed man whom I can no longer trust.
I understand that opinions on this matter vary widely. I know some people might feel that not discarding everything associated with him is wrong, but this is where I stand. I’m not looking to debate this or be told how I should react. I just needed to process my thoughts in writing and move forward in the way that feels right for me.
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copepods · 11 months
🌇 factored-antagonism 🔁 three-pronged-spears Follow
🌫️ three-pronged-spears Follow
DNI if you support Peripherism. It's literally just Slab Mongering but worse and with less effort
#wait peripherism is still a thing?????? #meaning collector point inversions havent been the norm in like 350 years afaik
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💟 pleading-intellect
GUYSSSS my overseer found a clutch of baby green lizards today they're so CUTE
#inty.txt #and BEFORE anyone accuses me of not iterating im literally running 55,458 processes rn
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❇️ string-of-pearls 🔁 rippling-shadows Follow
👤 forspoken-antiquity Follow
hey FYI everyone if you receive an ask about transcendental inversions it's a troll. i've gotten 3 asks in the last cycle
#signal boost!!
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🌁 nineteen-afterthoughts
"ohhh Triangulation is outdated" "ohhh Triangulators dont even factor noise milking into their research theyre a bunch of idiots" im literallu just a little guy im 4 feet tall why do you hate me
⬜️🔁 erratic-pulse
Irrelevant tangents and jokes don't help your case. Triangulationism is simply an objectively moronic take on an already superfluous train of thought. How are you supposed to find the Solution if you can't even properly look for it?
🌁🔁 nineteen-afterthoughts
you literally have Sliverist in your bio but go off
⬜️🔁 erratic-pulse
The minutiae of my theoretical inclinations are irrelevant. Your dogma is blatantly incorrect regardless.
🌁🔁 nineteen-afterthoughts
your group senior and i are raising a family together
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💽 slowly-advancing-mist
a band of scavengers literally just stole my last vat of holy ash thats it im seeking personal ascension
#vent #dont rb
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🚹 untoward-foresight Follow
Anyone else gotten really into Gold Hegemonic epic poetry recently? This one dude Eight Brass Whistles has a bunch of crazy quasi-Regeneratist stuff, it's actually really cool
🎹 east-facing-pillars
wasnt Eight Brass Whistles a heretic???? i heard he refused to shed the 3rd attachment or something like that
🚹 untoward-foresight Follow
Nah that callout post got debunked 533 cycles ago lol
🎹 east-facing-pillars
ahhh ok thanks for clarifying! ill let you know if i find anything :)
#thanks for being polite haha #lesson learned i gotta check this forum more LMAO
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⬜️ erratic-pulse
anonymous asked:
Transcendental Inversion! Transcendental Inversion!
Only someone with a fundamentally false understanding of inversion modes would send this. You can't even do such a thing without sufficient trailing bonds, which entropy renders impossible.
#Why do I always encounter idiots on this pseudonym?
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katakaluptastrophy · 10 months
So, it's the last days and a weird-looking guy called John is yelling about the end of the world.
AKA, it's Advent and we've reached the stage of Alectopause where I'm apparently writing Bible studies for the weird goth teens that hang out in graveyards... So let's talk about portentious guys called John and why a nun might have joined a necromancy cult.
Anyway, you know Advent, the cheerful and cozy time when we all think about cute baby Jesus as we get ready for Christmas, right?
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It's currently the second Sunday of Advent, and in lots of churches that follow the liturgical year, people will have been hearing about John the Baptist today (Me: "John". My phone: "Gaius?". Me: "John the-". My phone: "Necromancer?").
Without going into too much detail, John the Baptist is important because he's a prophet that points to the coming of Jesus. He first does this rather impressively in utero, but is probably best known for wandering the wilderness wearing camel hide and eating locusts, shouting about how the end is nigh and, hence the name, baptising people to cleanse them from their sins. People are pretty impressed by all this and start asking him if he is the promised messiah or one of the great prophets come again. He answers no, his job is to point towards one greater than him. He baptises Jesus, the heavens open, and not long afterwards John annoys the authorities and ends up with his head on an ornamental platter.
Now John the Baptist obviously isn't the main Biblical John evoked by John Gaius. That dubious honour probably goes to the beloved disciple John the Apostle, also known for The Gospel According To and The Apocalypse Of, aka the Book of Revelation, the Bible's account of the end of the world.
But John the Baptist (no, autocorrect, not "John the Necromancer") is relevant too, and not just because he's a guy called John, chosen by a higher power to lay the groundwork for better things to come and who falls afoul of the authorities with dramatic consequences.
Let's cycle back round to Advent for a moment. The reason Advent can both be aww cute little baby Jesus and also WHERE ARE YOU GOING WHEN YOU DIE?! is because in Christian theology, Jesus' birth and the end of the world are linked: the first and the second coming of Christ.
In Nona The Ninth, we learn that John and his friends are living in a world on the edge. Without some incredible plan - the cryo ships, the promise of FTL - everyone is going to die. Humanity has rendered the world uninhabitable. Although we get very few details of the broader geopolitical situation, we have to assume it's one rife with natural disasters and conflict.
In the Bible, Jesus talks about a world with famines and earthquakes, wars and rumours of wars, where to find yourself in those days with children would be a tragedy and to be pregnant even worse (maternity problem, anyone?). Specifically, this is when he talks about the signs of the end of the world and his second coming.
So what about M-'s nun? The first time we meet her is when she's advising John against his all-day Jesus Christ Superstar healing ministry.
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And John's anxiety about meeting her is pretty apt. He says: "I was worried I was going to get the Antichrist bit from her too". Note the "too" - by this point, John has already been accused of being the Antichrist. Why? Because alongside those rumours of wars and earthquakes, Jesus gives another sign to watch out for: false prophets.
But M-'s nun saw John and his powers and - for reasons we never learn - believed they were miraculous, a gift from God. She appealed to the Vatican to investigate and recognise this. And her presence and this campaign apparently made a significant impact in reducing some of the issues they were facing. Somehow, she met awful, smarmy John and his corpse buddies and thought she was seeing the hand of God miraculously at work in the last days.
This bears repeating, because I've seen suggestions that she believed he was God, or was somehow converted to the cause of necromancy, but at least by John's narrative it's much simpler than that: right to the end she's praying for him in very Catholic terms to find clarity in his purpose.
This is the last we see of her:
She just smiled at me. She said, John, don’t misunderstand. I want to help you. I truly believe that in our most terrible hours we don’t instinctively reach out to God; we push ourselves away from Him. Don’t feel bad for not rising heroically to the occasion right now. Fear doesn’t help us achieve a state of grace; it deafens the heart. John, I truly believe you can save everyone. So concentrate, please. She said, Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. And she shot herself.
While obviously you are probably not walking a straightforwardly orthodox path if you're shooting yourself to help the leader of a self-proclaimed necromancy cult locate the soul, her language here is very focused on the Catholic understanding of sin and death. A "state of grace" refers to the condition of your soul when it's not burdened with serious sins. It's the state you're in after you're baptised or after you've been to confession. Being in a state of grace is one's soul being on a wavelength with God; it's the necessary state to enter heaven.
And the Hail Mary? Catholics believe that Mary has the power to intercede for them with God. And the most important moment at which she could intercede would be at the point of death where the state of your soul determines your eternal destination. This isn't a wacky necromancy cultist talking. I suspect she sees this less as a suicide (which the Catholic Church has historically not had the most nuanced views on...) than a fulfilment of Jesus' teaching to keep his commandments and that there is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends.
We're not privy to exactly what she thought, and I don't think anyone's suggesting her approach was entirely orthodox, but if he's not the Second Coming, and he's not the Antichrist, and there are wars and rumours of wars and floods and earthquakes...did she see him as a prophet of the apocalypse? A sort of John the Baptist of the end times, who in demonstrating the reality of the soul would bring people to Christ before He came again?
Unfortunately for M-'s nun, John was not what she fervently believed him to be. And unlike John the Baptist, who said no when asked if he was something he was not, John used M-'s nun's death as a springboard to claim the trappings of both divinity and Catholicism for himself.
Unfortunately for John, judgement is coming in the form of an angry teenager Harrowing Hell and the very power he usurped, armed with a very big sword.
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inkmemes · 2 months
never stop blowing up  (  2024-  )  e02 : and that's whirred up sentence  starters ↪  taken  from  dimension 20's 22nd season.  alter  as  you  see  fit  ♡
“i'm just a lanky boy.”
“hello! nobody's home.”
“don't mess with brooklyn.”
“and what if i swallow it?”
“i wish you wouldn't.”
“i'm not hearing no!”
“it's beautiful.”
“you gettin' a little fucked up already?”
“i mean, i feel pretty fucked up.”
“that's for… that's for me? you want me to put that in my body?”
“okay, why don't you try some first?”
“you all right? you're looking a little green around the gills.”
“we can't afford this.”
“oh, um… i'm just being funny today.”
“i didn't get it. it didn't seem funny to me.”
“when you do drugs, sometimes you have ego death and it doesn't feel like you're you anymore.”
“this is paid for? this is, we got this? this is fine?”
“what are you asking?”
“i actually thought we were bonding.”
“wait, so you're not mad at me?”
“nothing you could do would ever make me mad.”
“i'd date him.”
“god, cutie alert.”
“this guy brought dogs to a nightclub!”
“he's really old. he has like, no teeth.”
“just taking notes on a fucking conspiracy.”
“see, when someone doesn't answer right away, you feel the need to keep going.”
“oh, okay, so you're making accusations.”
“i'm like, a little nervous that we left things in a weird place.”
“i don't even know this guy.”
“snort some and then sell the rest for money.”
“i don't want me to be happy!”
“i guess let's have some more of these drinks.”
“i didn't write down where i was supposed to go.”
“what's going on?”
“oh my god, he's dead.”
“you're on top of a building.”
“wait, a man just jumped off of a building?”
“i think [name] is attracted to this man.”
“is this a gun?”
“wait! come with me!”
“did i love him?”
“it was all a blur. i was getting thrown around like you can't believe.”
“yeah, he really gave it to, huh?”
“i wanna go out on the town.”
“we don't have the same room?”
“he left me up here on the street?”
“that was cool, man. i don't know what you want me to say.”
“i've been shot!”
“i've never been in a hotel this nice.”
“it's so hot. it's so hot.”
“there's dead guys all over the ground.”
“the floor is sleek with blood.”
“don't know how to spell that.”
“what the fuck?”
“sneak is like their primary fucking thing.”
“it's crazy that they just straight-up advertise that.”
“dude, this movie fucking rules!”
“i'm gonna need that from you.”
“tell me what i was supposed to do.”
“i think he's just starting to sweat.”
“you are wearing a tuxedo, baby.”
“just getting my sea legs, man.”
“could you send me a ping?”
“come on, man. we got bigger fish to fry. you gonna get hung up on this right now?”
“i've watched this.”
“i can't wait to see you.”
“i'm not the only one feeling pressure.”
“i'm probably not even gonna show up to work.”
“you told me what to do, i'm gonna do it, no argument.”
“i hate doing what people tell me to do.”
“he didn't think you were a shithead. there was trust there.”
