#theyre neither good nor evil
happyendingsong · 1 month
fuck every other 5star prediction i need saya vs syuri in the semifinals to get footage for an olivia rodrigo obsessed amv
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desire-mona · 11 months
abed headcanons because im autistic and bitches be projecting
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big fan of deep pressure, has a weighted blanket but ideally someones putting all their body weight on top of him
can drive but hates it because its FUCKING BORIIIIINNNGGG
doesn't have a very expansive music taste, when he likes a song he listens to it on loop for weeks
has received the same novelty popcorn bucket as a gift 10+ times bc his relatives have no idea what to give him and just google "gifts for movie lovers"
britta offered him an edible one (1) total time and he got so overstimulated he passed out and slept for 15 hours
has ARFID and there's a list of his safe foods on the fridge in the trobedison apartment
has very sweaty hands. like if you high five him it'll splash. troy is used to it (cuz they hold hands) but if anyone else finds out theyre like AH OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK WHY ARE YOU DAMP
either loves or hates scott pilgrim vs. the world. i cant decide so neither can he.
reads the books that have movie adaptations bc dedication but doesn't have a great time
has a head jerk tic when he's cold (i have this too its very annoying)
"troy and abed in the mooooornin" vocal stim at random times
FFFFFUCKING LOVED trick or treating as a kid cuz the interactions were so cut and dry. "trick or treat" and "thank you". Perfect.
nobody is ever allowed to touch his feet. ever. under any circumstances.
lucid dreams basically every night but thinks thats just what Normal Dreaming is
got along very well with his teachers. "delight to have in class" energy
#1 sherpa hater, the most evil texture
always bites his nails bc the thought of long nails makes him wanna throw up
hate hate hates the smell of drool or saliva in general
compulsive hand washer, especially after touching a bad texture
has glasses but doesn't wear them. the feeling of anything on his face is Not Good
in the same vein, has a love hate relationship with headphones cuz they hurt his ears after a while
gets viscerally angry when someone says male gaze/ female gaze in reference to a real person. its a film term!!
has been told on many occasions that he has a "nice podcasting voice"
often pirates new movies because movie theatres are a nightmare but he will Pass Away if he hears spoilers
hhhhhhHHHHHAAAAAAATES opening gifts at parties cuz he has no idea how to react
shaves his legs bc if he feels hair against his pants he Will have a breakdown
wore the same pyjamas Every Single Night for a year as a kid
was a shorts year round kid in middle school
probably nonbinary but thats neither here nor there
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
HELLO!!! i have a request for a platonic Crowley and Aziraphale x fem!reader with she/they pronouns 😄 if you know Nimona, then thats what i want the reader to be like. theyre a spunky, immortal, young teenager anarchist who can shapeshift and has unnaturally coloured eyes and hair. one day they find the two (husbands), and kinda just stays, so Crowley and Aziraphale accept their fate!! i dont mind if you decide to include a smudge of angst (or a shit ton whatever you prefer, but im impartial to both, so do with that what you will,) because after the newest season, i cant get enough of it.
many thanks!!
Oh! I haven't seen the movie but I know about Nimona!
You met Aziraphale and Crowley in 537 AD, encountering them by pure chance.
At first you intimidate them as a dragon, thinking they were two hapless knights who lost their way back to their kingdom..
Until you saw Crowley's snake eyes, and you realize he's not human at all.
"You there...I like your eyes.....are you another shapeshifter?"
"...um..nope." The demon in black armor looks incredibly confused, especially at this dragon talking to him. "Don't know what gave you that idea.."
"Well technically he is." The white knight adds on, smiling nervously. "You see, my erm..."rival" here is something of a serpent who was sent to-"
"Shut it, Angel. This beast doesn't need our lifestory! Now if you could kindly excuse us, o' great dragon, we have to discuss-"
"Hate to break it to you, but....I'm not actually a dragon."
"Then what are you exactly? You...said something about "shapeshifting" before, didn't you?"
To answer Crowley's question, you transform into a young human clad in knight armor, taking off your helmet to reveal your unnaturally-colored eyes and hair, smiling. "Bingo."
The pair are quite impressed, so they have no reason to hide the fact they were an angel and demon.
You explained how you've had these shapeshifting powers for a long time, being on the run since everyone thinks you're a "cursed child" or some monster that was once banished, wanting nothing more than to drive a sword through your heart.
When it's clear that neither Aziraphale nor Crowley have any intentions of hurting you....that's when you decided to stick with them.
It took them 20 years to realize you never aged, learning you're an immortal being in a teenager's body.
Your powers allow you to keep up with the times, disguising yourself as animals, people...or even angels and demons if your heart so desired.
Sometimes you'll turn into a snake much like Crowley's own snake form (although your scales have the color of your hair, ofc, so you're not 100% identical).
