#theyre so gay its not even normal i want to eat them
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rob1nseggblue · 1 year ago
hnn….. körangi beauty and the beast au
where könig is the beast and he’s been living in his castle for years alone (with the exception of his living furniture but he doesn’t really talk to them), and he’s content with that. he’s come to terms with the fact that he is going to be stuck as a creature for the rest of his life, because who could ever love him?
enter horangi, a young man from a nearby village. he’s always been bored of the slow-paced bland life in his town, and often got into trouble because of it. while running from some villagers he’d angered by accident, he stumbles across könig’s castle, and believing it to be abandoned, runs inside to seek shelter.
you can imagine his shock when the furniture starts speaking to him, and when the owner of the castle turns out to be a nearly seven foot tall beast that’s surprisingly gentle once horangi gets to know him.
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spitinsideme · 1 year ago
do you remember what/when was your first exposure to lesbianism (women loving women in case u dont know what that means) (its like gay men but instead of being men theyre women, its pretty fun and cool)
LESBIANISM ???? WOMEN ??? owha ..... might havw to resesrch girls kissing later ...
i think my first exposure to lesbianism (like girls actually kissing) was this story on the game episode, and i clearly remeber that i was playing a story about love and it.had options to date men and women, or the bsecual option, "i dont knkw man, i jst like pizza" whoch mesnt bkth men and women, and i remeber thinkinv WOMEN ?????????? and i wnaed to press it ... i was so tempted to .. i was lime .. 10 ? 11 ? 9 ?? i dont remeber, 9-11 and i had mever in my lofe jesrd of lesbianism before (i did get callrd a lesbian beflre this because i was dsting my friend fri3nd on roblox by pretending to be a guy) but i was lime WOAH ??? 2OMEN KISSING WOMEN ?? but i was also like not going to pick women because to me thqt was new and odd, but i ddint want to pick men because i dodnt like men (shocker !!!) and so i picked the bisexual option (secretly i wantrd the women option but i woukd have felt too ashamed)
AND THE THERE WAS THE SCEBE WHERE THE GIRL CAME IN AND WE (ALSO.A.GIRL) BUMPED INTO HER !!! and she was pretty hot, badass girl qnd i woukd get teally excoted to talk to hrr everytime my character rejected her i was so angry i was begging for my characyer to plese just kiss her already, but the giy wlukd also show up wnd i hated him so much because he was a guy and i didnr want him, so id just skip it as fast as possible until the girl was there
after i had learned of this besutoful thing callrd lesbianism, i wljkd search up lesbian on episode to read more girl on girl stories. then i saw that fifty shades of gret pussy eating scene, and id sesrch up lesbian sex on episode
but lik3 my first .. like actual media of lesbianism woukd be yuri manga ? i remever the first one i watched and read was citrus, so that kind of has a special place in my hesrt even if its kind of weird because it was the firsr lesbian thing i had rver read or seen. i wpukd like go on some sketchy manga websotes and loom theoifh every single yuri manga and read them all like id write every simgke one down in a book ( i still have that book with all the yuri manga titles, its really filled up ! and i r3mebe4 all of them)
basically, my first exposre to lesbian media was when i was lime 9 or 10 from episode lesbian ! but i have always been a lesbian in my actions without even knlwing it ... i was literqlly like watching videos of women dancing on youtibe AND working out when i was 12 for quite a while because i woukd look st thr women and go "god, theyre so pretty, i need to be strong so that womej will love me and want me" and that was normal to me and i didnt think of mys3lf as lesbian
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athenaspeculiardaughter · 1 year ago
i had too many just to put in the comments. i dont know how much you wanted so... thats on you.
jason loves heavy metal and plays the drums. he's also gay and in a qpr with leo and piper. hes got a wolf cut and still has some of his wolf-like tendencies, having adopted them from living with lupa at a young age. when he went to camp jupiter, those tendencies dissapeared over time, people telling him that it wasnt normal to eat raw meat or chew on things. but he never quite learned to smile with teeth when he was happy, and growls when hes mad. also i think he has a peircing somewhere. and i think he used to be super jacked, like shredded unhealthy jacked, but when he went to college he had less time to work out and he got some fat around his muscles and he loves it so much, and he looks a lot cuter this way.
leo is aroace possibly gay as well, and loves 80s music, like huey lewis and the news, some billy joel, and some dire straits. he also is obsessed with back to the future (his fave is the cowboy one, bc of his texan roots). on him being from texas, i think he has a little bit of a texas accent, just bc he was mostly raised by foster families in the south. he used to have a spanish accent, but it faded after having spent so little time speaking spanish and being around spanish speaking people. i think he totally wouldve been a band kid except he never had the time and the time passed a long time ago.
piper has lots of peircings, her newest one is snake bites and she always has smudged eyeliner. she likes the cure and is kind of goth. shes a lesbian, but, again, in a qpr with jason and leo and says theyre the only guys she thinks are hot. she loved heathers and totally had a crush on winona ryder. she had an ed bc of how exposed she was to hollywood culture, but shes working on it. she has a tooth gap and an indigenous nose. she has this really loud pretty laugh and she loves to dance.
annabeth listens to arctic monkeys 24/7. shes unlabeled and strictly wears jeans. no jewelry besides her necklace, not even her ears are peirced. she forgets to eat, but only because she gets so engrossed in her work, and percy has to bring her food. at that point its pretty easy, if percy just puts the plate next to her she'll absentmindedly eat it, same with a cup of water. she's got lots of band tshirts too, a lot of them stolen from percy.
percy is a skater boy. he wears baggy band tshirts and sweats or jeans and a couple necklaces and peircings. i think he has an eyebrow peircing and was really tempted to get cheek peircings before realizing that then he would have holes in his cheeks and that fucked with his brain too much to get them. he also wears eyeliner but likes doing annabeths makeup more than his, which he gets to do often, since she could never refuse his puppy eyes. hes got lots of sea animal stuffed animals on his bed instead of pillows. he wore a skirt once and wasnt opposed to them, but eventually decided it wasnt worth flashing people. in the summer he is a strictly no shoes no socks man, can only find him barefoot or with sandals.
hazel is short. thats canon ik but its important. she likes softer music like sleeping at last and music like tori amos. she also likes astronomy and stargazing, and youd think she believes in astrology but she thinks its all bullshit. she likes drawing objects like theyre sentient, not humanoid, but she makes them feel alive, like creatures. she loves stuffed animals too, and is in the process of learning the viola. she still uses old fashipned words (canon) but curses like a sailor and has very modern views for someone born in the 30s.
frank never loses his fat. hes still fat, i hate that they made him all buff like it was a part of his character arc to lose weight. frank is a theater kid. thank you for coming to my ted talk. he likes graphic novels like amulet and nimona, etc. he has a really infectious smile, wide, dimpled and too cute. again, theater kid, though i dont think he can sing very well, but he has fun trying.
i think thats most of it. honestly i got really caught up in it and made up some stuff along the way. if you dont like any of it thats fine:)
Honestly your headcanons are really interesting I never thought about 3/4 of them and I actually like them😄
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 9 months ago
both. i want both.
cannibalism and gay sex
so franks fr a corpse right just under the filter i hope you know that. and he was canonically friends with sneeg and its. implied. theyre in love. if you just watch the show. and the gay sex is funny haha unless you think about it and how mlm couples are always portrayed in media. like brokeback mountain for example (praying youve watched it) was turned into a big fucking joke about the characters constantly having sex when thats not at all what it was about and im using that as reference. gay men are always portrayed/watered down to three tropes (constantly having sex, gay because its funny, or guy thats "straight") and thats what showfalls all about. and clearly austin represents the last one and sneeg and frank were the second but theyre also the ones that have sex jokes centered around them so you can only Assume right. anyway sneeg still sees frank as The Real Guy so whats stopping him from doing things youd normally do with your boyfriend yknow. and theres also like. sex holiness metaphor but thats a whole nother thing and idk if youre deep into the rc thoughts like that
and i have like a whole thing about the cannibalism that ive sent to someone before that im not rewording and typing so im just pasting it -> sneeg ate frank which is caused by a whole thing in itself right because slimecicle wasnt feeding him in the cage and he didnt even get through the cooking show where slimecicle tried to feed ranboo like twice but even if he did get that far he probably wouldnt have eaten any of it anyway with how he talks about slimecicle right. and its more or less implied that sneeg had been in the cage with franks body for atleast a little while and he would still have to eat something. and slimecicles a cannibal so why would he even bring sneeg food in the cage when theres already food in there with him? and even if you were to ignore all that sneeg was still the only one that consistently ate throughout episode two. and its really implied that all the food in general is organs n such just under a filter because slimecicle was eating it and then in episode two in the candy room when vinny tries the candy he spits it out and says its disgusting but sneeg didnt have a problem with it he was eating the entire time they were in there. sneeg knew frank before he died and if you take the "everything about the characters is a metaphor for how media portrays things" seriously you can assume that they were in love with eachother which leads to really the main reason i think showfall would kill frank and not bring him back like they do with everyone else because evidently theyre homophobic. anyway you put sneeg in that cage with franks body and nothing to eat he will eventually have to eat frank to stay alive whether he even knew frank was dead or not. and cannibalism can be a metaphor for so much like sure i guess from a meta perspective you can take the cannibalism in the show as a metaphor for how audiences just take and take but in universe they really are eating people. and innocent cannibalism is traumatic and awful and would add the layer to the characters that everyone always talks about but i really do think the idea of sneeg eating franks body is so much more compelling than charlie unknowingly eating some guts that was served to him. cannibalism isnt an easy thing it takes hands and teeth and bravery and you really do have to be set on it to do it. and it wasnt like he could leave the body after eating or get rid of it or anything and no matter what kind of cannibalism it was he still was carrying around whatever was left of frank and talking to it like frank had never died at all and in the bad hat scene when the filter broke for sneeg he had to have seen that frank was dead and fucked up from getting eaten. and with the idea that they were in love you can take the cannibalism as a metaphor for it because even after frank was permanently dead he wouldnt leave sneeg because sneeg ate him and its not like showfall could just undo that even with how powerful they are they could never undo that sneeg had bloodied himself and touched and tore and consumed and loved frank no matter how many times they reset him or how many times they kill him in gruesome ways
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nixierain · 5 months ago
Alright poll time I will hopefully remember and find
Woah I havent showed you much of these, but a recap anyway about the and just an intro ig under the cut if you wanna learn more, feel free to ask questions too!!
DoveTech/LividMetals: Rival companies taking place in California, both majoring in robotics and experimentation. Lots of lore. Makn inspirations: Qualia Automata (Team 6x111) and FNAF. Yall should know about the Fritz family by now, I also got an rp blog for this at @dovetechandlividmetals
Bromind Deities: Bromind is one of my main worlds (2nd newest world as well), the deities were created by the Goddess light and split into two sections; The Astral deities and the Terestrial Deities. The Astrals being; Neptune, Void and Nebula and the Terestrials being; Myca and Fawn (theyre gay). They control over different things. And theres a hierarchy ofc!
Bromind False deities: This plot focuses on Siri (the False deity of the stars) and when she was rejected by Light for Nebula. Then Siri gets vengeful and with Voids help she makes a new hierarchy
Fumbling: Follows Liam and Mason's journey through Harkton Boarding highschool, and being gay they find friends with; Dereck (Drake), Dixie, River, Reef, Kayla and Addicus. Though since middle school our two mc's have been bullied by Mark and his friends. Though some things happen and everything goes askew, throwing thier whole life off balance. This is my gay story, and L and M were my first Gay characters (shocking aint it) I made them in 7th grade
Deadbeat Outlaws (DBO): This story follows two trouble makers, Zach and Craz. The lore has changed a LOT since when I first made it, though I kept the name. Its not fully completed and I don't know how much I want to change so I dont have much to put here
Hellena stuff: this has a LOT of lore and came even before Dragonopolis, like I grew up with this world cause its my lego world that got shaped into this. So the story would be one of many that are with the three heros, Nate, Flower and Nightshade. Nate and Flower have also been tied to DoveTech. But this would focus on their hecktic life of being hero's and going insane to the point where one goes evil and takes over, forcing the other two to have to save the lives, and a lot more!