“you were given an impossible thing to do.”
“i'm going so fast.”
“i'm still on my learner's permit!”
“i don't know who you're talking about!”
“does it look like the car is like, toast?”
“get outta there. those guys are some bad dudes.”
“i fucking love it.”
“i didn't know!”
“i fucking think it's a great fucking choice.”
“none of these are good enough.”
“[name], i thought you were dead.”
“that's why he hates me and that's why he stabbed me.”
“that's why he hates me and in turn why i hate him.”
“that was a weird interaction you just had.”
“oh, don't worry. i'm not gonna do anything with it. i'm just kinda holding it 'cause it feels necessary.”
“they can take care of themselves.”
“i'm getting it under control.”
“oh my god. this must be my fault. what did i do?”
“i hate new technology.”
“how the hell did you get that number? never call me on that line.”
“they're dancing together.”
“why the fuck are you calling me at the bureau?”
“can i get a second one?”
“oh fuck, they're all dead. they're all fucking dead.”
“goddamn it! [name], did you fuck us?”
“no, don't you fucking hang up on me!”
“we are gonna find a way to make this right.”
“did you get nabbed by the feds? what happened?”
“what do they want you to do?”
“but you know who you are.”
“it made so much sense in my brain.”
“what are you talking about?”
“yes! oh my god, fuck!”
“you had it in you all along, kid.”
“it's crazy. it was crazy down there.”
“can't say i'm surprised.”
“you must not have been invited.”
“that's a really interesting question i'm not willing to open up.”
“don't tell me what to do.”
“and it's weird 'cause it's not… it's like an emotional feeling. it's not a logical thing, right?”
“you're the guy from the movie!”
“i have a motorcycle.”
“we should go to a bar or something.”
“let's go get a drink. i wanna see the town!”
“i'm already deciding that i'm making that for you.”
“i mean, we're in a fucking movie together.”
“it's the '80s, baby.”
“i'm fucking pissed.”
“i wanna get out and i wanna solve this crime!”
“oh, are you looking for companionship?”
“oh, she sounds mean.”
“i think you're getting your groove back.”
“i want an appletini.”
“we're doing a drink crawl or something like that.”
“you look awful. you look bad. worst i've ever seen.”
“what, you want me to pretend i'm happy to see you, [name]?”
“watch where you're going!”
“i was just trying to like, prank.”
“someone wants to decapitate you.”
“you're probably the strongest dude i've seen.”
“just really good to be touched.”
“i think you need it.”
i'll go find parking, but i'll meet you at the hotel bar.”
“oh my god, [name], how are you doing? you look great.”
“oh, you've been waiting for that for so long.”
“wait, what?”
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thegreymoon · 4 months
The Story of Minglan
Oh my god, that wine is 100% poisoned.
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And they would poison her in front of all these people who are either in on it, or will go out of their way to cover it up 🤮
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I am beyond pissed off here but honestly, I blame Minglan for this one. She set the precedent by taking in that last bottom feeder to appease these villains so why would they not try this bullshit again?
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Just as I thought.
Minglan really needs to stop with the people-pleasing shenanigans and start murdering the bitches shitting on her doorstep.
I started watching this episode last night and had to stop because my head was absolutely pounding, and then it continued to pound all day today. It is now 18:10 and the pain has been persisting for at least 24 hours at this point, but I am momentarily medicated and feel like I can hold my head up straight if I don't move around too much, so I want to see where this bullshit is going. The righteous fury on Minglan's behalf will either heal me or transform the headache into complete agony. There can be no middle ground.
"Best temperament" is code for "she lets us walk all over her and mistreat her in every way imaginable without fighting back and still begs for our approval" in this society from what I've seen.
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Fuck that. Minglan, give them hell! Who needs a reputation for being a doormat? Your evil aunt is apparently out murdering people and no worse for wear, so you may as well tell them all to fuck off and live to see another day. Also, Gu Tingye will be proud!
OMG, Minglan, please start showing that shiny spine!
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It is episode 59, it is time to put this shit-stirrer in her place.
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Nanny Chang wasn't enough for her, she had to come back for seconds, so let her have it!! 💪💪
I am fascinated that she keeps murdering people and just... getting away with it.
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And apparently, everyone knows and nobody does anything about it.
LOL, Minglan has decided that today is the day to air ALL the dirty family laundry 🤣🤣
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Take note, Madam Qin, if you don't get your act together, you're next!
LMAO, now they are accusing Minglan of lying.
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Too bad for them that this time, they've bitten off more than they can chew. Minglan will end them all.
LMAO, where is this girl's father?
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Concubine-born or not, how can she just kick her out of the house like that? Even if she were to marry Gu Tingye as a concubine, surely there must be some kind of process? At least have her pack her things and lend her a cart to carry them over? This just makes no sense, she went out for lunch at the neighbours' place with her stepdaughter in tow and just decided to dump her there. Who does that? Who allows it?
There is no chance any of this is above-board.
Bitch, shut up.
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Minglan should let more of you die and maybe you'll learn.
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On the one hand, I feel sorry for the cousin, she is clearly being abused in her family home, but on the other looking to Minglan to fix it by SHARING HER HUSBAND WITH HER, OF ALL THINGS, AND ALLOWING HER TO SPY FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE OUT TO LITERALLY KILL HER is just beyond.
Oh, shut up.
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I see Nanny Chang is there. I trust Nanny Chang.
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Whether or not Cousin dies is not Minglan's responsibility, especially since they are asking her to resolve it to great personal detriment. Again, I ask, where is this girl's father? Also, is there no law whatsoever here protecting this girl? That fisherwoman accusing Gu Tingye's buddy of rape got a whole trial so there are definitely laws in place here and places to appeal to.
Aunt Kang is getting away with all this bullshit because people are letting her.
Words to live by 💪💪
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I made it maybe 15 minutes last night before I had to turn everything off and rock back and forth in a dark room as I suffered. I eventually ended up vomiting, which was completely WTF. I've heard that this happens with migraines but this was my first time experiencing it and honestly? I don't think that this was a migraine either because the pain was not the stabbing agony with an aura they describe, but more like a constant throbbing pressure in my entire head. I get headaches often, and yes, they sometimes go on for two or three days, but I have never had one that was this intense, this long and so pain-killer resistant that I ended up vomiting because of it. It is now day three and I can still feel it throbbing in the background. My body is definitely trying to tell me something but I a not sure I am ready to listen 😔
Minlgan is too kind.
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If it were me in her position, I would not feel one ounce of guilt.
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sgiandubh · 11 months
Saw your comment: "We're not all thirsty mommies, nor 12, nor bitter bitches. I'd love to see and hear more about what is beneath that mask, not beneath that shirt." Sam has done that before. He wrote an entire book about his journey but the book is called bullshit and he a liar. He's written well-thought out articles and forewords to books. He speaks intelligently and passionately and knowledgably about his liquors and the process of getting to market, and is called a shill. His work with Prickly Thistle is expensive and taking peoples' money, even when it helped this woman-owned mill immensely. It goes on and on. Today he's been accused of hypocrisy for a plastic cup, thirst trapping to change a conversation and using his social media as a PR tool to fool gullible women. Some may want to see beneath the mask but when he's shown what he is willing to you get the above.
Dear Hypocrisy Anon,
Thank you for your thoughts. I have read your long comment very carefully and let's say I agree with about 85% of it. The itching point is, of course, the book: Waypoints is a good ghostwritten memoir I have commented at length, with a more benevolent view than most of those who found it took some substantial liberty with what they (and I, for that matter) think it's the current state of play in SC Land. Note I am not saying the truth: that's only for Them to know, not for us. So dismissing it and calling everything a lie is a bit of a stretch. It's just a memoir, to be followed by other projects, other books. And who knows, another memoir, later on, where he could correct the course again at his convenience. He's only 43. Give the man some credit.
Trouble is, the world is a vast and diverse place. It's not just this fractured fandom. If he wants to remain relevant beyond OL, he needs, in my humble opinion, two things: a) to score a big role in a big budget production, which would improve his notoriety and help him reach a different public and b) curate his personal image a bit more and get out of this midlife crisis fake character he's peddling around. The only people who find it interesting are the thirsty mommies in *urv's crowd and that's, uhm... a bit irrelevant, in the big scheme of things.
So, no more political blunders, please and thank you. Shut the hell up and play Switzerland on complicated and divisive society issues which can get one in boiled water for a comma. Carefully picked and curated CSR projects, he'd ideally be more actively involved in. And yes, maybe a bit more transparency on the so many great things he does, like that partnership with the Edinburgh's Youth Theatre he didn't even mention himself or include in his stories (no doubt, out of a very British and endearing sense of modesty). And always remember: when faced with something beautiful and fragile, like that story, people will try their best to smear it and break it. I am not bitter, just realistic.
Same goes for your conclusion: I am sure many would like to see more of what is beneath that mask. It's too bad that a bunch of bitter, nasty, clueless, but also very noisy women occupy a bigger part of the stage than they should.
But have faith, Anon. For the moment, all of this is nothing what a good PR, not the clowns he obviously hired, can't fix with relative ease. Trust me. I've seen way worse. And remember, always remember what dear Wilde (God, I love that soul!) said: 'every saint has a past and every sinner has a future'.
You just gave me an idea for a future post and for this, I thank you, Anon. But for now, I have to catch up on a thing or two, rather than determine the morality of a plastic glass. I hope this long answer helps somewhat. Thank you for dropping by: it was a pleasure reading your musings.
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kpopbestie96 · 11 days
Part two: Crushing on my best friend
Hello lovelies! I finally wrote part two! I really hope you enjoy it! Again, I'm really sorry for not posting part two earlier. I wanted to but time got away from me. Please enjoy, please be delusional reading this! Let's go!
Paring: Bang Chan x reader, Bang Chan x Y/n
Genre: Stray Kids fan fiction, Bang Chan fan fiction
Warnings: cussing, 17+
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"Let me see your phone," Chan demanded, holding out his hand, hoping she would actually give it to him.
She scoffed in disgust while rolling her eyes. "What for?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.
Chan felt his anger brewing while thinking back to what you said if she didn't show you her phone. His heart stung a little bit. "I see..."
"See what?" Her eyebrows were pinched together, annoyed that you would ask to see her phone.
"We're done," he said without any more hesitation.
"Seriously Chan?" She stepped closer to him, her vision not leaving his. "Just because I won't show you my phone??"
"It means your hiding something."
"It fucking doesn't!" He looked down at his coffee table, seeing his phone light up while she had her back towards him; complaining how he doesn't know how to trust people.
He saw that it was you who messaged, squinting down to try and read it before she turned back around. He saw something, saying: I've been wanting to tell you. Is all he could read before she was yelling his way again.
His mind was racing, not even listening to his girlfriend, wondering what the rest of the message said if it started of the way it did.
"Please leave," He pointed towards the door annoyed. "I want you out of here! We're offically done." He was fuming and couldn't wait for her to leave his home and life.
"I can't believe this!" Her arms moving every which way. "You're throwing this all away because of an accusation??"
"Just show me your phone, it's simple." He noted.
"No," her voice almost sounded liked a spoiled child. A brat that wasn't getting her way.
