#theyre all 2d slates
emarezi-backup · 1 year
burnout from genshin is SO REAL. i keep finding flaws in this game and so so many things that i wish had been designed differently
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ireonic · 1 year
My hopes for nightbringer!!
I hope that the events will be spread out easier, right now they have too many ideas and it's burning people out trying to catch up with ap and get cards. My hope is that there will be longer periods between game events and nightmare events
I hope that the gameplay isn't as much as a grindhell as the OG. The rythym game sounds more digestible than the dance battles (hatehatehatehatehatehatethem)
I hope that being able to see the outfits in 3d will be helpful for understanding the character designs!! (with exception of the red cape on the uniform) the amount of times that I've went to look for complete turn around of the characters and there wasnt any good results..... Yes, it'll limit some details, but overall, I'm looking forward to seeing how the characters interact when it's not 2d (how they stand, how they talk, ect.)
LORE!!! Lore!! lore!! lore!! I know it's also going to be a dating sim but omg it'll have more lore!! more time travel lore, more celestial realm/war lore, MICHAEL LORE, and it'll be more understandable because it's recent (hopefully lol)!! They haven't let their sins entirely consume their character yet (I HOPE!! looking at beel rn) and omg angst my beloved😩😩🙏🙏🙏
I HOPE WE CAN UNDERSTAND. HOW THE HOUSE OF LAMENATION IS FORMATED!!!!! Which means I can do CHARACTER ROOM DESIGNS PROPERLY!!!!!! I hope there's a map for RAD, the demon Lords castle, and purgatory hall BUT MOST OF ALL, THE HOL TBH. From what I've seen in the trailors and stuff, I messed up on my room designs and the door is not on the side of the room I thought and I want to do it correctly!! (Here's the map we've seen and here's what I designed a few months ago :')))))))
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(I left out the back room on purpose because I am NOT drawing that mess)
No but seriously!! This is just the first floor of the HOL (I'm not sure if the attic will be an option) but this will make drawing the house easier, writing fanfic will be easier (imo) BECAUSE WE'LL KNOW HOW THE HOUSE MAPPED. sure we knew that the kitchen was near MC's room but now we know exactly where it is >;))))))
I hope that the charts for the rythym game will be baller!!! I hope they have all of the character unit songs on there!!
I hope there will be more background music!!(not just the og's background soundtrack)
I hope that there will be character outfits that we can put on them (AND I HOPE THEYRE AVAILABLE IN 3D BECAUSE AGAIN, EASIER TO UNDERSTAND THE DESIGN WHEN DRAWNG!!!) And that we can play the rythym games in the outfits!!
I hope people see this fresh slate as an opportunity and not a burden!! I know the transfer accounts thing sucks but your effort wasn't in vain because you (hopefully) enjoyed the game to it's fullest!!
I hope this is a good game that people enjoy, I hope that people are as excited for this new game as I am and I hope all the effort and wait for this game is worth it!! I can't wait to expierience this game again, in a new form!!
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eryncreedmgfx · 7 years
Tarot Card Evaluations;
I was really really running out of time for these. To be honest though theyre not that bad and i dont hate them which is great for me! They could have done with a lot more time, work, and love on them, but they fit their brief and they are doing exactly what i set out for them to do. So in terms of acting and design, i am really pleased with them, but the finish and the technical ability, not so much.
the landscape ones, i wish i had more time to animate a transition in and out over some big brother footage to show an example of how they would be used, and for these portrait ones, i wish i had time to track these onto the housemate wall inside the big brother house to again show how they would be used. I also wish i had time to film the tarot card table and track them onto real cards too bt i just let my eye promo take over my life. 
Overall FMP Evaluation 
For a change, im going to start with the bad stuff, in contrast to my usual evaluations where i start with about 2 good points then just absolutely slate my work for the rest of the paragraph. In this projects case though, i have much more nice things to say. 
Okay so i didnt get to do any tracking, i didnt use nuke, i didnt do any extras like banners or telephone line pages or even my studio design which i was really looking forward to. All of these things i had outlined and set out to do but it was just down to timing and being too fussy with my eye, if i had not been so indecisive, i definitely would have had time for those things because its not like i didnt work on this project like every minute of every day. I think for my future self, i need to make maybe 3 designs, get a second opinion and just go with it because otherwise i am always going to be indecisive. But i think maybe it was also a good thing for this project because of how passionate i was? maybe, i dont know, can i get a way with that?
Now on to the good things, despite all of the things i didnt do, and all of the changes i would make given the chance, i still stand by being really really proud of this project. I honestly did work on it every day, appart from when i was in thailand, and i actually was constantly researching and testing and i stuck to a theme, all things which i had promised myself i would work on this year and i finally have. So i think this project was a great arc for me into my 3rd year because i now have new design skills and know how to use and apply textures to my favoured 2d work. 
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