You haven't mastered turning just your head into a snake, however.
In the modern era, you enjoy being a nightingale after learning they were both fond of those birds, often singing in the bookshop out of boredom.
Although Crowley's fully aware you're not a demon, you got a spunky and rebellious personality and love getting up to mischief.
And he 100% encourages this (while poor Aziraphale's practically begging you to stay out of trouble).
But you're definitely on the angel's side anytime he compliments Crowley, who just snarls and denies ever doing something "nice" or "good".
You don't believe he's all that evil for even a moment.
While you're aware that they have to act like they despise each other bc they're on opposite sides...in your eyes, they behave so much like an old married human couple.
Aziraphale emphasizing "our car" when talking about the Bentley made you roll your eyes and joke about when the wedding's gonna start.
When Aziraphale returns to Heaven without Crowley, you realize that maybe your "marriage jokes" went a bit too far...even though neither of them blame you for their falling out.
Still, you feel bad bc you can tell Crowley was genuinely in love with him.
You overheard everything, and after his "no nightingales" remark, you're reluctant to shapeshift into one again out of fear of upsetting him.
Yet he asks you, too, as he couldn't bear the silence in the bookshop anymore...and listening to any of Aziraphale's music records would've been too painful for him.
You obliged, staying perched on his shoulder as he stared out the window for hours...hoping that his angel would come back to him.
You hoped so, too, waiting everyday by his side...until the end of time if you had to.
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xclowniex · 2 months
Warning: very long rant because this white supremacist I accidentally stumbled upon clearly highlights the marriage of the right and left when it comes to Jews.
So I was just googling and doing some research when i came across this:
The name really sets the tone except it's way worse than you'd expect.
The description: This unprecedented lineup of Jewish figures at the top of the most important global institutions and at the center of world’s crises can neither be a coincidence nor a positive feature of the existing global leadership. Judging by the decay of the global order into chaos and conflict, as well as by the total destruction of the rule of law throughout the West and especially in the US, it is clear that this configuration of individuals is bent on destruction.
I'm sending this to you because the person who wrote this has written a shit ton of stuff and I feel like despite his obvious white supremacist behavior, he reminds me perfectly of leftists right now. He has a few stuff written about "the genocide in Palestine" which is so interesting because when the alt right and the left are saying the exact same shit about Jews, um i don't think that's good lol. Also if you cut out the insane shit or reword it with zionist, you could get the left agreeing and supporting with this man like they do with jackson hinkle and co. That's the craziest part of all of this. Nothing new but i just cannot accept this reality.
Our "crimes" according to this white Christian man: Jews have placed themselves at the top in key positions of government, the media, and science by the power of the purse in order to push the Western world into war on two fronts, in Ukraine and Palestine, and bring Christendom to nuclear war to take revenge for the Holocaust, having already killed millions of people around the world with vaccines manufactured by companies led by Jews.
He then says: "the false war in Ukraine, and the all too real genocide in Gaza and the possible future crises of artificial intelligence (AI) and alien annihilation (ETs and UFOs)."
White supremacists succesfully milking what's happening in Palestine and leftists falling for it is fucking wild. Take the alien shit out and instead of "false war" just say some shit like Ukraine only matters because theyre white and leftists would eat this shit up lmao.
He says Epstein was a Mossad agent lmaoo which leftists would also fall for and also states that "Israel controls American politicians" which leftists would once again agree with.
He says that Jews occupy the most powerful positions in the administration and the military-industrial complex and lists names which is so fucking scary. Again leftists would eat this up, just say zionists and then yeah they're repeating this everywhere. They hate the military and those who served when it's not mentally ill antisemitic white men setting themselves on fire "for Palestine".
He proceeds to list "the jews surrounding biden" which is terrifying and then says a lot of stuff about us forcing vaccines on the american people and how we are the ones leading the creation of vaccines to kill everyone cause we're evil. He has a part about "genocide in palestine" which the left would support and back even though he clearly just hates jews lol. He hates ukraine because jewish president.
HE SAYS SOME SHIT ABOUT ALIENS AGAIN LMAOOOO because that is our fault and doing.
He quotes this insane website a few times: https://www.islam-radio.net/bush/jewishpower.htm
Some of the other stuff he has written:
Depopulation by Vaccination in the European Union: The Effects of the Plandemic and the False War in Ukraine on Births, Deaths and Migration: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/382002476_Depopulation_by_Vaccination_in_the_European_Union_The_Effects_of_the_Plandemic_and_the_False_War_in_Ukraine_on_Births_Deaths_and_Migration
He has so many stuff written about "Depopulation by vaccination" and the "plandemic".
BATSHIT INSANE: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/376610245_War_of_the_Circumcised_The_Destruction_of_Palestine_and_its_Geopolitical_Objectives
The first image with the blood is the same imagery leftists are siding and agreeing with because evil zionists lmao.