"Then get the fuck out. I can't help you much more."
She left yelling, flailing her arms everywhere as he walked back to pick up his phone off the coffee table.
He opened your message, sitting down slowly onto his couch, taken back by your confession.
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"She likes me more than a friend??" He couldn't believe it. He thought earlier today you would say something, not send him a message while fighting with his girlfriend. Well ex now.
A smiled crept on to his face because the younger version in him was jumping up for joy. He pushed his crush for you away when he realized this was only going to be a friendship.
He never wanted to ask because he didn't want to ruin what you two had. But now that you admitted to liking him, he was ready to confess how he feels about you.
He messaged you, called you but you weren't picking up or texting back. I wonder if she's asleep, he thought as he saw the time.
I'll go over tomorrow, he got ready for bed but it was no use sleeping as he wondered what to say. "I like you too, always have. No that's dumb. Um, you've always been part of my heart." He covered his eyes with his hands trying to find a way to tell you.
The next morning you immediately checked your phone. Okay, let's think of the worst possible outcome.
When you clicked your phone on, you saw there was a few messages and missed calls from Chan. Shit, I didn't think it would be this bad. You tossed your phone back onto the night stand, walking away to go take a shower where you cried your eyes out.
I should have done it...I knew it. You gripped your hair, frustrated for letting your emotions take over to do something so crazy.
The entire morning, you avoided your phone like the plauge. You werent ready for the rejection, so you made your breakfast and chilling in the living room. While Chan was at home wondering why you haven't called or messaged him back.
He figured he would do the next best thing and go over. He zipped up his favorite black jacket over his white sleeveless top, paired with some black shorts and shoes.
He raced over to your house, hoping that you were still there and didn't leave for the day while you finally got up and decided to check your phone.
Okay, I can do this. I will understand and be mindful of his decision. I can do this.
You sat down on your bed, your feet hanging off as you couldn't help but stare at your phone. As much as you were comforting yourself, your body didn't want to reach out and grab it.
As you bit you bottom lip softly, you finally reached over, grabbed it and held your phone in your hand.
When you clicked it on, you saw other notifications that weren't top priority to look at, as you clicked on the messages icon on the screen.
Your finger hovered above Chan's messages not looking down at the phone. Okay just press it, you told yourself. As soon as you were about to press your thumb down on the screen, you heard a knock on the door.
Your eyes shot open, what...who's that? You brought your phone closer to you, looking down to see Chan messaged he was coming over.
Oh! You quickly fixed yourself up a bit before answering the door, not wanting to look too much like trash.
"Hey!" You said opening the door wide for him to come in. "Sorry I didn't see your message. I would have gotten dressed more and done my makeup."
"Y/n you're fine! I always tell you how much more beautiful you look without it."
You tried to keep your smile down as your nerves were wondering why he was here. Oh God, he's going to reject me to my face. Well let's get this over with. "Please, come in." You said stepping out of the way for him to walk in and take his shoes off by the door.
"Do you want anything to drink?" You nervously asked, eyeing him suspiciously when he didn't turn around to face you, seeing his the black jacket cover his broad shoulders.
"Nah, I'm okay. But is there a reason you didn't text or call back?" He asked, not wanting to beat around the bush.
With your hands behind your back, you stared at the ground nervously as your heart was about to fall out of your chest and land on the floor. "I...I guess I wasn't ready," you stuttered as you tried to keep your tears from falling out.
"What do you mean?" He walked over to you, seeing his white socks in your view. "Wait, did you think I don't feel the same way?"
Your head snapped up a little too quickly, making you mentally face palm yourself for the way your reacted. What did he say??
But Chan didn't think of anything of it as he could see the worry on your face. "Y/n...can I see your hand?"
"Um..sure..." you said sounding skeptical. You shakily put your hand out, which made you yell at yourself. I've held his hand before, I need to calm down.
His strong, veiny hand covered yours making you cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "You're message made me so happy, you have no idea how long I've had a crush on you."
Time stood still with his announcement, none of this seemed real to you. "What?" Was the only question you could ask.
"We've been friends for years and I thought that's all we were ever going to be. So I pushed my crush for you away. But now that I know..."
He stepped closer to you, titling your head up to look at him, while he continued to hold your hand, squeezing it a bit tighter.
Your body was tense and you could feel your breathing become irregular, there's no way this is fucking happening. I'm dreaming, cause that's the only logical explanation right now.
He moved his face down as your eyes were wide open, waiting for something you've only dreamt about. His face stopped, softly feeling his pink plumped lips agaisnt yours.
You silently whined as he opened his eyes, wanting to make sure this was okay, not want to over step his boundaries. "May I? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
"Of course you can."
You could feel him smile before placing his free hand on your left cheek, softly pressing his lips against yours.
Your head was spinning as the butterflies in your stomach released.
You couldn't believe this was happening, thinking to all the times you've dreamt about this, all the times where you were shyly checking him out, all the times for biting your tongue whenever he would introduce a new girl to you.
His hands moved to your hips, pressing your body against his while you floated on the most comfortable cloud you've ever rode.
"I've been waiting a long time to do that," He said breaking you out of your thoughts while resting his head against yours.
You opened your eyes, starting into his, while there was ringing in your ears. "I know what you mean," you softly laughed while you didn't want to move past this moment.
"But go get dressed," Chan said, standing straight up. "Let's go on a date."
"A date??" You asked shocked, flinching back by saying the word date.
"Unless you want to stay friends? Let's go hang out." He chuckled.
"I'll go get ready! I'm assuming casual?"
You couldn't help but move your vision to see his his jacket sliding down his arm, exposing his toned shoulder. You quickly yelled at yourself to whip your gaze back to his.
"Yeah, let's go do something fun!"
"Okay, I'm in!" You were about to run to your room when he grabbed your hand and spun your around.
"Wait one more thing," He said before smashing your lips against his. "Just wanted to do that. But go get dressed."
You were left in a haze as you walked to your room, feeling his lips still on yours.
"Woow..." you said quietly to yourself as you closed the door behind and threw yourself onto the bed, smiling so big while staring up the ceiling. I can't believe this is real! You squealed, trying your best not to be too loud.
Once you got dressed, did some makeup, you walked out to a smiling Chan who turned your TV off once you walked out.
You walked to the elevator as he sneakily intertwined your fingers together. Your cheeks became warm, looking down at your hands together before looking at him.
You could see a smile forming on his face, his ears turning red as he shyly turned towards you.
"Is this okay?" He asked.
"Of course," you smiled before stepping onto the elevator and heading to your first date with him.
For part one: Click here
For more Stray Kids things I've done: Click here
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viesantewrites · 6 months
𝑨 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆 | 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏
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[Robert Fischer (Inception) x Reader]
next chapter
summary: Robert and the reader have nothing in common. He's the son of a multi millionaire and future heir to a massive energy company, she is a "nobody" and doesn't really stand out in the big city Paris. But then Robert catches her trying to steal from him. No longer able to stand the pressure from his father and his company, Robert offers her a deal.
note: this is actually a reupload, i‘ve written this story last year in September I think.
warnings: swearing, family problems
word count: 2.5k+
note: you don’t have to watch inception to understand this story
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Today was such a success, wasn't it, Clarke?"
The older man at the wheel sighed and tried to look away from the passenger. Clarke knew he was being sarcastic.
"I'm sorry for you, Sir," he replied. "But days like this happen. Even as the future CEO of Fischer Morrow."
The younger, dark-haired man in the back just rolled his eyes in frustration. "Don't call me that. I've spent my whole life in his shadow. He mocked me for every little thing, always saying I wasn't a worthy heir. And now that the old man is on his deathbed, he's suddenly changed his mind."
Clarke slammed on the brakes in shock. He was so distracted by the conversation that he almost missed the red light directly in front of him.
"But Mr Fischer... He is your father," he answered, his hands still shaking a little.
Fischer didn't seem to care that his driver had almost had an accident. Lost in thought, he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned his head against the cold car window. The heavy rain pelted down loudly, leaving thick streaks. "He was never really a father to me," he finally said quietly.
Clarke remained silent, avoiding Fischer's gaze in the rear-view mirror. The light turned green again and he stepped on the accelerator so hard that Fischer's face almost hit the front seat.
"Hey, pay attention, okay? I've had enough shit happen to me today, I don't want to end up in hospital tonight."
"I’m sorry, Sir," the driver muttered, a bit intimidated.
Fischer snorted angrily and tugged at his shirt. It was a beautiful white piece from an exclusive luxury fashion brand of which he was particularly proud. Only now it was covered in a large brown coffee stain. Fischer was seething with rage at the thought of what had happened.
He had an important meeting in Paris today to present The Fischer Morrow, his father's leading energy company, to potential clients.
Fischer had prepared for everything, practiced the presentation several times, rehearsed every word to perfection and checked his appearance in the mirror at least five times. He had got up early in the morning to make sure he had enough time to get ready, so that every hair was in place, the tie neatly tied and the shirt without the slightest crease. An immaculate appearance was essential to him. He was vain in every way.
But everything changed when the secretary balanced a tray of coffee in the meeting room. Fischer had only noticed her out of the corner of his eye, turned around to the audience and ended up bumping into her.
Luckily the coffee was no longer boiling hot, otherwise he would have spent the rest of the day in hospital with serious burns. But it was enough to knock Fischer off his game.
Angry and embarrassed at the same time, he could hardly concentrate on the content of his presentation. So much so that by the end he could barely form a complete sentence.
In other words: The Fischer Morrow had no new clients.
Had Robert Fisher's father Maurice not been terminally ill, he would certainly have given him hell and accused him of being an unworthy heir.
As always. As he had done for many years, ever since Robert was a little boy. Maurice had never thought of him as a son. He only ever spoke of him as the heir to his business.
God, how Robert hated the job. But he couldn't give it up while his father was still alive. Maurice Fischer seemed to want to give his company to a man he couldn't stand, but to whom he was related by blood, rather than to a complete stranger.
Robert didn't know how long he'd been sitting in the back seat, lost in thought, when Clarke finally parked the car safely outside the hotel where he was staying for a few days.
The man hurried out of the car to open the door for his passenger, staring at Robert's dirty shirt. Fischer fumbled in his pocket for the key to the hotel room.
"Good night, see you tomorrow," he murmured, waving a quick goodbye to his driver. Finally, he turned around on the heel of his shiny black shoes to enter the luxury hotel.
A wave of tiredness suddenly hit him, and all he wanted to do was take a shower and fall into a warm, soft bed.
When he finally opened the door, the light in the suite was on. Roberts heart began to beat faster and he frowned in confusion. He was pretty sure he had turned it off earlier. Had the room service forgotten to turn it off after they had left the room?
But when he suddenly noticed movement from the rear room, followed by strange scratching and tapping noises, he froze.
What the hell was that?
Quietly, still clutching the key, he entered the room and was almost scared to death when he saw the person in his hotel suite. They were fiddling with his wall safe, apparently trying to break it open.
She turned around as she heard someone open the door to the hotel room. Damn it! Why would he be back from his meeting so early?
