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kingskyless · 2 months ago
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i haven´t read the new book
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acid-waste · 2 months ago
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Oh what the hell whatever
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meowmaids · 2 months ago
oh no looking @ the new flipclaw myrtlebloom chindren and yikes!
Lionblaze is Ivypool's second cousin once removed 1.56% genetic similarity
and Cinderheart is her first cousin once removed 6.25% genetic similarity
And Fernsong as their child would be??? I'm unsure how much genetic similarity that would be for Ivypool's children
But then Ivypool's grandchildren.... Her uncle is Dewnose 25% genetic similarity and he has children with Fersong's sister Sorrelstripe... so Ivypools grand children are even more closely related
BUT then Sorrelstripes's children Bayshine and Myrtlebloom respectively have children with Ivypools children Thiftear and Flipclaw respectively
Do we see now why Dovewing left Thunderclan? To avoid this kind of situation entirely
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acid-waste · 1 month ago
Moots please or followers please say nightcloud or sasha pleasee ooh ooh even thiftear
HEY YOU 🫵🫵🫵🫵
im doing the little warrior cat draw 6 thing... first 6 people to comment a Canon cat will be drawn 😈😈 anyone and everyone
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 4 years ago
For the doodles: Maybe Ivypool playing w some kits? Aunt Ivypool makes me 🥺
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ivypool playing with fernsong’s kits!! (who arent hers in this :])
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warriors-but-cats-die · 2 years ago
thunderclan — year twelve — newleaf
freckledfern dies. ivystar chooses snowbush as deputy. also, kind of ironically...i'm getting worried about thunderclan's numbers?
i think they've just really been paired down to only the essential cast, plus a few hanger-ons, but still.
eaglewing becomes a warrior.
bristlepaw, snappaw, and spotpaw are apprenticed to lionblaze, stormcloud, and dewnose. ("do not mess up my daughter," ivystar growls.)
flipkit and thriftear die.
that's it.
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bonefall · 2 years ago
rosetail being aromantic is SO funny she's so invested in everyones' relationships and lives but has no interest in them herself she's literally just living for the drama
i hc her as a matchmaker as opposed to just shipping people, loudly, to them. like.. she's the one who gets people like redtail and runningwind together because she's sat there like "Redtail is loyal and patient but Runningwind is impulsive and passionate... they'd make a great match.
also its so dumb that ROSETAIL (known for having a RED TAIL) isnt related to REDTAIL (known for having a RED TAIL)
Aromantic Rosetail is REAL
I imagine her as the sort of aromantic person who loves the idea of romance, and love being this magic force that she's just waiting to strike her one day... and it never comes. She wants to understand it so badly that she's just blind-guessing who's in love with whom, until it evolves into actually deconstructing the actual idea of romance itself.
I think she'd have a period in her life where she meets it with some despair, realizing that isn't not that she can't have it, but she doesn't want it.
A deep sense of wrongness when she does, at last, have the opportunity. She turns it down.
She eventually has her kittens, happily invoking the Queen's Rights so she doesn't have to bother with the complications of a mate. The sire was out of the Clan, too, just so she would EXTRA not have to worry about it.
Thistleclaw is maaaaaaadddd, but at that point Rosetail is a lot happier with her lifelong friends Thrushpelt and Bluefur, the deputy, than her crummy brother.
Rosetail's kits... albert einstein Redtail and Spottedleaf. She DEFINITELY matchmade Red and Runner.
"Redtail when are you giving me grandkits"
"MOM!! We're only DATING."
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sparklestardesigns · 3 years ago
If you haven't done em already, maybe flipclaw and thriftear??? I adore this art blog, it's so creative and no matter what, the designs always look awesome! Like where do you find the inspiration for this stuff, it's so cool :')
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and flipclaw can be found here https://sparklestardesigns.tumblr.com/post/653028099321118721/may-i-request-strikestone-andor-flipclaw-if-they !
THANK YEWSSSS im glad to hear that theyre enjoyable :]!!! AND NGL I DUNNO JKDBFHJ THO MOST OF THE TIME i usually go by certain songs i'm listening to atm!!! esp if they're more expressive with. WELL EXPRESSIONS DHBF
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berrym00n · 5 years ago
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troutfur · 3 years ago
Seeing the Nightheart discourse develop has given me a lot to think about wrt augur AU.
(Obligatory not actually canon to augur AU because Mallowstep would kill me if I made him change the family tree and I don't plan to write this much into the future. Also spoilers since I know Mallow hasn't read River and he's one of the few people I care about avoiding spoilers for. <3)
So, there are 3 factors at play here: 1) Sandstorm is the one to carry the most prestigious lineage as a descendant of Moth Flight and all, 2) Firestar looses relevance since the whole of the Po3 + OotS plot got deleted as to not interfere with my arranged marriage story, and 3) while being the kits of patricians all of his generation (Bayshine, Myrtlebloom, Finchlight, Graykit, Stemkit, and Bristlekit) are two generations removed from their closest augur ancestor (Sandstorm for Night and Finch and Leafpool for the others) which is the cutoff I had previously decided at which they stop counting as patrician.
(Bristlefrost, Flipclaw, and Thiftear are patricians though. I made Jayfeather and Willowshine into Ivypool's parents and Ivypool into an augur in her own right like both her parents, thus their proximity to an augur ancestor is traced through her not Fernsong. Plus, they are in RiverClan and don't count as part of Nightheart's generation, not being in ThunderClan and all.)
THUS! Night, Finch, Myrtle, Bay, etc. are in a rather interesting positions of being raised by aristocrats but not being afforded any privileges themselves. I can see this whole generation being kinda lost identity wise. Sure, they are still related to Moth Flight but it's not a status anyone else will really acknowledge. So, what if this generation clings particularly strongly to Firestar as a heroic ancestor? What if Nightheart's staunch individualism causes friction with his peers as he rejects status by lineage entirely? What if his baggage was more focused in thinking it's bullshit his generation has been brought down to plebs even if they have aristocrat parents?
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mallowstep · 4 years ago
Are Ivypool and Fernsong's kits accurate?
• Bristlefrost is a pale gray cat with blue eyes • Thiftear is a dark gray cat with light amber eyes
• Flipclaw is a brown tabby with golden eyes
in a word, yes.
i'm on a bit of a time crunch so feel free to ask for any follow ups/clarifications but
bris inherits prob silver from ivy, or dilute from both
thrift inherits black from ivy and dilute from both
flip inherits chocolate from one
fernsong is gold (?) which means he's prob brown underneath, so uh. yeah. basically they're fine.
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disembowl · 5 years ago
Shoutout 2 plumstone and thiftear for going from qanting 2 beat each other up to wanting to beat graystripe up in . Barely a page.
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acid-waste · 3 months ago
Ivypool: Oh how I wished the writers didn't pair me with someone obviously related to me psst my cousin btw
Thiftear: Mom that's not oh you right dawg I'm paired with my cousin too
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harriertail · 6 years ago
Imo it would have been better if Bramblestar didnt give Thiftear and Flipclaw their warrior names just to really show somethings Not Right
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longnose-gar · 9 months ago
I can’t believe that the Erin’s just made two first cousins (Bayshore and Thrifwar) have a child
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acid-waste · 6 months ago
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I'm picturing them clinging on to ivypool arms as they try to leave
last bit makes me think they love ivy more as a parent
sorry i crossed that out i had too also people completely skipped over this love this ivypool interaction
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