"Final solution" okay. A direct quote from him: by subjecting Muslims to genocide while at the same time giving Jews legal, political and diplomatic immunity to commit genocide against Muslims. Right after he says fake war in ukraine AGAIN. hmm
Hold on it gets worse:
Some quotes: (1) First of all, the Israelis are a warmongering, land stealing, barbaric and deceptive lot that could not live in peace even in heaven alongside God and his angels, whom they would also abuse, dispossess and label a terrorist. Secondly, Palestine is not their native land.
(2) The only logical explanation for such perversion of the facts is that the House Members have all been bought wholesale by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the very same Jewish lobby that every incumbent or aspiring president of the United States grovels to before every election in a display of servitude and submissiveness that has discredited the highest office of your nation to the rest of the world as that of a mere puppet of Israel and thus the very opposite of the “leader of the free world”. As for you, well, you have sold yourself to the highest bidder your entire life and can only be classified as a political prostitute.
(3) Of these two extremist factions the Jewish Zionists are far more dangerous, violent and powerful and are solely responsible for killing the best chance for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, namely the implementation of the Oslo Accords, by assassinating Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. No Palestinian faction has ever committed such crimes against peace or the prospect of peace since the Palestinians have employed violence only in response to Israeli violence and provocations.
(4) It also gives your country the opportunity to peacefully dismantle the Jewish stranglehold on America’s political, cultural, scientific and financial institutions, which has become more extreme than in Europe in the 1930s and 40s. The American government can accomplish this by declaring AIPAC a foreign agent, shipping most American Jews to Israel, and by setting proportional limits to how many Jews can occupy positions of power in politics, academia, courts, media, and other institutions that are crucial to safeguarding liberty, much like America’s affirmative action for minorities and women. The current attack on freedom of speech and conscience in the US by the Jewish lobby is intolerable and a disgrace. The American people are for all intents and purposes muzzled and leashed pets of Jewish interests and unless this is corrected it will inevitably result in another Holocaust. The genocide in Gaza gives America the opportunity not to repeat Europe’s experience (EVERYTHING HE SAID IS BAD BUT HELLO??????). If I were to give America’s intellectuals the benefit of the doubt I would give them credit for creating this opportunity, but the evidence seems to indicate that the stupidity and corruption of America’s political class is responsible along with the arrogance, greed and overreach of America’s Jews. If your government does not remove America’s neck from the Jewish stranglehold you will go down in history as Genocide Joe and your country will have to be renamed Jewmerica.
Lastly: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375951660_Letter_to_EU_leaders_on_the_aftermath_of_the_destruction_of_Gaza
One last quote: And Europe, above all, owes the Palestinian people an apology for shoving its Jews down their throats. Hmm I wonder what this guy thinks about the Holocaust..........
You honestly did such a great job at dissecting everything. He 100% reminds me of lefists currently. The 5th link you sent literally looks like it came straight out of extreme leftists mouth. A lot of his stuff is just straight word salad. Like it was tough to read. 100000 points of psychic damage straight to the noggin.
You are honestly brave anon o7. That was all... just a lot to read. If anyone wants to instantly turn their brain to mush, go ahead and read all the links.
I ended up on a deep dive on him and holy fucking shit. If you look up conspiracy theorist in a dictonary, it is just him. If anyone wants to fry their brain, here is his website: https://kevingalalae.com/
Like genuine cult vibes
Because i honestly have no further notes, please find my commentry focusing more on funny stuff below, the numbers correlate to the order of links you included, 1 being the first link, 2 being a second link, 3 being the third link and so on and so forth.
Jeffery Epstein mossad agent confirmed but still allegedly to this guy
56 jews in the biden administrator = proof that jews control the US
oh no jews control vaccines!!!!! oh the children!!!
Biden's children all married jews! Darn those sexy jews
Ukraine war is just Zelensky using his evil jew powers to cause a nuclear war between the US/EU and Russia
jews are faking aliens
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Pandemic faked to descrease birth rates confirmed
Yummy blood libel
nooo guys don't you get it? Israel is trying to turn the world against jews!!!!!
Guys please listen, we need to sterilize jews and palestinians as they keep trying out birth each other to get a one state solution which suits them. We need to bring back the chineese 2 children rule for israel and palestine.