The woman held her breath. She knew her plan was completely insane and dangerous, and that she would certainly end up in prison. But at this moment, she really didn't know any other way to help herself. Her mountain of debt seemed to grow every month. Her low salary as a hotel employee and the fact that even the smallest apartments in Paris cost a fortune didn't help. After months of stress and sleepless nights, she couldn't take it any more.
She finally saw her chance when she found out that the son of a multi-millionaire was staying at the hotel.
"I asked you, what the hell are you doing here?" The deep, threatening voice instantly made her shiver. Then she began to examine the man carefully.
He was dark-haired, slim and wearing a classic black suit. The only thing that disturbed this elegant image was a large brown stain on his shirt.
Her eyes wandered up and she caught a glimpse of his face. The man's features were sharp, he had a prominent jaw, but the most striking thing was his bright blue eyes that were staring at her angrily.
Silence fell over the room like a big blanket. Only her fast breathing and the ticking of a clock could be heard.
"Room service..." she finally managed to say in a hoarse voice. "Mr Fischer I ..."
Robert noticed her strong French accent.
"I'm sorry." She tried to avoid the man's angry gaze but he kept on staring at her with his icy blue eyes as she pressed her back even harder against the wall.
"Are you kidding me? You broke into my room and tried to steal my money. Room service my ass. I'm calling the police."
"Wait!" she interrupted him in panic, "I didn't steal anything, I..."
She knew that it was over for her. But she alone was responsible for this mess by allowing her emotions succeed against her mind. And now she had to face the consequences.
The woman put her trembling hands on her face and tried to hold back the tears. Suddenly another shock went through her body as a phone started to ring loudly.
Fischer pulled his phone out of his pocket and answered in an energetic voice: "Uncle Peter, now is not the time to call!" Then suddenly there was silence. Much too quiet for her taste.
Glancing through her fingers, she saw the man in front of her hold his forehead and then rub his eyes with his thumb and index finger.
"I'm sorry, Uncle Peter...How does Dad know what happened today, he's in hospital in Sydney...Who told him that?"
His voice, which had just been deafeningly loud, had now dropped to a low whisper. He finally said goodbye to the caller. Again the room was completely silent. Fischer just stood there with his hands in his pockets, his head slightly bowed.
For a moment she considered taking the opportunity to make her escape but then she dismissed the idea. Her legs were paralysed by fear, he also was half a head taller and probably faster than her and would catch her immediately. Fischer slowly raised his eyes and stared at the young woman in front of him.
Desperation was written all over her face.
He couldn't call the police now. That would draw even more attention to him, and for weeks the press had been writing one false article after another about him.
If the press found out, they would twist everything around trying to destroy his image, as they often did.
So he would not only be the spoiled and lazy millionaire's son who took money from his dying father, but also the man who lured beautiful young women into his hotel room and locked them up in there.
Robert sighed and sat down in one of the red velvet armchairs.
"Alright, go ahead. Report me. Call the police. I was just trying to get money to buy food and pay my rent. You probably don't know anything about money problems."
He lifted his head as he heard her voice. Robert didn't know why, but somehow he felt compassion.
But he didn't answer, because he was too busy thinking about his own problems. "I can't take it anymore, I have to get away from here. Away from my father. Away from Fischer Morrow. Somewhere where I won't get any more attention..."
The young woman finally sat down beside him and smoothed her blouse for a moment. "It's really not nice to be almost invisible and not be noticed by anyone." She shrugged briefly.
"I'd trade my life for yours in a heartbeat, I'm not kidding," Robert said.
Why had he just said that?
The woman just laughed. "Believe me monsieur, you really don't want to do that."
In a very strange way, he felt sorry for her. He couldn't really explain it, after all she had almost robbed his hotel room. But somehow he felt attracted to her.
And at that moment, the last rational thought after this nerve-wracking day left his head. He suggested something to her that he would never have done in his right mind.
How about... you get me out of the hotel unnoticed and take me somewhere where I can stay for a few days. In return, no one will know about your robbery of my hotel room. Deal?"
One of her eyebrows moved up as he said those words. "You want me to take you to my flat?" She stared at him in disbelief.
Robert put on his charming smile that usually worked on every lady. "Come on, a lot of women would kill for what I just offered you. Some ladies scream when they see me walking down the street like I was a movie star or something. They've even told me I'm the most beautiful man they've ever seen.
She studied him quickly. He was undeniably handsome, but also incredibly arrogant.
"And how do I know you're not dangerous?" She gave Robert a disparaging look.
"Yes, maybe I‘m a serial killer, who knows", Robert joked.
"You must know that I am very suspicious. But I can't lose my job or go to jail." He could see her struggling to make the right decision.
"All right," she said finally, after half an eternity. "I'll help you. On the condition that no one ever finds out that I tried to steal from you."
Fischer smiled again. "You can take my word for it, Madmoiselle..." He held out his hand, noticing her cautious gaze. "Come on, you can tell me your name now."
"Call me YN."
"Okay, YN. Now let's get out of here."Finally she took his hand. Her fingers felt cold.
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A/N: Like i said this story is a bit older, if you’re interested in a part 2, please let me know 🤍
I was thinking she takes Robert to her apartment and lets him stay there a few days, till her parents visits her and she convinces them that he’s her new boyfriend. They invite him to a family gathering to get to know their daughters "new boyfriend." The press recognizes Robert immediately and write new articles about his "affair with a poor maid" and their pictures are soon everywhere until even Robert‘s father finds out.
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ozwriterchick · 1 year
A Joe Burrow Story...
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A/Note: My first RPF, well the first I've published. I normally write Marvel (Steve, Bucky, Sam) but decided to try my hand at something a little different.
I hope you like it, if you do, please like, reblog and leave me some feedback (kindly would be appreciated..)
Fic inspired by @burreaux-drys - thank you for your amazing writing, even if it is "all over the place"
I do not own the characters in this story except the OFC/OC characters mentioned.
I do not give permission for my work to be copied, translated or in any other way taken/stolen.
Characters: Joe Burrow; OFC!Reader; OC!Readers Best Friend; Mentions of other Bengal players; OC Bengal team members (kind of)
Warnings: Mentions of stalking; Shy reader; Police; that's about it except Joe Burrow I think deserves his own warning (in a good way); Not Beta'd so any mistakes are my own
W/C: 2748
Reader’s pov
I watched the players on the field, easily singling out the one I’d come to see.  It really wasn’t that difficult, he stood out with his mop of dirty blonde hair and the number 9 on his jersey.
My eyes roved down his body to his slim but manly hips and back up again to his broad shoulders, made even broader by the padding in his practice uniform.
He was looking good, but again, he always did, especially to me.  I’ve been in love with him for a while, always from afar, and he had no idea.  Maybe today would be the day I’d get up enough gumption to actually tell him.
This was a closed practice, but that never stopped me before.  There were plenty of ways to sneak into Paycor stadium, even when it was on lockdown, if you knew what you were doing.  And I did.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took my attention away from practice to check.
BFF: Where are you? I’m at your place
Me: Oh, I’m out running errands, sorry.
BFF: Tell the truth, you’re at practice ogling J again aren’t you?
Me: Maybe.. Maybe not.. I can neither confirm nor deny that accusation
BFF: Well then, I’ll join you, I need to see me some Sam.
Me: It’s almost over and it’s a closed practice today, so you won’t be able to get in.
BFF: Closed practice?
BFF: They don’t let anyone into closed practices, how did.. You know what, I dno’t want to know.  Let me know when you’re home. Unless you and J are doing something after practice
Me: Will do. Love you xx
BFF: Love you too xx
As you slipped your phone back into your pocket you realised that practice was over for the day.  You slunk back into the shadows as a couple of the players and officials looked up towards where you had been sitting.  Regardless of anything else, you shouldn’t have been there and you didn’t really want to get caught and banned.
Making your way back to your car you see a line of fans waiting for the players to come out of training.  You chuckle to yourself that they clearly don’t know the tricks that you did.
For a moment you contemplate joining them, you have something you want to give to Joe, but decide maybe next time would be a better option and you jump into the car and head home.
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Later that day.. Back at Paycor Stadium - Joe’s pov
I have a stalker.  There’s no getting around it any more.
I’m sitting in Coach’s office with the cops and Zac, admitting for the first time that somebody is stalking me.  I knew it all along really, but just didn’t want to admit the ’s’ word to myself.  I figured it was just an overzealous fan and that it would be ok.
Things were left on my car at training, when I was at the gym, even when I was at the grocery store but today, I couldn’t ignore it any longer.
After practice I signed some autographs and took some pictures with the fans who’d j for me.  I love my fans and I love interacting with them - for the most part.  Every fan group has those ones who are a bit.. umm, crazier than others.  Fans that would do anything to get closer to their idols.  Not that I consider myself an idol, but I know with my position and public persona, that I’m as much a likely target for the crazies as anyone else.
“So, Joe” the Detective said “Tell us exactly what happened today to make you finally call us”
“Well, I left training and headed to the grocery store.  While I was there, I took a couple of pictures with some fans, nothing major.  When I came out to my car, there were flowers on the hood and something under the windscreen wipers.”
“And this is what was under the wipers?” The Detective asked, holding up the piece of paper that had been on my window.
I nodded, and continued.  “I didn’t really think a lot of it, I just grabbed the flowers and the note and tossed them into the front seat.  Once I got home though, I wasn’t quite so sure this was an innocent interaction.”
“And why do you say that?  Joe, if we are going to find this and make sure nothing happens, we need every piece of information you have.”
“Of course detective.  Well, I got home and parked in my garage and as I got out of the car, something just felt off.  The door between the garage and the house was open but I swear I closed it before I left.  I kinda shrugged it off at first, thinking maybe my Mum had been around, or the cleaner had come even though they weren’t due for a couple of days.”
“But that wasn’t the case?”
“Well, no, once I got inside I realised some things had been moved around and then I saw the note on my kitchen bench.”
“And this is the note you found inside your house?”
I couldn’t bring myself to look at it or read it again so I just nodded and looked down at my hands in my lap.
“Joe, we need to get ahead of this” Coach said. “Detective, do you think we should do a press conference and alert the public to keep an eye out?  I’m sure this person has been around training/practice and the stadium, probably coming to game days when we play here.”
“Let’s just wait it out for now, we don’t want to scare the stalker off and not be able to find them, or worse, have them escalate their behaviour into something dangerous.”
I feel like all I can do is nod, once again.  I just never pictured myself in this situation.
There was a knock on Zac’s office door and one of the admin staff came in with a folder and handed it to Zac, whispering something to him.  I saw his eyes go wide and then he looked down at the folder.
“Ummm, detective, we may have some more information that could shed some light on this case.  We video every practice/training session and these are some stills from today’s practice that might be very interesting.”
Zac hands the folder to the detective as I sit up a bit straighter in my chair, curious about what they could have found from today’s video, given it was a closed practice, meaning nobody was able to come in and watch.
The detective opened the folder and examined the pictures closely and then handed them to me.
“What am I looking at?” I asked.
“Apparently someone was in the bleachers today during practice.  Detective, this was a closed practice today which means that this person has snuck in and possibly could be the person you are looking for.”