11:11: Follows the story of a 14 year old girl with ADHD who wishes to not be bored one morning while she eats breakfast, this wish comes true and she gets transported to Trifullium and meets Fenn, the two have to work together to get Mayabelle (the girl) home, eventually falling in love in the process.
Everdollskin: my ragdoll world thing! And my most recent world I've built. Unsure of what part you want me to focus on, but itd probably be either Fargo and Evendor's story and Evan and Bens! Full lf twists and turns and of course Ragdolls and horrors, tears and all!
Apollo: Sooooo, Apollo is one of my newest Oc's, hes got a bunch of lore already though. So he's one of my Yandere's. I know he looks gay (people are arguing with me when I say hes "straight" sl we made a compramise and said he only likes one oerson and that happens to be a girl, and also ig hes bi) But he meets Mae and falls totally head over heels for her, but she... HATES him. Now join him in stalking his new found obsession and killing off anyone she dates!
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prestonmonterey · 1 year ago
camp here and there thoughts
considered spamming my friend, but instead ill put stuff here.
this is all my thoughts from as im listening to it, btw
sydney and jedidiah are quincent confirmed?!! (not clickbait)
i will literally eat up any character named rowan no questions asked
the first bit with the penguins reminds me of burrows end
one of my favorite silly weird things is time going past the numbers it should (reminds me of everything is fine. i think it was like, the first episode? digital clock goes from 2:59 to 2:60? super cool, love it)
"let us live to die another day" (will you live to see tomorrow or die another dayyy// once a spy always a spy.... sorry, sorry)
i love that theres emojis in the transscripts
i feel so bad for the vegans at camp
mentions of apocalypse? a character called rowan? (you know what time it is folks: obscure lyric references!!!! (my beautiful apocolypse, if i asked you to be mine, would our purposes align?) again, sorry. ill stop. no i wont.)
woo! sydney feelings hour!
i love syndey telling his tape recorder not to tell anyone about his hallucinations
ok random thing i just noticed the titles have like part of the one before them and part of the one after and thats just pretty cool
why is the sky always bad
sydney being very normal about death and jedidiah bein like 'no' is also very quincent
interesting the 'when you die you will rot' is a recurring thing
sydeys laugh is so cute i love himmm
ok so theres like a spider cabin, moth cabin, ladybug cabin and BATTLE CABIN?
children being bribed by sugar is one of the most realistic parts of this
ok but the distinction between reanimation and true necromancy is actually really cool
sydney as much as i love you why the heck did you say thick like that
(when youre a ghost recorder, no one knows your name, but they wont try to stop you if you arent playing the game)
'our bedroom' actually screaming
the voice acting is such yum
again, sydneys noncholance about death related things
omg gay?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
poor jedidiah is so pathetic and bbg
for the record i hate oposite day too
gasp: a navarro (makes sense shes a tyrant) (im refrencing gentlemens guide to love and murder? i think? i dont even know at this point)
i love that all of ep 5 is sydney being too extra and jedidiah being the most exasperated
ok so maybe the implication is that matthew isnt human, but also ppl can have extra color cones, but only afab ppl bc color cones are in the x chromosome (thats also why men are more likely to be color blind) so trans matthew hc now
sydney are your eyes ok??
justice for sydneys fancy soap
if someone does magic and hurts sydney i will cry
ok so now with confirmation that they use analog clocks i really wana know what they look like
also i was thinking about why the music from last ep reminded me of something v specific and i think its yokai watch?
"babe" ok theyve got to be gay right???
sydneys allergic to seeing goo? interesting
father time? a bastard? omg you know what time it is (hehehe time bastard)
sydney and jedidiah are so cute im actually going to die
aww i want lava cake w real lava :( (fun fact by strange definition water is technicaly a form of lava)
ok so the amount of wholesomeness makes me think something bad is going to happen
"theyre penny loafers :("
rowan rowan rowan rowan rowan rowan!!!
the audio design is so yummy idk if i said that already
(uhh i accidentaly skipped most of ep six so back to that)
(the elephant man is just dead ambrose and sydney is vincent if they werre better at communicating)
"worms arent people" uh, YES THEY ARE, rude.
jedidiah whatever your project is it cant be so important that you havent played chess with your bf in A COUPLE OF YEARS wtf
(ok now to regularly scheduled friendship goo)
sydney calling the camper different animals is one of my favorite things
why is the sky always fucked up
"scary things like...men" sir you are men (but also same i am so scared of men and also are men)
jeDIDiah lmao
"your husband" and sydney just goes with it
ok but why is sydney slowly giving more and more louis taopp vibes (plz dont be like him)
i love casual loredrops about chocolate shortages
"friends" sure.. sure.
ok... so sydney did know that jedidiah had pics of him in his office? bc they used to be on the corkboard/?????
poor bb sydney is sad that his husband isnt telling him things
"[Scoffs] Friend. As if we’re not… we’re not… [Sighs] we’re not." noo im gonna actually cry (i am- i was... i'm supposed to be the best/ref)
i wanna see sydneys haunted house and skeleton cat drawings :(
"Put the Silly Putty back. You don’t need more Silly Putty." (my friends @ me when i watch another musical) (myself @ me when i eat another one of rowans fandoms >:3)
"co-nurse" idk if hes actually the assistant or not but i think sydney calls him that bc control? bc he wants power
also jedidiah uses am and pm which is interesting bc i dont think sydney does
ok now i get why sydney doesnt like joshua
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the trivia sections of fan wikis are my favorite thing on this planet. "it is unknown whether or not the color green exists"
btw they actually mention green eggs and ham in ep 1 so i think its at least a concept
i still hc trans matthew. no fan wiki can take that away from me >:(
juniper daddy issues confirmed??
"Well, we can — petition her!" (i will try to petition my father/ref sorry sorry sorry)
Wait, one more: Cunt.  (uuh, fucker /ref. will anyone even get that one? its filled my brain. i dont remember any quotes before or after... it's taopp. uh, the scene with louis and jason in the hallway or something)
we love sydney trauma dumping 2 mins into an ep
i wonder if he sometimes forgets hes broadcasting to a bunch of middle schoolers
i wonder if joshua knows that middle schoolers arent usually 14
i love that sydney doesnt know what oatmeal is
sydney: if only my husband would play 20 dimensional chess w me :(
"Lucille has a flamethrower. You have to listen to what she says." the only lesson ever
natsume def has parent issues
just remembered that the trees produce defensive slick
i want teethh flowers :(
"and I fear that the end is near." (the end is coming, the end is coming! /ref)
"as sweet, and patient, and motherly, and forgiving as she is" so... not at all?
i love the silly old timey music omg its so fun
gasp cannon date. thats crazy. someone better have a timeline theory bout this.
aww no teeth flowers? :(
im concerned about sorens stones
is the ticking clock new? it feels new
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oh huneee :(
just remembered the notes in the description. thats lore, right? prolly im too lazy to check.
Word to the wise: you ever come across that statue, do not look her in the eyes. (the fact that it rhymes too) (someone should make a cover of a word to the wise but with this line) (please?)
matthew appreciation time
sydney mommy issues?
jesus heck how many cabins are there?
is that what the pebbles were for???? im still scared.
sydney's silly drum roll gives me life
im actually so in love with matthew
sacrificial rituals, yay!
D: can they just be gay and happy? please?
they better get happy >:(
the spooky is rly goodd tho
mommy issues: the episode?
again, we love sydney trauma time before minute 3 of the episode
mila is a theater kid confirmed?!
sydney it seems like theres alot to unpack about your mom...
i dont think i want to know what horn sap is
"It’s all very delightful, b-but quite strange" idk the way he says that line is so vincentcore
im v worried for marie ann
"Don’t worry — they aren’t real ants. But it is a real log! " honestly id rather eat ants than a whole tree
"bending over to whisper in my ear." sydney is a short king <3
ohh the centipedes
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i love the contrast of ideas its super spooky.
 “I’ve just got to do better,”  (never let yourself rest, they can try to despise you, but not your success) (also ambrose vibes. idk, but like maybe jedidiah has a similar 'if im perfect then people will finally love me' thing goin on?)
 “Give me a hard time, okay? We both deserve that.” (more ambrose vibes)
i think hes looking for validation from lucille?
i like that the va's voice patterns makes it clear when hes talking quietly even though the audios still at the same volume
"I know I’ve constructed a few effigies in my time. " (effigies of the god appolo, dickweed /ref)
"There is a clear block of resin on my desk with a centipede inside. He wants to swap places with me. Lately, I am tempted to let him." spooky
(last couple eps had, like, news broadcasts at the beginning? idk if its been like that the whole time, but probably lore stuff.)
o no is it rock time? (also soren sounds like such a cartoon character i cannot get over it)
is mother of stones the reanimation lady from the death fields or whatever?
i love that the only actually vegan thing given to the vegans so far is assorted leaves
i have a feeling that normal day might not be normal...
idk why would worshiping a statue of stones to be reborn into a second life in the middle of the forest be illegal?
ohh its bc normal day i already forgot/
" Un-resurrect? Un… resurrect… Were we going to “surrect” the rabbit?" (i prefer 'mercy killing' /ref)
i want juniper and joshua rivals to lovers/rivals to friends content. just putting that out there.
sydney just kill the rabbit
ok the fact that sydney is worried about this death-related thing is really unsettling
aoisfeorgijefmoigjt4ri4tgoirjjitog this is so spooky i love it so much
sydney needs proper therapy
"I know I’m beating a dead horse, but the guy wants something from me, and he does something to me, and I don’t like that he just gets to be around no matter how much I protest!" (grace when max)
and it all comes back to control
poor baby boy
(poor boy, tormented /ref)
why he bri'ish
nevermind i dont want juniper content anymore
"jeddie, m'boy"
why does anyone like him
yes, yes rowan is handsome
himbo juniper, but i still hate him
"it’ll steal all your nutrients until you wither and die!" (its infectious, its deadly, its one to be feared /ref)
"I’ve always wanted to be killed by something that loved me." dont. dont say that sydney.
soren is the dark magic sugar daddy of camp. prove me wrong.
"Would a child really do that? Just come to Summer Camp and tell lies?" yes. they would.
song? song!!!!
if this isnt on the soundtrack imma be pissed
idk how to explain this, but salems voice is really sharp
i certainly dont want to know what ostrich cream is...
if this makes sydney bottle up his feeling and muck up his relationship with jedidiah more im not gonna be happy
(ok so i was just informed that its going to get worse and,, i dont know how to emotionally prepare myself.) (also its past 10:30 pm so bear with me if my thoughts get a lil incoherent. as if they ever were coherent)
cant remember if this happens with sydney too but theres static when jedidiah says the time. interesting
so sydneys smoke thing is unique to him??
we do love occupying characters with a physical task during conversations
ig marisol prioritizes efficiency and salem prioritizes the wellbeing of the kids
also salem dont badmouth sydnel like that
more confirmation that sydney needs therapy
im v glad marisols on sydneys side
jedidiah is bein kinda silly, marisols like 'he makes me uncomfy' and hes like 'just dont feel uncomfy'
if only sydney and jedidiah were as good at communication as the sapphics
love that sydney is like 'dont swear!!!!' but dumps all of his trauma on the kids
noo im sad :(
"It’s a laaaaaazy day today." <<<(me tomorrow after not sleeping all night)
nothing bad better happen on the speepy day >:(
"Men. Men sure are mysterious." mood
"I can’t describe how it feels to see a blue sky… almost… apocalyptic. " i love subverting expectations and turning something ordinary into something completely paranormal.
also vambrose moment (the apple)
o great thats where the canibalism comes in
i do not want
(and this is why salem is worried about you buddy. dont share stuff like that with kids.)
on the other hand kids arent, like innocent to this type of thing, really. i used to babysit my friends lil sister ( i think she was in 2nd or 3rd grade?) shed make lego skits about people murdering eachother, with like, a lot of detail too. and i dont think she was raised on particularly violent media. she played pokemon go on her parents phone or doodles in kids drawing apps. i think kids just kinda gravitate towards these kinds of things, especially if theyre told theyre not supposed to.
o no sydney being normal about the elephant man is not good
"You get hungry." hungy theme within his dreams?