Direct quote idek how to make fun of this one
"Cause Armageddon to fulfill Biblical prophecy. A war of the circumcised in the Middle East, with Evangelical American (the only circumcised Christians) and Jewish Zionist soldiers on one side and Sunni and Shia Muslims on the other, all of whom are circumcised, will result in Armageddon in Israel and once this Biblical prophecy is fulfilled the doomsday adherents of the world’s monotheistic religions will be willing and eager to accept the creation of an entirely new system, as that is what is foretold by their spiritual texts."
i have nothing funny to say, this just seems like
something i have seen leftists say and this man is
a white supremist
Biden please suck my dick, jews are barbaric and
did oct 7th
nothing funny to say
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muffinbeliever · 4 months
My Gift to You
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Luna gives Spencer a special bracelet.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x OFC
Word Count: 664
Warnings: none really. mentions of sensory issues but nothing major
A/N: i was rewatching jus in bello and got an idea after dean gave everyone anti-possession necklaces. she's just a wee little drabble but i wrote this in 18 minutes and im not super proud of it but tbh im a little proud bc i havent written in so long don't ask me if they have feelings for each other here bc they definitely do but theyre still newly friends and we all know babygorl spencer isn't the type to rush into relationships especially with a student in a class he TAs for
Ninety-one days, thirteen hours, and twenty-seven minutes after their first meeting, she gave him a bracelet. 
Normally, Spencer didn’t love jewelry— necklaces moved around too much throughout the day, most bracelet materials made him uncomfortable, and rings collect five hundred and four colonies of bacteria on average. He even avoids the feeling of bare wrist against his watch (over two thousand bacterial colonies) by placing the offending item over his long-sleeve whenever he can. But as he stared at the band presented before him with little symbols etched on beads and Luna’s doe eyes, he knew that he would wear this bracelet every day of his life, sensory issues be damned. 
He gently took the accessory from her hands, his eyebrows furrowing as he felt the fabric threading each bead and its soft texture. Upon a closer look, he realized it was braided cotton intricately woven in a tight pattern— nothing like he had ever seen before. 
“I, uh…I figured the cotton would be easier on your skin and wouldn’t bother you as much,” Luna finally said, breaking the thickening silence that was gradually building in his office. “The pattern is supposed to be a ‘spell of protection’…if you believe that kind of stuff…same with the symbols…” she trailed off with uncertainty when he didn’t acknowledge her comment. 
He stared at the complicated pattern, knowing it must’ve taken her hours to braid with such precision. Each knot was exactly the same as the one before it and the one after. There were neither frayed ends nor rough seams. Even the beads were perfectly spaced apart— 1.2 inches, if he were to guess. Each bead had a different symbol that was carefully etched on by hand. One looked vaguely like a pentagram inside of a sun— a symbol that Luna had on one of her necklaces he had seen before— and another pentagram with strange runes in between each point. Another one seemed to have characters similar to those of the ancient Germanic alphabet. He wasn’t sure what these symbols meant and why she was giving this to him, but he was in awe of the time and effort that went into the unique gift.
“Spencer, if you don’t like it, y—” 
“Like it?” He cut in, his voice soft and delicate. “Like it? Luna, I love it.”
He cleared his throat and when he spoke this time, his voice was stronger and more confident as he rattled off the knowledge that he did know.
“Actually, did you know that from 3500 BCE to 3100 BCE, the ancient Egyptians were known for their intricate braids? Upper-class men and women would wear elaborate braided styles bedazzled with beads, jewels, and gold thread. It was already tightly ingrained in their culture even before Cleopatra’s revolutionary braided styles. It was believed that braiding hair would bring good luck and—”
“Ward off evil spirits,” Luna finished for him.
“Yeah.” Spencer smiled softly. “This is incredible. I’ve never gotten a gift like this before. Thank you.”
Infinite starlight could never come close to Luna’s beaming smile, and his heart skipped a beat at her poorly stifled giggles as he attempted to put on the bracelet by himself. One look at his puppy eyes and Luna caved, mirth shining in her eyes as she offered her assistance.
“What do the symbols mean?” His innate curiosity and desire to acquire new knowledge never ceased to arise when the situation presented itself. 
“I’ll tell you some day,” she replied simply. “Promise me you’ll always wear it? It’ll keep away the demons.”
Her tone was light and seemingly airy, but Spencer’s perceptive nature picked up on the worry and desperation that flashed in her eyes. As she finished fastening on the accessory, she fiddled with it as she waited for his response. 
“I’ll never take it off,” he promised, his words laden with truth. She had given him a special piece of her. Who was he to ever deny it?
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
I want to request like. A cuddling session with Slenderman, who is having a bad day and we comfort him
I'm addicted to the idea of him pretending to be okay with people calling him monster, but deep down he has this longing for it to stop, since he wanted to get along with the proxies and others he deemed second family.
So he like, rant about his day while reader comfort him.