I peered closer at the photos.  They were grainy, a bit blurry, you couldn’t really see who it was.  It did look like a female but who could really tell.  I’m sure the police had ways of making the image a bit sharper and maybe getting some identifying details.
The police thanked Zac and I and made their way out with suggestions to beef up my security at home and at the stadium and to also be very aware of my surroundings at all times.  They didn’t think, if this person who snuck into practice today was my stalker that they posed too much danger, but you never know.
I sat for a bit longer with Zac, talking out what was happening because the only other people I could talk to at the moment were my family and my teammates and I didn’t really want to worry either group until we knew more.
On the way home, I rang my security company who agreed to schedule more regular patrols around and near my place and also to ramp up the security footage around the outside of my home.
I hated that I have to do this but I guess my safety should be number one to me and I know my Mum would kill me if she knew about this and I didn’t take these extra precautions.  It all just felt so limiting.
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1 week later - Reader’s pov
I haven’t been back to Paycor.  Almost getting caught in the stadium made me back off a little bit, I didn’t want to get into trouble and be banned from practice or games in general.
I’d been following Joe and the Bengals activity on social media but it just felt so impersonal, that I was itching to get back to practice.  Actually Joe didn’t seem very active on socials the past week and most of the Bengals feed had focused on Tee, Sam and a few of the other players.  All great players but Joe was their franchise player, the top QB in the league and they should be showcasing him whenever they can.
It made me wonder what had happened in the last week.  
After I left training I headed to the grocery store to get some supplies, as my best friend was coming over after work that night for a movie night.  As I was leaving I saw Joe entering the store.  I knew he shopped here but I had never actually run into him and I just smiled at him as I walked out of the store to my car.
He has a very distinctive car and it was parked next to mine so I took a moment to admire it before I loaded my bags into the back seat and headed home again.
Later that night when my friend arrived she had some very interesting news.
“Girl, Joe Burrow has a stalker!”
“What?  I mean, how do you know this?”
“I heard some of the detectives at work today talking about it.  Apparently someone left some things on his car at the grocery store this afternoon and after he got home, someone had broken into his house and left him some kind of note - I don’t know what it said but they are beefing up security at his house.  This is huge.”
“Why haven’t they said anything about it though?”
“Well, they probably don’t want the person escalating to even more dangerous behaviour, although they may be too late for that if whoever it is has already been inside his actual house.”
That conversation has stayed with me, to be honest.  I couldn’t imagine how scared Joe must have been to go to the police about it all.
Today I was heading back to practice.  This one was open but I thought I’d stay in the background anyway, amongst the other fans and not up front like I usually try to be.  Fate, as it seemed, had other plans.
As practice was finishing, a surge in the people there pushed me towards the side of the crowd, closer to where the players exited the field.  As Joe walked past he looked at me and smiled and did a double take.  Did he recognise me?  Is he curious of who I am?
I decided to make a quiet retreat and wait outside for him and hopefully get the balls to talk to him, or give him the gift I had for him.
A few of the players dribbled out of the stadium towards their cars, all stopping to sign autographs and take pictures with the fans.  
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Joe’s pov
I walked out of the stadium towards my car and it always fascinates me how many people stay after practice to talk to, take photos with and get autographs from the players.  I still struggle to understand that some of them are here exclusively to see me.  
Given recent events however, it makes me more cautious as well, and I hate that because I love giving back to my fans.
As I went along the line of fans, I saw one at the back who looked kind of familiar.  I waved her over and said “Do I know you, you look very familiar?”
“Oh, umm, you don’t know me” she said quite shyly. “We bumped into each other at the grocery store last week.”
“Oh yeah, well it’s nice to meet you, did you want a picture?”
“Uh, sure” she replied and got her phone out.
We took a couple of selfies and then she quietly said “I have something for you” and as she reached into her bag I got really nervous.  Maybe this was my stalker.  Now that I think of it, she’s at training a lot, and yes I did see her at my grocery store just before that stuff was on my car.
I nervously looked around for security and mumbled some excuse about forgetting something and sprinted back into the stadium and straight to Zac’s office.
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Reader’s pov
I can’t believe it, I finally got the time, opportunity and guts to talk to Joe and he ran off.  I started to put the drawing I’d done of him back in my backpack when I looked up and saw security coming towards me.
I quickly walked towards my car and managed to get in and drive away before they got to me.  I hope they didn’t catch my licence plate and haul me in for questioning.  Just my luck I’d get in trouble because of an innocent meeting at the grocery store.
Maybe this was my sign to just find a new hobby?
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Another week later - Joe’s pov
Once again, I’m sitting in Coach’s office with the detectives who this time have some good news.
“We’ve made an arrest” the detective told us.
I breathed a sigh of relief that this was over “That was quick, how did you get a break so fast?”
“Well, it all came down to the fans.  Those at practice helped us out with some info, and your observations also  gave us some insight.  We tracked the person down and an arrest was made this morning.  We have some pretty tight proof, so you may not even have to testify, but if you do, we can probably put them away for a few years.  At the least, you can get a restraining order that prevents them from coming near your house, or the stadium, or generally within about 500metres of wherever you are.”
“Thanks detective, I'm so relieved” I said.  “Did they happen to say why they did it?”
“Just a big fan, a bit lonely and wanted to be closer to you but just went about it the wrong way.  Kinda feel sorry for them, but you know, we can’t let emotion into it, otherwise we’d never catch anyone.”
“Well, thanks again detective” Zac said “We are more than grateful for your speedy resolution to this issue.”
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1 year later - Reader’s pov
I walked into the lounge room and smiled, I couldn’t believe I was here.  The misunderstanding from 12 months ago led to a beautiful friendship between me and Joe.  I got over all my nerves with him and we were now able to laugh and joke about the situation.
The police did clock my licence plate that day at training, and they did come to my house and question me about the stalking.  I didn’t hold anything against Joe for thinking it could be me, I was awkward and nervous and shy whenever he was around and he obviously just didn’t see my vulnerability.
But at the next training session, he saw me again and came to talk to me.  He asked me if he and I could have a conversation over coffee, so we went and he told me they’d arrested his stalker and he apologised profusely for thinking it could be me.
He said that when I’d told him I had something for him and reached into my bag, he freaked out and just left.
I laughed and told him that I’d drawn him a picture and I’d love for him to have it if he wanted it.
We chatted for a while longer and then went separate ways.  We’d swapped numbers so that I could arrange to give him the picture and we ended up texting back and forth most days.
I’m not sure if anything will come of this but a good friendship but you never know…
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beautifulpersonpeach · 5 months
BPP, oh my god, the MHJ New Jean's news?? Do you have any thoughts? That's actually insane! What do you think is going to end up happening with New Jean's?
Ask 2:
Have you read about what’s happening with Ador and Hybe? What do you think?
Ask 3:
The TEA today about Ador Ceo was sad but not surprising. BTS is the story of betrayal by outsiders.
I was surprised when Tae worked with HER for his album. I didn't see that collaboration coming.
I have to wonder if she purposefully misled Tae into a "mid" album. Look, Layover isn't a bad album but its not a masterpiece regardless of what Tae solos believe.
The results are so different between albums like JITB, Astronaut, DDAY, Indigo, Face and Layover its crazy. The depth/personal experience reflected in those albums is undeniable while Tae's was all surface.
Golden is departure and its own thing. JK went for global popstar and achieved/ate!! His choreo reflected his status as part of 3J and his vocals were on display. Gorgeous!!! (Had to add that in because in this house we don't leave out members)
I feel bad for Tae today realizing he worked with a traitor. I will always wonder what he could have released if he had just worked with the Bighit team instead of Ador Ceo.
Maybe you have more insight into all this?
Ask 4:
Sooo... what are you thinking about this inter-hybe conflict between belift and ador? I know you're a nj fan but I think I've also heard you say that people are too quick to call things a nj copy, so I'm curious what you think about mhj's claims. I'll be honest that I thought that what I've seen so far seemed kind of unhinged-main-character syndrome to me but I also don't follow these groups and don't know how deep this goes. Certainly, I think mhj has been very deliberate and successful in building nj's brand, but I found this public argument unnecessary and potentially damaging to both groups. What kind of fallout do you expect?
Ask 5:
Bpp! Thoughts on the Min Heejin Hybe mess? I thought we were done with the corporate drama but tuns out no!
There's really nothing to say... yet.
News leaked that HYBE has leveled some allegations and accusations at ADOR, most likely based on a tip off, and launched an audit to ascertain if these allegations are true - in HYBE's statement confirming the audit, they don't name the people accused, but the news leak makes a point to name Min Heejin specifically, keeping the name of the VP who is accused of committing the acts unknown.
Min Heejin has responded in an exclusive interview and statement by ADOR, that she's innocent of most of the accusations and that this dispute started because HYBE has refused to curb inter-label plagiarism of her ideas with NewJeans. She refers specifically to Be:lift's new girl group Illit, noting how everything from choreography to visuals to styling to sound is based on her ideas, without proper attribution to her from Belift, nor an apology for what she calls blatant theft of concepts she's developing at ADOR. She accuses Bang PD of being complicit and prioritizing short-term profit over long-term viability of the new groups he's pushing out.
There are reports (unconfirmed) that HYBE has called for Min Heejin to resign. If ADOR doesn't call for a shareholder meeting by tomorrow, HYBE has indicated they might sue. The fact the meeting is being called before the audit is concluded, has all the hallmarks of a textbook corporate power play move, and implies to me something else than what I'm seeing most people here allude to. But still...
...there's nothing to say because what we're seeing is the middle innings of a power play game. There's simply too little info to make any decisive statements.
I immediately get a headache whenever things like this happen in k-pop because, even for more innocuous subjects, there's nobody more mind rotted than the average k-pop stan. And before long we'll have people whose only experience with executive/corporate power struggles is watching Succession, giving us endless takes in endless discourse. And this particular discourse is going to be more annoying because (1) Min Heejin is a woman who is already widely disliked, (2) There's an overwhelming amount of intersectional motives and interests both within and outside HYBE given the nature of the dispute, which typically leads to people infusing moral language into the discussion. It's going to be the HYBE-Kakao-SM discourse on steroids (and even in the HYBE vs SM drama, we had far more information to go on that what's available in this case).
I mean... Anon 3, you're already convinced this is a story of "betrayal", and claiming she is a "traitor", and you're tying a corporate power struggle to BTS. Not like I'd expect to see anything less from most other people to be honest.
This is really a dispute between Min Heejin and Kim Taeho (Belift's CEO), with increased grievance due to Taeho supposedly enjoying Bang PD and Park Jiwon's support and Heejin, supposedly, not.
The fallout, predictably, is going to be nasty. Given all the above. NewJeans is slated to have a comeback next month, Illit is only just ramping down debut activities while ENHYPEN is just starting the final leg of their FATE+ tour. If HYBE is indeed demanding MHJ resign, it's likely they only mean for her to resign from the CEO role but remain as the Creative Director of NewJeans - because the reality is that if there is no MHJ, there is no NewJeans. And it's that reality that in my view, is the primary leverage MHJ has. And she doesn't strike me as the sort to bluff. The worst case scenario is she leaves HYBE completely and NewJeans is put on hiatus, or the members sue to break their contracts with HYBE to follow her while she courts outside investors, similar to the Fifty Fifty situation.
