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thesellsword · 6 months ago
howdy! i’m bunny (she/they). 31. PST. 21+.
whew this blog has been around since 1/12/2014. . .
i. my bronn's a mix of show and book canon, since bronn gets much more screen time in the show than he does the book.
ii. mun is 31, so there's going to be nsfw themes on this page -- especially due to the nature of the show. these include but are not limited to: violence, death, gore, torture, usfw, and so on and the like. i will tag triggers as trigger cw and trigger tw. any usfw rp will be under a read more and tag it usfw. i would prefer to do any usfw on discord.
iii. my bronn is a mix of serious rp and shitposting. i want this to be a fun experience for everyone, and i have a reputation of making people laugh.
iv. i am using the beta editor and xkit rewritten. i will most likely have iconless replies. i usually format with small text and sometimes color.
v. shipping? yes please. bronn is a pansexual disaster.
vi. i love AU. i love plotting and creating dynamic stories. don't be afraid to message me for interactions! bronn is versatile.
vii. take all the time you need to reply. i have a full-time job and may vary in availability. i am super patient for replies. seriously, take your time.
viii. don't be a dick. don't be gross. minors do not interact with this blog. i am very liberal with the block button.
i can also be found at my sideblogs:
eddison tollett (thedolorous) jaime lannister (theyounglion) stannis baratheon (theprincepromised)
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louisterai · 2 years ago
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今日の一枚 レコード編 Miles Davis Panthalassa the remix #milesdavis #panthalassa #theremix #djkrush #koshinsatoh Thorens TD184 可愛い オートストップなんで便利。 レコード聴きながら寝れる!笑 テクニクスのSL7、SL10も便利だけど、トーレンスtd184の方が音にコクがある。 #thorenstd184 #thorens #theyounglions#wyntonmarsalis #bobbymcferrin #analog#レコード#garrad #garrard301#orfton #vynalrecords #vynal#musicoftheday #motd#louisterai #celetionspeaker #真空管アンプ #bulbamplifier #rogersls3/5#オーディオのある生活 #audiophile #audio#goodmansmaxim #作品の産まれる https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjw2SRsrmJO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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baby-tudor-kennedy · 6 years ago
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ARTIST: BABY TUDOR KENNEDY AKA NICO RACQUEL ALMANZA SUBJECT: EDWARD MONTGOMERY CLIFT TITLE: THE TRANSATLANTIC SHAPE-SHIFTIER LOVE, THE @babytudorkennedy #montgomeryclift #nicoracquelalmanza #aplaceinthesun #fromheretoeternity #themisfits #judgmentatnuremberg #theheiress #suddenlylastsummer #iconfess #theyounglions #thesearch #thedefector #terminalstation #lonelyhearts #freudthesecretpassion #streetfreak https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Aa9CCJlWX/?igshid=p12hjtoarzll
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stovmborn-arc · 4 years ago
 a  semi - plotted  thing  for  @theyounglion​​  !!
 𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓  𝐎𝐅  𝐀𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐒  𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒.  sitting  atop  the  throne  as  though  phantom  fingers  are  bound  to  iron.  only,  the  figure  that  haunts  a  hundred  swords  now  is  not  the  one  of  the  mad  king  but  his  daughter    –––    platinum  braids  adorning  her  crown  whilst  amethysts  unleash  a  storm  upon  the  very  spot  he  had  been  slain.  crimson  curdles  at  the  steps,  as  though  the  blade  that  belonged  to  jaime  lannister  had  only  just  been  driven  through  her  fathers  back.  fire  and  blood  rests  upon  reptilian  tongue,  lilacs  laced  with  malice  and  pride  all  in  the  same  instance,  though  hues  are  torn  asunder  by  the  doors  that  open,  shackles  singing  a  melody  as  they  echo  into  the  throne  room.  it  is  ghostly,  deadly  even.
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 digits  curve  around  arm  rests,  gripping  onto  the  cold  that  her  father  had  left  behind  and  hues  rain  upon  him.  before  a  word  can  be  spoken,  he  is  forced  to  cobblestone  floor  by  greyworm,  clothes  tainted  by  the  stains  of  blood  and  war.  many  a  story  had  found  her  ears  of  what  would  happen  to  the  kingslayer  when  the  dragons  returned,  though  they  were  merely  that  ...  stories.  whispers  of  hatred  and  vengeance  stirred  into  the  mind  of  a  little  girl  by  the  crippled  heart  of  her  brother,  who  had  both  been  condemned  to  a  lifetime  of  shelter  at  the  treasonous  acts  of  the  man  who  now  knelt  before  her  (  not  by  choice,  but  by  force  ).  a  heavy  sigh  makes  its  escape  past  petals,  filling  the  throne  room  with  dragon  smoke  as  she  finds  the  strength  to  look  him  in  the  eyes,  as  if  to  search  for  even  a  slither  of  regret  beneath  lions  claws.  ❝  –––   had  viserys  found  himself  upon  the  iron  throne  with  two  dragons,  you  would  already  be  ashes.  ❞
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wineinthewidow · 5 years ago
        ‘I want our baby to live-...’ Her own words had echoed into the darkness of the underground tunnels. The very chambers to which her last husband had shoved the dragon skulls away in hopes of diminishing every part of the reign before; the very rooms that offered the answer to the threat of the dragon over their heads, ironic as it were. ‘Jaime don’t let me die-..’ And in her own words did his arms wrap around her; his palm over her swollen belly, over her own hand, holding their child as their foreheads pressed together. And around them they heard the crash of stone upon stone that fell under the reign of fire. ‘I don’t want to die..’ It was there she felt his lips press to her temple, and a promise uttered into her ear.