Maybe get him a little fluster aswell (〜^∇^ )〜
(Take your time and have a good day/night)
All Entwined in One Web
obligatory im stuck in the 2015 era of the creepypasta fandom and ive been mulling over this sort of approach in my head for the past month because i revisited an old slenderman x oc fanfic that had a death grip on me and shaped the way i will interact with + and consume creepypasta stuff for the sake of saving grace and not revealing HOW cringe i was im not going to drop the fanfic name (unless yall dm me because!! i still wanna support the author even if it seems theyre inactive now!) i blame this author for making me a demon sympathizer/j/lh written kinda different than my basic bullet list of hcs! got silly with this one, sorry if its jarring compared to my usual stuff </3 this post is mostly just my hc on like. slender (and by extension all demon characters) being neutral and a simple part of nature that stems from zalgo (yay im finally dropping zalgo lore for my au since he functions differently in my au/hc!!) so take this with a HUGE grain of salt since i feel this deters from the main take people use (that ive seen, at least) this one ended up being more.. sad than i first intended and imma be honest i kinda got into my feelings when i was writing this anywaus i hope this isnt too cringe since i dont talk much about my HUGEhcs/au stuff/rewritten stuff so!! plus i dont usually write BIG detailed stuff like this sobsob tldr; slenderman isnt good or evil hes just a neutral piece of nature in the world and hes trying to cope with it. the demon gods really fucked up by making him sentient and able to process human like emotions
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death is a force of nature and people curse it for simply being a part of life; people curse wild animals for being, and people will curse the weather
in this universe, or timeline, demons exist in a similar manner. slenderman exists simply because hes a part of that huge web of nature. of course, that includes every single ugly instinct that humans hate so so much. and he can understand why, even if its his nature.
the one responsible for that web, is zalgo. the beginning and end of everything. neither alive nor dead, all demons stem from zalgo in one way or another.
a solitary creature that prefers to stay alone in the comfort of its home, it doesnt tend to reach out to harm others unless theres harm. only really attacking people that threaten to expose it or get too close...
except, you... you were the one exception. regardless of how you managed to worm yourself into his heart, and become his lifelong companion, hes grateful for your presence when things begin to build up.
he knows that in the eyes of others, he ugly and vile, but he knows that ultimately thats what protects him. he insists that its better this way, sticking to the forest away from the prying eyes.
SURE, he could follow in his brothers footsteps and make a false human body and try to blend in with the people. but is that really efficient? is that really something he wants? hes a powerful being but that would eventually take its toll on him..
ultimately he resigns himself into your arms; once oozing powerful and command, now crumpled and curled.
he never had a childhood, when zalgo created him, he simply.
no adolescence, no developing, no growing. he was always what he was meant to be, but he likes to think that when youre holding him, that this is what it feels like to be so small and vulnerable.
humans had it so easy, hed think. theyre born and they die and the process repeats itself for everyone. they dont have to be feared or hated, or kill to survive.
yes, to him, being mortal was far more preferable to being condemned to being a lonely hermit who corrupts and breaks everything it touches.
even with your comfort, theres only so much that you can do; youll eventually pass on as well and hell be stuck in his cycle once more
but for now, as you hum softly and whisper nothings to him as you let him crumble; hell let himself weep just this once.
because as much as he envies your life, and what humans have, he cant deny that he cant bring himself to truly hate them, because like him, theyre simply a piece of natures web.
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rantarang · 1 year
I feel weird seeing posts about how "radfems are bad because theyre gender essentialist and that harms transpeople! not all men are bad because some of them are trans! and trans people are valid" The reason gender essentialism is bad, is because people are not born evil. Men aren't evil because they were assigned male at birth. Men aren't evil if they identify as men. This bigotry is the same as any other essentialism, like racism, colorism, any tribalism pointing to a physical trait that you can think of really. Its so wierd to me that i only find posts attacking radfems on the point of "trans people are valid!" when the ROOT of their ideology envelops more than that! Hating men is bad to start with, say it with your whole pussy, man hating makes no sense, and is bigotry, even if its not systemic, you are bigoted if you hate men strictly on the basis of being a man. Even if nobody in the world was transmasc, radfems would still be wrong to hate someone based on either their biology or gender identity. being man gender is neither good nor evil. If you pussyfoot around saying "hating men is bigotry" you are still not based enough, try harder. (disclaimer, i'm glad to see any post disagreeing with terfs and radfems, the more the merrier. these are just my gripes)
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what-its-rio · 3 months
mfs with no media literacy when a villain is reprehensibly evil:
mfs with no media literacy when a protagonist has flaw:
mfs with no media literacy when a villain has some virtue in his goal but still carries it out in irreconcilably evil ways:
mfs with no media literacy when a character is neither good nor evil:
mfs with no media literacy when the protagonist isnt the good guy and the antagonist isnt the bad guy:
mfs with no media literacy wondering why it wssnt taught in schools when in reality it was, they just found it more interesting to watch the back of their eyelids, their phone or mock the teacher for teaching about narrative devices, metaphors and similes, etc:
mfs with no media literacy when a character is so corrupt, lawless and downright despicable but theyre attractive:
mfs with no media literacy reading this post: wait, what are they doing?