Inter-label competition and drama is expected in a company like HYBE, it's wonderful because it can yield truly incredible results and unique approaches, but also potentally horrible because it can result in cases like MHJ's vs HYBE. There are ways to properly manage this competition to prevent the latter case, but I can't say I've seen any indication that with Jiwon nor Bang have done so. I said above that MHJ leaving HYBE completely is the worst case scenario for NewJeans, but it looks like the scenario most preferable for certain parties given it's one of the only viable outcomes from having this news broken this way. And so, most likely to happen. Unless Bang PD develops some hitherto unseen business acumen... so yeah I'm not holding my breath.
I have nothing insightful to add. My opinions about the suits at HYBE and Bang PD's business decisions for the last 2 years have skewed mostly negative, and that's not changed in this case. I'd rather not share my full opinions because I feel they run contrary to the dominant talking points here, and partly because they're not fully formed and nobody here is paying me to fully develop a view. I'm really not going to do that work for free.
We're all just going to have to wait and see.
What I will say though and something I find particularly interesting, is that HYBE has been accused of what Min Heejin is alleging, since at least the start of last year. Also, Belift in particular has been accused of plagiarism since the start of the year, twice, on issues unrelated to NewJeans. The first was when 'mobiius_music', an indie music producer on Instagram, accused them of lifting his music almost bar for bar for ENHYPEN's 2023 GDA dance break. The second was when Kelley Sweeney, an American choreographer who shares her routines on Instagram and tiktok, accused Belift of using her choreography for Illit's pre-debut practice without credit. Both times it was for low-level offences as it wasn't related to official music releases or album content, and so in that way Belift is better than bigger and more known agencies, but it still reflects a lax vetting process in the best case and unethical creative practices in the worst.
Anyway, my concern is for the artists involved while the suits try to play god with their careers. I can only hope that whatever happens is only the best possible outcome for all involved.
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Random Merlin Rewatch: Where a random number generator gives me a season and an episode from BBC Merlin; and then I comment on it as I go.
Today's episode: Season 4 Episode 7 - The Secret Sharer
Before I start, let me just say and I have done my uni exam and that's why I haven't been posting these even though I really wanted to. Not joking, I had to let my fingers rest 'cause I wrote all my notes and shit. It was a lot. Anyways, let's fucking do this.
LET'S GO INTRO!!!! YOUNG MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOH
Damn, Morgana's eyes are so GREEN, that makeup really does it for her. Kinda funny she's wearing it to bed though. Girl.
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Agravaine needs to chill the fuck out. Every time he's on screen he gives me the ick. Ugh. Also Morgana looked so damn paranoid talking about Emrys. "He knows everything. All our plans, all our secrets." Girl.... RIP Morgana you would've loved therapy (or not).
Ohhh... interesting Morgana's reaction to Agravaine's accusation of Gaius, saying that he's the ones working with Emrys. She almost looks... hurt? Like. She really doesn't want to face the reality that Gaius exists, in the sense that she's just so hurt by everything these people that "loved" her have done. She just feels so betrayed by everyone, so hurt, so ANGRY. It's so tragic.
Oh my GOD. I NEED PEOPLE TO STOP MANIPULATING MORGANA!!! I'M SICK OF IT!!!! The way she hesitates!!! When she knows that it means that they're going to use Gaius or maybe even kill him!!! The way that she moves away from Agravaine, processing this, the way he INTERRUPTS THIS and insists, again, that it has to be Gaius, they have to do something. And for a second she almost looks so fucking scared, like!!
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She even blinks her eyes after that line from Agravaine, like blinking away tears, her eyes are so shiny bro, I'm gonna cry :((. And after blinking she turns all smirky and "evil" and shit. Jesus Christ. I could write a whole thesis about Morgana and her character progression holy shit.
AHHHHHH the iconic breakfast in bed scene!!! Yay!!!
I don't blame Arthur for spitting that out, shit looked dry as FUCK. Also there's a bunch of crumbs on the bed, Merlin, YOU'LL have to clean that up!!! Don't give yourself more work!!
"I don't know anything about Polishing." We really need more appreciation about how Bradley delivers his lines, this one is just too funny, only hearing it, bro. Also. Merlin writes Arthur's speeches. One of the best pieces of canon in my opinion. It's just so comical, for some reason. And they must be good too, 'cause no one's questioning them. It's just such a subtle way to show that Merlin IS smart. Sometimes. A little bit.
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Merlin, babe, you cannot be serious. You writing the new bible or something, what the fuck is this.
"You don't have hours." Most threatening and terrifying Merlin's ever sounded. Arthur's better than me, I would've have an anxiety attack so bad it'd send me straight to hell.
THIS INTRO IS EVERYTHING!!! WHY ARE THEY SAYING THINGS SO PERFECTLY SILLY!! I LOVE IT!!! Also, damn, Arthur's BUSY. I guess we do forget that kings had to, y'know. Do basically everything, like be a judge sometimes. Hello??
Ah yes, what I've been waiting for: the wrestling Arthur out of the bed scene. Love it. No notes, really.
"You're doing very well, Arthur." WHAT IF I CRY???
A tiny bit of appreciation for Arthur's chest hair.
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Thank you.
Love that Agravaine just. Ignores that it's Merlin writing Arthur's shit. He must have gotten such a shock right at the start and now nothing's surprising anymore.
The fact that Morgana, all in black, has a white horse is so fucking cool to me. Work that shit, queen.
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Hate the way Agravaine speaks. Shut the FUCK UP.
Arthur. Arthur, honey. Yeah, you've got to stop being so easy to manipulate. I know it's hard, but your uncle is so fucking obvious doing it, please, please, just. Please. Holy shit.
Morgana's dress (cloak?? hood?? idk) is so pretty.
Morgana being the last of her kind, High Priestess of the Triple Goddess. Merlin being the last Dragonlord. Something something...
Also. Some obvious orientalism is this episode. Kinda icky, but unsurprising giving it's BBC and also like. 2011 or whatever. But still. Ugh.
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Welp. Welp, welp. Can't really say much about that, can I??
I can't remember, but I'm assuming that bracelet she gives to the Catha is from Morgause, simply by the look of pain in her face when it's out of her grasp. Literally, when will my wife's suffering end?
I wonder just how many different kinds of magic beings and users there are in JUST the five kingdoms. What about the rest of the world?? Like. that's just so cool!! I love world building, maybe one day I'll waste away some days just building up lore and lore, probably some made up, but mostly from all cultures and countries. That would be cool as fuck actually.
Agravaine's smile is so FAKE, FUCK OFFFFFFF
Ew, why does he just touch everybody. Weird uncle vibes, for sure.
Oh, I just don't like how Arthur's so quiet. I bet Agravaine's just gotten in his head so bad. He already looks ready to cry, like Gaius has already betrayed him. He's so used to that, what's one more?
Jesus, this hurts to watch. The fact that Gaius knows exactly what's happening, and he's trying to be as truthful as he can but Agravaine's just. making it all worse and horrible. This is so bad.
Ok, Gaius, I know you're better at lying than this. Fucking damnit.
EW. Agravaine's little smirk?? What the fuck is wrong with him? Jesus, I feel so sick watching this, knowing that he's just basically sentenced Gaius as a liar!! Fuck!!!
Well, at least Arthur noticed that Agravaine was being a fucking bitch. Not all is lost.
"... we might find some (proof)." Oh, ok, so you're just admitting that you're going to fabricated evidence against Gaius? Oh ok.
OH MY GOD, NOT THE PECS FLEXING??? I'm assuming normally you don't see that when you're on a horse adjusting yourself 'cause you got clothes on but this guy DOESN'T and you can SEE EVERYTHING.
The way that Merlin opens the door is so funny. He is NOT amused to be called upon by Agravaine. Mood.
Why is Agravaine's smile literally so disgusting, I cannot.
Love seeing Agravaine getting humbled, thank you big titty man.
Really? Really??? A book boldly proclaiming that it's about magic and sorcery, kinda hidden by one (1) sheet of paper as your proof? Really??? Are you for real right now?? Fuck off.
It is actually so upsetting seeing Agravaine in Merlin and Gaius's space. Like that's not for you, disgusting bitch.
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Not Merlin finishing polishing the dagger and setting it on Arthur's nightstand JUST as the warning bells start to sound. Lol. Lmao even.
No no no. I hate this. The fact that Merlin now get's why Agravaine made him polish that dagger. He's fucking blaming himself right away, oh I can't do this.
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Merlin literally looks like a baby in this shot, holy shit. My baby :(((.
Agravaine's acting (not the actor's, is the actor acting the character acting!! which is so fucking cool) is so fucking annoying. It's so obvious, dammit, Arthur, you're a king, how can you not see it!!! I know he's family, but you barely know him!!! I know he's from your mother's side and you want THAT side to be good unlike your father's side that's brought you so much pain, I know, but come ON!!!
Oh, Merlin's so mad, not at Arthur, at Agravaine and himself, but he's so hurt, so scared, so pained that it comes across as quietly, restrained angry, and it's fucking heart breaking.
Oh god. This is one of their most painful fights in my opinion. I think they get so fucking heart breaking when it's Merlin just. trying to show his side, trying to get Arthur to understand but Arthur just cannot because he's been given a certain information that WOULD make his actions sensible, but WE know they're lies!!! We do, Merlin does, but he can't just say that 'cause it might reveal HIS lie, and it's just UGH!!!!!!!!!! FUCK
MERLIN IS FUCKING TEARING UP I CAN'T. "He would not leave without saying goodbye to me." I AM GOING TO PUKE.
The way Merlin turns away when he's close to crying, ohhhhh. Oh BBC Merlin writers when I catch you. Colin Morgan when I catch you.
"I don't wanna lose another friend." I think these are the moments that really make me wanna chortle Arthur. I truly feel like he cannot understand the depth of the power that he has compared to Merlin. 'Cause what does that threat mean? Just them stop being friends but Merlin's still employed? Arthur sacking Merlin? Arthur treating Merlin how he's treating Gaius right now? Because, truthfully, with the power that Arthur has, any of these options is viable. I think this is what scares me, Arthur just cannot comprehend that he just cannot threaten his friends, his loved ones, like this just because he's king now. He simply cannot. The weight of it is different. Even if he would never hurt them, it doesn't matter, he has the POWER to. That's what's so scary. And then he wonders why Merlin doesn't tell him things. How can he?
The way things just. Change between the early seasons and now. The way Gaius talks to Morgana, knowing she wants to kill him, when he saw her grow up. I'm gonna be so fucking sick, y'all, what the fuck.
Does she braid some of her hair with leaves?? Or a green ribbon? What is that in her hair??
Not gonna lie, Morgana is so hot in this scene. Jesus. Love that voice, and that's all I'm gonna say.
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HE LOOKS SO BABY!!!!!!!!!!1
I love that Gwen doesn't even question that Agravaine's behind it. She's like "I'll use my charms to get Arthur to see reason, don't worry bestie."
Oh, I love when Merlin doesn't even use words. Just golden eyes and BOOM. Magic.