"I like animals because they never forget to be scared: of starving, of getting eaten, of getting hurt or sick." also reaccuring thing from the bunny
and centipede thing. and ants. (im guessing bc its a dream it s lots of things relating to his current situation, especially thematically) (also i believe ants were brought up at some point when he said something along the lines of 'it felt like ants were eating my stomach lining'
the writing is so good its unfair
"I should never have forgotten to be scared." this is really interesting bc so far hes only been really scared by the elephant man.
"and none of the birds could speak English." ok i think its extremely disturbing to consider the fact that 'its a uniquely human thing to surpress pain' so the birds CAN talk but theyre still animals. they never forget to be scared and they never think to hide their discomfort.
also geez this episode is so dark compared to the others. it makes sense in universe, bc most of this is going on in sydneys head.
noo matthew was affected he better be ok after >:(
also appreciation for the slowing music, i didnt really register at first but thats definitely bc of the weird time happenings. and then the crank and it speeds up? super cool!
this series is so fun!!!
im a bit worried that jedidiahs 'extra special clock' may have something to do with his project? especially considering he has a lot of clocks around his office
more hungy, i think that bc he was hungy but didnt really realize it bc time weirdness, it seeped into his dreams somehow?
appreciation for sydney being able to eat garlic bread
also interesting thing, idk if its relevant in universe or just a writing thing, but no matter what happens with time it seems to always be resolved for sydney to know when 25:25 is.
oh fuck the canibalism is back
i do not want
nope nope nope its getting worse
sorry im blood squeemish
more elephant man lore
kinda spooky. maybe his powers rely on electricity? or theres some greater creature hes afraid of that haas that effect
appreciation for the ending music of ep 16, and also just all the music in that ep.
hive? (the apothiosis is upon us?)
also really different music for the intro. idk if its like a genre or something related to hives, but its style really reminded me of queen b from nightmare time.
i want a waterslide to nowhere
i dont want a bri'ish man talkin bout 'beans on the cob' to be responsible for my safety, like, ever.
more sydney lore! poor bb sounds like he needs a hug. particularly from one Jedidiah A.A. Martin
i love the corporate bg music during harmlessmart its such a nice touch.
matthew matthew matthew matthew
fresh honeycomb sky.. hive theming?
this is exactly the shenanigans that middles schoolers get upto when theyre realeased into the woods
" So it has been, and so it will be; eternal in all directions in time." idk i just like this quote,
more ants
sports crystals = pokey?
bee tsunami
so he is co-nurse... when does jedidiah ever do his job? where is he?
noo sydney not the corner bread
comunicate!!! please!!!
"but he must love me, right?" :(((((((((((((((((
" — my journals." of course jedidiah only cares when it relates to his project. so quincycore, but if quincy didnt care about his bf.
idk if i should keep watching this tonight. on one hand, if i keep watching i might cry bc sad, but if i stop i will definitely cry.
"He would always be the father, and I would always be the mother" (blitzstonecore)
"How he could love something so much… and forget to feed it." (he loves sydney, he just forgets to take care of him. in the way sydney needs, instead of the way jedidiah thinks he needs.)
a grey sky
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reading wikis again, and the warriors thing is just such a mood, and idk if the creators understand dnd stats properly, or if he jus sucks that much at living, but negative stats are not possible. like players usually cant get below a 3. and -4 means he has like -7 con, so he has 1 hit points at first level, which is really pathetic. yes im going to nerd about this. (i think its super funny bc, like sure w a 19 for wisdom he probably wouldnt fail wis saves, but on the off chance that he did, viscious mockery, a bard cantrip, will knock him out no matter what, and if it rolls i think a 3 or 4 it completely kills him. he could be killed by a single insult.)
(ive been informed that this will make more sense once i finish it, and now im v scared)
(also prolly shouldnt be reading the wiki rn bc spoilers, but im doin it anyway.)
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again, the stats are SO EXTREME. not as bad as sydney. he could feasibly weild a weapon (strenghth or dex if finesse i think) he has reasonable con which is good bc wizards have absolutely no health. idk whats up with his wisdom (ive heard it described as 'street smarts' and int as 'book smarts' but i think it kinda goes hand in hand with rizz for interactions, bc its used for like insight, which is kinda important to talk to people.) (thats actually something id say maybe doesnt work well with sydneys high wis. so far it seems like, while he is quite observant, hes not always super great at reading the room, or at least thats what ive gathered)
also idk about the charisma bc so far jedidiah seems a bit more put together in the persuasion/deception/intimidation area of things.
might eep now. that means its a great time for you to drink some water.
do it. stay hydrated. it mustve taken a ton of mental energy to get through this post, so you should take a break. get a glass of water, get a snack, take care of yourself. (sleep if its past midnight or if your name is rowan) then you can come back and finish reading this shitshow :]
ok its morning time to finish this (maybe)
restarted ep 16 bc i forgor
omg wait sydneys usin am and theres static
i love that theres a credit card stealing fish.
no sydney youre doing it again what did salem say
relation to sydneys worms?
"If he didn’t value these creatures when they were alive, why was he so affected by their deaths?" STOP NO IM ALREADY SAD I GET IT
and thats why sydney wont kill the centipede?
w h a t
spooky music
is the hive conected to the elephant man?
excuse me did he just call worms many legged creatures (ig like worms as in maggots and caterpillars and silkworms, not earthworms)
i love that theres always some counselors that dont get to participate in the camp meetings
sydneys impression of jedidiahs voice is so silly
"But I like endings; I like closure. That was the point of this whole exercise." more with sydney being more ok with death perhaps?
“Ha. Abandoning your child in a lake . . . . so that’s what motherhood means for you?” NO NO NO NO NO :(((
"But I am not my mother." so this is why hes so protective of the kids?
rowan hero?
this feels less like a hive and more like an egg
rowan hero!
bad smoke, different smoke?
hive queen
ye i was right, it egg
so they WERE gay at some point???
interesting that jedidiah doesnt mention the elephant man breaking into his office
he frames it as 'im worried about sydney' even though hes been ignoring sydneys concern until it affected himself
ye ye lucille gets it he only cares about himself and his project
hes emotionally attatched to sydney, but he doesnt take care of him, because he doesnt understand what it means to not be taken care of
sydney taught himself how to love, and he makes a conscious effort to try his best, but he prioritizes the kids because he doesnt want to be like his mom
ye ye lucille call out the lil guy
lucille has the same thoughts about the elephant man as jedidiah did before he tried to take the journals
noticed the clock ticking
ohh so spooky bad stuff in the journals?
jedidiahs trying to keep sydney safe, reminds me of the "it was cozy and safe, like a prison" thing
also lucille bein his mom explains why sydney and jedidiah are close?
jedidiah doesnt like death, maybe hes afraid of it. because its closure, like sydney said. bc he doesnt know how to care about something while its alive, so he settles for greiving when its gone.
also the ending 'do not anger it" is a repeat i think?
o no more tree stuff?
am again and static
at least today the vegans get somethig they can maybe eat?
so he is the assisstant nurse? confusion
buddy are you sure thats not a corpse
assuming the things jedidiahs getting shipped in are related to his project, hes making progress?
again with him prioritizes his project above sydney
also minor thing about the lunch b i feel like hes kinda underestimating sydneys intelligence (of course judging by the dnd stats its barely above average) and thats also v quincy of him
also i think he forgot to say the time, but theres static for dinner, prolly bc pm
interesting i dont remember when sydney switched. was it always like that? 19:04 PM implies a 19:04 AM, and thats a lotta hours
sydney appreciating nature
do you even like goo arts? arent you allergic to goo
ok really interesting that they bring this up bc sydney was just talking about how he and jedidiah had a bag of acorns that they took home? and they were fine
plant spooky
related to project?
time static
his lil eep is v cute
not even chess. bro why do you even check on him if youre too tired to play chess
clock tic
physically safe.
sad gay
more clocks tic
no you cant end the ep like that
sydneys still gone :(((((
juniper no one likes you dont laugh at your own jokes
oh but rowan honey is getting juniper to his job worth putting up with his horrible voice and personality
its extremely ironic that jedidiah is responsible for mediating counselor arguements when he doesnt comunicate with his own husband
"how do I explain to you that you need to care about other people?" DONT SAY THAt... it makes me sad...
"I worry about you sometimes, though, y’know?" heres a concrete difference between juniper and jedidiah: juniper actually makes the effort to care about rowans worry, even if he cant empathize with it. honestly i think this episode is included to show jedidiah through a different light, bc so far it seems like him and juniper are very similar.
they both rarely do their actual work, and have someone they care about who has a (maybe) irrational fear of something they cant understand
"You keep saying all this nice shit to him like it means anything and then consistently letting him down with your behavior." showing jedidiah recognises these traits in other people but not himself.
"Your actions are what matter to the people around you, not your words or your intentions or your thoughts or your fucking anything else but your actions, and your actions show Sydney loud and clear that you don’t give a shit about him." aaand he let it slip. he knows hes doing the same, maybe? some part of him gets that.
hopefully after this there will actualy be some kind of positive change?
not sure if this is important, as i havent been reading the other log thingies, but under minor insight into it repeats a bullet point
theory: the elephant man took sydney???
"I promise you kids I will attend dutifully to the nurse’s office in Sydney’s absence. Or, I’ll make sure someone is, at least." more jedidiah avoiding his actual job, similar to juniper
again sydney prioritizes knowledge above all else, maybe a similarity to jedidiah
"One by one, we all stay alive…" cant remember if this was like an endy thing but it sounds familiar.. either way super spooky
yvonne dyslexic not clickbait?
"Of course I can, it’s — plain English." ok interesting def a thing about either yvonne or jedidiah, bc like they dont see the notes the same???
"I wanted her to get angry. I wanted a fight. I wanted consequences. I… I wanted… it to matter." he wants closure. he wants people to care about him
"She was kind then. So was Jedidiah." :(
"really hard to believe that he would just — get up and leave." jedidiahs frustrated by the thought that sydney might not care about him like he thought?
another mention of religion. yvonne also mentioned praying in the last ep, and a while ago sydney talked about jedidiah being a 'good christian boy' or something like that
nvm that was the beginning of the last ep
im very good at life as you can tell
sorry back to 22
this is so strange
nother mention of religion
"My heartbeat has synced up with the ceaseless ticking… " reminds me of a comment i saw relating jedidiahs clocks to his heartbeat? idk i dont remember
this is... really disturbing. i dont know why
"holy day". interesting
this feels manipulative
no no elephant man if you turn sydney against jedidiah i will be very angy
wait isnt this like cult tactics, like asking someone to meet up in a low stakes setting, love bombing, asking them to do something to prove their loyalty. (i vaguely remember this from some yt video i watched about cats)
"Show you a love you have never known." hes preying on sydneys desire to be wanted, to be cared about
this is so unsettling my god.
" Jedidiah’s search party " means lucille aproved it?
"I mean, y’know, live like you’re dying, right? " (exexprincecore)
"What do you mean “that’s one way to put it”? Yvonne, these are blank papers!" enchanted papers?????????
ok sydney dont lie to them'
"Um. Okay. Listen. Sydney… I don’t want to lose you." but he doesnt really care, still
clock ticking
"the tree finds human happiness nauseating." huh.