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accurzed · 1 year
... did you watch?
yes. opinions are under the cut for being long and unwarranted x
id like to think i know where im standing on everything and its not Too different from before given my immense disgust towards leighton for using lexs situation in his own self interest and exaggerating/outright lying (i didnt support him back in april either ngl, hes seemed like an untrustworthy person since then. but tbf ive excused Plenty of sms questionable actions in the past, however minor they are in comparison. its possibly also worth repeating that ive kept up with gossip and known the cheating/abuse allegations thrown at a for over a year now, as well as have some idea who was in that discord matt mentioned. its good to know in hindsight that the allegations are false, according to matt. if someone in particular sees this please dont think how i feel about other topics coming up contradicts what i said to you in private.) i dont think their personal lives shouldve become a focus in what was supposed to be about their poorly handling a former friends sexual assault, even if lex brought those up herself before leighton. not getting into matts situation and ryan spoke for himself very well imo. i respect how upfront ryan was, it was relieving in a way to see him take that curt accountability and address what simply wasnt true regarding daniel.
then id like to say the exact same about matt, but hed omitted details like jims involvement which was just appalling to hear about from lex. he seemed more about setting things straight as the first vid while ryan could let people reference matt for info and just apologize for his own involvement, so it was weird how matt skirted around jim. (tbh i didnt watch jims video because i havent liked or trusted him since he left chinatown market but ive read multiple summaries.) otherwise idk. i get why people still have their qualms with matt and ryan (i still have some as well) but it was a better apology/address than i expected. waiting for justin to say something as well, mostly now that people are bringing up his potentially having been groomed and abused as a young fan turned employee and how neither matt nor ryan mentioned him. something about the situation as the Whole its expanded into has to come from him because idk what to believe anymore.
in the end i think they arent necessarily terrible evil human scum, but they need to grow up and be more professional since theyre running sm as a company. they keep facing problem after problem as a result of immaturity and carelessness, and this better be them finally learning real company practices. its just a shame it has to be from lexs trauma (which no matter what matts said about poor communication and such, and what rav and leighton have butted into, i still understand and hope she can recover from) and others seeing that as an opportunity to take advantage of the situation.
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so-you-melted-22 · 2 years
anthony carver is dr gears but antimony is one of the bright siblings
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thinking about the dream i had last night where the next chapter came out 2 days early and my depression got worse when mitsuba wasnt in it. like i skimmed the chapter and saw no mitsuba and didnt move for the rest of the day. the only reason i didnt think it was a real day that happened was a) everything i remembered from the dream chapter was just panels from previous real chapters and b) the date was the 15th when i checked my phone. i know what this means but also i really dont lmao
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roots-symphony · 4 years
Do you ever think about how even when Viola’s memories had fully faded, her trauma never did? How she still walked the halls and went to stare at the bed her child would have used like when she was sick and forced to stay away? And then think of how, leading up to her wedding, grown-up Flora has been suffering from horrible nightmares of the death of her soon-to-be husband and being forced to live on without him? How even though she’s long forgotten bly manor and what she suffered through, that trauma is still ingrained in her even 20 years later? Because I can’t let it go
#haunting of bly manor#hobm#flora wingrave#the lady in the lake#viola willoughby#bly manor#hobm spoilers#bly manor spoilers#also like Ive been thinking a lot about how the lady of the lake and the house in hill house are so similar#in that theyre both indifferent#neither good nor bad. just indifferent#if no one ever happened upon the lady’s path then she would never have taken anyone#similarly if the crains had never stayed in hill house in the first place the house would not have sought them out#but people did find themselves in the ladys path and so she took#the first time with the plague doctor had been maliciously but after her memories faded it was just what happened. and instinct#like house in a way. the house is not evil claiming the souls who live inside just like a lion is not evil for eating the zebra#its just instinct. how they survive. its just what is#its the souls that both the house and the lady have taken where morality comes into play#Peter and poppy twisting and corrupting#Hannah and Dani and Nellie and Hugh tipping the scales the other way#also Rebecca but Rebecca is like mrs hill (the old lady in the sick bed) in that she was willing to go along with peter to an extent#Rebecca kept tucking flora away and it wasn’t until the end that Rebecca chose different#like mrs hill who was content to sit on her bed n scare the twins by calling out Clara n it wasnt until that night she spoke against poppy#idk this may all sound dumb#but I’ve just been thinking about it all a lot#bly manor got me messed up#haunting of bly manor spoilers
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therealvinelle · 3 years
ive always volturi are necessary to vampires/humanity being balanced u tellin me ppl on tumblr really think theyre the villains??? i thought we were past that....
Anon was rendered scandalized by this post.
And I am rendered bamboozled by anon. I desperately want to know which Twilight blogs you've been following, because most of the ones I follow still very much maintain that the Volturi are evil, Aro has vampire dementia, the guard is enslaved, and so on.