MERLIN FOR FUCK'S SAKE BRO YOU CAN'T EVEN SNEAK OUT CORRECTLY WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!! That's so fucking funny though, I'm losing it-
GWAINE!!!! MY BABY!!! You look like a puppy :,).
Oop. Cock blocked.
Merlin is just in a fucking mood and honestly he deserves to be. But it is interesting how differently he acted with Gwaine and Gwen. I wonder if he's being shorter with Gwaine 'cause he's a knight now, and he knows that knights talk and are closer to the king's views than the servants. Classic class division and such, even if Gwaine is not like other knights. He just cannot be sure now. Also 'cause he almost got found out my Agravaine which does not good for your nerves I bet.
WOW. Gwaine, baby, STAND UP. Get some self-respect. Good god. At Merlin's back and call, it's really ridiculous bro.
Immediately on a secret mission, love these boys.
Not Agravaine seeing his plans fall apart, GET REKT LOSER.
I wonder if Morgana's a good cook. I think she isn't actually. Just never gets recipes right. Burns things, undercooks others.
Oh, poor Gaius... he really tried to fight it but...
It's really fun watching the series and recognizing common clips used in edits.
The way Gaius speaks about Merlin with such wonder and pride... crying rn.
"We should split up." "Yeah." two dumb bitches saying "exactlyyyy"
"If you find him, don't wait for me." Gwaine IMMEDIATELY disagreed with that, Merlin dearest, he's not gonna let that happen.
Oh my god, Morgana hasn't met Gwaine yet. All she knows, from Agravaine, is that he's a "hothead". Lmao. lol even.
I love how Agravaine, literal dagger to Gaius' neck, is disagreeing with Gwaine's very keen observation, that he's the kidnapper and traitor. Girl, shut the fuck up.
Gwaine is so handsome. Also, yes, not completely stupid because, if Agravaine didn't kidnap Gaius, how did he know where he was, hm?? Bitchass.
Jesus. Credit when credit's due, he can be a good liar. Also, I feel like Gwaine's acting like he believes Agravaine's innocent, mainly because he can sense something fishy about him. His question, "So you agree he was abducted then?" is so SMART. 'Cause what else can Agravaine do but agree and declare Gaius an innocent man? Yeah that's fucking right, bitch.
Morgana is literally so hot and tragic when evil, good lord.
UGH, Morgana using magic without words, YES!!! Love her being powerful.
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Face card never declines for either one of them, good god. Y'know what, more and more I understand Mergana. Just. Look at them!!!
Oh jesus, the way Morgana's just RELIEVED to finally know who Emrys is, she's so scared of him she just doesn't want to be scared anymore. Her voice is so soft here :(.
Oh wow that scene just gave me chills, holy shit holy shit. The way Alator just kneels and allies himself to Merlin. Jesus Christ, that's my drug bro.
Gwaine and Arthur interacting. Gwaine being so soft about Gaius, so worried :(. Arthur too :(((.
I really do love how royals just think the servants can't fucking hear. Gwen is right there as they speak very sensitive matters. Like bitch?? They have ears I promise??
The way Gaius and Merlin communicate their fears and anxieties :((( I'm so emotional bro.
"My worry is Arthur." and THOSE are your loyalties, while Alator and other's loyalties are to YOU, Merlin, 'cause you're supposed to bring forth Albion, but you're too busy having a fucking CRUSH TO DO IT!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, the way Arthur walks into the room and Merlin cannot even BEAR to look at him. He's HURT. As is his right.
The way Merlin immediately lightens the mood, 'cause he wants things to be easy as possible, even if it gets hurts swept under the rug like this. UGH. AGHHHHHHHHH.
Boys. Stop eye fucking. You're supposed to at least be a little mad at him, Merlin, you kinda deserve that, y'know.
Love that Arthur believes without a doubt that Gaius withstood torture for him and Camelot and won. Like. He truly sees Gaius as this strong figure. Just always there since he was born, bro. Even before, while he was being made!! That's bonkers.
I love how Arthur understood Gaius' lied even though Agravaine talks in the "evil manipulative guy" voice all the time. Fuck off bro, I swear.
The Gaius is trying to teach Arthur to understand the complexities of magic, that it's all evil or all good, it's all different. I love this scene so much.
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Pretty boy.
And that is it!!! God, what an episode!! I feel like this episode is a good starting point for a show rewrite, in which Arthur gets more and more curious about magic and tries to understand, and maybe we'd get a magic reveal and shit like. I like that a lot.
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dcdreamblog · 16 days
As someone with WW2 expertise, maybe you can clear something up for me. What was the deal with Baroness Paula von Gunther? I've read differing accounts of her activities during the war and her relationship with Wonder Woman. Can you help me out?
I can give it my best shot! However this comes with a couple of disclaimers. 1. As far as my records indicate because of circumstances at the end of the story, Baroness Von Gunther is probably still ALIVE. Not that I think she has an interest in speaking for posterity just know that should she ever have the inclination her own word could contradict everything I am about to say 2. Certain folks on Tumblr are not gonna like this story because the lesson to take from it is that ANYONE can change and should be given the opportunity which is a philosophical stance the Amazons and Wonder Woman specifically STILL come under fire for. Records on Von Gunther's very early life are scarce but it can be inferred that she was born near the end of WWI in modern day Austria to a family of minor nobility. Noble enough to be stripped of their titles after the collapse of Austria-Hungary but not sitting on enough land to bounce back. She was married young to a slightly higher minor noble named Gottfried Von Gunther. Given later circumstances we can assume their marriage was not exactly a whirlwind romance but it DID create one of the monster important parts of Baroness Von Gunther's life: Her daughter Gerta
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(Personal Photo of Paula and Gerta circa 1937~. One thing of note is that this was torn from a larger photograph, which presumably included Gottfried somewhere which speaks to Paula's relationship with the man) It was in 1938, during the Nazi annexation of Austria that the Von Gunther family was target by the Nazi Gestapo. Seeking the family's remaining wealth Gottfried was killed in Nazi captivity and Gerta was taken hostage. Paula connections in the fashion and beauty industries built during her time as a bachelorette in the early 30s were leveraged to allow her position as a spy and saboteur. It was in this position and under the codename "Uberfraulien" (That is under the original meaning of "codename" in that it was used to refer to her in coded Nazi messages, not an intentional moniker) that Baroness Von Gunther would cross paths with Wonder Woman, the newly arrived Hippolyta of Themyscira
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(File Photo from Von Gunther's OSS records circa 1942.) In her espionage career Baroness Von Gunther unlocked a previously unknown skill in all things scientific and was the creator of many disquieting devices. Robots, mind control, etc. She was captured, imprisoned and even sentenced to death multiple times but with Gerta's safety back home dependent upon her activity she always escaped. It wasn't until war's end when she formulated a plan to invade Paradise Island itself that she was captured for good. And that Hippolyta in her Wonder Woman guise was able to reunite her with Gerta, rescued from Nazi captivity in occupied Vienna. It was after this rescue and behind closed doors she was made an offer that would be controversial today and was considered treasonous at the time. Serve out her "sentence" on Paradise Island with interest in reform rather than being handed over to the US for execution as an enemy agent. America ERUPTED at the news. Hippolyta was branded a security risk, stripped of most of her earned credentials. Only the All Star Squadron and the Justice Society refused any orders to purge her membership outright by simply not responding to them at all. And that's where the story has stood for the last...79 years and counting? Paula and Gerta Von Gunther were taken in as adopted Amazons and have been there ever since, far from the public eye. The only modern information we have on them is when some fucking asshole college leftist shouted an accusation at Diana after she intervened during unrest at Harvard University. The transcript of said response is better than I could write so this is from the lips of the Amazon herself Student (after being asked to disperse as the protest on campus was creating a risk of violence): "We don't take orders from people who shelter Nazis!" Diana (Pausing and turning to face the student directly): "One of the things of Man's World I might truly never understand is your insistence on punishment. Paula Von Gunther is a sister of mine. She has harmed no one in lifetimes, every moment since spent in contemplation and the care of others. If six decades of reform is not enough to sate your lust for retribution than the crime lies with you, not her."
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coupleoffanfics · 1 year
A Sample
[Post-Spray Jeremiah x Batsis Reader]
It's always been a pain to drive out to Jeremiah. Just outside of Gotham and in the woods where the roads get muddy and bumpy. Though y/n finds that getting to see her boyfriend is rewarding enough to take that two-and-a-half-hour drive three times a week. She got out of the car and pulled a leather suitcase out. After the road, she has to deal with the maze. The maze is arguably worse than the road.
Not living in Gotham, but still being near it isn't enough. So he has to make a maze just in case Jerome finds out his location. As much as she wants to hate the maze, she understands the paranoia and can't fault him for that. However, the mental image of Jerome running around the maze like a rat looking for cheese is funny.
Making it through y/n was greeted by Ecco's blank face. "Good afternoon, Ecco." y/n's light voice and energy bounced off the blonde woman. Her voice was calm and collected, "Hello, Ms. l/n." It felt good to be called Ms. l/n than Ms. Wayne. Though she's sure Mrs. Valeska would sound better.
"Is he in…"
"In his study." y/n flashed a grateful smile as she said thank you. Walking down the cold hallway. The soles of her shoes made satisfying clacking sounds with each step. Stopping at the wooden door, she knocked rhythmically. A response didn't take long and she opened the door.
Jeremiah was sitting at his desk with a thing of alcohol next to him. He's been drinking a lot more lately. Disregarding the half bottle of whisky y/n smiled at fondly him, "How are you doing today." He watched her sit down, curious to see what was in the leather suitcase. "Fine," He said with a quick and almost forced smile, "What did you bring with you?" She suddenly felt nervous by how he went straight into pointing it out with no beating around the bush. She was hoping that she'd be able to ease him into what she needed.
He took note of that nervous smile creeping up on her face. She put the suitcase on her lap. "This has things for a," She stops and lets out a sigh. Her eyes look down at her hands before back at her boyfriend, "I need a blood sample." The rise of his eyebrow made her nervous. They've had this conversation a few times now.
That he was fine now. That the toxin was completely out of his system. The mind-changing effect was only temporary and only caused physical change. That if he wasn't okay then why'd they let him walk right out of the psychiatric hospital? It didn't make any sense, but he's always been such a good actor. So good that y/n almost believed him for a moment.
She never explained that she thought he was lying, just saying that she was worried that it could have done unknown harm to him. But neither could fully get away with lying to each other. So when Jeremiah agreed to it, y/n was surprised by the lack of resistance. She foolishly thought that it must have been the whisky making him agreeable.
"That's great, but we're going to have to reschedule since you've…" It felt weird, almost wrong to point to his sudden use of alcohol. It was so much easier to ignore it and run away from the thought of it. Thankful they didn't have to open that can of worms as he knew what she was pointing at. "Yes, we can do it tomorrow. You don't have any classes from what I remember." He takes another sip from his glass while staring her in the eye.
The sudden eye contact made her shiver and deviate her eyes back down to her hands for a second. "Yeah, we can do that. You'll need to drink a lot of water though." While saying that she tries to smile as if it were some sort of joke. His lack of a reaction made her drop her forced smile.