"violent criminal history in the state of arkansas" thats all i could catch from the news thingy at the start, for some reason its not on the ep transcripts :(,,, but didnt elijah say hes from arkansas??? is that anything?
theres still static with the time
theyre dead?? like straight up?? all of cabin widow spider?
oh ok theyre not fully dead
as, like, the only sane person who cares about the elephant man, i wonder what marisols reaction is?
sports field? what about the musically inclined crystals?
hhehehe forgot that soren sounds like a cartoon villain
he nya like cat
...does the project have some relation to necromancy????????
tap tap tap tap tap tap
so crackers and butter cookies count as bread???
" but without death, it will never live." (to show ya the horror of stayin alive) (sorry sorry sorry sorry)
"Not because we want to, but because we must." ^^^^
wait wait wait i think i remember the one by one thing. but it was "one by one we all survive" and then "one by one we all stay alive" or something lik e that, so its interesting that it changed.
"but I can’t believe any amount of money would convince her to completely ignore the safety of the kids." again thingy with prioritizing the kids
"Seems this strain of mold just turns us into zombies, like… interpersonally?" mood
hahahaha juniper already is like that so the mold didnt have any effect
hun he is definitely deliberately manipulating yp
ok so idk about any of endy bits so far but it keeps bringing up not angering it and they "youve angered it" and im guessing if anything it has something to do with elijah??? or the project?? maybe both idk
"It’s like you don’t even care about the kids here anymore." huh
and it all comes back to control.
"Jedidiah… [Sigh] this mediation session isn’t for you and me." they need to go to couples therapy
" [Whisper] I miss you. .... I’m such a fucking idiot. " :((((
can the gays just be happy? just for a little bit? can elijah go away? can everyone please for the love of god or whatever just be happy for one goddamed moment?
no am, still static
i dont think thats a river
also, 'rapids'? he said like a moment before it was still, which kinda means its just more lake, and the land partially seperating it is an island
"they’re hungry for a sense of intellectual superiority." i love that the creatures in and around camp are half spooky half completely mundane
ye for once i think junipers right its more like a moat
"For today’s breakfast we have an eel’s head stuck upon a 500-year-old sword and slathered with pea mush — a hometown delicacy suggested by Juniper. He says they call it “scrumpledydumps!”" (ugh. british people.)
hc sydneys proficient in animal handling
... he feels like a curse and not in control of his life :(
forgot about the macaronis
uhh wouldnt a bridge make the hunt like destroy cam
(the horse? the divorce? /ref)
"I can’t figure out what this poor fox eats." is this a reference to the fly thing? showing contrast bc sydney actually thinks to take care of it?
still no am or pm but theres static
please let them be happy? (this is why i stil havent finished yellow jacket. i simply cannot handle characters being sad or the undeniable feeling that something terrible is going to happen)
"the tree also finds human fear nauseating." huh.
clocks. are we finally gonna learn more about the project/??
no more river
what the actual f u c k is going on
id let matthew poison me with arsenic
holy fucking shit
i love that sydney raises his voice when he does an imression of joshua
"You know, when I was a kid, a large portion of my daily diet consisted of complimentary condiment packets from the school cafeteria."...sydney are you okay?/?????
at this point the static is kind of comforting. the only thing consistent at camp other than sydneys trauma
more beeping
huh??? i swear hamsters have been mentioned before
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ye ye ye
how does sydney know what hamsters eyes look like if theyve been extinct for millions of years????
" 2:01 AM" WHOA thats new.... is it bc of maintenence? perhaps?
still static
oh fuck no i forgor about the journals
more clocks
(extra thing this kinda reminds me of holloweane a bit just bc of the like not being able to give info, of course ms holloway does WANT to, and does try to tell duke, but anyway)
(and now i gotta go do stuff. why did i agree to do stuff after that episode. damn. anyway. this is your reminder to take a break from my ramblings. get some water, stretch, focus your eyes on something that isnt a screen. and of course, if your name is rowan, you should sleep probably)
hi im back
birds. huh.
and a clock tickin, but it stopped before the click.
what about the second hand???
clocks have knowledge. sydney wants it.
this musics quite the jam
is petrfified wings a thing? it feels farmiliar
" 25-26-100 hour days." hwhat the hell
he wants to be a clock? he wants to be flexible?
is this the extra special clock that fucked up time in that one episode?
wheat feild? related to the death fields? i think sydney mentioned someones wheat allergy in that ep
this is v strange
something.. something train related happened to his dad?
is.. is the next event sydneys death? jedidiahs death?
thats why he doesnt like it? why hes scared of death?
knowledge. thats what they both seek.
FUCK NO elijah go away i dont like you >:(
of course, elijahs using him to get information. also HOW THE FUCK DOES HE KNOW ALL THIS (sydney please get away from that creepy stalker)
"hot tea with honey is good for sore throats." (goddamit emma now i gotta make a tea with honey /rref)
the weird audio thing in the background right after the episode title reminds me of my printer.
poor campers, no salt. nothing better happen to matthew >:(
at least sydney stopped spreading propoganda about the elephant man
oh also hes back to saying the time, am and pm, and our dear friend static
thats a lot of blood
w h a t
static please help me
what do they have against france
" it’s so funny to watch the fumes struggle to conjure anything worse than what I’ve actually been through." >:0
"[HE BUTCHERES THE PRONUNCIATION]" me too buddy, me too
did...did sydney get a clock?
o no are the penguins gonna come back
sydney are you okay???
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all of this better be on the soundtrack
[HE BEGINS TO HYPERVENTILATE AND CRY.] (mee too budy, me too)
" Are you ready? Why did you lie?" w h a t
ok ok ok im definitely gonna finish this today bc if i dont ill stay up thinking about it anyway
more god, sin and death stuff. also mention of adam, possible relation to up and adam? (intro bit still sounds like a hyperventilating printer)
(this is so long i wonder if anyones actually made it this far. wait atcually the fandoms small so prolly.) (i bet rowans reading this. i bet hes not actually sleeping like i told him to, twice.)
NO ELIJAHS BACK (idk if anyone else is here but i am a member of the elijah hate club)
brought up the ceremony thing again. (still seems kinda cultish)
quiet beeps
louder beeps
this "stupid man" sounds a bit like jedidiah...
"He did not understand how to feed it" again the starving thing
or, is it elijah? idk im confused
also wtf is goin on w the accent
so muse is definitely sydney, prophet is elijah, so yeah i think the architect is jedidiah
"I will be the one to crystalize the truth of your perfection" (uh oh is he gonna pull an ambrose)
kinda sounds like hes gonna set sydney on fire
FUCK SYDNEY YOU BETTER TELL JEDIDIAH (pls just make them be okay)
"…I’m going to start sleeping in the room with Jedidiah again." ok ok thats progress good.. maybe hes not so distrusting of jedidiah anymore??? at least hopefully itll help w his pain
(reading comments) i saw some ppl saying sydney died and got revived and that makes sense considerign the story but also WHAT THE FUCK
reason jedidiah wont tell him about the project? or why hes so intent on keeping him physically safe? (how much does he know about elijah, bc elijah seems to know a lot about him)
another mention of god in the news before the title
no more printer sounds? maybe i just wasnt payin attention
"Hey, what’s this co-nurse stuff? Aren’t you Sydney’s assistant?" joshua out here askin the real questions
idk whats goin on but somethng seems really off
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. that is no way to end an episode. again, this is why i cant finish yellow jacket. i do not like the sad.
idk if its just me but elijah sounded a bit different.
shit this is already episode 31.
also um fuck what the hell is that title. the pyre??? sydneys just gonna go with it?! dude hes gonna set you on fire !!!
also side note taking a moment to appreciate the pacing of the series so far, the whole time its felt like just the right amount is happening, it never feels too rushed or boring. also the attention to detail and callbacks and references are amazing
oh fuck he mentioned the penguins. that means jedidiah will knwo he was looking for the journals
wow it s been a while since he talked about the sun or the moon, kinda nice to hear about the sky again. of course now im remembering jedidiah talking abotu the stars and im sad again.
the moon was in the sky all day? is that normal?
oh. she wants control. like how sydney talked to elijah. to prove he has control. to make a choice.
"was that being fed is not always the same as being nourished." back to the starving thing.
the clock is back
he misses jedidiah :(
still dont know whats goin on with the centipede
"I need to prove I’m worth something to you" (ambrosecore)
"My body is whole. My body is eaten.' spooky.
they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy
glitchy walky talkies? i think thats that kind of beep. something something something RADIATOR? idk as someone whos bad at listening, i kinda wish they put the beginning bits in the transcript, but i guess thats bc mysteries???
static is back. aw, the moon has returned to her duty.
"Ahhhhh, to overthrow nature…" reminds me of the natural order thing joshua said during the camp revolt thing
also i was so right about elijah's culty stuff
communication? are they gonna be happy, maybe, at some point???
...i may have read spoilers in the wiki that they get together in 34, so i hope that means theyll be happy.
fuck fuck fuck fuck noo no non on no no elijah stay away
"Am I alone… ? " D:
glad he has a gun. that definitely cant backfire in any possible way...
fuck fuck fuck why is cabin dungbeetle like thhis
sound design is still so fuckin sick
jedidiah describing sydney: he's, uh, fuck, idk hes hot?
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hes so pathetic /affectionate
no no no you can t end on cliffhangers like that (i say as if im not gonna watch the next one in like a minute) (i could never watch shows or podcasts as they come out i would actually die from the cliffhangers)
oh wait its not the end of the ep.
again sound design is immaculate
if sydney dies at the end of this series so will i, just putting that out there. (oh same with jedidiah)
YO OMG HES SO SMART i forgot about the reflection thing. what did he steal?? idk he took something that was like 'the only way i could seee my reflection' or something.. that makes so much sense.
by the way imma be at least a bit upset if we dont get any more rowan content before the end of the series.
(last ep)
FUCK you elijah i hope you BURN in HELL (sorry to any non elijah-haters, but also, not sorry bc hes bad)
"every day is a living fucking nightmare!" i mean this is just a thing thats said and not, like, unique to the show, but jedidiah does say something similar earlier on i think
the whole love vs want think kinda reminds me of linda, and like wiley bein like 'you dont want to be loved you want to be adored' (of course thats more framed as a villain thing so..)
"She keeps him like a prison." callback to the prison thing? the ''it felt comfy and safe, like a prison" i think it was something like that
so elijah is connected to the clocks somehow??
salamander man=elijah?
thats when he died???
second journal entry reminds me of, this is weird, but like dnd memes? and how magic kinda comes naturally to classes like sorcerers and bards, but wizards learn through study?
also im very confused by why the journal entries are so important, and why elijahs voice keeps changing. its really unsettling
so jedidiah was looking into magic to heal him?
"You turn it off and back on again." holy fuck
oh my god so thats why necromancy is such a reaccuring thing? and them being like , dw real necromancy isnt popular
the clock is also an interesting thing, idk what it means tho
aww the statics back :)
why is lucille like this
whats her goal in any of it
"This information… resists being known." (ms holloway vibes)
his, dad, died from that??
" Because I’m nothing without you, Sydney, I really am." (quincent vibes)
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i find this switch really interesting bc up untill this moment sydneys always been the one, kind of, like, comfortable with death? and it makes sense now, i guess, because jedidiah was afraid of it, afraid that sydney might find out, and hed get hurt again
"But there’s something kind of sexy about that, though, right?" (a real stroke of luck, when the one man you can murder is one of the men you--- /ref) (sorrry sorry sorry this is a serious conversation ill try to be more normal)
awww gay (now for the happy? maybe? can they please be happy?) (sorry i said id be normal.. ill do that now < ---lying)
"Uhmm… [Sniff] hey, I, uh, haven’t seen you drink water, yet. I don’t think you’ve been drinking water — here. Drink. " (this is a reminder to all my friends who dont hydrate enough. do it. or you'll end up like sydney, nearly burned on a pyre by a weird russian guy in an elephant mask)
the gays? on their way to being happy? even just for a bit? not clickbait? (dw i know elijahs gonna come back and fuck everyone over in a lil bit. just let me have my moment)
"Also, he’s gone. For good." dude dont fucking jinx it!