The idea that the Volturi are good guys, that Aro is a necessary evil at worst and a good and wise ruler at best, is very much a heretic one. It requires disowning the movies completely (as the Volturi are very much hammy evil in the movies) and taking quite a few steps back and tilting your head to examine the events of canon as neutrally as you can.
It also, quite frankly, requires agreeing with me and @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta. Obviously people could come up with these answers by themselves, but so far as I can tell it was Muffin and I that originated the thought that Aro is a genuinely good person, the whole Othello idea, that the guard are likely not enslaved, that it's unlikely Aro had anything to do with the Eclipse debacle, and that the Volturi are necessary. I never saw anyone claim these things prior to Muffin and I entering the playing field, and I've read a lot of fanfiction and lurked in fandom a lot. I think Immortalicum (GREAT fic, I strongly recommend it) by HallowedHuntress pins Eclipse on Caius, but that's all that comes to mind. And I've consumed a lot of fandom content, both in terms of metas and fics.
Point being, while it's completely possible others had these thoughts before Muffin and I did, I never saw it and I never saw anyone put it together to form the specific narrative that Muffin and I did. Which makes it different from fandom-wide theories, the ones that are crowdfounded organically by a group of people. Agreeing with this narrative means saying "Yup, I subscribe to the Muffinelle newsletter", which in turn carries implications for "I agree with the other nonsense as well".
And there's a lot of nonsense on our blogs.
I imagine there are plenty of people who have seen one too many Paranoid Bella posts and decided "yeah, those people are nuts" and frankly, uh, hard agree.
And I imagine a lot of people plainly disagree. Muffin and I interpret canon in a very specific way, others interpret it differently, and it has nothing to do with the movies or with how you examine the events of canon. Look at other people's fanfiction, at other tumblr blogs, and see for yourself. And the thing is, they're not wrong, any more than Muffin and I are wrong.
I disagree with the notion that the Volturi are evil, and will happily argue against it, but at the end of the day there are no real Volturi, and so they can be neither good nor evil. There's no right answer, only thought experiments and canon interpretations, and that's the fun of it.
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marmett · 2 years
i really appreciate that in yakuza 0 neither shimano nor sagawa ever explain why theyre like that. ive noticed its pretty common for antagonists in ykza games to monologue and tell the protag why theyre doing these things, which isnt bad, love a good evil monologue, but the restraint is also good too.
its just that, we're left to speculate why shimano and sagawa did those things. shimano had a couple telling lines that give his motivations away. when he tells majima he knows him so well he knows everything he'll do before majima does it, when he tells majima "if you really love your kids, you send them out to see the world" it gives enough to the player to figure out shinano's motivations w/o telling u directly.
w/ sagawa... its all a lot more opaque. there are hints, and you can speculate endlessly on his character. what kind of person would act this way and why, but ultimately, we'll just never really know what sagawa's deal was. like what the fuck was up with that guy.
its just neat, the creators trusted us to think and use our brains and come to our own conclusions. we are communicating and extrapolating meaning through a video game. this is art.
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hyperfixationspam · 3 years
tma voice actors rated on how well they would play the character in live action
Jonathan Sims as The Archivist: 3/10. He just doesnt look pathetic enough. Its the poor little meow meow factor. He gets some points for looking like he might be just a little bit insane tho. Also, fun fact, when I started the podcast I was having trouble picturing Jon so I looked at a picture of Jonny and immediately went "...no. he doesnt look like that"
Alexander J Newall as Martin Blackwood: 0/10. Alex is an evil little man and you can tell by looking at him. Even without the suit, there's malice in those eyes. He is neither gentle nor a giant. Just an all around unpleasant experience, not a Martin!!
Alexander J Newall as Jared Hopworth: -10000/10. No explanation needed
Mike LeBeau as Tim Stoker: 9/10. Im pretty sure he is actually s1 Tim. He's very charming and good looking and just generally has the right personality. Season 3 is harder but I bet he has the range physically too!
Lottie Broomhall as Sasha James: 7/10. She looks very sweet and nerdy! Shed be a good fit. Not like shes around for long anyway...
Evelyn Hewett as Not-Sasha: 5/10. She also looks very sweet!!! Which is the problem!!! I dont think shes creepy enough... but that might actually make it more creepy?? Idk man, take a half rating
Ben Meredith as Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus: 4/10. Hes just not scary! Not to mention too young. However he gets points because it would be absolutely hilarious
Lydia Nicholas as Melanie King: 8/10. Something in their face just says "Im a nice person but I could kill you if I wanted to." I think she would really pull off the woman slowly losing her mind look
Hannah Brankin as Jane Prentiss: 7/10. I mean. Shes gonna be covered in worms anyway. Anyone will look terrifying with good enough sfx
Hannah Brankin as Rosie Zampano: 4/10. She looks very sweet but I feel like Rosie has this very specific vibe of well concealed yet visible rage that Hannah just doesnt have. Plus I imagine her being a bit older
Frank Voss as Basira Hussain: 5/10. Theyre too sweet! Basira is very serious and I just dont think I could be intimidated by Frank. They could definitely do the more emotional moments but they just dont look like they would hold someone at gunpoint!