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       There was another way out; at least they prayed there were. And before long their hands were still intertwined as she let herself be pun on their heels. A cautious eye turned about the crumbling walls around them. Jaime, he who had returned to her after so long, it would seem had another notion to see them free.
       And then, there- could it be? Light shining through at the end of this darkness? 
      @theyounglion​ / here’s your starter bunny, SORRY ITS RUSHED. i JUST WANT THINGS.
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mrstardust2-blog · 8 years ago
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#TheYoungLions #ElBaileDeLosMalditos #MarlonBrando #DeanMartin #MontgomeryClift #HopeLange #BarbaraRush #LeeVanCleef #IrwinShaw #MayBritt
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aeliell · 5 years ago
@theyounglion​​ !
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         The feather light snow falls carelessly over the courtyard, spinning about the air as refugees and locals alike go about their daily business. From a short distance, the tentatively named Lady of the Lake takes in the crisp air. It is a change from the stale environment of her injured brother’s recovery room, one which he shares with at least five other lords. Sigrid knows he very well may lose a room companion in the coming days, if not hours. For a moment, she wonders if perhaps it is the other men who will lose a fellow patient. Quickly, Sigrid dispels the thought as she has done hundreds of times since her dear brother’s admittance to the maesters’ care.  The people of Winterfell do what they can to forget the horrors they have survived all while trying to remember their lost ones. Again, Sigrid’s mind wanders to the memory of her late father. Her lord father... Da... The great Bowman, felled in war against the night. Some had attempted to comfort her with their praise of such a courageous death, but it is a death all the same. The lady, forgetting herself as such and falling into the woes of an orphaned child, breaks from her fragile composure. Her hands come to shield her quivering lip as she bows away from the eyes of her kinsmen. Eyes filling with tears, she cannot see the man she comes to collide with.          “ F-forgive me... ” Sigrid rasps into the figure’s shoulder. She breaks away, only to move less than a few feet from the anonymous man. Her back to the world, she combats the gnawing ache in her chest. In this moment, she feels entirely alone. 
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semioticas · 6 years ago
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The Young Lion
Jim Morrison na célebre sessão de fotos nos estúdios de Joel Brodsky, em Nova York, em 1967.
#JimMorrison #TheDoors  #JoelBrodsky  #TheYoungLion
Veja mais em:
> Semióticas: Jim Morrison aos 70
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theyounglion · 4 years ago
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[ honking intensfies ]
a totally serious jaime lannister rp blog ( @theyounglion ), loved by bunny. sideblog to @thesellsword. please read rules before interacting!  18+ this promo was beautifully made by @sevenshells. 
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josephfrady · 7 years ago
#theyounglions #1958 #edwarddmytryk #marlonbrando #lilianemontevecchi #war #quote #movie DP #josephmacdonald (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnUeQRTlpVk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=at3c380eorpz
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thesellsword · 4 years ago
bunny’s GOT/ASOIAF blogs
bronn, here, @thesellsword stannis baratheon, first of his name, @theprincepromised jaime lannister, kingslayer, @theyounglion eddison tollett, dolorous edd, @thedolorous
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louisterai · 2 years ago
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今日の一枚 レコード編 DAVID SANBORN STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART ジャケットはダサいけど内容はサンボーンでは1番だと思う! #davidsanborn #straighttotheheart Thorens TD184 可愛い オートストップなんで便利。 レコード聴きながら寝れる!笑 テクニクスのSL7、SL10も便利だけど、トーレンスtd184の方が音にコクがある。 #thorenstd184 #thorens #theyounglions#wyntonmarsalis #bobbymcferrin #analog#レコード#garrad #garrard301#orfton #vynalrecords #vynal#musicoftheday #motd#louisterai #celetionspeaker #真空管アンプ #bulbamplifier #rogersls3/5#オーディオのある生活 #audiophile #audio#goodmansmaxim #作品の産まれる https://www.instagram.com/p/CjUt1_7hiCE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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baby-tudor-kennedy · 6 years ago
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ARTIST: BABY TUDOR KENNEDY AKA NICO RACQUEL ALMANZA SUBJECT: MARLON BRANDO  ( Gaius Julius Caesar) @marlonbrando TITLE: WE ARE NOT CHURCH/ WE ARE TRIBAL LOVE, THE BABY #thegodfather #apocolypsenow #francisfordcoppola #doncorleone #streetcarnamedesire #juliuscaesar #bedtimestory #acountessfromhongkong #guysanddolls #thewildone #candy #thechase #theyounglions #lasttangoinparis https://www.instagram.com/p/BzZ0F1slreT/?igshid=39gc9aictzai
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nitratestock · 8 years ago
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Happy Birthday #DeanMartin! #MyFriendIrma #ArtistsAndModels #SomeCameRunning #TheYoungLions #RioBravo #Oceans11 #Sergeants3 #4ForTexas #RobinAndThe7Hoods #KissMeStupid #TheSonsOfKatieElder #TheSilencers #Airport #TheCannonballRun #ClassicFilm #35mm #70mm #50s #60s #70s #Hawks #Minnelli #Wilder #HappyHour www.NitrateStock.net
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joseaesquea · 5 years ago
#THECHAMP@pliniocruzmma #THEYOUNGLION@eliab.evangelista #THELESSON Escape the head lock. Want to learn more? LIKE, FOLLOW, AND SUBSCRIBE to @pliniocruzmma @youtube channel. The link is below. https://youtu.be/LPIHzh4M868 (at Cruz Mixed Martial Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_qn5ZcpVeZ/?igshid=nmpcyd3hjbr7
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josephfrady · 7 years ago
#theyounglions #1958 #edwarddmytryk #marlonbrando #parleybaer #war #quote #movie DP #josephmacdonald (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnTnvpbFqt4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dmeovwq2gsyd
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