"I noticed you've been out a lot longer this week. What have you been up to lately?" He speaks like he's going to accuse her of something. What exactly, she isn't sure, but it put her on edge. "I've been visiting my family a little more." She watched his eyes harden at her words. Almost scowling at the mental image of her going back to the family that neglected her for half of her life.
y/n would have been better off cutting them out of her life after high school, but she always had an excuse. That they were far too busy to put up with her. Painting herself as a nuisance. Not explicitly saying that she was too needy, but hitting at it. Never once has he seen them attend her art galleries or even her graduation. Jeremiah knows their sudden change of heart must have been the shit show that was Jerome. His brother's childish and ignorant attempts to woo her.
The whole thing was very infuriating for Jeremiah on many levels, but he could never be mad at her for this.
His sweet little dimwitted y/n.
The simple question caught her off guard. "Why would you visit them?" There was a venomous undertone to his question that confused her. "Because..." Was she going to tell him that she went to them for help? That she was starting to fear him? No of course not. "Because my little brother, he's been trying to I don't know. Just connect with me, try to have me in his life."
It was an unsatisfying answer and a fucking lie, but Jeremiah would let this go because she wasn't getting out any time soon. "Oh, your little brother," He says with a slightly mocking tone. Signifying that he was going to play along with what tale she was going to spin. "Damian."
He hums, "And he just suddenly cares about you now?" At this point, y/n wasn't sure how to respond and she wasn't going to because this wasn't something she wanted to tango with. Not today. "It doesn't matter." Before he could ask anything else she swiftly changed the subject. "How have you been?"
That's when their conversation starts becoming less intense. Any tension that was there dissolved gradually. It was like everything was normal. Chatting for a good while when all of a sudden he got up, "Come on I have something to show you something." Of course, she followed him into the living room. Showing off the vintage record player and putting on a vinyl. Music filled the room and he held out his hand.
y/n became giddy from this simple action. She tries repressing the urge to squeal and to stop her smile from growing. Wordlessly she took his hand and they glided around the room.
She always had to beg him to dance with her. Not dance to music that you'd hear at a club, just slow waltzing music while no one was around. Being one of Bruce Wayne's adopted children she took a few dance lessons. Never cared for it until she found someone whom she wanted to share it with. Someone she wanted to hold close and move together with.
It felt like they hadn't been on the same page for a while, so this was nice. A quiet moment together to take a break from everything wrong. Just the two of them dancing in the living room that they'd call their ballroom. Nice things were always followed behind something else.
She started having a coughing fit ruining that nice moment. Jeremiah had her sit on the couch. Ecco silently walked in a glass of water, but she did not approach no matter how much she'd liked to provide some type of comfort. She had to wait for him to allow her to step close to y/n. She had no choice, but to watch.
y/n's cough was dry and her face became slightly flustered from the intensity of the coughing. She could feel one of Jeremiah's hands on her back and the other on her shoulder. Giving her a slight squeeze, it's unknown if it was for his or her comfort. After she calmed down and began catching her breath he silently signaled Ecco to come over. The blond woman handed y/n the glass and she gratefully accepted it. Once the cup was out of Ecco's hand she smoothly backed away from them. She was standing on the sidelines waiting for her next order.
"I'm sorry for ruining everything. This cold just won't go away." y/n's voice was apologetic, but there was a melancholic look in her [eye color] eyes.
"Did you plan on never telling me?" She was startled by how cold he sounded. "You keep lying to me, but I've seen your medical record. It's been nearly six months since you've found out and not once did you say anything. Does anyone know about this?" She couldn't look at him. Of course, she knew it was wrong to keep everyone in the dark, but she thought would be better this way. Maybe not for them, but for her.
Her voice was a bit shaky, "No. I haven't." Jeremiah was almost satisfied hearing this because the idea of her confiding in someone was bothersome. "What did you plan on doing, y/n? Did you plan on giving up? Killing yourself?" Panic set in her. No question as to why or how he saw her medical record. She was too occupied with damage control. "No! Miah, I wouldn't! I haven't even thought of it in a few years-"
He clenched his jaw and held up his hand making her shut her mouth. This wasn't what he planned to talk about tonight, but maybe the whisky had made him forget that there was a plan. Bringing up her condition was certainly not a part of it. Everything was getting to him a bit. He stood up from the sofa and began pacing trying to collect his thoughts. He didn't want to implode, not when y/n was frozen out of fear.
At this point why even bother?
"Ecco, take y/n to her room."
"No, I think I should get going. We'll talk about this later, but think I we should step away from each other before anything else." Despite saying this Ecco wasn't deterred. Jeremiah started to walk away, "I think so too. That's why you're going to your room." y/n got up and was just about to start leaving when Ecco grabbed her arm.
"Please let me go." She didn't realize that Ecco planned on fulfilling her order until she tried to pull herself out of Ecco's grip. This causes Ecco to tighten her grip and slightly dig her nails into y/n's skin.
Jeremiah commented from behind, "You used to be so obedient, y/n. I think your family is a bad influence, so just stay here and take a short nap." Before she could even process what was going on, there was a sudden pain in the back of her head and everything went dark.
Masterlist Part 2 Here
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actual-changeling · 10 months
it's so fucking odd to me that apparently people just. believe me? when i tell them stuff about myself?
i showed up to my first psychiatrist appointment ready to fight just to get something and he listened to me talk, took notes, occasionally asked me a question and then asked what i need. and then gave it to me. every single time.
same with my therapist, i've been with her for over a year and it STILL catches me off guard every single session that she fully believes what i tell her. same with the accommodations appointment today.
it's not that i lie, the opposite, but after twenty years of being told "you don't have x you are lying" "you're lying" "you are just lazy" whenever i expressed pain or a need for something this is mind-blowing. a doctor could tell my mother hey ur child has this problem and you know what she'd say the second we left the office?
"oh you are fine you don't need any of the things they prescribed."
and now people listen and help without accusing me of being a liar. fucking wild.
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mars-wuz-herez · 8 months
Sonic Prime AU
Part 1
What if Sonic died?
!!!Sonic Prime Spoilers ahead!!!!
Amy's point of view
We are in Tails’ lab and for the first time ever it is silent. It's never silent in here. This is the place where we talk, laugh, plan our next move on Eggman and have a good time. We did everything here. But now….
Knuckles: It's silent
Amy: heh you read my mind
Knuckles: I am not used to such silence
Amy: I'm not used to it either
With that we both fall silent. I am sitting at a desk with a computer in front of me. Knuckles is on the other side on the floor looking at the blueprints of the prism trying to figure out more. I take a look at my notes which are one page long. ONE PAGE.
Knuckles: Anything new come up?
Amy (with an annoyed voice): No Knuckles, nothing's new. 
Knuckles: Ok sheesh sorry for asking
Breathe Amy. Breathe. I breathe in 7 seconds and out 7 seconds. I turn to face the Echidna.
Amy: Sorry I just… I'm worried about Sonic but that is not an excuse to lash out at you. I'm sorry.
Knuckles: Ok you are forgiven 
Amy: Thanks
Knuckles: Will you also apologize to Rouge?
Amy: What why?
Knuckles: Well you accused her of something that was not true. If there is anything you have taught me that I remember is that you can not accuse someone else without proof.
I think about it. I don't know how to answer that. I did accuse her which is something I taught the group not to do. It was one of the reasons we all got along. It was one of the reasons we fought so well as a team. 
Amy: We are getting off topic. Did you discover anything new?
Knuckles wants to continue the conversation. I can see it in his body language but he doesn't say anything about it.
Knuckles: I got nothing. Just the same old blueprint of the prism. It is shaped to have 5 pieces all together. Other than that I don't know. 
Amy: Well keep trying.
I hear Knuckles breathe hard but I pretend I don't hear it. I turn back to the computer and search “Paradox Prism” for the millionth time. I have been to most of the websites but maybe I can find something new. I have to find something new. 
Knuckles: Can we take a break?
Amy: A break? Our friend disappeared out of thin air and you want to take a break? No way. Keep researching
Knuckles: Amy we have been at this for hours without a break and have learned nothing new. Maybe some fresh air is what we need before continuing. What do you say-
Amy: If we are going outside it means we have found something useful and we are on our way to tell Tails about it. 
Knuckles: You mean Tails and Rouge?
Amy: No, just Tails.. 
Knuckles: Why are you so against Rouge? She did not do anything wrong.
I rise from the chair I'm sitting on and turn to Knuckles. Was he serious?
Amy: Today we saw our friend disappear like it was nothing and seconds later Shadow came asking about him and then took the prism. The only person who can have a conversation with Shadow without getting into a fight is Rouge and only Rouge! I know she knows something about this mess…. I just….
I feel myself getting more and more mad. Then the water works start forming. Knuckles notices and runs to my side.
Amy (voice breaking): Rouge is the only one….
He puts his hand on my shoulder. I fall to my knees, put my hands on my face and start crying. Knuckles kneels to my side and puts his arm around my shoulder. 
Amy (voice breaking): We saw our friend disappear today, Knuckles. We saw him vanish into thin air without any explanation and in these past hours we have learned nothing useful that can bring him back. What if….what if….
Knuckles: Do not… say it. We will find a way to bring him back. We won't give up until we have found a way to bring Sonic back. If it was one of us he would not rest until he found a way to bring us back. 
Amy (sniffing): Yeah you're right. He never gives up even when things seem impossible. It's one of the things I've always admired about him.
Knuckles: Remember that time where Sonic could not find the Chili dog stand? 
Amy (giggles): Yeah. He did not rest until he found it. We all thought it was ridiculous until he told us Eggman….
I stop talking. That's it! I stand up quickly and face Knuckles
Knuckles: You ok?
Amy: I know how we can get more information about the Prism!
Knuckles gets up.
Knuckles: How?
Amy: Eggman!
Knuckles (raises his fists): Where?
Amy: What no- he's not here. What I meant is that Eggman can give us the answers we have been searching for!
Knuckles: Are you out of your mind? What makes you think Eggman has the answers?.
Amy: Think about it. Eggman used Sonic's speed to create a giant crack in the mountain where low and behold the prism was located. Why go through the trouble of doing that for a shiny rock? He must know something about the prism that we can't find. 
Knuckles: You have a point… but it is Eggman. Even if we were to pay a visit to Eggman, why would he tell us anything? He hates us, especially Sonic. We are enemies after all
I turn and face the computer again. I see the pictures of us along with Sonic. I face the Echidna.
Amy: Eggman won't be easy to talk to let alone get answers from. I don't like it but he is our only lead to discover more about the Paradox Prism and it's one step closer to bringing Sonic back. We aren't going to ignore that. 
Knuckles: You are right. We are not going to ignore that. But if he refuses to tell us anything?
Amy: If he won't tell us then…
I grab my hammer from the floor and grip it tightly.
Amy: …we'll make him tell us
To be continued……..
(None of these characters are mine)
People who wanted to be mentioned:
@mrfrobbert @hawk-has-alot-of-gay-ships @callme-aprilroseisha04
@rainestorm05 @upodubo-reblog @theavo-guac @seaslugdisco
@bun-bie @annoyingcat413 @bee-birb
If you want to be mentioned just say something in the comments.
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