Imogen Harris as Helen Richardson: 4/10. Similar situation to Not-Sasha. She doesnt look unhinged at all but the lack of unhinged energy might actually be creepier? -1 point for not having ringlets. Idk why I just cant imagine Helen without ringlets
Luke Booys as Michael Shelley: 15/10. Just put a wig on him and tip to toe that is a Michael! He has the perfect energy. Theres just something in those eyes that says "I have seen madness beyond your comprehension and I have become a part of that madness." I think hes an avatar of the Spiral irl based solely on his face. He doesnt even fit the canon description but hes just so perfect you cant cast anyone else
Fay Roberts as Daisy Tonner: 10/10. Ze looks very graceful and gentle yet also like ze can and will kill you which is the exact energy I get from Daisy. And their hair is so perfect for her too!! Like yeah thats Daisy!!
Carrie Cohen as Mary Keay: 10/10. Shes got the unhinged old woman energy down to a SCIENCE!! She is TERRIFYING!! Good for her!!
Sasha Sienna as Georgie Barker: 6/10. He looks very sweet, very strong cat mom energy but the problem is they just look too innocent. No offense but I just dont see death in her eyes
Guy Kelly as Mike Crew: 8/10. He looks pretty much exactly how I imagined Mike but I dont think hes tiny enough. Hes gotta be a real short king
Jessica Law as Nikola Orsinov: 11/10. Youre not allowed to cast anyone else!! Shes perfect!! Like Nikola doesnt even have a face but if she did thats what it would look like. There is a reason she gets typecast as a sentient human shaped object and its because she slays it both vocally and physically!!
Lowri Ann Davies as Lynne Hammond/Celia: 8/10. Im just enjoying imagining her in a cult
Francesca Renee Reid as Julia Montauk: 10/10. My only justification for this is that I am gay for both of them
Ian Hayles as Trevor Herbert: 8/10. Needs a little more chaotic bastard energy but nothing a little makeup cant help. Give him a more fucked up beard and put some dirt and blood on him. Thats Trevor!
Jon Gracey as Gerard Keay: 2/10. Hes Not Even Goth. Like I know you could just dress him up goth but its just not the same! We need an authentic goth actor for accurate goth representation! Points for being a weird nerd tho
Alasdair Stuart as Peter Lukas: 7/10. Alasdair is way too wholesome for Peter and I dont think I could be intimidated by him or see him as pathetic. HOWEVER I am giving him a bunch of extra points because I simply thinks he deserves to play Peter in live action. Alasdair is the OG Peter kinnie and who am I to deny him that right?
Russell A. Smith as Oliver Banks: 9/10. He looks so nice and handsome! Yet also a little depressed at the same time! Give him some dark circles under his eyes, and yep, he's Oliver!
Helen Gould as Laverne: 10/10. Theyre such a comforting presence. She could totally be a therapist. I would tell him all of my problems
Layla Mannings as Manuela Dominguez: 5/10. Shes too adorable! She doesnt look like someone who would try to extinguish the sun!
John Henry Falle as Arthur Nolan: 2/10. He definitely looks insane but not in a landlord kinda way ya know? He looks like he would commit arson but not like he would be a class traitor
Karim Kronfli as Simon Fairchild: 0/10. Hes like 50 tops. Simon is like 500 and appears 100. We need a man whos fucking decaying
Richard Soames as Eric Delano: 1/10. This Dude Is Like Thirty
Chioma Nwalioba as Annabelle Cane: 9/10. Shes adorable!! And I think Annabelle is adorable too!! She would look great in some vintage clothes. I would tell her all of my secrets I dont care if she would use them against me <3 I cant imagine her as a giant spider tho but Im sure she has the range
Ray Chong Nee as Mikaele Salesa: 10/10. He really does look like he would sell people cursed shit, he just has that eccentric vibe. Seems like hes a big dude too. Definitely the kind of guy to dramatically play the piano to reveal he was alive all along
Mabel Syrup as Dr. Jane Doe: 10/10. Looked at her instagram for ten seconds and nearly went insane. My brain cant process any of this. Thats the kind of vibes we need. Good for her
Anil Godigamuwe as Arun: 10/10. I literally just imagined him as Anil the entire time. I cant separate the actor from the character
Tim Ledsam as Jordan Kennedy: 10/10 but only if he wears the Gunpowder Tim getup and this is never addressed
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pocketbuddy · 2 years
humans are neither inherently good nor inherently evil. theyre inherently silly and i am the most human of them all.
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