"Seems the two of ‘em have gotten quite cozy. " (thats kinda gay dude)
i was so confused then i remembered that it was 20 dimentional chess
still kinda confused about the mirror thing
e32uojkbwqlrhugejbkqfdshoihuqjbkefrbejwkghioujeklfnwmdlskjaipuojlknm, gnwklejfponrdsjlaiojfwejb
im sad now D:
anyway, i am sincerely sorry that you had to read this hot mess. uh, rowan, if youre still here. go to sleep.
ok now im gonna go read fanfic and hope it can heal me from this emotional rollercoaster.
bye <3
10 notes · View notes
akgaereporter · 1 year ago
txt: soobin catching strays for *checks notes* watching an anime..
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tldr: a pann article(?) was starting shit abt an anime soobin mentioned on a live from MONTHS AGO. the anime (made in abyss) has some disturbing/horror/gore themes. he said he thought it was boring and was hesitant to recomend it to moas in the live. but in another live he had with seungkwan, he said he watched it because woozi mentioned it and then said he recommended it to sk. moas started making it a real issue, saying "if u defend him for this block me" & implying he endorsed the themes in the anime. sigh..
when ur in a meat eating competition and ur opponents are soobin antis who call themselves moas😱😱😱😱😱 yall are annoying as fuck all shade.. leave him ALONE abeg
tonight soobins name is trending on twt dot com for something other than the seunghan live or pannchoa making shit up about him😓 apparently (because i couldnt find it) a REAL kr pann article, not flopchoa, was made resurfacing an old live of him talking about animes he's watched. one of them was made in abyss, a psychological horror anime that is meant to be disturbing.
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in this live he says that its not something he wants to recommend to moas because of the themes in it. after the clip started making rounds on twt however, people brought up the fact that he'd mentioned it before and said he enjoyed it.
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now lets not jump to conclusions like SOME lewsers and realize here that the anime version of made in abyss that's available in korea is highly censored. it reduced the s3xual/problematic scenes that were in the manga, and had a lot of stuff cut out of it that made it bad.
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but even if this wasnt the case, its so silly to suggest that u endorse every piece of media u watch☠️ are u a vehicle if i watch cars 2?? are u a murderer if u watch true crime?? are u gay if u watch heartstopper? well yes but lets please use some critical thinking here friends
the first two screenshots from his live alone should be the end of this discussion because thats obviously how he really feels. but noooo user28247943 on twt.com always has to create some thinkpiece for other no brain having ass kpop stans to like and rt and make blockchains abt.. exhibit a:
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like what the hell r these people yapping about. me when im trying SOOOO HARD im PISSING and CRAPPING MYSELF to make this grown man from south korea who has no idea i am look like a bad person☠️
yeonternet was the person who started all this bs tho. idk if theyre the one who brought the pann article to twt but their tweets abt it are so braindead lord.. this person had over 1k follows trying to police what an adult man watches & saying it makes her uncomfortable that he does.. girl dont watch what he watches then?? and after shitting out that steaming load of crap shawty deactivated without clarification cause she couldnt take the heat ! ikdr never come back
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++apparently the author of made in abyss admitted that they used the show to portray their s3xual fantasies abt children but even hardcore watchers of the show didnt know that like..
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also when he initially said all this in the live the response was fawking normal as it should be..
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bc it isnt just gore and horror and nasty scenes, it has worldbuilding elements, characters, plot, etc that people enjoy it for. its rated highly and its so fucking ridiculous that people were genuinely throwing around the word PEDO for stupid shit like this. when actual pedos show up yall wont even be able to recognize them through the serious justice warrior twitter brainrot thats spreading rn..
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but the bottom line here is that its pretty clear people are trying to start a smear campaign on soobin. the pann article itself was just nasty akgaes and antis adding onto the hate train hes been getting since the sh live thing. and it's just so nasty and horrible to see self proclaimed moas jumping on that the first chance they got like damn bitch ur just a LOSER who never liked sb in the first place. need all of these mfs ran off the app immediately like its concerning to see how many of them have large followings
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uarmyeonjun went priv but she had almost 2.5K FOLLOWS before those twts. genuinely be careful who u call oomf like these people are real hybrids all it takes is an alt/priv and a dream for a normal person to turn into a complete FREAK ASS😓 hell is real and its called moaville
a story in 3 parts:
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maybe 4
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1.3k follows are we not SCARED?
here’s a link to a thread of the clowns in HD ! point and laugh❤️
anyways stay safe in these streets trust nobody stay strapped at all times. kpoptwt gets uglier everyday bye
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junkartie · 2 years ago
I'm hearing 2 opinions on Erdogan and idk I wanted to ask you bcs I got both of them from non-natives. So the first says that he IS a good president, there is just too many outside factors trying to bring him down. And the second told me that he WAS a good a help for the country until he decided to care about some other things (colonisation ?) which eventually led to the current downfall. Maybe both are right or both are wrong, what do you think?
(can you tell I love political discussions because I don't I'm just really invested cause you're one of my fav blogs hehe)
Non natives love to defend Erdo which is why us Turks have a whole term for them. Most of it however DOES stem from the second option being true.
Erdogan was in fact a very good leader in his first few years of power, now my family personally never liked him, he technically was in power on the sidelines for 10 years until he became president 10 yrs go. He did many things like make hospitals and healthcare way more accessible, fixed a lot of roads and built bridges etc. Now you may go “jay, isnt that what a normal president is supposed to do ?” Well, yes. But the guy before him didnt do a whole lot, so him doing his literal job was enough to convince people he was good enough to keep around.
As time went on he started to take a way harsher approach. Slowly but surely the price and tax on everything went up. Religion started to be the hottest topic in turkey despite us being a secular country on paper.Slowly festivals became too loud, protests were bothersome, pride parades were sinful, gays werent considered people, music after 12 wasnt allowed, Eurovision was something too embarrassing for our country to take place in, alcohol was a luxury that only the desperate & sinful tried to buy, women were not obedient enough, the legal age to get married was too high, sex before marriage became a big topic, rapists and murderers would walk freely, femicide got to a brand new high and a whole lot more.
This all happened slowly and gradually. By the time we thought to speak up on any of this the i-don’t-even know, 60% yearly inflation rate had worn us down. A dollar was no longer 2.5 TL, it was close to 25. Nothing could be bought with minimum wage. Whatever you bought, you bought a second one for the govt in tax (a phone here costs twice the price of one in america). People who vote for him mostly do so because all media outlets are heavily censored and totally in his favor. He has control of literally everything. Literally!! He hosted a referendum where he legally was given so much power that he can change whatever he wants on a whim. He will confidently lie out of his teeth and tell his supporters that the reason everything is so expensive is because of his opposition (who have virtually no power) + its fine because even if we’re poor we’re closer to god and his supporters eat it up because they have some fucked up parasocial relationship with him.
Right now we’re screwed beyond belief. The election was rigged in his favor but despite everything he either wasnt able to end it on the first round or intentionally didnt so he could win by a higher margin on the next round. The house is fucked, the opposition lost a ton of seats to highly religious islamic fanatics who straight up advocate for sharia law. That and the president literally had an alliance with a terrorist organization who want 15 year olds to get married, theyre also in the house. Its great.
Now we wait for the 28th, but its going to take a miracle for Erdogan to lose. I have virtually 0 hope at this point. One thing is foreigners defending him, but any turk who does so deserve everything they get. I truly hope anyone who voted for him suffer a fate worse than death (at this rate, they will). It may sound harsh, but ive seen no one in power except for this absolute sorry of an excuse, cunt of a man. My teens and childhood was wasted away with terrorist attacks and a staged coup, along with a power hungry man who made every walking day of my life worse than what it could have been.
Basically, wish us the best of luck i guess lol.
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emet-selch-apologism · 1 year ago
Morose/Pelle: 2, 5, 17, 28
Void: 3, 8, 20, 31, 37
Nu/Vil: 1, 14, 26, 34, 38
dnd ask meme
i got up out of bed to answer this on my pc so dedicated am i to talking about my most special boys
going under read more because its gonna be long <3 ALSO adding images of everyone to hopefully make it easier to tell whos who
left: pelle right: morose
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2. What does saving a person involve?
morose and pelle are of one mind on this, that they cant really "save" a person unless they want to be saved. so their strategy would be less about them swooping in to save the day and more about being there to help the save-ee get out of a bad situation. this is MUCH more pelles purview than moroses though, hes more of a "provide resources and encouragement without being asked" kind of guy whereas morose is more of a "im not gonna push you but im here if you want to talk about it" kind of guy.
5. What is your PC’s idle animation?
for morose itd probably be him taking out his grimoire and taking notes in it. its a grimoire first and foremost, but he also uses the margins as a scientific journal if he doesnt have one of his dedicated notebooks on hand
pelle would keep it simple, probably just doing some small turns so his sleeves swish around. or probably any other gentle motion, like rocking or swaying
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(the sleeves ^)
17. What are your PCs favorite fruits (not including gay people)
each other
morose likes apples. probably has something to do with how long he was a teacher for, his students DEFO would occasionally give him apples before or after class
pelle cant pick a favorite, hes so jazzed about all of the food that mortals produce and eat and cook. he loves all food
28. When your PCs want comfort, what do they seek out? 
each other
other than each other though
for morose, hed try to involve himself in his hobbies. this literally always means doing research and science and alchemy. hes been autistic about the arcane sciences for 200+ years and hes not gonna stop now
for pelle, who is very well adjusted, it usually means doing one of the hundreds of mortal hobbies he picked up in his retirement, or taking a walk and appreciating the worlds beauty, or talking to one of the zombie kids he takes care of, or meditating
generally speaking though when they need comfort both of them immediately turn to the other
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3. How would your PC describe themselves?
void is pretty difficult to get the gist of because their setting is so specific, but i will try my best
i dont think void knows how to describe themself. they basically just manifested into existence with full sapience and no identity. their entire character arc revolves around them trying to figure out who they are, wanting to be a person but convinced that they have no choice to be oasis (the dead god theyre the reincarnation of).
they dont even know that theyre a god yet.
since they have no sense of identity as a person, i dont think theyd try to describe themselves like one. theyd probably describe themselves as "the tear" (a rift in the sky between the material plane and a mysterious higher plane that no one has ever gone to, which is believed to be the source of all the Big Problems in the setting) or "the neverplane" (said Problem Plane). they might call themselves an etherbeing (a creature formed from the ether in the neverplane which consumes the ether of mortals on the material plane), but that wouldnt be totally accurate.
8. How decisive is your PC?
EXTREMELY indecisive. despite thinking its futile void wants nothing more than to fight their nature and just be a normal person, so any decision they have to make has to go through both their God Thoughts and then their Normal Person Thoughts. and, more often than not, these two sides are at odds with each other making it hard to decide pretty much anything. theyll freeze up if they think too long about any decision they have to make
20. What type of chocolate do they prefer? 
theyve never tried eating food before. i dont think they could even if they wanted to. but if they could i think theyd like white chocolate best
31. What’s your favorite part of playing your PC? 
I GET TO BE SOOO AUTISTIC. void is so autistic and i get to completely unmask and call it rp
actually though my favorite part of playing void isnt even rping as them at the table, its planning for future sessions and getting to go so deep into their psychology. the way ive set up godhood in the setting inherently poses a LOT of existential questions about the gods, and void is even more complicated because they want to fight against their godhood. theyre a lot of fun to explore mentally
37. What flower represents your PC?
so funny you ask this one for them because void is the only character of these five that has an actual in game lore related flower motif! glowing white dahlias! they spring up in significant places void has been to, they bloom out of the dust left behind by dead etherbeings, they can create them at will, etc.
