#theyre just a pair of scrimblos
computerram · 1 year
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sorry to report I have a new brain disease
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johnnyreincarnated · 1 year
If I'm not to late for the ask game may I request Johnny and Shadow?
Dw you're not late
Tbh it's be perfectly fine if someone sent an ask for some other thing that was posted ages ago I rlly enjoy getting things in the inbox
Johnny ^_^
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay
Gender Headcanon: Either full on male, demiboy or smth else I'm still deciding
A ship I have with said character: sonic. The rival to boyfriendification
A BROTP I have with said character: iirc brotp is just characters that you like paired together in a platonic sense, like friendships???? Idk sorry if I'm wrong. Ermmm i enjoy him with marine tbh. There's a lot of potential and there's a lot of sibling energy between them and its a very underutilised concept. Also its rlly comedic
A NOTP I have with said character: Whisker....... they're literally father and son thats. Weird.
Also because additionally as I identify very closely AS Johnny and whisker being a coping mechanism for my absence of father (he was also my dad in my Johnny kin canon. *casually brings in kin stuff into this lol) it's essentially pairing me and my dad together 💀💀💀💀
A random headcanon: I have very many but uhhhhh he has like two sets of teeth. If I make sense??? He has the normal row like we do, and then there's another set further back. Theyre all sharp too do NOT let him bite you
General Opinion over said character: THE SCRUNKLY SCRIMBLO ^_^ he's literally me.
In seriousness he's really helped me cope over the years and he's changed my life for the better
Sorry but I won't do shadow because I hate him and I don't think about him at all
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sloppyplanetary · 2 years
omg rick and morty for the fandom ask meme
hell yeaaa
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blorbo: fuckn. rick. which im sure shocks noone lmaoo he's just a sappy ass old man with rejection issues and a sharp ass temper
skrunkly: morty. hes fuckn baby even when he's killing people alright
scrimblo bimbo: uhhh the miami's. yea they're one of the more well known pairs but not nearly well known enough since they dont exist in show canon lmao
glup shitto: up until s5 finale? evil fucking morty. even his fake ass appearance in the story train episode got me going. that little bastard. you go ya funky little traumatized mass murdering shithead, you go.
poor little meow meow: ricks a fuckn poor little meow meow but naw. I'll go with doofus rick for this one. why the fuck was he in the central finite curve he's too wholesome. anyways him and c137 jerry should make out, theyre both little meow meows but on opposite ends of that particular spectrum. doofus rick is a cute meow meow jerrys a pathetic one
horse plinko: c137 rick. bring on the fucking angst his whole ass life reads like a 170k 26 chaptered creator chose not to use archive warnings whump fic and this bad boy can fit so much trauma and mental problems in his labcoat wearing ass
eeby deeby: uhhh. the entire galactic federation. thatd solve a whole lot of issues lmaooo
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lycanthrology · 2 years
oh also if you don’t mind doing it could you do your own ocs for the ask thing
WOOO thank you so much for asking this!!! i dont need any excuses to talk about my ocs they live up in my head like parasitic mould
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
They’re all my favourites I love them all. That’s a cop out answer so I’ll say Kaleela and Baize as like a pair. like as a double act. as in theyre both simultaneously like i can fix her then go ahead and make each other immeasurably worse. It’s something I think about so so often especially when they’re at the Basilica. Like big talk big head big man Baize Ross gets her ass handed to her in front of everyone by Kaleela and she has to live with that L forever. Oh yeah Kal will never ever let her forget about it. Anyway I’m really sorry to subject you to the mcu and I don’t really know how to explain it but this image is the late stage kaleelabaize dynamic.
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Hmm again I don’t really think of characters this way. infantilising innit. Maybe Lennox because he was the first to be created/developed and I know I subconsciously gave a lot of my own traits to him. Literally everyone is the worst person you’ve ever met no one is scrunkly :( possibly Imad but I haven’t put enough thought into him yet
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Kaleela!!!!!! I feel like I don’t talk about her enough she’s so brave and smart and caring. She’s able to easily hold her own as someone that’s 100% human and totally normal while surrounded by the wackiest people you could ever imagine. I mean she’s not totally normal, she’s a minor celebrity and probably a fairly low level household name, she’s had tv talk show appearances but most people wouldn’t recognise her on the street. Genuinely Kal’s probably the only character I’d willingly meet if they were real people. Maybe Lennox too but if I had the opportunity to make any of them real (why would i do that wtf) it would be Kaleela
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Originally this was Crow then I gave in and upped his screentime. Probably either Romulus or Nikolai (the ‘leaders’ of Basilica and the College respectively) because they only play a small part (Rom appears for a lot longer than Niko like by miles) in the actual plot but overall in the lore they’re incredibly important and influential. It’s all background world stuff really. I need to write up a mock history book that would be kind of funny but too much effort
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
They’re all quite problematic (except Kal really) but I reckon if this was a real thing that had a fanbase Aidan would definitely be controversial because he’s put forward that way on purpose. Like you only hear about him from this person who’s had her worldview extremely extremely distorted and warped then find out he’s a fairly ok guy if you disregard the horrific crime of passion. trivia time: his full name means cleric of the sun god. Wack. Also people probably won’t like Romulus because she nerfs Baize but I like her because she nerfs Baize.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Crow. I want to put him in a hessian sack and smash him against the wall. I’m a very loving father. Also werewolf characters in general because they would probably say something hysterical like tch really is that all youve got then die of untreated concussion right there where they stand. This is a universal trait
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Hollyhock Keaton. She’s not particularly ‘evil’ or a major part of the plot or a super powerful being or anything she’s just a prick. But she’s unaware that she’s a prick so that makes her even more of a prick. Ngl Baize should be shipped off to superhell too. And anyone with any kind of influence in the Sanctum deserves a million deaths
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