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(nuvia controls the left side, vilereth controls the right)
1. Does your PC believe it’s possible to save someone?
vilereth does. hes not usually inclined to do so (the only people hes tried to save is nuvia and nuvias sister elizabeth) but he thinks its possible to. he also probably thinks its a lot easier than it actually is. hes incredibly overconfident in his own abilities
nuvia is more of a tossup. i think usually he doesnt think its possible to save people (if he could have been saved then why didnt anyone save him from the cult who put a demon in his body). but if pushed hes still willing to try. but the list of people hed be willing to risk himself to save is very very short
14. How does your PC feel about white lies?
vilereth is lying all the time its his favorite thing to do. he loves to tell lies. he doesnt even do it maliciously (for the most part) he just thinks its funny. but he loves it he loooves lying
nuvia also doesnt care about lying. he doesnt go out of his way to do it the way vilereth does, but hes a very smooth liar (lots of practice) and he thinks that sometimes its just what has to be done so who cares? hes probably even a better liar than vilereth
26. How would your PC answer the trolley problem? 
neither of them would flip the switch.
vilereth wouldnt see it as his problem. he wouldnt really care and he wouldnt see himself as involved in the situation unless he flips the switch, and hed rather not get involved if he can help it.
nuvia has a similar outlook. hed at least be tempted to flip the switch so only one person gets killed, but ultimately agrees that hes not involved unless he does. if he did hed see himself as responsible for one persons death, and he already has more than enough stress to deal with.
34. Is your PC an effective communicator? What is their communication style? 
oh god no.
vilereth is always lying and making jokes to keep people at a safe distance. hes so averse to being vulnerable that he didnt even have a non antagonistic conversation with nuvia for 5 months after they were fused. even now that they get along (theyre gay btw) trying to get him to be open and honest is like pulling teeth
nuvia is also Not Good at communication. hes less afraid of vulnerability than vilereth is, but hes so completely conflict averse its insane. hed rather bottle up everything until he dies than have a slightly uncomfortable conversation even once.
38. How did you choose your PC’s name? 
they were initially just one guy who i named vilereth from a yafnag pull. then when i made them two people i did another yafnag pull and got nuvia
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husbo-venus · 1 year ago
SO during lockdown i dated this absolute NUTCASE for like a month. ofc i didnt know he was mental. he started being really intense and kinda weird after the second week (e.g. we went to his place to eat takeaway once and he just stripped naked as soon as we got in the door. not even anticipating sex, he just did that) so i left him. after that he BLEW UP my phone for like a week and idk i was kinda lonely 👉👈 and he seemed to listen when i told him why i wasnt feeling the relationship so i gave him another go.
when we reunited we went to his place again but he needed to pick up the takeaway himself and left me to watch youtube on his laptop. ~now~ at the time i was immature and didnt know how to have the "i dont want to date a porn consumer" conversation so i was a liiiiil toxic and checked his internet history (i DONT do this now; even though most gays do watch porn i find theyre usually understanding if you dont want them doing that while ur in a relationship) and i didnt find porn sites (luckily) but i DID find a forum called the-em.com and it seemed like he was on there for relationship advice so i was like 👀👀👀
i didnt click anything but i had to make sure it wasnt something dodgy so i looked up the site and found "em" stands for "eunuch maker". i was horrified so i took note of his username and made an account to get receipts before confronting him and i found some GOD AWFUL stuff on there.
when i did confront him that's when i found out he was actually insane. all that stuff was so normal to him. he didnt even consider it a kink or a fetish. he told me he planned on chemically castrating his future fiance and eating his testicles on their wedding night. i was like wtf and he said something on the lines of 'for what its worth, since youre quite dominant i was thinking about swapping the roles with you' (so id eat his balls).
and a. the fucked up stuff i saw on the website (including images) and b. the way he was so calm telling me i was going to eat his balls haunt me to this day.
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bluewaterhigh2005 · 2 years ago
hii i know this is random but bear with me. ive never read the vampire academy books but i have seen the movie for the first time last week and ive been like COMPLETELY insane about it ever since. the absolute craziness of psychosexual obsessive girlbestfriendism has captivated me and now i live breathe eat roselissa. spent a lot. of time on vampire academy wiki...thinking abt reading the books even but that seems a little excessive plus i dont wanna read about rose dimitri relationship i dont condone it. BUT i am getting desperate ive seen bad fanart on pinterest ive even venturend into some bad fanfic territory theres nothing in the roselissa tumblr tag and your blog is the only light in the darkness. im so obsessed with them its really bad. NOBODY does it like them theyre so insane. okay so-> i was thinking you could use this ask to dump some roselissa opinions/headcannons/notes app essays etc or like literally anything🙏. also sorreee for how long it is & thank you & also should i watch the show? ok ok have a nice day byeeeee❤️
i am so fucking glad that it's 2023 and people are still watching this stupid perfect lesbian camp masterpiece of a film. okay first of all you are soooo real not wanting to read the books because of fuck ass dimitri like what a pathetic flop. *i* love the books like i would love my own children but keep in mind i did read them for the first time as a 12yr old and even now when i reread it's mostly to warmup before rereading bloodlines which i think is the most perfect magical romantic series ever written. heterosexuals won that round.
anyway i think everyone in the world should watch the show it's so much fun and the roselissa necromancy reveal goes soooooooo crazy like it's gay excellence. also a) australian rose hathaway is INSPIRED, b) the rose/dimitri of it all pisses me off significantly less in the show purely because he's like. not even a teacher he's just lurking and hanging around and i find that very funny. no friends no job he's just like me fr, and c) lissa wears funky little hats and that's so special to me she is my baby girl princess sweetie pie forever and ever and ever
okay moving onto actually talking about roselissa it is first of all very important to me that you know the 3rd book opens with rose inside lissa's head during a lissa/christian sex scene and she's very much like "i don't want to have sex with lissa..... BUT-" and it sends me every time especially because that was actually the first book i read so my literal introduction to this series was rose being weird and psychosexual about lissa which kind of coloured my view of them forever. roselissa above everything of course but i AM a roselissachristian throuple truther i think they're very fun and rose and christian best friendisms are very dear to me.
i do keep a running list in my notes app of songs that i would put on a roselissa playlist (like an insane person.) and the #1 entry is mitski's i don't smoke because well literally if you need to be mean be mean to me i can take it and put it inside of me..... that's literally their whole entire thing for a while there like rose spending an entire book like. siphoning off lissa's mental illness and making it her own SOUNDS like a joke but no it's #real and #devastating. bonus i also have a list of lissa songs which is topped by BRUTAL by olivia rodrigo because nobody has ever suffered the pains of being a teenage girl more than my perfect bisexual vampire princess.
my post-series thoughts /headcanons are often pretty depressing on the roselissa front but i don't want to get into depressing shit so i will instead talk about my current favourite idea which is that after they break their bond at the end of the series. you'd think they'd start being normal about each other. but NO they get even more freaky and codependent. i like to picture people coming to court and just sighing when they see them sitting in each other's laps on lissa's throne like not AGAIN. and dimitri idk dies in a fire or something. idk if you've ever seen grey's anatomy but there's this bit where a guy is like "my wife and her friend have sleepovers together in our bed with me in it" and TO ME that is soooo roselissachristian core. he's THEIR third wheel and he knows it.
also sidebar it pisses me off SOOOOOO bad seeing how people on the internet so fundamentally misunderstand lissa and her relationship to rose like for literal years now like they're always out here calling my girl self-centred and saying she doesn't love rose as much as rose loves her which is crazy because hello she brought rose back from the DEAD with her mind powers. her whole flop family was dead in that car and she brought back her girl best friend like what more can you even say about that. she's gay and she's insane and she's so completely Not Normal about rose
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tuliptyper · 3 years ago
AOT characters toxic traits;-
includes; ymir, historia, hange, bertholdt, marco
TW; generally unpleasant headcanons but nothing specific i can think of except for mentions of potentially abusive behavior
safe (no racism or misogyny) minus internalized homophobia !
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- generally very jealous and doesnt communicate about her feelings, leading to her bottling them up and exploding in later contexts
- really critical of other people especially if theyre better off than her. she has a habit of giving people stank eye and making backhanded comments
- cultivates her outer image to look friendly and pretty but doesn't put any work into introspection and trying to strengthen any of her (very few) genuine connections. her soft girl appearance is literally just an appearance.
- Historia is incredibly desperate to be liked and feel wanted/desirable but lacks the awareness to stop feeding herself unhealthy examples of beauty and charisma
- ymir is incredibly insecure, leading them to severely underestimating their worth and capabilities. they unintentionally drag others down by assuming their efforts produce worse/less results by default
- allows people to step on them because theyre scared of people abandoned. its all really subtle and theyre so used to being exploited by those they care about that at they think its normal/understandable
- allows/excuses bullying unless its them or their crush/partner being bullied
- ymir is generally bad at holding their partner/crush to realistic standards. they also think their partner is incapable of doing wrong and its never justifiable for their partner to be inconvenienced/hurt.
- gets so into their hyperfixations or interests that they tend to neglect the people around them and its not cute. they're too busy investing in their hobbies to bother listening to anyones grievances or pay significant attention.
- kinda uses their neurodivergence as an excuse to be incredibly insensitive and avoid adapting or accommodate for their friends needs.
- worst of all, Hange believes neithee of these things cause as much harm as they do. the tension bubbles under the surfice and Hange is really good at just not caring if they hurt someone. it only ever occurs to them when their friends slowly leave (and even then they never think they treated them that bad)
- he's not really knowledgeable about other peoples struggles. for example, he wont validate anyones emotions if he hasnt experienced them himself.
- because of his anxiety, he shuts down new experiences and avoids opportunities. this is really frustrating when his friends/family want to do something other than exist together in separate rooms
- hes so used to compartmentalizing and rationalizing all his emotions that he no longer reserves much empathy. hes incredibly detached from his feelings and it very obviously bleeds into his relationships and causes a lot of hurt. generally people will start to think of him as emotionally unavailable and therefore unreliable.
- mostly just a chunk of internalized homophobia. constantly self critical and hyper aware of falling into any gay/homophobic stereotypes. because of this, he sometimes forces himself to be someone hes not just so people dont stereotype him
- as previously touched on, Marco is very occupied with other people's thoughts of him. even if someone's already contextualized him in some sort of way, itll eat him up and he'll waste so much energy trying to change their image of him
- sort of downplays other peoples pain and experiences because emotional vulnerability overwhelms him. he also doesnt want people to ruminate on their negative feelings but the execution does so much more harm than good.
- offers unhelpful advice based on his (not universal experiences) completely unprompted
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meredithdoesfandoms · 2 years ago
byler tell the party and fam hcs
• i imagine him coming out to joyce and jonathan being very standard, he tells them he’s in love with mike and theyre all accepting and love is love and blah blah blah (note that i hc will as already being out to his family and the party)
• but then when will leaves the room joyce is like ??? i knew about will being gay, but mike?? and jonathan is like yeah?? it’s obvious?? mike is like obsessed with him?? and then they agree as long as will is happy thats what matters
•and he’s all annoyed and pissy and whatever, so mike and will freak out because “omg he’s homophobic”
•mike leaves and the byers-hopper family is eating dinner. it is silent. and then hopper just kind of “im ok with the gay thing, kiss all the boys you want. but MICHAEL FUCKING WHEELER???” (this is all very lighthearted btw)
• joyce ofc being all “we talked about this!! as long as he’s happy, right??”
• and simp hopper is like “yes joyce is right, will as long as ur happy thats what matters😐”
• hop is a byler enthusiast, but soley for the sake of will’s happiness. that being said, he will always have a slight vendetta against michael wheeler
• any homophobia towards either of them tho?? it is on SIGHT dont mess with jim
• mike doesnt come out to karen until he and will are official. its once again a very standard “mom im gay” thing
• and karen gets all soft and says “it was always will, wasnt it”
•and everyones all soft and weepy because karen has always kind of known, and just wants the best for her boy
• i imagine the exact same thing happens with nancy, but this conversation occurs after the one with karen
mike: wait you knew??? thats what mom said!!
nancy: yeah cuz its fucking obvious dipshit
dustin- i think hes a fucking genius dont get me wrong, but if he doesnt know robin is gay, hes not gonna guess mike is gay. byler sits him down and tells him, and then all we get is “ohhhhhhh” and then there are no follow up questions once the dots have been connected
lucas- gets sat down, “we’re dating” and blah blah blah. he’s all accepting and sweet and normal. but im a sucker for platonic byclair, so lucas and will talk alone afterwards. they talk about how wills and mikes feelings developed for each other, and how lucas has seen will struggle for so long, and is just glad to see him happy. “did you have to pick mike tho? i mean you could do better” “LUCAS.”
max- after lucas and will go back inside after their talk. max is there and notices they clearly had some type of heart-to heart. let me just write this out rq
will and lucas: *walk in, tear marks on their cheeks*
max (to will and mike): so did u nitwits finally tell lucas and dustin that yall are dating
mike: who the fuck told you?? *mike is pissed, because this was his time to come out, and he wanted control of the narrative, and someone snitched to max*
max: nobody?? it was just fucking obvious??
mike: oh.
el- yall i have no idea. i dont want her to get hurt because im a byler first, but an el stan as a close second. i think she either sees them in the void, or witnesses a romantic moment and just kinda knows. and mike and will know that she knows, but it all stays an unspoken mutual understanding for a while. eventually once the party knows she mentions it more, but shes sweet and i love her and if ANYONE hc’s her as homophobic or jealous we’re officially beefing
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spnshameblog · 3 years ago
I'm interested to know what you stance on Misha is after all this. peope seem to be pretty divided about this. has your opinion of him changed?
ok, i think this is gonna be a bit wordy. ive been in this fandom on and off for about a decade. if you follow a show and its actors for that many years, you are going to see them act in ways you cant support. everyones boundaries are different and ive withdrawn my support for people over things that other might find laughable, so i would never say that he hasnt done anything so bad that people should "unstan" him. personally, i dont think he has done something so bad that i cant ever support him again. over the decade he has said and posted some really dumb and sometimes offensive shit and i cant give you an itemised list of all happenings, but iirc he almost always apologised and i dont remember him making the same mistake twice. so if he says he apologises and is learning, i want to believe him, i just have no idea what thats going to look like.
see, a lot of us arent upset about a "misfired joke", if anyone else had done that people would be like "haha embarassing, lets move on", but a lot of people genuinely assumed him to be queer even before he made that comment, which is proven by the thousands of comments going like "i thought he had been out this entire time". a huge amount of people drew the conclusion, based on his actions and his words, that he wasnt straight, even though he personally never said so. so the thing most people are upset about is that theyre now having to recontextualise years (in my case a decade) of stuff we consciously or subconsciously interpreted as evidence. YES you shouldnt assume someones identity, but its not like he dissuaded people from speculating. quite the opposite and that is another reason why people are upset.
they feel like misha has been deceiving them, using his ambiguity for attention and support from lgbt people and theyre not entirely wrong. a lot of stuff can, in hindsight, be explained by him noticing that his fans seem to really respond to him acting a certain why, so why not act that up a little. what i take issue with is the claim that most of his personality and his support for queer causes were to garner support from queer people. i dont know the guy and i cant make any definitive statements, but i believe he is really mostly like that lmao. he has talked about how people are surprised by how, for a lack of a better word, 'unmasculine' or emotionally open he is. if he was just 'acting up the gay' around fans, then why have his colleagues and friends also commented on this? and he definitely has had to experience homophobic microaggressions esp on the set of spn, which doesnt make sense if hes like, a normal macho dude when fans arent watching. again, yes, i totally believe he purposefully exaggerated some of it bc fans eat that shit up and if nothing else hes a people pleaser. and also sometimes straight guys just act a little gay, idk what to tell you.
so now theres the theory that it actually WAS an honest comment, but for some reason he decided he needed to go back into the closet. now, if someone states their own orientation THIS explicitly im bound to accept that, however i can see where this theory is coming from, given that there are some instances that simply cant be explained as jokes or him acting up the gay etc. at least from our perspective. so idk buddy, he might be, he might not be. however i dont agree with the sentiment that him going back in the closet is funny. like ive seen posts like "funniest outome would be him actually coming out in 5 years and nobody believes him" idc if im a little softie, but that idea isnt funny to me at all. IF he ever comes out, im fully prepared to believe him immediately, even if it makes me look like a clown again.
so i can empathise with people having all kinds of reactions to this from trying to make sense of it, to distancing themselves, from trying to forget about it, to dragging him for filth, imho all valid reactions. i dont agree with people saying that this situation is the fault of the fans, ive said multiple times that this specific situation and the fact that people were so ready to believe he's bi were misha's own doing. and i dont agree with people saying he is a master manipulator who has been tricking lgbt people out of their money for years by being a 24/7 gay for pay.
so tl;dr: idk lol? im waiting to see how his behaviour changes after these events, but aside from being really confused i cant say my opinion of him has changed that much?
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cattles-bians · 4 years ago
damie vibecca exes au part 21
post directory
em: viola and becs love their lil hikes
em: oh actually did we already designate hiking as a damie thing
em: hmm.
em: yknow what damie and vibecca can both enjoy their weekend hikes
em: they bring isabel and she’s RUNNING up the path and tires herself out in 10 minutes and rebecca and viola swap out piggybacking her
obsetress: yeah it tracks because they both like fitness and viola likes her walks
obsetress: plus viola's like "it's good for isabel"
em: vibecca power lesbians love the challenging trails and damie just enjoy the sights
obsetress: dani venting to jamie one night: they don't even LIKE hiking, but they still had to do the blackjack loop, and WE won't even do the blackjack loop,
em: dani and her fanny packs... every time she sees isabel on a trail she like
em: stuffs her pockets w granola akdhdkfhdj
em: drives viola NUTS she’s like we packed our Own snacks
obsetress: dani gets SO excited
obsetress: man i love these lil gay bitches
obsetress: no but um
obsetress: jamie gets in some fight w rebecca early on after they've reconnected
obsetress: prob about her dating vi tbh
obsetress: and jamie's so put off by the whole thing and is ranting to dani about it and dani's all like "you just need to have better boundaries, jamie, they're her choices, aren't they? not yours"
obsetress: and jamie just stares at her like.........................................
obsetress: "dani, you literally continued hooking up with viola for weeks after you broke up"
"oh, c'mon jamie, it wasn't weeks"
"it was months"
em: dani shooting herself in the foot to like. correct jamie is so funny
em: not even ‘no that’s different’ or ‘no i’ve changed’ like ‘actually it was months’
obsetress: she says it w such a lil pleased smile on her face too
Tumblr media
obsetress: like who the FUCk gave her the right???
obsetress: a whole babe
obsetress: she didn't need to smirk like this
em: god she’s so Hot
obsetress: just think about all the times she and viola get into the banter
obsetress: and this exact face
em: i know we veered dramatically into soft territory w exes au but vi extremely stubborn lloyd and rebecca lawyer do no harm take no shit jessel truly. have some spectacular arguments
obsetress: they have absolute blowouts
obsetress: and then blowouts after the blowouts iywkim
obsetress: like dani's do no harm take no shit but she and vi also enable the SHIT out of each other
em: like dani tried but dani wasnt like. fully baked yet
obsetress: yeah! and then when she finally does and breaks up with her, she's back in her bed a few weeks later
obsetress: rebecca is the first person to not take viola's shit and to tell her no and viola can't fucking stand it
em: jamies convinced it’s a ruse for more make up sex
obsetress: dani's like "no, babe, trust me, i know what that looks like and this––"
em: dani (hushed) no she’s regular mad this isn’t fun mad
em: jamie (hushed but incredulous) FUN MAD?!
obsetress: please tell me how dani explains fun mad
em: a lil eyebrow waggle and a wink but then i like
em: thought abt her going to lift jamie up on a bench ‘well she kinda’
obsetress: the way rebecca looks at peter when he is (seemingly) (unfortunately) good w the kids has me thinking about like
obsetress: rebecca seeing vi w isabel for the first time and just
em: turns out the evil landlord shes banging is also…… soft
obsetress: rebecca and jamie on the phone and rebecca's like "i know she's... a landlord and all, but you should've seen her with isabel"
"you've gotta be fucking kidding me, becs––"
"no, maybe you're too quick to write her off. maybe people can be more than one thing"
and jamie just groans
em: poor jamie and her class traitor ex gf
em: blows kiss to rebecca
em: dani: i gotta go to the bathroom i’ll be right back
em: jamie: ok love
em: dani; (elbows jamie) ive Gotta Go To The B
obsetress: screamed
obsetress: dani trips over her own feet as she gets up to go
obsetress: then i just start thinking about dani absolutely pouncing on jamie the second they get into the bathroom and then i just start thinking about. how often that happens
obsetress: bathrooms or closets or wherever else
em: dani has this 6th sense for places to sneak off to
obsetress: god she DOES
obsetress: she's so good at it
em: she enters a new building and is taking lil notes just in case
obsetress: meanwhile rebecca and viola exchanging a look while they wait, knowing EXACTLY where they're going
em: viola leaning in like how much time do we have and becs is like vi. where’s your decorum
em: then she looks down at her watch and lists it down to the second
obsetress: she pauses
obsetress: then
obsetress: "and another six minutes if––" and vi's like "she'll want to go again"
em: viola buffing her nails on her blazer: she’ll want to go again
obsetress: rebecca rolls her eyes but she's grinning
obsetress: "you're all too smug" "me? smug?" becs just shakes her head and tugs her in by the lapels of her blazer
em: damie coming back to a fairly chaste vibecca kiss: BLEH can you guys GET A ROOM
obsetress: rebecca's just verly placidly like
obsetress: "dani, your zipper is still down, by the way"
em: dani; thanks :)
em: dani clayton voice i’m braver and severely Weirder than ppl think
obsetress: she's a bit of a weirdo
em: see now i’m thinking about dani glancing away going dang i thought i was keeping it under wraps
obsetress: ngl i think about that a lot like
obsetress: she IS a weirdo but what does jamie know
obsetress: that she's like yeah she's a fucking weirdo
obsetress: like she's anxious and jumpy but jamie wouldn't call that weird
obsetress: what did she know and when did she know it
em: i’m thinking about jamie catching dani doing something like. idk eating a burger layer by layer or w a knife and fork and going
em: what a freak. i’m gonna marry her
em: dani tells jamie no this is a normal american thing and then when they go to vermont jamie realises no this absolutely is not
obsetress: she says something about it and dani doesn't even remember saying it in the first place
obsetress: "i didn't say that"
"you literally did say that"
"why would i say that"
(jamie taylor eyebrow raise) "you tell me"
(dani clayton flush and stutter) "i–– i..."
em: dani mumbles something like i didn’t think it’d pan out like this i just wanted the cool gardener to think i was. semi normal
em: jamie waggles her eyebrows like cool gardener???
obsetress: dani bumps her shoulder into jamie's "shut up"
"don't think i will, actually"
em: jamie starts to v seriously eat her burger layer by layer. danis like ‘ur taking the mick!’ and jamies like (sheepish) naw i just. wanted to see what it’s like
em: every so often they’ll run into someone who went to school w jamie or knew her as a youth and they’re like ‘wow you’ve mellowed out heaps’
em: therapy queen
em: theyre in a pub and someone’s like ‘as i live and breathe! jamie taylor! i heard you died! someone told me you were arrested for (crime that becomes bigger and more outlandish w every new person)’ and jamies like ‘aye’ and they’re like
em: all sharing a beer at a quaint little pub n this old acquaintance from before has these v chaotic stories and danis like
em: jamie? my jamie? u must be confused. jamie goes to bed at 9:30pm watching antiques roadshow
obsetress: jamie just grins a lil
em: danis like haha jamie wow ur so mysterious and (she is already casing the joint for places to sneak off too)
em: damvibecca sittin in a circle passing a joint around
em: a nice thought
obsetress: Wholesome
obsetress: dani falls asleep first, with her head in jamie's lap and they're all just kinda vibin and rebecca gets up to get her a blanket or smth and vi's just kinda like
obsetress: "you're really good for her, you know"
obsetress: all quiet and pensive
em: jamie takes a loooooonng pause and she’s like. i was sceptical but. you’re good for becs too
em: and then even quieter she’s like
em: thanks
em: the softest thank u from one jamie taylor
obsetress: rebecca gets back and looks back n forth between the two of them
"why are you two being weird"
"we're not–- what?"
"we're just sitting here, baby"
obsetress: rebecca narrows her eyes
obsetress: jamie likes vi for becs because vi reminds her to live a little
obsetress: and can also keep up with her temperament because holy shit did jamie hate all of becca's bougie shit
em: jamie absolutely has um
em: like a repairs pile that shes gonna get around to Some Day re fixin clothes etc and
em: as much as i love 'rebecca and jamie worlds most calm and collected no drama couple' im defs toying with like
em: their ONE Big fight is beccs throws out the repairs pile
obsetress: "i was gonna––"
"no you WEREN'T, jamie!"
em: jamies like i The Tool I Needed is outta stock i had to- and becs is like? what, like you couldnt make do?
em: and even then when the heat dies down its still v calm and civil but like
em: FINALLY a lil dramatic angle to jamie rebecca
em: dani loves the repairs pile bc she loves a project
obsetress: she's also very content to let jamie have her silly little thing
obsetress: because it doesn't bother her and jamie is very good at keeping it in her space
obsetress: rebecca asks her about it one day and dani's like "oh i'm just glad she has a hobby :)"
em: couple times jamie's like. shes been tryna repair this one chair for months and eventually shes like
em: (swings axe) winters coming
obsetress: dani just watches with the dopiest grin
obsetress: jamie's all wot
obsetress: and dani's like
obsetress: :) you're hot :)
em: danis like hey i know its a brisk autumn but um
em: if u wanna
em: mimes taking shirt off
obsetress: jamie does it
obsetress: jamie rolling her eyes as she unbuttons the top couple buttons then tugs her shirt over her head
obsetress: but she's grinning
obsetress: dani sneaking up behind her as she's sorting the wood and just leaning into her bare back
obsetress: jamie jumps "oi!" and dani grins and nuzzles between her shoulders
obsetress: been having so many becca feelings in our rewatch
em: oh gosh
em: i love her she truly is a tragic character
obsetress: same
obsetress: i just want her to live happily ever after in her lil power lesbian outfits with her lil power lesbian wife
obsetress: like she needs someone who can MATCH her
obsetress: her energy and her intensity and her passion
obsetress: and like she and jamie can push each other to be better but jamie’s just kinda like “lemme chill n do my gay little tasks” yknow
em: ya and like they Worked but they worked Much better as friends than anything romantic
em: jamies the lesbian best friend that’s like girl. stop settling for mediocre men with accents
obsetress: yeah!
em: jamie ‘how soon is too soon to ask out my good friend rebecca jessel after her v messy break up w peter quint’ taylor
em: and then rebecca ends up being the one like ‘have you ever thought about us?’ while jamies agonising over it like four months later
em: rebeccas a little go getter and jamie needs a little bit of a shove sometimes
obsetress: jamie, surrounded by three shovers,
obsetress: rebecca says it so casually over dinner like she’s talking about the weather and jamie’s like !?
obsetress: i can also see like
obsetress: rebecca says that bit about "have you ever thought about us" at dinner and jamie blanches and second guesses everything they do "is....... is this a date" becca just shrugs "do you want it to be?"
em: jamies motormouthing like ok but i cannot stress enough that i was comforting you about ur break up in a friend way no ulterior motives way i am ur friend first and foremost and rebecca just like
em: lets her get it out of her system
em: ‘well what about my ulterior motives’
obsetress: she WOULD
obsetress: "did you ever consider that maybe i had ulterior motives"
em: jamie: (pursing her lips, furrowing her brow that way she does) you had a messy break up with peter quint….. to seduce me.
em: rebecca: mmhmm
obsetress: jamie: me?
obsetress: rebecca: well, maybe a couple of reasons, but... yeah. you were up there
em: after i asked out [ex] i spent ages agonising over when it would be appropriate to kiss her (i know...) and then one night at a party she’s like ‘so why haven’t u kissed me yet?’ and i’m like are u fucken. mate it takes two to tango
obsetress: oh my god?
em: drawing from that
em: jamie thinks they’re taking it slow (but not that slow) and rebecca is like girl what
em: ‘i never took you for old fashioned’
‘wot, me?’
‘old fashioned?!’
‘well, you haven’t kissed me yet-‘
‘you haven't kissed me! i figured you wanted to take it slow after p-‘ and then rebecca like full on dips jamie and kisses her
em: rebeccas like always wanted to do that at least once lol
em: jamie is speechless for a couple minutes
obsetress: rEBECCA
obsetress: thinking thoughts rebecca jamie same height but rebecca heels
obsetress: jamie looking up @ her all
obsetress: rebecca in her heels and is chilly and jamie getting up onto her tip toes to wrap her big coat around rebecca's shoulders
em: softtt
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ssidesblog · 5 years ago
teacher au !
(i only know how the american education system works + my school is very standard and could even be argued its worse than most public schools but thats my only point of reference ! ap stands for advanced placement and essentially means classes someone can take in hs and at the end of the year take a test, if the test is passed they gain college credit.)
roman: the loud drama teacher who doubles as the ap english teacher for the senior class. hes the teacher all the gay kids go to when they need to vent or just need advice. he makes his english class as interesting as possible; its the ap senior class so the entire course is focused on british literature, the shakespeare unit is always everybodys favorite bc roman knows so much and makes everything much easier to understand. his theatre classes are extremely chaotic and are his favorite classes of the day. the drama room is a safe space for a lot of the gay kids at school and roman makes sure hes in his room during lunch every day unless theres Important Teacher Buissness he needs to attend to. hes the director for the after school plays and 'makes' virgil codirect with him (hes in charge of all the techies). he has his favorite students (he would never admit it but like everyone Knows) who often view him as a parental/older brother type figure. hes stayed after school with kids for hours until their rides came and has even given kids rides home. hes really close to his kids and each year he cries when the senior class leaves. the theatre department doesnt get a lot of funding so roman works hard to put on shows that they can be proud of and each year he becomes more and more motivated to being new people into theatre.
logan: hes the junior year ap language + composition teacher !!! he tutors for every subject bc hes knowledgeable so he teaches basically every subject. a lot of kids go to his room during lunch + after school for tutoring and hes the reason half the school is actually passing their classes. he chose to teach language and compisition bc he loves language and being able to teach the importance of it. all of the students know just the right thing to say to get him off course and just talking about anything (theyre favorite thing is to ask about space) and he spends almost the entire period talking about that and not the actual lesson. logan + roman's english classes are next to each other and theres a door that seperates them. often times students will find sticky notes on the little window of the door that logan and roman have written for each other. all of the students think theyre secretly dating or at least WANT them to be. roman likes to go into logans class and be annoying when hes on his free period. hes also the debate teacher ! during free periods roman helps logan with his debate students. roman and logan often times get way too out of hand and their debates turn into a 'what not to do during a debate' example.
virgil: the art teacher ! theres only three art classes (beginning, intermediate, and ap) and he teaches all of them. during the start of the year hes fairly quiet and reserved but a lot of his students really like him. hes a very relaxed teacher and similar to roman gives a safe space for kids to hang out. a lot of the more reserved gay kids hang out in his room during lunch. he takes three days a week to make sure hes available to tutor during lunch, hes not as smart as logan but he has a good grasp on math so he helps a lot of his art students with their math work (theyre gay art kids ofc they dont know how to do math). virgil assigns the beginning + intermediate class to paint backgrounds for the plays and thats usually two weeks to a month that he takes his class to the drama room to work. its a way more loud atmosphere as roman also has classes going on. this is when a lot of the students see that virgil is not nearly as quiet and reserved as they thought. when hes around roman hes a lot more talkative; he's constantly jokingly making fun of roman and being a scarcastic pain in the ass. every year thats when his classes shift and hes a lot more open and fun with his classes. he plays music during class since hes not lecturing most of the time. he switches from playing classical to emo music, sometimes within the same day.
patton: hes the psychology teacher ! he only has two classes he actually teaches so when he isnt teaching hes actually a one of the two school psychologists (the other one being picani). he teaches two normal psych classes and leaves ap to janus ! hes a very hands on teacher and does lots of example based learning ! during lunch a lot of his students can be seen doing surveys to collect data for an assignment. as a school psychologist he makes sure to be as welcoming as possible, he understands why a lot of students dont want to see a school psychologist, they dont have a good rep. the kids who do see him though feel extremely safe and secure around him. hes really good at calming kids down from panic attacks, his office is filled with stim toys and theres at least 10 weighted blankets. some times kids come in just to take naps. virgil hangs out in his office a lot whenever students arent there. logan comes in on especially stressful days to either nap or read. roman borrows fidget toys from him on days where his adhd is particularly bad. remus comes in sometimes to get quick and weird psychology facts. janus and him have long discussions about philosophy and grade papers together !!
remus: anatomy and biology/ap bio teacher >:3 he is so insanley chaotic. he wanted to also teach chemistry but the principal (thomas) did NOT trust him to be around chemicals. disections are always fun ! he encourages students to NOT eat anything they disect bc hes alr tried it and it doesnt taste good (nobody knows if this is a joke or not). hes a very jokey teacher and is a fake asshole to all of his students. he is not a harsh grader at all and honestly even of a student dont get a single thing right on a test theyll probably pass as long as they tried ! roman often comes into his room during one of his free periods to tell stories about the borderline psychopathic shit remus used to do as a kid. theres a lot of storytelling in his class and each time the students are in disbelief. despite the chaos, remus is a really good teacher and everyone who takes his class learns a lot. hes definetly known to be one of the more interesting teachers and none of his classes are ever boring.
janus: he teaches ap psych, gov/econ (both normal and ap) and ap us history ! he has no free periods and he is completely ok with that. he and logan are both known for being chatty cathys and his ap psych class takes full advantage of that as a way to learn. although theyre different, janus talks a lot about philosophy to his psych students and applies a lot of what theyre learning to different philosophies. his gov/econ classes are more chaotic. theres a lot of debates and he still applies philosophy to a lot of the ideas he teaches in those classes. his ap us history class is the most chaotic. the debates in his gov/econ classes are more amoungst students but his us history class has held a lot of debates against janus and his more closeminded students. janus teaches a lot of stuff not normally taught like black history is america, native history, and a lot of the shit america did Wrong in the past and how its affecting the present. on top of his full class schedule hes the advisor for mock trial who meets afterschool. patton comes in to help the best he can (usually hes a 'what not to do' example). roman also comes in to help them make their roles the best they can possibly be
#sanders sides#roman sanders#patton sanders#logan sanders#virgil sanders#remus sanders#janus sanders#logince#moceit#teacher au#ok so its technically morning bc its 5 am 😌#remus is based off my own anatomy teacher#he is a chaotic gremlin man and im sad i wont have him next year#he once told us he made a bet with a kid that he couldnt jump over his own arm#and the kid took him up on the bet like real money and the kid didnt do it right and broke his arm#to which my teacher called the nurse and gave him the money#he has wild stories esp abt his daughter lol#also logan getting distracted easily is based off my 8th grade science teacher#we asked him to tell us about the godfather movies and he spent the entire 50 min class talking about all of the god father movies#hes also an influence for remus bc he had wild stories and was a fake asshole to us#a kid had a little mark on his head from some like football accident i think ?#it wasnt big just like a little nic#and my teacher said 'oh its the mark from when yr mom trued to get ride of you it obv didnt work'#we had a discussion abt abortions at one of my table groups and he came up to us and said 'all you really need is a coat hanger'#we were 12 and that has stuck with me#he was also super passionate abt space and now he works at my local observatory#roman is based off my drama teacher bc i miss her :(#shes like a mom to me and the thot of not being able to see her for a long time is making me sad#i wrote this bc i miss school a lot which sounds whack#but like i wanna b a teacher school is important to me :((
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